Edge Catalog 2021-2022 Aug22 Revision V
Edge Catalog 2021-2022 Aug22 Revision V
Edge Catalog 2021-2022 Aug22 Revision V
table of contents
catalog 2021/22
About Us.......................................................................................................2
Admissions Information.............................................................................3
Course Information....................................................................................4
Financial Information..................................................................................5
School Policies..............................................................................................7
Edge Academy of Beauty is dedicated to providing its students a quality education, giving them the skills and tools
necessary to gain employment upon graduation.
The Edge Academy of Beauty is located at 356 Manchester Square Shopping Center, Suite 19, Manchester, KY
40962. The school occupies 2000 square feet of floor space. The location contains a(n): offices, reception area,
file room, student salon floor, a classroom, facial room, nail room, dispensary, stockroom, and restrooms. A
private office is available to the faculty for interviewing and consulting students.
The student salon area is furnished with shampoo bowls, working stations, and hair drying chairs where students
work on customers under the direct supervision of an instructor. The classroom is equipped with student tables,
chairs, a computer, visual aids, such as training videos, charts, chalkboard, and PowerPoint to aid students in the
theory of cosmetology, nail technology, and esthetics.
Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Edge Academy of Beauty is nationally accredited by the National Accrediting Comission of Career Arts and
Sciences (NACCAS). NACCAS is recognized by the United States Department of Education as a national
accrediting agency for postsecondary school and departments of cosmetology arts and sciences.
Edge Academy of Beauty is not currently eligible for Title IV Financial Aid Programs.
If you would like to review or receive a copy of the school’s state license/approval or a copy of the school’s
letter of accreditation, please contact school staff.
admissions information
catalog 2021/22
Edge Academy of Beauty does not discriminate in its employment, admission, instruction, or graduation policies on the basis of sex,
age, race, color, religion, or ethnic origin nor does it recruit students already attending or admitted to another school offering similar
programs of study. Applicants will not be denied admission on the basis of any of th foregoing factors, but applicants must meet all
requirements specificed for admission.
This school requires that each student enrolling in the Cosmetology, Esthetics, or Nail Technician programs must submit the following:
• A copy of state or federal issued photo identification
• Proof of secondary education such as a high school diploma, a GED certificate, an official transcript showing secondary school
completion, or a state certification of home-school completion.
Edge Academy of Beauty does not offer Ability to Benefit. Foreign diplomas must be translated and evaluated from a recognized
- Students from non-accredited or non-certified, private schools or homeschools do not receive a diploma recognized by the
Kentucky Department of Education. When seeking employment or advanced education, home schooled students may need
to complete the General Education Development (GED) to show equivalence to a state recognized high school diploma.
• A complete Enrollment Form
This school requires that each student enrolling in the Cosmetology Instructor programs must submit the following:
• A copy of state or federal issued photo identification
• A copy of current cosmetology license
• Proof of cosmetology licensure for at least one year
• Proof of secondary education such as a high school diploma, a GED certificate, an official transcript showing secondary school
completion, a state certification of home-school completion, or evidence that training agreement requirements were met if
enrolling under a training agreement. .
• Edge Academy of Beauty does not offer Ability to Benefit. Enrollees with a foreign diploma must provide evidence that verification
of their high school diploma has been performed by an outside agency that is qualified to translate documents into English
and confirm the academic equivalence to a U.S. high school diploma; or
• Students from non-accredited or non-certified, private schools or homeschools do not receive a diploma recognized by the
Kentucky Department of Education. When seeking employment or advanced education, home schooled students may need
to complete the General Education Development (GED) to show equivalence to a state recognized high school diploma.
• A complete Enrollment Form
Providing false information for the purpose of gaining admission or access to financial assistance is a violation of law and could result in criminal
prosecution as well as denial of admission or termination from school.
Students must attend a one-day orientation prior to beginning coursework at Edge Academy of Beauty.
