Unit 2: Sitcom: Are You OK? Scene 1

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Sitcom: Are you OK?

A. Complete the sentences. Circle the correct words.

1. Paul feels (OK / awful).
2. Marie says Paul may have to (go home / see a doctor).
3. Bob says maybe Paul is allergic to (plants / work).
4. Dr. Anderson is meeting Mr. Evans in (his office / the café).
5. Marie goes to get (Mr. Evans / Dr. Anderson).
6. Bob suggests some (conventional / nonconventional) treatments.
7. Paul got the cold (this morning / last night).
8. The pain in Paul’s back started (this morning / last night).

B. What’s wrong with Paul? Write the ailments and symptoms he talks
about in the video episode.

I’ve got this horrible . I’m sneezing ,
1. 2.
and my back is killing me. I’ve got this pain in my
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. My neck has been bothering me all day.
4. 5.
And I have a stomache .

C. Write the different treatments Bob jokes about in the video episode.
1. Acupunture

2. Herbal remedy
3. Spiritual healing

Top Notch TV 3, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 2

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Sitcom: Are you OK?

A. Check each statement True or False.

True False
1. Dr. Anderson examines Paul in her office. ❏ ❏
2. Dr. Anderson isn’t sure whether Paul has a cold. ❏ ❏
3. Paul lifted weights with his friend Don the night before. ❏ ❏
4. Don has been sick all week. ❏ ❏
5. Paul ran eight miles last night. ❏ ❏
6. Paul started his exercise routine yesterday. ❏ ❏
7. Dr. Anderson said Paul didn’t get enough exercise. ❏ ❏

B. Complete the conversation with the medications Paul has taken

Dr. Anderson: Have you taken any medications lately?
Paul: Just some over-the-counter stuff— , cold tablet ,
1. 2.
nasal spray .
Dr. Anderson: That sounds OK.
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Paul: And some cough medicine , vitamins , antacid .

4. 5. 6.
Dr. Anderson: That’s a lot of medicine.
Paul: And some .

C. How did Paul get sick? Write three reasons why Paul does not feel well.
Paul took too much medicine
1. .
2. He exercised too much .
3. His friend is sick .

Top Notch TV 3, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 2

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Interview: Are you traditional in your medical ideas?

A. Read the interviewer’s question. Then match each response with the
person who said it.
Are you traditional in your
medical ideas . . . or do you like
to explore nontraditional
treatments, such as
acupuncture or homeopathic

a. b. c.
1. “I’m more for the naturalistic approach. I like more natural herbal medicines.”
2. “I don’t explore nontraditional treatments as much as I would probably like to.”
3. “I’m more traditional than anything else in my medication. . . .”

B. Check the things Vanessa does when she feels she is getting sick.
❏ gets a lot of rest
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❏ takes an herbal medicine

❏ takes vitamins
❏ drinks a lot of orange juice
❏ drinks a lot of tea

C. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Western medicine,

according to James and Joe?
advantages of Western medicine


disadvantages of Western medicine


Top Notch TV 3, Third Edition Activity Worksheet 2

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