Unit I-Human Values: GE8076-Professional Ethics in Engineering Department of EEE /EIE/ICE/CSE/IT 2020-2021

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GE8076- Professional Ethics in Engineering Department of EEE /EIE/ICE/CSE/IT 2020-2021


1. What are human values? [Nov 2015, April 2016, Nov 2016]
Values decide the standard of behavior. Some universally accepted values are freedom
justice and equality. Other principles of values are love, care, honesty, integrity, self-
2. What are ethical values?
Trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring is ethical values.
3. Distinguish values from ethics and culture.
Values are mainly related to individuals and since they are related to justice, they
remain the same for everyone. e.g. Truth, honesty, empathy, self-respect. Ethics is
mostly based on some code or law and judgment of any action is based on code of
conduct or law. Culture commonly refers to conduct of a group. e.g. System of
worship, marriage It may differ from society to society, nation to nation or religion to
4. What is integrity and how is it related to work ethics? [Nov 2018]
Integrity is the unity of character based on moral values. Consistency in attitudes,
emotions and conduct in relations to morally justified actions and values are also
the part of integrity of individual. It implies honesty, trustworthiness. Integrity is the
bridge between responsibility in private and professional life.
5. Define work ethics.[May 2019]
By one’s work one cannot harm others. Any worker cannot escape accountability.
Worker has the moral responsibility to see that no other person’s right, private or
freedom is impaired or transgressed.
6. What is service learning? [May 2017] [Nov 2019]
Service learning tells that one has moral responsibility to increase the desirable
effects and to decrease the harmful effects. Any service shou
ld increase the desirable result.
7. What is meant by civic virtues and how is it related to respect for others. [April 2014,
May 2018]
Good citizen demand civic virtue. It is the principle of not harming the surroundings
it also includes living peacefully, respect for others, protecting the environment and
being normally and ethically good.
8. Write short notes on caring and sharing.
Caring is the essence of moral life. Caring involves feelings, relationship, contends
with other persons and protecting others and causing least damage to others. Sharing
means sharing of feelings, ideas thoughts, resources and profits. Sharing is always
mutually beneficial. Sharing morally acceptable feelings, resources and materials is a
9. What is honesty? [Nov 2019]
Any human being should imbibe honesty-honesty in acts, honesty in speech and
honesty in beliefs. Honesty is the fundamental virtue in human relationship even though
in may be difficult to follow some times.
10 What is courage as a value? [Nov 2015]
. Courage implies self-respect and governs confrontations with danger and risk. It is not
excessive rashes or cowardice, but it is the middle ground. Taking calculated risks and
boldness in facing crises are the hallmarks of courage as a human value. It defines
the mental makeup of an individual in taking bold decisions even under adverse
11 Define cooperation.
. Co-operation means extending help to others, for a good cause. Co-operation may be
through an idea, a suggestion, an assistance or physical work which extends to others for
common benefit.
12 Define empathy. [May 2018]
. Empathy means putting self in a position of someone else and thinking as the later and
reasoning suitable action.
13 Define spirituality.[NOV 2015][May 2019]
. Spirituality raises a man above the materialistic world into a realm where he seeks peace
and real happiness.
14 Define compromise.
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. In a negative sense it means to undetermined integrity by violating one’s
fundamental moral principles. In a positive sense, however, it means to settle differences
by mutual concessions or to reconcile conflicts through adjustments in attitude and
15 List out any two aspects of honesty [April 2014, Nov 2016]
. Truthfulness – meeting responsibilities concerning truth-telling. Trustworthiness –
Meeting responsibilities concerning trust.
16 Differentiate Self-respect and Self-esteem? [Dec 2013]
. Self-respect: It is a moral concept; refers to the virtue properly valuing oneself. Self-
esteem: It is a psychological concept; means having a positive attitude toward Oneself,
even if the attitude is excessive or otherwise unwarranted.
17 Write the Objective of professional ethics and human values.
. (i)To understand the moral values to guide the engineering profession. (ii) Resolve the
moral issue. (iii)Justify the moral judgment. (iv)Develop a set of attitude, belief and
18 Difference between Mortality and Ethics [Dec 2012]
. Mortality Ethics
Based on customs and tradition. It is a critical reflection of moral
Concerned with wrong action when done Concerned with right action when not
Top Priority is given because damage is high Less done priority & less serious
Example: corruption and crime Example: belief about manners
19 Elements of Work Ethics:
. (i)Interpersonal skill (ii) Initiative (iii) Being dependable (iv)Importance of Civic virtue:
Make them understanding the responsibility (v)It makes them understand the democratic
values and bill of rights (vi)Main goal is to produce responsible citizen and active
participants in society.
20 Characteristics of service learning:
. (i) Links academic content and standard (ii) Promotes skill associated with team work,
community involvement & citizen ship (iii) Ability to identify the critical issue in
21 what i s m e a n t b y s e l f -confidence? (Or) what are the qualities of a self-
. confident people? (May 2016, Nov 2015, Nov 2018)
Certainty in one’s own capabilities, values, and goals, is self-confidence. These people are
usually positive thinking, flexible and willing to change. They respect others so much as
they respect themselves. Self-confidence is positive attitude, wherein the individual has
some positive and realistic view of himself, with respect to the situations in which one gets
22 What is moral autonomy?
. Moral autonomy can be defined as a skill and habit of thinking rationally about the ethical
issues, on the basis of moral concern. Viewing engineering as social experimentation will
promote Autonomous participation and r e t a i n one’s p r o f e s s i o n a l i d e n t i t y .
Periodical performance appraisals, tight-time schedules and fear of foreign competition
threatens this autonomy.
23 Distinguish between profession and professionalism.
. In general, Professionalism‟ relates to any work that a person does for an occupation,
especially word which requires a special skill or training. “Profession” means a type of
job that requires special training and that brings a fairly high status.
24 Define Moral values with suitable examples. [May 2017]
. Moral values are one basis on which we make decisions–right or wrong? good or
evil? Other bases are financial, convenient, aesthetic (an artist), arbitrary (flipping a
coin), physical/health, rational (investigating a product before buying).
25 Define Engineering Ethics?
. Study of the moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations,
engaged in engineering / profession. Study of related questions about the moral ideals,
character, policies and relationships of people and corporations involved in technological
activity. Moral standards / values and system of morals.

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1.Explain some important human values. [April 2014]
The five core human values are: (1) Right conduct, (2) Peace, (3) Truth, (4) Love, and (5)
1. Values related to RIGHT CONDUCT are:
(a) SELF-HELP SKILLS: Care of possessions, diet, hygiene, modesty, posture, self reliance, and
tidy appearance
(b) SOCIAL SKILLS: Good behavior, good manners, good relationships, helpfulness, No wastage,
and good environment, and
(c) ETHICAL SKILLS: Code of conduct, courage, dependability, duty, efficiency, ingenuity,
initiative, perseverance, punctuality, resourcefulness, respect for all, and responsibility
2. Values related to PEACE are: Attention, calmness, concentration, contentment, dignity,
discipline, equality, equanimity, faithfulness, focus, gratitude, happiness, harmony, humility, inner
silence, optimism, patience, reflection, satisfaction, self-acceptance, self-confidence, self-control,
self- discipline, self-esteem, self-respect, sense control, tolerance, and understanding
3. Values related to TRUTH are: Accuracy, curiosity, discernment, fairness, fearlessness, honesty,
integrity (unity of thought, word, and deed), intuition, justice, optimism, purity, quest for knowledge,
reason, self-analysis, and sincerity, sprit of enquiry, synthesis, trust, truthfulness, and determination.
4. Values related to LOVE are: Acceptance, affection, care, compassion, consideration, dedication,
devotion, empathy, forbearance, forgiveness, friendship, generosity, gentleness, humanness,
interdependence, kindness, patience, patriotism, reverence, sacrifice, selflessness, service, sharing,
sympathy, thoughtfulness, tolerance and trust
5. Values related to NON-VIOLENCE are:
(a) PSYCHOLOGICAL: Benevolence, compassion, concern for others, consideration ,
forbearance, forgiveness, manners, happiness, loyalty, morality, and universal love(b) SOCIAL:
Appreciation of other cultures and religions, brotherhood, care of environment, citizenship, equality,
harmlessness, national awareness, perseverance, respect for property, and social justice.
PERSEVERANCE is defined as persistence, determination, resolution, tenacity, dedication,
commitment, constancy, steadfastness, stamina, endurance and indefatigability. To persevere is
described as to continue, carry on, stick at it (in formal), keep going, persist, plug away, (informal),
remain, stand firm, stand fast,hold on and hang on. Perseverance builds character. ACCURACY means
freedom from mistake or error; conformity to truth or to a standard or model and exactness. Accuracy is
defined as correctness, exactness, authenticity, truth, veracity, closeness to truth (true value) and
carefulness. The value of accuracy embraces a large area and has many implications. Engineers are
encouraged to demonstrate accuracy in their behavior through the medium of praise and other incentives.
Accuracy includes telling the truth, not exaggerating, and taking care over one’s work.
DISCERNMENT means discrimination, perception, penetration, and insight. Discernment means the
power to see what is not obvious to the average mind. It stresses accuracy, especially in reading
character or motives. Discrimination stresses the power to distinguish or select what is true or
genuinely excellent. Perception implies quick and often sympathetic discernment, as of shades of
feelings. Penetration implies a searching mind that goes beyond what is obvious or superficial.
Insight suggests depth of discernment. Definitions of other terms are given in the appropriate pages
of this book.
1.2.3 Evolution of Human Values
The human values evolve because of the following factors:
1. The impact of norms of the society on the fulfillment of the individual’s needs or desires.
2. Developed or modified by one’s own awareness, choice, and judgment in fulfilling the needs.
3. By the teachings and practice of Preceptors (Gurus) or Saviors or religious leaders.
4. Fostered or modified by social leaders, rulers of kingdom, and by law (government).
2. What is integrity? How integrity plays a major factor in work ethics? Discuss with Suitable examples
[May 2018].
3. Explain integrity and honesty in ethics. [Nov 2015,Nov 2016][April/May 2018]
Integrity is defined as the unity of thought, word and deed (honesty) and open mindedness. It includes
the capacity to communicate the factual information so that others can make well-informed decisions.
It yields the person’s ‘peace of mind’, and hence adds strength and consistency in character, decisions,
and actions. This paves way to one’s success. It is one of the self-direction virtues. It enthuse people
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not only to execute a job well but to achieve excellence in performance. It helps them to own the
responsibilityand earn self-respect and recognition by doing the job. Moral integrity is defined as a
virtue, which reflects a consistency of one’s attitudes, emotions, and conduct in relation to justified
moral values.
Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in two aspects namely, (a) Truthfulness and
(b) Trustworthiness.
Truthfulness is to face the responsibilities upon telling truth. One should keep one’s word or promise.
By admitting one’s mistake committed (one needs courage to do that!), it is easy to fix them. Reliable
engineering judgment, maintenance of truth, defending the truth, and communicating the truth, only
when it does ‘good’ to others, are some of the reflections of truthfulness. But trustworthiness is
maintaining integrity and taking responsibility for personal performance. People abide by law and
live by mutual trust. They play the right way to win, according to the laws or rules (legally and
morally). They build trust through reliability and authenticity. They admit their own mistakes and
confront unethical actions in others and take tough and principled stand, even if unpopular.Honesty is
mirrored in many ways. The common reflections are:
(a) Beliefs (intellectual honesty).
(b) Communication (writing and speech).
(c) Decisions (ideas, discretion).
(d) Actions (means, timing, place, and the goals). and (e) Intended and unintended results
achieved. As against this, some of the actions of an engineer that leads to dishonesty are:
1. Lying: Honesty implies avoidance of lying. An engineer may communicate wrong or distorted
test results intentionally or otherwise. It is giving wrong information to the right people.
2. Deliberate deception: An engineer may judge or decide on matters one is not familiar or
withinsufficient data or proof, to impress upon the customers or employers. This is a self deceit.
3. Withholding the information: It means hiding the facts during communication to one’s superior
or subordinate, intentionally or otherwise.
4. Not seeking the truth: Some engineers accept the information or data, without applying their
mind and seeking the truth.
5. Not maintaining confidentiality: It is giving right information to wrong people. The engineers
should keep information of their customers/clients or of their employers confidential and should not
discuss them with others.
6. Giving professional judgment under the influence of extraneous factors such as personal
benefits and prejudice. The laws, experience, social welfare, and even conscience are given a go-bye
by such actions. Certainly this is a higher-order crime.
4. Explain the importance of self confidence in ethics. [ May
Certainty in one’s own capabilities, values, and goals, is self-confidence. These people are usually
positive thinking, flexible and willing to change. They respect others so much as they respect
themselves. Self-confidence is positive attitude, wherein the individual has some positive and realistic
view of himself, with respect to the situations in which one gets involved. The people with self-
confidence exhibit courage to get into action and unshakable faith in their abilities, whatever may be
their positions. They are not influenced by threats or challenges and are prepared to face them and the
natural or unexpected consequences. The self-confidence in a person develops a sense of partnership,
respect, and accountability, and this helps the organization to obtain maximum ideas, efforts, and
guidelines from its employees. The people with self-confidence have the following characteristics:
1. A self-assured standing,
2. Willing to listen to learn from others and adopt (flexibility),
3. Frank to speak the truth, and
4. respect others’ efforts and give due credit.
On the contrary, some leaders expose others when failure occurs, and own the credit when success
The factors that shape self-confidence in a person are:
1. Heredity (attitudes of parents) and family environment (elders),
2. Friendship (influence of friends/colleagues),
3. Influence of superiors/role models, and
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4. Training in the organization ( e.g., training by Technical Evangelists at Infosys Technologies).
The following methodologies are effective in developing self-confidence in a person:
1. Encouraging SWOT analysis. By evaluating their strength and weakness, they can anticipate
and be prepared to face the results.
2. Training to evaluate risks and face them (self-acceptance).
3. Self-talk . It is conditioning the mind for preparing the self to act, without any doubt on his
capabilities. This make one accepts himself while still striving for improvement.
4. Study and group discussion, on the history of leaders and innovators (e.g., Sam Walton of Wal-
Mart, USA).
5. List important time wasters. How can one manage time properly?
Time is rare resource. Once it is spent, it is lost for ever. It can not be either stored or recovered.
Hence, time is the most perishable and most valuable resource too. This resource is continuously
spent, whether any decision or action is taken or not. The history of great reformers and innovators
have stressed the importance of time and valuing time. The proverbs, ‘Time and tide wait for nobody’
and ‘Procrastination is the thief of time’ amply illustrate this point.
An anecdote to highlight the ‘value of time’ is as follows: To realize the value of one year, ask the
student who has failed in the examinations;. To realize the value of one month, ask the mother who
has delivered a premature baby; to realize the value of one week, ask the editor of weekly; to realize
the value of one day, ask the daily-wage laborer; to realize now the value of one hour, ask the lovers
longing to meet; to realize the value of one minute, ask a person who has missed the train; to realize
the value of one second, ask the person who has survived an accident; to realize the value one milli
second, ask the person who has won the bronze medal in Olympics; to realize the value of one micro
second, ask the NASA team of scientists; to realize the value of one nano-second, ask a Hardware
engineer!; If You have still not realized the value of time, wait; are you an Engineer?
6. What is Service Learning? Discuss its role in caring and sharing in society with suitable examples.
[Nov 2015, Nov 2018]
Service learning refers to learning the service policies, procedures, norms, and conditions, other than
the technical trade practices. The service learning includes the characteristics of the work, basic
requirements, security of the job, and awareness of the procedures, while taking decisions and
• It helps the individuals to interact ethically with colleagues, to effectively coordinate with
other departments, to interact cordially with suppliers as well as the customers, and to maintain all
these friendly interactions.
• Alternatively, the service learning may be defined as the non-paid activity, in which service is
provided on voluntary basis to the public (have-nots in the community), non-profitable institutions,
and charitable organizations.
• It is the service during learning. This includes training or study on real life problems and their
possible solutions, during the formal learning, i.e., courses of study.
• In the industrial scenario, adoption, study, and development of public health or welfare or
safety system of a village or school is an example of service learning by the employees. The
engineering student analyzing and executing a socially-relevant project is another example of service
The service learning is a methodology falling under the category of experiential education. It is one of
the forms of experiential learning and community service opportunities. It is distinguished in the
following ways:
1. Connection to curriculum
2. Learner‘s voice
3. Reflection
4. Partners in the community

1. Connection to curriculum: Integrating the learning into a service project is a key to successful
service learning. Academic ties should be clear and built upon existing disciplinary skills.
2. Learner’s voice: Beyond being actively engaged in the project, trainees have the opportunity to
select, design, implement, and evaluate their service activity.
3. Reflection: Structured opportunities are created to think, talk, and write about the service
experience. The balance of reflection and action allows the trainee to be constantly aware of the
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impact of their work.
4. Partners in the community: Partnership with community agencies are used to identify genuine
needs, provide mentorship, and contribute input such as labor and expertise towards completing the
Caring is feeling for others. It is a process which exhibits the interest in, and support for, the welfare
of others with fairness, impartiality and justice in all activities, among the employees, in the context
of professional ethics. It includes showing respect to the feelings of others, and also respecting and
preserving the interests of all others concerned. Caring is reflected in activities such as friendship,
membership in social clubs and professional societies, and through various transactions in the family,
fraternity, community, country and in international councils.
In the present day context, caring for the environment (including the fauna and flora) has become a
necessity for our very survival. If we do not care for the environment, the environment will scare us.
Primarily, caring influences ‘sharing’. Sharing is a process that describes the transfer of knowledge
(teaching, learning, and information), experience (training), commodities (material possession) and
facilities with others. The transfer should be genuine, legal, positive, voluntary, and without any
expectation in return. However, the proprietary information it should not be shared with outsiders.
Through this process of sharing, experience, expertise, wisdom and other benefits reach more people
faster. Sharing is voluntary and it can not be driven by force, but motivated successfully through
ethical principles. In short, sharing is ‘charity’ for the humanity, ‘sharing’ is a culture. The ‘happiness
and wealth’ are multiplied and the ‘crimesand sufferings’ are reduced, by sharing. It paves the way
for peace and obviates militancy. Philosophically, the sharing maximizes the happiness for all the
human beings. In terms of psychology, the fear, divide, and distrust between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-
nots’ disappear. Sharing not only paves the way to prosperity, early and easily, and sustains it.
Economically speaking, benefits are maximized as there is no wastage or loss, and everybody gets
one’s needs fulfilled and satisfied. Commercially speaking, the profit is maximized. Technologically,
the productivity and utilization are maximized by sharing. In the industrial arena, code-sharing in
airlines for bookings on air travels and the common Effluent Treatment Plant constructed for small-
scale industries in the industrial estates, are some of the examples of sharing. The co-operative
societies for producers as well as consumers are typical examples of sharing of the goods, profit and
other social benefits. Here is an anecdote that illustrates the benefits of sharing, for the young minds!
The shouting...the screaming…the fighting. That was the breaking point for me as I poured out my
woes to my mother. “How can I get them to share as well as we did as kids?”, I pleaded. Laughter
was her reply. “Well, thanks a lot, mom,” I said. “I’m sorry,” she chuckled, “but you didn’t always
share.” She went on to explain about the “Box of Misbehaved Toys.” Every time we fought over a
toy, she would quietly take that and put it into the box. Yes, I did remember that box. I also remember
it wasn’t always fair since one person may have caused all the commotion. But my mother was
consistent. No matter what the reason for the struggle was, the toy disappeared into the box for one
week. No questions asked, and no chance of parole. My siblings and I soon learned that sharing a toy
was better than losing it. Often, one person would decide to just wait for a time when no one else was
playing with the toy, rather than fight and lose it. It was not a perfect system, but I tried it anyway
That box was a shock to my kids and it was close to full, within a few days…..As the weeks
progressed, I noticed the box was emptier and the arguing was less. Today, I heard quiet music to my
ears as my son said to his sister, “That’s OK, you can play with it.” This story illustrates the worthy
joy of sharing as compared to the pain of losing.
To live peacefully, one should start install peace within (self). Charity begins at home. Then one can
spread peace to family, organisation where one works, and then to the world, including the
environment. Only who are at peace can spread peace. You can not gift an article which you do not
possess. The essence of oriental philosophy is that one should not fight for peace. It is oxymoron.
War or peace can be won only by peace, and not by wars ! One should adopt the following means to
live peacefully, in the world:
1. Order in one’s life (self-regulation, discipline, and duty).
2. Pure thoughts in one’s soul (loving others, blessing others, friendly, and not criticizing or
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hurting others by thought, word or deed).
3. Creativity in one’s head (useful and constructive).
4. Beauty in one’s heart (love, service, happiness, and peace).
5. Good health/body (physical strength for service).
6. Help the needy with head, heart, and hands (charity). Service to the poor is considered holier
than the service to God.
7. Not hurting and torturing others either physically, verbally, or mentally.
The following are the factors that promote living, with internal and external peace:
1. Conducive environment (safe, ventilated, illuminated and comfortable).
2. Secured job and motivated with ‘recognition and reward’.
3. Absence of threat or tension by pressure due to limitations of money or time.
4. Absence of unnecessary interference or disturbance, except as guidelines.
5. Healthy labor relations and family situations.
6. Service to the needy (physically and mentally-challenged) with love and sympathy.
6. Explain commitment and
Commitment means alignment to goals and adherence to ethical principles during the activities. First
of all, one must believe in one’s action performed and the expected end results (confidence). It means
one should have the conviction without an iota of doubt that one will succeed. Holding
sustainedinterest and firmness, in whatever ethical means one follows, with the fervent attitude and
hope that one will achieve the goals, is commitment. It is the driving force to realize success. This is
a basic requirement for any profession. For example, a design engineer shall exhibit a
sense of commitment, to make his product or project designed a beneficial contribution to the society.
Only when the teacher (Guru) is committed to his job, the students will succeed in life and contribute
‘good’ to the society. The commitment of top management will naturally lead to committed
employees, whatever may be their position or emoluments. This is bound to add wealth to oneself,
one’s employer, society, and the nation at large.
Empathy is social radar. Sensing what others feel about, without their open talk, is the essence of
empathy. Empathy begins with showing concern, and then obtaining and understanding the feelings
of others, from others’ point of view. It is also defined as the ability to put one’s self into the
psychological frame or reference or point of view of another, to know what the other person feels. It
includes the imaginative projection into other’s feelings and understanding of other’s background
such as parentage, physical and mental state, economic situation, and association. This is an essential
ingredient for good human relations and transactions. To practice ‘Empathy’, a leader must have or
develop in him, the following characteristics
1. Understanding others: It means sensing others feelings and perspectives, and taking active
interest in their welfare.
2. Service orientation: It is anticipation, recognition and meeting the needs of the clients or
3. Developing others: This means identification of their needs and bolstering their abilities. In
developing others, the one should inculcate in him the ‘listening skill’ first. Communication = 22%
reading and writing + 23% speaking + 55% listening One should get the feed back, acknowledge the
strength and accomplishments, and then coach the individual, by informing about what was wrong,
and giving correct feedback and positive expectation of the subject’s abilities and the resulting
4. Leveraging diversity (opportunities through diverse people): This leads to enhanced
organizational learning, flexibility, and profitability.
5. Political awareness: It is the ability to read political and social currents in an organization. The
benefits of empathy include:
1. Good customer relations (in sales and service, in partnering).
2. Harmonious labor relations (in manufacturing).
3. Good vendor-producer relationship (in partnering.) Through the above three, we can maximize
the output and profit, as well as minimizing the loss. While dealing with customer complaints,
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empathy is very effective in realising the unbiased views of others and in admitting one’s own
limitations and failures. According to Peter Drucker, purpose of the business is not to make a sale,
but to make and keep a customer. Empathy assists one in developing
Courage leading to success!
7. Explain character and spirituality and their importance in ethics. [April/May 2018]
Spirituality is a way of living that emphasizes the constant awareness and recognition of the spiritual
dimension (mind and its development) of nature and people, with a dynamic balance between the
material development and the spiritual development. This is said to be the great virtue of Indian
philosophy and for Indians. Sometimes, spirituality includes the faith or belief in supernatural power/
God, regarding the worldly events. It functions as a fertilizer for the soil ‘character’ to blossom into
values and morals.
Spirituality includes creativity, communication, recognition of the individual as human being (as
opposed to a life-less machine), respect to others, acceptance (stop finding faults with colleagues and
accept them the way they are), vision (looking beyond the obvious and not believing anyone blindly)
and partnership (not being too authoritative, and always sharing responsibility with others, for better
Spirituality is motivation as it encourages the colleagues to perform better. Remember, lack of
motivation leads to isolation. Spirituality is also energy: Be energetic and flexible to adapt to
challenging and changing situations. Spirituality is flexibility as well. One should not be too
dominating. Make space for everyone and learn to recognize and accept people the way they are.
Variety is the order of the day. But one can influence their mind to think and act together. Spirituality
is also fun. Working is okay, but you also need to have fun in office to keep yourself charged up.
Tolerance and empathy are the reflections of spirituality. Blue and saffron colors are said to be
associated with spirituality. Creativity in spirituality means conscious efforts to see things differently,
to break out of habits and outdated beliefs to find new ways of thinking, doing and being.
Suppression of creativity leads to violence. People are naturally creative. When they are forced to
crush their creativity, its energy turns to destructive release and actions. Creativity includes the use of
color, humor and freedom to enhance productivity. Creativity is fun. When people enjoy what they
do, it is involvement. They work much harder.
Spirituality in the Workplace
Building spirituality in the workplace: Spirituality is promoted in the workplace by adhering to the
following activities:
1. Verbally respect the individuals as humans and recognize their values in all decisions and
2. Get to know the people with whom you work and know what is important to them. Know their
goals, desires, and dreams too.
3. State your personal ethics and your beliefs clearly.
4. Support causes outside the business.
5. Encourage leaders to use value-based discretion in making decisions.
6. Demonstrate your own self-knowledge and spirituality in all your actions.
7. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
8. Write brief notes on Yoga and meditation for professional excellence and stress management.
[Nov 2015][Nov 2016][May2017 ]
Medical research for decades that yoga and meditation, two practices related to mindfulness, are
considered a means of activating the body’s natural mechanisms for managing stress. Researchers at
Johns Hopkins University surveyed over 19,000 studies on meditation and used stringent criteria to
identify 47 of the most rigorously controlled studies on which to perform a meta-analysis of the
clinical benefits of meditation. The analysis revealed that these programs lowered stress, anxiety, and
depression and that “clinicians should be prepared to talk with their patients about the role that a
meditation program could have in addressing psychological stress”
Role of meditation in managing stress
The effectiveness of mindfulness programs that use meditation in managing stress can be explained
by physiological changes that take place in both the brain and the body.In a recent TED Talk,
Harvard-based neuroscientist Dr. Sara Lazar explains that “meditation can literally change your
brain” by increasing the size of the hippocampus, which is associated with learning and memory, and
the temporal-parietal junction, which is associated with empathy and compassion. Dr. Kelly Brogan,
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holistic women’s health physician, describes those changes as decreased heart rate, blood pressure,
rate of breathing, and muscle tension, and she adds that this “relaxation response” can combat
stress, a part of “what is actually driving chronic diseases such as auto-immune,cardiovascular, and
psychiatric pathology”
Role of yoga in managing stress
Yoga, another practice in mindfulness, is also supported by medical research as a means of helping
sufferers manage their stress. Yoga has been shown to have a regulatory effect on two key
neurobiological systems: the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the sympathetic nervous
system (SNS). With repeated exposure to stressors over time, these systems are bombarded by
catecholamines like epinephrine and norepinephrine (stress hormones), which can result in their
becoming “hyper vigilant” and “dysregulated.” The dysfunction of these systems is thought to
dispose one to diseases such as “obesity, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, depression, substance
abuse,and cardiovascular disease” (Ross & Thomas, 2010). Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk, professor of
psychiatry at Boston Medical School and one of the world’s leading authorities on posttraumatic
stress disorder(PTSD), has recognized this “down-regulation” benefit of yoga and applied it to his
practice with PTSD patients. Van der Kolk eloquently describes the physiological basis of stress and
how yoga practice can help alleviate that stress:
“Traumatized people often are terrified of the sensations in their own bodies which makes it hard to
take pleasure in the present because the body keeps replaying the past.[Yoga] is a way for people to
regulate the core arousal system in the brain and feel safe inside their bodies”
In addition to promoting health and managing stress, research has demonstrated that mindfulness
activities can also improve attention and cognition. Dr. Judson Brewer at the Yale School of
Medicine, for example, explains that experienced mediators show deactivation of the default mode
network (DMN), a region involved in “daydreaming and mind-wandering.” His research also shows
that meditators show functional changes in different areas of the cingulate and prefrontal cortices,
both of which are crucial regions for cognitive control. According to Brewer, “meditation may
transform the normal, resting function of the brain into one that more closely resembles a meditative
state from that of mind-wandering to one of being centered in the present.” Brewer even goes on to
weigh in on the clinical significance of these findings vis-à-vis improved stress management:
“[Meditation] could certainly be used to help people work through frustration and anxiety so that they
don’t move into a clinical depression or clinical anxiety disorder, or start using drugs. But at the same
time, it can be used when people already have these disorders.”
9. (i)What is courage? What are salient features of courage? [Nov 2015]
Courage is the tendency to accept and face risks and difficult tasks in rational ways. Selfconfidence
is the basic requirement to nurture courage.
Classifications of courage
Courage is classified into three types, based on the types of risks, namely
(a) Physical courage,
(b) Social courage, and
(c) Intellectual courage.
Physical courage- In physical courage, the thrust is on the adequacy of the physical strength,
including the muscle power and armaments. People with high adrenalin, may be prepared to face
challenges for the mere ‘thrill’ or driven by a decision to ‘excel’.Social courage- The social courage
involves the decisions and actions to change the order, based on the conviction for oragainst certain
social behaviors. This requires leadership abilities, including empathy and sacrifice, to mobilize and
motivate the followers, for the social cause.
Intellectual courage- The intellectual courage is inculcated in people through acquired knowledge,
experience, games, tactics, education, and training. In professional ethics, courage is applicable to the
employers, employees, public, and the press.Look before you leap. One should perform Strengths,
Weakness, Opportunities, and Threat(SWOT) analysis. Calculate (estimate) the risks, compare with
one’s strengths, and anticipate the end results, while taking decisions and before getting into action.
Learning from the past helps. Past experience (one’s own or borrowed!) and wisdom gained from
self-study or others will prepare one to plan and act with self-confidence, succeed in achieving the
desired ethical goals through ethical means. Opportunities and threat existing and likely to exist in
future are also to be studied and measures to be planned.This anticipatory management will help
anyone to face the future with courage.Facing the criticism, owning responsibility, and accepting the
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mistakes or errors when committed and exposed are the expressions of courage. In fact, this sets their
mind to be vigilant against the past mistakes, and creative in finding the alternate means to achieve
the desired objectives. Prof. SathishDhawan, Chief of ISRO, was reported to have exhibited his
courage and owned responsibility, when the previous space mission failed, but credited Prof. A.P.J.
Abdul Kalam (now our revered President), when the subsequent mission succeeded.
Characteristics of Courageous people
The courageous people own and have shown the following characteristics, in their professions:
(a) Perseverance (sustained hard work),
(b) Experimentation (preparedness to face the challenges, that is, unexpected or unintended results),
(c) Involvement (attitude, clear and firm resolve to act), and (d) Commitment (willing to get into
action and to reach the desired goals by any alternative but ethical means).
(i) Write short notes on honesty
Honesty is a virtue, and it is exhibited in two aspects namely,
(a) Truthfulness and
(b) Trustworthiness.
Truthfulness is to face the responsibilities upon telling truth. One should keep one’s word or promise.
By admitting one’s mistake committed (one needs courage to do that!), it is easy to fix them. Reliable
engineering judgment, maintenance of truth, defending the truth, and communicating the truth, only
when it does ‘good’ to others, are some of the reflections of truthfulness. But trustworthiness is
maintaining integrity and taking responsibility for personal performance. People abide by law and
live by mutual trust. They play the right way to win, according to the laws or rules (legally and
morally). They build trust through reliability and authenticity. They admit their own mistakes and
confront unethical actions in others and take tough and principled stand, even if unpopular.Honesty is
mirrored in many ways. The common reflections are:
(a) Beliefs (intellectual honesty).
(b) Communication (writing and speech).
(c) Decisions (ideas, discretion).
(d) Actions (means, timing, place, and the goals). and
(e) Intended and unintended results achieved.
As against this, some of the actions of an engineer that leads to dishonesty are:
1. Lying: Honesty implies avoidance of lying. An engineer may communicate wrong or distorted test
results intentionally or otherwise. It is giving wrong information to the right people.
2. Deliberate deception: An engineer may judge or decide on matters one is not familiar or with
insufficient data or proof, to impress upon the customers or employers. This is a self deceit.
3. Withholding the information: It means hiding the facts during communication to one’s superior or
subordinate, intentionally or otherwise.
4. Not seeking the truth: Some engineers accept the information or data, without applying their mind
and seeking the truth.
5. Not maintaining confidentiality: It is giving right information to wrong people. The engineers
should keep information of their customers/clients or of their employers confidential and should not
discuss them with others.
6. Giving professional judgment under the influence of extraneous factors such as personal benefits
and prejudice. The laws, experience, social welfare, and even conscience are given a go-bye by such
actions. Certainly this is a higher-order crime.
10. Explain civic virtue and respect for others and also explain importance of cooperation.
Civic virtue
Civic virtue is the moral underpinning of how a citizen behaves and is involved in society. It is a
standard of righteous behavior in relation to a citizens’ involvement in society. A individual may
exhibit civic virtue by voting, volunteering and organizing other community activities. Without an
understanding of civic virtue, citizens are less likely to look beyond their families, friends and
economic interests. They are less likely to help others in the community, to volunteer their time, to
give to nonprofit organizations or to participate in group activity that benefits society. Related ideas
for civic virtue are citizenship,philanthropy, public good, voluntarism and social capital.
Valuing Time:
A first step in good time management is to understand the value of your time. If you are employed by
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someone else, you need to understand how much your employer is paying for your time, and how
much profit he or she expects to make from you. If you are working for yourself, you should have an
idea of how much income you want to bring in after tax. By working these figures back to an hourly
rate, this gives you an idea of the value of your time.
By knowing the value of your time, you should be able to tell what tasks are worthwhile to perform,
and which tasks give a poor return. This helps you cut away the low value jobs, or argue for help with
11. Explain the scope and importance of professional ethics in Engineering.[May 2017]
The scope of ethics indicates its subject matter. Ethics as normative science deals with moral ideal or
the good in order to enquire the nature of our conduct. It enquires into the nature of the springs of
actions, motives, intentions, voluntary actions and so on. It determines rightness or wrongness of
human actions. It does not enquire into the origin and growth of human conduct. As a science of
morality ethics discusses the contents of moral consciousness and the various problems of moral
consciousness.Ethics is concerned with the highest good or absolute good. It investigates the nature
of its fundamental notions i.e. right, duty and good.Moral judgments passed on our voluntary actions
are also included within the scope of ethics. In discussing the moral judgment it has also to concern
with the nature, object, faculty and standard of moral judgment. Moral sentiments and feelings are
arising in our mind when we contemplate about the moral judgment and therefore, ethics has to
discuss the nature of moral sentiments to moral judgment.The scope of ethics includes whatever has
reference to free human acts, whether as principle or cause of action (law, conscience, virtue), or as
effect or circumstance of action (merit, punishment, etc.) Ethics discusses the nature of human
freedom. Ethics investigates what constitutes good or bad, just or unjust. It also inquires into-what is
virtue, law, conscience and duty? What obligations are common to all? What is the good in all good
acts? These questions lie within the scope of ethics. The sense of duty, oughtness or moral obligation
and the responsibility for actions are also included within the range of ethics.
The particular aspect under which ethics considers free acts is that of their moral goodness or the
rectitude of order involved in them as human acts. A man may be a good artist or orator and at the
same time a morally bad man, or, conversely, a morally good man may be a poor artist or technician.
Ethics has merely to do with the order which relates to man as man and which makes of him a good
man. Thus we find that although Ethics is not a guidebook of moral rules as a branch of philosophy
Ethics seeks clarification of terms used in moral language. The ‘meta-ethical” problems fall within
the scope of philosophical aspect of Ethics. There are other ‘meta ethical discussions related to the
nature of moral judgments, the logical basis of ethical evaluation etc.The applied dimension of Ethics
is known as “Applied Ethics’ that falls within the broad field of Ethics. These comprise the areas of
situational Ethics while Meta Ethics deals with logical and semantic questions like ‘What do we
mean by “freedom” and “determinism” etc. Ethics is essentially related to all other branches of
knowledge like sociology, political science, jurisprudence, law and legal study, psychology,
anthropology, culture study, ecology and environmental study, economics, religion, aesthetics and
other similar areas. Ethics is concerned with political, sociological, cultural, psychical, economic,
environmental, religious problems in pursuit of highest good. So these problems have an additional
place in the scope of ethics. With the emergence of new technology there is scope for widening the
scope of ethics to address new issues.
12.What is Spirituality? What are the spiritual traits to be developed for excellence in an organization?
Discuss with Suitable examples [May 2018] (or) Explain the different ways to improve the sprictuality in
corporate environment? [Nov 2019]
Spirituality is a way of living that emphasizes the constant awareness and recognition of the
spiritual dimension (mind and its development) of nature and people, with a dynamic balance between
the material development and the spiritual development. This is said to be the great virtue of Indian
philosophy and for Indians. Sometimes, spirituality includes the faith or belief in supernatural power/
God, regarding the worldly events. It functions as a fertilizer for the soil ‘character’ to blossom into
values and morals.
Spirituality includes creativity, communication, recognition of the individual as human being
(as opposed to a life-less machine), respect to others, acceptance (stop finding faults with colleagues
and accept them the way they are), vision (looking beyond the obvious and not believing anyone
blindly) and partnership (not being too authoritative, and always sharing responsibility with others, for
better returns).
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Spirituality is motivation as it encourages the colleagues to perform better. Remember, lack of
motivation leads to isolation. Spirituality is also energy: Be energetic and flexible to adapt to
challenging and changing situations. Spirituality is flexibility as well. One should not be too
dominating. Make space for everyone and learn to recognize and accept people the way they are.
Variety is the order of the day. But one can influence their mind to think and act together. Spirituality
is also fun. Working is okay, but you also need to have fun in office to keep yourself charged up.
Tolerance and empathy are the reflections of spirituality. Blue and saffron colors are said to be
associated with spirituality. Creativity in spirituality means conscious efforts to see things differently,
to break out of habits and outdated beliefs to find new ways of thinking, doing and being. Suppression
of creativity leads to violence. People are naturally creative. When they are forced to crush their
creativity, its energy turns to destructive release and actions. Creativity includes the use of color,
humor and freedom to enhance productivity. Creativity is fun. When people enjoy what they do, it is
involvement. They work much harder.
Spirituality in the Workplace
Building spirituality in the workplace: Spirituality is promoted in the workplace by adhering to
the following activities:
1. Verbally respect the individuals as humans and recognize their values in all decisions and
2. Get to know the people with whom you work and know what is important to them. Know their
goals, desires, and dreams too.
3. State your personal ethics and your beliefs clearly.
4. Support causes outside the business.
5. Encourage leaders to use value-based discretion in making decisions.
6. Demonstrate your own self-knowledge and spirituality in all your actions.
7. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.


