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Bank Management System: International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering (Ijercse)

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ISSN (Online) 2394-2320

International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering

Vol 8, Issue 8, August 2021

Bank Management System

MD.Faizan, [2] MD.Aquil Amwar, [3] Masrurul Haque
School Of Computer Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida, India

Abstract---- Bank management system can be consider as a most important thing in economic world.in the present scenario the
banking sector is the common need in everyday life.in day to day life we face the problems and then we realize something is not
done in this sector like we want to change the location (branch) of our account then we need to fill the application and then some
day waiting to complete bank process. In this process amount of time is more as well as here occur manual work which is increases
man power. Also in current scenario aadhar card linking is must with bank account and it is possible through the ATM but if in
urgent we want to link aadhar it may be not possible there is no ATM are available in that case we provide this facility through the
our project i.e. Bank management system.

Key Words----Virtual transaction, Transaction, Security system, computerization

and it automatic do the transactions with balance and it

check all conditions are satisfied or not in respective
The project entitled “Bank management system” is a proses. This is the more secure and automatic process
computerized telecommunications device that provides the which do all the transaction with accuracy of calculation.
customers of a financial institution with access to financial In our project we also provide the facility to link aadhar
transactions in a public space without the need for a human with account number and we also provide the facility to
clerk or bank taller (manpower). Thousands of bank change location of account with branch that mean the user
performs millions of transactions every day and thousands can change the branch which is convenient for it. They
of users used banking system in day to day life. As we will also change or update data like address, mobile
know that if number of users increases us need more banks number using online banking system.
and more staff it means increasing manual work also we
put more amount of money in bank it is more risky and not
much secure. If we developed advanced computerized In [1], Information and communication technology (ICT)
based banking system so there is no need to open more has helped to drive increasingly intense global
branches as well the manpower is reduce and maximum Competition. In the world history the most of the countries
information are stored automatically in banking server. are most developed because of they are financially very
Banking system requires authenticity and validity if a clear for how to use the high amount of money in the
system provides these basic logics that mean we can developing process in own country . We also use the SOA
developed a new system that authenticate and validate the architecture for providing the scalable and reliable service
user and user can do any type of virtual transaction any therefor we studied related to the SOA architecture to
time anywhere in minimum amount of time. One of the know how we use to implementation process in our project
most authentic codes i.e. the customer account number for using Service Oriented Architectures (SOA).we also refer
recognition of any person. It always appear on and credit, the paper who give the case study information about
withdraw, money transferring, linking aadhar with account Scandinavian bank and a Swiss bank This two banks are
and changing the account location in one branch to another working on the basis of service oriented architecture for
branch in same bank. Day to day life banking system is providing the service for the customer. SOA provides
most useful and important thing in economical world and potential for greater organizational agility (and thereby
which is very useful to develop country as well as competitiveness).
economic power.
In [2], in the second paper we learn which type of
Transaction: in banking transaction is the execution of a problems are created in banking system during the
program that performs an administrative or real time different types of transactions. Here discuss about if any
function, often by accessing shared data sources, usually region the transaction may be fail then how to avoid it and
on behalf of a banking users who have an account in the fixed it. We also studied about Firms in Italy defaulted
respective bank. This transaction executed by the program more against banks with high levels of past losses. This

ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Vol 8, Issue 8, August 2021

`selective' default increases where legal enforcement is diagram:

weak. Poor enforcement thus can create a systematic
transaction risk by encouraging banking users to defaulted
masse once the continuation value of their bank
relationships comes into doubt. In banking sector the
security also must and when we talk about money or
property this case is more sensational then we found the
security is the major thing to do in banking system.
In our project we provide the security questions when
customer login with account to prevent the fraud and
provide the best security in the bank management system.
The proposed system is highly computerized in which the
data related to user accounts will be secured high with high
accuracy that even reduced the machine damage and
human made errors and this existing system is highly
efficient to offer best services to the customers as well as
bank because it has user friendly access that customers less
time when compare with a normal banking system. When
the data is entered it will check for its validity. Appropriate
massages are provided as when needed so that the user will
not be in a maize of instant. The data entry screen is design
such a way that all the data manipulates can be performed,
it also provide record viewing facilities. Our Project
developing as per the below figures. In the below fig (a)
this project is use for online banking system, the user can
register first and then login. When user login successfully
they will perform the operation like money withdraw,
money transfer, deposit, aadhar link with own account, Fig (A): Bank Management system
transfer account in one location to another location etc.
Admin has all authority to handle all the user account and
transactions in a sequence to avoid unauthorized user.
Costumer can update his data like address, contact number
etc. as well as they link aadhar number with own account
number using online banking system. User can transfer
money, deposit money, withdraw and check account
balance through online banking system. In Bank
management system we use n-tier architecture which is
helpful to handle different tasks in fluently and sequential
order. We use following architecture for the project are:
Fig. Mind map for bank management system
[1]MVC architecture for Presentation layer
[2]SOA architecture for Service layer [3]Design Pattern
for data access layer [4]Entity framework for Data access
layer Introduction:
Here we work in order of Bottom-Up approach. A system requirements analysis is a complete description
of the behavior of the system to be developed. It includes a
The flow of working of the project as shown in below

ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Vol 8, Issue 8, August 2021

set of use cases that describe all of the interactions that the 5. This system allows the manager to update personal
users will have with the system. In addition to use cases, information
the system requirement analysis contains functional
6. This system allows the manager to reset password if
requirements, which define the internal workings of the
password is forgotten 7. This system allows the manager
system: that is, the calculations, technical details, data
to Register New Customer.
manipulation and processing, and other specific
functionality that shows how the use cases are to be For Customer Module:
satisfied. It also contains nonfunctional requirements,
1. This system allows the customer to login with email and
which impose constraints on the design or implementation
(such as performance requirements, quality standards or
design constraints). 2. This system allows the customer to update personal
3 This system allows the customer to reset password if
The requirement is a complete description of the behavior
password is forgotten 4. This system allows the customer
of the system to be developed. These requirements
to view his/her account balance
includes: functional and nonfunctional requirements.
5. This system allows the customer to transfer money from
Functional Requirement :
his account to another account
A functional requirement defines the internal workings of
6. This system allows the customer to recover password
the system: that is, the calculations, technical details, data
manipulation and processing, and other specific 7. This system allows the customer to change password
functionality that shows how the use cases are to be
8. This system allows the customer to delete profile
satisfied. The functionalities of the system or modules are
mean what the system supposes to do. 9. This system allows the customer to choose image point.
For admin Module: Non-Functional Requirement:
1. This system allows the admin to login with username Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies
and password criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system,
rather than specific behaviors. It is about how the system
2. This system allows the admin to add a Bank branch
supposes to be and specify the quality of the system, is
mostly related to the satisfaction of the user, example
3. This system allows the admin to accept or reject a minimum acceptable page load time. Some of these non-
manager/customer functional requirements are:
4. This system allows the admin to approve or reject 1. Integrity
customer transaction request
2. Usability
5. This system allows the admin to View Managers &
3. Maintainability
Customers details
Integrity: Integrity testing is basically a type of software
For Manager Module:
testing that is done to check whether the application or the
1. This system allows the manager to register product is secured or not. It checks to see if this
application is vulnerable to attacks, if anyone hack the
2. This system allows the manager to login with email and
system or login to the application without any
authorization. It is a process to determine that an
3. This system allows the manager to accept/reject branch information system protects data and maintains
customers functionality as intended. The security testing is performed
to check whether there is any information leakage in the
4. This system allows the manager to view customer
sense by encrypting the application or using wide range of
software’s and hardware’s and firewall etc. For example

ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Vol 8, Issue 8, August 2021

this online bank application can allow the users to login maintenance costs and to maximize profit while reducing
and carry out transaction but not to edit their account cost. It also important to note that maintainability deals
balance. As only when a transaction occurs their account with; modular structure of software, internal program
balance should be automatically update Usability: This documentation, Programmers manual typical
has to do with black box testing, but relating it to white requirements, Code to company standards and guidelines.
box testing, usability testing is a very wide area of testing
System Architecture:
and it needs fairly high level of understanding of this field
along with creative mind. People involved in the usability
testing are required to possess skills like patience, ability
to listen to the suggestions, openness to welcome any idea,
and the most important of them all is that they should have
good observation skills to spot and fix the issues or
problems. As soon as the user problems are identified, if
such problem arises from the internal mechanism of the
product then white box testing strategy can help to identify
and fix those problems
Maintainability: It basically defines that how easy it is to
maintain the system. This means that how easy it is to
analyses, change and test the application or product.
Maintainability testing shall use a model of the
maintainability requirements of the software product. The
maintainability testing shall be specified in terms of the
effort required to effect a change under each of the
following four categories:
1. Corrective maintenance: Deals with correcting
problems. The maintainability of a system can be
measured in terms of the time taken to diagnose and fix
problems identified within that system.
2. Perfective maintenance: This deals with system
enhancements. The maintainability of a system can also be
measured in terms of the effort taken to make required
enhancements to that system. This can be tested by
recording the time taken to achieve a new piece of
identifiable functionality such as a change to the database,
etc. A number of similar tests should be run and an
average time calculated. The outcome will be that it is
possible to give an average effort required to implement
specified functionality. This can be compared against a
target effort and an assessment made as to whether
requirements are met.
3. Adaptive maintenance: Adapting to changes in
environment. The maintainability of a system can also be
measured in terms on the effort required to make required
adaptations to that system. This can be measured in the
way described above for perfective maintainability testing.
4. Preventive maintenance: Actions to reduce future
maintenance costs. This refers to actions to reduce future

ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Vol 8, Issue 8, August 2021

I have successfully designed, develop and implemented
this Bank customers Management system which provides a
more secured approach in managing bank customer’s

ISSN (Online) 2394-2320
International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering
Vol 8, Issue 8, August 2021

information and strengthens the relationships between

banks and their customers by providing the right solutions
that uses a multilevel security to improve customer
satisfaction. I therefore encourages other developers of
similar application to think twice on how best they can
improve in developing a more secured system that will
meet the challenges we face today especially on the
banking sector and other financial institutions.

[1] 1. Fundamentals of database systems by (Elmasri
Navathe, 2000),
page/n51/mode/2up, Page: From 52 to more.
[2] Article: Online banking, Website:
[3] Online Bank Account Management System Website:
[4] Learning MYSQL, JavaScript, jQuery, PHP, HTML,
CSS3, Website: http://www.w3schools.com
[5] PHP and MySQL video tutorial Durgasoft online.com
[6] Veneeva, V. (2006), “E-Banking (Online Banking)
and Its Role in Today's Society”, Ezine articles
Python Durgasoftonline.com.


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