A Technology and Entrepreneurship Interf
A Technology and Entrepreneurship Interf
A Technology and Entrepreneurship Interf
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Jatropha curcas : biology, cultivation and potential uses / editor: Gregory Medina.
pages cm. -- (Plant science research and practices)
Includes index.
1. Jatropha. 2. Jatropha--Utilization. I. Medina, Gregory, editor. II. Series: Plant science research and
QK495.E9J37 2015
Preface vii
Chapter 1 Jatropha curcas as a Biofuel 1
Eugenio Sánchez-Arreola, Luis R. Hernández and Horacio Bach
Chapter 2 Technomic Analysis of Biodiesel Production from Jatropha curcas:
Shrub Cultivability, Consecutive-Competitive Reactions,
Centrifugal Separation and Optimization 19
Kal Renganathan Sharma
Chapter 3 Potential Uses of Jatropha curcas 45
M. Moniruzzaman, Parul Akhtar, Zahira Yaakob
and A. K. M. Aminul Islam
Chapter 4 A Technology and Entrepreneurship Interface Model for Promoting
Multiple Uses of Jatropha for Pro-Poor Development 97
Raphael M. Jingura and Reckson Kamusoko
Chapter 5 Growth and Seed Yield of Jatropha curcas L. Cultivated in Arid
Region of Tunisia 117
Ezzeddine Saadaoui, Nizar Tlili, Naziha Ghazel,
Chokri Ben Romdhane, Saad Abdelkebir, Mohamed Grira
and Mohamed L. Khouja
Chapter 6 Propagation of Jatropha curcas through Seeds, Vegetative Cuttings
and Tissue Culture 131
A. K. M. Aminul Islam, A. K. M. Mominul Islam,
Nor Anis Nadhirah, Nurina Anuar and Zahira Yaakob
Chapter 7 Allelopathic Effects of Aqueous Extracts of Jatropha curcas L.
on the Germination of Six Cultivated Species 159
Ezzeddine Saadaoui, José J. Martín, Naziha Ghazel,
Chokri Ben Romdhane, Mohamed L. Khouja
and Emilio Cervantes
biodiesel from glycerol using centrifuge can be obtained from computer simulations of layer
formation during shear flow. For optimal total cost there exists a yield of biodiesel where the
process can be operated at.
Chapter 3 – The member of eupherbiaceae family, Jatropha is being explored as multi
dimensional prospective plant. It has social, agricultural, environmental, industrial,
pharmaceutical and energy production potentials. Jatropha seed cake, compost from debris
and slurry from biogas plant are good sources of soil nutrition. Protein from seed cake can be
utilized as animal feed. As a plant Jatropha can assimilate CO2 from climate and it can also be
used as bio adsorbent of heavy metal from effluents. Protein, lignin and other products of
Jatropha can substitute the hazard synthetic chemicals of polymers production. Seed oil have
been using in soap, dying and cosmetic industry from long before. Extract from Jatropha leaf,
bark posses biological active compounds that have medicinal potentials. Jatropha is more
familiar as energy crop. It provides energy in the form of firewood, seed oil as lamp, cooking
and engine fuel directly. Biodiesel the chemical conversion of seed oil can be used directly or
blend with fossil diesel with modified or conventional engine. However, presence of toxic
substances (pherbol ester) renders its utilization as therapeutic agents and animal feed. High
viscosity of seed oil and biodiesel is the hurdle to use. More importantly, poor yield in field
condition than expectation is the main barrier to be commercialized of Jatropha cultivation. It
needs to extensive and systematic screening of available germplasoms and application of
biotechnology for the development of high yielding cultivar, agronomic practice and crop
management for maximum yield, biochemical engineering for the improvement of biodiesel
quality and finally customization of engine according to fuel properties.
Chapter 4 – Jatropha curcas L. is a popular multipurpose crop that is extensively grown
in many tropical countries. Its popularity has been ascribed to its acclaimed attributes as a
non-food crop that grows well in marginal land not suitable for crop production, relatively
low requirements of water, fertilizer and maintenance. It is arguably true that Jatropha can
provide additional income in areas where there is plenty of land and labour is readily
available. As such, Jatropha is now a component of farming systems in many developing
countries. Traditionally, farming systems in developing countries have focused on the twin
purposes of food and fibre production. The entrance of Jatropha adds a third dimension to this
model. This arises mainly from the multiple uses of Jatropha, particularly energy production.
The possibilities of exploitation of Jatropha for various uses have been explored and continue
to be explored. This has largely been underpinned by technological innovations for
processing different parts of Jatropha into value-added products. The major parts of Jatropha
that can be exploited for multiple uses include the woody parts, seed, shell, husks, kernel, oil
and press-cake. Press-cake is a by-product of oil extraction. Mature technologies exist for
converting Jatropha components into useful products. The major focus has been on
developing appropriate technologies for converting Jatropha components into first and second
generation energy careers. The gamut of technologies available for conversion purposes
ranges from biological to chemical methods. Uses in soap and fertiliser production, as food,
medicine and pesticide have been explored. Interfacing the gamut of technologies available
and the multiplicity of uses of Jatropha, provides an opportunity for promoting what can be
called the Jatropha entrepreneurship system. There is no doubt that Jatropha can be more
profitable promoting small to large-scale entrepreneurship if production is coupled with
appropriate management practices and seed oil is processed into other valuable products other
than biofuel. Entrepreneurship is a major driver of economic development for large
by HPLC, was 1.68 mg TPA/g oil. The optimized conditions for PE adsorption by silica gel
were studied. The results showed that the highest PEs removal (77.5%) and PE adsorption
(104.2%) were obtained when 0.3 g of silica gel/5 g of seed oil was used at ambient
temperature (30 °C) for 60 min of adsorption time and with an agitation rate of 250 rpm. The
characteristics of the silica gel, as determined by FT-IR, indicated that PEs were adsorbed
onto the surface of the silica gel. A comparison of the physico-chemical properties of the raw
oil and the oil obtained after adsorption demonstrates that the adsorption by silica gel let to
receive lightens the oil color without changing its fatty acid composition or introducing
contamination from other compounds. Additionally, the results showed that silica gel can be
used two additional times in subsequent PE adsorptions without a significant loss in
reusability. In conclusion, adsorption by silica gel can remove PEs from J. curcas seed oil.
This method offers simplicity of design, operation and scale-up, avoids using toxic solvents
and minimizes the degradation of PEs.
Chapter 9 – This study aims to control the combined effect of water stress and nitrogen
deficiency on growth and physiology of plants of Jatropha curcas, aged one year and issued
from two different origins provenances: PAR (Paraná-Brazil), SUR (Surinam- North South
America). The water deficit was applied during the month of October 2011. Two water
regimes were adopted (I: irrigated plants, NI: non irrigated plants) associated with two
nitrogen regimes (N-: no nitrogen, N+:2 g of nitrogen). Some physiological parameters were
measured (leaf chlorophyll content, soil moisture and relative water content on leaf) as well
as growth parameters (Stem diameter of the stem and leaf area, leaf thickness) were
monitored during this survey. The results revealed that the lack of water and nitrogen
decrease the averages of stem diameter and the leaf area: This was more emphasized on
Surinam provenance. The authors noticed also an increase on leaf thickness especially on
Paraná provenance. Furthermore, the ratio root biomass / aboveground biomass had increased
more with Paraná provenance; this ratio indicated best tolerance to drought. Chlorophyll
content in the leaf and water content in the soil are very sensitive to the combined deficit of
water and nitrogen: These were significantly reduced on Surinam provenance. However, the
relative water content of leaves were not often affected by water deficit especially on Paraná
provenance, and were generally maintained at relatively high values (>50%).
Chapter 10 – Mexico is a country with a great variety of natural resources like seeds and
grains that can be employed to improve bread manufacture. Recent investigations shown that
Jatropha flour can be used to improve bread nutritional properties. The aim of this work was
to obtain optimal mixtures of wheat flour, barley concentrate and Jatropha curcas flour, to
develop a bread product (white bread), evaluating doughs and breads mechanical properties.
J. curcas and barley concentrate doughs mechanical evaluation indicated that the optimum
formulation to bread formulation was with 3.7% of both ingredients. The hardness,
adhesiveness, cohesiveness and elasticity of this bread were lower than the control bread.
Control bread crumb quality presented no-homogeneous and more open alveolus, as
compared with the closer and more uniform crumb in the formulated bread, with lower loaf
volume. Higher fiber content in barley concentrate resulted in higher bread weight, with
higher water retention capacity. Proximal chemical analysis showed a protein content of
11.05 and 7.47 of fiber.
Chapter 1
Biofuels have attracted considerable attention over the last 20 years as a renewable
alternative to fossil fuels for energy production. Biofuel use is also increasing rapidly all
over the world and it is expected to have an increasing impact on both energy and
agricultural sectors. Different studies have been carried out using different vegetal
material to produce biofuels, like Jatropha curcas. This is a multipurpose plant that
contain high amounts of oil in its seeds, which can be converted to biodiesel. In addition,
the cellulose obtained from its oilseed press cakes (a byproduct from biodiesel
production) can be converted into ethanol through sequential steps of acid pretreatment,
hydrolysis, and fermentation by the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Jatropha fruit is
also available in significant amounts on annual basis. In addition to the high amount of
oils found in their seeds, species of Jatropha are characterized by having edible or
inedible fruits with high levels of lignocellulosic material for conversion to fermentable
sugars. Biogas production is also possible from seed cake and husk capsules by anaerobic
fermentation. In this chapter the current knowledge on the J. curcas plant uses is
reviewed, mainly in the biofuel production.
Corresponding author. Tel.: +52 222 2292410; fax: +52 222 2292419. E-mail address: eugenio.sanchez@
udlap.mx (E. Sánchez-Arreola).
Biofuels have attracted considerable attention over the last 20 years as a renewable
alternative to fossil fuels for energy production. Biofuel use is also increasing rapidly all over
the world and it is expected to have an increasing impact on both energy and agricultural
sectors. Biofuel production from agricultural crops is a potential alternative to fossil-based
gasoline or diesel, and some crops like Jatropha curcas have been utilized for this purpose
due to its high content of oil that can be used as raw material for fuel production.
The availability and sustainability of sufficient supplies of less expensive feedstock in the
form of vegetable oils from plants like J. curcas, and the establishment of efficient processing
technology to produce biofuel, is critical to production, implementation, and use of
competitive biofuels, especially biodiesel. Numerous studies have reported the oil content,
physicochemical properties, and fatty acid composition of J. curcas. Taking into account all
these previous reports, the fuel properties of Jatropha biodiesel is comparable to fossil diesel.
J. curcas Linnaeus is a multipurpose plant containing high amounts of oil in its seeds,
which can be converted to biodiesel. In addition, the cellulose obtained from its oilseed press
cakes (a byproduct from biodiesel production) can be converted into ethanol through
sequential steps of acid pretreatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation by the yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Jatropha fruit is also available in significant amounts on annual
basis. In addition to the high amount of oils found in their seeds, species of Jatropha are
characterized by having edible or inedible fruits with high levels of lignocellulosic material
for conversion to fermentable sugars. Biogas production is also possible from seed cake and
husk capsules by anaerobic fermentation.
The objective of this chapter is to summarize current literature on the J. curcas plant,
The high oil content of JC seed (40 to 63%) indicates that they are suitable as inedible
vegetable oil biodiesel feedstock [3, 4]. Different methods have been used to extract the oil,
such as extraction by soxhlet apparatus [3, 4], seed pressing [5], supercritical carbon dioxide
[6, 7], ultrasonic-assisted extraction [8, 9], microwave-assisted extraction [10], and aqueous
enzymatic oil [9]. Sayyar et al. (2009) investigated the effects of five operating parameters on
oil extraction by developing a model that included solvent type, temperature, solvent to solid
ratio, processing time and particle size of the meal, to optimize the processing conditions for
achieving maximum oil yield from JC seed. The kinetics of extraction was assumed based on
a second order mechanism. The initial extraction rate, the saturated extraction capacity, the
rate constant of extraction and the activation energy were calculated using the published
model. The optimum conditions were found to be an 8 h reaction time, temperature of
approximately 68°C, coarse particle size (0.5-0.75 mm), solvent (hexane) to solid ratio of 6:1,
and the activation energy was 8021.9 J moL−1 [11].
The quality of a specific oil is determined by its physicochemical properties, such as acid
value, cetane number, density, flash point, heating value, iodine value, pour point, refractive
index, saponification values, specific gravity, and viscosity. Briefly, the acid value is a
measurement of the extent to which esteric bonds of fatty acids are hydrolyzed into the parent
glyceride molecule, and it is expressed as the content of Free Fat Acids (FFA) in the oil. The
cetane number measures the ignition performance of a fuel by comparing it to reference fuels
in a standardized engine test, such as the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) 613. It is generally dependent on the composition of the fuel and can impact the
engine‘s startability, noise level, and exhaust emissions. The flash point temperature measures
the tendency of the tested material to form a flammable mixture with air under controlled
laboratory conditions. This number must be considered when assessing the overall
flammability hazard of a material (ASTM 63). The iodine value is a parameter that indicates
the degree of unsaturation and the trend of the oil to oxidize.
The physiochemical properties of JC seed oil vary according to the climate and the
location where the plant is cultured. The available data of reported physiochemical properties
of JC oils is summarized in Table 1.
The fatty acid composition of JC seed oil of different origins is compared in Table 2.
Jatropha seed oil has 79% unsaturated fatty acids on average, with oleic acid predominant
followed by lenoleic acid, and 21% saturated fatty acids with palmitic acid predominant
followed by stearic acid.
1.3. Transesterification
Figure 1. Transesterification of triglycerides with alcohol where R1, R2, R3 are long-chain
hydrocarbons, sometimes called fatty acid chains.
Transesterification is generally carried out by heating vegetable oils with excess alcohol
under different reaction conditions in the presence of a catalyst. The reaction is reversible and
therefore excess alcohol is used to shift the equilibrium to the products side. Alcohols used in
the transesterification process are methanol (most frequently used), ethanol, propanol,
butanol, and amyl alcohol. An acid, a base or an enzyme often catalyzes the reactions to
improve the reaction rate and yield. Alkali-catalyzed transesterification is much faster than
acid-catalyzed transesterification and is less corrosive to industrial equipment, and therefore
is most often used commercially [14].
Transesterification of JC oil can be done in the same phase with the catalyst. Basic
catalysts such as NaOH, KOH, and LiOH are used with an alcohol in the same phase with JC
oil. In general, NaOH is preferred because of its low cost and its wide use in large-scale
processing [15]. The alkaline catalyst concentration used in the reaction varies between 0.5-
1.3% by weight with a yield of 94-99% conversion of JC oil into esters. The main advantage
in using an alkaline catalysis process is the high conversion levels of triglycerides to their
corresponding methyl esters in short reaction times, but the process is energy intensive and
recovery of glycerol is difficult. In addition, the alkaline catalyst has to be removed from the
product and the alkaline wastewater generated requires treatment. Levels of free fatty acids
and water can also greatly interfere with the reaction because contamination results in soap
formation that makes the separation process difficult [14, 15].
Homogeneously catalyzed transesterifications with acid catalysts have also been reported.
Acid catalysts used in the process include H2SO4, HSO3Cl, HCl, and H3PO4, [15, 20-22].
Based on the reaction rates, most of the reactions yielded at low to moderate efficiency
at rates approximately 4000x slower than alkaline catalysis with minimum completion times
of ≥12 h [15].
However, some disadvantages include: (1) lipases can lose some initial activity due to volume
of the oil molecule, (2) the number of enzymes immobilized to the matrix is not uniform, and
(3) immobilized enzymes are more expensive that the native enzyme [32].
Biodiesel production from JC seed oil by immobilized lipase-catalyzed transesterification
using different bacterial and fungal sources is detailed in Table 3. A 100% yield was obtained
with lipases from P. cepacia, whereas a combination of fungal lipases from R. oryzae and C.
rugosa had a biodiesel production with conversion yield of about 80% [33].
To ensure safe operation in diesel engines, the most important aspects of biodiesel
product are the completion of the reaction, and the removal of residual catalyst, alcohol, and
free glycerol. If the transesterification reaction is not complete then triglycerides,
diglycerides, or monoglycerides may be left in the final product. Therefore, the ASTM
standard requires total glycerol to be < 0.24% of the final biodiesel product. On the other
hand, since residual alcohol, even as little as 1%, can lower the flashpoint of the final
biodiesel product from 170oC to < 40oC, the EN 14214 standard limits the amount of alcohol
to a very low level (< 0.2%). Finally, although a specific value for the residual catalyst is not
included in the ASTM standards, it is limited by specifications on levels of sulfated ash,
which may lead to engine deposits and high abrasive wear levels [16].
The fuel properties of Jatropha biodiesel are summarized in Table 4. Jatropha biodiesel
has comparable properties with those of fossil biodiesel and conforms to international
standards for biodiesel ASTM D6751 [42].
Table 4. Specifications and test methods ASTM D6751 and biodiesel properties
1.8.1. Advantages
Renewable Fuel. Reserves of non-renewable fossil fuels obtained from petroleum are
rapidly declining, making the production of renewable fuels more attractive. Jatropha seeds
can play an important role due to their high oil content suitable for biofuel production.
Jatropha has wide distribution in the tropics, and it is found mostly at low altitudes ≤500 m
above sea level, in dry or wet areas, plains or hills, with rainfall ranging between 300-1500
mm/annually, and optimum temperatures varying between 20-34oC. Jatropha is a drought
resistant plant and it adapts to a variety of soils, including those with low nutrient content
[46]. In addition, the plant can be used as a living fence around agricultural fields or on
marginal soils to control erosion. Moreover, when the press cake is returned to the fields after
oil extraction, there is sustainable recycling of nutrients and the soil remains productive [47].
Economic Development. Jatropha can be integrated into traditional farming systems in
developing countries. The production and processing of seeds for biofuel provides extra job
opportunities and can give local communities energy independence, and any excess of biofuel
that is produced can be sold. The oil can also be used for soap production providing a
profitable rural activity [47].
Cost Benefit. Jatropha biodiesel is a clean fuel, which means it produces fewer emissions
on burning compared to fossil fuels. The biodiesel is also adaptable to current engine designs
without any change, and it performs very well in most conditions. The ―clean‖ burning of
Jatropha biodiesel keeps the engine running for longer, lowers maintenance costs, and brings
down overall pollution check costs when compared to ―dirty‖ burning fossil fuels [48].
Jatropha biodiesel also has good brake thermal efficiency, which indicates the percentage of
fuel energy converted to useful power output [49].
Air Pollution. Significant reduction of particulate matter and smoke emissions was
measured when biodiesel is mixed with fossil fuels (fuel blends). This reduction is primarily a
consequence of a complete combustion of the biodiesel, owing to its high oxygen content and
its high cetane number [49].
Reduce Greenhouse Gases. Engines fueled with biodiesel reduce the emission of toxic
gases such as CO, SO2 and hydrocarbons [50].
Economic Security. Not all countries are petroleum producers and/or have large reserves.
The economies of petroleum importer countries are greatly affected by the costs of fuel
imports. Therefore an increase in the production of biodiesel, obtained from local Jatropha
plantations, reduces reliance on imports. More jobs are created with a growing biofuels
industry, which decreases dependency on other countries and strengthens the economy.
Specifications. Jatropha biodiesel has comparable fuel specifications with those from
fossil diesel, and conforms to international standards for biodiesel (ASTM D6751, Table 4)
Food Market Competition. Biodiesel obtained from Jatropha does not compete with the
food market because Jatropha oil is not edible and lands dedicated to edible crops is
Net Energy Ratio (NER). Biodiesel contribution to non-renewable source depletion
(mainly fossil fuels) depends on its net energy ratio (NER). NER is equal to biofuel energy
content/ energy consumed for its production and distribution. In most of the biofuel
production cases, NER is greater than 1. However, in some cases, NER is lower than 1, which
means that these production systems are unacceptable from an energy point of view. NER
depends on the limits of the system and other parameters, such as cultivation techniques,
production methods, etc. [51]. For example, the energy benefits of biodiesel produced from
Jatropha cultivation on two different types of soil (nutrient poor and normal soils) were
evaluated with and without irrigation. The study concluded that energy values obtained
regarding net energy balance and NER were high for both systems [52].
1.8.2. Disadvantages
NOx Emission. It has been observed that the use of Jatropha biodiesel in a diesel engine
increases NOx emissions compared to fossil diesel. Biodiesel contains more oxygen than pure
diesel and the complete combustion of biodiesels results in higher temperatures, avoiding
oxygen dissociation, which eventually increases NOx emission [49].
Production Cost. Due to the costs of catalysts, alcohol, and infrastructure; the price of
biodiesel can vary from one region to another. Overall, biodiesel production is currently more
expensive than fossil diesel [53].
Feedstock Cost. The growth and yield of Jatropha crop can be affected by many factors,
such as climatic conditions, water availability, soil conditions, plant age, and pests and
diseases [2, 53].
Use of Fertilizers. Jatropha crop could need fertilizer to increase or maintain production.
The downside of using fertilizers is that they can have harmful effects on surrounding
environment and may cause water pollution. Fertilizers contain nitrogen and phosphorus and
can be washed away from soil to nearby natural water sources [2].
Water Use. Although JC is a drought-resistant plant still significant quantities of water
are required to irrigate Jatropha crops for efficient yield. This may impose strain on local and
regional water resources, if not managed wisely [2].
Biogas is a gas generated artificially or naturally from fermentation of organic matter
using biodigesters and bioreactors [54]. Biogas is constituted principally by methane (CH4)
carbon dioxide (CO2), and may contain traces of hydrogen (H2), hydrogen sulfide (H2S),
carbon monoxide (CO), siloxanes, halogenated hydrocarbons, and nitrogen (N2). These
tracers should be eliminated by treatment based on the use of the biogas [55].
Biogas is produce naturally in dumps, wetlands, and in the intestines of animals as a
result of the microbiological activities of methanogenic bacteria.
Biogas as a combustible energy source is produced from biomass [56], and as mentioned
earlier, it can be produced under controlled parameters using a biodigester (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Scheme of a biodigester. (a) thermometer, (b) reactor containing the biomass to be
anaerobically fermented, (c) container with water, and (d) inverted burette filled with water used to
measure the gas produced.
The calorific value of a 1 m3 of biogas is 6,000 kcal assuming a content of 70% methane
and 30% CO2. This value is comparable to the energy from 0.8 L of gasoline, 0.6 m3 of
natural gas, 1,5 kg of wood, 0.3 kg of charcoal, 0.71 L of fuel-oil, 1.2 L of alcohol, or 6.8
kWh of electricity [55].
In this section, a review of biogas production from de-oiled Jatropha residues is
Jatropha curcas
Husks Seeds
(anti-inflammatory, (insecticide)
Anaerobic digestion consists of three main steps: (1) hydrolysis, (2) acidogenesis, and (3)
methanogenesis. Different microbial consortia are involved in each of these steps and
together transform the organic matter into mainly CH4 and CO2.
Total and volatile solids compose the organic matter used to feed the biodigester. Volatile
solids are the materials that ultimately will be transformed into biogas, whereas total solids
are mainly non-fermentable organic products that, together with recalcitrant minerals (e.g. K,
Ca, N, and P), form the sludge or liquor, a mixture that can be used as a fertilizer. Then,
although is desirable to have more volatile solids in the substrate for higher production of
biogas, this claim should be taken carefully, because high content of solids favor the
production of CO2 instead of CH4 [58].
Microbial consortia involved in the fermentation of organic matter include the following
bacterial groups: hydrolytic-acidogenic, acetogenic, homoacetogenic, methanogenic,
hydrogenofile methanogenic and acetoclastic methanogenic.
In order to efficiently produce biogas, a perfect balance between the different bacterial
communities is desired. In addition, the velocity of the process will depend on the
composition of the matter to be fermented and the composition and concentration of each
microbial group.
In the case of J. curcas, de-oiled seed residues have been used as raw material for biogas
production, representing approximately a 60% of the initial weight of the seeds. The biogas
yield from the residues depends on what part of the seed is used. For example, higher
production of biogas was obtained from the endosperm (798 mL g-1 of volatile solid) of the
seed as compared to the episperm (216 mL g-1 of volatile solid) [60]. This difference in
production is attributed to higher levels of fermentable matter in the endosperm compared to
the episperm, which is mainly constituted by lignin [60].
Other parameters for biogas production to take into consideration are based on the
physicochemical properties of the same de-oiled residue (seed cake). These parameters
include moisture content and the levels of C, N, K, and P [61]. The control of these
parameters is important for efficient management of the seed cake to avoid environmental
Besides the characteristics of the raw material used for biogas production from JC, it is
important to take into consideration other factors, such as pH, substrate-water dilution ratio,
and the aforementioned bacterial consortia. In terms of pH, studies have reported that the
highest biogas yield is obtained when the final pH is ≥ 8.0 with a low concentration of solids
(seed cake to water ratio) [58]. The substrate:water ratio is important and varies between
1:6.67 to 1:10, but can reach up to 1:20 [58, 61-64]. Interestingly, an increase in the biogas
production was observed when 5% (v/v) of a commercial mixture of 80 different microbial
strains (EM-4) was added to JC husks. In this report, a substrate:water ratio of 1:8 reduced
from 1:12 was used with similar yields, suggesting that this mixture can be used to reduce the
level of water used for a biphasic fermentation system (hydrolysis and methanogenesis) [64].
Another study reported that a 25% increase in biogas production was recorded when JC cakes
were mixed with cattle dung in a ratio of 25:75 [62]. Similar results were obtained when JC
husks were mixed with cattle dung in a ratio of 33:67 [63].
In conclusion, the use of anaerobic digestion is beneficial because it reduces greenhouse
emissions while producing energy from organic residues. Then, the benefits associated to
anaerobic digestion are [55]:
De-oiled seed cake from JC is rich in cellulosic material that can be used for bio ethanol
production after fermentation.
Few studies have been published regarding the production of bioethanol from JC
residues. All of these studies use a two-step process that includes acidic pre-treatment with
diluted sulfuric acid and then chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis of the products before
fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The acidic pretreatment with diluted sulfuric
acid (0.05%) and posterior hydrolysis enriches the sample with fermentable sugars with a
concomitant increase in ethanol production after fermentation. A recovery of 80% ethanol
was achieved with this process [65]. A modification of this process uses a slightly elevated
concentration of sulfuric acid (1.5%) together with a thermal increase (136°C) in the pre-
treatment, followed by enzymatic hydrolysis [66]. By using this process, authors were able to
convert more than 80% of cellulose in the sample.
When growing JC plants, annual pruning is required. This pruning can give an average of
5 kg/year/plant of lignocellulosic material, which can be incorporated and economically
converted into bioethanol [67].
energy ratio (NER) and the global warming potential (GWP). Values of 1.85 and 55% were
calculated for NER and GWP, respectively. Interestingly, if the production of biogas is added,
the NER or energy efficiency is improved to 3.4, whereas the GWP does not change
significantly [68].
JC can be grown as a monoculture or associated to other crops. From an economical point
of view, monoculture is attractive because production is higher, but it is detrimental to the
ecosystem. Based on the adaptability of this plant, this issue could be negligible when
growing this plant in degraded, eroded or uncover soils. Over the long term, these soils can be
remediated and polyculture agriculture is more feasible. In this way, an optimization of
resources is achieved taking into consideration that renewed soils are incorporated back into
the culturing area and the fertility of the soils is maintained rather than exhausted by a
monoculture practice. Interestingly, polyculture agriculture of JC with corn, beans and
pumpkin has been reported [69]. In this study, the social, environmental and economic
impacts were analyzed and a benefit of polyculture agriculture has been reported. However,
more studies regarding focusing on improving production conditions are required [69].
In conclusion, the social, environmental and economic dimensions of JC biofuel
production should be analyzed together in order to obtain reliable data addressing
sustainability because an individual analysis of each dimension does not warrant a positive
impact in the other two.
We thank Jeffrey Helm for helpful discussions.
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Chapter 2
Advances in sequencing of genomes has lead to the promise of genetically modified
fuel crop such as Jatropha Curcas that is used to obtain Jatropha Oil. The gene regulation
via Ribosome inhibiting Protein in the shrub has been studied using transfection of clones
of curcin genes found in Jatropha Curcus and in other plants. This can lead to better
cultivability of the shrub and higher yield of Jatropha Oil. NGS, Next-Generation
Sequencing machines available commercially are tabulated. The triglycerides in Jatropha
Oil can be transesterified using excess methanol in the presence of catalyst or excess
methanol into biodiesel and glycerol. The glycerol can be sold as by-product. The
kinetics of consecutive-competetive reactions during methanolysis of triglycerides with
intermediates such as diglyceride, monoglyceride are modeled. The model solutions
assuming irreversible simple first order kinetics were obtained using the method of
Laplace transforms. Although biodiesel forms in each consecutive step under some
conditions of reaction rate ratios , the yield of glycerol are seen to be higher than that
of biodiesel. This can be called ―cross-over‖ and can be seen in the illustrations shown as
prototypical examples. The operating cost of separating biodiesel from glycerol using
centrifuge can be obtained from computer simulations of layer formation during shear
flow. For optimal total cost there exists a yield of biodiesel where the process can be
operated at.
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected].
At a consumption rate of 84.6 million barrels per day the 237 trillion liters of crude oil
[1a] reserves of the world can be expected to be depleted in another 74.5 years. The
genominomics of homo sapiens and other species is seeing a cost reduction steeper [1] than
the Moore‘s law for microprocessors according to the goal of NHGRI, National Human
Genome Research Institute the cost per genome for humans is expected to decrease to less
than $1000 by 2014 [2]. The cost of complete sequencing the genome of J. Curcas in order to
look for valuable mutations is down to $50 in 2014. According to agricultural biotechnology
company, SGB, the cost of sequencing J. Curcas five years ago was about $150,000. SGB
spent $250,000 to create a master J. Curcas genome. With advances in transfection and
genetic modifications it is fully expected that genetically modified J. Curcas will be used as a
cash crop in order to provide feedstock for the burgeonoing biodiesel industry. Jatropha oil is
non-edible [3]. Being non-edible use of Jatropha oil as feedstock for biodiesel production is
not a fuel for food swap. This will increase public confidence in fuel use. Jatropha comes
from the Greek words ‗jatros‘ that means doctor and ‗trophe‘ that means nourishement.
The genetically modified crop portion of the biotechnology industry is about $173.2
billion dollars in 2011. This includes the seeds, maize, soybean grain and cotton markets. The
market share of Monsanto in seeds is the largest in the industry. SBG is growing hybrid
strains of the shrub that can be used in order to produce biodiesel and by-product glycerol in
quantitites that are comparable to petroleum when priced at $99 a barrel. This stain is called
J2. SBG plans to grow the crop in 250,000 acres of J. Curcas in Brazil, India and other
countries world wide. Dehgan [4] had studied the morphology of J. Curcas 30 years ago.
India consumes more diesel than gasoline every year, i.e., about 320 million barrels of diesel
every year compared with 94 million barrels of gasoline every year. This is in part because of
the Indian Railways caters people travelling year around. Mass production of biodiesel is
round the corner. Fairless [5] discuss the million J. Curcas seedlings planted on railway
wastelands. J. Curcas is a member of the Euphorbia family that first was discovered in
Central America, It has been used as lamp oil and soap. Out of the 756 million acres of land
discussed in the report [5] by Ministry of Rural Development of Government of India, 56.5%
of the land is already under cultivation and the rest is non-arable wasteland. This wasteland is
used for cultivation of J. Curcas Shrub. The first commercial application of the J. Curcus
shrub was reported in Lisbon. It was used as lamp oil and for production of soap. It thrives in
tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world such as Africa and Asia. Portuguese ships were
used in order to import Jatropha Oil [6]. J. Curcas is a large shrub and can survive for 50
years. It can attain a height of 9.44 m as discussed in the review of biodiesel production from
J. Curcas by Addulla et al. [7] and others [8-10]. It can grow with less water in semi-arid
conditions. It can grow on soils with less nutrient contents. Leaves are even toxic and is non-
edible. Benefits of J. Curcas plant parts, use of wastelands, treatment needed prior to animal
feed use, medicinal applications are discussed elsewhere [7]. Jatropha Oil contains about
25% protein, 47% fat and 5.5% moisture. It contains poly unsaturated linolenic acid and
unstaturated linoleic acid in larger proportions. Seeds in Africa [11] were found to have 80%
of linoleic acid and the seeds in India were found to have 81.9% linoleic acid (C18H32O2).
Jatropha Oil is extracted from the seeds using mechanical expelling of enzymatic methods
[8]. The FFA content of Jatropha Oil is 14% which is higher than the 1% FFA content limit
for use of base catalysts for conversion into biodiesel. Soap will form.
Indian Railways runs passenger trains with diesel engine with 5% blend of biodiesel. 15
million J. Curcas saplings are planted in Railways' land.
President B. Obama as a senator endorsed the budding biodiesel industry at a new
biodiesel plant in Cairo, IL in 2006 [15]. The Renewable Energy group announced that it
would build a 60 million gallon per year refinery and had raised $100 million in financing.
Bunge Ltd., a major food processor and other venture capital firms were the contributors.
About 76 biodiesel plants were in production in 2006, up from 22 in 2004. A biodiesel plant
on an average costs up to $20 million to build and yields 30 million gallons per year of fuel.
Biodiesel serves an important need of meeting the energy security of United States and the
developing countries in the world.
Oil reserves are expected to be depleted by the year 2071 at the current levels of
production. The crude oil reserves are estimated at 4.16 trillion liters world wide [16]. Global
consumption is 84.6 million barrels/day. Earth‘s entire oil reserves according to one estimate
is 1.2 trillion barrels without oil sands and 3.74 trillion barrels with oil sands. At the present
rate of consumption the oil reserves will be depleted in the next 38.8 – 122.2 years. Search is
on for alternative oil finds. Per geological survey 3-4.5 billion barrels was found in Montana
and North Dakota. If oil shale can be used as source of oil the reserves can last for 110 more
years. Oil finds have been found in Russia, Columbia and Africa. According to the big
rollover theory global oil production is already past its peak production [17]. M. K. Hubbert,
Shell Oil Co., Houston, TX, studied the exhaustion of oil fields. Initial oil find, exploitation
and exhaustion phases were identified. This followed the bell curve. He concluded that
United States would peak in its oil production in 1970. The curve is called the Hubbert cruve.
The peak is also called the rollover. Lot of world oil experts feel that we are past the peak
production. Every year since 1970 we have found less oil and pumped less oil. Air pollution
has been found as a result of continued and increased use of petroleum. Global warming has
been concluded as a problem because of significant increase in concentration of CO2 in the
earth‘s atmosphere [18]. The principles of Sustainable Engineering were developed at the
Sandestin Conference of 2003 [19]. This ought to set the direction of engineers who work on
developing sustainable alternatives to current engineering practices. Energy is considered a
primary component of sustainable engineering. Biodiesel is nontoxic. It has low emission
profiles and is environmentally benign [20]. A century ago R. Diesel successfully used
vegetable oil as fuel for his engine. Prior to WW II vegetable oils were blended with diesel
fuels time and again.
