A gambling, smooth-talking, swashbuckling pirate. A Corsair, on the outside, certainly does fit this
description quite well. However, hidden beneath lay a slew of lucky shots that this pirate can take - in more
than one way. With a hand crossbow (or hand-fit arquebus) in one hand, some special dice, and a peculiar deck
of cards all at the ready, the Corsair can be quite an unforeseen ally in almost any situation. Then again,
sometimes things don't go as planned or wanted. But Lady Luck doesn't always smile upon the Corsair. After
all, that's the luck of the draw.
Corsairs must have ability scores fitting of their capabilities. Scores of at least 11 in Strength, 14 in
Dexterity, 10 in Constitution, 12 in Intelligence, and 13 in Charisma are necessary for their stamina, dexterity
and agility, health and fitness, reasoning, and their charm - all for their mixture of combat and non-combat
capabilities. Corsairs range in alignments, due to their more personal nature. Of course, virtually none are
lawful. Unless one would count the laws of the pirates. Chaos, on the other hand, would just promote
backstabbing and the like. Though this is also uncommon, it's not unheard of. As a result, most corsairs are
neutral good, pure neutral, or neutral evil.
Any Corsair having his/her Dexterity and Charisma of at least 16 gains a 10% bonus to experience
gained. Corsairs also gain higher HP bonuses due to exceptional Constitution.
All corsairs have preferences towards rapiers and daggers (or similar weaponry) for melee and are able
to obtain Warrior-type attacks per round with them while they tend to use hand crossbows and one-handed
arquebus for ranged. They are able to become experts with their melee weaponry, but they are more than
capable of becoming grand masters with their ranged weapons as long as they are one-handed use for firing.
However, they may not become specialized in their particular ranged weapons until level three, masters until
level nine, high masters until level fifteen, and grand masters until level twenty-one. They are capable of
wearing armor up through studded leather without penalties. After that, penalties are given to a corsair's
abilities due to the weight and stiffness of metal interfering with movement and dexterity.
Corsairs begin with two secondary skills due to their constant usage of them both - gambling and
navigator/orienteering. As a navigator, they have knowledge of astronomy, sailing, swimming, and navigation.
Navigation at sea is augmented only whenever the corsair has nautical maps - specifically when they've stolen
them from naval ships that have shipping lanes and naval patrol routes on the maps. Orienteering (land
navigation) is augmented only when the corsair can see the sky or has a compass - maps make this ability
almost flawless, so long as the map is accurate. Their gambling skill, however, is constantly being tried due to
the corsairs' always looking to gamble with other pirates, thieves, and the like for more or other treasures. The
gambling skill, due to the constant usage almost anywhere they go, actually receives a +1 bonus every five
levels of the corsair. This, of course, innately makes them better than even someone with the Gaming
proficiency, and even if the person has both Gaming proficiency and the standard Gambling skill. Then again,
one could be on-par were they skilled enough at manipulating the game (proficiency) to match the corsair's
innate knowledge of the game (secondary skill).
Corsairs do not begin with any innate special abilities besides a standard rogue's ability to pick pockets,
unless the race gives such. However, upon reaching level two, a corsair may begin to utilize an item known as
'Phantom Dice' to provide support effect to his/her allies. This ability allows for a large variety of supportive
effects to be placed upon teammates, so long as the corsair is willing to take a gamble at his/her own risk. The
risk is in the form of a potential 'Bust' on the roll. Detailed information on the 'Phantom Roll' ability is given
At level twelve, the corsair gains another ability that shows off their skills. The corsair is able to flick a
card in such an adept manner, that they can toss it into the air and fire a bolt or shot through the card to take
advantage of the elemental nature of his/her imbued card deck. Further information on 'Quick Draw' is also
given later.
At level fifteen, a corsair has the capability of utilizing the supportive functions from their imbued card
deck. This is in the form of the ability 'Random Deal', which is detailed later.
Finally, at level twenty-two, a corsair gains the ability to 'Fold' one of his/her bust effects currently on
him/her. This ability can only be utilized once every four hours and is mentioned in the 'Phantom Roll' section.
Phantom Roll
The corsair's first class ability, the Phantom Roll, utilizes specially made dice that are imbued with
supportive traits that tend to carry functions that would be akin to certain character classes. There are fourteen
different types of Phantom Dice that are available to a corsair. Each one carries a distinct 'feel' to it that only a
corsair or someone who can create Phantom Dice can sense. This feeling tells the dice creator or the corsair
which die that he/she holds. As a result, it allows them to know if they already have one of that type and such
other reasons behind needing to know.
Phantom Rolls have a duration of five rounds and have an area of effect of five yards radius from the
corsair. A corsair may use up to two separate rolls at a time, but with limitations which are explained shortly.
