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2.1 LEPTS Guideline On O&M

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on Operating and Managing

Lao Electric Power Technical

Safety Rules
for Operation and Maintenance

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM)

Initial document supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), 2007
Revised document supported by World Bank (WB), 2018

Vientiane, 2018

The Guidelines on Operating and Managing the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards (LEPTS)
prescribes the procedures and requirements for the planning/ design, construction and operation
stages of power facilities in order to comply with the LEPTS.

The Guidelines cover six (6) areas: Hydropower Civil Engineering Facilities, Electrical Facilities in
Hydropower Station, Transmission Lines, Substations, Distribution Lines and Consumer’s Electrical
Facilities. The Guidelines were first developed under the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards
Promotion project with technical cooperation from the Government of Lao PDR and Japan.

The Guidelines required updation for the changes to LEPTS and introduction of dam safety framework
and because of recent advances in technology, newly adopted international standards and changing
requirements of Lao PDR’s hydropower development program.

In view of this, World Bank under the World Bank aided “Technical Assistance for Capacity Building in
the Hydropower and Mining Sectors” project assisted the updation. PricewaterhouseCoopers Pvt Ltd,
India (PwC India) and Entura, had been appointed as the consultants to support Government of Lao
PDR to put in place a framework for proper development of the power sector including the review and
subsequent modification of LEPTS documents which included these Guidelines.

Entura carried out a detailed review and subsequently modification to the Guidelines keeping in mind
the current scenario of the power sector development in Lao PDR as well as the recent advances in
technology, updated LEPTS documents and changing requirements of Lao PDR’s hydropower
development program. These Guidelines have been revised ensuring that they are consistent with the
Electricity Law and other guidelines in force.

The Ministry of Energy and Mines, Government of Lao PDR takes this opportunity to thank the World
Bank and their consultant PwC India and Entura for the valuable assistance they have provided in
reviewing and updating these Guidelines. The Ministry would also like to thank all participating
organizations and staff for their cooperation in successfully updating these Guidelines.

The Ministry recognizes that any standards/ guidelines should not be considered rigid and inflexible
and should change with new developments and technical advances in the field. It would therefore
welcome comments and suggestions from the users and would oversee appropriate amendments to
these Guidelines in response to industry experience to ensure that they remain relevant and effective
in the long term.

I. Fields of Hydropower Civil Engineering

Facilities and Electrical Facilities in
Hydropower Stations

II. Field of Transmission Lines

III. Field of Substations

IV. Field of Distribution Lines

V. Field of Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

I. Fields of Hydropower Civil Engineering
Facilities and Electrical Facilities in
Hydropower Stations

Guideline on Operating
and Managing Lao
Electric Power
Technical Standards
Hydropower Civil
Engineering Facilities and
Electrical Facilities in
Hydropower Stations

December, 2018

List of Project Members for Initial Document

Project Director Mr. Houmphone BULYAPHOL

Director General of DOE, MIH

JICA Experts Dr. Shigenori KURODA (DOE),

Mr. Masahiro OGAWA (EdL)

Hydropower Civil Engineering Field Mr. Masato MATSUDA, JICA Expert

Mr. Masaki KAWAGUCHI, JICA Expert
Mr. Phonesavanh PHIMMASONE, DOE Staff
Mr. NorlavongVONGSINUANE, EdL Staff

Hydropower Electrical Plant Field Mr. Hirofumi FUJITA, JICA Expert

Mr. Phimphone LATSAVONG, DOE Staff
Mr. Sanhya SOMVICHITH, DOE Staff
Mr. Phoxay KEOKENCHANH, EdL Staff

Project Manager Mr. Vanhdy VILAYSANE EdL

National Coordinator Mr. Houmphan VONGPHACHANH, DOE

Project Coordinator Mr. Masatoshi KAIMASU, JICA Expert

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR ii


List of Project Members for 2018 Document

Government of Lao PDR

• Mr. Sychath BOUTSAKITTIRATH, Director General, Department of Energy Management

• Mr. Bouathep MALAYKHAM, Deputy Director General, Department of Energy Management

• Mr. Houmphanh VONGPHACHANH, Deputy Director General , Department of Energy


• Dr. Phoukhong SENGVILAY, Director of Division, Department of Energy Management

• Mr. Viengsay CHANHTHA, Director of Division, Department of Energy Management

• Mr. Phouxay VIENGVIXAY, Director of Division, Department of Energy Management

• Mr. Lair PHIMPHISANE, Deputy Director of Division, Department of Energy Management

• Mr. Bounthavee CHANHTANGEUN, Deputy Director of Division, Department of Energy


World Bank

• Mr. Satoru Ueda, Lead Dam Specialist

• Mr. Takafumi Kadono, Senior Energy Specialist

Entura/ PwC India

• Sonam Tshering, Team Leader, PwC India

• Dr. P.C. Jose, Hydropower Expert, Entura

• Mr. Zafarul Hasan, Dam Specialist, Entura

• Mr. Narendra Arora, Electrical Expert, Entura

• Mr. Ajit Garg, Project Manager, Entura

• Mr. Rajeev Raina, Senior Consultant, Entura

• Mr. Subhrajit Datta Ray, Director, PwC India

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR iii


Table of Contents
PART 1: GENERAL PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................ 1

Article 1: Purposes and Mandate....................................................................................... 1

Article 2 Definitions........................................................................................................... 2

PART 2: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LEPTS ........................................................... 3

Article 3 General Requirements ...................................................................................... 3

Article 4 Pre-existing Power Facilities ........................................................................... 9
Article 5 Responsibilities and Expenses......................................................................... 9

PART 3: PROJECT PROCEDURES ....................................................................................11

3.1 Project Description and Screening ...................................................................................... 11

Article 6 Project Description .......................................................................................... 11
Article 7 Screening ........................................................................................................... 11
3.2 Pre-Feasibility Study and/or Feasibility Study .................................................................. 11
Article 8 Purpose of Pre-FS and/or FS ......................................................................... 11
Article 9 Scope of Works of Pre-FS and/or FS ............................................................ 11
Article 10 Field Investigations for Pre-FS and/or FS ................................................. 11
Article 11 Preparation of Pre-FS and/or FS ................................................................ 11
Article 12 Approval of Pre-FS and/or FS ...................................................................... 12
3.3 Basic Design and Detail Design ........................................................................................... 13
Article 13 Purpose of Basic Design ................................................................................ 13
Article 14 Purpose of Detail Design ............................................................................... 13
Article 15 Nomination and appointment of Chief Engineers ................................... 13
Article 16 Field Investigations for Basic Design and/ or Detail Design .................. 13
Article 17 Design Criteria for Basic Design .................................................................. 13
Article 18 Examination and Approval of Basic Design .............................................. 14
Article 19 Preparation of Detail Design ........................................................................ 14
Article 20 Examination and Approval of the Modifications to Basic Design ......... 14
3.4 Construction....................................................................................................................... 15
Article 21 Preparation of Emergency Action Plan for Construction Stage............. 15
Article 22 Examination and Approval of Emergency Action Plan for Construction
Stage ..................................................................................................................................... 15
Article 23 Quality Control and Assurance Plan for Construction Stage ................. 15
Article 24 Inspection prior to Commencement of Construction ............................. 15
Article 25 Commencement of Construction ................................................................ 15
Article 26 Nomination and appointment of Chief Engineers .................................. 16
Article 27 Construction Schedule .................................................................................. 16

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR iv


Article 28 Right to Access to the Project Site............................................................... 16

Article 29 Quality Control and Assurance During Construction of Dam ................ 16
Article 30 Modification of the Detail Design ............................................................... 17
Article 31 Examination and Approval of the Modification to the Layout and
considerations at the Detail Design stage ...................................................................... 17
Article 32 Inspection of Dam Foundation .................................................................... 17
Article 33 Formulation of Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for impoundment stage
............................................................................................................................................... 17
Article 34 Examination and approval of Emergency action plan (EAP) for
impoundment stage ........................................................................................................... 17
Article 35 Inspection prior to First Impounding ........................................................ 17
Article 36 Flood Management Rules ............................................................................. 18
Article 37 Examination and Inspection before Commencement of Operation ..... 18
3.5: Operation and Maintenance ............................................................................................... 18
Article 39 Examination and Approval of Emergency Action Plan for Operation
Stage ..................................................................................................................................... 18
Article 40 Commencement of Operation ..................................................................... 18
Article 41 Nomination and appointment of Chief Engineers ................................... 18
Article 42 Safety Rules .................................................................................................... 19
Article 43 Regular Reports ............................................................................................. 19
Article 44 Accident Reports............................................................................................ 19
Article 45 Miscellaneous Reports .................................................................................. 20

Appendix 1- Forms ............................................................................................................ 21

Appendix 2- Serious Accidents Table .............................................................................. 63

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR v



Article 1: Purposes and Mandate

(1) The purposes of this guideline are to operate and manage the Lao Electric Power Technical
Standards (hereinafter referred to as LEPTS), specifically for hydropower civil engineering facilities
and electrical facilities in hydropower stations in Lao PDR.

(2) This guideline is to include procedures and requirements in the planning, design, construction and
operation stage of power facilities, which shall conform to LEPTS.

(3) The Ministry of Energy and Mines (hereinafter referred to as MEM), Department of Energy
Management (hereinafter referred to as DEM) is assigned to lead local provinces and other related
agencies in operating and managing LEPTS for power facilities.

The mandate due to the Electricity Law of this Guideline is summarized on Table 1.

Table 1 Scope of Guideline

Item Application and approval

(in planning, design, construction and operation)

Installed capacity

More than 5,000kW To DEM and DEB

5,000kW or less To PDEM through DEM

100kW or less To DDEM through PDEM

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 1


Article 2 Definitions

1. Power Facilities: The power facilities include, amongst others, dams, spillways, waterways,
reservoirs, hydropower stations, substations, switching stations, transmission lines and distribution
lines and are composed of hydropower civil engineering facilities and electrical facilities.

2. Owner: The entity that plans and implements the power facilities or their concession.

3. Pre-existing Power Facilities: The power facilities that are under operation, construction, detail
design, feasibility study, or pre-feasibility study on the date of 12 February 2004.

4. Project Description: The summary of the power facilities describing its features, technical
information and environmental impacts and measures.

5. Pre-Feasibility Study(Pre-FS) and Feasibility Study (FS): The study that identifies the
feasibility of implementing the power facilities from the technical, socio-economical, financial and
environmental point of view.

6. Basic Design: The basic design of the power facilities conforming to LEPTS, which includes basic
design criteria, basic design reports, basic design drawings, work quantity calculation, etc.

7. Detail Design: The design of the power facilities conforming to LEPTS, which includes design
criteria, design reports, design drawings, work quantity calculation, technical specifications of the
power facilities, etc.

8. Tender Documents: The documents that are distributed to the pre-qualified or selected
contractors for tendering purpose and include general specifications, technical specifications and

9. Emergency Action Plan (EAP): An EAP is a formal document that identifies potential emergency
conditions at a dam and specifies actions to be followed.

10. Construction Drawings: The drawings that are used for construction of the hydropower civil
engineering facilities.

11. Working Drawings: The drawings that are used for manufacture and installation of the electrical

12. Responsible Agency for Electric Power Development (RAEPD): Any entities such as MEM
(DEM), the Provincial Department of Energy and Mines (hereinafter referred to as PDEM) in
provinces and Vientiane Capital, the District Department of Energy and Mines (hereinafter referred
to as DDEM) in districts that has mandate for making decisions to approve, license, finance or
undertake on the electric power development.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 2



Article 3 General Requirements

(1) RAEPD shall follow LEPTS in examining, inspecting and approving any type of power facilities in Lao
PDR, in accordance with the procedures and requirements stipulated in this guideline.

(2) The followings are the implementation steps of power facilities in accordance with the Electricity Law
and LEPTS. The procedures of a hydropower development project are illustrated in Figure 1.

• Project Description
• Screening
• Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Study and/or Feasibility Study
• Examination and approval of Pre-Feasibility Study and/or Feasibility Study
• Preparation of Basic Design
• Nomination and appointment of chief engineers at Basic Design/Detailed Design stage
• Examination and approval of Basic Design
• Preparation of Detailed Design
• Examination and approval of the modification to the Basic Design
• Preparation of Emergency Action Plan for construction stage
• Examination and approval of Emergency Action Plan at construction stage
• Quality control and assurance plan for construction of dam
• Inspection prior to commencement of construction
• Commencement of Construction
• Nomination and appointment of chief engineers at construction stage
• Modification of Detail Design
• Examination and approval of the modification to the layout and considerations at the Detail
Design stage
• Inspection of dam foundation
• Quality control and assurance during construction of dam
• Preparation of Emergency Action Plan for impoundment stage
• Examination and approval of Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for impoundment stage
• Inspection of Power Facilities prior to first impounding
• Flood management rules
• Examination and inspection before commencement of operation
• Report on Commissioning
• Nomination and appointment of chief engineer at operation stage
• Updation of Emergency action plan for operation stage
• Examination and approval of Emergency action plan
• Operation and maintenance of Power Facilities
• Safety Rules
• Regular Reports
• Reports on accidents
• Miscellaneous Reports

(3) Any physical activities that impact the environment, shall not take place at project site until an
environmental approval certificate has been issued for the project by Ministry of Natural Resources
and Environment (MoNRE). Physical activities necessary for field investigations of pre-feasibility
study, feasibility study, basic design or detail design such as topographical survey and geological
investigations, the Owner shall prepare such a field investigation plan that will influence as minimum
impacts as possible to the environment, and submit it to RAEPD for his approval.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 3


Figure1. Procedure of Hydropower Development

Project Related to Article 6

More than 100kW
More than 5,000kW PDEM


Environmental Project Planning

Approved by RAEPD

Basic and Detail b


Certificate by Approved by RAEPD
MoNRE (Basic Design Only)

Construction c

Approved by RAEPD


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 4


Project Planning Stage

Project description
(Owner → RAEPD)

Environmental Assessment Related to

Screening by RAEPD
Article 7

Technical approval Review and Comments

by MEM or PDEM (*) (RAEPD → Owner)

Pre-feasibility Study Report Related to

and Feasibility Study Article 11
(Owner → RAEPD)

Technical approval Review and Comments

by MEM or PDEM (*) (RAEPD → Owner)

Technical approval Pre-feasibility Study and Related to

by MEM or PDEM (*) Feasibility Study approved Article 12

MEM and PDEM shall give the technical approval to PDEM and DDEM, respectively.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 5


Detail Design Stage

Related to
Nomination and Appointment of
Article 15
Chief Engineers
(Owner →RAEPD)

Start of Basic Design

Basic Design Related to

Owner → RAEPD Article 17

Technical approval Basic Design approved by Related to

by MEM or PDEM (*) RAEPD Article 18

Detail Design including drawing and technical Related to

specification (Tender Documents) Article19
Details of modifications to layout and (FORM-2)
consideration to basic design
(Owner → RAEPD)

Technical approval Modifications to Basic Design

by MEM or PDEM (*) approved by RAEPD Related to
Article 20
If it is necessary

Final Design, Work plan and Work

schedule (Owner → RAEPD)

Preparation of Emergency action Related to

plan for construction stage Article 21
(FORM -16)
MEM and PDEM shall give the technical approval to PDEM and DDEM, respectively.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 6


Construction Stage

Related to
Nomination and appointment of Article 26
Chief Engineers (FORM-1)
(Owner →RAEPD)

Related to
Start of Construction Article 27

Modification of Detail Design Related to

If there is any change Details of modifications to layout Article 30
of Detail Design and consideration to basic design
(Owner → RAEPD)

Modification to Basic Design Related to

approved by RAEPD Article 31

-Foundation Inspection
- Approval of EAP Flood Management Rule
-Inspection Prior to impounding (Owner → RAEPD)
Related to Article 32(FORM-4),
Article 34 (FORM-16) Related to
Article 35 (FORM-5) Article 36 (FORM-6)

-Inspection of completed power

Related to Article 37 (FORM-7)
Related to
Technical approval Construction approved by Article 37
by MEM or PDEM (*) RAEPD

Certificate of completion issued


MEM and PDEM shall give the technical approval to PDEM and DDEM, respectively.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 7


Operation Stage

Nomination and appointment of Related to

Chief Engineers Article 41
(Owner → RAEPD) (FORM-1)

Safety Rules and EAP Related to

(Owner → RAEPD) Article 42

Start of Operation

Regular Reports, Accident Report

and Miscellaneous Reports
(Owner → RAEPD)

Related to Article 43
(FORM- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
18, 20, 21, 22)
Related to Article 44
(FORM-14, 15)
Related to Article 45
(FORM-17, 19, 23, 24)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 8


Article 4 Pre-existing Power Facilities

(1) For power facilities that were completed before the date 12 February 2004, the Owner shall report to
RAEPD performance records, regular inspection and monitoring results, emergency inspection
results and accidents of hydropower civil engineering facilities and electrical facilities in accordance
with Article 7 of LEPTS and stipulations of Lao Dam Safety Guidelines.

(2) The Owner, who is under implementation of his power facilities as of 12 February 2004, shall try to
do his utmost so that his power facilities can conform to the fundamental requirements stipulated in
Sections 2-2 and 3-2 of LEPTS and stipulations of Lao Dam Safety Guidelines. He shall follow the
procedures in Figure 1 on and from the date 12 February 2004 and this guideline.

Article 5 Responsibilities and Expenses

(1) The responsibilities for implementing power facilities in accordance with LEPTS and stipulations of
Lao Dam Safety Guidelines are summarized on Table 2. Detailed responsibilities of RAEPD are
separately determined by MEM in accordance with the category of electricity sizes stipulated in the
Electricity Law.

(2) The Owner shall ensure that the expenses of carrying out his responsibilities listed on Table 2 are
included in the project cost.

Table 2 Responsibilities of Organizations

Organization Responsibilities
• Reviews and comments project description
RAEPD • Reviews and approves field investigation plans for pre-feasibility study
and/or feasibility study
• Examines and approves pre-feasibility study
• Examines and approves feasibility study
• Approves appointment of chief engineers
• Approval of Basic design
• Examination and approval of the modification to the layout and
considerations at the Basic design stage
• Inspection prior to commencement of construction
• Examines and approves modification of Basic design during detail design
• Inspection of dam foundation
• Examination and approval of EAP prior to first impounding
• Inspection prior to first impounding
• Examination and approval of EAP prior to commencement of operations
• Examines and inspects power facilities before commencement of
• is notified of flood management rule
• is notified of safety rules
• orders remedy to the Owner for conformance to LEPTS

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 9


Organization Responsibilities
• prepares project description
Owner • prepare the scope of works and field investigation plans for pre-
feasibility study and/or the feasibility study
• implements pre-feasibility study and/or final feasibility study
• nominates chief engineers and notifies to RAPED
• prepare field investigation plan for detail design
• implements detail design
• prepares the application forms for permission of the power facilities
• notifies commencement of construction activities to RAPED
• reports the construction commencement to RAPED
• prepares application forms of inspections
• Supports RAPED's inspections of dam foundation, inspection prior to
commencement of construction, inspection prior to first impounding,
inspection of power facilities before commencement of operation, etc.
• prepares flood management rule to notifies it to RAPED
• prepares safety rules and notifies it to the RAPED
• notifies commencement of operation to RAPED
• reports the operation commencement to RAPED
• operates and maintains the power facilities
• reports to RAPED performance records, regular monitoring results,
emergency inspection results and accidents
• remedies the power facilities in accordance with RAPED order
• Conclude contracts for electricity purchase and sale with the buyer;
• Lease or use the land, water, other resources or energy sources necessary
for business operations in accordance with the Concession Agreement
• Receive the electricity service charges, and protection of their rights and
• Obtain electrical technical and technological advice
• Transfer shares or ownership in electricity business within the remaining
period of concession to others pursuant to the Government approval or
approval by the local authorities. However, it is not allowed to transfer
before the completion of project construction.
• Hold other rights as stipulated in the concession agreement, laws and

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 10



3.1 Project Description and Screening

Article 6 Project Description

The Owner shall submit a project description to RAEPD in accordance with the category of the
electricity size stipulated in the Electricity Law.

Article 7 Screening

The screening of the proposed project shall be done by the Ministry of Planning and Investment
(MPI) and the stipulated guidelines of MPI shall be followed.

3.2 Pre-Feasibility Study and/or Feasibility Study

Article 8 Purpose of Pre-FS and/or FS

The power facilities to be implemented by the Owner shall be identified by means of Pre-
Feasibility Study (hereinafter referred to as Pre-FS) and/or Feasibility Study (hereinafter
referred to as FS) from technical, socio-economical, environmental and financial point of view.
As for the environmental issues of the power facilities, procedures laid down by MoNRE shall be

Article 9 Scope of Works of Pre-FS and/or FS

The Owner shall prepare Pre-FS and/ or FS in accordance with the terms of reference of Pre-FS
and FS.

Article 10 Field Investigations for Pre-FS and/or FS

The Owner shall pay full attentions to the natural and social environments in implementing field
investigations necessary for the Pre-FS and/or the FS. The field investigation plan shall be
submitted to RAEPD for his approval as stipulated in Article 3 of this guideline. Any physical
activities shall not be commenced at the project site prior to his approval.

Article 11 Preparation of Pre-FS and/or FS

The Owner shall carry out the study and prepare the Pre-FS and/or the FS report(s), which shall
be submitted to RAEPD for his approval. Contents of the Pre-FS and/or the FS report(s) are as
follows, but not limited to;

(1) The study report shall describe the present and future electric power demand in the project
area that will be supplied by the concerned power facilities. The future power demand shall
be forecasted with existing information and reasonable methods.

(2) The report shall describe the topographical, meteorological and hydrological conditions of
the project area. The report shall supplement existing information with sufficient field
investigation data such as site reconnaissance, geological drillings and tests, river runoff
measurement, etc.

(3) The report shall identify and describe two or more alternative development schemes to

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 11


determine the optimum one which is most feasible from technical, economical, financial and
environmental point of view.

(4) The report shall describe the basic design of the hydropower civil engineering facilities and
electrical facilities conforming to LEPTS.

(5) The report shall describe the estimated cost, construction plan including construction
schedule of the power facilities.

(6) The report shall describe the economical and financial analysis of the power facilities.

(7) The report shall be written in Lao or English as per the details given below;

• For the project with installed capacity up to and including 100 kW report shall be in Lao

• For the project with installed capacity above 100 kW and up to and including 5 MW, the
report shall be in Lao or English language.

• For the project with installed capacity above 5 MW, the report shall be in Lao and

(8) The report shall contain a summary that describes the key risks and a conclusion.

Article 12 Approval of Pre-FS and/or FS

(1) RAEPD shall be responsible for examining and approving the Pre-FS and/or the FS report.
RAEPD shall coordinate the examination with other related organizations.

(2) The Owner shall submit following number copies of the pre-FS and/or FS report to RAEPD;

• For installed capacity of the project up to and including 100 kW: Five (5) copies in Lao
language and one (1) electronic file.
• For installed capacity of the project above 100 kW and up to and including 5 MW: Five
(5) copies in Lao/English language and one (1) electronic file.
• For installed capacity of the project above 5 MW: Six (6) copies in English, Six (6) copies
in Lao language and two (2) electronic file.

(3) Within thirty (30) working days after receiving the Pre-FS and/or the FS report, RAEPD
shall complete its examination and do one of the followings:

• Approve the Pre-FS and/or the FS

• Request the Owner to carry out specific additional studies. In this case, the revised Pre-
FS and/or FS report shall be again examined in accordance with the procedures cited
• Reject the Pre-FS and/or the FS based on the findings and recommend that the
responsible agency cancel the power facilities concerned for the following reason;

- The activities related with the implementation of the power facilities will not comply
with Lao PDR laws, or insufficient data is available to establish the scheme.

(4) In all cases, RAEPD shall promptly notify the Owner in writing of his decision, and give a
brief explanation.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 12


3.3 Basic Design and Detail Design

Article 13 Purpose of Basic Design

The Owner shall perform the Basic Design of the hydropower civil engineering facilities and the
electrical facilities conforming to the respective Articles of LEPTS and in accordance with the
Terms of Reference (ToR) of Basic Design

Article 14 Purpose of Detail Design

The Owner shall perform the detail design of the hydropower civil engineering facilities and the
electrical facilities conforming to the respective Articles of LEPTS. The detail design will be
strengthened by further field investigations, in-situ tests, laboratory tests and etc., as well as
further collection of related technical information. The Owner will prepare detail design
documents such as design reports, design calculation reports, work quantity calculation reports,
tender documents, contract documents, construction plan, construction schedule, installation
schedule, money payment schedule and etc.

Article 15 Nomination and appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The Owner shall, before commencing the basic design and detail design of the power
facilities, nominate a hydropower civil chief engineer and/or chief electrical engineer and
notify to RAEPD as the registered engineer(s) in FORM-1 in Appendix 1 as stipulated in
Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualifications of respective chief engineers shall be separately
determined by RAEPD.

(2) The registered hydropower civil engineer and/or the electrical engineer shall be responsible
for the technical matters in performing the basic and detail design of the hydropower civil
engineering facilities and the electrical facilities respectively.

Article 16 Field Investigations for Basic Design and/ or Detail Design

The Owner shall pay full attentions to the natural and social environments in implementing field
investigations necessary for the Basic and/ or Detail Design. The field investigation plan shall be
submitted to RAEPD for his approval as stipulated in Article 3 of this guideline. Any physical
activities shall not be commenced at the project site prior to his approval.

Article 17 Design Criteria for Basic Design

(1) The Owner shall prepare the Basic Design Criteria to be applied in designing the power
facilities. The Design Criteria shall satisfy the fundamental requirements stipulated in
Sections 2-2 and 3-2 of LEPTS.

(2) The Owner in accordance with the terms of reference of the Basic Design shall prepare the
Basic Design criteria.

• The Design Criteria for civil engineering facilities shall contain the following, but not
limited to:

- Determination of physical and mechanical properties of foundations of structures,

cement, concrete, reinforcement steel bar, embankment material and formed steel.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 13


- Determination of design loads acting on civil engineering structures such as self-

weight, hydrostatic pressure, silt pressure, earth pressure, uplift pressure, seismic
loads, wind loads etc.
- Determination of combinations of loads acting on dam, intake, headrace
canal/tunnel, surge tank, penstock anchor blocks, powerhouse etc.
- Hydraulic and structural formulae, methods of analysis, computer software’s and
design methodologies to be employed and Hydraulic model testing details.
• The Design Criteria for hydro-mechanical equipment such as hydraulic gates, high
pressure valves and trash rack shall contain the following, but not limited to:

- Materials of hydraulic gates and valves.

- Allowable stress used for gate leaf, gate guide, anchorage, trash rack and gate
operating equipment’s.
- Design loads and their combination acting on gates such as weight of the gate,
hydrostatic pressure, silt pressure, wave pressure, buoyancy, gate operating force,
hydrodynamic pressure, wind load, effects of temperature change, change in
hydraulic pressure by flowing water, load increase due to vibration.
- Structural formulae, method of analysis, computer software’s and design
methodologies to be employed.
• The Design Criteria for electrical equipment and transmission lines shall contain the
following, but not limited to:

- Service conditions including air temperature, cooling water temperature, earthquake,

wind velocity, altitude.
- Standards to be applied for electrical equipment.
- Type of turbine, generator, transformer, bus ducts, switchgear, control equipment,
EOT crane, MIV, Electrical & Mechanical auxiliaries etc.
- Type of grounding systems proposed at all project components such as intake, dam,
settling basin, forebay, powerhouse, switchyard etc.
- Type of Switchyard and Power Evacuation Arrangement.
- Type of Configuration of operation and control, including SCADA system.
- Type of transmission conductors, insulators etc.

Article 18 Examination and Approval of Basic Design

RAEPD shall be responsible for examining the Basic Design. Within the stipulated time as
detailed in the ToR of Basic Design, RAEPD shall complete its examination and notify the owner
in writing of his examination result.

Article 19 Preparation of Detail Design

The Owner shall, in consideration of the Basic Design, perform the detail design of the
hydropower civil engineering facilities and the electrical facilities. On completing the detail
design, the Owner shall prepare the application form and submit it together with technical
supporting documents to RAEPD for his information/ notification. Details on modifications to
the layout and considerations along with justification from the basic design stage shall also be
prepared and submitted to RAEPD for his approval. The application form and technical
supporting documents to be attached are defined in FORM-2 and -3.

