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General Education | English

1. What do we call a traditional Japanese poem with three lines (with 17 syllables)?
A. Haiku
B. Free Verse
C. Sonnet
D. Elegy
(Haiku). A 5t55 is composed of three lines(with 5 syllables,then 7 syllables,and finally 5 syllables),
and it usually discussed themes of nature and love.
2. The invited resource speaker has a lot on his mind. He is such a LOQUACIOUS speaker. The
capitalized word means.
A. Reserved
B. Lanky
C. Verbose
D. Limited
(Verbose). Loquacious means using a lot of words.
3. Jacee was confused when shensnthe printout of her speech because it had slashes after some
words. What she do when seeing a double slash?
A. Stop at the speech
B. Wait for the audience reaction
C. Continue the speech.
D. Pause for a full second.
D—Slashes signal juncture or pausing in a speech. A double slash is for a full-second pause.
4. "The prodigal son,the black sheep of the family, has returned home". What figured of speech was
used in a given statement?
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Irony
D. Oxymoron
(metaphor). The "prodigal son" was compared to the black sheep without the use of the word "like"
or "as",making it a direct comparison.
5. "Two heads are better than one" means that it's better for two people to think of a solution that just
one person. This is a classic example of this figure of speech.
A. Simile
B. Metaphor
C. Synecdoche
D. Metonymy
(synecdoche). It is when a part of the whole,( in the case, the head represents the whole person)
represents the entire thing.
6. The planets of the solar system have mythological references. They are based on what genre of
A. Greek Mythology
B. Roman Mythology
C. Norse Mythology
D. European Mythology
(Roman mythology). Jupiter, Venus and Mars are examples of Roman Gods and Goddesses.
7. Who among the Filipino writers below focuses on the beliefs and traditions during the Filipino-
Spaniard Period.
A. Nick Joaquin
B. Benvenido Santos
C. NVM Gonzales
D. F. Sionil Jose
A (nick Joaquin). He was the most famous for his Filipino Hispanic inspired writings.
8. Based on the text, who can be called pretty?
A. People with large bodies.
B. Aristotle
C. Small with thin individuals
D. Those who have splendor in their bodies.
* C (small and think individuals). Thier limbs are in proportion.
9. According to the quote, what do small and thin people lack to be called beautiful?
A. Muscles
B. Magnanimity
C. Limbs
D. Magnitude
*D (magnitude). This according to Saint Thomas Aquinas,is necessary.
10. A new show____ on ABS-CBN two days ago.
A. Launched
B. As launched
C. Will be launched
D. Is launching
*B (was launched). The action took place in the past
11. In the courtroom,the judge said that the findings have no bearing because there are_____.
A. Inaccurate
B. Inadmissible
C. Confusing
D. Inedible
*B (inadmissible). Inadmissible evidence means it cannot be used in court.
12. The newly elected president demonstrated great APLOMB in dealing with the nasty and foul
questions thrown by reporters. The capitalized word means:
A. Nervousness
B. Hesitation
C. Composure
D. Anger
* C (composure). Aplomb in the face of nasty reporters is a sign that you can control yourself.
Hence,the answer is composure.
13. In the Philippine literature,who is the writer known as ''Huseng sisiw''?
A. Jose Rizal
B. Francisco Baltazar
C. Jose Dela Cruz
D. Andres Bonifacio
*C (jose dela Cruz) the nickname given to him.
14. "The goddess Aphrodite is the phantom of delight''. The sentence is an example of
A. Metaphor
B. Simile
C. Irony
D. Hyperbole
*A (metaphor). Aphrodite was directly compared to a phantom,in this case,the phantom of delight.
15. In the poem invictus, the line "my head is bloody,but unbowed'' is an example of: A. Metaphor
B. Oxymoron
C. Irony
D. Hyperbole
* D (Hyperbole). Despite being bloody the head remains upright.
16. Based on the reports of the inspector, the edifice collapsed because of____ joints.
A. Loose
B. Losing
C. Lose
D. Lost
*A (loose). (Loose of opposite of tight) joints can cause a structure to collapse or fall.
17. Teacher always TRANSMUTE the grades of the students. The capitalized word means: A.
B. Degrade
C. Upgrade
D. Add
* A (change). Transmute is synonymous to change.
18. Who is the most famous proponent if the Arena Theatre in the Philippines?
A. Montano
B. Avellana
C. Tinio
D. Carpio
*A (montano). His name is Severino Montano,one of the titans of Philippine theater.
