TC Nist sp1800 19 Draft2
TC Nist sp1800 19 Draft2
TC Nist sp1800 19 Draft2
Trusted Cloud:
Security Practice Guide for VMware
Hybrid Cloud Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS) Environments
Includes Executive Summary (A); Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics (B);
and How-To Guides (C)
*Former employee; all work for this publication done while at employer.
October 2021
Trusted Cloud:
Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Environments
Volume A:
Executive Summary
*Former employee; all work for this publication done while at employer.
October 2021
Executive Summary
1 Organizations can take advantage of cloud services to increase their security, privacy, efficiency,
2 responsiveness, innovation, and competitiveness. The core concerns about cloud technology adoption
3 are protecting information and virtual assets in the cloud, and having sufficient visibility to conduct
4 oversight and ensure compliance with applicable laws and business practices. This National Institute of
5 Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Practice Guide demonstrates how organizations can
6 address these concerns by implementing what are known as trusted compute pools. Through these
7 pools, organizations can safeguard the security and privacy of their applications and data being run
8 within a cloud or transferred between a private cloud and a hybrid or public cloud.
10 In cloud environments, workloads are constantly being spun up, scaled out, moved around, and shut
11 down. Organizations often find adopting cloud technologies is not a good business proposition because
12 they encounter one or more of the following issues:
13 1. Cannot maintain consistent security and privacy protections for information—applications, data,
14 and related metadata—across platforms, even for a single class of information.
15 2. Do not have the flexibility to be able to dictate how different information is protected, such as
16 providing stronger protection for more sensitive information in a multi-tenancy environment.
17 3. Cannot retain visibility into how their information is protected to ensure consistent compliance
18 with legal and business requirements.
19 Many organizations, especially those in regulated sectors like finance and healthcare, face additional
20 challenges because security and privacy laws vary around the world. Laws for protecting information the
21 organization collects, processes, transmits, or stores may vary depending on whose information it is,
22 what kind of information it is, and where it is located. Cloud technologies may silently move an
23 organization’s data from one jurisdiction to another. Because laws in some jurisdictions may conflict
24 with an organization’s own policies or local laws and regulations, an organization may decide it needs to
25 restrict which on-premises private or hybrid/public cloud servers it uses based on their geolocations to
26 avoid compliance issues.
NIST SP 1800-19A: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 1
28 Organizations need to be able to monitor, track, apply, and enforce their security and privacy policies on
29 their cloud workloads based on business requirements in a consistent, repeatable, and automated way.
30 Building on previous NIST work documented in NIST Interagency Report (IR) 7904, Trusted Geolocation
31 in the Cloud: Proof of Concept Implementation, the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE)
32 has developed a trusted cloud solution that demonstrates how trusted compute pools leveraging
33 hardware roots of trust can provide the necessary security capabilities. These capabilities not only
34 provide assurance that cloud workloads are running on trusted hardware and in a trusted geolocation or
35 logical boundary, but also improve the protections for the data in the workloads and data flows
36 between workloads.
37 The example solution uses technologies and security capabilities (shown below) from our project
38 collaborators. The technologies used in the solution support security and privacy standards and
39 guidelines including the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, among others.
40 While the NCCoE used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does not
41 endorse these particular products, nor does it guarantee compliance with any regulatory initiatives. Your
42 organization's information security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with
43 your existing tools and IT system infrastructure. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that
44 adheres to these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and
45 implementing parts of a solution.
NIST SP 1800-19A: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 2
52 Technology, security, and privacy program managers who are concerned with how to identify,
53 understand, assess, and mitigate risk can use NIST SP 1800-19B: Approach, Architecture, and Security
54 Characteristics, which describes what we built and why, including the risk analysis performed and the
55 security/privacy control mappings.
56 IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this can make use of NIST SP 1800-19C: How-
57 To Guides, which provide specific product installation, configuration, and integration instructions for
58 building the example implementation, allowing you to replicate all or parts of this project.
69 Collaborators participating in this project submitted their capabilities in response to an open call in the
70 Federal Register for all sources of relevant security capabilities from academia and industry (vendors
71 and integrators). Those respondents with relevant capabilities or product components signed a
72 Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) to collaborate with NIST in a consortium to
73 build this example solution.
74 Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials may be identified by name or company
75 logo or other insignia in order to acknowledge their participation in this collaboration or to describe an
76 experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply special
77 status or relationship with NIST or recommendation or endorsement by NIST or NCCoE; neither is it
78 intended to imply that the entities, equipment, products, or materials are necessarily the best available
79 for the purpose.
NIST SP 1800-19A: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 3
Trusted Cloud:
Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Environments
Volume B:
Approach, Architecture, and Security Characteristics
October 2021
2 Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials may be identified by name or company
3 logo or other insignia in order to acknowledge their participation in this collaboration or to describe an
4 experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply special sta-
5 tus or relationship with NIST or recommendation or endorsement by NIST or NCCoE; neither is it in-
6 tended to imply that the entities, equipment, products, or materials are necessarily the best available
7 for the purpose.
8 While NIST and the NCCoE address goals of improving management of cybersecurity and privacy risk
9 through outreach and application of standards and best practices, it is the stakeholder’s responsibility to
10 fully perform a risk assessment to include the current threat, vulnerabilities, likelihood of a compromise,
11 and the impact should the threat be realized before adopting cybersecurity measures such as this
12 recommendation.
13 National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1800-19B, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.
14 Spec. Publ. 1800-19B, 55 pages, (October 2021), CODEN: NSPUE2
16 You can improve this document by contributing feedback.
19 All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments i
40 To learn more about the NCCoE, visit To learn more about NIST, visit
49 The documents in this series describe example implementations of cybersecurity practices that
50 businesses and other organizations may voluntarily adopt. These documents do not describe regulations
51 or mandatory practices, nor do they carry statutory authority.
53 A cloud workload is an abstraction of the actual instance of a functional application that is virtualized or
54 containerized to include compute, storage, and network resources. Organizations need to be able to
55 monitor, track, apply, and enforce their security and privacy policies on their cloud workloads, based on
56 business requirements, in a consistent, repeatable, and automated way. The goal of this project is to
57 develop a trusted cloud solution that will demonstrate how trusted compute pools leveraging hardware
58 roots of trust can provide the necessary security capabilities. These capabilities not only provide
59 assurance that cloud workloads are running on trusted hardware and in a trusted geolocation or logical
60 boundary, but also improve the protections for the data in the workloads and in the data flows between
61 workloads. The example solution leverages modern commercial off-the-shelf technology and cloud
62 services to address lifting and shifting a typical multi-tier application between an organization-controlled
63 private cloud and a hybrid/public cloud over the internet.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments ii
65 cloud technology; compliance; cybersecurity; privacy; trusted compute pools
67 The Technology Partners/Collaborators who participated in this build submitted their capabilities in
68 response to a notice in the Federal Register. Respondents with relevant capabilities or product
69 components were invited to sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with
70 NIST, allowing them to participate in a consortium to build this example solution. We worked with:
Gemalto (A Thales Company) Hardware security module (HSM) for storing keys
72 The terms “shall” and “shall not” indicate requirements to be followed strictly to conform to the
73 publication and from which no deviation is permitted. The terms “should” and “should not” indicate that
74 among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable without mentioning or
75 excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in
76 the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not prohibited. The terms
77 “may” and “need not” indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the publication. The
78 terms “can” and “cannot” indicate a possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments iii
84 of pending U.S. or foreign patent applications relating to this ITL draft publication and of any relevant
85 unexpired U.S. or foreign patents.
86 ITL may require from the patent holder, or a party authorized to make assurances on its behalf, in writ-
87 ten or electronic form, either:
88 a) assurance in the form of a general disclaimer to the effect that such party does not hold and does not
89 currently intend holding any essential patent claim(s); or
90 b) assurance that a license to such essential patent claim(s) will be made available to applicants desiring
91 to utilize the license for the purpose of complying with the guidance or requirements in this ITL draft
92 publication either:
93 1. under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination;
94 or
95 2. without compensation and under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free
96 of any unfair discrimination.
97 Such assurance shall indicate that the patent holder (or third party authorized to make assurances on its
98 behalf) will include in any documents transferring ownership of patents subject to the assurance, provi-
99 sions sufficient to ensure that the commitments in the assurance are binding on the transferee, and that
100 the transferee will similarly include appropriate provisions in the event of future transfers with the goal
101 of binding each successor-in-interest.
102 The assurance shall also indicate that it is intended to be binding on successors-in-interest regardless of
103 whether such provisions are included in the relevant transfer documents.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments iv
105 Contents
106 1 Summary .............................................................................................. 1
107 1.1 Challenge ....................................................................................................................... 1
108 1.2 Solution.......................................................................................................................... 2
109 1.3 Benefits.......................................................................................................................... 2
110 2 How to Use This Guide ......................................................................... 3
111 2.1 Typographical Conventions ........................................................................................... 4
112 3 Approach ............................................................................................. 5
113 3.1 Audience ........................................................................................................................ 6
114 3.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 6
115 3.3 Assumptions .................................................................................................................. 6
116 3.4 Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................ 6
117 3.4.1 Threats ..........................................................................................................................7
118 3.4.2 Vulnerabilities .............................................................................................................10
119 3.4.3 Risk ..............................................................................................................................10
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments v
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NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments vii
178 1 Summary
179 Building on previous work documented in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
180 Interagency Report (NISTIR) 7904, Trusted Geolocation in the Cloud: Proof of Concept Implementation
181 [1], the goal of the project is to expand upon the security capabilities provided by trusted compute pools
182 in a hybrid cloud model, including the following capabilities:
183 single pane of glass for the management and monitoring of cloud workloads, including software
184 configurations and vulnerabilities
185 data protection and encryption key management enforcement focused on trust-based and
186 geolocation-based/resource pools, and secure migration of cloud workloads
187 key management and keystore controlled by the organization, not the cloud service provider
188 persistent data flow segmentation before and after the trust-based and geolocation-
189 based/resource pools secure migration
190 industry sector and/or organizational business compliance enforcement for regulated workloads
191 between the on-premises private and hybrid/public clouds
192 These additional capabilities not only provide assurance that cloud workloads are running on trusted
193 hardware and in a trusted geolocation or logical boundary, but also improve the protections for the data
194 in the workloads and in the data flows between workloads.
201 Cloud platform hardware and software are evolving to take advantage of the latest hardware and
202 software features, and there are hundreds or thousands of virtualized or containerized workloads that
203 are spun up, scaled out, moved around, and shut down at any instant, based on business requirements.
204 In such environments, organizations want to be able to monitor, track, apply, and enforce policies on
205 the workloads, based on business requirements, in a consistent, repeatable, and automated way. In
206 other words, organizations want to maintain consistent security protections and to have visibility and
207 control for their workloads across on-premises private clouds and third-party hybrid/public clouds in
208 order to meet their security and compliance requirements.
209 This is further complicated by organizations’ need to comply with security and privacy laws applicable to
210 the information that they collect, transmit, or hold, which may change depending on whose information
211 it is (e.g., European citizens under the General Data Protection Regulation), what kind of information it is
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 1
212 (e.g., health information compared to financial information), and in what state or country the
213 information is located. Additionally, an organization must be able to meets its own policies by
214 implementing appropriate controls dictated by its risk-based decisions about the necessary security and
215 privacy of its information.
216 Because laws in one location may conflict with an organization’s policies or mandates, an organization
217 may decide that it needs to restrict the type of cloud servers it uses, based on the state or country. Thus,
218 the core impediments to broader adoption of cloud technologies are the abilities of an organization to
219 protect its information and virtual assets in the cloud, and to have sufficient visibility into that
220 information so that it can conduct oversight and ensure that it and its cloud provider are complying with
221 applicable laws and business practices.
222 In addition, there are technical challenges and architectural decisions that have to be made when
223 connecting two disparate clouds. An important consideration revolves around the type of wide area
224 network connecting the on-premises private cloud and the hybrid/public cloud, because it may impact
225 the latency of the workloads and the security posture of the management plane across the two
226 infrastructures.
237 The example implementation is for a hybrid cloud use case, enabling an organization to lift and shift a
238 typical multi-tier application between a private cloud stack located in the National Cybersecurity Center
239 of Excellence (NCCoE) data center and the IBM public cloud over the public internet.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 2
245 Technical staff will learn how to utilize commercial off-the-shelf technology and cloud services,
246 to achieve trusted cloud implementations that protect cloud workloads and that support
247 compliance initiatives.
248 Senior management and information security officers will be motivated to use trusted cloud
249 technologies.
261 Business decision makers, including chief security and technology officers, will be interested in the
262 Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-19A, which describes the following topics:
263 challenges enterprises face in protecting cloud workloads in hybrid cloud models
264 example solution built at the NCCoE
265 benefits of adopting the example solution
266 Technology or security program managers who are concerned with how to identify, understand, assess,
267 and mitigate risk will be interested in this part of the guide, NIST SP 1800-19B, which describes what we
268 did and why. The following sections will be of particular interest:
269 Section 3.4.3, Risk, provides a description of the risk analysis we performed
270 Appendix A, Mappings, maps the security characteristics of this example solution to
271 cybersecurity standards and best practices
272 You might share the Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-19A, with your leadership team members to help
273 them understand the importance of adopting standards-based trusted compute pools in a hybrid cloud
274 model that provide expanded security capabilities.
275 Information technology (IT) professionals who want to implement an approach like this will find the
276 whole practice guide useful. You can use the how-to portion of the guide, NIST SP 1800-19C, to replicate
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 3
277 all or parts of the build created in our lab. The how-to portion of the guide provides specific product
278 installation, configuration, and integration instructions for implementing the example solution. We do
279 not re-create the product manufacturers’ documentation, which is generally widely available. Rather,
280 we show how we incorporated the products together in our environment to create an example solution.
281 This guide assumes that IT professionals have experience implementing security products within the
282 enterprise. While we have used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does
283 not endorse these particular products. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that adheres to
284 these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and implementing
285 parts of a trusted cloud implementation leveraging commercial off-the-shelf technology. Your
286 organization’s security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with your existing
287 tools and IT system infrastructure. We hope that you will seek products that are congruent with
288 applicable standards and best practices. Section 4.2, Technologies, lists the products we used and maps
289 them to the cybersecurity controls provided by this reference solution.
290 A NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide does not describe “the” solution, but a possible solution. This is a
291 draft guide. We seek feedback on its contents and welcome your input. Comments, suggestions, and
292 success stories will improve subsequent versions of this guide. Please contribute your thoughts to
293 [email protected].
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 4
296 3 Approach
297 The NCCoE invited technology providers to participate in demonstrating a proposed approach for
298 implementing trusted resource pools leveraging commercial off-the-shelf technology and cloud services
299 to aggregate trusted systems and segregate them from untrusted resources. This would result in the
300 separation of higher-value, more-sensitive workloads from commodity application and data workloads
301 in an infrastructure as a service (IaaS) deployment model. In this project, the example implementation
302 involves securely migrating—“lifting and shifting”—a multi-tier application from an organization-
303 controlled private cloud to a hybrid/public cloud over the internet. The implementation automatically,
304 and with assurance, restricts cloud workloads to servers meeting selected characteristics. It also
305 provides the ability to determine the security posture of a cloud workload at any time through
306 continuous monitoring, no matter the cloud or the cloud server.
307 The NCCoE prepared a Federal Register notice [2] seeking technology providers to provide products
308 and/or expertise to compose prototypes that include commodity servers with hardware cryptographic
309 modules; commodity network switches; hypervisors; operating systems (OSs); application containers;
310 attestation servers; orchestration and management servers; database servers; directory servers;
311 software-defined networks; data encryption and key management servers; and cloud services.
