Proc 547 Proclamation To Amend Carriage of Goods by Land

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r J\.+r-A- y ~1..t-"'e Jl IJDht-a.y'e 6Tl1t\.h

AoYu&-1A ~.?&T ,,?~fIJ


'}UIJ.} cfr'I'C jt Ilh.'}f-A', &"Y..t.Np, ~"l"ht.."'.'(P' tT'fMJI 131hYear No. 58

f.'h1l-fl .f.(Ot,f-'.f Y"hc o..} mllt'l'} f(O'" ADDIS ABABA 6th September, 2007
h~.flhllll A",~ Ii "") Iflf:Hl

"'1 iJ>" 6IiJ. CONTENTS

h'P1: cfr'J'C (;f~~/Iflf'jfl '}.Y" Proclamation No. 547/2007 riJ:J' DIJ:}:}'u "'-"1,.')
1\001.')"°' .,.j'i'ii l\" r m{IJ ~\CP~.... Proclamation to Amend Carriage of Goods by Land
"'/, ri'; Proclamation Pa e 3845

n'P~ cfr1'C ~l~i/ljjl2jj PROCLAMATION NO. 547/2007



r-r&--'){)7'C-r it1l\0}{\0,,} rit1t.":{.,),) I.\OIJ-r Whereas, freight transport services play vital role in
l\OIJl}tl'} 1 l\itll1.P".e r')O}~. htf:l\ h,f1'iO? enhancing our country's development, for the general
/J,~.:1-rC; IVhl1(l":{' OO~t.l,{1 m,l}~ O?c; growth of the trade service sector of the economy and
rO? 661.(w}r 1',11.\OJ{\°-r ,'Ctf: (]oolf~. I for integration of the peoples of Ethiopia.

(]OIJC;~~m'~ ro,~~'w C}.e~,,} /J.P 0IJ~~1n

Whereas, laws of our country governing any mode of
.rO?ool\ tH:r it1&. :-"") r-rt.'){)7'C'} ;'11.."f it ')~. transport should be harmonized and interlinked to
hl\Am' ,'JC OOflln,~c; 1'~C;~T it1A O}{\°-r facilitate transport services and.thereby play part in the
(] 00 () lI1'} l\ it 1t. :-".') r hJ1 'i O? /J,~:1"} r (]h.l\. ') economic development of our country.
,~:C i'i 00 OJflI-r rO?lI1 (J:,. (],} (]00 lf~. I

hlf.u it'),C (])]!x:l!f C}.~ (],)o}f: J-a0} Whereas, the law governing carriage of goods by land
it 01JiJ ~ ., -r OJ l' T 0 F t. .e .f'l\ OJ'') J-a0} (J1'l\ .e 9" as enacted in the 1960 Commercial Code of Ethiopia,
rit~~1r":{.') r~"k~-r OOlPl-r1 r~"k~"} ooll11 in particular, the basis of liability, limitation of liability
OJ(t') C;. I\, {\o":{. OO'{1T ":{.C; ?J~;t. $P"f 1 it () 00 1.\ h T and other rights and obligations should have to 15e
C}l\ ~ C}~ tf: .e II-r iJl\ OJ'C; (] it tp ~ h OJ flI OJ' roo 1.\ "1; made compatible with the new enacted Multimodal
qo~ 1.\ -r&.1{)7'C-r itlPt.C ;JC (]OIJ~C;~-r OJ1' Transport of Goods Proclamation and thereby facilitate
r If ~ C; r l' ~ "lI1 &, it OJA 0}{\o-r {1D () lI1-r (] O?, () ":{'I.\ door-to-door transport services, and to this end
001.\ i'i7i (\000 "')1OJ it{) &," 'I, tr'i (J001'f -I:I amending the existing law has become necessary.

(]~-r~*' L"t."T ~qoht.~'T tT~~h Now, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article

r}11 OO")OJp"'} it')~?\ :!?; /~/ OOlPl-r rO?h1'l\m' 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
Republic of Ethiopia it is hereby proclaimed as follows.
;t'm':~ A::

rJP,. If':J ~;J/.''''' :J/I.«i T.'''.''', iirUi

Unit Price
6.40 Negarit G. P.O. Box 80001
1~ rit~f~i t..'.IrA '1;l6:" ;In.''1 oft'J'C j~ tI'I''''l ji ""J li!l:J.ii 'u" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 6th September, 2007...

h~A 11')1: PART ONE


li. i\6J!"CClJit
.eu itq>~ "Of'Oit flJ:P t1tJ:}:}11 p'~1
This Proclamation may be cited as a "Proclam.
l\uPy'11'? +7i7itto f(OtlJ hq>~ cf:TC
to Amend Carriage of Goods by Land
(;f~'t/liif1ii" +'Ott" It.m+1I .e:fl\An
I. TC:}~
2. Definitions'
OllU hq>~ (l}<IIT:- In this Proclamation

/i/ "o:P1 Of'OIi ft1tJ:}:}l1 (I)<A "t1tJl\ T 1/ "Contract of carriage of goods by land" 11
h:}:}1F f6l.b'1T h~f (O.e~ q>."J any contract whereby the carrier undertake~
OD7~h~AlJ:J»') f h1C m-IiT (I}<;"J') reward to transport goods overland an,
(~I.).~C' Of'Oft I\.e hh'H~' n;J- (Oy' 1\.1\ Internal waters from one place to anotht:
n:J' o+'lihcl'}t l\t1tJ:}:}11 '?~:J' f1'lOT vehicles,
",') ~ cn- ~ cn-A l\ T '1 (I)< I

~/ " II:J>" OJI'd' f' <hr h '}ill1""'} {;Q.9° ~ 2/ "Goods" means any property including
t1'}-f;.,C':Y''}1 f'1I,p OJi'i'I..f 11'"f'} CDJ!,r
.,. {/D'"It.e f'II:J> Oji'i'1.f <h(J:y.') CD.e r (III:J> animals as well as containers, pallets or sin
articles of transport or packaging supplied by
"hlD- (l1I:J> i\illt-,Cl (l1'~A UDAn
"6J!>"'''' f'Dt+C'(I OJ'}~lD-r '},nl'r "£&1

E/ "i\:}:}1f" OJ'''} i>:J>'} (l1-'lihct-,t i\D7t-,~.,,}

(If''flil CDf,r ()i\1C £&il1' £&~ f'Dtf:}1-lI
3/ "Carrier" means the person who performs
() £& OJlI.'r .,(I)-I carriage of goods by land or internal waters,

t1tJl\ T t1tJ.)~cn-~ f-tL TC' (}cn- 4/ "Person" means any natural or juric:lical persol
2/ "ocn-"
OJf,~ Olh"l f(}m-'1T uP'OT
f -t () iI1ar h I'}A '1m- I

5/ "Sender" means the per"0" who, either for hi

l;/ "1\11." UIJl\T l\~(}' OJf,~ l\Y'{)-t~ own account or for that of third parties, deliver
OJ1'I ":f- c"tA O:Pcn-'} "'}Jtf:}'l-l1 goods to the carrier for carriage,
t\h:}:}1F fO?flllh.O I"Im-t1tJl\'''' 'larI

t1tJt\ T lJ:P m- '} l\ uP ~ 0 A

%/ " -tll'} It" 61 "Consignee" means the person authorized
lh ,"Jcr. uP'O T (I)< t1tJ l\
.r l\ m- 1"1 T '1m- I receive the goods,

1:/ «i\.\'.'1~ o:PfD":f'» OI/tI:r nllut.e:fro-

fi.\'.;J fott.e oum~ o:P fD'f (J)J?,9" ii.\'.;1 7/ "Dangerous Goods" means Goods which at
It..ellh:r1\- .e":f-I\I\.-t-fltlro. r-t-ou.\'.fi-: classified as hazardous as well as Goods whic
flJflJJ?,: r ~ ~ r- qo '1!: r OI/ou 1 (;J;}.
:r C; are or may become of dangerous, inflammabI(
rouctJ;\.:r tlut .el\:fro.: Ol1b1~:r It.e radioactive, noxions or damaging nature, an
fi.\'.;1 OI/hh-t-Arott rt'\- ii.\'.'1~ r1~ l comprises all that are potentially hazardous tj
~'1C roJ?,9" r ;111. mf,r fLlt7i llvt .
human beings and the environment. The detail.
.el\ :fro- i 'Ofim:Pl\J?, O(\ro- A;Q.":{-C; shall be issued by the appropriate organ.
Ofit"tflfi. I\.e ~4-:r tnIhh-t-A
r ott:y-t'\-:r1 u-1\- r ott.em :PAA (J'Cj
1fC1f-r i\DJlll1 lll\ar i\I1A .em{)., A ~
'11\ Ei'i.~.~~% :"~.".A ~:Jt...,. :JI/PI <lITC :l~ ~1''''l. i! ""} Iiit1ii '}.S''' Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 6th September. 2007... 3847

tl "..,.7ihcht" tllll\T 11'11~a"1?" ~.e"T 8/ "VEHICLE" means a motor vehicle,

O:P lD.e9" ~"T h"A(} ..,.111\.. constructed for use for conveyance of goods
r"",pt.lJ I\H.O. h1A"1I\"T h1~.a"A and includes trailers, semi.,trailers and rail
r..,. ~t..1 Cll\qo..t<Cn.lf1 ClO.C1: "1"'17i wagons,
"I'""0.1 CJ "I' ...,0.1 .e (;Q.9" tr A :

..ill «~~:r DIl(}""l\ft~» DIlft:r tJ:P1 ftDI1~~lI 9/ "Transshipment" means transferring of goods
rlP1~~'1f m.A ht.Boom. ..,.7ihCht from a vehicle or rail wagon which carriage
Clftfb:r my. ftA 1'7ihc'1t Clftfb:r was contracted by the sender/consignor to
m~?" (l)y' ftA r:r?-1itTC:r o,~~:r another vehicle or rail wagon or to another
DIl(}1'l\ft~ DIlft:r ~m' : mode of transport,

II " "I'(;Q."'1 t n ~)' " DI1ft:r (10)' q>;J 10/ "Surcharge" Means an over charge above the
OOIPt..T ooht.A ho~ 1ClOJ-.
OO~O~ scheduled freight rate,
f~~:r n~)' 1'001 fll\~ n~)'
DIlitht.A DIlft:r ~m'::
11/ "Special drawing rights-" an equivalent
If!1 «hitT7iA Y:~ce1"? ?-~:r)) DIlft:r currency of a state regarding the limit of
WI':" A m~ lJU fl h. flu "? ?-lJU f ..,.m 4''''m. liability of the carrier per package or kilogram
fn~~1f f~I\&.~:r oom1 fo,ftlJU n4'~ which shall be calc;ulated and paid in
f11H-ll t.1f: nlP?-C1 oolPl.:r flDI1Y: accordance with the method of valuation
l."? 11Hfl. n 1C ;JC applied by the International Monetary fund.
1'oolTJlTJ~ flf~ flJU1l1t .feoo1 oTJft:r
~m' :
12/ "Freight Forwarder" means a person who
Ell «tJ:P nit..,.I\I\&.» DIlft:r .'fln1C m."''I' represents a consignor or consignee locally or
m~lJU flo,ftlJU n4'~ Y.l.;q tJ:P1'4'Cl~ 1
internationally in fulfilling customs, port and
m~lJU tJ:P I\h. 1 floo(l)hA f1'lJU~n
P~-P:ro,:r: fmY.-ll P~-PCo,:r h'i other formalities for import and export cargo
or port and includes the transportation and
fht\o:r. P~-PCo,T:r'1 nitt.lJer' f1fi.
delivery of same.
m~lJU fmbt1. tJ:PfO:r. flmY.-ll h1-'l1fl-
m ~ lJU h 1-'l (I)m. DI1 Y:l. "? ,,,,If 1 tJ:P1
f£111~~1I1'i fDI1itl.h-ll1 P?-
~ Q;l.lJU ?- A : :

r. f+t.'1DI1.'1:r OJ{\1
1/ The provisions of this Proclamation shall apply
f!/ f~U n~~ Y:1;J~ o""~hcht h"'1h'.,+ to every contract for the carriage of goods by
tJ:P1 fln~)' or.-oit OJ-(}ip
".e hCJ Oh1C land and internal waters and if the carriage is
ftDI1~~lI fl~~t.."1 DIl'iTm.lJU undertaken for reward.
m.A I\~ ..,.t.,o~ ~lf'iA::

J.I f~U n~~ Y:1;J~ rDI1~~Jt. P't. fl~U 2/ The provisions of this Proclamation shall
hq>~ 1't.'1DI1.~:r (1)...1 n(,\A m-it'I' fllf~ apply also where carriage coming' within its
1.11. floo1"?P:r (I)~lJU floo1"? p:r - scope is carried out by State or Government
1'<J:DI1:rflDIl.h'i(l)1 fDI1~~lI P?- l\~lJU institutions.
,fet. '1DI1.~lf'i A::

EI rH.U h14't> 1()'(} h14't) /f!/ hCJ /J./ 3/ Withput prejudice to Sub-Article (1) and (2) of
f:1;J~~T h1~""mO~ lf~ f~U n~~ this Article, the provisions of this
Y:1;J~ flDIl.h1'f\-:r I\~ 'fet. '1DI1. Proclamation shall not apply to:-
h.elf1?": :
a) carriage performed under the terms of
(0) flTit:t' n1A"?fIu:r ill"1 oolPl.:r postal regulations
flDIl.h'im1 fDI1~~lI P?-:
'17.' Eli';'; .i~~i~.: ~.f!.".A ~;J{,'''' ."JII.fll <lITC ~;..: A'l'D1l, Ii ""} Iin:Hi 'UIU Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.58 6th September, 2007... 3848

