AMERICAN Pipe Manual Flanged Pipe 1 19 21

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Section 8

Flanged Pipe
AMERICAN Flanged Pipe

The principal standards covering Flanged Pipe are ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15

and ANSI/AWWA C110/A21.10. These and other standards are referenced
throughout this Section either by the full ANSI/AWWA designation or by only
the AWWA numbering, such as AWWA C115.

AMERICAN produces 4”- 64” ductile the rigidity of the joint as noted in appendi-
iron flanged pipe with threaded flanges for ces of appropriate ANSI/AWWA standards.
water or other liquids in accordance with Flanged pipe is rated for a maximum
AWWA C115. Maximum length of flanged working pressure of at least 250 psi as
pipe is 17’6”, 19’0”, 19’6”, or 20’0”, de- specified in the tables in this Section. The
pending on size; any length less than maxi- AWWA C110 and C115 flanges (as well
mum can be furnished down to minimum as the flanges faced and drilled per ANSI
practical lengths, varying also with pipe B16.1 Class 250) are also rated for maxi-
size. Flanges generally are threaded on all mum water working pressure of at least
flanged pipe, except for short lengths of 250 psi. The flanges faced and drilled per
pipe which may be produced statically with ANSI B16.1 Class 250 are special; they
integrally cast flanges as shown in Table do not match other flanges and are infre-
Nos. 8-9 and 8-10; static castings are man- quently furnished. AMERICAN furnishes
ufactured in accordance with applicable re- these only as a transition from equipment
quirements of AWWA C110. with these flanges to regular AWWA C110
Flanged pipe is generally specified for or C115 flanges. These flanges faced and
aboveground service for air, water, sewage, drilled per ANSI B16.1 Class 250 are shown
oil and other liquids where rigid, restrained in Table Nos. 8-11, 8-12 and 8-13 which
joints are needed. It is widely used in indus- are shaded to signify their special nature.
trial piping systems, water treatment plants AMERICAN flanged pipe in sizes 24”and
and sewage treatment plants, and for other smaller is rated for 350 psi working pres-
interior piping. sure only when AMERICAN Toruseal® gas-
Long runs of flanged pipe should nor- kets are used. In some cases other sizes of
mally include design provisions for thermal flanged pipe have been supplied for work-
expansion and contraction, such as flexible ing pressures greater than 250 psi, again
joints or couplings at strategic intervals. when joined with AMERICAN Toruseal®
Pipe may be furnished with one end gaskets. Check AMERICAN for details.
flanged and the other end with Fastite bell,
mechanical joint bell, restrained joint bell, Coatings and Linings
plain end, grooved or shouldered end, or The standard outside coating for
with other type end as may be required. flanged pipe is a one-mil-thick asphaltic
The underground use of the flanged paint, but other outside coatings per Sec-
joint is generally not recommended due to tion 11 can be furnished when specified.

While other linings are available as described
in Section 11, cement lining, per AWWA
C104, is usually furnished in flanged pip-
ing. Where AMERICAN is given the option,
flanged pipe is normally furnished cement
lined depending on availability.
A rust preventive coating is applied to
the machined faces of the flanges; this coat-
ing may be removed prior to installation.

Pipe Barrel and Flanges

Ductile iron pipe barrels conform to the
requirements of AWWA C151. All flanges 1—Ductile iron flange; 2—Ductile iron
furnished by AMERICAN for threading pipe barrel; 3—AMERICAN Standard Pipe
on ductile iron pipe are ductile iron in ac- Threads, ANSI B2.1, adapted to ductile
cordance with AWWA C115. (AMERICAN iron outside diameters; 4—Pipe end and
recommends only ductile iron flanges for barrel machined simultaneously to a flush
strength and safety, though AWWA C115 finish; and 5—Shroud.
currently allows both ductile iron and gray
iron flanges.) AMERICAN Flanged Pipe is shop fabri-
Flanges conform to the chemical and cated in accordance with AWWA C115 and
physical properties specified for ductile iron threading at the job site is not recommend-
fittings in AWWA C110. ed. Flanges furnished on pipe are not inter-
The minus thickness tolerances of the changeable in the field and generally cannot
pipe barrels are shown below. be removed after fabrication without dam-
Table No. 8-1 aging the pipe and/or flange threads. If in-
stallation conditions require assembly of the
Minus Tolerance
Pipe Size AWWA C151 flange on the job, the flange may be factory
in. in. assembled to a “hand-tight” condition. This
4”–8” 0.05 permits removal and re-assembly at the job
10”–12” 0.06 site at which time suitable thread compound
14”–42” 0.07 must be used. “Hand-tight” flanges should
48” 0.08 be limited to 16” and smaller sizes because
54”–64” 0.09 of the difficulty in tightening larger flanges
at the job site.
Pipe barrels and flanges have tapered
pipe threads (NPT) in accordance with ANSI JOINT MATERIALS
B2.1 adapted to the ductile iron pipe outside Joint materials are normally furnished
diameters. The flange is threaded onto the for all mechanical joint bell openings on pipe
pipe and machine tightened until the pipe or fittings. With the exception of AMERI-
end projects beyond the face of the flange; CAN Toruseal® gaskets specifically recom-
it is then machined to give a flush finish of mended for superior performance, flanged
the pipe end and flange and to ensure that joint materials are not normally furnished
the flange face is perpendicular to the axis by AMERICAN, although they are generally
of the pipe. The flange is designed so that available from stock. See Table Nos. 8-2 in
a shroud substantially covers the working this section and 8-3 in Details and Acces-
threads of the pipe for thread protection. sories.
Prior to assembly of the flange on the pipe, Since flanged bolts are not generally
a commercial-grade thread compound isap- furnished by AMERICAN, the following is
plied to the threads to ensure leak-free fab- given for information only.