Article 20 Examination and Approval of the Modifications to Basic Design

(1) RAEPD shall be responsible for examining the modifications to the layout and
considerations along with justification from the basic design stage during the Detail Design
of the power facilities to check whether the modifications shall satisfy the respective Articles
of LEPTS. RAEPD has a right to request the Owner to submit additional technical

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 14


documents in order to clarify the modifications and detail desin of the power facilities.

(2) Within sixty (60) working days after receiving FORM-2 and -3 of Detail Design, RAEPD
shall complete its examination and do one of the followings:
• Approve the modifications
• Request the Owner to carry out specific additional studies in order that the power
facilities shall satisfy LEPTS. In this case, the revised documentshall be again examined
in accordance with the procedures cited in (1) and (2) above.

(3) The Owner shall, at his own responsibility, obtain approvals or permissions of any facilities
other than the power facilities stipulated in LEPTS.

3.4 Construction

Article 21 Preparation of Emergency Action Plan for Construction Stage

The Owner shall prepare the EAP, sixty days prior to the commencement of construction in
accordance with Lao Dam Safety Guidelines for EAP. The owner shall submit documentation
inline with FORM-16.

Article 22 Examination and Approval of Emergency Action Plan for Construction


RAEPD shall be responsible for examining the EAP. Within sixty (60) working days, RAEPD
shall complete its examination and notify the owner in writing of his examination result

Article 23 Quality Control and Assurance Plan for Construction Stage

In accordance with the requirement of the Concession Agreement, owner shall prepare a
construction stage Quality Control and Assurance Plan for review by the RAEPD.

Article 24 Inspection prior to Commencement of Construction

(1) Prior to the commencement of construction activities of the power facilities, the hydropower
civil chief engineer and the electrical chief engineer, as representatives of the Owner, shall
perform the examination and the inspection as to ascertain whether the hydropower civil
engineering facilities concerned conform to the Technical Standards prior to
commencement of the construction in the presence of RAEPD in accordance with Article
5.2.1 of LEPTS and the Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance. Within seven (7) working
days prior to the examination and the inspection, the Owner shall submit to RAEPD the
necessary documentation inline with FORM-7.

(2) The hydropower civil chief engineer and the electrical chief engineer, as representatives of
the Owner, shall perform the inspection of the power facilities if directed by RAEPD at the
above examination and the inspection in the presence of RAEPD.

(3) The Owner shall not commence the operation of the power facilities until he passes the
above examination and the inspection.

Article 25 Commencement of Construction

Prior to the commencement of construction activities of the power facilities, The Owner shall

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 15


obtain both the approval of any modifications to the Basic Design from RAEPD and the
environmental certificate of the project from MoNRE and meet any of his obligations under the
existing relevant Laws, Regulations and agreements with the GOL. Following this, he shall notify
to RAEPD in writing the commencement of the construction activities of the power facilities in
accordance with Articles 7.1.1 and 7.2.1 of LEPTS.

Article 26 Nomination and appointment of Chief Engineers

The Owner shall, before commencing the construction activities of the power facilities, nominate
a hydropower civil chief engineer and/or an electrical chief engineer and notify to RAEPD as the
registered engineer(s) in FORM-1 as stipulated in Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of
respective chief engineers shall be separately determined by RAEPD.

(1) The registered hydropower civil engineer and the electrical engineer shall be responsible for
the technical matters in constructing the hydropower civil engineering facilities and the
electrical facilities respectively.

(2) In accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS, the registered engineer(s) responsible for the
technical matters in construction shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on the
documents prepared by the registered engineer(s) responsible for the technical matters in
design. The taking-over documents shall be submitted to RAEPD.

(3) The registered engineer(s) responsible for the technical matters in construction shall, if there
arise any accidents of the concerned hydropower civil engineering facilities and/or the
electrical facilities, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.

Article 27 Construction Schedule

The Owner shall, before commencing the construction activities of the power facilities, submit
the construction schedule and/or installation schedule of the hydropower civil engineering
facilities and the electrical facilities to RAEPD. In accordance with the actual progress of the
construction activities, the Owner shall quarterly submit updated schedules to RAEPD alongwith
any revised construction schedule and/or installation schedule.

Article 28 Right to Access to the Project Site

RAEPD shall have a right to access to the project site at his convenient time. And he can request
the Owner to submit the construction drawings for the hydropower civil engineering facilities
and/or the working drawings for the electrical facilities in order to monitor the progress of the
construction activities.

Article 29 Quality Control and Assurance During Construction of Dam

The owner shall maintain minimum following documentation related to quality control and
assurance during construction of the dam;
• Quality inspection report
• Quality test report
• Monthly construction report
• Daily/Weekly construction QA/QC logs and records
• Non-conformance reports
• Test data
• photographs

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 16


Article 30 Modification of the Detail Design

When the Owner intends to modify the Detail Design that would result in the change in the basic
design parameters and layout through unavoidable situations, he shall submit the modified
Design of the concerned facilities with supporting documents to RAEPD for his approval. The
application form of the modification is defined in FORM-2 and -3, in which the modification
shall be described clearly alongwith the justification. Within fifteen (15) working days after
receiving the application form of the modification, RAEPD shall complete its examination and
notify the examination result in writing to the Owner.

Article 31 Examination and Approval of the Modification to the Layout and

considerations at the Detail Design stage

(1) RAEPD shall be responsible for examining the modifications to the Detail Design of the
power facilities to check whether the modifications shall satisfy the respective Articles of
LEPTS. RAEPD has a right to request the Owner to submit additional technical documents
in order to clarify the modifications and detail desin of the power facilities.

(2) Within sixty (60) working days after receiving FORM-2 and -3 of Detail Design, RAEPD
shall complete its examination and do one of the followings:
• Approve the modifications
• Request the Owner to carry out specific additional studies in order that the power
facilities shall satisfy LEPTS. In this case, the revised document shall be again examined
in accordance with the procedures cited in (1) and (2) above.

(3) The Owner shall, at his own responsibility, obtain approvals or permissions of any facilities
other than the power facilities stipulated in LEPTS.

Article 32 Inspection of Dam Foundation

The hydropower civil chief engineer, as a representative of the Owner, shall receive the
foundation inspections of dam and/or spillway structure(s) by RAEPD in accordance with Article
5.1.2 of LEPTS. The foundation inspection shall be carried out immediately after finishing
excavation and clearing excavation surface in order to prevent weathering of the foundations.
Within seven (7) working days prior to the foundation inspection, the Owner shall submit to the
RAEPD the application form of the foundation inspection defined in FORM-4. The Owner shall
not commence the foundation treatment of grouting, the concrete placing of dam body, or the
embankment of dam body until he passes the inspection of RAEPD.

Article 33 Formulation of Emergency Action Plan (EAP) for impoundment stage

The Owner shall prepare the EAP one year prior to the first impoundment in accordance with
Lao Dam Safety Guidelines for EAP prior. The owner shall submit documentation inline with

Article 34 Examination and approval of Emergency action plan (EAP) for

impoundment stage

RAEPD shall be responsible for examining the EAP. Within sixty (60) working days, RAEPD
shall complete its examination and notify the owner in writing of his examination result

Article 35 Inspection prior to First Impounding

The hydropower civil chief engineer, as a representative of the Owner, shall, prior to first
impounding, receive the inspection of the concerned hydropower civil engineering facilities by
RAEPD in accordance with Article 5.1.3 of LEPTS and Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Reservoir

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 17


Impoundment. Within seven (7) working days prior to the impounding inspection, the Owner
shall submit to RAEPD the application form of the impounding inspection defined in FORM-5.
The Owner shall not commence first impounding until he passes the inspection of RAEPD.

Article 36 Flood Management Rules

For dams categorized as “Extreme / High’” in Article 17.2 of LEPTS, the Owner shall prepare the
flood management rule and report to RAEPD prior to the commencement of first impounding in
accordance with Article 7.1.2 of LEPTS and Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Reservoir
Impoundment. The application form of flood management rule is defined in FORM-6.

Article 37 Examination and Inspection before Commencement of Operation

(1) The hydropower civil chief engineer and the electrical chief engineer, as representatives of
the Owner, shall perform the examination and the inspection of all the completed power
facilities in the presence of RAEPD in accordance with Article 5.2.2 of LEPTS and the Lao
Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance. Within seven (7) working days prior to the
examination and the inspection, the Owner shall submit to RAEPD the necessary
documentation inline with FORM-7.

(2) The hydropower civil chief engineer and the electrical chief engineer, as representatives of
the Owner, shall perform the inspection of the power facilities if directed by RAEPD at the
above examination and the inspection in the presence of RAEPD.

(3) The Owner shall not commence the operation of the power facilities until he passes the
above examination and the inspection.

3.5: Operation and Maintenance

Article 38 Updation of Emergency Action Plan for Operation Stage

The Owner shall update the EAP one year prior to the commencement of operation in
accordance with Lao Dam Safety Guidelines for EAP. The owner shall submit documentation
inline with FORM-16.

Article 39 Examination and Approval of Emergency Action Plan for Operation


RAEPD shall be responsible for examining the EAP. Within sixty (60) working days, RAEPD
shall complete its examination and notify the owner in writing of his examination result

Article 40 Commencement of Operation

The Owner shall, after passing the examination and the inspection of all the completed power
facilities, notify to RAEPD in writing the commencement of the operation of the power facilities
in accordance with Articles 7.1.3 and 7.2.2 of LEPTS.

Article 41 Nomination and appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The Owner shall, on commencing the operation of the power facilities, nominate a
hydropower civil chief engineer and/or an electrical chief engineer and notify to RAEPD as
the registered engineer(s) in accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of
respective chief engineers shall be separately determined by RAEPD.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 18


(2) The registered hydropower civil engineer and the electrical engineer shall be responsible for
the technical matters in operating the hydropower civil engineering facilities and the
electrical facilities respectively.

(3) In accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS, the registered engineer(s) responsible for the
technical matters in operation shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on the
documents prepared by the registered engineer(s) responsible for construction. The taking-
over documents shall be submitted to RAEPD

(4) The registered engineer(s) responsible for the technical matters in operation shall, if there
arises any accident of the hydropower civil engineering facilities and/or the electrical
facilities concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents,

Article 42 Safety Rules

The Owner shall, on commencing the operation of the power facilities, prepare the safety rules
for the operation and the maintenance of the project and submit it to RAEPD.

Refer to the ministerial regulation "Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance."

Article 43 Regular Reports

The Owner shall report regularly the following documents to RAEPD:

S.no Name of Documents Submission

1 Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise End of
Refer to FORM-8 December
2 Monthly Report of Power Generation and Receiving Every month
Refer to FORM-9
3 Financial Report of the Owner End of
4 Annual Report of Fixed Assets and Operating Income and Expenses End of
of Power Facilities December
5 Monitoring and Inspection Report of Dam End of
Refer to FORM-10 December
6 Monitoring Report of Sedimentation in Reservoir End of
Refer to FORM-11 December
7 Annual Summary Reports of Electrical Accidents’ Number End of
Refer to FORM-12 December
8 Annual Reports of Accidents and Damages in Hydro power Station End of
and Substation December
Refer to FORM-13
9 Report on Quality Control and Assurance during Dam Construction Quarterly
Refer to FORM-18
10 Report on Routine Inspection Quarterly
Refer to FORM-20
11 Report on Periodic Inspection Quarterly
Refer to FORM-21
12 Report on Instrumentation and Monitoring Quarterly
Refer to FORM-22
13 Regular updates on Organizational Structure, Capability of key Team Quarterly
Members and Training imparted.

Article 44 Accident Reports

The registered engineer(s) responsible for the technical matters of the hydropower station in

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 19


operation shall, if there arises serious accident(s) of the concerned hydropower civil engineering
facilities and/or the electrical facilities, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.
Within forty-eight (48) hours and thirty (30) days after knowing any serious accident(s), the
owner shall submit to RAEPD in the specified forms of the flash accident report and the detailed
accident report defined in FORM-1 and FORM-14, respectively.

Serious accidents in the field of the hydropower civil engineering facilities and/or the electrical
facilities in the hydropower stations, which shall be reported to RAEPD, can be experientially
described as a Referable Serious Accidents Table in table-A of Appendix 2.

Article 45 Miscellaneous Reports

Apart from the regular reports, the Owner shall also submit following documents to RAEPD:

• Report on Quality Control and Assurance for dam construction ( Refer to FORM-17)
• Report on Commissioning ( Refer to FORM-19)
• Report on Special Inspection of dam (Refer to FORM-23)
• Report on Comprehensive Evaluation of dam ( Refer to FORM-24)
• Updation of Emergency Action Plan (if required)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 20


Appendix 1- Forms

FORM-1: Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

FORM-2: Application Form for Approval of Basic Design and Modifications to

layout and considerations to Basic Design at Detail Design stage of
Hydropower Facilities

FORM-3: Application Form for Permission of Substation Facilities

FORM-4: Application Form for Inspection of Dam Foundation

FORM-5: Application Form for Inspection prior to First Impounding

FORM-6: Application Form for Flood Management Rules

FORM-7: Application Form for Examination and Inspection of the Power Facilities

FORM-8: Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

FORM-9: Monthly Report of Power Generation and Receiving

FORM-10: Monitoring and Inspection Report of Dam

FORM-11: Monitoring Report of Sedimentation in Reservoir

FORM-12: Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents’ Number

FORM-13: Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Hydropower Station

FORM-14 Detailed Accident Report

FORM-15 Flash Accident Report

FORM-16 Emergency Action Plan

FORM-17 Quality Control and Assurance Plan for Dam Construction

FORM-18 Quality Control and Assurance Report during Construction of Dam

FORM-19 Commissioning Report

FORM-20 Routine Inspection Report

FORM-21 Periodic Inspection Report

FORM-22 Instrumentation and Monitoring Report

FORM-23 Special Inspection Report

FORM-24 Comprehensive dam safety evaluation report

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 21



Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

(Sample Form)

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial or District Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby notify the election (or dismiss) of the chief engineer as follows in accordance with Article 4 of
the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

Hydropower Station Name: ______________________

Location:_____Town ___City _____Province
(Address) Village District_____Province

Elected Registered Chief Engineer

Name _________________________________
Date of Birth ______ Day ______ Month ______ Year
Address ______Town _____City _____Province
Village District Province

Kind Chief Civil/Electrical Engineer

Contents of work in addition to the
work of Chief Engineer
Description of the power facilities to
be conducted his duties on security
Appointment Date ______ Day ______ Month ______ Year
Dismissed Registered Chief Engineer
Name _________________________________
Date of Birth ______ Day ______ Month ______ Year
Address ______Town _____City _____Province
Village District Province

Kind Chief Civil/Electrical Engineer

Dismissal Date ______ Day ______ Month ______ Year


(Date) (Month), (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 22


Application Form for Approval of Basic Design and Modifications to layout and
considerations to Basic Design at Detail Design stage of Hydropower Facilities
(Sample Form)

1. For Basic Design- Refer to TOR of Basic Design

2. For Detail Design
a. Detailed calculation referencing the TOR of Basic Design and incorporating any
comments and suggestions of RAEPD at the Basic Design stage for incorporation at
Detail Design Stage
b. Details on modifications to the layout and considerations along-with justification from
the basic design stage

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 23


Application Form for Permission of Substation Facilities
(Sample Form)

1. General Items
Name of Substation Name: _______________ Substation
Location Location: _____ _____Town_____City______Province
(Address) Village District____ _Province

Output and Frequency Output: _____________ kVA

Frequency: ________ Hz
2. Power Transformer
Primary ____________ kVA
Capacity Secondary ____________ kVA
Primary _____ kV to ____ kV with ____ Taps OLTC
Voltage Secondary _____ kV
Connection Secondary
Cooling Method
Number of Units ________
Protective Relaying System
3. Power Condenser
Use (Parallel or Series)
Capacity of one group ________ kVar
Number of unit per one
group ________ Units
Voltage ________ V
Number of Group ________
Protective Relaying System
4. Shunt Reactor or Current-Limiting Reactor
Capacity ________ kVar
Voltage ________ V
Cooling Method
Number of Unit ________
Protective Relaying System

5. Circuit Breaker

Voltage ________ V
Current ________ A
Interrupting Current ________ kA
Interrupting Time ________ sec. (_____ cycle)
Number ________
Protective Relaying System
6. Neutral Grounding Device
Type of Grounding
Value of Resistance or ________ Ohm
7. Attached Facilities

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 24

Control System
Emergency Standby Power


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Attached Documents:

1. Drawings;
(1) General plan of transmission line system
(2) Arrangement of equipment (plan and longitudinal drawings)
(3) Single line diagram
(4) Arrangement of ground wire
(5) Civil Work
2. Statement for new technology in detail
3. Calculation sheet of 3 phase short-circuit for main transformer, circuit breaker and phase modifying
4. Statement of installation plan of voltage adjustment device or voltage phase adjustment device, power
condenser and shunt reactor or current-limiting reactor
5. Calculation sheet of grounding system
6. Statement of control system
7. Calculation sheets of tension for equipment
8. Construction Schedule

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 25



Application Form for Inspection of Dam Foundation

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance for details of application form
and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 26


Application Form for Inspection prior to First Impounding

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Reservoir Impoundment for details of
application form and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 27



Application Form for Flood Management Rules

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Reservoir Impoundment for details of
application form and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 28


Application Form for Examination and Inspection of the Power Facilities

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance for details of application form
and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 29


Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

Power Stations

As of Date ___ Month ___ Year

Kind of Power Stations Output (kW)
Number of Power Station
(kW) Maximum Firm
Hydropower Station
Over 50,000 kW
Over 2,000 kW ~ 50,000 kW
Over 100 kW ~ 2,000 kW
100 kW and Under
Thermal Power Station
Over 50,000 kW
Over 2,000 kW ~ 50,000 kW
Over 100 kW ~ 2,000 kW
100 kW and Under
Wind Power Station
Over 2,000 kW ~ 50,000 kW
Over 100 kW ~ 2,000 kW
100 kW and Under
Solar Power Station
Over 100 kW ~ 2,000 kW
100 kW and Under
Grand Total

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 30


Transmission Lines

As of Date ___ Month ___ Year

Length of Line
Number of Supporting Structures
Voltage (km)
(kV) Overhead Under- Reinforced Wooden
Tower Iron Pole Total
Line Ground Line Concrete Pole Pole
230 kV and Over
115 kV ~ under 230 kV
35 kV ~ under 115 kV
Under 35 kV

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 31



As of Date ___ Month ___ Year

(1) Capacity

Capacity Number of Capacity of Substations Capacity of reactive

(kVA) Substations (kVA) power supply (kVA)
Over 50,000 kVA
Over 2,000 kVA ~ 50,000 kVA
Over 100 kVA ~ 2,000 kVA
100 kVA and Under

(2) Voltage

Voltage Number of Capacity of Substations Capacity of reactive

(kV) Substations (kVA) power supply (kVA)
230 kV and Over
115 kV ~ under 230 kV
35 kV ~ under 115 kV
Under 35 kV

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 32


Distribution Lines

As of Date ___ Month ___ Year

Length of Lines (km)

Overhead Line
Medium Voltage
Underground Line
Overhead Line
Low Voltage
Underground Line
Number of Support Structure
Iron Pole
Reinforced Concrete Pole
Wooden Pole
Distribution Transformers
Overhead Line
Number of Transformers
Underground Line
Overhead Line
Total Capacity (kVA)
Underground Line
Reactive Power Supply Facilities
Overhead Line
Number of the Facilities
Underground Line
Overhead Line
Total Capacity (kVA)
Underground Line


(Date) (Month), (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 33



Monthly Report of Power Generation and Receiving


Name of Electricity Enterprise: _____________________

For ________ Month _______ Year
Power Maximum
Maximum Output
Categories Generation Output in a
(kWh) month (kW)
1. Power Supply Capability
(1) Generation by Own
Hydropower Stations
Thermal Power Stations
(2) Receiving from other enterprises ----------
Total of the power supply ----------
2. Station Service Power ----------
Hydropower Stations ----------
Thermal Power Stations ----------
Others ----------
Total ----------
Net Supply Capability at Sending End ----------
Supply Capability at Consuming End ----------
Station Service Power in Substation ---------
Electric Energy Demand ---------


(Date) (Month), (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 34


Monthly Report of Power Generation and Receiving - 1/2

Name of Electricity Enterprise: _____________________

For ________ Month _______ Year
Name of Power Station Generation
Output (kW)
1. Hydropower Stations River System
(1) Run off river type
(Name of Power Station)
- ditto -
- ditto -
- ditto -
Available Power Generation (kWh) ----------
(2) Reservoir Type
(Name of Power Station)
- ditto -
- ditto -
- ditto -
Total of Hydropower Station
2. Thermal Power Stations
(Name and Kind of Power Station)
- ditto -
- ditto -
- ditto -
3. Others
(Name and Kind of Power Station)
- ditto -
- ditto -
- ditto -
Grand Total

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 35


Monthly Report of Power Generation and Receiving - 2/2

Name of Electricity Enterprise: _____________________

For ________ Month _______ Year
Place of a Kind of Receiving Power Supply (kWh) Net Supply
Contract Contract Power (kWh) Domestic Export Power (kWh)


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 36


Monthly and Annually Report of Power Supply to General Users

Name of Electricity Enterprise: _____________________

For ________ Month _______ Year

Categories of User Monthly Power Supply (kWh)

Number of User Total
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Medium Voltage

Low Voltage

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 37



Monitoring and Inspection Report of Dam

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance for details of application form
and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 38


Monitoring Report of Sedimentation in Reservoir

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial or District Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We would like to report the monitoring results of the reservoir sedimentation in accordance with Article 43
of the Guideline on Operating and Managing Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

1 Name of Dam
2 Total Reservoir Volume m3
3 Designed Sediment Volume m3
4 Measured Sediment Volume m3
5 Rate of Sedimentation (= 4. / 3.) %
Attached Drawings:
Plan and Profile of Reservoir Sedimentation
1. This annual report is to be submitted based on the measurement of sedimentation regularly.
Total reservoir volume is to be the reservoir volume under the normal water level.
2. Survey line of the profile is shown in the attached drawing "Plan of Reservoir"
3. Three different surface lines of sedimentation at the end of construction, last year and
4 this year are shown in the attached drawing "Profile of Reservoir"


_______(Date) _____ (Month) _____ (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 39


Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents’ Number
Name of Electricity Enterprise:

_______________ Fiscal year

Kind of Accident

Outage (without destruction

Destruction of electric
Outage Casualty
Casualty Damage due
from to fault, etc. Total
Electrical electrifica- of electric Main electric Other Trouble of Accident
Fire tion facilities facilities facilities generation number






Accident Place












Power Stations
Hydropower Stations
Thermal Power Stations
Other Power Stations
230 kV and Over
115 kV ~ under 230 kV
35 kV ~ under 115 kV
Under 35 kV
High Voltage (over 35 kV)
Transmission Line
Overhead Line
Underground Line
High Voltage (35 kV and under)
Transmission Line
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 40

Overhead Line
Underground Line
Low Voltage Distribution Line
User’s Sites Facilities
Grand Total


(Date) (Month), (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 41


Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Hydropower Stations

Name of Electric Enterprise: __________________
_____________ Fiscal year


s, Deliberate



Total Number of Accident


Affection from other fault


Wind and rain

Worker's fault
Flood damage


Damage point




and fault


Reservoir or Regulating Pond

Intake facility
Settling base
Head tank, Surge tank
Inlet valve
Guide vane
Spiral case
Draft tube
Main shaft
Speed governor
Suppressor or Deflector
Pressure oil supply system
and Lubrication oil supply
Automatic control equipment
Cooling water supply system and
Drainage system
Turbine for station service
Grand Total
Note: Referable electrical accident causes are shown in attached Table-A

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 42


Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Hydropower Stations

Name of Electric Enterprise: __________________
_____________ Fiscal year

Equipment deficiency

Natural phenomenon
Lack of maintenance

Deliberate fault

Contact with
Public deliberateness and fault

Contact with birds and beasts

Total Number of Accident

Affection from other fault
Imperfect Installation
Imperfect Production

Natural deterioration
Lack of Maintenance

Contact with trees

Damage point
Wind and rain

Worker's fault
Flood damage


Stator windings
Rotor windings
Main Transformer
Cooling system
Voltage regulating device
Neutral grounding device
Power condenser
Shunt reactor
Voltage adjuster
Circuit breaker
Disconnecting switch
Station service transformer
Instrument transformer
Meter, Relays, etc.
Main circuit
Auxiliary circuit
Control circuit
Power source device for
control equipment

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 43

Sum Total
Note: Referable electrical accident causes are shown in attached Table-A.


(Date) (Month), (Year)

Table-A Referable Electrical Accident Causes Table

Cause Contents
Equipment Imperfect production Imperfection such as design of electrical facilities,
Defectiveness production and the quality of material, etc.
Imperfect Imperfection on construction
Lack of Lack of maintenance Lack of maintenance such as patrol and checking
Maintenance Natural deterioration Deterioration of quality of material, device,
etc.(This is not imperfect production, imperfect
installation, lack of maintenance)
Natural Wind and rain Rain, wind, storm
Phenomenon A contact of piece of tree that came flying by wind is
Thunder Direct lighting, indirect lightning
Earthquake Earthquake
Flood damage Flood etc.
Landslide Landslide, land subsidence, etc.
Deliberate fault Worker’s fault “Worker’s fault” means “employee of the company ”
or “employee of the subcontractor’
Public deliberate fault “Public” means man other than “worker”.
Stone-throwing, robbery of conductor, suicide, etc.
Contact with other Contact with tree Contact by an inclination tree and a fallen tree.
materials Contact with birds Contact with animals, nesting, etc.
and beasts
Affection from Affection from accidents and faults caused at other
other fault company’s electrical facilities
Others Others Others
Unknown Unknown Unknown

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 44



Detailed Accident Report

(Sample Form)

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial or District Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a detail report on the accident.


(Date) (Month), (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 45


Detailed Accident Report

_____(Month) _____(Date),

Name of the Electricity Enterprise _________________

Subject of Accident
Accident occurrence day
Weather _______
The place of the accident occurrence
The electrical equipment of the accident
Operating Voltage ______
The conditions of the accident
The cause of the accident
Protection relaying system and proper or
improper of the system
Summary of the damaged equipment
Influenced damage
Expected power not supplied and expected
duration not supplied
Restoration date
The preventive measures of the accident
Victim(s) Belonging Name Sex Age Experience Contents of
Years the damage

Summary of Type of Generation Generation

Electrical Industry Power Voltage
Facilities Receiving Receiving
Power Voltage
Type of Registered Chief Engineer
Belonging and Name of Registered Chief

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 46


Flash Accident Report
(Sample Form)

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial or District Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a flash report on the accident.

1. Occurrence Date of Accident;

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ____(Month) ____(Year)
Weather: __________

2. Main Facilities
Contract Power; ________ kW
Receiving Voltage; __________ kV
Receiving System; (Outdoor or Indoor) (Open, Cubicle, etc.)

3. Electrical Equipment occurred in the accident

_________________________ Used Voltage ________ V

4. Kind of Accident
(1) Human death or injury accident relating to electrical facility such as electric shock and/or others
(2) Electric fire accident
(3) Accident, such as destruction, bringing public facility into damaged and/or not available and/or
society into disturbed
(4) Destruction accident of main electric facility
(5) Accident of power supply outage
(6) Accident bringing other electric power company/authority for business into power supply outage
(7) Accident with abnormal amount of water discharge from dam

5. Outline of Accident

6. Cause of Accident

7. Temporary Measures

8. Repairing Measures

9. Expected Date of normal service

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ____(Month) ____(Year)

10. Name of Victim

____________________________ (Male, Female) Age; __________
(Electrical Worker, Other Worker or General Public)
(Employee, Other Company’s Worker _________ Name of company)

11. Form of Registered Chief Engineer

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 47

(Appointment, Full-time, Two-Jobs or Not appointment)

12. Name of Registered Chief Engineer

Name; _______________________ Tel. No. ________________

Time at which were known;

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)

Site Arrival Time;

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)

Name of Receiver ______________________

Receiving Date;
___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)


(Date) (Month), (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 48



Emergency Action Plan

The owner shall prepare emergency action plan in accordance with Lao dam safety

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 49


Quality Control and Assurance Plan for Dam construction

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Quality Management Plan for details of
application form and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 50


Quality Control and Assurance Report for during construction of Dam

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Quality Management Plan for details of
application form and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 51


Commissioning Report

The owner shall conduct tests on completion of the construction Works that shall comprise the
1. Pre-commissioning tests.
2. Commissioning tests including operational and performance guarantee tests.
3. Trial operation tests including reliability tests for each turbine Generating Unit as described
in section 5 below.
The owner shall submit results of each of the tests to GOL.

