Leed Workshop For Leed Green Associate and Leed AP

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LEED Workshop for LEED Green Associate

and LEED AP.

GE3S Academy May 28, 2020

E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.ge3s.org
Mobile No.:+971554450167
About us

GE3S is a market leaders in providing sustainability solutions and aspire to create a

sustainable future for present and coming generations. One of the vital steps in this process
is to educate and train people and enhance their knowledge so that they can be masters in
this field and join hands in our vision.

Our head office is based in Masdar city Abu Dhabi with offices in Dubai and New Delhi India
as well. Our team has tackled the most complex projects and has transformed challenges into
opportunities. We specialize in delivering LEED workshop and also have years of experience
in LEED projects and other green building projects.

We have successfully completed several LEED workshop sessions in the UAE. We have
unique team of experts with immense workshop experience across the globe including Middle
East, South East Asia and Indian subcontinent. We welcome you to build sustainable future
with us and learn about LEED Green Associate/LEED AP complimented with a lot more.

GE3S provides following unique benefits:

Our training courses is delivered by USGBC Approved faculty.
GE3S Academy is a member of USGBC.
We have conducted 25+ LEED Green Associate and LEED AP workshop for last 5 years.
We provide soft copies of comprehensive course material.
We provide question bank of 1000+ sample question to our trainees.
We provide atleast 2 mock exams during the workshop.

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- GE3S 2020
LEED GA Exam Preparation Course Outline

Becoming a LEED Green Associate Water Efficiency

 Benefits of LEED Green Associate Credential  Baseline and Design Cases.
 LEED Applications  Increasing Water Efficiency
 Agriculture, Horticulture and Natural Resources  Reducing Indoor Water Use
 Construction  Reducing Outdoor Water Use
 Energy, Landscaping, Manufacturing
Energy and Atmosphere
 Real Estate, Transportation, Urban Planning
 Reducing Energy Demand

LEED V4 Core Concepts and Themes  Increasing Energy Efficiency

 Global Climate Change  Producing Renewable Water
 Impact Categories  Refrigerant Management
 Life-Cycle Costing
Materials and Resources
 Cost of Green Building
 Material Conservations
 Regenerative Building
 Environmentally Preferable Materials

Location and Transportation  Waste Management

 Health and Livability Intents and Strategies
Indoor Environmental Quality
 Location Intents
 The Indoor Environment
 Location Strategies
 Occupant Comfort
 Transportation Intents
 Lighting Intents
 Site Development Intents and Strategies
 Acoustic performance Strategies

Sustainable Sites Innovation and Regional Priority

 Sustainable Sites and Environmental Impacts  Innovation
 Site Design and Management  Innovation Intents and Strategies
 Rainwater Management Regional Priority
 Heat Island Effect  Regional Priority Intent and Strategies
 Light Pollution

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- GE3S 2020
LEED AP Exam Preparation Course Outline

1. LEED Process 6. Energy and Atmosphere

A. Different avenues to achieve LEED goals A. Building loads
B. LEED system synergies i. Design
C. Project boundary; LEED boundary; property ii.. Space usage
boundary iii. Opportunities for passive design
D. Prerequisites and/or minimum program B. Energy efficiency
requirements for LEED certification i. Assemblies/components
E. Knowing the evolutionary characteristics of ii. Operational energy efficiency
LEED iii. Commissioning
C. Demand response
2. Integrative Strategies D. Alternative and renewable energy
A. Integrative process E. Energy performance management
B. Integrative project team, as applicable per i. Advanced energy metering
project type and phase ii. Operations and management iii.
C. Value of collaboration Benchmarking
F. Environmental concerns: resource and
3. Location and Transportation ozone depletion
A. Site selection G. Energy model as a tool
i. Development constraints and opportunities H. Process loads
ii. Community connectivity terms/definitions I.Iterative optimization
B. Access to quality transit: knowledge of access
and quality concepts/calculations 7. Materials and Resources
C. Alternative transportation: infrastructure and A. Reuse
design B. Life cycle impacts
D. Green vehicles C. Waste
D. Environmental concerns of materials
4. SustainableSites 8. Indoor Environmental Quality
A. Site assessment A. Indoor environmental quality:
B. Site assessment: site as a resource B. Lighting: electric lighting quality
C. Construction activity pollution prevention C. Daylight
D. Site design and development D. Acoustic performance
i. Habitat conservation and restoration E. Occupant comfort, health and
ii. Exterior open space satisfaction: controllability of
iii. Exterior lighting F. Thermal comfort design
iv. Rainwater management G. Quality of views
v. Heat island reduction
vi. Joint use

5. Water Efficiency
A.Outdoor water use reduction: irrigation demand
B.Indoor water use reductioni. Fixture and fittings
ii. Appliance and process water
C. Water performance management
i. Water use measurement
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ii. Types
2020 and quality of water LEED Workshop Services
Other details

GE3S Deliverables

Other details:

A) Workshop is provided by USGBC approved Faculty and LEED APs

b) All trainees will be provided soft copy of all the study material
c) 2 Mock exams area available for our trainees
d) More than 1,000 sample questions are made available.
e) Students who miss any of the workshops can attend these classes during our next
workshop for free

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- GE3S 2020

GE3S Academy
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: www.ge3s.org
Mobile No.:+ 971554450167
Tel: +919955647794 (India)

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