(1\) rl1."f-- 0:1'1 hl1:r 11:r rtry~~11 P' Ir:: b) household removal

g; I\ttu hlf11: a,l\tryPJ:-;' oJIA rh~~1f 4/ For the purposes of this Proclamation the
ro h. I\~':-;.-: 0 Ir '1' 7f 1', 'J r try ~ ~ 11 P' Ir ro'1 carrier shall be responsible for the acts
I\01jh'Jro1 r~m,,.~n:r 1\/\ try'Jrro'~ and omissions of his agents and ser-
oro. I\~~.""oo.:r Y:C1.:r'J oo~.B~ vants and of any other persons of whose
t'\.1Clrro. Uf~~Boo' I\<I>~:r 'I'''}ClC services he makes use for the
h~~1f ;:'JI\&. r~Lf1 t'\.Lf1 i h~ttiJ' performance of the carriage, when such
roh.1\..1'.-: lP Ir '1' 7f 1" 'J :-;. (I PJ:-;' agents, servants or other persons are
r ~.Boo.:r 'I'''}ClC n:t>1'C ro'l\rro. acting within the scope of their
ooUJt.:r hlf~ f1lrro.1 oo~.Btryrro' ro~?U employment, as if such acts or omissions
hl\oo~BDIlrro' rh~1f ;'J1\&.~:r -n~ were his own.
'1'~C1" ~roo~A::
h~A tr/)."f--
rD1J2111 (l}-b\ lll,ootTI:Jl1'T

2. f~~2'1fll~f;

1/ Th.e contract of carriage shall be confirmed

li/ 0:1' rt1'1~:}l1 ro.A ntry~~'lf 0~Y: oot.;J11'
hl\n:r: : by the making out ofa consignment note.

jl/ ro:l' DIl~~11 0~Y: hl\oolfC -: fA'I'DJ.1\ 2/ The absence, irregularity or loss of the
ooLf1 ro~~ oo1'4.:r -:
OIl.U htp~ consignment note shall not affect the
f'i' OD l\ hi' m. ') .f.'') .'J'b e; f}:J' ?}:t: ') existence or the validity of the contract
f1l\D1J~~1' f'i'Y..l1m") OJ'A tp.'J f l\OJ.e; of carriage which shall remain valid subject
i'&.~"? ODIf~.') l\..el'l~lOJ' hf,'fACJD:: to the provisions of this Proclamation.

(;. rO'J~:}'lf ft~Y: :t>~PJ"f 5. COPIES OF CONSIGNMENT NOTE

~/ ro:l' DIl~'lfro' O~Y: nY'f1:r lf1'J :t>1:PJ:-;' 1/ The consignment note shall be made out
b:J'm'1 n°'1.Aho)< (10)< ~H;J:qA:: in three original copies by the sender:-

a) the first copy shall be signed by the sender

(V) roo'f.ootf :t>1: nl\' 'I'~cqun:r
I\h~~1f ~OfTJA::
and shall remain with th~ carrier,

(1\) v.I\.tt1ro. :t>1: l\'J h~~1f b) the second copy shall be signed by the
~Cooro.n."f-- ho:l'ro. ;JC ~Lf'JA:: sender' and the carrier and shall remam
with the goods,

(£h) V'l'Ii'i1m. ~~ h~~1F &.ClfDO:'-'

f}:J'm.') hi'~Ol\ O~I\ h~~1F c) the third copy shall be signed by the carrier
and handed by him to the sender .after the
l\ I\h.m. f,()m lf1A::
goods have been accepted for carriage

jl/ nttu .h1<1>1\ 1().() i\1<1>t>ji/'hl r-tm<l>oro. 21 The signature mentioned in Sub-Article 1(c) of
&.CDIl r ;t-.I'oo ro~~ nl\'J nh~~1f this Article may be printed or replaced by the
DIl1-t~ r~'1'1"J I\.Lf1 ~ :-;'1\A :: stamps of the sender and the carrier.
jj 6th September.
'/~' rli. ~.:.~~i ~.Yu".A '/.")/,..,. :J/I,n/ 'II'I'r. .oj;": A'1-'''l. {i .n ljjnjj '}.Y" Federal Negarit Gazeta No 58 2007... 3849

el r~;v}JI.-}. OJ>fJ11' 0'I'f\,rr, .t-7ihCl-ttfJ1i',/ 3/ When the goods which are to be carried have
rrtn.c ~'C"'fJ11' LD.e9u O'I'f\,rr, a,.e~-}. to be loaded in different vehicles or are of
UIJ~ ~ '1f fJ1i', LD.e 9u 0 -I'f\,rr, 6J."~-f l' different kinds or are divided into different lots,
r-I'htJ,tLf\. (Lif',. : "h.LD' LD.e~' n~~1f the sender or the carrier shall have the right to
f\h,r/~/~ ".7ihCl-tt LD.e9U rClO'C ~,C.., require a separate consignment note to be made
LD.e9U f\h,r/~/~ UIJ~~'}r a,.e~r LD.e9U
rOJ>fJ1i', 6J."~-}. r-'~f\,rr rUIJ~;pr 0~Y:
out for each vehicle or for each kind or lot of
roomr:" oo'Or .ec:'/.lfA::

~, ro:p UIJ:j:j'1f 0~Y: r~.et1T(J}- lIClIC:'f 6, PARTICULARS IN THE CONSIGNMENT NOTE

!il roJ> UIJ~~'1fLD' o',y: rUtJ.h"'f\'r-} l/C 1/ The consignment note shall contain the
-l/C'i', 00,r1l .ec:'CO;t'A:: following particulars:

(0) roJ> UIJ~~'}r o~~ r','omO-}.'} 'I''}e; a' the date of th~ consignment note
n;t': and the p lace at which it is issued,

(f\) r"ttLD''} {WUe;nY:lr7i: b) the name and address of the sender,

(ch) rn~=}1f,} f1~e; ny'lr7i: c) the name and address of the carrier,

(00) oj>fJ1:P-} f\UIJ~~ll Chh,O r-I' Y./.10r d) the place and. the date of taking over
.,.'}e; n;t': 00Y:/.7i ".e rUIJf1l.tlfl.,r of the goods and the place designated for
n;t': delivery,
(lP) r-t-/.l-tfl.LD' f1~e; nY:~7i: e) the name and address of the consignee,
(/.) f1f\oJ>fJ1:P llCl/C 00'1f\66J.: roJl>
LD''} Clut he; rnf1-t-7iO'1 H,l1.,: f) the description and the nature of the
h I~O'~ nY.1~ oj>fJ1i'. (lif'" 'LIt goods and the method of packing,
r ;t'LD"'LD' itm.Plt.e Clut,rrLD' and, in the case of dangerous goods,
00'1 f\66J.: ' their generally recognized description,

(0) r 'r:" f\..:p . -flt1r Ar, 9uAhre; g) the number of packages and their
"?'r~TLD' : special marks and numbers,

(0) rOJ>fJ1:P m:""" h'OY.-}. LD.e~ .eu. h) the gross weight of the goods or their
l-tA'I'1f\O -fl11;t'rLD': quantity otherwise expressed,

("') hUIJ~~H' ;JC r,t-,r ,rH, rUIJ~~'1f i) charges relating to the carriage;
h~,rfJ1i~ : 'hili), UIJt h ~,r fJ1:.,..e; supplementary' charges and other
fbf\<>l' LD.f\. h'I'.l'./' 10r 'Ltb hf1h charges incurred from the making of the
UlJf1/.hfl.,rLD' 'Ltb .r:/.f1 r~LDm' contract to the time of delivery,
LDlJ.1.fJ1i', :

j) attachment of the requisite instructions for

(0) OH.U itCP~ it'}"',) If: .r:,}.~1. no,P
Customs and other formalities in
l.T f\1'9"c:-.h oo-flr UlJf1&.O~ he;
accordance with the stipulation of Article
f\fbf\"1' p.'~-p.'Ca,-f1' r~mr.,? .

o.,p.".f itfl&.1t1, O'c;' 0-1'17 1.H. 13 of this Proclamation.

OitClt"T no ,f',f'tj:For'}::

!!./ Ml~1\1 OD1l.1f10r""1,b fO'f~~'1fm' MY: htUJ 2/ Where applicable, the consignment note shall also
O;ri" f-"nofth~1~1 . lIClIC'';}''9u nofll contain the following particulars:-
a) a statement that transshipment is not
( 0) 6J."~ r UIJ
f1.,." f\ ~ r UIJ.e t, .,.Y: 00 If allowed,
~'I r~,roof\hr ?t~~~:
b) the charges which the sender
(f\) "h.LD' f\ooht,A '1.e..;t' r1ClClrLD' undertakes to pay,
h~,r fJ11' :
1R' rittf.'l t..~ut,A ~;lt..,.. ; <IITC 9;'; $\1-"'" li "") lii.'=:H! CUJ" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.58 6'h September. 2007... 3850

(m) f ,) .<P $D ~ tp;J 00 e¥Jft 6liJ. : c1 a declaration of the value of the goods,

(00) f,).<P$D~1 foo.\':1 tp{):"e; 0'1'00 d) the sender's instructions to the carriel
fth'I' ~ I\h.m. fth:}:}1f fDtOfTJ regarding the insurance of the goods,
:fm'1 ooootffP1':

,).<Pm.1 ftOIJ:}:}11 ()lJUlJU~:" e) the agreed time-limit within which the

(LP) f '1'.f.
lOO:" f~Jt 1.f.-ne; rtnz.:}:}lm:" carriage is to be carried out and the route oo{)ooC ~ whereby the goods are to be carried,

(l) fth:}:}1f r'I'Om. O~fl.1' lIClIC ~ f) a list of the documents handed to the carrier.

;:/ .J-tptpf, m1~1" m.<Ptnz.e;:fm. -nftm. 1100~: 31 The parties may enter in the consignment note
Ottu h1<f>7, fA'I'm<f>O' Ibft..:'j. any other particulars not referred to in this
lIC11C':'j:, 00IJ:}:}'lf O~~ I\f, ILf{)10. Article which they may deem useful.
f,1'l\ft.: :

:to ft7""ft:" ftnz.A f,).<P 0IJ=)=)'lf o~j; 7. CONSIGNMENT NOTE TO ORDER

I\' h:}:}1f h.I'{)OIJoo. rOIJ:}:}'lfm. O~.\': A consignment note may be made to order where the
'I'<f>ll~om. I\HHm. Otnz.A ILH;J~ f,1'I\A:: sender and the carrier agree.

t. t\;~. .ftll[3:}'1f O~.("


II Where the sender and carrier agree, a consignment note

..hi I\' h:}:}1f h.,.{) OIJ00' rOIJ:}:}'lfm. O~.\': may be replaced by any other document, such as a
h:}:}1f Otnz.omm.e; I\h.m' '1'1(1. rLf~':"1 receipt delivered by the carrier on the sender having
?i'Jt.~1' Otnz.fO~CO:" h 1.f. .f.lO~ Clft. made all appropriate statements.
l' 0 ~fl.1' lL'I'11 f, 1'1\ A: :
21 If the receipt mentioned in Sub-Article (1) of
~/ OHU h1+b 1~n h1+b ~ f"'m+~~ this Article, or other document contains a
.f.lO':>tj mf,lJU O~.\': fH.U1 hCPJ{- .\':1.'J1.9):f statement contrary to the provisions of this
f°? ~ 1.1 f01- A ~A ,ell (1.'l~ f07~~'1f Proclamation, the contract shall have effect in
01-~. OH.U hCPJ{- f:1.') 1.9):-;' onlPt.~ accordance with the stipulations of this
",~,,07.~~ .f'l~A:: Proclamation.

fie i1ftl\h.~ 9. STATEMENT BY SENDER

M f°?h.,.t'\.~1 hnonAh.f: 11 The sender shall be responsible for all expenses,
loss and damage sustained by the carrier by
reason of the inaccuracy or inadequacy of:-
V. Oh 1<f>K' ~t. 10'{) h 1<f>K' ~ (ft) -: (00)=
(LP)= ( l): (0): (0): (<f» he; (0) .
oont1u.,,~ I. 'If:: (a) the particulars specified in Article 6 Sub-
Article 1 (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h),(i) and 0),
ft. Oh1<f>K'Z 10'{) h1<f>?i'~ r"'m<f>o, :"1
Oont1D'''~ I. 'If: hCi (b) the particulars specified in Sub- Article (2)
of Article 6,
rho fD11:}:}'1f ()~~. h'}-'lH;J~l1r m~~ nM~
I\~ h '}-'l '111 n1'()m. tbftu): ODODtY?J"1' (c) any other particulars or instructions given
m~~ r6~ti:r. 01\'1110. 111\unt,OO?r01- by him to enable the consignment note to
cof.~:'-'hhl\;;: fAil''' COf.9" fA"'~1I be made out or for the purpose of their
un'11\tiliJ. Ounf'lm-t: 9"h'}f:'-' 1\:}:}1f. I\COlJJ,
being entered therein.
o.~t. '1 COf.9" h.'~~lj' 'hr, 1.~:'-' o.J.'.CflO:'-'
IIh.m' 0°0-1\. ?lIt..,:,-, 1\1\0:'-'::
1~' Cit;ttU ~'u".A ~:Jt:" ;J,J,fI' 4I'I'C .y;t fl1'C11f,
Ii !iirii! 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.58 6lh September. 2007... 3851

1/ nlth.(J}. m.f't~r n~~1f nn 1<1>1\~(li) 2/ If, at the request of the sender, the carrier enters
It~ r+m<l>t\.r1 l1ClIC'1- no:#' in the consignment note the particulars referred
0'J~~'1f o~~ It~ nit1-n.y.. h(f~ to in Article 6(1) he shall be deemed, unless the
.,. :#'t.'z. . O'Jitl.1f i-JA<1>1. n nit+<I>c contrary is proved, to have done so on behalf of
n~~1f nlth.(J}' it~ h1~~1.1(J}. the sender.
3/ If the consignment note does not contain the
E/ J\fI~A1. 01"" 1.ft rtJJ> D1!:}:}'1fro- MY: attachment specified in Article 6 Sub-Article 1
On1<1>~- ~ 10'{) n1<1>7\ (i(0) r-t-m<l>"'-r1
0), or when a consignment note is replaced in
(a"~ l' OJ\flt.,:r !-JAYtl: m~9u rtJJ>
D1!:}:}'1fm. MY: On1<1>7\ ~ r"-m<l>(a-r1
accordance with Article 8 of this Proclamation
by any Qther document, such as a receipt, which
11ClIC'-:''' flAYti OH.U J\CP:(- J\1<1>(J t
f:1;J1. un'P,,:r h1~ ~l(a~ flt\. "'''''-:''' does not contain the statement referred to in
(a~~-:''' h.,..,.!-J n:}:}1f ~U1 ~Yt.;J'11J' o:J' article 6, the carrier shall be liable for all
OOlJ<I>Ot\. 9uh1Yr t\~l(a- m~ PJ-:''': expenses, loss and damage sustained through
h. ~Ir 'hr.' '1'~r Oo:J'9J=J: ".e f°'l",H such omission by the person entitled to dispose
OIJ.n:r ""0)' (a0)' ~,,~.,:r J\"0:r:: of the goods. .

h{j:A 'l'itr PART THREE


I. ODm~t\A
lil ho:#'P'~ Clut h1iJC oom~flA ruaz..f'
it~A;Jr(J}. lfe;' o.1~ i 0:#'P'~h1~~m~~c; 11 Where the nature of the goods is such that
h1~~1~ 1th.(J}' OOmcPt\A tDf,9" °70"1 packing is needed, the sender shall pack the
f,C;Cn;1'A:: goods so that they will not be lostnor damaged.