Centrifugal separation is used to separate the glycerin and biodiesel layers by gravity
differences. More degree of separation can be achieved by increased torque of the rotor [21].
A trade-off is seen between utility cost for rotor speed and purity level. Optimal operation of
rotor can be derived at for maximum revenue.
At end of the second stage [22] with 99.2 – 99.6% conversion the mixture is passed
through a vacuum distillation tower in order to separate the unreacted methanol, recover the
sodium methylate catalyst and recycle the unreacted oil. B & P Process patented a process
[23] to make biodiesel with less equipment, more yield and at a higher purity. They use a
higher temperature than the boiling point of methanol and increased pressure of the reactor in
order to keep the methanol from boiling. The centrifugal separator was made with perforated
concentric cylinders. The separation process was effected in a counter-current manner. This
makes the throughput higher and use less floor space. The glycerin passes through the rims
and the biodiesel separates out through the axial region of the separator. The reaction is
between the triglycerides present in the oil and methanol. There are different methods to
make biodiesel. One is by transesterification either using catalyst, enzyme or catalyst free and
others are by pyrolysis and physical blending and emulsion processes. The catalyst used can
be alkali, acid or enzyme. When the FFA, free fatty acid content is greater than 1% the acid
catalyst would be better [24]. Alkaline catalyst is used in commercial plants. Alkaline
catalysts are preferred when the FFA, free fatty acid content in the feedstock is less than 0.5
wt%. Process is sensitive to water and FFA. Saponification of ester may occur in presence of
water. Pyrolysis methods have been found to result in more biogasoline compared with
biodiesel [25].
Some of the NGS machines availabe for purchase or approved are shown in Table 1.0
[2]. The size of the device ranges from a small hand held device to bread-loaf size to desktop
to bench top to a set of 10 consoles that can fill a room. The cost per genome or per read
length can be calculated. The capital cost of the equipment can be amortized and added to the
reagents cost, labor, supplies and overhead costs. Different concepts are used during the
measurement of the sequence distribution.
The electrical current changes due to the polarity of the base pairs as DNA is passed
through nanpore is one concept used. Another concept uses the change in electrical current as
ions are released when the DNA reacts. The capital equipment cost can run to the order of
multi million dollars. It can also be in the $1000 range depending on the read expectations.
Sequencing by synthesis methods is used usually. Although a surragote Xpandomer is formed
by encoding the ssDNA and as the Xpandomer passes through the nanopore it gets read. Run
time is on the decrease across the board. Sample input sizes are to the tune of a few
nanograms. Shot gun sequencing is used. Accuracy is improved. he variety of eukaryotes and
prokaryotes that can be sequences are several ranging from bacteria to mammals. Some
methods use lasers and optical devices and others use non-optical methods. The sequence
information can be used in different applications. Disease specific catridges are developed by
one vendor.
It can be used for personalized medicine or developing drugs for spreading pandemics
such as the recent Ebola virus scare. Electronic circuitry is synergized with biochip in some
cases. Nanotrenches allow for efficient diffusion for probe target hybridization using
fluorescent tags.
Roche GS Junior desktop (55 lb Read length of 1000 base pairs, high Goal- Ultra low
and GS weight) accuracy and high throughput; Shot cost
FLX gun reads. Size of genome spectrum
System from bacteria to mammals; Compare
sequence reads for SNPs;
hotlink www.quantumdx.com
Figure 1a. Flow Diagram for Continuous Production of Biodiesel and Glycerol from J. Curcas Shrub
Fuel Crop in Semi-Arid Farms.
Here global patterns and coordinated regulation of gene expression are investigated.
Protein –protein interactions can be detected using two-hybrid analysis.
Transgenic, cisgenic and subgenic are different methods of gene transfer. Transgenic
method of gene transfer is when genes from other species are inserted into the plant. Cisgenic
transfer is when the genes are transferred to the plant from the same species or closely related
species. Subgenic transfer is gene modification by using gene editing tools such as CRISPR
The genetically modified crop portion of the biotechnology industry is about $173.2
billion dollars in 2011. This includes the seeds, maize, soybean grain and cotton markets. The
market share of Monsanto in seeds is the largest in the industry.
Qin et al. [26]. investigated the regulation expression of β-glucuronidase, GUS reporter
gene in Nicotiana Tabacum by curcin promoter. This was prepared from J. Curcus L
endosperm by cloning. A 0.6 kb fragment of a 5‘ flanking region adjacent to the curcin gene
Figure 1.0. Recombinant Plasmid Formation – CPI Replaces CaMV 35s Promoter in Plasmid pBI121.
Fluorescence was measured using spectrofluorimeter with excitation beam at 365 nm and
emission beam at 455 nm wavelengths. Different lengths of CPI were fused to the GUS
reporter gene and transferred to tobacco plants. CPI promoter sequence was found to regulate
expression of GUS gene in the endosperm seeds of Nicotonia Tabacum. Regulatory motifs
contained in the endosperm that might have played a role in GUS gene expression a search of
the PLACE database was conducted. -377 to -179 bp in the genome was found to be the
endosperm responsive region. It contained four AAAG , one GT-1 binding site one E box and
one W boc TTGAC motifs. AAAGsequence has been found by prior investigators for gene
expression in maize that is endosperm specific. These bind to the Dof protein. Dof proteins
are DNA binding proteins that are found in plants and can increase transcription. One Dof
protein isolated from maize, PBF is bound to Prolamin box. WRKYs are involved in the
regulation of the development of seed and trichomes and defense against pathogen infection.
Zhang et al. [27] applied next-generation Illumina Next-Generation Sequencing
technology in order to study global gene expression patterns in leaves and roots and leaves of
J. Curcas, 2 hours, 2 days and 7 days after the onset of salt stress. They found that 1504 genes
were up regulated, 1115 genes were down-regulated in leaves and roots under salt stress
condition. Gene ontology studies reveal that number of metabolic processes that occur in the
plant are affected by salt stress. The genes were found to regulate ABA and ethylene
signaling, osmotic regulation, the reactive oxygen species scavenging system and the cell
structure in the leaves and roots. Salt stress was found to interfere with plant growth and
production. The molecular mechanisms for the salt response in leaves and roots were
attempted to be studied. The morphological adaptations of plant in response to abiotic stress
may be linked to gene expression. Productivity of crops are hampered by salinity of the soil.
Ionic and osmotic stresses emnate from saline environment. Transcriptome studies on plants
exposed to salt stress have been undertaken for maize, cotton, flowering plants. J. Curcas is a
perennial shrub and belongs to the species of Euphorbiaceae. It has high potential for
biodiesel production. It is oil rich, drought-tolerant shrub. It is yet to be domesticated. Large
scale plantation of J. Curcus would need conversion of this species into a genuine crop. Next-
generation sequencing studies of J. Curcus may lead to attainment of these goals. It is a
diploid with a haploid genome size estimated at 416 Mbp. Sato et al. [28] completed the
sequencing of whole genome of J. Curcas. They used a combination of Sanger method and
Next-Generation Sequencing method. They found 285,858,490 bp. The non-reduntant
sequences comprised of 120,586 contigs and 29,831 singlets. They accounted for 95% of the
gene-containing regions with the average Guanine + Cytosine contents of about 34.3%.
40,929 complete and partial structures of protein encoding genes have been inferred.
Sequence comparison studies reveal that 4% or 1529 putative protein-encoding genes are
specific to the Euphorbiaceae species. More microsynteny was found between J. Curcus and
genome of castor bean and less microsynteny was found with soybean and Arabidopsis
Thaliana. Pyrosequencing was used to characterize cDNAs extracted from tissues of the
shrub. 21,225 unigene data was obtained. (http://www.kazusa.or.jp/jatropha). Genetic
diversity was characterized by polymorphism analysis using microsatellite markers. Biofuel
production is expected to increase from the understanding achieved from these studies.
Breeding of the fuel crop was accelerated by genomic selection.
Silva-Junior [29] found a set of SNPs for J. Curcus using Illumina sequencing. Two
Illumina GAIIx single end lanes were sequenced by using standard protocols. Raw reads were
processed and aligned on mapped reference genome. Allele frequency was estimated by using
Genotyper. A Bayesian genotype likelihood model was used in order to provide a posterior
probability of occurrence of segregating variant allele at each locus. Illumina Golden Gate
Genotyping Technology assays were designed using SNPs and in silico estimated minor allele
frequency greater than 0.1. At least 60 bases were available on each SNP flank with no
additional SNPs following. They report a unigene length of 39.7 Mbp and ~ 56% of the
transcribed portion of the genome. They sampled 28,110 unigenes.
There was low seed yield found with J. Curcas L as result of unreliable flowering.
Flowering Locus T, FT like genes are important flowering regulators in higher plants such as
in Arabidopsis thaliana [2]. In order to better understand the genetic control of flowering in J.
Curcas an FT homolog, JcFT was isolated and characterized by Li et al. [30]. They found
sequence analysis and phylogenetic relationship with the FT genes of Litchi Chinensis,
Populus Nigra and other perennial plants. JcFT may encode a florigen that may act as a key
regulator in flowering pathway.
There are three critical areas in the continuous process for manufacture of biodiesel: (i)
Feedstock Preparation; (ii) Consecutive-Competitive Reactions and; (iii) Separation of
Biodiesel and Glycerol. The total cost of the process may be optimized with respect to capital
cost and operating cost. The AW, annual worth [31] analysis of a biodiesel manufacturing
plant for different feedstocks in Taiwan was discussed [32]. With by-product sales credit for
glycerol the process may be profitable depending on the raw material cost and market price of
gasoline. The cost of raw materials is a critical factor in the profitability of biodiesel
production. Twelve reports were reviewed [33, 34] on economic feasibility of biodiesel
production using different feed stocks and scales of operation. Significant factors that
contribute to the bottom line of the biodiesel production were identified [35-38]. These
include the cost of raw materials, plant size, credit received for glycerine as by-product sales.
When waste cooking oil was used the material costs went down. Restaurant greases cost less
than food-grade canola and soybean oils. The first factory that produced biodiesel at 300 tons
per year from waste cooking oil was started in Chiayi county of Taiwan in October of 2004.
The total cost of production can be written as follows;
The capital costs can increase with increase in reactor size needed to perform the
reactions. The reactor size will be larger for larger reaction times or higher conversion targets.
However the separation costs of separating biodiesel from glycerol, FAME mixture will be
lesser at higher conversion from the reactors. When the conversion is lower the capital cost
will decrease on account of the reactor size and the separation costs will increase on account
of the load on the rotor of the centrifuge used. The variation of reactor size with conversion
for a CSTR can be seen to be exponential for a given throughput. The variation of utility cost
for a given throughput with conversion of Jatropha Oil in the reactors can be expected to be
non-linear and can be obtained from computer simulations. Eq. (1) can be expressed in terms
of conversion of Jatropha Oil. The resulting equation can be differentiated with respect to
conversion and equated to zero and the extremamas can be obtained. The conversion
corresponding to a minima can be obtained by confirming that the second derivative of the
objective function is negative at the extremama. This gives impetus to study the kinetics of
the consecutive-competitive reactions in the reactors and the velocity profiles in the
centrifuge during separation of the product and by-product.
It can be seen from the economic analysis the yield of biodiesel compared with other by-
products such as glycerol can be a critical design criteria in making these plants more
profitable. The reaction sequence for formation of FAME, faty acid methyl ester from
triglycerides found in palm oil and other feedstock involve the formation of diglycerides,
monoglycerides and glycerol in sequence with FAME produced in each intermediate step
The reaction scheme can be represented as shown in Figure 2.0. The flow diagram for the
biodiesel, glycerol factory from J. Curcas cash crop. is shown in Figure 1a. The reactions are
catalyzed. The catalyst type depends on the FFA content in the feedstock. The triglycerides
species is represented with symbol A, diglycerides with R, monoglycerides with S and
glycerol with T. The product FAME formed in each step is given by P and the methanol used
is given as B. Om Tapanes et al. [40] studied the reaction pathways and reaction sequences
during base catalyzed transesterification of triglycerides of fattyacids including linoleic acid
and determined the most probable pathway and the rate determining step of the reactions
using molecular orbital calculations. The scheme in Figure 2.0 may be applicable for the
biodiesel production from Jatropha Oil. The reactions in the reactor during biodiesel
production may be modeled as scheme of multiple reactions of the consecutive-
competitive/series-parallel type [41]. The methanol can be assumed to be in excess. Hence the
reactions shown below can be assumed to obey the pseudo first order kinetics. The
concentration of methanol can be lumped with the intrinsic second order reaction rate
constant to give a pseudo first order lumped rate constant. The catalytic effect is also captured
here. The reactions are modeled as follows;
The reactions in the reactor during biodiesel production may be modeled as scheme of
multiple reactions of the consecutive-competitive/series-parallel type. The methanol can be
assumed to be in excess. Hence the reactions shown below can be assumed to obey the
pseudo first order kinetics. The concentration of methanol can be lumped with the intrinsic
second order reaction rate constant to give a pseudo first order lumped rate constant. The
catalytic effect is also captured here.
Figure 2.0. Transeterification Catalyzed Reactions From Triglycerides to Glycerol and FAME.
dC A
k1C A
dC R
k1C A k 2 C R
dC S
k 2C R k3C S
dC T
k3C S
C P C A0 C R C S C T C A (3)
X A A0
C A0
C A0
C A0
C A0
C A0
k1 (4)
In dimensionless form the rate expressions given in Eq. (3) can be seen to become;
dX A
1 X A
d (5)
dX R
1 X A X R
d (6)
dX S
d (7)
dX T
d (8)
The rate expression for the product, FAME can be obtained by adding the contributions
from the methanolysis of triglyceride, diglyceride and monoglyceride steps and can be seen to
dX P
1 X A X R X S
d (9)
In order to evaluate the selectivity of the FAME product P over the by-product, glycerol,
T solution to Eqs. (5-8) were obtained by the method of Laplace transforms [42]. The
solutions are as follows;
X A s
ss 1
X A 1 e (10)
X R s
s s 1
e e
X S s
s s 1s
1 1
1 e 1 e e
X T s
s s s 1s
1 1
1 (1 e
) 1 (1 e ) (1 e )
X p X A X R X S XT
Model solutions given by Eqs. (10-14) were plotted in Microsoft Excel 2010 for
Windows 7.0on a Hewlett Packard Compaq Elite 8300 desktop computer with Intel Core i7
processor with 3.9 GHz speed. The results for the product distribution is shown in Figures 3.0
– Figures 6.0. The simulations were conducted for values of reaction rate constant ratios < 1
and < 1 and further for < .
It can be seen from the Figures 3.0-6.0 that the conversion of species A, XA increases in
in a monotonic manner as predicted in Eq. (10).
Figure 3.0. Trigylceride (A), Diglyceride (R), Monoglyceride (S), Glycerol (T) and FAME (P) Product
Ditribution in Progressive Methanolysis44 at = 0.75 and = 0.4.
Figure 4.0. Trigylceride (A), Diglyceride (R), Monoglyceride (S), Glycerol (T) and FAME (P) Product
Ditribution in Progressive Methanolysis at = 0.75 and = 0.6.
Figure 5.0. Trigylceride (A), Diglyceride (R), Monoglyceride (S), Glycerol (T) and FAME (P) Product
Ditribution in Progressive Methanolysis at = 0.75 and = 0.25.
Computer simulations can be used in order to obtain the torque requirements of a rotor to
affect centrifugal separation of liquids with different viscosity and density. A typical CINC
centrifugal liquid-liquid separator can be obtained from commercially such as the CINC
Processing Equipment, Inc. The CINC Liquid-Liquid Centrifugal Separator utilizes the force
generated by rotating an object about a central axis. By spinning two fluids of different
densities within a rotating container or rotor the heavier fluid is forced to the wall at the inside
of the rotor while the lighter fluid is forced toward the center of the rotor. A cut-away view of
such a centrifugal separator may be viewed at the internet webpage http:///www.cincmfg.
The theory for separation used currently in the industry is the Stokes settling of oil
droplets. For high volume separation such as the biodiesel and glycerol mix from the reactor
outflow, a centrifuge such as the one described in this study may be used. Here layers can be
expected to form, with one layer that is biodiesel rich and another layer that is glycerol rich.
The peripheral layer is glycerol rich and may be collected from a port at the outer centrifugal
bowl as shown in Figure 7.0 and the biodiesel-rich layer may be collected from the inner rotor
wall that is rotating. There is not much discussion in the literature for the theory of centrifugal
separation of layered flow.
Figure 6.0. Trigylceride (A), Diglyceride (R), Monoglyceride (S), Glycerol (T) and FAME (P) Product
Distribution in Progressive Methanolysis at = 0.75 and = 0.35.
The velocity profiles of the glycerol-rich layer and biodiesel-rich layer are derived from
the equations of continuity and motion. The thickness of the interface of the biodiesel and
glycerol is calculated from a component mass balance of the biodiesel in the inlet and outlet
streams of the continuous centrifuge. Numerical simulations are run on a desktop computer
for a given angular speed of rotor, (RPM) and density ratio of the fluids and viscosities of
the fluids. A set of four simultaneous equations and simultaneous unknowns are solved for
using the MINVERSE command [44] in Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007. These constants
are used to obtain the power draw at the rotor from the torque required. A log-log plot is
developed form the simulations for the power draw at the rotor that may be used in the design
of such systems.
Consider a centrifuge with a outer bowl radius of R (m) and an inner rotor radius of R
(m). The inner rotor is allowed to rotate at an angular velocity of RPM. The feed has high
concentration of biodiesel about 33% mass fraction biodiesel (xF). It is desired to achieve a
separation efficiency of 97.9%. The outlet oil stream is from the inner rotor and the outlet
water stream is from the periphery of the bowl. The density ratio of the oil and water is .
Viscous flows are considered at steady state. Consider a thin shell of fluid with thickness r
and at a distance r from the center of the centrifuge as shown in Figure 7.0. It is assumed that
the momentum transfer is predominantly in the radial direction. The tangential velocity
assumes a profile that varies with the distance r from the center of the centrifuge. It is
assumed that for high volume feeds two layers are formed, i.e., one rich in biodiesel and the
second layer rich in glycerol. As the tangential force from the rotor is increased the species
with the higher specific gravity will gain more momentum and move to the periphery of the
centrifuge. The species with the lower specific gravity will remain in the inner layer close to
the rotor. The density of the glycerol was assumed to be ―heavy‖ and was taken as 1260 kg.
m-3 and the density of the biodiesel was taken as 860 [45] kg.m3.
For such a pair, the peripheral layer would be glycerol-rich and the inner layer would be
biodiesel-rich. Earlier discussions in the literature have been largely on droplet formation of
oil and layer formation or ―slick‖ formation is not discussed much. Let the radius of the outer
centrifugal bowl that is held stationary be R (m) and that of the inner rotor be R (m). The
inner rotor is allowed to rotate at an angular velocity of RPM (revolutions per minute). The
water is collected by a port at the periphery of the bowl and the oil is collected through the
port in the inner rotor. The feed is introduced from the top of the centrifuge. The feed location
has not been optimized in the study. The equation of continuity and motion for v and the
equation of motion for shear stress, r can be written from the Appendix in Bird, Stewart and
Lightfoot [46] as follows;
1 2
r r 0
r 2 r (15)
r2 (16)
The Newton‘s law of viscosity for the shear rate is given by];
r r r
r r (17)
For the oil rich inner layer (Figure 7.0) combining Eq. (16) and Eq. (17);
v c1
r r r 3 (18)
v c1
r 2 oil r 2 (19)
v c3
r 2 water r 2 (20)
r = R, v = 0 (21)
0 c2
2 oil R 2 (22)
v c1
R 2 oil 2 R 2 (24)
r (oil ) r ( water )
c1 c2
2R2 2R2 (25)
The velocity across the interface of oil rich and water rich layer is assumed to be
v c1 c3
c c4
R 2 oilR 2 2 water 2 R 2
In this study, Eqs. (22, 24-26) were used to solve for the integration constants, c1, c2, c3
and c4 using the MINVERSE function in Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007. The set of
equations Eq. (22,24-26) that are needed to obtain the integration constants are given in the
matrix form as follows;
0 0 1
2 water R 2 c1 0
1 c
2 2 R 2 1 0 0 2
oil c3 0
1 0 1 0
1 4
1 1 c 0
2 2 R 2 1
oil 2 water 2 R 2 (27)
Eq. (27) is a set of four simultaneous equations and four unknowns. The vector of
constants can be obtained as follows;
0 0 1
c1 2 water R 2 0
c2 1 0 0
c 2 oil R 0
2 2
3 1 0 1 0
c 0
4 1
2 2 R 2 2 water 2 R 2
oil (28)
The layer thickness ratio, can be estimated as follows. A component balance on the oil
in the feed stream, peripheral water stream and inner rotor oil stream would yield;
v rot x F x per
v xrot x per (30)
Let the residence time of the fluid in the continuous centrifuge be (hr). Then;
Dividing Eq. (2.80) by Eq. (2.81) and Equating with Eq. (16);
x per
1 xx
2 F
rot x per (33)
The calculations were performed for an rotor speed of 1000 RPM. The separation
efficiency is about 97.9%. The values in bold face are obtained by using the MINVERSE
command in Microsoft Excel for Windows 2007. The results are the inverse of the matrix as
described in Eq. (28). Simulations were repeated for 29 different values of angular speeds of
rotor. Each of the torque values were recorded in another column in the spreadsheet. The
torque is calculated from the shear stress the rotor wall multiplied with the surface area of the
rotor and the moment arm distance, R, and multiplied with the angular speed in RPM.
Table 2.0. Calculations for a Given Set of Oil and Water Viscosities and = 10 RPM
0.83386 Efficiency
R 5 10000 Gallons V
res 1 hr
v 41 m3.h-1
0.9 0 0 0.00002 1
0.83386 3.6523E-05 1 0 0
1 0 -1 0
2.87636E-05 1 -28.7636 -1
T Torque
The results of these simulations are shown in Figure 8.0 on a log-log plot. The
relationship is found to be linear in the log-log plot. For the example run as shown in Table
2.0 the separation efficiency is about 37%. Inorder to achieve more separation more stages
need be considered.
The set of simulations were repeated for a higher viscosity of oil, oil (5000 Pa.s). The
power draw at the rotor is also shown in Figure 8.0 in the log log plot. The increase in power
draw corresponding to an increase in viscosity of oil was not high.
Advances in microarray analysis, sequencing of genomes may lead to the improvement in
cultivability of J. Curcas shrub. The ribosome inhibiting protein action and regulation of gene
expression studies from transfected clones of the curcin gene from the J. Curcas and other
studies may increase the yield of the Jatropha Oil from the shrub. NGS, Next-Generation
Sequencing machines that are rapidly becoming less expensive from different vendors are
compared side by side and tabulated. The genominomics of sequencing J. Curcas has
changed rapidly in recent years and holds promise for higher quality shrubs. The pathway that
is more probable during biodiesel formation from triglycerides in Jatropha Oil obtained from
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Chapter 3
The member of eupherbiaceae family, Jatropha is being explored as multi
dimensional prospective plant. It has social, agricultural, environmental, industrial,
pharmaceutical and energy production potentials. Jatropha seed cake, compost from
debris and slurry from biogas plant are good sources of soil nutrition. Protein from seed
cake can be utilized as animal feed. As a plant Jatropha can assimilate CO2 from climate
and it can also be used as bio adsorbent of heavy metal from effluents. Protein, lignin and
other products of Jatropha can substitute the hazard synthetic chemicals of polymers
production. Seed oil have been using in soap, dying and cosmetic industry from long
before. Extract from Jatropha leaf, bark posses biological active compounds that have
medicinal potentials. Jatropha is more familiar as energy crop. It provides energy in the
form of firewood, seed oil as lamp, cooking and engine fuel directly. Biodiesel the
chemical conversion of seed oil can be used directly or blend with fossil diesel with
modified or conventional engine. However, presence of toxic substances (pherbol ester)
renders its utilization as therapeutic agents and animal feed. High viscosity of seed oil
and biodiesel is the hurdle to use. More importantly, poor yield in field condition than
expectation is the main barrier to be commercialized of Jatropha cultivation. It needs to
extensive and systematic screening of available germplasoms and application of
biotechnology for the development of high yielding cultivar, agronomic practice and crop
management for maximum yield, biochemical engineering for the improvement of
biodiesel quality and finally customization of engine according to fuel properties.
Corresponding author: A. K. M. Aminul Islam. Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Bangabandhu Sheikh
Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur 1706, Bangladesh. E-mail: [email protected].
1.1. Geographical Distribution and Domestication
Jatropha is indigenous to Central America and the northern parts of South America. It is
believed that from 16th century onwards Jatropha have been introduced to tropical and sub-
tropical regions of Asia and Africa by European seafarers and explorers (Brittaine and
Lutaladio, 2010). The ability of Jatropha to grow on different types of soil, more tolerance to
both biotic and abiotic stress facilitate to introduction and adaptation in different parts of the
world. Figure 1 discloses the geographical distribution of Jatropha.
Throughout the world more than 1,000,000 ha of Jatropha have been propagated.
Majority (85%) is in Asian countries i.e. India, China and Myanmar. Among the remaining,
12% in Africa and 2% in Latin America (in Brazil and Mexico). India is on top among the
Jatropha cultivator countries. (Edrisi et al., 2015).
1.2. Cultivation
The tropical and sub tropical regions (30°N and 35°S) are the best places for Jartropha
production. It can grow from Zero (0) to 500 meters altitudes from sea level (Figure 1). For
seed production of Jatropha plant annual rainfall between 1000 and 1500 mm is optimum. For
flowering and fruit setting at least 600 mm rainfall is required.
However, the plant can survive with as little as 250 to 300 mm (FACT, 2007). Jatropha
growing with 3000 mm of rainfall is more susceptible to fungal attract and poor root growth.
High temperature affects negatively on productivity.
The most favorable temperature to grow and production is between 20°C and 28°C
(Gour, 2006). Photoperiodism doesn‘t affect flowering. Flowers and fruits appear at any time
of the year if plant is in comfortable condition (Heller, 1996). It is intolerant to frost.
Well drained and well aerated soil structure is good for Jatropha. According to soil
classification based on grain size by USDA; soil of loam, sandy clay loam and silt loam are
most suitable for Jatropha cultivation (Gour, 2006). Heavy soil (clay, sandy clay, clay loam,
silt clay loam, and silt) can be suitable with low rainfall climate. This condition Jatroph yields
more, because these soil contain relatively more nutrient. Jatropha can grow on sand, loamy
sand, and sandy loam as they endure draught.
But these soils are barren. It needs to inoculate fertilizers and organic matters for good
production. Soil PH is an important factor for the growth of plants.
Jatropha can grow a wide range of PH. The optimum PH range lies between 6 to 8/8.5
(FACT, 2007). Dagar et al. reported that Jatropha can tolerate salinity but it needs to measure
the yield performance under this condition (Dagar et al., 2006).
1.3. Production
Jatropha curcas is a rich sources of secondary metabolites such as diterpenes, triterpenes,
sesquiterpenoids, flavonoids, lignans, neolignans, coumarins, phytosterols and alkaloids.
Previous phytochemical studies (Liu et al., 2013; Naengchomnong et al., 1994; Ravindranath
et al., 2004b; Wang et al., 2009; Xu et al., 2011) have reported the presence of secondary
metabolites in different parts of J curcas and these compounds are presented in the next
subsequent sections.
2.1. Leaf
Khafagy and co-workers reported two new flavonoidal glycosides (I and II) as well as a
new dimer of a triterpene alcohol, stigmasterol and β-sitosterol from the leaves in 1977
(Khafagy et al., 1977). In 1990, Chhabra et al., isolated one flavonoids, two glycosides and
three sterols namely, apigen, vitexin and isovitexin as well as stigmasterol, β-d-sitosterol and
β-d-glucoside respectively from the leaves of J. curcas (Chhabra et al., 1990). Neuwinger
also reported sapogenins, 1-triacontanol and a dimer of a triterpene alcohol from the leaves In
1994 (Neuwinger, 1994). Furthermore Staubmann et al., isolated a complex mixture alkaloids
such as 5-hydroxypyrrolidin-2-one and pyrimidine-2,4-dione from the same parts of J. curcas
(Staubmann et al., 1999b). A novel biflavone di-C-glucoside, 6,6″-di-C-β-D-gluco-
pyranoside-methylene-(8,8″) -biapigenin was isolated from the leaves of J. curcas along with
known six compounds such as orientin, vitexin, vicenin II, apigenin 7-O-β-D-
neohesperidoside, apigenin 7-O-β-Dgalactoside and apigenin by Abd-Alla et al. (2009).
Azzaz and his co-authors reported seven antifungal active flavonoid compounds such as
apigenin-7-O-β-D-neohesperidoside, apigenin-7-O-β-D-galactoside, biapigenin-(8,8″)-met-
hylene-6,6″-di-C-β-D-glucopyranoside, orientin, apigenin, isovitexin and vitexin from
methanolic leaf extract in 2010 (Azzaz et al., 2010).
2.2. Root
The root is an important part of Jatropha curcas which can be used for the cure of
various diseases such as eczema, gum bleeding, dysentery, gonorrhoea, toothache, ringworm,
and scabies (Burkill, 1995; Oliver-Bever, 1986). Naengchomnong and co-workers reported
four diterpenes namely curcusones (A-D) reported by Naengchomnong and others from
Jatropha curcus roots in 1986 (Naengchomnong et al., 1986a).
In the same year they reported another two novel lathyranes diterpenes namely
curculathyranes A and B (Naengchomnong et al., 1986b). They also isolated (+)-Jatrophol,
(+)-Marmesin, Propacin and Jatrophin from the same parts (Naengchomnong et al., 1994). In
1996 Kong et al., reported thirteen compounds from the roots and were documented as
nobiletin, β-sitosterol, taraxerol, caniojane, daucosteroljatropholone A and B, jatropholone B,
5α-stigmastane-3,6-dione, 5-hydroxy-6,7-dimethoxycoumarin, 6-methoxy-7-hydroxycoum-
arin, along with one new compound 2S-tetracosanoic acid glyceride-1 and two phenolic
compounds such as 3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzaldehyde, 3-methoxy-4-hydroxybenzoic acid
(Kong et al., 1996). Ravindranath et al., reported two pimaranediterpenes from the roots
named as 3β-acetoxy-12-methoxy-13-methyl-podcarpa-8,11,13-trien-7one and 3β,12-
dihydroxy-13-methyl-podoacrpane-8,10,13-triene (N. Ravindranath et al., 2004a). An
antibacterial active compound, 4-Butyl-2-chloro-5-formyl-1H-imidazole reported by Das et
al. (2005). A noble diterpenoid lactam jatrophalactam was reported from the roots of J.
curcas by Wang et al. (2009). In 2011 Aiyelaagbe and co-authors reported eight diterpenes
such as curcusone C and D, 15-epi-4Z-jatrogrossidentadion, 4Z-jatrogrossidentadion,
4E-jatrogrossidentadion, multidione, 2-hydroxyisojatrogrossidion and 2-epi-hydroxyiso-
jatrogrossidion from the roots (Aiyelaagbe et al., 2011). Chianese and co-workers isolated
three new diterpenoids namely, acetoxyjatropholone, curcusone E and spirocurcasone along
with eleven (11) known compounds such as (4E)-Jatrogrossidentadion, 15-epi-(4E)-
2.3. Stem
In 1970 Mitra and co-workers isolated β-D- glucoside of β –sitosterol, dulcitol and
sucrose from the seed kernel (Mitra et al., 1970).
Hirota et al. reported atumour promoter phorbol esters named 12-deoxy-16-
hydroxyphorbol from seed oil (Hirota et al., 1988). Six phorbol ester separated namely
Jatropha factors C1–C6 from seed oil of Jatropha curcus by Haas et al. (2002).
A ribosome deactivating protein named curcin was reported by Juan et al. (2002). Jing
and co-workers reported Jatropherol 1 deoxypreussomerinditerpenes from the seed (Jing et
al., 2005). Jatropha curcas seeds are very of toxic and allergenic. In 2009, Maciel et al.,
reported one new allergenic 2S albumin, designated Jat c 1 from the seeds and suggested
albumin caused allergy (Maciel et al., 2009). A ribosome-inactivating protein, Curcin isolated
many researcher from the seeds of J. curcas (Lin et al., 2010; Luo et al., 2006).
Yao et al. (2012) reported one new asymmetric diamide, curcamide along with seven
known compounds such as isoamericanin, isoprincepin, caffeoylaldehyde, isoferulaldehyde,
glycerol monooleate, syringaldehyde and β-ethyl-D-glucopyranoside from the seed cake (Yao
et al., 2012).
Recently Li and co-workers has been reported two new ligninsjatrophasin C and D
together with eight known compounds such as jatrophasin A, (±)-3,3′-bisdemethyl-
pinoresinol, β-sitosterol, daucosterol, isoamericanol A, isoprincepin, 7′-epi-sesamin-
dicatechol, and americanol A (Li et al., 2014).
2.5. Latex
Latex is a very important part of Jatropha curcas and various researchers used this part to
test the pharmacological activity. A few researchers were able to isolate secondary
metabolites from this part. In 1991, Nath and Duta extracted a proteolytic enzyme, curcain
from the latex of J. curcas (Nath and Dutta, 1991). A novel cyclic octapeptide named
curcacycline A was reported from the latex by (Van den Berg et al., 1995), whereas Auvin
and co-workers isolated another cyclic nonapeptide Curcacycline B from the same part in
1997 (Auvin et al., 1997). A cyclic peptide, Jatrophidin I isolated from the latex of Jatropha
curcas reported by (Altei et al., 2014).
2.6. Aerial
Hence, this study accompanied to explore the various biological activities of J. curcas
and to identify the active compounds involved. Numerous biological activities of Jatropha
curcas has been described in the subsequent sections.
Jatropha curcas is toxic plants and their crude extracts have significant anti-bacterial and
anti-fungal properties. Researchers have been studying its antimicrobial activity from
different parts using various methods from last three decades. Gupta and co-workers studied
the antimicrobial properties of seed and leaf extract as well as oil seed. They found the
inhibition ranging from 7 to 22 mm and 10 to 20 mm for antibacterial and antifungal activity,
respectively and seed extract presented important activity against the tested gram-positive
bacteria among all the extracts. Seed extract also exhibited weighty activity against Mucor
and Tilletia fungus (Gupta et al., 2010).
Rachana et al., presented that the effectiveness of J. curcas fruit against pathogenic
microorganisms such as P aeruginosa, S. aureus and E. coli. They observed maximum
inhibition zone of 25.5mm for methanolic extracts of Seed Kernel (Rachana et al., 2012).
Seeds and leaf extracts have molluscidal, insecticidal and fungicidal properties. Rahman et
al., observed higher antifungal activity for the seed and pulp extracts than the fruit extract.
They found extracts inhibited the mycelium growth of Colletotric hummusae and C.
gloeosporioides that causes anthracnose disease in bananas and respectively (Rahman et al.,
2013). Auwal et al., reported that the extract of root bark showed effective antibacterial
activity to treat the anthrax, reproductive tract infection, skin contagion and several stomach
sicknesses (Auwal et al., 2013). Recently Dada et al., used an aqueous extract of J. curcas to
treat the coliform caused diseases (Dada et al., 2014).