Edge Academy of Beauty may accept transfer hours from other licensed schools for previous education with the approval of the
Kentucky State Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists. Hours are not transferrable between programs. A student who wishes to
transfer to Edge Academy of Beauty must notify the school in which they are currently enrolled of their withdrawal and must submit
the enrollment requirements of Edge Academy of Beauty.
This school will charge a re-entry fee to students who have withdrawn and wish to re-enter more than 30 days after termination, of
$150. The tuition rates current at the time of re-entry will apply to the balance of training hours needed for students who re-enroll
more than 30 days after the formal withdrawal date unless mitigating circumstances apply.
course information
catalog 2021/22
The Kentucky State Board of Hairdressers and Cosmetologists require the following hours of instruction for each course listed below.
Upon completion of the course (with satisfactory progress) the student will be required to pass an examination given by the Kentucky
State Board of Cosmetology to receive to receive a Cosmetology, Esthetics and/or Nail Technician License.
Cosmetology - 1500 Hours (Full Time) Cosmetology Instructor - 750 Hours (Full Time)
Cosmetology - 1500 Hours (Part Time) Cosmetology Instructor - 750 Hours (Part Time)
Esthetics - 750 Hours (Full Time) Nail Technician - 450 Hours (Full Time)
Esthetics - 750 Hours (Part Time) Nail Technician - 450 Hours (Part Time)
Edge Academy of Beauty will train students using Milady cosmetology, esthitican, and nail technician programs.
The primpary purpose of the cosmetology course is to train The primpary purpose of the esthetics course is to train students
the student in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, in the basic manipulative skills, safety judgements, proper work
proper work habits, and desirable attitudes necessary to achieve habits, and desirable attitudes necessary to pass the State Board
competency in entry-level job skills, obtain licensure, and obtain examination and for competency in job entry-level positions as an
gainful employment in the field of cosmetology or related career Esthetician or related career avenue (Milady, 2016).
fields (Milady, 2016).
Edge Academy of Beauty will grant a diploma of graduation and Official Transcript of Hours for the applicable course when the
student has successfully completed all phases of study, required tests, practical assignments; passed a final comprehensive written and
practical examination; completed the program of study according to State requirements; completed all exit paperwork; attended an exit
interview and made satisfactory arrangements for payment of all debts owed to the school
Upon completion of the applicable course, graduates will be awarded a certificate stating they have completed the educational and
hourly requirements.
Edge Academy of Beauty cannot guarantee employment or placement of graduates. However, our instructors will counsel and advise
all students concerning available employment and will assist graduates of Edge Academy of Beauty to find employment. 4
course information
catalog 2021/22
Please see the course syllabus for each program to find detailed information about the units outlined below. The course sylalbus is
available upon request and can also be found on our website.
financial information
catalog 2021/22
Cosmetology Program Cosmetology Instructor Program
Tuition........................................................................$15,000 Tuition........................................................................$5,000
Registration Fee (non refundable):......................$100 Registration Fee (non refundable):......................$100
State Board Fee:.......................................................$25.74 State Board Fee:.......................................................$25.74
Tax...............................................................................$114 Tax...............................................................................$36
Books & Kit...............................................................$1,900 Books & Kit...............................................................$600
Total............................................................................$17,139.74 Total............................................................................$5,761.74
Methods of payment include full payment at time of signing the Enrollment Agreement, registration fee paid at the time of signing
agreement with balance paid prior to start date or through an approved payment plan as stated herein. Payments may be made by cash,
check, money order, credit card or through non-federal agency or loan programs. Payments made by credit or debit card will be subject
to a 3% processing fee. Students are responsible for paying the total tuition and fees and for repaying applicable loans plus interest.
• Martin Luther King Jr. Day • Thanksgiving Day and the day before Thanksgiving
• Memorial Day • New Year’s Day
• Independence Day • During the month of December, Edge Academy of Beauty observes an institutional closing.
• Labor Day For the 2022 calendar year, the closing will be December 19 - 30.
In the event that a holiday falls on a Friday or Saturday, the holiday will be observed on the following Monday. Students receive no time
for the days listed above.
We provide open enrollement for all of our programs. Students can start on any Monday other than those that fall on the above
calendar of holidays. Students would need to wait until the Monday following that holiday.
