PA12 (Polyamide 12) : Moisture Determination
PA12 (Polyamide 12) : Moisture Determination
PA12 (Polyamide 12) : Moisture Determination
Moisture Determination
PA12 (Polyamide 12)
Sample Description
Analysis Moisture Content
Sample PA12 (Polyamide 12)
Sample Characterization Pellets
Method Parameters
Halogen Moisture Analyzer Karl Fischer Titration
Instrument model HX204 C30 (coulometric Karl Fischer titrator)
Sample weight 30 g 6g
Temperature 135 °C 150 °C
Drying program Standard N2-gas flow: 20 ml/min
Switch-off criterion (SOC) 5 (1 mg/140 s) 30 min
SOC delay 5 min Not applicable
Resolution High (0.1 mg) Not applicable
Preheating Standby, 100°C Not applicable
Preheat aluminium sample
Put the samples automatically into a
pan for 1 min at standby
temperature controlled oven from where
Sample preparation and temperature, then tare it.
the evolved water is transferred to the
procedure Stir sample, use spatula to
titration cell via an applied nitrogen flow.
distribute evenly on the
Literature: ASTM D 6869-03
sample pan.
Determination of two different
Determination of two different moisture
Comments moisture contents (dry,
contents (dry, humid).
Drying Curve
Method Datasheet
0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320
Time [s]
Condition 1 (humid)
Result (mean) 0.206 %MC 0.212 %MC
Standard deviation (SD) 0.001 0.003
Measurement duration (mean) 22 min 30 min
Condition 2 (dry)
Result (mean) 0.034 %MC 0.022 %MC
Standard deviation (SD) 0.001 0.002
Measurement duration (mean) 7 min 30 min
This method was developed using the instrument model mentioned above and is in principle applicable to
other METTLER TOLEDO Halogen Moisture Analyzers. The intended use of this method datasheet is to serve
as an optimal basis for your moisture determinations. METTLER TOLEDO recommends confirming this
method with the specific sample.
As the use and transfer of a method is beyond the control of METTLER TOLEDO, no responsibility of any kind can be
taken. The general safety rules and precautions of the manufacturer (e.g. for chemicals or solvents) must be observed.