Whenever the Phantom Roll is used, the corsair throws the desired Phantom Dice out as though rolling it
with confidence in his/her luck. The die disappears as it leaves the corsair's hand and only a vague image of the
roll's current total is seen just before a faint green light shoots forth to all allies within range of the corsair.
Upon this, the die is immediately back in the corsair's closed palm to either be rolled again or to be put away.
Making a Phantom Roll counts as a single attack during a round, so a corsair with multiple attacks per round
(based on melee weapon, as if using a rapier or dagger) can potentially roll more than once in a round. Each
roll that is made has an initial value of 1-6 (1d6). This value determines the initial strength of the roll.
After the initial roll, a corsair may choose to 'Double Up' the Phantom Roll that was made. Doing so
counts as a single attack, just like the Phantom Roll. Using a Double Up is similar in function to the standard
Phantom Roll, but this augments the total value of the roll, causing it to increase by 1-6 (1d6). The upside to
using Double Up is that a corsair may make the roll more powerful, by gambling the roll on a potentially better
effect. This is particularly useful if the corsair reaches a total value of eleven (perfect roll). However, the
downside is that if the total of the roll ever equals twelve or higher, a 'Bust' occurs. A corsair may only Double
Up the last Phantom Roll that was made, meaning a corsair may not go back and adjust an older roll's value.
Double Up also resets the duration of a specific roll to the base of five rounds.
In regards to changing values and changing rolls, anytime a Corsair makes a new Phantom Roll with two
rolls currently on, the older roll is replaced by the new one for anyone within range. This means that an ally
who moves out of range may not be affected by a much-needed Cleric's or Druid's Roll. It is therefore
beneficial for the corsair to let his/her allies know what he/she is capable of and therefore so they know what to
expect during battle if a corsair shouts out a particular roll name.
A bust causes a bright red flash that negates the effects of the roll from all allies and engulfs the corsair
in a form-tight, light-red aura. If a corsair busts a second time, then he/she is engulfed in a dark-red aura. In
either case, this aura is never moving nor flickering in anyway, but it is essentially a sign that the corsair pushed
his/her luck too far. Each bust is roll specific, meaning a Corsair may not use a particular class roll again until
its bust wears off. Also, each bust reduces the number of active rolls possible by one each. Each bust lasts one
turn (in combat) or 10 minutes (non-combat) and wears off after that. Essentially, a corsair with two busts
cannot use any phantom rolls what-so-ever and must wait until at least one wears off before being able to use
another roll. Along with a roll limitation, a corsair also receives a penalty that is opposite of the intended
benefit he/she was trying to achieve.
A perfect roll of eleven, on the other hand, is the best possible roll a corsair can receive. When a perfect
roll is made, a bright blue flash bursts from the value image and faint blue streaks hit each ally within range.
The effects of a perfect roll vary from die to die, but the effect is always better than any other value the corsair
can receive.
With any roll that is made, a Phantom Roll may be augmented if the particular class that the roll is
tailored after is within the area of effect. This boost is simply in the form of a slight bonus to the positive rolls.
This has no effect if the corsair busts, as it simply means that the corsair was just pushing luck too far. This
bonus is added to the standard bonus of whatever the roll value is.
Each different Phantom Die has what is called a 'Lucky Number' and an 'Unlucky Number'. Should a
'Lucky Number' be received during an initial roll or Double Up, the bonus given is better than that of a 10 but
never equal to that of a perfect roll. Should an 'Unlucky Number' be received during any roll, the bonus given is
worse than or equal to that of a value of 1.
As the corsair grows better at using his/her abilities, he/she also knows when to give in to a bad hand.
This comes in the form of the Fold ability, which wipes a single Bust effect on the corsair. The ability is usable
once every four hours in-game upon attaining it at level twenty-two.
The following is a list of the various rolls available to corsairs, their effects, and numbers for the effects.
Each Phantom Dice does have a specific level at which it may be used, for balance purposes. If a class does not
have a roll, it is typically due to the dice creators' not being able to determine a sufficient enough roll effect for
that class.
If a roll is a resistance defense, then the Phantom Roll takes precedence over a saving throw just as any
standard racial resistance or magical resistance would. Should the resistance succeed, the roll is as if a saving
throw was made. If the resistance fails, a saving throw is still allowed.
If a bust occurs in a defensive penalty that can affect two or more types of defenses, only one penalty
takes effect. Percentile-based resistances always take the penalty if they are in place, instead of saving throws.
If the corsair has no resistances (i.e. from magical items, Elf racial, etc), then saving throws are penalized.
