The document summarizes key aspects of higher education in Romania. It outlines the structure of degrees, including bachelor's, master's and PhD programs. It also discusses admission requirements, quality assurance, fields of study and enrollment statistics. Universities apply the European Credit Transfer System to facilitate student mobility. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies in particular sees international student exchange in its tourism degree programs.
The document summarizes key aspects of higher education in Romania. It outlines the structure of degrees, including bachelor's, master's and PhD programs. It also discusses admission requirements, quality assurance, fields of study and enrollment statistics. Universities apply the European Credit Transfer System to facilitate student mobility. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies in particular sees international student exchange in its tourism degree programs.
The document summarizes key aspects of higher education in Romania. It outlines the structure of degrees, including bachelor's, master's and PhD programs. It also discusses admission requirements, quality assurance, fields of study and enrollment statistics. Universities apply the European Credit Transfer System to facilitate student mobility. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies in particular sees international student exchange in its tourism degree programs.
The document summarizes key aspects of higher education in Romania. It outlines the structure of degrees, including bachelor's, master's and PhD programs. It also discusses admission requirements, quality assurance, fields of study and enrollment statistics. Universities apply the European Credit Transfer System to facilitate student mobility. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies in particular sees international student exchange in its tourism degree programs.
Indonesia, Bali, 27-28 May 2016
The admission to higher education is based on the diploma de bacalaureat(12 years of study).
In all accredited Romanian universities it is
used the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). • 1st cycle, BA (bachelor’s degree) – 3 years (or 4 years for some programs, such as engineering) • EU regulated professions can include BA of 5 or 6 years such as: Medical, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Veterinary or Architectural studies
• 2nd cycle, M.A.(master’s degree) – 2 years
• 3rd cycle, PhD studies – 3 years.
After graduating the short term higher education (180 ECTS) and having passed the final exams, diploma de absolvire is obtained.
After graduating the long term higher
education and having passed final exams one can obtain: diploma de inginer (300 ECTS), diploma de architect (360 ECTS) or diploma de licenţă in all other fields (240-360 ECTS). For the authorized and accredited specializations, university programs for distance learning can be organized.
In Romania, the higher education system is
organized in an open way; the graduates of the short term higher education can continue there studies at the long term higher education. Master studies last for 2 to 4 semesters (60- 120 ECTS) and they are done either in the field of the diploma de licenţă or in other fields of studies. Master studies are finalized by a dissertation and the graduates receive diploma de master.
The doctoral studies are finalized by a
research thesis, graduates obtain the diploma de doctor. The academic postuniversity studies are organized as independent institutions in our country and offer training programs, which last for 2 or 4 semesters, in order to perfect the studies obtained by the long term higher education diploma. The studies are finalized by a dissertation. The graduates are receiving diploma de studii academice postuniversitare. Postuniversity specialization studies can be followed by the graduates who obtained the diploma after long term higher education. The duration, curriculum and the finalization method of these studies are approved by the university senates. The graduates are receiving the diploma de studii postuniversitare de specializare. The universities are also offering life long training programs according to the market demand and the needs of the professional reconversion.
In the health field, for doctors, specific
programs are provided in order to obtain the specialist certificate which is issued by the Ministry of Health. UNIVERSITIES: 92 55 acreditated state universities 37 acreditated private universities BACHELOR FIELDS: 86 STUDY PROGRAMMES: 376 Over 250 study programs taught in foreign languages Guaranteed quality of higher education Main mission is the external evaluation of the Romanian higher education’s quality, at the level of study programs, as well as from the institutional point of view. full member of the European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education – ENQA.
registered in the European
Quality Assurance Register for Higher Education - EQAR. • establishing a permanent partnership with all institutions in the national higher education system as well as with the economic-social environment, in order to correlate higher education with the labour market. is carrying out its activity according to the best international practices, which are taken in its own Methodology and whose implementation is focused towards quality assurance and evaluation of the Romanian higher education, as part of the European Higher Education Area. In order for the citizens from non-EU countries to receive recognition and validation for their studies they have to send their dossier to the chosen university which will evaluate the folder and then inform the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research.
The Ministry of National Education and
Scientific Research will issue a Letter of acceptance. According to the number of students enrolled in a bachelor study program, ECONOMY OF COMMERCE, TOURISM AND SERVICES is at the 4th position among 376 bachelor study programs.
16 universities from 92 (17.4%) have bachelor
and master study programs in TOURISM. Romania is situated in the South-Eastern part of Central Europe and shares borders with Hungary to the North-West, Serbia to the South-West, Bulgaria to the South, the Black Sea to the South-East, Ukraine to the East and North and the Republic of Moldova to the East.
The capital of Romania is Bucharest, with a
population of more than 2 million ➢ Since 1913 ASE represents one of the most outstanding traditional institution applying special studies in the view of preparing future specialist in this domain.
Since 1977 the specialty of Tourism has been
taught within the Faculty of Business and Tourism – Tourism and Geography Department. The Romanian higher education system applies the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) designed to make it easier for students to move between different countries. As an example of applying the ECTS , the Bucharest University of Economic Studies annually receives 340 foreign students, of which 26 for Tourism (7.65%); in exchange, a number of 228 Romanian students, of which 14 for Tourism (6.14%) travel abroad for the equivalent studies. Faculty of Business and Tourism: Master's programmes: Business Management and Marketing in Tourism Business Administration in Trade Business Administration in Tourism Quality Management, Expertise and Consumer Protection Geopolitics and Business Quality Management Thank you!