A Solar Observation Was Made in The Afternoon and The Following Quantities Have Been Determined
A Solar Observation Was Made in The Afternoon and The Following Quantities Have Been Determined
A Solar Observation Was Made in The Afternoon and The Following Quantities Have Been Determined
sun's apparent declination, S5deg45.8'; latitude of the place, 43deg11.3'. The instrument is set up at a
station A and a mark is sighted at station B, and the measured horizontal clockwise angle from the
reference line AB to the sun were recorded as 315deg31.4'. The true bearing of the sun . *
A solar observation was made in the afternoon and the following quantities have been
determined: sun's apparent declination, S5deg45.8'; latitude of the place, 43deg11.3'. The
instrument is set up at a station A and a mark is sighted at station B, and the measured horizontal
clockwise angle from the reference line AB to the sun were recorded as 315deg31.4'. The
computed value of angle Z .
1 point
Solve the remaining side of the spherical triangle whose given parts are A = B = 80° and a = b = 89°.
A solar observation was made in the afternoon and the following quantities have been
determined: sun's apparent declination, S5deg45.8'; latitude of the place, 43deg11.3'. The
instrument is set up at a station A and a mark is sighted at station B, and the measured horizontal
clockwise angle from the reference line AB to the sun were recorded as 315deg31.4'. The true
bearing of line AB . *
1 point
A spherical triangle ABC as an angle C = 90° and sides a = 50º and c = 80°. Find the value of
“b” in degrees. *74deg19'36.8"
Calculate the polar distance of the star if its declination is S12deg07'12.03''. *
In preparation for an observation on the star, a true altitude is calculated for the star at the moment of
observation. The calculated true altitude of the star is 18deg20'10.52''. The calculated refraction
correction for the that altitude is 2'04''. What altitude will be measured when the star is observed if
these calculated values are correct?
An observed altitude of the sun is 35deg15'43'', the combined refraction and parallax correction is 1'10''.
What is the true altitude of the sun? *
In preparation for an observation on the star, a true altitude is calculated for the star at the moment of
observation. The calculated true altitude of the star is 19deg11'08.12''. The calculated refraction
correction for the that altitude is 1'05''. What altitude will be measured when the star is observed if
these calculated values are correct? *
An observed altitude of the sun is 36deg15'43'', the refraction correction is 1'20'', and the parallax
correction is 5''. What is the true altitude of the sun? *
A plane, moving with a speed of 500 knots, flies the great circle route from Prestwick(4◦ 36' W,
55◦ 30' N) to Gander (54◦ 24' W, 48◦ 34' N). How long does the flight take? *
Determine the latitude of place where a star was observed at upper culmination. Direct vertical angle
observation was 48° 24’ and reversed vertical angle was 131° 30’. From the almanac, the correction for
refraction and the declination of star was found to be 01’ 36” and 62° 14’ 29”respectively.
The observed meridian altitude of a star on April 11, 1993 was 38° 22’ with the star bearing south of the
equator. Refraction correction is 01’ 10” and the declination of the star at that instant was S8° 28’ 20”.
Determine the latitude of place.
The observed meridian altitude of a star on April 11, 1993 was 38° 22’ with the star bearing south of the
equator. Refraction correction is 01’ 10” and the declination of the star at that instant was S8° 28’ 20”.
Determine the corrected altitude. *
An observer wanted to know the latitude of a station point. He then observed a star which crosses south
of its zenith and found the angle of elevation of the star to be 49° 58’. If the declination of the star at the
instant of meridian passage was S15° 32’ 14”, what is the latitude of the point? *
2.A solar observation is made in the morning and the following quantities have been determined:
latitude=N38deg10.1; true altitude=32deg58.1'; sun's apparent declination=S16deg37.2'. The
instrument is set up at point A and a mark is sighted at point B. The measured horizontal
clockwise angle from the line to the sun were recorded as: 325deg40.1', 325deg40.2',
325deg42.09', 326deg20', and 326deg25.2'. Determine the true bearing of the reference line AB.
3.Two sounding ships left port A to port B with the faster ship making a stop at another port C
and stayed there for 3 days to load sounding equipments before proceeding to port B. The
slower ship left port A two days after the first ship left. They arrived port B at the same time.
Port A is at longitude 121deg14’E and latitude 14deg25’ E, port B lies at the equator with
longitude 105deg24’E and port C is at longitude 108deg32’ latitude 11deg15’ N. Determine the
speed of the faster ship if the other is cruising at a speed of 12 knots. Assume one minute of arc
equals one nautical mile and one nautical mile per hour equals one knot. *