Bolts and Nuts lengths of pipe) or with any underground
Size, length and number of bolts and flanges* that could be subjected to unde-
nuts are shown in Table Nos. 8-3 (Details and sirable beam loading. Toruseal® gaskets are
Accessories-AWWA C110 or C115 flange) normally furnished of high-quality black,
and 8-11 (Details and Accessories-flange molded SBR rubber with required properties
faced and drilled per ANSI B16.1 Class 250). per ANSI/AWWA C111/A21.11. Standard
Bolts are specified in ANSI B18.2.1 and nuts Toruseal® SBR rubber gaskets are ANSI/NSF
are specified in ANSI B18.2.2. Bolts and nuts Standard 61 certified for contact with po-
of low-carbon steel conforming to ASTM table water. Other type rubber is available
A307 are specified in the Appendix of on special order. AMERICAN Toruseal® gas-
AWWA C110 and C115 for flanged pipe kets meet the description of “specially de-
when rubber gaskets are used. Nuts of reg- signed gaskets” shown in the appendices of
ular or heavy hex design are used accord- AWWA C110, C111, and C115, and “special
ing to customer specifications. Also, per the gaskets” shown in the body of AWWA C111.
Appendix of AWWA C110 and C115, high- *As noted in the appendices of appropriate ANSI/AWWA stan�
dards, the use of flanged joints underground is generally not recom�
strength bolts should not be used when a mended because of the rigidity of the joint.
gray iron flange is involved in the connection.
AMERICAN AMERICAN Toruseal® gaskets are rec-
Toruseal® Flange ommended for AWWA standard flanged
Gasket joints in normal water and sewage service.
The AMERICAN The ANSI B16.21 standard specifies the in-
Toruseal® flange gasket side of 3”-12” non-metallic full-face and
is available for improved ring gaskets to be greater (the same as
joint performance. It is standard steel pipe outside diameters) than
vastly superior to co- nominal. Any flat gaskets used for ductile
NSF 61 certified ventional full-face or
iron flanged pipe must have “nominal” in-
Toruseal® Gasket ring gaskets. Although
side diameters as shown in the appendix of
recommended for all normal water and ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15, not the larger
sewer service, it especially must be used in inside diameters per ANSI B16.21. The
demanding services such as very large diam- larger I.D. gaskets per ANSI B16.21
eter flanged piping, specially designed long- are not recommended by AMERICAN.
span installations (i.e. spans involving 2 or 3

Table No. 8-2 AMERICAN Toruseal® Flange Gasket

Full–Face — Nominal 1/8” Thickness — Dual Raised Torus Bulbs
Pressure Gasket Approx. Pressure Gasket Approx.
Pipe Size Rating* Weight Bolt Torque** Pipe Size Rating* Weight Bolt Torque**
in. psi lbs ft.-lbs in. psi lbs ft.-lbs

14 350 0.3 100 24 350 1.6 400

16 350 0.3 150 30 250 2.1 400
18 350 0.5 150 36 250 2.7 500
10 350 0.6 200 42 250 3.5 500
12 350 0.8 200 48 250 4.0 500
14 350 0.9 250 54 250 4.3 600
16 350 1.1 250 60 250 6.4 600
18 350 1.1 300 64 250 9.1 600
20 350 1.3 300 – – – –