2 Commissioning Documentation

The owner shall prepare and submit documentation setting out how commissioning will be
undertaken. This documentation shall be limited to:
1. Commissioning plan setting out the organisation of the commissioning including
requirements of RAEPD
2. Commissioning programme setting out the sequence of commissioning activities in the form
of a GANTT chart or equivalent acceptable to the RAEPD.
3. Commissioning procedures setting out details of the tests to be performed on all equipment
to be commissioned.
4. Relevant drawings of the plant installation at the commencement of commissioning (

3 Pre-Commissioning Tests

Pre-commissioning tests shall include:

(a) Inspections and tests for each component and sub system.
(b) The manufacturer’s pre-commissioning, inspection and test requirements.
(c) Pre-commissioning tests and inspection required by the relevant standards.
(d) Such other tests and inspection as may be necessary in the reasonable opinion of RAEPD
to demonstrate compliance.

4 Commissioning Tests

Commissioning tests shall include operational tests together with performance guarantee tests as
(a) Commissioning tests, as specified in the relevant technical specifications.
(b) The manufacturer’s commissioning and test requirements.
(c) Commissioning tests required by the relevant standards.
(d) Such other tests and inspections as may be necessary in the opinion of RAEPD (acting
reasonably) to demonstrate compliance with the Technical Specifications.

Performance guarantee tests shall be carried out on each turbine generator Unit as detailed in
the Technical Specifications including:
1. Turbine Generator Output Guarantee Tests
2. Turbine Generator Efficiency Guarantee Tests
3. Turbine Generator Speed and Pressure Rise Tests
4. Turbine Cavitation Guarantees
5. Transformer Efficiency Guarantees (undertaken in the factory)

5 Trial Operation Tests (Reliability Test)

Tests on completion shall include a reliability test of each turbine Generating Unit and associated
plant to demonstrate that the Generating Unit can operate reliably in commercial operation.

The reliability test period of each turbine Generating Unit and associated plant shall commence
when the Company has notified RAEPD that the Generating Unit is ready for commercial

During the reliability test period each Generating Unit shall be operated in the normal
commercial operating conditions, within the Generating Unit operating limits, either
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 52
continuously or intermittently as required by RAEPD, without failure or interruption for a period
of 30 days.

During the reliability test period of each Generating Unit it shall be operated under the direct
supervision of the Company.

The Company may make minor adjustments to the Generating Unit, provided that such
adjustments do not in any way interfere with or prevent its commercial operation or result in
reducing the output or efficiency.

In the event that any failure or interruption occurs in the operation of the Project during the
reliability test period due to faulty design, manufacture, installation, materials or workmanship
sufficient to interrupt the commercial operation of the Project, the reliability test period of 30
days shall be recommenced after the Company has remedied the cause of the defect.

Minor failures or interruption of less than 2 hours duration, subject to an aggregate maximum of
10 hours during the 30 day reliability test period, shall not be a cause for recommencing the
reliability test period.

The Company shall be responsible for proving that any interruption that may arise is due to
causes other than faulty design, manufacture, installation, materials or workmanship.

6 Delayed Completion of Commissioning

In the event that there is insufficient water flow, electrical power demand or for any other reason
not attributable to the Company to undertake all the Tests on Completion, Tests after Completion
may be required as specifically agreed with RAEPD.

7 Tests After Completion

The Cavitation Performance Guarantee Test shall be carried out on each turbine generator unit,
turbines and governors.

8 Commissioning Reports

The Company shall submit to RAEPD comprehensive commissioning reports covering the
commissioning periods at site including tests.

The reports shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
(i) A written summary of commissioning noting particularly the problems that were
encountered and the actions undertaken to resolve these.
(ii) Defects which have occurred and the remedial action taken to resolve these defects.
(iii) Signed checklists and test sheets.
(iv) Copies of all factory and site test reports and certificates.

9 Operation and Maintenance Manuals

The Company shall prepare and supply Operation and Maintenance (O&M) manuals. The O&M
manuals shall be specific to the Plant and Equipment supplied and shall include detailed
descriptions of the following:

• Description of the Works;

• Operation of the Works;
• Maintenance of the Works.

Additionally the O&M manuals shall include:

• Relevant Manufacturer’s Literature;

• Relevant As Built drawings and other drawings.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 53

All modifications made to the Works during construction, installation and commissioning shall
be included in the O&M Manual.

10 Compliance/Completion Check List

As part of the completion process and prior to reaching the completion date, the company shall
undertake the following inspection and tests and complete the following checklists which shall be
provided to the RAEPD. The RAEPD shall independently confirm the completeness and correctness of
the checklists and issue the Completion Certificate.

Items to be tested pre-COD (under PPA)

No. Item Requirement Satisfactory (Y/N)

1. Ventilation. Tests to demonstrate satisfactory
operation of ventilation system in
confined spaces and in areas with
risk of gaseous build ups.
2. Fire escape and Tests to demonstrate effectiveness
evacuation plan. of fire escape routes in all power
station facilities.
3. Powerhouse fire 1. Tests to demonstrate that fire
detection and detection and protection
protection. systems meet the design and
performance criteria.
2. Tests to demonstrate the
stability and sensitivity of the
fire detection and alarm
3. Inspection of the installed
systems by MEM to confirm
compliance with their
reasonable requirements.
4. Powerhouse crane 1. Test to demonstrate that
and hoisting cranes and hoisting
equipment. equipment meet performance
criteria, hook approaches and
have a sufficient audible
indication during operation.
2. Tests that demonstrate
compliance with national
legislation and certification
5. Turbines and 1. Test for stable operation and
generators. control, and indication and
protection of turbines and
2. Tests for correct operation,
control, indication and
protection of all ancillary
systems required to be in
service for the operation of the
Generating Units.
3. Speed and Pressure Rise
Guarantee tests.
4. Turbine and Generator
Output Guarantee test.
6. Emergency diesel Tests to verify satisfactory
generator. operation.
7. Main Inlet Valves. Emergency closure tests up to the
maximum design flow.
8. Dams. Tests to verify satisfactory
operation and reporting of
monitoring instrumentation.
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 54
9. Spillways. 1. Tests to verify satisfactory
operation of spillway gates.
2. Visual inspection to confirm
compliance of measures to
prevent accidental access by
reservoir lake users etc.
3. Tests to confirm compliant
operation of alarm systems
informing downstream users
prior to spillway operation.
10. Pressure Monitoring of surface weeps and
Tunnels/shafts surface exposures of rock fractures
and check compliance with
criterion for rock mass
11. Surge chambers. Tests to verify compliance with
containment criteria and to ensure
that operating staff and the public
are not exposed to unexpected
12. Fish passage Tests to verify satisfactory
facilities. operation.
13. Power intakes. 1. Emergency closure tests to
verify satisfactory operation of
gates closing under maximum
flow conditions.
2. Visual inspection to confirm
compliance of measures to
prevent accidental access by
reservoir lake users etc.
14. Penstocks. 1. Test of all functional aspects
penstock emergency closure
valve operation, including
opening and closing
mechanism and seals.
2. Tests to verify satisfactory
operation of the penstock
excess velocity device.
15. Transmission Towers Check measures to prevent
unauthorized public access (e.g.
anti-climb provisions, ladder
guards etc.).

Items to be tested for RAEPD Completion Date

No. Item Requirement Satisfactory

1. Environmental flow 1. Tests to verify satisfactory
facilities. operation.
2. Flow measurement tests to
ensure environmental flows
are compliant.
2. Security. Visual checks to confirm that all
security measures (e.g. lockable
duct covers and manholes, fences,
gates, ladder guards, doors,
lighting etc.) are compliant.
3. Safety Signage. Visual checks to confirm that all
signage informing operating staff
and the public of safety issues are
compliant (e.g. moving or

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 55

rotating plant and equipment,
electrocution hazards, chemical
spillage hazards, evacuation
procedures and routes, assembly
points, first aid stations, locations
of fire-fighting equipment, deep
or flowing water, vehicular speed
restrictions, personal protection
equipment requirements etc.).
4. Safety Equipment. Visual checks to ensure that all
safety equipment is present and
compliant (e.g. safety lighting,
first aid, breathing apparatus,
fire-fighting equipment, fire
doors, safety throw lines,
buoyancy aids, emergency
communication equipment etc.).
5. Access. 1. Check that access routes
within all facilities are safe
and sufficient to allow
pedestrian and vehicular
access for operational and
maintenance activities.
2. Check that all public access
routes are compliant,
particularly with respect to
safety and “rights of way”.
6. Resettlement The Company is materially in
Activities, compliance with the relevant
compensation and milestones set out in its
livelihood restoration Integrated Resettlement and
and improvement Compensation Plan.
7. ESMMP-CP The Company has prepared the
ESMMP-CP and submitted to
MONRE when required (prior to
the relevant date of certification
by the RAEPD).
8. Management System The Company’s Management
System has been established and
is currently in operation.

11 Pro Forma for Commissioning Report

The Company shall produce a compliance report that shall typically include, but not be limited to
the following sections:

1.1 Executive Summary
1.2 Major Project Milestones
1.3 Financial Summary
1.4 Civil and Hydromechanical Works Contract
1.5 E&M Works and Switchyards Contract
1.6 Transmission Lines Contract


2.1 Health and Safety
2.2 Security
2.3 Environmental

3.1 Milestones
3.2 Inception Visit
3.3 Procurement
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 56
3.4 Civil Design
3.5 Factory Inspections
3.6 Site Supervision
3.7 Supervision of Commissioning


4.1 Description of the Works
4.2 Milestones
4.3 Contractor’s Personnel
4.4 Financial
4.5 Variation Orders
4.6 Claims
4.7 Health & Safety


5.1 Activities
5.1.1 Design
5.1.2 Procurement
5.1.3 Factory Acceptance Tests and Inspections
5.1.4 Training
5.1.5 Shipping
5.1.6 Installation
5.1.7 Commissioning
5.1.8 Defects Notification Period
5.2 Milestones
5.3 Payment Certificates
5.4 Variation Orders
5.5 Claims
5.6 Documentation




Appendix A: Project Description

Appendix B: Project Overview
Appendix C: Summary of Consultant’s Monthly Progress Payments
Appendix D: Factory Inspection and Test (FAT) List
Appendix E: E&M Contractor’s Variation List
Appendix F: Incoming Correspondence
Appendix G: Outgoing Correspondence
Appendix H: Civil Design Drawing List

12 Tests After Completion

The cavitation performance guarantee test shall be carried out on each turbine Generating Unit,
turbine and governor.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 57


Routine Inspection Report

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance for details of application form
and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 58


Periodic Inspection Report

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance for details of application form
and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 59



Instrumentation and Monitoring Report

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Instrumentation and Monitoring for details
of application form and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 60



Special Inspection Report

Please refer to Lao Dam Safety Guideline for Surveillance for details of application form
and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 61


Comprehensive Dam Safety Evaluation Report
Please refer to Lao dam safety guideline for surveillance for details of application form
and checklist.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 62


Appendix 2- Serious Accidents Table

Table-A Referable Serious Accidents Table

№ Serious Accident Content

1 Electrical Fire When Fire breaks out in hydropower station by earth faults or short
circuit faults, etc.
2 Casualty from electric When Human’s death or serious injury occurs by touching or
shock closing, etc. to the equipment in hydropower station.
*Human means not only public people but Owner’s member
3 Casualty and/or When Human’s casualty (except for electric shock) or damage to
damage due to fault, other facilities (houses, public facilities such as road, school, etc.)
etc. of Electrical occurs, by destruction in hydropower station
4 Destruction of Main An accident case in which the main electrical facility is installed in
Electrical Facilities (*1) hydropower station with more than 100kW of station output.

5 Outage When Outage as following region gray color region in the Figure

interruption power (kW)
Maximum supply


10 60
Supply interruption time (min)

6 Accident caused by Typhoon, etc. designated by MEM

7 Accident with Any accident but except for above item 3
abnormal amount of
water discharge from

(*1) Main Electrical Facilities in hydropower stations are defined in attached Table-B.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 63

Table-B. Main Electrical Facilities in Hydropower Stations
Machines, apparatus, devices, electrical
Main Electrical Facilities in HPS
conductors and supporting structures
Hydraulic turbine;
including auxiliary equipment that is pressure
1 Hydraulic turbine
regulator, deflector, speed governor, oil
pressure supply system and/or draft tube
2 including auxiliary equipment that is
where having 30MW or more output
excitation system and/or cooling system
including auxiliary equipment that is cooling
3 where having 100kV or more voltage and
system, nitrogen-sealing system and/or
10MVA or more output
voltage regulator
On-load voltage regulator; On-load voltage regulator;
where installed in hydropower station of including auxiliary equipment that is cooling
100kV or more transmission voltage and system, nitrogen-sealing system and/or tap
having 10MVA or more capacity changer
On-load voltage and phase regulator;
On-load voltage and phase regulator;
where installed in hydropower station of
including auxiliary equipment that is cooling
5 100kV or more transmission voltage, having
system, nitrogen-sealing system and/or tap
10MVA or more capacity and not belonging to
Rotary condenser; Rotary condenser;
where installed in hydropower station of including auxiliary equipment that is
100kV or more transmission voltage and excitation system, cooling system and/or
having 10MVA or more capacity starting motor
Power capacitor;
where installed in hydropower station of
7 Power capacitor
100kV or more transmission voltage and
composing 10MVA or more capacity bank
Shunt reactor and/or Current limiting reactor;
where installed in hydropower station of
8 Shunt Reactor and/or Current limiting reactor
100kV or more transmission voltage and
having 10MVA or more capacity
9 where having 15MVA and supplying its output Rectifier of DC power source
as DC power source
Circuit breaker;
Circuit breaker;
including auxiliary equipment that is arc-
10 where installed at outgoing point to
suppression device and/or compressed air
transmission line of 100kV or more
supply system

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 64

II. Field of Transmission Lines

Guideline on
Operating and
Managing Lao
Electric Power
Technical Standards
Transmission Lines

December, 2018

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR i

List of Project Members for Initial Document

Project Director Mr. Houmphone BULYAPHOL

Director General of DOE, MIH

JICA Experts Dr. Shigenori KURODA (DOE)

Mr. Masahiro OGAWA (EdL)

Transmission Line Field Mr. Hisanori MACHIKI, JICA Expert

Mr. Vithounlabandid THOMMABOUT,
DOE Staff
Mr. Thavone KHAENETHONH, EdL Staff
Mr. Sengkham THANIVONG, EdL Staff
Mr. Vanhdy VILAYSANE, EdL Staff
Mr. Litthanoulok LASPHO, DOE Staff

Project Manager Mr. Vanhdy VILAYSANE, EdL

National Coordinator Mr. Houmphan VONGPHACHANH, DOE

Project Coordinator Mr. Masatoshi KAIMASU, JICA Expert

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR ii

Table of Contents
PART 1: GENERAL PRINCIPLES .............................................................................................. 1

Article 1: Purposes and Scope ......................................................................................................... 1

Article 2: Definitions .......................................................................................................................... 1

PART 2: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LEPTS ............................................................... 2

Article 3: General Requirements................................................................................................... 2

Article 4: Pre-existing Power Facilities....................................................................................... 7
Article 5: Responsibilities and Expenses ................................................................................... 7

PART 3: PROJECT PROCEDURES ........................................................................................... 9

3.1 Detailed Design ........................................................................................................................... 9

Article 6: Purpose of Detail Design .............................................................................................. 9
Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers ............................................. 9
Article 8: Implementation of Detail Design .............................................................................. 9
Article 9: Examination and Approval of Detailed Design.................................................... 9
3.2 Construction ............................................................................................................................. 10
Article 10: Commencement of Construction .......................................................................... 10
Article 11: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers ......................................... 10
Article 12: Construction Schedule............................................................................................... 11
Article 13: Right to Access to the Project Site ......................................................................... 11
Article 14: Modification of the Detailed Design ..................................................................... 11
Article 15: Examination and Inspection of Completed Construction before
Commencement of Operation ...................................................................................................... 11
3.3 Operation and Maintenance .....................................................................................................11
Article 16: Commencement of Operation................................................................................. 12
Article 17: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers ......................................... 12
Article 18: Safety Rules .................................................................................................................... 12
Article 19: Regular Reports............................................................................................................ 12
Article 20: Accident Reports ......................................................................................................... 13

Appendix 1- Forms .................................................................................................................... 14

Appendix 2- Referable Serious Accidents Table ................................................................. 28

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR iii

Article 1: Purposes and Scope

(1) The purposes of this Guideline are to operate and manage Lao Electric Power Technical Standards
(hereinafter referred to as LEPTS) specifically in the field of Transmission Lines in Lao PDR.
(2) This guideline is to include procedures and requirements in the design, construction and operation
stage of Transmission Lines, which shall conform to LEPTS.
(3) The Ministry of Energy and Mines (hereinafter referred to as MEM), Department of Energy
Management (hereinafter referred to as DEM) is assigned to lead local provinces and other related
agencies in operating and managing LEPTS for Transmission Lines.
The scope of this guideline is summarized on Table1.

Table 1: Scope of Guideline

Item Application and Approval Construction
Voltage Inspection before
(In detail design and Construction) Operation

100kV or more Necessary


Less than 100kV Not necessary Necessary

Article 2: Definitions

1. Owner: The entity that plans and implements the Transmission Lines or their concession.
2. Pre-existing Transmission Lines: The Transmission Lines that are under operation,
construction, design, at the effective date of LEPTS.
3. Detail Design: The design of the Transmission Lines conforming to LEPTS, which includes design
reports, design drawings, work quantity calculation, technical specifications of the Transmission
Lines, etc.
4. Tender Drawings: The drawings that are distributed to the pre-qualified or selected contractors
for tendering purpose.
5. Final Tender Documents: The documents that are used for manufacture and installation of the
Transmission Lines.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 1

Transmission lines


Article 3: General Requirements

(1) MEM shall follow LEPTS in examining, inspecting and approving Transmission Lines in Lao PDR, in
accordance with the procedures and requirements stipulated in this Guideline.
(2) The followings are the implementation steps of Transmission Lines in accordance with the Electricity
Law and LEPTS. The procedures of a Transmission Lines construction project are illustrated in
Figure 1
⚫ Detailed Design undertaken (Owner)
⚫ Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at detailed design stage (Owner)
⚫ Examination and approval of Detailed Design (MEM)
⚫ Construction undertaken (Owner)
⚫ Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at construction stage (Owner)
⚫ Modification of Detailed Design if necessitated (Owner)
⚫ Examination and approval of the modification of Detail Design (MEM)
⚫ Examination and inspection of completed construction of facilities (MEM)
⚫ Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at operation stage (Owner)
⚫ Operation and maintenance of Transmission Lines (Owner)
⚫ Reports of regular monitoring, emergency inspection and accidents.

(3) Any physical activities that impact the environment, shall not be taken place at project site until an
environmental approval certificate has been issued by Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment (MoNRE). Physical activities necessary for field investigations of detail design such as
topographical survey and geological investigations, the owner shall prepare such a field investigation
plan that will influence as minimum impacts as possible to the environment, and submit it to MEM
for his approval.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 2

Transmission lines

Figure 1. Procedure of Transmission Lines Implementation

(Owner) Project planning

100kV or more


(Owner) Implementation of Detail Design

Redesign A: Design stage

- Examination of Detail Design
- Approval of Detail design
Not satisfactory


(Owner) Construction

B: Construction stage
- Inspection before Commencement of Operation
- Approval of Completed facilities

(Owner) Operation

Report Remedy order for

conformity to LEPTS C: Operation stage

- Safety Rules
MEM - Regular Reports
- Accidents Reports

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 3

Transmission lines

A Design stage
MEM (DEM) Owner

Project planning
(Transmission system planning)

Nomination and Appointment of Chief


Notification of Chief Engineer


Related to Art.7
Implementation of Detail Design

Application for Design Approval of

Transmission line facilities

Related to Art.8
Examination of FORM-2
(Detail Design) Redesign
Not satisfactory

Related to

Acquirement of Environmental
approval from MONRE
Within 45
Related to Working days

Approval of Detail Design

Related to

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 4

Transmission lines

B Construction stage

MEM (DEM) Owner

Nomination and Appointment of Chief


Notification of Chief Engineer

Notification of Commencement of
construction and Construction
Related to Art.10, 11,12


Application for Modification

of Detail Design Less than 100 kV
Within 15
Approval of modified Related to Art.14
parts in Detail Design working days

Completion inspection

Application for Inspection of completed

construction before Commencement of
operation (FORM-3) Within 15
Related to Art.15 working days
Implementation of Inspection
Commencement of operation Not satisfactory


Issue of
Completion certificate

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 5

Transmission lines

C Operation stage

Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineer

Notification of appointment of Chief

Related to Art.17

Submission of Safety Rules

Related to Art.18

Notification of Commencement
of operation

Related to Art.16


Serious accident occur

No (Other accidents)


Submission of Failure reports

- FORM-8: Flash accident report
Report within 48 hours
Remedy order for - FORM-7: Detailed accident report
conformity to LEPTS
(If necessary)
Report within 30 days
Related to Art.20

Submission of Regular reports

- FORM-4: Statistical List of Power Facilities

- FORM-5: Annual Summary Report of
Electrical Accidents Number
- FORM-6: Annual Report of Accidents and Damages

Related to Art.19

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 6

Transmission lines

Article 4: Pre-existing Power Facilities

(1) For Transmission Lines that were completed before the date 12 February 2004, the owner shall
report to MEM (DEM) performance records, regular monitoring results, emergency inspection
results, accidents of Transmission Lines in accordance with Article 7 “Obligation for Reporting” of
(2) The owner, whose Transmission Lines are under implementation as on 12 February 2004, shall try to
do his utmost so that such Transmission Lines can conform to the fundamental requirements
stipulated in Sections 3-2 of LEPTS. He shall follow the procedures in Figure 1 on and from the
date 12 February 2004 and this Guideline.

Article 5: Responsibilities and Expenses

(1) The responsibilities for implementing Transmission Lines in accordance with LEPTS are
summarized on Table 2
(2) The owner shall ensure that the expenses of carrying out his responsibilities listed on Table 2 are
included in the project cost.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 7

Transmission lines

Table 2 Responsibilities of Organizations

Organization Responsibilities

• Be notified of appointment of chief engineers and registers them

MEM(DEM) • Examines and approves detailed design
• Examines and approves modification of detailed design
• Examines and inspects completed construction Transmission Lines before
commencement of operation

• Be notified of safety rules

• Orders remedy for conformance to LEPTS

• Implements detail design

Owner • Prepares and submits the application forms for design approval of the
Transmission Lines

• Nominates/appoints chief engineers

• Reports the construction commencement to MEM
• Prepares and submits application forms for inspections of completed

• Supports MEM’s inspections of completed facilities, before

commencement of operation, etc.

• Prepares safety rules

• Reports the operation commencement to MEM
• Operates and maintains the Transmission Lines
• Reports to MEM performance records, regular monitoring results,
emergency inspection results and accidents

• Remedies the Transmission Lines according to MEM’s order

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 8

3.1 Detailed Design

Article 6: Purpose of Detail Design

The owner shall perform the detailed design of the Transmission Lines conforming to the respective
Articles of LEPTS. The detail design will be strengthened by further field investigations, in-site tests,
laboratory tests and etc., as well as further collection of related technical information. The owner will
prepare detail design documents such as design report, design calculation reports, work quantity
calculation reports, tender drawings, contract documents, technical specifications, construction work
plan, construction schedule, installation schedule, money payment schedule and etc.

Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the detailed design of the Transmission Lines, nominate and
appoint an electrical chief engineer and notify the appointment to MEM (DEM) as the registered
engineer in FORM-1 as stipulated in Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of the chief engineer shall
be determined by MEM (DEM)
(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in performing the
detail design of the Transmission Lines.

Article 8: Implementation of Detail Design

The owner shall perform the detailed design of the Transmission Lines. On completing the detailed
design, the owner shall prepare the application form and submit it together with technical supporting
documents to MEM (DEM) for his approval. The application form and technical supporting documents
to be attached are defined in FORM-3.

Article 9: Examination and Approval of Detailed Design

(1) MEM (DEM) shall be responsible for examining the Detailed Design of the Transmission Lines
whether each Transmission Lines shall satisfy the respective Articles of LEPTS. MEM (DEM) has a
right to request the owner to submit additional technical documents in order to clarify the detailed
design of the Transmission Lines

(2) Within forty-five (45) working days of receiving FORM -2 of Detailed Design, MEM (DEM) shall
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 9
Transmission lines

complete its examination and do one of the followings:

• Approve the Detailed Design

• Request the owner to carry out specific additional studies in order that the Transmission Lines
shall satisfy LEPTS. In this case, the revised Detail Design shall be again examined in accordance
with the procedures cited in (1) and (2) above.

(3) The owner shall, at his own responsibility, obtain approvals or permissions of any facilities other than
the Transmission Lines stipulated in LEPTS.

3.2 Construction

Article 10: Commencement of Construction

Prior to the commencement of construction activities of the Transmission Lines, the owner shall obtain
both the approval of the Detail Design from MEM (DEM) and the environmental certificate of the project
from MONRE. Following this, he shall notify to MEM (DEM) in writing the commencement of the
construction activities of the Transmission Lines in accordance with Articles 7.2.1 of LEPTS.

Article 11: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the construction activities of the Transmission Lines, nominate and
appoint an electrical chief engineer and notify the appointment to MEM (DEM) as the registered
engineer in FORM -1 in Appendix 1 as stipulated in Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of the
chief engineer shall be determined by MEM (DEM)

(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in constructing the
Transmission Lines.

(3) In accordance with Article 4 “Nomination of Chief Engineers” of LEPTS, the registered engineer
responsible for the technical matters in construction shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on
the documents prepared by the registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in design.
The taking-over documents shall be submitted to MEM (DEM).

(4) The registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction shall, if there arises any
accident of the Transmission Lines concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 10

Transmission lines

Article 12: Construction Schedule

The owner shall, on commencing the construction activities of the Transmission Lines, submit the
construction schedule of the Transmission Lines to MEM (DEM). In accordance with the actual
progress of the construction activities, the owner shall submit to MEM (DEM) the revised construction
schedule without delay.

Article 13: Right to Access to the Project Site

MEM (DEM) shall have a right to access to the project site at his convenient time. And he can request
the owner to submit the construction drawings and/or the approved drawings for the Transmission Lines
in order to monitor the progress of the construction activities.

Article 14: Modification of the Detailed Design

When the owner intends to modify the approved Detailed Design through unavoidable situations, he
shall submit the modified Detailed Design of the concerned facilities with supporting documents to MEM
(DEM) for his approval. The application form of the modification is defined in FORM-2, in which the
modification shall be described clearly in red color.
Within fifteen (15) working days of receiving the application form of the modification, MEM (DEM) shall
complete its examination and notify its examination result in writing to the owner.

Article 15: Examination and Inspection of Completed Construction before Commencement

of Operation

(1) The registered electrical engineer, as representatives of the owner, shall perform the examination and
the inspection of all the completed Transmission Lines in the presence of MEM (DEM) in
accordance with Article 5.2.2 of LEPTS. Within fifteen (15) working days prior to the examination
and the inspection, the owner shall submit to MEM (DEM) the application form of the examination
and inspection defined in FORM -3.
(2) The registered electrical engineer, as representatives of the owner, shall perform the inspection of the
Transmission Lines if directed by MEM (DEM) at the above examination and the inspection in the
presence of the MEM (DEM).
(3) The owner shall not commence the operation of the Transmission Lines until he passes the above
examination and the inspection of the completed construction.

3.3 Operation and Maintenance

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 11

Transmission lines

Article 16: Commencement of Operation

The owner shall, after passing the examination and the inspection of all the completed Transmission
Lines, notify to MEM (DEM) in writing the commencement of the operation of the Transmission Lines in
accordance with Articles 7.2.2 of LEPTS.

Article 17: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the operation of the Transmission Lines, nominate an electrical
chief engineer and notify to MEM (DEM) as the registered engineer in accordance with Article 4 of
LEPTS. The qualification of the chief engineer shall be determined by MEM (DEM)
(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in operating the
Transmission Lines.
(3) In accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS, the registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in
operation shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on the documents prepared by the registered
engineer responsible for construction. The taking-over documents shall be submitted to MEM
(4) The registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in operation shall, if there arises any
accident of the Transmission Lines concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.

