Study of The Trapping of Fluid A Gear: Yanada, Meng and T Icbikawa, Itsuji, Meng
Study of The Trapping of Fluid A Gear: Yanada, Meng and T Icbikawa, Itsuji, Meng
Study of The Trapping of Fluid A Gear: Yanada, Meng and T Icbikawa, Itsuji, Meng
I n a gear pump, relief grooves are provided on the endplates to avoid the trapping offluid, and their position has great influence on the
performance of a gear pump. However, no definite design has been established on the relief groove position. I n order to decide the
optimal position of the relief groove, it is necessary to clarify the trapping phenomenon of working fluid in a gear pump. In this study,
the pressure in the space trapped by tooth surfaces of the driving and driven gears was measured using a.fixed endplate type of external
gear pump, specially made, in which a miniature semiconductor type of pressure transducer was installed. The experiment revealed the
effects of the relief groove position and the backlash size on the magnitude of the pressure rise in the trapped space and on the
performance. The optimal position ofthe relief groove was made clear.
where t, is the normal pitch and a the operating press- Table 1 Specifications of gears
ure angle. In the case of the test pump, &, = 6.4 mm Module (mm) 4.75
and B,, = 3.2 mm. As seen from Fig. lb, if the delivery Number of gear teeth 10
side relief groove is provided at the position of Bd = Bdl Diameter of addendum circle (mm) 58.0
when the backlash size is large, the delivery side relief C h t r e distance (mm) 48.8
groove closes at the angular position where the trapped
volume 21 (= u1 c2)becomes minimum. Similarly, if the
Backlash (pn)
Operating pressure angle
delivery side relief groove is provided at the position of
B, = B,, when the backlash size is zero, the delivery
side relief groove closes at the angular position where
the trapped space c1 or v 2 becomes minimum, as seen
from Fig. l a or c. In this investigation, the position of
the delivery side relief groove was varied within the
range of Bd, 3, B, 3 B,, .
LTsing four pairs of endplates which have different
positions of the relief groove and three pairs of gears
which have different backlash mes, the effects of the
relief groove position and the backlash size on the trap-
ping phenomenon were investigated. Table 2 shows the
position of the relief groove, the bacxlash size and the
ratio of backlash to module. R, an Table 2 indicates the
distance trom the centre-line to h e delivery side reiief
groove, h the backlash size and ni the module. Ench
value of h is a nominal value The gears usecl nave
tolerances of Cb 13 pm in backlash. I n addition. because
of the existence of clearance between the gear shaft and
needle bearing, the centre distance between the driving
and driven gear shafts become.; slightly large when
pressure is exercised; this results in a larger backlash
size. Therefore the actual backlash sizes are larger than
those presented in Table 2. However, since it is difficult
to measure the actual backlash s i x under the operating
conditions, the nominal values shown in Table I are
used in this paper. The distance from the centre-line to
the suction side relief groove is 6.4 mm, regardless of the
delivery side relief groove position
The upper half of Fig. 2 shows the variation of
trapped volume with angular position; the lower half
shows the variations of the change rates of trapped
volume per unit rotational angle dv,/dtl, dr2/dl) and
dvlde and of the relief groove open area A with angular
position. In the case where the trapped space is separat-
ed into two spaces u, and u2 owing to zero or very small
backlash, trapping takes place alternatively in the
spaces u1 and u2 every n / z rad (18"), the angular range
of trapping is wide and the amount of volume com-
pressed during trapping is very large. On the other
hand, when the backlash size is large and the trapped
space can be considered as one space u ( = v1 vz), the +
angular range of trapping is narrow and the amount of
volume compressed is small.