Setha and co-workers tested the antibacterial activity of different crude leaves extracts
against histamine forming bacteria, namely Klebsiella pneumoniae and Clostridium
perfringens using a maceration method and observed ethyl acetate and methanol methanol
extract showed lowest MIC (0.10% w/v) against C. perfringens (Setha et al., 2014). Cordova-
Albores and co-authors reported the antifungal activity of seed oil to control the gladiolus
fungi, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. Gladioli and showed this seed oildose of 2.5 mg mL−1
inhibited the growth rate to about 0.77 cm day−1 (Cordova-Albores et al., 2014).
Numerous researchers tested the various crude extract such as hexane, chloroform, ethyl
acetate, dichloromethane, acetone, methanol and ethanol, but most of them observed alkyl
alcohol showed the maximum inhibition zone against the bacteria and fungi. Aiyelaagbe
observed the root of methanol extract showed broad spectrum activity against Gardnerella
vaginalis, Neisseria gonorrhea, E. coli, S. aureus, Klebsiella aerogenes, Proteus mirabills, P.
aeruginosa except Candida albicana (Aiyelaagbe et al., 2007).
Oyi et al., reported effective latex of methanol extract against Bacillus subtilis,
Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Stapylococcus aureus, Streptocococcus
pyogenes, Candida albicans and Trychophyton sp. (Oyi et al., 2007). Akinpelu and co-
workers reported that the crude methanolic leaf extract exhibited antibacterial activity on
Escherichia coli, Stapylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (Akinpelu et al., 2009).
Kalimuthu et al., has been reported the methanol extract of leaves callus against the S.
aureus and Pseudomonas sp with the inhibition ranging between 20 and 23 mm respectively
(Kalimuthu et al., 2010). Sriprang et al. (2010) showed seed cake of methanol extract against
Stapylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus megaterium, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas
aeruginosa and Salmonella typhi (Sriprang et al., 2010). Villaseñor and Cariño reported
bacterial activity on S. aureus, B. subtilis, M. phlei, C. albicans and Trychphyton
mentagropytes (Villaseñor and Cariño, 2011). The crude methanol extracts not only have
antibacterial properties, but also showed antifungal activities reported by (Sharma et al.,
2012). Obasi reported significant methanol extract of stem bark antifungal activity among the
others fraction or extracts against C. albicans, C. oryzae, A. niger and Saccharromyces
cerevisiae and bacteria B. subtilis, S. aureus, E. coli. MIC ranging between 0.625 and 20 μg
ml−1 (Obasi et al., 2011). Daniyan et al., reported seed of methanol extract against C.
albicans, E. coli, S. typhi, and S. aureus and MIC ranges between 10-25 mg ml−1 (Daniyan et
al., 2011). Namuli et al. (2011) reported methanol antibacterial activity against Bacillus
subtilis, Stapylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, K. pneumonia
and inhibition zone ranging from 8.0 to 17.7 mm (Namuli et al., 2011). The methanol extract
of latex contains saponins and tannins, which reported by (Suhaili et al., 2011) through the
phytochemical screening. They also found the antibacterial activity of methanolic latex
extract with MIC values ranging from 0.39 mg/ml for methicillin sensitive S. aureus and 6.25
mg/ml for S. marcescens. The crude ethanolic leaf extract revealed effective antibacterial
properties against P. aeruginosa, E. coli, P. fluorescens and S. aureus reported by Sharma et
al. (2010). In 2010, Saetae and Suntornsuk presented the antifungal activity of the ethanol
extract against F. oxysporum, F. semitectum, P. aphanidermatum, L. theobromae, C. lunata,
C. capsici, and C. gloeosporioides (Saetae and Suntornsuk, 2010). Arekemase and co-workers
tested the antimicrobial activity of hexane, ethanol, water and latex extracts and suggested
that ethanolic latex extract to treat the sexually transferred infections (Arekemase et al.,
2011). Ekundayo et al., tested the ethanolic leaf and bark extracts of Jatropha curcas against
B. subtilis, E. coli, P. vulgaris, S. aureus, S. typhi, P. aeruginosa and S. dysenteriae and
observed the inhibition zone from 30.6 to 38.5 mm and MIC ranging from 2.2 to 1 0.0 mm
(Ekundayo et al., 2011). In 2014, Kumari observed crude methanol stem extract exhibited
highest inhibition zone (13.3±0.04mm) against Bacillus subtilis (Kumari et al., 2014).
Jatropha curcas contain many biologically active secondary metabolites, but only few of
researcher tested these metabolites anti-bacterial and fungal activity. Wei and co-workers
studied the antifungal activity of curcin. It inhibited the hyphal growth and spore formation at
concentration of 5μg/mL and observed at dose of 50μg/mL, no spore formed and inhibitory
rate of Pestalotia funereal on spore formation was 83.8%. They also suggested that the
inhibitory effect of curcin might be related to protein disappear of treated fungi (Qin Wei et
al., 2004). They also isolated another biological active fungicide, β-1,3-glucanase from J.
curcas and confirmed its activity against Rhizoctonia solani and Gibberelle zeae (Wei et al.,
2005). Ravindranath et al., tested the antibacterial activity of palmarumycins against S. aureus
with inhibition zone ranges between 10-13 mm (Ravindranath et al., 2004a). Sutthivaiyakit et
al., reported antituberculosis activity of caniojane against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Ra
with MIC 25 μg ml−1 (Sutthivaiyakit et al., 2009). Azzaz and his co-authors reported seven
antifungal active flavonoid compounds such as biapigenin-(8,8″)-methylene-6,6″-di-C-β-D-
glucopyranoside, apigenin-7-O-β-D-neohesperidoside, apigenin-7-O-β-D-galactoside,
orientin, apigenin, isovitexin and vitexin from crude methanol leaf extract in 2010.
These compounds showed moderate antifungal activity while crude extracts completely
inhibit the fungus growth (Azzaz et al., 2010). A cationic antimicrobial peptide (KVFLGLK,
JCpep7) fruitfully identified (Xiao et al., 2011) by the novel cell membrane affinity
chromatography method and obtained the MIC ranging from 24 to 64 μg/ml against S.
typhimurium, S. dysenteriae, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, B. subtilis, and S. pneumonia. Phorbol
ester is the main biological active compound for J. curcas. In 2012, Devappa and co-workers
isolated phorbol ester-rich fraction from J. curcas oil and observed its significant antibacterial
activity against B. subtilis, P. putida, Proteus mirabilis, S. aureus, S. pyogenes and E. coli.
MIC ranges 12 and 19 mm and MBC values between 215 and 537 μg ml−1. As well as
antifungal activity against A. niger, A. flavus, Botrytis cinerea, F. oxysporium, F.
moniliforme, Curvularia lunata and P. Notatum (Rakshit et al., 2012). Yao and co-workers
isolated a new asymmetric diamidecurcamide from the ethanol extract of the seed cake of
Jatropha curcas and tested its bacterial activity on S. aureus, B. Subtilise and E. coli and
found MIC ranges of 0.25, 0.125 0.5 mg/ml, respectively (Yao et al., 2012).
Many researchers have been extracted anti-inflammatory active extract from different
parts of Jatropha curcas. In 1997, Staubmann isolated anti-inflammatory active secondary
metabolites with the stoichiometries formulas C4H4N2O2 and C4H7NO2 from the leaves of
ethyl acetate extracts and confirmed by using carrageen an induced rat-paw edema
(Staubmann et al., 1997). Uche and Aprioku determined the analgesic and anti-inflammatory
effects of leaves of crude methanol extract by acetic acid and egg albumin in mice and Wister
albino rats respectively and by egg albumin and induced inflammation in rats. They observed
extract doses from10-80mg/kg and compared with 0.5mg/kg dose of standard piroxicam, but
above 20mg/kg doses showed higher activity than the standard. Furthermore, crude extract
obtained comparable analgesic effects with standard paracetamol (100mg/kg) (Uche and
Aprioku, 2008).
Sangeetha et al., also reported the same activity for aqueous leaves and bark extract. They
observed maximum analgesic effect for 300mg/kg dose at 60 min with standard aspirin
(50mg/kg). They reported effective inflammatory effect for 300mg/kg doses of aqueous
leaves extract at one day with 50mg/kg dose of standard Ibuprofen (Sangeetha et al., 2010).
The root of J. curcas has been used as a pain killer.
Mujumdar and Misar used root of methanol extract and exhibited its significant anti-
inflammatory properties in acute carrageenan-induced rat paw edema (Mujumdar and Misar,
2004). Nayak and Patel also reported same test for the alcoholic extract of leaves, stem and
roots of J. curcas in 2010. They observed alcoholic extracts of three parts exhibited notable
anti-inflammatory activity (Nayak and Patel, 2010a).
In another study, they used these three parts and observed alcoholic extracts of stem and
root exhibited significant analgesic activity by reducing the yeast-induced pyrexia compared
to the references drugs pantazocine and paracetamol (Nayak and Patel, 2010b). In 2011,
Oskoueian et al., analysed the crude extracts of leaf, stem bark, root and latex to their
inhibitory effects on nitric oxide synthase in macrophages RAW 264.7 cells. They suggested
that all the crude extracts of different parts of J. curcas were strong iNOS inhibitor and
attributed to their anti-inflammatory effects (Oskoueian et al., 2011a).
Olukunle et al., also investigated the analgesic and anti-inflammatory action for the
leaves of aqueous extract and suggested that the leaf extract may be useful for the treatment
of painful inflammatory conditions (Olukunle et al., 2011). Omeh and Ezeja estimated the
analgesic properties of crude methaolic leaves extract. Aacetylsalicylic acid used as standard
drug in all the models.
They observed crude methanol extract demonstrated vital analgesic activity (Omeh and
Ezeja, 2013). Recently Ameyaw et al., studied the analgesic activity of crude ethanolic extract
in acute and chronic muscular pain by vaccinating carrageenan (3%) into the gastrocnemius
muscles of rats. Morphine used as a standard analgesic drug. They observed crude extract and
morphine enlarged the grip strength in the acute muscular hyperalgesia trial and both of the
drugs meaningfully reduced chronic muscle hyperalgesia (Ameyaw et al., 2014). Recently
Asuk and co-workers reported that the leaf, stem bark and root of ethanol-methanol (1:1)
extracts possess antioxidant activities, but their response to the liver tissue enzyme systems of
SOD and CAT vary in either to playing a compensatory role or boosting the activities of the
antioxidant enzymes (Asuk et al., 2015). In 2015, Othman et al., identified three compounds
such ashexadecanoic acid methyl ester, octadecanoic acid methyl ester and octadecanoic acid
from root extract and suggested that these compounds could be responsible for the anti-
inflammatory drug (Othman et al., 2015).
Cancer is a spirited source of global death with accumulative illness and mortality. It can
spread out any part of the body. Now a day‘s researcher has been trying to develop new drugs
from this herbal plant metabolites and tested its drug activity. Balaji et al., used the crude
methanolic leaves extract on melanoma cells. They observed this extract effectively inhibited
the metastatic colony formation in B16F10 melanoma cells of C57BL/6 mice lungs (Balaji et
al., 2009a). Oskoueian and co-workers studied the methanol extract from leaf, root and stem
bark of J. curcas on HT-29 cell line and observed the methanolic root extract had anticancer
therapeutic property against human colon adeno carcinoma (HT-29) cell line, but its cytotoxic
effect on human hepatocyte (Chang cell) was high (Oskoueian et al., 2011b). The different
parts of this plant have different biological activity because of various types and levels of
secondary metabolites. Anticancer active diterpenes isolated from J. curcas plant has been
described in numerous papers. Stripe and co-workers isolated anticancer active proteins,
curcins from J. curcas (Stripe et al., 1976). Muangman and co-workers isolated curcusone B
from J. curcas and tested the antimetastatic activity against the four human cancer cell lines.
At non-cytotoxic doses, it showed significant activity against the metastatic cancers
(Muangman et al., 2005). Thippornwong and Tohtong also isolated curcusone B from J.
curcas and revealed its anti-invasive effect on KKU-100 cells (Thippornwong and Tohtong,
2006). Luo and co-workers reported antitumor activity of curcin in E. coli strain M15. At the
concentration of 50 μg ml−1 the curcin inhibited the growth of tumour cells of cellule
pulmonary cancer and gastric cancer in a concentration-dependant mode (Luo et al., 2007).
Pertino et al., studied the gastro-protective property for both the jatropholone A and
jatropholone B in an HCl/EtOH-induced gastric lesion model in mice. They observed
jatropholone A decreased the lesion by 54% at dose of 100 mg/kg, while jatropholone B
reduced the lesions by 83-91% at all the doses (Pertino et al., 2007).
Theoduloz et al., described the anti-proliferative property of jatropholone B against lung
fibroblasts, gastric adenocarcinoma, lung, bladder and leukaemia cell. While Jatroph one
showed significant anticancer activity (Theoduloz et al., 2009). The cytotoxic activity of
caniojane against African green monkey kidney fibroblasts (IC5012.9 μg ml−1) and anti-
tuberculosis effects against M. tuberculosis H37Ra reported by (Sutthivaiyakit et al., 2009).
In contrast, Wang and co-authors described insignificant inhibitory property of
Jatrophalactam against human lung and colon cancer and epidermal squamous cell carcinoma
A431 (Wang et al., 2009).
Nakazibwe determined the antiproliferative action of curcusone B against the chronic
myelogeneous leukaemia (K562) and lung carcinoma (H1299) cell. They suggested that the
curcusone B could be a potential an anticancer agent (Nakazibwe et al., 2011).
In 2012 Liu and co-workers tested cytotoxic activity of three compound‘s namely
Jatrophalactone, Jatrophalone, Jatrophadiketone and observed only Jatrophalactone showed
effective activity against the human myeloid leukaemia HL-60, hepatocellular carcinoma
SMMC-7721, lung cancer A-549, breast cancer MCF-7, and colon cancer SW480 cell lines
(Liu et al., 2012). Jatropha curcas is the rich source of phorbol esters (PEs), which promote
tumours (Goel et al., 2007). Oskoueian et al., also isolated PEs from J. curcas and evaluated
its cytotoxic effects and mode of actions on breast and cervical cancer cell. It submissive cell
proliferation. The isolated PEs stimulated the PKC-δ and reduced the proto-oncogenes. As a
results caspase-3 protein activated and cell death happened in breast (MCF-7) and cervical
(HeLa) cell. They also suggested that this PEs alternative chemotherapeutic drugs for cancer
therapy (Oskoueian et al., 2012).
Diabetes is a global problem and researchers have been doing their work entire the world
for searching natural drugs that can effectively manage this problem. Traditionally the tea of
J. curcas leaves (Jaiswal, 2010), decoctions of boiled leaves or fruit, burnt into ashes
(Gbolade, 2009), aqueous bark extract mixed with milk (Jayakumar et al., 2010) are used to
control diabetes.
However, the scientific information available regarding human models is very scarce and
research is needed to cover this aspect in the near future. Mishra et al. (2010) reported anti-
hypoglycaemic activity of 50% ethanolic leaf extract of J. curcas by oral administration in
allaxon-induced diabetic rats. They observed this extract reduced the glucose level in treated
rats was 219.5-116.5 and 237-98.8 for the doses of 250 and 500 mg kg−1, respectively, as
compared to standard glibenclamide 232-94.5 at 600 μg kg−1 dose after treatment. This
extract also significantly reduced the cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the rats (Mishra et
al., 2010).
Aladodo and co-workers followed the same procedure for aqueous root extract of J.
curcas and suggested that the root extract possesses hypoglycaemic activity and it improve
the deviations in the blood parameters (Aladodo et al., 2013). Recently Johnson et al.,
evaluated the antidiabetic effect of the methanolic leaf extract in Wistar strain rat. The
animals treated with glibenclamide, 150 and 250 mg/Kg body weight of J. curcas doses
decreased blood sugar level. The extract significantly reduced total bilirubin and liver
biomarker enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) (Johnson et al., 2014).
Farag and co-authors reported the hypoglycaemic effects various extracts of aerial parts.
They observed ethanol extract showed significant hypoglycaemic and antidiabetic activities at
the dose of 400 mg/kg. Moreover, the drug found to be safe up to doses of 5 g/kg (Farag et
al., 2014). In the running year, Asuk and his co-workers discovered the ant diabetic effects of
ethanol-methanol (1:1) ratio of leaf, stem bark and root extract of J. curcas on the blood and
liver tissue of diabetic albino Wistar rats. They suggested that the extracts possess anti-
hyperglycemic and antioxidant activities, but their response to the liver tissue enzyme
systems of SOD and CAT vary in either to playing a compensatory role or boosting the
activities of the antioxidant enzymes. The extract also retreating the oxidative damage tissue
caused by diabetes to prevent lipid peroxidation (Asuk et al., 2015).
The extract of leaves, latex, stems, nodes and roots of J. curcas presented antioxidant
activity. El Diwani et al., studied the antioxidant property of ethanolic extracts of various
parts of J. curcas using the DPPH radical assay. They revealed that the roots and stem were
the strongest antioxidant activity than the leaves and nodes. The crude roots extract showed
higher free radical scavenging activity and maximum inhibition of 0.521 mg ml−1 (El-Diwani
et al., 2009). J. curcas is a potential source of natural antioxidants, which contain many
polyphenolic compounds. Igbinosa and co-workers assessed the polyphenolic contents,
antioxidant activity of stem bark extracts. They showed methanol and ethanol extracts contain
higher phenolic compounds, which have higher antioxidant activity than the aqueous extracts
(Osamuyimen O Igbinosa et al., 2011). In the same year, Oskoueian reported that the latex
and leaf extracts of J. curcas showed the maximum antioxidant activity as compared to the
root and stem bark, which showed moderate (IC50 = 57.9 μg ml−1) and weak activities
(IC50 = > 200 μg ml−1), respectively (Oskoueian et al., 2011a). They also reported methanolic
extract exhibited higher antioxidant activities than hot water extract (Oskoueian et al., 2011b).
Jatropha curcas is a good source of bioactive peptides. Gallegos-Tintoré et al., separated six
peptide fractions by gel filtration chromatographic method through the 50 min J. curcas
protein hydrolysate. They observed 31.7% of the degree of hydrolysis and lower-molecular-
weight peptidicfractions showed maximum antioxidant and chelating activities (Gallegos-
Tintoré et al., 2011). Oloyede and co-authors assessed the radical scavenging activity of
aqueous leaves extract. They observed IC50 = 21.2 and 15.67 mg/mL for DPPH and hydrogen
peroxide as compared to Butylatedhydroxyanisole (BHA) and directed that the activity was
less than the standard (Oloyede et al., 2012). Oilseed cake of J. curcas possess both
antioxidant and hypolipidemic activities and lowered serum triglycerides, cholesterol and
glucose level from blood reported by (Boudjeko et al., 2013). Recently, Li et al., determined
the antioxidative active compounds such as jatrophasin C, jatrophasin D from the dried seeds
of Jatropha curcas (Li et al., 2014).
Muanza and co-authors used a crude methanol extract of J curcas in the AIDS-antiviral
screening and observed this extract showed a moderate cycloprotective activity against HIV
in cultured human lymphoblastoid CEM-SS cells (Muanza et al., 1995). Matsuse and co-
workers investigated the anti-HIV effects for water and methanolic extracts from J. curcas.
They observed an aqueous extract strongly inhibited the cultured cells, namely HIV protease
enzymes and HIV-reverse transcriptase with low cytotoxicity (CC50 > 1000) (Matsuse, Lim,
Hattori, Correa, and Gupta, 1998). Antiretroviral therapies have been used to decrease activity
of virus in AIDS patients; the perseverance of dormant virus inhibited thee laminations of
virus. Prostration and 12-deoxyphorbol-13-phenylacetate (DPP) stimulate the latent virus,
which practically synthesized Paul A. Wender et al., from natural sources (J. curcas). This
synthesized materials could be used to treat the HIV (Wender et al., 2008). In 2012, Dahake
et al., reported drug-resistant HIV and evaluated the leaf extract of J. curcas. They found
itsanti-viral propertyon drug-resistant HIV (Dahake et al., 2012).
Recently Influenza is a serious respiratory illness and its vaccine can inhibit influenza
virus infection. Recently, Patil and co-workers obtained natural antiviral agents from J.
curcas against influenza A (H1N1) virus. They also used aqueous and methanol leaf extracts
to inhibit hemagglutinin protein of influenza virus. They found aqueous and methanol
extracts to be nontoxic to Madindar by canine kidney cells below the concentration of 15.57
and 33.62 mg/ml respectively. They also confirmed that the extract of J. curcas had a direct
effect on the process of virus adsorption leading to its inhibition (Patil et al., 2013).
The traditional use of different portions of Jatropha curcas for wound healing is
recognised in various areas of the world (Balangcod and Balangcod, 2011; Neuwinger, 1996;
Osoniyi and Onajobi, 2003).
However, application of scientific investigation on the human body is deficient. Salas and
co-authors reported the cicatrization activity of latex onclinical wound in mice skin. They
observed wound healing effect only in male Balb/c mice at a single dose by 10, 50 or 100%
latex and multiple doses with dilutions between 5 and 10% (Salas et al., 1994).
In 1997, Villegas and co-authors reported significant wound-healing activity of J curcas
extracts on cell proliferation and exhibited mutagenic activity (Villegas et al., 1997). Shetty et
al., evaluated the same activity for bark extract in rats and observed this activity accelerated
by developing the skin and granulation tissue, breaking strength, wound shrinkage, weight of
dry granulation tissue and levels of hydroxyproline (Shetty et al., 2006).
Esimone et al. (2008) tested the cicatrizant activity by the formation of herbal ointment
containing methanol leaf extract from J. curcas. They used this ointment to complete wound
closure at intervals of 3 days. Gentamicin ointment (1%) used as a standard.
The crude methanol extract formulated ointment (1.5 g/10g ointment) showed higher
rates of wound healing property and reduced the epithelialisation time to 14.8 days (Esimone
et al., 2008). Sachdeva and co-workers also formulated the ointment from stem barks and
followed excision and incision models. They observed wound contraction, hydroxyproline
content, tensile strength and histopathological parameters.
All the parameters showed significant (P < 0.01) changes compared to control group
(Sachdeva et al., 2011).
The crushed fresh leaves and latex of J. curcas is used as a haemostatic or a styptic agent
in folk medicine to reduce the clotting and bleeding time (Neuwinger, 1996; Watt and Breyer-
Brandwyk, 1962). In 1999 Odusote and co-authors reported that the latex of J. curcas
decreased clotting and bleeding times meaningfully as compared to standard. They observed
maximum clotting activity at the latex concentration of 4.7% w/v and 100% v/v (Odusote et
al., 1999). Osoniyi and Onajobi also observed latex of J curcas decreased the clotting time.
However, low concentration or high dilutions of latex protracted the clotting time but didn‘t
clot the blood At the lower concentrations, the ethyl acetate and butanol extract presented a
Balaji and his co-workers assessed the hepatoprotective action of crude methanol leaves
extract against hepatocellular carcinoma persuaded by aflatoxin B1 by oral administration in
rats. They observed this extract reduced the levels of elevated serum enzymes, lipid levels and
bilirubin and increased the protein and uric acid levels.
It also reduced incidence of liver lesions, lymphocytic infiltrations and hepatic necrosis
induced by aflatoxins, which confirmed by the liver histopathology (Balaji et al., 2009b). This
methanolic leaves extract of J. curcas also tolerated the liver, kidney, and hematological
system of rats due to its toxicity (Igbinosa et al., 2013).
Anthelmintics are drugs that are used to treat infections with parasitic worms. In 2006,
Jalalpure and co-workers investigated the anthelmintic activity of seed oil against Pheretima
Posthuma (Annelida). They observed worm did not show sensitivity on oil sample, but all the
worm dies after 42 (Jalalpure et al., 2006). Adamu et al., Reported antischistosomal activity
of methanol extracts of J. curcas on S. mansoni infection in mice and observed this extract
reduced only 8.33% of worm (Adamu et al., 2006). Eguale and Giday determined the
anthelmintic property of the Jatropha curcas seeds against eggs and adult Haemo
nchuscontortus. They observed seed extracts showed poor activity against live adult parasite,
but good activity to hinder the egg hatching (Eguale and Giday, 2009). Ahirrao and co-
workers investigated the same activity for aqueous leaf extracts by using adult earthworms P.
posthuma, while the piperzaine citrate (10mg/ml) and distilled water used as standard and
control respectively. They indicated that the leaves of the aqueous extracts (100mg/ml)
showed significant anthelmintic activity (Ahirrao et al., 2009). Monteiro et al., evaluated this
activity for crude hexane, ethyl acetate (EA) and ethanolic seeds extracts. Tween 80 (5%) and
thiabendazole (0.025 g ml-1) used as a negative and positive control respectively. They
showed almost complete egg hatching (99.8%) inhibited by the ethanol seed extracts (50
mg/ml) and ovicidal effectiveness reduced to 91.9% after incubation with polyvinyl
polypyrrolidone (PVPP), while hexane and ethyl acetate inhibited 15.3% and 32.2% egg
hatching respectively (Monteiro et al., 2011).
About 805 million people out of 7.3 billion of total world population (one in nine) were
hungry (under nourishment) in 2012-2014. One in eight people of developing counties (791
million people out of 805 million) suffer food shortage. Eleven (11) million people are
undernourished in developed countries also (FAO, 2014) http://www.fao.org/3/a-i4030e.pdf.
The world energy spending has been increasing, and during the period of 50 years ending
in 2025, it will have increased three fold. Over 80% of the total combusted energy is still
coming from fossil fuel. The fossil fuel oil is expected to face a greater threat of becoming
exhausted. Global oil production may likely reach a maximum between 2015 and 2030.
It is then expected to sharply decline to 40% of today‘s production by 2075 (Demirbas
and Demirbas, 2010).
The world is looking for renewable energy. Solar, wind, tidal, hydrogen, biomass and
biofuels are common sources of renewable energy. Biomass and biofuels have been getting
attention because of its renewability, sustainability, production easiness and low cost also.
Bio-ethanol is a form of biofuels that is produced by fermentation of carbohydrate.
Many food grains and agricultural products that contain sugar, starch or cellulose can be
used as raw materials for ethanol fermentation. Brazil and some other developed country have
been using food materials for biofuesls. The criticism is the humanity.
Many people in the world are starving at the same time food grains have been draining.
Biodiesel another form of biofuels can be produced from vegetable oil. More than 350 oil-
bearing crops have been identified, of which only soybean, palm, sunflower, safflower,
cottonseed, rapeseed, and peanut oils are considered Vegetable Oils (Goering et al., 1982;
Pryor et al., 1983). Table 1 shows the oil species that can be used in biodiesel production.
Uses of edible oils conflict with food security as the use of food grains for bio-ethanol.
Non edible oil plants such as jatropha or ratanjyote or seemaikattamankku (Jatropha curcas),
karanja or honge (Pongamia pinnata), nagchampa (Calophyllum inophyllum), rubber seed
tree (Hevca brasiliensis), neem (Azadirachta indica), mahua (Madhuca indica and Madhuca
longifolia), silk cotton tree (Ceiba pentandra), jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), babassu tree,
Euphorbia tirucalli, microalgae, etc. are commonly available in many parts of the world.
And it is cheap in compare to edible oil sources (Karmee and Chadha, 2005). Jatropha
having some degree of advantages among these non edible oil sources can be a good source
of biodiesel feed stock. It will maintain both food and energy security of the world
Jatropha seeds contain 40-60% of oil depending on variety (Murali Krishna M et al.,
2014; Ong et al., 2011). The first step of oil extraction is the removal of shells from the seeds
after collecting the ripe fruits from trees. Seed oil can be extracted manually, mechanically,
chemically and ensymetically. Oil extraction process is shown in Figure 2.
Oil can be extracted by mechanical pressure, solvent extraction and enzymatic
degradation of kernel. Mechanical extraction yields about 90% of total oil in seed (Subroto et
al., 2015). Solvent and enzymatic extraction yields almost 100% of oil in seed.
However, these are complex process and take long time. Solvent extraction involves
handling of large volume dangerous chemicals. Commercially Suitable enzyme (s) is still not
available for enzymatic extraction of oil from seed kernel (Shivani et al., 2013; Winkler et al.,
Mechanical process is the use of a machine to exert pressure on seeds for removal of oil.
After cleaning and checking the seeds are feed into hopper of machine. For Jatropha seed
0.41 litter of oil is extracted from 1 kg. Mechanical parameters and pretreatments of seeds
affect oil yields. The effects of treatment and physical parameters on oil extraction are shown
on Figure 3. The amount of oil that can be recovered from the seeds is affected by:
Throughput: it is the amount of seed crashed per hour (kg/hr). The higher throughput
recovers less amount of oil per kg of seeds, because of short time exposure of seeds
to pressure. By altering the turning pace of the screw throughput can be regulated.
Oil point pressure: it is the amount of pressure needed to start oil flow from the
seeds. If, it is possible to reduce the oil point pressure, the oil extraction becomes
Pressure: the more pressure recovers more oil from the seeds. But oil recovery at
high pressure experienced more solid particles with oil. It makes the removal of solid
particles more difficult. Pressure range of 50‐150 bar is the typical operating
pressures for engine‐driven oil extraction.
Nozzle size: smaller pore nozzle causes higher pressure and therefore higher oil
yield. An optimum is needed for smooth operation.
Hull content of the seeds: It requires less energy for pressing seeds without hull. And
there are no hull fibers in the crude oil. However, it appears like paste inside standard
expellers, which sticks to the worm and keeps rotating along with it.
Extracted oil quality depends on genetics of plants, environment and soil quality of plants
being planted, maturity stage of seeds, extraction methods, presence of contaminant,
purification and storage of oil. The physio-chemical properties of Jartopha seed oil is listed in
Table 2. In general oil from Jatropha seeds is more viscous. It is relatively low content of free
fatty acid but high content of unsaturated oleic and linoleic acids. Jatropha oil also has a high
cetane (ignition quality) rating, high content of oxygen and low content of sulphur.
Viscosity is a problem of Jatrpha oil to be used. The low content of free fatty acids
improves its storability. High unsaturated oleic and linoleic acids make it remain fluid at
lower temperatures where increase susceptibility to oxidation in storage condition.
Pre-treatments Pressure Temperature Throughput Energy/litter
heating ▲ ▼ ▲ ▼
boiling ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲
flaking ▼ ▼ ▼
moisture content ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲
hull fraction ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼
Mechanical factors
RPM ▼ ▲ ▲ ▼ ▲
Restriction size ▼ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲
The presence of high oxygen increases the combustion efficiency. Where, the low
sulphur content reduces the emission of toxic gas (SO2) (Brittaine and Lutaladio, 2010;
Gübitz et al., 1999). Oil quality and consistency are important for direct use of oil as fuel and
use as biodiesel feedstock. Presence of low contamination in oil, low acid value, high
oxidation stability and low contents of phosphorus, ash and water is necessary for good use of
Jatropha oil.
Jatropha is a woody plant. Wood, fruit shells, seed husks and kernel are the components
of Jatropha from which energy can be derived (Singh et al., 2008). Pruning and cutting down
once in every 10 years to a height of 45 cm for allowing re-growth are common practice of
Jatropha cultivation. By pruning every after six years over 20 tons of woody biomass is
produced from one (1) hectare of Jatropha plantation.
Moreover, cutting over a 10 years period produces 80 ton/ha wood. That can generates
1.2 PJ of energy with an energy content of 15.5 MJ/kg (Sotolongo et al., 2009). The average
fruit yield of Jatropha is 3.5 ton/ha (Kumar et al., 2003). Each fruit contains 2-3 seeds of 2.5
cm long on average. Fruits composed of shell, husks, karnels.
About one tone of shell material yields from one hectare after removal seeds from fruits.
The shell contains 69% Volatile matter, 15% ash and 16% fixed carbon (R. Singh et al.,
2008). The shell caloric value is 11.1MJ/kg (Sotolongo et al., 2009). Considering this value
the shell can generate 11.1GJ ha-1. Husks (42%) and kernel (58%) are the constituents of
seeds. The seed husks calorific value of is 16 MJ kg-1 that is comparable to that of wood. In
gross the seed energy value (24 MJ kg-1) is higher than cow dung and lignite coal (Augustus
et al., 2002).
6.2.1. Lamps
Lamp uses to enlighten habitat during night is an ancient use by human. Still a
considerable number of world population especially Africa and Asia have been using it.
Diesel and kerosene are being used as fuel for lamps. Raw Jatropha oil can substitute the
conventional lamp fuels. The use of raw oil for lamp has been practiced.
It faced some troublous because of its high viscosity. The lamp become dim as the oil
level diminishes so that the oil has to travel longer distances through the wick and the
formation of cokes on the wick‘s surface. Moreover, the ignition temperature of jatropha oil
(240 °C) is supposed to three fold higher than petroleum (84°C). It makes the fuel difficult to
be ignited. To overcome the problem special design lamp can be used. ‗Binga lamp‘ a special
design lamp developed by the binga trees project in Zimbabwe (Figure 4). The lamp use
floating wick that keeps the distance between the flame and the oil constant.
Figure 5. Cooking stoves for use of Jatropha oil and seed Kernels.
Usually, any warm diesel engine will run on heated SVO. Some properties of SVO differ
from fossil diesel. These have impact on combustion efficiency, emissions, fuel consumption
and life time engines. The problem may be because of deposition of unburned fuel in the
engine or having aggressive properties that leads corrosion. Quality of SVO to be used
directly as fuel and selection of engine to be run by SVO are important factor to be
considered for successful use of SVO.
Naturally SVO contain 11%-12% of oxygen in its molecular structure. High viscosity and
flash point of SVO make challenging to start cold engine and efficient combustion until the
engine become hot.
The main problem with DI engine is the deposition of unburned SVO on the piston and
piston rings, finally reached it to crankcase through cylinder wall. When it reached to
crankcase it become diluted with lube oil. The concentration of SVO in lube oil always
increases because it does not evaporate due to its high boiling point. If the concentration
reaches > 10% SVO in lube oil there will be polymerization caused by thermal load of the
mixture. The polymerization causes sudden and dramatic increase the viscosity of lube oil and
the engine may damage or totally destructed (Thuneke et al., 2005).
For efficient use of SVO and engine longevity, it is better to modify the engine to
withstand SVO by skilled technician. There are two main ways of modification.
Single tank system: this system enables IDI engines to be started directly on SVO.
The important modification of this system is the presence of a glow plug in the
combustion chamber. Installation of glow plugs and injectors are the requirements.
Adjustment of injection pressure and timing are curtail. It is the same of using single
tank SVO and original diesel engine. Cold start is the only difference. Single tank
SVO engine cold start requires allowing the pre-heating work 5-10 second more than
typical diesel engine and the adjustment of gas with accelerator. It is often
recommended for IDI engines.