1. Define Ethics.
(i) Study of right or wrong (ii) Good and evil. (iii) Obligations & rights. (iv) Justice (v)
Social & Political deals.
2. Define Engineering Ethics. [Dec 2013] [Nov 2016] [May 2017]
Study of the moral issues and decisions confronting individuals and organizations
engaged in engineering / profession. Study of related questions about the moral ideals,
character, policies and relationships of people and corporations involved in technological
3. What is the need to study Ethics?
(i)To responsibly confront moral issues raised by technological activity. (ii)To recognize
and resolve moral dilemma. (iii)To achieve moral autonomy.
4. Differentiate Moral and Ethics
MORAL: (i) Refers only to personal behavior. (ii) Refers to any aspect of human
action. (iv) Social conventions about right or wrong conduct. ETHICS: (i) Involves
defining, analyzing, evaluating and resolving moral problems and developing moral
criteria to guide human behavior. (ii) Critical reflection on what one does and why one
does it. (iii) Refers only to professional behavior.
5. What is the method used to solve an Ethical problem?
(i)Recognizing a problem or its need. (ii)Gathering information and defining the problem
to be solved or goal to be achieved. (iii)Generating alternative solutions or methods to
achieve the goal. (iv)Evaluate benefits and costs of alternate solutions. (v)Decision making
& optimization. (vi)Implementing the best solution.
6. What are the Senses of Engineering Ethics? [April 2014]
(i)An activity and area of inquiry. (ii)Ethical problems, issues and controversies.
(iii)Particular set of beliefs, attitudes and habits. (iv)Morally correct.
7. What are the steps in confronting Moral Dilemma?
(i) Identify the relevant moral factors and reasons. (ii)Gather all available facts that are
pertinent to the moral factors involved. (iii)Rank the moral considerations in order of
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importance as they apply to the situation. (iv)Consider alternative courses of actions as
ways of resolving dilemma, tracing the full implications of each.
8. What is Moral Autonomy? [Nov 2015, May 2018, Nov 2018, Nov 2019]]
(i) Self-determining (ii) Independent (iii) Personal Involvement (iv) Exercised based on
the moral concern for other people and recognition of good moral reasons Moral autonomy
can be viewed as the skill and habit of thinking rationally about ethical issues on the basis
of moral concern.
9. Give the importance of Lawrence Kohlberg’s and Carol Gilligan’s theory? [May
2016] [Nov 2016]
Kohlberg gives greater emphasis to recognizing rights and abstract universal rules.
Gilligan stresses the importance of maintaining personal relationships based on mutual
10 Define Moral dilemmas. [Nov 2015, Nov 2016, May 2019]
. Moral dilemmas are situations in which 2 or more moral obligation and ideas come into
conflict with each other. Moral principles cannot be fully respected in a given situation.
Solving 1 moral principle can create 2 or more conflicting applications.
11 What are the types of Theories about Morality?[Nov 2019]
. (i)Virtue ethics – Virtues and vices (ii) Utilitarianism – Most good for the most people (iii)
Duty ethics – Duties to respect people (iv) Rights ethics – Human rights
12 State Rawl’s principles?
. Each person is entitled to the most extensive amount of liberty compatible with an equal
amount for others. Differences in social power and economic benefits are justified only
when they are likely to benefit everyone, including members of the most disadvantaged
13 Give the drawbacks of Utilitarianism?
. Sometimes what is best for the community as a whole is bad for certain
individuals in the community. It is often impossible to know in advance which decision
will lead to the most good.
14 Differentiate Ethical Relativism and Ethical Egoism? [Nov 2015]
. Ethical egoism – The view that right action consists in producing one’s own good. Ethical
relativism – The view that right action is merely what the law and customs of one’s
society require.
15 Define Ethical Pluralism?
. Ethical pluralism is the view that there may be alternative moral perspectives that are
reasonable, but no one of which must be accepted completely by all rational and morally
concerned persons.
16 Give the uses of Ethical Theories? [May 2017, May 2018]
. (i) In understanding moral dilemmas. (ii) Justifying professional obligations and ideals.
(iii) Relating ordinary and professional morality.
17 What do you mean by normative ethics?
. Normative ethics deals with the professional codes of ethics that specify role norms or
obligations that professions attempt to enforce. It is the recommendations of standards
and guidelines for morally right or good behavior.
18 List the theories about Right Action? [Nov 2018]
. 1) Utilitarian Ethics 2) Duty based Ethics 3) Right based Ethics.
19 What are the attributes to a profession?
. (i) Knowledge (ii) Organization (iii) Public good.
20 What is descriptive ethics or non-normative ethics?
. Descriptive ethics deals with the factual investigation of moral behavior and beliefs
i.e., the study not of what people ought to do but how they reason and how they act.
21 What is meant by consensus? (May 2016)
. Literally, consensus means agreement and controversy means disagreement. When an
individual exercise moral autonomy, he may not be able to attain the same results as
other people obtain in practicing their moral autonomy. Here there might be some
differences in the practical application of moral autonomy.
22 What are the major limitations of codes of ethics? [Nov 2015]
. (i) They cannot serve as the final moral authority for professional conduct. (ii)Engineering
codes often have internal conflicts. (iii)Codes can be reproduced in a very rapid manner.
(iv) Codes are said to be coercive.
23 What are the types of Industrial Standards?
(i) Quality (ii) Quality related to service. (iii) Safety (iv) Acceptance in procedures for
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. usage Physical properties and functions.
24 What the various types are of inquires? [Nov 2015]
. (i) Normative Inquiry – Based on values. (ii) Conceptual Inquiry – Based on meaning.
(iii) Factual Inquiry – Based in facts.
25 What are the Difficulties in implementing duty and rights ethics theories?
. The two principal difficulties with the duty and rights ethics theories are:
1. It is sometimes very difficult to prioritize the rights of individuals or groups. Because
the basic rights of an individual or groups of individuals may conflict with the basic
rights of another group.
2. Since both the theories concern more about the good of an individual, therefore
sometimes the overall good of society is not given much importance.
26 State any two methods that can be applied when testing appropiate? [Nov 2019]
.  Theories must be clear and formulated with concepts that are coherent and applicable
 It must be internally consistant in that none of its tenets contradicts any other
 Neither the theory nor its defense can rely upon false information
 It must be sufficietnly comprehensive to provide guidance in specific situation of its
interests to us
 It must be comaptible with our most carefully considered moral conviction about
concrete situations.

1. (i). Explain the scope of Engineering Ethics. Highlight the importance of Ethics.
Ethics. Scope:
Engineering is transforming science into useful products for human comfort.Engineering is
something that engineers do, and what they do has profound effects on others. Ethics in engineering
then is the ability as well as responsibility of an engineer to judge his decisions from the context of
the general wellbeing of the society. It is the study of moral issues that confront engineers and
engineering organizations when some crucial decisions are taken. Engineering research and practice
requires that the task being performed considers all the pros and cons of a certain action and its
implementation. Professional engineering bodies like IEEE, ASME, IEI etc., have evolved
omprehensive ethics codes relevant to their respective professions, based on the rich experience of
their members. Independent organizations like NSPE have prepared value based ethical codes
applicable to all engineering professions. Teaching engineering ethics in academic institutions is
undertaken largely through many case studies for creating awareness interactively among engineering
students of all disciplines. By studying engineering ethics, the students develop awareness and
assessment skill of the likely impact of their future decisions on moral and ethical grounds. Ethical
standards in engineering are influenced by many factors: 1.Engineering as an experimentation for the
good of mankind is a notable factor involving far reaching consequence, 2. Ethical dilemmas make
engineering decisions relatively difficult to make. 3. Risk and safety of citizens as a social
responsibility is a prime concern of an engineer, 4. Technological
advancement can be very demanding on the engineering skill in the global context, 5. Moral values
and responsible conduct will play a crucial role in decision making.
The study of engineering ethics within an engineering program helps students prepare for their
professional lives. A specific advantage for engineering students who learn about ethics is that they
develop clarity in their understanding and thought about ethical issues and the practice in which they
arise. The study of ethics helps students to develop widely applicable skills in communication,
reasoning and reflection. These skills enhance students' abilities and help them engage with other
aspects of the engineering program such as group work and work placements. Professional ethics
Profession is a commitment to a designated and organized occupation by virtue of being an authority
over a body of knowledge with requisite skills acquired through specialized training. An occupation
becomes a profession when a group of people sharing the same occupation work together in a
morally acceptable way with members setting and following a certain ethics code. A professional is a
practitioner belonging to a specific profession. Professional ethics, as opposed to personal values and
morality, is a set of ethical standards and values a practicing engineer is required to follow. It sets the
standards for professional practice, and is only learned in a professional school or while practicing
ones own profession. Today, it is an essential part of professional education because it helps students
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deal with issues they will face. The scope of engineering ethics envelopes diverse activities like
1. Engineering as a social experimentation
2. Engineers responsibility for safety
3. Role of engineers, managers, consultants etc.
4. Rights of engineers
5. Moral reasoning and ethical theories
6. Responsibility to employers
7. Global issues and concerns
The best way to teach engineering ethics is by using case studies—not just the disaster cases that
make the news, but the kinds of cases that an engineer is more likely to encounter. Many real time
cases are available or some hypothetical cases can be constructed and there are methods for analyzing
them. Engineering ethics can be taught in a free-standing course, but there are strong arguments for
introducing ethics in technical courses as well. If the subject of professional ethics is how members of
a profession should, or should not, affect others in the course of practicing their profession, then
engineering ethics is an essential aspect of engineering itself and education in professional
responsibilities should be part of professional education in engineering, just as it is in law and
(ii). Explain in details about the senses of Engineering Ethics [May 2016]
There are two different senses (meanings) of engineering ethics, namely the Normative and the
Descriptive senses. The normative sense include:
(a) Knowing moral values, finding accurate solutions to moral problems and justifying moral
judgments in engineering practices,
(b) Study of decisions, policies, and values that are morally desirable in the engineering practice
and research, and
(c) Using codes of ethics and standards and applying them in their transactions by engineers. The
descriptive sense refers to what specific individual or group of engineers believe and act, without
justifying their beliefs or actions.
2. (i).Discuss in detail the various types of Moral issues?
(ii). Specify the various types of Ethical inquiries available.[April 2014]
It would be relevant to know why and how do moral issues (problems) arise in a profession or why
do people behave unethically? The reasons for people including the employer and employees,
behaving unethically may be classified into three categories:
1. Resource Crunch
Due to pressure, through time limits, availability of money or budgetary constraints, and technology
decay or obsolescence. Pressure from the government to complete the project in time (e.g., before the
elections), reduction in the budget because of sudden war or natural calamity (e.g., Tsunami) and
obsolescence due technology innovation by the competitor lead to manipulation and unsafe and
unethical execution of projects.
Involving individuals in the development of goals and values and developing policies that allow for
individual diversity, dissent, and input to decision-making will prevent unethical results.
2. Opportunity
(a) Double standards or behavior of the employers towards the employees and the public. The
unethical behaviors of World Com (in USA), Enron (in USA as well as India) executives in 2002
resulted in bankruptcy for those companies, (b) Management projecting their own interests more than
that of their employees. Some organizations over-emphasize short-term gains and results at the
expense of themselves and others, (c) Emphasis on results and gains at the expense of the employees,
and (d) Management by objectives, without focus on empowerment and improvement of the
This is best encountered by developing policies that allow ‘conscience keepers’ and whistle blowers
and appointing ombudsman, who can work confidentially with people to solve the unethical problems
3. Attitude
Poor attitude of the employees set in due to
(a) Low morale of the employees because of dissatisfaction and downsizing, (b) Absence of grievance
redressal mechanism,
(c) Lack of promotion or career development policies or denied promotions, (d) Lack of transparency,
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(e) Absence of recognition and reward system, and
(f) Poor working environments.
Giving ethics training for all, recognizing ethical conduct in work place, including ethics in
performance appraisal, and encouraging open discussion on ethical issues, are some of the directions
to promote positive attitudes among the employees9. To get firm and positive effect, ethical standards
must be set and adopted by the senior management, with input from all personnel.
The three types of inquiries, in solving ethical problems are: normative inquiry, conceptual inquiry,
and factual or descriptive inquiry. The three types of inquiries are discussed below to illustrate the
differences and preference.
1. Normative Inquiry
It seeks to identify and justify the morally-desirable norms or standards that should guide individuals
and groups. It also has the theoretical goal of justifying particular moral judgments. Normative
questions are about what ought to be and what is good, based on moral values. For example,
1. How far does the obligation of engineers to protect public safety extend in any given situation?
2. When, if ever, should engineers be expected to blow whistle on dangerous practices of their
3. Whose values ought to be primary in making judgment about acceptable risks in design for a
public transport system or a nuclear plant? Is it of management, senior engineers, government, voters
or all of them?
4. When and why is the government justified in interfering with the organisations?
5. What are the reasons on which the engineers show their obligations to their employees or clients
or the public?
2. Conceptual Inquiry
It is directed to clarify the meaning of concepts or ideas or principles that are expressed by words or
by questions and statements. For example,
(a) What is meant by safety?
(b) How is it related to risk?
(c) What is a bribe?
(d) What is a profession?
When moral concepts are discussed, normative and conceptual issues are closely interconnected.
3. Factual or Descriptive Inquiry
It is aimed to obtain facts needed for understanding and resolving value issues. Researchers conduct
factual inquiries using mathematical or statistical techniques. The inquiry provide important
information on business realities, engineering practice, and the effectiveness of professional societies
in fostering moral conduct, the procedures used in risk assessment, and psychological profiles of
engineers. The facts provide not only the reasons for moral problems but also enable us to develop
alterative ways of resolving moral problems. For example,
1. How were the benefits assessed?
2. What are procedures followed in risk assessment?
3. What are short-term and long-term effects of drinking water being polluted? and
4. Who conducted the tests on materials?
3. Discuss in detail about the concept of
(i).Moral Dilemmas. (ii).Moral Autonomy.[April/May 2018]
Dilemmas are situations in which moral reasons come into conflict, or in which the application of
moral values are problems, and one is not clear of the immediate choice or solution of the
problems.Moral reasons could be rights, duties, goods or obligations. These situations do not mean
that things had gone wrong, but they only indicate the presence of moral complexity. This makes the
decision making complex. For example, a person promised to meet a friend and dine, but he has to
help his uncle who is involved in an accident — one has to fix the priority. There are some difficulties
in arriving at the solution to the problems, in dilemma. The three
complex situations leading to moral dilemmas are:
1. The problem of vagueness: One is unable to distinguish between good and bad (right or wrong)
principle. Good means an action that is obligatory. For example, code of ethics specifies that one
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should obey the laws and follow standards. Refuse bribe or accept the gift, and maintain
2. The problem of conflicting reasons: One is unable to choose between two good moral solutions.
One has to fix priority, through knowledge or value system.
3. The problem of disagreement: There may be two or more solutions and none of them
mandatory. These solutions may be better or worse in some respects but not in all aspects. One has to
interpret, apply different morally reasons, and analyze and rank the decisions. Select the best suitable,
under the existing and the most probable conditions.
2.4.2 Steps to Solve Dilemma
The logical steps in confronting moral dilemma are:
1. Identification of the moral factors and reasons. The clarity to identify the relevant moral values
from among duties, rights, goods and obligations is obtained (conceptual inquiry). The most useful
resource in identifying dilemmas in engineering is the professional codes of ethics, as interpreted by
the professional experience. Another resource is talking with colleagues who can focus or narrow
down the choice of values.
2. Collection of all information, data, and facts (factual inquiry) relevant to the situation.
3. Rank the moral options i.e., priority in application through value system, and also as obligatory,
all right, acceptable, not acceptable, damaging, and most damaging etc. For example, in fulfilling
responsibility, the codes give prime importance to public safety and protection of the environment, as
compared to the individuals or the employers (conceptual inquiry).
4. Generate alternate courses of action to resolve the dilemma. Write down the main options and
sub-options as a matrix or decision tree to ensure that all options are included.
5. Discuss with colleagues and obtain their perspectives, priorities, and suggestions on various
6. Decide upon a final course of action, based on priority fixed or assumed. If there is no ideal
solution, we arrive at a partially satisfactory or ‘satisficing’ solution.
(b).Moral Autonomy.
Moral autonomy is defined as, decisions and actions exercised on the basis of moral concern for other
people and recognition of good moral reasons. Alternatively, moral autonomy means ‘self
determinant or independent’. The autonomous people hold moral beliefs and attitudes based on their
critical reflection rather than on passive adoption of the conventions of the society or profession.
Moral autonomy may also be defined as a skill and habit of thinking rationally about the ethical
issues, on the basis of moral concern.
Viewing engineering as social experimentation will promote autonomous participation and retain
one’s professional identity. Periodical performance appraisals, tight-time schedules and fear of
foreign competition threatens this autonomy. The attitude of the management should allow latitude in
the judgments of their engineers on moral issues. If management views profitability is more
important than consistent quality and retention of the customers that discourage the moral autonomy,
engineers are compelled to seek the support from their professional societies and outside
organizations for moral support. It appears that the blue-collar workers with the support of the union
can adopt better autonomy than the employed professionals. Only recently the legal support has been
obtained by the professional societies in exhibiting moral autonomy by professionals in this country
as well as in the West. The engineering skills related to moral autonomy are listed as follows: 1.
Proficiency in recognizing moral problems in engineering and ability to distinguish as well
as relate them to problems in law, economics, and religion,
2. Skill in comprehending, clarifying, and critically-assessing arguments on different aspects of
moral issues,
3. Ability to form consistent and comprehensive view points based on facts,
4. Awareness of alternate responses to the issues and creative solutions for practical difficulties,
5. Sensitivity to genuine difficulties and subtleties, including willingness to undergo and tolerate
some uncertainty while making decisions,
6. Using rational dialogue in resolving moral conflicts and developing tolerance of different
perspectives among morally reasonable people, and
7. Maintaining moral integrity. Autonomy which is the independence in making decisions and
actions, is different from authority. Authority provides freedom for action, specified within limits,

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depending on the situation. Moral autonomy and respect for authority can coexist. They are not
against each other. If the authority of the engineer and the moral autonomy of the operator are in
conflict, a consensus is obtained by the two, upon discussion and mutual understanding their limits.
4. Discuss in details about [May 2017][April/May 2018]
(i) Gilligan’s Theory (ii) Kohlberg’s Theory
1. Kohlberg Theory
Moral development in human being occurs overage and experience. Kohlberg suggested there are
three levels of moral development, namely pre-conventional, conventional, and post-conventional,
based on the type of reasoning and motivation of the individuals in response to moral questions. In
the pre-conventional level, right conduct for an individual is regarded as whatever directly benefits
oneself. At this level, individuals are motivated by obedience or the desire to avoid punishment or to
satisfy their own needs or by the influence by power on them. All young children exhibit this
tendency. At the conventional level, people respect the law and authority. Rules and norms of one’s
family or group or society is accepted, as the standard of morality. Individuals in this level want to
please or satisfy, and get approval by others and to meet the expectations of the society, rather than
their self interest (e.g., good boy, good girl). Loyalty is regarded as most important. Many adults do
not go beyond this level.
At the post-conventional level, people are called autonomous. They think originally and want to live
by universally good principles and welfare of others. They have no self-interest. They live by
principled conscience. They follow the golden rule, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do unto
you’. They maintain moral integrity, self-respect and respect for others. Kohlberg believed that
individuals could only progress through these stages, one stage at a time.He believed that most of the
moral development occurs through social interactions.
(a) Gilligans Theory
2. Gilligan’s Theory
Carol Gilligan found that Kohlberg’s theory had a strong male bias. According to Gilligan’s studies,
men had a tendency to solve problems by applying abstract moral principles. Men were found to
resolve moral dilemma by choosing the most important moral rule, overriding other rules. In
contrast,women gave importance to preserve personal relationships with all the people involved. The
context oriented emphasis on maintaining personal relationships was called the ethics of care, in
contrast with the ethics of rules and rights adopted by men. Gilligan revised the three levels of moral
development of Kohlberg, as stages of growth towards
ethics of caring. The pre-conventional level, which is same as that of Kohlberg’s first one, right
conduct, is viewed in a selfish manner solely as what is good for oneself. The second level called
conventional level, the importance is on not hurting others, and willing to sacrifice one’s own
interestand help others. This is the characteristic feature of women. At the post-conventional level, a
reasoned balance is found between caring about others and pursuing the self-interest. The balance
one’s own need and the needs of others, is aimed while maintaining relationship based on mutual
caring. This is achieved by context-oriented reasoning, rather than by hierarchy of rules.
The difference in these two theories is explained through the well-known example, Heinz’s
dilemma1. Heinz being poor and a debtor could not buy the costly medicine for his sick wife, at ten
times the normal cost. Initially he begged the Pharmacist to sell at half the price or allow him to pay
for it later. Pharmacist refused to oblige him either way. Finally he forcibly entered the Pharmacy and
stole the drug. According to Kohlberg study, men observed that the theft was morally ‘ wrong’ at the
conventional level, because the property right was violated. But men at the post-conventional level,
concluded that the theft was ‘right’, as the life of the human being was in danger. But women
observed that Heinz was wrong. They observed that instead of stealing he could have tried other
solutions (threatening or payment in installments?) to convince the Pharmacist. Gilligan
howeverattributed the decision by women as context-oriented and not on the basis of rules ranked in
the order of priority.
5. Discuss in details the various theories about right action.[ May 2016,Nov 2016,May 2017]
THEORIES) Uses and Criteria
The ethical theories are useful in many respects.
1. In understanding moral dilemma. They provide clarity, consistency, systematic and
comprehensive understanding.
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2. It provides helpful practical guidance in moral issues towards the solution.
3. Justifying professional obligations and decisions, and
3. In relating ordinary and professional morality.
Different criteria may be applied for evaluating various ethical theories and deciding upon the best.
1. The theory must be clear and (coherent) formulated with concepts that are logically connected.
u2s. tItbme internally consistent, i.e., none of its principles conflicts with any other
3. The theory and its defense must depend, only upon facts.
4. It must organize basic moral values in systematic and comprehensive manner. It is to fix priority
of values and provide guidance in all situations
5. It must provide guidance compatible with our moral convictions (judgments) about concrete
situations. For example, if an ethical theory says that it is all right for engineers to make explosive
devices without the informed consent of the public, we can conclude that the theory is inadequate.
Theories and judgments are continually adjusted to each other until we reach a reflective equilibrium.
Most of the theories converge towards the welfare of the humanity. The duty ethics and right ethics
differ in great extent on their emphasis. But they remain complementary always.
Ethical Theories/Approaches
Several ethical theories have been developed over different times, each of them stressing certain
ethical principles or features. Each stresses a view and many a times, we find that these theories
converge and reinforce the ethics, in deciding upon the actions and justifying the results.
1. Utilitarian Theory
The term Utilitarianism was conceived in the 19th century by Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart
to help legislators determine which laws were morally best. They suggested that the standard of right
conduct is maximization of good consequences. Good consequences mean either ‘utilities’ or the
‘balance of good over evil’. This approach weighs the costs and benefits. Right actions are the ones
that produce the greatest satisfaction of the preferences of the affected persons. In analyzing an issue
in this approach, we have to:
(a) Identify the various courses of action available to us.
(b) Ask who will be affected by each action and what benefits or harms will be derived from each.
(c) Choose the action that will produce the greatest benefits and the least harm. The ethical action
is the one that provides the greatest good for the greatest number.
The ACT UTILITARIAN theory proposed by J.S. Mill (1806-73) focuses on actions, rather than on
general rules. An action is right, if it generates the most overall good for the most people involved.
The RULE UTILITARIAN theory, developed by Richard Brandt (1910-97), stressed on the rules,
such as ‘do not steal’, ‘do no harm others’, ‘do not bribe’, as of primary importance. He suggested
that individual actions are right when they are required by set of rules which maximizes the public
good.The act utilitarian theory permitted a few immoral actions. Hence, there was need to develop
rule utilitarian theory to establish morality and justice, in the transactions. For example, stealing an
old computer from the employer will benefit the employee more than the loss to the employer. As per
Act, utilitarian this action is right. But rule utilitarian observes this as wrong, because the employee
should act as ‘faithful agent or trustee of the employees’. In another example, some undisciplined
engineers are terminated with the blame for the mistakes they have not committed. The process is
unfair although this results in promotion of overall good.
2. Duty Ethics
A. The duty ethics theory, proposed by Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) states, that actions are
consequences of performance of one’s duties such as, ‘being honest’, ‘not cause suffering of others’,
‘being fair to others including the meek and week’, ‘being grateful’, ‘keeping promises’ etc. The
stress is on the universal principle of respect for autonomy i.e., respect and rationality of persons. As
per Kant we have duties to ourselves, as we are rational and autonomous beings. We have a duty not to
commit suicide; a duty to develop our talents and
a duty to avoid harmful drugs. Kant insisted that moral duties are categorical imperatives. They are
commands that we impose on ourselves as well as other rational beings. For example, we should be
honest because honesty is required by duty. A businessman is to be honest because honesty pays —
in terms of profits from customers and from avoiding jail for dishonesty.
B. On the other hand, the DUTY ethics theory, as enunciated by John Rawl, gave importance to
the actions that would be voluntarily agreed upon by all persons concerned, assumingimpartiality. His
view emphasized the autonomy each person exercises in forming agreements with other rational
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people. Rawl proposed two basic moral principles;
(1) each person is entitled to the most extensive amount of liberty compatible with an equal amount
for others,
and (2) differences in social power and economic benefits are justified only when they are likely to
benefit everyone, including members of the most disadvantaged groups. The first principle is of
prime importance and should be satisfied first. Without basic liberties other economic or social
benefits can not be sustained for long. The second principle insists that to allow some people with
great wealth and power is justified only when all other groups are benefited. In the business scenario,
for example, the free enterprise is permissible so far it
provides the capital needed to invest and prosper, thereby making job opportunities to the public and
taxes to fund the government spending on the welfare schemes on the poor people.
C.W.D. Ross, the British philosopher introduced the term prima facie duties, which means duties
might have justified exceptions. In fact, most duties are prima facie ones; some may have obligatory
or permissible exceptions. Ross assumed that the prima facie duties are intuitively obvious (self-
evident), while fixing priorities among duties. He noted that the principles such as ‘Do not kill’ and
‘protect innocent life’ involve high respect for persons than other principles such as, ‘Do not lie’ (less
harmful). This theory is criticized on the fact, that the intuitions do not provide sufficient guideline
for moral duty. He has listed various aspects of Duty Ethics that reflect our moral convictions,
namely: 1. Fidelity : duty to keep promises.
2. Reparation : duty to compensate others when we harm them.
3. Gratitude : duty to thank those who help us.
4. Justice : duty to recognize merit.
5. Beneficence : duty to recognize inequality and improve the condition of others.
6. Self-improvement : duty to improve virtue and intelligence.
7. Non-malfeasance : duty not to injure others.
3. Rights Theory
Rights are entitlement to act or to have another individual act in a certain way. Minimally, rights
serve as a protective barrier, shielding individuals from unjustified infringement of their moral
agency by others. For every right, we have a corresponding duty of non interference. A. The RIGHTS
approach to ethics has its roots in the 18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant, who focused on the
individual’s right to choose for oneself. According him, what makes human beings different from
mere things is, that people have dignity based on their ability to choose freely what they will do with
their lives, and they have a fundamental moral right to have these choices respected. People are not
objects to be manipulated; it is aviolation of human dignity to use people in ways they do not freely
choose. Other rights he advocated are:
1. The right to access the truth: We have a right to be told the truth and to be informed about
matters that significantly affect our choices.
2. The right of privacy: We have the right to do, believe, and say whatever we choose in our
personal lives so long as we do not violate the rights of others.
3. The right not to be injured: We have the right not to be harmed or injured unless we freely and
knowingly do something to deserve punishment or we freely and knowingly choose to risk such
4. The right to what is agreed: We have a right to what has been promised by those with whom we
have freely entered into a contract or agreement.
B. In deciding whether an action is moral or immoral, we must ask, does the action respect the moral
rights of everyone? Actions are wrong to the extent that they violate the rights of individuals; the
more serious is the violation, the more wrongful is the action. The RIGHTS theory as promoted by
John Locke states that the actions are right, if they respect human rights of every one affected. He
proposed the three basic human rights, namely life, liberty, and property. His views were reflected in
the modern American society, when Jefferson
declared the basic rights as life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. C. As per A.I. Melden’stheory
based on rights, nature mandates that we should not harm others’ life, health, liberty or property.
Melden allowed welfare rights also for living a decent human life. He highlighted that the rights
should be based on the social welfare system.
D. Human rights: Human rights are explained in two forms, namely liberty rights and welfare
rights. Liberty rights are rights to exercise one’s liberty and stresses duties on other people not to
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interfere with one’s freedom. The four features of liberty rights (also called moral rights), which lay
the base for Government Administration, are:
1. Rights are natural in so far as they are not invented or created by government.
2. They are universal, as they do not change from country to country.
3. They are equal since the rights are the same for all people, irrespective of caste, race, creed or
4. They are inalienable i.e., one cannot hand over his rights to another person such as selling
oneself to slavery.
4. The Virtue Theory
This emphasizes on the character rather than the rights or duties. The character is the pattern of
virtues (morally-desirable features). The theory advocated by Aristotle, stressed on the tendency to
act at proper balance between extremes of conduct, emotion, desire, attitudes to find the golden mean
between the extremes of ‘excess’ or ‘deficiency’. The examples shown below illustrate the theory:
On the other hand, the Virtue Theory proposed by Mac Intyre, highlighted on the actions aimed at
achieving common good and social (internal) good such as social justice, promotion of health,
creation of useful and safe technological products and services. Five types of virtues that constitute
responsible professionalism, namely public-spirited virtues, proficiency virtues, team- work
virtues,self-governance virtues, and cardinal virtues are discussed in # 2.10.3.
5. Self-realisation Ethics
Right action consists in seeking self-fulfillment. In one version of this theory, the self to be realized is
defined by caring relationships with other individuals and society. In another version called ethical
egoism, the right action consists in always promoting what is good for oneself. No caring and society
relationships are assumed.
6. Justice (Fairness) Theory
The justice or fairness approach to ethics has its roots in the teachings of the ancient Greek
Aristotle, who said that “equals should be treated equally and unequals unequally.” The basic moral
question in this approach is: How fair is an action? Does it treat everyone in the same way, or does it
show favoritism and discrimination?
Issues create controversies simply because we do not bother to check the fairness or justice.
Favoritism gives benefits to some people without a justifiable reason for singling them out;
discrimination imposes burdens on people who are no different from those on whom burdens are not
imposed. Both favoritism and discrimination are unjust and wrong.
6. (i)Explain in detail about Professional and Professionalism.[April 2014][April/May 2018]

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The criteria for achieving and sustaining professional status or professionalism are:
1. Advanced expertise: The expertise includes sophisticated skills and theoretical knowledge in
exercising judgment. This means a professional should analyse the problem in specific known area,
in an objective manner.
2. Self-regulation: One should analyse the problem independent of self-interest and direct to a
decision towards the best interest of the clients/customers. An autonomous judgment (unbiased and
on merits only) is expected. In such situations, the codes of conduct of professional societies are
followed as guidance.
3. Public good: One should not be a mere paid employee of an individual or a teaching college or
manufacturing organization, to execute whatever the employer wants one to do. The job should be
recognised by the public. The concerted efforts in the job should be towards promotion of the
welfare, safety, and health of the public.

