CH 7 - Trainning - P

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8 Training and Developing


Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Learning Objectives

1. List and briefly explain each of

the steps in the training process.
2. Explain how to use five training

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Learning Objectives

4. List and briefly discuss four management

development methods.
5. List and briefly discuss the importance of the
steps in leading organizational change.
6. Explain why a controlled study may be
superior for evaluating the training
program’s effects.

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
List and briefly explain
each of the steps in the
training process.

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
The ADDIE Five-Step
Training Process
• Analyze
• Design
• Develop
• Implement
• Evaluate

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Conducting the Training Needs Analysis
• Needs analysis of current/existing employees
Performance analysis (verifying that there is a
performance deficiency and determining whether the
employer should correct such deficiencies through
training or some other means)

• Needs analysis of new employees

Task analysis (Task analysis is a detailed study
of the job to determine what specific skills (like reading
spreadsheets for a clerk) the job requires. For task
analysis, job descriptions and job specifications are
Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Performance Analyses
Ways to identify how a current employee is doing include:
●● Performance appraisals
●● Job-related performance data (including productivity, absenteeism and
tardiness, grievances, waste, late deliveries, product quality, downtime, repairs,
equipment utilization, and customer complaints)
●● Observations by supervisors or other specialists
●● Interviews with the employee or his or her supervisor
●● Tests of things like job knowledge, skills, and attendance
●● Attitude surveys
●● Individual employee daily diaries
●● Assessment center results
●● Special performance gap analytical software, such as from Saba Software, Inc.

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Conducting the Training Needs Analysis

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Explain how to use five
training techniques.

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Implementing Training

• On-the-job training
o Types of on-the-job training
o Job rotation
o Special assignments

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Other Types of Learning
• Job instruction training
• Lectures
• Programmed learning
• Behavior modeling
• Audiovisual-based training
• Vestibule training

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Off-the-Job Management Training
and Development Techniques

• Case studies
• Computerized management
• Outside seminars
• University programs
• Role-playing

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Off-the-Job Management Training and
Development Techniques

• Behavior modeling
• Corporate universities
• Executive coaches
• SHRM learning system

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Off-the-Job Management Training
and Development Techniques

• Leadership Development at GE
• Talent Management and Differential
Development Assignments

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey
Evaluating the Training Effort

• Designing the study

• Controlled experimentation
• Training Effects to Measure
o Reactions
o Learning
o Behavior
o Results

Human Resource Management, 15e Authors: Gary Dessler and Biju Varkkey

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