The variation of the trapped space is expressed by the
following equations (1):
Shaft torque was measured by a strain gauge type of 4 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS A N D DISCUSSION
torque transducer (9) and angular position by a poten-
tiometer (10). Those signals were amplified by a strain 4.1 Pressure in the trapped space
amplifier or a d.c. amplifier (11) and recorded on an Figure 5 shows measured waveforms of pressures P ,
electromagnetic oscillograph or a digital memoryscope and P , . Figure 5a, b and c show the results for h = 30,
(12). The delivery flowrate of the test pump was 50 and 200 pm respectively. The position of the delivery
obtained by measuring the drain flow of the relief valve side relief groove is the one that is calculated from
(7) using a platform scale. equation (l),that is B d = B d , = 6.4 mm. Figure 5 shows
The pressure in the trapped space was measured by a that when the backlash size is small (h = 30 pm),
miniature semiconductor type of pressure transducer extremely high pressures occur in the trapped spaces; as
which was installed in the casing, shown in Fig. 4a. The
configuration of pressure taps provided on the endplate
is presented in Fig. 4b. The length, width and depth of 12 -
the pressure tap are 6, 2 and 0.5 mm respectively. The B, = 6 4 m m
relative position of the pressure taps to the centre-line 10- N = lo00 rimin h=30pm -
The working fluid is turbine oil. All the experiments e (-18) (-9)
were conducted under the oil temperature of 50°C. The
(a) h = 30 pm
density and the viscosity of the oil at 50°C are 858
kg/m3 and 0.0262 Pas respectively.
B , = 6.4 mm
h = 50pm
N = 500 rimin
-9 0 9 18 27
Pressure tap
e (-18) (-9)
(a) Arrangement from pressure tap to pressure transducer degree
(b) h = 5 0 p m
B, = 6.4 m m
5 h = 200pm
N = loo0 rimin
-9 0 9 18 21 36
(-18) (-9) (0)
i e
Pressure tap dyg6e
(b) Configuration of pressure taps
Fig. 5 Measured waveforms of pressure in trapped spaces
Fig. 4 Details of pressure measuring part ( B , = 6.4 mm)
Proc Instn Mech Engrs Vol 201 No A1 Q IMechE 1987
the backlash size becomes greater, the pressure rise in is expressed as (du,/dO)w, (du,/dO)w or (dv/dO)w, where
the trapped space becomes low and when the backlash w is the angular velocity. The maximum pressure rise
size is large enough ( h = 200 pm), the pressure rise in occurs at the angular position where the relief groove of
the trapped space is very small. As seen from Fig. 2, in the delivery side just closes (h = 30, 50 pm) or nearly
the case of Bd = 6.4 mm, the open area of the relief closes (h = 200 pm), so that the compression flowrate
groove is zero at 8 = 0" and/or at 18". Figure 5a shows caused by the trapping must flow out through the clear-
that the pressures in the trapped spaces P, and P, ances between the gears and endplates. The clearances
become maximum in the vicinities of 8 = 0" and 18" are very small (12-15 pm); therefore, laminar flow is
respectively and that there is no interference between developed in the clearances. The flowrate of laminar
the waveforms of PI and P,. It is deduced from these flow is proportional to the pressure difference between
results that no oil in the space u2 flows into the other the two points under consideration; accordingly, a pro-
space u1 through the backlash while the oil in u2 is portional relation exists between the maximum pressure
subjected to compression and that each space forms an rise and the rotational speed.
isolated trapped space. Therefore, when designing gear Figure 7 shows the measured waveforms of the
pumps it is necessary to take into account the fact that
small backlash is in effect equivalent to no backlash.
In the case of h = 50 pm (Fig. 5b), the maximum
pressure rise caused by trapping is about a half of that
in the case of h = 30 pm, but the overall tendency is
almost identical to the case of h = 30 pm. From the fact
that the pressure PI rises again to some extent when the
pressure P, becomes high around 0 = 18", it can be
seen that part of the oil in u2 compressed by the trap-
ping flows into the space u1 through the backlash.
In the case of h = 200 pm (Fig. 54, the pressures P ,
and P, vary in a similar way to each other with regard
to angular position. This signifies that the two spaces u1
and u2 that exist through the backlash can be regarded
as one space u ( = u1 + uz).