(ii)What are the different types of model of professional roles [Nov 2015, May 2018, Nov 2018]
Models of Professional Roles:
An engineer has to play many roles while exercising his professional obligations. Promotion of
public good is the primary concern of the professional engineers.
There are several role models to whom the engineers are attracted. These models provoke their
thinking, attitudes and actions.
1. As a Savior:
The engineer as a savior, save the society from poverty, illiteracy, wastage, inefficiency, ill
health, human (labor) dignity and lead it to prosperity, through technological development and social
For example: R.L. Stevenson.

2. As A Guardian:
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He guards the interests of the poor and general public. As one who is conversant with
technology development, is given the authority befitting his expertise to determine what is best suited
to the society.
For example: Lawrence of Arabia (an engineer).

3. As A Bureaucratic Servant:
He serves the organization and the employers. The management of an enterprise fixes its goals
and assigns the job of problem solving to the engineer, who accepts the challenge and shapes them
into concrete achievements.
For example: Jamshedji Tata.

4. As A Social Servant:
It is one who exhibits social responsibility. The engineer translates the interest and aspirations
of the society into a reality, remembering that his true master is the society at large.
For example: Sir M.Viswesvarayya.

5. As A Social Enabler and Catalyst:

One who changes the society through technology. The engineer must assist the management
and the society to understand their needs and make informed decisions on the desirable technological
development and minimize the negative effects of technology on people and their living
environment. Thus, he shines as a social enabler and a catalyst for further growth.
For example: Sri Sundarlal Bahuguna.

6. As A Game Player:
He is neither a servant nor master. An engineer is an assertive player, not a passive player who
may carry out his master‘s voice. He plays a unique role successfully within the organization,
enjoying the excitement of the profession and having the satisfaction of surging ahead in a
competitive world.
For example: Narayanamurthy, Infosys and Dr. Kasthurirangan, ISRO.
7.(i) Explain the theory of human right ethics and its classifications.[Nov 2015]
There are four types of theories on ethics, which help to create the fundamental principles of
obligation suitable and applicable to professional and personal conduct of a person in his everyday
life. These theories are essential for cause of right action and morality. They are:
1. “Golden mean” ethics (Aristotle, 384 – 322 B.C.). The best solution is achieved through reason
and logic and is a compromise or “golden mean” between extremes of excess and deficiency. For
example, in the case of the environment,the golden mean between the extremes of neglect and
exploitation might be protection.
Problem: Variability from one person to another in their powers of reasoning and the difficulty in
applying the theory to ethical problems.
2. “Rights – based” ethics (John Locke, 1632 – 1704). Every person is free and equal and has the
right to life, health, liberty and possessions (in effect prohibiting capital punishment,medical charges,
jails and income taxes).
Problem: One person’s right may be in conflict with another’s rights.
3. “Duty – based” ethics (Immanual Kant, 1724 – 1804). Each person has a duty to follow a course of
action that would be universally acceptable for everyone to follow without exception. (Thus we
would all be honest, kind, generous and peaceful).
Problem: Universal application of a rule can be harmful.
4. “Utilitarian” ethics (John Stuart Mill, 1806 – 1873). The best choice is that which produces the
maximum benefit for the greatest number of people (which could endanger minority rights).
Problem: Qualification of the benefits can be difficult. All these theories can be differentiated on the
basis of what they provide for moral concept, good results for all, duties and human rights.
(ii)What is meant by self interest? Relate the term with “Ethical Egoism” with suitable
Self-interest is nothing but one’s personal good. It refers to the goodness of oneself in the long run.
Each of the ethical theories recognizes the importance of self-respect. Utilitarian considers one’s own
good as well as the good of others. Duty ethicists stresses duties to ourselves and for won well-being.
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Ethicists of rights emphasize our rights to pursue our own good.
Virtue ethicists accent the importance of self – respect. Each of these theories insists that the pursuit
of self – interest must be balanced and kept under control by moral responsibilities to other people.
Now let us consider a view called “ethical Egoism” which challenges all the ethical theories and it
tries to reduce morality to the pursuit of selfinterest.It is called ‘egoism’, because it says that the main
duty of us is to maximize our own good.
According to Thomas Hobbes and Any Rand, moral values are reduced to concern for oneself but
always a rational concern which requires consideration of a person’s longterm interests.
The Supporters of ethical egoism make a differentiation between narrower and wider forms of self-
When a person who selfishly preoccupies his own private good and disregard for the good of others,
will be off from rewarding friendships and love.
Personal well-being generally requires taking some large interest in others. But the rational egoist
insists that the only reason for showing an interest in others is for the sake of oneself.
Ethical Egoists try to protect their positions by arguing that an ironic importance of everyone
rationally pursuing one’s self-interest is that every one get benefited. The society benefits mostly
when (i) individuals pursue their private good and (ii) corporations pursue maximum profits in a
competitive free market. The main idea here is that leads to the improvement of economy through
which benefiting everyone. Because, both the individual and the corporation know very well that
what is good for them and how best to pursue that good.
As per ethical egoism, people should always and only pursue their self – interest in a very cautious
manner to value the interest rationally on the basis of facts. Morality essentially needs a willingness
on the part of both individuals and corporations to place some restrictions on the pursuit of private
– interests.
Accepting these constraints is presupposed in what is meant by moral concern Engineering Ethics
also has one task of exhibiting the moral limits on the pursuit of self interest in the Engineering
profession. The above said remarks do not constitute a wrong proof for ethical egoism. Morality
stresses that we have to give value and we are concerned for the good of other people.
Ethical egoism is not a persuasive or probable theory to state what is morality but it is only a
convinced rejection of morality.
8. Explain about a) Consensus and Controversy (b) Heinzs Theory
Consensus means „agreement‟ and „controversy‟ means disagreement. The consensus and the
controversies are playing the vital roles while considering the moral autonomy.When an individual
exercises the moral autonomy, he cannot get the same results as others get in applying moral
autonomy. Surely there must be some moral differences i.e. the results or verdicts will be of
controversy. This kind of disagreements is unavoidable. These disagreements require some tolerances
among individuals those who are autonomous, reasonable and responsible.As per the principle of
tolerance, the goal of teaching engineering ethics is not merely producing an agreed conformity on
applying moral principles among engineers but also to reveal the ways of promoting tolerances to
apply moral autonomy. Both the goals of engineering ethics and the goals of engineering courses
have some similarities. These similarities have to be extended with the help of exercising authority.
For example, in the class room, the teachers are having the authority over students and in the work
place, the managers are having the authority over engineers.
There are two general points regarding the relationship between autonomy and authority with
reference to the class room:
1) Moral autonomy and respect for the authority cannot be differentiated or separated from each
other. Moral autonomy is exercised on the basis of moral concern for other people and also
recognition of good moral reasons. Authority provides for the framework in which learning can take
place. It is based on the acceptance of authority by both the students and the professors. Without this
acceptance, the classes cannot be conducted in a smooth way. On the other hand, cheating will be
encouraged and the trust between faculty and the students may be reduced to some extent. These kind
of deviations are due to the absence of moral views and
respect for authority. They must be coincide with each other.2) Generally a tension may arise among
the individuals regarding the need for consensus about authority and need for autonomy. This tension
can be reduced by discussing openly regarding a moral issue between students and faculty with the
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help of the authority.
In short, conflicts will arise between autonomy and authority, when the authority is misused. For
example, in small classes, the students are having the authority to express their own views. But when
the professor doesn‟t allow them to do so, he misuses his authority. This will create some moral
problems between the students and the faculty.
Heinz‟s Dilemma
Gilligan‟s criticism on the Kohlberg‟s theory can be made very clear with the help of a famous
example used by Kohlberg in his questionaries and interviews. This is called Heinz‟s Dilemma.This
example was about a woman and Heinz, her husband living in Europe. The woman was affected by
cancer. The doctors told her to use an expensive drug to save her life. The pharmacist who also
invented that medicine charged ten times the cost of making the drug. Besides his poverty, Heinz
took a lot of effort to borrow money, but he could get only half of the amount needed. He approached
to the pharmacist and begged him to sell the medicine at a cheaper price or allow him to pay for it
later. But the pharmacist refused to do so. Finally, without any hope, Heinz forcibly entered into the
pharmacy and stolen the drug. The question here is “Was the theft morally right or wrong?”
By asking this question among the male, Kohlberg has received two sets of answers: One is based on
the conventional level i.e. Heinz did a wrong thing. Another one is based on the post conventional
level i.e,Heinz was correct as the life of the wife is more important than the property right of the
pharmacist. But when the same question was asked among the women, they gave (all women) same
answers. They replied that Heinz was wrong. They further told that instead of stealing the medicine,
Heinz could have tried other alternative solutions. They also told that Heinz should have convinced
still the pharmacist to get the medicine. From the above, Kohlberg concluded that women‟s decisions
are always based on conventional rule and they always have different opinions in applying the
general moral rules and principles about the right to live.On the basis of the Kohlberg‟s comment on
the women, Gilligan came to a different conclusion. She tells that it shows greater sensitivity to
people and personal relationships. She concluded that the decision taken by women is context -
oriented and not on the basis of general rules ranked inorder of priority.Now, the question here is,
how Gilligan‟s theory of moral development relates to moral autonomy as a goal of studying ethics at
the college level? Autonomy requires independent reasoning on the basis of moral concern and not
separated from other people. As per Gilligan‟s theory and Kohlberg‟s theory, moral autonomy should
be consistent with context-oriented and also with an awareness of general moral principles and rights.
9. Explain in detail the traits of Self Interest, Customs and
Self-interest is being good and acceptable to oneself. It is pursuing what is good for oneself. It is very
ethical to possess self-interest. As per utilitarian theory, this interest should provide for the respect of
others also. Duty ethics recognizes this aspect as duties to ourselves. Then only one can help
others.Right ethicist stresses our rights to pursue our own good. Virtue ethics also accepts the
importance of self-respect as link to social practices.In Ethical Egoism, the self is conceived in a
highly individualistic manner. It says that every one of us should always and only promote one’s
owninterest. The ethical egoists do not accept the well being of the community or caring for others.
However this self interest should not degenerate into egoism or selfishness, i.e., maximizing only own
good in the pursuit of self-interest. The ethical egoists hold that the society benefits to maximum
when (a) the individuals pursue their personal good and (b) the individual organizations pursue
maximum profit in a competitive enterprise. This is claimed to improve the economy of the country
as a whole, besides the individuals. In such pursuits, both individuals and organizations should
realize that independence is not the only important value. We are also interdependent, as much as
independent. Each of us is vulnerable in the society. Self-respect includes recognition of our
vulnerabilities and interdependencies. Hence, it is compatible with caring for ourselves as well as
others. Self-interest is necessary initially to begin with. But it should be one of the prime motives for
action; the other motive is to show concern for others, in the family as well as society. One’s self-
interest should not harm others. The principles of ‘Live and let (others) live’, and ‘reasonably fair
competition’ are recommended to professionals by the ethicists.
Ethical Pluralism: Various cultures in our pluralistic society lead to tolerance for various customs,
beliefs, and outlooks. Accordingly ethical pluralism also exists. Although many moral attitudes appear
to be reasonable, the rational and morally concerned people can not fully accept any one of the moral
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perspectives. There are many varied moral values, which allow variation in the understanding and
application of values by the individuals or groups in their everyday transactions. It means that even
reasonable people will not agree on all moral issues and professional ethics.
Ethical Relativism: According to this principle, actions are considered morally right when approved
by law or custom, and wrong when they violate the laws or customs. The deciding factor is the law or
the customs of the society. Should we accept the principle of relativism or not? A few reasons to
accept this are explained in the following paragraphs:
1. Laws appear to be objective ways for judging values. The laws and customs tend to be definite,
clear and real, but not always. Further moral reasons allow objective criticism of laws, as being
morally lacking. For example, the Apartheid laws of South Africa violated the human rights of the
native Africans. No legal protection was available for native citizens for a long time. Now, of course,
these laws have been repealed.
2. Ethical relativism assumes that the values are subjective at the cultural level. Moral standards
also vary from culture to culture. The objectivity is supported by the existing laws of that society. The
relative morality accepted, supports the virtue of tolerance of differences among societies. This
argument is also not fully acceptable. As per ethical relativism, the actions and laws of the Nazis and
Hitler who vowed on Anti-Semitism and killed several million Jews would be accepted as right.
3. Moral relationalism or moral contextualism: According to this, the moral judgments must be
made in relation to certain factors, which may vary from case to case. The morally important factors
for making judgments include the customs and laws. The virtue ethicists hold that the practical
wisdom should prevail upon assessing the facts and in the judgment. This principle was accepted by
the early anthropologists because they had a specific tendency to over-stress the scope of moral
difference between cultures. The human sacrifices and cannibalism were accepted. But the modern
anthropologists insist that all cultures shall exhibit the virtue of social welfare and safety against
needless death or physical or mental harm. Moral differences were based on the circumstances and
facts and not on the difference
in moral attitudes. For example, the pharaohs buried the live attendants along with their dead king
with the belief that they would continue to serve the king in his after life.
Religions have played major roles in shaping moral views and moral values, over geographical
regions. Christianity has influenced the Western countries, Islam in the Middle-East countries,
Buddhism and Hinduism in Asia, and Confucianism in China. Further, there is a strong psychological
link between the moral and religious beliefs of people following various religions and faiths.
Religions support moral responsibility. They have set high moral standards. Faith in the religions
provides trust and this trust inspires people to be moral. The religions insist on tolerance and moral
concern for others. Many professionals who possess religious beliefs are motivated to be morally
responsible. Each religion lays stress on certain high moral standards. For example, Hinduism holds
polytheistic (many gods) view, and virtues of devotion and surrender to high order. Christianity
believes in one deity and emphasizes on virtues of Love, Faith, and Hope. Buddhism is non-theistic
and focuses on compassion and Islam on one deity and adherence of ishan (piety or pursuit of
excellence) and prayer. Judaism stresses the virtue of ‘tsedakah’ (righteousness). But many religious
sects have adopted poor moral standards, e.g., many religious sects do not recognize equal rights for
women. The right to worship is denied for some people. People are killed in the name of or to
promote religion. Thus, conflicts exist between the ‘secular’ and religious people and between one
religion and another. Hence, religious views have to be morally scrutinized.
10. Explain in details the professionalism ideals and virtues.
Professionalism covers comprehensively all areas of practice of a particular profession. It requires
skills and responsibilities involved in engineering profession. Professionalism implies a certain set of
The art of Professionalism can be understood as the practice of doing the right thing, not because how
one feels but regardless of how one feels. Professionals make a profession of the specific kind of
activity and conduct to which they commit themselves and to which they can be expected to conform.
Moral ideals specify virtue, i.e., desirable feature of character. Virtues are desirable ways of relating
to other individuals, groups and organizations. Virtues involve motives, attitudes and emotions.
According to Aristotle, virtues are the “acquired habits that enable us to engage effectively in rational
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activities that defines us as human beings.”
Professional Ideals and Virtues
The virtues represent excellence in core moral behavior. The essentials for any professional to excel
in the profession are behavior, skills and knowledge. The behavior shows the moral ideology of the
The moral ideals specify the virtue, i.e., the desirable character traits that talk a lot about the motives,
attitude and emotions of an individual.
Public spirited virtues
Proficiency virtues
Team work virtues
Self-governance virtues
The virtues mentioned above show the professional responsibility of an individual. Hence, the
professionalism that comes in with these virtues is called Responsible Professionalism. Let us now
understand each virtue in detail.
Public-spirited Virtues
An engineer should focus on the good of the clients and the public at large, which means no harm
should be done intentionally. The code of professional conduct in the field of engineering includes
avoiding harm and protecting, as well promoting the public safety, health and welfare.
Maintaining a sense of community with faith and hope within the society and being generous by
extending time, talent and money to professional societies and communities, an engineer can
maintain the public-spirited virtue. Finally, justice within corporations, government and economic
practices becomes an essential virtue that an engineer should always possess.
Proficiency Virtues
These refer to the virtues followed in the profession according to the talent and intellect of an
engineer. The moral values that include this virtue are competence and diligence. The competence is
being successful in the job being done and the diligence is taking care and having alertness to dangers
in the job. Creativity should also be present in accomplishing the assigned task.
Teamwork Virtues
These virtues represent the coordination among team members which means working successfully
with other professionals. These include cooperative nature along with loyalty and respect towards
their organization, which makes the engineers motivate the team professionals to work towards their
valuable goals.
Self-governance Virtues
These virtues are concerned with moral responsibilities which represent integrity and self-respect of
the person. The integrity actually means the moral integrity which refers to the actions, attitude and
emotions of the person concerned during his professional period.
The self-governance virtues center on commitment, courage, self-discipline, perseverance, self-
respect and integrity. The truthfulness and trustworthiness which represent his honesty are the crucial
moral values to be kept up by a professional.
11. Discuss the role of ‘Self-interest’ with examples.[May 2017]
Self-interest is being good and acceptable to oneself. It is pursuing what is good for oneself. It is very
ethical to possess self-interest. As per utilitarian theory, this interest should provide for the respect of
others also. Duty ethics recognizes this aspect as duties to ourselves. Then only one can help
others.Right ethicist stresses our rights to pursue our own good. Virtue ethics also accepts the
importance of self-respect as link to social practices.In Ethical Egoism, the self is conceived in a
highly individualistic manner. It says that every one of us should always and only promote one’s own
interest. The ethical egoists do not accept the well being of the community or caring for others.
However this self interest should not degenerate into egoism or selfishness, i.e., maximizing only own
good in the pursuit of self-interest. The ethical egoists hold that the society benefits to maximum
when (a) the individuals pursue their personal good and (b) the individual organizations pursue
maximum profit in a competitive enterprise. This is claimed to improve the economy of the country
as a whole, besides the individuals. In such pursuits, both individuals and organizations should realize
that independence is not the only important value. We are also interdependent, as much as
independent. Each of us is vulnerable in the society. Self-respect includes recognition of our
vulnerabilities and interdependencies. Hence, it is compatible with caring for ourselves as well as
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others. Self-interest is necessary initially to begin with. But it should be one of the prime motives for
action; the other motive is to show concern for others, in the family as well as society. One’s self-
interest should not harm others. The principles of ‘Live and let (others) live’, and ‘reasonably fair
competition’ are recommended to professionals by the ethicists.

12. Explain the three levels of moral developments with respect to Gilligan views. [Nov 2019]
Carol Gilligan, a former student and colleague of Kohlberg, has criticized Kohlberg's theory as male
 She also charged Kohlberg that Kohlberg's studies were concluded with male samples only and
also his approach is dominated by a typical preoccupation with general rules and rights.
 According to Gilligan, males have tendency to over-ride the importance of moral rules and
convictions while resolving moral dilemmas; whereas females have tendency to try hard to preserve
personal relationships with all people involved in a situation.
 Also Gilligan felt that men mostly focus their attention on content of the problem, whereas women
focus their attention on the context i.e., situation of the problem.
 Gilligan refers her context-oriented emphasis on maintaining personal relationships as the ethics of
care, and contrasts it with Kohlberg's ethics of rules and rights.

Gilligan revised the three levels of moral development of Kohlberg, as stages of

growth towards ethics of caring.
1. Pre conventional stage
2. Conventional stage
3. Post conventional stage
1. Pre conventional stage - One learns to care for oneself.
 This is almost the same as Kohlberg's first level.
 That is, in this level an individual is concerned with self-centered reasoning.
2. Conventional stage - One internalizes norms about caring for others and tends to
neglect oneself.
 This level differs from Kohlberg's second level.
 According to Gilligan, women will not hurt others and have a willingness to sacrifice their own
interests in order to help others.
3. Post conventional stage - One becomes critical of the conventions one adopted in the
conventional stage and learns to balance caring for self with caring for others.
 This level also differs from Kohlberg's third level.
 In this level, the individual is able to maintain balance between his own needs with the needs of
 The balancing can be achieved through context-oriented reasoning i.e., examining all facts, people
and circumstances involved, rather than by applying abstract rules ranked in a hierarchy of
Gilligan advanced the view that Kohlberg‘s model must be wrong. Measuring progress by it resulted
in boys being found to be more morally mature than girls, and this held for adult men and women as
well, although when education is controlled for there are no gender differences. This was not an
objective scale of moral development, Gilligan argued, but other researchers have found the scale to
be psycho-metrically sound. It displayed a particularly masculine perspective on morality, founded on
justice and abstract duties or obligations. She also stated that Kohlberg's founding study consisted of
largely male participants.
Gilligan offered a difference feminist perspective: men and women have tendencies to view morality
in different terms, with women tending to emphasize empathy and compassion over the notions of
morality that are privileged by Kohlberg's scale. The "different voice," however, is not characterized
by gender. Rather, it is associated with women by means of an empirical observation. Subsequent
research, confirms that the difference in the use of the care ethic or the justice orientation is not based
on gender differences


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1. What are the conditions required to define a valid informed consent? [April
2013, Nov 2015]
(i)The consent was given voluntarily. (ii)The consent was based on the information that
rational person would want, together with any other information requested, presented to
them in understandable form. (iii)The consenter was competent to process the information
and make rational decisions.
2. What are the two main elements which are included to understand informed
Informed Consent is understood as including two main elements: (i) Knowledge
[Subjects should be given not only the information they request, but all the
information needed to make a reasonable decision]. (ii) Voluntariness [Subjects must
enter into the experiment without being subjected to force, fraud, or deception].
3. What are the general features of morally responsible engineers?
(i) Conscientiousness. (ii) Comprehensive perspective. (iii) Autonomy. (iv)
4. What is the purpose of various types of standards?
(i) Accuracy in measurement, interchangeability, ease of handling. (ii) Prevention of
injury, death and loss of income or property. (iii) Fair v a l u e o f p r i c e . (iv)
Competence i n c a r r y i n g o u t t a s k s . (v) Sound design, ease of communications.
(vi) Freedom from interference.
5. Define Code?
Code is a set of standards and laws.
6. Enumerate the roles of codes? [April 2014, Nov 2016]
(i) Inspiration and Guidance (ii) Support (iii)Deterrence and Discipline (iv)Education
and Mutual Understanding (v)Contributing to the Profession’s Public Image
(vi)Protecting the Status Quo vii)Promoting Business Interests
7. Give the limitations of codes? [May 2016,May 2018, Nov 2019]
(i)Codes are restricted to general and vague wording.
(ii)Codes can‟t give a solution or method for solving the internal conflicts. (iii)Codes
cannot serve as the final moral authority for professional conduct. (iv)Codes can be
reproduced in a very rapid manner.
8. What are the problems with the law in engineering?
a. Minimal compliance b. Many laws are without enforceable sanctions.
9. What is the need to view engineering projects as experiments? [Nov 2016]
(i)Any project is carried out in partial ignorance. (ii)The final outcomes of engineering
projects, like those of experiments, are generally uncertain. (iii)Effective engineering
relies upon knowledge gained about products before and after they leave the factory –
knowledge needed for improving current products and creating better ones.
10. Differentiate scientific experiments and engineering projects?(May 2016)
Scientific experiments are conducted to gain new knowledge, while “engineering
projects are experiments that are not necessarily designed to produce very much
11. What are the uncertainties occur in the model designs? [Nov 2015] [May 2017]
[May 2019]
(i)Model used for the design calculations. (ii) Exact characteristics of the materials
purchased. (iii)Constancies of materials used for processing and fabrication. (iv)Nature of
the pressure, the finished product will encounter.
12. Comment on the importance of learning from the past, using the nuclear
reactor accident at Three Mile Island, as an example?
Values are notorious for being among the least reliable components of hydraulic systems.
It was a pressure relief valve, and lack of definitive information regarding its open or
shut state. Similar Malfunctions had occurred with the identical values on nuclear
reactors because of the same reasons at other locations, but no attention had been given
to them.
13. Comment on the importance of learning from the past, using Titanic disaster, as an
The Titanic lacked a sufficient number of lifeboats.
14. Define Whistle Blowing. [Nov 2015]
This is an act by an employee of informing the public or higher management of unethical
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or illegal behaviour by an employee or supervisor.
15. Give any two prominent features of contemporary engineering practice that
differentiate casual influence and moral accountability in engineering?
(i)Large-scale engineering projects involve fragmentation of work. (ii) Due to the
fragmentation of the work, the accountability will spread widely within the
organization (iii)There is frequently pressure to move on to a new project before the
current one has been operating long enough to be observed carefully. (iv)The contagion
of malpractice suits currently afflicting the medical profession is carrying over into
16. What is meant by Engineering Experimentation? [May 2017]
Engineers involve in research experimentation and testing of new products. (i)Appling
various experimental producers is called experimentation. (ii)Every stage of product
development, experiments are conducted. (iii)One can view Engineering work & project
as experiment.
17. State the importance of Ethical codes. [Nov 2015 , Nov 2018]
(i)To provide framework for ethical judgment. (ii)Express the ethical principles and
standards in an understanding manner. (iii)It defines the role of responsibilities of
professions. (iv)Applying moral ethical principles in critical situation. (v)Codes are well
established and widely accepted in society.
18. State General features of morally responsible engineers.
(i)A conscientious commitment to live by moral values: protect the safety of human
respect. (ii)A Comprehensive perspective: Constant awareness of the experimental nature.
(iii)Autonomy: Personally motivated to have dedicated involvement in the project.
(iv)Accountability: Accountable for the results of the project.
19. What are the two elements of two informed consent? [Nov 2019]
Knowledge: Person who participates in the experiments should be given all the
information to make a reasonable decision. Voluntariness: Person should not be forced
and he should have willingness to volunteer himself.
20. In what ways engineering experiment differs from standard experiments. [May
2017, Nov 2018]
Final outcomes of engineering projects may also lead to unexpected problems that may
endanger life.Similar to Standards experiment, engineering experiments requires
knowledge about the product at the pre-production& post production stages.
21. What are the merits of Standardized Experimentation.[May 2018]
The ethics in experimentation is concerned with the application of moral principles in the
conduct of research in relation to human beings to protect the rights and welfare of the
human beings involved in the research process.
22. What are the codes of ethics propagated by professional societies? [May 2019]
Societies play a vital role. They are, 1. Inspiration 2. Guidance 3. Support for responsible
conduct 4. Deterring and disciplining unethical professional conduct 5. Educational and
promotion of mutual understanding
23. What are the three conditions for valid consent:
1. The consent should be given voluntarily and not by force. 2. The consent should be
based on all information needed for the rational person to make reasonable decision. 3.
The consentient should be physically and mentally fit; then he should be major i.e., above
18 years.
24. “Engineers as guardians” Discuss.
Engineers know the best direction in which the technology should develop, accordingly
they give the position basis on the experience, so that they can guard the society by doing
things i.e involved for the best of the society.
25. What is meant by valid consent.
The consent, which has been given voluntary is known as valid consent. It is also defined
as consent based on the information a rational person would want together with any other
requested information to make a rational decision.

