9.treatment of Class II Deep Overbite: (Atsush Matsu Moto)
9.treatment of Class II Deep Overbite: (Atsush Matsu Moto)
9.treatment of Class II Deep Overbite: (Atsush Matsu Moto)
I. General Characteristics
of Class II Deep Overbite
l. L i p incompetence
2. The reverse rotation of the lower lip du ri ng the resti ng phase
3. Excessively small vertical dimension
4. Insuffic ient eruption of the molar teeth (infraeruption)
5. Accentuated Curve of Spee
6. Two occlusal p lanes
• Flat occlusal p lane in the u pper anterior area
• Steepening of the occlusal plane in the u pper posterior area
7. Discrepancy in the upper and lower den ta l arch \Width
8. Labial ti ppi ng of the u pper anterior teeth
9. Occlusal interference in the molar area I
0. Insufficient occlusal support
I I . Functional failure due to poor a nterior guidance
I . Habit modifica tion like tongue thrusting and abnormal swa llowing.
2. For patients with respiratory problems , t reatment of enlarged pharynx and
tonsils, oral respiration, allergic rhinitis and other otorhinologicrelated
9. Treatment of Class II Deep Overbite 89
Treatment Procedures for
Class II Deep Overbite
Fig. 9-4 Lateral cephalometr ic Fig. 9-5 Lateral cephalomet ric tracings during the initial examination
radiogram during the initial examina
Fig. 9-7 Illustration of the tooth movement and treatment plan for class II deep overbite condition
Step 2: Closure of Space and Occl usal Plane Reconstruction in the Upper
and Lower Molar Area
F i g. 9- 1 0 shows the i n traora l p i ctures l 0 m on t h s followi ng the start
of treatment. A con sol idat i on arch of 0.0 1 6 i nch green elgi loy was used to
close the spaces i n the max i lla. I m provemen t for the excessi ve cu rve of Spee
i n the ma ndibula r arch was continued. A reverse curve was done i n the 0.0 1 6
x 0.01 6 inch bl ue elgi loy app l ied i n the ma nd i ble. (Note: At tbis stage, the
use of MEA W i n the mand ible is a l so possi bl e).
Fig. 9-1 I shows the intra -ora l p i ctu res 1 5 mon th s fol low i ng the sta
rt of trea tmen t. M EA W (Mu l ti loop edge\:v i se archwi rc: 0.0 1 6 x 0.022 i
nch , bl ue e l gi loy) was appl i ed to the ma x i ll a for spa ce closure, a l ign m
en t of the denta l
9. Treatment of Class II Deep Overbite 95
arch , and bi te ri sing. Improvemen t of the curve of Spee i n the mandi bula r
den tal arch was con ti n ued . A reverse curve was clon e i n th e 0.0 16 x 0.01 6 i
nch b l ue elgi loy appl i ed i n the mand i bl e. Th e space i n th e mand ible has
almost closed. (Note: At th i. stage, the use of M EAW i n the mandi b l e is also
possi ble).
Fig. 9- 16 Intra-oral pictures during the completion of the dynamic treatment, 34 months following the start of treatment
9. Treatment of Class II Deep Overbite 97
applied for bi te risi ng i n the maxillary denta l arch . A step down bend was
done in the horizonta l loop of the upper ri ght ca n i ne (upper sectional arch 3-
5). A p l ain MEA W (Multilo op edgew i se arch wi re: 0.0 1 6 x 0.022 inch bl ue
elgiloy w i re) was applied to the mandi ble to simul tan eousl y align th e
Fig. 9-20 Lateral cephalometr ic radiogram tracing after
the completion of the dynamic treatment
4. Treatment Results
The dyna m i c treatment per i od lasted
for 34 mon ths. The u se of Quad helix in the
max i l l a lasted for 7 mon ths, DAW was 3
mon t hs, and MEAW was 1 7 months. In the
mand i b le, utility arch was used for 5 mon ths
and 1 6 months for MEAW. The use of i n
termaxil lary el astic lasted for 24 months.
A Begg type reta i ner was used for retention at daytime and a bionator (to
open) was u sed at ni gh t, wh ich l asted for a year. Si nce there was no s i gn
of relapse, the pa ti en t was subj ected to a periodic exam inat i on . Fig 9-23 sh
ows th e facial profile 5 years later and fig 9-24 shows the in tra-ora l p i ctures
confirm i n g a stable occlusi on. Fig 9-25 is the pa noramic x-ray and fig 9-26, 9-
27 shows th e la teral an d fronta l cepha lometr i c rad i ogram respect i vel y. Resu
lts of th e cephal ometric an alysis are shovvn i n chart 9-1 .
4. I mprove the dental arch through a maxi I l ary lateral expa nsion dev i ce
in case the pat ien t i s ma n i festi ng i n appropri ate maxi l lary dental
arch and retrus i on of the m and i bl e. Th i s wi ll allow more leewa y for
mand i bul ar movement, obtai n i ng a ph ysiologic mandi bul a r posi tion.
(Com b i nation of T\IBA and Mul l igan arch, Quad hel ix, expa nsion
screw p l ate appl iance used for bi te risi ng, Rapid expansi on)
102 9. Treatment of Class II Deep Overbite
5. Jn rai sing the bi te, erupt the molar teeth and i n trude the u pper and
lower anterior teeth . A Dou ble Archw i re can be used at th is ti me.
General ly , the i ntermediate tooth is extracted to i ncrea se the vertical d
imension however this has been know n to be d ifficu l t. It is best to
always refrai n from doi ng a premolar xtract ion.