*Pressure rating designated is maximum water working pressure and is based on the 350 psi allowable rating of 24” and smaller flanges in C111 and the
250 psi maximum rating of other sizes of C110 or C115 flanges. Contact AMERICAN on higher pressure or temperature requirements.
**Bolt torque applicable only to flanged joints with Toruseal® gaskets.
Clean flange faces and faced pipe ends thoroughly prior to installation. Do not use joint or gasket compounds with Toruseal® gaskets
(assemble joints dry).
For use with standard flange bolts. Holes match AWWA C110, C111, and C115 flange drilling. They also match certain flange drilling classes of AWWA
C207 and ANSI B16.1 and B16.42 flanges.
Toruseal® gaskets may be used with steel pipe flanges in the 14”–54” sizes in some cases. Check AMERICAN for details, or when connecting to any flange
configured differently than flanges per AWWA C110 or C115.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe Details and Accessories

Table No. 8-3

Size O.D. B.C. T Bolt Hole Weight
in. Flange Bolt Circle† Thickness† Dia. No. per Bolt Size†† Stud Size†† Threads per Bolt
in. in. in. in. Joint in. in. per inch lbs.

14 19.00 17.50 1.94 13/4 18 15/8 x 31/2 15/8 x 3 11 1.35

16 11.00 19.50 1.00 17/8 18 13/4 x 31/2 13/4 x 31/2 10 1.5
18 13.50 11.75 1.12 17/8 18 13/4 x 31/2 13/4 x 31/2 10 1.5
10 16.00 14.25 1.19 1 12 17/8 x 4 17/8 x 4 19 1.8
12 19.00 17.00 1.25 1 12 17/8 x 4 17/8 x 4 19 1.8
14 21.00 18.75 1.38 11/8 12 11/2 x 41/2 11/2 x 41/2 18 1.2
16 23.50 21.25 1.44 11/8 16 11/2 x 41/2 11/2 x 41/2 18 1.2
18 25.00 22.75 1.56 11/4 16 11/8 x 5 11/8 x 5 17 1.8
20 27.50 25.00 1.69 11/4 20 11/8 x 5 11/8 x 5 17 1.8
24 32.00 29.50 1.88 13/8 20 11/4 x 51/2 11/4 x 51/2 17 2.4
30 38.75 36.00 2.12 13/8 28 11/4 x 61/2 11/4 x 61/2 17 2.7
36 46.00 42.75 2.38 15/8 32 11/2 x 7 11/2 x 7 16 5.1
42 53.00 49.50 2.62 15/8 36 11/2 x 71/2 11/2 x 71/2 16 5.4
48 59.50 56.00 2.75 15/8 44 11/2 x 8 11/2 x 8 16 5.6
54 66.25 62.75 3.00 2 44 13/4 x 81/2 13/4 x 81/2 15 8.3
60 73.00 69.25 3.12 2 52 13/4 x 9 13/4 x 9 15 8.7
*64 80.00 76.00 3.38 2 52 13/4 x 9 13/4 x 9 15 8.7
*The dimensions of 64” flange correspond with applicable dimensions of 66” Class Facing: Flanges are plain–faced without projection and are furnished smooth or
E flange in ANSI/AWWA C207, and 64” ductile iron flanges can be connected to those with shallow serrations.
flanges. Back Facing: Flanges may be back–faced or spot–faced for compliance with the
†Bolt circle and thickness tolerances are per AWWA C115. flange thickness tolerance.
††Bolts are hex head machine bolts with regular or heavy hex nuts as specified. Flanges: The flanges are adequate for water service of 250 psi working pressure or
Studs with one hex nut each are required for tapped flanges. Bolts, studs and nuts are 350 psi in 4”–24” sizes when employing Toruseal® gasket seals. The bolt circle and bolt
low–carbon steel per ASTM A307 Grade B; threads are ANSI B1.1 Coarse Thread Series, holes match those of ANSI B16.1 Class 125 flanges and ANSI B16.5 Class 150 flanges.
Class 2A external and Class 2B internal. Recommended studs are the same length as The flanges do not match and cannot be jointed with the ANSI B16.1 Class 250 flanges
corresponding bolt length with “tap end” threaded approximately the same length as or with other type flanges. Drilling of flanges can be rotated when required; for those
flange thickness. sizes with an even number of bolt holes in each quadrant, pipe can be rotated 45° with
standard drilling.
See Section 6 for dimensions of flanges larger than 64”.
AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
Companion Flanges for Use
on Ductile Iron Pipe
ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15

Table No. 8-4

Parent Pipe Pipe O Q X Y
Size O.D. Dia. of Flange Thickness Dia. Hub Length incl. Hub
in. in. in. in.

