A Research Report On
A Research Report On
A Research Report On
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The increase in the use of the Internet service has brought a great diversification in the economies of the world. The Internet service plays an important role in every ones life. The internet facility has mostly affected the life of the developing countries like India, China, Indonesia and Malaysia. The use of the internet has mainly become very necessary due to several activities such as searching topics, words and various unknown facts. They are also used for the social networking, downloading and various activities. These facilities can be only used when you know the link of the site directly or this links can only be connected through the search engines. Search Engines made the people to use the internet to the most. There are various search engines such as (Google, Yahoo, Ask, Live etc) which can be used to link to the main site which is desired by the user. The search engines mainly presents with the many related sites which may be connected directly from that search. Though only few of the search engines very famous, but with the emerging technology there is a great change in the preference of the search engines. The young people and the old age people are following a different trend in the preference of the search engines. So it is very important for the different companies to understand the change in trend and the preference of the customer. It is very important for the company to know about their customer and their preference. Thus this study is very important for the companies point of view.
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The use of the internet has made the world to change to a place where it has become a necessity for the countries. India stands 5th in the internet usage, statistics revels it will be 3rd by the end of 2013 followed by USA and China. The countries now stand in such a position that without the internet facility, the country may be stand still. The internet facilities are being used by mostly all the age groups. The internet facility becomes null and void without the presence of the search engines. The search engines play an important role for the internet users. The search engines such as Google and Yahoo has a great penetration throughout the countrys population. Most users are students, business professionals and several agents. But there has been difference in the % use of the search engines. The search engines help mostly all the people of the country, they easily provides with the contains of the search. The search engines provides with the many options for all the people which makes the work very easy and faster. The search engines provide with link by a simple search. For example: If someone wants to find the best doctor for the ortho problem its very simple for the people to find it out without knowing the or having the direct contact with the doctor, rather they can easily type the best orthopedic in India and can have easy option for selecting the doctor with their appointment sitting at home.
Crawler-based search engines, such as Google, create their listings automatically. They "crawl" or "spider" the web, then people search through what they have found. If web pages are changed, crawler-based search engines eventually find these changes, and that can affect how those pages are listed. Page titles, body copy and other elements all play a role. The life span of a typical web query normally lasts less than half a second, yet involves a number of different steps that must be completed before results can be delivered to a person seeking information. The following graphic (Figure 1) illustrates this life span
1. The web server sends the query to the index 3. The search results are returned servers. The content inside the index servers is to the user in a fraction of a similar to the index in the back of a book - it tells second. which pages contain the words that match the query. 2. The query travels to the doc servers, which actually retrieve the stored documents. Snippets are generated to describe each search result.
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Human-powered directories
A human-powered directory, such as the Open Directory Project depends on humans for its listings. (Yahoo!, which used to be a directory, now gets its information from the use of crawlers.) A directory gets its information from submissions, which include a short description to the directory for the entire site, or from editors who write one for sites they review. A search looks for matches only in the descriptions submitted. Changing web pages, therefore, has no effect on how they are listed. Techniques that are useful for improving a listing with a search engine have nothing to do with improving a listing in a directory. The only exception is that a good site, with good content, might be more likely to get reviewed for free than a poor site.
There are different search engines which help the people are Google ,Yahoo, Rediff,Bing and Ask etc. The most preferred search engines are Google and Yahoo. Both the search engines have a great competition among themselves. The Yahoo had most of the market share but now they are facing great competition from Google. Now the market share of Google is more than the Yahoo and others search engines, because Google is providing friendlierinteraction with the customers.