II hnm<l>ltflA 1.Y:flr r+~~ nb:PoJ- ~f,

fluaz.~Co O'Jc;r(J}.~ l'~r 1th.(J}. ~It&. 2/ The sender shall be liable for any damage arising
f,lfCJA:: out of defective packing.

;:1 h 1~.lJ'9" o:#'P'~ .f'A;t-01' 00(f~'1 m~~ 3/ The carrier shall be liable for such damage where
nit+7i01' 1.Y:flr 00(f~'1 n~~1f he accepted to carry the goods and he knew that they
h.f'm<l> o:#'P'~1 .,.<I>-ntt<>.f'=i=iH h1~(f~ were not packed or the packing was defective.
ftuaz.~Com. 1'~r t.o. ~It&. ~(fc; A::


Ii. hfJ 00 it O'JO'J:,w'> itlJ 00"'/ It/) CONSIGNMENT NOTE

(il n~~1f b:P9):f1 o.l.h-n= 11 On taking over the goods, the carrier shall check:-

V. 0D1!:}:}'1fM~- ,,~ r(a.t~r""1 fo:J'9Jl' (a) the accuracy of the statements in the
.nll:r tD .e9" r1':,.",.:r-1 cf:1'C: 01':"t\.. :f. consignment note as to the quantity of
,,~ Yt\ (l).1 A~ 9uAhiq"1LJ goods or the number of packages and
(TD"Jt\65tPJ:)"1 :rhht\~~:r 'hCj 'h 1P,,tJ.C}" their marks and descriptions, and weight
f o:J' 9J =I:1 tHI 1. :r : of the goods;
ft. rtJJ>PJ~1 m'~ yee V''I.;t-LJ n{).,.7i
O;J:fm'1 °'It.;J11J' J\"o:r::
(b) the apparent cond ition of the goods and
their Packaging.
6th September. 38:
'If; rTi. ~.:.~ ~ It :"~.('.A ~;Jt ,. .~J//,(fl<II'J'C n: ~'I''''1. ?i ""} nn:w 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 2007...

g/ h~~1f hltu O".e OH,U h'}4>/J O'}O-ti 2/ Where the carrier has no reasonable means 0
h ,}4>~' /(;/ r,,.m4>O-r') 'HC'H(~:"" checking the accuracy of the statemenU
IIOTJl;J'Vr rtnt :y.t\Or '''4>q.e~r Yllro- referred to in Sub-Article (I) of this Article,
no,}1Y: rl\.lIro- hlf~ ~h,}Y1:,} nowlr he shall enter his reservations in the consign-
ment note together with the grounds on which
Y~l10r'} 'hno<>JII~.';JC hl\no{)lI?t,?,(:'} they are based. He shall likew'jse specify the
OOTJ~~'1f O~~ ".e OTJtI&,C.eC;>CO;t-t\:: grounds for any reservations which he makes
rO:Pro-'} <>Jt\lJ V-'1.;t-c; htl'ri'iO;J:fro-'} with regard to the apparent condition of the
O'''nollh'''~ O'rnotttt.e V-'1.;t- goods and their packing.
ro-'}~ hllnotlOTJOTJr no<>JlIlJhllflr::

i:/ OOTJ~~'1f O~~ ".e 04>lO-r YllnotlUtJ 3/ Such reservations shall not bind the sender
UtJr no<>J
II6liI.PJ":f' "It'}~ tnt 1~ Y: O<>J t\ lJ unless he has expressly agreed to be bound
trt\ ,,.tlOTJOTJ Otl',.4>C " fI"It~ltu by them in the consignment note.
noD] II 6liI.f11":f- ON11,.'f- h.e 1 ~Y:~: :

fH " 1\6f!>'1:'-' .e4>''} rO:Pro-'} m:'> 4/ The sender shal1 be entitled to require the
h-fl,e..'f-~ ro.e~ nom'}: 'P:"A tnr" carrier to check the gross weight of the
'P:'>I\- om'{)m- r .ella,.'} h =}=}"f. goods or their quantity otherwise
"It,}-'lY l;J<>J~ f\.m.e:'> .e 1--"t\:: expressed. He may also require the
contents of the packages to be checked.
(,./ f°7(.;J"m-?''' OJ-m.r O,.,j> O?~~"'fOJ- IP"~
5/ The carrier shall be entitled to claim the
. ",e 0"11\'" ~I\Or:: ~~~1f, ,.,j>9'~:,)
0 of'"1\001- 0- 'b ..J' 1\°7(.;J 1'f' f LD£I,OJ- (iJbIJ-
cost of such checking. The result of the
t}1\ ,eU') LDQ;l, "h_OJ- h ')~_h~I\01- OlImf:t> checks shall be entered in the consignment
,e:r'I'jt\:: note.

II. f01J~~'1f o~1: fDY.f'lmc& W'{1\.r 12. EFFECT OF CONSIGNMENT NOTE

,,. :Pt-'L OTJtlll{ 4>Cll lI?{)-rCJOA t'JA-r;r1\ 1 Unless the contrary is proved, a consignment
Otl',.4>C rOTJ~~'1f O~Y: ro.e~ hh,}4>~' Q- note, or any other document issued according
~ fllI-r Y:'};J1.PJ":f- noLPlr r'''H;J~ 1\." to the provisions of Article 4-8, shal1 be prima
O~1; rOTJ~~'1f ro-t\ tlllno~l1--: rro-II-,} facie evidence of the making of the contract of
U-'1.;t-PJ":f'C;o:Pf11$'} h~~1f {)II no<f>OIl-: carriage, the conditions of the contract and.
() 1\ O.P 9>:f. ~ ,e ,,:,-. : ofttl:,-.: no m '}lj- the receipt of the goods by the carrier, the
h oft~:,-. tll l{ "a"
OTJ :: kind, number, quantity and weight of the
~/ of':Pt-'L OTJtll~ 4>Cll lI?{)of'CJOA "{)t'JAof'
:rl\ Y:l.tI OH.U' htp~ h'}4>/J I~/g/ 1;'} 2. In accordance with the provisions of .Sub
;11. no,Pl.:'-' flh=}=}1f.O<>Jt\~. of'lI.e-f rO Article 2 of Article 1'1, if the consignment
&.,l ro- '} r h II no tI OTJOTJ r no <>JII 6liI. Y t\ YH
note contains no specific reservations by the
rOTJ~~'1f O~Y:i h~~1f flrlhCJ:fro, ~tt carrier, it shall be presumed, unless the
o:PPJ$c; hl1r7iO;Jrro- wr~ 'V-'1.;t- contrary is proved, that the goods and their
IIh~~1f '"It'}~rom'c; r'f':'>ft<>$ -n11.'f--: packing appeared to be in good condition
h11~T ~t\h.y.;frro-c; ~'f'C'$ OOTJ~~'1f when the carrier took them over and that
O~~ ".e h'''m4>O-r ~'fh.6:1' ;JC the number of packages, their marks and
r'''fl]fl]no- "It'}~lf~- .e1no;t-t\:: numbers correspond with the statements in
the consignment note.

:- f'r9"~hc; Ibfto"f P'~-P'Cq"'"f 13. CUSTOMS AND OTHER FORMALITIES

M "h,m' r1'~~h'} m,e9" 1\.1\..:.,.. P''' 1/ For the purposes of the Customs or other formalities
p'C~'Y.:f'} I\l'?{)&..fJ91J It.CJt\ ~l1&.A~ which have to be completed before delivery of
the goods, the sender shall attach the
rlf~- O~p.:y.'} hOTJ~~'1f O~Y: ;JC
necessary documents to the consignment
OOTJY YlI I\h=}~"f. notlmr .eC;>CO;t-t\::
note or place them at the disposal of the
carrier and shal1 furnish him with all the
information which he requires.
'l~' ri'i,;":.(Yr ~..P./..A ~:J/.'''' ,"111,"1'II'I'C .n: ~'I.(1'1.Ii ,"') iin:w '},S''' Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 6'11September, 2007... 385

f!.l n:j:}1f nllU ~\')-"~' 10-fI n')-"~' I{;I 2/ The carrier shall not be under any duty tc
~')-9u If~
r.~}'.":)'-c; oo/.}lfD:-", ')'hhtl~
f"-OJ.tI- fltloolfc,'Tm-
. enquire
into either the accuracy
of the documents
or thf
and infor-
tlooooCooC 9u')?U ~\~".), '?J!...;r mation referred to in Sub-.Article (I) oj
ftlfl'}9u: : th is Article.

;:1 "h..m- flh',ILU r.',}'.:-,',C; oo/.}lfD:-"- ~\tloo 31 The sen.der shall be liable to the carrier for
liC :ftlooOJ. ,,:,. m~9u '? y:~. 70 f,"',,,, any damage caused by the absence, inade-
tlOtf.Cr.m- 'I-~'} fln:j:j1f 1'4.70 m~9u quacy or irregularity of such documents
TA'''~',7o. I-]AIf~ flfl"'-"C tln:j:j1f ~,,~ and information, except in the case of
~1fC;l\: : som.e wrongful act or neglect on the part
of the carrier.

!il n:j:J1f f,'-m-"r...),') r.~}'.":)"c,-tJOtJ:J:j'1f 41 The liability of the carrier for the consequences
r.',~ ;JC '''ff1f flf~-7o') r.',}'.:-,', arising from the loss or incorrect use of the
fOt/.tJflm- flmh.A~'} ftlf') fr.',}'.":)', documents specified in and accompanying
001'4.70: m~9u .t-'IIl. fAIf~ nm:/><I>9u the consignment note or deposited with the
tlOTJ.fflh7otlm. m-m7o ~"~~7o ntlfl'}:: carrier shall be that of an agent.

l;l ~ur ~"k~7o n:j:j1f 0:/>01- flmti, 'LIt 5/ That the

compensation payable by the
hOTJ.h~tlm- I-]Uftl.flA1' n~":)'-Ar:: carrier shall not exceed that payab Ie in
the event of loss of the goods.

Iii. "h.l& fl():J'lD- t\U?WH ()"t\lD- OD1J~1 14, RIGHT OF DISPOSAL OF GOODS IN TRANSIT

iii h. OJ' fl 0tJ:j:j '1f 01'/\' no lPt. :,-. 1/ Where he carries out all his duties under
'? ~.;r sn:t"'1 floo.tI.' h&.tJoo 0:/>01'1 the contract of carriage, the sender has
hn:j:j1f h'f: ooA(t floom.r.y: m~9u the right to dispose of the goods either
0:/>01' W/~ti ,,~ hftl flOtJfI<f9u m~9u by taking them back from the carrier or
fo:/>m.1 ft71ffl/.hfl.f n;r flootlm1' by stopping them during their transport,
m~r fl1.ti "f; hftl o:/>m- by changing the place at which delivery
tl.t-1~fl7o fOt 1Clm. n;r hoo.~/.r.. is to take place, or by causing them to
flkr fl"?:.s:.s'lf ()~~ ".e be delivered during the transport before
',./.1-]11. tllIA r.m. h 1~r.'J' they arrive at the place of destination to
flt71fY:/.'? o:/>m.1 fOtJfI.t"tI~ oo'flr a person other than the consignee named
ntlm.: :
in the contract.

f!.l fOtJ:J:J'1f r.~~ tI"h.m. .,.r.1'.y. hlf~

2/ Where the
transport title has been
"h.m. ~U11 fOtJ:J:J'1f r.~y: tln:J:J1f delivered to the 'sender, he may not
...f <I>
C -fl fl 0:1' OJ< .e .f'/\ OJ<1 no rfl :,-.
" dispose' of the goods unless he produces
t71ffl'''''tI~ n~:Y-Ar::
the title to the carrier.
;:1 flll.U 1\1<1>/J 10.() 1\,<I>/J liil f""m
3/ The right to dispose of the goods in
+r.0J< f'o:l' "h.oJ< flo:l'oJ< ".e f't'?"l'
transit mentioned in Sub-Article (I)'
no1J~ f'°~~~moJ< f"?:.s:.s'lf ()~~
of this Article, shall cease to exist
/\0:1' .,.~t)fl.oJ< 0 OJ< h.t-om fl~"
cn.ecr o:l'oJ< no~~7i plj:t.OJ< foC" when the consignment note is handed to the
.t-<I>fI~ 1\:.s:.s'J(:o:l'oJ<1 '~..f'()t.hfloJ< consignee or when the consignee has
" requisted the carrier to del iver the goods on
hmf'+ fl~" ~OJ<::
the place of destination.
§l flH.U 1\,<I>/J 10.() 1\1<1>/J /i:; f'.t-m<l>OOJ<
4/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article
fl/tccr "h.m. flOtJ:J;J'1f r.~~ ,,~ o:/>
.t<l>Cl~ h:/>m'1 fOtJfI"'''tI~ nol17o (3) of this Atticle, the consignee shall have
~lil.q'A fOtA nl-].y. hlf~ .t/.I-]fl.m. - the right of disposal from the time when the
ft71f:J:J'1f o~~ h''''Jt{.fl7o 'Lit ~l!crC' consignmenLnote is drawn up, if the sender
o:/>m.1 fOtJfI.t"tI~ 001170 ntlm.:: makes an entry to that effect in the
consignment note.
rl'i};t!l!! t"Yu/..A ~:J/.'''' :J//.nl 0/1'1'1. !l~; A'l''''I. ?i 61h September. 2007... 3854
'11.' .p't nn:H! '}.S''' Federal Negarit Gazeta No 58

?';I -f'4>'1~ 0:No.1 f'01/ft-f'It(\~ 0011-1;1 51 If in exercising his right of disposal the
0l1'l.1(\ 1AO-r 111, oJ' $Cl:f. (\fblt 0(1). consignee has ordered the delivery of the
'A1"tOm. nJi hlf~ ~ 11(1). f' ;rI1H(\T goods to another person, that other person
~ {}-f' ~ 0(I). fb(\.. ":J'. of'll'] 0. $Cl:Y'1 shall not be entitled to name other
(\000f'9u oo-OT n~C;>l(l).~:: consignees.

