Awwa C205 - 80

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ORKS ASSOC Delieds Colored reviewed and approved this me of approva R. D. Diexsox, Chairman CM. Presa, Vice-Chairnon G. Turse. Secretary Consuiners Members Feau of Water, Pordland, OR ser Departmen:, Denver. CO nent of 1 Depa Power, Los ang M, Z c r ce S ‘on, Deaver NY Genera! Interest Members "son, Dutham & Richardso cawway (awe Montgomery, Pasadens, CA Hi, Redding. Ca ing Consulant, Hovston, TX Corp., Newpon Beach tare University. Logan UP KG. Wiexes, Escondide, CA Producer Members cawway . Bethlehem. PA cawwa: fs: Monterey Park. CA Fawn Stee! Pipe, Birmingham, AL (MSSWF) 3 Stee! Corp., Onidland, CA (AWWA) Frac, US Stee! Corp, Pitsburg Pa (AWwWwa) J. Wise, Shaw. Pipe Surrey, British Columbia (awwa) ial sistance of thé Stee! Water Pipe revision of this © Corb 80 the America Wate Was Awan Pie n't fou ens laiae ist approved this (awwa) & cawwa). © (Awwa) (awwa} (NEWWA) (NEWWa) (AWWA) (awwa) awa i ee L u N. 1 WW 2 3 ts 15 18 7 2 22 3 24 25 26 Table of Contents Foreword Mortar Lining ... "of Standard = Disevssion son Regarding is Standard - Machine Lining Majer Revisions : ¥ of Specs fective Lining eee Caring of Genera Seoye Definiione References espeetion 0000202) Materials and Workmanship 11-2) Reinforcement om Equipment a ‘Agplcstion of Morte Coating Affeavit of Compliance Coating of Specials Detect Gating ‘ring of Coating Material... cee reste = Wire Reinforcement Tanne i Manufactoce Portland Cement Meo ae : livery xing Water 20200200020) Appendix ering Composnd General Pala verressrssssssissecee foside Jointe Ourside oiees Surface Preparation .....s.c0% Tables Cleaning Surfaces Cemene-Hortr Liaing Thickness 2 Brotectve Painting Foreword Thie foreword is for information only ond is note part of AIVHA C205. . History of Standard The frst. edition of this. standard, designated 7A7-41, Standard Specif- ations for Cement”Morvar Protective Coating for Steel Water Pipe of Sizes 30 Inches and Over, was approved by the AWWA. Board of Directors Jun. 26, 1941, . Prior to’ that. tentative raft had been. published. inthe Jan- ary 1940 Journal AWWA for review and comment: wi The frst edition ‘provided. for. the field application of cement-mortar lin ing, which, was,.deleted by. action. of the Board of Directors; effective Jun. 30, 1951. Pending. the: promulgation of AWWA (602.0%. cement-mortar ining of water pipelines in. ninth, tenth, and-eleventh printings. of 7A7 (C208). continued IL. Discussion Cetnent-mortar lined-and-costed steel pipe was first used in the US in the Tater. 1800s. Some of the initial pipe- in service for almost a cen- However, it was not until che 1920s that a practical method of plant- applied cement-mortar lining was de- attached 0 the leading end inside pipe. placing enough « fn top of the plug to coat the pipe: and then pulling che plug up. through the pipe. Improvements in the lining, process were developed, and the cen- trlogal, process. for plan tentemartar lining emerged ™ Cemtent-mortar- ined and cen shortar costed stel pipe combines th physical sirength of steel with the p tective qualities of eeinent-morta. Tning, sppled ceotrfugally, ereates, smooth, dense finish that protecis from: tubereulation and. pr suré of corrosion prot FoREWorD. ‘or surince provirles a hig’ Row coelficient, which is maintained ls the cement-mortar seating results in 2 tough, durable, and ized coating that forms an alkaline environment int which axidstion or cor. rosion of the steel is inhibited The purchaser is cautioned that very soit, aggressive waters may be inju Hous'to cement-mortar linings: When this environment is anticipated, further studies may be necessary to determine the suiabibty of this type of lining. ML, Information Regarding Use of This Ste: When purchasing protective cenient orrar lining or coating for steel water Pipe, i will be necessary for the p supplementary specific specifications as to the following. 