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Top Choices
The search engines below are all excellent choices to start with when searching for information. Google http://www.google.com Voted four times most Outstanding Search Engine by Search Engine Watch readers, Google has a well-deserved reputation as the top choice for those searching the web. The crawler-based service provides both comprehensive coverage of the web along with great relevancy. It's highly recommended as a first stop in your hunt for whatever you are looking for. Google provides the option to find more than web pages, however. Using on the top of the search box on the Google home page, you can easily seek out images from across the web, discussions that are taking place on Usenet newsgroups, locate news information or perform product searching. Using the More links provides access to human-compiled information from the Open Directory, catalog searching and other services. Google is also known for the wide range of features it offers, such as cached links that let you "resurrect" dead pages or see older versions of recently changed ones. It offers excellent spell checking, easy access to dictionary definitions, integration of stock quotes, street maps, telephone numbers and more. The Google Toolbar has also won a popular following for the easy access it provides to Google and its features directly from the Internet Explorer browser. In addition to Google's unpaid editorial results, the company also operates its own advertising programs. The cost-per-click Ad Words program places ads on Google as well as some of Google's partners. Similarly, Google is also a provider of unpaid editorial results to some other search engines.
Google was originally a Stanford University project by students Larry Page and Sergey Brin called BackRub. By 1998, the name had been changed to Google, and the project jumped off campus and became the private company Google. It remains privately held today.
Yahoo http://www.yahoo.com Launched in 1994, Yahoo is the web's oldest "directory," a place where human editors organize web sites into categories. However, in October 2002, Yahoo made a giant shift to crawler-based listings for its main results. These came from Google until February 2004. Now, Yahoo uses its own search technology. In addition to excellent search results, you can use tabs above the search box on the Yahoo home page to seek images, Yellow Page listings or use Yahoo's excellent shopping search engine. Like Google, Yahoo sells paid placement advertising links that appear on its own site and which are distributed to others. Overture was formerly called Go To until late 2001. Technology AltaVista and AllTheWeb was combined with that of Inktomi, a crawler-based search engine that grew out UC Berkeley and then launched as its own company in 1996, to make the current Yahoo crawler. Yahoopurchased Inktomi in March 2003.
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(TELANG RAHUL 2004)The Internet search engine market has seen a proliferation of entrantsover the past few years. Whereas Yahoo was the early market leader, there has beenentry by both lower-quality engines and higher-quality ones (such as Google). Prior work on quality differentiation requires that low-quality products have low prices inorder to survive in a market with high-quality products. However, the price chargedto users of search engines is typically zero. Therefore, consumers do not face a tradeoffbetween quality and price. Why do lower-quality products survive in such a market?We develop a vertical differentiation model that explains this phenomenon. The qualityof the results provided by a search engine is inherently stochastic, and there is nocharge for using an engine. Therefore, users who try out one engine may consult alower-quality engine in the same session. This "residual demand" allows lower-qualityproducts to survive in equilibrium. We then extend our triode to incorporate horizontaldifferentiation as well and show that residual demand leads to higher qualityand less differentiation in this market. Engines want to attract competitors' customersand therefore have a strong incentive to be "similar" to each other. THE MARKET FOR INTERNET SEARCH ENGINES has witnessed rapid growth since itsinception. Search engines and search engine-based portals consistently rank as someof the heavily visited sites in the market.' On the consumer side, surveys indicate thatsearch engines are the most important promotional method used by e-commercesites and they represent the most common way the new sites are discovered by users.Users spend a significant amount of time on search engines looking for relevantinformation [81.This market has also seen many changes on the side of the firms. Yahoo was anearly entrant and market leader. Subsequently, the market has witnessed the entry ofdifferent engines with both lower-quality engines and higher-quality ones (such asGoogle, now the preeminent engine). Hundreds of engines are in the market, despitethe presence of a few wellestablished sites such as Google and Yahoo.