Double tank system: generally DI engines are modified to double tank system. An
extra fuel filter, fuel tank, fuel heating system, two ball valves some horses are the
requirement of conversion of a basic diesel engine without electric starting,
preheating and electrical control of fuel switching. The cortical points to design this
system are shortening the purging time and to ensure not to mix the SVO with diesel
in diesel tank during purging process. This system engine started on diesel and
switched to heat SVO manually or automatically when the engine temperature have
rise. For next time smooth starting, it is important to switch to diesel in advance
before stopping the engine for cooling. Dual tank modification is not suitable for that
engine having many starts/stops, idling/low load or only running for short distances.
It is not convenient to use because of frequent switching and regular checking the
fuel of both tanks. By delaying the return value, mixing of SVO to diesel in diesel
tank can be prevented. But diesel consumption increases by this modification.
Another way of mixing prevention is to loop the return fuel to injection pump rather
than the diesel tank. It increases purging time.
Another way of using SVO as direct fuel is blending with diesel. There is no need of
modification of typical diesel engines. Diesel reduces the viscosity and flash point as it mixes
easily with SVO. IDI engines can run properly up to 50% blending. Blending fuel is not
suitable for DI engines. Maximum 20-30% can run the engines. Initially it seems the engine
works well but in long run it leads serious irreversible damage of the engine. It causes by the
deposition of unburned SVO.
Petro-diesel properties are very close to biodiesel properties (Table 4). Biodiesel gives
better ignition and combustion. It also minimizes the emition of harmful smoke, sulfur and
nitrogen oxide (Palash et al., 2014). However, biodiesel contain less energy that may causes
2-10% more fuel consumption. Biodiesel acts as solvent and for the first time when it has
been putted into fuel tank of a diesel engine, it may causes filter blocking because of the
cleaning of the dirt of pervious diesel (Sorate and Bhale, 2015). Special gaskets are needed to
use to retain the integrity of fuel line of biofuel engine.
Transtarification is the chemical term for the production of biodiesel from SVO. In this
process, biodiesel (ester) forms by the reaction between fat/oil (triglyceride) and alcohol in
presence of catalyst (Figure 6). Here glycerine, water with soap, recaptures alcohol and free
fatty acids are produced as byproducts. These byproducts can be reused. The quality of the
biodiesel is influence by the composition of seed oil, chemical and physical impurities.
climate and soil of the area of cultivated seed may affect the Physio-chemical properties of oil
(Islam et al., 2012). Particles and sediments are the physical impurities that can be removed
by filtration. Chemical contaminant is not a problem. If the oil is being stored for a long time
under unfavorable condition, it needs to check acidity (FFA) and water content before
Any alcohol can be used. Generally, methanol is used due to its advantage over others.
Three types of catalyst (base, acid and two-step acid) can be used for transterification
reaction. Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH) is often used as base
catalyst, because of having some degree of advantages over other catalysts.
Physio-chemical characteristics Standard diesel Jatropha oil Limits
Specific gravity 0.82–0.89 0.90–0.92 0.85–0.90 0.86–0.90
Viscosity (40 °C) 3.7–5.8 24.5 5.2 1.9–6.0
Cetane number 46–70 23–41 57–62 47 min
Sulphur (%) < 1.0–1.2 0.13–0.16 < 0.02 20 max
Density at 15 °C (g/cm3) 0.84–0.89 0.92 0.87 0.87–0.89
Cloud point (°C) 5 11 8.2 –
Pour point (°C) −20 4 2 –
Iodine number 60–135 90.8–112.5 95 to 106 100–120
Neutralization number
≤ 0.8 0.92 0.24 –
(mg KOH/g)
Flash point (°C) 68 225 135 130 min
Calorific value (MJ/L) 42.25 39.66 42.67 35 min
Peroxide value (meq/kg) – 4.6 – –
Saponification value
– 196 – –
(mg KOH/g)
Refractive index 1.32 1.46–1.61 0.92–1.46 –
Acid number (mg KOH/g) 0.104 1.0–38.2 0.4 0.80 max
Solidifying point (°C) −14 2 −10 –
Boiling point (°C) 248 286 255 –
Base catalyst has high conversion rate, rare side reaction and less reaction time. It can
work low temperature (150 F) and pressure (20 psi) no use of exotic materials and direct
conversion to methyl ester. El Diwani et al. (2009) obtained 97.6% (wt) biodiesel after
transesterification of 100 kg seed oil using methanol and NaOH as catalyst.
6.3. Biogas
The renewable energy biogass is the mixture of gasses that are produced by the
fermentation of biological wastages. The main component of biogass that produces energy is
methane (CH4). This gas can be used for cooking, lighting, electricity generation etc. Seed
cake, fruit shell and vegetative plant of Jatropha can be an excellent source of raw material
along with other biological residues. Foidl and Eder (1997) used seed cake as a single
digestion input for biogas production (Foidl and Eder, 1997). Biogas production efficiency of
jatropha residues is summarized in the (Table 5). Moreover, the slurry from biogass plant is a
good source of organic fertilizer (Yadav et al., 2014).
6.4. Biohydrogen
Hydrogen (H2) gas became very attractive renewable energy for future because of its less
energy expenditures and the possibility to use low cost organic wastes as substrate. Jatropha
Seed cake can be used as substrate hydrogen (H2) production.
Lopes et al. (2015) studied dark fermentation by a pure strain of the bacteria
Enterobacter aerogenes (Lopes et al., 2015). They produced 68.2 mL H2/gVSiJSC
biohydrogen without pretreatment of substrate. It is significant in the viewpoint of energy
saving. They found that, the increase concentration press cake from 2.5 to 10 gVS/LFM led to
the increase of the cumulative hydrogen production and to higher bioH2 production.
The seed cake and other residues of Jatropha contain Nitrogen, Potassium, Phosphorus,
Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Cupper, Manganese, Borne, and Sulfur (Kumar and
Sharma, 2008). These macro and micro nutrient can be an excellent source of soil nutrient
and soil conditioner. The value of macronutrient present in seed cake is presented on Table 6.
NPK content of Jatropha is similar to neem oilcake, castor oilcake, cow dung, and poultry
litter (Islam et al., 2012). There is significant increase of millet yield in Mali by using
Jatropha seed cake as fertilizer (Henning et al., 1995). Moreover, leaves of increase the
microbial activity (Gübitz et al., 1999).
7.2. Pesticides
The extracts from jatropha root, latex, bark, leaves, fruit, seed, and oil show antimicrobial
activity against pest, rodent, fungus, bacteria, Mullica (Consoli et al., 1989; Grainge and
Ahmed, 1988; Jain and Trivedi, 1997; Meshram et al., 1994). Undesirable effects of extracts
on human, cows, rodent, sheep, and poultry are also reported (Agaceta et al., 1981; Devappa
et al., 2010; Goel et al., 2007). Jatropha extract is effective against bollworm, a harmful insect
of cotton, pulses, potato, maize (Kaushik and Kumar, 2005).
To protect seedling, fruit bunches of oil palm from rat, rhinoceros beetles and insects; a
blend of blend of neem oil, jatropha oil, and turpentine oil (extracted from pine trees) has
been using in Malaysia (Srivastava et al., 2008).
7.3. Herbicides
7.4. Bio-Fence
Farmers use different materials to protect their crops from animals. Use of Jatropha plant
as hedge is ancient. The advantage of using Jatropha tree as bio-fence is somehow permanent
and animal doesn‘t feed on it (Henning, 2009). It is small tree and can be managed by cutting.
Jatropha plantation at 5 cm distance can prevent penetration even chickens. The same reason
it can also be used as homestead boundaries.
7.5. Sericulture
Sericulture is the production of silk by culturing silkworm. The species Bombyx mori is
commonly used. Silkworm larvae feed on mulberry leaves and produce the cocoons. Jatropha
leaves can be an alternative feed for larvae as it can feed on it and able to produce cocoons
(Reyadh, 2004).
Jatropha seed cake bears high (50–62%) protein content and trace amount of amino acids
(Makkar et al., 1998). This can be an excellent source of crude protein in animal feed.
The problem of using Jatropha seed cake as feed is the presence of toxic component that
can causes health hazard of animals.
Detoxification of seed cake is possible by treatment (Guedes et al., 2014; Nazir et al.,
2014). After detoxification it can be used as feed supplement (King et al., 2009; Makkar et
al., 2008). There are nontoxic varieties of Jatropha in Mexico and Central America. Seed cake
from these plants can be directly used as animal feed.
Sustainable environment for future generation is a burning issue now-a-days. Economic
growth, global warming, emiton of toxic gases, deforestation are always heating to world
leaders. Cultivation and use of Jatropha is environment friendly. Biodiesel from Jatopha can
minimize the dependency on fossil fuel as well as global warming. Biopolymers from
Jatropha are biodegradable. Jatropha plant itself can be used to control of soil erosion and for
bioremediation of biological wastes.
Soil erosion is a problem in unplain land and costal area. Hedge of Jatroha is effective to
control soil erosion. Jatropha produces taproot that fix the plant tightly with soil. The
profusion of lateral and adventitious roots near the surface binds the soil and keeps it from
being washed out by heavy rains (Henning, 2009). By reducing wind velocity and binding the
soil with their surface roots jatropha hedges reduce erosion by wind. These anti erosion
capacity depend on rain fall and wind velocity. If there is heavy rain and high velocity wind it
is less effective.
Gusty wind demolishes the habitats, trees and other establishments especially in coastal
areas. Jatropha plant fix with soil very well and it can grow on a diverse land. A biological
barer can be establish by plantation of Jatropha at low distance at coastal areas. It can reduce
the velocity of wind.
Industries i.e. tanneries, papermaking, refining ores, etc. discharge effluents that contain
toxic components and heavy metal ions (Ni, Cr, Hg, Cr, Se, Zn, Pb, etc.). All of these are
harmful for environment, even for human. Bio-magnification of these metal and toxin is a
major concern. The ability of Jatropha to grow on diverse and adverse condition makes it a
bioremediation agent. Jatropha plant grown on industrial effluent can detoxify the toxin,
uptake and accumulate the metal ions into their biomass. Thus the effluents become
environmental friendly. Moreover, seed cake can absorb heavy metal from environment
(Abidin et al., 2014).
Garg et al. (2007) studied the adsprotion of cromium (Cr) and cadmium (Cd) from
aqueous solutions under various experimental conditions using various agricultural by-
products including jatropha oil cake. They found high adsorption by Jatropha seedcake in
compared to corn cob and bagasse.
8.4. Bio-Polymers
Every day many products from polymer are being used. The polymerization reaction uses
many hazard chemicals. These synthetic polymers are not environmental friendly. To
overcome these problems biopolymers draw more attention because of the use of renewable
natural components, availability and biodegradable property (Harjono and Sugita, 2012).
Polymers such as polyurethanes, polyesters, polycarbonates, etc can be made by using the
natural oil polyols. It is possible to use Jatropha oil as raw material for the production of
natural polyol (Timothy et al. 2007). Reacting between unsaturated or hydroxyl-group-
containing fatty acids or their esters and bi-functional ester or amide-forming compounds
produces thermoplastic material. Jatropha seed oil FFA can be one of the reaction materials to
produce plastics.
Photosynthesis is the biochemistry by which plant uptake CO2 and produce carbohydrate
as energy source. Naturally, CO2 is balanced in environment by this assimilation process.
Environment pollution and global warming is caused mainly due to excess CO2 emition
simultaneously deforestation. Carbon credit gain is possible through Jatropha cultivation
(Figure 7). Reforestation is one of the credit origin by Jatropha is planted on less agriculture
important lands. Jatropha can grow well diverse land and retain its biological activity.
Each Jatropha tree should sequester a minimum of approximately 0.5 tones of CO2 in its
40 year life span. Biodiesel, biomass, biogas are other credit origins. These can replace the
traditional fossil fuel to renewable natural sources. The organic matter from Jatropha increase
soil carbon also. The 20-year chronosequence of J. curcas living fences exhibited a significant
SOC increase of 62 ± 23 g m−2 y−1 (Baumert et al., 2014).
9.1. Soap and Cosmetics
The viscous oil from Jatropha fruit can be used for soap making (Openshaw, 2000). The
high level of palmitic acid and the hydrophobicity of Jatropha oil make easy of manufacturing
soft and durable soap. It is being used in West Africa, Zambia, Tanzania and Zimbabwe as a
soapstock, including in the manufacture of soft laundry soap (Pratt et al., 2002). Jatropha oil
gives a very good foaming, white soap with positive effects on the skin, partly due to the
glycerine content of the soap (Henning, 2000).
Jatropha soap is said to have medicinal characteristics and is therefore used by people
with various skin diseases and sensitivity to regular soap (Messemaker, 2008). The 36%
linoleic acid (C18:2) content in Jatropha kernel oil is of possible interest for skin care (Benge,
2006; Pratt et al., 2002). The oil is also an ingredient in hair conditioners (Brittaine and
Lutaladio, 2010).
9.2. Medicine
9.3. Dye
The extract from Jatropha leaves, bark of tender steam yields dark blue dye which is used
for colouring cloths, finishing nets and lines in the Philippines (Gübitz et al., 1999). The dye
may be extracted and concentrated to yellowish syrup or dried to blackish lumpy mass. The
dye imparts to cotton different sheds of tan and brown which are fairly fast.
Jatropha seed oil act as thermal stabilizer on polyvinylchloride (PVC). Okieimen and
Sogbaike (1996), investigated thermal degradation of PVC at 170, 180, and 190 °C under
oxidative and non-oxidative conditions in the presence of Jatropha seed oil. The result
viscosity measurements and level of unsaturation revealed that the oil soaps of Jatropha have
good stabilizing effect on thermal degradation of PVC under oxidative and non-oxidative
Activated carbon acts as adsorbent for purification and filtration. It was first introduced in
industry at early of 20th century for sugar refining. Since then, the applications of activated
carbon have extended to textile, cosmetics and water purification industries. Activated
carbons are prepared by physical and chemical activation methods. Almond shells, apricot
and peach stones, maize cob, eucalyptus bark, linseed cake, linseed straw, saw dust, rice
hulls, olive stones, cashew nut hull, cashew nut sheath, coconut shells and husks, tea waste
ash are the agricultural by-products and waste materials used for the production of activated
carbons. Besides these, sulfonated coal, tyre coal dust, activated bauxite, cement kiln dust,
shale oil ash, ground sunflower stalk, etc are other sources of activated carbon. All these
activated carbons have been successfully used for the adsorption processes (Karthikeyan et
al., 2008; Ramakrishnan and Namasivayam, 2009; Yang et al., 2010). Seed shells of Jatropha
are removed at early stage of oil extraction. It bears toxic and demands detoxification for
human and environmental safety.
H2SO4+ H2SO4+
Properties HCl H2SO4 ZnCl2 Na2SO4 Na2CO3 CaCO3 CaCl3
NH4S2O8 H2O2
pH 9.55 4.67 6.6 8.5 5.74 9.2 7.16 6.85 7.05
Moisture content, % 11 2 8 10 10 16.4 8.2 9.6 10.1
Ash content, % 7.42 11.94 19.57 17.77 14 10.57 13.07 8.67 10.85
Volatile matter, % 30 26.7 27.5 31.2 20 24.2 27.8 31.3 34.2
Fixed carbon, % 69 73.5 59.8 73.1 73.8 72.1 69.7 81 84.3
Conductivity, mS/cm 0.22 0.1 0.61 0.13 0.33 0.37 0.24 0.19 0.42
Specific gravity, S 1.25 1.33 1.49 0.89 1.1 1.48 1.32 1.88 1.37
Bulk density, D 0.44 0.39 0.44 0.4 0.63 0.29 0.39 0.28 0.45
Porosity (S-D/S)
44.2 53.08 69.48 62.56 64.55 64.86 72.15 61.26 72.34
100, %
Matter soluble
1.84 1.06 1.74 2.12 1.41 1.22 0.72 1.02 1.2
in water, %
Matter soluble
1.25 1.08 1.62 1.42 0.94 0.74 0.92 1.41 1.91
in acid, %
Surface area, m2/g 1195 709 590 456 629 408 1064 664 751
Iodine number, mg/g 1143 668 899 412 589 368 998 612 723
Sodium, w/w % 15 5.5 8 15 5.5 8 6.4 5.5 8.4
Potassium, w/w % 10.6 5.7 3.1 6.1 2 5 5 7.6 7.1
Iron content, w/w % 1.4 1.2 1 0.9 1.1 1.2 0.8 1 1.2
CCl4 activity 0.36 0.55 0.59 1.14 1.19 0.52 0.72 1.32 1.19
Phenol adsoption
5.21 2.85 3.62 1.22 2.28 0.8 4.2 3.08 2.64
capacity, mg/g
Yield, % 42 39 44 32 55 37 52 62 32
The best uses of seed shells can be, use as a possible precursor for preparation of
activated carbon. Karthikeyan et al. (2008) have chemically activated the carbon from
Jatropha seed shell (Karthikeyan et al., 2008). The result (Table 7) disclosed that probably
due to more branching and porous carbon with more void space there is a low bulk density
value. All the carbons except H2SO4, ZnCl2, Na2CO3 and NH4S2O8 are found to be basic in
nature. The quantity of volatile matter shows a higher trend because of the presence of highly
porous organic matter. However, High value of ash and volatile matter reduces the quantity of
fixed carbon (Karthikeyan et al., 2008; Ramakrishnan and Namasivayam, 2009). Reactive
dye, RBBR from textile effluent was removed using activated carbon from J. curcas pods by
Palanivel et al. (Sathishkumar et al., 2012).
9.7. Bio-Lubricants
Mineral oils, synthetic oils, re-refined oils, and vegetable oils are the main sources of
lubricant. Lubricants derived from petroleum oil are mostly available in the market. Which
are not adaptable with the environment because of its toxicity and non-biodegradability
(Adhvaryu et al., 2005; Salih et al., 2012).
Vegetable oil can be minimize or substitute the use of petroleum lubricant. Renewability,
environmentally friendly, biodegradability, less toxicity are the plus point of vegetable oil
over petro-lubricant (Kalam et al., 2012; Siniawski et al., 2007). The main limitations of
vegetable oil are its poor activity at low temperature, oxidation and thermal stability and
gumming effect (Mofijur et al., 2012; Nagendramma and Kaul, 2012). The non edible
Jatropha seed oil can be used as bio –lubricant. Blending of 10% jatropha oil with base
lubricant can be used as lubricating oil without any shortcoming, which would help to reduce
the global demand of petroleum based lubricant substantially (Shahabuddin et al., 2013).
9.8. Adhesives
Fossil based adhesives are generally used. Proteins based adhesives can be a sustainable
alternation of fossil based adhesives (Nordqvist et al., 2012). Adhesives, coatings, and
surfactants are the most common technical application of industrial proteins (Ramesan, 2005;
Vaz et al., 2003). Jatropha leaves contain protein and seed cake is high content of protein that
can be a potential source of raw material of industrial protein (Lestari, Mulder, and Sanders,
2011). Properties of Jatropha seed cake protein as adhesive are given on Table 8. Methods of
protein isolation from press cake is established (Hamarneh et al., 2010; Lestari et al., 2011;
Roach et al., 2012; Vaz et al., 2003). It needs attention to develop it for industrial application.
9.9. Coatings
The most important Alkyd resins contribute about 70% of total used conventional surface
coating today. It is low cost because of using relatively less expensive raw material.
Moreover, it is highly soluble inexpensive in solvents. Generally alkyd resins are prepared by
condensation polymerization of fatty acids or natural oils with polyhydric alcohols such as
pentaerythritol, glycerol or trimethylol propane and dibasic acids such as phthalic anhydride
and isophthalic acid (Kumar et al., 2010). Decorative paints, industrial paints, weather work
paints, air drying and stoving paints, inks, machine toll finishes, and marine topside are
common application of Alkyd resins. Patel et al. (Patel et al., 2008) investigated the Alkyd
Resin made by polymerization of Jatropha and Rape seed oils with glycerol, phthalic ,and
maleic anhydride. They characterized the resin according to physical and chemical properties
also compare with commercial resin (syntholacl-60). The result revealed that resin from
Jatropha oil is comparable with commercial one and can be used it as natural source.
Yields both fruits and oil are dependable to species, accession, soli, climate and
agronomy (Behera et al., 2010; Gopinathan and Sudhakaran, 2011). Seed yield of 4–5 mg/ha/
yr is expected to be commercially viable for a Jatropha-based biofuel program.
Containing 30–35% oil and an average seed yield of 3.75 mg ha/yr is economically more
beneficial to the average yield profile of soybeans and rape- seed (Singh et al., 2014).
However, the actual seed production of Jatropha in field condition was poor than
expectation (Bailis and Kavlak, 2013; Everson et al., 2013; Singh et al., 2013; Tikkoo et al.,
2013). The reported yields of Jatropha in field condition in India, Belgium, South Africa.
Tanzania, are 0.5–1.4 mg/ha/yr, 0.5 mg/ha/yr, 0.35 mg/ha/yr, 2 mg/ha/yr respectively (Kant
and Wu, 2011). The less productivity is because of unavailability of suitable high yielding
varieties, large scale plantation without evaluating the genetic potential of planted materials,
consideration of Jatropha as no/low impute crop, lack of knowledge on agronomy.
Jatropha seed cake is an excellent source of protein. To add commercial value it is
expected to utilize the press cake as animal feed protein supplement. Presence of toxic
compounds is the barer to be utilized for this purpose. Good thing is the discovery of nontoxic
Jatropha varieties and the detoxification process of toxins.
Many biological active chemical compounds are extracted from bark, leaves, roots that
are expected to be used in pharmaceutical industry. However, toxicity must be studied before
the use of Jatroha products as therapeutic agents or medicines. Oil from Jatropha has ancient
uses as cooking fuel, soap and cosmetic manufacturing. It is reported that Jatropha oil can be
utilized as fuel with diesel engine directly or slight modification of the engine. Jatropha oil
can be converted to biodiesel by chemical reaction called transesterification. This biodiesel is
favorable to use directly to engine or to blend with petro diesel. High viscosity is the major
problem of using Jatropha seed oil as fuel.
Jatropha bears multi-dimensional potentials (Islam et al., 2014). But it is still behind to
compete to be commercialization. High yielding Jatropha varieties is not found yet.
The plant Jatropha bears enormous potentials. Jatropha don‘t compete with food security
and it contains high percent of oil also it can grow relatively less impute. For this reasons
Jatropha has been getting much attention to researchers and policy makers. However, the
previous experience did not satisfy the expectation because of poor productivity of planted
Jatropha. It does not decline the potentials of Jatropha. Moreover, it concentrates focusing on
high yielding variety development, standardize agronomic practice for maximum yields. For
value addition it is also necessity to develop non toxic commercial variety or economic
detoxification of toxins in seed cake and utilization of all products and byproducts.
Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Biochemical engineering and mechanical engineering can
ensure the efficient utilization of Jatropha.
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Jatropha curcas L. is a popular multipurpose crop that is extensively grown in many
tropical countries. Its popularity has been ascribed to its acclaimed attributes as a non-
food crop that grows well in marginal land not suitable for crop production, relatively
low requirements of water, fertilizer and maintenance. It is arguably true that Jatropha
can provide additional income in areas where there is plenty of land and labour is readily
available. As such, Jatropha is now a component of farming systems in many developing
countries. Traditionally, farming systems in developing countries have focused on the
twin purposes of food and fibre production. The entrance of Jatropha adds a third
dimension to this model. This arises mainly from the multiple uses of Jatropha,
particularly energy production. The possibilities of exploitation of Jatropha for various
uses have been explored and continue to be explored. This has largely been underpinned
by technological innovations for processing different parts of Jatropha into value-added
products. The major parts of Jatropha that can be exploited for multiple uses include the
woody parts, seed, shell, husks, kernel, oil and press-cake. Press-cake is a by-product of
oil extraction. Mature technologies exist for converting Jatropha components into useful
products. The major focus has been on developing appropriate technologies for
converting Jatropha components into first and second generation energy careers. The
gamut of technologies available for conversion purposes ranges from biological to
chemical methods. Uses in soap and fertiliser production, as food, medicine and pesticide
have been explored. Interfacing the gamut of technologies available and the multiplicity
of uses of Jatropha, provides an opportunity for promoting what can be called the
Jatropha entrepreneurship system. There is no doubt that Jatropha can be more profitable
promoting small to large-scale entrepreneurship if production is coupled with appropriate
Corresponding Author: Email: [email protected].
management practices and seed oil is processed into other valuable products other than
biofuel. Entrepreneurship is a major driver of economic development for large
populations in developing countries. As such, crops like Jatropha provide opportunities
through the various products that can be obtained from them. In this chapter we develop a
model for promoting entrepreneurship based on the multiple uses of Jatropha and use of
available technologies, emphasising the benefits to rural economies.
Contemporary concerns about climate change, biodiversity and sustainability have led to
numerous initiatives to explore new ways of exploiting natural resources for production of
goods and services. Production ethos is now underpinned by concepts such as renewability,
biodegradability and environment-friendliness of production systems and their products. The
burgeoning world population, fast growing industries and energy-hungry new technologies
compound the need to seek alternatives to existing limitations (Wani and Chander, 2012).
Global initiatives in pursuit of alternative production systems for food, fibre and energy
abound in the 21st century. It is in this realm that Jatropha curcas L. has been promoted as a
suitable crop for sustainable production of multiple products that include energy.
Jatropha is a perennial oil-bearing shrub or small tree which originates from Mexico and
Central America (Jubera et al. 2009). It is today well known in wild or semi-cultivated areas
in many tropical and sub-tropical countries. As the Jatropha industry is still undergoing
development, there is little consolidated knowledge on the acreage of Jatropha currently
planted out. However, the multiplicity of the uses of Jatropha has been well elucidated.
Literature abounds with knowledge on the technologies available for the conversion of
different parts of Jatropha into various useful products. The Jatropha business is usually
renowned for being a ‗zero waste‘ system. This is ascribed to the usefulness of almost all its
parts, from the structural parts to its seed oil. Jatropha has become an example for the
tremendous hope placed in novel crops that ―offer all the benefits of biofuels without the
pitfalls‖ (Renner, 2007). It is known to deliver oilseeds from marginal lands under
unfavourable soils and climates in (semi-) arid regions without compromising food
production, diminishing natural resources or ecosystem services, such as carbon stocks and
soil fertility (Wahl et al. 2012).
Jatropha, like most biomass, can be converted into useful products using different state-
of- the- art processes. The gamut of available technologies, most of which are mature
technologies, covers chemical, biological, thermal, mechanical or a combination of processes
(McKendry, 2002). While some of these technologies are commercially viable, others are in
the pilot phase or under research and development. The most dominant, on a commercial
business scale, use of Jatropha has been the production of biodiesel (Chakrabarti and Prasad,
2012). Some of the other commercial uses of Jatropha include soap making, use as a bio-
fertiliser and for medicinal and pesticidal applications.
The point worth noting is that where technology and enterprise interface, there is value
creation. It is value creation, enabled by technology and other determinants that drive
entrepreneurship. Although the Jatropha industry is still in its infancy, a typology of business
models for the crop is already taking shape. A project‘s business model depends on its
domestic and international target markets, that is, its products and target customers as well as
its value-chain configuration (Wahl et al. 2012). There are several case studies on the
business and economic aspects of Jatropha production. Good examples are cited in literature
for India, Kenya, Mali and Tanzania (Borman et al. 2013; FAO, 2010; Romijn and Caniels,
Interfacing the gamut of technologies available and the multiple uses of Jatropha provides
an opportunity for what can be called the Jatropha entrepreneurship system. There is no doubt
that Jatropha can promote small to large-scale entrepreneurship if production is coupled with
appropriate management practices and seed oil is processed into other valuable products other
than biofuel. Entrepreneurship is a major driver of economic development for large
populations in developing countries. As such, crops like Jatropha provide opportunities
through the various products that can be obtained from them. In this chapter we develop a
model for promoting entrepreneurship based on the multiple uses of Jatropha and use of
available technologies, emphasising the benefits to rural economies.
Jatropha plant
Oil Press-cake
Stem bark Saponins, steroids, tannins, glycosides, alkaloids and Igbinosa et al. (2009)
flavonoids Mitra et al. (1970)
-amyrin, -sitosterol and taraxerol
Leaves Flavonoids, apigenin, vitexin, isovitexin, sterol, stigmasterol, Chhabra et al. (1990)
-D-sitosterol, -D-glucoside, sapogenins, alkaloids,
triterpenae alcohol and 1-triacontal
A dimer of a tripene alcohol Neuwinger (1994)
A complex of 5-hydroxypyrrolidin-2-one and pyrimidine-2,4- Staubmann et al.
dione (1999)
Stigmast-5-en-3, 7-diol, Stigmast-5-en-3, 7-diol, Mitra et al. (1970),
cholest-5-en-3, 7-diol, cholest-5-en-3fl, campesterol and 7- Khafagy et al. (1977),
keto-β-sitosterol Hufford and
Oguntimein (1987)
Latex Tanins, saponins, wax and resin Perry et al. (1980),
Watt et al. (1962)
Curcacycline A (a cyclic octapeptide) Van den Berg et al.
Curcacycline B (a cyclic nonapeptide) Catherine et al. (1997)
Curcin (a protease) Nath and Dutta (1994)
Green manure
Medicinal uses, various Plant cultivation – Soil
parts (seeds, leaves, and erosion control
Employment generation
Plant – As a hedge to
protect fields
All the different parts of Jatropha whether fresh or as a decoction have chemical
properties useful for various purposes. Kumar and Sharma (2008) provided a good framework
outlining the economic importance of Jatropha. This framework is shown in Figure 2. The
most dominant and mainstream value of Jatropha is the production of biodiesel from seed oil.
However, Jatropha has other multiple uses. These uses include use for medicinal and
veterinary purposes (Akinpelu, 2009). It is also worth noting that Jatropha contains toxic
compounds which include phorbol esters. These limit the use of Jatropha products for food
The components of Jatropha from which fuelwood can be derived are the woody
materials in stems and fruit shells. Charcoal can also be produced from the woody material.
Each Jatropha plant produces about 200 kg of biomass with a dry matter content of about
25% at about 7 years of growth (Benge, 2006). This yields a dry matter content of wood of
about 80 t ha-1 in cuttings done once every 10 years. With an energy content of 15.5 MJ kg-1,
this has the potential to supply 1.2 PJ of energy (Jingura et al. 2010).
A mature technology for converting fuelwood into energy is combustion, commonly
known as burning. Combustion is an ordinary way of using biomass as an energy source. It is
a low cost, ease to handle and high reliability technology (European Commission, 2005).
Combustion is a chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen and usually occurs in presence of
air (Naik et al. 2010). The technology uses several process tools that range from simple
systems such as domestic stoves, boilers, furnaces, steam turbines and turbo-generators to
sophisticated systems like fluidised-bed reactors. The process equipment converts chemical
energy stored in solid fuel biomass into heat, mechanical power or electricity. Carbon dioxide
and water are the by-products of the exothermic reactions of combustion. Fuelwood
combustion is the most common source of energy production in many poor rural households.
The carbonisation process produces charcoal. Carbonisation itself is a relatively low cost
procedure and its application is common in some poor rural communities (FAO, 1985). Some
people have suggested the use of press-cake for charcoal making. Other views are that press-
cake is much more valuable to use as a fertiliser to ameliorate the impoverished soils with
organic matter and nutrient content in order to increase crop production (Benge, 2006). There
is an abundance of fragile soils and wasteland in areas where poor people reside in
developing countries. Such areas can benefit from use of press-cake as a bio-fertiliser.
Briquetting is a common technology for producing high density energy carriers.
Densification of shell material can provide shell briquettes which can be used for combustion
to provide energy. Jatropha shell briquettes have been produced and used for combustion.
With a calorific value of 11.1 MJ kg-1 and a yield of 1 t ha-1, shells can supply 11.1 GJ of
energy ha-1 (Sotolongo et al. 2007).
Use of Jatropha as fuelwood and charcoal is limited by two main constraints. The first is
that Jatropha wood is light with a density of 0.35 and is not good for both fuelwood and
charcoal (Benge, 2006; Islam et al. 2011). The wood burns too quickly. Therefore, the use of
Jatropha as fuelwood or charcoal can only be minimal (Sotolongo et al. 2007). However, the
islands of Cape Verde have used Jatropha as the only reliable source of fuelwood due to
unavailability of suitable species (Brittaine and Lutaladio, 2010). The second issue is
converting Jatropha seed shells and wood into fuelwood, charcoal or briquettes would be
economically feasible only if there are large sources of materials from Jatropha plantations.
Unless the size of Jatropha plantations escalates to large proportions, the general conclusion
seems to be that Jatropha is not much of value as both fuelwood and charcoal (Benge, 2006).
As a Source of Oil
Seed oil is the component of Jatropha with the highest economic importance. Jatropha
seed oil has multiple uses which include the following:
Raw oil has been used as a substitute for petro-diesel both in modified and unmodified
diesel engines. The oil from Jatropha is a potential fuel substitute as shown by its use in many
The fuel properties of Jatropha oil are shown in Table 2. The use of raw oil as a fuel has
not shown satisfactory results due to its high viscosity (Abreu, 2008; Shahid and Jamal,
2008). The viscosity of raw oil is very high (41.5 mm2 sec-1) compared to the ASTM standard
requirement for diesel fuel which is 1.3-4.1 mm2 sec-1 (Abreu, 2008). This high viscosity of
the raw oil causes problems in its use in diesel engines. These include reducing the fuel
atomisation and increasing fuel spray, which would be responsible for engine deposits,
injector coking, piston ring sticking and thickening of lubricating oil (Abreu, 2008; Shahid
and Jamal, 2008). nDespite the problems caused by its chemical properties for direct use in
diesel engines, raw oil has some other uses. Jatropha oil can be used in diesel engines directly
or by blending it with methanol (Gubitz et al. 1999). Raw oil has been used in slow speed
stationary diesel engines with success (Tomomatsu and Brent, 2007). An example is the
Lister-type of engines. However, these will need to be modified to account for high oil
viscosity and low absorbance capacity (Tomomatsu and Brent, 2007). This type of engine has
wide use in many scenarios in the rural and poor communities as shall be explored later in
this chapter. Jatropha oil can be used as an illuminant because it burns slowly with little or
without emitting smoke. Some reports suggest that Jatropha nuts can be strung on grass and
be burned like candlenuts, and the oil can be used to make candles (Benge, 2006).
However, Jatropha oil cannot fully substitute fuels like kerosene for use in cooking and
lighting. It cannot be used directly in conventional kerosene stoves or lamps (Benge, 2006).
High ignition temperatures and viscosity as compared to kerosene (50-55 0C, and 2.2 10-6
m2/s, respectively) mean that Jatropha oil will not burn as well, and would clog up all the
tubes and nozzles in a conventional stove or lamp (Benge, 2006). This point is very important
considering that one of the challenges in rural and poor households is provision of affordable
energy carriers for space heating, lighting and cooking. The limitations of Jatropha oil as a
substitute of fossil fuels can be overcome by technological interventions. For example,
degumming and transesterification processes reduce the viscosity by 19.8% and 74.8%,
respectively (Dubey et al. 2011). According to Dubey et al. (2011) heating of degummed oil
at 70 0C reduced the viscosity by 6.8 times when compared with viscosity at 10 0C. Their
work showed that the degummed oil at 70 0C becomes viscous at par with fossil diesel, hence
Soap Making
Extensive soap production from raw Jatropha oil has been ascribed to a very high
saponification value (202.34 mg of KOH/g oil) of the oil (Mohammed-Dabo and Ahmad,
2013). Soap can be produced from raw Jatropha oil or from glycerine produced as a by-
product of biodiesel production. In either case the process produces a soft, durable soap. The
process is a simple one, well adapted to household or small-scale industrial activity (Kumar
and Sharma, 2008). Research carried out in India has shown that with a mixture of 75%
hydrogenated Jatropha oil, 15% refined and bleached Jatropha oil, and 10% coconut oil, a
soap can be produced with lathering values equivalent to regular toilet soap (Benge, 2006).