Article 18: Safety Rules

The owner shall, on commencing the operation of the Transmission Lines, prepare the safety rules for the
operation and the maintenance of the project and submit it to MEM (DEM).
Refer to the Ministerial regulation “Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance

Article 19: Regular Reports

The owner shall report regularly the following documents to MEM (DEM):

Name of Documents Submission Date

1. Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise End of December
Refer to FORM-4
2. Financial Report of the Owner End of December

3. Annual Report of Fixed Assets and Operating Income and End of December
Expenses of Power Facilities
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 12
Transmission lines

4. Annual Report of Accident Damage End of December

Refer to FORM-5 and 6

Article 20: Accident Reports

The registered engineer(s) responsible for the technical matters in construction and operation shall, if
there arises any serious accident of the Transmission Lines concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc.
of such accidents.

• Within forty-eight (48) hours after knowing any serious accident, the registered engineer(s) shall
report FORM -8 (Flash Accident Report) to MEM (DEM).
• Within thirty (30) days after knowing any serious accident, the registered engineer(s) shall report
FORM -7 (Detailed Accident Report) to MEM (DEM).

Serious accidents in the field of Transmission Lines, which shall be reported to MEM (DEM), can be
experientially described as a Referable Serious Accident Table in Appendix 2.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 13

Appendix 1- Forms

FORM-1: Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

FORM-2: Application Form for Design Approval of Transmission Line Facilities

FORM-3: Application Form for Examination and Inspection of completed

construction of the Power Facilities

FORM-4: Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

FORM-5: Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents Number

FORM-6: Annual Report of Accidents and Damages of Transmission Lines

FORM-7: Detailed Accident Report

FORM-8: Flash Accident Report

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 14

Transmission lines

Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby notify the election (or dismiss) of the chief engineer as follows in accordance with Article 4
of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

Name of Electricity Enterprise Name: _______________

Location Location:__ __Town ___City _____Province
(Address) Village District _____Province

Elected Registered Chief Engineer

Name ____________________________
Date of Birth ___ Day ____ Month ______ Year
Address ____Town ___City _____Province
Village District _____Province

Kind Chief Electrical Engineer

Contents of work in addition to the
work of Chief Engineer
Description of the electrical
equipment to be conducted his
duties on security management
Appointment Date _______ Day ______ Month _______ Year
Dismissed Registered Chief Engineer
Name ____________________________
Date of Birth ___ Day ____ Month ______ Year
Address ____Town ___City _____Province
Village District _____Province

Kind Chief Electrical Engineer

Dismissal Date _______ Day ______ Month _______ Year


(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 15

Transmission lines


Application Form for Design Approval of Transmission Line Facilities

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We would like to apply for your design approval of following transmission line facilities in accordance
with the Article 5.2.(1) of Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

1. General Items
Name of Transmission Line _______________ Line
Section of Transmission Line __________ Substation ~ __________ Substation
Line Voltage __________ V
2. Line
Line Length Overhead Line: ______ km
Electric System AC 3-Phase, 3-Wire System
Neutral Grounding Type Solidly Grounding
____________ Substation: _______ Ohm
____________ Substation: _______ Ohm
Number of Circuits ________
Re-closing System High-speed, Single-phase, Auto-Re-closing System
Protective Relaying System ____________ Relay, ____________ Relay

Supporting Kind Steel tower

Type, Number A type: , B type: , C type: , D type:
Earthing Installation for all tower
Preventive device Installation for all tower
for climbing
Transposition Complete transposition of One Line
Method (No. , No. , No. )
Low–voltage point (No. , No. : Lamp for Airplanes)
Reinforcement by Nothing

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 16

Transmission lines

Kind Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced

Conductor Size 240 ------mm2
Al; mm2 (mm)
Steel; mm2 (mm)
Number of wires per 1
Min. Height of ________ m
conductors (at conductor temperature at __ degrees)
Space between Horizontal space:
conductors Vertical space:
(Refer to Attached document 1-(4))
Ground Kind Galvanized Stranded Steel Wire
Wire Size mm2 (mm)
Number of wires 1
Insulator Kind Porcelain Insulator
Size 255 mm x 146 mm
Number of Units for a Units for Suspension Insulator devices
string Units for Tension Insulator devices
Protection against Arcing horn: All Insulator devices
Lightning Armor rod: Suspension Insulator devices
Laying Method of Underground Line Installation
Electric field strength Under kV/m

Installation in Urban areas Points

3. Switching Station (Substation)

Location (Address) Town City Province
Village District Province
Type Circuit Breaker
Voltage kV
Current ________ A
Circuit Interrupting ________ kA
Breaker Current
Interrupting Time ________sec. (________cycle)
Number ________
Protective Relaying ____________ Relay, ____________ Relay


(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 17

Transmission lines

Attached Documents:

1. Drawings;
(1) Transmission Line System diagram
(2) Topography Map on a scale of 1 to 100,000 or more, showing as follows
-Route of the transmission line
-Location of the substation (switching) station
(3) Plane and Profile drawings on a scale of 1 to 5,000 or more, showing as follows
[Plane drawing]
- Position of supporting structure
- The center line of transmission line
- Location of distribution line, telecommunication line, building, road, and other facilities where
are in the area within 50 m both side of the transmission line
[Profile drawings]
- Position, span length, horizontal angle of supporting structure
- Sag of conductor
- Height above the ground surface of conductor
- Location of distribution line, telecommunication line, building, road, and other facilities where
are in the area within 50 m both side of the transmission line
(4) Structural drawings of Supporting structure
(5) Plane and Profile drawings of Switching station
(6) Installation drawings of Underground Transmission line
(7) Structural drawings of Underground cable

2. Strength calculation sheet of Supporting structure

3. Specification sheets for Properties of Transmission conductors

4. Specification sheets for Properties of Insulators

5. Conditions along Transmission line route

6. Calculation sheets of 3 phase short-circuit

7. Construction Schedule
Any other Data if necessary

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 18


Application Form for Examination and Inspection of completed construction of the Power

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We would like to apply for your examination and inspection of completed construction of the following
power facilities in accordance with the Article 5 of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

1. Name and Location of the Power Facilities

_______________ Power Station (Substation, Transmission Line, Factory)

Location: _____ _____Town_____City______Province

(Address) Village District _____Province

2. Summary of Facilities

3. Examination and inspection items

Refer to the Witness examination and Inspection Items conducted prior to the commencement of
the operation attached herewith.

4. Schedule of the examination and inspection

5. Expected commencement date


(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 19

Transmission lines

Witness Examination and Inspection Items conducted prior to the commencement of the

1. Document examination
a. Supporting structures
b. Insulators
c. Electrical conductors

2. Visual inspection

3. Measurement
a. Width and thickness of members
b. Length of span
c. Horizontal angle
d. Ear thing resistance of low-voltage appliances
e. Minimum height from the ground
f. Clearance between Supporting structures and Electrical conductors
g. Sag
h. Status of installation with side-by side use and adjacency to and crossing with other things

4. Electrical test
a. Insulation resistance
b. Dielectric strength test
c. Electric field strength
d. Protective device performance test
e. Operation characteristic test of Circuit breaker

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 20


Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

Transmission Lines

As of Date ___ Month ___ Year

Length of Line
Number of Supporting Structures
Voltage (km)
(kV) Overhead Under- Steel Reinforced
Iron Pole Total
Line ground Line Tower Concrete Pole
230 kV and Over
115 kV ~ under 230 kV

35 kV ~ under 115 kV

Under 35 kV



(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 21

Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents Number

Transmission Line
Name of Electricity Enterprise:
_______________ Fiscal year

Outage (without destruction

Kind of Accident and/or Destruction of electric
Damage due

Casualty to fault, etc. Total

Outage Electrical from electric of electric Main electric Other Trouble of Accident
Fire shock facilities facilities facilities generation number



















Accident Place
Transmission Line

Overhead Line

Underground Line



(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 22

Annual Report of Accidents and Damages of Transmission Line

Name of Electricity Enterprise: ________________________________

_______________________ Fiscal Year Note: Kind of Accident causes refer to attached Table-A
ment Lack of Contact with
Cause Defi- Mainte- Deliberateness, other
ciency nance Natural Phenomenon a fault materials Voltage Class (kV)

Total Number of Accident

Affection from other fault
Contact with birds and
Public deliberateness, a fault

Contact with other materials

Imperfect Installation
Imperfect Production

Natural deterioration
Lack of Maintenance

115 kV ~ under 230 kV

35 kV ~ under 115 kV
Contact with Trees
Salt, Dust and Gas

230 kV and over

Worker’ s fault
Wind and Rain

Falling tree fault

Flood damage

Under 35kV



Damage Point

1. Overhead Line
(1) Facilities
(a) Support Structure
Iron Pole
Reinforced Concrete Pole
(b) Conductor
(c) Insulator
(d) Ground Wire
(e) Switching Device
(f) Others
(2) Kind of Accident
Ground Fault
Short circuit Fault
(3) Voltage Class
Under 35kV

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 23

Transmission lines

ment Lack of Contact with
Cause Defi- Mainte- Deliberateness, other
ciency nance Natural Phenomenon a fault materials Voltage Class (kV)

Total Number of Accident

Affection from other fault
Contact with birds and
Public deliberateness, a fault

Contact with other materials

Imperfect Installation
Imperfect Production

Natural deterioration
Lack of Maintenance

115 kV ~ under 230 kV

35 kV ~ under 115 kV
Contact with Trees
Salt, Dust and Gas

230 kV and over

Worker’ s fault
Wind and Rain

Falling tree fault

Flood damage

Under 35kV



Damage Point

35 kV ~ under 115 kV
115 kV ~ under 230 kV
230 kV and over
2. Underground Line
(1) Facilities
(a) Cable
(b) Joint Box
(c) Others
(2) Kind of Accident
Ground Fault
Short circuit Fault
(3) Voltage Class
Under 35kV
35 kV ~ under 115 kV
115 kV ~ under 230 kV
230 kV and over

(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 24

Table-A Referable Electrical Accident Causes Table
Cause Contents
Equipment Imperfect production Imperfection such as design of electrical facilities,
Defectiveness production and the quality of material, etc.
Imperfect installation Imperfection on construction
Lack of Lack of maintenance Lack of maintenance such as patrol and checking
Maintenance Natural deterioration Deterioration of quality of material, device, etc.(This is
not imperfect production, imperfect installation, lack of
Natural Wind and rain Rain, wind, storm
Phenomenon A contact of piece of tree that came flying by wind is
Thunder Direct lighting, indirect lightning
Earthquake Earthquake
Flood damage Flood etc.
Landslide Landslide, land subsidence, etc.
Salt, dust, gas Salt, dust, mist, malignant, gas, smoke, etc.
Deliberate fault Worker’s fault “Worker’s fault” means “employee of the company ” or
“employee of the subcontractor’
Public deliberate fault “Public” means man other than “worker”.
Stone-throwing, robbery of conductor, suicide, etc.
Falling tree fault Public cut down tree and then damage to electrical
Fire Fire close to electrical facilities, forest fire, burning dead
grass , etc.
Contact with Contact with tree Contact by an inclination tree and a fallen tree.
other materials
Contact with birds and Contact with animals, nesting, etc.
Contact with other Contact with other materials
Corrosion Corrosion Chemical corrosion, etc.
Vibration Vibration Vibration by vehicular traffic, foundation, etc.
Affection from Our company Affection from accidents and faults caused at our
other fault company’s electrical facilities
Other company Affection from accidents and faults caused at other
company’s electrical facilities
Others Others Others
Unknown Unknown Unknown

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 25


Detailed Accident Report

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a detail report on the accident.

Subject of Accident

Accident time and date ____(Month) ____(Date), ____(Year) , ____(hour), ____(time)

Weather _______
Circuit number of the
The place of the accident
The electrical equipment of the
Operating Voltage ______
The conditions of the
The cause of the accident
The Kind of protection
relaying system
Proper or improper of the
Summary of the damaged
Expected power not supplied
and expected duration not
Restoration time and date Supply interruption: _________________
Equipment: ________________________
The preventive measures of
the accident recurrence
Casualty(ies) Belo Name Sex Age Experience Contents of the
nging Years damage

Belonging and Name of

Registered Chief Engineer


(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 26


Flash Accident Report

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a flash report on the accident.

Kind of Accident (1) Electrical Fire
(2) Casualty from electric shock
(3) Casualty and/or Damage due to fault, etc. of Electric facilities
(4) Destruction of Electric facilities (Main Electric facilities)
(5) Outage (Without destruction)
Accident time and date ____(Month) ____(Date), ____(Year) , ____(hour), ____(time)
Weather _______
Circuit number of the
The place of the accident
The electrical equipment of
the accident
Operating Voltage ______
Outline of the Accident
The cause of the accident
Temporary Measures

Repairing Measures

Expected Restoration date Supply interruption: _________________

Equipment: ________________________
Casualty(ies) Belongi Name Sex Age Experience Contents of the
ng Years damage

Belonging and Name of

Registered Chief Engineer


(Date) (Month) (Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 27

Appendix 2- Referable Serious
Accidents Table
Serious Accident Content

1 Electrical Fire When Fire breaks out on houses, mountain trees, etc. by earth
faults or short circuit faults, etc. of Transmission lines.
2 Casualty from electric When Human’s death or serious injury occurs by touching or
shock closing, etc. to Transmission lines.
*Human means not only public people but Owner’s member
3 Casualty and/or When Human’s casualty (except for electric shock) or damage to
damage due to fault, other facilities (houses, public facilities such as road, school,
etc. of Electrical etc.)
occurs, by destruction of Transmission lines (falling of
collapse of tower, etc.)
4 Destruction of When Main facility of Transmission lines 100kV and over, is
Electrical facilities destructed, and owner can not operate.
*Main facility means as following table.
Overhead line Supporting structure (Iron pole,
Concrete pole, Steel tower),
Conductor, Insulator
Underground line Cable
Switching station Circuit breaker

5 Outage
When Outage as following region gray color region in the Figure

Interruption power (kW)
Maximum supply


10 60
Supply interruption time (min)

6 Accident caused by Flood, etc. designated by MEM


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 28

Transmission lines

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 29

III. Field of Substations

Guideline on
Operating and
Managing Lao
Electric Power
Technical Standards

December, 2018

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR i

List of Project Members for Initial Document

Project Director Mr.Houmphone BULYAPHOL

Director General of DOE, MIH

JICA Experts Dr.Shigenori KURODA (DOE)

Mr.Masahiro OGAWA (EDL)

Substation Field Mr.Hideki HAYASHI, JICA Expert

Mr.Yutaka YAMAKAWA, JICA Expert

Mr. Viengsay CHANTHA, DOE Staff

EDL Staff
Mr.Khamsing BOUNNGONG, DOE Staff

Project Manager Mr.Vanhdy VILAYSANE, EDL

National Project Coordinator Mr.Houmphan, VONGPHACHANH, DOE

Project Coordinator Mr.Masatoshi KAIMASU, JICA Expert

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR ii

Table of Contents
PART 1 GENERAL PRINCIPLES ................................................................................... 1
Article 1: Purposes and Scope .......................................................................... 1
Article 2: Definitions.......................................................................................... 1
1BPART 2: GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LEPTS .................................................. 3
Article 3: General Requirements .................................................................... 3
Article 4: Pre-existing Power Facilities .......................................................... 8
Article 5: Responsibilities and Expenses ....................................................... 8
PART 3: PROJECT PROCEDURES .............................................................................. 10
3.1 Detailed Design ................................................................................................... 10
Article 6: Purpose of Detailed Design .......................................................... 10
Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers .................. 10
Article 8: Implementation of Detailed Design ............................................ 10
Article 9: Examination and Approval of Detailed Design ........................ 10
3.2 Construction .................................................................................................. 11
Article 10: Commencement of Construction .............................................. 11
Article 11: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers ................. 11
Article 12: Construction Schedule ................................................................. 12
Article 13: Right to Access to the Project Site ............................................. 12
Article 14: Modification of the Detailed Design ......................................... 12
Article 15: Examination and Inspection of Completed Construction
before Commencement of Operation ........................................................... 12
3.3 Operation and Maintenance.......................................................................... 12
Article 16: Commencement of Operation .................................................... 13
Article 17: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers ................. 13
Article 18: Safety Rules .................................................................................... 13
Article 19: Regular Reports ............................................................................ 13
Article 20: Accident Reports .......................................................................... 14
Appendix 1- Forms ....................................................................................................... 15
Appendix 2 -Referable Serious Accidents Table ........................................................... 30

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR iii



Article 1: Purposes and Scope

(1) The purposes of this Guideline are to operate and manage the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards
(hereinafter referred to as LEPTS), specifically in the field of Substation in Lao PDR.
(2) This guideline is to include procedures and requirements in the design, construction and operation
stage of power facilities, which shall conform to LEPTS.
(3) The Ministry of Energy and Mines (hereinafter referred to as MEM), Department of Energy
Management (hereinafter referred to as DEM) is assigned to lead local provinces and other related
agencies in operating and managing LEPTS for power facilities.

The scope of the guideline is summarized on Table 1.

Table 1: Scope of Guideline

Application and Approval Application

for Operation Reporting
(in detail design and construction
*1 )

100kV or more Necessary Necessary


Less than 100kV Not Necessary*2 Necessary

*1 Including expansion with increase of transformer capacity

*2 Neither application nor examination
*3 In all equipment (all category of electricity size), the owner shall submit the Safety Rules, Annual Report,
and Accident Report to DEM

Article 2: Definitions

1. Power Facilities: The power facilities include dams, spillways waterways, reservoirs, hydropower
stations, substations, switching stations, transmission lines and distribution lines.
2. Owner: The entity that plans and implements the power facilities or their concession.
3. Pre-existing Power Facilities: The power facilities that are under operation, construction, design
at the effective date of LEPTS.
4. Detail Design: The design of the power facilities conforming to LEPTS, which includes design criteria,
design reports, design drawings, work quantity calculation, technical specifications of the power

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 1


facilities, etc.
5. Final Tender Documents: The documents that are used for manufacture and installation of the
electrical facilities.
6. Tender Drawings: The drawings that are distributed to the pre-qualified or selected contractors for
tendering purpose.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 2





Article 3: General Requirements

(1) MEM shall follow LEPTS in examining, inspecting and approving any type of power facilities in Lao
PDR, in accordance with the procedures and requirements stipulated in this Guideline.
(2) The followings are the implementation steps of power facilities in accordance with the Electricity Law
and LEPTS. The procedure of substation is illustrated in Figure 1 in accordance with the category of
electricity sizes stipulated on Table 1.

⚫ Project Description (if possible) (Owner)

⚫ Review of Project Description (if possible) (MEM)
⚫ Design undertaken (Owner)
⚫ Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at design stage (Owner)
⚫ Examination and approval of Detailed Design (MEM)
⚫ Modification of Detailed Design.(Owner)
⚫ Examination and approval of the modification of Detailed Design (MEM))
⚫ Construction undertaken (Owner)
⚫ Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at construction stage (Owner)
⚫ Examination and inspection of completed construction of facilities (MEM)
⚫ Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at operation stage (Owner)
⚫ Operation and maintenance of electrical facilities (Owner)
⚫ Reports of regular monitoring, emergency and accidents.(Owner)

(3) Any physical activities that impact the environment, shall not be taken place at project site until an
environmental approval certificate has been issued by Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 3


Figure1. Procedure of substation

1. Work Flow

Owner Design

100 kV or more
Neither application
Application nor examination a
Design Stage
Approval of Design
((MEM Owner)

Owner Construction

MEM Approval of Construction b

(MEM Owner) Construction Stage

Owner Operation
Report Remedy order for conformity of LEPTS c
Annual Report, Accident Report Operation Stage

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 4



Notification of appointment of chief engineer for

Design When it has already notified,
(Owner MEM) [FORM-1] it is not necessary to notify

Detail Design (Owner)

Application ( Except less

than 100 kV)
Detailed Design documents
Tender Documents including drawings
Technical specifications [FORM-2]
(Owner MEM)

Examination of the Within 45*

Application (MEM) working days
Not satisfactory

Environment Assessment Satisfactory *Redesign within

15 working days

Detail Design approved by MEM


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 5



Notification of appointment of chief engineer for

When it has already notified,
Construction (Owner MEM) [FORM-1] it is not necessary to notify

Notification of Commencement of Construction and

Construction Schedule
(Owner MEM)

Construction (owner) For Facilities less than 100

Modification of detailed design
(Owner MEM)

MEM approved the modification

Not satisfactory Examination of completed Facilities (owner)

good Satisfactory
Application for Inspection of completed construction (Except less than 100 kV)
prior to Operation (Owner MEM) [FORM-3]

Inspection of
Within 15 working days
satisfactory Satisfactory
Inspection of
Completed Facilities
Not satisfactory


Operation Stage

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 6



Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineer

Notification of appointment of Chief

Engineer MEM) [FORM-1]

Submission of Safety Rules

(Owner MEM)

Notification of Commencement
of operation (Owner MEM)


Serious accident
occurs No (Other accidents)


Submission of Failure reports (Owner MEM)

- FORM-9: Flash accident report
Report within 48 hours
- FORM-8: Detailed accident report
Report within 30 days

Submission of Regular reports (Owner MEM)

- FORM-4: Statistics Lists of Facilities in Electricity Enterprise
- FORM-5: Monthly Report of Power receiving and sending
- FORM-6: Annual summary Report of Electrical Accidents’ Number
- FORM-7: Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Substations

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 7


Article 4: Pre-existing Power Facilities

(1) For power facilities that were completed before the date 12 February, 2004, the owner shall report to
MEM performance records, regular monitoring results, emergency inspection results, accidents of
electrical facilities in accordance with Article 7 “Obligation for Reporting” of LEPTS.
(2) The owner, power facility is under implementation as on 12 February 2004, shall try to do his utmost
so that such power facilities can conform to the fundamental requirements stipulated in Sections3-2
of LEPTS. He shall follow the procedures in Figure 1 on and from the date 12 February 2004 and
this Guideline.

Article 5: Responsibilities and Expenses

(1) The responsibilities for implementing power facilities in accordance with LEPTS are summarized on
Table 2.
(2) The owner shall ensure that the expenses of carrying out his responsibilities listed on Table 2 are
included in the project cost.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 8


Table 2. Responsibilities of Organizations

Organization Responsibilities

• Reviews and comments project description (if possible)
• Be notified of appointment of chief engineers and registers them
• Examines and approves design criteria and detailed design
• Examines and approves modification of detailed design
• Examines and inspects completion of construction of power facilities before
commencement of operation
• Be notified of safety rules
• Orders remedy for conformance to LEPTS

• Prepares project description (if possible)
• Implements design
• Prepares and submits the application forms for design approval of the power
• Nominates/appoints chief engineers for detailed design, construction and
• Reports the construction commencement to MEM
• Prepares and submits application forms for inspections of completed
construction of facility
• Supports MEM’s inspections of completed facilities, electrical facilities before
commencement operation, etc.
• Prepares and submits safety rules
• Reports the operation commencement to MEM
• Operates and maintains the power facilities
• Reports to MEM performance records, regular monitoring results, emergency
inspection results and accidents
• Remedies the power facilities according to MEM’s order

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 9



3.1 Detailed Design

Article 6: Purpose of Detailed Design

The owner shall perform the detailed design of the electrical facilities conforming to the respective Articles
of LEPTS. The detailed design will be strengthened by further field investigations, in-situ tests, laboratory
tests and etc., as well as further collection of related technical information. The owner will prepare
detailed design documents such as design report, design calculation reports, work quantity calculation
reports, tender drawings, contract documents, technical specifications, construction work plan,
construction schedule, installation schedule, money payment schedule and etc.

Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the detailed design of the power facilities, nominate an electrical chief
engineer and notify the appointment to MEM (DEM) as the registered electrical engineer in FORM-1
in Appendix 1 as stipulated in the Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of the chief engineer shall be
determined by MEM (DEM)

(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in performing the
design of the electrical facilities.

Article 8: Implementation of Detailed Design

The owner shall perform the detailed design of the electrical facilities. The detailed design shall satisfy the
fundamental requirements stipulated in Sessions3-2 of LEPTS. On completing the detailed design, the
owner shall prepare the application form and submit it together with technical supporting documents
(including drawings) to MEM (DEM) for his approval. The application form and technical supporting
documents to be attached are defined in FORM-2.
The owner shall submit at least five (5) copies of the technical supporting documents to MEM (DEM) for
his approval.

Article 9: Examination and Approval of Detailed Design

(1) MEM(DEM) shall be responsible for examining the Detailed Design of the power facilities whether
each power facilities shall satisfy the respective Articles of LEPTS. MEM (DEM) has a right to request
the owner to submit additional technical documents in order to clarify the detailed design of the power
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 10

(2) Within forty-five (45) working days of receiving FORM-2 of Detailed Design, MEM (DEM) shall
complete its examination and do one of the followings:
• Approve the Detailed Design
• Request the owner to carry out specific additional studies in order that the power facilities shall satisfy
LEPTS. In this case, the revised Detailed Design shall be again examined in accordance with the
procedures cited in (1) and (2) above.
(3) The owner shall, at his own responsibility, obtain approvals or permissions of any facilities other than
the power facilities stipulated in LEPTS.

3.2 Construction

Article 10: Commencement of Construction

Prior to the commencement of construction activities of the power facilities, the owner shall obtain both
the approval of the Design from MEM (DEM) and the environmental certificate of the project from
MONRE. Following this, he shall notify to MEM (DEM) in writing the commencement of the construction
activities of the power facilities in accordance with Articles 7.2.1 of LEPTS.

Article 11: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the construction activities of the power facilities, nominate and
appoint an electrical chief engineer and notify the appointment to MEM (DEM) as the registered
electrical engineer in FORM-1 as stipulated in Article 4 “Nomination of Chief Engineers” of LEPTS.
The qualification of chief engineer shall be determined by MEM (DEM).

(2) The registered engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in constructing the electrical

(3) In accordance with the Article 4 “Nomination of Chief Engineers” of LEPTS, the registered electrical
engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction shall conduct taking-over of the duties
based on the documents prepared by the registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical
matters in design. The taking-over documents shall be submitted to MEM (DEM).

(4) The registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction shall, if there
arises any accident of the electrical facilities concerned,
investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 11


Article 12: Construction Schedule

The owner shall, on commencing the construction activities of the power facilities, submit the construction
and/or installation schedule of the electrical facilities to MEM (DEM). In accordance with the actual
progress of the construction activities, the owner shall submit to MEM (DEM) the revised construction
schedule and/or installation schedule without delay.

Article 13: Right to Access to the Project Site

MEM (DEM) shall have a right to access to the project site at his convenient time. And he can request the
owner to submit the approved drawings for the electrical facilities in order to monitor the progress of the
construction activities.

Article 14: Modification of the Detailed Design

When the owner intends to modify the approved Design through unavoidable situations, he shall submit
the modified Detailed Design of the concerned facilities with supporting documents to MEM (DEM) for
his approval. The application form of the modification is defined in FORM-2, in which the modification
shall be described clearly in red color. Within fifteen (15) working days of receiving the application form
of the modification, MEM (DEM) shall complete its examination and notify its examination result in
writing to the owner.

Article 15: Examination and Inspection of Completed Construction before Commencement

of Operation

(1) The registered electrical engineer, as representatives of the owner, shall perform the examination and
the inspection of all the completed power facilities in the presence of MEM (DEM) in accordance with
Article 5.2.2 of LEPTS. Within fifteen (15) working days prior to the examination and the inspection,
the owner shall submit to MEM (DEM) the application form of the examination and the inspection
defined in FORM-3
(2) The registered electrical engineer, as representatives of the owner, shall perform the inspection of the
power facilities if directed by MEM (DEM) at the above examination and the inspection in the presence
of MEM (DEM).
(3) The owner shall not commence the operation of the power facilities until he passes the above
examination and the inspection.

3.3 Operation and Maintenance

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 12


Article 16: Commencement of Operation

The owner shall, after passing the examination and inspection of all the completed power facilities, notify
to MEM (DEM) in writing the commencement of the operation of the power facilities in accordance with
Article 7.2.2 of LEPTS.

Article 17: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the operation of the power facilities, nominate and appoint an
electrical chief engineer and notify the appointment to MEM (DEM) as the registered electrical
engineer in accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of the chief engineer shall be
determined by MEM (DEM).
(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in operating the
electrical facilities.
(3) In accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS, the registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical
matters in operation shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on the documents prepared by the
electrical engineer responsible for construction. The taking-over documents shall be submitted to
(4) The registered electrical engineer responsible for the technical matters in operation shall, if there
arises any accident of the electrical facilities concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such

Article 18: Safety Rules

The owner shall, on commencing the operation of the power facilities, prepare the safety rules for the
operation and the maintenance of the project and submit it to MEM (DEM).