19. Behaviorism or cognitism ____ a philosophy of education that teachers can adopt.
A. Is
B. Are
C. Was
D. Were
* A (is). In the case the subjects are "behaviorism" and "cognitivism". However they are connected
by "or",which makes the sentence require a singular verb.
Nonstop LET Review October 2020 Recap:
1. Teacher Purang does not want Teacher Pazang to be promoted and so the former fabricates lies
against Teacher Pazang and writes them in an anonymous letter mailed to the Schools Division
Superintendent. What should Teacher Purang do if she has to act professionally?
A. Go to the Schools Division Superintendent and give criticism verbally.
B. Submit to the office concerned a signed justifiable criticism against Teacher Pazang.
Answer: B
2. Which is NOT a manifestation of a professional teacher’s pride in a teaching as a noble calling?
A. She is resigned to the idea that teaching is for those who cannot make it in the other profession.
B. She campaigns for the better students to take up teaching.
Answer: A
3. Which of the following opinions about books is about the sensible delight they give the reader?
A. A man without book is like a body without a soul
B. A book is a garden in pocket
Answer: B
4. Teacher An manages a Nursery class. What stage/period of reading should she observe in teaching
reading skills to her pupils?
A. Reading readiness
B. Beginning reading
Answer: A
Preschool children's knowledge of printed words and letters was studied longitudinally in order to
achieve a definition and ordering of reading readiness activities.
5. Magda is already in College. What reading activities should she be guided on the following
stages/period of continuity/progression in developmental reading?
A. Reading readiness
B. Refinement in the use of reading materials
Answer: B
6. One every important type of communication skill which is receptive in nature and requires one to
be very alert is:
A. Reading
B. Listening
Answer: B
7. Which of the following steps should be completed first in planning an achievement test?
A. Set up a table of specifications
B. Define the instructional objective
Answer: B
8. How is the moral character of a teacher most accurately summed up when he/she have reached a
level of development emotionally, socially, mentally, spiritually, appropriate to age and status?
A. Being loving person
B. Being fully human
Answer: B
9. Which is considered ethical when it comes to a teacher applying for a teaching position?
I. There is a vacant position
II. She/he is qualified for the position
III. She/he respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and competence
A. I, II, and III
B. II and II
Answer: A
10. Of the following, which demonstrates the principle that the good end does not justify the
illegal/immoral means?
A. Students form a peer group to pass the course
B. A principal collects money from students to set up a computer laboratory
Answer: B
11. Guided by Max Scheler’s hierarchy of values, what did student Ken prefer to practice when he
decided to go on an out-of-town picnic to enjoy the day with friends, rather than attend a required
Saturday class?
A. Vital values
B. Pleasure values
Answer: B
12. On managing the class as a group, what is the problem when a teacher gives work load to
students that are too light or too heavy?
A. dissatisfaction
B. disturbance in group climate
Answer: A
13. Teacher Francis organized a structured class discussion with two opposing sides and assigned
speakers on the issue of contraceptives. What was this kind of class?
A. panel discussion
B. Debate
Answer: B
14. Teachers evaluate student’s achievements because _______.
A. They want to know how their student perceived their method of teaching
B. They want to know if they are able to reach the goal of their teaching efforts
Answer: B
15. The teacher is obliged to ensure certain qualities in choice and use of assessment instruments.
What was not observed when teacher Em gave a test that included materials that were not covered by
class lessons?
A. Validity
B. Reliability
Answer: A
16. Teacher Aliya is observed to be a bit aloof from the children of the Aetas. She justifies her action
by saying: “We are but human; we cannot like every pupil.” Is she acting ethically?
A. Yes, persons have their own peculiarities and we expect that we cannot like everybody in the
same way that not everybody can like us.
B. No, under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced against any learner.
Answer: B
17. What makes assessment of learning peculiar is that it measures concepts, ideas and abstract
which can be characterized as ________________.
A. Physical
B. Intangibles
Answer: B
18. What kind of classroom may have harmful effects to preschoolers along academic orientation or
A. Adaption to age, maturity, cultural capabilities
B. Highly academic direct instruction
Answer: B
19. What is teacher Noni’s teaching style which asserts his authority, and provides rewards or
punishment for work done?
A. Apprenticeship
B. Boss Employee
Answer: B
20. Student Teacher Sophie has a very strong knowledge base in earth science. In effect, which will
she most likely be capable of doing?