14 14.80 19.00 1.94 16.00 1.88

16 16.90 11.00 1.00 17.78 2.06
18 19.05 13.50 1.12 10.01 2.25
10 11.10 16.00 1.19 12.31 2.44
12 13.20 19.00 1.25 14.75 2.68
14 15.30 21.00 1.38 16.59 2.87
16 17.40 23.50 1.44 18.94 3.06
18 19.50 25.00 1.56 20.38 3.31
20 21.60 27.50 1.69 22.62 3.50
24 25.80 32.00 1.88 26.91 3.93
30 32.00 38.75 2.12 33.31 4.50
36 38.30 46.00 2.38 39.62 5.12
42 44.50 53.00 2.62 46.00 5.75
48 50.80 59.50 2.75 52.31 6.38
54 57.56 66.25 3.00 58.75 7.00
60 61.61 73.00 3.12 63.76 7.00
64 65.67 80.00 3.38 70.32 7.00
Hub diameter and length are AMERICAN Design. See Table No. 8-3 for data on bolt holes and bolt circle.
When ordering Companion Flanges for Ductile Iron Pipe specify the outside diameter of the pipe.
“X” and “Y” dimensions may vary depending on foundry equipment.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
AMERICAN Ductile Iron Flanged Pipe
ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15

Table No. 8-5

Weight in Pounds
Size Pressure* Wall Pipe O.D. Minimum Maximum Per Maximum
in. Rating Thickness in. Length** Length** Per Foot One Length
psi in. in. ft.-in. Plain End Flange with Two
14 350† .32 14.80 141/2 20’–0” 113.8 1113 11300
16 350† .34 16.90 141/2 20’–0” 121.4 1117 11460
18 350† .36 19.05 141/2 20’–0” 130.1 1127 11655
10 350† .38 11.10 16 20’–0” 139.2 1 1138 11860
12 350† .40 13.20 16 20’–0” 149.2 1159 11100
14 350† .42 15.30 17 20’–0” 160.1 1170 11340
16 350† .43 17.40 17 20’–0” 170.1 1190 11580
18 350† .44 19.50 17 20’–0” 180.6 1188 11790
20 350† .45 21.60 17 20’–0” 191.5 1112 12060
24 350† .47 25.80 18 20’–0” 114.4 1155 12600
30 250 .51 32.00 12 19’–6” 154.4 1245 13500
36 250 .58 38.30 14 19’–6” 210.3 1354 14810
42 250 .65 44.50 18 19’–6” 274.0 1512 16370
48 250 .72 50.80 18 19’–6” 346.6 1632 18020
54 250 .81 57.56 20 19’–6” 441.9 1716 10050
60 250 .83 61.61 20 19’–6” 485.0 1113 11680
64 250 .87 65.67 21 19’–0” 542.0 1824 13950
*Pressure rating designated is maximum water working pressure. Contact AMERICAN on higher pressure
**Check AMERICAN if longer or shorter lengths required.
†This rating is only applicable to flanged joints utilizing AMERICAN Toruseal® gaskets as per page 8–3.
Pipe is available with greater wall thickness than shown. Thicknesses above correspond to Special Class 53 for
4”–54” diameters, and Pressure Class 350 for 60” and 64” diameters as shown in AWWA C151.
Any length between minimum and maximum shown can be furnished.
Tolerance on length is ±0.12 in.
Standard drilling is with bolt holes aligned, straddling a common centerline. Special drilling can be furnished on
Where required, specify flanges “Tap for Studs.”
The bolt circle and bolt holes of AWWA C115 flanges, AWWA C110 flanges and ANSI B16.1 Class 125 flanges are
identical, and these flanges can be joined. AWWA C115 and AWWA C110 flanges are rated for 250–350 psi water working
pressure depending on size and specified gasketing system.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
AMERICAN Ductile Iron Flanged Pipe
ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15

Table No. 8-6

Weight in Pounds
Size Pressure* Wall Pipe O.D. Minimum Maximum
Rating Length** Length** Per Maximum
in. Thickness in. Per Foot One Length with
psi in. in. ft.-in. Plain End Flange One Flange

