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Toefl Primary Test Step 1: Vocabulary List

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Vocabulary List
Subject Link Starter 2

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Unit 1 Match Pictures to Words

No Words 해석

1 tight 단단한, 꽉 조여있는

2 bookshelf 책장

3 crowded 붐비는, 복잡한

4 clumsy 어설픈, 서투른

5 squeeze 짜다, 짜내다

6 pulse 맥박

7 walnut 호두

8 mustache 코밑수염

9 drawer 서랍장

10 jealous 질투하는

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 2 Sentence Clues

No Words 해석

1 thread 실

2 be made of ~로 이루어지다

3 desert area 사막 지역

4 save up for ~를 위해 저축하다

5 brand-new 신품의, 아주 새로운

6 in danger 위험에 빠지면

7 itself 스스로

8 run away 도망가다

9 absorb 흡수하다

10 dizzy 어지러운

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Lesson 3 Reading Sets

No Words 해석

1 weed 잡초

2 trowel 모종삽, 흙삽

3 decorate 장식하다

4 ornament 장식품, 장신구

5 such as ~와 같은

6 prepare 준비하다

7 as you know 너도 알다시피

8 as soon as possible 가능한 빨리

9 since ~한 이후로

10 awkward 어색한

11 used to ~하곤 했다

12 get closer 더 친해지다, 가까워지다

13 attach 붙이다, 첨부하다

14 already 이미, 벌써

15 come over (집에)들리다

16 let one know ~에게 알려주다

17 exhibition 전시회

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 4 Listen and Match to a Picture

No Words 해석

1 Take a nap

2 Stay up

3 Rear

4 Notice

5 Brick

6 Put up

7 as you know

8 as soon as possible

9 since

10 awkward

11 used to

12 get closer

13 attach

14 already

15 come over

16 let one know

17 exhibition

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 5 Community Helpers

No Words Meaning 해석

to stop a fire
1 put out verb (불을) 끄다

a thing for climbing up high

2 ladder noun 사다리

a long tube that water goes through

3 hose noun 호스

the same clothes worn by a group

4 uniform noun 제복, 유니폼

to keep safe
5 protect verb 보호하다

to go somewhere to spend time with

6 visit verb 방문하다, 찾아가다

a very hot, yellow light that burns things

7 fire noun 불

things that you throw away

8 trash noun 쓰레기

old, not young

9 elderly adjective 연세가 드신

to make a picture in your mind

10 imagine verb 상상하다

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 6 African Animal Communities

No Words Meaning 해석

a natural place not controlled by people

1 wild noun (야생 상태의) 자연

to look at something for a while

2 watch verb 지켜보다

a time when no rain falls

3 drought noun 가뭄

an elephant’s tooth
4 tusk noun 상아

an elephant’s nose
5 trunk noun (코끼리의) 코

to make a loud sound with your voice

6 scream verb 소리치다

not in danger
7 safe adjective 안전한

something that might hurt you

8 danger noun 위험

to hear something
9 listen verb 듣다, 귀 기울이다

a place where wild animals drink

10 waterhole noun 물 웅덩이

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 7 The History of Transportation

