Digital Communication Systems by Simon Haykin-100
Digital Communication Systems by Simon Haykin-100
Digital Communication Systems by Simon Haykin-100
Notes 575
configuration. Under special conditions, however, the rank of the channel matrix H is reduced to
unity, in which case the scattering (fading) energy flow across the MIMO link is effectively confined
to a very narrow pipe, and with it, the channel capacity is severely degraded.
Under the special conditions just described, a physical phenomenon known as the keyhole channel or
pinhole channel is known to arise. Using a propagation layout of the MIMO link, describe how this
phenomenon can be explained.
j(t) Local
Carrier PN code Local
PN code
generator carrier
Figure P9.34
1. Local propagation effects are discussed in Chapter 1 of the classic book by Jakes (1974). For a
comprehensive treatment of this subject, see the books by Parsons (2000) and Molisch (2011).
2. Bessel functions are discussed in Appendix C.
3. To be precise, we should use the terminology “autocorrelation” function rather then “correlation”
function as we did in Section 9.3. However, to be consistent with the literature, hereafter we use the
terminology “correlation function” for the sake of simplicity.
4. On the basis of many measurements, the power-delay profile may be approximated by the one-
sided exponential functions (Molisch, 2011):
= exp – for 0
P ˜
h = 0 otherwise
For a more generic model, the power-delay profile is viewed as the sum of several one-sided
exponential functions representing multiple clusters of interacting objects, as shown by Page 576 Friday, January 4, 2013 4:58 PM
P ˜ =
h ----------
- P –
i h˜ 0 i
where Pi, , and i are respectively the power, delay, and delay spread of the ith cluster.
0 i
5. The approximate approach described in Section 9.5 follows Van Trees (1971).
6. The complex tap-coefficient c̃ n t is also referred to as the tap-gain or tap-weight.
7. The chi-squared distribution with two degrees of freedom is described in Appendix A.
8. The term “maximal-ratio combiner” was coined in a classic paper on linear diversity combining
techniques by Brennan (1959).
9. The three-point exposition presented in this section on maximal-ratio combining follows the
chapter by Stein in Schwartz et al. (1966: 653–654).
10. The idea of MIMO for wireless communications was first described in the literature by Foschini
(1996). In the same year, Teletar (1996) derived the capacity of multi-antenna Gaussian channels in
a technical report.
11. As a result of experimental measurements, the model is known to be decidedly non-Gaussian
owing to the impulsive nature of human-made electromagnetic interference and natural noise.
12. Detailed derivation of the ergodic capacity in (9.115) is presented in Appendix E.
13. The idea of OFDM has a long history, dating back to Chang (1966). Then, Weinstein and Ebert
(1971) used the FFT algorithm and guard intervals for the first digital implementation of OFDM.
The first use of OFDM for mobile communications is credited to Cemini (1985).
In the meantime, OFDM has developed into an indispensable tool for broadband wireless
communications and digital audio broadcasting.
14. The literature on spread spectrum communications is enormous. For classic papers on spread
spectrum communications, see the following two:
• The paper by Scholtz (1982) describes the origins of spread spectrum communications.
• The paper by Pickholtz, et al. (1982) addresses the fundamentals of spread spectrum
15. The Walsh–Hadamard sequences (codes) are named in honor of two pioneering contributions:
• Joseph L. Walsh (1923) for finding a new set of orthogonal functions with entries 1 .
• Jacques Hadamard (1893) for finding a new set of square matrices also with entries 1 , which
had all their rows (and columns) orthogonal.
For more detailed treatments of these two papers, see Harmuth (1970), and Seberry and Yamada
(1992), respectively.
16. To be rigorous mathematically, we should speak of the matrices A and B to be over the Galois
field, GF(2). To explain, for any prime p, there exists a finite field of p elements, denoted by GF(P).
For any positive integer b, we may expand the finite field GF(p) to a field of pb elements, which is
called an extension field of GF(p) and denoted by GF(pb). Finite fields are also called Galois fields in
honor of their discoverer.
Thus, for the example of (9.129), we have a Galois field of p = 2 and thus write GF(2).
Correspondingly, for the H4 in (9.130) we have the Galois field GF(22) = GF(4)
17. The original papers on Gold sequences are Gold (1967, 1968). A detailed discussion of Gold
sequences is presented in Holmes (1982).