A. Can make an experimental set up on the planets
B. Can answer all questions pertaining to earth science
Answer: B
21. Facilities such as classrooms, fixtures and equipment can often damage the morale of new
teachers and become an obstacle for adapting well to the school environment. What should be the
policy for assigning said physical facilities?
A. First come, first served basis
B. needs of student’s basis
Answer: B
22. Principal Ejay invited an expert to speak and answer questions on the issue of cybercrime among
faculty and senior students. What kind of discussion was held by the school?
A. panel discussion
B. Symposium discussion
Answer: B
23. There are values in the home environment that should form part of the school environment during
early childhood development. Which of the following has greatest significance for carrying over
form the home to the school?
A. Hygiene
B. Discipline
Answer: B
24. Learning is influenced by social interaction and interpersonal relations.
What must a teacher do?
A. Make students feel good about themselves
B. Make students work collaboratively
Answer: B
25. It is believed that the teacher has an invisible aura of light surrounding his/her person that
influences the class. To what learning principle does this influence best relate to?
A. Learning by trial and error
B. Learning by observation and imitation
Answer: B
26. During Hispanic days in the Philippines, friars taught the Caratilia and discipline by the use of the
rod, on erring young “Indio” students. What type of conditioning was applied for his practice?
A. Operant conditioning
B. Outright conditioning
Answer: A
27. Within the context of constructive learning, which of the following manifests the teacher as an
effective teacher?
A. Great impression that teacher is technology savvy
B. Discovery by students of learning opportunities
Answer: B
28. Which statement on true authority is correct?
A. It acts in the best interest of others
B. It seeks its own satisfaction and privilege
Answer: A
29. Teacher Jaglum teaches the idea that it is wrong to think that Filipino lifestyle, products and ideas
are inferior to those of other nationalities, he fights against:
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Xenocentrism
Answer: B
Xenocentrism - the desire to engage in the elements of another's culture rather than one's own.
Inferior – Lower
Teacher Jaglom – It is wrong to think Filipino lifestyle, etc. are inferior with other.
Therefore, he is AGAINST Xenocentrism
Answer: B
30. If you have a problem with another teacher, the first step towards resolution should be for you to:
A. Talk directly with the teacher involved
B. Ask your fellow teachers for their suggestions
Answer: A
31. For city-bred students to think that their culture is better than those from the province is a
concrete example of:
A. Ethnocentrism
B. Ethical relativism
Answer: A
Ethnocentrism is the act of judging another culture from the perspective of one's own.
32. Which teaching activity is founded on Bandura's social learning theory?
A. Modeling
B. Interactive teaching
Answer: A
33. Which program is DepEd’s vehicle in mobilizing support from the private and non-government
sectors to support programs based on DepEd’s menu of assistance packages?
A. Chili-Friendly-School System
B. Adopt-A-School-Program
Answer: B
34. Which learning principles is the essence of Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences?
A. Almost all learners are linguistically intelligent
B. Intelligence is not measured on one form
Answer: B
35. Which objective in the affective domain is the lowest level?
A. To accumulate examples of authenticity
B. To respond positively to a comment
Answer: A
Accumulate – Receive - lowest level of the affective domain
36. Which may help an adolescent discover his identity?
A. Parents pushing in to follow a specific path
B. Exploring many different roles in a healthy manner
Answer: B
37. Which types of play is most characteristic of a four to six year old child?
A. Solitary and onlooker play
B. Associative and cooperative play
Answer: B
38. To ensure that all Filipino children are functionally literate, which mechanism is meant to reach
out to children who are far from a school?
A. A school in every barangay
B. Multi-grade classroom
Answer: A
39. A burglary occurred in Jason's neighborhood. Since then, Jason is very careful of locking their
doors and closing windows. What theory best explains Jason's behavior?
A. Observational learning
B. Vicarious learning
Answer: B
Vicarious – indirect – from neighborhood/another person
40. This is the highest level of cognitive process according to Gagne.
A. Rule learning
B. Problem solving
Answer: B
Gagne's hierarchy of learning
1. Signal Learning - simplest form of learning
- consists essentially of the classical conditioning
- 'conditioned' to emit a desired response as a result of a stimulus
2. Stimulus-response learning - more sophisticated form of learning,
-also known as operant conditioning
-developing desired stimulus-response bonds in the subject through a carefully-planned
-based on the use of 'rewards' and 'punishments'
3. Chaining - develops the ability to connect two or more previously-learned stimulus-response
bonds into a linked sequence
- most complex psychomotor skills (eg riding a bicycle or playing the piano) are learned.