Refer to the Ministerial regulation” Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance”.

Article 19: Regular Reports

The owner shall report regularly the following documents to MEM (DEM):

Name of Documents Submission Date

1. Statistics Lists of Facilities in Electricity Enterprise End of December

Refer to FORM-4
2. Monthly Report of Power Receiving and Sending Every Six Month
Refer to FORM-5 (End of June and
3. Financial Report of the Owner End of December

4. Annual Report of Fixed Assets and Operating Income and Expense of End of December
Power Facilities

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 13


7. Annual Report of Accident Damage End of December

Refer to FORM-6 and 7

Article 20: Accident Reports

If there arises any accident of the electrical facilities concerned in construction and operation stage, the
registered engineer(s) shall investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.
Within 48 (forty-eight) hours after knowing any serious accident, the registered engineer(s) shall submit
the report (refer to the FORM-9) to MEM (DEM).
And within thirty (30) days after knowing any accident, the registered engineer(s) shall submit the report
(refer to the FORM-8) to MEM (DEM).

Serious accidents in the field of substation, which shall be reported to MEM (DEM), can be experientially
described as a Referable Serious Accidents Table in Appendix 2

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 14


Appendix 1- Forms

FORM-1: Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

FORM-2: Application Form for Design Approval of Substation Facilities

FORM-3: Application Form for Examination and Inspection of completed construction

of the Power Facilities

FORM-4: Statistics List of Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

FORM-5: Monthly Report of Power Receiving and Sending

FORM-6: Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents Number

FORM-7: Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Substations

FORM-8: Detailed Accident Report

FORM-9: Flash Accident Report

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 15



Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

(Sample Form)

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby notify the appointment (or dismissal) of the chief engineer as follows in accordance with
Article 4.of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

Name of Electricity Enterprise Name: _______________

Location Location:__ __Town ___City _____Province
(Address) Village District _____Province

Elected Registered Chief Engineer

Name ____________________________
Date of Birth ___ Day ____ Month ______ Year
25B Address __ __Town ___City _____Province
Village District_____Province

Kind Electrical Engineer

Contents of work in addition to the
work of Chief Engineer
Description of the electrical
equipment to be conducted his
duties on security management
Appointment Date _______ Day ______ Month _______ Year
Dismissed Registered Chief Engineer
Name ____________________________
Date of Birth ___ Day ____ Month ______ Year
Address __ __Town ___City _____Province
Village District _____Province

Kind Electrical Engineer

Dismissal Date _______ Day ______ Month _______ Year


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 16



Application Form for Design Approval of Substation Facilities

(Sample Form)

1.General Items
Name of Substation Name: _______________ Substation
Location Location:__________Town_____City_____Province
(Address) Village District_____Province

Output and Frequency Output: _____________ kVA

Frequency: ________ Hz
2.Power Transformer
Primary ____________ kVA
Capacity Secondary ____________ kVA
Primary _____ kV to ____ kV with ____ Taps OLTC
Voltage Secondary _____ kV
Connection Secondary
Cooling Method
Number of Units ________
Protective Relaying System
3.Power Condenser
Use (Parallel or Series)
Capacity of one group ________ kVar
Number of unit per one
group ________ Units
Voltage ________ V
Number of Group ________
Protective Relaying System
4.Shunt Reactor or Current-Limiting Reactor
Capacity ________ kVar
Voltage ________ V
Cooling Method
Number of Unit ________
Protective Relaying System

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 17


5.Circuit Breaker
Voltage ________ V
Current ________ A
Interrupting Current ________ kA
Interrupting Time ________ sec. (_____ cycle)
Number ________
Protective Relaying System
6.Neutral Grounding Device
Type of Grounding
Value of Resistance or ________ Ohm
7.Attached Facilities
Control System
Emergency Standby Power


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Attached Documents:

1. Drawings;
(1) General plan of transmission line system
(2) Arrangement of equipment (plan and longitudinal drawings)
(3) Single line diagram
(4) Arrangement of ground wire
(5) Civil Work
2. Calculation sheet of 3 phases short-circuit for main transformer, circuit breaker and phase modifying
3. Statement of installation plan of voltage adjustment device, voltage phase adjustment device, power
condenser and shunt reactor or current-limiting reactor
4. Calculation sheet of grounding system
5. Statement of monitoring and control system
6. Calculation sheets of tension for equipment
7. Construction Schedule

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 18



Application Form for Examination and Inspection of Completed Construction of the

Power Facilities
(Sample Form)

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Enterprise

Name of the Enterprise
Person Name
(of Chief Engineer to notify)

We would like to apply for your examination and inspection of completed construction of following power
facilities in accordance with the Article 5 of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

1. Name and Location of the Power Facilities

_______________ Power Station (Substation, Transmission Line, Factory)

Location: _____ _____Town_____City______Province

(Address) Village District_____Province

2. Summary of Facilities

3. Examination and inspection items

Refer to the Witness examination and inspection Items conducted prior to the commencement of
the operation attached herewith.

4. Schedule of the examination and inspection

5. Expected commencement date

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 19


Witness Examination and Inspection Items conducted prior to the commencement of the


a. Visual inspection of the electrical facilities

b. Measuring of earth resistance (or checking of measurement record) and/or
confirmation of interconnection of earth wires
c. Measuring of insulation resistance
d. Dielectric strength test
e. Tests of pressure oil supply system and compressed air supply
f. Protection test
- Performance test of interlocking system
- Circuit breaker performance test
g. Performance test of protective relay
h. Performance test of alarm indication
i. Performance test of remote monitoring and control device
j. Operation voltage test
k. Heat run test
l. Noise measuring (if necessary)
m. Vibration measuring (if necessary)


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 20



Statistics List of Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

As of Date ___ Month ___ Year

(1) Capacity

Capacity Number of Capacity of Capacity of reactive

(kVA) Substations Substations power supply (kVA)
Over 5,0000 kVA
Over 2,000 kVA ~ 50,000 kVA
Over 100 kVA ~ 2,000 kVA
100 kVA and Under

(2) Voltage

Voltage Number of Capacity of Capacity of reactive

(kV) Substations Substations power supply (kVA)
230 kV and Over
115 kV ~ under 230 kV
35 kV ~ under 115 kV
Under 35 kV

(3) Substation List

Capacity of
Voltage Capacity of reactive
No Name Substations
(kV) power supply (kVA)


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 21










_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 22


Monthly Report of Power Receiving & Sending
(Sample Form)

To; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Enterprise

Name of the Enterprise
Person Name
(of Chief Engineer to notify)
_____________ Fiscal year and month
Date Receiving (kwh) Sending (kwh)


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 23


Annual summary Report of Electrical Accidents Number

Name of Electricity Enterprise:

_______________ Fiscal year

Outage (without destruction

Kind of Accident

Casualty Destruction of electric facilities

Outage Damage
Casualty due to fault,
from etc. of Total
Electrical electrifica- electric Main electric Trouble of Accident
Fire Total tion facilities facilities Other facilities generation number






Accident Place












230 kV and Over
115 kV ~ under 230 kV
35 kV ~ under 115 kV
Under 35 kV


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 24



Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Substations

Name of Electric Enterprise: __________________

_____________ Fiscal year

Refer to the attached Table-A

Equip- Lack of
Cause ment mainte Deliberate-
defi- - ness, a
ciency nance Natural phenomenon fault

Total Number of Accident

Contact with other materials
Public deliberateness, fault

Affection from other fault

Imperfect Installation
Imperfect Production

Natural deterioration
Lack of Maintenance

Salt, Dust and Gas

Wind and rain

Worker's fault
Flood damage


Main Transformer
Cooling system
Voltage regulating
Rotary Condenser
Neutral grounding
Power condenser
Shunt reactor
Induced voltage
On-load voltage
Circuit breaker

Disconnecting switch
Station service
Instrument transformer
Meter, Relays, etc.
Main circuit
Auxiliary circuit
Control circuit
Power source device for
control equipment
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 25

Sum Total


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 26


Table-A Referable Electrical Accident Causes Table

Cause Contents
Equipment Imperfect production Imperfection such as design of electrical facilities,
Defectiveness production and the quality of material, etc.
Imperfect Imperfection on construction
Lack of Lack of maintenance Lack of maintenance such as patrol and checking
Maintenance Natural deterioration Deterioration of quality of material, device, etc.(This is
not imperfect production, imperfect installation, lack of
Overload Over current more than rated current
Natural Wind and rain Rain, wind, storm
Phenomenon A contact of piece of tree that came flying by wind is
Thunder Direct lighting, indirect lightning
Earthquake Earthquake
Flood damage Flood etc.
Landslide Landslide, land subsidence, etc.
Salt, dust, gas Salt, dust, mist, malignant, gas, smoke, etc.
Deliberate fault Worker’s fault “Worker’s fault” means “employee of the company ” or
“employee of the subcontractor’
Public deliberate “Public” means man other than “worker”.
fault Stone-throwing, robbery of conductor, suicide, etc.
Falling tree fault Public cut down tree and then damage to electrical
Fire Fire close to electrical facilities, forest fire, burning dead
grass, etc.
Contact with other Contact with tree Contact by an inclination tree and a fallen tree.
Contact with birds Contact with animals, nesting, etc.
and beasts
Contact with other Contact with other materials
Vibration Vibration Vibration by vehicular traffic, foundation, etc.
Affection from Our company Affection from accidents and faults caused at our
other fault company’s electrical facilities
Other company Affection from accidents and faults caused at other
company’s electrical facilities
Others Others Others
Unknown Unknown Unknown

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 27


Application Form for Detailed Accident Report
(Sample Form)

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Enterprise

Name of the Enterprise
Person Name
(of Chief Engineer to notify)

We hereby submit a detail report on the accident.

Subject of Accident
Accident occurrence day
Weather _______
The place of the accident occurrence
The electrical equipment of the accident
Operating Voltage ______
The conditions of the accident
The cause of the accident
Protection relaying system and proper or
improper of the system
Summary of the damaged equipment
Influenced damage
Expected power not supplied and expected
duration not supplied
Restoration date
The preventive measures of the accident
Victim(s) Belonging Name Sex Age Experience Contents of the
Years damage

Summary of Type of Generation Generation

Electrical Industry Power Voltage
Facilities Receiving Receiving
Power Voltage
Kind of Registered Chief Engineer
Belonging and Name of Registered Chief Engineer


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 28


Application Form for Flash Accident Report
(Sample Form)

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

From; Address of the Enterprise

Name of the Enterprise
Person Name
(of Chief Engineer to notify)

We hereby submit a flash report on the accident.

1. Occurrence Date of Accident;

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ____(Month) ____(Year)
Weather: __________
2. Main Facilities
Contract Power; ________ kW
Receiving Voltage; __________ kV
Receiving System; (Outdoor or Indoor) (Open, Cubicle, etc.)
3. Electrical Equipment occurred in the accident
_________________________ Used Voltage ________ V
4. Kind of Accident
(1) Casualty from electrification (Death or Injury)
(2) Electric Fire
(3) Casualty due to fault, damage or destruction of electric facilities (Death or Injury), or Accident
in which other people are seriously injured
(4) Accident of damage to the main electric equipment
(5) Extension Accident
5. Outline of Accident
6. Cause of Accident
7. Temporary Measures
8. Repairing Measures
9. Expected Date of normal service
___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ____(Month) ____(Year)
10. Name of Victim
____________________________ (Male, Female) Age; __________
(Electrical Worker, Other Worker or General Public)
(Employee, Other Company’s Worker _________ Name of company)
11. Name of Registered Chief Engineer
Name; _______________________ Tel. No. _________________
Time at which were known;
___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)
Site Arrival Time;
___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)


_____(Date)_____(Month), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 29


Appendix 2 -Referable Serious

Accidents Table

№ Serious Accident Content

1 Electrical Fire When Fire breaks out in substation by earth faults or short
circuit faults, etc.

2 Casualty from electric When Human’s death or serious injury occurs by touching or
closing, etc. to the equipment in substation.
shock *Human means not only public people but Owner’s member
3 Casualty and/or When Human’s casualty (except for electric shock) or damage to
other facilities (houses, public facilities such as road, school,
damage due to fault, etc.)
etc. of Electrical occurs, by destruction in substation
4 Destruction of When Main facility of substation equipment 100kV and over, is
Destructed, and owner can not operate.
Electrical facilities *Main facility means “Transformer”, ”Circuit Breaker”, “Shunt
Reactor”, and “Capacitor”

5 Outage
When Outage as following region gray color region in the Figure
(Including chain occurs.
reaction to other
electric utilities)
interruption power (kW)

Maximum supply


10 60
Supply interruption time
6 Accident caused by Typhoon, etc. designated by MEM

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 30

IV. Field of Distribution Lines

Guideline on
Operating and
Managing Lao
Electric Power
Technical Standards
Distribution Lines

December, 2018

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR i

List of Project Members for Initial Document

Project Director Mr. Houmphone BULYAPHOL

Director General of DOE, MIH

JICA Experts Dr. Shigenori KURODA (DOE)

Mr. Masahiro OGAWA (EDL)

Distribution Field Mr. Hiroaki TSUKAGOSHI, JICA expert

Mr. Tomohide KATO, JICA expert


Mr. Khamserm SOUVANNA, EDL


Project Manager Mr. Vanhdy VILAYSANE, EDL

National Project Coordinator Mr. Houmphan, VONGPHACHANH, DOE

Project Coordinator Mr. Masatoshi KAIMASU, JICA expert

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR ii

Table of Contents
PART 1 GENERAL PRICIPLES .................................................................................................. 1
Article 1 Purposes and Scope ................................................................................... 1
Article 2 Definitions .................................................................................................... 2
PART 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LEPTS ................................................................ 3
Article 3 General Requirements............................................................................. 3
Article 4: Pre-existing Power Facilities ................................................................. 9
Article 5: Responsibilities and Expense ................................................................ 9
PART 3: PROJECT PROCEDURES ......................................................................................... 10
3.1 Detail Design............................................................................................................................. 10
Article 6: Purpose of Detail Design ....................................................................... 10
Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers ..................... 10
Article 8: Field Investigations for Detailed Design ........................................ 10
Article 9: Implementation of Detailed Design .................................................. 10
Article 10: Examination and Approval of Detailed Design .......................... 10
3.2 Construction ............................................................................................................................11
Article 11: Commencement of Construction...................................................... 11
Article 12: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers ................... 11
Article 13: Construction Schedule ......................................................................... 11
Article 14: Right to Access to the Project Site ................................................... 11
Article 15: Modification of the Detailed Design ............................................... 11
Article 16: Inspection before Commencement of Operation ...................... 12
3.3 Operation and Maintenance .................................................................................................... 12
Article 17: Commencement of Operation ........................................................... 12
Article 18: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers .................. 12
Article 19: Safety Rules............................................................................................... 12
Article 20: Regular Reports ..................................................................................... 12
Article 21: Accident Reports..................................................................................... 13
Appendix 1 - Forms ................................................................................................................... 14
Appendix 2 - Description of Project Size .............................................................................. 31
Appendix 3 - Design Drawings and Electric Symbols ....................................................... 32
Appendix 4 - Referable Serious Accidents Table ............................................................... 36

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR iii

Article 1 Purposes and Scope

(1) The Purposes of this Guideline are to operate and manage the Lao Electric Power Technical
Standards (hereinafter referred to as LEPTS), specifically in the field of distribution lines in Lao

(2) This guideline is to include procedures and requirements in the detail design, construction and
operation stage of distribution facilities, which shall conform to LEPTS.

(3) The Ministry of Energy and Mines (hereinafter referred to as MEM), Department of Energy
Management (hereinafter referred to as DEM) is assigned to lead local provinces (*1) and other
related agencies in operating and managing LEPTS for distribution facilities.

(*1)Provincial Division of Energy and Mines and Vientiane Capital (hereinafter referred to as

The scope of this guideline based on “Project Size” of the distribution lines is summarized on Table
1, where, a definition of the project size and a description are shown as Table 2 and Appendix 2.

Table 1 Scope of Guideline for each Project Size

Project Size
Big Medium Small
Notification of Chief
Necessary Necessary Not Necessary
Necessary Necessary Necessary
Stage Application of Detail
Necessary Necessary Not Necessary
Examination Necessary Necessary Not Necessary
Approval of Detail Design Necessary Necessary Not Necesary
Notification of Chief
Necessary Necessary Not Necessary
Construction Necessary Necessary Necessary
Application of Inspection Necessary Necessary Not Necessary
Inspection Necessary Necessary Not Necessary
Approval of Operation Necessary Necessary Not Necessary
Notification of Chief
Necessary Necessary Necessary
Safety Rules
Necessary Necessary Necessary
Stage Regular Reports
Necessary Necessary Necessary
Accident Reports
Necessary Necessary Necessary

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 1

Table 2 Definition of Project Size

Project size Definition

Construction of new Medium Voltage Feeder on condition that;

• The sum of capacity of new transformers amounts to 500kVA or more
• The length of new medium voltage distribution lines reaches 5km or more

Expansion of distribution network (not replacement).

• The sum of capacity of new transformers amounts to 500kVA or more
• The length of new medium voltage distribution lines reaches 5km or more

Small Others

Article 2 Definitions

1. Distribution Facilities: The power facilities used for distribution lines

2. Owner: The entity that plans and implements the power facilities or their concession

3. Pre-existing Power Facilities: The power facilities that are under operation, construction, detail
design, feasibility study, or pre-feasibility study at the effective date of LEPTS.

4. Project Description: The summary of the power facilities describing its features, technical
information and environmental impacts and measures.

5. Pre-Feasibility Study and/or Feasibility Study: The study that identifies the feasibility study of
implementing the power facilities from the technical, socio-economical, financial and environmental
point of view.

6. Detailed Design: The design of the power facilities conforming to LEPTS, which includes design
reports and design drawings.

7. Tender Drawings: The drawings that are distributed to the pre-qualified or selected contractors
for tendering purpose.

8. Final Tender Documents: The documents that are used for manufacture and installation of the
electrical facilities.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 2

Article 3 General Requirements

(1) MEM shall follow LEPTS in examining, inspecting and approving any type of distribution facilities
in Lao PDR, in accordance with the procedures and requirements stipulated in this Guideline.

(2) The followings are the implementation steps of distribution facilities in accordance with the
Electricity Law and LEPTS. The procedure for implementation of a distribution line project is shown
in Figure 1 in accordance with the category of project size stipulated on Table 2.

• Design undertaken (Owner)

• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at detail design stage (Owner)
• Examination and approval of Detailed Design (MEM)
• Construction undertaken (Owner)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at construction stage (Owner)
• Modification of Detail Design (if necessary) (Owner)
• Examination and approval of the modification of Detailed Design (MEM)
• Examination and inspection of completed facilities (MEM)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at operation stage(Owner)
• Operation and Maintenance of distribution facilities (Owner)
• Reports of regular monitoring, emergency inspection and accidents.(Owner)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 3

Figure 1 Procedure of Distribution Lines

Owner Planning (*1)

Owner Detailed Design

Project Size

Big or Medium A

Approval of detail design

• Examination of detail design

Owner Construction

Project Size

Big , Medium and small B


Approval of operation
• Examination of self-inspection data
• Inspection of completed facilities

Owner Operation

Submission Order of Remedy

of Reports for Conformance to LEPTS C
• Examination of self-inspection data
• Inspection of completed facilities

(*1) "Planning" includes many kinds of planning activities, for example, a feasibility study, material
procurement, budget, negotiation for land, contract for construction work, etc.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 4

Distribution lines

A :Detailed Design Stage

Planning stage

Project Size

Big or Medium

Notification of appointment of chief engineer for detail

design (*1)
( Owner →DEM/PDEM ) [FORM-1]
(*1)When it has already notified,
V it is not necessary to notify.

Detail Design (Owner)

Self-examination of detail design (Owner)

Not satisfactory
To V
Project Size

Big or Medium

Application for detail design

(Owner → DEM /PDEM)

Review and comments

<First time>
(DEM/PDEM → Owner) Within 10 working days
Not satisfactory Within 5 working days
To V

Detail Design approved by DEM/PDEM

Construction stage

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 5

Distribution lines

B : Construction Stage(1/2)
Detail Design Stage

Project Size

Big or Medium

Notification of chief engineer for Construction (*1)

(Owner →DEM/PDEM) [FORM-1]

(*1)When it has already notified,

it is not necessary to notify.

Construction (Owner)
If there is necessity of modifying
In case of through unavoidable situation

W Modification of Design
(Owner →DEM/PDEM)
In case of
Repair Modification of Design
approved by DEM/PDEM

(If necessary)

Self-inspection of facilities
under construction(*2) (Owner)
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
To W

Self-inspection of completed facilities (*2) (Owner)

Not satisfactory (*2)If owner is customer who will assign new

Satisfactory facilities to Electricite du Laos (hereinafter
To W referred to EDL) after construction, EDL’s
inspection corresponds to self-inspection.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 6

Distribution lines

B : Construction Stage(2/2)
Project Size

Big or Medium

Application of inspection prior to operation

( Owner →DEM/PDEM ) [FORM-3]

Examination of self-inspection report (DEM/PDEM)

Not satisfactory
Satisfactory Inadequacy
To W in the self-
To X inspection


Within 5 working days

Notification of Inspection (DEM/PDEM → Owner)

Within 5 working days

Inspection of completed facilities (DEM/PDEM)

Not satisfactory
To W or X Satisfactory

Approval of Operation (DEM/PDEM → Owner)

Operation stage

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 7

Distribution lines

C : Operation Stage
Construction Stage

Notification of chief engineer for operation (*1)

(Owner →DEM/PDEM) [FORM-1]

(*1)When it has already notified, it is

Submission of Safety Rules not necessary to notify.
(Owner →DEM/PDEM) (*2)
(*2)When it has already submitted, it
[Contents of Safety Rules] is not necessary to submit.
a. General Provisions
b. Safety Management
c. Safety Education
d. Patrol and Inspection START OPERATION
e. Operation
f. Records

Owner(Under Operation)

Regular reports Order of remedy

[Annual or Monthly Report] for conformance
(1) Statistical List of Power Facilities in to LEPTS
Electricity Enterprise [FORM-4]
(2) Financial Report of the Owner D
(3) Annual Report of Fixed Assets and E
Operating Income and Expense of M
Power Facilities
(4) Annual Summary Report of Electrical
Accidents’ Number [FORM-5] o
(5) Annual Report of Accidents r
andDamages in Medium Voltage
Distribution Lines [FORM-6]
Accident reports D
a. Flash accident report [FORM-8] E
• Report within 48 hours(*4)
b. Detailed accident report [FORM-7]
• Report within 30 days(*4)
(*4)After knowing any serious accidents

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 8

Distribution lines

Article 4: Pre-existing Power Facilities

The owner, whose distribution facilities/facility is under implementation as on 12 February, 2004, shall try to
do his utmost so that such power facilities can conform to the fundamental requirements stipulated in
Section 2-2 and 3-2 of LEPTS. He shall follow the procedures in Figure 1 on and from the date 12 February,
2004 and this guideline.

Article 5: Responsibilities and Expense

(1) The responsibilities for implementing distribution facilities in accordance with LEPTS are summarized
on Table 3. Detailed responsibilities of MEM are separately determined by MEM in accordance with the
category of electricity sizes stipulated in the Electricity Law.

(2) The owner shall ensure that the expense of carrying out his responsibilities listed on Table 3 is included
in the project cost.

Table 3 Responsibilities of Organizations

Organization Responsibilities
• Acceptance of notification of chief engineers and their register
• Examination and approval of detailed designs submitted by owners
• Inspection of completed construction of distribution facilities before
commencement of operation
• Acceptance of notification of safety rules
• Order of remedy for conformance to LEPTS
• Implementation of detailed designs
• Preparation and submission of an application form for design
approval of distribution facilities
• Nomination/appointment of chief engineers for detailed designs,
construction and operation
• Report of the construction commencement to MEM
• Preparation and submission of application forms for inspection of
completed construction
• Support for inspections of distribution facilities implemented by
MEM(DEM) before commencement of operation
• Operation and maintenance of distribution facilities
• Preparation of regular reports and accident reports
• Submission of regular reports and accident reports to MEM(DEM)
• Remedy of power facilities according to MEM's order

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 9

3.1 Detail Design

Article 6: Purpose of Detail Design

The owner shall perform the detailed design of the distribution lines conforming to the respective Articles of
LEPTS. The detailed design will be strengthened by further field investigations, in-situ tests, laboratory tests
and etc., as well as further collection of related technical information. The owner will prepare detailed design
documents such as design reports, design calculation reports, work quantity calculation reports, tender
drawings, contract documents, technical specifications, construction work plan, construction schedule,
money payment schedule and etc.

Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the detailed design of the distribution lines project except a small
project, nominate and appoint an electrical chief engineer and notify the appointment to MEM (DEM) as
the registered engineer in FORM-1 in Appendix 1 as stipulated in Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification
of chief engineer shall be determined by MEM (DEM).

(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in performing the detail
design of the distribution lines.

Article 8: Field Investigations for Detailed Design

The owner shall pay full attentions to the natural and social environments in implementing field
investigations necessary for the detail design.

Article 9: Implementation of Detailed Design

The owner shall perform the detailed design of the distribution lines. On completing the detailed design of
the distribution lines project except a small size project, the owner shall prepare the application form and
submit it together with technical supporting documents to MEM (DEM) for his approval. The application
form and technical supporting documents to be attached are defined in FORM-2.

The design drawings and electric symbols shall be based on in Appendix 3.

Article 10: Examination and Approval of Detailed Design

(1) MEM (DEM) shall be responsible for examining the detailed design of the distribution lines whether
each distribution facility shall satisfy the respective Articles of LEPTS. MEM (DEM) has a right to request
the owner to submit additional technical documents in order to clarify the detail design of the
distribution lines project except a small size project.

(2) Within ten (10) working days of receiving FORM-2 of detail design in case of the first time, or within
five (5) working days in case of others, MEM(DEM) shall complete its examination and do one of the

• Approve the detailed design

• Request the owner to carry out specific additional studies in order that the distribution lines shall
satisfy LEPTS. In this case, the revised detailed design shall be again examined in accordance with

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 10

Distribution lines

the procedures cited in (1) and (2) above.

3.2 Construction

Article 11: Commencement of Construction

Prior to the commencement of construction activities of the distribution lines project, the owner shall obtain
the approval of the Detailed Design from MEM (DEM). Following this, he shall notify to MEM (DEM) in
writing the commencement of the construction activities of the distribution line project in accordance with
Article 7.2.1 of LEPTS.

Article 12: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the construction activities of the distribution lines project except a
small project, nominate and appoint an electrical chief engineer and notify the appointment to MEM
(DEM) as the registered engineer in FORM-1 as stipulated in Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of
chief engineer shall be determined by MEM (DEM).

(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in constructing the
distribution facilities.

(3) In accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS, the registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in
construction shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on the documents prepared by the registered
engineer(s) responsible for the technical matters in detailed design. The taking-over documents shall be
submitted to MEM (DEM).

(4) The registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in construction shall, if there arises any
accident of the distribution facilities concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.

Article 13: Construction Schedule

The owner shall, on commencing the construction activities of the distribution line project except a small size
project, shall submit the construction and/or installation schedule of the distribution lines project to MEM
(DEM). In accordance with the actual progress of the construction activities, owner shall submit to MEM
(DEM) the revised construction schedule without delay.

Article 14: Right to Access to the Project Site

MEM (DEM) shall have a right to access to the project site at his convenient time. And he can request the
owner to submit the approved drawings for the distribution lines project in order to monitor the progress of
the construction activities.

Article 15: Modification of the Detailed Design

When the owner intends to modify the approved detailed design of the distribution lines project except a
small project through unavoidable situations, he shall submit the modified detailed design of the concerned
facilities with support documents to MEM (DEM) for his approval. The application form of the modification
is defined in FORM-2, in which the modification shall be described clearly in red color. Within ten (10)
working days of receiving the application form of the modification, MEM (DEM) shall complete its
examination and notify its examination result in writing to the owner.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 11

Distribution lines

Article 16: Inspection before Commencement of Operation

(1) The registered electrical engineer, as representatives of the owner, shall perform the self-inspection of all
the completed distribution facilities including small distribution lines.