312 Cooperative Research and Development Agreements (CRADAs) were established with qualified
313 respondents, and “build teams” were assembled.
314 The following actions have been, or will be,were performed by the build teams:
315 fleshing out the initial architecture and composing the collaborators’ components into
316 demonstration prototypes
317 documenting the architecture and design implementation, including the steps taken to install
318 and configure each component of the demonstration environment
319 conducting security and functional testing of the demonstration environment, and then
320 conducting and documenting the results of a risk assessment and a security characteristics
321 analysis
322 working with industry collaborators to suggest future considerations
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 5
334 Organizations implementing this solution are responsible for providing core infrastructure
335 services, including Microsoft Active Directory, certificate services, Domain Name System (DNS),
336 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), Network Time Protocol (NTP), Simple Mail
337 Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), and logging services.
338 Organizations should already have their physical infrastructure configured to be fault tolerant.
339 Organizations should work with their cloud service provider, legal team, and others as needed to
340 have the necessary agreements in place about responsibilities.
341 Federal agencies will need to choose hybrid/public clouds that are Federal Risk and
342 Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) certified. Other industry sectors should follow
343 their sector-specific cloud service certification program.
344 Organizations will need to implement and manage all security controls that their cloud service
345 provider is not formally responsible for implementing and maintaining on their behalf.
346 Organizations will need to ensure that the VMware Validated Design meets their requirements
347 for availability, manageability, performance, recoverability, and security.
348 Organizations will need to ensure that they have identified all applicable compliance
349 requirements.
350 Organizations should have trained and qualified staff to architect, secure, and operate the
351 solution stack.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 6
355 (i) the adverse impacts that would arise if the circumstance or event occurs; and (ii) the likelihood of
356 occurrence.” The guide further defines risk assessment as “the process of identifying, estimating, and
357 prioritizing risks to organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, reputation),
358 organizational assets, individuals, other organizations, and the Nation, resulting from the operation of
359 an information system. Part of risk management incorporates threat and vulnerability analyses, and
360 considers mitigations provided by security controls planned or in place.” [3]
361 The NCCoE recommends that any discussion of risk management, particularly at the enterprise level,
362 begin with a comprehensive review of NIST SP 800-37 Revision 2, Risk Management Framework for
363 Information Systems and Organizations [4] for the United States (U.S.) government public sector;
364 private-sector risk management frameworks (RMFs), such as International Organization for
365 Standardization (ISO) 31000 [5], Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission
366 (COSO) Enterprise Risk Management – Integrating with Strategy and Performance (2017) [6], and Factor
367 Analysis of Information Risk (FAIR) [7]; or sector-agnostic frameworks, such as the NIST Cybersecurity
368 Framework [8]—material that is available to the public. The Risk Management Framework (RMF)
369 guidance, as a whole, proved to be invaluable in giving us a baseline to assess risks, from which we
370 developed the project, the security characteristics of the build, and this guide.
3.4.1 Threats
371 Table 3-1 lists examples of common threats associated with the hybrid cloud usage scenario of this
372 project, where two clouds under the control of different providers are linked together so that workloads
373 can be moved between them. This list of threats is not meant to be comprehensive.
374 Table 3-1 Common Threats Associated with Hybrid Cloud Usage
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NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 9
3.4.2 Vulnerabilities
375 The primary areas of concern are software flaws and misconfigurations at all levels of the architecture:
376 low-level services (compute, storage, network), VMMs, OSs, and applications, including cloud workload
377 management, VMM management, and other management tools. Related to these concerns is the need
378 to ensure that the same security policies are being enforced within both clouds for the cloud workloads
379 to eliminate some vulnerabilities and mitigate others.
380 Some examples of vulnerabilities that might be particularly impactful if exploited are listed below:
381 cryptographic keys being stored or transmitted without being strongly encrypted
382 cloud workloads being migrated without performing mutual authentication of the clouds or
383 verifying the integrity of the migrated workload
384 weak administrator or service account credentials that are highly susceptible to theft and
385 unauthorized reuse
386 access controls that do not enforce the principles of least privilege and separation of duties
3.4.3 Risk
387 The proposed solution implements several layers of controls to protect cloud workloads while they
388 reside within clouds and while they are migrated from one cloud to another. The cloud workloads are
389 still vulnerable. For example, an unknown software flaw in a cloud workload’s software, or in the VMM
390 underlying that workload, could be exploited, potentially compromising the workload itself. There are
391 always residual risks for cloud workloads. The proposed solution includes only technical controls;
392 therefore, risk involving the solution’s physical environment, people (e.g., users, administrators),
393 processes, and other non-technical items will also need to be addressed.
394 4 Architecture
395 At a high level, the trusted cloud architecture has three main pieces: a private cloud hosted at the
396 NCCoE, an instance of the public IBM Cloud Secure Virtualization (ICSV), and an Internet Protocol
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 10
397 Security (IPsec) virtual private network (VPN) that connects the two clouds to form a hybrid cloud.
398 Figure 4-1 provides a simplified diagram of the architecture.
399 The private on-premises cloud at the NCCoE consists of the following components:
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 11
419 HSM component: This build utilizes HSMs to store sensitive keys within the environment. One
420 set of HSMs is used for the domain’s root and issuing Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate
421 authorities (CAs), while another HSM is used to protect keys that are used to encrypt workloads.
422 The HSM component is deployed in the private cloud at the NCCoE, and network access is
423 strictly limited to only the machines that need to communicate with it.
424 Management component: The identical functional management components are instantiated
425 across the NCCoE private cloud and the ICSV public cloud instance. The single management
426 console is used to operate the virtual infrastructure hosting the tenant workloads. At a
427 minimum, each management component consists of hardware utilizing Intel processors,
428 VMware running the virtualization stack, HyTrust providing the asset tagging policy enforcement
429 aspect, and RSA providing network-visibility, dashboard, and reporting capabilities. The
430 management components on each site are connected through the IPsec VPN to represent one
431 logical management element.
432 Compute component: Both sites of the hybrid cloud include similar compute components. The
433 compute components host the tenant workload VMs. Asset tagging is provisioned on the
434 compute servers so that policy can be assigned and enforced to ensure that tenant workloads
435 reside on servers that meet specific regulatory compliance requirements. At a minimum, each
436 compute component consists of hardware utilizing Intel processors, and VMware running the
437 virtualization stack. The compute components on each site are connected through the IPsec VPN
438 so that workloads can be migrated between the two sites.
439 Workload component: Both sites of the hybrid cloud have similar workload components. The
440 workload components include VMs, data storage, and networks owned and operated by the
441 tenant and data owner. Policies are applied to the workloads to ensure that they can run only
442 on servers that meet specific requirements, such as asset tag policies.
448 The following subsections describe the vendors and products that we used for our example solution.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 12
453 Dell Networking solutions utilizing the OS9 OS and the Dell PowerEdge servers have gone through
454 rigorous testing and approval processes to be published on the Defense Information Systems Agency
455 (DISA) Approved Products List. This includes the inclusion of the Integrated Dell Remote Access
456 Controller, Lifecycle Controller, and connectivity to the OpenManage solution. This capability allows for
457 enterprise standardization of platform and switch configurations to enable NIST SP 800-53 security
458 controls [9].
459 Dell EMC Unity provides a robust unified storage solution with built-in security configuration that allows
460 for a simple enablement of platform hardening to meet DISA Security Technical Implementation Guide
461 (STIG) standards. The Dell EMC Unity solution OS is based on a derivative of SUSE Linux 12. Dell EMC, in
462 collaboration with DISA, performed extensive testing and development to ensure that Dell EMC Unity
463 meets the high standards that DISA has established for its Approved Product Listing.
464 Dell EMC provided implementation and consulting services to ensure that these components of the
465 overall solution were implemented to meet the proof-of-concept guidelines for a highly secured
466 infrastructure.
4.2.2 Gemalto
467 Gemalto’s Enterprise and Cybersecurity business unit focuses on providing solutions for the encryption
468 of data at rest and data in motion, secure storage and management of encryption keys through the use
469 of HSMs and centralized key management, and controlling access by using multifactor authentication
470 and identity access management across cloud, virtual, and on-premises environments.
471 SafeNet Hardware Security Modules provide the highest level of security by always storing cryptographic
472 keys in hardware. SafeNet HSMs provide a secure cryptographic foundation, as the keys never leave the
473 intrusion-resistant, tamper-evident, FIPS-validated appliance. Because all cryptographic operations
474 occur within the HSM, strong access controls prevent unauthorized users from accessing sensitive
475 cryptographic material.
476 The SafeNet Luna Universal Serial Bus (USB) HSM is a small form-factor USB-attached HSM that is used
477 as a root of trust for storing root cryptographic keys in an offline key storage device.
478 The SafeNet Luna Network HSM (Versions 6 and 7) is a network-attached HSM protecting encryption
479 keys used by applications in on-premises, virtual, and cloud environments. The HSM has more than 400
480 integrations. For this project, SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7 is the root of trust for Microsoft Active
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 13
481 Directory Certificate Services (ADCS) used to issue TLS certificates. SafeNet Luna Network HSM 6 is
482 integrated as the root of trust for HyTrust KeyControl (HTKC) via the KMIP key management service.
483 The SafeNet Backup HSM ensures that sensitive cryptographic material remains strongly protected in
484 hardware, even when not being used. You can back up and duplicate keys securely to the SafeNet
485 Backup HSM for safekeeping in case of emergency, failure, or disaster.
4.2.3 HyTrust
486 HyTrust helps make cloud infrastructure more trustworthy for those organizations pursuing a multi-
487 cloud approach, by delivering a critical set of capabilities required to proactively secure workloads
488 wherever they reside. The HyTrust Cloud Security Policy Framework (CloudSPF) allows organizations to
489 automate the creation, application, and enforcement of security and compliance policies for private,
490 hybrid, and public cloud workloads, including three critical attributes of the workload—people, data,
491 and infrastructure. HyTrust CloudSPF is supported by a portfolio of five solutions that deliver the
492 functionality needed to enable policy-driven security and automated compliance of workloads in multi-
493 cloud environments—including securing data and ensuring data privacy, preventing privileged admin
494 misuse, automating compliance tasks, securing multi-tenant environments, and more. The five solutions
495 are as follows:
496 HyTrust CloudControl (HTCC): Workload Security Policy Enforcement and Compliance: Key
497 capabilities help organizations protect their virtualized infrastructures with authentication,
498 authorization, and auditing. Better visibility and control simplify compliance and accelerate
499 further virtualization and data center transformation. CloudControl functionality includes two-
500 factor authentication, secondary approval workflows, advanced role-based and object-based
501 access controls, audit-quality logging, and hypervisor hardening.
502 HyTrust DataControl (HTDC): Workload Encryption and Integrated Key Management: Provides
503 strong data-at-rest encryption for workloads in any cloud, along with easy-to-deploy key
504 management that organizations control—whether workloads are running in a private cloud
505 powered by vSphere or in a hybrid/public cloud like IBM Cloud, Microsoft Azure, or Amazon
506 Web Services (AWS)—throughout the entire workload life cycle. DataControl also supports the
507 highest levels of availability by offering the ability to rekey workloads without taking
508 applications offline.
509 HyTrust KeyControl (HTKC): Workload Encryption Key Management: Simplifies the process of
510 key management for workloads that do not require sophisticated policy-based key
511 management, but that need to scale to enterprise-level performance. Organizations retain full
512 ownership of encryption keys with policy-based controls to protect data and to meet
513 compliance requirements. KeyControl works with both DataControl and third-party encryption
514 solutions, such as VMware vSphere VM Encryption and vSAN.
515 HyTrust CloudAdvisor (HTCA): Data Discovery and Classification Across Virtual Machines and
516 Backups: Provides complete visibility into data stored within each workload and associates this
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 14
517 information with whomever is interacting with it and when. CloudAdvisor defines policies to
518 automatically discover the data that is valuable; detect anomalous user access behaviors; and
519 defend an organization against careless exposure, data loss, malicious users, and regulatory
520 noncompliance.
521 HyTrust BoundaryControl (HTBC): Workload Placement Policies, Data Geo-Fencing, and
522 Location-Aware Encryption: Enables administrators to set policies so that workloads can run
523 only on proven, trusted hosts that are physically located within the defined parameters.
524 BoundaryControl’s foundation is rooted in Intel Trusted Execution Technology (Intel TXT), which
525 provides processor-level attestation of the hardware, BIOS, and hypervisor. Administrators can
526 also assign labels that bind workloads to run only in predefined locations. Also, encryption
527 policies can be applied to ensure that data is never decrypted outside the defined
528 parameters/boundary.
4.2.4 IBM
529 ICSV combines the power of IBM Cloud bare-metal servers, VMware virtualization and management
530 applications (IBM Cloud for VMware – vCenter Server [vCS]), HyTrust security virtual appliances
531 (HTCC/HTDC), Intel TXT, and Intel Trusted Platform Module (TPM). This service provides enhanced
532 security capabilities, utilizing automation from deployment to ongoing management.
533 ICSV allows clients to set, apply, and automate the enforcement of workload governance policies to
534 meet their security needs for critical workloads and to support regulatory or industry compliance
535 requirements through continuous monitoring and real-time reporting. ICSV gives clients visibility of
536 physical servers across any virtualized infrastructure, so that they can ensure that only authorized
537 servers in authorized locations handle sensitive workloads. In turn, clients can better enforce only
538 authorized administrator actions and can help make sure that all requested actions—whether approved
539 or denied—are logged for reporting and compliance. With this type of control and visibility, clients can
540 more effectively reduce risk and increase security, allowing them to address in-house security needs as
541 well as compliance requirements for mission-critical business operations. This means that they can now
542 take full advantage of the benefits of cloud computing while maintaining the strongest levels of data
543 protection, visibility, and auditing necessary to protect the business.
544 IBM Cloud bare-metal servers function as the hardware foundation of this solution. The IBM Cloud
545 service allows customers to provision bare-metal servers according to their needs. In contrast to
546 environments with typical cloud-based VMs, customers have control over these bare-metal servers.
547 Customers can specify the servers’ OS, security configuration, and other configuration aspects, including
548 modifying server BIOS settings and deploying various hypervisors. The bare-metal servers are built with
549 Intel Xeon processors, which come equipped with Intel TXT and TPM technologies that enable trusted
550 compute pools (via HTCC) for workloads and data. The servers also take advantage of Intel technologies,
551 such as Intel Advanced Encryption Standard – New Instructions (Intel AES-NI), and other cryptographic
552 technologies to enhance and accelerate encryption (via HTDC).
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 15
553 The ICSV solution complements the IBM Cloud for VMware – vCS offering by providing security services.
554 ICSV takes advantage of the infrastructure automation jointly developed by IBM and VMware. This
555 advanced automation supports the deployment and integration of Intel and HyTrust technologies with
556 the vCS from VMware, so that IBM clients can continue to use familiar tools to manage their workloads
557 without having to retool or refactor applications. IBM Cloud for VMware – vCS provides the
558 virtualization of compute, storage, and networking, providing a software-defined data center.
4.2.5 Intel
559 The Intel Data Center Group (DCG) is at the heart of Intel’s transformation from a personal computer
560 (PC) company to a company that runs the cloud and billions of smart, connected computing devices. The
561 data center is the underpinning for every data-driven service, from artificial intelligence to 5G to high-
562 performance computing, and DCG delivers the products and technologies—spanning software,
563 processors, storage, input/output (I/O), security and networking solutions—that fuel cloud,
564 communications, enterprise, and government data centers around the world.