4. Verbal association - form of chaining in which the links between the items being connected are
verbal in nature
- one of the key processes in the development of language skills
5. Discrimination learning - developing the ability to make appropriate (different) responses to a
series of similar stimuli that differ in a systematic way
- more complex (and hence more difficult) by the phenomenon of interference, whereby one piece of
learning inhibits another
6. Concept learning - developing the ability to make a consistent response to different stimuli that
form a common class or category of some sort.
- basis of the ability to generalize, classify, etc.
7. Rule learning - very-high-level cognitive process
- being able to learn relationships between concepts and apply these relationships in different
situations, including situations not previously encountered.
- basis of the learning of general rules, procedures, etc.
8. Problem solving - the highest level of cognitive process according to Gagne
- developing the ability to invent a complex rule, algorithm or procedure for the purpose of solving
one particular problem, and then using the method to solve other problems of a similar nature
41. Which is essential in meaningful reception learning?
A. Concepts are discovered by the learner
B. Concepts are related to one another
Answer: B
Meaningful Reception Learning - proposed by Ausubel who believed that learners can learn best
when the new material being taught can be anchored into existing cognitive information in the
42. Kara is almost asleep when she felt the need to go to the bathroom. She tried to sleep it off but
after a while, she was forced to stand up and go to the bathroom. What theory of motivation explains
Kara's behavior?
A. Expectancy-value theory
B. Drive Theory
Answer: B
Drive Theory - people are motivated to take certain actions in order to reduce the internal tension that
is caused by unmet needs.
Kara was forced to use the bathroom to reduce the internal tension
43. Marco excels in adding numbers. He learned this skill in his Math class. He is now able to apply
this skill in his Music class. What type of transfer was used?
A. Specific transfer
B. General transfer
Answer: B
General transfer - the transfer of general skills or principles acquired in one task or situation to
problems in a totally different field
44. Mr. Lorenzo would always give the chapter test on a Friday. What schedule of reinforcement is
used by Mr. Lorenzo?
A. Fixed interval
B. Fixed ratio
Answer: A
Fixed interval: A schedule - rate at which the reinforcement is delivered or how frequently a response
is reinforced
Interval - period of time, which suggests that the rate of delivery is dependent upon how much time
has elapsed.
45. Prof. Chrisanto would like to provide hands-on experience on the expansion and contraction of
matter. Which of the following materials would be the best to use?
A. Models
B. Realias
Answer: B
Realias - authentic objects from real life that one uses in the classroom to teach a specific concept.
- make it easier to recall information
- it adds a kinesthetic element to better with hands-on activities
46. To remember the six digits, 8, 4, 3, 9, 4, 5, the Math teacher grouped the numbers in two's 84, 39,
45 or in threes 843, 945. What control process of retaining information is referred to?
A. Chunking
B. Inferring
Answer: A
Chunking - process of taking individual pieces of information and grouping them into larger units.
- improve the amount of information you can remember.
47. Rob regularly practice playing the guitar so he can finish Book I. His mother promised to buy
him a Nintendo when he finishes Book I. How is Rob motivated?
A. Extrinsically
B. Intrinsically
Answer: A
Extrinsic motivation refers to behavior that is driven by external rewards - mother promised to buy
him a Nintendo
48. According to Bronfenbrenner, what system contains structures that has direct contact with the
A. Microsystem
B. Mesosystem
Bronfenbrenner's theory: Microsystem - closest to the person and the one in which they have direct
Answer: A
49. Some learners like to find specific and concrete answers. What kind of learners are they?
A. Convergers
B. Assimilators
Answer: A
Convergers - like to know how things work
-like to come up with an idea and test it to see if it is plausible
-like to work with concrete facts
-very precise in their work
-tweak small ideas to make changes to seek accuracy
-rely on practicality
-very good at taking multiple choice tests which have concrete answers
-operate through deductive reasoning to solve problem
-very independent and often prefer to work alone
50. Ms. Allen, the Home Economics teacher, constantly gives verbal guidance to her pupils while
practicing a sewing skill. What is the value of giving verbal guidance in improving pupils learning
A. It serves as informational feedback
B. It facilitates perfection of skills
Answer: A
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