4 Standard used ; that is, C205, Whether interior lining only, terior coating only, or both ki + and coating are required #3, Footage, waterway diameter, “lengths of pipe sections, stel wall Fess, type of joint, and spe- Whether an affidavit of compl fiSeiszrequied. (Sec. 1.7) Bipezal cement” if -other than jpeelsoe: Type IT: (See: 22). ‘Clearly statéd options or iOaSPA any; uch ae: thicke thick ess tolerances (See. 4.2) ° and Fength of lining hotdiack (See 43) 7, Coating. Clearly stated options or restrictions, if aay. such a8 type of undercoat. if anv (See, 1 length of costing holdback 5.3): thickness “of morsar coating (Sec. 5.3) thickness tle eranees (See. 5.3); inforcement (See. i 1971 staudart hinge in this revision are Caring reguicements have deen changed to refeet euirrene prace Provisions have been made for avit of compliance 3. The scope of Appendix A. Field + Joints, has-been enlarged to offer 2° more complete procedure for the application of cement-mortar’ field joints +. Where lining ‘has not, been’ cen ifugally ‘placed, reinforcement fof mertar lining Kas’ been’ niade vandatory instead of “optional = with the purchaser Jor’ fic larger than 24 in, 5, Limits for’ crack quirements” for thle! fepaie a siefined for tning GA Tist of referenda ale AWWA C205-£0 (Revision of AWWA C205-71) AWWA Standerd for Cement-Mortar Protective Lining and Coating for Steel Water Pipe— 4 In. and Larger-Shop Applied Section 1-General -Séeisik= Scope mechanical ‘placement. pneumatic This sendard covers the wiaeral, aremient oF 8 method cbtining _ Application, and curing reuircmencs to “Drotdeprteave nngrand contnge 3 The outide ell pipe a spe- <-Hor steel water pipe by shop sapplices sials shall ‘reteive:. a reinforced tion. of tac as’ follows. of al pipe shall re ‘Veéive ad cement-mortar lining ap- 7. plied: by, centriftigally spinning or i d obtaining equivalent equivalent result LAL Fete opp F application, of cen Was, “reducers: Yeler to AWWA ned Cement~Mortat Liniay Sec. 1.2 Delinitions In this standard, the following def initions shall apply 121 Purchaser. ‘The person. frm, corporation. oF governmental agency entering into 2 contract or agreement for the purchase of any materials oF work to be performed under this stan- ea 1.22 Contractor. The person. firm. of corporation exseuting the contract for agreenient with the purchas ish any materials or perform work according to this standard, E T i emploved by the 3g 22 his representacive, or ive assistants properly suchor= 1 Tiited tothe partieuta j assigned t0 them. 124 Spinning, The process of ap plying centent-mortar to the inside faces of pipe whereby the mortar in- troduced into the pipe is spread on “the surface of the pipe and compacted thereon by the centrifugal force result- ing from spinning the pipe about its longitudinal axis unt the mortar bas consolidated sufficiently to allow re ‘moval of the pipe from the equipment. 125. Pnewnatie placement Ae ptocess of applying mortar to any sur State” by which mortar is propelled Fe ces agsinat the surlace by compressed air ‘steam F126 Mechanical placeysent. ‘The Process of applving mortar by proje ing’ the mortar at a high velocity | jeally operated Eompaction system, 425127 Stearh curing. The process of si fadintaining a constant'y moist surface = by. cfeating a humid atmosphere 2t an ~ Aevated temperature. [2B. Aulogenous healing. The pro- « by which cracks in concrete or ‘eement-mortar are healed by the for. mation of caleium earbonat presence of moistire See. LS References This standard references the ing documents, In their Intest ¢ the references form a part of this stan dard to the extent specified her case of conflict, the requ of this standard shall prevail AWWA C602 Cement Reinjorcement Concrete Aggregates Inorganic Aggregates for Use fe