565 Intel TXT provides hardware-based security technologies that address the increasing and evolving
566 security threats across physical and virtual infrastructures by complementing runtime protections, such
567 as anti-virus software. Intel TXT also can play a role in meeting government and industry regulations and
568 data protection standards by providing a hardware-based method of verification that is useful in
569 compliance efforts. Intel TXT is specifically designed to harden platforms from the emerging threats of
570 hypervisor attacks, BIOS, or other firmware attacks; malicious root kit installations; or other software-
571 based attacks. Intel TXT increases protection by allowing greater control of the launch stack through a
572 Measured Launch Environment (MLE) and enabling isolation in the boot process. More specifically, it
573 extends the Virtual Machine Extensions (VMX) environment of Intel Virtualization Technology (Intel VT),
574 permitting a verifiably secure installation, launch, and use of a hypervisor or OS.
575 Intel Cloud Integrity Technology (Intel CIT) extends a hardware-based root of trust up through the cloud
576 solution stack to ensure the privacy and integrity of cloud platforms and workloads. Intel CIT secures
577 cloud-based workloads through workload placement, encryption, and launch control bound to the
578 hardware-rooted chain of trust. By using Intel TXT to measure server firmware and software
579 components during system launch, server configurations can be verified against tampering. Extending
580 this chain of trust, additional software components, hypervisors, VMs and containers can be similarly
581 attested and verified. By encrypting workload images and tying the decryption key to server hardware
582 using a Trusted Platform Module, final control over where a VM may or may not launch is given to the
583 customer, preventing unauthorized access and enabling data sovereignty. Intel CIT is the foundational
584 technology leveraged by HyTrust to provide boundary and data-control capabilities.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 16
4.2.6 RSA
585 RSA, a Dell Technologies business, offers business-driven security solutions that uniquely link business
586 context with security incidents, to help organizations manage digital risk and protect what matters most.
587 RSA’s award-winning cybersecurity solutions are designed to effectively detect and respond to advanced
588 attacks; manage user identities and access; and reduce business risk, fraud, and cybercrime. RSA
589 protects millions of users around the world and helps more than 90 percent of the Fortune 500
590 companies to thrive in an uncertain, high-risk world.
591 The RSA NetWitness Platform is an evolved Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and
592 threat-defense solution engineered to immediately identify high-risk threats on devices, in the cloud,
593 and across your virtual enterprise. It automates security processes to reduce attacker dwell time and
594 make analysts more efficient and effective.
595 The RSA SecurID Suite is an advanced multifactor authentication and identity governance solution. It
596 applies risk analytics and business context to provide users with convenient, secure access to any
597 application from any device, and to simplify day-to-day identity governance for administrators.
598 The RSA Archer Suite is a comprehensive integrated risk-management solution designed to empower
599 organizations of all sizes to manage multiple dimensions of risk on a single, configurable, and integrated
600 platform. It features a wide variety of use cases for IT risk management, operational risk management,
601 and much more.
4.2.7 VMware
602 VMware, Inc., a subsidiary of Dell Technologies, provides virtualization and cloud-infrastructure
603 solutions enabling businesses to transform the way they build, deliver, and consume IT resources.
604 VMware is an industry-leading virtualization software company empowering organizations to innovate
605 by streamlining IT operations and modernizing the data center into an on-demand service by pooling IT
606 assets and automating services. VMware products allow customers to manage IT resources across
607 private, hybrid, and public clouds. VMware offers services to its customers, including modernizing data
608 centers, integrating public clouds, empowering digital workspaces, and transforming security.
609 VMware Validated Design (VVD) 4.2 is a family of solutions for data center designs that span compute,
610 storage, networking, and management, serving as a blueprint for your software-defined data center
611 (SDDC) implementations. VVDs are designed by experts and are continuously improved based on
612 feedback from real deployments. The design is continuously validated for scale and interoperability,
613 ensuring that it remains valid. The VVD is a comprehensive design that includes a fully functional SDDC
614 while remaining hardware agnostic. Each VVD comes with its own reference design, deployment,
615 operations, and upgrade guides: Architecture and Design: VMware Validated Design for Management
616 and Workload Consolidation 4.2 [10], Deployment for Region A: VMware Validated Design for Software-
617 Defined Data Center 4.2 [11], Operational Verification: VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 17
618 Data Center 4.2 [12], and Planning and Preparation: VMware Validated Design for Software-Defined
619 Data Center 4.2 [13].
620 The standard VVD for an SDDC is a design for a production-ready SDDC that can be single-region or dual-
621 region. Each region is deployed on two workload domains, management and shared edge and compute.
622 VMs are separated into a minimum of two vSphere clusters, one for management VMs and one for
623 customer VMs. Each of these clusters has a minimum of four ESXi hosts and is managed by a dedicated
624 vCS. Additional compute hosts or clusters can be added to scale the solution as needed.
625 The standard VVD for an SDDC consists of the following VMware products:
626 VMware vSphere virtualizes and aggregates the underlying physical hardware resources across
627 multiple systems and provides pools of virtual resources to the data center. VMware vSphere
628 includes the following components:
629 • VMware ESXi is a type-1 hypervisor that enables a virtualization layer run on physical servers
630 that abstracts processor, memory, storage, and resources into multiple VMs.
631 • The Platform Services Controller (PSC) Appliance provides common infrastructure services
632 to the vSphere environment. Services include licensing, certificate management, and
633 authentication with vCenter Single Sign-On.
634 • VMware vCS Appliance is a management application that allows for the management of
635 VMs and ESXi hosts centrally. The vSphere Web Client is used to access the vCS.
636 • vSAN is fully integrated hypervisor-converged storage software. vSAN creates a cluster of
637 server hard-disk drives and solid-state drives, and presents a flash-optimized, highly-
638 resilient, shared storage data store to ESXi hosts and VMs. vSAN allows you to control the
639 capacity, performance, and availability, on a per-VM basis, through the use of storage
640 policies.
641 NSX for vSphere (NSX-V) creates a network virtualization layer. All virtual networks are created
642 on top of this layer, which is an abstraction between the physical and virtual networks. Network
643 virtualization services include logical switches, logical routers, logical firewalls, and other
644 components. This design includes the following components:
645 • NSX Manager provides the centralized management plane for NSX-V and has a one-to-one
646 mapping to vCS workloads.
647 • The NSX Virtual Switch is based on the vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS), with additional
648 components to enable rich services. The add-on NSX components include kernel modules
649 (VIBs) that run within the hypervisor kernel and that provide services, such as distributed
650 logical routers (DLRs), distributed firewalls (DFWs), and Virtual Extensible Local Area
651 Network (VXLAN) capabilities.
652 • NSX logical switches create logically abstracted segments to which tenant VMs can be
653 connected. NSX logical switches provide the ability to spin up isolated logical networks with
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 18
654 the same flexibility and agility that exist with VMs. Endpoints, both virtual and physical, can
655 connect to logical segments and establish connectivity independently from their physical
656 location in the data center network.
657 • The universal distributed logical router (UDLR) in NSX-V is optimized for forwarding in the
658 virtualized space (between VMs, on VXLAN-backed or VLAN-backed port groups).
659 • VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints (VTEPs) are instantiated within the VDS to which the ESXi hosts
660 that are prepared for NSX-V are connected. VTEPs are responsible for encapsulating VXLAN
661 traffic as frames in User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packets and for the corresponding
662 decapsulation. VTEPs exchange packets with other VTEPs.
663 • The primary function of the NSX Edge Services Gateway (ESG) is north-south
664 communication, but it also offers support for Layer 2; Layer 3; perimeter firewall; load
665 balancing; and other services, such as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) VPN and DHCP relay.
666 vRealize Operations Manager (vROPS) tracks and analyzes the operation of multiple data
667 sources in the SDDC by using specialized analytic algorithms. These algorithms help vROPS learn
668 and predict the behavior of every object that it monitors. Users access this information by using
669 views, reports, and dashboards.
670 vRealize Log Insight (vRLI) provides real-time log management and log analysis with machine-
671 learning-based intelligent grouping, high-performance searching, and troubleshooting across
672 physical, virtual, and cloud environments.
673 vRealize Automation (vRA) provides the self-service provisioning, IT services delivery, and life-
674 cycle management of cloud services across a wide range of multivendor, virtual, physical, and
675 cloud platforms, through a flexible and robust distributed architecture.
676 vRealize Orchestrator (vRO) provides the automation of complex tasks by allowing for a quick
677 and easy design and deployment of scalable workflows. It automates management and
678 operational tasks across both VMware and third-party applications, such as service desks,
679 change management, and IT asset management systems.
680 vRealize Business for Cloud (vRB) automates cloud costing, consumption analysis, and
681 comparison, delivering the insight that you need for efficiently deploying and managing cloud
682 environments. vRB tracks and manages the costs of private and public cloud resources from a
683 single dashboard.
684 VMware Site Recovery Manager (optional, depends on failover site) is disaster-recovery
685 software that enables application availability and mobility across sites with policy-based
686 management, non-disruptive testing, and automated orchestration. Site Recovery Manager
687 administrators perform frequent non-disruptive testing to ensure IT disaster-recovery
688 predictability and compliance. Site Recovery Manager enables fast and reliable recovery by
689 using fully automated workflows.
690 vSphere Replication (vR) (optional, depends on failover site) is a hypervisor-based, asynchronous
691 replication solution for vSphere VMs. It is fully integrated with the VMware vCS and the vSphere
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 19
692 Web Client. vR delivers flexible, reliable, and cost-efficient replication to enable data protection
693 and disaster recovery for VMs.
701 From the time the initial implementation of the proposed solution began to the time the build was
702 completed, numerous components of the proposed solution were upgraded, some more than once. For
703 brevity, Table 4-1 only lists the current version of each component as of when the build was completed.
704 Note: the first entry in the table on the public cloud hosting component does not contain information on
705 the Cybersecurity Framework subcategories and the NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4 controls that the public
706 cloud hosting helps address. That information is contained in the IBM Federal Cloud FedRAMP report,
707 but because that report contains sensitive information, it is not directly available. Organizations wanting
708 access to that report would need to have the necessary agreements in place with IBM first.
Cybersecurity SP 800-
Component Product Version Function Framework 53r4
Subcategories Controls
Public Cloud IBM Cloud Not ap- Provides IaaS capabilities for Refer to the Refer to
Hosting and ICSV plicable public cloud hosting at the IBM Federal the IBM
(N/A) FedRAMP moderate level. Cloud Federal
FedRAMP re- Cloud
port. FedRAMP
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 20
Cybersecurity SP 800-
Component Product Version Function Framework 53r4
Subcategories Controls
Logging vRLI 4.5.1 Provides real-time log man- PR.PT-1, AU-2,
agement and log analysis DE.AE-1, AU-3,
with machine-learning- DE.AE-2, AU-4,
based intelligent grouping, DE.AE-3, AU-5,
high-performance searching, DE.AE-4, AU-6,
and troubleshooting across DE.AE-5, AU-7,
physical, virtual, and cloud DE.CM-1, AU-8,
environments. DE.CM-7 AU-9,
Operations vROPS 6.6.1 Tracks and analyzes the op- PR.PT-1 AU-2,
Management eration of multiple data AU-6,
sources in the SDDC by using AU-7,
specialized analytic algo- AU-8,
rithms. These algorithms AU-9
help vROPS learn and pre-
dict the behavior of every
object that it monitors. Us-
ers access this information
by views, reports, and dash-
Cloud Man- vRB 7.3.1 Automates tracking and N/A N/A
agement managing cloud costing, and
resource consumption anal-
ysis and comparison.
Cloud Man- vRA 7.3 Provides a secure web por- PR.AC-3, AC-17,
agement tal where authorized admin- PR.MA-1 AC-20,
istrators, developers, and MA-2,
business users can request MA-3,
new IT services and manage MA-4,
specific cloud and IT re- MA-5,
sources, while ensuring MA-6,
compliance with business SC-15
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 21
Cybersecurity SP 800-
Component Product Version Function Framework 53r4
Subcategories Controls
Cloud Man- vRO 7.3 Provides the capability to PR.MA-1 MA-2,
agement develop complex automa- MA-3,
tion tasks, as well as access MA-4,
and launch workflows from MA-5,
the VMware vSphere client, MA-6
various components of
vRealize Suite, or other trig-
gering mechanisms.
Virtual Infra- vSphere vCS 6.5u1 Provides a centralized and PR.MA-1 MA-2,
structure extensible platform for man- MA-3,
Management aging the virtual infrastruc- MA-4,
ture (VMware vSphere envi- MA-5,
ronments). MA-6
Virtual Infra- vSphere Up- 6.5u1 Provides centralized, auto- PR.IP-3, CM-3,
structure date Manager mated patch and version PR.IP-12 CM-4,
Management (VUM) management for VMware RA-3,
ESXi hosts, appliances, and RA-5,
VMs. SI-2
Virtual Infra- NSX-V 6.4 Creates a network virtualiza- PR.AC-5, AC-4,
structure tion layer. All virtual net- PR.PT-4 SC-7
Networking works are created on top of
this layer, which is an ab-
straction between the physi-
cal and virtual networks.
Virtual Infra- vSAN 6.6.1 Delivers flash-optimized, se- PR.DS-1, SC-8,
structure cure shared storage for vir- PR.DS-2 SC-28
Storage tualized workloads.
Virtual Infra- PSC 6.5u1 Controls infrastructure secu- ID.AM-2, CM-8,
structure Se- rity functions, such as PR.AC-7, IA-2,
curity vCenter Single Sign-On, li- PR.DS-3, IA-3,
censing, certificate manage- PR.MA-1 IA-4,
ment, and server reserva- IA-5,
tion. MA-2,
Virtual Infra- vSphere ESXi 6.5u1 Enterprise-class, type-1 hy- PR.MA-1 MA-2,
structure Hy- pervisor for deploying MA-3,
pervisor and servicing VMs. MA-4
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 22
Cybersecurity SP 800-
Component Product Version Function Framework 53r4
Subcategories Controls
Virtual Infra- Site Recovery 6.5.1 A disaster recovery solution PR.IP-4, CP-9,
structure Manager for vSphere VMs that auto- PR.IP-9 CP-10
Data Syn- (SRM) mates the disaster recovery
chronization process and helps manage
the synchronization of data
between protected and re-
covery sites.
Virtual Infra- vR 6.5.1 A hypervisor-based, asyn- N/A N/A
structure VM chronous replication solu-
Replication tion for vSphere VMs.
Governance, RSA Archer 6.X Governance and risk man- PR.PT-1, AU-6,
Risk, and Suite agement workflow and DE.CM-1 AU-7,
Compliance dashboard. CA-7,
(GRC) CM-3,
Logging RSA NetWit- 11.x Compliance reporting. PR.PT-1 AU-6,
ness Suite AU-7
Authentica- RSA SecurID N/A Strong authentication for PR.AC-1, IA-2,
tion Suite administrative access. PR.AC-6, IA-4,
PR.AC-7 IA-5,
Networking Dell Network- OS9+ Leaf and spine switches for N/A N/A
Switch ing S4048-ON network architecture.
Networking Dell Network- OS9+ In-band management net- N/A N/A
Switch ing S3048-ON work.
Storage De- Dell EMC 4.3.1 Unified storage solution. N/A N/A
vice Unity
Backup Solu- Data Domain 4.0 Solution backup capabilities. N/A N/A
tion Virtual Edi-
tion (DD VE)
Compute Dell Pow- R730 Compute nodes for the solu- N/A N/A
erEdge Server tion.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 23
Cybersecurity SP 800-
Component Product Version Function Framework 53r4
Subcategories Controls
Compute Dell Pow- R730 Compute nodes for the solu- N/A N/A
erEdge Server tion.