The School will charge additional tuition for hours remaining after the contract ending date at the rate of $8 per hour, or any part
thereof, payable in advance until graduation. Edge Academy of Beauty reserves the right to waive and/or discount fees accrued according
to the extra-instruction policy.
financial information
catalog 2021/22
The Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy is consistently applied to all students enrolled at the school. It is printed in the
catalog to ensure that all students receive a copy prior to enrollment. The policy complies with the guidelines established by the
National Accrediting Commission of Career Arts and Sciences (NACCAS) and the federal regulations established by the United States
Department of Education.
The institution operates all programs according to a scchedule of 900 hours per academic year of instruction.
The following four examples demonstrate the correct evaluation periods for programs of various lengths in which each program
utilizes an academic year of 900 hours to be completed in 30 acaedmic weeks.
COSMETOLOGY (1500 Actual Clock hours) ESTHETICS (750 Actual Clock hours)
1st Evaluation Period Ends: 450 Actual Clock Hours and 15 Weeks 1st Evaluation Period Ends: 375 Actual Clock Hours and 12.5 Weeks
2nd Evaluation Period Ends: 900 Actual Clock Hours and 30 Weeks NAIL TECHNICIAN (450 Actual Clock hours)
3rd Evaluation Period Ends:1200 Actual Clock Hours and 40 Weeks 1st Evaluation Period Ends: 225 Actual Clock Hours and 7.5 Weeks
*Transfer Students- Midpoint of the contracted hours or the established evaluation periods, whichever comes first.
Evaluations will determine if the student has met the minimum requirements for satisfactory academic progress. The frequency of
evaluations ensures that students have had at least one evaluation by midpoint in the course.
Students are required to attend a minimum of 67% of the hours possible based on the applicable attendance schedule in order to be
considered maintaining satisfactory attendance progress. Evaluations are conducted at the end of each evaluation period to determine
if the student has met the minimum requirements. The attendance percentage is determined by dividing the total hours accrued by
the total number of hours scheduled. At the end of each evaluation period, the school will determine if the student has maintained at
least 67% cumulative attendance since the beginning of the course which indicates that, given the same attendance rate, the student will
graduate within the maximum time frame allowed.
90 - 100 EXCELLENT
80 - 89 VERY GOOD
Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress are placed on warning and considered to be
making satisfactory academic progress while during the warning period. The student will be advised in writing on the actions required
to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the warning period, the student has still not met both
the attendance and academic requirements, he/she may be placed on probation and, if applicable, students may be deemed ineligible to
receive Title IV funds.
Students who fail to meet minimum requirements for attendance or academic progress after the warning period will be placed on
probation and considered to be making satisfactory academic progress while during the probationary period, if the student appeals the
decision, and prevails upon appeal. Additionally, only students who have the ability to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy
standards by the end of the evaluation period may be placed on probation. Students placed on an academic plan must be able to meet
requirements set forth in the academic plan by the end of the next evaluation period. Students who are progressing according to their
specific academic plan will be considered making Satisfactory Academic Progress. The student will be advised in writing of the actions
required to attain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. If at the end of the probationary period, the student has still
not met both the attendance and academic requirements required for satisfactory academic progress or by the academic plan, he/she
will be determined as NOT making satisfactory academic progress and, if applicable, students will not be deemed eligible to receive
Title IV funds.
financial information
catalog 2021/22
If a student is determined to not be making satisfactory academic progress, the student may appeal the determination within ten
calendar days. Reasons for which students may appeal a negative progress determination include death of a relative, an injury
or illness of the student, or any other allowable special or mitigating circumstance. The student must submit a written appeal
to the school on the designated form describing why they failed to meet satisfactory academic progress standards, along with
supporting documentation of the reasons why the determination should be reversed. This information should include what has
changed about the student’s situation that will allow them to achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress by the next evaluation point.
Appeal documents will be reviewed and a decision will be made and reported to the student within 30 calendar days. The appeal
and decision documents will be retained in the student file. If the student prevails upon appeal, the satisfactory academic progress
determination will be reversed and federal financial aid will be reinstated, if applicable.
