Revised Requirements For HOA Registration
Revised Requirements For HOA Registration
Revised Requirements For HOA Registration
a. All information must be typewritten or at least legibly written;
b. The name of your association must include the phrase "HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION, INCORPORATED".
C. All documents must be filed in triplicate/three (3) copies and neatly fastened in a folder each.
1. Notarized Articles of Incorporation pages signed on each and every page thereof by
all the incorporators consisting of not less than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15) natural
2. Notarized Bylaws pages signed on each and every page thereof by all incorporators or
members of the interim Board consisting of not less than five (5) nor more than fifteen (15)
natural persons;
3. Minutes of the General Assembly which must be certified by the interim secretary and
attested by the president, stating among others, the date of meeting and the fact of
quorom, together with the attendance sheet signed by the members present and their
corresponding votes approving or disapproving the Bylaws. (for non-regular)
6. Code of Ethics signed on every page by the members of the Board of Trustees or
Directors and officers of the association
Organization of Associations Initiated; by Subdivision Owners/ Developers. Where the organization and registration of
the associated was initiated by the subdivision owner/ developer pursuant to Section 27 of Presidential Decree No. 957, in
addition to the documents stated in Sections 28 and 29 of this Rules, the applicant association shall submit the following
documents in triplicate
1. Certification under oath attestin that as of the date of the foling of the application for
registration, the subdivision lot buys have neither constructed their homes, nor have on-
going constructions or occupied their lots. Otherwise, the applicant associationn shall
certify that fifty (50%) of the saleable house and lots have not yet been sold.
2.Certification under oath that the existing residents have been duly informed and they
consent to the project owner and/or developer's organization and registration of the
Homeowners' Association
3. Names of the buyers and/or existing residents of the project
Additional Requirements for CMP or other Similar Land Tenurial Assistance Programs
1. Duplicate original copy of the Notarized Intent to Sell/Buy, Deed of Absolute Sale,
or Memorandum of Agreement
a. Documents must contain the marital consent if the spouse own the lot;
b. If the person signing the document is different from the name of the owner as
indicated in the title of the lot, a Special Power of Attorney authorizing him to
sign on the owner's behalf must be attached. The SPA should be attached and
must be original or certified true copy of the original and notarized.
c. If the lot owner/s is/are already deceased, an Extra Judicial Settlement of the
Estate must also be attached to determine the legitimate heirs of the property.
4. If the site is located within a subdivision project, the certification from the existing
association that it interposes no objection to the organization of the association.
5. Schematic plan of the area covered by the association signed by the association
6. For off-site subdivision or LGU resettlement project, proposed subdivision plan
signed by a Geodetic Engineer in lieu of the schematic plan
2. List of beneficiaries with their corresponding signatures and addresses, certified by the
proper housing or settlement office of the Municipal City or City Government
3. Schematic plan of the area covered by the association signed by the association
president and attested by the Municipal or City Government concerned administering
and/managing the project.
A. Articles of Incorporation Examination Php 940.00
B. By-Laws Examination Php 940.00
C. Registration of Books (5 books) Php50.00/book Php 250.00
D. Documentary Stamp Php 30.00
Total Php 2,160.00