'hI (10:NO' ft.e ,f'l\ (J}'1 QlJ-n -r 1\t\ ft 0 (J)' 61 The exercise of the right of disposal shall be
f' 01/ ft-f'1t(\ ~ 00 -(Ir}~ 0 l1'l.h-t.(\.T subject to the following conditions
U''1.;t'$Cl":J'.ft.e ~ooOl;t'A::
(a) that the senderor, in the case referred to
01 Ittl(l)' (I)~9u '\1.r,~1~ lJ,~>:J~ OtLU . in sub-article 4 of this Article, the
n1">~' 10.ft n-}4>~' g O-f'm4>O(l). consignee who wishes to exercise the
ooU'l-}' -f'4>'1~ n"tft ooootY$Cl":J', right produces the first copy of the
Y(\.OT1 f'01/~~'1f O~~ 1 n1_~~ consignment note on which the new
:,.~ (\n~~1f 001/:"l-fl 0011-{:1 instructions to the carrier have been
f",/{}-'~ftl\~ -ro~1' J1~9f)9n entered and indemnifies the carrier
Yfth-f(\ro.1 (1)611,: h, VJtS 1'~T against all expenses, loss and damage
nftooAh.f. ~\~~1f1 (lQlJI],P': involved in carrying out such

(\1 A-H~tltJ ~~~.y.:f. -roIIJi":J', ~9°,/.(J)' (b) that the carrying out of such instructions is
0(1). ,nf: O,{',lO' 'Lit l\~f)Oo, possible at the time when the instructions
f°'/. :fl\,ci +O~Ji:f. hn~~1f oo,{',n~ reach the person who is to carry them out
nOt.C ;JC f'01/~;JQ;t f'lf~ A1.l).lf~ and does not either interfere with the
(I)~9u f'lth.(I)'1C,' f'-f'4>'1~1 fb(\..":J', normal working of the carrier's undertaking
oJ' $Cl":J"1 h01/=}~11 ,P't. -~c or prejudice the senders or consignees of
ft,,/ .e;Jab lf~O" 0.17' hCR: other consignments, and

,hI ToI1Ji:f. (Il''/=}=}1f 0"1\, ft.e (c) that the iristructioQs do not result in a
f-f'QlJl\h-f'o"') ~~-r f'ooh4.t.A division of the consignment.
(I)'(J1..T f'01/~C;>t.f(l). All''} ~O"::
7I When, by reason of the provisions of sub-
n~~1f01().{} n 14>~' :~ «(\) O-f'm4>0(1). article 6 (b) of this Article, the carrier cannot
~h1YT f'-f4>nltf(l).1 ToI1Ji:Y' carry out the instructions which he receives, he
oot.f)~ '1A:f(\ 11t +o~I1'1 (\om (I). shall immediately notify the person who gave
0(1). (I).ltY(I).~. ",/"(1):" .ecrC(l:~A:: him such instructions.

;j;1 n~~1f fIIiU n1<1>7,10.fI n1<1>7t'fAI hflh 81 If the carrier has not c.arried out the instructions
IXI fl-t'm<l>c'I'-} V''I.;r fJ1:}"r-"<I>fl":fm'1 given under the conditions provided for in Sub-
:"ol-Itq" . YAt-Boo h1.l'.lf~ m,e9" ro,<p Articles (1) to (7) of this Article, or if he has
0tJ~~1f M~.1 n1.l'.~ :r1; Uf,em,e:r carried them out without requiring the first
:"oflWJ:1 -,.<l>fI1\" r t-Boo h 1.l'.lf~ copy of the consignment note to be produced,
tlOt.l'.Cc'lm' rr4.:" m,e9U?~-} roofl-}
rr Y<I: l\o>J:rlfi oofl:" "I\m. c'lm. +mYt he shaIl be liable to the person entitled to make
,elflJ A:: a clail11for any loss or damage caused thereby.

I l; . f 01/~~11 lD' A '} 00 to f)~ f


?!I f01/=}=}l1 (I)' A 1 n01/~~'1f O~Y: It~ O-f 1/ Iffor any reason it is or becomes impossible to
oo(\h-PT U''1.;t' $Cl:y. ooUJlT (\oot.f)~ carry out the contract in accordance with the
f01/Yft:Y'A 9uh1YT 1'](\ Q=}=}1f noJ' terms laid down in the consignment note before
$Cl:f. It~ f01/I111 ool1T 1](\(1). 0(1)<:' the goods reach the place designated for
On14>~~ 19 10.ftJ1'}4>P:f ji Afth ~ delivery, the carrier shall ask for instructions
'1(\'T Y:1;J~$Cl:Y' ooUJlT ~1 oo,{',l'? frol11the person entitled to dispose of the goods
A1!'J(\nT Tol111 h'}~.0t1l0" oomf:" in accordance with the provisions of Article 14
n(\hT: : Sub-Articles 1 to 8.
jt 61h September, 2007...
1~' ri'i.t Y.Y?; :"'Y./..A. '1;1t.} ;lll.fll <II",£: A"'''\ Ii ""J liiK'.Hi 'HI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 3855

rl ftf.U h14>0 1()-f) n')~1\" fjil fl.L,"C9" 2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article (I) of
n'''~.m lm- U-"1.:r nt11l~~'1f (a~~ this Article, ifcircumstances are such as to allow
h+uo" h~r U-"1.:rfD":f- n.,."r uoAh- the carriage to be carried out under conditions
6.4'm-1 "t11I~~1frOtffl":f''', hlf~t) differing from those laid down in the
n~~1F nt ~OJ- .,.-nt\,. n01_1°U:" consignment note and if the carrier has been
m.fl1' nn1"'~' If? h10-fI n1~~' ii unable to obtain instructions in reasonable time
from the person entitled to dispose of the goods
hflh ~ Y:lfl fI"'r U'"1.:rfD":f'UoUJlr in accordance with the provisions of sub-articles
n6.4' fD:f. ,,~ "t11IH1f uo-nr tJ"m. 1 to 8 of Article 14, he shall take such steps as
(am. ,,~ r6111f t11IUJlr tJA:f" deemed necessary to him to be in the best
n6.4'fD:f. ,,~ "t11IH1f uo-nr f"m'1 interests of the person entitled to dispose of tile
(am. .,..,n. 1'~9" "t11Iflmn~ nfl~A1. goodS',
- ruo(a"m'1 hC9"){ uom.(aY: n"nr::

II. r+ltJll.lD' uo-nr 16. CONSIGNEE'S RIGHT

II After arrival of the goods at the place

iil +4ofI~ 6.4'fD:f. uoY:lfl tJ"flrm. n:r h~l(a.
designated for delivery, the consignee shall
njA 6.4'm-1 rOtfuo"tlr (t~Y: m~9"
be entitled to require the cahier to deliver to
rt11l~~'1f (a~~ u.".t-'1 ~~ hflt tJt\OJ-
him, against a receipt, the second copy of the
h"~hfltOJ- 6.4'fD:f.1 h1-'t(amm. n~~1F1 consignment note and the goods.
"uomr~ ~":f'''A::

rl r6.4'fD:f. uo1'4-r :rm'~ hlf~ m~9" 21 If the loss of the goods is estaplished or if the
nn1~~' &'?; r.t-m~(am' 1.J1. tJn:P n1" goods have not arrived after the expiry of the
6.4' fD:f. tJA~l(a. -: .t-~fI~ ht11l~~'1f m.". period provided. for in Article 25, the
rOtuo~{;t}; t11It)rm.9" uo-n-f:'j" h 1-'t~.(J consignee shall be entitled to enforce in his
9""r n~(a. fl9" n~~1F1 "t11IfI"~Y: uollr own name against the carrier any rights
n"m.: : arising from the contract of carriage.

i:1 +ltJn.m. mlu n1~?\ 10.fI n1~~' liil 31 If the consignee avails himself of the rights
n.t-(am-r uo-n-f":f' rOtm~9" hlf~-: granted to him under Sub-Article (1) of this
nt11l~~'1f (a~~ r+uo"h~r1 tI~ffD":f' Article, he shall pay the charges shown to
uotl~A. n"nr:: lfL,"9" mlu .,-P,~ ,,~ be due on the consignment note, but in the
n"uoUJflflr n.t-h(a+ 1.J1. n~~1F h.t-"'fI~ event of dispute on this matter the carrier
'Pflrt) hfltJA+(amm- Y:lfl h.4'fDr1
shall not be required to deliver the goods
h 1-'tffllh-n n~"~Y:9"::
unless security has been furnished by the



iil 6.4'fD:f. uolh-n tJ"flrm- n:r h~l(a- n1" 11 Where circumstances prevent delivery of
"t11Ifllh-n U-"1.:r'fD":f- nh"h"- -: the goods after their arrival at the place
1.J1. n~~1F
"h.m- 9"1 u1Y:t.~ "1~t\n:" r6111f designated for delivery, the carrier shalI ask
h 1-'t(amm- uomr~ n"nr:: .t-"'fI~ lJ:Pm-1 the sender for his instructions. If the
nA.,.nA9" f" h1~lf~ "h.m- rt11l~~'1f . consignee refuses the goods the sender shall
(a~~1 n1~'1 ~~ "t11I~l-n tt~.,~Y: be entitled to dispose of them without
lJ:PoJ-1 t\{VI (toJ- f(11f)"''It\~ ou-n:" being obliged to produce the first copy of
~L,"ltpA:: the consignment note.

rl +"'fI~ 6.4'm-1 "uolh-n ~.4'~'1 fI~lf19"-: 21 Even if he has refused the goods, the
nH_U h1+o 1(J.f) n')~1\"fjd ouwt.:" consignee may, in accordance with Sub- 'I+t.noJ- fouout! 'J'!ck h"h.m. Article (1) of this Article, nevertheless
+ .4'~-" rlf~ uouotf hfltJA~l(am- Y:lfl require delivery so long as the carrier has not
+"'fI~ '/ltO~') ouo."rc h~~1f. lJ:PoJ-1 received instructions to the contrary from the
h1-'tffl ltl{)m- "uomr~ ~1'''A:: sender.
'I?' Eli}; .i':n; :"f.(,.A ',:)/...,.. :)/1.111 "I're .'j;..: ~'I''''l. ?i ,n Ii!.i':i.i! Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 61h September, 2007... 3856

el h~~'I(: I\lPJ{)Lh1\ YA,t;fI\(I)- 0:1' rlPl.Oft7i 31 Where goods which cannot be delivered are of a
r LI"I h 'H'_lf ~C) h i\ h. OJ- Clcr. ~OJ- ,t-11f\.. perishable nature and the carrier cannot receive
Cl°2,1Uo:t 1)'. OJ-f)'}' :tbtlll YA5'.LO(l)- the sender's instructions in due time, he shall cause
the goods to be sold in accordance with the
h15'.lf~ OtLO nlf11: n1cf>~~ 3' Y:1;J1.
Provissions of Article 20 of this Proclamation.
ooLPLr 0:1'(1)- h1"l?i~ lPJY:L"/ nI\Or::

41 When circumstances preventing delivery of the

W h~~'/(: b~aJ-1 f\117f)l.h11 .rA;rf\Cl:t U-'l.;r
r~6_mL(I)- 0:1'(1)- 5'.C(t .tLila.(I)- 00«l~1 goods arise after the consignee, in exercise of
Ooom cf>9u 0 :1'(1)- f\ ~().t~ 0(1)- h 1"l0~ his rights has given an order for the goods to
ilJ1H OJ.ft hlf~ 0:1' .tLila.(I)- h1J'- fth.-: be delivered to another person, sub-articles 1
.eO r ;rJ1Hl\r ~().t-;: 0(1)- 5'."/qo h 15'. 0:1' a~d 2 of this Article shall apply as if the
.tLila. .t-~~L(I)- rtLo n1cf>t'J 10-{) n1cf>~~ consignee were the sender and that other
h h C) ![ 'hC lJlPl. .elfC) 1\-:: person were the consignee.