11.Treatment of Crowding
(Sadao Sato)
116 11. Treatment of Crowding
All types of malocclusion are associated with crowding. Therefore the skeletal
characteristics of crowding are not well defined. However, in general, crowding
i n high angle open bite and maxilloma ndi bular protrusion is not common. It is
because crowding is closely related to the vertical dimension (occlusal support)
in the molar area. The increase of vertical dimension in the molar area leads to the
anterior tippi ng of the entire dentition and wi l l result to an anterior open bite or
maxillomandibular protrusion to prevent the aggravation of crowding. Therefore
it is said that there is a close relationship bel:\veen an open bite or maxillomandibular
protrusion and crowding.
(Morphological Characteristics)
2. . R epl ace the rou nd wire wi th a 0.0 1 6 ,izc round w i re and i nsert a coi l
spri ng i n lo th e area wi thout brack ets. Start the a l i gnmen t of the .
5. Once the m olar a re aligned , remove the M EA W i m medi ate l y and re-ti
e the rou nd wi re to e l i m i nate t he crowd i ng i n t he an teri or area .
1 . Patient's history
Fig . 1 1-4a Cephalometr ic t racing pre-treatment Fig. 11-4b Cephalometric tracing post-treatment
'4<1 . t: ;
. ro
l•f t
t •tc.
Herl 9E>I
0 1 . 77
61, O:!o
-z. ·13 6 8 "
G! lo. 2.!!C
·- ez
tu .
('17. I
D. 00
-Z. 28
70, :S7 12. Z1
a O•. 7l •i. I!) n. o.oo e' o.co o.oo
Fig. 11-4c Superimposed tracings of the pre-treatment DJ. l -2. 20
'"· 12' o. ol '!l g. 34 a.8' ? O.'' o.g1
'" -2. 3• O. lS >< '". n •• 0 1.3 " ""
Fig. 11-5 The mandibular condyle during the mouth
opening and closing movement (axiograph)
120 11. Treatment of Crowding
w i re (fig 1 1 -6, l 1 -7). Two mon th s l ater, the curren t wi re was repl aced with
a 0.0 1 6 a ustrnlian wire to con ti n ue the align men t of the 2 d mola rs. Th ree
months later,
ban ds were a ttached to the lower 1 molars and the coi l spri ngs were removed .
Leveli ng wa done. Th i s process conseq uen tl y l ed to an an teri or open bi te.
Fig. 11-7 Force system of leveling. Alignment of 2nd molar through the use of coil spring.
Step 2: 4 month s l ater, MEAW was applied to both the u pper and lower
dentitions to align the premo lar and molar teeth (fig 11-8a-c). The MEAW in
the rnaxilla was especially modified for t h e distal movement of the molars (fig
l l -9a,b). On the right premolar area a com b i nation loop wa · i ncorpora ted. A
vertical loop i n the distal area of the 2 d premo lar was placed to allow i ts distal
movement. Vertical elastics were used in the upper and lower MEAW . 9 month s
later, the palatoversion of the upper right premolar has been corrected, the space
for the left can ine as well as the closure of the open bi te condi tion i n the anterior
area has been attained (fig 11-lOa-k, I 1-1 I)-
I[ n
Is I
Fig. 11-9 The use of combination loop to create space
Fig. 11- 10j 1 year and 11 months following the start of treatment
Step 3: I year and Imonth l ater, the upper left cani nes were wel l wit hi n
the dental arch. However, the space needed for the righ t 2 1 d premolar was qu ite
insufficien t so a 0.0 1 6-inch Au tra l ia n wi re was replaced i nto the max i l l a ry
dentition and wi th the use of a coi l spri ng, a space was obtained . At 1 yea r and
8 months since the start treatmen t, the entire denti tion was aligned (fig 1 1. - 1 Oi ,
fig I1- 1 I).
126 11. Treatment of Crowding
Fig. 11-13a Occlusal condition post orthodontic treatment (2 years and 4 months since the start of treatment)
Step 4: [n the last stage of the orthodontic occl usal treatment, a 0.016
i nch round austral ian wire was used to create the idea l arch for both the upper
and l ower den ti tion. At th is poin t, spl i cing was done in the adjacent surfa ce
of each tooth from t he I st mola r to the lst premolar teeth of the upper and l
ower dentition. A J-book type headgear and a short class III elastic were used
on ly i n the even ing to improve the l ab i al t ippi ng o:fthe an teri or teeth (fig l
l - l 2a, b). The said force was appl i ed for 4 mon ths. Two yea rs and four mo
n ths after, a ll the appl ia nce was removed and the treatmen t was com pl eted
. (fig 1 1 -13, 1 1-14). Retention with the use of a H awley type l asted for 6
months (fig
1 1 -1 3).
11. Treatment of Crowding 127
Fig. 11- 14 Facial profile post treatment (10 months post orthodontic treatment)
Fig. 11-15 Intra-oral pictures post treatment (1 year and 1 month post orthodontic treatment)
4. Treatment Results
Though the crowding was severe, the molar area was al igned through the
extraction of the 3rd mola rs. The space needed for the alignmen t of teeth and
d istal movement was acquired. Duri ng the final stage of the treatment , the use
of J-hook headgear and splicing on the adjacent surface was done. The l abial
tipping in the anterior teeth was improved and a fine occlusion was attained (fig
1 ] -13, 11-15). In the superi m posed t raci ngs of the pre and post treat ment
cephalometric radiogram, the improvement of tbe anterior teeth overlap due to
the labial tipping of the upper an terior teeth was evident. There was an apparent
d i stal movement of the molars and no remarkable skeletal changes were
observed (fig l l -4c).
128 11. Treatment of Crowding