(2) After the self-inspection, the owner shall submit to MEM (DEM) the application form of the inspection
for big, medium or small projects defined in FORM-3 within five (5) working days prior to the planning
day of the inspection, if the project size is big or medium.

(3) The registered electrical engineer, as representatives of the owner, shall perform the inspection of all the
completed distribution facilities in the presence of MEM (DEM) in accordance with Article 5.2.2 of
LEPTS within five (5) working days of receiving FORM-3. However if the project size is medium and
MEM (DEM) concludes that the inspection is not necessary, the inspection does not have to be

(4) The owner shall not commence the operation of the distribution facilities until he passes the above

3.3 Operation and Maintenance

Article 17: Commencement of Operation

The owner shall, after passing the inspection of all the completed distribution facilities, notify to MEM
(DEM) in writing the commencement of the operation of the distribution facilities in accordance with Article
7.2.2 of LEPTS.

Article 18: Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the operation of the distribution facilities, nominate and appoint an
electrical chief engineer and notify to MEM (DEM) as the registered engineer in FORM-1 as stipulated
in the Article 4 of LEPTS. The qualification of chief engineer shall be determined by MEM (DEM).

(2) The registered electrical engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in operating the
distribution facilities.

(3) In accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS, the registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in
operation shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on the documents prepared by the registered
engineer responsible for construction. The taking-over documents shall be submitted to MEM (DEM).

(4) The registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in operation shall, if there arises any
accident of the distribution facilities concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents.

Article 19: Safety Rules

The owner shall, on commencing the operation of the distribution facilities, prepare the safety rules for the
operation and maintenance of the project and submit it to MEM (DEM).

Refer to the Ministerial regulation “Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance”.

Article 20: Regular Reports

The owner shall report regularly the following documents to MEM (DEM).

Name of Documents Submission Date

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 12

Distribution lines

1. Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

End of December
Refer to FORM-4

2. Financial Report of the Owner End of December

3. Annual Report of Fixed Assets and Operating Income and Expense of

End of December
Power Facilities

4. Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents Number

End of December
Refer to FORM-5

5. Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Medium Voltage Distribution

Line End of December
Refer to FORM-6

Article 21: Accident Reports

The registered engineer(s) responsible for the technical matters in construction and operation shall, if there
arises any serious accident of the distribution facilities concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such

Within forty-eight (48) hours after knowing any serious accident, the registered engineer(s) shall report to
MEM (DEM) “Flash accident report” (refer to FORM-8).
And within thirty (30) days after knowing any serious accident, the registered engineer(s) shall report to
MEM (DEM) “Detailed accident report” (refer to FORM-7).

Serious Accidents in the field of distribution line, which shall be reported to MEM (DEM), can be
experientially described as a Reference Serious Accidents Table in Appendix 4.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 13

Distribution lines

Appendix 1 - Forms


FORM-1 : Application Form for Election Appointment or Dismissal of Registered Chief


FORM-2 : Application Form for Design Approval of Distribution Line Facilities

FORM-3 : Application Form for Inspection of the Completed Construction of Distribution


FORM-4 : Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

FORM-5 : Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents’ Number

FORM-6: Annual Report of Accidents and Damages in Distribution Lines

FORM-7 : Application Form for Detailed Accident Report

FORM-8 : Application Form for Flash Accident Report

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 14

Distribution lines


Application Form for Election or Dismissal of Registered Chief Engineer

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby notify the election (or dismissal) of the chief engineer as follows in accordance with Article 4 of
the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.
Name of Electricity Enterprise Name: _______________
Location Location:______Town (Village) _____Province
Elected Registered Chief Engineer
Name ____________________________
Date of Birth ___ Day ____ Month ______ Year

Address ______Town( Village) ______Province

Contents of work in addition to the work

of Chief Engineer

Description of the electrical equipment

to be conducted his duties on security
Appointment Date _______ Day ______ Month _______ Year
Dismissed Registered Chief Engineer
Name ____________________________
Date of Birth ___ Day ____ Month ______ Year

______Town( Village) ______Province


Dismissal Date _______ Day ______ Month _______ Year


_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 15

Distribution lines

Attached Documents:

1. Drawings;
(1) Single line diagram of feeder
(2) Single line diagram of this project
(3) Configuration drawings

2. Construction Schedule

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 16

Distribution lines

Application Form for Design Approval of Distribution Line Facilities

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We would like to apply for your examination of detailed design of following Electric distribution facilities in
accordance with the Article 5 of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

1. General Items
Project Name:
Location: Town (Village) Province
New Feeder number Number:
2. Medium Voltage Distribution Line
Overhead Line (Bare wire) : km
Overhead Line (Insulated wire) : km
Line Length
Overhead Line (Cable) : km
Underground Line : km
Electrical System 3-Phase, 3-Wire System
3.Support Structure
Tower : units
Iron Pole : units
Reinforced Concrete Pole : units
Wooden Pole : units
Transformer number Number:
Type Pole Mounted , Over ground , Platform
Phase 3Phase , 1Phase
Frequency 50Hz
Capacity kVA
(1) Primary : kV
Secondary : 230/400V , 220/380V
Primary : Star
Secondary : Delta
Class A : Ohm
Value of Grounding resistance
Class B : Ohm

(2) Transformer number Number:

Type Pole Mounted , Over ground , Platform
Phase 3Phase , 1Phase
Frequency 50Hz
Capacity kVA
Voltage Primary : kV
Secondary : 230/400V , 220/380V

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 17

Distribution lines

Connection Primary : Star

Secondary : Delta
Value of Grounding resistance Class A : Ohm
Class B : Ohm
(3) Transformer number Number:
Type Pole Mounted , Over ground , Platform
Phase 3Phase , 1Phase
Frequency 50Hz
Capacity kVA
Voltage Primary : kV
Secondary : 230/400V , 220/380V
Connection Primary : Star
Secondary : Delta
Value of Grounding resistance Class A : Ohm
Class B : Ohm
(4) Transformer number Number:
Type Pole Mounted , Over ground , Platform
Phase 3Phase , 1Phase
Frequency 50Hz
Capacity kVA
Voltage Primary : kV
Secondary : 230/400V , 220/380V
Connection Primary : Star
Secondary : Delta
Value of Grounding resistance Class A : Ohm
Class B : Ohm



_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 18

Distribution lines

Attached Documents:

1. Drawings;
(1) Single line diagram of feeder
(2) Single line diagram of this project
(3) Configuration drawings

2. Owner's inspection record

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 19

Distribution lines


Application Form for Inspection of the Completed Construction of Distribution Line Facilities

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We would like to apply for your inspection of following electric distribution facilities in accordance with the
Article 5 of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

1. Project name and Feeder number

Project name :
Location : __________Town _________Province
Feeder number :

2. Summary of Facilities

3. Expected commencement date


_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Attached Documents:

1. Drawings;
(1) Single line diagram of feeder
(2) Single line diagram of this project
(3) Configuration drawings

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 20

Distribution lines
Statistical List of Power Facilities in Electricity Enterprise

Insulated wire
Bare wire
Overhead line
Medium Cable
voltage Sub total
Underground line
Sub total
Length of lines (km) Insulated wire
Bare wire
Overhead line
Low voltage
Sub total
Underground line
Sub total

<Support structure>
Number of support Iron pole
structure (unit)
Reinforced concrete pole
*Include support structure
for only low voltage lines Wooden pole

<Transformer (1)>
3 phase
Overhead line 1 phase
Sub total
3 phase
1 phase
Sub total
Owner’s transformer
3 phase
Overhead line 1 phase
Sub total
capacity 3 phase
(kVA) Underground
1 phase
Sub total

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 21

Distribution lines
<Transformer (2)>
3 phase
Overhead line 1 phase
Sub total
3 phase
1 phase
Sub total
Customer’s transformer
3 phase
Overhead line 1 phase
Sub total
capacity 3 phase
(kVA) Underground
1 phase
Sub total
3 phase
Overhead line 1 phase
Sub total
3 phase
(unit) Underground
1 phase
Sub total
Transformer Total
(Owner and Customer) 3 phase
Overhead line 1 phase

Total Sub total

capacity 3 phase
(kVA) Underground
1 phase
Sub total
Number of Recloser (unit)
Number of DS (unit)
Number of Drop fuse (set)
*Exclude Drop fuse that is installed at MV side of the transformer.
Number of Arrester (set)
*Exclude Arrester that is installed at MV side of the transformer.
Overhead line
Underground line
Reactive power supply Total
facilities Total Overhead line
capacity Underground line
(kVar) Total


_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 22

Distribution lines

Annual Summary Report of Electrical Accidents Number

Name of Electricity Enterprise:

_______________ Fiscal year

Kind of Accident Casualty and/or

Casualty from Damage due to Destruction of Total Accident
Electrical Fire*2 (Without
electrical shock fault, etc. of electric electric facilities number
Outage*1 facilities

Accident Place













Middle Voltage Distribution Line
Overhead Line
Underground Line
Low Voltage Distribution Line
Grand Total

*1:If CB in S/S trip, you should choose “Yes”. But if the automatic re-closed circuit finishes break out of the feeder, you should choose "No".
If CB in S/S doesn’t trip, you should choose “No”.
If it is only Low Voltage Line's outage, you should choose "No".
*2:When a fire breaks out on building, a car, etc. by a leak, a short circuit, etc.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 23

Name of Electricity Enterprise:
_______________ Fiscal year
Refer to the attached Causes Table (Table-A) and Damage Point Table (Table-B)
Contact Affection <Written Point>
Equipment Lack of Natural Deliberateness
with other from other
Defectiveness Maintenance Phenomenon Deliberate fault
Cause materials fault 1. You indicate what cause medium voltage feeder
break out.

Total Number of Accident

Public deliberateness, a

Contact with birds and

Earthquake, Landslide
Imperfect installation

Lack of Maintenance,
Imperfect production

Natural deterioration
2.It appropriates per Medium Voltage Feeder

Contact with Trees

Contact with other

Salt, Dust and Gas

Falling tree fault

3. About the item of "Affection from other fault", if

Worker’ s fault

Other company
Our company
there is no damage, it is not necessary to fill out

Wind, Rain
Damage Point this form.

Over Load


4. If the automatic re-closed circuit finishes break


out of the feeder, it is not counted as an Accident
in this Form.
1. Overhead Line
(a) Support Structure
Iron Pole
Reinforced Concrete Pole
Wooden Pole
(b) Crossarm
(c) Insulator
(d) Conductor(MV
(e) Conductor(LV Line)
(f) Ground Wire
(g) Transformer
(h) Switching
Load Switch
Disconnecting Switch
Porcelain insulated switch
(i) Power Condenser
(j) Arrester
(k) Others
Sub Total
2. Underground Line
(a) Cable Signature
(b) Connection Box
(c) Cable Head
(d) Others _____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)
Sub Total
Grand Total

MinistryofEnergyandMines(MEM),LaoPDR 24
Distribution lines

Table-A Referable Electrical Accident Causes table

Cause Contents
Imperfect Imperfection, such as detail design of electrical facilities,
Equipment production production, and the quality of the material, etc.
Defectiveness Imperfect
Imperfection on construction.
Lack of
Lack of maintenances, such as patrol and checking
Lack of Deterioration of quality of material, device, etc
Maintenance (This is not Imperfect production, Imperfect installation, Lack
of maintenance)
Overload Over current more than rated current
Rain, Wind, Storm
Wind and Rain Contact of the piece of the tree that came flying by the wind is
Natural Thunder Direct lightning, Indirect lightning
Phenomenon Earthquake Earthquake
Flood damage Flood etc.
Landslide Landslide, land subsidence, etc.
Salt, dust, gas Salt, dust, mist, malignant gas, smoke, etc.
"Worker" means "employee of our company" or "employee of
Worker’s fault
the company which is the subcontractor of our company".
Public deliberate "Public" means man other than "Worker".
fault Stone-throwing, robbery of conductor, suicide, etc.
Failing tree fault Public cut down tree and then damage to electrical facilities.
Fire of house close to electrical facilities, a forest fire, burning
dead grass, etc.
Contact by an inclination tree and a fallen tree.
Contact with tree
Contact with
Contact with
other Contact with an animal, nesting, etc.
birds and beasts
Contact with
Contact with other materials.
other materials
Vibration Vibration Vibration by vehicular traffic, foundation, etc.
Affection by the accidents of our company's other electrical
Our company
Affection form facilities.
other fault Affection by the accidents of other company's electrical
Other company
facilities (Consumer's electrical facilities etc.).
Others Others Others
Unknown Unknown Unknown

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 25

Distribution lines

Table-B Damage Point Table

Damage Point Contents

Support Tower
Structure Iron Pole Strut, Stay pole, Guy is included.
Reinforced Strut, Stay pole, Guy is included.
Concrete Pole
Wooden Pole Strut, Stay pole, Guy is included.
Crossarm Arm brace is included.
Insulator Material for attaching an Insulator is included.
Conductor It means power conductor.
Lead wire for equipment, Service wire, Connecting
material, Branch material, etc. is included.
Overhead Line
Transformer Booster, Insulating transformer, etc. is included.
Switching Load Switch
Device Disconnecting
Porcelain Primary cutout switch is included.
Power Condenser
Others Guard wire, Guard net, Ground wire, etc.
Underground Connection Box Attached material is included.
Line Cable Head Attached material is included.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 26

Distribution lines


Application Form for Detailed Accident Report

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a detail report on the accident.


_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 27

Distribution lines

Detailed Accident Report

_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Name of the Electricity Enterprise _________________

Subject of Accident

Accident time and date (Month) (Date), (Year) (hour) (time)

Weather _______
Feeder number of the accident

The place of the accident

The electrical equipment of

the accident
Operating Voltage ______

The conditions of the accident

The cause of the accident

The kind of protection

relaying system
Proper or improper of the

Summary of the damaged


Expected power not supplied

and expected duration not

Supply interruption:
Restoration time and date

The preventive measures of

the accident recurrence

Experience Contents of the

Belonging Name Sex Age
Years damage

Belonging and Name of

Registered Chief Engineer

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 28

Distribution lines

Application Form for Flash Accident Report

TO; The Ministry of Energy and Mines

The Provincial Division of Energy and Mines or Vientiane Capital

From; Address of the Electricity Enterprise

Name of the Electricity Enterprise
Address of Project Place
Name of Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a flash report on the accident.


_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 29

Distribution lines

Flash Accident Report

_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Name of the Electricity Enterprise _________________

(1) Casualty from electrical shock (Death or Injury)

(2) Electric Fire caused by Electric leak of short circuit.
(3) Casualty due to fault, damage or destruction of electric facilities
Kind of Accident
(Death or Injury)
(4) Accident in which other structure etc. are seriously damaged.
(5) Supply interruption

Accident time and date (Month) (Date), (Year) (hour) (time)

Weather _______
Feeder number of the

The place of the accident

The electrical equipment of

the accident
Operating Voltage ______

Outline of the Accident

The cause of the accident

Temporary Measures

Repairing Measures

Supply interruption:
Expected Restoration date
Experience Contents of the
Casualty(ies) Belonging Name Sex Age
Years damage

Belonging and Name of

Registered Chief Engineer

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 30

Appendix 2 - Description of Project Size

Legend : Existing Distribution Line

: New Distribution Line

: Existing Transformer
: New Transformer

Big Project
22kV 45km

Small Project
22kV 4km

22kV Small Project

CB 0.4kV 6km
250kV 500kV
A Medium Project A
Small Project Medium Project

MinistryofEnergyandMines(MEM),LaoPDR 31
Distribution lines

Appendix 3 - Design Drawings and

Electric Symbols

The owner has to make an understandable (detail) design drawing in order that DEM/PDEM can
conduct the examination exactly. Therefore the format of the design drawing submitted to DEM/PDEM
has to be unified as follows.

(1) The sheet of design drawing

The sheet of design drawing shall be A3 size paper and choose the suitable scale fitting A3 size paper. If
the design drawing cannot be drawn in one sheet of A3 size paper, plural sheets of A3 size paper can be
If the project size is very small, A4 size paper can be substitutable.

(2) The described contents

(a) Main contents

A design Drawing shall be drawn briefly and obviously about the following items by using symbols.
• Map of the construction point
• (plane figure, if necessary, section figure)
• Course of overhead distribution lines
• Detail contents of overhead conductors
• [Attribution (MV or LV), The number of phases, Material and so on]
• Detail contents of supporting structures
• [Material, Total length, Guys or Struts and embedment
• (if particular case) and so on]
• Detail contents of transformers
• [Attribution (Three phase or Single phase), Capacity and so on]
• Clearance between overhead distribution lines and other objects (If necessary)
• Height of lines or transformers and so on (If necessary)
• Configuration drawings of each supporting structure
• Other equipment such as switch, SVR(Step voltage regulator), overcurrent breaker, earth
fault breaker
• Installation point and Classification of earthing

(b) Other contents

• The place of construction
• The name and No. of Distribution feeders
• The value of class B earthing applied to each bus respectively
• No. of each supporting structure
• North, south, east and west of the drawing

(c) Remarks
If there is special mention about the design drawing which needs to be informed to
DEM/PDEM it shall be described in remarks.

(d) Distinction of drawn symbols by color

(i) Design of Newly-construction (including replacement) ···············Red
(ii) Design of Removal ·············································Blue
(iii)Existing ·····················································Black

[If (i),(ii),(iii) overlap in the same span, only one color is described according to the priority sequen

(i )  (ii )  (iii )
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 32
Distribution lines
(3) Symbols for design drawing
(a) Supporting Structure and earthing
Object of Explanation Symbol Described Item Example Remark
• Total Length 13m
W Total
• Type of wood Length
Wooden Pole 352 ―
(if necessary)
• Number Pole Number

• Total Length 15m

(Columnar) I I

• Number 211

• Total Length 15m

(Triangle) I

• Number 213
Iron Pole
• Total Length 15m
(Rhombic) I

• Number 311

• Total Length 14m

(Square) I

• Number 313

• Total Length 13m

(Columnar) ―
• Number 415

• Total Length 13m

Iron Tower (Hexagonal) ―
• Number 481

• Total Length 13m

(Octagonal) ―
• Number 483
• Total Length 16m(9kN)
Iron (Columnar) • Design Load 483 ―
Reinforced • Number Design Load
Concrete • Total Length
Pole 16m(9kN)
(Square) • Design Load ―
• Number 483

Normal Guy ― ―
― ―

Strut ― ― ―

• Classification
Earthing Class A-D • The value of Class EA EB 8Ω ―
B earthing = Ω

(*1)If other types of pole are used, the owner can define the symbols of them and use the symbols. At that time
the owner shall describe the total length, the design load (if necessary) and the number of each pole.
(*2)H-type poles are described such as or

(b) Conductors, Transformers and other equipments

Object of Symbol Described Example Remark
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 33
Distribution lines
Explanation Item
MV3 ACSR63□ MV :Medium voltage line
LV :Low voltage line
N :Neutral line
·Attribution E :Earth line
·The number Span [m]
Conductors of phase If there are 2 lines on a
·Material, size same pole, they are
·Span[m] Material
described as below;
MV3 ACSR 63□ MV3×2 ACSR63□
The number Size MV3 ACSR150□
of phase MV3 ACSR63□

3 Capacity
·Capacity[kVA] ―
phase 400kVA
·Capacity[kVA] ―
Phase 100kVA
Lightning Arrester LA ·The number LA ×3 ―
Surge Arrester SA ·The number SA ×3 ―

Drop Out Fuse ·Capacity[A] 300A Capacity

AC load break
·Capacity[A] ―
switchgear 300A Capacity

·Installed in
Over current breaker MV or LV line


(Step Voltage ·Capacity[kVA] ―
Regulator) SVR SVR

·Name of
Distribution SS Substation ― ―
Substation (If necessary)

Only in case of a power

·Name of
Power station PS Power station ― directly connected to a
(If necessary)
distribution line
Type of line
T ·Name of
Transmission :Existing
T :Supporting Transmission ―
Line Line
Structure of :Planned

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 34

Distribution lines

It other types of pole are used, the owner can define the symbols of them and use the symbols. At that
type the owner shall describe the total length, the design load (if necessary) and number of each pole.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 35

Distribution lines

Appendix 4 - Referable Serious

Accidents Table

No. Serious Accident Content

When a fire break out on building, a car, etc. by a leak or a

1 Electrical Fire
short circuit fault, etc.

When a death or a serious injury of human occurs by

touching or approaching to a distribution facility.
2 Casualty from electric shock
“human” means not only public people but also works
engaging in a concerned work.
When human’s casualty (except for electric shock) or
Casualty and/or damage due to
3 damage to other facilities (houses, buildings, public facilities
fault, etc. of electrical facilities
such as roads, schools, etc.)

Destruction of main electric

4 There are no main electric facilities in distribution field.

Examples of Outage regarded as "a serious accident" are

5 Outage
shown as attached Figure-A

6 Accident caused by Disaster Typhoon, etc. designated by MEM

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 36

Distribution lines

Figure-A . Descriptions of Outage regarded as "a serious accident"

[Case 1] Maximum supply interruption power: more than 2,000kW and less than 50,000kW
Supply interruption time: more than 60 minutes.
interruption power (kW)
Maximum supply



10 60
Supply interruption time (min)
[Case 2] Maximum supply interruption power: more than 50,000kW
Supply interruption time: more than 10 minutes and less than 60 minutes.
interruption power (kW)
Maximum supply



10 60
Supply interruption time (min)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 37

V. Field of Consumer’s Electrical

Guideline on
Operating and
Managing Lao
Electric Power
Technical Standards
Consumers’ Electrical

December, 2018

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR i

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

List of Project Members for Initial Document

Project Director Mr. Houmphone BULYAPHOL

Director General of DOE, MIH

JICA Experts Dr. Shigenori KURODA (DOE)

Mr. Masahiro OGAWA (EDL)

User Site Field Mr. Yuichi WATANABE, JICA Expert

Mr. Thammanoune NAKHAVITH, DOE Staff
Mr. Syvang XAYYAVONG, DOE Staff
Mr. Xanaphone PHONEKEO, EDL Staff

Project Manager: Mr. Vanhdy VILAYSANE, EDL

National Project Coordinator: Mr. Houmphan VONGPHACHANH, DOE

Project Coordinator: Mr. Masatoshi KAIMASU, JICA Expert

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR ii

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Table of Contents
PART 1: GENERAL PRINCIPLES ........................................................................................ 1

Article 1: Purposes and Scope ......................................................................... 1

Article 2: Definitions ........................................................................................ 3
PART 2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR LEPTS ............................................................ 5

Article 3: General Requirements ................................................................... 5

Article 4:Pre-existing Consumer’s Electrical Facilities ........................... 36
Article 5 Responsibilities and Expenses ..................................................... 36
PART 3 PROJECT PROCEDURES ................................................................................ 41

3.1 Planning / Designing Stage .................................................................................................. 41

Article 6: Self-Examination for Construction Plan ................................... 41
Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Electrical Chief Engineer
for Construction Plan ..................................................................................... 41
Article 8: Construction Plan.......................................................................... 41
Article 9: Examination and Approval of Construction Plan ................... 41
3.2 Construction or Installation Stage ....................................................................................... 42
Article 10: Commencement of Construction .............................................. 42
Article 11: Nomination and Appointment of Electrical Chief Engineer
for Construction Stage ................................................................................... 42
Article 12: Construction Schedule ................................................................ 42
Article 13: Right to Access to the Construction Site .................................. 42
Article 14: Modification of the Construction Plan .................................... 42
Article 15: Examination and Inspection before Commencement of
Operation .......................................................................................................... 43
3.3 Operation and Maintenance Stage....................................................................................... 43
Article 16: Commencement of Operation ................................................... 43
Article 17: Nomination and Appointment of Electrical Chief Engineer
for Operation Stage ......................................................................................... 43
Article 18: Safety Rules and Safety Guides ................................................. 44
Article 19: Regular Report ............................................................................. 44
Article 20: Accident Reports ......................................................................... 44
Appendix 1-Forms ............................................................................................................. 46

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR iii


Article 1: Purposes and Scope

1-1. Purposes

(1) The purposes of this Guideline are to operate and manage the Lao Electric Power Technical
Standards (hereinafter referred to as LEPTS) for consumer’s electrical facilities excluding Electrical
Facilities of Electrical Business Enterprises in Lao PDR.
(2) This guideline is to include procedures and requirements in the planning, design, construction and
operation consumer’s electrical facilities which shall conform to LEPTS.
(3) Ministry of Energy and Mines (hereinafter referred to as MEM), Department of Energy Management
(hereinafter referred to as DEM) is assigned to lead local provinces and other related agencies in
operating and managing LEPTS for consumer’s electrical facilities
(4) Electrical Business Enterprises (hereinafter referred to as EBE) are entities that MEM (DEM) gives
the mandate of operating and managing LEPTS instead of MEM (DEM)

1-2. Scope

The scope of this Guideline is summarized on Table 1, where, Consumers’ Electrical Facilities are
composed of “Electrical Facilities for private use” and “General Electrical Facilities”.
The relationship among Electrical Facilities and the Consumer’s Electrical Facilities are described as
Table 2

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 1

Table 1 : Scope of Guideline for Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Application and approval

Electrical Facilities planning and Construction Operation

Total capacity
of electrical Necessary*1 Necessary*1 Necessary*1 Necessary*1
facilities for
private use
amounts to
1000kVA or Person in Person in Person in Person in
more charge: charge: charge: charge:
Electrical Chief Electrical Chief Electrical Chief Electrical Chief
Electrical Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer
Facilities for
private use
Total capacity
of electrical Necessary*2 Necessary*2 Necessary*2 Necessary*1
facilities for
private use
amounts to
less than Person in Person in Person in Person in
1000kVA Charge: charge: charge: charge:
Electrical Chief Electrical Chief Electrical Chief Electrical Chief
Engineer Engineer Engineer Engineer

Unnecessary Unnecessary Necessary*2 Necessary*3

General Electrical Facilities Person in Person in

charge: charge:
Electrician Respective EBE

*1 Submission to DEM, Approval by DEM

*2 Submission to EBE, Approval by EBE
*3 EBE reports to DEM instead of consumers

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 2

Table 2: Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Electrical Facilities

Electrical Facilities for Enterprise General Electrical Facilities

Electrical Facilities for Electric

Electrical Facilities for private use
Business Enterprise

“General Electrical Facilities”

include electrical facilities
“Electrical Facilities for private such as small buildings,
use” include electrical facilities small shops,
Power stations, sub-stations, such as factories, buildings, hotels, dwelling-houses, etc. which
switching stations, transmission etc., which are business places receive low-voltage from
lines and distribution lines, which and receive medium-voltage from Electrical Business
belong to Electric Business Electrical Business Enterprises. Enterprises.

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Article 2: Definitions

1-1. Electrical facilities:

The meaning of “Electrical facilities” includes apparatuses, electrical lines and other facilities which are
installed for hydropower stations, sub-stations, switching stations, transmission lines, Distribution lines
and consumer’s sites.

(1) Electrical facilities for Electric Business Enterprise:

“Electrical facilities for electric business enterprise” is defined as electrical facilities such as power
stations, sub-stations, switching stations, transmission lines, and Distribution lines for electric
business enterprise.
(2) Electrical Facilities for private use:
“Electrical Facilities for private use” is defined as electrical facilities such as factories, buildings,
hotels, etc., which are business places receiving medium-voltage from electrical business enterprises.
(3) General Electrical Facilities :
“General Electrical Facilities” is defined as electrical facilities such as small buildings, small shops,
dwelling-houses, etc, which receive low-voltage from electrical business enterprises.
(4) Electrical facilities for enterprise :
“Electrical facilities for enterprise” is defined as electrical facilities for electric enterprise and
electrical facilities for private use.
(5) Consumers electrical facilities
Consumers’ electrical facilities are defined as “Electrical facilities for private use” and “General
electrical facilities”.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 3

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

1-2. Owner: The entity that plans and implements consumer’s electrical facilities or their
1-3. Electric Business Enterprise (EBE): The entity such as EDL, IPP and other power company
that plans and implements the electrical facilities for electric business or their concession.
1-4. Pre-existing electrical facilities of consumers: The electrical facilities for consumers that
are under operation, construction, and detailed design at the effective date of LEPTS.
1-5. Project Description: The summary of the consumer’s electrical facilities describing its
features, technical information and environmental impacts and measures.
1-6. Detailed Design: The design of the consumer’s electrical facilities conforming to LEPTS, which
includes design criteria, design reports, design drawings, work quantity calculation, technical
specifications of the consumer’s electrical facilities, etc.
1-7. Construction Drawings: The drawings that are used for construction of the consumers
electrical facilities.
1-8. Final Tender Documents: The documents that are used for manufacture and installation of
the consumer’s electrical facilities.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 4


Article 3: General Requirements

(1) DEM and EBE who are mandated by DEM shall follow LEPTS in examining, inspecting and
approving any type of electrical facilities in Lao PDR, in accordance with the procedures and
requirements stipulated in this Guideline.
(2) EBE mandated by DEM shall have enough ability as well as DEM inspectors.
(3) The procedures of consumer’s electrical facilities due to Table-1 are shown on Table 3.