14 350† .32 14.80 113/4 20’–0” 113.8 1113 11285

16 350† .34 16.90 12 20’–0” 121.4 1117 11445
18 350† .36 19.05 121/2 20’–0” 130.1 1127 11630
10 350† .38 11.10 121/2 20’–0” 139.2 1138 11820
12 350† .40 13.20 121/2 20’–0” 149.2 1159 11045
14 350† .42 15.30 123/4 20’–0” 160.1 1170 11270
16 350† .43 17.40 13 20’–0” 170.1 1190 11490
18 350† .44 19.50 13 20’–0” 180.6 1188 11700
20 350† .45 21.60 13 20’–0” 191.5 1112 11950
24 350† .47 25.80 133/4 20’–0” 114.4 1155 12450
30 250 .51 32.00 18 19’–6” 154.4 1245 13260
36 250 .58 38.30 10 19’–6” 210.3 1354 14450
42 250 .65 44.50 10 19’–6” 274.0 1512 15850
48 250 .72 50.80 10 19’–6” 346.6 1632 17390
54 250 .81 57.56 12 19’–6” 441.9 1716 19330
60 250 .83 61.61 12 19’–6” 485.0 1113 10570
64 250 .87 65.67 12 19’–0” 542.0 1824 12120
*Pressure rating designated is maximum water working pressure. Contact AMERICAN on higher pressure
**Check AMERICAN if longer or shorter lengths required. All minimum lengths assume a “no–gauge” plain end (no
joint will be made at the plain end).
†This rating is only applicable to flanged joints utilizing AMERICAN Toruseal® gaskets as per page 8–3.
Plain ends to be assembled in a joint (MJ, Fastite, coupling, etc.) must be ordered gauged for the specific joint.
Pipe is available with greater wall thickness than shown. Thicknesses above correspond to Special Class 53 for
4”–54” diameters, and Pressure Class 350 for 60” and 64” diameters as shown in AWWA C151.
Any length between minimum and maximum shown can be furnished.
Tolerance on length is ±0.25 in.
Where required, specify flanges “Tap for Studs.”
The bolt circle and bolt holes of AWWA C115 flanges, AWWA C110 flanges and ANSI B16.1 Class 125 flanges are
identical, and these flanges can be joined. AWWA C115 and AWWA C110 flanges are rated for 250–350 psi water working
pressure depending on size and specified gasketing system.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
AMERICAN Ductile Iron Flanged Pipe
ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 and AMERICAN Standard

Table No. 8-7

Nominal Minimum Maximum Weight in Pounds
Pressure Wall Pipe O.D. Laying Laying
Size Rating Per Foot Maximum
Thickness in. Length** Length** Plain Flange MJ Bell
in. psi* in. in. ft.-in. Length

14 350† .32 14.80 1131/2 19’–6” 13.8 13 14 1295

16 350† .34 16.90 1131/2 19’–6” 21.4 17 19 1455
18 350† .36 19.05 1131/2 19’–6” 30.1 27 25 1640
10 350† .38 11.10 116 19’–6” 39.2 38 31 1835
12 350† .40 13.20 116 19’–6” 49.2 59 38 1055

*Pressure rating designated is maximum water working pressure. Contact AMERICAN on higher pressure
**Check AMERICAN if longer or shorter lengths required.
†This rating is only applicable to flanged joints utilizing AMERICAN Toruseal® gaskets as per page 8–3.
14”–64” pipe is not available with integrally cast MJ Bell. See Table 8–8 for Flange and Fastite Pipe.
Pipe is available with greater wall thickness than shown. Thicknesses above correspond to Special Class 53.
Any length between minimum and maximum shown can be furnished.
Tolerance on length is ±0.25 in.
If specified, bolt holes both ends can be drilled, straddling a common centerline.
Where required, specify flanges or MJ Bells “Tap for Studs.”
The bolt circle and bolt holes of AWWA C115 flanges, AWWA C110 flanges and ANSI B16.1 Class 125 flanges are
identical, and these flanges can be joined. AWWA C115 and AWWA C110 flanges are rated for 250–350 psi water working
pressure depending on size and specified gasketing system.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
AMERICAN Ductile Iron Flanged Pipe
ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 and AMERICAN Standard

Flange and Fastite

Table No. 8-8

Nominal Minimum Maximum Weight in Pounds
Pressure Wall Pipe O.D. Laying Laying
Size Rating Per Foot Fastite Maximum
Thickness in. Length** Length** Plain Flange
in. psi* in. in. ft.-in. Bell Length
14 350† .32 14.80 121/2 19’–6” 113.8 1113 110 11290
16 350† .34 16.90 121/2 19’–6” 121.4 1117 115 11450
18 350† .36 19.05 13 19’–6” 130.1 1127 121 11635
10 350† .38 11.10 12 19’–6” 139.2 1138 127 11830
12 350† .40 13.20 12 19’–6” 149.2 1159 132 11050
14 350† .42 15.30 123/4 19’–6” 160.1 1170 157 11300
16 350† .43 17.40 123/4 19’–6” 170.1 1190 164 11520
18 350† .44 19.50 13 19’–6” 180.6 1188 173 11735
20 350† .45 21.60 13 19’–6” 191.5 1112 181 11980
24 350† .47 25.80 123/4 19’–6” 114.4 1155 196 12480
30 250 .51 32.00 12 19’–6” 154.4 1245 164 13420
36 250 .58 38.30 14 19’–6” 210.3 1354 214 14670
42 250 .65 44.50 14 19’–6” 274.0 1512 289 16140
48 250 .72 50.80 16 19’–6” 346.6 1632 354 17745
54 250 .81 57.56 16 19’–6” 441.9 1716 439 19770
60 250 .83 61.61 16 19’–6” 485.0 1113 819 11390
64 250 .87 65.67 16 19’–6” 542.0 1824 932 13320