Physical Top-of-rack N/A Dell TOR switch. N/A N/A
Layer (TOR)
Physical Conventional N/A Unity Storage. N/A N/A
Layer Storage
Business Backup N/A Avamar. PR.IP-4 CP-9,
Continuity CP-10
HSM – Net- Gemalto FW Network-attached HSM root PR.AC-1, IA-5,
work At- SafeNet Luna 6.10.9 of trust for HTKC. PR.DS-1, IA-7,
tached Network HSM SW PR.DS-6 SA-18,
6 6.2.2 SC-12,
HSM – Net- Gemalto FW Network-attached HSM root PR.AC-1, IA-5,
work At- SafeNet Luna 7.0.1 of trust for Microsoft ADCS. PR.DS-1, IA-7,
tached Network HSM SW PR.DS-6 SA-18,
7 7.2.0- SC-12,
220 SC-13
HSM – USB Gemalto FW USB HSM integrated with of- PR.AC-1, IA-5,
Attached SafeNet Luna 6.10.9 fline Microsoft Root CA. PR.DS-1, IA-7,
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 24
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 25
730 vSphere provides a powerful, flexible, and secure foundation for the SDDC. The vSphere solution
731 includes the vCS and the PSC to provide a centralized platform for managing the virtual infrastructure.
732 Within the VVD, PSC high availability is achieved by utilizing load balancers across multiple appliances.
733 Additionally, dedicated vCSs are deployed to manage clusters designated for infrastructure management
734 workloads and for compute or customer workloads. Optionally, VMware vSAN is defined within the VVD
735 to pool together storage devices across the vSphere cluster to create a distributed shared datastore.
736 The VVD includes VMware NSX to virtualize the network; this solution abstracts the network from the
737 underlying physical infrastructure. The VVD NSX solution ensures a highly available solution by utilizing
738 both equal-cost multi-path (ECMP)-enabled and high-availability-enabled appliances. ESGs configured to
739 utilize the BGP routing protocol are configured as ECMP pairs and act as the north-south boundary.
740 Routing within the logical space, east-west, is provided by high-availability-enabled distributed logical
741 routers. In this solution, VXLAN overlays the existing Layer 3 network infrastructure, addressing
742 scalability problems associated with cloud computing environments.
743 vRLI provides deep operational visibility and faster troubleshooting across physical, virtual, and cloud
744 environments. In this solution, vRLI is designed to provide a highly available solution for each site where
745 logs can be forwarded to a remote site for retention.
746 vROPS provides administrators with the ability to efficiently manage capacity and performance while
747 also gaining visibility across the virtual infrastructure. vROPS in the VVD is designed to provide high
748 availability while also ensuring that remote data centers are monitored. Within this design, in case of a
749 disaster, it is possible to failover the necessary vROPS components while leaving remote collectors at
750 their designated data centers.
751 vRA provides a portal where authorized individuals can request new IT services and manage cloud and IT
752 workloads. Requests for IT services, including infrastructure, applications, desktops, and many others,
753 are processed through a common service catalog to provide a consistent user experience despite the
754 underlying heterogenous infrastructure. In this design, the “Large” reference architecture for vRA is
755 followed, allowing for high availability and scalability up to 50,000 managed machines. The vRA solution
756 includes embedded VMware Identity Manager and embedded vRO.
757 vRB automates cloud cost management, consumption metering, and cloud comparison, delivering cost
758 visibility. vRB is integrated with vRA, providing cost information for the solution and pricing information
759 per blueprint. vRB is architected to include a remote collector at each site while the vRB appliance
760 remains in proximity to the vRA solution. vRB is protected by vSphere High Availability.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 26
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 27
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 28
773 The SafeNet USB HSM is a small form-factor physical device connected via USB to the Microsoft
774 Root CA Server. To sign and issue a new Issuing CA certificate, the SafeNet USB HSM must be
775 connected directly to the Root CA. Because the SafeNet USB HSM is primarily used to protect
776 the Root CA’s keys, it is typically stored securely in a vault. The SafeNet USB HSM is backed up
777 (i.e., cloned) to a secondary SafeNet USB HSM for redundancy.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 29
778 SafeNet Luna Network HSM 7 is a network-attached HSM that is tightly integrated with the
779 Microsoft Issuing CA that is located on a VM in the management cluster as a root of trust for
780 FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Compliance.
781 SafeNet Luna Network HSM 6 is a network-attached HSM integrated with HTKC as a root of trust
782 for FIPS 140-2 Level 3 Compliance.
783 Figure 4-6 HSM Architecture in the NCCoE Cloud
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 30
788 The following items explain where each type of HyTrust appliance is located within the architecture and
789 what functions it is providing:
790 HTCC provides advanced security features to vSphere. Additionally, HTCC Compliance is used to
791 verify the compliance of ESXi hosts. Users access vSphere via the “Published IP [Internet
792 Protocol]” (PIP) via the HTCC transparent proxy. Approved actions are passed through to
793 vSphere via a service account. Finally, HTCC conducts trust attestation for Intel TXT/TPM, to
794 provide hardware verification for HTBC. HTCC will be placed in the NCCoE management cluster.
795 HTCC will be configured with two virtual appliances in an active/passive cluster. That HTCC
796 cluster will service all three vSphere implementations.
797 HTKC provides key management to both HTDC in-guest encryption agents and vSANs for
798 storage-level encryption. HTKC leverages the NCCoE SafeNet Luna HSM for hardware
799 administration key storage. HTKC is configured as a trusted key management service in vCenter
800 to provide key management to vSAN. Two HTKC nodes will be placed in the NCCoE management
801 cluster, and two HTKC nodes will be placed in the IBM Cloud, with all four nodes in the same
802 fully active cluster. Figure 4-8 depicts this cluster.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 31
803 HTCA will be placed in the NCCoE management cluster and the IBM Cloud. There will be one
804 HTCA node per location, and the nodes will not be clustered.
805 Figure 4-8 HTKC Node Deployments
812 All of the Dell PowerEdge R740xd servers that comprise the ESXi servers have redundant 10 GB links
813 connected to each of the leaf servers, for direct communication with each other. The leaf switches have
814 a Virtual Link Tunnel interconnect (VLTi) between them to provide Layer 2 aggregation between the two
815 switches. The BGP is also enabled on the leaf switches so that they can share routes with the spine
816 switches, and also allow the VMware NSX components to pair with them so that the leaf switches can
817 receive routing information from NSX. The two Dell S3048-ON switches are stacked together by 10 GB
818 interfaces so that they appear as one logical unit. The Dell S3048-ON switches also each use a 10 GB Link
819 Aggregate (LAG) connection as an uplink to the leaf switches. The uplink from the two Dell S3048-ON
820 switches to the leaf switches is necessary because the two Dell S3048-ON switches are mainly 1 GB
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 32
821 Ethernet ports supporting components in the environment that have only 1 GB Ethernet connections
822 and that need to communicate with devices that use 10 GB Enhanced Small Form-Factor Pluggable
823 (SFP+) connections.
824 Figure 4-9 NCCoE Layer 3 Leaf – Spine Logical Network Diagram
837 See Section 4.3 for more information on the architecture of the solution components from VMware,
838 HyTrust, and others. Because some of the same components are used for both clouds to extend the
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 33
839 management plane across the infrastructure, details of those components are omitted from this section
840 to avoid duplication.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 34
849 It is neither a comprehensive test of all security components nor a red-team exercise.
850 It cannot identify all weaknesses.
851 It does not include the lab infrastructure. It is assumed that devices are hardened. Testing these
852 devices would reveal only weaknesses in implementation that would not be relevant to those
853 adopting this reference architecture.
5.2.1 Use Case Scenario 1: Demonstrate Control and Visibility for the Trusted
Hybrid Cloud Environment
859 The business problem is needing to have a well-secured cloud environment to reduce the risk of a
860 compromise of that environment.
861 Assumptions for the trusted hybrid cloud environment (steps taken before the demonstrations occur)
862 are as follows:
863 1. The cryptographic, compute, storage, and network hardware components are secured and
864 hardened.
865 2. The VVD and the IBM Cloud for VMware – vCS have been instantiated on IBM Cloud stacks
866 through automation scripts.
867 3. The crypto network is separated and isolated from the management cluster and the tenant
868 workloads cluster.
869 4. The user accounts are isolated and secured based on defined functional roles following the
870 principle of least privilege.
871 5. The core components of the VVD and vCS, third-party software components, and all core
872 services are secured and hardened using recommended practices, such as vendor-developed or
873 community-developed secure configuration guides or DISA STIGs.
874 6. RSA NetWitness Logs is installed on the virtual machine or dedicated hardware.
875 7. RSA Archer Suite and the Public Sector Use Cases (Assessment & Authorization [A&A],
876 Continuous Monitoring) are installed.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 35
877 8. Logs from core services are being forwarded to RSA NetWitness Logs.
878 9. One or more industry-standard cloud service provider certifications, such as ISO, PCI, Cloud
879 Security Alliance (CSA), Service Organization Control (SOC), HIPAA, and FedRAMP, are leveraged.
880 Capability demonstrations:
881 1. Show the configuration of the hardware components, including the HSM, the compute node, the
882 storage device, and the network switches.
883 2. Show the VVD and vCS stacks in vCenter (e.g., vSAN is encrypted).
884 3. Show the backup solution for the resiliency and recovery of workloads in a disaster-recovery
885 scenario.
886 4. Show the three isolation domains, including the cryptographic, management, and tenant
887 workloads in NSX.
888 5. Show multifactor authentication with an RSA SecurID token and the Active Directory domain
889 groups and access rights structure.
890 6. Scan and show the secure configuration of VMware software components, such as ESXi, NSX,
891 and Windows domain controller, by using CloudControl and a Windows configuration scanner.
892 Figure 5-1 shows an example of results from a secure configuration scan.
893 Figure 5-1 Example of Secure Configuration Scan Results
894 7. Scan and show any software vulnerabilities of an ESXi node and a Microsoft workload.
895 8. Show the IBM FedRAMP report.
896 9. Show the configuration of the log collector for ingesting and enriching VMware ESXi logs.
897 10. Show the logs and alerts (if any) in the Analyst UI.
898 11. Show the ability to raise an Incident from RSA NetWitness Logs to RSA Archer Suite.
899 12. Show the configuration of the Archer Public Sector Use Cases to accept and/or ingest
900 information from various components about risks in the trusted hybrid cloud environment.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 36
901 13. Show the analyst interface and outputs of Archer Public Sector Use Cases in recording
902 compliance and enabling risk mitigation activities.
903 The potential benefits of this are reducing the risk that workloads running in that cloud environment are
904 compromised, and identifying potential security issues more quickly.
5.2.2 Use Case Scenario 2: Demonstrate Control of Workloads and Data Security
905 The business problem is needing to protect workloads so they only execute on authorized compute
906 nodes.
907 Assumptions for the trusted hybrid cloud environment (steps taken before the demonstrations occur)
908 are as follows:
909 1. Workloads are encrypted and are running on a trusted compute node with a specific asset tag
910 (PCI or HIPAA) within a mixed cluster.
911 2. Secondary approval is enforced for highly sensitive systems and/or operations.
912 Capability demonstrations:
913 1. Show that the workload on the trusted compute node is decrypted, as it matches the trust and
914 asset tag policy. Figure 5-2 shows examples of nodes with their labels (e.g., TRUSTED, PII).
915 Figure 5-3 shows verification that a workload on one of the nodes has been decrypted.
916 Figure 5-2 Examples of Trusted Compute Nodes
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 37
918 2. Migrate the workload to a compute node without the same asset tag policy, and show that the
919 workload cannot be decrypted on the untrusted compute node. Figure 5-4 presents an example
920 of a workload running on a server that does not have any tags. Figure 5-5 shows that the same
921 workload cannot be decrypted because the server on which it runs lacks the necessary tags.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 38
925 3. Migrate the workload back to a trusted compute node, and show that the workload can be
926 decrypted and that the data can be accessed on the trusted compute node. Figure 5-6 shows
927 that the workload has been migrated to a trusted and tagged server. Figure 5-7 shows that the
928 workload can decrypt its data again because it is running on a trusted and tagged server.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 39
929 Figure 5-6 Example of Workload Migrated to Trusted and Tagged Server
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 40
930 Figure 5-7 Example of Workload Running on Trusted and Tagged Server
931 4. Show that two individuals are required to authorize the deletion of a high-value asset.
932 5. Scan and classify data based on a data classification schema, such as personally identifiable
933 information.
934 The potential benefit of this is reducing the risk that workloads are compromised.
942 Assumptions for the trusted hybrid cloud environment (steps taken before the demonstrations occur)
943 are as follows:
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 41
947 3. The security capabilities from the on-premises environment have been extended to the public
948 cloud instance by integrating it into the on-premises management plane.
949 4. A three-tier web application is running in the on-premises environment with a specified security
950 policy (e.g., data protection, network segmentation, compliance requirements).
951 Capability demonstrations:
952 1. Show that the three-tier web application’s security policy is enforced within the on-premises
953 environment.
954 2. Show that the three-tier web application can be migrated from the on-premises environment to
955 the public cloud instance.
956 3. Show that the workload continues to operate normally after migration and its security posture is
957 not negatively impacted by running the scripts with hard-coded IP addresses and domain names.
958 4. Show that the three-tier web application’s security policy is persistent after the migration to the
959 public cloud instance.
960 The potential benefits of this are reducing the risk that workloads are compromised and reducing the
961 risk that operations are interrupted because of a workload migration.
966 Assumptions for the trusted hybrid cloud environment (steps taken before the demonstrations occur)
967 are as follows:
968 1. When the outage started, the workloads were encrypted and were running on a trusted
969 compute node with a specific asset tag (PCI or HIPAA) within a mixed cluster.
970 2. The outage has made all three tiers of the application unavailable at the original site, and on-
971 premises recovery is not possible until the outage has been resolved.
972 3. A second trusted compute node within a different data center acting as a disaster recovery site is
973 authorized to run the same types of workloads as the first trusted compute node.
974 4. Secondary approval is enforced for highly sensitive systems and/or operations.
975 Capability demonstrations:
976 1. Show that the three tiers of the application are present at the disaster recovery site and that
977 each tier is up to date.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 42
978 2. Show that Fault Tolerance (FT) was regularly backing up data from the original site to the disaster
979 recovery site until shortly before the outage occurred.
980 3. Show that the workloads on the trusted compute node at the disaster recovery site can be
981 decrypted, as they match the trust and asset tag policy.
982 4. Show that the NSX Universal Distributed Firewall rules are present and enforced at the receiving
983 end (the disaster recovery site) to enable updating the workloads and data on the trusted
984 compute node.
985 The potential benefit of this is to minimize disruption from unscheduled outages, which means
986 operations should be restored more quickly.
987 Note that this demonstration is simple, with static content. The intent is that this demonstration could
988 be extended to a more complex scenario, such as applications with dynamic content where the
989 application developers need to decide how the application should handle failures, including possibly
990 retaining state when a failure occurs and maintaining persistent connections.
5.2.5 Use Case Scenario 5: Demonstrate Providing Visibility into Network Traffic
991 The business problem is needing to have visibility into network traffic flow patterns so abnormal
992 patterns can be identified and investigated.
993 Assumptions for the trusted hybrid cloud environment (steps taken before the demonstrations occur)
994 are as follows:
995 1. Logging has been enabled at ESXi Hosts, NSX Managers, NSX Controllers, Edge Service Gateways,
996 Control VMs, and DFWs, including tunnels.
997 2. NetWitness is ready and available to collect and store logs from other hosts.