Using an oil content of 30%, pressing of 10 kg of Jatropha seed produces 3 kg of oil which
can be converted to soap. Soap making is a common activity in village or cottage industries in
developing countries. It requires minimum investment with good returns (Benge, 2006).
Use of Press-Cake
composition. Proximate composition analysis showed that it has 94% total solids out of which
93% is volatile solids.
The cake is also high in organic matter and has the potential to be utilised as a feedstock
for biogas production (Singh et al. 2008). Use of biogas slurry as a fertilizer is a possibility
that can be explored and some work is being done.
The solid-state fermentation of Jatropha press-cake has shown that it could be a good
source of low cost production of industrial enzymes such as protease and lipase (Mahanta et
al. 2008; Pandey et al. 2012). Press-cake may also be converted to briquettes for domestic or
industrial combustion (Pandey et al. 2012).
Production of biogas by anaerobic digestion of Jatropha press-cake has been
demonstrated (Francis et al., 2005). Bio-methanation is a mature energy technology that can
be used to convert press-cake into biogas. Jatropha press-cake is a good substrate for biogas
production (Foidl, 1996). Biogas is a robust fuel that can be used to supply heat, electricity,
process steam and methanol.
The press-cake contains adequate amounts of carbohydrates and proteins for digestion by
anaerobic bacteria to produce large amounts of biogas. Methane production levels of 0.5 to
0.6 m3 kg-1 dry matter can be obtained from anaerobic digestion of Jatropha press-cake as a
single substrate (Visser and Adriaans, 2007). It has also been observed that more than 60 days
residence time is required to convert the digestible fraction completely into biogas (Visser
and Adriaans, 2007).
Use as Pesticide
Crop pests pose a challenge to crop production in all regions of the world. On the ledger
of crop production systems, crop protection is a major cost driver. Empirical evidence shows
that crop protection costs have increased over the years (Kumar and Sharma, 2008). Because
of increasing problems associated with the use of toxic synthetic insecticides, there is need for
development of safer alternative crop protectants (Rao et al. 2012). Jatropha oil and aqueous
extract from different parts have potential as pesticides. All parts of Jatropha show
insecticidal properties against pests in many crops. Extracts from different parts of Jatropha
contain various compounds as shown in Table 1. Phorbol esters have been found to be the
major toxic compounds in Jatropha. Pesticidal activities of Jatropha oil containing phorbol
esters have been reported in Manduca sexta, Helicoverpa armigera, Aphis gossyii,
Pectinophora gossypielaa, Empoasca biguttula and others (Wink et al. 1997). The oil and its
aqueous extract has been shown to be effective against cotton insect pests including cotton
bollworm as well as pests of pulse, potato and corn (Kumar and Sharma, 2008).
Medicinal Uses
The multiple uses of Jatropha create vast opportunities for enterprise development.
Various technologies are available to convert Jatropha components into multiple products.
Jatropha has been widely promoted as a crop for pro-poor development. While the aim of pro-
poor development is to increase economic benefits to the poorer members of society, such
development should not unduly threaten food or water security, reduce access to land or
create poor working conditions (Brittaine and Lutaladio, 2010). The thesis promoted in this
chapter is that value addition is the most effective way to derive maximum benefits from
Jatropha at the household level in poor communities. Small farmers need not just produce and
sell Jatropha seed for mainstream value addition to which they are not part of.
Cognisant of the simplicity of most of the technologies available for conversion of
Jatropha components into value added products, it is possible to promote value addition at
both household and small enterprise levels in poor communities. It is this interface of
technology adoption and multiple uses of Jatropha that creates opportunities for enterprise
development. In view of this, the model depicted in Figure 2 on the economic importance of
Jatropha can be modified to include intervening technologies for value addition. A variant of
this model is shown in Figure 3.
As stated earlier in this chapter, soap making is a simple and affordable process. Benge
(2006) actually described the process as village or cottage industry technology. This chapter
will not provide a financial analysis of the soap-making business but only consider the
technical feasibilities. The soap is made by adding a solution of sodium hydroxide (caustic
soda) to Jatropha oil. This simple technology has turned soap making into a viable small-scale
rural enterprise appropriate to many rural areas of developing countries (Brittaine and
Lutaladio, 2010).
Whole Wounds, allergies, burns, cuts Heller (1996), Kaushik and Sharma
Dysphonia, dyscrasia Kirtikar and Basu (1980)
Diarrhoea Patil (2005)
Antibiotic, insecticidal, toothache Balee (1994)
Fruit and seed Abdominal complains, dysentery, urinary Kirtikar and Basu (1980)
discharge, fistula, heart disease,
Soap making
Raw oil
Value-added Jatropha
Energy carriers Fertiliser Pesticides/medicinals
The attraction of Jatropha soap is that it has medicinal properties and can be priced higher
than ordinary soap. The dynamics of production show that 4.7 kg of soap can be produced
from 13 litres of Jatropha oil (Henning, 2004). There have been concerns raised with the
quality of soap produced in small businesses.
These technical challenges can be overcome by appropriate training and modernisation of
production methods. A good substantive story of soap making from Jatropha oil comes from
Tanzania and is shown in Box 1.
Biofuel Entrepreneurship
In addition to this, it is value addition in terms of producing energy carriers that enhances
income from Jatropha production.
Opportunities for value addition in Jatropha-based entrepreneurship in terms of producing
biofuels are shown in Figure 3. Relatively simple technologies are used to produce fuels such
as biodiesel, biogas and raw oil. Demand for energy in rural communities is for cooking,
lighting, powering engines for milling, irrigation and power-cutting. These needs create a
market for cheaper biofuels in these areas. Both Jatropha oil and press-cake produce good
fuels. Table 6 provides a business case for Jatropha-derived energy carriers.
Information in Table 6 buttresses the opportunities for addressing energy poverty in poor
rural communities by producing Jatropha and adding value to its products. What is needed is
to inculcate a business culture in rural livelihoods in order to exploit these opportunities.
There is an opportunity to increase the value of the natural resource asset base of the rural
poor by utilizing Jatropha‘s ability to grow on poor and saline soils in dry regions (Brittaine
and Lutaladio, 2010).
For this to be realised, issues to do with economic viability of Jatropha production need
to be addressed by continuous improvement in the agronomy of the crop.
Farming systems in rural areas in developing countries are dominated by crop production.
Production of crops consumes copious amounts fertilisers, particularly inorganic fertilisers.
Inorganic fertilisers are major drivers of greenhouse gas emissions in life cycle analysis of
crops and their products. Considering production of crop-based industrial feedstock, the main
driver of greenhouse gas emissions is fertiliser production and use. Thus, organic fertilisers
offer an opportunity to mitigate effects of climate change. This is a good thing.
About 70% of Jatropha seed remains as press-cake after oil extraction. Conversion of this
press-cake into an organic fertiliser has been reported to produce good results with various
crops. Given that one of the limiting factors in crop production in rural communities is
inadequate use of fertilisers due to inhibiting costs, press-cake fertiliser is a good supplement.
Box 2 encapsulates the commercial sense of Jatropha press-cake fertiliser.
Jatropha as a crop presents multifunctional properties and an array of utilities that can
promote entrepreneurship in economically vulnerable populations. The basic model of
Jatropha-based entrepreneurship in centred on the interface of a plethora of conversion
technologies and multiplicity of uses of Jatropha.
Most of the conversion technologies in vogue are fairly feasible for application at
household and small business levels. Thus, for pro-poor development, Jatropha production
needs to go beyond production of seed for sale to mainstream players. The extension should
be value addition to produce more profitable products such as energy carriers, bio-fertilisers,
soap, medicines and pesticides.
The technologies for this to happen exist. What needs to be done is to promote their use
in poor communities. To this end, this chapter has provided a model for promoting Jatropha-
based entrepreneurship with the use of available technologies for pro-poor development.
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Chapter 5
In December 2007, seeds of Jatropha curcas from two African and six American
provenances were introduced in Tunisia for the first time. A plantation was established in
Southern Tunisia (region of Gabes). All plants were irrigated with treated wastewater. In
2013 and 2014, height, canopy circumference, seed yield and percentage of aborted seeds
were studied for six and seven-year-old J. curcas plants. In 2013, four fructification
periods were registered.
The highest seed yield was observed for a Brazilian provenance (A4) and its average
was 398 g/plant. The lower was for A8 (Suriname provenance) with 134 g/plant. In 2014,
six fructification periods were observed, the highest height and seed yield were registered
for A3 (Brazilian provenance); their values were 297.5 cm and 804 g seeds/plant/year,
respectively, and the lower seed production was reported for a Brazilian provenance (A2;
317 g/plant). In winter, seed yield is high, but it is characterized by a high percentage of
aborted seeds. Oil content of seeds harvested in August 2013 varied from 23.46% (A7) to
32.15% (A5).
Corresponding author: Ezzeddine Saadaoui. E-mail: [email protected].
Keywords: Jatropha curacs L., seed yield, provenance, treated wastewater, Tunisia
Physic nut, Jatropha curcas, a member of the Euphorbiaceae family, is a drought tolerant
shrub widely distributed in tropical and subtropical regions [1]. It has enjoyed increased
popularity in recent years, due partly to its ability to grow in degraded zones and under arid
and semi-arid conditions which does not require much water, fertilizer and management, and
has high oil yield [2, 3]. Jatropha curcas has been found in altitudes from sea level up to
1800 m. The crop likes warm climate with mean annual temperatures between 19 °C and 28
°C and a 10 °C as a mean daily minimum temperature of the coldest month (Tmin) ), whereas
seed yield decreases and the plant dies after severe frost [4]. The best soil water environment
for J. curcas cultivation is -3.4 kPa; where volumetric soil water content is 10% [5]. In
addition, sandy soil reduced the growth of both shoot and root systems more than sandy-loam
or clay-loam soils; there was particularly high plasticity in root and shoot thickness, as well as
shoot length [6], and growth was better in sandy-loam soils than in clay-loam soils, and under
recycled urban wastewater irrigation compared to desalinated brackish water [2, 7]. Jatropha
curcas productivity was greater under recycled urban wastewater irrigation irrespective of the
type of soil. The higher readily available nutrient content such as P and K provided by
recycled urban wastewater appear to be the key factors behind the greater productivity [2].
Indeed, Jatropha plants showed best growth results with an N level of 30 kg/hectare and a P
level of 10 kg P2O5/hectare in the first year and 45 kg N/hectare and 20 kg P2O5/hectare in the
second year. The highest yields were obtained by applying 60 kg/hectare of N and 30
kg/hectare of P2O5 [4]. Jatropha curcas has shown to improve its water use efficiency along
mild to moderate stress keeping a reasonable growth under soil water conditions up to 30% of
Soil Water Availability (SWA) and resisting severe drought with a good recovery capacity
after re-watering [8]. Jatropha curcas is sensitive to salt stress; stem height of young plants is
reduced by increased NaCl concentration, this reduction is 46% at 0.2% NaCl (4dSm-1)
compared to control [9]. In Asia and Africa, where jatropha is an introduced species, only leaf
spots with low plant impact were recorded in fungal herbaria databases. However, serious
pathogen problems have increased with mass planting, particularly stem cankers and root rot
pathogens; Phytophthora sp., Rhizoctonia sp., and Colletotrichum sp. are all implicated in the
disease complexes [10]. The most insects attack the plant and cause damage to fruits,
inflorescences and leaves, belong to the genus Pachycoris (Heteroptera: Scutelleridae) [11].
Jatropha oil can be used as alternative fuel and for making biodiesel which overcome
energy crisis problem [12]. In 2008, more than 900,000 ha of Jatropha plantations have been
identified worldwide of which 85% is in Asia, 13% in Africa and the rest in Latin America,
and by 2015 Jatropha is expected to be planted on 12.8 million ha worldwide [13, 14].
Experts from different countries agreed to ensure a seed yield of 4 – 5 ton/hectare/year that
would be reasonable for its commercial viability.
It was estimated that with average seed yield of 3.75 ton/hectare, oil content 30 – 35%
and oil yield 1.2 ton/hectare J. curcas would be superior than the other oil seed crops like
soybeans (US) and rapeseed (Europe) which are producing 0.38 ton and 1.0 ton oil/hectare,
respectively [13].
Jatropha curcas seeds are rich in oil that is easily convertible into biodiesel. 100-seed
weight ranged from 40 to 74.6 g, the oil content ranged from 27 to 50%, free fatty acid ranged
from 2.79 to 4.96%, and the biodiesel yield ranged from 82 to 90% [15, 16]. The major fatty
acids found in the seed were oleic acid (41.5–48.8%), linoleic acid (34.6–44.4%), palmitic
acid(10.5–13.0%), stearic acids (2.3–2.8%), cis-11-eicosenoic acid and cis-11,14-
eicosadienoic acids [17]. Indeed, petroleum fuel produces carbon dioxide (C02) which is a
harmful substance in highest quantity than the other transesterified J. curcas oil [18]. Also,
the use of biodiesel and its blends has minimal effect on the environment and reduces the
consumption of nonrenewable energy sources when compared to the diesel fuel [19].
Jatropha curcas is the source of many important bioactive compounds with high industrial
and medicinal values [17]; it has been used as a multi-functional plant for traditional
medicine, bio-pesticide, land erosion control, live hedge, oil for lighting and soap making [1].
In pharmacology, J. curcas has antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal, antidiabetic and anti-
inflammatory activities [17, 20].
In addition, its press cake is a suitable biosorbent for removing Zn (II) in heavy metal
polluted wastewater [21]. Some genotypes of J. curcas are toxic, due to the presence of
alkaloids, known as phorbol esters, which cause a laxative effect, stomach pain and other
discomfort on humans [22].
In order to evaluate the production of energy crops such as Jatropha curcas in severe
conditions, eight provenances of J. curcas are introduced in the south of Tunisia, planted on
marginal soil and irrigated with treated wastewater. The present study evaluates the potential
for J. curcas production under irrigation with non-conventional water resources in marginal
soil and arid climate. Jatropha curcas development and productivity are compared during two
years, after six and seven years of plantation. In the first five years, all the eight provenances
of this plantation showed a low seed production, the maximum is 256 g / plant / year for A4
(a Brazilian provenance) for five-year-old plants [23].
The study was established at the regional station of National Institute of Research in
Rural Engineering, Waters and Forests in Gabes (INRGREF) located at the South of Tunisia
(33°54‘ N and 10°02‘ E), with an altitude of 44 m and the annual average precipitation,
temperature and Potential Evapo-Transpiration (PET) are 130 mm, 24.5 °C and 1400 mm,
respectively. This area belongs to the lower semi-arid bioclimate.
Eight provenances were studied, six from American continent: Brazil (A2 – A6) and
Suriname (A8) and two from Africa: Mozambique (A1) and Tanzania (A7). Twenty five
seedlings per accession were planted in December 2007. The field area is 1000 m2, the
spacing was 2 m x 3 m. (density: 1650 plants / hectare).
The soil is calcimagnesic with 15-35% of gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) at depths of 50-100 cm
and 15% of calcium carbonate (CaCO3).
The soil texture was drained and sandy; 85% sand, 10% clay and 5% silt. pH is 7.7 and
electric conductivity EC = 2.2 mS/cm.
Jatropha curcas plants were irrigated with treated wastewater, characterized by pH = 6.9,
EC = 4.670 mS/cm, COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) = 168 mgO 2/l and BOD5
(Biochemical Oxygen Demand) = 40 mg O2/l. The rate of Cl-, Ca++, Mg++ and SO42-of treated
wastewater is 39.4, 0.44, 0.32 and 450 mg × l-1 respectively. The average quantity of
irrigation was 100 l/ week for a surface of 3 m2.
Yue et al. [24] studied 276 accessions from five countries in South America; they did not
detect any genetic diversity at 29 microsatellites loci. All accessions were homozygous at all
loci and shared the same genotype at each locus, suggesting no microsatellite variation in the
genome of J. curcas. But, DNA-marker polymorphisms and phenotypic traits of J. curcas
indicated higher variability in Central American accessions compared to Asian, African and
South American accessions [25].
For Montes et al. [26], genetic diversity in accessions from Central America and Mexico
was higher than in accession from Africa, Asia, and South America. Other studies show
limited genetic variation in J. curcas germplasm collections from South America, India,
China, and Southeast Asia [27, 28]. In Mexico, the genetic study pointed out a high degree of
similarity both within and among the non Mexican accessions. The Mexican accessions
proved to be non toxic and genetically differentiated forming a well separated cluster from
out of Mexico accessions.
Some polymorphic loci were closely correlated with the character toxicity and, once
validated their association, useful in segregating populations for Marker Assisted Selection
(MAS) [29]. Jatropha curcas can be improved through assessment of variation in wild
sources and selection of superior/elite genotypes and application of mutation, alien gene
transfer through inter-specific hybridization and biotechnological interventions to bring the
change in the desired traits [30]. Our studies shows high phenotypic variability of J. curcas,
essentially for leaf area, length, width and seed size and shape [23, 31, 32] and low molecular
diversity [33]. Indeed, environment played significant roles in influencing phenotypic
characteristics of J. curcas [34]. Molecular breeding should be primarily targeted to increase
the seed yield, oil content, drought tolerance, abiotic stress tolerance, pest and disease
resistance and also for developing optimum sized varieties for easy harvesting and
management [35].
Table 1. Average of height (cm) and circumference of canopy (cm) of each provenance
in two years (2013 and 2014)
2013 2014
Provenances Height Circumference Height Circumference
A1 239.7 775.6 289.1 1109.4
A2 225.7 625.7 274.2 996.7
A3 225.9 722.1 297.5 990
A4 203.7 659.6 252.9 885
A5 241 701.7 283.5 1030.2
A6 231.2 721.1 288.9 982.85
A7 216.7 687.5 270.4 934.2
A8 233.8 710.5 265.7 987
In other conditions, seed yield was high; on two sites in Tamil Nadu, Southern India, the
Jatropha variety (JO S2) produced up to 2.95 ton/hectare of dry seeds in the first year and up
to 4.25 ton/hectare of dry seeds in the second year with 2 m × 2 m spacing between trees (a
density of 2500 trees per hectare) [1]. The variation in seed yield is explained by endogenous
factors: some genotypes are more productive than others; J. curcas possess some extent of
diversity in days to flowering, fruit maturity, seed yield per plant and its component traits
except number of seeds per fruit [39].
Also, main limiting factors of Jatropha production are soil conditions, altitude, climate
(temperature, sunlight and rainfall extremities) and water logging conditions [7, 36, 40].
Saadaoui et al. [23] have studied the eight accessions from 2007 to 2012, and have registered
high variability in production and large phenotypical [23, 31] and physiological variability
Figure 1 and 2 show important variation in percentage of aborted seeds. High percentage
was observed in winter harvest for the two years (2013 and 2014). In the last harvest of 2013,
the percentage of aborted seeds was between 61.5% for A8 to 81% for A5 (table 5). The
lowest aborted seeds percentage was registered essentially in summer, the percentage of
aborted seeds was less than 4.5% for A8 in 2013 and 9.8% for A2 in 2014. This result was
observed in the field from 2007 to 2012 [31].
The low temperature of winter is the origin of the high percentage of aborted seeds,
because, J. curcas is very sensitive to low temperature [42].
It does not tolerate frost, and flowers begin to appear only under specific temperature,
radiation and phenological conditions [25]. In Tunisia, the region of Gabes which is
characterized by a high winter temperature, because of its location in the Golf, is a favorable
site for J. curcas production.
January 2015
August 2014
A1 172 26.6 46.3 39.7 46.6 20.7 8 694.8 359,9
A2 174 37.5 36 18.3 22.8 13.9 14.5 730.6 317
A3 556 72.5 61.2 20.8 26.3 53.5 14.1 1860.6 804,4
A4 315 41 35.9 20.9 17.9 10.6 16 1286.6 457,3
A5 196 20 54.4 20.3 42.1 18.1 9.5 911.8 360,4
A6 391 23.7 28.4 12.5 13.8 16.9 8.3 1758.5 494,6
A7 307 45 49.7 66.2 60.2 23.5 21.3 794.4 572,9
A8 189 21.3 38.5 20.5 24.1 19.4 8.3 789 321,1
Figure 1. Percentage of aborted seeds in each period of fructification for eight studied provenances in
Figure 2. Percentage of aborted seeds in each period of fructification for eight studied provenances in
Oil content (table 5) varied between the eight studied provenances, the highest value was
registered for A5 (32.15%) and the lowest for A7 (23.46%). All percentages were low in
comparison with other results obtained in diverse countries. In Ghana, 44 to 49% oil content
has been registered [15]. 46% was reported by Ugbogu et al. [3], in Nigeria. In Jharkhand,
West Bengal and Bihar in Eastern India, Kumar and Singh [16] have studied 28 accessions
and registered oil contents between 35 and 45%. Yi et al. [1] reported a crude fat percentage
between 26.9 and 30.2%. Sushma [44] has reported a percentage between 30 to 35%. The oil
content from "Congo-Brazzaville" variety ranged from 47 to 50% [45]. In India, Singh et al.,
2014 have suggested a levels from 30 to 35%, Waghmare and Naik [46] registered seed oil
content of 32.5%.
For these authors, the iodine value of the J. curcas seed oil was 348 mg/g which is higher
than the other biofuel oil, the high iodine value due to its high content of unsaturated fatty
acids. For Mohapatra and Panda [47], the seed oil content varied significantly under various
regimes of N:P:K applications. Treatment with N50 P100 K60 and N60 resulted in consistent
higher yield of seed oil.
Montes et al. [48] found strong effects of parental components and genetic pools on most
seeds traits (oil content, seed mass, kernel mass, and the ratio of kernel to seed mass). But, the
effect of self- and cross-fertilization on the oil content was not consistent as can be seen from
the distribution of self- and cross-fertilized genotypes over the total range of oil content.
The genes related to polyunsaturated fatty acid synthesis were found to be down-
regulated in leaves under drought stress, the proportion of polyunsaturated fatty acids (C16:3,
C18:2, C18:3) in drought treated leaves was significantly lower than that in control leaves,
while saturated fatty acids (C16:0, C18:0) showed the opposite pattern [49]. For Montes et al.
[50], J. curcas oil is highly unsaturated, being linoleic acid is the most important component
(42,6% to 53,3%).
In Morroco, Mokhtari et al. [51] obtained 13.68% of palmitic acid (13.68%), stearic acid
(22,06%), oleic acid (20.46%) and linoleic acid (43,80%). The properties such as density,
kinematic viscosity, flash point, pour point, acid number and moisture content of J. curcas
biodiesel meet the international standard requirements of biodiesel [52].
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Chapter 6
Jatropha carcus is an important plant for the commencement of energy plantation.
Jatropha can be grown in marginal, degraded, waste lands in tropical and subtropical
regions of the world. It is a partially domesticated plant hence development of high
yielding cultivars and package of management practices needs prime importance. The
most important use propagation is to produce high quality planting materials. Jatropha
can propagate through seeds, cuttings and tissue culture. Due to poor seed germination,
short viability and high heterozygosity seed propagation may not produce high quality
planting materials. On the other hand propagation through vegetative means or
micropropagation can be the most effective alternatives to produce quality seedlings with
desirable traits for higher seed and oil yield. Vegetative propagation has inimitable
significance to maintain homogeneity among the progeny and provide early production.
Corresponding author: A. K. M. Aminul Islam. Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Faculty of
Agriculture, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University, Gazipur 1706, Bangladesh. E-
mail: [email protected].
The aspects of various propagation methods used in Jatropha cultivation such as seed
propagation, vegetative propagation and micropropagation are highlighted in this chapter.
Jatropha curcas L., a photo insensitive, drought tolerant, perennial plant belonging to the
family Euphorbiaceae, emerges as a promising alternative for the future biodiesel (Openshaw,
2000; Pant et al., 2006).
Jatropha is an adaptable plant with a long history of cultivation in tropical Asia and
Africa as a multipurpose plant (Catie, 2000; Henning, 2002, Yi et al. 2014). It is originated in
Mexico where Jatropha oil has been utilized as raw materials for soap and fuel for lamps,
different plant parts as medicinal purpose. It is universally accepted as an energy crop except
few doubts. It also used as hedges around the home to avoid animals‘ and propagate through
stem cuttings. Jatropha grows well in low fertile soil where little nutrient element is available.
It can continue to exist in drought situation by dropping their leaves. Jatropha produce fruits
within a year if cultivate properly. Depending on environmental conditions Jatropha plants
produce seeds after approximately 2-3 years (Kobilke, 1989). It also produces fruits up to 50
years after plantation. If it planted in tropical climate, it is possible to harvest twice a year.
Thus, Jatropha can be a suitable economic crop and offer income sources for the farmers. The
number of seeds produces by Jatropha plant is very low but has profuse vegetative growth.
Sexual propagation by seed directs genetic variability and makes the plants exposed to
diseases. On the other hand, asexual propagation provides genetically homogeneous, disease-
free planting material for commercial plantings (Nanda and Kochhar, 1987).
Detail studies on the propagation of Jatropha are inadequate and needs systematic study
on different areas of its propagation.
1.1. Propagation
Propagation is the natural and artificial means of dispersal and transportation of seeds or
plant parts to produce new plants. Propagation is defined as production of new individuals
from a selected plant having all the characters of the original plant by means of seeds,
cuttings, bulbs, corms, roots, leaves or tissue culture etc. (Brickell, 1992; Bhujbal, 2011). It is
the method of increase of number of offspring‘s from mother plants.
Jatropha is usually propagated by seed. Healthy seeds are selected as a planting material
for commercial cultivation. It is also propagated both by seed as well as by stem cuttings in
case of large scale production. Availability of planting materials, propagation techniques,
time of propagation and other required facilities should be considered for successful
propagation. Direct seeding, transplanting, direct planting of stem cutting, or tissue culture
techniques can be used for propagation (Freitas and Barjona, 1906).
There are two types of propagation methods (a) sexual propagation, and (b) asexual
propagation or vegetative propagation (Aldriance and Brison, 2000). Plants often propagated
by means of sexual reproduction through production of viable seeds.
When seeds do not germinate to grow into complete plant asexual propagation through
cutting, grafting or tissue culture used to propagate plants.
Vegetative propagation permit plants to be propagated where plants fail to duplicate
through sexual means (www.oliviassolutions.com).
a b c d
Figure 1. Jatropha curcas (a, b) fruits in a cluster, (c) mature seed suitable for sexual propagation, and
(d) cross section of seed showing embryo and endosperm.
a b
Figure 2. Asexual means of Jatropha propagation (a) stem cuttings (b) tissue culture.
Jatropha curcas can be cultivated by seeds, seedlings, vegetative cuttings or plant tissue
culture (Figure 3). Seeds can be sown directly in the field or grown in polybags in the nursery
to produce seedlings prior to transplanting in the field. Direct seeding is unfavorable due to
low germination and high mortality of seedlings in establishing commercial plantation
(Jabarzare et al., 2010). Jatropha cultivated from stem cuttings do not produce taproots, thus,
plant grown from cuttings comprise short life span and susceptible to drought. The pseudo
taproots produced from cuttings cannot enter into deep soil as taproots can.
A survey on 98 operational projects reported that 52% commercial project uses seedlings,
48% direct seeding and 29% vegetative cuttings for the establishment of Jatropha plantation
(Wahl et al., 2012). Study also reported that vegetative cuttings are the excellent option for
rapid production of flowers and fruits. On the other hand, plant establishment from seed is the
best choice to produce high biomass.
Jatropha propagation can also be carried out without dropping the traits by vegetative
cuttings (Islam et al., 2010; Resende et al. 2012) but the limitations of production of large
scale planting materials are (a) availability of sufficient quantity of material, and (b)
vegetative propagation is seasonal. The quality of planting material could be ensure by choice
of good quality seed, polybags, propagation media, manure, humidity and pest control
measure. Direct sunshine on the growing plants generates stiffness and resistance in the plant
a b c d
Islam et al. 2009.
Figure 4. Showing Jatropha (a) fruit cluster in the plant (b) mature and green fruits, seeds, and (c, d)
Viviparous germination is reported in Jatropha where seed germinate within the fruit
before seed removed from fruit during rainy season (Deore and Johnson, 2008; Islam, 2011).
There is evidence for seed dormancy just after harvest. Dry seeds are normally germinated
without any pre-sowing treatments. Seed dormancy in many species occurs due to the
presence of some chemical and physical inhibitors. The seed comprises a hard impermeable
seed coat which stops imbibitions of water and germination. This impermeable testas exerts
physical exogenous dormancy (Holmes et al., 1987). Hence, the seed necessitates pre-sowing
treatments to achieve quick, regular and elevated germination (Demel and Mulualem, 1996).
Seed dormancy can be broken by worm or cold scarification, mechanical or chemical
scarification for softening seed coat to make it permeable to moisture. The common
utilization of seed treatments before sowing is to hydrate seed which elevates rate of
germination as contrast to directly sown seed without treatment.
Pre-sowing treatment improve seed germination by softening and breaking seed coat. It
can be done by soaking in to water, scrapping to break hard seed coat, acid treatment to soften
seed coat. Pre-soaking for 12 hours in cow dung slurry provided better seed germination
(96%) compared to soaking in cold water or nicking the seed coat (72%) (Achten et al.,
2008). Seeds that hydrated in to petridis with tap water and under sand stone for 72-hrs before
sowing gave the maximum germination than directly sown seed, which is due to stimulus
action of seed coat rupture (Feike et al., 2008).
Pre-sowing treatments can have various effects on different seed germination parameters
of Jatropha curcas. Seeds placed on filter paper or kept under sand stone and moisten with
water before sowing showed better performance for germination percentage, speed, index and
seedling vigor index compared to unsoaked seeds placed for propagation (Islam et al., 2009).
Seeds kept under sand stone and moisten was more effective than seeds placed on filter paper
and moisten before sowing (Figure 5).
Untreated Jatropha seeds showed lower germination than those were treated before
sowing (95.5%). Seed pre-treated in the stone sand gave the higher germination than
untreated and other treatment (Table 1, Islam et al., 2009). Seeds kept under sand stone and
moisten was better than seeds placed on filter paper and moisten for high percentage of seed
germination, speed of emergence, energy of germination, germination index and seedling
vigor index. Jatropha genotypes also acted differently to pre-sowing treatment (Islam et al.,
2009). Selected seeds are soaked with water for eight hours before sowing. This is done to
soften the seed coat for easy germination.
a b c
Islam et al. 2009.
Figure 5. Germination test of Jatropha seeds (a) moistened with water in petridish (b) seeds kept under
stone sand and moistened with water, and (c) unsoaked seeds directly sown in the polybag.
Then sow seeds in the mixture of soil, sand and manure prepared in polybags or in the
nursery bed or directly in the field with water. One seed per polybag should be sown at 2-4
cm depth with the upward orientation of seed chalazal end and downward orientation of seed
caruncle (Srimathi and Paramathma, 2006). It is not suggested to take away seed coat prior to
planting because it speedup germination but show possibility of receiving abnormal
seedlings. The seed will germinate within 6-10 days after sowing (Islam et al., 2009). Water
the polybags every day for 4-10 days and after germination every two days for the subsequent
The easiest and cost effective methods for Jatropha plantation is the direct seeding in the
field (Figure 6). Direct seeding method is popular to most of the farmers since they plant their
crops in field in the same way. The rainy season is the best time for direct seeding in the field.
Seed stored for at least one month to overcome seed dormancy is better to used as planting
materials for direct seeding. It is observed that plantation established by direct seeding
perform better in some areas and not good for other areas. The seeds should be soaked eight
hours in water before planting at the depth of 4-6 cm. Since 1300 seeds weigh around one
kilogram, one hectare of land at the spacing of 2 m x 2 m (2500 plants) requires around two
kilogram seeds (Islam, 2011). Direct seeding requires more seeds than their normal seed rate.
Rain is essential for proper seed germination and growth of the seedling. Generally, direct
seeding requires no hole preparation, which results poor root development and affects the
development of plant for higher yield.
Seeds planned for seeding in the polybags imperative to be soaked in water for eight
hours prior to sowing. This is done to make softer the seed coat to assist quicker germination.
Depending on local availability, polybags can be filled with soil, sand and manure or compost
(1:1:1) or other mixtures. The mixture should be contained organic matter with free draining
growing media (such as 1:1:1 sand-soil-manure or 1:1:2 sand-soil-compost).
The polybags needs to be well watered before sowing of seeds (Achten, 2008). Seeds are
expected to germinate within 4-10 days after sowing (Islam, 2009). Sometimes germination
of seeds in polybags is poor because of poor drainage and inadequate watering. The polybags
needs very well aerated soil mixture with good drainage and judicious nutrient level. It must
be adequately long to ensure proper taproot growth and development.
Polybags are watered daily before germination but after germination they should be
watered as and when necessary. In case of delayed transplanting polybags should be
transferred different place to avoid unwanted root growth anchoring in to the soil. Seedlings
grown in the polybags will be ready for transplanting in the field after 45-60 days when they
reach at the height of 30-40cm (Figure 7).
a b
Figure 6. Showing (a) seedlings (b) plant established in the field from direct seeding.
a b c d
Figure 7. Showing (a) polybags prepared with mixture of sand-soil-compost (b) seeds sowing in the
polybags (c) seed germinated in the polybags (d) seedlings transplanted in the field.
a b c
Figure 8. Showing (a) seedlings in the nursery bed (b) seedlings transferred in to polybags (c) seedlings
ready for transplanting in the field.
The main advantage of cuttings is that they are genetically similar with mother plants.
Propagation by cuttings is more reliable than propagation by seeds. Plants from cuttings have
the same properties of high yielding mother plant (Nielsen, 2010; Singh and Shetty, 2012).
On the other hand, the main disadvantage of the plant which developed from cuttings do not
produces taproot, only produces lateral root and cannot access nutrients, water into deeper
soil zone. Therefore plants from stem cuttings have limited capacity to tolerate drought.
Jatropha propagation by cutting is only suitable when the land is fertile with good sources of
permanent irrigation facilities and absence of prolonged dry period. Propagation by cuttings is
the fastest and the cheapest means of Jatropha curcas cultivation. Generally farmer prefers
propagation through cuttings because this type of propagation requires less time to establish
productive plantation. Vegetative propagation can be done through stem or root cuttings or
through grafting.