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1. How can engineer become a responsible experimenter? Highlight the code of ethics for
Engineers [May 2016, Nov 2016, May 2017]
Although the engineers facilitate experiments, they are not alone in the field. Their responsibility is
shared with the organizations, people, government, and others. No doubt the engineers share a greater
responsibility while monitoring the projects, identifying the risks, and informing the clients and the
public with facts. Based on this, they can take decisions to participate or protest or promote.
The engineer, as an experimenter, owe several responsibilities to the society, namely,
1. A conscientious commitment to live by moral values.
2. A comprehensive perspective on relevant information. It includes constant awareness of
the progress of the experiment and readiness to monitor the side effects, if any.
3. Unrestricted free-personal involvement in all steps of the project/product development
4. Be accountable for the results of the project (accountability).
Conscientious moral commitment means: (a) Being sensitive to full range of moral values and
responsibilities relevant to the prevailing situation and (b) the willingness to develop the skill and put
efforts needed to reach the best balance possible among those considerations. In short, engineers must
possess open eyes, open ears, and an open mind (i.e., moral vision, moral listening, and moral
This makes the engineers as social experimenters, respect foremost the safety and health of the
affected, while they seek to enrich their knowledge, rush for the profit, follow the rules, or care for
only the beneficiary. The human rights of the participant should be protected through voluntary and
informed consent.
Comprehensive Perspective
The engineer should grasp the context of his work and ensure that the work involved results in only
moral ends. One should not ignore his conscience, if the product or project that he is involved will
result in damaging the nervous system of the people (or even the enemy, in case of weapon
A product has a built-in obsolete or redundant component to boost sales with a false claim. In
possessing of the perspective of factual information, the engineer should exhibit a moral concern and
not agree for this design. Sometimes, the guilt is transferred to the government or the competitors.
Some organizations think that they will let the government find the fault or let the fraudulent
ompetitor be caught first. Finally, a full-scale environmental or social impact study of the product or
project by individual engineers is useful but not possible, in practice.
Moral Autonomy
A detailed discussion is available in # 2.5. Viewing engineering as social experimentation, and
anticipating unknown consequences should promote an attitude of questioning about the adequacy of
the existing economic and safety standards. This proves a greater sense of personal involvement in
one’s work.
The term Accountability means:
1. The capacity to understand and act on moral reasons
2. Willingness to submit one’s actions to moral scrutiny and be responsive to the assessment
of others. It includes being answerable for meeting specific obligations, i.e., liable to justify (or give
reasonable excuses) the decisions, actions or means, and outcomes (sometimes unexpected), when
required by the stakeholders or by law.
The tug-of-war between of causal influence by the employer and moral responsibility of the employee
is quite common in professions. In the engineering practice, the problems are:
The fragmentation of work in a project inevitably makes the final products lie (a) away
from the immediate work place, and lessens the personal responsibility of the employee.
Further the responsibilities diffuse into various hierarchies and to various people.
(b) Nobody gets the real feel of personal responsibility.
(c) Often projects are executed one after another. An employee is more interested in
adherence of tight schedules rather than giving personal care for the current project.
More litigation is to be faced by the engineers (as in the case of medical (d) practitioners).
This makes them wary of showing moral concerns beyond what is prescribed by the

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institutions. In spite of all these shortcomings, engineers are expected to face the risk and show up
personal responsibility as the profession demands.
2. What is the important code of ethics? What are the different roles and function of “Code of
Ethics”?[Nov 2015][May 2017]
The codes of ethics have to be adopted by engineering societies as well as by engineers. These codes
exhibit the rights, duties, and obligations of the members of a profession. Codes are the set of laws
and standards. A code of ethics provides a framework for ethical judgment for a professional. A code
cannot be said as totally comprehensive and cover all ethical situations that an engineer has to face. It
serves only as a starting point for ethical decision-making. A code expresses the circumstances to
ethical conduct shared by the members of a profession. It is also to be noted that ethical codes do not
establish the new ethical principles. They repeat only the principles and standards that are already
accepted as responsible engineering practice. A code defines the roles and responsibilities of
Roles of codes and its functions
1. Inspiration and Guidance
Codes give a convinced motivation for ethical conduct and provide a helpful guidance for achieving
the obligations of engineers in their work. Codes contribute mostly general guidance as they have to
be brief. Specific directions may also be given to apply the code in morally good ways. The
following engineering societies have published codes of ethics. AAES - American Association of
Engineering Societies
ABET - Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (USA) NSPE - National Society of
Professional Engineer (USA)
IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (USA) AICTE - All India Council for
Technical Education (India)
Most of the technological companies have established their own codes such as pentagon (USA),
Microsoft etc. These codes are very much helpful to strengthen the moral issues on the work of an
2. Support
Codes always support an engineer who follows the ethical principles. Codes give engineers a
positive, a possible good support for standing on moral issues. Codes also serve as a legal support for
3. Deterrence and Discipline
Codes act as a deterrent because they never encourage to act immorally. They also provide discipline
among the Engineers to act morally on the basis of codes does not overrule the rights of those being
4. Education and Mutual Understanding
Codes have to be circulated and approved officially by the professionals, the public and government
organizations which concern with the moral responsibilities of engineers and organizations.
5. Contributing to the profession’s Public Image
Codes help to create a good image to the public of an ethically committedprofession. It helps the
engineers in an effective manner to serve the public. They also gives self-regulation for the
profession itself.
6. Protecting the Status Quo
Codes determine ethical conventions which help to create an agreed upon minimum level of ethical
conduct. But they can also suppress the disagreement within the profession.
7. Promoting Business Interests
Codes help to improve the business interests. They help to moralize the business dealings to benefit
those within the profession.
Limitations of Codes
1. Codes are restricted to general and vague wordings. Due to this limitation they cannot be
applicable to all situations directly. It is also impossible to analyze fully and predict the full range of
moral problems that arises in a complex profession.
2. Engineering codes often have internal conflicts. So they can’t give a solution or method for
resolving the conflict.
3. They cannot be treated as the final moral authority for any professional conduct. Codes represent
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a compromise between differing judgments and also developed among heated committee
4. Only a few practicing engineers are the members of Professional Societies and so they can not be
compelled to abide by their codes.
Many engineers who are the members of Professional Societies are not aware of the
existence of the codes of their societies and they never go through it.
5. Codes can be reproduced in a very rapid manner.
6. Codes are said to be coercive i.e., implemented by threat or force.
Fundamental Canons
Engineers, in the fulfillment of their professional duties, shall:
1. Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public.
2. Perform services only in areas of their competence.
3. Issue public statements only in an objective and truthful manner.
4. Act for each employer or client as faithful agents or trustees.
5. Avoid deceptive acts.
6. Conduct themselves honorably, responsibly, ethically, and lawfully so as to enhance the
honor, reputation, and usefulness of the profession.
3. Discuss on the roles played by the codes of ethics set by professional societies.[May 2016]
The ‘codes of ethics’ exhibit, rights, duties, and obligations of the members of a profession and a
professional society. The codes exhibit the following essential roles:
1. Inspiration and guidance. The codes express the collective commitment of the profession
toethical conduct and public good and thus inspire the individuals. They identify primary
responsibilities and provide statements and guidelines on interpretations for the professionals
and the professional societies.
2. Support to engineers. The codes give positive support to professionals for taking stands
onmoral issues. Further they serve as potential legal support to discharge professional obligations.
3. Deterrence (discourage to act immorally) and discipline (regulate to act morally). The
codes serve as the basis for investigating unethical actions. The professional societies sometimes
revoke membership or suspend/expel the members, when proved to have acted unethical. This
sanction along with loss of respect from the colleagues and the society are bound to act as deterrent.
4. Education and mutual understanding. Codes are used to prompt discussion and reflection
on moral issues. They develop a shared understanding by the professionals, public, and the
government on the moral responsibilities of the engineers. The Board of Review of the professional
societies encourages moral discussion for educational purposes.
5. Create good public image. The codes present positive image of the committed profession
tothe public, help the engineers to serve the public effectively. They promote more of self regulation
and lessen the government regulations. This is bound to raise the reputation of the profession and the
organization, in establishing the trust of the public.
6. Protect the status quo. They create minimum level of ethical conduct and promotes
agreementwithin the profession. Primary obligation namely the safety, health, and welfare of the
public, declared by the codes serves and protects the public.
7. Promotes business interests. The codes offer inspiration to the entrepreneurs, establish
sharedstandards, healthy competition, and maximize profit to investors, employees, and consumers.
4. Compare and contrast engineering experiments with standard experiments. [April/May 2018]
We shall now compare the two activities, and identify the similarities and contrasts.
A. Similarities
1. Partial ignorance: The project is usually executed in partial ignorance. Uncertainties
exist in
the model assumed. The behavior of materials purchased is uncertain and not constant (that is
certain!). They may vary with the suppliers, processed lot, time, and the process used in
shaping the materials (e.g., sheet or plate, rod or wire, forged or cast or welded). There may be
variations in the grain structure and its resulting failure stress. It is not possible to collect data on all
variations. In some cases, extrapolation, interpolation, assumptions of linear behavior over the range
of parameters, accelerated testing, simulations, and virtual testing are resorted.
2. Uncertainty: The final outcomes of projects are also uncertain, as in experiments. Some
times unintended results, side effects (bye-products), and unsafe operation have also occurred.
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Unexpected risks, such as undue seepage in a storage dam, leakage of nuclear radiation from an
atomic power plant, presence of pesticides in food or soft drink bottle, an new irrigation
canal spreading water-borne diseases, and an unsuspecting hair dryer causing lung cancer on the user
from the asbestos gasket used in the product have been reported.
3. Continuous monitoring: Monitoring continually the progress and gaining new
knowledgeare needed before, during, and after execution of project as in the case of experimentation.
The performance is to be monitored even during the use (or wrong use!) of the product by the end
4. Learning from the past: Engineers normally learn from their own prior designs and
inferfrom the analysis of operation and results, and sometimes from the reports of other engineers.
But this does not happen frequently. The absence of interest and channels of communication, ego in
not seeking information, guilty upon the failure, fear of legal actions, and mere negligence have
caused many a failure, e.g., the Titanic lacked sufficient number of life
boats—it had only 825 boats for the actual passengers of 2227, the capacity of the ship being 3547!
In the emergent situation, all the existing life boats could not be launched. Forty years back, another
steamship Arctic met with same tragedy due to the same problem in the
same region. But the lesson was learned. In most of the hydraulic systems, valves had been the
critical components that are least reliable. The confusion on knowing whether the valve was open or
closed, was the cause of the Three-Mile Island accident in 1979.
malfunctioning of valves and mis-reading of gauges have been reported to have caused the accidents
else where in some power plants. But we have not learnt the lesson from the past. The complacency
that it will not happen again and will not happen 'to me' has lead to many disasters.
B. Contrasts
The scientific experiments in the laboratory and the engineering experiments in the filed exhibit
contrasts as listed below:
1. Experimental control: In standard experiments, members for study are selected into two
groups namely A and B at random. Group A are given special treatment. The group B is given no
treatment and is called the ‘controlled group’. But they are placed in the same environment as the
other group A.
This process is called the experimental control. This practice is adopted in the field of medicine. In
engineering, this does not happen, except when the project is confined to laboratory experiments.
This is because it is the clients or consumers who choose the product, exercise the control. It is not
possible to make a random selection of participants from various groups. In engineering, through
random sampling, the survey is made from among
the users, to assess the results on the product. .
2. Humane touch: Engineering experiments involve human souls, their needs, views,
expectations,and creative use as in case of social experimentation. This point of view is not agreed by
many of the engineers. But now the quality engineers and managers have fully realized this humane
3. Informed consent: Engineering experimentation is viewed as Societal Experiment since
thesubject and the beneficiary are human beings. In this respect, it is similar to medical
experimentation on human beings. In the case of medical practice, moral and legal rights have been
recognized while planning for experimentation. Informed consent is practiced in medical
experimentation. Such a practice is not there in scientific laboratory experiments. Informed consent
has two basic elements:
1. Knowledge: The subject should be given all relevant information needed to make
thedecision to participate.
2. Voluntariness: Subject should take part without force, fraud or deception. Respect
forrights of minorities to dissent and compensation for harmful effect are assumed here.
1. Consent must be voluntary
2. All relevant information shall be presented/stated in a clearly understandable form
3. Consenter shall be capable of processing the information and make rational
4. The subject’s consent may be offered in proxy by a group that represents many
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subjects of like-interests
Informed consent when bringing an engineering product to market, implies letting the customer know
the following: (a) the knowledge about the product (b) risks and benefits of using the product and (c)
all relevant information on the product, such as how to use and how not to use (do’s and don’ts). The
relevant factual information implies, that the engineers are obliged to obtain and assess all the
available information related to the fulfillment of one’s moral obligations (i.e., wrong or immoral use
of a product one designs), including the intended and unintended impacts of the product, on the
society. Still there exists a possibility of a large gap of understanding between the experimenter and
the subjects (public). Sometimes, the managements have not been willing to disseminate the full
information about the project or product beyond the legal requirements, because of the fear of
potential competitions and likely exposure to potential litigation.
People object to involuntary risks wherein the affected individual is neither a direct participant nor a
decision maker. In short, we prefer to be the subjects of our own experiments rather than those of
somebody else. If it is an asbestos plant or nuclear plant to be approved, affected parties expect their
consent to be obtained. But they are ready to accept voluntary risks as in the case of stunts and
amazing races.
In case of Koodangulam power project as well as the Sethusamudram Canal Project, Tamil Nadu,
several citizen groups including Fishermen Forums have responded. The Central government was
able contain many harsh apprehensions and protracted legal and political battles, by providing all
relevant information.
4. Knowledge gained: Not much of new knowledge is developed in engineering experiments
as in the case of scientific experiments in the laboratory. Engineering experiments at the most help us
to (a) verify the adequacy of the design, (b) to check the stability of the design
parameters, and (c) prepare for the unexpected outcomes, in the actual field environments.
From the models tested in the laboratory to the pilot plant tested in the field, there are differences in
performance as well as other outcomes.
5. Explain with help of examples of that engineers would learn not only from their Earlier
design and operating results, but also from those of those of engineers of other engineers.
What happened?
The orbiter of the Challenger had three main engines fuelled by liquid hydrogen. The fuel was carried
in an external fuel tank which was jettisoned when empty. During lift-off, the main engines fire for
about nine minutes, although initially the thrust was provided by the two booster rockets. These
booster rockets are of the solid fuel type, each burning a million pound load of aluminum, potassium
chloride, and iron oxide.
The casing of each booster rocket is about 150 feet long and 12 feet in diameter. This consists of
cylindrical segments that are assembled at the launch site. There are four-field joints and they use
seals consisting of pairs of O-rings made of vulcanized rubber. The O-rings work with a putty barrier
made of zinc chromate.
The engineers were employed with Rockwell International (manufacturers for the orbiter and main
rocket), Morton-Thiokol (maker of booster rockets), and they worked for NASA. After many
postponements, the launch of Challenger was set for morning of Jan 28, 1986. Allan J. McDonald
was an engineer from Morton-Thiokol and the director of the Solid Rocket Booster Project. He was
skeptic about the freezing temperature conditions forecast for that morning, which was lower than the
previous launch conditions. A teleconference between NASA engineers and MT engineers was
arranged by Allan.
Arnold Thompson and Roger Boisjoly, the seal experts at MT explained to the other engineershow
the booster rocket walls would bulge upon launch and combustion gases can blow past the O-rings of
the field joints.many of the previous flights the rings have been found to have charred and eroded. In
freezing temperature, the rings and the putty packing are less pliable. From the past data gathered, at
temperature less than 65 F the O-rings failure was certain. But these data were not deliberated at that
conference as the launch time was fast approaching.
The engineering managers Bob Lund and Joe Kilminster agreed that there was a safety problem.
Boisjoly testified and recommended that no launch should be attempted with temperature less than
53 F. These managers were annoyed to postpone the launch yet again. The top management of MT
was planning for the renewal of contract with NASA, for making booster rocket. The managers told
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Bob Lund “to take-off the engineering hat and put on your management hat”. The judgment of the
engineers was not given weightage. The inability of these engineers to substantiate that the launch
would be unsafe was taken by NASA as an approval by Rockwell to launch.
At 11.38 a.m. the rockets along with Challenger rose up the sky. The cameras recorded smoke
coming out of one of the filed joints on the right booster rocket. Soon there was a flame that hit the
external fuel tank. At 76 seconds into the flight, the Challenger at a height of 10 miles was totally
engulfed in a fireball. The crew cabin fell into the ocean killing all the seven aboard.
Some of the factual issues, conceptual issues and moral/normative issues in the space shuttle
challenger incident, are highlighted hereunder for further study.
Moral/Normative Issues
1. The crew had no escape mechanism. Douglas, the engineer, designed an abort module to
allow the separation of the orbiter, triggered by a field-joint leak. But such a ‘safe exit’ was rejected
as too expensive, and because of an accompanying reduction in payload.
2. The crew were not informed of the problems existing in the field joints. The principle of
informed consent was not followed.
3. Engineers gave warning signals on safety. But the management group prevailed over and
ignored the warning.
Conceptual Issues
1. NASA counted that the probability of failure of the craft was one in one lakh launches. But it was
expected that only the 100000th launch will fail.
2. There were 700 criticality-1 items, which included the field joints. A failure in any one of them
would have caused the tragedy. No back-up or stand-bye had been provided for these criticality-1
3.5.3 Factual/Descriptive Issues
1. Field joints gave way in earlier flights. But the authorities felt the risk is not high.
2. NASA has disregarded warnings about the bad weather, at the time of launch, because
they wanted to complete the project, prove their supremacy, get the funding from Government
continued and get an applaud from the President of USA.
The inability of the Rockwell Engineers (manufacturer) to prove that the lift-off was unsafe. This was
interpreted by the NASA, as an approval by Rockwell to launc
6. Explain in detail about engineers as responsible experimenters.
The engineers have so many responsibilities for serving the society.
1. A primary duty is to protect the safety of human beings and respect their right of consent.
[A conscientious commitment to live by moral values].
2. Having a clear awareness of the experimental nature of any project, thoughtful forecasting
of its possible side effects, and an effort to monitor them reasonably. [A comprehensive perspective
or relative information].
3. Unrestricted free personal involvement in all the steps of a project. [Autonomy]
4. Being accountable for the results of a project [Accountability]
5. Exhibiting their technical competence and other characteristics of professionalism.
Conscientiousness implies consciousness (sense of awareness). As holding the responsible profession
with maintaining full range moral ethics and values which are relevant to the situation. In order to
understand the given situation, its implications, know-how, person who is involved or affected,
Engineers should have open eyes, open ears and open mind.
The present working environment of engineers, narrow down their moral vision fully with the
obligations accompanied with the status of the employee. More number of engineers are only salaried
employees, so, they have to work within large bureaucracies under great pressure to work smoothly
within the company. They have to give importance only to the obligations of their employers.
Gradually, the small negative duties such as not altering data by fraud, not violating patent right and
not breaking confidentiality, may be viewed as the full extent of moral desire.
As mentioned, engineering as social experimentation brings into light not only to the person
concerned but also to the public engineers as guardians of the public interest i.e., to safeguard the
welfare and safety of those affected by the engineering projects. This view helps to ensure that this
safety and welfare will not be affected by the search for new knowledge, the hurry to get profits, a
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small and narrow follow up of rules or a concern over benefits for the many and ignoring the harm to
the few.
The social experimentation that involved in engineering should be restricted by the participants
Relevant Information
Without relevant factual information, conscientious is not possible. For showing moral concern there
should be an obligation to obtain and assess properly all the available information related to the
fulfillment of one’s moral obligations. This can be explained as:
To understand and grasp the circumstance of a person’s work, it is necessary to know about how that
work has a moral importance. For example, A person is trying to design a good heat exchanger. There
is nothing wrong in that. But at the same time, if he forgets the fact that the heat exchanger will be
used in the manufacture of an illegal product, then he is said to be showing a lack of moral concern.
So a person must be aware of the wider implication of his work that makes participation in a project.
Blurring the circumstance of a person’s work derived from his specialization and division of labour is
to put the responsibilities on someone else in the organization. For example if a company produces
items which are out of fashion or the items which promotes unnecessary energy wastage, then it is
easy to blame sales department
The above said means, neglecting the importance of a person’s works also makes it difficult in
acquiring a full perspective along a second feature of factual information i.e., consequence of what
one does.
So, while giving regard to engineering as social experimentation, points out the importance of
circumstances of a work and also encourage the engineers to view his specialized activities in a
project as a part of a large social impact.
Moral Autonomy
This refers to the personal involvement in one’s activities. People are morally autonomous only when
their moral conduct and principles of actions are their own i.e., genuine in one’s commitment to
moral values.
Moral beliefs and attitudes must be integrated into an individual’s personality which leads to a
committed action. They cannot be agreed formally and adhered to merely verbally. So, the individual
principles are not passively absorbed from others. When he is morally autonomous and also his
actions are not separated from himself.
When engineering have seen as a social experimentation, it helps to keep a sense of autonomous
participation in a person’s work. An engineer, as an experimenter, is undergoing training which helps
to form his identity as a professional. It also results in unexpected consequence which helps to inspire
a critical and questioning attitudes about the current economic and safety standards.
This also motivates a greater sense of personal involvement in a person’s work.
The people those who feel their responsibility, always accept moral responsibilities for their actions.
It is known as accountable. In short, ‘accountable’ means being culpable and hold responsible for
faults. In general and to be proper, it means the general tendency of being willing to consider one’s
actions to moral examinations and be open and respond to the assessment of others. It comprises a
desire to present morally convincing reasons for one’s conduct when called upon in specific
circumstances. The separation of causal influence and moral accountability is more common in all
business and professions and also in engineering. These differences arising from several features of
modern engineering practices are as follows:
3) Large – scale engineering projects always involve division of work. For each and every
piece of work, every person contributes a small portion of their work towards the completion of the
project. The final output us transmitted from one’s immediate work place to another causing a
decrease in personal accountability.
4) Due to the fragmentation of work, the accountability will spread widely within an
organization. The personal accountability will spread over on the basis of hierarchies of authority.
5) There is always a pressure to move on to a different project before finishing the current
one. This always leads to a sense of being accountable only for fulfilling the schedules.
6) There is always a weaker pre-occupation with legalities. In other words this refers to a way
a moral involvement beyond the laid down institutional role. To conclude, engineers are being
always blamed for all the harmful side effects of their projects. Engineers cannot separate themselves
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from personal responsibilities for their work.
7. Explain detail about balanced outlook on law. [Nov 2016]
A balanced outlook on laws stresses the necessity of laws and regulations and their limitations in
directing engineering practice.In order to live, work and play together in harmony as a society, there
must be a balance between individual needs and desires against collective needs and desires. Only
ethical conduct can provide such a balance. This ethical conduct can be applied only with the help of
laws. Laws are important as the people are not fully responsible and because of the competitive
nature of the free enterprise systemwhich does not encourage moral initiative.The model of
engineering as social experimentation allows for the importance of clear laws to be effectively
enforced.Engineers ought to play an effective role in promoting or changing enforceable rules of
engineering as well as in enforcing them. So the codes must be enforced with the help of laws. The
following are the two best examples.
1. Babylon’s Building Code: (1758 B.C.)
This code was made by Hammurabi, king of Babylon. He formed a code for builders of his time and
man and has not made his work sound, and the house which he has built was fallen down and so
caused the death of the householder, that builder shall be put to death. If it causes the death of the
house holder’s son, they shall put that builder’s son to death. If it causes the death of the house
holder’s slave, he shall give slave to the householder. If it destroys property he shall replace anything
it has destroyed; and because he has not made the house sound which he has built and it has fallen
down, he shall rebuild the house which has fallen down from his own property. If a builder has built a
house for a man and does not make his work perfect and the wall bulges, that builder shall put that
wall in to sound condition at his own cost”.The above portion of Babylon’s building code was
respected duly. But the aspects find only little approval today. This code gives a powerful incentive
for self-regulation.
2. The United States Steamboat Code: [1852 A.D]
Steam engines in the past were very large and heavy. James Watt, Oliver Evans and Richard
Trevethik modified the old steam engines by removing condensers and made them compact. Beyond
careful calculations and guidelines, explosions of boiler happened on steam boats, because of the high
speed of the boats. The safety valves were unable to keep steampressure up causing explosion.
During that period in 18th century, more than 2500 people were killed and 2000 people were injured
because of the explosion of boilers in steam boats.Due to this, the ruling congress in USA passed a
law which provided for inspection of the safety aspects of ships and their boilers and engines. But his
law turned out to be ineffective due to the corruptions of the inspectors and also their inadequate
training regarding the safety checking. Then Alfred Guthiro, an engineer of Illinoise had inspected
about 200 steam boats on his own cost and found out the reasons for the boiler explosions and made
a report. His recommendations were published by a Senator Shields of Illinoise and incorporated in
senate documents. With the help of this, another law was passed. Now it is in the hands of the
American Society of Mechanical Engineers who formulated the standards for producing steam boats.
8. Explain in detail about industrial standards?
Standards make the interchange of components and serves as readymade substitute for lengthy design.
Specification is also reducing the production costs. When the standards have been followed carefully, the
quality will be attained in a very easy way. Examples of standards may range from automobiles tire sizes
and load rating to computer languages.
Type of standards:
1. Quality
Moderate value.
Eg: types and grains in wood working life of the product
2. Quality related to service Capability in achieving the target Eg: Accreditation procedures for institution.
3. Safety
To safeguard from injury and thereby to reduce income loss and property damage. Eg: Methods of handling
waste disposal
4. Acceptance in procedures for usage
Flexibility communications and reliable design.
Eg: Procedures for testing and designing the symbols

5. Physical properties and functions

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Interchangeability and conventional handling procedure measurement accuracy Eg: Standards in length
time and weights.
Standards are created by the companies for their internal use and by the professional associations for
industry in wide use. They can also be prepared as part of laws and official regulations. Standards help
both the manufactures and the client/public. They help to keep competitiveness in industry and give
channels to the smaller producers to compete with the larger ones. They secure a measure of quality and
generate realistic trade off decisions. In past standards were mostly descriptive. Now they move to
performance standards are most essential for application.
9. Explain detail about engineering as experimentation.
Experimentation plays an important role in the process of designing the product. When it is decided
to change a new engineering concept into its first rough design, preliminary tests or simulation should
be conducted. Using formal experimental methods, the materials and methods of designing are tried
out. These tests may be based on more detailed designs. The test for designing should be evolved till
the final product produced. With the help of feedback of several tests, further modification can be
made if necessary. Beyond these tests and experiments, each engineering project has to be viewed as
an experiment.
Similarities to Standard Experiments
There are so many aspects, which are of virtual for combining every type of engineering works to
make it suitable to look at engineering projects as experiments. The main three important aspects are:
1. Any engineering project or plan is put into practice with partial ignorance because while designing
a model there are several uncertainities occurred.
2. The reason to the fact that engineers don’t have all the needed facts available well in advance
before starting the project. At some point, both the theoretical examining and the laboratory testing
must be by-passed for the sake of completing the project. Really, the success of an engineer is based
on the his talent which is exactly being the ability to succeed in achieving jobs with only a partial
knowledge of scientific laws about the nature and societ
3. The final outcomes of engineering projects are generally uncertain like that of experiments what
we do.
In engineering, in most of the cases, the possible outcomes may not be known and even small and
mild projects itself involve greater risks.
The following uncertainities occur in the model designs
1. Model used for the design calculations
2. Exact characteristics of the material purchased.
3. Constancies of materials used for processing and fabrication.
4. About the nature of the pressure the finished product will encounter.
For instance, a reservoir may cause damage to the surroundings and affect the eco-system. If it leaks
or breaks, the purpose will not be served. A special purpose fingerprint reader may find its
application in the identification and close observation on the disagreeing persons with the
government. A nuclear reactor may cause unexpected problems to the surrounding population leading
to a great loss to the owners. A hair dryer may give damage to the unknowing or wrong users from
asbestos insulation from its barrel.
Good and effective engineering depends upon the knowledge possessed about the products at the
initial and end stages.
This knowledge is very useful for increasing the effectiveness of the current products as well
engineering jobs by the way of experimentation. This monitoring is done by making periodic
observations and tests by looking at for the successful performance and the side effects of the jobs.
The tests of the product’s efficiency, safety, cost-effectiveness, environmental impact and its value
that depends upon the utility to the society should also be monitored. It also extends to the stage of
client use.
Learning from the past
It has been expected that the engineers have to learn not only form their own design and the
production system but also the results of others. Due to lack of communication, prejudiced in not
asking for clarification, fear of law and also mere negligence, these things can happen to the
continuation of past mistakes. The following are some of the examples:
1. The tragedy of ‘Titanic’ happened because of the sufficient number of life boats. The same disaster
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took place in the steamship “the Arctic” some years before, because of the same problem.
2. The fall down of “the Sunshine Skyline Bridge” in the bay of Thamba at Sweden in 1980, on a
moving ship due to improper matching of horizontal impact forces in mind. This could have been
avoided of the engineers had known about the striking of the ships with the Maracaibo Bridge at
Venezulea in 1964 and the Tasman Bridge of Australia in 1975.
3. The nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island on March 1979, was due to malfunctioning of
the valves. Valves though minute items, are being among the least reliable components of
hydraulic systems. It was a pressure relief valve and lack of information about its opening or closing
state contributed to a nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island. This malfunction was already
happened because of the same reasons at other locations.
4. The disaster of Tettron Dam in Los Angles was due to rapid flow of water and sudden break down.
The builder didn’t consider the case of the Fontenelle Dam, which was also collapsed due to the same
So, to say that engineers should not fully depend on handbooks and they should have some review of
the past cases relating to their current task.
Comparisons with standard Experiments
Engineering is entirely different from standard experiments in few aspects. Those differences are
very much helpful to find out the special responsibilities of engineers and also help them in knowing
about the moral irresponsibilities which are involved in engineering.
1. Experimental Control
Members for two groups should be selected in a standard experimental control, i.e Group A and
Group B. The members of the group ‘A’ should be given the special experimental treatment. The
group ‘B’ do not receive the same though they are in the same environment. This group is called the
‘control group’.
Though it is not possible in engineering but for the projects which are confirmed to laboratory control
of the experimenters. In engineering, the consumers have more control as they are the selecting
authority of a project. So in engineering it is impossible to follow a random selection. An engineer
has to work only with the past data available with various groups who use the products.
So engineering can be viewed as a natural experiment which uses human subjects. But today, most of
the engineers do not care for the above said Experimental Control.
2. Informed Consent

Engineering is closely related to the medical testing of new drugs and techniques on human beings as
it also concerned with human beings.
When new medicines have been tested, it should be informed to the persons who undergo the test.
They have moral and legal rights to know about the fact which is based on “informed consent”
before take part in the experiment. Engineering must also recognize these rights. When a producer
sells a new product to a firm which has its own engineering staff, generally there will be an
agreement regarding the risks and benefits form that testing.
Informed consent has two main principles such as knowledge and voluntariness.
First, the persons who are put under the experiment has to be given all the needed information to
make an appropriate decision. Second, they must enter into the experiment without any force, fraud
and deception. The experimenter has also to consider the fundamental rights of the minorities and the
compensation for the harmful effects of that experiment.
In both medicine and engineering there may be a large gap between the experimenter and his
knowledge on the difficulties of an experiment. This gap can be filled only when it is possible to give
all the relevant information needed for drawing a responsible decision on whether to participate in the
experiment or not.
In medicine, before prescribing a medicine to the patient, a responsible physician must search for
relevant information on the side effects of the drug. The hospital management must allow him to
undergo different treatments to different patients and finally the patient must be ready to receive that
information from the physician. Similarly it is possible for an engineer to give relevant information
about a product only when there is a better co-operation by the management and quick acceptance
from the customers.
The following conditions are essential for a valid informed consent
1) The consent must be given voluntarily and not by any force.

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2) The consent must be based on the relevant information needed by a rational person and
should be presented in a clear and easily understandable form.
3) The consenter must be capable of processing the information and to make rational
decisions in a quick manner.
4) The information needed by a rational person must be stated in a form to understand without
any difficulty and has to be spread widely.

5) The experimenter’s consent has to be offered in absentia of the experimenter by a group