With regard to Satisfactory Academic Progress, a student’s transfer hours will be counted as both attempted and earned hours for
the purpose of determining when the allowable maximum time frame has been exhausted. SAP evaluation periods are based on
actual contracted hours at the institution.
100-90: Excellent || 89-80:Very Good || 79-71: Satisfactory || 70 or below: Unsatisfactory
financial information
catalog 2021/22
For applicants who cancel enrollment or students who withdraw from enrollment a fair and equitable settlement will apply.
The following policy will apply to all terminations for any reason, by either party, including student decision, course or program
cancellation, or school closure.
Any monies due the applicant or students shall be refunded within 45 days of official cancellation or withdrawal. Official cancellation
or withdrawal shall occur on the earlier of the dates that:
1. An applicant is not accepted by the school. The applicant shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid.
2. A student (or legal guardian) cancels his/her enrollment in writing within three business days of signing the enrollment agree-
ment. In this case all monies collected by the school shall be refunded, regardless of whether or not the student has actually
started classes.
3. A student cancels his/her enrollment after three business days of signing the contract but prior to starting classes. In these
cases, he/she shall be entitled to a refund of all monies paid to the school less the registration fee in the amount of $100.
4. A student notifies the institution of his/her withdrawal in writing.
5. A student is expelled by the school. (Unofficial withdrawals will be determined by the institution by monitoring attendance at
least every 30 days.)
6. In type 2, 3, or 4 official cancellations or withdrawals, the cancellation date will be determined by the postmark on the written
notification, or the date said notification is delivered to the school administrator or owner in person.
• For students who enroll and begin classes but withdraw prior to course completion (after three business days of signing the
contract), the following schedule of tuition earned by the school applies. All refunds are based on scheduled hours:
0.01% to 04.9% 20%
5% to 09.9% 30%
10% to 14.9% 40%
15% to 24.9% 45%
25% to 49.9% 70%
50% and over 100%
• All refunds will be calculated based on the students last date of attendance. Any monies due a student who withdraws shall
be refunded within 45 days of a determination that a student has withdrawn, whether officially or unofficially. In the case of
disabling illness or injury, death in the student’s immediate family or other documented mitigating circumstances, a reason-
able and fair refund settlement will be made. If permanently closed or no longer offering instruction after a student has
enrolled, and instruction has begun, the school will provide a pro rata refund of tuition to the student OR provide course
completion through a pre-arranged teach out agreement with another institution. If the course is canceled subsequent to a
student’s enrollment, and before instruction has begun, the school shall, at its option, provide a full refund of all monies paid
or completion of the course at a later time. If the course is cancelled after students have enrolled and instruction has begun,
the school shall provide a pro rata refund for all students transferring to another school based on the hours accepted by the
receiving school OR provide completion of the course OR participate in a Teach-Out Agreement OR provide a full refund of
all monies paid.
• Students who withdraw or terminate prior to course completion are charged a cancellation or administrative fee of
$150.00. This refund policy applies to tuition and fees charged in the enrollment agreement. Other miscellaneous charges
the student may have incurred at the institution (EG: extra kit materials, books, products, unreturned school property, etc.)
will be calculated separately at the time of withdrawal. All fees are identified in the catalog and in this enrollment agreement.
*The School is not currently eligible to participate in federal Title IV Financial Aid Programs
Edge Academy of Beauty is an accredited institution by NACCAS, 3015 Colvin St., Alexandria,VA 22314 1 (703) 600-7600
All collection procedures reflect ethical business practices. Collection correspondence regarding cancellation and settlment from the
institution itself, banks, collection agencies, lawyers, or any third parties representing Edge Academy of Beauty clearly acknowledge the
existence of the withdrawal and setllement policy.
school policies
catalog 2021/22
Students are expected to attend all class agreed upon in their enrollment agreement. All students are allowed 5 sick days and 5 personal
days. Students must report to school on time. If a student is late, they must report to instructor and explain reason for tardiness. All
absences should be communicated with and explained to their instructor. Failure to do so may result in dismissal from school. Any
student who is absent for 10 consecutive days unexcused will be dismissed from the program.