Figure 6 indicates the speed dependence of the
maximum pressure rise in the space u2 caused by trap-
ping, (P, - Pd)max, with backlash size as a parameter. 6-
The maximum pressure rise increases proportionally to Bd=40mm
the rotational speed. The compression flowrate due to 5- h=30pm -
h = 30pm
6- Ed = 3.2mm -
h = 30pm
'1 --
v = 1.053
Fig. 5a. Pressure rises resulting from trapping can be -
when B, = 4.8 mm are just a half of those when Bd =
6.4 mm. When B, = 3.2 mm (Fig. 7c), at which position Fig. 9 Variation of displacement with delivery side relief
the relief groove corresponds to that calculated from groove position with backlash size as a parameter
equation (2), a pressure rise is not seen at all. The value
of dv,/d8 or dv,/d0 at the angular position where A = 0 the relief groove position is altered according to the
is zero when B, = B,, = 3.2 mm. In such a case the oil backlash size, a significant decrease of torque efficiency
in the trapped space can escape through the relief may occur.
groove of the delivery side without resistance; therefore,
no pressure rise takes place.
4.3 Displacement
4.2 Shaft torque Figure 9 shows the non-dimensional displacement V,
Shaft torque was measured under different com- which was obtained from the experimental results at
binations of backlash size and relief groove position. N = 1000 r/min and AP = 0 MPa. The displacement V
Figure 8 shows the shaft torque To measured when the was non-dimensionalized by dividing it by the displace-
pressure difference between the delivery and suction ment vhlr
which can be theoretically calculated on con-
sides AP was zero. When h = 200 pm, as already shown, dition that the backlash size is large enough. The
only a low-pressure rise was caused by the trapping, so theoretical displacement is expressed by the following
that To in the case of h = 200 pm may be thought of as equations in the cases of large backlash ( & I ) and no
being frictional torque only. The difference between the backlash (vh2),
provided that the helical angle of a gear
values of To in the case of h = 30 or 50 pm and of To is zero (1):
when h = 200 pm indicates the torque increase resulting
from the trapping. When the backlash size is 30 or
50 pm, the amount of decrease of torque efficiency in the
case of B, = 6.4 mm, assuming, as an example, the case
where the pressure difference AP is 10 MPa, is about 6
or 4 per cent respectively. These results show that unless (7)
' DI
relief groove is to the centre-line within the range of
0h = 200 pi11 I side relief groove to the centre within the range of Bd <
Bd,. When la = 50 pm, the overall efficiency tends to lie
between those of the above two cases. It is also shown
that the overall efficiency i s highest in the case of small
1 I
backlash and the relief groove position calculated by
equation (2).
Hd .
_ The trapping phenomenon in a gear pump and the
effects of the relief groove position and the backlash size
Fig. 10 Variation of overall efficiency with delivery side relief on the trapping phenomenon and the performance have
groove position with backlash size as a parameter been made clear. This investigation also pointed out the
necessity of altering the relief groove position according
volume to be compressed in the trapped space v2 until to the backlash size and showed that the highest overall
the space u2 becomes minimum after the closure of the efficiency was obtained when the backlash was small
relief groove can not be delivered to the delivery side. and the delivery side relief groove was provided at the
Therefore the displacement V equals Fh1in the same position calculated by the equation 3, = 0.25t,, cos a.
way as in the case of h = 200 pm. From the same con-
siderations as above, it can be seen that the displace-
ment is in the range of < V < Kb2 when the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
backlash is small and the delivery side relief groove is
situated in the range Bd, > 13, > B d , . The authors would like to thank Toyo-oki Kogyo
Company Limited for their help in making the test
pump and Mr H. Ogata for his help in experiments.
4.4 Overall efficiency Thanks are also given to Associate Professor A. Hibi of
Figure 10 shows the relations between the overall Toyohashi University of Technology for his valuable
efficiency and the backlash size and the relief groove suggestions and to Professor K. Yamaguchi of Toyota
position. These results were obtained when N = 1000 College of Technology for his helpful discussion.
r/min and P , = 9.81 MPa. The magnitude of the overall
efficiency shown is considerably low compared to that
of ordinary gear pumps. The existence of the pressure
taps on the endplates decreased the effective sealing I Ichikawa, T. Gear pump (in Japanese), 1962 (Nikkan Kogyo
area between the delivery side and the suction side, as Shimhunsha).
2 Ishihashi, A. and Muta, R. The effects of relief groove position and
shown in Fig. 4b; therefore, the leakage flowrate was backlash size on the efliciencq and the pressure fluctuation ratio of
increased. The increased leakage flowrate is responsible a gear pump (in Japanese). Trans. Japan SOC. Mech. Enyrs, 1967,
for the low overall efficiency. 33-251, 1155.