Knowledge Gained
Scientific experiments have been conducted to acquire new knowledge. Whereas engineering projects
are conducted as experiments not for getting new knowledge. Suppose the outcomes of the
experiment is best, it tells us nothing new, but merely affirms that we are right about something.
Mean while, the unexpected outcomes put us search for new knowledge.
10.(i)Explain in detail the powerful support and proper role of law in engineering and also State
the various problems of law in Engineering.[Nov 2015]
We should also mention the role of law in engineering ethics. The practice of engineering is
governed by many laws on the international, federal, state, and local levels. Many of these laws are
based on ethical principles, although many are purely of a practical, rather than a philosophical,
There is also a distinction between what is legal and what is ethical. Many things that are legal could
be considered unethical. For example, designing a process that releases a known toxic, but
unregulated, substance into the environment is probably unethical, although it is legal.
Conversely, just because something is illegal doesn’t mean that it is unethical. For example, there
might be substances that were once thought to be harmful, but have now been shown to be safe, that
you wish to incorporate into a product. If the law has not caught up with the latest scientific findings,
it might be illegal to release these substances into the environment, even though there is no ethical
problem in doing so.
As an engineer, you are always minimally safe if you follow the requirements of the applicable laws.
But in engineering ethics, we seek to go beyond the dictates of the law.Our interest is in areas where
ethical principles conflict and there is no legal guidance for how to resolve the conflict.
Proper Role of Law In Engineering
It is wrong to write off rule-making and rule following as futile. Good laws, effectively enforced,
clearly produce benefits.
It also provides a self-interested motive for most people and corporations to comply.
They also serve as powerful support and defense for those who wish to act ethically in situations
where ethical conduct might not be welcome.
Viewing engineering as social experimentation provides engineers with a better perspective on laws
and regulations.
Precise rules and enforceable sanctions are appropriate in cases of ethical misconduct that involve
violations of well established and regularly reexamined procedures that have as their purpose the
safety of public.
In areas of experimentation, rules must not attempt to cover all possible outcomes of an experiment,
nor must they force the engineer to adopt a rigidly specified course of action.
(ii)With a case study explain the “learn from the past” in engineering experimentation
Learning from the Past
Usually engineers learn from their own earlier design and operating results, as well as from those of
other engineers, but unfortunately that is not always the case. Lack of established channels of
communication, misplaced pride in not asking for information,embarrassment at failure or fear of
litigation and plain neglect often impede the flow of such information and lead to many repetitions of
past mistakes. Here are a few examples:
1. The Titanic lacked a sufficient number of lifeboats decades after most of the passengers and crew
on the steamship Arctic had perished because of the same problem.
2. “Complete lacks of protection against impact by shipping caused Sweden’s worst ever bridge
collapse on Friday as a result of which eight people were killed.” Thus reported the New Civil
Engineer on January 24, 1980. Engineers now recommend the use of floating concrete bumpers that
can deflect ships, but that recommendation is rarely heeded as seen by the 1993 collapse of the
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Bayou Cannot Bridge that cost 43 passengers of the Sunset Limited their lives.
3. Valves are notorious for being among the least reliable components of hydraulic systems. It was a
pressure relief valve, and a lack of definitive information regarding its open or shut state, which
contributed to the nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island on March 28, 1979. Similar
malfunctions had occurred with identical valves on nuclear reactors at other locations. The required
reports had been filed with Babcock and Wilcox, the reactor’s manufacturer, but no attention had
been given to them 4. NASA uses the metric system while Lockheed Martin uses the English system
when building a satellite
Courtesy of NASA
Cost of the lost orbiter: $125 million
Inflation-adjusted: $165.6 million
In 1999 a team of Lockheed Martin engineers used the English system of measurement,while the rest
of the team used the metric system for a Mars orbiter.The use of two different measurement systems
prevented the spacecraft's navigation coordinates from being transferred from a spacecraft team in
Denver to a lab in California. The orbiter was then lost in space, and NASA was out $125 million.
These examples illustrate why it is not enough for engineers to rely on handbooks and computer
programs without knowing the limits of the tables and algorithms underlying their favorite tools.
They do well to visit shop floors and construction sites to learn from workers and testers how well the
customers’ wishes were met. The art of back-of-the-envelope calculations to obtain ballpark values
with which to quickly check lengthy and complicated computational procedures must not be lost.
Engineering demands practitioners who remain
alert and well informed at every stage of a project’s history and who exchange ideas freely with
colleagues in related departments.
11.What is research ethics? Discuss the models of research ethics with suitable examples.
[April/May 2018]
Explain the challenger space shuttle disaster .Discuss the violation of moral ethical and
professional codes of standards in it. Write a conclusion to avoid such disaster in future.
[April/May 2018]
The world has known about many number of accidents. Among them the explosion of the space
shuttle „Challenger‟ is the very familiar one. In those days this case had been reviewed vigorously by
media coverage, government reports and transcripts of hearings. This case deals with many ethical
issues which engineers faced. It poses many questions before us. What is the exact role of the
engineer when safety issues are concern? Who should have the ultimate authority for decision making
to order for a launch? Whether the ordering of a launch be an engineering or a managerial decision?
Challenger space shuttle was designed to be a reusable one. The shuttle mainly consisted of an
orbiter, two solid propellant boosters and a single liquid-propeller booster. All the boosters was
ignited and the orbiter was lifted out the earth. The solid rocket booster was of reusable type. The
liquid propellant booster was used to finish the lifting of the shuttle in to the orbit. This was only a
part of the shuttle which has been reused. The accident took place on 28 th January 1986, due to the
failure of one of the solid boosters. In the design of the space shuttle, the main parts which needed
careful design of the fields joints where the individual cylinders were placed together. The assembly
mainly consists of tang and clevis joints which are sealed by two O-rings made up of synthetic
rubber only, not specifically hat resistant. The function of the O-rings are to prevent the
combustion gases of the solid propellant from escaping. The O-rings were eroded by hot gases, but
this was not a serious problem, as the solid rocket boosters were only for reuse initially for the few
minutes of the flight. If the erosion of the O-rings could be in a controlled mannaer, and they would
not completely burnt through, then the design of the joint would be acceptable, however the design of
the O-rings in this shuttle was not so. In the post flight experiment in 1985, the Thiokol engineers
noticed black soot and grease on the outside of the boosters due to leak of hot gases blown through
O-rings. This raised a doubt on the resiliency of the materials used for the O-rings. Thiokol engineers
redesigned the rings with steel billets to withstand the hot gases. But unfortunately this new design
was not ready by that time of flight in 1986.
Before launching, it was necessary to discuss the political environment under which NASA was
operating at that time. Because the budget of NASA has decided by Congress.These factors played
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the main cause for unavoidable delay in the decision to be taken for the shuttle performance, the
pressures placed for urgency in launching in 1986 itself, before the launch of RUSSIAN probe to
prove to the congress that the program was on processing. The launching date had already been
postponed for the availability of vice president GEORGE BUSH, the space NASA supporter. Later
further delayed due to a problem in micro switch in
the hatch-locking mechanism. The cold weather problem and long discussions went on among the
engineers. The number of tele-conferences further delayed the previous testing in 1985 itself. The
lowest temperature was 53 F but O-ring temperature during the proposed a launch period happened to
be only 29 F, which was far below the environment temperature at which NASA had the previous
trail. Somehow, the major factor that made the revised final decision was that previous trial.
Somehow, the major factor that made the revised final decision was that with the available data at
that time there seemed to be no correlation between the temperature and the degree at which O-rings
had eroded by the blow-by gas in
the previous launch. Assuming a safety concern due to cold weather, though the data were not
concluded satisfactorily, a decision was taken not to delay further for so many reasons,and the launch
was finally recommended.
But unexpectedly the overnight temperature at the time of launch was 8 F colder than ever
experienced. It was estimated that the temperature of the right hand booster would be only at 28 F.
The camera noticed a puff of smoke coming out from the field joints as soon as the boosters were
ignited. But the O-rings were not positioned properly on their seats due to extreme cold temperature.
The putty used as heat resistant material was also too cold that it failed to protect the O-rings. All
these effects made the hot gases to burn past both the Orings, leading to a blow-by over an arc around
the O-rings. Though immediately further
sealing was made by the by-products of combustion in the rocket propulsion, a glassy oxide formed
on the joints. The oxides which were temporarily sealing the field joints at high temperature, later
were shattered by the stresses caused by the wind. Again the joints were opened and the hot gases
escaped from the solid boosters. But the boosters were attached to the large liquid fuel boosters as per
the design. This made the flames due to blow-by from the solid fuel boosters quickly to burn through
the external tank. This led to the ignition of the liquid propellant making the shuttle exploded.
Later the accident was reviewed and investigations were carried out by the number of committees
involved and by various government bodies. President Regan appointed a commission called Rogers
Commission which constituted many distinguished scientists and engineers. The eminent scientists in
the commission after thorough examination and investigations gave a report on the flexibility of the
material and proved that the resiliency of the material was not sufficient and drastically reduced
during the cold launch.
As the result of commission hearings, a lot of controversial arguments went on among the Thiokol
engineers. Thiokol and NASA investigated possible causes of the explosion.Mr.Boisjoly, the main
member in the investigation team, accused Thiokol and NASA of intentionally downplaying the
problems with the O-rings while looking for the other causes of the accidents. The hot discussions
hurted the feelings and status of the headed engineers like Mr.Boisjoly, Mr.Curtis and Mr.Mellicam.
Finally the management‟s atmosphere also became intolerable. This event shows the responsibility,
functions, morality, duties of the engineers leading to ethical problems.
1. What do you understand by collegiality? [Nov 2009] [Nov 2013] [Nov 2016]
Engineers shall not attempt to injure, maliciously or falsely, directly or indirectly, the
professional reputation, prospects, practice, or employment of other engineers, nor
untruthfully criticize other engineers‟ work. Engineers who believe others are guilty
of unethical or illegal practice shall present such information to the proper authority
for proper action.
2. What does Loyalty mean?
Loyalty means being truthful to one‟s person. For engineer‟s loyalty should not to be
equated with merely obeying, one is immediate superior, but to do good for the
company and people. It is an important virtue. There are two sense of loyalty namely
Agency Loyalty and Identification Loyalty.
3. Explain misguided loyalty.
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Employee sometimes with over enthusiasm and loyalty will be misled to act on own and
unknowingly exceed legal commitments to gain or profit for his employer, which may
backfire sometime. Hence, this defines as Misguided Loyalty or inappropriate Loyalty.
4. What does authority mean?
Authority is an assignment of the resources needed to complete a task one should have
leadership quality and a good motivator, to execute his authority to get work done.
Hence, authority is necessary. Authority provides a way for identifying the areas of
responsibility and accountability.
5. List the classifications of Authority.[Nov 2011]
The classifications of Authority are
(i)Institutional Authority (ii)Morally Justified Authority (iii)Accepting Authority
6. Explain institutional authority.
Institutional Authority is acquired, exercised, and defined within institutions. It may be
defined as the institutional right given to a person to exercise power based on the
resources of the institutions. It is given to individuals in order for them to meet their
institutional duties, that is, their assigned tasks within an organization.
7. What are the paramount obligations of an engineer?
Recent Code of ethics typically states that engineer‟s paramount obligations are to
protect the public health, safety and welfare rather than the obligations of loyalty and
faithful service to employers. Paramount is to mean “chief in importance or deserving
primary emphasis”.
8. What is meant by collective bargaining? [April 2014,Nov 2016,May
Unions are Collective bargaining agents that sometimes place the economic
interests of the members ahead of those of the clients or employer. A number of
professional societies have also held that loyalty to employers and the public is
incompatible with any form of collective bargaining.
9. What is N.S.P.E code?
NSPE – National Society of Professional Engineers (USA),National Society of
Professional Engineers has given their codes of ethics that the engineers shall not
actively participate in strikes and other collective forcing action against their employers.
This is called as NSPE – National Society of Professional Engineers (USA),
10. Explain the term confidentiality.[May 2018]
Keeping confidence is one of the most central and widely acknowledged duties of any
professional. In this context, Confidential Information (Privileged Information) is
information deemed desirable to keep secret. Keep secret is relational information.
11. What is duty ethics? [Nov 2009]
Kant explains the duty ethics based on three interwoven theories namely each expresses
respect for persons, each is a universal principle and each expresses an unqualified
command for autonomous moral agents.
12. What is meant by utilitarianism?[May 2009]
In the view of Utilitarianism, it is to produce most good for most people, giving equal
consideration to everyone affected. The best meaning is that it produces maximum
benefit for the greatest number of people. The standard of this theory is maximization of
goodness. It is not so easy to achieve it. Goodness means happiness that is believed to be
internal good. All good things are instrumental goods, which provide happiness for the
people. For example people go dentist if it is solved the people become happy.
13. What is a professional right? [May 2019]
Engineers have fundamental rights to live and freely pursue their legitimate interests.
They have a human right to pursue their work and not to be fairly discriminated
`against in employment based on sex, race, or age.
14. What is patenting?
Patents differ from trade secrets. Patents legally protect specific products from being
manufactured and sold by competitors without the express permission of the patent
holder. Trade secrets have no such protections. Patents are protected by statute laws
passed in order to provide incentives for creativity.
15. Explain industrial espionage.
Industrial espionage means industrial spying. It has increased in the recent years due to a
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large amount of competitions in the world, so the people started cheating other
persons for their improvement. For example the case of Peter Gopal at Silicon Valley.
16. What is meant by conflict of interest?[Nov 2018]
A situation in which a person, such as a public official, an employee, or a professional, has
a private or personal interest sufficient to appear to influence the objective exercise of his
or her official duties.
17. What is IPR and explain its main clauses? [Nov 2015] [May 2017] [May
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) will have wide range of socio economic
technological and political impacts. Intellectual Property is the information and original
expression that derives its original value from creative ideas with a commercial value.
Intellectual property permits the people to have fully independent ownership for their
innovations and creativity like that for their own Physical property.
18. What is meant by discrimination in professionalism? [Nov 2010]
Discrimination is being bias or doing unfairness. Discrimination means to make an
unfair difference in ones treatment of people. The other way of defining giving
preference based on sex, race, religion, etc. so the type of Discrimination behaviour is
said to be “Reverse Preferential Treatment.” In general, we can say “Morally unjustified
treatment of people on irrelevant grounds.”
19. List some example for Discrimination.
Some examples are i.An opening arises for a chemical engineer plant. Normally such
positions are filled by promotions. However, there was not proper person so they thought
of an African person. Management believed that the most of the whites working would
not accept a black person as their boss. So the interest among the workers will decrease
hence the efficiency of the workers will also reduce, so they appointed a white person by
20. What does whistle blowing mean? [Nov 2015]
Whistle blowing is alerting relevant persons to some moral or legal corruption. It is
something defined as making public accusations about misconduct or corruption. In this
sense, an individual need not be an member of an organization in order to blow the
whistle, even the journalists, politicians and the consumer group can blow the whistle.
21. What is employee’s bill of rights?
No public or private organization shall discriminate against an employee for criticizing
the ethical, moral, or legal policies and practices of the organization discriminate
against an employee to engaging in outside activities of his choice or for objecting
to a directive that violates common norms of morality.
22. Define the term Safety and relate it to Risk[May 2018,Nov 2018]
The terms of safety and risk are inter-related. It is amazing to know that what may be
safe enough for one person may not be for someone else. According to William W
Lowrance “A thing is safe if its risks are judged to be acceptable.”
23. What is meant by “industrial design patent”? [Nov 2014]
Idea or conception regarding features of shape, configuration, and pattern, ornamental
with lines or colors applied to any article, two or three dimensional, made by industrial
process. Patent has a term of 14 years from the date of filing the application, e.g., design
applied to shoes, T.V., textiles.
24. List the factors that shape the self confidence in a person. [Nov
Home: Relationships with family members influence self esteem this is because you
„copy‟ their attitudes and reactions when you are still young and this influences the
way you think of yourself and others School and Workplace: Experiences with
schoolwork, extracurricular activities, sports, discipline, etc. can also play an important
role in shaping the kind of person you are going to be in the future Society: Cope
through different times will shape your characteristics. Experiences with standards and
images created by others can also influence you. The nature of your community helps
shape you.
25. Differentiate between Risk analysis and Risk benefit analysis.[May
A risk analysis is the process of identifying hazards and then assessing their potential
for causing harm or loss. It also includes an evaluation of the consequences of a risk
if it materialises and suggests what needs to be done to avoid or minimise the risk. Risk
benefit analysis is a method that helps the engineers to analyze the risk in a project
and to determine whether a project should be implemented or not. In risk benefit
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analysis, the risks and benefits of a product are allotted to money amounts, and the
most benefit able ratio between risks and benefits miscalculated.
26. Define risk – benefit analysis [Nov 2015,]
Risk benefit analysis is a method that helps the engineers to analyze the risk in a project
and to determine whether a project should be implemented or not. In risk benefit
analysis, the risks and benefits of a product are allotted to money amounts, and the
most benefit able ratio between risks and benefits miscalculated.
27. What is intellectual property right? (May 2016)
Intellectual Property right (IPR) refers to the creations of the human minds for which
exclusive Rights are recognised. Innovators, artistes and business owners are granted
certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets for a specified duration.
28. Define “Risk” in professional Ethics perspective.[Nov
RISK is the potential that something unwanted and harmful may occur. We take a
risk when we undertake something or use a product that is not safe. Risk in technology
could include dangers of bodily harm, economic loss, or environmental degradation. Risk
= Probability X Consequences.
29. What is the use of risk analysis? [May 2017]
It can be used to align technology-related objectives with a company’s
business objectives.
30. What is 'Safe exists'? [Nov 2019]
It is almost impossible to build a completely safe product or one that will never fail.
The best one can do is to assure that
 When a product fails it will fail safely,
 The product can be abandoned safely, or
 The user can safely escape the product.
All these three conditions are referred to as 'safe exit'.
31. State the reasons that may cause risk. [Nov 2019]
Risk is a potential that something unwanted and harmful may occur. Causes of risk Risks
or harms are caused by delayed job completion, faulty products or systems, and
economically or environmentally injurious solutions to technological problems.

1. How are conflicts of interest solved?

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2. Discuss in detail about the “Employee rights” and its role in the organisations.[May 2017]

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3. What is the importance of loyalty and collegiality in teamwork?[May 2012]

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4. What are the procedures to be followed for Whistle Blowing? How can this be avoided?

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5. Discuss the ways and means of reducing occupational crime in industries. [Dec 2015]

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6. Discuss faithful agent and public service arguments. [Nov 2014, May 2011]
The right of conscientious refusal is the right to refuse to engage in unethical behavior, and to refuse
to do so solely because one views it as unethical. This is a kind of second-order right. It arises
because other rights to pursue moral obligations within the authority-based relationships of
employment sometimes come into conflict.
There are two situations to be considered: (1) where there is widely shared agreement in the
profession as to whether an act is unethical and (2) where there is room for disagreement among
reasonable people over whether an act is unethical.
It seems clear enough that engineers and other professionals have a moral right to refuse to
participate in activities that are straightforwardly and uncontroversial unethical. And coercing
employees into acting by means of threats plainly constitutes a violation of this right.
The troublesome cases concern situations where there is no shared agreement about whether a project
or procedure is unethical. The Jim Pope case, for example, involved opposing assessments of the
overall effectiveness of ground- and air-based collision-avoidance systems.
There is no shared agreement over whether abortions are morally permissible. Yet, as is widely
acknowledged, nurses who believe them to be immoral have a right to refuse to participate in
abortion procedures. This is so even though nurses function under the institutional authority of
doctors, clinics, and hospitals in ways analogous to how engineers work under the authority of
management. Nevertheless, nurses‘ rights do not extend so for as to give them the right to work in an
abortion clinic while refusing to play their assigned role in performing abortions.
Likewise, we believe engineers should be recognized as having a limited right to turn down
assignments that violate their personal consciences in matters of moral disagreement among
reasonable people about the situation in question. We emphasize the word ―limitedǁ because the right
is contingent on the organization‘s ability to reassign the engineer to alternative projects without
serious economic hardship to itself. The right of professional conscience does not extend to the right
to be paid for not working.
7. Discuss the right of conscientious refusal.
The right of conscientious refusal is the right to refuse to engage in unethical behavior, and to refuse
to do so solely because one views it as unethical. This is a kind of second-order right. It arises
because other rights to pursue moral obligations within the authority-based relationships of
employment sometimes come into conflict.
There are two situations to be considered: (1) where there is widely shared agreement in the
profession as to whether an act is unethical and (2) where there is room for disagreement among
reasonable people over whether an act is unethical. It seems clear enough that engineers and other
professionals have a moral right to refuse to participate in activities that are straightforwardly and
controversial unethical. And coercing employees into acting by means of threats plainly constitutes a
violation of this right.

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The troublesome cases concern situations where there is no shared agreement about whether a project
or procedure is unethical. The Jim Pope case, for example, involved opposing assessments of the
overall effectiveness of ground- and air-based collision-avoidance systems.
There is no shared agreement over whether abortions are morally permissible. Yet, as is widely
acknowledged, nurses who believe them to be immoral have a right to refuse to participate in
abortion procedures. This is so even though nurses function under the institutional authority of
doctors, clinics, and hospitals in ways analogous to how engineers work under the authority of
management. Nevertheless, nurses‘ rights do not extend so for as to give them the right to work in an
abortion clinic while refusing to play their assigned role in performing abortions.
Likewise, we believe engineers should be recognized as having a limited right to turn down
assignments that violate their personal consciences in matters of moral disagreement among
reasonable people about the situation in question. We emphasize the word ―limitedǁ because the right
is contingent on the organization‘s ability to reassign the engineer to alternative projects without
serious economic hardship to itself. The right of professional conscience does not extend to the right
to be paid for not working.
8. Discuss the right to recognition.
Engineers have a right to professional recognition for their work and accomplishments. Part of this
involves fair monetary remuneration, and part nonmonetary forms of recognition.
The right to reasonable remuneration is clear enough to serve as a moral basis for arguments against
corporations that make excessive profits while engineers are paid below pay scales of blue-collar
workers. It can also serve as the basis for criticizing the unfairness of patent arrangements that fail to
give more than nominal rewards to the creative engineers who make the discoveries leading to the
patents. If a patent leads to millions of dollars of revenue for a company, it is unfair to give the
discoverer a nominal bonus and a thank-you letter.
But the right to professional recognition is not sufficiently precise to pinpoint just what a reasonable
salary is or what a fair remuneration for patent discoveries is. Such detailed matters must be worked
out cooperatively between employers and employees, for they depend on both the resources of a
company and the bargaining position of engineers.
It may seem, incidentally, that the right to fair remuneration is related merely to the engineer‘s self-
interest, and as such does not properly fall under the basic right of professional conscience. of course
it does centrally involve self-interest. But there are also reasons why it is related to the basic right of
conscience. For one thing, without a fair remuneration engineers cannot concentrate their energies
where they properly belong – on carrying out the immediate duties of their jobs and on maintaining
up-to-date skills through formal and informal continuing education. Their time will be taken up by
money worries, or even by moonlighting in order to maintain a decent standard of living. Or consider
the seemingly ―purelyǁ economic issue of portable pensions. If a company‘s retirement plan is tied to
ongoing employment with that company, engineers will feel considerable pressure not to leave their
jobs. This pressure can discourage them from vigorously pursuing their obligations in situations
where employers‘ directives are not in line with the legitimate needs or safety of clients and the
9.Discuss Intellectual Property Rights.[May 2016]
Intellectual Property is a product of the human intellect that has commercial value.
Many of the rights of the ownership common to real and personal property are also common to
Intellectual Property.
Intellectual Property can be bought, sold, and licensed.
Similarly it can be protected against theft and infringement by others.
1. Derived from the Latin word LITTERAE PATENTES‘ which means Open Letters‘ or Open
2. A contract between an Inventor and the Government.
3. An exclusive privilege monopoly right granted by the Government to the Inventor.
4. Invention may be of an Industrial product or process of manufacture.
5. Invention should be new, non-obvious, useful and patentable as per Patents Act.
6. The right to the inventor is for limited period of time and valid only within the territorial limits
of a country of grant.

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1. Meant for beautifying an industrial product to attract the consumer public.
2. Shaping, Configuration or Ornamentation of a vendible Industrial product
3. Exclusive ‗Design Rights‘ to the originator for a limited term
4. Patents & design embrace the production
Trade mark
1. Trade Mark is a name or symbol adopted for identifying goods.
2. Public can identify from the Trade Mark from whom the product is
emanating. 3.Trade Marks protection is given for an industrial product by the
Government. Copy Right
1. The right to literary and artistic works.
2. Patent, Design & Trademark together with Copyright form ‗TOTAL INTELLECTUAL
Need For a Patent System
1. Encourages an inventor to disclose his invention
2. Encourages R & D activities as the industries can make use of the technology, & avoids
redundant research
3. Provides reasonable assurance for commercialisation.
4. Provides an inducement to invest capital in the new lines of production and thus, help for
technical development and up gradation.
5. One may get a very good return of income through Patent Right on the investment made in R &
D. What is not patentable?
1. An invention which is frivolous or claims anything obviously contrary to well established
natural laws.
2. An invention intended use of which would be contrary to law or morality or injurious to public
3. A mere discovery of a scientific principle or the formulation of an abstract theory.
4. Duplication of known devices.
5. Method of testing during process of manufacture or restoration or improvement of existing
6. A method of agriculture or horticulture.
7. Any process for the medicinal, surgical, curative, prophylactic or other treatment of human
beings or animals or plants to render them free of disease or to increase their economic value.
8. Inventions relating to atomic energy.
Effect of patent
1. A patentee gets the exclusive monopoly right against the public at large to use, sell or
manufacture his patented device.
2. A patentee can enforce his monopoly right against any infringement in the court of law for
suitable damages or profit of account.
3. The Government ensures full disclosure of the invention to the public for exchange of exclusive
monopoly patent right to the inventor.
Patent Information
The information what one gets from the patent document
1. Patent information source is enormous and wide.
2. 80% of the information is first published only in the patent documents and not elsewhere.
3. Classified according to the International Patent Classification System to enable easy approach
and use.
4. Used for further research as a stepping-stone.
5. Available to the public for free use after the term of the patent expires or when the patent ceases
to be in for Plays a vital role in Technology transfer
10.What are the factors that affect risk acceptability? What is the use of knowledge of risk
acceptance to engineer?[May 2016]

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The use of knowledge of risk acceptance to engineer is important to know about the risk benefit

11.(i)What is Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)? Explain any one essential element of an IPR.
Intellectual Property

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Intellectual property (IP) is a legal field that refers to creations of the mind such as musical, literary,
and artistic works; inventions; and symbols, names, images, and designs used in commerce, including
copyrights, trademarks, patents, and related rights. Under intellectual property law, the holder of one
of these abstract "properties" has certain exclusive rights to the creative work, commercial symbol, or
invention by which it is covered.
The term "intellectual property" denotes the specific legal rights described above, and not the
intellectual work itself. The importance of intellectual property in India is well established at all
levels- statutory,
administrative and judicial. India ratified the agreement establishing the World Trade Organization
Essential Elements of Intellectual Property Rights IPR is a broad term for covering -
1) Patents for inventions
2) Copyrights for material
3) Trademarks for broad identity and
4) Trade secrets.
In general these properties are termed as "Intellectual Property". Intellectual Property is an asset that
can be bought or sold, licensed and exchanged. But of course unlike other properties, intellectual
property is intangible; rather it cannot be identified by its specific parameters. These properties are
protected on a national basis.
This refers to innovations – new or improved product and processes which are meant for industrial
applications. This is a territorial right which requires registration for a limited time. Patent is a
contract between an inventor as an individual and the society as a whole. The inventor has exclusive
right to prevent anybody making use of and/or selling a patented invention. Of course, this is only for
a specific duration till the inventor discloses the details of invention to the public.
Types of patents
i) Utility patents
ii) Design patents
iii) Plant patents

i) Utility patents
It can be granted to anyone who invents or discovers any new and useful process, machine,
manufacture or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement thereof. Utility period is
of 20 years.
"Process" refers to industrial and manufacturing (production) method. "Manufacture" refers to
articles manufactured. "Composition of matter" refers to chemical compositions and may include
mixtures of ingredients as well as new chemical compounds.
ii) Design patents
It can be granted to any one who invents a new, original ornamental design for an article of
manufacture. A design patent protects the ornamental design (i.e. appearance) of the article. A design
patent has duration of 14 years from the date of filing.
iii) Plant patents
Plant patent can be granted to any one who invents or discovers and reproduces a new variety of
plant. A plant patent has a term of 20 years from the date of filing
A copyright is a very particular and exclusive right even for reproduction of an original work. This is
for material, aesthetic material, literacy, music, film, sound recording, broad casting, software and
multimedia. This offers automatic right for safeguarding any original creation, which is not in need of
registration but with limited time. It does not require the lawyer's help for settlement. Protection to
copy right does not give any procedure, principle, concept or method or operation, irrespective of the
format in which it is explained. Copyright is sanctioned to prevent others from:
a) Copying the work
b) Publishing and selling copies commercially
c) Renting or lending the work in a free market
d) Doing or demonstrating the work in public
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Trademark is for broad identity of specific goods and services allowing differences to be made
among different trades. This is a territorial right, which requires registration, but without any time
limit. Lawyers are needed for guidelines.
A trademark is an identification symbol which is used in the course of trade to enable the purchasing
people (buyers) to distinguish one trader's goods from the similar goods of other traders. These marks
also symbolize distinctly the quality of the products. These marks are in the form of certain
'wordings' or can be in the format of logos, designs, sounds, etc. Examples: NIIT, Kodak.
The TRIPS agreement offers the same type of protection for trademarks. Registration of trademark is
issued for definite period of time. However, in order to avoid confusion, encourage competitions and
protect the inventor's good will, the registration may be renewed. With reference to intellectual
property area, trademarks are national in origin and should comply with provision of TRIPS
A trade secret means information, which is kept confidential as a secret. This is generally not known
in the relevant industry, offering an advantage to its owner over other competitors. Unlike other types
of Intellectual property, this trade secret is fundamentally a "do-it-yourself' type of protection. For
engineers, inventors, and designers, the trade secrets are to be maintained secretly. Such trade secrets
include some formulae, programmes, methods, progresses or data collections etc. If there is any
improper disclosure or use of the trade secret by another person, the inventor may claim and recover
damages resulting from illegal use.
The protection of intellectual property rights is an essential element of economic policy for any
country. Only such protection can stimulate research, creativity and technological innovations by
giving freedom to individual inventors and companies to gain the benefits of their creative efforts.
It is a very important issue to plan to protect the intellectual property rights. The major needs are to
* Prevent plagiarism.
* Prevent others using it.
* Prevent using it for financial gains.
* Fulfill obligation to funding agency.
* Support income generation strategy.
a) Give the inventors exclusive rights of dealing.
b) Permit avoiding of competitors and increase entry barriers.
c) Allow entry to a technical market
d) Generate steady income by issuing license.
(i) What are occupational crimes? Explain any one in detail.[Nov 2015]
Occupational crime refers to a crime committed by someone during the course of his or her
employment. Also known as workplace crime, occupational crime encompasses a wide variety of
criminal acts including theft (or embezzlement), money laundering, and the misuse of company
property or information The illegal conduct in occupational crimes originates in the employee's
access to company data, property, or funds. For example, if an accountant at a large manufacturing
business purposefully withholds information about company revenue from the Internal Revenue
Service, the accountant has committed corporate tax fraud. In this scenario, the accountant has
committed an occupational crime-- he has used his access to sensitive
company information (i.e., revenue reports) to defraud the IRS. The most common form of
occupational crime is white-collar crime. White-collar crimes differ from traditional crimes in that
white-collar crimes are financial crimes committed by business professionals. White-collar crime is
nonviolent in nature, and often arises in circumstances where business professionals misuse company
information for financial
Types of occupational crimes
Herbert Edelhertz (1970: 73-75) has suggested the following four types of occupational crimes on the
basis of motivation of the perpetrators:
1. Crimes committed by persons on an individual basis, e.g., income-tax evasion, bankruptcy frauds,
credit purchases or taking loans with no intention to pay, and insurance
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2. Crimes committed in the course of occupations by those operating in business, government, or
other establishments, in violation of their duty of loyalty to the employer or
client; e.g., bribery, kickbacks, embezzlement, and pilfering.
3. Crimes incidental to and in furtherance of business operations but not central to business purposes;
e.g., food and drug violations, misrepresentation in advertising, and prescription fraud.
4. Crime as a business or as the central activity of a business; e.g., medical fraud schemes, lottery
fraud schemes, mutual fund fraud schemes, land and real estate frauds, charity and religious frauds
and music pirating.
12. Discuss the concept of safe exit in the Chernobyl case study.[Nov
2015] Introduction:
The April 1986 Disaster at Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukrine was the product of a flawed
Soviet reactor coupled with serious mistakes made by the plant operators in the context of system
where training was minimal. It was a direct consequence of Cold war isolation and the resulting lack
of any safety culture.The accident destroyed the Chernobyl -4 reactor and killed 30 people , including
28 from radiation exposure. A further 20 9on site were treated for acute radiation poisoning and
among these, 134 cases were confirmed (all of women recovered). Nobody off-site suffered from
acute radiation effects.
This incident was a unique event and the only accident in the history of commercial nuclear power
where radiation –related fatalities occurred. What Happened At 1:24 AM on April 26, 1986, there
was an explosion at the Soviet nuclear power plant at Chernobyl. One of the reactors overheated,
igniting a pocket of hydrogen gas. The explosion blew the top off the containment building, and
exposed the molten reactor to the air. Thirty-one power plant workers were killed in the initial
explosion, and radioactive dust and debris spewed into the air. It took several days to put out the fire.
Helicopters dropped sand and chemicals on the reactor rubble, finally extinguishing the blaze. Then
the Soviets hastily buried the reactor in a sarcophagus of concrete. Estimates of deaths among the
clean-up workers vary widely. Four thousand clean-up workers may have died in the following weeks
from the radiation.
The countries now known as Belarus and Ukraine were hit the hardest by the radioactive fallout.
Winds quickly blew the toxic cloud from Eastern Europe into Sweden and Norway. Within a week,
radioactive levels had jumped over all of Europe, Asia, and Canada. It is estimated that seventy-
thousand Ukrainians have been disabled, and five million people were exposed to radiation. Estimates
of total deaths due to radioactive contamination range from 15,000 to 45,000 or more.
To give you an idea of the amount of radioactive material that escaped, the atomic bomb dropped on
Hiroshima had a radioactive mass of four and a half tons. The exposed radioactive mass at Chernobyl
was fifty tons.
In the months and years following, birth defects were common for animals and humans. Even the
leaves on the trees became deformed. Today, in Belarus and Ukraine, thyroid cancer and leukemia
are still higher than normal. The towns of Pripyat and Chernobyl in the Ukraine are ghost towns.
They will be uninhabitable due to radioactive contamination for several hundred years. The worst of
the contaminated area is called “The Zone,” and it is fenced off. Plants, meat, milk, and water in
the area are still unsafe. Despite the contamination, millions of people live in and near The Zone, too
poor to move to safer surroundings. Further, human genetic mutations created by the radiation
exposure have been found in children who have only recently been born. This suggests that there may
be another whole generation of Chernobyl victims. Recent reports say that there are some indications
that the concrete sarcophagus at Chernobyl is breaking down.
13. Define the term Risk and Safety. How We, Engineers assess the safety? [April/May 2018]
Safety was defined as the risk that is known and judged as acceptable. But, risk is a potential that \
something unwanted and harmful may occur. It is the result of an unsafe situation, sometimes
unanticipated, during its use.
Probability of safety = 1 – Probability of risk Risk = Probability of occurrence × Consequence in
magnitude Different methods are available to determine the risk (testing for safety)
1. Testing on the functions of the safety-system components.
2. Destructive testing: In this approach, testing is done till the component fails. It is too expensive,
but very realistic and useful.