998 Capability demonstrations:
999 1. Show that authorized administrators can see a vRLI custom dashboard for traffic flows indicating
1000 what is talking to what, both physical and virtual.
1001 2. Show that the traffic flows include source, destination, ports, and protocol.
1002 3. Show that the traffic flows from all the devices logging the flows are transferred to NetWitness.
1003 The potential benefit of this is to identify suspicious activity, such as large data bursts, that may indicate
1004 exfiltration of sensitive data or other security problems.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 43
1006 Assumptions for the trusted hybrid cloud environment (steps taken before the demonstrations occur)
1007 are as follows:
1011 1. Show that communications from the allowlisted infrastructure components are permitted.
1012 2. Show that communications from anywhere other than the allowlisted infrastructure
1013 components are denied, and such communications flagged or alerted on.
1014 The potential benefit of this is to prevent attackers and other unauthorized parties from accessing the
1015 application and using it or compromising it.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 44
1021 Table A-1 List of NIST SP 800-53 Revision 5 Controls Addressed by Solution
ID Control Description
Access Control (AC)
AC-3 Access Enforcement
AC-4 Information Flow Enforcement
AC-17 Remote Access
AC-20 Use of External Information Systems
Audit and Accountability (AU)
AU-2 Audit Events
AU-3 Content of Audit Records
AU-4 Audit Storage Capacity
AU-5 Response to Audit Processing Failures
AU-6 Audit Review, Analysis, and Reporting
AU-7 Audit Reduction and Report Generation
AU-8 Time Stamps
AU-9 Protection of Audit Information
AU-10 Non-Repudiation
AU-11 Audit Record Retention
AU-12 Audit Generation
Security Assessment and Authorization (CA)
CA-7 Continuous Monitoring
Configuration Management (CM)
CM-3 Configuration Change Control
CM-4 Security Impact Analysis
CM-8 Information System Component Inventory
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 45
ID Control Description
CM-9 Configuration Management Plan
CM-10 Software Usage Restrictions
Identification and Authentication (IA)
IA-2 Identification and Authentication (Organizational Users)
IA-3 Device Identification and Authentication
IA-4 Identifier Management
IA-5 Authenticator Management
IA-7 Cryptographic Module Authentication
Maintenance (MA)
MA-2 Controlled Maintenance
MA-3 Maintenance Tools
MA-4 Nonlocal Maintenance
MA-5 Maintenance Personnel
MA-6 Timely Maintenance
Risk Assessment (RA)
RA-3 Risk Assessment
RA-5 Vulnerability Scanning
System and Services Acquisition (SA)
SA-18 Tamper Resistance and Detection
System and Communications Protection (SC)
SC-2 Application Partitioning
SC-3 Security Function Isolation
SC-7 Boundary Protection
SC-8 Transmission Confidentiality and Integrity
SC-12 Cryptographic Key Establishment and Management
SC-13 Cryptographic Protection
SC-15 Collaborative Computing Devices
SC-16 Transmission of Security Attributes
SC-28 Protection of Information at Rest
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 46
ID Control Description
System and Information Integrity (SI)
SI-2 Flaw Remediation
SI-4 Information System Monitoring
SI-7 Software, Firmware, and Information Integrity
1022 Table A-2 List of NIST Cybersecurity Framework Subcategories Addressed by Solution
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 47
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 48
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 49
FT Fault Tolerance
GB Gigabyte/Gigabit
GKH Good Known Host
GRC Governance, Risk, and Compliance
HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
HSM Hardware Security Module
HTBC HyTrust BoundaryControl
HTCA HyTrust CloudAdvisor
HTCC HyTrust CloudControl
HTDC HyTrust DataControl
HTKC HyTrust KeyControl
I/O Input/Output
IaaS Infrastructure as a Service
ICSV IBM Cloud Secure Virtualization
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Intel AES-NI Intel Advanced Encryption Standard – New Instructions
Intel CIT Intel Cloud Integrity Technology
Intel TPM Intel Trusted Platform Module
Intel TXT Intel Trusted Execution Technology
Intel VT Intel Virtualization Technology
IPsec Internet Protocol Security
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IT Information Technology
KMIP Key Management Interoperability Protocol
LAG Link Aggregate
MLE Measured Launch Environment
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 50
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NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 53
1031 [2] NIST, “National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) trusted geolocation in the cloud
1032 building block,” Federal Register, vol. 82, no. 90, pp. 21979-21980, May 11, 2017.
1033 Available:
1034 [3] Joint Task Force, “Guide for conducting risk assessments,” NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST SP 800-
1035 30 Revision 1, Sep. 2012. Available:
1036 [4] Joint Task Force, “Risk Management Rramework for Information Systems and Organizations: A
1037 System Life Cycle Approach for Security and Privacy,” NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST SP 800-37
1038 Revision 2, Dec. 2019. Available:
1039 [5] Risk management – Guidelines, ISO Standard 31000:2018, Feb. 2018.
1040 Available:
1041 [6] COSO, “Enterprise risk management – Integrating with strategy and performance,” COSO, Jun.
1042 2017. Available:
1043 [7] J. Freund and J. Jones, Measuring and Managing Information Risk: A FAIR Approach. Oxford,
1044 England: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2014.
1045 [8] NIST, “Framework for improving critical infrastructure cybersecurity,” NIST, Gaithersburg, MD,
1046 Apr. 16, 2018, Version 1.1. Available:
1047 [9] Joint Task Force Transformation Initiative, “Security and privacy controls for federal information
1048 systems and organizations,” NIST, Gaithersburg, MD, NIST SP 800-53 Revision 4, Apr. 2013.
1049 Available:
1050 [10] VMware, “Architecture and design: VMware validated design for management and workload
1051 consolidation 4.2,” VMware, Palo Alto, CA, Mar. 27, 2018.
1052 Available:
1053 design-42-sddc-consolidated-architecture-design.pdf.
1054 [11] VMware, “Deployment for region A: VMware validated design for software-defined data center
1055 4.2,” VMware, Palo Alto, CA, Feb. 13, 2018. Available:
1056 Validated-Design/4.2/vmware-validated-design-42-sddc-regiona-deployment.pdf.
1057 [12] VMware, “Operational verification: VMware validated design for software-defined data center
1058 4.2,” VMware, Palo Alto, CA, Mar.27, 2018. Available:
1059 Validated-Design/4.2/vmware-validated-design-42-sddc-operational-verification.pdf.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 54
1060 [13] VMware, “Planning and preparation: VMware validated design for software-defined data center
1061 4.2,” VMware, Palo Alto, CA, Feb. 13, 2018. Available:
1062 Validated-Design/4.2/vmware-validated-design-42-sddc-planning-preparation.pdf.
NIST SP 1800-19B: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 55
Trusted Cloud:
Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Environments
Volume C:
How-to Guides
October 2021
2 Certain commercial entities, equipment, products, or materials may be identified by name or company
3 logo or other insignia in order to acknowledge their participation in this collaboration or to describe an
4 experimental procedure or concept adequately. Such identification is not intended to imply special sta-
5 tus or relationship with NIST or recommendation or endorsement by NIST or NCCoE; neither is it in-
6 tended to imply that the entities, equipment, products, or materials are necessarily the best available
7 for the purpose.
8 While NIST and the NCCoE address goals of improving management of cybersecurity and privacy risk
9 through outreach and application of standards and best practices, it is the stakeholder’s responsibility
10 to fully perform a risk assessment to include the current threat, vulnerabilities, likelihood of a
11 compromise, and the impact should the threat be realized before adopting cybersecurity measures such
12 as this recommendation.
13 National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 1800-19C, Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol.
14 Spec. Publ. 1800-19C, 124 pages, (October 2021), CODEN: NSPUE2
16 You can improve this guide by contributing feedback. As you review and adopt this solution for your
17 own organization, we ask you and your colleagues to share your experience and advice with us.
20 All comments are subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments ii
41 To learn more about the NCCoE, visit To learn more about NIST, visit
50 The documents in this series describe example implementations of cybersecurity practices that
51 businesses and other organizations may voluntarily adopt. These documents do not describe
52 regulations or mandatory practices, nor do they carry statutory authority.
54 A cloud workload is an abstraction of the actual instance of a functional application that is virtualized or
55 containerized to include compute, storage, and network resources. Organizations need to be able to
56 monitor, track, apply, and enforce their security and privacy policies on their cloud workloads, based on
57 business requirements, in a consistent, repeatable, and automated way. The goal of this project is to
58 develop a trusted cloud solution that will demonstrate how trusted compute pools leveraging hardware
59 roots of trust can provide the necessary security capabilities. These capabilities not only provide
60 assurance that cloud workloads are running on trusted hardware and in a trusted geolocation or logical
61 boundary, but also improve the protections for the data in the workloads and in the data flows between
62 workloads. The example solution leverages modern commercial off-the-shelf technology and cloud
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments iii
63 services to address lifting and shifting a typical multi-tier application between an organization-
64 controlled private cloud and a hybrid/public cloud over the internet.
66 cloud technology; compliance; cybersecurity; privacy; trusted compute pools
68 The Technology Partners/Collaborators who participated in this build submitted their capabilities in
69 response to a notice in the Federal Register. Respondents with relevant capabilities or product
70 components were invited to sign a Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) with
71 NIST, allowing them to participate in a consortium to build this example solution. We worked with:
Gemalto (A Thales Company) Hardware security module (HSM) for storing keys
73 The terms “shall” and “shall not” indicate requirements to be followed strictly to conform to the
74 publication and from which no deviation is permitted. The terms “should” and “should not” indicate
75 that among several possibilities, one is recommended as particularly suitable without mentioning or
76 excluding others, or that a certain course of action is preferred but not necessarily required, or that (in
77 the negative form) a certain possibility or course of action is discouraged but not prohibited. The terms
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments iv
78 “may” and “need not” indicate a course of action permissible within the limits of the publication. The
79 terms “can” and “cannot” indicate a possibility and capability, whether material, physical, or causal.
87 ITL may require from the patent holder, or a party authorized to make assurances on its behalf, in writ-
88 ten or electronic form, either:
89 a) assurance in the form of a general disclaimer to the effect that such party does not hold and does not
90 currently intend holding any essential patent claim(s); or
91 b) assurance that a license to such essential patent claim(s) will be made available to applicants desiring
92 to utilize the license for the purpose of complying with the guidance or requirements in this ITL draft
93 publication either:
94 1. under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination;
95 or
96 2. without compensation and under reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free
97 of any unfair discrimination.
98 Such assurance shall indicate that the patent holder (or third party authorized to make assurances on its
99 behalf) will include in any documents transferring ownership of patents subject to the assurance, provi-
100 sions sufficient to ensure that the commitments in the assurance are binding on the transferee, and
101 that the transferee will similarly include appropriate provisions in the event of future transfers with the
102 goal of binding each successor-in-interest.
103 The assurance shall also indicate that it is intended to be binding on successors-in-interest regardless of
104 whether such provisions are included in the relevant transfer documents.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments v
106 Contents
115 2.2.1 Functionality and interoperability (layer 3 access)..................................................... 11
116 2.2.2 VLANs .......................................................................................................................... 16
126 4.3.1 Provisioning PolicyTags ............................................................................................... 25
127 4.3.2 Policy Interaction ........................................................................................................ 27
131 5.1.1 Pre-deployment .......................................................................................................... 29
132 5.1.2 Automation deployment ............................................................................................ 31
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments vi
150 7.2.1 Configure the VMware ESX/ESXi Event Source .......................................................... 51
151 7.2.2 Configure the RSA NetWitness Log Collector for VMware Collection ........................ 52
156 8.3.1 Example VVD 5.0.1 Configuration: Configure the Password and Policy Lockout Setting
157 in vCenter Server in Region A ..................................................................................... 56
158 8.3.2 Example VVD 5.0.1 Configuration: Configure Encryption Management in Region
159 A ................................................................................................................................. 57
160 8.3.3 Example vRealize Automation DISA STIG Configuration: Configure SLES for vRealize
161 to protect the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted information.................... 58
162 8.3.4 Example vRealize Operations Manager DISA STIG Configuration: Configure the
163 vRealize Operations server session timeout............................................................... 58
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments vii
165 8.4.1 Operation .................................................................................................................... 58
166 8.4.2 Monitoring .................................................................................................................. 59
167 8.4.3 Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 60
170 Appendices
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments viii
187 1 Introduction
188 The following volumes of this guide show information technology (IT) professionals and security
189 engineers how we implemented this example solution. We cover all of the products employed in this
190 reference design. We do not re-create the product manufacturers’ documentation, which is presumed
191 to be widely available. Rather, these volumes show how we incorporated the products together in our
192 environment.
193 Note: These are not comprehensive tutorials. There are many possible service and security configurations
194 for these products that are out of scope for this reference design.
206 Business decision makers, including chief security and technology officers, will be interested in the
207 Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-19A, which describes the following topics:
208 challenges that enterprises face in protecting cloud workloads in hybrid cloud models
209 example solution built at the NCCoE
210 benefits of adopting the example solution
211 Technology or security program managers who are concerned with how to identify, understand, assess,
212 and mitigate risk will be interested in NIST SP 1800-19B, which describes what we did and why. The
213 following sections will be of particular interest:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 1
217 You might share the Executive Summary, NIST SP 1800-19A, with your leadership team members to help
218 them understand the importance of adopting standards-based trusted compute pools in a hybrid cloud
219 model that provide expanded security capabilities.
220 IT professionals who want to implement an approach like this will find the whole practice guide useful.
221 You can use this How-To portion of the guide, NIST SP 1800-19C, to replicate all or parts of the build
222 created in our lab. This How-To portion of the guide provides specific product installation, configuration,
223 and integration instructions for implementing the example solution.
224 This guide assumes that IT professionals have experience implementing security products within the
225 enterprise. While we have used a suite of commercial products to address this challenge, this guide does
226 not endorse these particular products. Your organization can adopt this solution or one that adheres to
227 these guidelines in whole, or you can use this guide as a starting point for tailoring and implementing
228 parts of a trusted cloud implementation leveraging commercial off-the-shelf technology. Your
229 organization’s security experts should identify the products that will best integrate with your existing
230 tools and IT system infrastructure. We hope that you will seek products that are congruent with
231 applicable standards and best practices. Section 4.2, Technologies, in NIST SP 1800-19B lists the
232 products that we used and maps them to the cybersecurity controls provided by this reference solution.
233 A NIST Cybersecurity Practice Guide does not describe “the” solution, but a possible solution. This is a
234 draft guide. We seek feedback on its contents and welcome your input. Comments, suggestions, and
235 success stories will improve subsequent versions of this guide. Please contribute your thoughts to
236 [email protected].
241 1. Demonstrate control and visibility for the trusted hybrid cloud environment
242 2. Demonstrate control of workloads and data security
243 3. Demonstrate a workload security policy in a hybrid cloud
244 4. Demonstrate recovery from an unexpected infrastructure outage
245 5. Demonstrate providing visibility into network traffic patterns
246 6. Demonstrate application zero trust
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 2
blue text link to other parts of the document, All publications from NIST’s NCCoE are
a web URL, or an email address available at
253 The private on-premises cloud at the NCCoE consists of the following components:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 3
269 Figure 1-1 shows the high-level architecture. It depicts the four main components that comprise the
270 build:
271 HSM component: This build utilizes HSMs to store sensitive keys within the environment.
272 Management component: Identical functional management components are instantiated
273 within each cloud instance. At a minimum, each management component includes VMware
274 running the virtualization stack, HyTrust providing the asset tagging policy enforcement aspect,
275 and RSA providing network-visibility, dashboard, and reporting capabilities. The management
276 components are connected through the VPN to represent one logical management element.