Ploster. ASTMCISO. Portland Cement ASTM CKO Liquid Membrone- Forming Com pounds for Curing Concrete. Sec. 14 Inspection All materisis furnished and work done shall be subject to. inspection ‘The contractor: shall furnish, without additional cost to the purchaser, rea- sonable assistance for the inspection of materials and workmanship. The en. gieer shal,’at all times, have access stor ll/para” of the. shop-and_ works ‘where’ sich inaterial is being manufac ‘uired of the wérle performed. Sec. 1.5 Materials aad ‘Workmanship ‘The contractor shall submit satisface tory evidence that materials furnished for inclusion in ‘the work covered by the contract meet the provisions of standard. Materis!s incorporated in the work, and not specifeally” covered hy the provisions of this standard, shall be of high quality and approved by the engineer. All work periormed under the terns of the concract shall be done wagh and w. in the operations they sus or material chat fails to cont ATERIAL this standard may be rejected at any lime prior to final acceptance there Sec. 1.6 Equipment The contractor's equipment for ape plying cement-mortas and for eacrying and transporting lined or lined-ande ‘coated pipe, shall permit the workmen to foliow the procedure and obtain re Sulis described by this standard Soc. 1.7 Alfidevil of Compliance The purchaser may require that the contractor furnish an affidavit thar all wsaterials and work furnished under the purchaser's order will eamply., or have complied, with the applicable re- quirements of this standard Section 2-Material Sec. 2.1 Wire Reinforcement 211 Spiralwire reinforcenient Jor pie costing. Steel wire shall be a min, imum size of 15 gage (0.072 in.) at ¥ hizxinusm spacing of If in, The wire Shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A82, = 12 Wire-fobrie eeinforcenient foi bide coating and Jor lining of speciale Wire fabric shall be 2 4 steel “wire” «Ines, 13 gage each way, and shall con form to the requirements of ASTM: ‘AI85, 1 3eees 2.1.3. Ribbon-mesh'reinforcement bide coatnig and for lining of spec Ribbon. mesh shall be 2 x fume wire or 1} x 1 mest, f LJ ‘ The wire shall conforsta = {hs requirements of ASTM AS2.. Mesh Saghill.not be crimped. vhs Se “tidal may be mod Sec..22 Posllend Cement - Portland cement shall conform fo the Eequitemeats: for Type I or Type II cement, ASTM C150, or ag otherwise i ie purchaser in his supe plementary. specifications. sist of inert materials tVong, durable, uncoated ming to. the requirements cpt that the grada- ied to provide a lin- fig. and: Coating’ of wiaxinnur density ee Es é stances shall not exceed the following Tienits: Sebvance were Shale 1 Clay himpe ' ‘Mica and other deleterious subseances 3 Sum af all deleterious substances 5 231 Alkali-eggregate reactios Every effort shall be made to obtain sand that is not deleteriously ceaeti swith the alkalies in the cement. Ti de eteriously reactive aggregates must be used, the cement shall contain fess than 06 percent alkalies csleulated a8. s0- jum oxide, or a material may be added that has been shown to prevent harai- ful expansion due to the alkali-aggre- gate,reaction. TAR SHOP APPLIED Sec. 14 Mixing Water Water shall be clean, colorless, and fee from objectionable quantities of ganic matter, alkali, salt, or other im- purities that might reduce the streng:h, lity, or other desirable queliies of the mortar. Sec. 2.5 Curing Compound Curing compound for curing exterior ~ coatings. shail comply with’ ASTM’ C508, Sec, 2.8 Paint ‘The paint or other material used for preventing the rusting of steel surfaces at holdbacks of mortar lining or coat- ing prior to pipe installation shall be a quick material with good bonding properties to steel and shall dry tack-free and smooth within 4. he after application... ‘other 3 “shall be cleaned. and: painted “corrosios-preventing paint as describ in, Se 