No Words Meaning 해석

not together, in different places

1 apart adverb 떨어져, 따로

a way of traveling between places

2 transportation noun 교통, 교통 수단

to make a new thing for the first time

3 invent verb 발명하다

a thing you use to move a boat

4 paddle noun 노

a road for trains

5 railroad noun 철도

one of the round things under cars

6 wheel noun 바퀴

a boat that uses steam to move

7 steamboat noun 증기선

the ground, not the sea or air

8 land noun 육지, 땅

open for anyone to use

9 public adjective 공공의, 대중의

to make a car move

10 drive verb 운전하다

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 8 The Backpack Program

No Words Meaning 해석

a bag you carry on your back

1 backpack noun 책가방, 배낭

when your head feels like it is

2 dizzy adjective 어지러운
spinning in circles

a pain under your chest

3 stomachache noun 복통

someone who cares for sick students

4 school nurse noun 양호 선생님

seven days from Sunday to Saturday

5 week noun 주

a person who works for free

6 volunteer noun 자원 봉사자

a plan to make good things happen

7 program noun 프로그램, 계획

to suddenly know something

8 realize verb 깨닫다

wanting to eat something

9 hungry adjective 배고픈

Saturday and Sunday

10 weekend noun 주말

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 9 Bird Beaks

No Words Meaning 해석

a bird’s mouth
1 beak noun 부리

a thing’s form, like a circle or square

2 shape noun 모양, 형태

a small thing that becomes a new

3 seed noun 씨앗

a curved piece of metal or plastic

4 hook noun (갈)고리

can cut easily

5 sharp adjective 날카로운

having a point at the end

6 pointed adjective 뾰족한

very wide, not thin

7 thick adjective 두꺼운

very strong
8 powerful adjective 강한

food from an animal

9 meat noun 고기

a place that holds many kinds of

10 zoo noun 동물원

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 10 Saving the Kakapos

No Words Meaning 해석

to catch and kill something

1 hunt verb 사냥하다

to take something with you somewhere

2 bring verb 데려오다

to protect something from danger

3 save verb 구하다

can hurt you, not safe

4 dangerous adjective 위험한

a bird’s home, where its eggs are

5 nest noun 둥지

to give food to
6 feed verb 먹이를 주다

an animal that looks like a large mouse

7 rat noun 쥐

several people or things that are

8 group noun 집단, 무리

not large or big

9 small adjective 작은

a piece of land with water all around it

10 island noun 섬

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 11 Birds in The Carnival of the Animals

No Words Meaning 해석

a female chicken
1 hen noun 암탉

a male chicken
2 rooster noun 수탉

corn, wheat, or other plant seeds

3 grain noun 곡물

a bird with a sound like its name

4 cuckoo noun 뻐꾸기

a small forest
5 woods noun 숲

to make a picture in your mind (마음속으로) 그리다,

6 imagine verb

a noise, something that you can hear

7 sound noun 소리

a wood instrument with four strings

8 violin noun 바이올린

quiet and calm, not loud

9 peaceful adjective 평화로운

an area of water with land all around it

10 lake noun 호수

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 12 The Greedy Old Woman

No Words Meaning 해석

wanting lots of stuff for yourself

1 greedy adjective 욕심 많은

wanting sleep or rest

2 tired adjective 지친, 피로한

to cook something in an oven

3 bake verb 굽다

a long piece of bread

4 loaf noun 빵 한 덩이

to say something very loudly

5 yell verb 고함 치다, 외치다

a bird that makes holes in trees

6 woodpecker noun 딱따구리

using a lot of effort

7 hard adverb 힘들게, 열심히

to hand something to someone

8 give verb 주다

mad or upset, not happy

9 angry adjective 화난

to have thoughts or use your mind

10 think verb 생각하다

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 13 Why Bread Rises

No Words Meaning 해석

bread before it is baked

1 dough noun 밀가루 반죽

white powder you bake things with

2 flour noun 밀가루

to stir things together

3 mix verb 섞다

a round dish that holds soup or

4 bowl noun 그릇
other food

to come up, to get bigger

5 rise verb 부풀다

very light and soft to touch

6 fluffy adjective 폭신폭신한

a shop that sells bread

7 bakery noun 빵집

to make something
8 create verb 창조하다, 만들다

to put something into something

9 add verb 더하다, 첨가하다

a metal box you use to bake things

10 oven noun 오븐

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 14 Bread Around the World

No Words Meaning 해석

a small loaf of bread for one person

1 roll noun (둥근) 빵

a person who makes and sells bread

2 baker noun 제빵사

to cook something in very hot water

3 boil verb 끓이다

very smooth, not bumpy

4 flat adjective 납작한, 평평한

to move something around an area

5 spread verb 바르다

hard, making a loud sound when

6 crunchy adjective 바삭바삭한

like gum
7 chewy adjective 쫄깃쫄깃한

the center part of something

8 middle noun 가운데, 중앙

to taste something to see if it is good

9 try verb 맛을 보다

liked by a lot of people

10 popular adjective 인기 있는

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 15 A Baker’s Dozen

No Words Meaning 해석

a group of 12
1 dozen noun 12 개짜리 한 묶음

to see how heavy something is

2 weigh verb 무게를 달다

to give something to someone for

3 sell verb 팔다

how much something costs

4 price noun 값, 가격

a rule everyone must follow

5 law noun 법

scared of something
6 afraid adjective 무서워 하는

what you use to buy things

7 money noun 돈

to begin doing something

8 start verb (무엇을 하기) 시작하다

telling the truth, not lying

9 honest adjective 정직한

more of something
10 extra adjective 추가의

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Subject Link Starter 2

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Lesson 16 Fun Ways to Use Bread!

No Words Meaning 해석

to take writing off paper

1 erase verb 지우다

something written
2 mark noun 자국, 흔적

to make a picture
3 draw verb 그리다

smelling bad
4 stinky adjective 악취가 나는, 역겨운

to take in water or smells like a sponge

5 soak up verb 빨아들이다, 흡수하다

a glass thing for holding food

6 jar noun 병, 단지

something done the wrong way

7 mistake noun 실수, 오류

a person that makes art

8 artist noun 예술가

healthy and new

9 fresh adjective 신선한

a green vegetable like a small tree

10 broccoli noun 브로콜리

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Subject Link Starter 2

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