18. The classic paper on the RAKE receiver is due to Price and Green (1958). For a good treatment
of the RAKE receiver, more detailed than that presented in Section 9.15, see Chapter 5 in the book
by Haykin and Mohr (2005). For application of the RAKE receiver in CDMA, see the book by
Viterbi (1995). Page 577 Friday, January 4, 2013 5:03 PM
Error-Control Coding
10.1 Introduction
In the previous three chapters we studied the important issue of data transmission over
communication channels under three different channel-impairment scenarios:
• In Chapter 7 the focus of attention was on the kind of channels where AWGN is the
main source of channel impairment. An example of this first scenario is a satellite-
communication channel.
• In Chapter 8 the focus of attention was intersymbol interference as the main source
of channel impairment. An example of this second scenario is the telephone
• Then, in Chapter 9, we focused on multipath as a source of channel impairment. An
example for this third scenario is the wireless channel.
Although, indeed, these three scenarios are naturally quite different from each other, they
do share a common practical shortcoming: reliability. This is where the need for error-
control coding, the topic of this chapter, assumes paramount importance.
Given these physical realities, the task facing the designer of a digital communication
system is that of providing a cost-effective facility for transmitting information from one
end of the system at a rate and level of reliability and quality that are acceptable to a user
at the other end.
From a communication theoretic perspective, the key system parameters available for
achieving these practical requirements are limited to two:
• transmitted signal power, and
• channel bandwidth.
These two parameters, together with the power spectral density of receiver noise,
determine the signal energy per bit-to-noise power spectral density ratio, Eb N0. In
Chapter 7 we showed that this ratio uniquely determines the BER produced by a particular
modulation scheme operating over a Gaussian noise channel. Practical considerations
usually place a limit on the value that we can assign to Eb N0. To be specific, in practice,
we often arrive at a modulation scheme and find that it is not possible to provide
acceptable data quality (i.e., low enough error performance). For a fixed Eb N0, the only
practical option available for changing data quality from problematic to acceptable is to
use error-control coding, which is the focus of attention in this chapter. In simple terms,
by incorporating a fixed number of redundant bits into the structure of a codeword at the
transmitter, it is feasible to provide reliable communication over a noisy channel, provided
577 Page 578 Tuesday, January 8, 2013 12:55 PM
Error control for data integrity may be exercised by means of forward error correction
(FEC).1 Figure 10.1a shows the model of a digital communication system using such an
approach. The discrete source generates information in the form of binary symbols. The
channel encoder in the transmitter accepts message bits and adds redundancy according to
a prescribed rule, thereby producing an encoded data stream at a higher bit rate. The
channel decoder in the receiver exploits the redundancy to decide which message bits in
the original data stream, given a noisy version of the encoded data stream, were actually
transmitted. The combined goal of the channel encoder and decoder is to minimize the
effect of channel noise. That is, the number of errors between the channel encoder input
(derived from the source) and the channel decoder output (delivered to the user) is
For a fixed modulation scheme, the addition of redundancy in the coded messages
implies the need for increased transmission bandwidth. Moreover, the use of error-control
coding adds complexity to the system. Thus, the design trade-offs in the use of error-control
coding to achieve acceptable error performance include considerations of bandwidth and
system complexity.
Discrete channel
Discrete Waveform
Encoder/modulator Detector/decoder User
source channel
Figure 10.1 Simplified models of a digital communication system. (a) Coding and modulation
performed separately. (b) Coding and modulation combined. Page 579 Friday, January 4, 2013 5:03 PM
There are many different error-correcting codes (with roots in diverse mathematical
disciplines) that we can use. Historically, these codes have been classified into block codes
and convolutional codes. The distinguishing feature for this particular classification is the
presence or absence of memory in the encoders for the two codes.
To generate an (n, k) block code, the channel encoder accepts information in successive
k-bit blocks; for each block, it adds n – k redundant bits that are algebraically related to
the k message bits, thereby producing an overall encoded block of n bits, where n > k. The
n-bit block is called a codeword, and n is called the block length of the code. The channel
encoder produces bits at the rate R0 = (nk)Rs, where Rs is the bit rate of the information
source. The dimensionless ratio r = kn is called the code rate, where 0 < r < 1. The bit
rate R0, coming out of the encoder, is called the channel data rate. Thus, the code rate is a
dimensionless ratio, whereas the data rate produced by the source and the channel data
rate produced by the encoder are both measured in bits per second.
