Maxpure Food & Beverage LTD
Maxpure Food & Beverage LTD
Maxpure Food & Beverage LTD
Now under this letter of agreement, < Maxpure Food & Beverage Ltd > hereafter termed as <The
company> will get the following online facilities from the
Under this package the company will be able to post 11 jobs positions in the category/classified section
of as Standout.
The package will be valid for 6 months duration which will be effective from the date of giving
The company can enjoy 1 extra job for Special Skill segment within next three months. These jobs will be
posted manually from our end and the client needs to email us about it
The company can receive applications (online) against the announced vacancies which can be viewed
through its online control panel
The company can search from the applicant pool according to different criterion including education, age,
gender, experience etc.
The company can short-list the candidates using we b-based online tools
The company can rank candidates and set comments against each candidate
The company can sort candidates according to its preference
The company can use different candidate contact management facility (issuance of electronic interview
letter, rejection letter etc.)
The company can track any particular CV/application
If the company wants to get more visibility for some special jobs, in that case we will provide the
opportunity to post them as Hot Jobs. Additional payment (regular price for Hot Jobs announcement
service) will be applicable if the circular posted in Hot Jobs.
The company will not be allowed to use this service for any other purposes except its own recruitment. Limited holds the authority to terminate the service any time if it feels that the services of are being used for any purposes other than the company’s own recruitment.
For this service the company will pay Tk. 30,030 + 1502 (VAT 5%) to Limited.
The agreement can be renewed after expiring the contract duration.