The industrial organization literature has long established that different productscan coexist in a market at the same time. Typically, this isdemonstrated in models of vertical (quality) or horizontal (taste) differentiation. Akey feature of vertical differentiation rnodels is that a lowquality good must have alower price than a high-quality good. Otherwise, all consumers would buy the highqualityproduct. However, the price charged to users of .search engines is typicallyzero, with revenues being earned from advertisers. Therefore, consumers do not facea tradeoff between quality and price. Why do lower-quality products survive in sucha market?Similarly, a key result in horizontal differentiation models is that maximum differentiationamong products is optimal when users incur quadratic transportation costs. This enables firms to charge higher prices, and leads to higher profits. Since theprice is not a strategic variable in the search engine market, what outcome should weexpect?
(CASTELLUCCIO MICHAEL July 2010) The Google Search engine is an engineering marvel. Considerwhat it does.While continuously searching andindexing the content of the largest collection of humanknowledge ever assembled, Google Search answers anyand all queries about the collection and returns itsresponses in about half a second.The adolescent technology, now 13 years old, wasdeveloped by Larry Page and Sergei Brin back in the late 1990s, and today it processes several hundred millionqueries every day. The searches can be simple text searches,requests for images, maps, up-to-date earthquakeinformationyou name it.If you know the keyboard shortcuts, there are morethan two dozen specialized searches that are as close asthe Google entry field. Say you dont know the area codefor a phone number youre looking at. Key in the threenumbers of the area code, and Google will return a mapof the area covered by that code. Need a dictionary? Typein the word define followed by a colon and the wordyou want to look up. The words Time Perth Australiawill return the current time in that city; Chicago Cubsyields current win/loss record, score of
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the last game, andthe next game. Key in the words population 07645(thats the ZIP code for here in Montvale, N.J.), and youllnot only get the current population, but also five poundsof other demographics, including the most commonoccupations for males and the average snowfall for thearea. The words 240 Euro in USD will convert the cashyou brought back from your last trip, and weather07645 will show you a four-day forecast for Montvale,N.J. Dont forget to check outthe built-in calculator for Google. It can handle basicmath as well as sophisticated formulas, all on the Google entry field. Just enter the problem, formula, or arithmeticstring in the search fieldno need to call up a separate page or device. Not only does Google Search map and manage the vastnessof the Internet, but it also is quickscience-fictionquick. Think about someone going to the library to look up,say, Minimata. Once there, they pull out a card-catalog drawer,flip through the alphabet, note a long number on a pieceof paper, close the drawer and wander up to the second floor,making left and right turns in the stacks, finally finding thenumber thats written down, and opening the book to theindex looking for the place where the answer might be.Now imagine a different approach. Enter Minimata in the Google search field, and click. In 0.26 seconds you have281,000 results from worldwide sources (the figures arefrom the search I just did on the computer on which Imwriting this). And the most relevant stories, images, andvideos are at the top of the list, sorted thanks to Googles Page Rank algorithm.For those who think that computing has accelerated lifeto an unacceptably frantic pace, the alternative in the caseabove is that in the time it takes your friend to wander off tothe library for some answers, you could have made your lunch, eaten your lunch, and then taken a nap out on theporch while waiting for your friend to go and gather someanswers about Minimatasite of one of the worst environmentaldisasters of the 20th Century.