Roll Level Roll Name Roll Effect
2 Bard's Initiative bonus
Roll Value Bonus Value Roll Value Bonus Value
Unlucky (7) -0 Lucky (3) -4
1-2 -1 11 -5
4-6 -2 Class -1
8 - 10 -3 Bust +3
Roll Level Roll Name Roll Effect
5 Ranger's Ranged THAC0 bonus
Roll Value Bonus Value Roll Value Bonus Value
Unlucky (9) +0 Lucky (5) +5
1-2 +1 11 +6
3-4 +2 Class +1
6-8 +3 Bust -3
10 +4
Roll Level Roll Name Roll Effect
Regeneration bonus; similar effect as a Ring of Regeneration
Value is per-round of HP restores
Bust decreases healing effectiveness of all kinds (magical, divine, standard,
8 Cleric's potions, etc) and never causes damage nor causes healing effectiveness to
reduce below a value of 1
Limited usage of once per day; has no effect on already dead allies but can
revive them if they die from HP loss while this is still in effect
Roll Value Bonus Value Roll Value Bonus Value
Unlucky (9) +0 Lucky (5) +5
1-4 +1 11 +6
6-7 +2 Class +1
8 +3 Bust -4
10 +4
Roll Level Roll Name Roll Effect
Affliction resistance (i.e. poison, acid, curse, disease, illness, debilitation,
10 Grim Templar's
Roll Value Bonus Value Roll Value Bonus Value
Unlucky (7) 6% 9 55%
1 10% 10 62%
2 15% Lucky (3) 70%
4 23% 11 80%
5 30% Class +10%
6 39% Bust -4 / -20%
8 47%
Roll Level Roll Name Roll Effect
Spell memory bonus; chance to not 'consume' a spell from caster's mind
Busting causes two neutral busts to be incurred and for twice normal
13 Magical Tactician's
duration with no other penalties than such; cannot be removed by Fold, but
can have the duration halved by Fold
Roll Value Bonus Value Roll Value Bonus Value
Unlucky (9) 5% 8 35%
1 8% 10 40%
2 12% Lucky (5) 45%
3 15% 11 50%
4 19% Class +10%
6 24% Bust Double Bust
7 30%
Quick Draw
The corsair's Quick Draw ability draws upon the power of his/her deck of cards that has been imbued
with various effects. Primarily, Quick Draw draws from the elemental effects within the deck. These effects
vary, depending on the card that gets drawn as well as if the corsair is using a random-imbued deck or an
element-specific deck. The Quick Draw ability deals damage to a target enemy as well as giving the potential
to inhibit that enemy's capabilities, varying on the element that the target is hit with. The ability always and
only deals 3d4 elemental damage, regardless of the type of projectile used for the Quick Draw.
When this ability is used, the corsair tosses a card from the deck into the air then shoots through it with
his/her hand crossbow or firearm of choice. As the projectile tears through the card, the missile is converted
into an energy bolt of the element that the card comes up with. The color of the bolt varies with element, which
is determined by a element-specific deck or by random (d8). Decks are random unless specified by the DM or
by having them made as such.
The elemental effects that may occur have a chance of hitting, but the effects are completely dependant
on the element.
Finally, the bonus damage caused as well as the chance of the elemental effect taking place varies with
the card drawn.
Card Value Damage Bonus Effect Chance
1 +0 10%
2 +1 15%
3-4 +2 25%
5 +3 40%
6 +4 60%
Wild Double dice (6d4) 85%
Random Deal
The corsair's deck of cards also has supportive effects. The Random Deal ability makes use of these.
The effect is a 5-yard radius around the corsair. For in-game effects, instead of a normal deck of cards' suits, a
corsair's deck uses the following.
When used, the corsair tosses out a single card as though dealing a hand without worry. The card
disappears as it leaves the corsair's hand, with separate images of the dealt suit appearing in varying areas over
the allies' bodies. The card is automatically placed randomly into the deck.
The effect that takes place also varies upon the suit of the card that gets drawn, affecting each ally within
The Random Deal effects have the following limitations on time that must pass before the effect will be
usable once again. If a card that is still on it's wait period comes up, Random Deal will have no effect and a
thirty minute period must elapse before the ability is usable again.
Level THAC0 Level THAC0 Level Experience Hit Dice (d6)
1 20 11 14 1 0 1
2 20 12 14 2 1,650 2
3 19 13 13 3 3,300 3
4 19 14 12 4 6,600 4
5 18 15 12 5 16,500 5
6 17 16 11 6 33,000 6
7 17 17 10 7 66,000 7
8 16 18 10 8 123,750 8
9 15 19 9 9 231,000 9
10 15 20+ 9 10 363,000 9+2
11 495,000 9+4
12 742,500 9+6
13 990,000 9+8
14 1,237,500 9+10
15 1,485,000 9+12
16 1,732,500 9+14
17 1,980,000 9+16
18 2,227,500 9+18
19 2,475,000 9+20
20 2,722,500 9+22
21+ +247,500/level +2/level