*Pressure rating designated is maximum water working pressure. Contact AMERICAN on higher pressure
**Check AMERICAN if longer or shorter lengths required.
†This rating is only applicable to flanged joints utilizing AMERICAN Toruseal® gaskets as per page 8–3.
Pipe is available with greater wall thickness than shown. Thicknesses above correspond to Special Class 53 for
4”–54” diameters, and Pressure Class 350 for 60” and 64” diameters as shown in AWWA C151.
Any length between minimum and maximum shown can be furnished.
Tolerance on length is ±0.25 in.
Where required, specify flanges “Tap for Studs.”
The bolt circle and bolt holes of AWWA C115 flanges, AWWA C110 flanges and ANSI B16.1 Class 125 flanges are
identical, and these flanges can be joined. AWWA C115 and AWWA C110 flanges are rated for 250–350 psi water working
pressure depending on size and specified gasketing system.


AMERICAN Flanged Pipe Short Lengths

Statically Cast Ductile Iron Spools Minimum Lengths

Table No. 8-9

Minimum Lengths
Size Flange & Flange Flange & MJ Flange & Fastite Flange & Lok-Ring Flange & Flex-Ring
in. Laying Overall Laying Overall Laying Overall Laying Overall Laying Overall
Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length

30 181/4 181/4 0’–10” 1’–12”1/2 0’–10” 1’–131/4” N/A N/A 0’–10” 1’–73/8”
36 183/4 183/4 0’–10” 1’–12”1/2 0’–10” 1’–131/4” N/A N/A 0’–10” 1’–73/8”
42 101/4 101/4 0’–10” 1’–12”1/2 0’–10” 1’–151/2” N/A N/A 0’–10” 1’–87/8”
48 101/2 101/2 0’–10” 1’–12”1/2 0’–10” 1’–161/2” N/A N/A 0’–10” 1’–103/8”
54 121/2 121/2 N/A N/A 0’–10” 1’–161/2” 0’–10” 1’–181/2” N/A N/A
60 121/2 121/2 N/A N/A 0’–10” 1’–16 /4” 0’–10” 1’–181/2”
64 121/2 121/2 N/A N/A 0’–10” 1’–1712” 0’–10” 1’–181/2” N/A N/A
Flanges are AWWA C110.
Shorter lengths are furnished as Flange Fillers. See Section 6, Table No. 6–18.
All sizes and lengths of Flange and Plain End, MJ and Plain End, Fastite and Plain End, and Plain End and Plain End
Pipe are generally fabricated from centrifugally cast pipe.
Some sizes of pipe in shorter lengths than shown above can be furnished statically cast by special pattern adaptation.
Statically cast flanged spools are made of ductile iron and are pressure rated 250 psi. Contact AMERICAN on higher
pressure or longer/shorter length requirements.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
Short Lengths
Statically Cast Ductile Iron Spools
Maximum Lengths

Table No. 8-10

Maximum Lengths
Size Flange & Flange Flange & MJ Flange & Fastite Flange & Lok-Ring Flange & Flex-Ring
in. Laying Overall Laying Overall Laying Overall Laying Overall Laying Overall
Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length Length

30 1’–6” 1’–6” 3’–0” 3’–41/2” 3’–0” 3’–151/4” N/A N/A 3’–0” 3’–193/8”
36 1’–6” 1’–6” 3’–0” 3’–41/2” 3’–0” 3’–151/4” N/A N/A 3’–0” 3’–193/8”
42 1’–6” 1’–6” 3’–0” 3’–41/2” 3’–0” 3’–171/2” N/A N/A 5’–8” 6’–165/8”
48 1’–6” 1’–6” 3’–0” 3’–41/2” 3’–0” 3’–181/2” N/A N/A 5’–8” 6’–183/8”
54 2’–0” 2’–0” N/A N/A 3’–0” 3’–181/2” 3’–0” 3’–101/2” N/A N/A
60 2’–0” 2’–0” N/A N/A 3’–0” 3’–183/4” 3’–0” 3’–101/2” N/A N/A
64 2’–0” 2’–0” N/A N/A 3’–0” 3’–191/2” 3’–0” 3’–101/2” N/A N/A
Flanges are AWWA C110.
Longer lengths of Flange and Flange, Flange and MJ, Flange and Fastite, Flange and Lok–Ring, and Flange and Flex–
Ring Pipe than shown above are normally fabricated from centrifugally cast pipe. Lengths shorter than the maximum shown
above may also be fabricated from centrifugally cast pipe.
All sizes and lengths of Flange and Plain End, MJ and Plain End, Fastite and Plain End, and Plain End and Plain End
Pipe are generally fabricated from centrifugally cast pipe.
To determine weight of any statically cast pipe with various joint combinations and lengths, use data in Section 7,
Table No. 7–3.
Some sizes of pipe in longer lengths than shown above can be furnished statically cast by special pattern adaptation.
Statically cast flanged spools are made of ductile iron and are pressure rated 250 psi. Contact AMERICAN on higher
pressure requirements.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
Flex-Ring X Flange Adapter

