Key Words: High Sulfur Clinker, Alit C S.: The Summary
Key Words: High Sulfur Clinker, Alit C S.: The Summary
Key Words: High Sulfur Clinker, Alit C S.: The Summary
Component CaO SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 MgO P2O3 LOI The
Lime stone 56,35 0,040 0,06 0,04 0,03 0,37 0,014 42,80 99,70
Clay 1,21 50,70 19,90 11,80 0 1,40 0,17 14,81 99,90
Quartz 0,03 98,80 0,45 0,03 0 0 0 0,13 99,40
Natural 32,02 0,80 0,45 0,23 44,50 0 0 22,0 100,0
Clinker 67,17 22,19 6,08 3,59 0,035 0,85 0,067 0 99,99
taking into
Clinker 65,25 21,12 5,80 3,42 2,26 0,80 0,064 1,1 99,99
with the
Table 1: The Chemical compound of a raw mix, mas. %
3CaO+Al2O3СaO·Al2O3+2CaO, (1)
4CaO+Al2O3+Fe2O3СaO·Al2O3+СaO·Fe2O3+2CaO. (2)
Formed free lime in the course of heating has a stable crystallization struc-
ture, it is not dissolved in liquid phase and suppresses formation C3S at the initial
stage of its formation. Quantity free lime, formed in clinker at the expense of a dif-
ference of its maintenance in C3A and CA it is insignificant, and makes only 3 %,
but it is probable this quantity enough for formation suppression C3S at the initial
stage and creations of conditions for formation in clinker a significant amount free
lime. As C3S in clinker it is not formed, and it is formed C2S, at the expense of a
maintenance difference lime in the given minerals, the total maintenance free lime
at temperatures of end of synthesis makes already about 11,0 %. At a considerable
overheat melt to 1600 оС C3S all the same it is formed, but free lime it is so a sta-
ble crystallization structure, that is not dissolved in melt even at such overheat and
remains in quantity about 6,0 %.
For prevention of formation free lime, suppressing formations C3S in clinker
presence, it is offered to settle an invoice the raw mix on synthesis in Portland ce-
ment clinker intermediate metastable phases existing in a solid phase, but breaking
up at occurrence of a liquid phase. As at occurrence of a liquid phase thermody-
namically is possible there is a formation C3A and C4AF phases, they can be
formed from CA and CF only in the presence of free lime under schemes
СА+2CaOC3A, (3)
СА+CF+2CaOC4AF. (4)
C3SC2S+CaO, (5)
2CaSO42CaO+2SO2↑+O2↑. (6)
At a conclusion of this formula are used molar parities CaO, Al2O3, Fe2O3
and SiO2 at formation in clinker the basic clinker minerals C3S, C2S, C3A and
English analogue of the given formula is the formula for calculation Lime
Saturation Factor[11]
LSF= (8)
Factors in the given formula are taken from phase diagram CaO-Al2O3-SiO2
and CaO-Al2O3-SiO2-Fe2O3 at optimum relationship oxides, providing absence free
lime in clinker. If to use Kinda V.A's design procedure [10], that the formula (8)
becomes full analogue of the formula (7)
LSF= (9)
LSF= . (11)
The given formula for calculation of factor of saturation is received with the
account, that at roasting of a raw mix in the presence of gypsum, in clinker miner-
als C3S, C2S, and metastable phases СА and CF are formed. Value 1,18 Р2O5 is
considered, if in quality mineralizer is used phosphogypsum. At synthesis ferrite of
calcium C2F use value 0,7Fe2O3.
For calculation of degree of saturation of metastable clinker’s minerals by
sulphate in the presence of gypsum used Atakuziev T.A.'s formula 12 with the
account, that in clinker is possible sulfatization C2S, CA, CF and C2F. Taking into
account the given updating, the formula of calculation of degree of saturation looks
as follows
SO 0,261Al O 0,167Fe O
DS 3 2 3 2 3 . (12)
In a case when it is synthesised C2F, at Fe2O3 the factor 0,5 and when it is
not supposed sulfatization of ferrite of calcium, values 0,167 Fe2O3 is used and 0,5
Fe2O3 into the formula are not entered.