Propagation by stem cuttings without hormone application can be the advantageous and
effective method for Jatropha curcas. In addition, it facilitates to maintain heterosis fixed in
the seedlings for long time with no apprehension of segregation as there is no more
recombination. Stem cuttings are best made from the mature and thickest branches by saw or
sharp bolo about 30 cm long. It is better to collect stem cuttings from at least eight month old
Jatropha plant if feasible from 45-100 cm from the bottom of the stem. Cuttings serve as a
direct source of planting material and should have short internodes with many eyes.
It must be put (10-20 cm) directly into the soil leaving 15 cm or more of branch above the
soil in a shaded nursery beds and watered to saturation. Soil should be kept wet throughout
the period thus the best time for cuttings is the rainy season. It can also be planted in the
polybags containing soil : sand : compost (1 : 1 : 1) in a nursery. Generally, the first shoots
come out after 3-4 weeks. Stem cuttings can be separated into three basic types:
a b c
d e f g h i
Figure 9. Showing (a) different types of cuttings (b) cuttings after 15 days of planting (c) cuttings after
30 days of planting (d) cuttings after 45 days of planting (e) shoot growth after 15 days (f) 30 days (g)
45 days of planting (h) cutting failed to continue growth (i) plant establish in polybag.
Semi hard wood cuttings took lesser days to new bud opening and shoot development as
well as higher proportion of sprouted and rooted cuttings (Islam et al., 2010; Islam, 2011).
Semi-hardwood cuttings took lower days to opening of new bud and shooting (4.8 and 11.7 d,
respectively) as well as higher percentage of sprouted and rooted cuttings of 100% and
98.5%, respectively. The exogenous plant hormones considerably influenced the emergence
of shoots, number of shoots per cuttings, length of shoot (cm) and number of leaves per
cuttings in semi-hardwood cuttings. The efficiency of plant growth regulators on rooting and
sprouting of semi-hardwood cuttings are in the order of IBA > NAA > IAA (Kumari et al.,
a b c d e f g
a b c d f e g
Figure 10. Development of adventitious root at the basal end of Jatropha curcas cutting (a) day 0 no
changes occurred, (b) day 7 some callus developed at the basal end of cutting, (c) day 10 root
primordial emerged from the callus (d) day 15 root emerged from the callus (e) root growth after 30
days (f) root growth after 45 days (g) shoot growth continue without root.
Soft wood cuttings took more days to open shoot and produced lower percentage of
rooted cuttings. Semi hard wood cuttings proved to be more suitable for the vegetative
propagation of Jatropha curcas through stem cutting, which gave more than 98% success.
Genotypic differences were observed in shooting and rooting of Jatropha (Islam et al., 2010).
3.3. Grafting
Jatropha curcas shows low seed viability, germination and delayed rooting of seedling as
well as high degree of heterozygosity in the plantation (Kobilke, 1989; Islam, 2011). These
constrains of seed propagated plants can be conquered by vegetative propagation through
stem cuttings. Even though, multiplication by stem cutting is the fastest means of production
of high yielding true to type Jatropha varieties, the stem cuttings are seasonal and shows
lower longevity, posses poor tolerance to abiotic stresses compared to seed propagated plants
(Heller, 1996).
a b c d
Figure 11. Showing (a) pieces of root cuttings (b) cuttings planted in the propagation media (c) shoot
growth in the root cuttings.
a b c d e
Figure 12. Grafting methods practiced for Jatropha propagation. (a, b, c) top cleft (d, e) side cleft
So propagation through grafting comes into sight to produce true to type, high yielding
and disease free Jatropha plant. Grafting is the method of mounting a part of the plant (scion-
part of the graft that produce the new system) on the root system (stock- lower part of the
graft that posses a root system) of another plant (Figure 12).
Grafting is generally practiced as it is possess root system of plants tolerated
unfavourable characteristics (growth, disease, etc.). Grafting method can be exploited in
Jatropha curcas for the development of sustainable cultivation of at commercial scale.
A various types (top cleft, side cleft, veneer, whip, bark, contact and tongue) of grafting
have been trying in Jatropha curcas during monsoon and spring to propagate high yielding
genotypes (Panghal et al., 2013). Top cleft grafting method is found to be the most successful
(> 90%), stable and strong amongst all grafting methods (Figure 12).
In Indonesia, J. curcas has been utilized as a root stock for J. integerrima for its gigantic
growth. In India, grafting has been used to propagate hybrids of Jatropha (Panghal et al.,
2013). The most perfect diameter of stock-scion was reported to be 3 to 4 cm and height of
the grafting to be 40 to 60 cm. The success rate of grafting was higher in 3 to 4 cm scion-
stock irrespective of grafting methods.
Juvenile top cuttings (4-6 cm in length having 2-3 nodes) from actively growing mother
plants are used as plant materials in micro-cutting. Micro-cuttings can also be done from
plants raised in micro-propagation under protected condition and grown in high planting
density with regular pruning. Roots can be initiated from the cutting edge of stem and the
number of adventitious roots varied significantly among genotypes or species (Awang et al.,
2009). Day by day, micro-cutting technique is becoming popular and equally efficient for the
propagation of different plant species. But this technique requires thorough investigation and
perfection to increase rooting performance in Jatropha curcas.
Mist chamber is a useful means for the production of vigorous planting materials in
agriculture. Awang et al. (2009) designed mist chamber propagation box for vegetative
propagation by micro-cuttings in indigenous landscape plants in Malaysia. Mist chamber
propagation box was built by using polystyrene box covered by polystyrene sheet (55 cm x 43
cm x 30 cm). This box is full of perlite (lava stone) at upper layer and light expanded clay
aggregates (LECA) at the bottom level as propagation medium (Figure 13). The water is
added and preserved before inserting micro-cuttings of stem at the base of the box. The water
then flow through capillary pore to perlite. A small outlet or opening was set on the sidewall
of the mist chamber at 5 cm above the base to maintain good air-water relationship in the root
The mist chamber propagation box is full with water up to definite level prior to placing
of shoot cuttings into perlite. Afterwards, the box is covered with transparent polystyrene
sheet which could allow light inside the box and prevent evaporation.
Distal end of micro-cuttings is inserted into the perlite. The optimum environment inside
the mist chamber propagation box is the relative humidity: > 90%, temperature: 28.6-30.1C
and light intensity: 673-2045lx. Appropriate temperature and humid environment (> 90%
RH) can retain inside the mist chamber which helps for rooting of cuttings of different plants
species and hardening of plantlets in tissue culture method. This technique is used to evaluate
root formation during propagation of eucalyptus, bamboo, casuarine, stevia and many
medicinal plants (Osman et al., 2013). Mist chamber propagation of Jatropha curcas can also
be done by micro-cutting or mini-cuttings (Figure 14). More than 90% micro-cuttings
produced root and continue growth to a whole plant (Islam, 2011).
Formation of root is easier and faster in micro shoot cuttings or softwood cutting
compared to semi-hard and hard wood cuttings. To accelerate uniform formation and increase
the number of root, micro-cuttings can be treated with plant growth regulators.
Root formation in the cuttings depends on the size of shoot cuttings, plant growth
regulators, percentage of light and shade (Osman et al., 2013). The treated micro-cuttings are
inserted directly into perlite in the box in order to sprout roots. The micro-cuttings also
inserted directly into perlite without being treated with plant hormones.
Rooted cuttings is transferred into the polybags containing mixtures of cocopeat, sand
and soil (1:2:1) used as propagation media for hardening (Figure 15). Micro-cuttings then
subjected to primary hardening inside poly tunnels with relative humidity of 90-100% for 30
days and partially opened poly tunnels with relative humidity of 65% for another 30 days
before transplanting into the field. Secondary hardening done under shade of net with 45%
relative humidity for another 30 days (Lavanya et al., 2009). Hardening of vegetatively
propagated plants through micro-cuttings determine the superiority of the planting materials,
the marketable production and the profitable feasibility of the nursery.
Figure 14. Preparation of microcuttings and insert them into mist chamber propagation box.
a b c
Figure 15. Transfer of (a) rooted cuttings from mist chamber propagation box to the (b) polybags (c)
seedlings established in the polybags.
But the development of root system is not usual and grows vertically with the stimulation
of hormones. Hundreds of plants can be produced from a small piece of tissue in a continuous
process. Jatropha can be propagated by means of tissue culture and this method can use to
develop high yielding new variety and conserved elite germplasm (Attaya et al., 2012). Tissue
culture can also be promising methods of disease free Jatropha plant propagation because of
its poor seed germination, scanty of rooting in cuttings (Purkayastha et al., 2010).
Micropropagation has immense prospects in large scale production of planting materials
for commercial cultivation of Jatropha without conciliation of the quality (Heller, 1996; Yang
et al. 2012). It is also important to produce secondary metabolites (alkaloids, terpenoids,
propanoids etc.) from cultured cells. Genetic engineering along with tissue culture is very
helpful for gene transfer.
A number of efforts have been made to ascertain micropropagation protocols for Jatropha
regeneration from different explants (Kumar and Reddy, 2010). The explants for Jatropha
tissue culture are ususlly collected from three sources field, greenhouse or in vitro germinated
seedlings. There are lots of variations in response of tissue culture from different explants
(Yildiz, 2012). Growing conditions source plant and positions of organs of explats also
affects tissue culture responses (Verma et al., 2013). Micropropagation of Jatropha has been
achieved from different explants such as mature leaf, seeds, hypocotyles, juvenile cotyledon,
petioles, axillary node through organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis (Sujatha et al.,
2005; Jha et al., 2007; Shrivastava and Banerjee et al., 2008; Warakagoda and Subasinghe,
2009; Khemkladngoen et al., 2011; Panghal et al., 2012).
Nodal explants are the most excellent explants for micropropagation of Jatropha through
tissue culture (Datta et al., 2007; Maharana et al., 2012) with minimum genetic variation
(Pierik 1991). Explants from seeds are recognized more responsive for quick regeneration
(Warakagoda and Subasinghe, 2009; Tiwari and Tuli, 2009).
Murashige and Skoog‘s (MS) medium is reported to be the best culture media for all
kinds of tissue culture in Jatropha curcas (Sujatha et al., 2005; Kalimuthu et al., 2007;
Shrivastava and Banerjee, 2008; Kumar and Reddy, 2010; Kumar et al., 2010). B5 medium
supplemented with BAP, Kn and NAA is also reported to use in Jatropha shoot proliferation
(Warakagoda and Subasinghe, 2009). There are many types of growth regulators available
with their own effect on growth and development of culture (Kumar et al., 2010).
Depending on the objectives of the culture, growth regulator and its concentration are
used in tissue culture either separately or in a mixture. Plant growth regulators used in direct
organogenesis includes indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), 6-benzyl-
amino-purine (BAP), kinetin (Kn), thidiazuron (TDZ) etc (Mukherjee et al., 2011).
The most reliable method of clonal propagation is the direct regeneration of shoot and
root without intervening callus. The plants regenerated through direct organogenesis exhibits
true genetic makeup of mother plant and show greater stability compared to callus induced
plant (Mukherjee et al., 2011). In this method, explants were excised from shoot tip, node,
petiole or hypocotyls of in vitro germinated seedlings and culture on MS media fortified with
different combination of growth regulators (Sujatha et al., 2005; Shrivastava and Banerjee,
2008; Warakagoda and Subasinghe, 2009; Panghal et al., 2012).
Sujatha and Mukta (1996) successfully regenerated shoots from shoot tip culture using
BAP and IBA in Jatropha for the first time. Kalimuthu et al. (2007) efficiently induced
multiple shoot from shoot tip and nodal explants culture with combinations of BAP, kinetin
and IAA. Benzyl-amino-purine (BAP) also found efficient growth regulator among other
cytokinins in multiple shoot induction from shoot tip and nodal explants (Sujatha et al., 2005;
Datta et al., 2007). Cotyledonary leaves and petioles produced higher number of shoot buds
than the mature leaves and petioles (Kumar, 2009). It is also higher in horizontally placed
petiole segments in culture media than vertically placed petioles (Kumar and Reddy, 2010).
The highest shoot regeneration observed from epicotyl explants of Jatropha when
cultured in MS media supplemented with IBA (0.1 mgL-1) and BA (0.5 mgL-1) (Qin et al.,
2004). Kalimuthu et al. (2007) achieved the highest number of shoots per explants (30 to 40
shoots per explants) within 30 to 40 days in Jatropha when cultured in MS media
supplemented with BA (1.5 mgL-1), Kin (0.5 mgL-1) and IAA (0.1 mgL-1).
In recent times, successful direct organogenesis (Figure 16) has been reported from
various explants in Jatropha with or without auxins (IAA and IBA) and cytokinins (BAP and
TDZ) where 100% regeneration was achieved (Kumar et al., 2011; Kumar and Reddy, 2010;
Singh et al., 2010; Sharma et al., 2011; Kumar and Reddy, 2012).
a b c d e
Source: Kumar and Reddy, 2013.
Figure 17. Root initiation from in vitro regenerated shoot in half strength MS media supplemented with
Due to poor in vitro root proliferation it is difficult to propagate Jatropha curcas through
micropropagation (Singh and Shetty, 2012). Jatropha curcas produces good number of
multiple shoots during direct organogenesis but produces low percentage of roots in clonal
propagation (Sahoo et al., 2011).
Another problem of micropropagation of plantlets is the failure or low success of
establishment of root during acclimatization. Development of roots involved four different
phases (i) elongation of shoots (ii) rooting of individual shoot (iii) satisfying dormancy needs
of storage organ (iv) hardening of culture to enhance growth (Trigiano and Gray, 2005). The
best rooting can achieve in half strength MS media supplemented with different
concentrations of auxin (IAA, IBA, NAA) (Sujatha et al., 2005; Deore and Johnson, 2008;
Singh et al., 2010; Anjali et al., 2015). Earlier investigation confirms that IBA is the most
vital auxin for root development in Jatropha curcas and IAA and NAA are less effective
(Kochhar et al., 2005; Attaya et al., 2012).
Kumar and Reddy (2010) found half strength MS medium is the best rooting medium
fortified with 2% sucrose, 3.0 mg/l IBA along with 1.0 mg/l IAA, 1.0 mg/l NAA and 0.25
mg/l activated charcoal (Figure 17). Anjali et al. (2015) reported that 3.0 mg/l IBA along with
0.5 mg/l IAA in half strength MS media produces an average 6 to 8 roots per shoot. Rooting
also achieved within 6 to 7 days in full strength MS media supplemented with 1.0 mg/l IAA
(Kalimuthu et al., 2007; Attaya et al., 2012).
Embryo culture is use to test the vitality of seeds, production of rare species, production
of haploids, rescue of embryos that abort on the mother plant after inter-specific or inter-
generic hybridization (Randolph, 1945). Embryo rescue is ususally use to obtain viable plants
especially where the production of embryo is often abnormal. The process begin when the
unripe embryo is aborted in the F1 generation to promote further development of embryo and
then introduced in a suitable medium in vitro.
It is also used to shorten the breeding cycle by months or even years by breaking
dormancy in seeds (Fathi and Jahani, 2012). Embryo rescue is important in order to interprete
the associated factors affecting the dormancy and viability. The first reported embryo rescue
in J. curcas was stated for further understanding of seeds dormancy and viability in J.curcas
(Mohan et al., 2011).
Regenerated shoot with well developed roots are washed under tap water to remove
remaining culture media before transfer in to sterile vermiculite pots. Plantlets transferred in
to vermiculite pots are kept under poly tunnels shade with 75% RH, 25°C and 13 hrs daylight
environments for two weeks for hardening. Shades of poly tunnel removed thereafter then
transfer in to polybag containing soil, sand and compost in to the ratio of 1:1:1 (Figure 18).
The well acclimatized seedlings are subsequently transferred to the field after two to three
weeks. Augmentin could be used in the media during root proliferation to control bacterial
contamination during hardening of Jatropha curcas plantlets (Toppo et al., 2012). The rooted
plantlets then acclimatized in the soilrite under shade with 100% success.
performing well if transfer without cutting their roots (Nielson, 2010; de Jongh and Nielsen,
Seedlings that show slower and abnormal growth can be removed in order to increase the
quality and survival rate of planting materials in the nursery. The production also increase in
nursery raised plants compared to the plants raised by direct seed sowing.
a b c
Source: Kumar and Reddy, 2013.
Figure 18. Seedling established from tissue culture (a) rooted cuttings (b) remove culture media before
transfer to soil media (c) seedling established from in vitro culture.
There are four advantages of growing Jatropha seedlings in the nursery are (i) seedlings
can be grown under control environment, (ii) abnormal seedlings can easily be discarded, (iii)
nursery grown seedlings are stronger when planted in the field, and (iv) survival rates are high
in the field after transplantation. The main weakness of nursery is hindered root growth of
seedlings due to the size of polybags or container. This is normally happen when the
seedlings cannot transplant timely in the field. There is also chance of infestation of insects
and diseases to the seedlings and in the field at the time of planting. It may also involve extra
labor and money in case of delayed planting in order to control diseases and pest. Usually big
plantation requires nursery which must be equipped with (i) good source of water (ii) good
source of propagation media (sand, soil, compost) (iii) sun or rain protection (iv) storage
facilities (v) proper drainage (vi) proper transport facilities (vii).
On the other hand, plant tissue culture is expensive and requires skill manpower. The
roots of tissue culture plantlets grow vertically with the stimulation of hormones but root
growth is not usual.
Jatropha is a multipurpose plant produces seed containing 35-40% oil. It can grow under
marginal soil with low rainfall condition. But the major problem of propagation is the poor
and unreliable seed germination. Normal and plumpy seeds should be collected from fruits
when the color turns to change from yellow to black to get maximum germination. Jatropha is
propagated by seeds for large scale commercial plantation. Seed propagated plants are
genetically heterozygous and cannot maintain its purity due to high cross pollination.
Propagation through vegetative means can produce true to type offspring without losing any
traits of the mother plant. It is also possible without using plant growth regulators in Jatropha.
Large number of genetically identical planting materials can generate from a single plant
within short time with desirable traits. This method can use to develop high yielding new
variety, conserved elite germplasm and produce disease free seedlings. It has enormous
potential in large scale production of planting materials. Development of high yielding variety
and its propagation technology is the prerequisite for obtaining profitable yield of Jatropha in
commercial cultivation.
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Chapter 7
The study concerns the effect of the aqueous extract of physic nut (Jatropha curcas
L.) on the germination of six cultivated crops: Hordeum vulgare L., Medicago sativa L.,
Corchorus olitorius L., Trigonella foenum-graecum L., Lens culinaris L. and Cicer
arietinum L. The extracts were obtained after an incubation of the dry plant material in
distilled water (9%) during 48 hours at 60°C. The extraction was made from five organs
of J. curcas (root, twig, leaf, seed and pericarp). The results showed a variable behavior
between studied organs and species. Corchorus olitorius is the most tolerant species,
showing elevated germination rate (> 90%) for all treatments. L. culinaris is the most
sensitive species; its rate of germination is lower than 23% for all treatments with J.
curcas aqueous extracts. The pericarp aqueous extract is the most inhibitive of the
germination; we obtained rates of 0% for T. foenum-graecum, L. culinaris and M. sativa.
The aqueous extracts of J. curcas affect also root length; a reduction of the parameter was
observed for all studied species, essentially with the aqueous extract of pericarp.
Allelochemicals may be present in any parts of J. curcas but fruit pericarps are the major
Corresponding author: Ezzeddine Saadaoui. E-mail: [email protected].
Allelopathy is defined as the capacity that a specific plant has of directly or indirectly
interfering in another one‘s metabolism, by liberating chemical compounds elaborated by
itself in the environment, influencing in plant domination, plant community formation and
vegetation climax, as well as in the productivity and handling of cultures [1]. The chemical
substances, collectively known as allelochemicals, are usually secondary plant products or
waste products of main metabolic pathways of plants [2]. Commonly plants produce a large
variety of secondary metabolites like phenol, tannins, terpenoids, alkaloids, polyactylene,
fatty acids, steroids, which have allelopathic effects on the growth and development of the
neighboring plants [3].
Allelochemical substances can be present in the leaves, bark, roots, root exudates, flowers
and fruits. The delivery of allelochemicals into the rhizosphere is often thought to occur
through leaching from leaves and other aerial plant parts, through volatile emissions by roots
exudation and by the breakdown of bark and leaf litter [4]. The analysis of allelopathic effect
of the aqueous extract of a species on the germination of other species is a method to estimate
the allelopathy between species. Jatropha curcas (Euphorbiaceae), or physic nut, has straight
trunk and grey or reddish bark, masked by large white patches. It has green leaves with a
length and width of 6 to 15 cm, with 5 to 7 shallow lobes. The leaves are arranged alternately.
Dormancy is induced by fluctuations in rainfall and temperature/light [5].
Yue et al. studied 276 accessions from five countries in South America; they did not
detect any genetic diversity at all loci in 29 microsatellite. All accessions were homozygous at
all loci and shared the same genotype at each locus, suggesting no microsatellite variation in
the genome of J. curcas [6]. Jatropha, a multipurpose, drought resistant, has gained lot of
importance for the production of biodiesel [7]. The J. curcas industry is in its very early
stages, covering a global area estimated at some 900,000 ha in 2008, 760,000 in Asia,
120,000 in Africa and perhaps 20,000 in Latin America [8, 9]. J. curcas has been utilized
historically for hedging and in green manure and fertilizers, food, soaps, pesticides, charcoal,
and traditional medicine [10]. In pharmacology; it has antimicrobial, antioxidant, antifungal,
antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, hepatoprotective, antimetastatic, antiproliferative,
wound healing, pregnancy terminating and anthelmintic activities [6, 11]. The fruit of
Jatropha curcas can be a very good source for herbal drugs especially in cold aqueous, ethyl
acetate and methanol as solvents [12]. Latex, twigs, roots and leaves are used to treat skin
disease such as ring worm, scabies, eczema, and sexually transmitted disease [13].
Most varieties of J. curcas cultivated in the world are toxic; the phorbol esters found in
the seed and oil were identified as the main toxic agents of J. curcas, animal consumption of
these phorbol esters can cause diarrhea and inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and
death [14]. J. curcas has allelopathic effect inhibiting growth of different crops [15], its
aqueous extracts of leaves and roots had high effect and inhibited the germination and growth
of other species [1, 16, 17, 18, 19]. The presence of phenolic compounds could be the cause
of reduction in germination [20].
Leaves, twigs, roots, seeds and pericarps of physic nut (Jatropha curcas) were collected
from cultivated plants in the region of Gabès (South of Tunisia; 33°54' N and 10°02' E).
The aqueous extracts were prepared from dried plant material ground in powder form.
Nine grams of powered J. curcas material were added to 100 ml distilled water and left for 48
h at room temperature (25-30°C). The extracts were filtered with filter paper. Aqueous
solutions of 9% were obtained for each part of the plant. The methodology of extraction
adopted is similar to that of other authors [20, 22, 23].
The seeds were thoroughly washed with distilled water and surface sterilized with sodium
hypochlorite (12%) for 2-3 minutes. Fifty seeds were placed in each sterilized Petri dish of 90
mm diameter and 15 mm height, and irrigated with 2 ml of water extracts (leaves, twigs,
roots, seeds and pericarps at 28 °C. The control was treated with 2 ml distilled water.
Each treatment had four replicates. Analyzed seeds belong to six cultivated species:
barley (Hordeum vulgare), alfalfa (Medicago sativa), jute (Corchorus olitorius), fenugreek
(Trigonella foenum-graecum), lentil (Lens culinaris) and chickpea (Cicer arietinum). Every
day, seed germination was investigated. Three days after germination, root length was
measured. Data are given as percent of germination and radicle length.
3. Statistical Analysis
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the differences between the parameters were
evaluated by Student-Newman-Keuls test. Differences were considered when P ≤ 0.05. The
used software is XLSAT, 2012.
1. Percentage of Germination
The effect of the aqueous extract of J. curcas varies according to plant organ. The extract
of seeds had the lowest inhibitive effect for all species, the rate of germination with this
extract being always over 70%. The extract of the pericarps had the highest inhibitive effect,
with germination rates of 94.5 ± 3, 65.5 ± 1.9 and 22.5 ± 6.4 for C. olitorius, H. vulgare and
C. arietinum respectively, and 0% for M. sativa, T. foenum-graecum and L. culinaris. The
second inhibitive aqueous extract is that of leaves, the germination rate obtained with this
extract is 94.5 ± 1, 47.5 ± 16.4, 43.5 ± 6.4, 30 ± 2.5, 30 ± 14.7 and 5.5 ± 3% for C. olitorius,
M. sativa, H. vulgare, C. arietinum, T. foenum-graecum and L. culinaris respectively (Figure
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The aqueous extract of the twigs had the highest inhibitory effect on the
germination of L. culinaris, its germination percentage is 37 ± 6.2% (Figure 6).
The aqueous extract of seeds had a limited effect on germination of all treated species, its
elevated inhibitory effect was observed on the germination of H. vulgare; with a 70 ± 9.4%
germination rate (Figure 3). Finally, the aqueous extract from roots had an elevated inhibitory
effect on the germination of two species, L. culinaris and C. arietinum, resulting in
germination rates of 23 ± 3 and 33.75 ± 2.5% respectively (Figure 4, 5).
The inhibitory effect of J. curcas aqueous extracts varies also with treated species; C.
olitorius is the most tolerant species to the allelopathic effect caused by the aqueous extract of
all organs of J. curcas. Highest germination percentage (94.5%) of this species was obtained
with all extracts (Figure 2).
L. culinaris is the most sensitive species; its rate of germination is 97.5 ± 3, 23 ± 3.8, 37
± 6.2, 5.5 ± 3 and 0% respectively for the control and the extracts of the roots, twigs, leaves
and pericarps. But, this species (L. culinaris) is tolerant to the aqueous extract of seeds; we
observed a germination rate of 91 ± 3.4% for this treatment (Figure 6).
2. Root Length
All treated species showed a decrease in root length for all aqueous extracts (leaves,
twigs, roots, seeds and pericarps). A single exception was observed in root development of
barley with the root aqueous extract. But, the root length varies with the type of extract and
the studied species.
An important reduction of root length was obtained for the six tested species with the
pericarp aqueous extract; the reduction percentage is 87.1, 78.5 and 65.5% for C. arietinum,
C. olitorius and H. vulgare respectively (table 1). The second level of root length inhibition
was observed with aqueous extract from twigs; its reduction percentage is 48.3, 79.5, 27.3
and 87.1% for M. sativa, C. arietinum, C. olitorius and H. vulgare respectively (Table 1).
The aqueous extracts of J. curcas inhibit germination and root growth of six cultivated
species studied in this work. Similar results were registered with other species; high
inhibitory effect of aqueous extracts (8-10%) of root and leaf of J. curcas was observed on
the germination and the radical length of Phaseolus vulgaris, Zea mays, Lycopersicon
lycopersicum and Hibiscus esculentus [20].
Also, leaf extracts of different accessions of J. curcas inhibited the germination of
Triticum aestivum, Brassica juncea, Sesamum orientale and Vigna mungo [17, 24]. The
inhibition percent on the root growth of cress, lettuce, alfalfa, Italian ryegrass, barnyard grass,
and crabgrass by J curcas extracts was 32, 61, 12, 21, 18, and 59, respectively, at
concentration 30-mg dry weight equivalent extract/mL [19]. In addition, inhibitory effect of
Jatropha rhizosphere soil on the germination of Zea mays, Vigna radiata and Brassica
campestris was reported by Uttam et al. [25]. But, this allelopathic effect in germination and
growth is lower than that of other species such as R. communis (Euphorbiaceae) [19].
Highest inhibitory effect in germination rate was observed with aqueous extract of J.
curcas pericarp for T. foenum-graecum, L. culinaris, M. sativa and C. arietinum (0, 0, 2,
22.5% respectively). The presence of phenolic compounds could be the cause of reduction in
germination and growth of seedlings in the test crops [20].
Moreover, J. curcas fruit is rich in phenolics [1], and the phenolic allelochemicals could
inhibit cell division and alter the ultrastructure of the cells [26]. Pericarp is mechanically
removed from the fruit in the first step during oil extraction and about one ton can be obtained
from one hectare.
This material can be used in fertilization or as a source of energy [27]. In the case of
pericarp used in fertilization, the choice of crop species is important because pericarp has a
high allelopathic effect. Also, J. curcas leaf is rich in phenols, the leaf extract contained 0.463
mg/ml of phenols [28] and its aqueous extract had a high inhibition of the germination and
root growth of studied species.
Corchorus olitorius is the most tolerant species to the inhibitive effect of aqueous
extracts of all organs of J. curcas, the tolerance was observed with the extract of other
species. Indeed, the germination rate of this species (C. olitorius) treated with aqueous extract
(9%) of the root, the twig and the leaf of Eucalyptus occidentalis, Acacia ampliceps and
Prosopis juliflora is higher than 90% [22].
On the other hand, Ludwigia decurrens and L. adscendens exudates had no inhibitory
effect on the germination percentage of C. olitorious [1], but, the exudates from the two
Ludwigia spp. induced mortality of 15 day old seedlings and a significant decrease in seedling
elongation of C. olitorious [29], though, important inhibition of aqueous extract of
Echinochloa colona on the germination of C. olitorius (63%), and a low extension of roots
were registered [3]. In addition, the application of leaf leachates of J. curcas in the soil
inhibited the shoot and root length and increased the relative membrane permeability and
proline content in the roots of marigold (Tagetes erecta) seedlings [30].
For these authors, J. curcas residues incorporated into soil were more phytotoxic to the
root than shoot growth of marigold seedlings. Also, in the field, the distance between J.
curcas and other species is important; the effect of J. curcas hedgerow distance on growth
and yield of maize (Zea mays) in the first year is no significant.
Table 1. Average root length of each species treated with aqueous extract of different
organ of J. curcas
Control 57.28 ± 9.56 63.06 ± 8.01 74.67 ± 11.01 93.22 28.09 72.22 ± 12.35 37.13 ± 5.79
Root 20.78 ± 3.19 23.76 ± 4.4 20.64 ± 4.4 31.81 ± 7.7 28.78 ± 5.25 25 ± 6.5
Seed 5.71 ± 2.2 18.06 ± 3.9 18.48 ± 4.6 23.98 ± 5.85 11.47 ± 1.95 11.11 ± 3.4
Twig 10.1 ± 1.9 18.66 ± 2.1 26.97 ± 7 28.77 ± 11.2 16.14 ± 4.92 20.75 ± 4.3
Leaf 7.88 ± 1.6 17.91 ± 1.9 12.8 ± 3.8 19.87 ± 2.9 8.33 ± 1.51 8 ± 0.85
In the second year, significant differences were observed for some parameters; the closest
distance from hedgerow (1 m) gave lowest plant height, diameter and stover weight, grain
weight, weight of cob, weight of seed/cob [31]. However, for other species (Brassica
oleracea), the diameter, stem length, leaf length, leaf area, fresh and dry mass of leaves and
roots were influenced positively by the high concentrations of crude aqueous extract [32].
Jatropha plantation allowed healthy growth of other natural vegetations around it i.e.
Cynodon dactylon, Cannabis sativus, Solanum sp., Lantana camara, Cyperus rotundus,
Cenchrus setigerus, Cassia tora, Chenopodium murale, Cassia tora, Cenchrus ciliaris,
Parthenium hysterophorus, Ageratum conyzoides, etc. [33].
High concentration (9%) of aqueous extract of J. curcas parts had a strong inhibitory
effect on both germination rate and radicle length of studied species. The effect varies
between species and depending on the process considered. On germination, Corchorus
olitorius is the most tolerant species and L. culinaris is the most sensitive. For root length, H.
vulgare is the most tolerant to J. curcas aqueous extract. Finally, the pericarp extracts had the
highest allelopathic effect for the two physiological parameters (germination percentage and
radicle length).
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Chapter 8
The removal of phorbol esters (PEs) from Jatropha curcas seed oil by adsorption
onto silica gel was investigated. The average PE content in the oil, as determined by
HPLC, was 1.68 mg TPA/g oil. The optimized conditions for PE adsorption by silica gel
were studied. The results showed that the highest PEs removal (77.5%) and PE
adsorption (104.2%) were obtained when 0.3 g of silica gel/5 g of seed oil was used at
ambient temperature (30 °C) for 60 min of adsorption time and with an agitation rate of
250 rpm. The characteristics of the silica gel, as determined by FT-IR, indicated that PEs
were adsorbed onto the surface of the silica gel. A comparison of the physico-chemical
properties of the raw oil and the oil obtained after adsorption demonstrates that the
adsorption by silica gel let to receive lightens the oil color without changing its fatty acid
composition or introducing contamination from other compounds. Additionally, the
results showed that silica gel can be used two additional times in subsequent PE
adsorptions without a significant loss in reusability. In conclusion, adsorption by silica
gel can remove PEs from J. curcas seed oil. This method offers simplicity of design,
operation and scale-up, avoids using toxic solvents and minimizes the degradation of
Corresponding author‘s email: [email protected].
Keywords: Phorbol ester, Jatropha curcas seed oil, silica gel, adsorption
Jatropha curcas (J. curcas) has been investigated primarily as a source of oil. The seed
cake that remains after oil extraction is an excellent source of plant nutrients. However, the
presence of high levels of toxic substances and anti-nutrients limits the further applications of
J. curcas oil and meal. The main toxins present in J. curcas are phorbol esters (PEs). The
term ‗phorbol esters‘ is used to describe a naturally occurring family of compounds widely
distributed in plant species of the families Euphorbiaceae and Thymelaeceae (Haas and
Mittelbach, 2000). Although one specific phorbol ester, phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate, has
been identified as the major toxic compound in J. curcas (Makkar et al., 1998), the PE
content is dependent on the soil and climatic conditions (Martínez-Herrera et al., 2006). PEs
are co-carcinogens, purgative activities and skin irritants. In human, accidental poisoning by
physic nut seed has been reported to elicit giddiness, vomiting and diarrhea. PEs, even at low
concentrations, show toxicological effects in animal feed diets as report by Goel et al. (2007).
J. curcas oil and its extract can exhibit insecticidal effects, pesticidal effects, and
antimycobacterial activity and also offer the potential for snail-killing effects (Chumkaew et
al., 2003, Makkar and Becker, 2009, Diwani et al., 2009). Many researchers have studied the
planting and testing of J. curcas and biodiesel fuel derived from its oil, as well as the removal
of toxic substances from the oil and meal. The problem is the detoxification step that has to be
developed. PEs are highly unstable and auto-oxidize under normal storage conditions;
however, they appear to be stabilized by some other components of J. curcas oil. PEs appear
to be highly stabilized, so neither the temperatures nor the pressures common in compression
processes can destroy by these compounds (Makkar et al., 1997). Until now, no methods for
the complete removal of PEs from J. curcas have been reported. In previous efforts,
researchers have attempted to eliminate phorbol esters from the oil and seed using physical,
chemical and even biological treatments (Haas and Mittelbach, 2000, Martínez-Herrera et al.,
2006, Siddhuraju et al., 2002, Aregheore et al., 2003, Ahmed and Salimon, 2009, Donlaporn
and Worapot, 2011, Belewu and Sam, 2010, Joshi et al., 2011). However, these methods
involved considerable technical and economic efforts and require immense solvent
consumption. The optimized conditions for such treatments have not been defined. In some
cases, the oil was contaminated with some chemicals or microorganisms that required further
refining for their removal, which resulted in intense energy costs. These issues provided the
basis for an investigation in the present work to eliminate PEs from the oil using adsorption
techniques that are simple, rapid and environmentally friendly. The extraction of PEs from
the oil was conducted to turn PEs into some value-added products, such as biopesticides for
organic as well as conventional agriculture. The fatty acid composition of J. curcas seed oil is
close to that of olive oil (Makkar and Becker, 2009). After the elimination of PEs in J. curcas
seed oil, it can has broader applications.