206, Tt shal be applied ath oi, sags-or runs, toa: chicknend “vil ot impale the elearane AD pope iota SECTION +-NORTAR LINING Section 4—Mortar Lining Sec. 41 Coment-Mortar Cement-morrar shall be composed of cement, sand, and water, well mixed and of proper consistency to obtain a dense, homdgeneous lining that will adhere firmly to the pipe surface. If an admixture is to be used by the viaetocer. it shall’be approved by Repuron. Debeeb e wna to cement shall not be more than three ‘cement, By" Cemeni-mortar lining shall be wni- form in thickness, except at joints or other discontinuities. inthe. pipevall Lining thickness shalt-beas listed in the pure chaser. Ends of lining stall be left square and uniform with regerd to the longitudinal axis of the pipe, and the ining holdback shall be as specified by the purchaser for the: type jof joint required 3 TABLE 1) ComentcMort Linn Thich igh Straight"sectiosss of pipe shall be liked by-ase oF a " machine’ speciRcally: des Tor the « ‘ection ring built: applying cement the interior of steet pipe or by 2 method that ol Bent results. 43.2 Mixing, The mortar shall be ‘mixed in batches. The amount of ce- ‘ent and aggregate entering into each hatch shall y weight The quantiey of water encering the mixer shall be messured automatically by an adjustable device, or it shall be ise measured to ensure that the correct quantity of water is being added Sec. 44 Machine 44.1 Brocing. When required to prevent distortion or vibration uri the spinning, each section of;pige shall: be suitably braced with. external al supports appropriate to. th equipment. : 442 Placerent. In application: of lining by 2 spinning machine, the’ én ining ruption. 443. Finish ness, the rotation speed shall. be creased 0 produce a dense ‘aio with a smooth sufface and'a mininem: of shrinkage ws 444 Surpluswater. Provision shall be made for removal of surplus’ wates Sec. 45 Lining of Speciale 45.1 General. The application ‘cement-mortar lining to miters,“angies bends, reducers and other special tions the shapes of which e spinning process. shall be I chanical placement, pneuiniatic ent, of hand. troweling: Finished? T-MORTAR SHOM APPLIED produee a smooth, dense surface and a minimum of shrinkage. 45.2 Reinforcement. reinforcement, secured by frequent tack welding to the pipe, by clips or wire, shall be applied to the interior of fits “ings larger than 24 in, in diameter. ‘The wires on 2-in, spacing on the 2: in, % 4-in. fabric shall extend circum ferentially around the ftting. Rein forcement is unnecessary in smaller than 24 in. in diameter. Wire-tabrie as required for spun lining of staigh sections, except that it may be varied by feathering or filleting to 2 smoatls ion with adjoising sections of Sit. Hondwork. Cement-mortar ithandwork: shall be of the same fal and in the same aggregaie- seefient proportions as the mortar for Er itechine lining. Areas shall be thos- ge oughly. cleaned to remove. loose or father: foreign matter that would inter- ‘withthe bonding of the cement ‘hortst,” and, if- necessary, All defects, includ. ed 10 sand pockets is, overtanded areas blisters crack. BE A result of impacts, and unsatis- Etim spots, shall-be cut out anc alt i by:tiand or pneumatic: place- FHL ie fol sequired thickness of ie Lining. cracks. Tempera inkage cracks in the mortar legs thas fp in. in width need Geet ot be repaired if it an eS fo the satisfaction of autogenously under continuous soak- ing in water, The autogenous healing process may’ he demonstrated by 2 procedure chat keeps the Kning of the Pipe continually wet or moish Pipe used in the demonstration shall bere resentative of the pipe 10 be su and water for the moistening of the pipe shall be chemically similar to the water to be carried in the pipeline the pipe sec- Hons may be moved (0s curing ares shall be exercised at all prevent damage to the lining. At