(I) 6f.b fD 'f 18. EXPENSES


The carrier shall be entitled to recover the cost of

n~~1f 006_fJ9u n. 7Cl(l)- ClI\006_fJoo- (I).e9u his request for instructions and any expenses
oot<.fJ~ rlPJ.e7Cl(l)-1 0006.fJoo- ~tJ1Yr entailed in carrying out such instructions, llnless
r.{'.LO (l)lJ,1. ilt\lf~ O{).tcf>C n~~'/(: 1'\h.(I)- such expenses were caused by the act or
rol111 h1"lom(l)-; h~tL01 rol1l1:Y- omission of the carrier.
1\lPJh C)(I)1 Y (I)fll T (I) -1 lPJC)f (I) -'} ~ (l}6[" fD

h1"l~t)l\r roomr~ oo'Or nl\(I)-::

If!- 0:1'1 OJ&:-1~'i Ojlltoo1'
In the cases referred to in Sub-Article (1) of
On1cf>~~ HJ 10-{) n1cf>~~ liil hC) On1cf>~ 1% Article 15 and the provisions of Article 17 the
Y:1;J1.fD:Y- cf>0(1)- U-'l.;r<.mL carrier may immediately unload the goods for
n~1f 0:1'(1}-1 h1"lYl1Clf(l}- oo1\r ClI\(I)- account of the person entitled to dispose of
...(I)- 0 V1l.;r 01\ (I)a1. 0:1' (1)-1 (I)"lY (I)-~- them and thereupon the carriage shall be
n(l)-Cfl. Yt."/4.t\:: .eo~ Olf~ rlPJ~~l1 deemed to be at an end. The carrier shall then
PI,. (I)- h15'..tmC)cf>cf>.e~mt.t\:: htLo OJ.ft hold the goods on behalf of the person so
n~~1f 0:1'(1)-1 oo1\r Cl1\(I)- 0(1)- ()~ entitled. The charges due under the consignment
Y{)cf>~fllt\:: OlPJ~~'lf O~~ r.tmcf>o-r note and all other expenses shall remain
h.ftu ':)... chargeable against the goods.
h~Y fD':)"'C) (1)6[" fD':)'" Om~ftft.
Oh:1'fD:P ft.e rlPl.;rOO' .elfC)I\-::

11. 0:pfD'f1 n~~1f itN''t?i1'Or rr\;r 20 SALE OF GOODS.BY THE CARRIER

hi h~~'I(: OttO h 1cf>b !% J.':1;J1. ODlPl.:t 1/ The carrier may selI the goods, without
b ~ aJ-1 h ~ ~ '/(: till{) l. h 11 tJ f!. "f A (t- cf>C £i awaiting instructions from the person entitled
o:1'fD:P rlPl.Clft?i- t'lf~ h 15'.lf~ (I).e~ to dispose of them in accordance with the
ro:1'(1)- U-'l.;r (1)5'. ooOft?ir lPJ~t.~ provisions of Article 17 and if the goods are
oc"/m~ Olf~ (I).e~ rlPJ{)cf>OO6L].(I)- perishable or their condition warrants such a
(l)6f.b ho:1'(1)- lf1;J Oft.e rlf~ h15'.lf~
course, or when the storage expenses would be
0:1' fD:P1 rlPl.Yl1Cl f(l)- 0(1)- out of proportion to the value of the goods.
rol111 c'\.em1\~ lL?ifllf(l)- .e :Y-ftt\::
21 The ca(rier may also proceed to the sale of
![I Oh.f\..:'f U-~;r9):'f n~~1fo:1'(1)-1 oo?i~
rlPl. :Y-I\(I)- Oh:1'(1)- ft.e I\lPJHl1 oo1\r the goods in other cases if after the expiry
YI\(I)- 0(1)- ~:1't. 'z. rlf~ rol111 ~ yet OJ-
of 30 days he has not received from the
person entitled to dispose of the goods
Clh~~'Ir. Clcf>l.Cl'qj cf>1 1.11. OJ-f)'}' ODAf)
instructions to the contrary which he may
'1 f!.(t '}' (t. cf>C ~a>-: :
reasonably be required to.carry out.
~.?t.,A ',,".1(,..,. ," 'IITC .Y~; A'1-'''l. {! ""} nn:w 'UI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 61h September, 2007. . ... page 3857
'I?' ri'i}.:.~.n

e/ 7ifat ,tl1ll.fl. 1\6:P9"1:P ooht.A fl\nr 3/ The proceeds of sale, after deduction of the
m6L" h,tcf>~(} n1l\: cf>l, 111\.6:P 9"1:P,} expenses chargeable against the goods, shall
I\t1Ifll,tl\l\~ ool1r I\l\m.. . (}m. be placed at the disposal of the person
.e(}tTJA:: h ~tt.U h~f 9"1:r. n7if6L" entitled to dispose of the goods. If these
h,t17m. nl\.e hll'~' n~~1f A ~ ~~') charges exceed the proceeds of sale, the
rOIJ"/7r ool1r nl\m.:: carrier shall be entitled to the difference.

w 7ifat~ n"/fll1 fll\m' rh"/ ooLPl.r 4/ Such sale shall be executed by public
n~l.,r .et.fJOIJA:: auction in accordance with the relevant
h~A nt-+
rn:}:}1f 21\~~r

11/i. r21\~~-r ooLPI.+e;r'Ub ?Y-11 21. BASIS OF LIABILITY AND PERIOD OF

n~~1f 6:pm.'} n,tl.hnnr he; nO'J.flll.h
l1nr 'Lit ool1hA i rOIJlIl.hflf 1.ltm. The carrier shall be liable for the total or partial
nOIJI\~.e; nooH"/r~ ~h'}fr; 6:pm' loss of the goods and for damage thereto occuring
nh6.A~ lI'~ noo.l\. flm4. m.e~ 1'~+ between the time when he takes over the goods and
flY-ClInr ~I\&. ,elfc;'A:: the time of delivery, as well as for any delay in
111 fn:}:}1f h21\~~+ ~, ooll',}
0i\'}4>?\ t/i P..fof."11ar Clcrc~ i\~~'tr.
h~I\&."T p°2,lf"OJ- o:P' Pm~OJ- m,ecr Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 21 the
"" carrier shall be relieved of liability if the loss,
1'~T Pf.1.()0 T m ,e9u PH1par ho:"cr nl\,e
Olf" crh'} ,fiT m,ecr Oo:POJ- OJ-{}fllce ,eHT damage or delay was caused by the wrongful act
1.f:I\T 9uh'},flT. m,ecr Ol\h.oJ- m,ecr or neglect of the claimant, by the instructions of
O"fo4>fl~ 1'~T crh'}fT ootf".'} f{)l.~' the claimant given otherwise than as the result of
h '}f.lf" "OJ-:: a wrongful act or neglect on the part of the
carrier, by inherent vice of the goods or through
force majeure.
l1C. (}"1' 7ihCI1? 1J.~;r: 23. CONDITION OF THE VEHICLE OR
n~~1f 6:Pm.') 1\0IJ~~11 O'tmcf>ooflrm.
The carrier shall not be relieved from liability by
,t7ihCI1l, 11A"liT m,e9U 1'Y:l\r ?Uh'}fr
reason of the defective condition of the vehicle or
m.e~ ,t7ihCI1l,m.'} nnht-fm. (}m. 1'4.r
(D.e~ rA,t~~r ~h'}fr m.e~ nm/1.l\. rail wagon (locomotive) used by him in order to
m.e~ nnht-~ (}t-'t~ r1'4.r Y:C1.r m.e~ perform the carriage, or by reason of the wrongful
rA,t~~r ?utJ1fr O:P O.m~ m,e9" 1'~T act or neglect of the person from whom he may
Clf.C{)OT m,e9U chhO. 0.H1,e h'l1\6.~r have hired the vehicle or the rail wagon or of the
I\oo~,) n.e:r'A~:: agents or servants of the latter.


l1Q. hOWLllt_bo.f.'l.113tlttTDl1"lf T
fOIJlIl.hflf 1.1t H1P fO'J.fll\m' T
Delay in delivery shall be said to occur:

Of .e to 1/ When the goods have not been delivered

/i/ W'?~ ~"lf OJ-A I\.e nl' m cf>(}m. 'Ub
within the agreed time-limit.
fJ~ 0. cf>Ci

'l~' i:ri. ~I; t .Y ~I.: ~.J!./..A ',:){..} :J//.nl "I'I'r. .li~l; A'l''''#. ?i ./") nn:ti! '},Y" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6'h September. 2007.. .. page 3858

fll rD1f{)lhfUJ 1.11. {)9U9u~'1' noy:}:}'", (1).(\. '"IK. 21 Failing an agreed time-limit, the actual
flA "'m"'c'I 'lJ1. (}''1.;J.?J:}:1 h"l'}III\. (I).{)1' duration of the carriage having regard to the
1\D1f{)1f1.1. 1'11(1). fIM:"Jl' r (I)M', (I)"} 111.: ,

1\".(\,e9u h&,A 6J~'~'1. fUn 1.11. floo,('"fl'1(1)'

circumstances of the case, and in particular,
(}''1.;J. "P.'~";'} (\oo{,J;).l{) rUlf.(I){),(',,(I)"} 1.11.
in the case of partial loads, the time required
h"l9u,1. (I).{)1' nD1f{)1f1.1,; f'lJY.(II().f.' if';' ~,}.f.' for making up a complete load in the normal
nn .<1'.4>~,:F}lr hD1f.(I)M~'fl:" 1.11. flA(f1 ():l:~:: way, exceeds the time it would be reasonable
to allow a diligent carrier.

tilt. 1J~1 nfttPtillh1l 25. NON-DELIVERY OF GOODS

?if "'}X' ,,:}:}~',. flOY:}:}'", ()'1P', ".e r"'m</,c'I(I)' 111. liThe' fact that goods have not been delivered
t"JfI.4> fI :).'"1 fI c'I'"IUf </'r; ,1. (I).{) l'
111. 6,<1'(I)"} within thirty days following the expiry of the
ttY{)lh.1\ r<"l ~,'}.('"L1'~: (l)K.9u flOy:}:}'", (II'''. agreed time-limit or, if there is no agreed
£flJ,Jlt..1. {)9U9u~.1' r"'.('"lc'lfl'}' 111. hn.(\
time-limit, within sixty days from the time
6.<1'?J:P1 ~,:J:J1F "OY:}:}'U h'h'.hflfl'} 111.
when the carrier took over the goods, shall be
~:9uC' fI{)AUf .,.r;,}. (I).{)1' D1f{)lh.fI t"JA:f(\
6.4>?J:p r m1. (\ootfr;:(-(I). n.{)"'flflA conclusive evidence of the loss of the goods.
rD1f,e:}"A ,etfr;A::
21 On the expiry of the period provided for in
!f./ Ottu h'}"'') '}().{) h'}"'') Nil rm"'r'UJ}' 1.11, Sub-Article (1) of this Article the person
I]nL O;\i\ 0:P pJ:(:'} ftoomr:" 00'0'''' 'entitled to make a claim may thereupon treat
fftlD' r'\lD' h:PSO:f. h'}.f.m4. ~,},C' the goods as lost and may lodge a claim
00'0.J:') hh=i:}'u: fLm.e:" .e :-;'I\t\:: against the carrier.

N OtLu h,}4>f1' '}O.fI ~\,}'I>f1' 1!f.1 oouJl'}' 31 The person entitled to make a claim according
06~(J}' i\,e oo'Orfft(D. r'\(D. ftm~.'''' to the provisions of Sub- Article (2) of this
0:P so';}'. I]Uf h""I>Oft I]Uf(l). h"'h~.ftOr Article may, on receipt of compensation for
.,.'} 011\ C)ft(D. ~\,}Y: noor 1.11. (I).fI'}' the missing goods, request in writing that he
h:P so;p h''''f'i. h=i=i'I(: fIn 6~O" Un 17')' shall be notified immediately should the
(MlJ.~ ,,'}~..f"'(J}."'(J}. (I)-'tf(D"/' ftoom goods be recovered in the course of the year
following the payment of compensation. He
r:" .e';}"I\t\; h=i=i1f?U Of1'(h,~ O(l)':"c;
fL(}~ .e'lC)t\:: shall be given a written acknowledgment of
such request.
g/ on 'fl"" (J). (}(J)'
06 ~ (J)' i\ .e r "? "." ,f n
4/ Within the thirty days following receipt of the
r')lJ.~ 'J?~;.J16l>}, O'I'(}m(J}. @ .,.,.,...,. 1.11,
notification the person entitled as aforesaid may
(J)'() ~ 0 h '}.,. 6 r; @ r.I'm <I>(}(J).
" require the goods to be delivered to him against
h '}f. 'I'mfl<l> lfl) OtPt:}:}'lf r'\~~ fft(l).'} payment of the charges shown to be due on the
h~f h~ft.. : h '}-'tU'9D I]Uf h~,(I(I). consignment note and. also against refund of the
(I).fI'}' r'hJ,b00<;' ft.ft.. l' h~,(I SOl' compensation he received less any charges
h ,,. 4> ~r'\. 011\ r (I)r'\,lJ,lD''} I]Uf 00000 ftfI included therein but without prejudice to any
n:}:}1f O:PlD''} h'}-'t,(lfllhO(l)' oomr:,. claims to compensation for delay in delivery under
.e 1'1\t\:: Article 29 and, 30

tI~. nY.?r; o~so"f 26, DANGEROUS GOODS

?-!/ I\h.lD' n.f. ';;~r ,(Il\r(l)''} 0:P so';}'. ftn:}:}1f 11 When the sender han-ds goods of a dangerous
C)fllhO 1.11. ftn:}:}1f ro,!l>SO;P,} nature to the carrier, he shall inform the
r n.f. '~~r C)ut h C; nfl&A 1. Otf~9D 1.11. carrier of the exact nature of the danger
fL(I)r'\Y: r lPl.'C)(I).'} r'}' '},!I>cf: he 9" ~ and indicate, if necessary, the precautions
Orhht\ tPtt}(I):,>c; tPtoot\hr nftOr::
to be taken,

!f.1 .eu ool~ otPt:}:}'lf r'\~~ (I).fI'}' 2/ If this information has not been entered in the
,(It\ '"1],''''' hlf~ n:}:}1f fttPt:}:}lI r'\.lh1l consignment note, the burden of proving that the
ro,!l>so;p,} rn.f.';;~r C)ut ,(1(1).:,. r~Ol carrier knew the exact nature of the danger
oolf~',} rtPtfll~r ~I\&.~r rl\h.(I). (I),e9" constituted by the carriage of the said goods shall
r'''ll1fi.(I)' .elfC;t\:: rest upon the sender or the consignee.
.n J.:o.~.I::Ol ls.¥u6.G\ 7."J~'r
.p'l'(~ .l~ ~.,.u." {! ~ l!!LUl '1'.Y" reaeral Negant LJazeta NO.)/I tJu. ::>eptemtJer. LUUI.. .page ~JO.)7

ntlO 0')<1')1\ ')(J'O h")<I')I\ 1M 1I'"m<l'om, j/ \..Iooas or a aangerous nawre wnlcn, m me

V'"1.;r n:}:}1F "It:/'PJ~ nY.?~ uoU'C;:fm'1 circumstances referred to in Sub-Article (1)
r07,f'm,:'> hU'~ hOf tVlflo:/,m, ouh,{,t\ of this Article, the carrier did not know were
Of.eCfCfl-). flO1Jc;:fm'~ '1.", m.e~ n;t' dangerous may at any time or place be
J',u'} hf.1;;: tJ:J> (l7/,.1lJ; m.e~ hF}':"~ unloaded, destroyed or rendered harmless by
m'tJ.~ (l7f:t. <>J-: lD.e~ ?'~r "It1~,f',~Cit the carrier without compensation;.
.. - - .. ..