The aim of this work was to investigate the removal of PEs from J. curcas seed oil
through silica gel adsorption. The effects of the amount of silica gel, the adsorption
temperature, the adsorption time and the agitation rate on PE removal and PE adsorption were
investigated. The characteristics of the oil and silica gel, including the reusability of the silica
gel, were also studied.
J. curcas seed was supplied by the Office of Agricultural Research and Development,
Region 3, Khon Kaen Province and by the Nakon Ratchasima Field Crops Research Center,
Nakon Ratchasima Province, Thailand. The seed was pressed to obtain the oil using an oil
expeller from the Agricultural Engineering Research Centre Khon Kaen, Khon Kaen
Province, Thailand. The extraction solvents (methanol, acetonitrile and hexane) were of
analytical grade and purchased from Carlo Erba (Italy), whereas HPLC-grade solvents were
obtained from Lab Scan (Ireland). Standard phorbol ester (tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate,
TPA) used as an external standard, was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (Switzerland). The
adsorbent (chromatography silica gel with a particle diameter of 0.06-0.2 mm) used in this
study was obtained from Carlo Erba (Italy). A standard mixture of fatty acid methyl esters
(FAMEs) was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (UK).
Adsorption Temperature
The optimum conditions obtained from the results of silica-gel experiments described in
mention above were used in subsequent studies. Each 5.00 g of the oil was mixed with the
appropriate amount of silica gel. The mixtures were stirred using a shaker operated at 150
rpm for 60 min with varying adsorption temperatures: ambient temperature (30°C), 45°C,
60°C and 75°C. Then, 5.0 mL of hexane was added to each mixture, and the mixture was
filtered through a Whatman filter paper (UK) to separate the oil from the silica gel. Each
portion was extracted and analyzed for PE content.
Adsorption Time
The optimum quantity of silica gel and the optimum adsorption temperature were used in
subsequent studies. Each 5.00 g of the oil was mixed with the appropriate amount of silica
gel. The mixtures were stirred using a shaker operated at 150 rpm. The adsorption process
was performed using different contact times (15, 30, 60, 90 and 120 min) at ambient
temperature (30°C). 5.0 mL of hexane was then added to the mixture, and the mixture was
filtered through a Whatman filter paper to separate the oil from the silica gel. Each portion
obtained was subjected to the extraction and also analysis of PEs.
Agitation Rate
Under the optimized conditions, each 5.00 g of the oil was mixed with the appropriate
amount of silica gel. The mixtures were stirred with a shaker operated at 50, 100, 150, 200
and 250 rpm at the optimum temperature under the optimum adsorption time. 5.0 mL of
hexane was then added to each mixture, and the mixtures were filtered through a Whatman
filter paper to separate the oil from silica gel. Each portion was further extracted and analyzed
for PEs.
PEs in the oil and PEs adsorbed on silica gel were extracted using a slightly modified
version of the method of Rakshit et al. (2008). The oil or silica gel was extracted for four
times using mechanical extraction as follows: the oil or silica gel was mixed with methanol
(1:2 w/v) and stirred (300 rpm) at 60°C for 5 min. The methanol phase was separated from
the oil and silica gel by gravity. The remaining oil and silica gel were re-extracted for three
times under the same conditions. The methanol phases were combined and frozen for 12 h to
provide a partial separation of the oil. The combined methanol extracts were then filtered, and
the filtrate was evaporated to remove the solvent using a vacuum evaporator. The residue was
re-dissolved with a portion of acetonitrile (3.00 mL) and extracted with hexane (2.00 mL) so
that the remaining oil could be removed using a separatory funnel. The acetonitrile phase was
then evaporated and re-dissolved with HPLC-grade methanol to obtain the PE-rich fraction
for further analysis.
PEs in each extract from the oil and silica gel were analyzed and quantified using a
Shimadzu HPLC system, which consisted of a Shimadzu LC-20AD pump, a DGU-20A5
degasser, and a Shimadzu SPD-M20A photodiode array detector (Japan). All of solutions
used in this research were prepared with deionized water (Simplicity Water Purification
System, model Simplicity 185, Millipore Corporation, USA). A reverse-phase Hypersil ODS,
C18 (250 × 4.6 mm i.d., 5.0 µm) column was used in this study. The column was protected
with a guard column that contained the same materials. The separation was performed
according to the procedure described by Haas and Mittelbach (2000). The mobile phase used
was acetonitrile and water (90:10 v/v) with flow rate 1.0 ml/min. An isocratic elution was
used. The mobile phase and sample were filtered through a 0.45 µm filter membrane and
degassed before analysis. The phorbol ester peaks were detected at 280 nm, and the elution of
the phorbol ester peaks was determined to occur between 9 and 15 min. Phorbol-12-
myristate-13-acetate (TPA) was used as an external standard. The area of the phorbol ester
peaks was summed and converted to a phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate equivalent.
HPLC chromatograms of standard TPA and PEs from J. curcus seed oil are shown in
Figure 1. The TPA peak appeared at approximately 19.7 min whereas PE peaks from the oil
extract eluted in the range of 9-15 min, and this elution time was used to calculate the PE
content. The PE content in the oil was calculated based on the peak area relative to that of the
standard curve of TPA and was expressed as mg TPA equivalent/g of oil. In this study, the
average PE content was 1.68 mg TPA/g oil.
The PE content is known to depend on the soil and climatic conditions (Martínez-Herrera
et al., 2006). The oil from the non-toxic Mexican varieties of J. curcas seed has been reported
to contain negligible or low amounts of PEs (0.27 mg/mL of oil), whereas the toxic varieties
have been found to contain 2.49 mg/mL of oil. Various parts of the J. curcas, such as the
kernel, leaves, stems, flowers, buds, roots, latex, bark and wood contain different weights of
PEs over the range of 0.39-6.00 mg/g dry matter as phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA)
equivalent (Makkar and Becker, 2009). However, the PEs are located mainly in the kernel
portion of the seed, and the concentration of PEs varies with the genotype in ranging from
0.80-3.30 mg/g kernel (Makkar et al., 1998).
Figure 1. HPLC chromatograms of standard TPA and phorbol esters from J. curcas seed oil.
Amount of Adsorbent
The amount of adsorbent is particularly important because it determines the extent of PE
removal and may also be used to predict the cost of silica gel per unit of the oil to be tested. In
these experiments, the determination of PEs in both the oil and the silica gel was performed;
the results are shown in Figure 2. The percentage of PEs removed and adsorbed increased
with increasing amounts of silica gel up to 0.3 g. An increase in the number of adsorbent
surfaces and the availability of more adsorption sites can explain the increased percentage of
PE removal. When the amount of silica gel used was greater than 0.4 g, the percentage of PE
removal and adsorption decreased, possibly because overlap or aggregation of the adsorption
sites resulted in a decrease in the total adsorbent surface area available to the PEs and in an
increase in the diffusion path length (Crini et al., 2008). The time required to achieve
equilibrium decreased with greater amounts of adsorbent. An amount of 0.3 g of silica gel,
which resulted in the removal of 54.14% of the PEs and the adsorption of 116.41% of the PEs
was therefore selected for further experiments.
Figure 2. Percentage of PE removal and PE adsorption with different amounts of silica gel.
Adsorption Temperature
Adsorption typically increases with temperature because high temperature can produce a
faster rate of diffusion of adsorbed molecules from the solution to the adsorbent. The
percentages of PE removed from the oil and PEs adsorbed by silica gel at different adsorption
temperatures in the range of 30-75°C are shown in Figure 3. The percentages of PEs removed
and PEs adsorbed increased gradually with increasing adsorption temperature up to 45°C;
however, these values increased only slightly at higher temperature. These results can be
explained as an increase in temperature resulting in an increase in the diffusivity of the
adsorbed molecule and, consequently, in an increase in the adsorption rate of diffusion (Crini
and Pierre-Marie, 2008). When the adsorption temperature at 75°C decreased in PEs removal
and adsorption were observed. The temperature could also influence desorption and,
consequently, the reversibility of the adsorption equilibrium. An increase in temperature was
followed by a decrease in adsorption capacity, which suggests that adsorption is governed
only by physical phenomena. The results of this experiment showed that the adsorption
should be performed at high temperatures. However, the adsorption process is not usually
conducted at such temperatures because operation at high temperatures increases operating
costs. Therefore, the ambient temperature (30°C) resulted in 53.57% PE removal and 95.99%
PE adsorption was selected for further experiments.
Adsorption Time
Adsorption time is another important variable in adsorption processes. The adsorption
capacity and the removal efficiency of PEs by silica gel typically increased with prolonged
adsorption times. However, in practice, the adsorption time should be optimized with
consideration of both the efficiency of desorption process and regeneration of the adsorbent.
The percentages of PE removed and PE adsorbed are shown in Figure 4.
The PE removal process occurred rapidly at the initial time. The percentage of PEs
removed increased gradually with increasing adsorption time up to 60 min and subsequently
reached a plateau. The percentage of PEs adsorbed as a function of the adsorption time slowly
increased until the adsorption time reached to 90 min. However, a slight decreased in PE
adsorption was observed when the adsorption time was at 120 min, most likely because the
adsorption of PEs was rapid at the initial stages of the adsorption time and thereafter became
slower near the equilibrium point. A large number of vacant surface sites are available for
adsorption during the initial stage, and, after a lapse of time, the occupation of the remaining
vacant surface sites was difficult due to repulsive forces between PE molecules adsorbed on
the silica gel and PE molecules in the oil phase (Crini and Pierre-Marie, 2008). An adsorption
time at 60 min produced 58.83% PE removal and 96.00% PE adsorption was therefore
sufficient to reach adsorption equilibrium in further experiments.
Agitation Rate
Shaking is an important parameter in adsorption because it influences the distribution of
the solute in the bulk solution and the formation of the external boundary film. These
experiments were performed using an agitation rate that ranged from 50-250 rpm, and the
results are shown in Figure 5. The shaking speed significantly affected the removal and
adsorption of PEs. With an increase in shaking speed, the adsorption increased. When the
shaking speed was slow, silica gel accumulated instead of spreading in the oil, and various
active sites were buried under the layers above. PE removal appeared only by the layers
above, in the layers below the boundary did not participate in the process because they have
no contact with the PEs. The degree of agitation reduced the boundary-layer resistance and
increases the mobility of the system. An increase in agitation through increasing the shaker
speed results in a reduction of the external mass transfer effect. The same observation was
made by previous work of Anwar et al. (2009). These results indicated that the agitation rate
should be sufficient to assure that all the surface binding sites were readily available for PE
uptake. An agitation rate at 250 rpm selected as the optimum rate resulted in 77.53% PE
removal and 104.18% PE adsorption.
In this study, adsorption by silica gel changed the color of the oil from dark to bright-
yellow. However, no change in the fatty acid composition was observed, as shown in Figure
6. This shows that the predominant fatty acid composition of both oils (the raw oil and the oil
obtained after adsorption) in the order of highest relative percentage are palmitic acid
(C16:0), stearic acid (C18:0), oleic acid (C18:1), linoleic acid (C18:2), linolenic acid (C18:3)
and arachidic acid (C20:0). The fatty acid composition of the oil before and after adsorption
was similar. These results are supported by FT-IR spectra, as shown in Figure 7. Typical FT-
IR spectra of the raw oil contain structural or functional groups information on the fatty acids
present in the oil, and the spectra are similar to the spectra of the oil obtained after adsorption.
The spectra displayed three dominant regions related to fatty acids. The first region is the
3025-2800 cm-1 region in which methylene (CH2) and methyl (CH3) groups absorb. The
second region is at 1740 cm-1 and is assigned to the carboxylic group (C = O), a region where
the methyl ester and triglycerides absorb. The third region is 1500-900 cm-1, also known as
the fingerprint region.
Figure 6. GC chromatogram of standard fatty acid methyl esters and the raw oil and the oil obtained
after adsorption.
These results agreed with those works of Berghuis et al. (2010), who characterized fatty
acids in soybean oil. A strong band at 1164 cm-1 was also observed to be flanked by weaker
bands at 1237 and 1095 cm-1, as observed in the spectrum of a triglyceride (Barua et al.,
2008). Other bands observed in the fingerprint region are related to CH3 and CH2 symmetric
and asymmetric deformations in the 1465-1350 cm-1 range and in the 1200-1000 cm-1 range.
The band at 1021 cm-1 may involve stretching of the C-O bond. In addition, the band at 723
cm-1 is similar to the band observed in the spectrum of fatty acids and triglycerides and can be
assigned to the CH2 rocking mode. In conclusion, the FT-IR results show that the chemical
properties of the raw oil and the oil obtained after adsorption on to silica gel are not different.
The oil did not appear to be contaminated with other compounds after adsorption. Therefore,
the oil adsorbed onto silica gel can be used for other applications with a little change in the
chemical properties of the product, as seen in the studies of Makkar et al. (2009) and Devappa
et al. (2010), who reported that biodiesel produced from the toxic variety of J. curcas seed
oils presented quality as good as that produced from the non-toxic variety.
Figure 7. FT-IR Spectra of the raw oil and the oil obtained after adsorption.
The characteristics of the silica gel surfaces both before and after adsorption were studied
to confirm that PE was adsorbed onto the surface of silica gel; the results are shown in Figure
8. The FT-IR spectra were used to characterize divided silica in the region of 3800-3200 cm-1,
which correspond to the OH stretching mode of silanols (Si-OH). The peak appeared at
approximately 1094-1088 cm-1 and was assigned to asymmetric Si-O-Si stretching. The
values were reported to be in the range of 970-967 cm-1 and 803-801 cm-1 for Si-OH bond
stretching and OH bending (silanol), respectively. The presence of a peak at approximately
482-478 cm-1 was attributed Si-O bond rocking as previous works (Parida et al., 2006,
Sasithorn et al., 2010).
The peak at 1638 cm-1 was attributed to the C = C bonds of unsaturated non conjugated
aliphatic compounds. The presence of a peak at 1748 cm-1 in silica gel after adsorption, which
is related to the C = O of the ester, was observed. Esters not only show their carbonyl C = O
stretch at 1750-1735 cm-1 but also exhibit their characteristic absorption at 1300 to 1000 cm-1
due to the coupling of C-O and C-C stretches. Peaks were observed at approximately 2928-
2856 and 3011 cm-1, which correspond to –CH, –CH2, –CH3 and C = C-H groups of the
aromatic ring. These results indicated the presence of PEs on the surface of the silica gel.
After the adsorption process was completed, the oil was separated by filtration. The
remaining silica gel in the flask was regenerated and used as the adsorbent in the next batch
of adsorption tests.
The results are shown in Figure 9. A significant decreased in the percentage of PE
removal and in the reusability was observed. PE removal decreased from 76.33 to 26.54%,
and reusability decreased from 98.45-34.24% when the silica gel was reused for five times.
Some organic compounds may remain on the surface of the recovered silica gel, as shown in
Figure 10.
Figure 9. Percentage of PEs removal and reusability of silica gel with different time of reuse.
The FT-IR spectra of the first reused silica gel showed only the main functional groups of
silica: the region of 3800-3200 cm-1, which corresponds to the OH stretching mode of silanols
(Si-OH); the peak at approximately 1094-1088 cm-1, which is assigned to asymmetric Si-O-Si
stretching; and peaks in the range of 970-967 cm-1 and 803-801 cm-1, which are attributed to
Si-OH bond stretching and OH bending (silanol), respectively. However, after silica gel was
reused up to five times, the intensities of the C-H stretching bands in the range of 2928-2856
cm-1 increased. The FT-IR spectra of the silica gel reused for the fifth time shows the presence
of a peak at 1722 cm-1, which is attributed to the C = O of the ester; this result suggests the
presence of some organic compounds on the surface of the silica gel.
The absorption intensity of the Si-OH stretching at 3456 cm-1 in the FT-IR spectrum of
silica gel recycled five times decreased. The basic sites for recovering the adsorbent during
the adsorption process after five cycles of reaction were lost. The results show that silica gel
can be used two additional times for subsequent PE adsorption without significant
deterioration of the percentage of reusability. A much more effective procedure for the
regeneration of silica gel therefore needs to be developed to allow recycling of the adsorbent.
In this study, physical treatment using adsorption by silica gel was used to remove PE
from J. curcas seed oil. The average PE content of the oil used was 1.68 mg TPA/g oil. The
optimized conditions for PE adsorption by silica gel were studied. The experimental results
show that the highest degree of PE removal (77.53%) from the oil and PE adsorption
(104.18%) on silica gel were obtained when 0.3 g of silica gel/5 g of the oil was used at
ambient temperature (30ºC) for 60 min of adsorption and at an agitation rate of 250 rpm. A
comparison of the FT-IR spectra of the silica gel and it obtained after adsorption indicates
that functional groups of ester compounds were present on the surface of the silica gel
obtained after adsorption. Moreover, the physico-chemical properties of the oil obtained after
adsorption indicated that a brighter color of the oil without changing the fatty acid methyl
ester composition was obtained. FT-IR spectra of the oil suggest that the oil was not
contaminated with other compounds. The oil could be used for other applications with safer
products after its adsorption onto silica gel. In addition, the reusability of the adsorbent was
investigated for five additional adsorption processes. The silica gel was used two times in
subsequent PEs adsorption experiments without a significant decrease in the percentage of
reusability. However, a much more effective procedure for the regeneration of the silica gel
needs to be developed to allow recycling of the adsorbent and to reduce the cost of PE
detoxification. In conclusion, adsorption by silica gel removed PEs from J. curcas seed oil.
This method shows simplicity of design and operation and the capability to be scaled up; it
also avoids the use of toxic solvents and minimizes the degradation of PEs.
The authors thank Khon Kaen University for all supporting facilities and gratefully
acknowledge financial support from the National Research Council of Thailand and
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Chapter 9
This study aims to control the combined effect of water stress and nitrogen
deficiency on growth and physiology of plants of Jatropha curcas, aged one year and
issued from two different origins provenances: PAR (Paraná-Brazil), SUR (Surinam-
North South America). The water deficit was applied during the month of October 2011.
Two water regimes were adopted (I: irrigated plants, NI: non irrigated plants) associated
with two nitrogen regimes (N-: no nitrogen, N+:2 g of nitrogen). Some physiological
parameters were measured (leaf chlorophyll content, soil moisture and relative water
content on leaf) as well as growth parameters (Stem diameter of the stem and leaf area,
leaf thickness) were monitored during this survey. The results revealed that the lack of
water and nitrogen decrease the averages of stem diameter and the leaf area: This was
more emphasized on Surinam provenance. We noticed also an increase on leaf thickness
especially on Paraná provenance. Furthermore, the ratio root biomass / aboveground
biomass had increased more with Paraná provenance; this ratio indicated best tolerance to
drought. Chlorophyll content in the leaf and water content in the soil are very sensitive to
the combined deficit of water and nitrogen: These were significantly reduced on Surinam
provenance. However, the relative water content of leaves were not often affected by
water deficit especially on Paraná provenance, and were generally maintained at
relatively high values (˃50%).
The growing interest in Jatropha curcas species is explained not only by its ability to
grow on marginal lands [13] but also by its abilityZouheir Nasr to fight erosion and its
important role in rural development for some African countries [1]. Tunisia is among
countries that are interested in Jatropha for its energy, agronomic and ecological benefits.
Successfully introduced in tropical countries, particularly India, the adaptation of Jatropha
curcas to the Mediterranean climate and more specifically in Tunisia, is still unknown.
Jatropha is a shrub that grows in tropical and subtropical regions in Latin America [14,
16]. Its seeds contain 27% to 40% of oil, which has been long used in traditional medicine for
livestock feed or making soap. Recently, Jatropha is used to produce agro fuels [1]. Hence, it
is nicknamed "green gold of the desert.‖
For this study, we aim to compare the response of lack of water and nitrogen on the
development of two provenances of Jatropha curcas L. These provenances are planted in the
nursery of the National Institute for Research in Rural Engineering Water and Forestry. The
objectives of this study are three (i) compare the response of two provenances according to
water stress and nitrogen deficiency, (ii) identify the agro-climatic zone for each provenance,
(iii) assess the need for irrigation and fertilization cultivation of Jatropha curcas in Tunisia.
Two provenances of Jatropha curcas L. had been the subject of our study: one was from
Brazil (Paraná) with the code PAR and the other was from northern South America (Surinam
region) which code is SUR. The seeds were provided by the Italian Society ―Agroils‖ through
a Tunisian-Italian bilateral project. They were planted on July 2011 in plastic bags (black
polyethylene) 2-liter volume at the nursery of the INRGREF in a compost-based substrate
(sand mix 1/3 soil and 2/3). The seeds were buried (one per cell) at a depth of 1cm. After
planting the seeds, the irrigation was performed.
The plants were arranged in four blocks of 16 pots each, following an organizational
split-plot treatment combining water and nitrogen treatment, to obtain the following
The various morphological parameters: leaf thickness, collar diameter and leaf area were
measured at the beginning and the end of each drying cycle.
1. Leaf thickness
This parameter was measured through the volume ratio of leaves in water / leaf area.
2. Collar diameter
Collar diameter was measured at the beginning and the end of each drying cycle using a
tape meter.
3. Leaf area
Leaf area was measured using a planimeter Windias type Delta-T Devices LTD, which
allows advanced analysis and is fast compared to other types. The different calculated
parameters are leaf area, perimeter, width and length.
Figure 1. Experimental set up at the nursery of the INRGREF, October 2011 (P1: Provenance PAR, P2:
Provenance SUR, I+: Irrigated, I-: No irrigated, N+: With nitrogen, N-: Without nitrogen).
2. Content of Chlorophyll
The SPAD chlorophyll meter is a portable tool diagnostic that measures the relative
content of leaf chlorophyll. The SPAD (Soil Plant Analysis Development) uses the
reflectance ratio between red (650nm) and infrared (950nm). Repeated use of chlorophyll
meter throughout the cycle may indicate at an early time the approach of a nitrogen
deficiency. This helps to avoid any loss of performance [4].
E. Statistical Analyses
The results were subject to analysis of the variance of two factors through the GLM
(General Linear Models) of SAS. The averages are compared using the Newman-Keuls test at
5% risk threshold.
1. Leaf Area
Leaf area is dependent on irrigation and nitrogen fertilization, in fact it reaches a
maximum value for the two provenances: 112.81cm2 from PAR; 101.62 cm2 from SUR)
when plants are irrigated with a nitrogen supply I/N+.
Figure 5 shows that the average of leaf area from provenance PAR 112.81 cm2 are higher
than the leaf area average observed on the origin SUR 101.62 cm2.
On the one hand, leaf area decreased more for the provenance SUR with severe water
deficit and lack of nitrogen: The difference between the treatment NI/N- and I/N- was
On the other hand, this difference is only 8.64 cm2 for the provenance PAR. The effect of
the irrigation seems to be much more important for the SUR provenance. Moreover, the
nitrogen had no effect on leaf area in case of water deficiency. Indeed, the difference between
plants NI/N- and NI/N+ was 3.38 cm2 for the provenance SUR, against 1.69cm2 for the
provenance PAR.
These statistical analysis results suggest a significant effect of water and nitrogen uptake
on leaf area (p < 0.05), whereas there were no difference between provenances on this
parameter (p = 0.1097).
2. Leaf Thickness
The combined deficit in water and nitrogen caused an increase in leaf thickness which
increased by 0.47cm for SUR and 0.48cm for PAR (Figure 6). The statistical analysis showed
a significant effect of both treatments on the leaf thickness while the effect of provenance was
not significant (p = 0.2618).
Figure 5. Effect of different treatments on leaf area of two different provenances of Jatropha (Adjusted
Mean ± standard error).
Figure 6. Effect of various treatments on the leaf thickness I/N+, I/N-, NI/N+, NI/N-(Adjusted Mean ±
standard error).
Table 1. Effect of different treatments on diameter at the base of the stem in two
provenances of Jatropha curcas L
* The unit of diameter at the base of the stem is cm
Figure 8. Variation of volumetric water content in soil (VWC) on the date 24/10/2011.
Figure 9. Different correlation between soil water content and chlorophyll content for all types of
treatments applied to the two provenances of the plant Jatropha curcas L. at the end of drying
(A, B, C and D): SUR provenance.
(E, F, G and H): PAR provenance.
Figure 10. Response of relative water content of the leaves level with water and nitrogen deficit
(Adjusted Mean ± standard error).
A. Morphological Behavior of the Two Provenances
Our study showed that in case of deficiency of water and nitrogen, leaf area decreased
significantly by 32.7 cm2 for SUR provenance while it decreased slightly by 19.7cm2 for PAR
Indeed, with a deficiency of water and nitrogen each provenance adjusted its response by
a reduction of leaf area, leading to a reduction in the amount of water through transpiration
[5]. This strategy was mentioned by several authors who showed that the reduction in leaf
area is an adaptation mechanism to drought [17, 19]. Moreover it helps to maintain hydration
of the tissues more or less suitable to the extreme conditions of water stress and nitrogen.
However, a decrease in leaf area can affect the performance of plants because of the reduction
of photosynthetic capacity. Hopkins, [12] and Manivannan [18] found that water deficit
causes a delay in plant growth that can be considered as a form of plants adaptation to reduce
the size of their aerial biomass and develop their underground one [9].
The increase in leaf senescence reduced aboveground biomass and may subsequently
affect physiological mechanisms mainly the reduction of transpiration and the rate of CO2
fixation by photosynthesis via a stomatal closure [6]. We noted a decrease in diameter at the
base of the stem level of plants NI/N-. This decrease was more important for the SUR.
Nevertheless, a slight decrease compared to the control plants (I/N+) was noticed for the PAR
provenance. These results comply with the results found by Achten, [2] which showed that
the stem diameter decreased after 12 days of severe water stress.
The combined effect of lack of water and nitrogen could lead to cutinisation of the
leaves. Indeed, the leaves are thicker. This change in the leaves may explain the reduction in
net photosynthetic rates of plants [17].
Water deficit and nitrogen reduce aboveground biomass; the highest values are affected
by a decrease recorded in the SUR provenance although the PAR provenance seems to be less
affected and more tolerant to this deficit. The same results found by Gonzalez [11] showed
that the total biomass of the plant depends on the intercepted photosynthetic radiation.
The nitrogen has an important role in the growth and the development of biomass, it
helps to improve the vegetative growth of seedlings of Jatropha curcas and increase their
biomass and leaf area which is consistent with the results of Ksontini [15] on pedunculate
oak. According to Albouchi [3] the growth of root is considered as criteria for drought
tolerance. In our case the PAR provenance is most tolerant to drought and nitrogen
The water content in soil was reduced in case of lack of water and nitrogen. This
reduction affects more the SUR provenance. Indeed, the difference between NI/N -and I / N +
was 24, 44% while this difference is only 20, 01% for the PAR provenance. The decrease in
water availability led to a drying of the soil and in turn caused a change in plant water status,
indicated by the decrease in relative water content of leaves. Several experiments pointed out
that the response of the plant through stomatal closure is more related to soil moisture than
the leaf water status. The consequence is a decrease in chlorophyll content and photosynthetic
activity [8].
In addition, the results obtained demonstrate the close relationship between chlorophyll
content in the leaves and the content of the soil with water and nitrogen. We note that when
the ground receives a supply of water and nitrogen, chlorophyll content is high. The degree of
water stress also affects chlorophyll content and in the case of severe water stress and without
nitrogen supply, chlorophyll content decreases more for SUR provenance compared to the
PAR provenance.
The decrease of chlorophyll content in case of water deficit and nitrogen couldn‘t be
mainly due to stomatal factor but also to photosynthesis systemII. Despite the decline in
RWC the plant keeps high levels at the end of drying cycle.
The water content in the leaf level was maintained at high values relatively (> 50%). The
osmotic adjustment allows the accumulation of osmotic solutes in the vacuole resulting in a
decrease of cellular osmotic potential, which leads to maintaining cell turgor [10, 17].
Despite the different origin of two Jatropha curcas provenances, they behave similarly
towards a lack of water and nitrogen with a slight resistance for the PAR provenance. In fact,
the two provenances can not handle very long dry periods and nitrogen deficiency. According
to results, Jatropha curcas L. can be grown in humid or sub-humid bioclimatic zones with
additional irrigation in summer or in semi-arid climate with full irrigation (between April and
October) with a preference for the PAR provenance. In filter soil and without nitrogen, a
fertilizer is required for the growth. It seems difficult to cultivate Jatropha in arid or desert
floor in Tunisia.
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Chapter 10
Mexico is a country with a great variety of natural resources like seeds and grains
that can be employed to improve bread manufacture. Recent investigations shown
that Jatropha flour can be used to improve bread nutritional properties. The aim of this
work was to obtain optimal mixtures of wheat flour, barley concentrate and Jatropha
curcas flour, to develop a bread product (white bread), evaluating doughs and breads
mechanical properties. J. curcas and barley concentrate doughs mechanical evaluation
indicated that the optimum formulation to bread formulation was with 3.7% of both
ingredients. The hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness and elasticity of this bread were
lower than the control bread. Control bread crumb quality presented no-homogeneous
and more open alveolus, as compared with the closer and more uniform crumb in the
formulated bread, with lower loaf volume. Higher fiber content in barley concentrate
resulted in higher bread weight, with higher water retention capacity. Proximal chemical
analysis showed a protein content of 11.05 and 7.47 of fiber.
Corresponding author: [email protected].
Foods made with wheat are incomplete protein sources. This proteins contain all 8
essential amino acids but they do not have appropriate levels, so the combination of wheat
with other foods provides could be correct. However when compared with other cereals such
as rice and corn had have less protein that wheat (Callejo, 2002; Desrosier, 1999; Belitz y
Grosch, 2000). Gluten proteins, representing approximately 80-90% of total protein from
white flour, these proteins show baking quality of flour (Callejo, 2002; Calaveras, 1996).
Gluten contains essentially two groups of proteins:
Gliadins and glutenins are synthesized only in the developing endosperm of the wheat
kernel; they have similar amino acid compositions, but there are major chemical and physical
differences among them, they are of particular relevance in their functional characteristics
(Callejo, 2002).
(García, 2008). In white bread roll type fortified with 5% defatted Jatropha curcas L. where
increased protein observed (Martínez, 2010). Fortified bread box with 12.5% of protein
concentrates Lupinus albus and Jatropha curcas which a high content of protein was obtained
(López, 2010).
Dough were prepared by mixing dry ingredients: 250 g wheat flour or mix of wheat flour
with Barley protein concentrate and/or Jatropha flour (according to experimental design in
Table 1), plus 1 g sugar, 2 g dry yeast, 2 g salt and 12 g nonfat dry milk with water (160 mL,
approximately 60% moisture) during 5 min before adding vegetable lard (Manteca Inca,
Unilever, Estado of México, Mexico) and mixed until total incorporation in a Kitchen Aid
600 Stand Mixer (KitchenAid, St. Joseph, MI). After 30–32 min of fermentation at 30C, the
dough was punched down to remove gases and stored in polyethylene bags under
refrigeration (4 a 1ºC) until analysis.
Dough Adhesiveness Test. Dough adhesiveness was carried out in same texture analyzer
employing the SMS/Chen-Hoseney dough stickiness rig (Texture Technologies Corp.) and
2.5 mm Perspex cylinder probe (Texture Technologies Corp.)(Chen and Hoseney 1995).
Dough Extensibility Test. Dough extensibility was determined by Kieffer dough
extensibility test and was carried out in same texture analyzer with the Kieffer dough and
gluten extensibility rig (Texture Technologies Corp.).
Dough TPA. For TPA, 10 g of dough sample was compressed to 20% of their original
height with a 2.5 cm diameter acrylic probe in a TA-XT2i texture analyzer (Texture
Technologies Corp., Scarsdale, NY/Stable Micro Systems Ltd, Surrey, England) equipped
with a 5 kg load cell (Szczceniak 1963).
Bread Textural Properties. Bread TPA was conducted on bread samples stacking two
slices (sample thickness was 15.5 mm) from bread center, according to the recommended by
Guemes et al. (2008); Totosaus, Lopez & Guemes (2013).
Table 1 show the dough adhesiveness results in function of adhesive force and
cohesiveness. Treatments 5 to 11 presented a significantly (p < 0.05) difference as compared
to control samples, whereas treatments 1, 2, 3, 4 and 12 had no significantly (p > 0.05)
difference. Treatment 2 (19.7 kgf and 0.96 cm2, adhesive force and cohesiveness,
respectively) was the closer to control sample (20.1 kgf and 1.10 cm2, adhesive force and
cohesiveness, respectively). Dough adhesive force is the work necessary to overcome the
attractive force between the sample and surface. Dough that presented a higher force was
treatment 7 (35.4 kgf), and the lower force was treatment 2 (19.7 kgf). It can been observed
that all the treatments (except treatment 2) decreased dough adhesive force, probably due to
the increase in Jatropha flour and barley concentrate proportions, since when fiber was
increased the gluten network were interrupted, reducing dough adhesiveness, according to
Güemes et all. (2004, 2008). Results obtained are in concordance to those reported by Garcia
(2008) with dough elaborated with wheat flour and Jatropha for tortillas. Control dough
adhesive force (20.2 kgf) was higher than the treatment with 2.5% of Jatropha flour (21.0
kgf), and lower than treatment employing 10% of Jatropha flour (39.8 kgf). At this respect,
Cruz (2008) reported that the dough adhesiveness can be interpreted as the stickiness, since
changes in formulation increased dough adhesiveness since the amount of proteins and fiber
allows better dough handling decreasing adhesiveness.
Table 2 shows the barley concentrate and Jatropha flour addition effect on dough
extensibility. For resistance, treatment 4 to 9 showed a significantly (p < 0.05) difference as
compare to control. Treatment 7 (40.6 kgf) is the closer value to control (40.1 kgf), as well as
the lower one, whereas the treatment 12 (106.3 kgf) is the higher value. The treatment 3 (71.6
kgf) is in agree to the reported by Baños (2007) for wheat flour supplemented with 5% of
soluble fiber (69.4 kgf). This means that dough resistance increase when Jatropha curcas
flour and/or barley concentrate was added, together or in different formulation. About this,
Rao et all. (1992) reported an increase in resistance to extension effect by gums addition,
where the extensibility decreased by the addition of gels. In other study, Palmer (1982)
reported that cellulose fibers are polysaccharides, and this can affect the wheat flour physical
properties, since mixed time is optimized by the presence of fiber. Park et all. (1997) reported
that dough made with 5% of Physillium fiber showed undesirable fragments that complicate
the dough mixing, although these fragments disappeared when bread was molded-in.
For elasticity, treatments 4, 8, 9, 10 and 11 showed a significantly (p < 0.0.5) difference
as compared to control, but samples 1 to 3, 5 to 7 and 12 were statistically equal to control.