When synthesized C2F, Fe2O3 is the coefficient 0,5, and when ferrites is not
sulfatizired, the coefficients 0,167 and 0,5 in formula are not entered.
Results quantitative x-ray the analysis testify, that in clinkers on the basis of
the corrected raw mix really there is a significant amount of alit (except clinker №
4). In synthesised clinkers presence of С3А is not fixed, and absolutely are absent
sulfated phases. X-ray ways of identification of phase structure badly define light
oxides, in particular sulphates. Definition of the maintenance of sulphates in syn-
thesised clinkers a weight method has shown, that in them contains from 0,5 to
2,75 маs. % SO3 that means, that from 40 to 75 маs. % of the sulphates entered in-
to a raw mix disappears, and remained in clinker sulphates, possibly, are connected
in sulfated phases or are in alit in the form of a solid solution.
Results qualitative, quantitative x-ray and data of the chemical analysis syn-
thesised clinkers have allowed to establish, that at synthesis of cements with inter-
mediate metastable phases at a finishing stage difficult physical and chemical pro-
cesses proceed.
At temperatures of roasting to 1200 oC, in the conditions of absence of a liq-
uid phase, synthesis proceeds with formation of intermediate metastable minerals
and their quantities, defined settlement by. As soon as at the temperature close to
temperature of 1200 oC, in system there is a liquid phase, thermodynamically it be-
comes more preferable formation through liquid phase C4AF, and C3A which start
to be formed in the liquid environment, involving in reaction already generated in
conditions of solid-phase synthesis intermediate metastable aluminate and ferrit
minerals, causing their decomposition.
Lime, necessary for synthesis of C4AF, and C3A from metastable low lime
aluminates and calcium ferrites, arrives from partial transformation alit in belit and
also gypsum decomposition under schemes 5 and 6. After partial transformation of
alit in belit, actual KSk (LSF) synthesised clinkers 1-4 it is equal accordingly
0,965; 0,949; 0,935 and 0,823. The sulphate liberated at decomposition of interme-
diate phases, either disappears, or enters reaction with alit with formation of a solid
solution. Thus, remained in clinkers sulphate can be connected residual C4A3 S or
silicate phases.
Absence in clinkers C3A in is high-sulfur clinker is possibly connected with
isomorphic replacement Si in silicate phases by the Al, that will be coordinated
with data of paper 4. Owing to aluminium occurrence in silicate phases, the
maintenance of alit also raises.
On the basis of received at temperature 1300 оС clinkers, 4 cements by a
joint grinding clinker with natural gypsum have been prepared. As in synthesised
clinkers sulphates already contain, the quantity of natural gypsum at a grinding was
added from calculation, that maintenance SO3 in Portland cement would not exceed
admissible standard documents of quantity - 4,0 %. Activity of cement was defined
on cubes with a size 2х2х2 the sm, prepared of the cement test of normal density.
The reason of suppression of alito-formation in is high-sulfur clinkers is
formation at heating clinker a significant amount of free lime.
The thermodynamic analysis of reactions of formation of clinker’s phases in
the presence of calcium sulphate has shown, that in such conditions synthesis alu-
minate phases proceeds on mono aluminate to the scenario.
At presence моnо aluminate of calcium formation in a firm phase of С3А
and C4AF thermodynamically is impossible, hence formation СА instead of С3А
leads to formation of a significant amount of free lime, suppressing alito-formation.
As instead of alit in clinker it is formed belit, superfluous quantity of lime is for-
mation, equal to a difference of its maintenance in the given minerals, it is allocat-
ed in a free kind. The total maintenance free lime at the synthesis closing stages
makes about 11 %.
Updating of structure of a raw mix allows to generate in is high-sulfur clink-
er a significant amount of alit. Calculation should be made on formation in is high-
sulfur clinker the intermediate metastable low-lime alluminate and ferrit minerals.
In the following part of paper results of experimental researches on synthesis
alit in the high-sulfur clinker, containing to 15 % SO3 through intermediate meta-
stable low-lime alluminate, ferrit and silicate clinker’s minerals will be presented.
Institute of metallurgy of the Ural’s branch of the Russian Academy of Sci-
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