In a convolutional code, the encoding operation may be viewed as the discrete-time
convolution of the input sequence with the impulse response of the encoder. The duration
of the impulse response equals the memory of the encoder. Accordingly, the encoder for a
convolutional code operates on the incoming message sequence, using a “sliding window”
equal in duration to its own memory. This, in turn, means that in a convolutional code,
unlike in a block code, the channel encoder accepts message bits as a continuous sequence
and thereby generates a continuous sequence of encoded bits at a higher rate.
In the model depicted in Figure 10.1a, the operations of channel coding and modulation
are performed separately in the transmitter; and likewise for the operations of detection
and decoding in the receiver. When, however, bandwidth efficiency is of major concern,
the most effective method of implementing forward error-control correction coding is to
combine it with modulation as a single function, as shown in Figure 10.1b. In this second
approach, coding is redefined as a process of imposing certain patterns on the transmitted
signal and the resulting code is called a trellis code.
Block codes, convolutional codes, and trellis codes represent the classical family of
codes that follow traditional approaches rooted in algebraic mathematics in one form or
another. In addition to these classical codes, we now have a “new” generation of coding
techniques exemplified by turbo codes and low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. These
new codes are not only fundamentally different, but they have also already taken over the
legacy coding schemes very quickly in many practical systems. Simply put, turbo codes
and LDPC codes are structured in such a way that decoding can be split into a number of
manageable steps, thereby making it possible to construct powerful codes in a
computationally feasible manner, which is not attainable with the legacy codes. Turbo
codes and LDPC codes are discussed in the latter part of the chapter.
Returning to the model of Figure 10.1a, the waveform channel is said to be memoryless if
in a given interval the detector output depends only on the signal transmitted in that
interval and not on any previous transmission. Under this condition, we may model the
combination of the modulator, the waveform channel, and the demodulator (detector) as a
discrete memoryless channel. Such a channel is completely described by the set of
transition probabilities denoted by p(j|i), where i denotes a modulator input symbol, j Page 580 Friday, January 4, 2013 5:03 PM
denotes a demodulator output symbol, and p(j|i) is the probability of receiving symbol j
given that symbol i was sent. (Discrete memoryless channels were described previously at
some length in Chapter 5 on information theory.)
The simplest discrete memoryless channel results from the use of binary input and
binary output symbols. When binary coding is used, the modulator has only the binary
symbols 0 and 1 as inputs. Likewise, the decoder has only binary inputs if binary
quantization of the demodulator output is used; that is, a hard decision is made on the
demodulator output as to which binary symbol was actually transmitted. In this situation,
we have a binary symmetric channel with a transition probability diagram as shown in
Figure 10.2. From Chapter 5, we recall that the binary symmetric channel, assuming a
channel noise modeled as AWGN, is completely described by the transition probability.
Hard-decision decoding takes advantage of the special algebraic structure that is built into
the design of channel codes; the decoding is therefore relatively easy to perform.
However, the use of hard decisions prior to decoding causes an irreversible loss of
valuable information in the receiver. To reduce this loss, soft-decision coding can be used.
This is achieved by including a multilevel quantizer at the demodulator output, as
illustrated in Figure 10.3a for the case of binary PSK signals. The input–output
characteristic of the quantizer is shown in Figure 10.3b. The modulator has only binary
symbols 0 and 1 as inputs, but the demodulator output now has an alphabet with Q
symbols. Assuming the use of the three-level quantizer described in Figure 10.3b, we have
Q = 8. Such a channel is called a binary input, Q-ary output discrete memoryless channel.
The corresponding channel transition probability diagram is shown in Figure 10.3c. The
form of this distribution, and consequently the decoder performance, depends on the
location of the representation levels of the quantizer, which, in turn, depends on the signal
level and noise variance. Accordingly, the demodulator must incorporate automatic gain
control if an effective multilevel quantizer is to be realized. Moreover, the use of soft
decisions complicates the implementation of the decoder. Nevertheless, soft-decision
decoding offers significant improvement in performance over hard-decision decoding by
taking a probabilistic rather than an algebraic approach. It is for this reason that soft-
decision decoders are also referred to as probabilistic decoders.
Symbol 1 Symbol 1
Inputs Outputs
Symbol 0 Symbol 0