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3. Prototype testing: In this approach, the testing is done on a proportional scale model with all vital
components fixed in the system. Dimensional analysis could be used to project the results at the
actual conditions.
4. Simulation testing: With the help of computer, the simulations are done. The safe boundary may
be obtained. The effects of some controlled input variables on the outcomes can be predicted in a
better way.
14. Discuss Event Tree analysis with some practical example of risk Analysis.[Nov
2016] Testing strategies for safety
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) :
A system failure is proposed and then events are traced back to possible causes at the component
level. The reverse of the fault-tree analysis is „event – tree analysis‟.This method most effectively
illustrates the disciplined approach required to capture as much as possible of everything complex
Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), as an example of a popular traditional analysis method, and
reconstruct what we believe to be the basis for judging the adequacy of fault trees.
 The subsequent section demonstrates that the same grounds for confidence do notcurrently exist for
MBSA and that the justification of the adequacy of novel models poses significant new challenges.
 It is important to stress that we do not argue that the current basis for ‘trusting’ traditional
techniques and artefacts they generate is adequate.
 However, we suggest that confidence in any new proposed techniques should at least match that in
 The remaining sections of the paper discuss how these challenges can be pragmatically addressed
through improved methodological guidance and approaches to simulation based model review
together with explicit arguments of model adequacy.
 In a fault tree analysis, we begin with an undesirable event, such as a car not starting or the loss of
electrical power to a nuclear power plant’s safety system. We reason back to the events that might
have caused this undesirable event.
 Fault trees are often used to anticipate hazards for which there is little or no directexperience, such
as nuclear meltdowns. They enable an engineer to analyze systematically the various failure modes
attendant to an engineering project.
 A failure mode is a way in which a structure, mechanism, or process can malfunction.
 For example, a structure can rip apart in tension, crumble to pieces in compression, crack and break
in bending, lose its integrity because of corrosion (rusting), explode because of excessive internal
pressure, or burn because of excessive temperature
15. Describe the concept of Risk-Benefit Analysis with an example.[May 2017]
Risk-benefit analysis is a method that helps the engineers to analyze the risk in a project and to
determine whether a project should be implemented or not. It is very much closer to cost-benefit
analysis. In risk-benefit analysis, the risks and benefits of a
product are allotted to money amounts, and the most benefitable ratio between risks and
benefits is calculated. But it is a very difficult job, as the risks are much harder to quantify
and more difficult to put a realistic price tag on. But when used objectively, this analysis
will be a useful technique as a part of a larger analysis. When applying the risk-benefit
analysis, a person must consider who takes the risks and who harvests the benefits.
 Risk-benefit analysis is concerned with the advisability of undertaking a project.
 It helps in deciding which design has greater advantages
 It assists the engineers to identify a particular design that scores higher with that ofanother one.
Safety is the state in which the risk of harm by accident to persons or of property damage is reduced
to, and maintained at or below, an acceptable level through a continuing process of hazard
identification and risk management. Safety should be an integral part of any engineering design. A
thing is safe if its risks are justified to be acceptable designer thing is said to be safe if for the person
who judges the perceived risk is less and it is unsafe if the perceived risk is high .In short, safety
means an acceptable risk.
But the definition of Lawrence has some drawbacks as follows:

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Under Estimation of Risks: An unsafe product may be considered to be safe, because of wrong
judgement of a person who has not known anything about the product.
Eg: Buying an ill-designed iron box in a sale only because of law price offered. (ii)Over estimation of
Risks: A product whose risks are comparatively less may be considered unsafe because of
extraordinary safety concern of a person .
Eg: Judging fluoride in water can kill lot of people.
No estimation of risks: For the person who does not judge the risks, the product may be either safe or
Eg: Hiring a car without knowing its safety.
By keeping all these things in mind it is necessary to find the modified notion of safety.
A thing is safe with respect to given person or group at a given time if its risks were fully known if
those risks would be judged acceptable in light of settled value principles.
Other concepts of safety:
Safety can be objective and also subjective .In view of objective safety is a matter of how people
would find risks acceptable or unacceptable if they knew the risks and based their judgements on
their most settled and values perspectives.
When the value perspectives differ safety becomes objective .so safety is an acceptable risk.
Relative safety can be understood by making comparisons.eg: comparing the safety of a distance
travelled bt Air,train and bus.
For Engineers safety would extend to safe operation of products and systems, prevention of natural or
human caused disasters.
Risk-benefit analysis is also helpful to find answers to the following questions in an ethical way.
i) When is a person given a right to impose a risk on another in view of a supposed benefit to others?
(ii) How do we consider the worst case scenarios of persons exposed to maximum risks while they
are receiving only minimum benefits? Are their rights violated?
(iii) Are they provided with safer alternatives? So engineers should keep in mind that risks to known
persons are perceived differently from statistical risks and they have no control over the grievance
Types of Risk
1. Personal Risk
An individual who is given sufficient information, will be in a position to decide whether to take part
in a risky activity or not. Individuals are more ready to take on voluntary risks than involuntary risks
even if the voluntary risks are more dangerous. There are so many difficulties in assessing personal
risks particularly in case of involuntary risks. It is very difficult to assess the involuntary personal
risks. To overcome these difficulties in assessing personal risks is that analysts should have all the
available quantitative measures such as (i) Assessing voluntary activities - e.g.,
Life Insurance taken (ii) Assessing dangerous or risky job-worker can demand for increased wages to
carry out the job. On the basis of the above assessments, we have to adopt a procedure to assess
personal risks that have been overseen by trained arbiters.
2. Public Risk and Public Acceptance
Risks and benefits to the public are more easily determined than to individuals, as larger number of
people are taken into account. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA] of USA,
suggested a value for human life based on the loss of future income and other costs associated with an
It also provides an estimate of quantifiable losses in social welfare resulting from a fatality and not on
the basis for determining the maximum expenditure allocated to saving a life.
16. Discuss the testing stratagies for safety with suitable examples. Mention the difficulties in
assessing the personal risks. [April/May 2018]
Testing strategies for safety
Some commonly used testing methods:
 Using the past experience in checking the design and performance.
 Prototype testing. Here the one product tested may not be representative of the population of
 Tests simulated under approximately actual conditions to know the performance flaws on safety.
 Routine quality assurance tests on production runs.
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The above testing procedures are not always carried out properly. Hence we cannot
trust the testing procedures uncritically. Some tests are also destructive and
obviously it is impossible to do destructive testing and improve safety.
In such cases, a simulation that traces hypothetical risky outcomes could be applied.
 Scenario Analysis (Event -> Consequences)
 Failure Modes & Effects Analysis (Failure modes of each component)
 Fault Tree Analysis (System Failure -> Possible Causes at component level)
 W hat if there is a combination of factors?
 All Analysis pre-suppose a thorough understanding of the physical system
17. Explain the Bhopal gas tragedy. Discuss the violation of Moral, ethical and professional
codes of standards in it. Write a conclusion to avoid such tragedy in future. [April/May
2018] Safety lessons that can be learned from Bhopal disaster:
 Union Carbide in 1984 operated in 37 host countries in addition to its home country,
theUnited States, ranking 35th in size among U.S. corporations. On December 3, 1984, theoperators
of Union Carbide’s plant in Bhopal, India, became alarmed by a leak andoverheating in a storage
tank. The tank contained methyl isocyanate (MIC), a toxic ingredient used in pesticides. As
aconcentrated gas, MIC burns any moist part of bodies with which it comes in contact,scalding
throats and nasal passages, blinding eyes, and destroying lungs. Within an hour the leak exploded in a
gush that sent 40 tons of deadly gas into the atmosphere.
 The result was the worst industrial accident in history: 500,000 persons exposed to the
gas, 2,500 to 3,000 deaths within a few days, 10,000 permanently disabled, 100,000 to 200,000 others
injured (the exact figures will always be disputed).
 The government of India required the Bhopal plant to be operated entirely by Indian
workers. Hence Union Carbide at first took admirable care in training plant personnel, flying them to
its West Virginia plant for intensive training.
 It also had teams of U.S. engineers make regular on-site safety inspections. But in1982,
financial pressures led Union Carbide to relinquish its supervision of safety at the plant, although it
retained general financial and technical control. One source of the erosion was personnel: high
turnover of employees, failure to properly train new employees, and low technical preparedness of
the local labor pool. The other source was the move away from U.S. standards (contrary to Carbide’s
written policies) toward lower Indian standards. By December 1984, there were several extreme
hazards, including overloading of the tanks storing the MIC gas and lack of proper cooling of the
 According to the official account, a disgruntled employee unscrewed a pressure gauge
on a storage tank and inserted a hose into it. He knew and intended that the water he poured into the
tank would do damage but did not know it would cause such immense damage. According to another
account, a relatively new worker had been instructed by a new supervisor to flush out some pipes and
filters connected to the chemical storage tanks. Apparently the worker properly closed valves to
isolate the tanks from the pipes and filters being washed, but he failed to insert the required safety
disks to back up the valves in case they leaked. Either way, by the time the workers noticed a gauge
showing the mounting pressure and began to feel the sting of leaking gas, they found their main
emergency procedures unavailable. The primary defense against gas leaks was a vent-gas scrubber
designed to neutralize the gas.
 It was shut down (and was turned on too late to help), because it was assumed to be
unnecessary during times when production was suspended. The second line of defence was a flare
tower that would burn off escaping gas missed by the scrubber. It was inoperable because a section of
the pipe connecting it to the tank was being repaired.
 As was common in India, desperately poor migrant labourers had become squatters—
by the tens of thousands—in the vacant areas surrounding the plant. They had come with hopes of
finding any form of employment, as well as to take advantage of whatever water and electricity was
 Virtually none of the squatters had been officially informed by Union Carbide or the
Indian government of the danger posed by the chemicals being produced next door to them. The
scope of the disaster was greatly increased because of total unpreparedness.

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18. Discuss on the importance of Collective Bargaining [May 2019]

International Labor Organization (ILO) has defined collective bargaining as "negotiation about working
conditions and terms of employment between an employer and one or more representative employee's
with a view to reaching agreement".
The process is collective in the sense that the issue relating to terms and conditions of employment are
solved by representatives of employees and employers rather than individuals.
The term bargaining refers to evolving an agreement using methods like negotiation, discussion,
exchange of facts and ideas rather than confrontation.
Process of Collective Bargaining
The process of collective bargaining can be summarized in the following three
Step I. Presenting the character of demands by the union on
behalf of the constituent elements.
Step II. Negotiations at the bargaining table.
Step III. Reaching an agreement.
Unionism and Professionalism
(Are unionism and collective bargaining practices ethical?)
Collective bargaining assumes 'unionism'. Legally, any organization employing more than 20 employees
could have a union. In organizations, more than one union is also permitted.
The employers form unions to safeguard the interests of employees and to prevent exploitation of
Many professional managers have argued that the ethical aspects of professionalism in engineering are
inconsistent with union ideology and practice.
According to John Kemper, the unionism and professionalism are conflicting with each other.
Professionalism offers paramount importance to the interests of society and of the employer. But unions,
also known as collective bargaining agents, consider the economic interests of the members ahead of the
interests of their employer.
Also, a number of professional societies have emphasized that loyalty to employers and the public is not
possible with any form of collective bargaining.
Even many professional societies indirectly instruct the engineers that they should not become member
of the unions. For example, the NSPE code of ethics states that engineers shall not actively participate in
strikes, picket lines, or other collective coercive action.
Thus professional societies oppose unionization because of the issue of conflicting loyalties and on the
grounds that it is unprofessional.
In a nutshell, the general view is that it is impossible for an engineer to belong to a union and at the
same time to maintain the standards of his profession.
19. What are the elements of Intellectual Property Rights? Explain. [Nov 2019]
Intellectual property rights (IPR)
The legal rights built up on the intellectual property created are known as intellectual property rights
IPR allows the people to independently own their innovations and creativity, which is similar to legal
protection of any other properties.
Elements of Intellectual Property Rights:
1. Patents;
2. Industrial designs;
3. Trademarks;
4. Copy rights;
5. Trade secrets;
6. Design of integrated circuits; and
7. Geographical indications.
1. Patents
Patents are the legal rights approved for new inventions involving scientific and technical knowledge.
Patent means an official document giving the holder the sole right to make, use or sell an invention and
preventing others from copying it.
To be patent, the invention must be useful, original, new, unusual and hardly noticeable.
An invention may be a product, method, apparatus, design, composition of matters, etc. But one cannot
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patent 'a way of doing business' or anything that occurs in nature.
The validity period of most of the patents are 20 years from the date of filing. However for the design
patents such as 'new design for a product, the patent validity is 14 years.
2. Industrial Designs
It is the right to safeguard one's industrial designs.
As stated by TRIPS, a design is an idea or conception as to the features of shape, configuration
pattern,ornament of composition of lines or colors applied to any article, two or three dimensional or both
by any industrial process or means which in the finished article appeals to and is judged solely by the eye
or product.
3. Trademarks
Trademarks are words, phrases, sounds or symbols associated with goods or services.
Trademark means a registered design or name used to identify a company's goods.
It is used to indicate the public the origin of manufacture of the goods affixed with that mark.
Pepsi is a registered trademark in soft drinks; Thomson in electronic goods; and Nestle in food products.
4. Copyrights
Copyright means the legal right, held for a certain number of years, to print, publish, sell, broadcast,
perform, film or record an original work or any part of it.
The copyrights protect the expression of the idea, not the idea themselves. The copyright expires fifty
years after the death of the author.
Example Poems, paintings, script of movies, and computer programs.
5. Trade Secrets
Trade secret means a device or technique used by a company in manufacturing its products, etc. and kept
secret from other companies or the general public.
Trade secrets such as formulas, patterns, methods, and data compilations are kept secret in order to gain a
competitive advantage over competitors.
Though the trade secrets cannot be registered like other intellectual properties, thefts of trade secrets are
legally considered as a crime.
The formula of Fanta soft drink, and the formulas for making drugs.
6. Design of Integrated Circuits
It is the right granted to the inventor to prevent anybody making use of the design of integrated circuits,
semiconductor devices, and other electronic devices.
Invention of a new microprocessor chip.
7. Geographical indication’s
Geographical indications identify goods as originating in the territory of a country, an origin or a locality
in that territory, where a specific quality, reputations or other characteristics of the goods is essentially
attributed to their geographical origin.
Tirunelveli halwa, Dindugal locks, Sivakasi crackers, Kancheepuram sarees.
Benefits of Intellectual Property Rights
IPRs promote technological, industrial, and economical developments of a country.
IPRs provide incentives for the inventions and ensure adequate returns on commercialization of the
o IPRs prevent the competitors from using one's invention.
o IPRs are useful in identifying unprotected areas to avoid violation.
o IPRs grant exclusive rights to the inventors.
o IPRs provide use the invention for the public purpose.
o IPRs are useful in identifying unexplored areas for undertaking research so as to become a leader in that

20. ‘A nuclear accident anywhere is a nuclear accident everywhere’. Explain this with respect to
Three Mile Island case study. [Nov 2019]
The accident at the Three Mile Island Unit 2 (TMI-2) nuclear power plant in Pennsylvania on March
28, 1979 was one of the most serious in the history of the U.S. nuclear industry. It not only brought
to light the hazards associated with nuclear power, but also forced the industry to take a closer look
at the operating procedures used at the time. What makes the TMI-2 accident such an interesting
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case study is the series of events, which led up to the partial meltdown of the reactor core. It was a
combination of human error,
insufficient training, bad operating procedures and unforeseen equipment failure that culminated in a
nuclear accident that could have easily been prevented.

When pump (14) failed, the steam generator (3) went dry. So, heat was not removed from the reactor.
Water was pouring out at 220 gallons/min but reactor has not cooled down.
Pumps (16) were started to refill water reactor core. There was too much of water in the reactor now.
The reactor fuel rods began to break to pieces.
Then the chemical reaction between steam and the Zinc alloy fuel elements produced Hydrogen and the
Hydrogen accumulated caused the explosion of the structure.
The radiation levels in the building increased and the sound alarm blew. Immediately people contacted
Nuclear Regulatory Commission and B and W, who constructed the reactor. Nobody was there to answer
the call at B and W. But somehow people escaped without any loss of human lives. After 13 hours and a
half, the reactor was put under control.

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Safety lessons from TMI


1. What is meant by multi National Corporation? [May
Multinational C o r p o r a t i o n does extensive business in more than one country.
For example Hindustan lever ltd, Maruthi, Hyundai, etc are multinational corporations.
For example, Union Carbide (Bhopal) of USA has more than 37 branches across the
world, which includes INDIA also. The country in which the company is established is
called the Home country and the company’s country is called as Host country. In most of
the multinational companies, the home company has a share of 51% and the host
company has 49% of share.
2. What are the three senses of relative
Relative values mean relative principles. These relative values help in deciding
how the multinational corporations and individuals have to act in host countries. There
are many versions of relativisms depending on the way in which values are supposed
to be relative. Here are three versions namely Ethical Relativism, Descriptive
Relativism and Moral Relationalism or Contextualism.
3. Explain : Ethical Relativism.[May
Ethical Relativism: Actions are morally right within a particular society when they are
approved by law, custom, or other conventions of that society. It is a false one as it
implies ridiculous and illogical ways. It justifies a deliberate extermination of a race of
people such as in Germany. They are not morally correct as it is criticized with
human rights, public good, and duties to respect people.
4. Explain : Descriptive Relativism.
Descriptive Relativism :As a matter of fact value beliefs and attitudes differ from culture
to culture.
It does not entail (involve) ethical relativism. As per this theory, there exists some
difference between the moral beliefs and attitudes of different culture.
5. List some of the International Human Rights.
The following are some of the international human rights, namely
(i)The right to freedom of physical movement (ii) The right to ownership of property
(iii)The right to freedom from torture (iv) The right to fair trail The right to non-
discrimination (v)The right to physical security (vi) The right to freedom of speech and
association (vii)The right to minimal education (viii)The right to political
participation (ix)The right to subsistence.
6. Explain : Moral
Moral Relationalism or Contextualism :Moral judgments should be made in relation to
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the factor that varies from case to case. In particular, customs and laws are usually
morally relevant factors that should be taken into account. For example in our country,
we remove the shoes before entering
a house as a symbol of respect, but we cannot expect it in western
7. What are the merits and demerits of MNC’s to the host country. [May 2018,Nov 2018]
Merits- main advantages to the host country is that MNCs boost economic growth,
technological growth.Demerits-  the presence of MNCs can restrict competition and may
even cause a monopoly or monopolistic competition. They also use tactics like
transfer pricing to avoid heavy tax liabilities.
8. What is technology transfer? [Nov
Technology Transfer: Technology transfer is a process of changing the technology to a
new setting and implementing it. Technology includes hardware such as machines and
installations as well as techniques such as technical, organizational, and managerial skills
& procedures. The transfer of technology may be done by governments, universities
private voluntary organizations, consulting firms and by multinational companies.
9. What is appropriate technology? [Nov 2019]
Appropriate Technology: Appropriate Technology means identification, transformation,
and implementation of the most suitable technology for a new set of conditions.
These conditions include social factors, which are apart from economic and technical
engineering constraints. Identification done, based on human values and needs.
10 What is meant by environmental ethics?[Nov 2011, May 2019]
. Environmental Ethics forbid the activities of people for deteriorating the surroundings of
environment in so many ways. It is well known fact that we are misusing our major
resources there by spoiling the environment. Moreover, it is well known agreed fact that
industrial activities mainly affect the biosphere, polluting water and atmosphere.
11 Who are hackers?
. The individuals who directly meddle with any computer security system by implanting
unwanted codes with the objective of paralyzing the network and destroying the
equipments said as hackers.
12 What is computer ethics? [Nov
. 2016]
Computer Ethics is the analysis of the nature and social impact of computer technology
and the corresponding formulation and justification policies for the ethical use of
technology. It defines as a field concerned with “policy vacuums” and “conceptual
muddles” regarding the social and ethical use of information technology.
13 What is meant by bio centric ethics?[May
. 2011]
A life-centered ethics regards all living organisms as having inherent worth. The most
fundamental feature of us is our will to live, by which both a will to survive and a will to
develop according to inmate tendencies. Most recent defenders of bio centric ethics
however have developed complex sets of rules for guiding decisions.
14 Who are consulting
. engineers?
Consulting engineers work in private practice. Fees for the services they render, not by
salaries received from employers compensate them. Because of this, they tend to have
greater freedom to make decisions about the projects they undertake. Yet, their
freedom is not absolute. They share with salaried engineers the need to earn a living.
15 List out the engineer involvement in Weapon Development.[May
. 2011]
(i)Engineer‟s involvement in manufacturing of weapons is unavoidable. For engineers
who design weapons, manufacture them, and use them have some reasons to support
their involvement. The following are some of the justifying arguments. (ii)A nuclear
engineer knows very well about the danger of increasing nuclear arsenal. Arsenal is a
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place where the weapons are being stored. He argued that he is working very hard to
reduce the risk of nuclear accidents. (iii)From the above examples it is clear that all over
the world talented engineers are engaged in the weapons work. They should think
morally, before getting involved in weapons production.
16 Explain competitive bidding for consulting engineers.
. [May2013]
Competitive bidding means offering a price in order to achieve something in return by
that offer. The professional codes of ethics forbid the consulting engineers from
involving competitive bidding. They are restricted from competing for jobs based on
submitting priced proposals.
17 Explain your views on engineers as managers.[may
. 2010]
Most of the engineers are experiencing the best methods of technical training like other
professions. Many of the engineers move into managerial jobs. The reason being many
companies‟ wants to have the engineers as managers. Because they have thought that in
order to manage technological corporation, the technical understanding of the engineers
is very essential.
18 What is meant by corporate social responsibility[Nov 2018, May 2019]
. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is how companies manage their business
processes to produce an overall positive impact on society. It covers sustainability,
social impact and ethics, and done correctly should be about core business - how
companies make their money - not just add-on extras such as philanthropy.
19 What is meant by conceptual framework in computer ethics?[Nov
. 2009]
Computer program: Is it an IP? Is copyright applicable to this? Or is it a process
protected by a patent? Is it proprietary information? Here, guidelines are needed.
20 List the provision in NSPE codes on the advertisement by consultant.[May
. 2013]
The following are prohibited: Statement containing misrepresentation or omission of a
necessary fact, Statement likely to create an unjustified expectation, statement
containing prediction of future success, and Statement likely to attract clients, by the use
of slogans.
21 Mention the different types of intellectual property rights. [Nov 2013, May
. 2017]
IP rights are categorized into different types, as per the nature of the intellectual property.
The most common types are copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights,
and trade secrets. So these rights safeguard the interests of the owners of IP. If you are
an author, who has written a new book, you can apply for a copyright for your
work. Likewise, patents can be obtained for inventions. Once you establish your IP
right, you can protect your work legally.
22 What is meant by moral leadership? [Nov 2015,May 2016, Nov
. 2016,Nov 2019]
Moral Leadership is a very different kind of leadership. Rather than aspiring to being
followed, Moral Leaders aim to serve. Instead of showcasing their own skills, Moral
Leaders tend to develop the capacities of others. Moral Leadership is not about rank –
any person holding any position can be a Moral Leader, but such individuals are
always characterized by a deep sense of ethics, are driven by core ideals (such as
justice) and are motivated by the pursuit of a higher purpose.
23 What are the normal issues that may arise in Multinational Corporation? [April
. 2014] Multinational C o r p o r a t i o n does extensive business in more than one
country. For example Hindustan lever ltd, Maruthi, Hyundai, etc are multinational
corporations. For example, Union Carbide (Bhopal) of USA has more than 37 branches
across the world, which includes INDIA also. The country in which the company is
established is called the Home country and the company‟s country is called as Host
country. In most of the multinational companies, the home company has a share of 51%
and the host company has 49% of share.
24 Differentiate eye witness and expert witness in the legal system. [April
. 2014]
A eyewitness is one who testifies what they perceived through his or her senses. That
perception might be either with the unaided human sense or with the aid of an instrument.
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An expert witness is one who allegedly has specialized knowledge relevant to the
matter of interest, which knowledge purportedly helps to either make sense of other
evidence, including other testimony, documentary evidence or physical evidence.
25 What is meant by Globalization?(May
. 2016)
The process by which businesses or other organizations or start develop international
influence operating on an international scale.
26 Define Code of conduct.[Nov 2016, May 2018]
. A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the social norms and religious rules
and responsibilities of, or proper practices for, an individual, party or
organization. Related concepts include ethical, honor, moral codes and religious laws.

1. Explain the role of engineers as managers.
Engineers undergo the most intensive technical training of any professionals, yet early in their careers
many of them move into managerial roles for which they received little direct training as
undergraduate students. On the one hand, many companies prefer engineers as managers because
their technical understanding is essential to managing technological corporations, and because it is
easier to teach engineers the business side of corporate work than to teach non-engineers engineering.
In addition, corporations value engineers' general strengths in quantitative analysis, their strong work
ethic, and their confidence in problem solving.
On the other hand, engineers find management inviting because of an array of corporate incentives.
These incentives include higher salaries, greater authority, and widened areas of responsibility, and
increased prestige and recognition. It is true that some corporations, especially large ones, have
instituted a "dual-ladder system" that allows engineers to advance in their careers along either
administrative or technological tracks. However, in practice the technical track tends to offer less
recognition within the business culture than ―Becoming the Boss.ǁ
Managers as Professionals
Making the transition from primarily technical work to management involves many adjustments. It
requires expanded knowledge about finances and scheduling, strengthened skills in coordinating and
motivating other people, and the ability to make risk-taking decisions involving a wider range of
factors than purely technical considerations. Engineers have ethical responsibilities outlined in their
professional codes of ethics.
The primary ethical responsibility of managers is to produce a valuable product (or service) while
maintaining respect for persons, including customers, employees, and the public. In deciding on
ethical issues, persons and safe products come first, not profits. To be sure, there is an element of
truth in Friedman's view. By contrast, with not-for-profit corporations (such as charitable groups,
religious organizations, and universities), for-profit corporations function successfully only when
they make a profit. Rather than being the only or the paramount goal of all business dealings,
however, profits are an essential condition for remaining in business, to be able to produce useful
products and services. The ultimate goal of managers and engineers alike should be to make valuable
products that are also profitable.
Good business and sound ethics go together, for the most part, and in the long run. Hence, at a
fundamental level, the moral roles of engineers and managers are complementary and symbiotic,
rather than opposed. As managers, engineers remain professionals whose primary moral
responsibility is to provide safe and useful products that are profitable. Admittedly, the transition to
management does involve adjustments and shifts in emphasis. Moreover, higher management tends
to be dominated by a culture that sometimes clashes with the culture of professionalwork of
engineers. As a result of their different experience, education, and roles, higher management tends to
emphasize corporate efficiency and productivity, the bottom line. Engineers and other professionals
tend to emphasize excellence of work and (we hope) ethical commitment to the public goods
promoted by their work. But these differences should be a matter of emphasis rather than opposition.
Let us turn now to two responsibilities of engineer-managers: promoting an ethical climate and
Promoting an Ethical Climate
An ethical climate is a working environment conducive to morally responsible conduct. Within
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corporations it is produced by a combination of formal organization and policies, informal traditions
and practices, and personal attitudes and commitments. Engineers make a vital contribution to such a
climate, but managers have even greater responsibility.
The defining features of an ethical corporate climate are suggested as four features.
First, ethical values in their full complexity are widely acknowledged, appreciated by managers and
employees alike. Responsibilities to all constituencies of the corporation are affirmed not only to
stockholders, but also to customers, employees, and all other stakeholders in the corporation. That
does not mean that profits are neglected, nor does it neglect the special obligations that employees of
corporations acquire to promote the interests of the corporation. For the most part, serving the
interests of the corporation is the way in which the public good ispromoted.
Second, the sincere use of ethical language is recognized as a legitimate part of corporate dialogue.
One way to emphasize this is to make prominent a corporate code of ethics. Another way is to
explicitly include a statement of ethical responsibilities in job descriptions of all layers of
Third, top management must set a moral tone, both in words, in policies, and by personal example.
Official pronouncements asserting the importance of professional conduct in all areas of the
corporation must be backed by the willingness to respond to the effort by professionals to work
according to the guidelines outlined in professional codes of ethics. Fourth, there need to be
procedures for conflict resolution.
Equally important is educating managers on conflict resolution, a topic to which we discuss.
Managing Effectively dealing with conflicts, including value disagreements, is an essential
managerial task in guiding and integrating employees' work. Managers have the authority and the
responsibility to resolve or prevent damaging conflicts that threaten corporate efficiency. Their
ultimate weapon is force: "I'm in charge—see it my way or I'll fire you." But over reliance on force is
generally regarded as self-defeating authoritarian abuse of authority. Certainly within technological
cor-porations, successful management means evoking the fullest contribution of employees, and that
sometimes means tolerating and even inviting some forms of conflict. The manager's task is to create
climates in which conflicts are addressed constructively.
One study ranked the seven most common conflicts confronted by engineering project managers, in
order of priority of overall intensity (as perceived by managers), as follows:
Conflicts over schedules, especially where managers must rely on support departments over which
the manager has little control,
Conflicts over which projects and departments are most important to the organization at a given time,
Conflicts over personnel resources made available for projects,
Conflicts over technical issues, in particular over alternative ways to solve a technical problem within
cost, schedule, and performance objectives,
Conflicts over administrative procedures, such as the extent of the manager's authority, ac-
countability procedures and reviews, and administrative support, Personality conflicts, and Conflicts
over costs.
All of these areas can involve explicit or tacit value disagreements. The study noted that while
personality conflicts ranked relatively low in intensity, they tended to be the most difficult to resolve.
In part, the difficulty was that they were sometimes difficult to pinpoint, since they were interwoven
with other conflicts, such as disagreements over technical issues, and communication problems.
The Harvard Negotiation Project has explored all types of conflicts among persons, not just
personality conflicts, in recent decades. The project has sought ways to avoid both the "win-lose"
style of managing conflict in which one adversary wins and the other is humiliated, and the "being
nice" style that is too eagerly yielding to others or that tries to avoid conflict altogether, even when
conflict is creative. Among the central ideas generated by that project are the following four widely
applicable principles for conflictresolution.

1 "People: Separate the people from the problem." This does not mean that only the problem is
important. The personal aspect of conflicts is distinguished from the problem in order to be able to
better deal withboth.
2 "Interests: Focus on interests, not positions." This principle applies most clearly to personnel
matters and ethical perspectives, rather than technicaldisputes.
3 "Options: Generate a variety of possibilities before deciding what to do." Especially in conflicts
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over technological solutions and ethical priorities it is crucial to evoke a wide range of options in
order to overcome the effects of tunnelvision.
4 "Criteria: Insist that the result [of conflict resolution] be based on some objective standard."
Within corporate settings it is usually clear what general standards are to be used in evaluating
results. But beyond the goals of efficiency, quality, and customer satisfaction, it is important to
develop a sense of fair process in how the goals are met. Otherwise disagreements easily degenerate
into contests ofwill
2. Explain environmental ethics.
Exxon's 987-foot tanker Valdez was passing through Prince William Sound on March 24th, 1989,
carrying 50 million gallons of oil when it fetched up on Blioh Reef, tore its bottom, and spilled 11
million gallons of oil at the rate of a thousand gallons a second. This was one of the worst spills ever,
not in quantity, but in its effect on a very fragile ecosystem.
As human beings, we share a common environment, a common ecosphere. Urgent concern for that
environment must increasingly become a united commitment that cuts across national boundaries. It
is thus appropriate that a discipline have begun to explore a new branch of applied ethics called en-
vironmental ethics. This field overlaps with engineering ethics at many points only a few of which are
discussed here.
Case Studies
The disaster at Bhopal occurred with numbing terror during a few hours and days. Other disasters,
such as the Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion, have involved longer-term environmental effects, but
the patterns of damage are still relatively clear. Particularly difficult to assess are long-range changes
in climate due to the greenhouse effect and depletion of the ozone layer.
Acid Rain Consider, for example, the damage currently being caused by acid rain and acid
deposition. Normal rain has a pH of 5.6, but the typical rain in the north eastern areas of North
America is now
3.9 to 4.3. This is 10 to 100 times more acidic than it should be, about as acidic as lemon juice. In
addition, the snowmelt each spring releases huge amounts of acid that were in frozen storage during
the winter months. "Acid shock" from snowmelt is thought to cause annual mass killings of fish.
Longer-term effects of the acid harm fish eggs and food sources. Deadly quantities of aluminium,
zinc, and many other metals leached from the soil by the acid rain also take a toll as they wash into
streams and lakes. Forests have also been steadily killed, larger animals have suffered dramatic
decreases in population and some farmlands and drinking-water sources are damaged. These results
have occurred during only a few decades. The next decades will multiply them many timesover.
The cause is now clear: the burning of fossil fuels that release large amounts of sulfur dioxide (SO2)
—the primary culprit—and nitrogen oxides (N02). In both instances, major sources of the pollutants
are located hundreds and even thousands of miles away, with winds supplying a deadly transportation
system to the damaged ecosystems. As we know now, pollution does not stop at national borders,
necessitating international control to control it.
Much remains to be learned about the mechanisms involved in the processes pictured in Fig. It is still
impossible to link specific sources with specific damage. More research into shifting wind patterns
and the air transport of acids is needed. Groundwater is undoubtedly being polluted, but it is unclear
what that means for human health. Much underground water currently being used was deposited by
rainfall over a hundred years ago, and current acid rain may have its main effects on underground
water a century from now.
Worldwide use of fossil fuels by industrial nations is causing a build up of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere, which could result in a greenhouse effect damaging the entire earth. Similarly, damage
to the protective ozone layer of the earth's atmosphere resulting from the release of freon is related to
technological products used by the populations of those same nations.
PCBs and Kanemi‘s Rice Oil A decade of rapid industrial growth in Japan had taken its toll on the
environment. Then, in the summer of 1968, a disease of unknown origin appeared in southern Japan.
Victims suffered from disfiguring skin acne and discoloration, fatigue, numbness, respiratory distress,
vomiting, and loss of hair. Eventually 10,000 people were stricken and some died. What was the
cause? An investigation of 121 cases was conducted, with 121 healthy individuals matched to the
victims by age and sex being used as a control group. All 242 were questioned regarding their diets,
personal habits, and places of work. When it was discovered that the only significant difference

