Group 8 - BI Assignment 2

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Presentation by

Pagerank is a tool used to rank pages based

on probability of Clicks.
PageRank (PR) is an algorithm used by Google
Search to rank websites in their search engine
results. PageRank was named after Larry
Page, one of the founders of Google.
PageRank is a way of measuring the
importance of website pages.
Random Surfer Model

šIt represent the behavior of website visitors and get probability of random user
visiting a page.

šSurfer moves through 2 ways:

šEnter the link directly
šUse a Bookmark to get to the page

šThis is not infinite process as the user will get bored after an interval
Rank is determined by the pages which link to the one in
Page Rank of a page is influenced by the Page Rank of the
pages pointing to it.
Hub Rank: It is the rank of a hub that leads to an Authority.
A good Hub is one which directs the user quickly towards
authority and omits the connecting Hubs.
Authority Rank: It is the rank of a source, more hubs
pointing toward an Authority, better the Authority Rank.
Page’s PR is directly proportional to the number of inbound
PR cannot be distributed for web pages with no outbound
link. These are called Dangling links.

šPR(A): PageRank of page A

šPR(Ti): PageRank of pages Ti which links to page A
šC(Ti) : Number of Outbound links on page Ti
šd : Damping/Teleport factor which can be set
between 0-1. Assume it as 0.85
š1-d: probability that surfer will visit random page

Bibliometric Analysis Recommendation Information Network

This can be used to While using Analysis
analyze various research recommendation we can This helps in creating
materials and evaluate assess the repetition and leads of informantion and
them. rank the URl based on that we can trace back to the
and lead to a origin.

Road Network Link Prediction Search Engine

Analysis The backtracking of URL Optimization
Used in Urban traffic is a which leads to source Improves your website to
new which has highest increase your visibility
Authority Score. when people search for it.

šIt has a significant advantage over other website ranking algorithms in that it
begins the ranking process while the webpage is at the crawling stage. As a result,
consumer inquiries are responded to more quickly.

ššPageRank takes into account data from all around the internet, reducing the
impact of localized links.

ššSince the algorithm considers the links between websites, popular and important
sites are ranked higher

šššThe computation is performed at crawl time of search rather than the query
time, makes it highly feasible.

PageRank is based only on the amount of links a page has with other pages.

It may not have many links to popular webpages.

šNot guarantee relevancy.

Possibility of Dead end- no rank

Spider trap.

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