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CAFFEINE INDEXING SYSTEM Because the Web is in a constant state of flux, any servicelike Google Search would benefit from improvements thathelp it keep up. On June 8, Google announced on its officialblog a new search index called Caffeine. The post explained,today, were announcing the completion of a new webindexing system called Caffeine. Caffeine provides 50 percentfresher results for Web searches than our last index, andits the largest collection of web content weve offered.Whether its a news story, a blog or a forum post, you cannow find links to relevant content much sooner after it ispublished than was possible ever before. The Mountain View Company said there were two reasonsfor this new system. One, the Web is becoming more complexas pages are enriched with content in many more formatsthan just text. And, second, Peoples expectations forsearch are higher than they used to be. Searchers want tofind the latest relevant content, and publishers expect to befound the instant they publish.Caffeine will make the content on Googles index more contemporaneous. Or, as PC World characterizes it, the newsystem will be closer to live than Googles previous system.The Google spiders that are constantly crawling the Web togather new content are now not only smarter, but they aremuch faster.Matt Cutts, head of Googles Web team, toldPC World the new search engine indexes the new contentimmediately: We process it immediately so we can serve itseconds later. Areas where this will make the most differencewill be news and the interactive content that drivessites such as Facebook and Twitter.Cutts explained that in the early days Google wouldupdate its index every four months. In 2000, it shortenedthe schedule to every month, but the updates still took aweek to 10 days to complete. And because the Google indexlives on many different data centers, when you did a search,depending on which data center was processing yourrequest, the return might be different from the same searchdone by someone in a different location.The Caffeine system has been installed in all the
Googledata centers, and it will increase not only the speed, but alsothe amount of information the system can handle. On theorder of 100 petabytes, according to Cutts. A petabyte is aunit of information equal to one quadrillion (short scale)bytes, or 1,000 terabytes (Wikipedia). By comparison,Wikipedia writes, Google processes about 24 petabytes ofdata per day, and AT&T has about 19 petabytes of datatransferred through their networks each day.In the June 8 blog, Google used several analogies toexplain the change: In fact, every second, Caffeine processeshundreds of thousands of pages in parallel. If this were apile of paper it would grow three miles taller every second.Caffeine takes up nearly 100 million gigabytes of storage inone database and adds new information at a rate of hundredsof thousands of gigabytes per day.The old engine was updated in layers, but the newapproach strives for a global simultaneity. Google explains, Our old index had several layers, some of which wererefreshed at a faster rate than others; the main layer wouldupdate every couple of weeks. To refresh a layer of the oldindex, we would analyze the entire Web, which meant therewas a significant delay between when we found a page andmade it available to you.With Caffeine, we analyze the Web in small portions and update our search index on a continuousbasis, globally.The Caffeine blog ends with this assurance: Look formore improvements in the months to come.
Every study is conducted for some purpose. The present study is conducted to study the preference of the search engine (GOOGLE,YAHOO) on youngsters. The role of the social networking sites in the lives of the youth. The rapid growth of social networking sites give birth to new communication technology. That attracts the number of users which are connecting with each other or can do so many things through their mobile phones and laptops. Keeping all the things in mind objectives of the study are:-
1. To study the impact of search engines. 2. To study the preferences of customers towards search engines.
Research design is purely and simply the framework plans for study that guides the collection and analysis of data. There are three major types of research design, i.e., exploratory research design, descriptive research design and experimental research design. This study is basically descriptive research type.
Descriptive research:
y Descriptive research design is a scientific method involving observation and description of behavior of a subject without influencing it in any way. y Survey was done on a sample. y Analyzed the data, which was collected.
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The target population for this survey is mostly the educated and e-literate people.They are mostly aware of the recent search engines.They are all active internet users.
(12th march-18th march 2011).
Sample unit: Customers using internet and also uses search engines.
Sample plan:The selection of the samples is done following the two sampling techniques,which are: - Simple random sampling - Convenience sampling
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The data was collected from primary sources. A survey was conducted through structured questionnaire. The study was done among consumers who are active internet users. Primary Data:-Primary data is collected through personal interviews with the help of structured questionnaires. Secondary Data:-Secondary resources like books and internet sites,online databases are used for collection of data.
Questionnaire was divided into six major heads: y General information y Preferred search engines y Provided links y Accuracy of the search engines y Friendliness of the search engines
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Illustrations in this project are done by 3d pie charts. Pie charts are present in the qualitative research.
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From the above table, it reveals that the age group of 20-24 uses the search engine the most, followed by the age group 15-19. The age group of 20-24 mainly consists of the graduates. The graduates do need to use search engine the most as they need to search the additional informations and the also searches lot of the study materials. The other age groups also plays an important role, they consists of around 39% which shows that they should also be paid equivalent importance, because they mainly represents the service holders or the business person.