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between the two groups was in the amount of fried foods eaten, the disease was traced to rice oil
produced by the Kanemi Company.
It took another seven months to find the specific agent in the oil. Autopsies performed on victims
revealed the presence of PCBs, polychlorinated byphenyls. Oil made from rice bran at the Kanemi
plant was heated at low pressure to remove objectionable odors. The heating pipes were filled with
hot Kanechlor, a PCB containing fluid, but the pipes were corroding and tiny pinholes in them
allowed PCBs to leak directly into the oil The Commons and a LivableEnvironment
Aristotle once remarked that what does the most people share get the least amount of care. Common
experience confirms the frequent tendency of people to be thoughtless about things they do not own
individually and which seem to be in unlimited supply. William Foster Lloyd was an astute observer
of this phenomenon. In 1833 he described what the ecologist Garrett Hardin would later call "the
tragedy of the commons." Lloyd observed that cattle in the common pasture of a village were punier
and more stunted than those kept on private land. The common fields were themselves more worn
than private pastures. His explanation began with the premise that each farmer is understandably
motivated by self-interest to enlarge his or her herd by one or two cows, claiming that the overall
effect is minuscule. Yet the combined effects of all the farmers behaving this way is overgrazing of
the pasture, even though it is true that each act taken by itself does negligibledamage.
In this century, increasing population and decreasing natural resources have prompted similar
thinking about our relationship with nature. The same kind of competitive, unmalicious, but
unthinking exploitation arises with all natural resources held in common: air, land, forests, lakes, and
oceans.Indeed, increasingly we must regard the entire biosphere as our "commons." Guilty until
Proven InnocentThe examples just given cover barely a fraction of the many Environmental issues
that might arise in engineering practice. But they suffice to raise some key questions of ethical
import: Who is affecting whom—and where, when, and how? In the PCB pollution cases in Japan
the question was:
Who is releasing toxic substances? In all instances the polluting companies refused to acknowledge
their mistakes and rejected claims by the victims. The government did not intercede on behalf of
those affected. It took long and costly court battles to win partial victories. The victims of pollution in
Japanwere easily identified, the offenders less so. These difficulties are multiplied many times in the
case of acid rain.
Any search for answers as to how the responsibility for environmental degradation should be shared
will invariably lead us to further questions about how polluters and pollutants should be controlled.
The tempting recourse in these matters is the judicial system: Let the courts decide who is guilty and
how they are to be stopped. But there are shortcomings in this approach: The courts move slowly,
few individuals (whether plaintiff or defendant) can afford the process, and over-reliance on the law
promotes minimal compliance. In environmental cases the difficulties are compounded. A judge
cannot be expected to be a specialist on health, safety, and the environment, nor can he or she usurp
the powers of the legislature and prescribe control mechanisms. The most a judge can do is to
guarantee a fair legal process. Assuring a fair legal process is in itself a major undertaking.
With so many uncertainties, one approach would be not to release a new product or process until it is
shown to be risk-free. Industry and its engineers might claim that this is tantamount to declaring
something to be guilty merely because innocence cannot be established.
In criminal law, as practiced in Britain and America, a man is "innocent until proven guilty."
Scientists, however, see things otherwise. Science is an occupation in which most experiments fail.
Engineers have more confidence in their projects and will therefore chafe at such an interpretation.
But they would have to be omniscient if they could foresee all the environmental effects of their
work. Internalizing Costs of EnvironmentalDegradation
When we are told how efficient and cheap many of our products and processes are—from agriculture
to the manufacture of plastics—the figures usually include only the direct costs of labor, raw
materials, and use of facilities. If we are quoted a dollar figure, it is at best an approximation of the
price. The true cost would have to include numerous indirect factors such as the effects of pollution,
the depletion of energy and raw materials, and social costs. If these, or an approximation of them,
were internalized (added to the price) then those for whose benefit the environmental degradation had
occurred could be charged directly for corrective actions. The problem with the "technofix" approach
—using technology to repair the damages of technology—is not so much with physical realization as
it is with the financial burden. As taxpayersare
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beginning to revolt against higher levies, the method of having the user of a service or product pay
for all its costs is gaining more favor. The engineer must join with the economist, the natural and
physical scientists, the lawyer, and the politician in an effort to find acceptable mechanisms for
pricing and releasing products so that the environment is protected through truly self-correcting
procedures rather than adequate-appearing yet often circum-ventable laws. But we wish to point out
that good design practices may in themselves provide the answers for environmental protection
without added real cost.
For example, consider the case of a lathe that was redesigned to be vibration-free and manufactured
to close tolerances. It not only met occupational safety and health standards for noise, which its
predecessor had not, but it also was more reliable, more efficient, and had a longer useful life, thus
offsetting the additional costs of manufacturing it.
Technology Assessment
Until 1995, the U.S. congress had an Office of Technology Assessment. It prepared studies on the
social and environmental effects of technology in areas such as cashless trading, nuclear war, health
care, or pollution. At the federal and state levels, many large projects must be examined in terms of
their environmental impact before they are approved. The purpose of all this activity is praiseworthy.
When scientists conduct experiments, they endeavor to distill some key concepts out of their myriad
observations. As shown in Fig, a funnel can be used to portray this activity. At the narrow end of the
funnel, we have the current wisdom, the state of the art. Engineers use it to design and build their
projects. These develop in many possible directions, as shown by the shape of the lower, inverted
runnel. The difficult task of technology assessment and environmental impact analyses is to explore
the extent of this spread and to separate the more significant among the possibly adverse effects.
The danger in any assessment of technology is that some serious risks can easily be overlooked while
the studies and subsequent reports, properly authenticated by the aura of scientific methodology,
assure the decision maker that nothing is a miss. But there is a danger in believing that no further
action is required once the reports have been approved and filed. Our contention remains that
engineering must be understood as social experimentation and that the experiment continues, indeed
enters a new phase, when the engineering project is implemented. Only by careful monitoring, which
was well carried out by the Office of Technology Assessment, will it be possible to gather a more
complete picture of the tangled web of effects encompassed in Fig. within the inverted, lowerfunnel.
3. What are the philosophical views of nature? Discuss ecocentric ethics.[Nov2011]
Philosophical Views of Nature
Since the 1970s, and especially since 1979 when the new journal Environmental Ethics was founded,
philosophers have explored a wide range of moral perspectives concerning the environment.
The most fundamental issue is whether ethical theories need to be rethought by widening the circle of
things that have inherent worth, that is, value in themselves, independent of human desires and
appraisals. Traditional theories were exclusively human-centered or "anthropocentric": They
recognized only persons as having inherent worth and regarded nature as a mere resource for
Sentient-Centered Ethics Of the several versions of nature-centered ethics advanced by philosophers
we examine first the one that recognizes all sentient animals as having inherent worth. Sentient
animals are those that feel pain and pleasure and have desires. Thus, some utilitarians extend their
theory (that right action maximizes goodness for all affected) to sentient animals as well as humans.
Thus, in building a dam that will cause flooding to grasslands, engineers should take into account the
impact on animals living there. Singer allows that sometimes animals' interests have to give way to
human interests, but their interests should always be considered and weighed.
Philosophers, however, do ascribe rights to animals. Most notably, Tom Regan contends that
conscious creatures have inherent worth because not only they can feel pleasure and pain, but
because more generally they are subjects of experiences who form beliefs, memories, intentions,
preferences, and can act purposefully. In his view, their status as subjects of experiments makes them
sufficiently like humans to give them rights. Hence, they think of conscious animals as deserving
equal consideration. That does not mean they must be treated in the identical way we treat humans,
but only that interests should be weighed equally with human interests in making decisions.
Biocentric Ethics A life-centered ethics regards all living organisms as having inherent worth. Albert
Schweitzer (1875-1965) set forth a pioneering version of this perspective under the name of
"reverence for life." He argued that the most fundamental feature of us is our will to live, by which he
meant both a will to survive and a will to develop according to our innate tendencies. All organisms
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share these instinctive tendencies to survive and develop, and hence consistency requires that we
affirm the inherent worth of all life. Schweitzer refused to rank forms of life according to degrees of
inherent worth, but he believed that a sincere effort to live by the ideal and virtue of reverence for life
would enable us to make inevitable decisions about when life must be sacrificed. More recent
defenders of biocentric ethics, however, have developed complex sets of rules for guiding decisions.
Ecocentric Ethics A frequent criticism of sentient-centered and biocentered ethics is that they are too
individualistic, since they locate inherent worth in individual organisms. By contrast, ecocentered
ethics locates inherent value in ecological systems. This approach was voiced by the naturalist Aldo
Leopold (1887-1948), who urged that we have an obligation to promote the health of ecosystems: "A
thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability, and beauty of the biotic community. It
is wrong when it tends otherwise." This "land ethic," as he called it, implied a direct moral imperative
to preserve, not just conserve, theenvironment.
More recent defenders of ecocentric ethics have included within this holistic perspective an
appreciation of human relationships. Thus, J. Baird Callicott writes that an ecocentric ethic does not
"replace or cancel previous socially generated human-oriented duties—to family and family
members, to neighbors and neighborhood, to all human beings and humanity." That is, locating
inherent worth in wider ecological systems does not cancel out or make less important what we owe
to human beings Human-Centered Environmental Ethics Even this brief overview of non-human-
centered ethics reveals substantial differences within each approach. The same is true of human-
centered ethics. Increasingly, human-centered views of nature have shifted away from an exploitative
to a conservationist attitude. Recognition of the limits of natural resources has inspired awareness of
the need to conserve for the sake of both present and future generations of humanbeings.
Human- centered environmental ethics extends traditional ethical theories in light of the threats to
human beings presented by the destruction of nature. Thus, virtue-ethics draws attention to the virtues
of humility, appreciation of beauty, and gratitude toward the natural world that makes life possible.
Rights-ethics urges that the basic right to life entails a right to a livable environment at a time when
pollution and resource depletion has reached alarming proportions. Duty-ethics urges that respect for
human life implies far greater concern for nature than has been traditionally recognized, and even
Kant argues that callousness and cruelty toward conscious animals would carry over to indecent
treatment of persons. Utilitarians emphasize that human pleasures and interests are linked to nature in
ways beyond engineered products made from natural resources. We have aesthetic interests, as in the
beauty of plants, waterfalls, and mountain ranges; recreational interests, as in hiking and backpacking
in wilderness areas; scientific interests, especially in the study of "natural labs" of ecological
preserves; and survival interests, which we have learned are linked directly to preserving the natural
It follows that not everything of importance within a human-centered ethics fits neatly into cost-
benefit analyses with limited time horizons; much must be accounted for by means of constraints or
limits that cannot necessarily be assigned dollar signs. Moreover, while there is a gulf between the
human-centered and nature-centered perspectives, its extent should not be exaggerated. We can
allagree that nature should not be denuded but instead left in a recoverable state as a safe exit and for
the benefit of later generations to enjoy. Again, even if animal interests are not counted anywhere on
a par with human interests, it remains abhorrent to inflict needless suffering on animals who share our
capacity for pain.
4. Explain engineers as expert witnesses and advisors. (April/May2016)
Engineers sometimes serve as consultants who provide expert testimony in adversarial or potentially
adversarial contexts. The focus may be on the past, as in explaining the causes of accidents,
malfunctions, and other events involving technology. Or the focus may be on the future, as in public
planning, policy-making that involves technology, and the potential value of patents.
Expert Witnesses in the Courts
Let us begin with the court system, either the plaintiff or the defense, usually in civil lawsuits but
also in criminal proceedings, may hire engineers. Some engineers serve only occasionally as expert
witnesses, while others do so routinely and become specialists in forensic engineering: the
application of engineering skills within the justice system. Testimony may concern a wide variety of
cases: defective products, personal injury, property damage, traffic accidents or airplane crashes.
Typically, the main issue is who will be required to pay "compensatory damages" for injuries, loss of
property, or violation ofrights.
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Their primary responsibility is to be objective in discovering the truth and communicating it honestly.
In particular, the role must be understood in terms of the aims of a (morally justified) legal system,
consistent with professional standards (as promulgated in codes of ethics).
The legal system distinguishes between eye witnesses and expert witnesses. Eye witnesses testify in
matters of perceived facts. Whereas expert witnesses are permitted wider attitude in testifying on
facts in their areas of expertise, on interpreting facts, in commenting on the views of the opposing
side'sexpert witnesses, and in reporting on the professional standards especially the standard of care
applicable at the time of making a product or providing a service. The role of expert witnesses is to
identify the truth about the causes of accidents. Codes of ethics have only recently begun to clarify
the roles of engineers in adversarial contexts, and as a result there has been little shared
understanding about the appropriate role.
Hired Guns The most flagrant abuse is the unscrupulous engineer who makes a living by not even
trying to be objective, but instead in helping attorneys portray the facts in a way favorable to their
clients. A small minority of engineers do become hired guns, who violate the standards of honesty
and due care in con-ducting investigations. Unfortunately, this minority has tainted the entire practice
of serving as an expert witness.
Consider a simple case. A roofer falls while climbing down a wooden ladder and is seriously injured.
The roofer sues the manufacturer of the ladder for medical costs and lost wages. Witnesses of the
accident offer conflicting testimony about whether the accident was caused by a crack in the ladder,
raising the question of a product defect, or by the carelessness of the roofer who was descending the
ladder too quickly and perhaps caused the ladder to crack when falling on it. A structural engineer
hired by the manufacturer writes a report favoring the manufacturer, selecting and emphasizing facts
in the opposite way the engineer would have done if hired by the plaintiff'sattorney.
The engineer acted improperly. A truthful report would express the best personal judgment of the
engineer, and presumably, that judgment should yield the same report whether it was paid for by the
plaintiff or defense attorney.
The most common abuses involve more subtle biases resulting from money, ego, and sympathy.
Financial Biases Merely being paid by one side can exert some bias, however slight. This bias might
influence one's investigations, testimony, and even the presentation of one's qualifications.
Obviously, the bias would increase substantially if engineers were hired based on contingency fees
paid only if case is won. Attorneys are permitted to accept contingency fees because the fees are
believed to strengthen their determination to serve their clients. But contingency fees in adversarial
contexts would tend to bias the judgment of expert witnesses. That is why they are unethical, even if
law sometimes permits them.
Ego Biases Most of us know from experience that adversarial situations evoke competitive attitudes
that can influence judgment. Identifying with their ―ownǁ side of the dispute can easily influence
engineers. The other side comes to be seen as the guilty party and one's own side as the innocent
victim. There is also a combination of desires to serve the interests of one's client and to be well
regarded by the client.
Sympathy Biases The courts are filled with human drama in which people's suffering is all too
poignant. It is easy to identify with the plight of victims. Indeed, one may feel great sympathy for the
opposing attorney's client. Such biases are capable of upsetting a purely disinterested investigation of
the facts.
To overcome these biases, engineers must make a special effort to maintain their integrity when
serving as expert witnesses.
Advisers in Planning and Policy-Making
We now see the role of expert advisers in public policy-making and planning, a role played by
engineers as well as economists, sociologists, urban planners, and other professionals. Technology is
always involved in decisions about public policy-making and public planning. In policy-making,
public officials and the general public need objective studies about the costs and benefits of
alternative systems of transportation, housing, energy use, land use, and national defense. In
planning, they need expert advice about the feasibility, risks, and benefits of particular technological
projects that affect local communities. For that reason, numerous laws and government policies have
been adopted that require objective studies before public funds are committed to projects.
Large amounts of money, sometimes millions of dollars, are paid to engineering consultants to obtain
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their best judgment about options.
Technical Complexity and the Need for Assumptions The scale of public policy decisions can be
immense, with considerable resources, potential benefits, and uncertainties involved. A variety of
assumptions must be made, including highly controversial ones. In looking to the future there is
usually a higher degree of uncertainty than in forensic investigations of past failures. This invites
each adversary in political controversies to accent assumptions and estimates favorable to its case, all
the while appearing to be in good faith.
For example, with regard to energy decisions, some assumptions concern the extent of demands for
future energy, and hence assumptions about population increases and lifestyle. Other assumptions
involve economic estimates about the projected costs of developing alternative forms of energy. Still
others involve political assumptions about the risks acceptable to the public. As a result, clients will
always pressure engineers to limit studies to assumptions favorable to them.
Technical complexity contributes to moral complexity in an additional way. Forecasting studies may
be so complex and expensive that consumer groups and public officials may lack the resources to
check them for subtle biases.
Diffused Responsibility The usual sharing of responsibility within corporations is multiplied in public
policy-making. Consulting corporations that work for government or other corporations and
ultimately must make their case in the arena of public opinion usually makes policy forecasts. As a
result it is easy to rationalize and to pass the buck in thinking about personal responsibility for
complete impartiality. Corporate managers and engineers might tell themselves that it is the
responsibility of the public, through its officials and public referen-dums, to make adjustments for
corporate partiality in studies. Then, if things go wrong, and overly optimistic estimates result in huge
cost overruns that the public must pay, politicians easily blame the consultants for failing to be
sufficiently impartial.
Normative Models of Advisers
Like engineers working in corporations, engineers who serve as planning advisers and policy analysts
have responsibilities both to their clients and to the general public. These responsibilities, as always,
can conflict. We can distinguish three normative (value-laden) models for how to balance these
Hired Guns This model makes the obligation to clients paramount, if not exclusive. Studies conform
to clients' wishes, whatever they may be. Facts favorable to the client are dramatically highlighted,
and unfavourable factsdownplayed.
Value-Neutral Analysts This model insists that engineers should be completely impartial. Not only
should they conscientiously avoid any taint of bias and favoritism, but they should avoid any form of
advocacy. Their role is to identify all options and analyze the factual implication of each option. If
they engage in weighing options, in particular by making cost-benefit analyses, they do so according
to value criteria that are stipulated by someone else and made explicit andovert.
Value-Guided Advocates According to this model, engineering consultants may adopt partisan views
in controversial issues, but they remain honest and independent in their professional judgment. Unlike
value-neutral analysts, they understand that values are interwoven with facts, and they also affirm the
help provided by value-oriented technological studies. Unlike hired guns, value-guided advocates
make their responsibility to the public paramount and maintain honesty about both technical facts and
the values that guide their studies
5. Discuss an engineer’s involvement in weapons work.(April/May2016)
The technological activities of the world centered on the military. The engineers supported to get
involved in the development of the military weapons either directly or indirectly. The reason for the
engineer to do his best on a military job is patriotism and interest in the future. However, the same
theengineer may refuse to war work due to some unethical activities such as manufacture of devices
or weapons, which kill the human beings and the innocent civilians.
While forming the forms of weaponry, the engineers have to examine their own interest and to
consider the political circumstances. Engineers have the ethical obligations to design bridges, which
do not collapse while using and nuclear power plants that do not emit radiations.
Business relating to weapon and military skill has been in long run in the world for a long period of
time and still going on. Every country is spending a large amount only on its military development.
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Out of the amount spent, a specific and large percentage has spent on the purchase of weapons and
military equipments.
Weapons such as bombs play a dangerous and crucial role in the world. For example, consider the
case of atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This incident was horrible not only because
of large number of deaths, not because of the unpleasant medical results for the survivors, not
because they were unnecessary, but only because they had been used in hasty manner and quick
decision without considering the fact that they cannot be retrieved again. The bombs Hiroshima and
Nagasaki were of heavy load. However, today‘s bombs are smaller size and it can accuratelytargeted.
The Weapons Seesaw
The trade in arms and military know-how has a long tradition. Military expenditures throughout the
world total hundreds of billions of dollars annually. Of this amount, one-quarter is earmarked for
purchases of weapons and related equipment, 17 percent of which are traded internationally.
In the early months of World War II the chiefs of staff of the warring countries would still agonize
over the question of whether to bomb targets in civilian population centers at night. Toward the end
of the war, night raids had become common practice and civilians themselves had become the targets.
To us the atom bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki are horrible not only because of the many
deaths they caused, nor because of the ghastly medical consequences for survivors, nor because they
were unnecessary, but mostly because they ushered in the age of rapid, irretrievable delivery of
destructive power in immense concentrations.
Engineer Involvement in WeaponDevelopment
Engineer‘s involvement in manufacturing of weapons is unavoidable. For engineers who design
weapons, manufacture them, and use them have some reasons to support their involvement. The
following are some of the justifyingarguments.
Take a case of an engineer who involves in the manufacturing of antipersonnel bombs. Bob's
employer manufactures antipersonnel bombs. Antipersonnel bombs are most dangerous. When they
explode, they evolve a shower of sharp fragments of steel or plastic on the victims. They can fix the
time to explode after some hours of delivery. When they explode on a person, the removal of the
fragments is a time consuming task. The engineer who produces this kind of bomb clearly known
about its danger. When he thinks morally he does not want to be involved in producing them.
However, for his involvement he may argue that if he does not do his job, someone else will be doing
the job. Doing job produces a steady income for hisfamily.
Mary is a chemical engineer. A promotion has gotten her into napalm manufacturing. As a chemical
engineer she gets involved in the production of napalm (napalm is a jelly like petrol substance used in
incendiary bombs) argues that only the government must take necessary actions to stop the
production of napalms.
Joanne is an electronics engineer whose work assignment includes avionics for fighter planes that are
mostly sold abroad. She has no qualms about such planes going to what she considers friendly
countries, but she draws the line at their sale to potentially hostile nations. Joanne realizes that she
has no advantage within the company, so she occasionally alerts journalist friends with news she feels
all citizens should have. "Let the voters direct the country at election time"—that is her motto.
Ron is a specialist engineer in missile control and guidance. As an engineer, he is a specialist in
controlling and guiding missiles, says that he feels proud to be able to help his country through his
involvement in the defense industry. He also adds that there should have not been any more world
A nuclear engineer knows very well about the danger of increasing nuclear arsenal. Arsenal is a place
where the weapons are being stored. He argued that he is working very hard to reduce the risk of
nuclear accidents.
Marco's foremost love is physical electronics. He works in one of the finest laser laboratories. Some
of his colleagues do exciting research in particle beams. That the laboratory is interested in
developing something to the "death ray.ǁ More bothersome is the secrecy that prevents him from
freely exchanging ideas with experts across the world. However, why change jobs if he will never
find facilities like those he has now?
Ted‘s background and advanced degrees in engineering physics gave him a ready entry into nuclear
bomb development. As a well-informed citizen, he is seriously concerned with the
dangers of the ever-growing nuclear arsenal. He is also aware of the possibilities of an accidental
nuclearexchange.From the above examples it is clear that all over the world talented engineers are
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engaged in the weapons work. They should think morally, before getting involved in weapons
production. Problems of DefenseIndustryMany nations feel with privilege on their defense industry
but without thinking on some serious problems that they may come across along with huge military
The defense industry faces the problem of waste and huge cost in implementing and maintaining a
weapon system.
The defense industry also facing the problem of technology creep, that is the development of new
weapons. It makes changes in the arrangements relating to diplomacy. It upsets all negotiations. It
affects the political ability of a country.
It also faces the problems in maintaining secrecy. The secrecy in weapons development paves the
way for corruptions and leads to create mistakes in the weapon system itself.
Every country allocates a large amount of its resources to defense sector. The amount spent in the
defense industry creates only a few jobs when compared with the other industries.
It is very important for any country to think to what extent and how long they can divert their men,
material, money, and machinery into a sector that is economically contributing. To conclude the use
and development of weapons be minimized, as they are the most hazardous to public. Therefore,
before involving in the weapons development engineers must take some personal decisions based on
the individuals conscious and the social and political issues of weapon technology.
Decommissioning Weapons and Lasting Effects
To this day, farmers in France plough up shells, duds or live, which landed in the ground more than
3/4 of a century ago during World War I. Over time the repetitive cycle of freeze and thaw has
caused these shells to move close to the surface. Special bomb disposal units keep busy with
hundreds of calls a year, and injuries occur as well. To this must be added the many still-hidden,
unexploded bombs that fell all over the world during World WarII.
The U.S. State Department estimates that 85 to 100 million land mines still remain scattered in the
countries like Afghanistan, Angola, Bosnia, Mozambique, Nicaragua, & Somalia and those that were
involved in the two world wars. Used indiscriminately against soldiers and civilians, the use of land
mines presents a serious ethical dilemma to military leaders who would prefer to adhere to the just
war ethic. Clearly the design, manufacture, and deployment of weapons of all kinds is a huge
experiment that includes not only their use but also eventual disposal of the arsenal by means other
than export. In terms of pure experimentation, the real tragedy of widespread ignorance regarding
radiation is only now being revealed. The use of agent orange defoliants in Vietnam is only now
officially recognized as a health hazard as U.S. soldiers show symptoms of ill effects, long after
scientists warned of its effects on farmers and their animals in the war zones of Vietnam. Gas warfare
experiments had their share of involuntary subjects among soldiers of the United States and Australia.
In the former Soviet Union, anthrax carriers spread accidentally from biological warfare plants and
affected tens of thousands of people living downwind. But engineers and scientists deal-ing with
materials dangerous enough to be considered useful as weapons must consider not only their direct
use but also their accidental diversion and ultimate safe disposal. After all, structural engineers are
not free to build huge structures without considering how to safely dismantle themeventually.
6. Write a brief account on 'consulting engineering'.
Consulting engineers work in private practice. Fees for the services they render, not by salaries
received from employers compensate them. Because of this, they tend to have greater freedom to
make decisions about the projects they undertake. Yet their freedom is not absolute: They share with
salaried engineers the need to earn a living.
Here we will raise questions in four areas—advertising, competitive bidding, contingency fees, and
provisions for resolution of disputes—which illustrate some of the special responsibilities of
consulting engineers. We will also note how in safety matters consulting engineers may have greater
responsibility than salaried engineers, corresponding to their greater freedom.
Advertising Some corporate engineers are involved in advertising because they work in product sales
divisions. However, within corporations, advertising of services, job openings, and the corporate
image are left primarily to advertising executives and the personnel department. By contrast,
consulting engineers are directly responsible for advertising their services, even when they hire
consultants to helpthem.
Before 1976 Supreme Court decision, competitive advertising in engineering was considered a moral
issue and was banned by professional codes of ethics. As in law and medicine, anything beyond a
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tasteful notification of the availability of one's services was thought to be "unprofessional." It was
deemed unfair to colleagues to win work through one's skill as an advertiser rather than through one's
earned reputation as an engineer. It was also felt that competitive advertising caused friction among
those in the field, lessened their mutual respect, and damaged the profession's public image by placing
engineering on a par with purely money-centered businesses.
However, the Supreme Court disagreed with that view. According to it‘s ruling, as well as other
rulings by the Federal Trade Commission, general bans on professional advertising are improper
restraints of competition. They serve to keep prices for services higher than they might otherwise be,
and they reduce public awareness of the range of professional services available, particularly from
These rulings have shifted attention away from whether professional advertising as such is acceptable
toward whether an advertisement is honest. Deceptive advertising normally occurs when products or
services are made to look better than they actually are. This can be done in many ways, including: (1)
by outright lies, (2) by half-truths, (3) through exaggeration, (4) by making false innuendos
suggestions, or implications, (5) through obfuscation created by ambiguity vagueness, or incoherence,
(6) through subliminal manipulation of the unconscious. Another way is to impress with performance
data that is meaningless because it has no reference standards.
There are notorious difficulties in determining whether specific ads are deceptive or not. Clearly, it is
deceptive for a consulting firm to claim in a brochure that it played a major role in a well-known
project when it actually played a minor role.
As another example, think of a photograph of an electronics device used in an ad to convey the
impression that the item is routinely produced and available for purchase, perhaps even "off the
shelf," when in actuality the picture shows only a preliminary prototype or mock-up and the item is
just being developed.
Advertisers of consumer products are generally allowed to suppress negative aspects of the items
they are promoting and even to engage in some degree of exaggeration or "puffery" of the positive
aspects. By contrast, norms concerning the advertising of professional services are much stricter. For
example, the code of the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) forbids all of the
The use of statements containing a material misrepresentation of fact or omitting a material fact
necessary to keep the statement from being misleading; statements intended or likely to create an
unjustified expectation; statements containing prediction of future success; statements containing an
opinion as to the quality of the Engineer's services; or statements intended or likely to attract clients
by the use of showmanship, puffery, or self-laudation, including the use of slogans, jingles,or
sensational language format. (NSPE Code of Ethics, Sec.3b).
Competitive Bidding For many years codes prohibited consulting engineers from engaging in
competitive bidding, that is, from competing for jobs on the basis of submitting priced proposals (as
contrasted with a fee structure to be applied to the contract). The following statement, for example,
formerly appeared in the code of the American Society of Civil Engineers:
It shall be considered unprofessional, inconsistent with honorable and dignified conduct, and contrary
to the public interest for any member of the American Society of Civil Engineers to invite or submit
priced proposals under conditions that constitute price competition for professional services.
It was considered permissible for industrial and construction firms to use competitive bidding
because they could formulate cost estimates with some accuracy based on fixed design specifications.
By contrast, the job of the consulting engineer is generally to develop creative designs for solving
novel problems. Often there is no way to make precise bids. Allowing competitive bidding in such
cases, it was felt, would open the door to irresponsible engineering in that inaccurate bids would
encourage either cutting safety and quality (in the case of low bids) or padding and over designing (in
the case of high bids).
However, in 1978 the Supreme Court ruled that professional societies were unfairly restraining free
trade by banning competitive bidding. The ruling still left several loopholes, though. In particular, it
allowed state registration boards to retain their bans on competitive bidding by registered engineers.
It also allowed individual consulting firms to refuse to engage in competitive bidding. Thus, fee
competition where creative design is involved has remained a lively ethical issue. Is it in the best
interests of clients and the public to encourage the practice?
Contingency Fees
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Consulting engineers essentially make their own arrangements about payment for their work.
Naturally, this calls for exercising a sense of honesty and fairness. But what is involved specifically?
As one illustration of the kinds of problems that may arise, consider the following entry in the code
of the National Society of Professional Engineers:
An Engineer shall not request, propose, or accept a professional commission on a contingent basis
under circumstances in which his professional judgment may be compromised, or when a
contingency provision is used as a device for promoting or securing a professional commission.
(NSPE Code of Ethics, Sec. llb).
A contingency fee or commission is dependent on some special condition beyond the normal
performance of satisfactory work. Typically, under a contingency-fee arrangement the consultant is
paid only if she or he succeeds in saving the client money. Thus, a client may hire a consultant to
uncover cost-saving methods that will save 10 percent on an already contracted project. If the
consultant does not succeed in doing so, no fee is paid. The fee may be either an agreed-upon amount
or a fixed percentage of the savings to berealized.
In many contingency-fee situations, the consultant's judgment may easily become biased. For
example, the prospects of winning the fee may tempt the consultant to specify inferior materials or
design concepts in order to cut constructioncosts.
Provision for Resolution of Large and complex engineering projects involve many participants at
different levels of responsibility within the organizations representing the owner, the consulting
engineer, and the construction firm. Overlapping responsibilities, fragmented control, indecision,
delays, and an inability to resolve disputes quickly and amicably characterize many projects. To
forestall potential liabilities in such situations, the parties involved usually devote much time to
protect themselves when this time could be more profitably used to improve the quality of the project.
Resolution of disagreements is made more difficult when construction lasts several years and
personnel changes occur during that period, because mutual trust and understanding are not easily
nurtured under such conditions. It has been observed by engineers engaged in construction projects
thatLitigation has increased considerably in recent decades, and the character of litigation has
changed as well. The construction industry is no exception, and its experience, as described by a
panel of experts, serves as a good illustration of the kinds of legal problems consulting engineers now
sometimes face: Traditionally law suits were fairly clear cut and involved matters directly related to
the construction process; suits by owners were relatively uncommon; the design professional had to
contend with virtually no litigation; and disputes were almost entirely confined to participants in the
construction process.
Today not only has the number of lawsuits dramatically increased but the nature of the lawsuits and
the participants also have changed. Third forces, historically external to the process, today are the
motivating factors behind a great manysuits.
Since litigation is time-consuming and costly, the consulting engineer should arrange contractually
for methods of resolving conflicts. Quite apart from defining how risks are to be apportioned and
payment of fees to be made, there should be contractual provisions for dispute-solving vehicles
(designed to avoid costly court battles) such as mediation-arbitration in which a mediator attempts to
resolve a dispute first, and if that is not fruitful, to act as the final, binding arbitrator. It should also be
specified contractually that the National Joint Board for Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes will be
called upon to provide a hearing board and appeals board.
7. Explain computer ethics.
Computers have become the technological backbone of our society. Their degree of sophistication,
range of applications and sheer numbers continue to increase. Through networks, they span the globe.
If anything, it is more difficult to envisage the eventual impact of computers since they are not
limited to any one primary area of use comparable to a car's function in transportation. To evaluate
and deal with these problems a new area of applied ethics called computer ethics has sprung up.
Computer ethics has special importance for the new groups of professionals emerging with computer
technology, for example, designers of computers, programmers, systems analysts, and operators. To
the extent that engineers design, manufacture, and apply computers, computer ethics is a branch of
Power Relationships Computers dramatically increase the ability of centralized bureaucracies to
manage enormous quantities of data, involving multiple variables, and at astonishing speed.

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Computers are powerful tools, which do not by themselves generate power shifts. They contribute to
greater centralization or decentralization in so far as human decision-makers so direct them. This is
not to say that computers are entirely value-neutral. It is to say that moral issues aboutpower
relationships tend to be nuanced and contextual. Below we list a fewexamples.
Job Elimination Computers have led and will continue to lead to elimination of some jobs. The
employment practices have often been embraced from prudential motives to prevent a public and
employee backlash against introduction of computer technologies that eliminate jobs, but moral
considerations of human costs should be weighed even more heavily.
Customer Relations There are also questions about public accountability of businesses using
computer-based services. It can be very difficult or relatively simple for a consumer to notice and
correct computer errors or computer-printed errors.
Biased Software In addition to computer hardware, there is software, and programs can quite easily
be biased, just as can any form of communication or way of doing things.
Stock Trading Program trading is the automatic, hands-off, computer trading of stocks, futures, and
options on the stock market. Attempts are under way to control this practice.
Unrealistic Expectations Computer sales people have the power to oversell "state-of-the-art" systems
that are too large or sophisticated for the intended purpose. They also may not even be ready for
delivery; worse yet, the needed software may still be under development.
Political Power Politicians have always selectively disclosed their views. In a speech to a
conservative group, a candidate will tend to say very different things from what he or she tells a
liberal group.
Different topics may be discussed, different emphases given, and inconsistent remarks made.
Computers make it pos-sible to turn this political maneuver into a science. Computer from public
records obtains the information about these groups of people. The characterizations of the groups'
attitudes and norms are computer-generated. Computer personalizes the letters sent to them. In
addition, the mailing process is computerized. With electronic accuracy and efficiency, politicians are
enabled to have many different faces when viewed by different groups. Several moral issues are
raised by this possible application of technology:
Does such selective disclosure constitutedeception?
(1) Does filtering the truth about a politician's views undermine the autonomy of voters in making
de- cisions?
(2) Since use of computers is expensive, is it fair that the rich have more extensive access to this
technology, or should equal-time laws for television be extended tocomputers?

Military Weapons The U.S. Department of Defense is supporting the creation of autonomous
weapons that can be aimed and fired by on-board computers that make all necessary decisions,
including enemy identification. Computer scientists and engineers are divided over the advisability of
such a major step toward automation of the battlefield.
There is a dangerous instability in computerized defense systems even if they are working perfectly.
Let us assume then that all the nuclear warning software works without error, and that the hardware
is fail-safe. Nevertheless, the combination of two such correctly functioning but opposing systems is
unstable. This is because secrecy prevents either system from knowing exactly what the other is
doing, which means that any input that could be interpreted as a danger signal must be responded to
by an increase in readiness on the receiving side. The opposing side, which then steps up its
readiness, and so on, in turn, monitors thatreadiness.
The most troublesome issues about property and computers fall under two general headings. The first
is the use of computers in embezzlement and other forms of stealing money or financial assets. It is
the most widely publicized form of computer crime and also the most morally clear-cut. The second
set of issues con-cerns the theft of software and information. Here the issues are more complex.
Embezzlement: Two factors make computers especially troublesome:
(1) Their speed and geographic coverage, which allows large numbers of people to be victimized, (2)
the difficulty of tracing the underlying transactions to apprehend the thieves.
This problem is compounded when the communication lines linking the computers involved cross
national boundaries.
Some of the most commonly discussed cases of computer abuse are instances of outright theft and
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fraud, of which there are many forms:
1. Stealing or cheating by employees atwork;
2. Stealing by non-employees or formeremployees;
3. Stealing from or cheating clients andconsumers;
4. Violating contracts for computer sales orservice;
5. Conspiring to use computer networks to engage in widespread fraud.