Table 3: The Procedure of Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Classification steps and

Electrical Medium-Voltage Consumer’s facilities in

Facilities for case that total capacity of electrical Figure 1
private use facilities for private use amounts to
Consumer’ s Electrical

1000kVA or more

Medium-Voltage Consumer’s facilities in

case that total capacity of electrical Figure 2
facilities for private use amounts to less
than 1000kVA

General General Electrical Facilities receive

Electrical low-voltage from Electrical Business Figure 3
Facilities Enterprise

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 5

IA to ID– Procedure for Implementation of Consumer’s Electrical Facilities for Private
Use with Capacities 1000 kVA or more

The following are the implementation steps in examining, inspecting and approving in case that total
capacity of electrical facilities for private use amounts to 1000kVA or more.

• Project Description (Owner/user)

• Review of Project Description ( if necessary ) and acknowledgement of user’s request (DEM)
• Detailed Design and Construction Plan (Owner)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers/Design Engineer/Consultant at plan stage
• Examination and approval of Construction plan that includes detailed design (Owner)
• Construction or installation (Owner)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers/Design Engineer/ constructor at construction
stage (Owner)
• Modification of Detailed Design and Construction plan (if necessary) (Owner)
• Examination and approval of the modified Detailed Design and Construction plan (if necessary)
• Self-imposed inspection by chief engineer before commencement of operation (Owner)
• Official inspection under EBE witness before commencement of operation. (EBE)
• Examination and Approval before commencement of operation (DEM)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers at operation stage (Owner)
• Preparation of Safety Rules for operation and maintenance of the electrical facilities (Owner)
• Examination and approval of Safety Rules (EBE)
• Approval of commencement of operation. (EBE)
• Operation and management of electrical facilities based on the safety rules approved.(Owner)
• Reporting on accident, alteration of organization and chief engineer, and alteration of electrical

The procedure in this case is shown in Figure 1.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 6

Figure 1: Total capacity of electrical facilities for private use amounts to 1000kVA or more

Project basic plan (F/S)

Electrical Facility for Electrical Facility for General electrical

private use private use Total facility
Total capacity capacity amounts
amounts less than 1000kVA or more

Figure -2 Figure -3 1A
Detail Design
Rules that shall be

1. Electricity Law Construction Plan

3. others

Examination and Approval by DEM

Construction or Installation
Self-imposed inspection before
Preparation of
commencement of operation
Safety Rules for
Operation and
Maintenance of Official inspection before 1C
electrical facilities commencement of operation
under EBE witness

Examination and Approval by DEM


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 7

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


Submission of “FORM-1” for Election or

Dismissal of chief engineer

1. Submission of “FORM-2” for the
Consumers Construction plan (Including
Attachment documents)
2. Report of the construction

1 2

Submission of Application Reply to the consumer’s

documents to EBE. application attaching
1. Proposal letter
2. Request letter of new 1. Information about substation name
consumer 2. Length of distribution line from S/S
3. Electrical circuit design 3. Recommendation of the earth
(from incoming) resistance for neutral
4. Distribution panel design 4. CT & PT size
5. etc,.

Review and comment by EBE

Examination and Approval of

construction plan by DEM

Relevant EBE
(EDL, IPP, etc,) DEM


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 8


Limit of days
Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility

Submission of application documents. Owner or Substitution of

1. Proposal letter (Private company) owner
2. Request letter of new consumer (Design engineer,
1 3. Electrical circuit design constructer, consultant, NA
4. Distribution Panel design etc.)
5. Census certificate or ID card copy of owner

Reply to the consumer’s application attaching

— 1. Substation name Within 15
— 2. Length of Distribution line from S/S.
Relevant EBE working days
— 3. Recommendation of the earth resistance (EDL, IPP, etc,)
2 for neutral.
— 4. CT & PT size

1. Election or dismiss dismissal of chief engineer Owner or Substitution of The same day
FORM-1: Application form with personal data owner or before when
2. Report of the construction commencement (Design engineer, owner submit
constructer, consultant, their
etc...) construction
Submission of FORM-2 for Construction Plan Owner or Substitution of
FORM-2: Application form including owner
attached documents as follows. (Design engineer,
1.Drawings constructer, consultant,
3 (1) Information map etc...)
(2) Premise plan
(3) Arrangement of equipment (plan and
longitudinal drawings) showing power
receiving point
(4) Power transformer point and including
arrangement of ground wire
(5) Arrangement of all electric equipment for
low voltage side.
(6) Single line diagram and including
arrangement of ground wire
2. Statement for new technology in detail
3. Calculation sheet of 3 phase short-circuit
4. Installation drawings of under ground line
5. Application form for testing report of
Transformer facilities and Certificate of Warranty.
6. Construction Schedule
7. Electric Appliances detail

4 DEM chops its stamp and signs on the approved DEM Within 15
documents. working days

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 9


Whenever any modifications take place, consumer shall report to the point of modification
without delaying. In this case, consumer shall proceed in a manner of the Planning Stage
procedure 1A.

Submission of “FORM-1” for Election or

3 Dismissof chief engineer on the occasion of
the alteration of chief engineer

If the construction plan is modified
Submits “FORM-2” for New Construction plan
(Including Attachment documents)

1 2

Submission of the Reply to the consumer’s

modified application modified application

Review and comments by EBE

Approval of Construction plan

by DEM

Relevant EBE DEM

(EDL, IPP, etc,)


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 10

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


If any modifications take place, consumer shall submit relative documents without delaying. In this
case, consumer shall proceed in a manner of the Planning Stage procedure 1A.

Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility Limit of days

Submission of modified application documents. Owner or Substitution of
1 (Design engineer,
constructer, consultant,
etc.) NA

Reply to the consumer’s modified application

2 Within 15
Related EBE working days
(EDL, IPP, etc,)

Submission of Election or Dismiss of chief engineer Owner The same day

3 whenever the chief engineer changes or substitution of owner or before when
FORM-1: Application form (design engineer, owner submit
Including personal data constructer, consultant, their
etc...) construction
Submission of the modified Construction Plan Chief engineer
FORM-2: Application form including attached
documents as follows.
(1) Information map
(2) Premise plan
(3) Arrangement of equipment (plan and
longitudinal drawings) showing power
receiving point
(4) Power transformer point and including
arrangement of ground wire
(5) Arrangement of all electric equipment for
low voltage side.
(6) Single line diagram and including
arrangement of ground wire
2. Statement for new technology in detail
3. Calculation sheet of 3 phase short-circuit
4. Installation drawings of under ground line
5. Application form for testing report of
Transformer facilities and Certificate of Warranty.
6. Construction Schedule
7. Electric Appliances detail

4 Review and Comments by EBE EBE Within 7

working days
DEM chops its stamp and signs on the approved DEM
5 documents.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 11


The conditions that consumer is able to use electrical facilities are as follows;
Owner submits safety rules and then it is approved
Owner passes the examination and the inspection ,

Submission of Safety Rules for

Consumers operation and maintenance of the
7 facilities

EBE supplies Submission of “FORM-3” for

power to user 1 Examination and Inspection.
Self-imposed inspection by chief engineer
before commencement operation

Official inspection by DEM before

If not satisfactory, back to the
commencement of operation under
procedure of Step1A
EBE witness

5 3
1. DEM reviews and comments on
the documents.
Approval by DEM 2. DEM designates the date of
Official inspection.
3. DEM accepts the application and
6 notices both user and EBE.
4. Examines and approves the
Relevant EBE Safety Rules
(EDL, IPP, etc,)
DEM permits and orders EBE electric

After EBE supplied electric power to user,
EBE informs DEM of the date of
commencement of electric supply.

Operation STAGE

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 12

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Necessary documents to submit

Step or Limit of days
Necessary execution items
Self-imposed inspection before commencement operation
by chief engineer
a. Visual inspection of electrical facilities
b. Measuring of earth resistance and/or confirmation
1 of interconnection of earth wires
c. Measuring of insulation resistance Chief engineer NA
d. Withstand voltage test
e. Protection test including interlocking test
f. Circuit breaker test
g. Load test (continuous operation test)

1. Submission of FORM-3 for the Examination and

Inspection of the electrical facilities
Chief engineer NA
2 2. Submission of Safety Rules for operation and
maintenance of the electrical facilities (Article 18)

1. DEM reviews and comments of user documents.

2. DEM designates the date of Official inspection.
Within 7
3. DEM accepts the applications, and then notice both DEM
working day
3 user and EBE.
4. Examines and approves the Safety Rules
Official inspection before commencement operation
a. Visual inspection of electrical facilities
b. Measuring of earth resistance and/or confirmation Execute person
of interconnection of earth wires “Chief engineer”
c. Measuring of insulation resistance
4 d. Withstand voltage test Judgment person NA
e. Protection test including interlocking test “ DEM inspector”
f. Circuit breaker test &
g. Load test (continuous operation test) “EBE inspector”

Approval by DEM and EBE witness

DEM inspector judges whether it is satisfactory or not On the same
5 DEM inspector

If it is satisfactory, DEM inspector permits and orders

EBE electric supply.
6 DEM inspector Within 7
working days

EBE Supplies electricity to user Relevant EBE

7 (EDL, IPP, etc,)

After EBE supplied electricity to user,

EBE informs DEM the date of commencement of electric Within 7
Relevant EBE
8 supply. working days

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 13



Chief engineer shall operate and manage the electrical facilities

based on the safety rules approved.

Commencement of Operation

2-1 Submission of Accident report (related to

Article 20 & FORM-6 and 7)

Occurrence of accident
1. DEM reviews user reports.
2. Executes on-the-spot inspection as need
3. Orders remedy or improvement on the user’s DEM
2-2 facilities (if necessary).

1. Submission of FORM-1 for “Election or

3-1 Dismiss of Chief Engineer”.
2. Submission of “Safety rules” modified.
Alteration of the organization
and chief engineer
DEM reviews and comments the user documents.


1. Getting back to the first stage 1A.

2. Submission of documents required in each
4 procedure according to the total electrical
Alteration of electrical facilities

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 14

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


Chief engineer shall operate and manage the electrical facilities based on the safety rules approved.

Necessary documents to submit

Step or Limit of days
Necessary execution items
Commencement of Operation
Chief engineer shall operate and manage the electrical
Chief engineer NA
facilities based on the safety rules approved .
Flash report: Within 3
Occurrence of an accident
Chief engineer days
2-1 Submission of accident report (related to Article 20 &
Detailed report:
FORM-6 and 7)
Within 30 days
1. DEM reviews the user documents.
2. Executes on-the-spot inspection as need
2-2 3. Orders remedy or improvement order on the user’s
facilities (if necessary).
Alteration of the organization and the chief engineer
1. Submission of FORM-1 for “Election or Dismiss of
3-1 Chief engineer NA
Chief Engineer”.
2. Submission of “Safety rule” modified.

DEM reviews and comments the user documents. Within 7 working

3-2 DEM

Alteration of electrical facilities

1. Getting back to first stage 1A.
2. Submission of documents required in each Chief engineer
4 procedure according to the total electrical capacity.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 15

2A to 2D – Procedure for Implementation of Consumer’s Electrical Facilities for Private Use
with Capacities less than 1000kVA

The following are the implementation steps in examining, inspecting and approving in case that total capacity of
electrical facilities for private use amounts to less than 1000kVA.
In this case EBE shall be responsible for the approval, however, this substitute execution of MEM(DEM) shall be
eventually presided by MEM(DEM).

• Project Description (Owner)

• Review of Project Description (if necessary) and acknowledge of user’s reqest EBE)
• Detailed Design and Construction plan (Owner)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineers/Consultant at plan stage (Owner)
• Examination and approval of Detailed Design and construction plan (EBE)
• Nomination and Appointment of Engineer-in charge/Constructor at construction stage (Owner)
• Modification of Detailed Design and Construction plan (if necessary) (Owner)
• Examination and approval of the modification of Detailed Design and Construction plan (if necessary)
• Construction or Installation.(Owner)
• Self-imposed inspection by chief engineer before commencement of operation (Owner)
• Official inspection before commencement operation (EBE)
• Examination and Approval before commencement of Operation (EBE)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineer/Engineer- incharge at operation stage (Owner)
• Preparation of Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance of the electrical facilities (Owner)
• Examination and approval of Safety Rules (EBE)
• Approval of commencement operation (EBE)
• Operation and management of electrical facilities based on the safety rules approved.(Owner)
• Reporting on accident, alteration of organization and chief engineer/Engineer-in-charge, and alteration of
electrical facilities (Owner)

The procedure in this case is shown in Figure 2.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 16

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Figure 2 Total capacity of electrical facilities for private use amounts to less than 1000kVA

Project basic plan (F/S)

Electrical Facility for Electrical Facility for General electrical

private use Total private use facility
capacity amounts Total capacity
1000kVA or more amounts less than

Figure -1 Figure -3

Rules that shall be Design

1. Electricity Law Construction Plan

3. others

Examination and Approval by EBE

Construction or Installation
Self-imposed inspection by
Preparation of Safety engineer/Engineer-in-charge
Rules for Operation before commencement of
and Maintenance of operation
electrical facilities Official inspection by EBE
before commencement of 2C

Examination and Approval by EBE


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 17

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities



1 2

Submission of Application Reply to the consumer’s

documents to EBE. application attaching
1. Proposal letter
2. Request letter of new 1. Information about substation name DEM
consumer 2. Length of distribution line from S/S
3. Electrical circuit design 3. Recommendation of the earth
(from incoming) resistance for neutral
4. Distribution panel design 4. CT & PT size
5. etc..

1. Review and comments by EBE
2. Approval of construction plan by
Submission of “FORM-1” for
Election or Dismiss of chief
Comment, if necessary
1. Submission of “FORM-2”
for Construction plan
(Including Attachment
2. Report of the construction

Relevant EBE
(EDL, IPP, etc,)
Reference to DEM, if necessary


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 18

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility Limit of days

Submission of application documents to EBE.. Owner or Substitution
1. Proposal latter (Private company) of owner NA
2. Request letter of new consumer (Design engineer,
3. Electrical circuit design construction,
1 4. Distribution Panel design consultant, etc.)
5. Census certificate or ID card copy of owner
Reply to the consumer’s application attaching Within 15
1. Substation name working days
2. Length of Distribution line from S/S. Relevant EBE when they
2 3. Recommendation of the earth resistance for (EDL, IPP, etc,) received applicant
neutral. sheets from
4. CT & PT size consumer.
1. Submission of FORM-1 for Appointment or Owner or Substitution The same day or
Dismissal of chief engineer-/ Engineer-incharge of owner before when
with personal data. (Design engineer, owner submit
constructor, their construction
2. Report of the construction commencement consultant, etc...) plan.

Submission of FORM-2 for Construction Plan Owner or Substitution

FORM-2: Application form including attached of owner
documents as follows. (Design engineer,
1.Drawings constructor,
(1) Information map consultant, etc...)
(2) Premise plan
3 (3) Arrangement of equipment (plan and longitudinal
drawings) showing power receiving point
(4) Power transformer point and including
arrangement of ground wire
(5) Arrangement of all electric equipment for low
voltage side.
(6) Single line diagram and including arrangement of
ground wire
2. Statement for new technology in detail
3. Calculation sheet of 3 phase short-circuit
4. Installation drawings of under ground line
5. Application form for testing report of Transformer
facilities and Certificate of Warranty.
6. Construction Schedule
7. Electric Appliances detail
Review, comment and approval of FORM-1 and Within 7working
4 FORM-2 including attached documents days when they
EBE examiner received applicant
sheets from
Reference to DEM FORM-1 & FORM-2 , if DEM
5 necessary

Comment ,if necessary Within 7working

DEM days when they
6 received applicant
sheets from EBE.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 19

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


Whenever any modifications take place, consumer shall report to the point of
modification without delaying. In this case, consumer shall proceed in a manner of
the Planning Stage procedure 2A.


1 s 2

Reply to the consumer’s

Submission of the
modified application
modification of the
application documents DEM

Submission of “FORM-1” for Review and comments on
Election or Dismiss of chief
engineeron the occasion of the modificationby EBE
alteration of chief engineer-
5 Approval of Construction Plan by
If the construction plan is
modified, submission of
“FORM-2” for new Construction
plan (Including Attachment
Comment of DEM , if
documents) 6 necessary

Relevant EBE
(EDL, IPP, etc,)



Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 20

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

If any modifications take place, consumer shall submit relative documents without delaying. In this
case, consumer shall proceed in a manner of the Planning Stage procedure 2A.

Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility Limit of days

Submission of modified application documents Owner or Substitution
to EBE of owner
1 (Design engineer, NA
consultant, etc.)

Reply to the consumer’s modified application Within 15 working

days when they
Relevant EBE received applicant
2 (EDL, IPP, etc,) sheets from

Submission of FORM-1 for Election or Dismiss Owner or Substitution The same day or
of chief engineer with personal data of owner(Design before when owner
engineer, constructor, submit their
consultant, etc.) construction plan.
Submission of FORM-2 for modified Owner or Substitution
Construction Plan of owner
FORM-2: Application form including attached (Design engineer,
documents as follows. constructor, consultant,
1.Drawings etc...)
(1) Information map
3 (2) Premise plan
(3) Arrangement of equipment (plan and
longitudinal drawings) showing power
receiving point
(4) Power transformer point and including
arrangement of ground wire NA
(5) Arrangement of all electric equipment for low
voltage side.
(6) Single line diagram and including arrangement
of ground wire
2. Statement for new technology in detail
3. Calculation sheet of 3 phase short-circuit
4. Installation drawings of under ground line
5. Application form for testing report of Transformer
facilities and Certificate of Warranty.
6. Construction Schedule
7. Electric Appliances detail
Review, comment and approval of FORM-1 Within 7 working
4 and FORM-2 including attached documents days when they
received applicant
EBE examiner sheets from
Approval of Construction Plan by EBE
5 consumer.

Comment of DEM, if necessary Within 7 working

DEM days when they
6 received applicant
sheets from EBE.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 21

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


The conditions that consumer is able to use electrical facilities are as follows;
Owner submits safety rules and then it is approved
Owner passes the examination and the inspection

EBE supplies power to

7 consumer

2 1. Submission of “FORM-3” for 1

Examination and Inspection.
2. Submission of Safety Rules for Self-imposed inspection by chief
operation and maintenance
engineer before commencement

3 4
1. EBE reviews and comments on
the documents.
Official inspection by EBE before
2. EBE designates the date of commencement of operation
Official inspection.
3. EBE accepts the application and
notices to user and DEM.
4. Examines and approves the
safety rules 5 If not satisfactory, back
to the procedure of
Satisfactory Step2A

DEM observes
Relevant EBE Approval by EBE (If necessary)

(EDL, IPP, etc,)

EBE permits and orders DEM

6 electric supply

After EBE supplied power to user,

EBE informs DEM of the date of
commencement of electric supply

Operation STAGE

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 22

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility Limit of days

Self-imposed inspection by chief engineer before
commencement operation
a. Visual inspection of electrical facilities
b. Measuring of earth resistance and/or
confirmation of interconnection of earth
1 wires Chief engineer NA
c. Measuring of insulation resistance
d. Withstand voltage test
e. Protection test including interlocking test
f. Circuit breaker test
g. Load test (continuous operation test)
1. Submission of FORM-3 for the Examination
and Inspection of the electrical facilities
2 2. Submission of Safety Rules for operation and Chief engineer NA
maintenance of the electrical facilities (Article

1. EBE reviews and comments the documents.

2. EBE designates the date of Official inspection.
Within 7 working
3. EBE accepts the application and notices to EBE examiner
3 both user and DEM.
4. Examines and approves the safety rules

Official inspection before commencement

operation Execute person
a. Visual inspection of electrical facilities “Chief engineer”
b. Measuring of earth resistance and/or
confirmation of interconnection of earth Judgment person
4 wires “EBE inspector” NA
c. Measuring of insulation resistance
d. Withstand voltage test DEM observes
e. Protection test including interlocking test (If necessary)
f. Circuit breaker test
g. Load test (continuous operation test)
Approval by EBE
EBE inspector judges whether it is satisfactory or EBE inspector On the same day
5 not
If it is satisfactory, EBE inspector permits and
6 orders electric supply. EBE inspector Within 7 working

EBE supplies electricity to consumer

7 EBE Distribution office NA

After EBE supplied electricity to user,

8 EBE informs DEM the date of commencement of EBE examiner Within 7 working
electric supply days

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 23


Chief engineer shall operate and manage the electrical

facilities based on the safety rules approved


Commencement of Operation

2-1 Submission of Accident report (related to

Article 20 & FORM-6 and 7)

Occurrence of accident
1. EBE reviews the user documents.
2. Executes on-the-spot inspection as need
3. Orders remedy or improvement on the user’s
2-2 facilities (if necessary).

1. Submission of FORM-1 for “Election or

3-1 Dismiss of ChiefEngineer.
2. Submission of “Safety rules” modified. EBE
Alteration of the organization and
chief engineer

EBE reviews and comments the user documents


1. Getting back to first stage 2A.

2. Submission of documents required in each
4 procedure according to the total electrical
Alteration of electrical facilities

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 24


Chief engineer shall operate and manage the electrical facilities based on the safety
rules approved.

Necessary documents to submit

Step or Limit of days
Necessary execution items
Commencement of Operation
Chief engineer shall operate and manage the
1 Chief engineer NA
electrical facilities based on the safety rule
Flash report:
Occurrence of accident
Chief engineer Within 3 days
Submission of accident report (related to Article
2-1 Detailed report:
20 & FORM-6 and 7)
Within 30 days
1. EBE reviews on the user documents.
2. Executes on-the-spot inspection as needed
2-2 EBE NA
3. Order remedy or improvement order on the
user’s facilities if necessary.
Alteration of the organization and the chief
1. Submission of FORM-1 for “Election or Chief engineer NA
Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer.
2. Submission of “Safety rules” modified
EBE reviews and comments on the user
Within 7 working
3-2 documents. EBE
Alteration of electrical facilities
Getting back to first stage 2A.
Submission of documents required in each
4 Chief engineer NA
procedure according to the total electrical

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 25

3A to 3D – Procedure for Implementation of General Electrical Facilities receiving low
voltage from EBE

The following are the implementation steps in examining, inspecting and approving in case of general
electrical facilities receiving low-voltage from Electrical Business Enterprise (EBE) .
In this case EBE shall be responsible for approval, however, this substitute execution of MEM (DEM)
eventually presided and controlled by MEM (DEM).

• Project Description (Owner)

• Review of Project Description (if necessary) and acknowledge of user’s request EBE)
• Detailed Design and Construction plan (Owner)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineer /Design Engineers/Consultant at plan stage
• Examination and approval of Detailed Design and construction plan (EBE)
• Nomination and Appointment of Chief Engineer/Engineer-in charge/Constructor at construction
stage (Owner)
• Modification of Detailed Design and Construction plan (if necessary) (Owner)
• Examination and approval of the modification of Detailed Design and Construction plan (if
necessary) (EBE)
• Construction or Installation.(Owner)
• Self-imposed inspection before commencement of operation by electrician who has certificate
• Official inspection before commencement operation (EBE)
• Preparation and provision of Safety Guides to Electricity (Owner)
• Examination and approval of Safety Rules (EBE)
• Approval of commencement operation (EBE)
• Operation and management of electrical facilities based on the safety rules approved.(Owner)
• Reporting on accident, alteration of organization and chief engineer/Engineer-in-charge, and
alteration of electrical facilities (Owner)

The procedure in this case is shown in Figure 3.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 26

Figure 3 General electrical facilities receive low-voltage from Electrical Business Enterprise

Project basic plan (F/S)

Electrical Facility for Electrical Facility for

private use Total private use
capacity amounts General electrical Total capacity
1000kVA or more facility amounts less than

Figure -1 Figure -2
Rules that shall be
observed Design
1. Electricity Law
3. others Submission of EBE’s applications

Examination and Approval by EBE

Construction or Installation
Self-imposed inspection before
commencement of operation

Official inspection before 3C

commencement of operation

Approval by EBE

Operation 3D

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 27



1 2
Submission of Application
documents to EBE. Design Review and comments by
1. Proposal letter
2. Request letter of new
consumer 3
3. Electrical circuit design (from
4. Distribution panel design
Approval detailed design by EBE
5. etc..

Relevant EBE
(EDL, IPP, etc,)


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 28


Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility Limit of days

Submission of applications for electrical business
Attached documents..
1. Proposal latter (Private company)
2. Request letter of new consumer Owner
3. Electrical circuit design Electrician, who has
4. Distribution Panel design certification and NA
5. Census certificate or ID card copy of owner experience 3 years or

EBE reviews and comments on the consumer

Within 7
2 applications and detaled design. Relevant EBE
(EDL, IPP, etc,) working days

Approval of detailed design

If the application is satisfactory, EBE accepts the
application and permits the construction or

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 29


If any modifications take place, Consumer shall report the points of

modification without delaying. In this case, consumer shall proceed
in a manner of the Planning Stage procedure 3A.


1 2

Submission of modified Review and comments

application documents by EBE

Approval of construction by EBE

Relevant EBE
(EDL, IPP, etc,)


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 30

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


If any modifications take place, consumer shall submit relative documents without delaying. In this
case, consumer shall proceed in a manner of the Planning Stage 3A.

Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility Limit of days

Submission of modified applications documents
for electrical business enterprise.

Electrician, who has
1 certification and NA
experience 3 years or

Review and comments on the consumer


Within 7
Examination and Comments on construction
Relevant EBE working days
(EDL, IPP, etc,)

Approval of Construction

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 31


The conditions which consumer is able to use electrical facilities are to pass the
examination and inspection.

Provision of Safety
EBE supplies power to Guides to Electricity

Submission of “FORM-3” for 1

Examination and Inspection
2 Self-imposed inspection by electrician
before commencement of operation

3 4
1. EBE reviews and comments on Official inspection by electricians under
the user documents. EBE witness before commencement of
2. EBE designates the date of
Official inspection.
3. EBE accepts user application,
and notices to user.

5 If not satisfactory, back to

the procedure of Step 3A

Relevant EBE Approval by EBE

(EDL, IPP, etc,)

EBE permits and orders

electric supply

Operation STAGE

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 32


Step Necessary submission document Whose responsibility Limit of days

Self-imposed inspection before commencement
of operation
1. Visual inspection of electrical facilities
2. Measuring of earth resistance and/or
Electrician, who has
1 confirmation of interconnection of earth
certificate and NA
experience 3 years or
3. Measuring of insulation resistance
4. Withstand voltage test
5. Circuit breaker test
6. Load test (continuous operation test)
Submission of the Examination and Inspection Owner
using FORM-3 Electrician, who has
2 certificate and NA
experience 3 years or

1. EBE reviews and comments on the user

3 Within 3 working
2. EBE designates the date of Official EBE examiner
3. EBE accepts the applications and notices
to user.
Official inspection before commencement of
1. Visual inspection of electrical facilities Execute person
2. Measuring of earth resistance and/or “Electrician”
confirmation of interconnection of earth
4 wires. Judgment person NA
3. Measuring of insulation resistance “EBE inspector”
4. Withstand voltage test
5. Circuit breaker test
6. Load test (continuous operation test)

Approval by EBE
EBE inspector judges whether it is satisfactory or
EBE inspector On the same day
5 not.

If it is satisfactory, EBE inspector permits and

6 orders electric supply. EBE inspector
. Depend on site

EBE supplies electricity to consumer and

7 provides the Safety Guides to Electricity EBE Distribution office NA

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 33


The low-voltage consumer shall not any change the own electric installation
without permission of EBE.