the option of the contractor, linings shall bbe steam cured, or moist cured, or hoist and steam. curing may be used interchangeably on a time-ratio basis of 4 ine of moist curing to 1 hr of ‘steam. curing, except that moist cure may be-used only-if the minimum am- continuously ducing the requ imum curing perioe. In any case, line ings shall be kept continually mist until the Gompletion of ‘the minimum specified curing period: 47.2 -Molst ering! On arrival at the curing area, but not fater than: 20 min atts ‘completion of the lining” pipe ends shall. be covered plese oc wet ure) foe's mie iznunr period of 24 hr before apping The exterior coating, if sch 06 specified, If « cement-mortar exterior » fosdog ito eid, te rung sal fept mc i lor. four. cured: fora -totalépernd, of = ‘belore’shiprieat iota of the pipe sections — uring’ the Sena sprinkling heads’ are SECTION S-MORTAR COATING ing applied, or steam curing is, being substiwuted, ‘The contractor shall exer- ise extreme care and diligence to avoid drying out oF cracking of the Tinin 47.3 Steom curing. Steam euring may begin immediately on arrival of the pipe 2t the curing area, but the temperature of the pipe shall not ex- ceed 90°F (32°C) for 3 hr or until the mortar has kes its initial set whichever occurs first. The ambient vapor shall then be maintained at a temperature between 11°F and 150°F (43-66°C) for 2 minimum curing pe- Fiod of 6 hr, after which the exterior coating may be applied, if such. coating is specified. Hf cement-mortar coating is not specified, the fining shall be steam cured ior 24 hr before shipment. In either case, the lining shall be steam cured for a total period of 26 hr be- fore shipment. Section” 5—Mortar. Ceating: Sec. 5.1 General ‘The external protection of steel shall be a reinforced cement-mortir coating applied over the outer surfaces of the pipe sections and specials or ‘over a dielectric undercoat if Specified by the purchaser. If the pipe, has be ‘moitar-ined, the curing mes specified” 4i'Sec. 4.7 must elapse before the co: ig is applied. If the pipe has dielec- = trie undercoat, curing temperature shal ‘ot exceed the maximum allowable for Gicleetric material exposure . 203.21. Cement-mortar applied by ma ‘pneumatic process shall consist of not jore than 3}. parts sand_to ‘one’ pari 2 Se ement, by weight. The water inv the: 75 ) seiture: shall. be. carefully controlled ee 2 Cement-mortar applied by eumatic. process (gunite) shall consist of not more than four parts sand to, one part cement by. weight. ‘The water in the mixture shall be care- fully controlled so that the mortar will ot run, sag, or segregate ‘Cemént-mortar coating shall be uni- cJorin'in thickness except at joints or ‘other disobaitinaities in the pipe. Coat- ness shall be as listed in Ta- (CEMENT-MORTAR Ends of coatings shall be left square and uniform with regard to the ion tudinal axis of the pipe, and the cot ‘ing holdback shall be as specified by the purchaser for the type of joint required. Sec. 5.4 Equipment Straight, and special sections of pipe shall be coated with cement-mortar ap= plied by pneumatic, mechanical, steam, or other placement methods obtaining equivalent results Sec. SS Reinforcement General. The reinforcement for the coating of pipe sections shall be spiral wire, wire fabric, or wire mesh: (ribbon~mesh)- as-specified. by - the purchaser in accordance with the The coating Provisions of Sec. 2.1 ed before any rusting oc inforcement. All ein- ~ foreements shall be placed in the mid «dle third of the coatiag, but in no. case Shall the coating over the wire be less jn. When cement-mortar coat- ‘ing is applied over a. dielectric under- "eeal, the reintorcegvénd'shall not be até fached to or otherwige: bein contact yh the steel pipe, $ S52. Spiral wire.” Atiactinient ‘of ends and splices inthe wire shall be by welding or other suital han, erate