Public interest has often been drawn to the glamorous capers of computer criminals. Enormous sums
of money have been involved. The amount for an average computer-related embezzlement is twenty
times the amount stolen in conventional embezzlement; many millions are often involved. Crime by
computer has proved to be unusually inviting tomany.
The technology for preventing crime and catching criminals has lagged behind implementation of
new computer applications. Computer crime raises obvious moral concerns of honesty, integrity, and
trust. It also forces a rethinking of public attitudes about crime and its punishment. The potential for
computer crime should enter significantly into the thinking of engineers who design computers. In
fact, protection against criminal abuse has become a major constraint for effective and successful
design of many computer systems andprograms.
For some time secret computer passwords have been used as a security feature. More recently
introduced, and still of limited effectiveness, is data encryption. This technique is widely employed to
prevent theft from funds transfer systems. In data encryption, messages are scrambled before
transmission over communication lines and unscrambled after reception according to secret codes.
Such devices, of course, require special precautions in maintaining confidentiality and security, and
engineers have a major role to play in making recommendations in these areas.
Data and Software In the United States, computer hardware is protected by patent laws. Software can
be protected by copyright and trade secret laws. The latter permit employers to require their
employees not to divulge proprietary information. Obviously trade secrets are useless once software
is made publicly available as a marketed product. Here copyright laws offer the best protection.
Privacy Storage, retrieval, and transmission of information using computers as data processors has
revolutionized communication. Yet this very benefit poses moral threats to the right to privacy. By
making more data available to more people with more ease, computers make privacy more difficult to
protect. Here we will discuss privacy and confidentiality for individuals, but the issues are similar for
corporations. There are reasons for privacy namely Inappropriate Access & Data Bank Errors.
Professional Issues
Many of the issues in engineering ethics arise within the context of computer work. New variations
or new difficulties may be involved, often owing to the high degree of job complexity and required
technical proficiency introduced by computers. We provide some representative examples below.
Computer Failures Failures can occur because of errors in hardware or software. Hardware errors do
not occur frequently, and when they do, they usually do so quite obviously. An exception was Intel's
highly touted Pentium chip introduced in 1993. It produced very slight and rare errors in floating
point arithmetic. Perhaps more serious was the loss of confidence Intel suffered by not revealing the
error before it was detected by a user. Software errors are a differentmatter.
Computer Implementation It should not be necessary to say so, but a changeover to a new computer
system should never be attempted without having the old system still operational. Computer vendors
who are too sure of their machines to recommend some redundancy during a changeover display
enough hubris for it to qualify as one of the seven deadly sins.
Health Conditions Engineers who supervise computer personnel or design computer terminals should
check that ergonomic considerations are in effect to reduce back problems, provide wrist support and
good keyboard layouts to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome, and offer good lighting and flicker control.
8. Discuss the pros and cons of multinational companies from ethical point of view.[May2010]
On December 3, 1984, the operators of Union Carbide's plant in Bhopal, India, became alarmed by a
leak and overheating in a storage tank. The tank contained methyl isocyanate, a toxic ingredient used
in pesticides. Within an hour the leak exploded in a gush that sent 40 tons of deadly gas into the
atmosphere. The result was the worst industrial accident in history: 2500 deaths within a few days,
10,000 permanently disabled, and 100,000 others injured. Ten years later the list of victims rose to
4,000 to 7,000 deaths, with claims of injuries amounting to 600,000. Compensation was progressing

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at snail's pace for puny amounts while much of the $470 million settlement reached in court is spent
on lawyers and government bureaucracy associated with thecase.
Multinational corporations do extensive business in more than one country. For example, Union
Carbide in 1984 operated in 37 "host countries" in addition to its "home country," the United States,
and it was only a medium-sized "giant" corporation, ranking thirty-fifth in size among U.S.
corporations. Generally multinationals establish foreign subsidiaries, such as Union Carbide of India,
retaining 51 percent of the stock and allowing investors of the host country to own the remainder, but
some countries restrict the parent company in the United States to 49 percent ownership.
The benefits to U.S. companies of doing business in less economically developed countries are clear:
inexpensive labor, availability of natural resources, favorable tax arrangements, and fresh markets for
products. The benefits to the participants in developing countries are equally clear: new jobs, jobs
with higher pay and greater challenge, transfer of advanced technology, and an array of social
benefits from sharingwealth.

Three Senses of "Relative" Values

There are many versions of relativism, depending on the way in which values are supposed to be
relative. Here are three versions.
Ethical Relativism: Actions are morally right within a particular society when law, custom, or other
conventions of that society approve them.
Descriptive Relativism: In Fact, value beliefs, and attitudes differ from culture to culture.
Moral Relationalism (or Contextualism): Moral judgments should be made in relation to factors that
vary from case to case, usually making it impossible to formulate rules that are both simple and
The first version, ethical relativism, is false since it implies absurdities. The second version,
descriptive relativism, is obviously true. It merely says there are differences between the moral
and attitudes cf various cultures. The third version, moral relationalism, is also obviously true.
Essentially it is a reminder that moral judgments are contextual:
Relationalism allows and insists that the customs of cultures are often morally pertinent
considerations that require us to adjust moral judgments and conduct. Relationalism is important in
multinational engineering contexts involving different cultural conventions. Relationalism, we might
add, is also consistent with ethical pluralism, the view that there is more than one justifiable moral
"When in Rome"
Which standards should guide engineers' conduct when working in foreign countries? Ethical
relativism supports the maxim, "When in Rome do as the Romans do." That is, it would have us
believe there is no real problem with following the conventions dominant in the local area.
International Rights
A human right, by definition, is a moral entitlement that places obligations on other people to treat
one with dignity and respect. If it makes sense at all, it makes sense across cultures. The Declaration
of Independence, with its assertion that all people have rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of
happiness, recognizes and embeds that moral concept in law. But this legal recognition of the idea of
human rights does not create those rights. The rights exist by virtue of the moral status of all people,
including people living in countries that do not yet recognize thoserights.
Donaldson suggests there are ten such international rights 1 The right to freedom of physical
2 The right to ownership of property 3 The right to freedom from torture 4 The right to a fair trial5
The right to nondiscriminatory treatment 6 The right to physical security7 The right to freedom of
speech and association 8 The right to minimal education9 The right to political participation 10 The
right to subsistence
These are human rights; as such they place restrictions on how multinational corporations may act in
other societies, even when those societies do not recognize the rights in their laws and customs.
Promoting Morally Just Measures
More fully, the business activities of multinational corporations must do more overall good than bad,
which means helping the country's overall economy and its workers, rather than benefiting a few
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corrupt leaders in oppressive regimes. Not only must they pay their fair share of taxes, but also they
must make sure the products they manufacture or distribute are not causing easily preventable harms.
In addition, the overall impact of the business dealings must tend to promote morally just institutions
in the society, not increase unjust institutions. At the same time, corporations should respect the laws
and culture of the host country providing they do not violate basic moral rights. Of course, there is a
tension between promoting just institutions and respecting local customs.
An example, consider the issue of worker safety in companies that manufacture hazardous chemicals.
When is it permissible for the United States to transfer dangerous technology like asbestos production
to another country and then simply adopt that country's safety laws? Workers have the right to
informed consent. Even if the host country does not recognize that right, corporations are required to
inform workers, in language they can understand, of the dangers of asbestos. That is a necessary, but
not sufficient condition.
Workers may be so desperate for income to feed their families that they will work under almost any
con-ditions. Corporations must eliminate great risks when they can while still making a reasonable
profit. They must also pay workers for the extra risks they undertake. Exactly what this means is a
matter of morally good judgment and negotiation.
Technology Transfer and Appropriate Technology
Technology transfer is the process of moving technology to a novel setting and implementing it there;
Technology includes both hardware (machines and installations) and technique (technical,
organizational, and managerial skills and procedures). A novel setting is any situation containing at
least one new variable relevant to the success or failure of a given technology.
In most instances, the transfer of technology from a familiar to a new environment is a complex
process. The technology being transferred may be one that originally evolved over a period of time
and is now being introduced as a ready-made, completely new entity into a different setting.
Discerning how the new set-dug differs from familiar contexts requires the imaginative and cautious
vision of "cross-cultural socialexperimenters."
The expression appropriate technology is widely used, but with a variety of meanings. We use it in a
generic sense to refer to identification, transfer, and implementation of the most suitable technology
for a new set of conditions. Typically the conditions include social factors that go beyond routine
economic and technical engineering constraints. Identifying them requires attention to an array of
human values and needs that may influence how a technology affects the novelsituation.
As examples, we may cite the introduction of agricultural machines and longdistance telephones. A
country with many poor farmers can make better immediate use of small, single- or two-wheel
tractors that can serve as motorized ploughs, to pull wagons or to drive pumps, than it can of huge
diesel tractors that require collectivized or agribusiness-style farming. On the other hand, the same
country may benefit more from the latest in microwave technology to spread its telephone service
over long distances than it can from old-fashioned transmission bywire.
Appropriate technology also implies that the technology should contribute to and not distract from
sustainable development of the host country by not degrading the environment beyond its carrying
capacity and by providing for careful stewardship of its natural resources.
Appropriate technology overlaps with, but is not reducible to, intermediate technology, which lies
between the most advanced forms available in industrialized countries and comparatively primitive
forms in less-developed countries. The British economist E. F. Schumacher argued that intermediate
technologies are preferable because the most advanced technologies usually have harmful side
effects, such as causing mass migrations from rural areas to cities where corporations tend to locate.
These migrations cause overcrowding, and with it poverty, crime, and disease. Far more appropriate,
he argued, are smaller-scale technologies replicated throughout a less-developed country, using low
capital investment, labor intensiveness to provide needed jobs, local resources where possible, and
simpler techniques manageable by the local population given its education facilities.
9. Discuss 'morally creative leaders' and participation in professionalsocieties.
As managers, business entrepreneurs, corporate consultants, academics, and government officials,
engineers provide many forms of leadership. In this section, we focus on engineers as moral leaders
within their professions and communities. We will sample a few current activities that illustrate
leadership within the profession, as well as take note of ongoing challenges that will require
continuing moral leadership.
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Morally Creative Leaders "Leadership" is an achievement word: It indicates success in moving a
group toward goals. When a leader's goals are not only permissible but also morally valuable, we will
speak of moral leadership. Moral leaders, then, are individuals who direct, motivate, organize,
creatively manage, or in other ways move groups toward morally valuable goals. Leaders may be in
positions of authority within a corporation, or they may not be. Individuals participating at all levels
of organizations can showleadership.
In speaking of the moral leadership provided by engineers and engineering societies we set aside any
notion of engineers as a group leading society. Most emerging professions have at times dreams of
governing, if not dominating, society. A comparable dream for technologists was presented early in
the twentieth century as a technocracy in which engineers and scientists are best qualified to govern
technology-driven societies. Frederick Taylor, the inventor of "scientific management," argued that
technologists were best qualified to govern because of their technical expertise, as well as their
logical, practical, and unprejudicedminds.
Today most of us believe that no single profession holds the key to moral governance of society.
Indeed, leadership typically requires moving above any narrow professional interest in grappling with
increasing social diversity and cross-disciplinary complexity. Certainly moral leadership within
democracies is not a matter of imposition of values by a governing elite. Nevertheless, engineers have
their share of moral leadership to contribute to their professional societies, to their profession as a
whole, and to their communities.
The moral leadership means employing morally permissible means to stimulate groups to move
toward morally desirable ends. Precisely what means are most effective depends on the situation?
Sometimes political shrewdness is most important; other times a largely nonpolitical
commitmenttomoral ideals. Again, sometimes conflict resolution is most important in order to forge
unity amidst diversity; other times the key ability is to stir things up to provide the stimulus for
Moral leaders are morally creative. That does not mean they discover or improvise new moral values
from scratch. Moral values are the product of centuries and millennium of gradual development, not
instantaneous invention. Moral creativity consists in identifying the most important values that apply
in a particular situation, bringing them into focus through effective communication within groups,
and forming workable commitments to implementing them. As with other forms of creativity, moral
creativity means achieving valuable newness, in this case morally valuable newness. However, the
newness consists in identifying new possibilities for applying, extending, and putting values into
practice, rather than inventing values. That may require fresh moral insight, but even more, it requires
deep commitments grounded in integrity.
Participation in Professional Societies
Not surprisingly, moral leadership within engineering is often manifested in leadership within
professional societies. Professional societies do more than promote continuing education for their
members. They also serve to unify a profession, and to speak and act on behalf of it (or a large
segment of it). Professional societies provide a forum for communicating, organizing, and mobilizing
change within and by large groups. That change has a moral dimension.
Many of the current tensions in professional societies exist because of uncertainties about their
involvement in moral issues. This was illustrated in the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) case. One
chapter of the California Society of Professional Engineers felt it should play a role in supporting the
efforts of the three engineers who sought to act outside normal organizational channels in serving the
public. Another chapter felt it was inappropriate for the society to do so. In this and other
controversial cases, professional societies have often been reluctant to becomeinvolved.
It is unlikely that existing professional societies will, and it is perhaps undesirable that they should,
take any univocal pro-employee or pro-management stand. Their memberships, after all, are typically
a mixture of engineers in management, supervision, and non-management. Yet professional societies
can, should, and are playing a role in conflicts involving moral issues, although rank and file
engineers remain skeptical because they still consider the societies management-dominated. Through
membership participation on committees, these societies provide a sympathetic and informed forum
for hearing opposing viewpoints and making recommendations. Through their guidelines for
employment practice and conflict resolution they can help forestall debilitating disputes within
corporations. On a national level, they can lobby for earlier vesting and portability of pensions.
Details of the extent and form of such activities deserve ongoing discussion within engineering

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ethics. Clearly there is an ongoing need for individual engineers to provide moralleadership.
Just as moral responsibilities are shared, moral creativity in the professions is a shared phenomenon.
Nevertheless individuals make a difference. To cite just one example, Stephen H. Unger is largely
responsible for persuading the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) to move
beyond the traditional focus of most societies on punishing wrongdoers toward supporting
responsible en-gineers. After investigating the activities of the BART engineers, he succeeded in
getting IEEE to present the three with awards for outstanding professional service. He also helped
organize and lead the Committee on Social Implications of Technology, which later became the IEEE
Society on Social Implications of Technology (SSIT). For several decades this group has
institutionalized an ongoing concern for moral issues. Steve Unger in turn credits the late Victor
Paschkis of Columbia University for awakening in him an awareness of the engineer's social
responsibility. And it was also Victor Paschkis with his pioneering Society of Social Responsibility in
Science that greatly influenced the career path of the engineer.
Many other individuals have spurred professional societies to foster the study of engineering ethics.
They have helped to sponsor ethics workshops, conduct surveys on matters of ethical concern, inform
their members of developments related to ethics, and encourage schools of engineering to support
regular and continuing education courses in engineering ethics. A 1980 study of the activities of
professional societies concluded that "little attention and only minimal resources have been directed
toward professional ethics matters."
Making general appraisals of the role of professional societies ultimately entails examining a
profession's "macroeconomics": that is, examining how they do and should function as a group
within contemporary society. For example, to what extent is it desirable for the engineering
profession as a whole to set standards in such areas as disposal of toxic wastes?
Or, to take another kind of topic, is the trend toward increasing rule making on behalf of
professionalism within engineering in the public interest? Here many issues are involved, at least
given the model of professionalism derived from developments in medicine andlaw:
1. Should the engineering profession be allowed to have the authority to decide which students and
how many students will be admitted to schools of engineering? Should laypersons representing the
public have asay?
2. Should licensing of all engineers in industrial practice be mandatory, as it is for doctors and
lawyers? There would be potential benefits: for example, greater assurance that all engineers would
meet minimal standards of training and skill. Nevertheless, there would also be drawbacks, if only
that bureaucratic red tape would increase.
3. Should continuing education be mandatory for all engineers?

There is also the question of the direction and course of existing and possible new professional
organizations. Perhaps it is desirable to have greater unity among engineering societies and thus to
encourage newer and higher-level umbrella organizations to arise (such as the relatively young
American Association of Engineering Societies). Yet there are risks in seeking more unified power
and action. Everything depends on the goals and structures of such organizations, combined with the
creative opportunities envisioned by their moral leaders.
Ultimately these "macro" issues return us to the "micro" issues of individual responsibility. For it is
individuals involved in their professional societies who are the ultimate loci of action and hence of
This leads us to engineers' obligations to their profession. The code of ethics of the Accreditation
Board for Engineering and Technology suggests that engineers should obey the code in order to
"uphold and advance the integrity, honor and dignity of the engineering profession." Similarly, the
preamble to the code of the National Society of Professional Engineers suggests that the code should
be followed in part "to uphold and advance the honor and dignity of the engineering profession."
Surely, something can be said in defense of a duty to respect and defend the honor of the profession.
Effective professional activity, whether in engineering or any other profession, requires a substantial
degree of trust from clients and the public. Total absence of such trust would undermine the
possibility of making contracts, engaging in cooperative work, exercising professional autonomy free
of excessive regulation, and working under humane conditions. Engineers as individuals and as a
group owe it to the public to sustain a professional climate conducive to meeting their other
obligations to thepublic.

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10. Discussin detail about the moral and ethical issues involved in the use of
computers. [May 2017]

With the changing social landscape that naturally follows changes in technology comes a new wave
of ethical issues. These issues must be addressed and resolved for computers, technology and the
Internet to have a positive influence in society. Internet privacy, electronic communication and
computer crimes add a new layer of ethical issues that plague those who use computers and
technology on a daily basis. By identifying the main societal issues in computer usage, you can take a
stand for electronic ethics.
Information and Privacy
The Internet is a veritable smorgasbord of personal information. If you need someone's phone
number, you look it up. If you need to learn more about a company, you visit the website. If you want
to find an old friend, you use social networking. The sheer amount of personal information make it
easy to breach the boundary between using the Internet for learning and information and using the
Internet to invade another's privacy. You can protect yourself by being vague about yourself online
and ensuring your identity is ambiguous and nonspecific.
Copyright and Privacy
Certain items of media, such as public domain books, movies and music, are available for all to enjoy
and even download. Items of media which are copyrighted are not in the public domain and
downloading and distributing them is illegal. Unfortunately, online piracy is widespread and
notoriously difficult to prosecute, so it often goes without consequence. The same could be said for
plagiarism, which is made easier to do and harder to track with the number of resources online.
Computer Crime
The availability of information that can be accessed with a computer paired with a lax attitude toward
security means credit card numbers and identities are constantly at risk. Entering your credit card on a
seemingly innocuous website may seem like an everyday activity, but that site could be a clever scam
designed to fraud you out of your hard-earned money. While the amount and extent of computer
crime is frightening, it's a reality and therefore it's necessary for consumers to protect themselves by
purchasing from trusted retailers or using third-party payment services to protect their money.
Communication Issues
Computers have completely altered the way humans interact with each other. With the invention of
electronic mail, online messaging and social networking sites, face-to-face conversation seems to be a
dying art. Because the communication landscape has changed over time, so have the challenges and
ethics that accompany proper communication, such as discussing certain issues via email, exchanging
personal information without the proper security and forming relationships online.
11. Explain in detail the various advantages and Disadvantages of MNCs.[Nov 2016]

Multinational corporations are enterprises that operate in several countries worldwide. These
organizations have assets and goods or services being offered in more than one country. International
corporations can range from car manufacturers to food chains that exist, a result of globalization, with
consumers and profit in mind. However, these transnational companies are not spared from criticisms
since they also have some negative aspects. Let’s take a look at the benefits and setbacks of
multinational corporations.

1. Cheaper Labor
One of the advantages of multinational corporations is the opportunity to operate in countries where
labor is not as expensive. This is one of the perks that smaller companies do not enjoy. Multinationals
can set up their offices in several countries where demand for their services and products are high
while cheaper labor is available.
2. Broader Market Base
By opening establishments or offices in several countries, multinationals increase their chances of
reaching out to customers on a global scale, a benefit which other companies limited to regional
offices and establishments do not have. The access to more customers gives them more opportunities
to develop and cater their products and services that will fit the needs of potential customers.
3. Tax Cuts
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Multinationals can enjoy lower taxes in other countries for exports and imports, an advantage that
owners of international corporations can take at any given day. And although not all countries can
have lower tariffs, there are those that give tax cuts to investors to attract more international
companies to do business in these countries.
4. Job Creation
When international companies set up branches in other countries, employees and members of the
team are locals. That said, more people are given employment opportunities especially in developing
List of Disadvantages of Multinational Corporations
1.Potential Abuse of Workers
Multinational companies often invest in developing countries where they can take advantage of
cheaper labor. Some multinational corporations prefer to put up branches in these parts of the world
where there are no stringent policies in labor and where people need jobs because these
multinationals can demand for cheaper labor and lesser healthcare benefits.
2. Threat to Local Businesses
Another disadvantage of multinationals in other countries is their ability to dominate the marker.
These giant corporations can dominate the industries they are in because they have better products
and they can afford to even offer them at lower prices since they have the financial resources to buy
in bulk. This can eat up all the other small businesses offering the same goods and services. Chances
are, local businesses will suffer and worse, close down.
3. Loss of Jobs
With more companies transferring offices and centering operations in other countries, jobs for the
people living in developed countries are threatened. Take the case of multinationals that create
in developing countries for their technical operations and manufacturing. The jobs given to the locals
of the host country should be the jobs enjoyed by the people where the head office is located.
Multinational corporations have both advantages and disadvantages since it creates jobs but can also
end up in the exploitation of workers, among other things. And since they are most likely to stay, it’s
best to create policies to make globalization equitable.

12. Describe the Scope and functions of corporate responsibility.[Nov 2016]

In order to facilitate effective implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), the Ministry
of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has released a Circular on ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ (FAQs) with
regard to CSR under Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013. The Circular follows closely on the
heels of the release of a report by the High Level Committee set up by the MCA to suggest measures
for improved monitoring of the implementation of CSR policies in October 2015, and provides clarity
on some of the topics covered in the report. The key highlights of the Circular are:
Applicability of CSR
 Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 is applicable to every company registered under the
Act, and any other previous Companies Law, with a net worth of Rs 500 crore or more, or a turnover
of over Rs 1,000 crore or a net profit exceeding Rs 5 crore in any financial year. The circular further
explains that ‘any financial year’ implies any of the three preceding financial years.
No role for government in CSR monitoring
 The Circular emphasizes that the government has no role in monitoring CSR activities; it lays
the onus on the board of the company to ensure the quality and efficacy of a CSR project.
 The circular states that the government has no role in appointing an appropriate authority for
approving and implementing CSR programmes of a company or in engaging external experts in
monitoring the efficacy of CSR expenditure of companies such as for impact assessments.
Companies’ boards will decide all aspects of CSR
 The board of the company takes a call on the CSR expenditure and qualifying activities as
 CSR projects (and any changes thereof) and their monitoring are subject to the approval of
the company’s board on recommendations of its CSR committee.
 Boards or committees are fully competent to engage third parties to have an impact
assessment of CSR programmes to validate compliance of the CSR provisions of the law.
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Current tax exemptions valid for CSR spend
No specific tax exemptions are extended to CSR expenditure. However, certain activities such as
contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund (Section 80G), scientific research (Sections
35(1)(ii), 35(1)(iia), 35(1)(iii), 35(2AA)), rural development projects (Section 35AC), skill
development projects (Section 35CCD), agricultural extension projects (Section 35CCC), etc. aligned
to Schedule VII already enjoy exemptions under different sections as indicated under the Income Tax
Act, 1961. Further, the Finance Act 2014 clarifies that the CSR expenditure does not form part of
business expenditure.
No carry forward for CSR spend
 The Circular provides clarification that in case of CSR spend greater than the prescribed CSR
spend (2% of average net profit of three preceding financial years), then the excess cannot be carried
forward to the subsequent years against that year’s prescribed CSR spend.
 For any unspent amount of the prescribed CSR spend, the board can chose to carry forward to
the subsequent years, provided it is over and above that year’s prescribed CSR spend.
CSR policy and reporting must for all qualifying companies
 The Circular confirms that the contents of the board-approved CSR Policy must be disclosed
in the board of directors’ report and on the company’s website.
 All qualifying companies must report in the format provided by the Companies (CSR Policy)
Rules, 2014 on the annual report on CSR.
 Further, a foreign company unless otherwise exempted by the central government, should
attach a report on its CSR activity as an annexure to the balance sheet document that it submits to the
Registrar of Companies every calendar year.
Investing in government schemes as CSRThe Circular states that the objective of the CSR Law is to
promote innovative ideas and corporate’s enhanced management skills in discharging social
responsibility that results in greater efficiency and better outcomes. Therefore, CSR should not be
interpreted as a source of financing the resource gaps in government schemes.
 The board may decide to supplement government schemes should it be deemed to qualify
under the CSR provisions of the law.
Employee volunteering and in-kind donations
 The Circular states that while companies should be encouraged to involve employees in their
CSR activities, monetisation of the pro-bono services provided by employees will not be counted
towards CSR expenditure.
 Contribution in kind cannot be monetised to be shown as CSR expenditure unless the
company spends the amount as per Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013.
The Circular reiterates that those activities that benefit only the employees or their families, one-off
events, expenses towards fulfilment of regulatory statutes, contribution to political parties, activities
as part of normal course of business or those undertaken outside of India do not qualify as CSR
expenses. It also reiterates that the contribution to corpus of a trust/ society/ Section 8 companies etc.
will qualify as CSR expenditure as long as the entity is created exclusively for undertaking CSR
activities or where the corpus is created exclusively for a purpose directly relatable to a Schedule VII

13. Explain the role of engineers as consultant and expert witnesses.[May 2017][April/May2018]

An expert witness is a witness who has knowledge beyond that of the ordinary lay person enabling
him/her to give testimony regarding an issue that requires expertise to understand.” USLEGAL goes
on to explain, “Experts are allowed to give opinion testimony which a non-expert witness may be
prohibited from testifying to. In court, the party offering the expert must lay a foundation for the
expert’s testimony. Laying the foundation involves testifying about the expert’s credentials and
experience that qualifies him/her as an expert. Sometimes the opposing party will stipulate (agree to)
to the expert’s qualifications in the interests of judicial economy.”
Practitioner Seminar
Mike Drerup, P.E. of Walter P. Moore just delivered a great practitioner lecture on the topic to
students in the AE 537 Building Failures class in architectural engineering at Penn State. His
lecture is a must see if you ever get the chance to attend one. In addition to covering terminology
such as “standard of care”, depositions, chain of custody on evidence, etc., Mr. Drerup discussed the

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role of the expert witness in three major categories.
o Professional Practice
o Business
o Technical (Science & Engineering)
The lecture was all summed up and tied together through the use of two case studies to illustrate the
process and to demonstrate the scope of effort and scientific study required for many forensic
The Guidelines are organized into five general topics of forensic engineering.
1. Qualifications: addressing commonly accepted education and requirements for forensic
2. Investigations: illustrating the typical aspects of physically carrying out a forensic
3. Ethics: discussing guidelines for the ethical behaviors of the forensic engineers.
4. Legal: providing a brief overview of the court system as it applied to the construction industry.
5. Business: relating the non-technical management side of forensic engineering practices and
the marketing of forensic engineering services within an acceptable ethical scheme is encouraged.

14. Discuss the ethical roles of engineers in weapon development with suitable examples.
[April/May 2018]

The first two seek to clarify the subject of this conference, ethical issues in the global arms industry.
The third sketches the role engineers have in much of the global arms industry. The last part
considers one way that engineers might help with resolving some of the industry’s ethical issues.
While the first part of this paper should contain few surprises,
Dilemmas and Defense Let me begin with two differences between the official title of this conference
and the title of my paper. First, I have substituted “issues” for “dilemmas”. Second, I have substituted
“arms” for “defense”. The purpose of these changes is to avoid unnecessary disputes rather than to
change the subject of the conference. Let me explain. A “dilemma” is a situation in which a difficult
choice has to be made between two (or more) equally undesirable alternatives.1 If the alternatives
were not equally undesirable, the choice would be easy: choose the more desirable alternative. There
would be no dilemma (though the choice might, like most good choices, have its cost). My
impression is that the main ethical issues, questions, problems, or quandaries posed by the global
arms industry are not dilemmas (in this sense) but complex situations in which most of the choices on
offer are hard to assess and many of the best choices have yet to be devised. Indeed, many of the
issues, questions, problems, or quandaries are so ill-defined that we cannot say what a good choice
would look like. We are dealing with a subject requiring the work philosophers typically do. We must
understand the issues before we can have anything so tidy as a dilemma. Hence, my substitution of
“issue” for “dilemma”. I might have used “problem”, “question”, “quandary”, or some other catch-all
instead of “issue”.
Ethical issues “Ethics” has at least three uses potentially relevant here. First, it can be a synonym for
ordinary morality, those standards of conduct that apply to all moral agents simply because they are
moral agents—“Don’t kill”, “Keep your promises”, “Help the needy”, and so on. Second, “ethics”
can refer to those morally binding standards that apply to members of a group simply because they
are members of that group. Legal ethics applies to lawyers and no one else; business ethics to people
in business and no one else; and so on. Third, “ethics” can refer to a field of philosophy, that is, the
attempt to understand morality (including its special standards) as part of a reasonable undertaking.
Other names for “ethics” in this third sense include “moral theory” and “ethical theory”. I shall
hereafter reserve “ethics” for the special-standards sense, using “morality” for the first sense and
“moral theory”
Engineers in the global arms industry Engineers have had a significant role in the arms industry since
at least the 1700s. Their role has only increased as the products of the arms industry have become
more sophisticated. Today one in ten US engineers works in military-related industry, including
about 39,000 electrical engineers (just under 14% of all US electrical engineers) and about 6,000
aerospace engineers (just under 19% of all aerospace engineers).8 Engineers design weapons and
other equipment the military needs, test them, sell them, and oversee their manufacture, maintenance,
and even disposal. Indeed, it is hard to imagine today’s arms industry without engineers, not only
“bench engineers” but technical managers up to, and often including, senior management.9 So, for
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example, of Lockheed Martin’s eight vice presidents, three are engineers.10 There is no reason to
think that engineers do not have a similar part with respect to most products of the global arms
industry or, at least, most of its most distinctive products.
Suppose, for example, that a certain large African country contacts a US manufacturer of modern jet
fighters in order to buy twenty for its air force. The sale is likely to be a long process, lasting months
or even years. At an early stage, the US manufacturer would have to send out engineers to assess the
African country’s airbases, maintenance practices, pilot training, local suppliers, and so on. A jet
fighter requires a complex technological system to operate. The would-be customer may be surprised
to learn that its runways are too short, that its fuel storage is inadequate, that its maintenance staff
will have to be larger, better trained, and provided with more sophisticated tools, and so on. While
some of this information is typically public, some is not, being proprietary or classified. Much of it
will, in any case, be in a form engineers are used to and others are not.
The African country will need its own engineers to talk to those of the US manufacturer. The African
country need not agree to all the requirements that the US manufacturer seeks to impose as part of the
sale. It may suggest changes in the design of the jet fighters so that, for example, they can use fuel
that the African country is already using for other aircraft. Indeed, after a full assessment, the parties
may agree on a less sophisticated fighter. In any case, the final specifications for the fighter,
including training, support, munitions, replacement parts, and so on, should be the result (in part) of
extensive negotiations between the engineers of the US manufacturer and those of the African
country.11 Though the terms of such a sale are, in principle, entirely under the control of the US
manufacturer’s senior management and theAfrican country’s senior government officials, in practice
many of the decisions, perhaps most, will be made by engineers, some quite junior, no one else
having the information, time, and skills to appreciate their import.
The involvement of engineers typically does not end with the writing of specifications or even with
the signing of the sales contract. Engineers will oversee the manufacture of the planes, not only
making sure that every part satisfies the specifications and the whole is constructed
properly but also changing the specifications if, say, there is difficulty getting a specified part or a
better part has become available. Given that there will typically be several years between the initial
writing of specifications and the delivery of the last jet fighter, there may be many changes in the
specifications, most quietly made by agreement among engineers. Some of these changes will, of
course, be “no brainers”, but a substantial number may involve painful balancing of cost, reliability,
timeliness, and so on. So, for example, a new part may be cheaper and, based on experience, as good
as the old. But, since the part is new, experience with it must be short. The part may fail long before it
should. Who knows? The engineers will have to rely on experience with parts analogous in one way
or another to forecast the probable failure date of the new part— and decide accordingly. There may
be a good deal of discussion between the manufacturer’s engineers and those of the African country.
The relationship between the engineers of the US manufacturer and those of the African country
should not end when the last fighter is delivered. The US engineers should keep the African
engineers informed of problems identified in similar aircraft elsewhere in the world and the solutions
devised. The African engineers in turn should advise the US engineers of any problems they identify
in the jets they purchased, anything from unusual wear on engine blades to difficulty getting ground
crews to comply with required maintenance procedures. The purpose of this exchange of technical
information between the manufacturer’s engineers and those of the African country is not simply to
maintain the fighters; it is in part to improve them where possible, not only the fighters that the
African country has purchased but other fighters in that family, both those yet to be built and those
already in use elsewhere in the world. In principle, this exchange of information should continue until
the last fighter delivered has ceased to exist. That is normal engineering.
While much of this exchange of information will go on long-distance, some of it may require “site
visits”, for example, to see the troublesome dust clouds possibly contributing to unusual engine wear
or the conditions under which maintenance must actually be performed. The relationship between a
manufacturer’s engineers and those of a customer can be both intimate and enduring. There is often a
tension between the legal department’s “arm’s length” conception of how information should be
shared and the engineers’ conception (something more like a long hug than a handshake). For
example, engineers of a manufacturer can seldom do a good job of designing a sophisticated piece of
equipment without knowing how it will be used,under what conditions, and for how long. Similarly, a
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customer purchasing such equipment cannot be as helpful in its design as it could be unless it knows
the details of manufacture, including some trade secrets and (in the case of a fighter jet) even some
highly classified information.

15. Explain the significance of Environmental Ethics for an Engineer by giving examples of environmental issue.
[May 2019]
Environmental Ethics
 Environmental ethics is the study to explore the ethical roots of the environmental movement and to
understand what ethics tells us about our responsibility to
the environment.
Engineers and the environment
 It is evident that engineers are usually creators of technology that contributes to environmental
degradation as well as environmental improvement;
 Therefore they should have a professional obligation to protect the environment.
 Also as agents of change and experimenters, engineers have a vital role to play in protecting
the environment.
Types of Concern for Environment
 There are two types of concern for the environment. They are:
1. Health-related concern
 Engineers can be concerned for the environment when environmental pollution poses a direct
and clear threat to human health.
 This is called as a health-related concern for the environment.
2. Non-health-related concern
 Engineers can also be concerned for the environment even when human wealth
Environmental Ethics
 Environmental ethics is the study to explore the ethical roots of the environmental movement and to
understand what ethics tells us about our responsibility to the environment.
Engineers and the environment
 It is evident that engineers are usually creators of technology that contributes to environmental
degradation as well as environmental improvement;
 Therefore they should have a professional obligation to protect the environment.
 Also as agents of change and experimenters, engineers have a vital role to play in protecting the
Types of Concern for Environment
 There are two types of concern for the environment. They are:
1. Health-related concern
 Engineers can be concerned for the environment when environmental pollution poses a direct and
clear threat to human health.
 This is called as a health-related concern for the environment.
2. Non-health-related concern
 Engineers can also be concerned for the environment even when human wealth

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