Commencement of Operation
Occurrence of accident

2-1 Report to EBE 2-3

Making of accident report
2-2 1. EBE executes (related to Article20
on-the-spot inspection &Form-6 and 7)
and study at the Relevant EBE
accident site. (EDL, IPP, etc,)
2. Order remedy or
improvement on the 2-4
user’s facilities.
Making of annual accident

3 Alteration of electrical facilities

Get back to first stage. 3A

Submission of documents required in each
procedure according to the total electrical
Submission of annual
accident report to DEM

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 34


The low-voltage consumers shall not do any modification of their electric installation without the permission of

Necessary documents to submit

Step or Limit of days
Necessary execution items
Commencement of Operation
Owner NA

2 Occurrence of accident

Report to EBE The same day after

2-1 The owner should report occurrence of accident to Owner the accident has
EBE as soon as possible. occurred.
1. EBE executes on-the-spot inspection and studies on Within 3 days after
the accident at the accident site . the accident has
2-2 2. Orders remedy or improvement order on the user’s occurred.

Making of accident report Flash report: Within

(related to Article 20 & FORM-6 and 7) EBE 3 days
2-3 Detailed report:
Within 30 days

Making of annual accident report

2-4 EBE should integrate accident reports of low-voltage NA
consumers to annual report

2-5 Submission of annual accident report to DEM EBE The end of


Alteration of electrical facilities

3 Getting back to first stage 3A.
Submission of documents required in each procedure Owner NA
according to the total electrical capacity.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 35

Article 4:Pre-existing Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

(1) For the electrical facilities for private use that were completed before on the date 12 February, 2004,
the owner shall report to MEM (DEM) accidents of electrical facilities in accordance with Article
7.2.3 “Obligation for Reporting” in LEPTS.

(2) For the general electrical facilities that were completed before on the date 12 February, 2004, EBE
shall report to MEM (DEM) annual accidents of general electrical facilities in accordance with Article
7.2.3 “Obligation for Reporting” in LEPTS.

(3) The owner and relevant EBE, who is under implementation of his/her electrical facilities as of 12
February, 2004, shall try to do his utmost so that such electrical facilities can conform to the
fundamental requirements stipulated in Sections 3-2 of LEPTS. The owner shall follow the
procedures in Figure 1, 2, 3 on and from the date 12 February, 2004 and this Guideline.

Article 5 Responsibilities and Expenses

(1) The responsibilities for implementing electrical facilities in accordance with LEPTS are summarized
on Table 4-1, 4-2 and 4-3. These tables are describing the basic responsibilities among MEM
(DEM), EBE and owner of consumer’s electrical facilities. The owner and EBE shall follow the
relevant procedures in Figure 1, 2 and 3.

(2) The owner and EBE shall ensure that the expenses of carrying out their responsibilities listed on
Table 4 are included in the construction cost.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 36

Table 4: Responsibilities of Organization for Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Table 4-1: Responsibilities of organization in case that total capacity of electrical facilities
for private use amounts to 1000kVA or more.

Organization Responsibilities

• Be notified chief engineers and registers them (FORM-1 including

MEM(DEM) personal data).
• Examines and approves consumer’s construction plan (FORM-2
including attached documents).
• Examines and approves consumer’s appointment or dismissal of
registered Chief Engineer (FORM-1 including personal data).
• Examines and approves the modified application documents (if
• Accepts FORM-3 for Examination and Inspection before the
commencement of operation.
• Examines and approves the Safety Rules for operation and
maintenance of the electrical facilities
• Executes the Official inspection on the consumer’s electrical facilities
at the consumer’s site under EBE witness.
• Examines and approves the commencement of operation
• Orders remedy for conformance to LEPTS
• Collects data of the consumer’s electrical facilities
• Accepts consumer’s construction plan and application documents.
Business • Replies and comments on the application documents and provides
Enterprise significant information as follows:
1. Substation name
2. Length of Distribution line from S/S.
3. Recommendation of the earth resistance for neutral.
4. CT & PT size
• Accepts and comments to the modification of the application
• Attends as a witness to the official inspection at the consumer’s site
before commencement of operation
• Supplies electric power to the consumer
• Informs DEM of the date of commencement of electric supply to

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 37

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

⚫ Nominates chief engineers and notifies them (FORM-1 including

Owner personal data)
⚫ Implements detailed design
⚫ Prepares and submits application documents .
⚫ Submits the construction plan using FORM-2 including attached
⚫ Applies the modification of the application documents (if necessary)
⚫ Reports the construction commencement
⚫ Prepares and submits the Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance
⚫ Carries out the self-imposed inspection of the electrical facilities
before the commencement of operation
⚫ Submits FORM-3 for Examination and Inspection
⚫ Undergoes official inspection by DEM before the commencement of
operation under EBE witness
⚫ Operates and maintains the electrical facilities based on the safety
rules approved.
⚫ Reporting of accidents using FORM-6 and 7
⚫ Remedies the electrical facilities according to DEM’s order

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 38

Table 4-2: Responsibilities of organization in case that total capacity of electrical facilities
for private use amounts to less than 1000kVA.

Organization Responsibilities

• Observes to official inspection before commencement of operation of
consumer’s site.(if necessary)
• Orders remedy to the Owner or EBE for conformance to LEPTS
• Collects data of the consumer’s electrical facilities

• Be notified the appoitntment chief engineers and registers them (FORM-1
including personal data).
Enterprise(EBE) • Examines and approves application documents.
• Replies and comments to the application and provides significant information
as follows:
1. Substation name
2. Length of Distribution line from S/S.
3. Recommendation of the earth resistance for neutral.
4. CT & PT size
• Examines and approves consumer’s construction plan (FORM-2 including
attached documents).
• Examines and approves the modified application documents (if necessary).
• Accepts FORM-3 for Examination and Inspection before commencement of
• Executes the official inspection before the commencement of operation at the
consumer’s site.
• Examines and approves the Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance of
the electrical facilities
• Examines and approves the commencement of operation
• Supply of electrical power to consumers
• Informing DEM of the date of commencement of electric supply to consumer
⚫ Nominates and Appoints chief engineers and notifies their appointment
Owner (FORM-1 including personal data)
⚫ Implements detailed design
⚫ Prepares and submits application documents.
⚫ Submits the construction plan using FORM-2 including attached documents.
⚫ Reports the construction commencement
⚫ Prepares and Submits the Safety Rules for Operation and Maintenance
⚫ Carries out the self-imposed inspection before commencement of operation
⚫ Submits FORM-3 for Examination and Inspection before commencement of
⚫ Undergoes official inspection by EBE before commencement operation
⚫ Operates and manages the electrical facilities based on the Safety Rules that
has been approved.
⚫ Reports accident using FORM-6 and 7
⚫ Remedies electrical facilities according to DEM’s or EBE’s order

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 39

Table 4-3: Responsibilities of Organization in case of General Electrical Facilities
that consumer’s electrical facilities receive low-voltage from EBE

Organization Responsibilities

• Collects data of annual accident reports at low-voltage consumers (general
electrical facilities).

• Examines and approves application documents.
Business • Examines and approves the modified application documents (if necessary).
Enterprise(EBE) • Executes the official inspection before commencement of operation at
consumer’s site.
• Examines and approves the commencement of operation
• Supplies of electric power to consumers
• Prepares and provides the Safety Guides on Electricity to user
• Executes on-the-spot inspection and studies cause of accident.
• Orders remedy for conformance to LEPTS
• Makes annual accident report in terms of the general electrical facilities.
• Submits the annual accident report on the general electrical facilities to DEM.
⚫ Implements detailed design
Owner ⚫ Prepares and submits application documents.
⚫ Carries out the self-imposed inspection before the commencement of
⚫ Submits FORM-3 for Examination and Inspection before commencement of
⚫ Undergoes the official inspection before commencement of operation
⚫ Informs EBE of electrical accident that has taken
⚫ Remedies electrical facilities according to EBE’s order

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 40


3.1 Planning / Designing Stage

Article 6: Self-Examination for Construction Plan

(1) The owner shall perform construction plan or installation plan of electrical facilities conforming to

(2) The drawing symbols such as the electrical device symbols, the device numbers and the architectural
symbols for construction plan shall be based on in Appendix 2, 3 and 4

Article 7: Nomination and Appointment of Electrical Chief Engineer for Construction


(1) The owner shall, on commencing the construction plan of the electrical facilities, nominate and
appoint an electrical chief engineer and notify the appointment to MEM (DEM) or EBE using
FORM-1 in Appendix 1 as stipulated in Article 4 of the LEPTS. The qualification of chief engineer
shall be determined by MEM(DEM)

(2) The registered engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in performing the construction
plan of the Electrical Facilities for private use.

“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.

Article 8: Construction Plan

The owner shall pay full attentions to the natural and social environments in implementing field
investigations necessary for the construction plan. The construction plan for electrical facilities shall
contain the followings, but not limited to;

⚫ Determination of service conditions such as flood level, air temperature, wind velocity, etc.
⚫ Determination of the standards to be applied for the electrical equipment.
⚫ Determination of the specification of all electrical equipments (e.g., capacity, voltage, type, number)
⚫ Determination of the protection systems for electrical facilities

On completing the detailed design of the construction, the owner shall prepare the application form and
submit it together with technical supporting documents to MEM (DEM) or EBE for his approval.
The application form and technical supporting documents to be attached are defined in FORM-2.

“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.

Article 9: Examination and Approval of Construction Plan

(1) MEM (DEM) or EBE shall be responsible for examining the construction plan whether the electrical
facilities shall satisfy the respective Article of LEPTS.
(2) The owner of “Electrical Facilities for private use” shall submit at least 2 copies of the construction
plan with attached documents to MEM (DEM) or EBE.
(3) MEM (DEM) or EBE has a right to request the owner to submit additional technical documents in
order to clarify the construction plan.
(4) Within 15 working days in case of 1000kVA or more or within 7 working days in case of less than
1000kVA after MEM (DEM) or EBE received the construction plan and attached documents, MEM
(DEM) or EBE shall complete its examination and notify the owner in writing of his examination

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 41

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

result to the Owner

(5) The owner shall, at his/her own responsibility, obtain approvals or permission of any facilities other
than the electrical facilities in LEPTS

“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.

3.2 Construction or Installation Stage

Article 10: Commencement of Construction

Prior to the commencing the construction of the Electrical Facilities for private use, the owner shall
obtain the approval of the construction plan and attached documents from MEM (DEM) or EBE.
Following this, he/she shall notify to MEM (DEM) or EBE the commencement of the construction of the
electrical facilities in accordance with Articles 7.2.1 of LEPTS.

“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.

Article 11: Nomination and Appointment of Electrical Chief Engineer for Construction

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the construction of the Electrical Facilities for private use, nominate
an electrical chief engineer/design engineer/consultant and notify to MEM (DEM) or EBE using
FORM-1 as stipulated in Article 4 “Nomination of Chief Engineers” of LEPTS. The qualification of
chief engineer shall be determined by MEM (DEM).
(2) The registered engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in installing the electrical
(3) In accordance with Article 4 “Nomination of Chief Engineers” of LEPTS, the registered engineer
responsible for the technical matters in construction shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on
the documents prepared by the registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in
construction plan. The taking-over documents shall be submitted to MEM (DEM) or EBE.
“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.
However, electrician who has certificate and experience of 3 years or more shall be responsible for the
technical matters in constructing the General Electrical Facilities.

Article 12: Construction Schedule

The owner shall, on commencing the construction of the Electrical Facilities for private use, submit the
construction and/or installation schedule of the electrical facilities to MEM (DEM) or EBE. In
accordance with the actual progress of the construction activities, the owner shall submit to MEM (DEM)
or EBE the revised construction schedule and/or installation schedule without delay.

“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.

Article 13: Right to Access to the Construction Site

MEM (DEM) or EBE shall have a right to access to consumer’s construction site at his convenient time.
And he can request the owner to submit the construction drawings for the electrical facilities in order to
monitor the progress of the construction activities.

Article 14: Modification of the Construction Plan

When the owner of “Electrical Facilities for private use” intends to modify the approved construction plan
through unavoidable situations, he/she shall submit the modified construction plan of the concerned
electrical facilities with supporting documents to MEM (DEM) or EBE for his approval. The application
form of the modification is defined in FORM-2, in which the modification shall be described clearly in
red color.
Within the given days in Figure-1, 2 and 3 after he received application form of the modification, MEM
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 42
Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

(DEM) or EBE shall complete its examination and notify the examination result in writing to the owner.

“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.

Article 15: Examination and Inspection before Commencement of Operation

1. Electrical Facilities for private use

(1) The registered engineer, as representatives of the owner, shall carry out self-imposed inspection
before the commencement of operation of the electrical facilities and make a report of these testing
(2) The owner shall submit to MEM (DEM) or EBE application form defined in FORM-3 for
examination and inspection with his/her report of the self-imposed inspection results.

(3) The registered engineer , as representatives of the owner, shall undergo the official inspection by
MEM (DEM) under EBE witness or by EBE before the commencement of operation, and pass the
above examination and the inspection

2. General Electrical Facilities

(1) Electrician who has certificate and experience 3 years or more, as representatives of the owner, shall
carry out self-imposed inspection before commencement of operation and make a report of these
testing results.
(2) The electrician, as representatives of the owner, shall submit to EBE the application form FORM-3
for examination and inspection with the report of the self-imposed inspection.

(3) The electrician, as representatives of the owner, shall undergo the official inspection by EBE before
the commencement of operation, and pass the above examination and the inspection.

3.3 Operation and Maintenance Stage

Article 16: Commencement of Operation

The relevant EBE shall, after passing the examination and the inspection of the Electrical Facilities for
private use, notify to MEM (DEM) the date of commencement of electric supply in accordance with
Articles 7.2.2 of LEPTS.

Article 17: Nomination and Appointment of Electrical Chief Engineer for Operation Stage

1. Electrical Facilities for private use

(1) The owner shall, on commencing the operation of the Electrical Facilities for private use, nominate
an electrical chief engineer and notify to MEM (DEM) or EBE in accordance with Article 4
“Nomination of Chief Engineers” of LEPTS. The qualification of the chief engineer shall be
determined by MEM (DEM).
(2) The registered engineer shall be responsible for the technical matters in operating the electrical
(3) In accordance with Article 4 of LEPTS, the registered engineer responsible for the technical matters
in operation shall conduct taking-over of the duties based on the documents prepared by the
registered engineer responsible for construction. The taking-over documents shall be submitted to
(4) The registered engineer responsible for the technical matters in operation shall, if there arises any
accident of the electrical facilities concerned, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents,

2. General Electrical Facilities

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 43

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

“General Electrical Facilities” is not applied to by this Article.

However, EBE shall, if there arises any accidents and troubles of electrical matters at user site,
investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents and troubles. Non-electricians who are not certificated
shall not deal with any technical matter of electrical facilities.

Article 18: Safety Rules and Safety Guides

1. Safety Rules for Electrical Facilities for private use

The registered engineer who is responsible for the Electrical Facilities for private use shall, on
commencing the operation of the electrical facilities, prepare the safety rule for operation and
maintenance , submit it to MEM (DEM) or EBE and be approved.
Refer to the Ministerial regulation “Safety Rules for Electrical Facilities for private use”

2. Safety Guides for General Electrical Facilities

EBE shall prepare safety guides to electricity and provide it to user before supply of electricity in order to
encourage safety use of electrical facilities and protect users from electrical danger.

Refer to the Ministerial regulation “Safety Guides to Electricity for General Electrical Facilities”

Article 19: Regular Report

(1) EBE shall submit annual data base for General Electrical Facilities to MEM (DEM) in the end of
December (Refer to FORM-4).

(2) EBE shall submit annual accident report for General Electrical Facilities to MEM (DEM) in the end of
December (refer to FORM-5-1 and 5-2).

“Electrical Facilities for private use” is not applied to by this Article.

Article 20: Accident Reports

1. Electrical Facilities for private use

The registered engineer responsible for the technical matters of Electrical Facilities for private use in
operation shall, if there arises any accident of the electrical facilities concerned, investigate damages,
causes, etc. of such accidents, and promptly report to MEM (DEM) (refer to FORM-6 and 7).
Within three (3) days after knowing any serious accidents, the registered engineer shall report to MEM
(DEM) “Flash accident report” (refer to FORM-7).
And within thirty (30) days after knowing any serious accidents, the registered engineer shall report to
MEM (DEM) “Detailed accident report” (refer to FORM-6).

Serious accidents for reporting of the Electrical Facilities for private use are shown on Table-5.

2. General Electrical Facilities

The owner shall report to EBE shortly after accident has taken place

EBE that supplies electricity to General Electrical Facilities shall, if there arises any accident of the
electrical facilities concerned at consumers site, investigate damages, causes, etc. of such accidents, and
promptly makes accident reports with the specified forms (refer to FORM-6 and 7).Within three (3)
days after knowing any serious accidents, EBE shall make “Flash accident report” (refer to
FORM-7).And within thirty (30) days after knowing any serious accidents, EBE shall make “Detailed
accident report” (refer to FORM-6).

EBE shall public or circulate the accident reports to the relevant department/division in the organization
so as to prevent similar accidents taking place and take appropriate countermeasures to them.
Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 44
Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Serious accidents for reporting of the general electrical facilities are shown on Table 5.

Table 5 Serious Accidents

Fire accidents Any fire accidents occurred by electricity, and damaged

to their structure or stop the operation by the electricity.

Electric shock accidents Any injuries treated medical care and death

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 45

Appendix 1-Forms

FORM-1: Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

FORM-2: Application Form for Implementation of Construction Plan (Electrical

Facilities for Private Use)

FORM-3: Application Form for Examination and Inspection of the Consumer’s

Electrical Facilities

FORM-4: Annual Data Base for General Electrical Facilities of Electrical Business
Enterprise User

FORM-5-1: Annual Accidents caused by Electricity in General Electrical Facilities (for

electrical shock accident)

FORM-5-2: Annual Accidents caused by Electricity in General Electrical Facilities (for

fire accident)

FORM-6: Detailed Accident Report

FORM-7: Flash Accident Report

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 46

Application Form for Election or Dismiss of Registered Chief Engineer

TO; ……………………………….

From; Name of the Owner

Name of the Project
Name of Reporter

We hereby notify the appointment (or dissmissal) of chief engineer as follows in accordance with
Article 4 of the Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

Elected Registered Chief Engineer

Date of Birth:

Telephone number:

Experience and

License No.
(If it have already taken)
Contents of work in addition to the
work of Chief Engineer
Description of the electrical
equipment to be conducted
his/her duties on security
Appointment Date
Dismissed Registered Chief Engineer
Date of Birth

Telephone number:

Experience and

License No.
(If it have already taken)
Dismissal Date
Signature of Reporter……………..

Signature of Owner……………….
Attached document: Experience sheet

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 47

Experience sheet of form 1
Personal Data
for Electrical Engineer or Electrician

NAME: .......................................................................................................
Address: .......................................................................................................
Telephone number: .......................................................................................................
Place and date of birth: .......................................................................................................
Nationality: .......................................................................................................
Education background: .......................................................................................................
Field of Expertise: .......................................................................................................
Training Course: .......................................................................................................
Certificates were .......................................................................................................
concerned Electrical field: .......................................................................................................
Experiences were From: to
concerned Electrical field .......................................................................................................
until now as included .......................................................................................................
Position and Main tasks: .......................................................................................................
From: to

Place:………….……… and date:……………..


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 48

Application Form for Implementatiom of Construction Plan
(Electrical Facilities for Private Use)

1. General Items

Project Name


Maximum Demand W
Receiving Voltage V
Frequency system Hz
Supply Terminal Power Station or Substation name: , Power Co.:
Substation (fill by Power Co.) Power station name: , Feeder number:
2. Protective systems for Primary Side of Transformer

Circuit Breaker: Drop out fuse: (check the appropriate box)

Kind / Purpose ……………………… / ………………………

Voltage kV
Current A
Interrupting Current
Interrupting Time
sec. ( cycle)
Protective Relaying System

3. Protective systems for Main SW of Control Panel

Circuit Breaker: fuse: (check the appropriate box)

Kind / Purpose ……………………… / ………………………

Voltage kV
Current A
Interrupting Current
Interrupting Time
sec. ( cycle)
Protective Relaying System

4. Protective systems for Branch SW of Control Panel

Circuit Breaker: fuse: (check the appropriate box)

Kind / Purpose ……………………… / ………………………

Voltage kV
Current A
Interrupting Current
Interrupting Time
sec. ( cycle)
Protective Relaying System

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 49

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

5. Power transformer

Kind of Transformer
Capacity KVA
Rated Primary V Rated Primary A
Voltage Secondary V Current Secondary A
Tap voltage %
Number of Phase Phase
Frequency Hz
Polarity/Vector group
Number of Transformer Unit
Protective Relaying
6. Electrical Lines ( Incoming )

Installation method Under Ground Line Overhead Line (check the appropriate box)
Voltage Nominal: V
Electric System AC, Phase, Wire, Circuit
Type, Size and number of Type: mm2 x
Wire (ex. Type: XLPE ,PVC, etc, )
The method of installing Underground Conduit : Type Size
for under ground line Others (check the appropriate box)
The method of installing Pole : Type Length m
for overhead Line Others (check the appropriate box)
7. Grounding System

Grounding System
Earthing Class Number Intended purpose
Class A ( 10 )
Class B
Class C ( 10 )
Class D ( 100 )
8. Electrical Appliances

Total Capacity for

Electrical Appliances kW


Signature of Chief engineer……………..

Signature of Owner……………….

Attached Documents:

1. Drawings
(1)Information map
(2)Premise Plan
(3)Arrangement of equipment (plan and longitudinal
drawings) showing power receiving point
(4)Power transformer point and including arrangement of ground wire
(5) Arrangement of all electric equipment for low voltage side.

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 50

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

(6) ingle line diagram and including arrangement of ground wire

2. Statement for new technology in detail
3. Calculation sheet of 3 phase short-circuit
4. Installation drawings of under ground line
5. Application form for testing report of Transformer facilities and Certificate of Warranty.
6. Construction Schedule
7. Electric Appliances detail

Electrical Appliances

Item Quantity Capacity Demand Demand Remark

( kW ) Rate Capacity( kW )
Power Facility
Lighting Fitting


Signature ………………………………….
(Chief engineer)

Signature of Owner……………….

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 51


Application Form for Examination and Inspection of the Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


_____( Date) _____( Month), _____(Year)

From; Name of the Owner

Name of the Project
Name of Reporter

We would like to apply for your examination and inspection of following electrical facilities in
accordance with the Article 5.2.2 of Lao Electric Power Technical Standards.

1. Description for Electrical Equipment

No. List of equipment No. List of equipment
1 Receiving equipment for 11 Compressor machine equipment
medium Voltage
2 Substation equipment
3 Earthing equipment
4 Panels
5 Wiring equipment for medium
6 Wiring equipment for low
7 Lighting equipment
8 Outlet equipment
9 Heater equipment
10 Rotating machine equipment

2. Examination and inspection items

Refer to the Witness examination and Inspection Items conducted prior to the
commencement of the operation attached herewith.

3. Schedule of the examination and inspection

4. Expected commencement date

5. Attached Documents

Self-Inspection Testing Report before commencement of the operation

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 52

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Witness Examination and Inspection Items conducted prior to the commencement of the

Consumer’s electrical facilities shall be inspected as follows:

1. Visual inspection of the electrical facilities

2. Measuring of earth resistance and/or confirmation of interconnection of earth
3. Measuring of insulation resistance for Medium-voltage equipments (for private
4. Dielectric strength test for Medium-voltage equipments (for private use)
5. Measuring of insulation resistance for Low-voltage equipments
6. Protection test
-Interlocking test
-Circuit breaker test
-Quick stop test by low oil pressure, low gas pressure, etc.
7. Alarm and indication test
8. Remote operation and control test
9. Load test (if possible)


(Chief engineer)

Signature of Owner

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 53


Annual Data Base for General Electrical Facilities

of Electrical Business Enterprise User
(Sample Form)

Name of EBE ……………………………….Branch’ Name………………………………...

12W Total 34W Total Total Area

No. Kind of User Number
Capacity(KW) Capacity(KW) m2

1 Resident

2 Irrigation

State office
• Hospital
• School
3 And
other office or
building belong to
• Hotel
• Guest house
4 • Clinic
• Shop
• Office
• Other
Embassy and
5 International

6 Entertainments


Signature of Reporter……………..

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 54

Lao Electric Power Technical Standards Promotion Project (STEP2)

Annual Accidents caused by Electricity in General Electrical Facilities (for electric shock accidents) FORM-5-1
Organization :
City / Area : Date of Entry :
Fiscal Year :
Name of Reporter :

Causes Imperfection of Equipment Imperfection of Maintenance Natural Phenomenon Conscious/Mistake Intrusion of Small Animals
Changes Others Unknown Total
Imperfection Imperfection Mistake Third
MaintenanceDeteriorationOverloadLightning Storm Rain Dust Flood without Rats White Ants Others
Equipment of Product of Work of Workers Person
Fixed Wires
Extention codes
House Wiring Over Current Breakers
Circuit Breaker Earth Fault Breakers
Air conditioners
Washing Machines
Electric Fans
Electric Heaters
Equipment Electric Water Heaters
Hair Dryers
Pots for Boil
Ilumination- Fixed Type
Equipment Mobile Type
Electric Motors

Remarks :


Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts (MIH), Lao PDR

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) 57
Lao Electric Power Technical Standards Promotion Project (STEP2)

Annual Accidents caused by Electricity in General Electrical Facilities (for fire accident) FORM-5-2
Organization :    
City / Area :     Date of Entry :
Fiscal Year :    
Name of Reporter :

Causes Imperfection of Equipment Imperfection of Maintenance Natural Phenomenon Conscious/Mistake Intrusion of Small Animals
Imperfection Imperfection Mistake Changes without Others Unknown Total
MaintenanceDeteriorationOverloadLightning Storm Rain Dust Flood Third Person Rats White Ants Others
Equipment of Product of Work of Workers Authority

Fixed Wires
Extention Codes
House Wiring Over Current Breakers
Circuit Breaker Earth Fault Breakers
Air Conditioners
Washing Machines
Electric Fans
Electric Heaters
Equipment Electric Water Heaters
Hair Dryers
Pots for Boil
Ilumination- Fixed Type
Equipment Mobile Type
Electric Motors
Remarks :


Ministry Industry and Handicrafts (MIH), Lao PDR

Japan International Cooperation Agency 58
Consumer’s Electrical Facilities


Application Form for Detailed Accident Report

TO; ……………………………….

From; Name of the EBE/Owner

Name of the Building
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a detail report on the accident

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 57

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Detailed Accident Report

_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

Name of the Electricity Enterprise ________________

Subject of Accident
Accident occurrence day
Weather _______
The place of the accident occurrence
The electrical equipment of the accident
Operating Voltage ______
The conditions of the accident
The cause of the accident
Protection relaying system and proper or
improper of the system
Summary of the damaged equipment
Influenced damage
Expected power not supplied and expected
duration not supplied
Restoration date
The preventive measures of the accident
Victim(s) Belonging Name Sex Age Experience Contents of
Years the damage

Summary of Type of Generation Generation

Electrical Industry Power Voltage
Facilities Receiving Receiving
Power Voltage
License Grade of Registered Chief Engineer
Belonging and Name of Registered Chief


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 58

Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

Application Form for Flash Accident Report


_____(Month) _____(Date), _____(Year)

From; Name of the EBE/Owner

Name of the Building
Name of Reporter

We hereby submit a flash report on the accident

1. Occurrence Date of Accident;

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ____(Month) ____(Year)

Weather: __________

2. Main Facilities

Contract Power; ________ kW Receiving Voltage; __________ kV

Receiving System; (Outdoor or Indoor) (Open, Cubicle, etc.)

3. Electrical Equipment occurred in the accident

_________________________ Used Voltage ________ V

4. Kind of Accident

(1)Casualty from electrification (Death or Injury)

(2)Electric Fire
(3)Casualty due to fault, damage or destruction of electric facilities (Death or
Injury), or Accident in which other people are seriously injured
(4)Accident of damage to the main electric equipment
(5)Extension Accident

5. Outline of Accident

6. Cause of Accident

7. Temporary Measures

8. Repairing Measures

9. Expected Date of normal service

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ____(Month) ____(Year)

10. Name of Victim

____________________________ (Male, Female) Age; __________

(Electrical Worker, Other Worker or General Public)
(Employee, Other Company’s Worker _________ Name of company)

11. Form of Registered Chief Engineer

(Appointment, Full-time, Two-Jobs or Not appointment)

Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 59
Consumer’s Electrical Facilities

12. Name of Registered Chief Engineer

Name; _______________________ Tel. No. _________________

Time at which were known;

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)

Site Arrival Time;

___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)

Name of Receiver ______________________

Receiving Date;
___(Min.) ___(Hour) ___ (Day) ___(Day of the week) ___(Month) ___(Year)


Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM), Lao PDR 60

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