HRM-Human Resource Management Syllabus SEM 3
HRM-Human Resource Management Syllabus SEM 3
HRM-Human Resource Management Syllabus SEM 3
Rationale: .
Sr. No. Topic Weightage
1 Human Resource Management: Concept and 20% 12
Functions, Role, Status and competencies of HR
Manager, HR Policies, Evolution of HRM.
Emerging Challenges of Human Resource
Management; workforce diversity, empowerment,
Downsizing; VRS; role of HRM in strategic
management; Human Capital; Human Resource
Information System;
Employee Empowerment
Concept of Succession Planning- Def & Process
2 Unit: 1: Preprocurement: Preprocurement: 20% 12
Definition, Scope and Objectives of HRM Human
Resource Planning: Definition & Process, Demand
Forecasting Methods, Managerial Judgement,
Work Study, Ratio-Trend Analysis, Delphi
Technique, Demand Supply Methods,
Management Inventory, Skill Inventory, Inflow &
Outflows, Turnover Rate, Conditions of Work &
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Absenteeism Job Analysis: Definition & Process,
Methods ofData Collection, Interview,
Questionnaire, Obser vation, Checklist, Diary,
Technical Conference
3 Unit: 2: Procurement: Recruitment: Definition & 20% 12
Process. Selection: Definition, Types of Tests:
Personality, Interest, Graphology, Medical, Ability,
Aptitude, Psy chomotor, Polygraph. Interview:
Definition, Types of interview: Structured,
Unstructured, Mixed, Behavioral, Structural
4 Unit: 3: Training & Development: Job Design: 20% 12
Defintion & Methods, Work Simplification, Job
Rotation, Job EnrichmentJob Enlargement, High
Performance Work Teams, Autonomous or Self
Directed Teams. Training & Development:
Definition, Difference, Orientation: Definition.
Types Training: Formal, Informal, Individual,
Collective, Serial, Disjunctive, Investiture,
Divestiture. Career Planning: Definiton and
4 Unit: 4: Evaluating & Rewarding employees: 20% 12
Performance Appraisal: Definition & Methods, 360
degree feedback, MBO, Graphic Rating Scale,
Problems in Appraisal, Halo Effect, Spill over
Effect, Leniency Effect, Central Tendency,
Primacy & Recency Effect. Promotions: Definition
&Types: Horizontal, Vertical, Dry Transfer:
Definition &Types, Production, Replacement,
Versatility, Shift, Remedial. Separation: Definition
&Types: Layoff, Retrenchment, Dismissal,
Resignation, VRS
*Continuous Evaluation:
It consists of Assignments /Seminars /Presentations /Quizzes /Surprise Tests
(Summative/MCQ) etc. Reference Books:
Reference Books:
1. Human Resource and Personnel Management (TextBook) Aswathappa K. (1999);
Mc Grow Hill, New Delhi
Course Outcome:
After doing this course, the student will be able to
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1) Contribute to the development, implementation, and evaluation of employee
recruitment, selection, and retention plans and processes.
2) Administer and contribute to the design and evaluation of the performance
management program.
3) Develop, implement, and evaluate employee orientation, training, and
development programs.
4) Research and analyze information needs and apply current and emerging
information technologies to support the human resources function.
5) Present and evaluate communication messages and processes related to the
human resources function of the organization.
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