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Sex Male Female Total No. of people 19 11 30 Percentage (%) 63.33% 36.67% 100%
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From the above table, out of the 30 respondent (19 male and 11 female), the above data reveals that the male dominates the use of the search engines. Thus it is very necessary for the Google and Yahoo to pay more attentions to the male customers and develop the search engine paying more attention to the male
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No. of respondent 10 15 5 30
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From the above table, it is revealed that qualification plays an important role in the preference of the search engine. Graduates uses the search engines the most, followed by class 10-12 customers. This shows and also draws the attentions of the marketers that they should concentrate more on the graduates and the customers who pursuing their schooling. There is a great opportunity for the marketers to develop and focus for the Post Graduates customers.
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Profession Student Service Business Total No. of respondent 12 16 2 30 Percentage (%) 40% 53.33% 6.67% 100%
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From the above table, main intension was to find the impact of the profession in the usage of the search engines. It is found that the, most of the service holders use the search engines followed by the students. It is also revealed that the Business class customer uses the search engine very less. The opportunity for the marketers is that they can develop or in corporate more useful stuff for the business class people.
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Preferred Google Yahoo Total No. of Respondent 18 12 30 Percentage (%) 60% 40% 100%
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From the above table, it is very clear that most of the customer prefer Google than that of the Yahoo, based on the various attributes such as AGE, SEX, QUALIFICATION, PROFESSION, ACCURACY and FRIENDLINESS.
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Accuracy No. of respondent Percentage (%)
19 11 30
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Out of the 30 respondents 19 customers prefer Google for its accuracy and 11 Customers prefer Yahoo for its accuracy, which comes to 63% and 37% respectively.
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Proper Link
No. of respondent
Percentage (%)
20 10 30
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Out of the 30 respondents, 20 respondents say Google provides with the proper link and only 10 of the respondents says that the Yahoo provides with the proper link, which approximately counts to 67% and 33% respectively. Google plays an important role to provide with the proper link, Students and service holders prefers to go for Google search.
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Friendliness Google Yahoo Total No. of respondents 21 9 30 Percentage (%) 70% 30% 100%
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Internet started to play a very important role in the life of the customer, it has become a friend in need. Whenever any of the customers needs any kind of the information they simply go for the search engines, thus it is very important to develop the search engine which is friendly with the customer such that they would like to visit the same search engine always whenever they are in need. In friendliness also Google tops. The respondents says that Yahoo follows brick and motor system whereas in the case of Google its very interactive and friendly, for any kind of search customer may only need to type few words and they will provide with the probable search list which saves time to greater extent. In the above table Google takes 70% of the score i.e out of the 30 respondents 21 says that Google is more friendly compared to Yahoo.
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The quantitative research has been done using the SPSS package. The objective of the research is very clear i.e 1) To study the impact of search engines. 2) To study the preferences of customers towards search engines To analyze the above stated objective we can do the Crosstabs analysis and Multivariate Regression analysis.
Cross tabs
Case Processing Summary Cases Valid N age * preferred 30 Percent 100,0% Missing N 0 Percent ,0% Total N 30 Percent 100,0%
Count preferred Google age 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 Total
yahoo 0 0 3 3 4 2 12
Total 7 9 5 3 4 2 30
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7 9 2 0 0 0 18
The Crosstabs analysis has been done to find the demographic impact on the search engines. From the above analysis it can be stated that , in the age group 15-19 and 20-24 all the respondents prefer Google, whereas in the age group 25-29 out of the 5 respondent 2 prefer Google and 3 prefers Yahoo but in the age group of 30-34, 35-39 and 40-44 all prefers Yahoo. Thus it is clear that Google is preferred by the young generation whereas Yahoo is mostly preferred older generation customers.