4” – 12” 16”

Table No. 8-11

Size Laying Length (B) Overall Length (A) T Flex-Ring Bell (C) Flange Diameter (D) Weight

4 4.00 9.71 0.34 1 7.18 9.00 45

6 4.00 9.71 0.36 1 9.20 11.00 65
8 4.00 9.83 0.38 11.35 13.50 80
10 4.00 10.74 0.40 13.75 16.00 125
12 4.00 10.74 0.42 16.37 19.00 165
16 4.00 11.38 0.50 21.49 23.50 260

1. All dimensions are in inches.

2. Casting manufactured in accordance with ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53.
3. Material ductile iron as specifies by ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53.
4. Marking per ANSI/AWWA C153/A21.53.
5. Flanges per AWWA/ANSI C110/A21.10 and ASME B16.1 Class 125.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe—Flange Details and Accessories
Faced and Drilled Per ANSI B16.1 Class 25

Table No. 8-12

Size O.D. B.C. T Dia. of Bolt Hole Size
in. Flange Bolt Circle Thickness† Raised Face Dia. No. per Bolt Size* Stud Size* Threads Ring Gasket
in. in. in. in. in. Joint in. in. per inch in.

14 10.00 17.88 1.25 16.94 17/8 18 13/4 x 133/4 13/4 x 133/4 101/2 14 x 171/8
16 12.50 10.62 1.44 19.69 17/8 12 13/4 x 141/2 13/4 x 141/2 101/2 16 x 197/8
18 15.00 13.00 1.62 11.94 11/2 12 17/8 x 141/2 17/8 x 141/2 191/2 18 x 121/8
10 17.50 15.25 1.88 14.06 11/8 16 11/2 x 151/2 11/2 x 151/4 181/2 10 x 141/4
12 20.50 17.75 2.00 16.44 11/4 16 11/8 x 151/2 11/4 x 151/2 171/2 12 x 165/8
14 23.00 20.25 2.12 18.94 11/4 20 11/8 x 161/2 11/8 x 161/2 171/2 14 x 191/8
16 25.50 22.50 2.25 21.06 13/8 20 11/4 x 161/2 11/4 x 161/2 171/2 16 x 211/4
18 28.00 24.75 2.38 23.31 13/8 24 11/4 x 161/2 11/4 x 161/2 171/2 18 x 231/2
20 30.50 27.00 2.50 25.56 13/8 24 11/4 x 171/2 11/4 x 171/2 171/2 20 x 253/4
24 36.00 32.00 2.75 30.31 15/8 24 11/2 x 171/2 11/2 x 171/2 161/2 24 x 301/2
30 43.00 39.25 3.00 37.19 21/2 28 13/4 x 181/2 13/4 x 181/2 151/2 30 x 371/2
36 50.00 46.00 3.38 43.69 21/4 32 21/2 x 191/2 21/2 x 191/2 141/2 36 x 441/2
42 57.00 52.75 3.69 50.44 21/4 36 21/2 x 101/2 21/2 x 101/2 141/2 42 x 503/4
48 65.00 60.75 4.00 58.44 21/4 40 21/2 x 111/2 21/2 x 103/4 141/2 48 x 583/4

*Bolts are hex head machine bolts with regular or heavy hex nuts as specified. Back Facing: Flanges may be back–faced or spot–faced for compliance with the
Studs with one hex nut each are required for tapped flanges. Bolts, studs and nuts flange thickness tolerance.
are low–carbon steel per ASTM A307; threads are ANSI B1.1 Coarse Thread Series, Flanges: The flanges are adequate for water service of 250 psi working pressure.
Class 2A external and Class 2B internal. Recommended studs are the same length as The bolt circle and bolt holes do not match those of AWWA C115 or C110 flanges. Drilling
corresponding bolt length with “tap end” threaded approximately the same length as of flanges can be rotated when required; for those sizes with an even number of bolt holes
flange thickness. in each quadrant, pipe can be rotated 45° with standard drilling.
Facing: Flanges have a 0.06” raised face and are furnished with shallow serrations.
Flanges may be furnished with a flat face upon special request.