1I-~ r~~~l'T' uuml j ~ I, lYl11 A IIVl"! VI' LIADILII I

M O:Y IIUU1'~'J: OJ~>,U IIUU""'''''J: >'UJD.r-r 1/ W nere a carner oecomes lIaOle lOr any lOSS
J1~~'tr. flU,U hCP}; f:1;J1.9):f ''''m.retcr of, or damage to, any goods, such
~i\~.'}fl"" 1.U. l\m4-m' mJ',9u compensation shall be calculated by
l\.,...,..~m' tJ:J> h..., f'ootM.A ~i\&,"'h reference to the value of the goods at the
tJ:J>0J-1 "7it/.hil flO?111OJ- n:r tJ:J>oJ- place at which they should be delivered.
flO?..rml1loJ- f'1fl.r cP,'1 An J',lflj' A:: If the market value of the goods is
f'tJ:J>OJ- f'1fl.r cp,'1 f'1'"lJ',:rm:'> hlf.,
- ...1- -- ~roo.. -. --.~ --
'"" goous 01 LOesame KlnU anU4ualllY.
0I".~c..'1- pU -. ,.\..
21 Without prejudice to the provis'ionsof Sub-
f'1f.U h ,}4>t> '}O'{} h'l4>t> liil f:'} ,'11. Article (1) of this Article, the liability of
h,}f.''''mfl~ lfCf h~~'tf. f'Ofhr.'Arn. the carrier to p~v r.()mnpn.<:;Mi()n<:;h~1I n()t
_8 - .. - ...........-- t .....

OJ).j~- lb'l ,'ul,""l". u""UII..r- wp'r shippmg Unit, or :SUK L.J per kllogram ot
fltll\,. <>J1r9" hh.{})t.hC §.(; tW.l\.h gross weight of the goods lost or damaged,
hlJ;',..;;: hlf"OJ- ool1l\1' f'l\fl-r9u:: whichever is the higher.

hu.u fli\J', fl,){),{} h'}4>t> liil hCJ I§I Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) and (2)
f'T f.., 110J- h '}Y.Tm04> lftJ f'(I"l~~'1r of this Article, where' a carrier becomes
OJ-A 0 07.00 lP t. -r 0 -r 1.tI. f'tJ:J>9):f. '} cP,~ liable for any loss of, or damage to, any
f'°? 1At>
th OlllJ=-t=-tqr tJlo IL ~ h 1\ goods, the nature and value thereof have be
h.1-. (I ... A declared and made an integral part of the
t ... °t. ro I . 1.1 I
1,1.., 11" . .. , , J'" . -.." ~

I' .
00 m') fl ()., ~
i\ J', f'T1l\ 0OJ- f'tJ :J> CP,'J uelermmeu oy relerence LO marKet value
i\J', tJ:J>OJ-'} (l7{}t.hl1 fl07.1110r n;rlj' of the goods atthe place and time at which
4>,) 6 <"m, f'°7.Cft.OJ- f'10.r CP,'J OOlPt.-r they should be delivered to the consignee.
A~"-h,} 1ili19"(~.J',lfCJA::

gl h111f t>.cJ>(D.'}r1(D:r-f; I'\J' .r.CfI J'H1r h '}.r.Lf~ 41 If the carrier fails to deliver the goods in tin
nttu hlf>1: h'}<f>7\ i!/! hCJ i!guolJll.r he shall be liqble according to the provisio
h111f CtltlCVI:(jJ' fn7faJ'T ":J>9' 'f; of Articles 21 and 24 of this Proclamation
1tiliJDAtI.Y. h,,:J> ilkoJ- to}!.?" 1til6l>J,~ to}!.?"
,t'<I>fl}!. rDth~(\(D.'} f6J!''i.}- °'111'1" If>;j
115HL. VI Ulvp,"h'}t,...U
".,,:,-. +h.l\ ({!Ii/M) 'U1 kre:. ,,":J> -t<l>fl.e ro

uc;myc;u. rIUVVC;VC;I, 1IU"-lt paYlll\::ltl 1Iltall

r uoh~l\ ?i\6. ~r} .eifCr1;rl\:: ~1C UJ'} .eU
h~J' r1o>J~1'1f (D-(\- i\.e. hi'm.p(\(D- m:ri\i\ exceed the total freight payable.
f6J}'~+ h1l\UJIr'T h~J' 1f>;J l\.r1l\1'
n.e:r-l\9": :
- -

.1+1\ l!% 10-it n14>W liil he; I§I
. n\,;- PUl PUi:)\,.I VI ",,'U\.IUIUL.1l15 -vv 111\;.111 UIHVUl1l 1~

igher in accordance with Sub-Article (1) and

lPl.rh~~t~m'100m1 flO1Jitt\r (Lll'" f Article 27 the following rules shall apply:-
.0 fl;r:r, r,tuoflh1:r f:'},'J1.9':f
l'DIf.PJ:r- .elfc; fI' T
1~' Ci1.XK?; ~Y.t..A ~:Jt..,. :J/ "''I'r. y~~ ~'I'D1L Ii ""} IjiK:W 'l.II" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September. 2007... ... page 3860

AI 6.c/'(I)'1 h"'IJ~f- IIdDtifi}, 1 1":"?U ,,~ fCPII(l). 1/ Where a container, pallet or similar article of
tn'l:~~C-: f6.c/' Dlli'i'l.Y '11"1 /;rIbT/ transport is used to consolidate goods the
(I)~?U 6.c/'1 IIDll"'IJ~T' 1":"9" ,,~
package or other shipping units enumerated
fl7'l.(I)'II' "'dD'1'1 ~ fo:l> 0'/01.Y9'1'
in the Consignment note as packed in such
(I)~~ ODll~~'1f M~. f,"m"'o(l). f~~T
dDllh.Y O(l).lIm. f Yl1r(l)' 1":,.",,:t. article of transport are deemed packages or
"''1AfJ(I)' Dll~~'1f M~. ,,~ t'JAOct<. O.,.C shipping units. Except as aforesaid, the
tl1'l: ~ ~<. f 6.c/' Dlli'i'l.Y '11"~'
-: (I)~?U goods in such article of transport are deemed
"'{TD'1'1 ~ ftf~(I). f 6.c/' dDm:"IIY (I)~?U one shipping unit;
Dlli'i'l.Y (I). on~ h 1.( h 1,(' 1":" A
~fmt.A: :

ro.p OIJ01.J' t',}'1;~'1C &'0' nm4.-: 21 In cases where the article of transport itself
J.I has been lost or damaged, that article of
1'~r n~lOnr 1.t1. t',}'1; ~ '1~ transport, if not owned or otherwise supplied
rn~~1F ,}oOlr (JJ~~ nn~~1F r.,.ln
by the carrier, is considered one separate
2-]t\(f~ n.,.c h')~ n'}~ oum:'>t\,f' lf~
shipping unit.
~~m&.A: :

e/ rll.u h'}.,.6 '}().{) h,}"'6'} Nil 'hr. III

31 Without prejudice to Sub- Article (I) and (2)
f:'} .~1.S1):f 'h '}~ '''mn41 If'1aJ- ~'} f'
of this Article, bags, sacks and similar
ht.m. -rli' rou'1IPt\.-r 'h 1~ o.P OU~l
articles shall not be considered as packaging.
:'>t\.f' h~~m~9'):: o.P r.f'H ~'}.f'
(J)~9') ht.m. -r (J)~9" ,"OU'1'1f, If goods contained in bags or sacks are lost or
- rlf'1 damaged compensation of the damaged or
ro.p ou*mt.f' h'1o'paJ- n,m4. (J)~9')
lost goods shall be determined by reference
0, 'lo~ 2-]'1 rO?,hLt\aJ- rH,U l}~'1'1: o.P
Clt\ aJ- r'lo.f' cP.~ OU IP t.-r 11;r to the market value of such goods

6H. ill\h~+~ 2-]Ut 29 - HIGHER COMPENSATION

0:1> On=}=}1f: <II'I''I'C FC fll\ 1,fI. OdD.II. m~?U Higher compensation in respect of total or partial
Oh~A n.m~ (I)~?U '1'~'''' Qf.C{)OT Oh1"'~ ti'j loss of goods, or in case of damage, than provided
1(}'{) n1.,.,) Ili/ tD~9" 10.{)n1.,.o /~/ h,"m"'o(l)' for under the provisions of Sub-Article (I) or (2)
O"~ t'J'1 dDmf:" fl7'l.~II(I). (no.{) ~\1<1>6 (E) of Article 27 may only be claimed where the
dDlJil.T f6.c/'(I)' CP;J 1'1AJ( tun (I)~~ 6.c/'(I)'1 vahle of the goods or a special interest in delivery
O'l.t1. Dll{)l.hO.1 hlldDAhf- A~ 1":"~ YIIOJ' has been declared in accordance with Sub-Article
UD.,.,.1 0:1> ~h,OJ' 1AJ( f°'l=}=}1f OJ'1\. nt)A (3) of Article 27.
fI f. (. 10" 1. fI. "0)'::
cJ). hm?"/. 'Jll/P~r
The aggregate liability of the Carrier, shall not
rn~~1F m:'>"" r?"6.~r uom'}
exceed the limit of liability for total loss of the
m:""" n.m~. Oh'}.,.,) nj;. 'hli' ?!'% uolPlr .
goods as determined by Article 21 or Article 27 .
h°?£lCO-r r?"6.~r uom'} OU-(lt\1'
/ '

? .,,,~ ) T
cJ)j;.ill\+t;Q. D11 31. EXTENDED LIABILITY

1/ The .sender may, against payment of a

j;/ "tUJ)' huo~n~ tI~J' n"~ '''Q;}.('?t tI~J'
surcharge to be agreed upon, declare in the
, ()~~~r nOIJ~l"? r6'paJ- cP~. consignment note a value for the goods
Oh1.,.,) nZ: 1(),{) h1.,.,) !;:I OUIPt.-r
exceeding the limit laid down in Article 27
r7(HJ h ,}~lf~ 6.P. Om4. (J)~9') 'l.~-r
(3) and in that case the amount of the
0~t.()0-r 'l,tI. rh~~'Jf. 2-]'1 rouhLA
declared value shall be substituted for that
~"&.'1-r n4't.oaJ-rcp ~ ()'1~ OUIPt.-r limit and the compensation to be paid shall
(f£lT r2-]'1 htt:,f'aJ- Oh'}4'') ?;jj
be determined in accordance with' the
0'''~'1'l'lOJ- OUIPt.-r -tL'o? ~lfr.A:: provisions of Article 29.
[ii, ~J;.~ ~J;(! ~.r./..A. ~:J/.'''' :J II.n/ -/l'J'r. .Y~~A'I""1. ?i .,.') njj~:Hi '}JI" Federal Negarit Gazeta No 58 61h September, 2007... 3861

II O:P hfat.t-,O.(I)' h:}:}"(: O:PtI)-'} O-I'lJJ"'~ 2/ The sender may, against payment of a
1.11, D'iftlhO. t\r. ~:"9u h'},~l7Il.,rfa1~f\:" surcharge to be agreed upon, fix the amount
i\ftcf'Y:CfO f'II/:}:}'" (I)-f\. oo?.onlJ..t,~).O:" of a sp~cial interest in delivery in the case of
.,. 1t\? hlf~: h:}:}'J(:
. Otl)-f\. 0n'I't..} loss or damage or of the agreed time-limit
'" being exceeded, by entering stJch amount in
chhO.,) fJf\onj(.fJOD' f\.~lOW' "'{,J;tD'i1.
1'4.+ W.e~ -h~.'J' hi\,}("~' ?!%-@ the consignment note. In such cases
h,,.00 f\fH'W' I'JUf w.a}. O-t'1f\fJ(I)'Ar. compensation for delay may be claimed up
1':"9u on(Jl'} t'h:}:}"(: I'JUf oomr:" to the total amount of the interest declared
.e :-"."t\: : independently of the compensation provided
for in Articles 27 to 30.