277 Compute component: The compute components host the tenant workload virtual machines
278 (VMs). Asset tagging is provisioned on the compute servers so that policy can be assigned and
279 enforced to ensure that tenant workloads reside on servers that meet specific regulatory
280 compliance requirements.
281 Workload component: The workload components include VMs, data storage, and networks
282 owned and operated by the tenant and data owner. Policies are applied to the workloads to
283 ensure that they can run only on servers that meet specific requirements, such as asset tag
284 policies.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 4
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 5
306 Dell EMC Unity Data at Rest Encryption (D@RE) protects against unauthorized access to lost, stolen, or
307 failed drives by ensuring all sensitive user data on the system is encrypted as it is written to disk. It does
308 this through hardware-based encryption modules located in the serial attached SCSI (SAS) controllers
309 and 12Gb/s SAS IO modules which encrypt data as it is written to the back-end drives, and decrypt data
310 as it is retrieved from these drives.
311 To enable and configure D@RE, first read the Dell EMC Unity: Data at Rest Encryption paper and follow
312 the instructions in these sections:
317 Next, configure the storage system to enable Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) 140-2
318 mode for the Transport Layer Security (TLS) modules that encrypt client management traffic. Directions
319 for doing so are in the “Management support for FIPS 140-2” section of Chapter 4 of the Dell EMC Unity
320 Family Security Configuration Guide. Finally, to enable STIG mode on the Dell EMC Unity system (for
321 physical deployments only), follow the three steps, in order, for hardening your storage system in the
322 “Manage STIG mode” section of Chapter 8 in the same Security Configuration Guide.
328 Configure the following features in the specified order. After you configure these features, configure the
329 Functionality and Interoperability (Layer 2 Access) or Functionality and Interoperability (Layer 3 Access)
330 features. For information about using the command line interface (CLI), see the Configuration
331 Fundamentals and Getting Started sections in the Dell Networking Configuration Guide for your
332 platform, or use the Dell Command Line Reference Guide for the S3048-ON System. To access all
333 documentation for release 9.14, go to
334 support/product/dell-emc-os-9/docs.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 6
338 a. Define the minimum security policy to create passwords. Ensure that the password
339 attributes match your organization’s security policy.
340 password-attributes min-length 15 character-restriction lower 2
341 character-restriction upper 2 character-restriction numeric 2 character-
342 restriction special 2
343 b. Set up the login lockout period to match your organization’s security policy.
344 password-attributes lockout-period 15
349 Note: Enable FIPS mode before you configure the features below. If you do not, the system will
350 clear some of the configuration, and you must reconfigure some of the features.
351 Note: If the system fails to transition to FIPS mode, the system is not in a compliant state.
352 4. Enable SSH server:
353 ip ssh server cipher aes128-ctr aes192-ctr aes256-ctr
354 ip ssh server enable
355 ip ssh server mac hmac-sha1 hmac-sha2-256
358 6. Define content addressable memory (CAM) allocation and optimization. CAM is a type of
359 memory that stores information in the form of a lookup table. These CAM settings are required
360 to configure a conformant IPv4 and IPv6 solution.
361 cam-acl 12acl 2 ipv4acl 2 ipv6acl 4 ipv4qos 2 12qoa 1 12pt 0 ipmacacl 0 vman-
362 qos cfmacl 0 fedgoval
363 7. Enforce authentication and authorization of users connecting to system through the console or
364 SSH, and then set the timer for terminating a session after 10 minutes of inactivity.
365 login authentication ucraaa_console
366 exec-timeout 10 0
367 authorization exec ucraaa_console
368 line vty 0
369 login authentication ucraaa_vty
370 exec-timeout 10 0
371 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
372 line vty 1
373 login authentication ucraaa_vty
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 7
374 exec-timeout 10 0
375 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
376 line vty 2
377 login authentication ucraaa_vty
378 exec-timeout 10 0
379 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
380 line vty 3
381 login authentication ucraaa_vty
382 exec-timeout 10 0
383 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
384 line vty 4
385 login authentication ucraaa_vty
386 exec-timeout 10 0
387 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
388 line vty 5
389 login authentication ucraaa_vty
390 exec-timeout 10 0
391 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
392 line vty 6
393 login authentication ucraaa_vty
394 exec-timeout 10 0
395 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
396 line vty 7
397 login authentication ucraaa_vty
398 exec-timeout 10 0
399 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
400 line vty 8
401 login authentication ucraaa_vty
402 exec-timeout 10 0
403 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
404 line vty 9
405 login authentication ucraaa_vty
406 exec-timeout 10 0
407 authorization exec ucraaa_vty
410 9. Limit open Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) connections by defining the wait duration for
411 TCP connections as nine seconds:
412 ip tcp reduced-syn-ack-wait
415 11. Configure IPv4 Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) routes:
416 router ospf 101
417 router-id
418 network area 101
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 8
424 13. Configure system and audit log settings, such as syslog version, buffer size, logging server, and
425 coredump destination:
426 service timestamps log datetime localtime msec show-timezone
427 service timestamps debug datetime localtime msec show-timezone
428 !
429 logging coredump stack-unit 1
430 logging coredump stack-unit 2
431 logging coredump stack-unit 3
432 logging coredump stack-unit 4
433 logging coredump stack-unit 5
434 logging coredump stack-unit 6
435 !
460 16. Configure the switch to securely bring the software image to its flash drive. Define where to up-
461 grade the software image to (flash drive) and where to boot the software image from.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 9
476 20. Enter the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) source interface, for example Loopback 1:
477 ip ftp source-interface loopback 1
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 10
498 no shutdown
499 !
512 2. The following configurations create aggregated links and were applied to interfaces to enable
513 link aggregation control protocol (LACP). The aggregated links were then subscribed to virtual
514 local area networks (VLANs). For complete information about this feature, see the Port Channel
515 Interfaces and Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) sections in the Dell Networking Configu-
516 ration Guide and the Dell Networking Command Line Reference Guide.
517 interface Port-channel 64
518 description LAG to IB-MGMT switches
519 no ip address
520 switchport
521 vlt-peer-lag port-channel 64
522 no shutdown
523 !
524 interface Port-channel 67
525 no ip address
526 mtu 9216
527 portmode hybrid
528 switchport
529 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
530 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
531 lacp fast-switchover
532 vlt-peer-lag port-channel 67
533 no shutdown
534 !
535 interface Port-channel 68
536 no ip address
537 mtu 9216
538 portmode hybrid
539 switchport
540 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
541 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 11
552 3. Apply input and output policies to physical interfaces. The following are the configurations in
553 the NCCoE lab and can be run on the switch CLI as written to duplicate:
554 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/1
555 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-01
556 no ip address
557 mtu 9216
558 switchport
559 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
560 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
561 no shutdown
562 !
563 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/2
564 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-02
565 no ip address
566 mtu 9216
567 switchport
568 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
569 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
570 no shutdown
571 !
572 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/3
573 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-03
574 no ip address
575 _ mtu 9216
576 switchport
577 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
578 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
579 no shutdown
580 !
581 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/4
582 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-04
583 no ip address
584 mtu 9216
585 switchport
586 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
587 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
588 no shutdown
589 !
590 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/5
591 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-01
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 12
592 no ip address
593 mtu 9216
594 switchport
595 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
596 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
597 no shutdown
598 !
599 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/6
600 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-02
601 no ip address
602 mtu 9216
603 switchport
604 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
605 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
606 no shutdown
607 !
608 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/7
609 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-03
610 no ip address
611 mtu 9216
612 switchport
613 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
614 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
615 no shutdown
616 !
617 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/8
618 description mgt-nccoe-esxi-04
619 no ip address
620 mtu 9216
621 switchport
622 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
623 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
624 no shutdown
625 !
626 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/9
627 description comp-nccoe-esxi-01
628 no ip address
629 mtu 9216
630 switchport
631 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
632 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
633 no shutdown
634 !
635 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/10
636 description comp-nccoe-esxi-02
637 no ip address
638 mtu 9216
639 switchport
640 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
641 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
642 no shutdown
643 !
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 13
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 14
696 no shutdown
697 !
698 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/31
699 description TO-UNITY-ARRAY
700 no ip address
701 mtu 9216
702 !
703 port-channel-protocol LACP
704 port-channel 68 mode active
705 no shutdown
706 !
707 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/32
708 description TO-UNITY-ARRAY
709 no ip address
710 mtu 9216
711 !
712 port-channel-protocol LACP
713 port-channel 67 mode active
714 no shutdown
715 !
716 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/47
717 description NorthBound Firewal X5
718 no ip address
719 switchport
720 no shutdown
721 !
722 interface TenGigabitEthernet 1/48
723 description IB-MGMT Switch Stack Port 49
724 no ip address
725 !
726 port-channel-protocol LACP
727 port-channel 64 mode active
728 no shutdown
729 interface fortyGigE 1/51
730 description VLTi
731 no ip address
732 no shutdown
733 !
734 interface fortyGigE 1/52
735 description VLTi
736 no ip address
737 no shutdown
738 !
739 interface fortyGigE 1/53
740 description to Spine Switch 4 Port 54
741 ip address
742 no shutdown
743 !
744 interface fortyGigE 1/54
745 description to Spine Switch 3 Port 54
746 ip address
747 no shutdown
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 15
748 !
749 interface Port-channel 64
750 description LAG to IB-MGMT Switches
751 no ip address
752 switchport
753 vlt-peer-lag port-channel 64
754 no shutdown
755 !
756 interface Port-channel 67
757 no ip address
758 mtu 9216
759 portmode hybrid
760 switchport
761 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
762 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
763 lacp fast-switchover
764 vlt-peer-lag port-channel 67
765 no shutdown
766 !
767 interface Port-channel 68
768 no ip address
769 mtu 9216
770 portmode hybrid
771 switchport
772 spanning-tree rstp edge-port bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
773 spanning-tree 0 portfast bpduguard shutdown-on-violation
774 lacp fast-switchover
775 vlt-peer-lag port-channel 68
776 no shutdown
777 !
778 interface Port-channel 127
779 description VLTi
780 no ip address
781 channel-member fortyGigE 1/51,1/52
782 no shutdown
783 !
784 interface Port-channel 128
785 no ip address
786 shutdown
787 !
789 Honor 802.1p markings on incoming traffic and assign them to a default queue
790 service-class dynamic dot1p
792 Include overhead fields in rate-metering calculations
793 qos-rate-adjust 20
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 16
797 Command Line Reference Guide. The following are the configurations in the NCCoE lab and can be run
798 on the switch CLI as written to duplicate:
799 interface Vlan 1
800 !untagged Port-channel 67-68,127
801 !
802 interface Vlan 101
803 ip address
804 untagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/47
805 !
806 vrrp-group 101
807 virtual-address
808 no shutdown
809 !
810 interface Vlan 103
811 no ip address
812 shutdown
813 !
814 interface Vlan 104
815 description nccoe-m01-vds01-managemnt
816 ip address
817 tagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/1-1/16,1/21
818 tagged Port-channel 64,127
819 !
820 vrrp-group 104
821 priority 254
822 virtual-address
823 no shutdown
824 !
825 interface Vlan 110
826 description nccoe-m01-vds01-nfs
827 ip address
828 tagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/1-1/16,1/21
829 tagged Port-channel 67-68,127
830 !
831 vrrp-group 110
832 priority 254
833 virtual-address
834 no shutdown
835 !
836 interface Vlan 120
837 description nccoe-m01-vds01-vmotion
838 ip address
839 tagged TenGigabitEthernet 1/1-1/8
840 tagged Port-channel 127
841 !
842 vrrp-group 120
843 priority 254
844 virtual-address
845 no shutdown
846 !
847 interface Vlan 130
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 17
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NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 19
966 There are two BIOS attributes that are associated with Secure Boot:
983 2. Preventing unauthorized access to GRUB configuration (under “Level-1 security hardening”)
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 20
984 3. Preventing the OS from loading USB storage (under “Level-1 security hardening”)
987 6. Configuring the firewall to block access to port 9443 (under “Level-3 security hardening”)
1005 5. Set the network interface card (NIC) configuration for eth0 on the HSM:
1006 net interface -device eth0 -ip -netmask -gateway
1008 Perform the following steps to generate and use a new HSM server certificate:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 21
1015 The following commands initialize the HSM and set up policies for logging in and which algorithms it can
1016 use:
1021 3. Policy 12 controls non-FIPS compliant algorithms. Setting the value to zero disables any non-FIPS
1022 compliant algorithms:
1023 hsm changePolicy -policy 12 -v 0
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 22
1047 1. Installing KeyControl from an OVA Template (note: OVA stands for open virtual appliance)
1050 Next, in order to use the Gemalto Luna HSM as the KMS server to protect its keys, there must be
1051 connectivity between KeyControl and the HSM. To configure the HSM in KeyControls:
1052 1. Log in to the web user interface (UI) and click the SETTINGS button.
1053 2. Once in the Settings menu, click on the “HSM Server Settings” link to configure the HSM.
1054 3. Enter in the following information for the Gemalto Luna HSM:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 23
1066 3. Registering the Policy Agent Using the HyTrust Policy Agent GUI
1070 1. Overview
1075 a. HA Overview
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 24
1085 9. Verifying and Updating Host Trust (and Host Icons Used in CloudControl)
1086 For more information on PolicyTags provisioning and evaluation, see the “PolicyTags Provisioning”
1087 section in chapter 6 of the Administration Guide for HyTrust CloudControl.
1091 2. Generate and run the esxcli commands for hardware provisioning for each Trusted host.
1093 Collect UUIDs of Good Known Hosts (GKHs) and Trusted Hosts
1094 The UUID information for the GKHs and Trusted hosts can be collected from the vCenter Managed
1095 Object Browser (MOB). You will need to obtain the UUID for each GKH and Trusted host.
1096 1. Log into the vCenter Managed Object Browser at https://<VSPHERE_URL>/mob.
1097 2. Perform the following series of page selections to reach the host page for each of your Intel TXT-
1098 enabled hosts:
1100 4. On the Summary page, click Hardware. The Hardware page contains the UUID information.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 25
1109 The extraction process lists several files, including the sha1.bin for each Trusted ESXi host.
1110 Example:
1111 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/6aa6af76/14f6/42e8/b452/6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-
1112 dc27fe259e1a/system--6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-dc27fe259e1a.der
1113 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/6aa6af76/14f6/42e8/b452/6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-
1114 dc27fe259e1a/system--6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-dc27fe259e1a.sha1.bin
1115 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/6aa6af76/14f6/42e8/b452/6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-
1116 dc27fe259e1a/system--6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-dc27fe259e1a.sha256.bin
1117 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/6aa6af76/14f6/42e8/b452/6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-
1118 dc27fe259e1a/system--6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-dc27fe259e1a.metadata.txt
1119 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/dddfda66/314e/4378/8f4d/dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-
1120 060b5d885038/system--dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-060b5d885038.der
1121 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/dddfda66/314e/4378/8f4d/dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-
1122 060b5d885038/system--dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-060b5d885038.sha1.bin
1123 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/dddfda66/314e/4378/8f4d/dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-
1124 060b5d885038/system--dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-060b5d885038.sha256.bin
1125 export--2018-08-27T23-44-43Z/dddfda66/314e/4378/8f4d/dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-
1126 060b5d885038/system--dddfda66-314e-4378-8f4d-060b5d885038.metadata.txt
1131 This command returns the “subject” and the “id.” Example:
1132 "subject" : "4c4c4544-0032-3010-8035-b5c04f333832",
1133 "id" : "6aa6af76-14f6-42e8-b452-dc27fe259e1a"
1134 5. Run the following hexdump command for each Trusted host, where <sha1.bin file path> matches
1135 the “id” for the specific host:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 26
1136 hexdump -e '"esxcli hardware tpm tag set --data=" 20/1 "%1.2x" ";\n"' <sha1.bin
1137 file path>
1148 3. Run the specific esxcli command for the Trusted host. The command is part of the hexdump
1149 output.