tension vhile-thé mie - is blog applied aes S33) Wire fabric’ Spices imade_ by “welding sor’ othe futtable’ heats approved by ine’agriier” Cr ular, and. longitudinal: jeigtsdshall “lapped at least on. SHOP APPLIED 4 Wire mesh Attachment of nds and splices in the wire shall be by a means approved by the purchaser When 131, 18-gage’ wire mesh is used, the spiral lap shall be I in. and the spliced fap 3 in. When 14 x 1d, I7-gage mesh is used, the spiral lap shall be 14 in, and the spliced lap 4 in Sec. 5.8 Applicetion of Mortar Coating S61 Application. Morar coating may be applied by mechanical or pneu. ‘matic placement to the specified thiek- ness in one continuous course, allow. ance being made for splices of reine forcing wire. “If applied in more than fone course, the interval between the rst and last course shell not be more than 2 hr. The mortar shall be pro: jected 2t high velocity against che ex terior surfaces of the pipe or shall be applied.-by an equivalent method to produce 2 hard, tight-adhering coating ‘Of the specified thickness 562 Support, Ul sequiced, the pipe shall be adequately braced. with inte. Hlor. struts of rings to prevent undue 3 flere. doring -handling, and coating =: and,..if “mortar-lined, 10 protect the” Tining. Sse 5.63. Inlerrupied plocenient.\Tf, for = any reason, ic is necessary to defer Placing the coating of any portion of: 4 og length for a duration of time that could result ia the material placed SECTION {MORTAR COATING 3.1 When reinforcement of the spiralowire type is used, the end of the srire at the edges of the portion to be Jeff uncoated shall be attached to the pipe shell by welding or by other suit- hte means abproved by che purchas When applied over a dielectric under- coat, anchorage shall be by means ap- proved by the purchaser Sec. 5.7 Coating of Specicls 1 Reinforcement. Mortar coat 4 other specict to the application of spiral wize-coaring reinforcement shall be reinforced with wire fabric or mesh, ‘The fabric or mesh shall be as specified 1.3, shall be applied over the surface of the pipe to be coated, and may be held away irom “the pipe shell with delf-futringy mesh, by means of furring clips, or equiv alont method. Ends of cizcumierertial strips of reinforcing shall be_over~ lapped a3 specified in Sec. 35.3 or 533.4. id 12. Application. The application shall coniorm to Sec: 5.6.1, with the fexception that hand, application may be substituted for mechanical or pneu- ‘matic placement. with the approval of the purchaser: 3.7.3 Thickness. Thickness shall be ss required for ‘straight sections, but tmay be varied by feathering or Allet- ing to form = smooth. transition with adjoining sections, Sec. 5.8 "Defective Coating” #7 58. Generali; Every, précaution’ shall be. taken. fo prevents the occir- rence of sand pockets oF pofous spots, sd, if any orc, thes, shall ‘pletely: cutduthand replaced by ey oe a " - foportion of 2}- parts ieee 382 Coating cracks. Precaution shall be exercised to prevent the oc- currence of eracks in the mortar coat ing. However. if hairline cracks should occur, they need not be repaired. The need for the repair of wider cracks must be determined by the engineer alter evaluation of the pipeline envi- ronment and, if required by th reer, such eracks shall be Fepa the contractor at no additional cost to the purchaser Sec. 5.9 Curing of Coating 3.9.1 Genera. cer the ini as taken place, the mortar coating shall be sien cured or moist cured for, vuless otherwise specified by the purchaser. 