roI. lf1+1l fte ft~l7Il..t69" l' 4. + 32. WILFUL MISCONDUCT

?il i\:}:}1f OO:PW' tt.e ry.low. 1'~+ : 1/ The .carrier shall not be entitled to avail
lf~ ,,.,O~.. O,h<.fJ9U fTtJ.T Y:C1.+ himself of the provisions of this Section
oolf~' OD'iftl}{ (Ll;J11': OllJ) hCP,1>: which exclude or limit his liability if the
Y:'};J1. 0n,I.t.T h?"6.~+ ~' ~oolf,} damage was caused by his willful
W.e9u r?,,6. ~-t:'} oom'} r oowo'} misconduct.
oo11-t:,}tt.mcf>9"O+ i\.e:-".t\9u::
2/ The prcOvisionsof Sub- Article (1) of this Article
f!./ Lf1 "'11ft" r'htfJuum. Y:C~-} m~9U 1'tf.-}
shall -also-apply if the willful misconduct or
nh~~1f mfLA m~?U u't.".~ m~9u
r01J~~H'1 pt. f\01Jhc;m1 n"'m"'uullrm. default is committed by the agents or servants of
t\.f\ O1Jc;fm'9u /'1m- r-h<.fJuu h1.l).Lf1 the carrier or by any other persons of whose
h~H.u mfLft..:,..'1 u'{,.-,."lf:}'. m~9u f\.ft<.:,.. services he makes use for the performance of the
c'l9'1' .rhc;m~':" "'"/IlC n<}>1'C m'l'\fm. carriage, when such agents, serva:nts or other
{TOU'l.-} hLf~ rH.u ~11"'7\ 10.fI h1"'~' /~/
Y:1.'J'tfD:'" ".t,tJl71l.fD:'" ~Lfc;f\'::
p~rsons are acting within the scope of their

el O'''{,J;tD'iI.?VOtto U''1.:t' wh.~"~ W.e9u 3/ Furthermore, in slJch a ~ase such agents,

ot-'''"lf~ otto hCP,~ Y:'}.~1. 0n'I.t,T servants or other persons shall not be
r"}t\?"6.~:t'fW'1 ooUJl+ OD'iJ~'l"} entitled to avail themselves, with regard to
~poht-hC i\.e:.,..ft.~:: their personal liability, of the provisions of
this Section.

h~t\ i\9"ft+ PART FIVE

ooll+n.1&.hnC_llltoom r:rfl llILftlltryT

roc, OChhll"LH. :"~:rl1t\D1l:"I.i1 33. RESERVATIONS DURING DKLIVERY

?;/ o:J> -h'.t-,fI.OJ' fln:}:}1f. flfl'A rO?:j'I\A .,.,C 11 Unconditional acceptance of goods shall be a
t-,A'",Pl.. n.,.c n"/A~ rl71l.;J-~ ro:J> bar to any claim. for total or partial loss,
'1.J':f\.y.:}'. CDJ!.9n ",~'f l' UlI(iI..~:OJ'1
damage or delay being brought against the
ttf l..'J"/1' hh~~1f 1I9U11ft<. h.,..,.nf\ m,e9U
carrier unless there has been fraud on the

6,'PfD:P uu1'tf,;J-r-m'1 m~9U uu1~;J-fm'1

m"tfm+ h1f..,.thfl <}>&..+OJ'1 flotJ.Cj:
carrier's part.
t-,"I.,.tfl fllI.,.cpC hll O?<}>1.1J

f!./ o:J> "'l.t-,fI.OJ' fIo:J>OJ' "IJ!. r.l'.l./'Im' '1'Y;f\r 2/ In case of non-apparent damage, the consignee
m~9U '1'~-} n"/A~ r01J~;J- ~ nLf~ 'tit shall be considered as accepted the goods as
n/'lllr .,.1 ~It m.fl1' r6.4>fD:P1 uu1'tf.r described in the consignment note unless he
m~9u' (T01~r hfluuAh.y. flf\"'l.hnm. 6.4>
enters a reservation against the carrier within
l1ClIC LJ.'l,;J- <}>t..;J-m'1 f\h~~1f t]A '1f\fJ;
6.4>fD:P1 n01J~~1f M~. "IJ!. n,,'uuf\h"'m. not more than seven. days from the date of
uuu'l.r n1'~ LJ.'l,;J-h1.l'.-,..,.nf\ ~o/mt,.A:: taking delivery of the goods.

11.' rrUtl~j{ :"f./..I:\ ~;1"'''' ;111."1<IITC .'it "1-"'1. li Xul').;! 'H" Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58. 6th September, 2007... 3862

e/ r .l'.l(\lO' 1'4.:" lOJ?,ljD7'~:" nOlJ~~'1f 31 The carrier shall be liable where the consignee
(\~~ I\J?, {}f\tJJ'lO' h+(\m 00'?f\65t ;JC has put his reservations in writing that the
rOlJJ?,fTIfTIljD ootf~. nh:P 'l'~ t-,llaJ- sustained loss or damage does not agree with
nK'm.~ hrf'~lI\O n~~.t(~ O;)i\~.~:" .em the description of the goods in consignment
f:PA:: note.

!i/ rtJJ'PJ;P O'~;r nchhrO 1.11. nh~~1fc;

41 When the condition of the goods has been
nrf'ltJfl.m. nn'H7~:" HlPf.'In rf'l;J'?mlO'
duly checked by the consignee and the carrier,
htf~! J?,u'} rlPf.f4.A{}' + J'1r"l. OIJ{}l~
.t<l>nJ?,~:" rlPf.lfllO' rm4.lO' tJJ' lOJ?,ljD
evidence contradicting the result of this shall only be admissible in the case
r.l'.l(\lO' 'I'~:" chhn. n+Looon:" 1.11.
of loss or damage which is not apparent and
fI'?Af) f\.;r J?, fl'? .e:FA'}c; +<I>n~
hO'Y:c; rnl}A <l>c;:,,'} l\J?,a\.ljDC provided that the consignee has duly sent
rOlJl;J'I1' ~.t1ilO' h+tJl/..l'.n:" <I>'} reservations in writing to the carrier within
~ljDC' n(\n:" <1>'1:" 1O,{}1' ~~;r1O''} seven days, Sundays and public holidays
n~'m.~ t11J{};r101i" . {)'f'rf- 0.'I~ excepted, from the date ofchecking.
51 No compensation shall be payable for delay in
(;/ .t<l>n~ tJJ'PJ;P,) h+lhnflO' <I>'} ~ljDC' delivery unless a reservation has been sent in
£11(;<1>'1:" lO'{}1' f\h~~1f fh:PaJ-'} writing to the carrier, within fifteen days from
ooH''1f:'' n{}OOAhrf- f"aJ-'} ~~;r the time that the goods were placed at the
nf)m.~ 0IJ{};r101i f\h~~1f tJt\l\h disposal of the consignee.
n{}.t<l>C h~~1f tJJ'lO''} f\OIJ{}lhl1
f\H1rn:" 1.11. t)Vf hJ?,h;{.f\lO.ljD;;

'61 In calculating the time-limits provided for in

~I fltLtJ o'}.,.?, h,}O-{} o'}.,.~. f(if h{}h /f;f
Sub- Articles (1) to (5) of this Article the date
f"-m"'(I-'} '1.tb,f"} ().()t'\. h~~1r. 6.4>m-')
fD'l.,f'{}lhrflfl'-'" .,.'} m~~ rf-t.'lO.OJ' UlJt.h.f) of delivery, or the date of checking, or the
~1-A U1Y: lIcr<Jl;J'1£J' ~"'i'i f1-.¥.l'1f1'} .,.1 date when the goods were p laced at the
m~9u 6.4>PJ':p t'\1't.'l(lOJ' frf-()mO:" .,.'}'} disposal of the consignee, as the case may be,,
o~{J;).9uC9u:: shall not be included.

%1 o:}~1fS' "'l t-Jfl.m. fl6.4>PJ:P ,,~ fD'l.,f'{}/..t\ '1' 7I The carrier and the consignee shall give each
9uC oot. PJ:r.'}Cj cr<J l ;J'16liJ.PJ"f'} 1Icr<J
1: l "1
f D'l.,f'{}-:,'.t\ 0 '}~. IIft '}~, 0 {}/.." '1. 0 :,.C (1f. -:,'.')
other every reasonable facility for making the
oo{}m'-'" ~tjCfI;rt\:: requisite investigations and checks.

r})g. r~~~T I:':'A~1 34. JURISDICTION

ntLu hCP'f: oolPl:" 0IJ~~11,} h{}ooAh.f. In legal proceedings arising out of carriage
hChC r+~Vf h ,}.l'.tf~ hVf7i f'tf~ OJ1'} under the provisions of this Proclamation, the
p'Ann 1\f\1O' ~CY: n.:r 'I'~~'} rOlJ~ll1 plaintiff may bring an action in any court
0011:" hf\lO';; h(\- '} f\OIJ~Cl1 rlPf.1-An:" having Jurisdiction and within whose
p'AfTI,} ff\m. ~CY: n.:"ljD;- jurisdiction:-

O. n.thl\ 7i oo.l'.n~ dDlf tf lOJ?,ljD CPc; (a) the defendant is ordinarily resident,
oo/n.:" lO~ljD :"C,}65t~ ~'/n..p lOJ?,ljD or has his principal place of business,
1O.f\.'} h '}~ CPCPf\. f .l'.l11O' lOh.A
or the branch or agency through
n f\ £1:" i 1O J?,ljD
'which the contract of carriage was
made, or
f\. tJJ'lO''} f\0IJ~~11 f'1'?~~'1f aJ-A
f"l'LtJoon:" n;r 1OJ?,9unaJ-". 00,,,,1.:" (b) the place where the goods were taken
rtJJ'lO' OIJ{}lhfl.f,n;r nf\ ~/n.:r h'};t{. over by the carrier or the place
nt\A ~CY: n.:" f\..e<l>Cl1hJ?,1-A9u:: designated for delivery is situated, and
in no other court.
1~' rit.t.~?;r ~,Y.t..A ~.:J,,"'" ;J/I,n/ <IITC :It J\'/.t11J.Ii ",'t :on:w 'U''' Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 6'h September, 2007.. 3863


M lULU nCP:~ O,,.onflh-F Y:,;J1.fJJ1' trolPl.T 1/ The period of limitation for an action
OilI/~~'lr (D.t\ ?Uh,rT hft fI ilI/:I>1.'0 arising out of carriage under the provisions
fDll.:ffl(D' OV'flT a,onT 'Lit (D.ft£}' ~(D.:: of this Proclamation shall De two years.
The period of limitation shall begin to
f~C;J(D. 'Lit on~mC fDll.:~?ul.m':- run:-

vi Oh&.t\ flm4. -: fI'f"I"~ m~~ (a) in the case of partial loss, damage or
hilI/ftl.hfLr 'Lit flH1f -: hilI/ delay in delivery, from the date of
.,., ~:~CJ:-
. delivery,
fli on.fI. Ooo.fI. flm4. -: fm.fI. 'Lit hnfl'I> (b) in the case of total loss. from the thirtieth
01." ho"" .,., ~?uC' -: ft~?U~T day after the expiry of the agreed time-
Othfl 'LIt 0:1>fJJ:f. On~~1f limit or where there is no agreed time-
,,. 6li}.~. 0 T '1>
, ~ ?U C' ft t\ , t] fI t.
OJ '1> limit from the sixtieth day from the date
01."~ on which the goods were taken over by the

rhl nJ\()aT nmJl;Tmyu U.'Lt'PT PII1)'H1f mt'l (c) in all other cases, on the expiry of a
Pt~t.1nt It()Itt hYIitt mt..t n:'1.I):: period of three months after the
making of the contract of carriage.
!!./ OtI.U h"''''lJ "'O.ft h..,.,.lJ liil f.f'f.'1.11OJ'
2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article 1 of
h, f3' m 04> If e;' h ~ ~ 'I (: f m4, OJ'.., this Article, a written claim shall suspend the
(JJ1'-.9" 1.~~ f f. 1..t'10 ~.., (JJ1'-.9" cnnO. period of limitation until such date as the carrier
fH1faJ-'" /):V hftUDAn'Y' O/):V 'f'Lt]o.aJ-
rejects the claim by notification in writing and
OlJLJ.CJ: h'f'10.aJ- (}'1Y: ,'JC f4>LOI\~'" returns the documents attached thereto. If a part
fl1Uf nCJ:f l' ,rtk hI\UD4>OI\..., hh~~'Ir. of the claim is admitted, the period of limitation
in 1'-.9" tJ'f' 4>1l1'-. f.f' i\ tJ1\..,..., (}'1Y: UD Aft shall start to run again only in respect of that part
W'7 ,r fl' OlJLJ.CJ: },fth°1.1AlJ 1.11,0)' of the claim still in dispute.
1'-.t... W'7 A: :
3/ The burden of proof of the receipt of the
3/ f'~.tJ.~ IJ'J' <f:OJ' flt\OD,f.'t.(}. OJ.e9° flt\9°"i'i.c;' claim, or of the reply and of the return of the
(J 'Jl. ":;. fl t\ ODODt\ tVI~ OJ' f'l1IJfl t. ,tV,' i'ihov- documents, shall rest with the party relying
0 h 'II.lJ ODt. 'If9) ":;. t\ OD(I) <" 9° (JOJ/.J' fl &.A 1 OJ' upon these facts.
OJ1') i\.e .e OJ,e: .<1>

h~t\ ftY:i1t PART SIX

«1Ji. n '}.('(I!-a{)l\@l!''l-
fO'J=}=}tt. Ft... On1Y: m.t\ fDll.1tJ lfe;' -: O-f'flr~
n=}=}1f'1' 0 on.,.ll Ot\ fDll.'{'fJ~ hlf~
fUD~UDtfaJ- h=}~'lr. 0111aJ- f{'7~~'1r aJ-A If carriage governed by a single contract is
performed by successive carriers; each of
UDIPL ~ ~ V.fI-f'C;:m. n=}~1'rc; '''h:t'f':f. n=}=}1f'1'
them shall be responsible for the performance
f{'7=}~'1r o~~"'r, aJ-l\. f07.ffth~l\aJ-'" "If..:r
of the whole operation, the second carrier and
Oon"'O"rm. f'''~Oj filI/=}=}'1f m.fI. '''CPCPf.
each succeeding carrier becoming a party to
m11 -f'f.C1m. (lUD~mC hf"'~"'~ h~~'1r
the contract of carriage, under the terms of the
O.f'Cj'mA -{)I\ hm:Vi\~ f{'7~~II' Ft... ~i\&.'1~
consignment note, by reason of his acceptance
1'-.e;'CO:rA: :
of the goods and the consignment note.
11\ ri'i.~f?;Q ~;Jt..,. ;J II.fl/ .~;-.; ~'1''''l. Ii .,.'J :!.iHf:H! 'l.9" 61h September, 2007... ... page 3864
:"Y.t-A "I'I'C Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58

cl}~o O:,o.1Hlfro7i -.- rort~=}l1. . _.£! &-_.2C._. . fi'.f.iJi- 37. OTHER DOCUMENTS IN RELATION TO