Students must clock in upon entering the school and clock out when leaving the school each day in order to receive credit for hours
accumulated. Full time students are provided with a 30-minute lunch period each day and must clock out for lunch break each day. Two
15 minutes breaks are also required each day. When leaving the facility for a break, students must inform the front desk, as well as an
instructor, and clock out and back in upon returning.
Make up work will be accepted for any missed work relating to an absence. Work must be made up during unscheduled hours and
must be turned in within one week of an absence.
Edge Academy of Beauty is committed to creating and maintaining a work and learning environment free from any form of harassment.
It is the policy of our school that our work and learning environment will be free from all forms of harassment including, but not limited
to, sexual harassment, and harassment based on or because of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, pregnancy, age,
physical or mental disability, service in the uniformed services, genetic information, sexual orientation, and/or any other basis protected
by federal, state, or local law. Edge Academy of Beauty prohibits and will not tolerate any such harassing conduct, whether intentional
or unintentional. Students must conduct themselves in a respectable manner at all times. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior will not
be tolerated and will result in expulsion and even termination at the discretion of the school director/owner.
Students are required to wear black scrubs or a top with the school’s logo on it and closed toe shoes. Clothing must be professional,
clean, and free of stains and tears. Hair must be clean and styled prior to arriving at school. Cosmetics must be applied prior to arriving
at school. Students who do not comply with this dress code will be coached and/or sent home to change and/or sent home for the
day. The school may implement special days where the dress code will differ from the standard dress code.
Edge Academy of Beauty may terminate a student’s enrollment for immoral and/or improper conduct, failing to comply with educational
requirements and/or the terms as agreed upon within the enrollemnt contract. Students who withdraw or terminate prior to course
completion are charged a cancellation or administrative fee of $150.00
school policies
catalog 2021/22
All students will be provided a locker for their personal belongings. Students are required to provide the own lock. Students are
responsible for all items placed in the locker and Edge Academy of Beauty will not be responsible for any loss or damage to items
stored in the locker.
By enrolling and attending Edge Academy of Beauty, students grant permission to Edge Academy of Beauty to take and use photographs
and/or digital images of them in news releases, promotional materials and/or educational materials. Students are required to sign the
photography consent and release form.
1. The student should register the complaint in writing on the designated form provided by the institution within 60 days of the date
that the act which is the subject of the grievance occurred.
2. The complaint form will be given to the school Director.
3. The complaint will be reviewed by management and a response will be sent in writing to the student within 30 days of receiving
the complaint. The initial response may not provide for final resolution of the problem but will notify the student of continued
investigation and/or actions being taken regarding the complaint.
4. If the complaint is of such nature that it cannot be resolved by the management, it will be referred to an appropriate agency if
5. Depending on the extent and nature of the complaint, interviews with appropriate staff and other students may be necessary to
reach a final resolution of the complaint.
6. In cases of extreme conflict, it may be necessary to conduct an informal hearing regarding the complaint. If necessary, management
will appoint a hearing committee consisting of one member selected by the school who has had no involvement in the dispute
and who may also be a corporate officer, another member who may not be related to the student filing the complaint or another
student in the school, and another member who may not be employed by the school or related to the school owners. The
hearing will occur within 90 days of committee appointment. The hearing will be informal with the student presenting his/her case
followed by the school’s response. The hearing committee will be allowed to ask questions of all involved parties. Within 15 days
of the hearing, the committee will prepare a report summarizing each witness’ testimony and a recommended resolution for the
dispute. School management shall consider the report and either accept, reject, or modify the recommendations of the committee.
Corporate management shall consider the report and either accept, reject, or modify the recommendations of the committee.
7. Students must exhaust the institution’s internal complaint process before submitting the complaint to the school’s accrediting
agency, if applicable.
school policies
catalog 2021/22
Edge Academy of Beauty guaruntees students the right to gain access to thier files within one week of request.