1150 Example:
1151 esxcli hardware tpm tag set --data=46f048ce41afdfa686e4c00f9fd67a2b71d1c749;
1152 4. Restart the ESXi host. The host should still be in maintenance mode.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 27
1165 cloud-based with web-based documentation, and they do not use versioning conventions, so it is not
1166 possible to reference the documentation that was used during this build. As of this writing, the latest
1167 information from IBM is available through the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions site at
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 28
1178 To deploy the ICSV reference architecture stack, IBM has streamlined the process in three phases for the
1179 customer.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 29
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 30
Services to be added
Veeam Yes / No NO
F5 Yes / No NO
Fortinet Security Appliance Yes / No NO
Fortinet Virtual Appliance Yes / No NO
Zerto version 5.0 Yes / No NO
HyTrust DataControl Yes / No YES
HyTrust CloudControl Yes / No YES
IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Yes / No NO
1190 1. Log into the IBM Cloud infrastructure customer portal at
1191 log/.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 31
1192 2. From the top left corner, select the “Hamburger” menu, then select VMware from the drop-
1193 down menu on the left side.
1194 3. Click on Settings and make sure the correct application programming interface (API) key is en-
1195 tered before provisioning the solution.
1196 4. On the IBM Cloud for VMware Solutions screen, select VMware vCenter Server on IBM Cloud.
1197 5. On the next screen, select vCenter Server and click the Create button.
1198 6. In the next window, type in the Instance Name and make sure Primary Instance is highlighted
1199 for Instance type. For the Licensing options, select Include with purchase for all of them. For the
1200 NSX License, select Enterprise from the drop-down menu.
1202 a. For the Data Center Location, open the drop-down menu for NA South and select
1203 DAL09.
1204 b. Select Customized since our workload needs a virtual storage area network (VSAN),
1205 which requires a minimum of a four-node cluster.
1208 b. Set the Disk Type and Size for vSAN Capacity Disks to 1.9 TB SSD SED.
1209 c. Select 2 from the drop-down menu for the Number of vSAN Capacity Disks.
1210 d. For vSAN License, select Include with purchase and then choose Enterprise from the
1211 drop-down menu.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 32
1217 11. Under DNS Configuration, select Two highly available dedicated Windows Server VMs on the
1218 management cluster.
1219 12. Under Services, remove Veeam on IBM Cloud 9.5 and select HyTrust CloudControl on IBM
1220 Cloud 5.3 and HyTrust DataControl on IBM Cloud 4.1.
1221 13. Click on the Provision button in the bottom right-hand corner. This will begin the provisioning
1222 process for the selected topology. It can take roughly 24 hours to complete the automation de-
1223 ployment. Once deployment has completed, you should receive an email notification.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 33
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 34
HTCC Roles
Default Roles
ASC_ARCAdmin default ASC_ARCAdmin
ASC_ARCAssessor default ASC_ARCAssessor
ASC_ApplAdmin default ASC_ApplAdmin
ASC_BackupAdmin default ASC_BackupAdmin
ASC_BasicLogin default ASC_BasicLogin
ASC_CoreApplAdmin default ASC_CoreApplAdmin
ASC_DCAdmin default ASC_DCAdmin
ASC_ESXMAdmin default ASC_ESXMAdmin
ASC_NetworkAdmin default ASC_NetworkAdmin
ASC_PolicyAdmin default ASC_PolicyAdmin
ASC_RoleAdmin default ASC_RoleAdmin
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 35
ASC_ARCAdmin default ASC_ARCAdmin
ASC_ARCAssessor default ASC_ARCAssessor
ASC_ApplAdmin default ASC_ApplAdmin
ASC_BackupAdmin default ASC_BackupAdmin
ASC_BasicLogin default ASC_BasicLogin
ASC_CoreApplAdmin default ASC_CoreApplAdmin
ASC_DCAdmin default ASC_DCAdmin
ASC_ESXMAdmin default ASC_ESXMAdmin
ASC_NetworkAdmin default ASC_NetworkAdmin
ASC_PolicyAdmin default ASC_PolicyAdmin
ASC_RoleAdmin default ASC_RoleAdmin
ASC_StorageAdmin default ASC_StorageAdmin
ASC_SuperAdmin default ASC_SuperAdmin
ASC_ThirdParty default ASC_ThirdParty
ASC_UCSLogin default ASC_UCSLogin
ASC_VIAdmin default ASC_VIAdmin
ASC_VMPowerUser default ASC_VMPowerUser
ASC_VMUser default ASC_VMUser
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 36
1238 5.2.1 Enable Managed Object Browser (MOB) for each ESXi Server
1239 1. Open the vSphere Client and navigate to the relevant host.
1241 3. On the left-hand side under Software, click on System, then Advanced System Settings.
1245 6. To confirm that MOB has been enabled on the host, open, where x.x.x.x is
1246 the IP address of the ESX Server.
1249 2. Log into your IBM Cloud console and open a support ticket. In the ticket, specify the following:
1250 a. ESX host(s) you want them to work on. You can have support work on multiple hosts as
1251 long as you have the minimum running as required by your instance—minimum of three
1252 hosts for instances that have VSAN, otherwise two hosts.
1255 We need your assistance to enable TPM/TXT in the BIOS for this IBM Cloud Secure
1256 Virtualization (ICSV) instance.
1257 Please enable the TPM/TXT flags in the BIOS, following the steps in the exact order
1258 specified:
1259 1. Reboot the following host(s) specified below and enter into BIOS – <provide the list
1260 of hosts again here for clarity.>
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 37
1271 Please let me know when you have done this successfully.
1273 c. Once the support person returns the ticket with the task completed, continue with the
1274 tasks below.
1275 3. From the vCenter console, exit maintenance mode. You may need to connect the ESX hosts
1276 again if the host got disconnected.
1277 4. From the vSphere web client or vSphere client, disconnect the host and then connect the host
1278 back. This is needed to have the ESXi host re-read the TPM settings.
1280 At a minimum, there must be three hosts up in instances that have VSAN. So make sure you only work
1281 on hosts that will ensure this requirement is met. Ideally, work on one host at a time.
1284 2. Reboot the ESXi server by pressing the F12 key in the iKVM viewer.
1285 3. Once the server reboots, access the BIOS. Disable the TPM Provision Support, the TXT Support,
1286 and the TPM State, then Save & Exit.
1287 4. Reboot the server all the way to the ESXi OS level.
1289 6. Make sure the OS is not loaded, and access the BIOS. Set the TPM State to Enabled, then Save &
1290 Exit.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 38
1291 7. Let the system boot up, but access the BIOS before the OS is loaded. If the system boots the OS,
1292 you will have to do the above steps again.
1293 8. Enable TXT Support in the BIOS, then Save & Exit.
1305 5.2.5 Check the vCenter MOB to see if the TPM/TXT is enabled
1306 1. Open a browser with https://<vCenter-console-IP address>/mob to bring the vCenter MOB (do
1307 not use the individual ESXi host MOB). Authenticate using the vCenter credential.
1308 2. Click on different resources of the MOB in the steps shown below:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 39
1314 f. Search for host, and you will see all the hosts listed with their host names.
1315 g. Click on the host that you need to validate. In our demo, we are checking
1317 h. Search for method QueryTpmAttestationReport and click on it to invoke the method.
1325 1. In Windows Server, start the Server Manager, if not already started.
1326 2. From the Server Manager window, select Tools -> Active Directory Users and Computers.
1327 3. Right-click on your domain that has been created based on the instance name you provided by
1328 Windows AD deployment (for VCS) or during VCF deployment creation. For our demo, it is
1329 demo3VCS.local. Select New -> Organizational Unit. You should create the new OU.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 40
1330 4. Enter HyTrust as the name of the new unit. Right-click on the HyTrust organizational unit, select
1331 New -> Organizational Unit, and give the name of Groups.
1332 5. Right-click again on the HyTrust organizational unit, select New -> Organizational Unit, and give
1333 the name of Users. This group will be used to allow a user to communicate between HTCC and
1334 AD. The directory hierarchy should now look similar to this:
1335 6. Add two users to the Users group. To do this, right-click on the HyTrust/Users organizational
1336 unit and select New -> User.
1337 7. The first user is the primary user account that will be used to communicate between HTCC and
1338 AD. In the pop-up screen for users, enter user information as appropriate. The screen might look
1339 like this:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 41
1342 8. Click Next to go to the user password screen. It asks you to establish a password and some pass-
1343 word options for the user. Enter or verify these fields:
1344 a. Enter and confirm a password for the user. The password needs to have at least one up-
1345 per case letter, otherwise the user will not be created. Note the password in the deploy-
1346 ment spreadsheet.
1347 b. Uncheck this option: User must change password at next logon.
1351 9. The second user will be used as the service account when HTCC interacts with vCenter. You
1352 could use the [email protected] account, but best practice is to create a specific ser-
1353 vice account in AD and use that. Create the second user (in the same way as the first user) with
1354 the following values:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 42
1359 a. First, right-click on the Groups organizational unit and select New -> Group.
1360 b. When prompted, enter a name for the new group: bcadmins. Later, you will tell HTDC to
1361 use this group when communicating with HTCC to verify boundary checks. Keep the rest
1362 of the options (Group scope and type) the default values as shown below. Press OK to
1363 create the group.
1364 c. Right-click again on the Groups organizational unit and select New -> Group.
1365 d. When prompted, enter a name for this group: ht_superadmin_users and press OK.
1366 Later, you will tell HTCC to use this group to specify administrative users of HTCC.
1367 11. You will now add members to the superadmin group.
1369 b. In the pop-up window, select the Members tab, then click Add.
1370 c. In the next pop-up screen, enter an object name Administrator, and click on Check
1371 Names. If no error is returned, click OK.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 43
1373 You are now ready to set up HTCC authentication to work with AD, as described in the next procedure.
1379 1. To check if vCenter is already joined to the AD domain, SSH into PSC.
1382 If the output indicates it’s already joined, you can skip the rest of this section (5.2.7).
1383 3. If it’s not already joined, run the following command to join it:
1384 /opt/likewise/bin/domainjoin-cli join <domain-name> <AD Administrator user>
1385 <password>
1386 Example:
1387 /opt/likewise/bin/domainjoin-cli join demo3vcs.local Administrator Passw0rd
1388 Output:
1389 Joining to AD Domain: demo3vcs.local
1390 With Computer DNS Name: psc.demo3vcs.local
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 44
1397 1. In the vSphere Web Client, go to Administration and then Users and Groups. Click on Groups,
1398 then Administrators, and select the Group Members Add icon.
1399 2. In the Add Principals panel, select the Windows AD Domain (demo.local in our example), scroll
1400 down and select the user ht_vcenter_svc user (that was created in Windows AD), and click on
1401 the Add button. That user should appear in the Users list. Then press the OK button.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 45
1402 You have successfully added the Windows AD HyTrust vCenter LDAP id as part of the Administrator
1403 group. This id will be used for all interaction between HTCC and vCenter, when the vCenter is added to
1404 HTCC.
1407 2. Add the AD user for the HyTrust-vCenter service, ht_vcenter_svc, and give it Administration per-
1408 mission.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 46
1414 By default, HTCC is set to use a demo userid/password authentication. Once you change to AD
1415 authentication, you cannot revert back to the demo authentication.
1416 If AD is configured with TLS, the AD server’s certificate must be imported into HTCC. To configure HTCC
1417 with an AD server with TLS configuration, refer to the HTCC Administration Guide for the following
1418 steps:
1419 1. To import AD Server certificate into HTCC, refer to the HTCC Administration Guide section titled
1420 “Installing a Third-Party Root Certificate.”
1421 2. Configure AD with TLS in HTCC. Refer to the HTCC Administration Guide section titled “Integrat-
1422 ing the Appliance with Active Directory.”
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 47
1424 1. Log onto the HTCC web console, using URL https://<HTCC-Virtual-IP>/asc with the default
1425 username of superadminuser and the password Pa$$w0rd123!
1426 2. From the HTCC dashboard, select the Configuration menu, and then Authentication.
1427 3. Change the Authentication Server Type to Directory Service and accept your changes.
1428 4. You should see a screen for configuring the service account. Make sure that the default domain
1429 name is the one you used to deploy the instance. In our demo, it’s demo3vcf.local. In the ser-
1430 vice account name field, enter the username (ht_ldap_svc) and password that you used during
1431 the AD setup steps.
1432 5. Click Next, and you will see the domain listed. Click Next again.
1433 6. You should now see the Role-Group Mapping page. Look under the ASC_SuperAdmin section
1434 entry. Confirm that your AD domain is listed in the selected pull-down entry. In the group name
1435 field, enter the admin group name, ht_superadmin_users, that you created earlier in the initial
1436 AD setup. HTCC will attempt to perform predictive searches to allow for name completion.
1437 7. Click Next and review the summary. If it is correct, finish. If AD is working correctly, the web in-
1438 terface will automatically log you out.
1439 8. Log back in using the Administrator user and password of your Windows AD/DNS Server (which
1440 is the domain controller). Recall that we had added Administrator to the ht_superadmin_users
1441 group in Windows AD.
1442 At this point, AD should be correctly set up for deployment. You are ready to set up the trust attestation
1443 service.
1444 5.3 Add Hosts to HTCC and Enable Good Known Host (GKH)
1445 You will add hosts in vCenter and then enable the Good Known Host (GKH) values to make them
1446 Trusted.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 48
1447 First, since all the hosts are managed by vCenter (as compared to standalone ESX hosts), you will add
1448 vCenter as the host—that will automatically detect the NSX server and the ESX hosts, and add them to
1449 HTCC. The high-level steps are:
1450 1. In HTCC, add vCenter as the host. For vCenter, use the same AD LDAP used for the HTCC vCenter
1451 AD id, [email protected] (change the domain name based on what you have). While
1452 you can use [email protected], best practice suggests you use the AD id.
1453 2. For all the ESX hosts that are detected, add their user ids/passwords and Publish IPs.
1454 3. If the vCenter and ESX host patch levels are not one of the valid patches supported by HTCC, add
1455 the patch level to HTCC so it recognizes them as valid hosts.
1456 Next, follow the directions at Enabling a Good Known Host, then Verifying and Updating Host Trust.
1457 Finally, to define, assign, and provision PolicyTags, follow these steps:
1459 2. Assign PolicyTags to hosts. Important: We recommend that you put your host in maintenance
1460 mode before assigning PolicyTags, especially if you are modifying existing PolicyTag assignments
1461 which may be in use by your existing compliance rules. Do not remove the host from mainte-
1462 nance mode until you have verified that the new PolicyTag assignment has been correctly provi-
1463 sioned.
1465 b. On the Hosts page, check the checkbox for the Intel TXT-enabled host and click Edit.
1467 d. Select the appropriate PolicyTag value for one or more of the fields listed in Section 1.
1469 f. CloudControl displays a JGrowl error message that prompts users to PXE boot the
1470 host(s) to activate the PolicyTag assignment.