Cases Valid N sex * preferred 30 Percent 100,0% Missing N 0 Percent ,0% Total N 30 Percent 100,0%
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From the above tabulation it can be stated that out of the 19 male respondents 18 prefers Google whereas only 1 prefers Yahoo but taking the female respondents out of the 11 respondents, all the respondents like Yahoo. Thus it reveals that Google is mostly preferred by the Male customers whereas Female customers like Yahoo search engine.
Model Summary
Adjusted Std. Error Mode l 1 R ,936(a) R Square ,877 R Square ,851 of the
Estimate ,192
a Predictors: (Constant), friendliness, profession, accuracy, qualification, proper link b Dependent Variable: preferred
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Coefficients (a)
Unstandardized Model Coefficients B 1 (Constant) qualification profession accuracy proper link friendliness ,077 ,003 ,093 ,887 -1,40E-015 -,043 Std. Error ,113 ,122 ,125 ,203 ,272 ,207
Standardized Coefficients Beta ,683 ,004 ,129 ,873 ,000 -,040 ,023 ,740 ,501 ,982 ,466 t Sig.
From the above tabulation it is revealed that Qualification, Proper Link and Friendliness play an important role in the preference of the search engines, whereas accuracy play least important role in the preference of the search engines. The F value gives the validity of the model. The F value is 34,149 which is good for the validity of the model
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1) The sample size is not a big one. It is very small.
2) Humans have a tendency to behave artificially when they know that they are being observed. Thus, the respondents upon whom the research is carried behave artificially when they are aware that their attitudes, beliefs, views, etc. are being observed and surveyed.
3) The research is not free from bias. The reproduction of the same project on a different class of respondents can give different research results.
4) The research may vary according to sample size as well as target population.
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The emerging youth population is an opportunity for marketers. The search engines are being used by almost all the people of the countries. It is becoming one of the important parts of the life. India is one of the 2nd largest populated country of the world, thus there is a great untapped market. The marketers should take advantage of the market by making them aware of about the search engines and proper development of the applications which is basically demanded by the customers. Google has to target the female population, the target is totally towards the male population. They can easily increase the options for the female search and should provide with the proper links. Yahoo had a great market but had a great set back after Google came in the market, customer of Yahoo started to use the Google search engine. Yahoo had to improve upon the male segment of the customer and any way need to have the competitive advantage by improving the above mentioned independent variables.
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1. From our current findings, GOOGLE is the most widely used search engine in India.It is the market leader at present in India. 2. Different users have different expectations from the search engines. The Google has almost satisfied its customers with its different strategies. 3. Categories of people who do not use these websites are those who cant use technology and some intellectual people who think it to be a waste of time. 4. There is a clear indication of the importance of the search engines for the different groups of customers, there is still a large market to be tapped as per the Indian market scenario
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BRADLOW, E. T., AND SCHMITTLEIN,D. C. 2000. The little engines that could: Modeling the performance of World Wide Web search engines. Market. Sci. 19, 43 62. CASTELLUCCIO MICHAEL, July 2010,Caffeinated Google. Journal from Google. GORDON, M., AND PATHAK, P. 1999. Finding information on the World Wide Web: the retrieval effectivenessof search engines. Inf. Proc. Manage. 35, 2, 141180. DOBRA, A., AND FIENBERG, S. E. 2004. How large is the World Wide Web? Web Dyn. 2344. GILLMAN, D. 1998. A Chertoff bound for random walks on expander graphs. SIAM J. Comput. 27, 4,12031220. TELANG RAHUL, 2004,Journal of Management Information System.Vol. 21, No. 2. pp. 137-160 WEBSITES y http://unsweb.aucegypt.edu/UNSWEB2/NetIntro.htm#whats_the_internet y http://www.grassrootsdesign.com/intro/internet.php y
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NAME:- ..
SEX:- Male..
Profession:- Student. Service. Business.. 1) Which is the most preferred search engine? a) GOOGLE b) YAHOO .
b) YAHOO .
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