AMERICAN Flanged Pipe
Companion Flanges for Use
on Ductile Iron Pipe
Faced and Drilled Per ANSI B16.1 Class 250

Table No. 8-13

Flanges Faced and Drilled Per ANSI B16.1 Class 250
Size Pipe O.D. O Q W X Y
in. in. Dia. of Flange Thickness Dia. of Dia. of Hub Length incl.
in. in. Raised Face in. Hub
in. in.
14 14.80 10.00 1.25 16.94 16.00 2.12
16 16.90 12.50 1.44 19.69 18.50 2.31
18 19.05 15.00 1.62 11.94 10.78 2.50
10 11.10 17.50 1.88 14.06 12.81 2.68
12 13.20 20.50 2.00 16.44 15.13 2.93
14 15.30 23.00 2.12 18.94 17.50 3.12
16 17.40 25.50 2.25 21.06 19.56 3.31
18 19.50 28.00 2.38 23.31 21.75 3.56
20 21.60 30.50 2.50 25.56 24.00 3.75
24 25.80 36.00 2.75 30.31 28.50 4.18
30 32.00 43.00 3.00 37.19 35.00 4.75
36 38.30 50.00 3.38 43.69 41.25 5.37
42 44.50 57.00 3.69 50.44 48.50 6.00
48 50.80 65.00 4.00 58.44 56.55 6.63

Flanges faced and drilled per ANSI B16.1 Class 250 have a 0.06” raised face; they do not match AWWA C110 or
C115 flanges. Flanges may be furnished with a flat face upon special request.
Hub diameter and length are AMERICAN Design. See Table No. 8-11 for data on bolt holes and bolt circle.
When ordering Companion Flanges for Ductile Iron Pipe specify the outside diameter of the pipe.


AMERICAN Flanged Pipe

AMERICAN Ductile Iron Flanged Pipe
Flanges Faced & Drilled
ANSI/AWWA C115/A21.15 & ANSI B16.1 Class 250

Table No. 8-14

Weight in Pounds
Pressure Nominal Minimum Maximum
Size Rating** Wall Pipe O.D. Laying Laying Per Foot B16.1 Min.
in. psi Thickness in. Length Length Plain C115 250 Length
in. in.* ft.-in. End Flange Flange Total Wt.

4 250 .32 4.80 6 19’–6” 13.8 13 20 40

6 250 .34 6.90 6 20’–0” 21.4 17 32 60
8 250 .36 9.05 6 20’–0” 30.1 27 49 91
10 250 .38 11.10 8 20’–0” 39.2 38 68 132
12 250 .40 13.20 8 20’–0” 49.2 59 99 191
14 250 .42 15.30 10 20’–0” 60.1 70 127 247
16 250 .43 17.40 10 20’–0” 70.1 90 157 305
18 250 .44 19.50 10 20’–0” 80.6 88 194 349
20 250 .45 21.60 10 20’–0” 91.5 112 239 427
24 250 .47 25.80 10 20’–0” 114.4 155 358 608
30 250 .51 32.00 12 19’–6” 154.4 245 508 907
36 250 .58 38.30 14 19’–6” 210.3 354 697 1296
42 250 .65 44.50 18 19’–6” 274.0 512 1010 1933
48 250 .72 50.80 18 19’–6” 346.6 632 1545 2697
*The minimum lengths shown may not allow clearance in all cases for installation of bolts between flanges,
requiring bolt clearance from the other direction. Very short (shorter than the minimums as per above table) fabricated
steel adapters are also available for connecting AWWA C115 flanged pipe or AWWA C110 fittings to ANSI
B16.1 Class 250 flanged items. Contact AMERICAN for details.
Pressure rating designated is maximum water working pressure.
Flanges faced and drilled per ANSI B16.1 Class 250 have 0.06” raised face; they do not match AWWA C110 or
C115 flanges. Flanges may be furnished with a flat face upon special request.
Pipe is available with greater wall thickness than shown.
Tolerance on length for Flange and Flange pipe is ±0.12 in.
Standard drilling is with bolt holes aligned, straddling a common centerline. Class 250 is special drilling and all
connecting equipment must have flanges faced and drilled per ANSI B16.1 Class 250.
Where required, specify flanges “Tap for Studs.”


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