Cypher System Weapons
Cypher System Weapons
Cypher System Weapons
System Weapons
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Out of the box, Cypher comes with super simple weapon rules. Three categories
light, medium, and heavy, 2, 4, and 6 damage, respectively. Let’s get hacking and 1/12
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light, medium, and heavy, 2, 4, and 6 damage, respectively. Let’s get hacking and
create some fantastic new weapons.
Before we dive into complicating our armaments, let’s open up the base design and
see what is inside.
Cypher System weapons rules contain two big design thoughts - false precision and
pace. We might define false precision as an increase of abstraction level to distill
meaningful choices. This distillation, in turn, helps immensely with the speed of
the game.
I tried to retain these two design principles in my weapon hacks as well. If I add
complexity, it needs to have a solid, meaningful choice, and be easy to use and track,
so it doesn’t affect the pace of the game much.
Sci-Fi/Cyberpunk gun
If you run a hard sci-fi or a cyberpunk game that is low on magic, you will need
exciting weapons and equipment. This weapon is meant to be handled as an artifact.
It’s rare, can’t be bought, needs to be stolen, or earned through a quest. Charges are
most likely expensive to find or produce. The first thing I wanted with this weapon
is to avoid counting bullets but retain a possibility it will stop firing. To that end, I
introduce the concept of “charges.” Charges are depletion dies, and you roll them
only when you want to use unique effects that come with them. When rolled, they
show both the impact of the effect and if the charge is depleted. With this in place,
we have our meaningful choice -“ Should I use a special effect and risk a depletion?”
and we avoid bookkeeping by using actual dice. Mods are there to allow a user to
customize the piece to better suit their needs. Mod should introduce a significant
change to the operation of the weapon.
Damage: 4
Range: Short
Size: Light
Charges: 3 x d4
Fire Modes: Single, Burst
Mod Slots: 3
Overload: When all charges are used at once, the weapon needs 1 round to cool
before it can be reloaded and used again.
Fire Modes
Single: As long as there is at least one charge in the weapon, it can sustain a single
fire mode. One attack per round for 4 damage. Depletion: –
Burst: Attack is hindered. Roll a d4 charge and add to the damage, if 1 also discard
the charge. Appropriate skills like weapon handling can help with the attack.
Trained eases the attack at a close, and specialized eases the attack up to a short
range. 3/12
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Barrel: Increases range to long. Disables burst mode.
Grav Release: Firing in zero-G will not launch you in the other direction. Damage is
Silencer: Decreases range to close. Shots are loud as a finger snap.
AR: Shoots where you look at, not where you aim. The attack is hindered.
Charge Grip: Additional charge. When overloaded jams with a chance to explode.
Biometrics: Only you can use the weapon, and it will never shoot at you. Unless
Fantasy sword
I created this weapon for a Numenera game. A player complained about how boring
his bow was when all others had some science-fancy weapons. I made him an
artifact “sword-bow” type of weapon that can instantly switch between melee/range
Mechanically, the main difference between melee and ranged attacks is that firing
at the range is safer. All things being equal, a ranged attack will always be a better
tactical choice for a player. As long as they have ammo, that is. In the bearest
mechanical sense, we can say that a player is exchanging ammo for not being hit (or
at least harder to hit). To solve this part, I introduced a depletion die on range
attacks. Depletion die is generally not an ideal solution for counting ammo, but this
is an artifact in a Numenera game, where a depletion die works well and has a
fictional coverage, so we are good.
With the range mode depletion in place, I needed a way to recharge the weapon. I
didn’t want to introduce crafting rules here and thought that a more elegant
solution was to make it so that the weapon “eats” cyphers. This idea has two benefits 5/12
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compared to Destiny crafting rules. First is that it’s narratively more interesting, and
second is that we are adding another layer of meaningful decisions for the player.
Once emptied, a player will need to decide which cypher to sacrifice in order to
power up the range mode again.
One more exciting thing we can do with depletion die is to “burn” it. In other
words, deplete an artifact on purpose for a more significant effect. For the Geminus,
I set it up so that a player can choose to burn the die for the additional melee
damage that scales with the size of the die.
The reasoning behind it is that now that we know the weapon is eating cyphers, we
put up an incentive to spend the charges so that more cyphers are used up, which is
always good. I also put it only on melee mode so that a player has a meaningful
decision to make. Should I burn the die, which will disable my range attacks for the
sake of the added damage? Yes? No? An Interesting choice.
Quite a few interesting decisions for the wielder to make, and we didn’t introduce
any additional crunch into the game! With all the mechanical stuff done, now we
can focus on the flavor and narrative, and bring some life into the weapon, and
maybe some personality quirks. What we mostly have is an artifact that is dualistic
in nature, so we can use various dualistic narratives to craft a story around it.
Some ideas: 6/12
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Gemini ( horoscope)
Geminus (Bow-sword)
Geminus is a medium sword at first glance, but at the will of the wielder can shift its
form instantly and become a bow instead. Hence Geminus can be used both in
melee and from range. Pia Enna, a former owner, swore that the weapon had a mind
of its own.
Moon aspect (melee): 4 (slashing) damage, deplete for bonus energy DMG
Sun aspect (range): 6 (energy) damage, roll depletion die on each use
The Moon aspect allows the wielder to deplete the weapon for added damage. Roll
the depletion die for bonus damage, or use the highest number on the die.
Salient Points 7/12
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Mandalorian Rifle
Let’s create that awesome Mandalorian rifle bident! Up to episode three, we got to
see several functionalities:
Range finder
Heat vision
Sound amplifier.
Disintegrator ammo 9/12
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Level: 5
Damage: 4
Price: Very Expensive
Size: Medium
No. of charges: 6 x d4
Mod Slots: 3
Mods Installed: Range Finder (+1 range increment), Heat Signature, Sound Amp
Attacks: Melee, Melee Electroshock, Ranged Attack, Disintegration
Light Melee Attack: 2 DMG (no depletion roll). The attack is eased.
Melee Electroshock: Roll the charge die for additional electro damage. (Attack not 10/12
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Melee Electroshock: Roll the charge die for additional electro damage. (Attack not
eased). Discard on 1.
Ranged Attack: 4 damage at long range (very long with Range Finder). Depletion 1
in 1d4
Ranged Disintegration: Burn the depletion die for an additional 4 DMG at a long
range (very long with Range Finder). Totaled DMG ignores armor. Reload time: 1
I hope these examples inspire you to create your own Cypher weapons and artifacts.
Have fun!
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Koan Mandala
Mad Speaker Who Doesn't Do Much 11/12
4/15/2020 Cypher System Weapons
Add a comment
K 0 points · 9 days ago
EXP Charge type on the sci-fi gun should be probably redesigned to an AoE damage. One thing I forgot to
mention in the article is a side benefit of adding complexity to a game through equipment and weapons
(and artifacts & cyphers). Players that don't use them don't need to know the rules.
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