Treatment 3 (-23.4 cm) was the closer to control sample (-23.7 cm). Treatment 1 (-25.4 cm)
was the higher, and treatment 10 (-15.6) was the lower one. These results are in agree to the
reported by Repetsky and Klein (1981), who increased protein level in dough decreased
elasticity. The increase of protein and decrease in this parameter can be observed in
treatments 1 to 4 (Table 2).
For resistance work, treatments 4, 7, 9 and 10 presented no significantly (p > 0.05)
difference as compared to control. Treatment 9 (246.3 cm2) was the lower value and closer to
control (259.3 cm2) and treatment 2 (609.9 cm2) was the higher one. Values are similar to
those reported by Garcia (2008) studying tortillas dough with Jatropha flour. Minimum value
reported was 274.6 cm2 with 20% of Jatropha flour, and the maximum was 616.7 cm2 with
2.5%, closer to control sample (660.8 cm2). The increase in protein due to Jatropha flour
resulted in a wheat protein dilution, decreasing gluten network formation resulting in more
extensive dough. This also can be due to the fiber contained in barley concentrate.
Table 1. Barley concentrate and Jatropha flour addition effect on dough adhesiveness
Table 2. Barley concentrate and Jatropha flour addition effect on dough extensibility
Table 3 present the behavior of the dough for hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness and
springiness during texture profile analysis formulated with barley concentrate and Jatropha
For dough hardness, treatments 5, 7, and 11 resulted significantly (p < 0.05) more hard
that control. Treatment 10 (246.7 kgf) was the higher value and closer to control (279.3 kgf).
This is, this dough was more easy to break and need more force to be deformed (Castillo,
2005). Jatropha flour and barley concentrate decreased hardness, where treatment 7 (142.3
kgf) was the lower value with 3.7% of Jatropha flour in the formulation. Dough become
more sticky, with the unfavorable gluten network break down, reflected in troubles for its
handling and processing (Hoseney, 1985). This results are in agree with the reported by
Garcia (2008), in tortilla dough fortified with Jatropha flour, where the maximum hardness
value was 258.4 kgf with 2.5% of Jatropha flour, and the minimum was 117.8 with 15% of
Jatropha flour. Similar results were reported by Marquez (2007) in bakery products with
different barley varieties. To employ 50% of wheat flour with 50% of barley flour obtained a
hardness value of 184.0 kgf. Barley flour increased dough hardness, where 70% of barley
flour was 169 kgf and 100% barley flour was 140 kgf. Totosaus (2004) reported that hardness
is the force detected during the first compression cycle, indicating that the incorporation of
more protein to form a more compact gel in dough requires more deformation force.
The adhesiveness of treatments 8 to 12 presented significantly (p < 0.05) differences as
compared to control. Treatments 1 to 7 presented no significantly (p > 0.05) difference as
compared to control (-210.0 cm2), where sample 2 (-140.6 cm2) was the closer to control
sample. The results of dough formulated with 1.25% and 2.5% of Jatropha flour (treatment 5
and 6, -340.1 cm2 and 369.2 cm2, respectively) was not similar to the reported by Garcia
(2008), where employ 2.5% of Jatropha in tortillas dough resulted in -314.0 cm2 of
adhesiveness. When Jatropha flour was combined with barley concentrate in different
proportions, like in treatments 1 to 4, adhesiveness decreased with the incorporation of these
flours, with the lower value of -33.3 cm2 in treatment 4. In treatments 5 to 12, the increase in
adhesiveness due to the separate addition of Jatropha flour or barley concentrate doesn‘t
present any pattern, with higher adhesiveness values in treatments 9 to 12. Fiber presence
affecting hydration properties of gluten network, as reported by Güemes (1998), could be the
For cohesiveness, treatments 4 to 12 are significantly (p < 0.05) different to control,
whereas treatments 1, 2 and 3 were not different to control sample (0.57), the closer values
was for treatment 2 (0.55). This can be explained by the combination of Jatropha flour and
barley concentrate fiber, since the cellulose contained can act like a fibrous structure to
improve the physical form of the product (Crosby and Ang, 2005).
An important factor in bread elaboration is the bread elasticity, interpreted as the capacity
of the sample to recover their original form or length after remove the applied force. In this
view, poor dough elasticity means dough hard to handle before cut.
In springiness, there was significantly (p < 0.05) difference among control samples (0.72
cm) and treatment 3 (0.43 cm) and 4 (0.36 cm), being the lower values as well. Although
springiness decreased with the increase in Jatropha flour and barley concentrate, the mixture
of both flours in different proportions do not decrease dough springiness. A different behavior
was observed when Jatropha flour or barley concentrate was added alone, where dough
springiness increased as in treatment 12 (0.94 cm). Treatments 5 to 8, elaborated with
Jatropha flour, obtained the higher (0.93 cm) value in treatment 7, indicating that springiness
was increased by the protein contained in Jatropha flour in separate way to fiber content in
barley concentrate.
Table 4 presents the textural profile analysis of bread elaborated with Jatropha flour and
barley concentrate. For bread hardness, significantly (p < 0.05) higher values were observed
in treatment 1 (2.52 kgf) as compared to control (1.52 kgf), whereas treatments 2, 3, and 7
was not different. Bread of treatment 3 (1.51 kgf) was the closer to control, both with lower
values. For bread cohesiveness, treatments 3 and 7 were significantly (p < 0.05) different to
control, and treatments 1 and 2 were not different. Park et all. (1997) reported that bread
firmness was improved in additive-less bread when 5% of fiber was employed, showing
minimum firmness but acceptable loaf volume. Czuchajowska et all. (1992) previously
reported that to use 4% of fiber increased bread softness. For springiness, there was no
significantly (p > 0.05) difference among treatments.
Dough adhesive force and cohesiveness presented no changes as compared to control
when both flours were incorporated.
Resistance and resistance work of dough was higher with the increase of Jatropha flour or
barley concentrate.
Texture profile analysis of dough showed that adhesiveness, cohesiveness and
springiness decreased when both flours were employed separately, with an inverse effect on
dough hardness.
In bread texture profile analysis cohesiveness and springiness decreased as compared to
control, with similar hardness values when 3.75% of each flour was employed.
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aflatoxin, 59, 81
# Africa, 4, 20, 22, 46, 64, 82, 94, 112, 113, 115, 118,
119, 120, 121, 127, 128, 132, 160
20th century, 75
age, 2, 9
21st century, 98
agglutination, 6
aggregation, 177
A agricultural sector, vii, 1, 2
agriculture, 14, 70, 71, 73, 146, 172
ABA, 27 Agrobacterium, 26, 87
Abraham, 43 AIDS, 56
accelerator, 67 albumin, 49, 53, 87
access, 107, 141 alcohols, 77
accessibility, 64 alfalfa, 161, 165
accessions, 82, 92, 100, 113, 120, 121, 122, 124, algae, 21, 82
125, 127, 128, 160, 165, 167 aliphatic compounds, 182
acclimatization, 150, 157 alkaline phosphatase, 92
acetic acid, 53, 149, 153 alkaloids, 47, 48, 74, 100, 119, 148, 160
acetone, 51 allele, 27
acetonitrile, 173, 174 Allelopathy, 160, 168
acid, vii, x, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 18, 21, 23, 29, allergy, 49
48, 49, 50, 54, 62, 63, 65, 68, 71, 73, 92, 119, ALT, 55
125, 138, 149, 161, 171, 172, 173, 175, 180, 181, alveolus, x, 203
185, 201 amine, 85
acidic, 13 amino, 71, 149, 204
acidity, 68 amino acid(s), 71, 204
activated carbon, 75, 76, 86, 90, 91, 94, 107 anaerobic bacteria, 105
activation energy, 3 anaerobic digesters, 17
active compound, viii, 45, 48, 49, 51, 53, 56 anaerobic digestion, 2, 12, 17, 18, 105
active site, 179 anaerobic fermentation, vii, 1, 2
adaptability, 13, 14 analgesic, 53, 54, 89, 93, 108
adaptation(s), 27, 46, 190, 199 anatomy, 157
additives, 85, 157 anchoring, 140
adenocarcinoma, 55 animal feed, viii, 20, 45, 70, 71, 72, 78, 86, 104, 172,
adhesive properties, 78 204
adhesives, 77, 84, 89 ANOVA, 161
adjustment, 67, 200, 201 anther, 79
adsorption, ix, 57, 73, 75, 91, 107, 171, 172, 173, anthrax, 51
174, 175, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 185, anticancer activity, 55
186, 187 anticoagulant, 59, 89
antioxidant, 46, 54, 56, 85, 90, 119, 160, 187 biological activity, 54, 73, 80, 83
antipyretic, 88 biomass, x, 10, 60, 64, 72, 73, 81, 83, 98, 101, 102,
antitumor, 51, 54, 58, 87 112, 114, 136, 167, 189, 195, 199, 200
antiviral agents, 57 biopolymers, 73
apoptosis, 89, 95 bioremediation, 72
aqueous extract, ix, 51, 54, 56, 57, 59, 81, 89, 106, biotechnology, viii, 20, 25, 45
159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, biotic, 46
169 bleeding, 48, 58
aqueous solutions, 73, 186 bleeding time, 58
Arabidopsis thaliana, 28 blends, 8, 90, 104, 119
Argentina, 21, 129 blood, 55, 56, 58, 108
aromatic compounds, 105 body weight, 55
arthritis, 50 boilers, 102
Asia, 20, 46, 64, 92, 115, 118, 120, 127, 132, 160 bonds, 3, 182
Asian countries, 46 botrytis, 168
assessment, 2, 13, 17, 18, 83, 87, 120, 126, 127, 134 branching, 76
assimilation, 73 brass, 105
atmosphere, 22 Brazil, x, 20, 21, 43, 46, 60, 81, 91, 119, 127, 157,
Austria, 92 189, 190
auxins, 149, 150, 155, 202 breakdown, 160
average costs, 22 breast cancer, 55
breeding, 21, 79, 120, 133, 134, 151, 202
Brno, 89
B bronchitis, 108
budding, 22, 134, 145
Bacillus subtilis, 51, 52
Burkina Faso, 81, 126
bacteria, 10, 23, 24, 51, 52, 70, 83, 91, 93
burn, 103
Bangladesh, 45, 131
business model, 98
base, 5, 6, 21, 23, 24, 29, 68, 77, 80, 110, 146, 191,
butadiene, 90
196, 200
by-products, 29, 73, 75, 83, 102
base pair, 23, 24
bauxite, 75
beer, 204 C
beetles, 71
Belgium, 78 Ca2+, 92
bending, 182, 185 cadmium, 73
benefits, ix, 9, 12, 98, 99, 107, 113, 114, 143, 190 Cairo, 22
benign, 22, 93 calcium, 16, 66, 119
bilateral, 190 calcium carbonate, 119
bilirubin, 55, 59 calorie, 211
biochemistry, 73 cancer, 54, 55, 88, 89, 108
biodegradability, 76, 77, 98, 105 cancer therapy, 55
Biodiesel, v, viii, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 19, 21, 22, capillary, 146, 175
25, 28, 42, 43, 44, 45, 60, 67, 68, 72, 73, 88, 92, capsule, 18
104, 111, 112, 115 carbohydrate(s), 60, 73, 104, 105, 144, 204
biodiversity, 98, 127 carbon, 3, 10, 63, 64, 73, 75, 76, 81, 90, 98, 105, 119
bioenergy, 82, 113, 157 carbon dioxide, 3, 10, 119
biofuel, vii, viii, 1, 2, 8, 9, 13, 14, 21, 60, 68, 78, 81, carbon monoxide, 10, 105
86, 87, 93, 98, 99, 113, 114, 124, 127, 128, 155, carcinoma, 54, 55, 81
202 carob, 60
biogas, viii, 2, 10, 12, 14, 17, 45, 69, 70, 73, 105, case studies, 99
110 case study, 81, 167
Biogas production, vii, 1, 2, 17, 69 cash, 20, 29
biological activities, 51, 86, 89 castor oil, 70
catalysis, 5, 6, 16 commercial, 12, 16, 20, 23, 77, 78, 79, 98, 100, 111,
catalyst, vii, 4, 5, 6, 7, 16, 19, 21, 22, 29, 68, 69 118, 132, 136, 137, 143, 145, 148, 153, 187, 204
catalytic activity, 6 communities, 8, 12, 92, 102, 103, 107, 109, 110,
catalytic effect, 29 111, 112
cattle, 12 community, 85, 109, 160
C-C, 182 compatibility, 92
cDNA, 24 competitive advantage, 161
cell death, 55 composites, 90
cell division, 165 composition, x, 2, 3, 4, 12, 14, 68, 92, 100, 105, 114,
cell invasion, 93 128, 133, 171, 172, 175, 180, 185, 186, 187
cell line(s), 54, 55, 88, 89 compost, viii, 45, 139, 140, 141, 142, 144, 151, 152,
cellulose, vii, 1, 2, 13, 21, 60, 207, 209, 211 190
Centrifugal Separation, v, 19, 33 compounds, x, 6, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 73,
cervical cancer, 55 74, 78, 82, 88, 89, 90, 101, 106, 119, 160, 171,
challenges, 84, 103, 107, 109, 156 172, 181, 185, 187
chemical(s), viii, x, 13, 18, 45, 61, 62, 67, 68, 71, 73, compression, 64, 172, 208
74, 75, 77, 78, 84, 90, 94, 97, 98, 100, 101, 102, computer, viii, 19, 28, 32, 35
103, 104, 138, 147, 160, 167, 171, 172, 181, 185, computer simulations, viii, 19, 28
186, 187, 201, 203, 204 conciliation, 148
chemical characteristics, 68 concordance, 206
chemical properties, x, 18, 62, 68, 77, 101, 103, 171, condensation, 77
181, 185 conductance, 202
Chile, 168 conference, 84, 128
China, 4, 21, 46, 86, 93, 120, 127, 157, 158 configuration, 64, 99
chitosan, 186 conflict, 60
chloroform, 51 Congo, 124, 128
chlorophyll, x, 189, 193, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201 Consecutive-Competitive Reactions, v, 19, 28, 29
cholesterol, 55, 56 conservation, 84, 113, 128, 135, 153
chromatograms, 176 constituents, 64, 66, 74, 86, 93, 95, 104, 114, 186,
chromatography, 53, 94, 173 187
chromium, 83 consumption, 13, 20, 22, 67, 119, 160, 172
classification, 47 contact time, 173
cleaning, 62, 68 contaminant, 62, 68
climate(s), viii, 4, 11, 45, 46, 47, 68, 78, 82, 98, 110, contamination, x, 5, 63, 66, 151, 171, 187
118, 119, 122, 132, 135, 140, 201 control group, 57
climate change, 98, 110 conversion rate, 69
climatic factors, 202 cooking, viii, 15, 17, 28, 45, 64, 69, 78, 102, 103,
clone, 135 110, 111
cloning, 25 cooling, 66, 67
closure, 57, 200 copper, 105
clothing, 107 correlation, 14, 121, 197, 198
CO2, viii, 10, 11, 12, 14, 22, 45, 73, 200 corrosion, 8, 65, 129
coal, 64, 75 cosmetic(s), viii, 45, 46, 75, 78
coal dust, 75 cost, vii, 4, 5, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 42, 60, 69, 77,
coatings, 77, 94 102, 105, 106, 139, 143, 177, 185
coconut oil, 104 cotton, 20, 25, 27, 60, 70, 75, 106
coding, 23 cotyledon, 148
colon, 54, 55 coumarins, 47, 74
colon cancer, 55 covering, 160
color, x, 137, 153, 171, 180, 185 CPI, 26
combined effect, x, 189, 200 CPPs, 14, 85
combustion, 8, 9, 17, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 102, 105 credentials, 107
criticism, 60
crop(s), vii, viii, ix, 2, 9, 13, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 25, diarrhea, 160, 172
27, 29, 45, 46, 60, 71, 78, 79, 82, 84, 86, 97, 99, dielectric permittivity, 193
98, 102, 106, 107, 110, 111, 112, 113, 118, 119, diesel engines, 7, 64, 67, 102, 103, 111
125, 127, 132, 139, 140, 157, 159, 160, 161, 165, diesel fuel, 22, 103, 119
167, 168, 187, 202, 204 diet, 107, 204
crop production, viii, 97, 102, 106, 110, 111, 140 dietary fiber, 204
cross fertilization, 133 diffusion, 23, 177
cross-fertilization, 124 diffusivity, 178
crown, 144 digestibility, 187
crude oil, 20, 22, 62, 80, 86 digestion, 11, 12, 69, 105, 111, 115
cultivars, ix, 131, 202 diglyceride, vii, 4, 19, 21, 30, 31, 33
cultivated species, 160, 161, 165 diploid, 27
cultivation, viii, ix, 9, 13, 17, 20, 45, 47, 64, 73, 91, discomfort, 119
109, 112, 118, 125, 126, 132, 134, 141, 145, 148, diseases, 9, 48, 50, 51, 132, 141, 152
152, 153, 190 dissociation, 9
culture, ix, 13, 79, 110, 121, 125, 128, 131, 132, 133, distillation, 22
134, 135, 136, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, distilled water, ix, 59, 159, 161, 191
153, 154, 156 distribution, 8, 9, 23, 32, 46, 124, 179
culture media, 149, 151, 152 diterpenoids, 48, 49, 91, 100
curcin genes, vii, 19 divergence, 113
cure, 48, 90 diversity, 27, 82, 93, 113, 120, 122
customers, 98 DNA, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 42, 43, 91, 113, 120
cycles, 185, 196 DOI, 16, 17, 168
cytokinins, 149 domestication, 157
cytotoxicity, 57, 90 doping, 6
dough, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210
drainage, 140, 152
D draught, 47
drought, x, 8, 9, 27, 118, 120, 125, 129, 132, 136,
database, 27
141, 152, 160, 189, 199, 200, 201, 202
deficiencies, 195
drugs, 23, 26, 53, 54, 55, 59, 88, 160
deficiency, x, 189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 199, 200, 201
dry matter, 101, 105, 176
deficit, x, 189, 194, 196, 199, 200, 201, 202
drying, 77, 137, 191, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201
deforestation, 64, 72, 73
dyscrasia, 108
deformation, 208
degradation, x, 61, 75, 171, 185
degraded area, 113 E
degumming, 103
dehydration, 75, 200 E. coli, 51, 52, 53, 54
Delta, 191 earthworms, 59
Denmark, 17, 157 ecology, 90
Department of Agriculture, 154 economic development, viii, 98, 99, 113
deposition, 65, 67 economic growth, 59
deposits, 7, 103 ecosystem, 13, 14, 98, 115
depth, 139, 140, 190 eczema, 48, 108, 160
derivatives, 89, 90, 93 edema, 53
desorption, 178 editors, 14, 94
despair, 92, 126 effluent, 72, 75, 76, 125, 126
detection, 26 effluents, viii, 45, 72
detoxification, 72, 75, 78, 79, 167, 172, 185 egg, 53, 59, 133
developed countries, 60 Egypt, 91, 126, 167
developing countries, viii, 8, 22, 81, 97, 99, 102, elaboration, 205, 209
104, 108, 109, 110, 112 electric conductivity, 119
diabetes, 55, 56, 85 electricity, 10, 64, 69, 102, 105
formation, viii, 5, 19, 26, 29, 33, 36, 41, 52, 54, 57, gravity, 3, 8, 22, 36, 68, 76, 103, 174
58, 64, 146, 147, 160, 179, 207 greenhouse, 12, 13, 26, 106, 110, 143, 148
formula, 192 greenhouse gas, 106, 110
fossil fuels, vii, 1, 2, 8, 9, 13, 103 greenhouse gas emissions, 106, 110
fragments, 23, 26, 207 growth, x, 9, 13, 21, 47, 51, 52, 54, 58, 63, 72, 94,
frost, 47, 118, 123 101, 118, 132, 133, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144,
fruits, vii, 1, 2, 47, 61, 64, 78, 80, 90, 100, 118, 132, 145, 146, 149, 150, 152, 158, 160, 161, 165, 166,
133, 134, 136, 137, 152, 153, 160, 186 167, 168, 169, 189, 200, 201
fuel consumption, 65, 68 growth hormone, 143
fuel crop, vii, 19, 27 growth rate, 21, 51
fuel prices, 112
fungi, 51, 52
fungus, 51, 53, 70 H
fungus growth, 53
habitat(s), 64, 72
haemostatic agent, 89
G hair, 74
haploid, 27, 79, 135
gastrocnemius, 54 hardness, x, 203, 208, 210
gastrointestinal tract, 160 hardwoods, 153
GC-FID, 175 harmful effects, 9
gel, ix, 26, 56, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, harvesting, 46, 120
179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 208 healing, 57, 74, 91, 92, 94
gene expression, 25, 26, 27, 41, 129 health, 64, 71, 82
gene regulation, vii, 19 heart disease, 108
gene silencing, 90 heavy metal, viii, 45, 72, 75, 119
gene transfer, 25, 120, 148, 157 hedging, 160
genes, vii, 19, 25, 26, 27, 28, 125, 133, 201 height, ix, 20, 63, 99, 117, 118, 120, 121, 125, 137,
genetic diversity, 79, 93, 120, 127, 128, 160 140, 145, 161, 166, 206
genetic engineering, 26, 79 helium, 175
genetics, 62 hemp, 60
genome, 20, 23, 24, 25, 27, 42, 79, 120, 160 hepatic necrosis, 59
genotype, 27, 120, 150, 160, 176 hepatocellular carcinoma, 55, 59
Gentically Modified Crop, 20 herbicide, 70, 71
genus, 95, 118, 204 heterogeneity, 125
Georgia, 154 heterosis, 133, 142
Germany, 21, 26, 65, 84, 88, 113, 115, 155 hexane, 3, 51, 52, 59, 128, 173, 174, 175
germination, ix, 131, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, histamine, 51, 91
140, 144, 148, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156, 159, 160, history, 132
161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169 HIV, 56, 82, 87, 88, 94, 108
gestation, 80 homogeneity, ix, 131
global demand, 77 hormone(s), 142, 143, 147, 148, 152
global scale, 14 horses, 67
global warming, 14, 72, 73 horticultural crops, 146
glucose, 55, 56 human, 24, 54, 55, 57, 64, 70, 72, 75, 88, 93, 172,
glucoside, 48, 49, 100 187, 204
glycerin, 22 human body, 57
glycerol, vii, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 16, 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, human genome, 24
31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 49, 77 humidity, 137, 146, 147, 175
gonorrhea, 51 hunting, 88
goods and services, 98 hybrid, 20, 25
gout, 50 hybridization, 21, 23, 26, 79, 120, 151
grain size, 47 hydrocarbons, 5, 9, 10, 105
grass(es), 103, 165, 204 hydrogen, 10, 56, 60, 69, 70, 87, 186
Na2SO4, 76 P
NaCl, 118, 175
National Renewable Energy Laboratory, 44 Pacific, 24
National Research Council, 185 pain, 53, 54, 108, 119
natural gas, 10 paints, 77
natural resources, x, 98, 203 palm oil, 29, 89
nematode, 85 Paraguay, 129
neolignans, 47 parallel, 29
net energy balance, 9 parasite, 59
Netherlands, 17, 115, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157 parents, 133, 134
Nicaragua, 4, 113 partial thromboplastin time, 59
Nigeria, 42, 82, 83, 124, 126, 167 particle bombardment, 157
nitric oxide, 53 pasta, 204
nitric oxide synthase, 53 pathogens, 118
nitrogen, x, 9, 10, 68, 93, 124, 189, 190, 191, 193, pathway, 28, 29, 41
194, 195, 196, 197, 199, 200, 201 pathways, 29
nodes, 56, 83, 143, 146, 157, 186 PCR, 26
NREL, 44 peptide(s), 50, 53, 56, 80, 94
nursing, 46, 47 permit, 133, 145
nutrient(s), 8, 9, 20, 26, 47, 70, 84, 102, 106, 118, perseverance, 57
132, 140, 141, 172 pesticide, viii, 70, 97, 119
nutrition, viii, 45, 202 pests, 9, 70, 106
PET, 119
Petiole, 42, 156
O petroleum, 8, 9, 20, 22, 58, 60, 64, 76, 77, 115, 119,
124, 128
obstacles, 66
Petroleum, 112, 127
ODS, 174
pH, 12, 76, 78, 119
OECD, 21
pharmaceutical, vii, viii, 45, 78
oil production, 22, 60, 112
pharmacology, 83, 88, 114, 119, 160
oil samples, 175
phenol, 160
oil sands, 22
phenolic compounds, 48, 56, 160, 165
oilseed, vii, 1, 2, 18, 81, 106, 201
Philippines, 75, 81, 154
oilseed press cakes, vii, 1, 2
Phorbol esters, 83, 89, 100, 106, 115
oleic acid, 4, 119, 125, 180
phosphate, 85
olive oil, 172
phosphorus, 9, 63, 65
operating costs, 178
photosynthesis, 200, 202
operations, 104
Physic nut, 46, 84, 85, 113, 118
opportunities, ix, 8, 84, 98, 99, 107, 110
physical phenomena, 178
optimization, v, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 93, 129, 213
physical properties, 63, 204, 207
ores, 72
physicochemical properties, 2, 3, 12
organ(s), ix, 148, 150, 159, 162, 165, 166
physiological mechanisms, 167, 200
organic compounds, 89, 183, 185
physiology, x, 126, 189
organic matter, 10, 11, 12, 47, 73, 76, 102, 105, 139
phytosterols, 47
Organization for Economic Cooperation and
pigs, 58, 87
Development, 21
plant establishment, 136
osmotic stress, 27
plant growth, 27, 143, 147, 153, 199
overhead costs, 23
plasmid, 26
overlap, 177
plasticity, 118
oxidation, 62, 63, 65, 77
plastics, 73
oxidative damage, 56
playing, 54, 56
residues, 10, 12, 13, 18, 69, 70, 83, 92, 165, 186 selectivity, 31, 33
resins, 77 senescence, 200
resistance, 94, 120, 137, 180, 201, 202, 206, 207, sensitivity, 59, 74
210 sequencing, vii, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 41
resources, 14, 79 serum, 56, 59
response, 27, 54, 56, 93, 129, 148, 190, 199, 200 services, 98
reusability, x, 171, 173, 175, 183, 184, 185 sewage, 125, 126
revenue, 22 sexual reproduction, 132
reverse transcriptase, 57 shade, 137, 140, 147, 151
Rhizopus, 6, 7 shape, 98, 120
ribosomal RNA, 58 shear, viii, 19, 36, 37, 39, 42
ribosome, 41, 49, 58, 86 sheep, 70
ribosomes, 26 shelf life, 126
rings, 67 shoot, 118, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151,
ringworm, 48, 108 155, 156, 157, 161, 165
risk(s), 126, 193 shoots, 142, 143, 144, 149, 150
RNAi, 90 shortage, 60
room temperature, 137, 161 showing, ix, 134, 159, 210
root growth, 47, 137, 140, 143, 152, 161, 165 shrubs, 41, 143, 155
root length, ix, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166 signals, 201
root rot, 118 signs, 142
root system, 118, 144, 145, 148 silica, ix, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 179,
rubber, 60, 90, 127 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 187
rural areas, 64, 108, 110 silk, 60, 71, 107
rural development, 84, 190 silkworm, 71, 85, 107
rural women, 64 simulations, 32, 34, 35, 40, 41
Russia, 22 single chain, 58
skin, 51, 57, 73, 74, 93, 108, 160, 172
skin diseases, 74, 108
S sludge, 12
small business(es), 109, 112
Saccharomyces cerevisiae, vii, 1, 2, 13, 18
SMS, 206
safety, 66, 75
SNP, 28, 43, 127
salinity, 27, 47
SO42, 120
Salmonella, 52
society, 107, 154
SAS, 193, 212
sodium, 22, 107, 161
saturated fat, 4, 125
sodium hydroxide, 107
saturated fatty acids, 4, 125
software, 161, 175
saturation, 142, 193
soil erosion, 72
scabies, 48, 160
solid waste, 90
science, 82, 202
solubility, 14
scope, 106
solution, 31, 79, 83, 107, 127, 177, 179
sea level, 8, 46, 118
solvents, x, 77, 100, 160, 171, 173, 185
second generation, viii, 97, 114
South Africa, 78, 83, 94, 155
security, 107
South America, x, 46, 120, 127, 160, 189, 190
sediments, 68
South Pacific, 186
seed cake, vii, viii, 1, 2, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 45, 49,
Southeast Asia, 120
52, 53, 69, 70, 71, 72, 77, 78, 79, 84, 87, 91, 94,
sowing, 2, 138, 139, 140, 141, 152, 154
114, 167, 172, 186, 187
soybeans, 78, 118
seeding, 132, 136, 139, 140
Spain, 159
seedlings, ix, 20, 119, 129, 131, 133, 136, 137, 139,
species, vii, ix, 1, 2, 13, 20, 25, 27, 29, 32, 36, 60,
140, 141, 142, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154, 156,
71, 78, 79, 93, 102, 114, 118, 133, 134, 138, 142,
165, 200, 201
segregation, 142
143, 144, 145, 146, 151, 159, 160, 161, 162, 164,
165, 166, 168, 169, 172, 190, 204
specific gravity, 3, 36
Taiwan, 28, 212
specifications, 7, 9
tanks, 67
spending, 60
tannins, 52, 74, 100, 160
spore, 52
Tanzania, 73, 78, 82, 87, 99, 109, 114, 119
sprouting, 143
target, 23, 26, 98, 114
squamous cell, 55
tax credits, 21
squamous cell carcinoma, 55
technician, 67
stability, 63, 65, 66, 90, 91, 149
techniques, 9, 79, 132, 133, 153, 157, 172
stabilization, 93
technologies, viii, 2, 13, 79, 97, 98, 99, 101, 107,
standard error, 194, 195, 199
110, 111, 112, 114
starch, 60
technology, 2, 13, 27, 79, 98, 102, 105, 107, 111,
state, 6, 21, 36, 87, 98, 105, 114, 186, 187
steel, 129
temperature, x, 3, 22, 47, 64, 66, 67, 69, 77, 118,
sterile, 151, 156
119, 122, 123, 137, 146, 154, 160, 171, 172, 173,
steroids, 74, 100, 160
174, 175, 177, 178, 185
sterols, 48
tensile strength, 57
stimulation, 148, 152
testing, 172
stimulus, 138
texture, 119, 204, 206, 208, 209, 210
stock, 16, 61, 134, 145, 147
Thailand, 88, 171, 173, 185
stomach, 51, 108, 119
therapeutic agents, viii, 45, 78
storage, 62, 128, 134, 137, 150, 152, 172
thermal degradation, 75, 89
stoves, 64, 65, 102, 103
thermal stability, 6, 77
stress, x, 27, 36, 39, 42, 46, 118, 120, 125, 126, 129,
third dimension, viii, 97
189, 190, 195, 197, 199, 200, 201, 202
tissue, ix, 26, 54, 56, 57, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135,
stress response, 126
136, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 152, 153, 154, 157
stretching, 181, 182, 185
tobacco, 26, 161
structure, 27, 47, 83, 88, 209
tones, 73
styrene, 90
toxic effect, 74
substitution(s), 30, 106
toxic gases, 9, 72
substrate(s), 4, 12, 69, 70, 105, 114, 190
toxic substances, viii, 11, 45, 172
success rate, 145
toxicity, 58, 59, 76, 77, 78, 82, 83, 92, 120
sucrose, 49, 151
toxicology, 82, 83, 88
sugarcane, 156
toxin, 72
sulfate, 75
TPA, x, 171, 173, 174, 176, 185, 206
sulfur, 68
trade, 22
sulfuric acid, 13
trade-off, 22
sulphur, 62, 63, 105
training, 109
Sun, 79, 93, 127, 167
traits, ix, 113, 120, 122, 124, 125, 127, 131, 133,
surface area, 39, 42, 94, 177
134, 135, 137, 140, 147, 153, 202
surfactants, 77
transcription, 27
survival, 133, 152, 200
transesterification, 4, 5, 6, 7, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 29,
survival rate, 152
44, 69, 78, 88, 103, 104, 111, 114
susceptibility, 62
transfection, vii, 19, 20
sustainability, 2, 14, 59, 60, 98, 114
transformation, 4, 16, 26, 85, 135, 155, 157
sustainable energy, 77, 114
transpiration, 143, 199, 200, 202
swelling, 108
transplant, 140, 152
Switzerland, 14, 173
transplantation, 152
synthesis, 6, 15, 16, 23, 94, 125
transport, 140, 152, 175
synthetic polymers, 73
transportation, 18, 132
treatment, 5, 10, 13, 18, 20, 26, 54, 55, 62, 65, 72, vibration, 175
84, 85, 106, 138, 139, 143, 155, 161, 162, 185, vinyl chloride, 89
190, 194, 199, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210 viscosity, viii, 3, 8, 34, 37, 40, 41, 45, 64, 66, 67, 75,
trial, 54 78, 103, 104, 105, 125
triglycerides, vii, 4, 5, 7, 19, 23, 29, 41, 56, 180, 181 volatility, 105
tuberculosis, 52, 55 vomiting, 108, 172
tumor, 84, 87
tumours, 55
Tunisia, v, ix, 117, 118, 119, 121, 123, 125, 127, W
128, 159, 161, 168, 189, 190, 201
waste, ix, 15, 17, 18, 28, 75, 76, 83, 91, 98, 126, 131,
turgor, 200
waste water, 126
U wastewater, ix, 5, 117, 118, 119
water purification, 75
ulcer, 108 water resources, 9, 119
ultrasound, 15 wavelengths, 26
ultrastructure, 85, 165 weakness, 152
uniform, x, 7, 137, 147, 203 wear, 7, 87
United Kingdom, 24 web, 42
United Nations, 17, 82, 113 West Africa, 73, 80, 89, 112
United States, 21, 22, 84 wetlands, 10
urban, 118, 204 wheat germ, 60
urban areas, 204 wood, 10, 64, 75, 84, 89, 101, 102, 142, 143, 144,
uric acid, 59 147, 176
uric acid levels, 59 workers, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59
USA, 19, 174, 212 working conditions, 107
USDA, 47, 158 worldwide, 2, 115, 118
worms, 59
wound healing, 57, 83, 160
vaccine, 57 Y
vacuole, 200
vacuum, 22, 174 yeast, vii, 1, 2, 23, 53, 205
Valencia, 202 yield, vii, viii, ix, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 14, 19, 22, 28, 29,
valorization, 16, 125 32, 33, 39, 41, 45, 47, 62, 64, 70, 78, 93, 102,
variations, 148 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126,
varieties, 4, 21, 72, 78, 120, 133, 134, 135, 144, 160, 127, 128, 131, 132, 134, 136, 139, 140, 147, 153,
176, 187, 208 165, 168, 202
vector, 23, 26, 38
vegetable oil, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 60, 64,
69, 76, 77, 84, 104, 113 Z
vegetation, 160
zeolites, 6
velocity, 12, 28, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 72
Zimbabwe, 64, 73, 97
venereal disease, 108
ZnO, 6
venture capital, 22
vertigo, 108