/if oJ>PJi.'} hit 4>Y:lfD t-rt\ar n~~1r r'r4>Oft 11 A carrier accepting the goods from a previous
n~~1r itt\'I'l..hooJ- ":P 4>~' 'N~'b':nr carrier shall give the latter a -dated and signed
r'htloo~lO~ ooftmr ~'IWPA:: receipt. He shall enter his name and address
,e°fioJ- 'I'4>Il,e h=i=i1r nlPi~~'lf O~,(}. on the second copy of the consignment note.
V.ft'rt1m. :,>~ ,,~ ftoo.'}CJ n~&-7im''}
lPift'lllr nftnr::

Jt/ ,,'}P,.1J.9" hltt."1. Oln 1.11. 1'4>Cl.e h=}=}1r 21 Where applicable, he shall enter on the second
h,}4>7\ Xii '}O.iI h,}4>~' /Jt/ r.I-tTD"h'~'},}
copy of the consignment note and on the
h~~'} 6.4>m''} hilout\hf. Cl°'l=}=}1" (a~P,.
rec~ipt reservations of the kind provided for in
.e riP t. (. OJ- ou '1 "6TiJ, (J).e 9" r :I' m. ')
"1J.'b..j, h()UlJAh'Y' :'>t...j, "
I-Jf\OJ' £101J=}=}'t[
Sub- Article (2) of Article 11.
M~.LJ''''f'~m' :,.~ ,,~c; £1.l).lt'l"i, ,,~
O1Jout\h'-'" h"£1""::

i:f n,}4>~' Hi '}o.ft n,}4>~i' nd "hCJ /~f 31 The provisions of sub-articles 1 and 2 of
~'};J'l.f1Ji' n'r4>ll~ n~~1C:'J', ootthA Article 11 shall apply to the relations between
11ft "IT'i'~r~ ,,~ 'rt. ~lPl.PJi' successive carriers.

cl}~o ~~~~r YftOr h~~1r .

/if Ot):POJ- i\,e OD'fi.}o .rt\ar oar f oJ>PJ:f
oo1'4.r : 001~r : m~~ 00H-1fr 1/ Legal proceedings in respect of liability for
f°?.eith.}ot\..}o'} ~"~~r nof'oofth'r f loss of,' damage to or delay of goods may be
noo~ooty n~~1r: noo~l7i n~~1r brought against the first carrier, the last carrier
m~~ f":P oo1'4.r: 001~r : m~~ or the carrier who was performing that portion
ooH"lfr ~C'L r n' 'LH. flPi~~l1 of the carriage during which the event causing
/»t.m.'} (LYhCJm''} n~nlm' h~~1r the loss, damage or delay occurred.
,,~ tift ft..r4>c-n ~ i'''A::
21 Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
!U fttu n ,}.I>?\'}o.ft n ,}4>7\ I/if ~'};J'I. Article the claimant may bring an action
h '}Yo"'mn4> tf'l tift' n:'>&-fLm.nttu against the carriers mentioned in Article 36
hCP~ n,}4>~' c1j~ nof'm4>o'r n~~1Ci' of this Proclamation jointly and severally.
,,~ nn'}~~rCJ n~m" tift °7:'>l..'fi
cl}j!Ono':}~1C'f ootthA ftfllPl.~c tJctJc
A carrier who has paid compensation in
httu n;ri' f'roofth-Pr ~'}'I.;JPJi' .
"h'}~'rmn<h lf~m': fttU1 nCP~ ~'};J'l.PJi' compliance with the provisions of this
ftlPitinC (LA (J},ecr O~CY: ll..}o arUJ'h Proclamation or in compliance with court
ODlPl...}o ttUf fht.ft n~~1r: fht.t\oJ-1 decision shall be entitled to recover such
compensation, together with interestthereon and
hCJ:YlJ ymffJTm.'} m6J.bPJi' h"h~mft,(}.
all costs and expenses incurred by reason of the
nlPi~~H' /»t. ,,~ fof'ttt.ft. "'fri' n~~1Ci' claim, from the other carriers who have taken
O°?h.,.t\ar h 1).=\1 "h'}-'tof' oom~:'>
part. in the carriage, subject to the following
'~i'''A:: prOVlSlOns:-

vi noJ>PJ:P oo1'4.r m~~ 001~r fof'~Uf (a) the carrier responsible for the loss or
ttUf ftootlt.A ~,,~ flf~ n~~1r damage shall be solely liable for the
ttUfm''} t.O'~ lf~ ft'" n~~1r compensation whether paid by himself or
fLh~ftm. ftt-rUfm'-nT~ ~,,~r.' 'rmY~ by another carrier,
n~~1r ~lfCJA::
ri'i.t.f~?; ~;Jt...,. ;JII,/Tl <IITC .'it A1-"'1. Ii .p'} lilf.ji! '}.9" Federal Negarit Gazeta NO.58 6th September, 2007. . 3865
1'" :"~u".A

11/ fOft> uo1'4.r

f.r.ll'1a>- .
mJ?9u UD'M-r (b) when the loss or damage has been caused
flU~lIr m~9" htLf fI"~ fllf~' n~~1f'T by the action of two or more carriers, each
erh'}fr flf~ h '}.r.lf~ hfVn~rm'
of them shall pay an amount proportionate
CJIlfI:fOJe r~"&,"-r uom'} I"JUf uoht.t\
to his share of liability; should it be
nIlCJra>-:: r~"&'''-r UDm'} O?h4.t.A
ftTIJ~:ft\ fllf~. 'Lit hf'}~'}~ n~~1'r impossible to apportion the lfability, each
hO?~~". P'~ rorz.f17(1)< rO?~:}'1f htt:f carrier shall be liable in proportion to the
UDWt.-r flO?~t. "1 r°'l..r.C{)fI-r'} rl"JUf share of the payment for the carriage
UDm'} unht.A .eC;CfI;rA:: which is due to him,

~. On=}21{'T_(JDtth~J"ltD1J.,)"C' nf!'JP"'" 40- CONTRIBUTION BETWEEN CARRIERS

fjl ftlU ncpJ{- n'}<f>?\ qjg ~'};Jb nn~~1f'1' 11 The provisions of Article 34 shall apply to
uut"JhA h(I"~=i'}f o>-A fUO~{;tb fo~ m~cr claims between carriers arising from a
fuol1-r If'fck .,-~~ "f, -t&.'~ f.lfCJA:: contract of carriage concluded in
accordance with this Proclamation.
~/ On~=i',r:'f uut"JhA f°1.lJ (.O}<fo~ htt:.r
ff.C;J f~~crlm- Ottu nCP~ 2/ The period of limitation shall, however,
~'};Jbf111' uuLPlr f~h&.ftm- ft"JUJ uul11'} begin to run either on the date of the final
fuulilibl7i m-UJ'1. t"J17nr <f>'}~crC': judicial decision fixing the amount of
ftlu a,f.~r ro-UJ'1. nfbftnr 1.tb h~rro- compensation payable under. the pro-
h-t&.fJuunr <f>'}~crC' ~ro-:: visions of this Proclamation, or, if there
is no such' judicial decision, from the
actual date of payment.
tJ~A hCJt
A@OAf. 1:1:J1JC'T
§/i n6~- nrt-tt\t\~f~~l~fOY:}:}"1f m-b'\
/il OJP nll-t""~ Ott:-rrhl1rh.C ;h'1 c/lIf'C
ffiJly':lfj f;'};J1.9>"f uuLPlr oJP'} fOY~~l1 11 Where a freight forwarder Performs the
/» Ir Olrt't- llcr nlrt't- rlr '}llTCr carriage of goods in accordance with the
f~~H h ,}~lf~ ftoJP nll-t"t\~ro- provisions of Article 2251 of the Civil Code
f-t(\mro- fo.P °7f}-tl\IICt: fo>-hAlJ FI" in his own name or by his own means of
roJ111 OJP nll-t""~ro- ftlu nf.~r transport or when the instruction given by the
"J~:J' f11":J:h .}~ft-nr Cluufth-t 1.tb o.P principal shows that the freight forwarder
n{}-tl\I\t.o>- ,,'} f. o.P n=i=i1f -t~If'C' ftlu assumes such obligatio.n ; he shall be deemed
nCP~ ~'};Jbf111' noJP nll-t""~m- "f. a carrier and the Provisions of this
.t&.'~f111' f.lfCJft-:: Proclamation shall be applicable to the
freight forwarder.
1/ {}fHr~cr OJP nll.t""~ ntlu nCP~ ftn~~1f
n.thm-r 00117-1' fuom<f>cr; h'}Y..tlV-cr 2/ Such freight forwarder shall assume the
"J~:J'f11i-'} fuomffJr ~"~~r f.~Cn:J'A:: obligation and enjoy the rights of a Carrier
provided for in this Proclamation.

~I. flL01 ~lP~1:1;YJ~f11"fil(j~:!, l1 42. DERGA TION FROM PROVISIONS OF THIS

fjl ftlU'} nCP~ ~'};Jbf111- n<f>~:J'cr lf~
n-tHCPcpt f~JPl~' fm-A JPho1' 11 Any stipulation which would directly or
-t&"~~r nf.~lrrm-cr:: fh~tlU indirectly derogate from the provisions of
fm-A JPhoi' -t&.'~' nftuolf'} this Proclamation shall be null and void.
ffbho~,} fro-A .plI.o:'f &.Ir7i The nullity of such a stipulation shall not
nf ~C1m-cr: : involve the nullity of the other provisions
of the contract.
. 1~ rj'j.~.~?;} :"yu(...t:\ ~.?t..,. .?/t.n/ 41"]'(; .'l:"': !\1't11f. ji
""J runu '}.S''' Federal Negarit Gazeta No.58 61h September,2007... 3866

fl.1 O'l'ft.e f 01:}1f'} f ou~o'}. CP{).}C; ~:"qo:r. 2/

In particular, a benefit of insurance in favour
ft0111f ol'\t\c;: ou{)m""''} m.e?" of the carrier or any clause shifting the
fD11{)l~'} i'ih?,,'} fD'l.~(I. ftLO 'ocp'f: burdon of proof as provided in the provisions
~') ;J'l.fD:r. .,.&})D'l.~T o.e'f t-fm.?"::
of this Proclamation shall be n.ull and void.
!1r. r-t?i? ih1T 43. REPEAL
?i/ lIft (1m. D111111 m.t\ f"'~~'11'T 1\'}c/>P'f.
h'}~ft. (O~?n h'},e."'m041 lf~m': o:P 1/ The Provisions of Title I of Book III of the
°'1=i=i1J') o-l'UlJfth-l' f-l',e."11.~. f,}"1~ Commercial Code of Ethiopia, (carriage by
() ;;: ou ~ (h lj: ') c/>~ ?i f: '};J'l.9' 'f. land) save those provisions applicable to
;" "1 Y' -I' '"
Oou-ft- on.u 1\<1';(-.,.?it. <1'A:: carriage of persons are repealed.

~/ .eU'}'} hCP;!: fUtJ.:P1.~- :h11": y.'}n1": 2/ No law, regulation, directive or practice

no no t y fIJ 1" C; (JJ.l1 'l. fIJ 1- .e U ')'} ncP ;!: shall, in so far it is inconsistent with this
OUtJ.not\hr -ttt tjUtJ. n.elf~~:: Proclamation, have effect with respect to
matters Provided for in this Proclamation.

!1§. f~it?1&f1;12k?J'f 44. TRANSITORY PROVISIONS

1) Legal situations created prior to the coming into

?il .eo oCP"!: houm.tTJ~ Ok"'" f"'&.m~ t'i1;JCJ! force of this Proclamation shall remain valid
U-'l.:t'fD'f ftLO ocp'f: ~'};J'l.fD""" notwithstanding that the Provisions of this'i7i1).fm.?" c/>~?" 1'I.t\ f."&.mlm. Proclamation modifies the conditions on which
U''I.:t' .,. &.'D'l.~T .e'f l cPt\: : such situations may be created.

fl./ .eu ocp'f: htLu ocp'f: oum.tTJT OkT m.m."'" 2) The Proclamation shall not affect the
f'1J. t'i1;JCJ! U''I.:t'fD1''} "'&"D'l.~T consequences having arisen out of such legal
of'?~9u:: situations prior to the coming into force of this

EI .eu oCP,'f: houm-tTJ~ OkT f"-~l'1 fD1111'1f 3) Contracts of Carriage existing on the Coming
, ~Ir m-ft-'''''''. O'}'?~ :i1'? ~'};J'l.fD"""
into force of this Proclamation shall be governed
oulPl"'" fD'l. '1H' .e1fC;ft.:: by the Provisions of the Commercial Code under
which they have been made.

!1(;. hCP~ fDfO'lO-r 'Ub 45. Effective Date

.eU hCP~ O&...e..~A '1;Jt-r ;J1L1lJ:r-rqu This Proclamation shall come into force up on
hWIlJO-r ~1 ~~C' fO'I .etJ''Au Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 6th day of September, 2007

hJtfl hOc} A1-11ItIi ~1 Iu!'j! ~.~
"lCD? wAF. 1.r-C1.fl
fh.Tr-A-, &..1u~"1f Jtquh~f\'ce DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA
6Tllt\.h T&.ff.~1-r

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