1474 b. Select the host that you just updated and click Update Trust.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 49
1476 d. Verify that the PolicyTags have been provisioned. If the tag icon next to the host being
1477 provisioned is blue, then the PolicyTags assigned to the host are provisioned. If the tag
1478 icon is yellow, then the PolicyTags assigned to the host are not provisioned.
1479 e. Note: If the provisioning process was not successful, you may have to clear the TPM
1480 once again and repeat the process.
1481 f. After the PolicyTag provisioning is successful, you can remove the hosts from mainte-
1482 nance mode.
1491 To enable Intel TXT and the necessary TPM in server BIOS, follow the steps in Section 5.2.3. The steps in
1492 Section 5.2.4 can be followed to verify that that each Dell ESXi host has successfully enabled the TPM
1493 and Intel TXT. The steps in Section 5.2.5 can be followed to verify that the Dell ESXi hosts’ TPM values
1494 are successfully read by the vCenter Server.
1504 Figure 7-1 represents a common RSA Authentication Manager deployment with primary and replica
1505 instances, web tiers, and a load balancer. An external firewall protects the primary and replica instances,
1506 and another external firewall protects the DMZ.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 50
1513 The rest of this section explains how to configure NetWitness for VMware log collection from an ESX
1514 host.
1519 a. Log onto the ESXi host using the vSphere Client, with administrative privileges.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 51
1523 e. Choose All Privileges > Global > Diagnostics as the only privilege for this role.
1525 a. From the Left navigation pane, click on the ESXI host, then click the Users or Local Users
1526 & Groups tab. The name of the tab depends on the credentials you used to log onto the
1527 ESXi host.
1529 c. Enter rsa-vcenter-logs in the Login field, and choose a strong password.
1531 a. From the Left navigation pane, click on the ESXI host, then click the Permissions tab.
1533 c. In the dialog box, under the Assigned Role drop-down menu, choose RSA Log Capture.
1534 d. Under Users and Groups, click Add.... The Select Users and Groups dialog box is dis-
1535 played.
1536 e. In the dialog box, leave the Domain value as (server), and select the rsa-vcenter-logs
1537 user.
1539 This completes the process of adding a least privilege user. When you configure the Log Collector for
1540 VMware collection in RSA NetWitness Suite, make sure to enter the credentials for this user in the Add
1541 Source dialog box.
1542 7.2.2 Configure the RSA NetWitness Log Collector for VMware Collection
1543 To configure the RSA NetWitness Log Collection for VMware Collection, go to page 105 in the Log
1544 Collection Configuration Guide for RSA NetWitness Platform 11.4, and follow the instructions in the
1545 section titled “Configure VMware Event Sources in NetWitness Platform.”
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 52
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 53
1579 To visualize how the VVD works in conjunction with the Compliance Kit for NIST 800-53, Figure 8-1
1580 provides an overview of the documentation structure. The VMware Validated Design Compliance Kit
1581 enhances the documentation of the VVD for SDDC and must be applied after the SDDC is deployed.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 54
1583 To reconfigure your SDDC for compliance with NIST SP 800-53 (
1584 53r4), you must download and license additional VMware and third-party software.
1585 The VVD coupled with Security and Compliance Configuration for NIST 800-53 uses scripts and
1586 commands based on VMware PowerCLI to reconfigure the SDDC. You must prepare a host with a
1587 supported OS for running Microsoft PowerShell, set up Microsoft PowerShell, and install the latest
1588 version of VMware PowerCLI. The host must have connectivity to the ESXi management network in the
1589 management cluster.
1595 8.3 Configuration Customization Supporting the Use Cases and Security
1596 Capabilities
1597 After deployment of a Standard VVD, the enhancements outlined in this publication should be applied.
1598 The security configurations and controls outlined in this section were implemented on a number of VVD
1599 versions, beginning with VVD 4.2 and then VVD 4.3. In addition to this lab, a separate project to publish
1600 the security configurations as a Compliance Kit that works as an enhancement to the VVD was published
1601 to VVD version 5.0.1. Changes between VVD 4.2, 4.3, 5.0.1, and even the most current version as of this
1602 writing, 5.1, are unlikely to have a significant impact to the configuration guidance.
1603 Although this document outlines a specific version of the VVD, the Compliance Kit has been developed
1604 to support VVD 4.3, 5.0.1, 5.1, and future VVD releases. This section discusses the VMware Validated
1605 Design 5.0.1 Compliance Kit for NIST 800-53 and provides supplemental information detailing the
1606 resources that are included within the kit because the kit was not formally published for VVD 4.2 or 4.3,
1607 even though it was tested based on these versions. The VVD 5.0.1 Compliance Kit contains a number of
1608 files, including:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 55
1614 The configuration procedures included within the kit are in two groups:
1615 Built-In Controls: Security controls based on compliance requirements are included in the VVD
1616 for SDDC. These may require configuration and adjustment, but by design the capabilities are
1617 included in the VVD for SDDC.
1618 Enhanced Controls: Additional guidance on a per regulation or standard basis includes a set of
1619 capabilities that can be added to the VVD for SDDC.
1620 Over time, we expect a significant number of enhancement VVD controls to be incorporated into the
1621 VVD for SDDC. The enhancement guide always contains some number of NIST controls that are
1622 applicable to NIST SP 800-53 but are not included in the VVD for SDDC implementation. Each procedure
1623 documented in the Configuration Guide includes the NIST SP 800-53 control(s) that are associated with
1624 each. Two examples sampled from the Configuration Guide are included in Sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.2.
Although the compliance kit was designed under VVD 5.0.1, the procedures and information included
within the following sections are applicable to future releases of VVD, including VVD 5.1 and 5.1.1.
Please note that while future iterations of the compliance kit will include configurations across all
products, version 5.0.1 only corresponds to the following products: vCenter, ESXi, NSX for vSphere (NSX-
V), and vSAN.
1625 The following products are part of the VVD Bill of Materials, but not included in the current iteration of
1626 the Compliance Kit: vRealize, vRealize Automation (vRA), vRealize Operations Manager (vROPS), and
1627 vRealize Log Insight (vRLI). The documentation surrounding the configuration of these products does
1628 exist and is sourced from their respective DISA Security Technical Implementation Guides, which can be
1629 reviewed at There are two examples for these configurations
1630 sampled from the Configuration Guide (Sections 8.3.3 and 8.3.4).
1631 8.3.1 Example VVD 5.0.1 Configuration: Configure the Password and Policy
1632 Lockout Setting in vCenter Server in Region A
1633 1. In a web browser, log into vCenter by using the vSphere Web Client.
1635 a. From the Home menu of the vSphere Web Client, click Administration.
1638 d. In the Edit Password Policies dialog box, configure the password policies and click OK.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 56
1647 a. On the Policies tab, click Lockout Policy and click Edit.
1648 b. In the Edit Lockout Policy dialog box, for Maximum Number of Failed Login Attempts,
1649 enter 3.
1656 a. From the Home menu of the vSphere Web Client, select Hosts and Clusters.
1661 e. In the Set Encryption Mode dialog box, from the Encryption Mode drop-down menu,
1662 select Enabled and click OK.
1665 a. From the Home menu of the vSphere Web Client, select VMs and Templates.
1666 b. Under the sfo01-m01dc data center, expand the sfo01-m01fd-bcdr folder, right-click
1667 the sfo01m01vc01 VM and select VM Policies, then Edit VM Storage Policies.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 57
1668 c. From the VM Storage Policy drop-down menu, select VM Encryption Policy, click Apply
1669 to all, and click OK.
1671 8.3.3 Example vRealize Automation DISA STIG Configuration: Configure SLES for
1672 vRealize to protect the confidentiality and integrity of transmitted
1673 information
1674 1. Update the “Ciphers” directive with the following command:
1675 sed -i "/^[^#]*Ciphers/ c\Ciphers aes256-ctr,aes128-ctr" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
1679 8.3.4 Example vRealize Operations Manager DISA STIG Configuration: Configure
1680 the vRealize Operations server session timeout
1681 1. Log on to the admin UI as the administrator.
1694 vSphere vCenter Server (vCS) Appliance is a management application that allows for the management of
1695 VMs and ESXi hosts centrally. The vSphere Web Client is used to access the vCS.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 58
1696 vRealize Operations Manager (vROPS) tracks and analyzes the operation of multiple data sources in the
1697 SDDC by using specialized analytic algorithms. The algorithms help vROPS learn and predict the behavior
1698 of every object that it monitors. Users access this information by views, reports, and dashboards.
1699 vRealize Automation (vRA) provides a secure web portal where authorized administrators, developers,
1700 and business owners can request new IT services and manage specific cloud and IT resources, while
1701 ensuring compliance with business policies.
1702 Please review the following for further information and discussion pertaining to the operational
1703 standards of the VVD 5.0.1 for an SDDC: VMware Validated Design Documentation, VMware Validated
1704 Design 5.0.1 Compliance Kit for NIST 800-53, and NIST SP 1800-19B.
1707 Use the vRealize Log Insight (vRLI) event signature engine to monitor key events and to send filtered or
1708 tagged events to one or more remote destinations. You can use a set of alerts to send to vROPS and
1709 through SMTP for operations team notification. The use of vRLI allows you to monitor the SDDC and
1710 provide troubleshooting and cause analysis, which can reduce operating costs.
1711 With the integration between vRLI and vROPS, you can implement the following cross-product event
1712 tracking:
1713 Send alerts from vRLI to vROPS, which maps them to the target objects.
1714 Launch in context from a vROPS object to the objects logs in vRLI.
1715 Launch in context from a vRLI event to the objects in vROPS.
1716 Use applications in vROPS to group monitoring data about the virtual machines of the SDDC
1717 management components.
1718 vROPS builds an application to determine how your environment is affected when one or more
1719 components experience problems. You can also monitor the overall health and performance of the
1720 application.
1721 vROPS collects data from the components in the application and displays the results in a summary
1722 dashboard with a real-time analysis for any or all the components.
1723 Ensuring that your backup solution is configured to trigger an email alert generation showing the status
1724 of your backup jobs is a recommended practice within the SDDC. This should be included in daily
1725 monitoring activities to ensure that all management objects within the SDDC have successful backup
1726 images. The following can be done to enable broad monitoring using vROPS:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 59
1733 f. collected from your vSphere Storage APIs for Data Protection (VADP)-based backup so-
1734 lution VMs
1735 g. about the VMs of VMware vSphere Update Manager Download Service (UMDS)
1736 2. Create email notifications in vROPS so it informs the SDDC operators of issues in the main moni-
1737 toring parameters of the environment.
1738 3. Configure vROPS to send email notifications about important alerts in the SDDC.
1739 Please review the Monitoring and Alerting documentation for more information regarding the
1740 monitoring of the VVD 4.3 deployment, and the VVD for SDDC 5.0.1 release notes for more information
1741 on monitoring for VVD 5.0.1 deployments.
1749 Table 8-1: Summary of VVD Version and Associated Bill of Materials (Product Versions)
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 60
1751 Before you begin any upgrade process, review all the release notes.
1752 Consider that the SDDC design and implementation may be affected by security features that
1753 are enabled. Ensure interoperability testing is performed before and after making security
1754 changes, as well as when introducing new features, functionality, and bug fixes.
1755 The environment within the NCCoE lab varies from the conventional VVD deployment because
1756 for the NCCoE, additional integration with vendors is included, e.g., integration between HyTrust
1757 components and Key Management Server (KMS) and the VVD.
1758 Note that if a distributed environment is used, ensure there is replication by using the
1759 vdcrepadmin command line interface between the platform services controller (PSC) and the
1760 vCenter environments. This can be checked by following the instructions in VMware Knowledge
1761 Base article 2127057.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 61
1762 Perform a backup copy of your current certificates before you start the upgrade process. If you
1763 need to request a new certificate, ensure you follow the procedures in this document for VVD
1764 4.3 and this document for VVD 5.1.
1765 The following is a tip for updating the SDDC:
1766 Ensure an operational verification test is performed before and after performing an update. In
1767 most cases, updates should not impact the SDDC design and implementation (updates could
1768 include patches and bug fixes).
1769 Updates that are not validated by VVD should be approached with caution.
1770 Scalability and functionality tests for individual patches, express patches, and hot fixes are not
1771 typically performed using the VVD. If a patch must be applied to your environment, follow the
1772 VMware published practices and VMware Knowledge Base articles for the specific patch. If an
1773 issue occurs during or after the process of applying a patch, contact VMware Technical Support.
1774 For further information and instruction regarding an update, please see the documentation for
1775 VVD 4.3 or VVD 5.0.
1781 There are only a small number of vROPS and vRA DISA STIGs included in the following table, which
1782 means it does not include all available configurations. For the entire compilation of vROPS and vRA DISA
1783 STIGs, please review the following links:
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 62
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NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 64
CCE- NIST800 Enhanced ESXi Connect via SSH and run the following command: 2
8440 53-VI- # grep -i "^Protocol" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
2-7 ESXi- If there is no output or the output is not exactly “Protocol 2”, this is a finding.
CCE- NIST800 Enhanced ESXi Connect via SSH and run the following command: yes
8440 53-VI- # grep -i "^IgnoreRhosts" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
3-5 ESXi- If there is no output or the output is not exactly “IgnoreRhosts yes”, this is a finding.
CCE- NIST800 Enhanced ESXi Connect via SSH and run the following command: no
8440 53-VI- # grep -i "^HostbasedAuthentication" /etc/ssh/sshd_config
4-3 ESXi- If there is no output or the output is not exactly “HostbasedAuthentication no”, this
CFG- is a finding.
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 65
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 66
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NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 68
CCE- NIST800 Enhanced ESXi From a PowerCLI command prompt, while connected to the ESXi host run the following similar=deny re-
8442 53-VI- command: try=3 min=disa-
1-7 ESXi- Get-VMHost | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name bled,disabled,disa-
CFG- Security.PasswordQualityControl bled,disabled,15
00022 If Security.PasswordQualityControl is not set to “similar=deny retry=3
min=disabled,disabled,disabled,disabled,15”, this is a finding.
CCE- NIST800 Enhanced ESXi From a PowerCLI command prompt, while connected to the ESXi host run the following AllIPEnabled: False
8442 53-VI- command:
2-5 ESXi- Get-VMHost | Get-VMHostFirewallException | Where {$_.Name -eq
CFG- 'SSH Server' -and $_.Enabled -eq $true} | Select
00028 Name,Enabled,@{N="AllIPEnabled";E={$_.ExtensionData.AllowedHosts
If for an enabled service “Allow connections from any IP address” is selected,
this is a finding.
CCE- NIST800 Enhanced ESXi From a PowerCLI command prompt, while connected to the ESXi host run the following 0
8442 53-VI- command:
3-3 ESXi- Get-VMHost | Get-AdvancedSetting -Name
CFG- UserVars.SuppressShellWarning
00030 If UserVars.SuppressShellWarning is not set to 0, this is a finding.
CCE- NIST800 Enhanced ESXi From a PowerCLI command prompt, while connected to the ESXi host run the following lockdownNormal
8442 53-VI- command:
4-1 ESXi-
NIST SP 1800-19C: Trusted Cloud: Security Practice Guide for VMware Hybrid Cloud IaaS Environments 69
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Cloud workload A logical bundle of software and data that is present in, and processed by, a
cloud computing technology.
Geolocation Determining the approximate physical location of an object, such as a cloud
computing server.
Hardware root of An inherently trusted combination of hardware and firmware that maintains
trust the integrity of information.
Trusted compute A physical or logical grouping of computing hardware in a data center that is
pool tagged with specific and varying security policies. Within a trusted compute
pool, the access and execution of applications and workloads are monitored,
controlled, audited, etc. Also known as a trusted pool.
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