Amplitude Curves in ABAQUS CAE
Amplitude Curves in ABAQUS CAE
Amplitude Curves in ABAQUS CAE
Amplitude Curves
An amplitude curve: Related Topics
allows arbitrary time (or frequency) variations of load, displacement, and About Prescribed C onditions
other prescribed variables to be given throughout a step (using step time) or
throughout the analysis (using total time);
In Other Guides
can be defined as a mathematical function (such as a sinusoidal variation), as
a series of values at points in time (such as a digitized acceleration-time *AMPLITUDE
record from an earthquake), as a user-customized definition via user The Amplitude toolset
subroutines, or, in Abaqus/Standard, as values calculated based on a
solution-dependent variable (such as the maximum creep strain rate in a
superplastic forming problem); and
can be referred to by name by any number of boundary conditions, loads,
and predefined fields.
Amplitude curves
By default, the values of loads, boundary conditions, and predefined fields either change linearly with time throughout
the step (ramp function) or they are applied immediately and remain constant throughout the step (step function)—see
Defining an analysis. Many problems require a more elaborate definition, however. For example, different amplitude
curves can be used to specify time variations for different loadings. One common example is the combination of thermal
and mechanical load transients: usually the temperatures and mechanical loads have different time variations during the
step. Different amplitude curves can be used to specify each of these time variations.
Other examples include dynamic analysis under earthquake loading, where an amplitude curve can be used to specify
the variation of acceleration with time, and underwater shock analysis, where an amplitude curve is used to specify the
incident pressure profile.
Amplitudes are defined as model data (i.e., they are not step dependent). Each amplitude curve must be named; this
name is then referred to from the load, boundary condition, or predefined field definition (see About Prescribed
C onditions).
Input F ile Usage:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Name: name
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: any type: Time span: Step time or Total time
Relative data
By default, you give the amplitude magnitude as a multiple (fraction) of the reference magnitude given in the prescribed
condition definition. This method is especially useful when the same variation applies to different load types.
Input F ile Usage:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Amplitude magnitudes are always relative in Abaqus/C AE.
Absolute data
Alternatively, you can give absolute magnitudes directly. When this method is used, the values given in the prescribed
condition definitions will be ignored.
Absolute amplitude values should generally not be used to define temperatures or predefined field variables for nodes
attached to beam or shell elements as values at the reference surface together with the gradient or gradients across the
section (default cross-section definition; see Using a beam section integrated during the analysis to define the section
behavior and Using a shell section integrated during the analysis to define the section behavior). Because the values
given in temperature fields and predefined fields are ignored, the absolute amplitude value will be used to define both
the temperature and the gradient and field and gradient, respectively.
Input F ile Usage:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Absolute amplitude magnitudes are not supported in Abaqus/C AE.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Tabular
If the analysis time in a step is less than the earliest time for which data exist in the table, Abaqus applies the earliest
value in the table for all step times less than the earliest tabulated time. Similarly, if the analysis continues for step
times past the last time for which data are defined in the table, the last value in the table is applied for all subsequent
Input F ile Usage:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Equally spaced: Fixed interval: Δt
The time (or lowest frequency) at which the first amplitude is given, t0 , is indicated in the first table cell.
a = A0 for t < t0 ,
where t0 , N, ω, A0 , An , and Bn , n = 1, 2…N , are user-defined constants. An example of this form of input is shown
in Figure 2.
Input F ile Usage:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Periodic
a = A0 for t ≤ t0 ,
where A0 , A, t0 , ω1 , and ω2 are user-defined constants. An example of this form of input is shown in Figure 3.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Modulated
a = A0 for t < t0 ,
where A0 , A, t0 , and td are user-defined constants. An example of this form of input is shown in Figure 4.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Decay
3 2
a = Ai + (Ai+1 − Ai ) ξ (10 − 15ξ + 6ξ ) for ti ≤ t ≤ ti+1 ,
where ξ = (t − ti ) / (ti+1 − ti ) . The above function is such that a = Ai at ti , a = Ai+1 at ti+1 , and the first and
second derivatives of a are zero at ti and ti+1 . This definition is intended to ramp up or down smoothly from one
amplitude value to another.
The amplitude, a, is defined such that
a = A0 for t ≤ t0 ,
a = Af for t ≥ tf ,
where (t0 , A0 ) and (tf , Af ) are the first and last data points, respectively.
Examples of this form of input are shown in Figure 5 and Figure 6. This definition cannot be used to interpolate smoothly
between a set of data points; i.e., this definition cannot be used to do curve fitting.
Input F ile Usage:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Smooth step
F igure 6. Smooth step amplitude definition example with multiple data points.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Solution dependent
T final = 0.555.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Bubble amplitudes are not supported in Abaqus/C AE. However, bubble loading for an underwater explosion is
supported in the Interaction module using the UNDEX charge property definition.
F igure 7. Bubble amplitude definition example: (a) radius of bubble and (b) depth of bubble center under
fluid surface.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: Actuator
When the velocity time history is defined by a piecewise linear amplitude variation, the corresponding acceleration is
piecewise constant. Smoothing can be used to modify the piecewise linear velocity variation into a combination of
piecewise linear and piecewise quadratic variations. Smoothing ensures that the acceleration varies continuously during
the time period of the amplitude definition.
You specify t, the fraction of the time interval before and after each time point during which the piecewise linear time
variation is to be replaced by a smooth quadratic time variation. The default in Abaqus/Standard is t=0.25; the default in
Abaqus/Explicit is t=0.0. The allowable range is 0.0 < t≤ 0.5. A value of 0.05 is suggested for amplitude definitions that
contain large time intervals to avoid severe deviation from the specified definition.
In Abaqus/Explicit if a displacement jump is specified using an amplitude curve (i.e., the beginning displacement defined
using the amplitude function does not correspond to the displacement at that time), this displacement jump will be
ignored. Displacement boundary conditions are enforced in Abaqus/Explicit in an incremental manner using the slope of
the amplitude curve. To avoid the “noisy” solution that may result in Abaqus/Explicit when smoothing is not used, it is
better to specify the velocity history of a node rather than the displacement history (see Boundary conditions in
Abaqus/Standard and Abaqus/Explicit).
When an amplitude definition is used with prescribed conditions that do not require the evaluation of time derivatives
(for example, concentrated loads, distributed loads, temperature fields, etc., or a static analysis), the use of smoothing
is ignored.
When the displacement time history is defined using a smooth-step amplitude curve, the velocity and acceleration will be
zero at every data point specified, although the average velocity and acceleration may well be nonzero. Hence, this
amplitude definition should be used only to define a (smooth) step function.
Input F ile Usage:
Use either of the following options:
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: choose Tabular or Equally spaced: Smoothing: Specify: t
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
The scaling and shifting of amplitude curves is not supported in Abaqus/CAE.
If the INPUT parameter is omitted, it is assumed that the data lines follow the keyword line.
Abaqus/CAE Usage:
Load or Interaction module: Create Amplitude: any type: click mouse button 3 while holding the cursor over the data
table, and select Read from File