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(Per System Preferably) : Antihypertensive

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Drug Information Classification Mechanism of Action Indication Contraindications Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

Generic Name: Pharmacologic Pharmacodynamics General Indication/s: Contraindicated in: (per system preferably) Before Drug
Clonidine Classification: or Mechanism of  To manage Hypersensitivity to Administration:
Adrenergic Action: hypertension clonidine; first line CNS: Agitation, Check the doctor’s order
Trade Name: (centrally Centrally acting  To treat severe treatment of hypertension; delusional perception, Assess allergy to the drug
Catapres, Kapvay acting) receptor agonist that hypertension coagulopathy depression, dizziness, Obtain and monitor
stimulates alpha2-  To treat attention drowsiness, fatigue, baseline vital signs.
Minimum Dose: Therapeutic adrenergic receptors in deficit CAUTIOUS USE hallucinations, Monitor BP immediately
0.1 mg BID, may Classification: CNS to inhibit hyperactivity Severe coronary headache, malaise, before each dose is
increase by 0.1– Antihypertensive, sympathetic cardio disorder (ADHD) insufficiency, recent MI, nervousness, administered; in addition to
0.2 mg/day until analgesic accelerator and alone or as an sinus node paresthesia, sedation, regular monitoring (be alert
desired response vasomotor centers. adjunct therapy dysfunction, syncope, to BP fluctuations).
is achieved Pregnancy Central actions reduce with stimulant cerebrovascular disease; weakness, tremor Determine positional
Category plasma concentrations drugs diabetes mellitus; renal changes (supine, sitting,
Maximum Dose: C of norepinephrine. It  As adjunct to impairment; CV: Arrhythmias, AV standing).
2.4 mg/day decreases systolic and relieve severe chronic renal failure; block, bradycardia Monitor I&O during period
diastolic BP and heart pain that isn’t Raynaud’s disease, (severe), chest pain, of dosage adjustment.
Patient’s Dose: rate. Decreases adequately thromboangiitis obliterans; congestive heart Report change in I&O ratio
75 mg/tab 1 tab systolic and diastolic relieved by opioid history of hypotension, failure, or change in voiding
SL for BP BP and heart rate. analgesics alone heart block, bradycardia, orthostatic hypotension, pattern.
160/100mmHg or CVD; history of Raynaud’s Supervise closely patients
Therapeutic Effects: syncope; phenomenon with history of mental
Route: Decreased BP. history of depression; depression, as they may be
Sublingual Decreased pain. addictive disorders EENT: Accommodation subject to further
disorder, blurred depressive episodes.
Frequency: Pharmacokinetics: vision, burning eyes,
Caution patient of the
PRN if BP reaches Absorption: Well- decreased
different side effects.
160/100 mmHg absorbed from the GI lacrimation, dry eyes
Caution that drug may
tract and skin. Enters and mouth, salivary
cause drowsiness but this
Availability/Form: systemic circulation gland pain adverse effect usually
Tablet; following epidural use. diminishes over 4-6 weeks.
transdermal Some absorption GI: Constipation, Inspect the patient’s oral
patch; solution for follows sublingual hepatitis, mildly mucosa before each dose
injection; extended administration. elevated liver function of medication for irritation
release tablet test results, nausea, which may be caused by
Distribution: vomiting repeated sublingual
Content: Widely distributed; administration.
The inactive enters CNS. Crosses GU: Decreased libido,
ingredients are the placenta readily; erectile dysfunction, During Drug
colloidal silicon enters breast milk in nocturia Administration:
dioxide, corn high concentrations. Verify patient’s identity
starch, dibasic HEME: Explain to patient the
calcium Metabolism: Mostly Thrombocytopenia purpose of medication
phosphate, FD&C metabolized by the liver Monitor BP and pulse
Yellow No. 6, SKIN: Angioneurotic frequently. Dosage is
gelatin, glycerin, Excretion: 40-60% edema, pruritus, rash, usually adjusted to patient’s
lactose, and eliminated unchanged urticaria BP and tolerance.
magnesium in urine Place the medication under
stearate. The Other: Weight gain, the patient’s tongue and ask
Catapres 0.1 mg Onset: 30-60 min withdrawal her to leave it there until it is
tablet also symptoms dissolved.
contains FD&C Peak: 1-3 hr Make sure the patient
Blue No.1 and doesn’t mistakenly swallow
FD&C Red No.3. Duration: 8-12 hr a tablet intended for delivery
by the sublingual route.
Drug half-life: After Drug Administration:
Adults: Plasma- 12-16
Although postural
hr ( in renal
hypotension occurs
impairment); CNS- 1.3
infrequently, make position
hr changes slowly, and in
stages, particularly from
recumbent to upright
position, and dangle and
move legs a few minutes
before standing. Lie down
immediately if faintness or
dizziness occurs. Monitor
vital signs, BP, mental
status, daily pattern of
bowel activity, and stool
Instruct pt. to avoid tasks
that require alertness, motor
skills until response to drug
is established.
Teach pt. that skipping
doses or voluntarily
discontinuing drug may
produce severe, rebound
Expect hypertension to
return within 48 hours after
drug is discontinued.
 If dry mouth occurs,
frequent mouth rinses, good
oral hygiene, and sugarless
gum or candy may decrease
Be aware that stopping drug
abruptly can elevate serum
catecholamine levels and
cause such withdrawal
symptoms as nervousness,
agitation, headache,
confusion, tremor, and
rebound hypertension.
Do not abruptly discontinue
drug. It should be withdrawn
over a period of 2–4 days.
Abrupt withdrawal may
result in a hypertensive
crisis within 8–18 h.
Advise patient to take drug
exactly as prescribed and
not to stop abruptly because
withdrawal symptoms and
severe hypertension may

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