2 membrane materi be, applied immediately follo coating” Moist and steam be used inerchangeably on a time ratio basis of 4 hr of moist curing to Thr of steam curing. except as. tem perature limitations may be imposed dielectric undercoat. # 592 Moist curing. Moist curing shall begin as soon as the pipe ‘or special can be sprinkled without dam fo the coating and shall be: kept + moist. by. intermittent. oF continvous spraying for a period of at * Jeast fou days. Moist curing may be used only ifthe minimum. ambient temperature exceeds 40°F (3°C) con- tinuoesly-doring the minimum required: ing period. fue 59. Steam curing. Steam curing! ‘f the pipe or special may. begin Jn Inediately after the coating. operation ‘and, in any event, shall begin :withia! 6 hr thereafter, but the temperaiue, of the pipe ot special shall. not. exceed 90°F (32°C) until the cement-ntlars coating has taken its initial set"or i 2 peviod of 3 hr has elaps S. then be Kept moist at a temperature encapsulation of the coating by appli- Beberen OTE and 150°F (42-64"C) cation of a material that is imsertoas for a minimum period of 24 hr, to moistire and that will reiain the 394 Membrene curing. Membrane moisture of the applied comet noe ‘curing shall consist of the complete coating : . ! Section 6—Handling Sec. 6.1 Manufacture t becomes damaged shall be cut out and replaced, During the entire period of the ap- - plication of the lining and costing and Sec. 62 Delivery Pp BE Sane tere he set sal te Cat gatas doa daring ta A) scl supported a hardid ing ag a ah reve Son Samae to the green moran. -gafagee ee anni components of 5 HE 4 pipe section mast be moved, such Gi" completed pipe. Pipe and specials ge Ceeminn hall Ye done. with every shall be anit beg ee Sasonable precaution aguinst damage. and tied to prevent shifting or distor. JA portion of the ning’ or coating. “ton during beret ee & Appendix A Field Joints pend is for informatie bs covers ‘material re. A2.1 Maleriali Camel . prements, aad’ application Procedures for the joints shall-beco : : gnipended: for: the~ application of imum of one’ part cement Rottar Feld joints, more than two parts shade Es nd moistened with sufficient water to it caulking and troweling without rumbling. Sand shall be graded within the limits for plaster sand (ASTM C35). Water shall be clean and free from objectionable quantities of or- ‘ganic. mater, alkali, ‘salts, and other Sinpurities. Jf permitted by the pur- chaser, workability of the mortar may be improved by replacing not more ‘than 7 percent, by weight, of the ce- th hydrated lime, or by replae- Sing. not more than 30 percent, by weight, of the cement with an” ap- "proved porzolan, A22 Applicetion. Inside joints of mortarclined pipe shall be filled with cement-morcar and fished aff smooth and flush with the inside surface of the pipe by troweling or by equivalent ‘means. Before placing the joint mortar ‘material against the surfaccs of. the lin jing, the surfaces shall be careful -elearied, ‘lf soap removed, and then ‘wetted to ensure a good bond between the lining and the joint mortar. The pipeline shall not be put into service until the mortar has cured for a min- imum of 26 hr, A221 When pipe is 22 in! in di- ‘ameter and larger, the joints shall be Gefrished of smooth with the inside fe Taictace of the lining by troweling. A222. When the pipe is smaller {hart 22 in,, the joint shall be finished Hy placing a sufficient amount of the “Joint mortar in the bell end of the sec = tion/against the shoulder of the lining, just prior to installing it in the line Ge Wheathe section has been laid in place, the joint shall be finished by polling a rubber ball or che equivalent through the joine to finish it off smooth with the inside surface of the lining. AS Oubide Joints ADL Material, Grout shall be com- posed of one part cement to not more than two parts sand, thoroughly mixed with water (0 the consistency of ‘cream, Sand gradation shall coni to the requirements of ASTM C33 ex cept that 100 percent shall pass. the No. 16 sieve, A32 Applic Joints. shall be codted with cement- mortar, retained by suitable bands. or iapers 50 as to bridge the joint and retain the grout without leakage. The grout space, prior to filling, shall be flushed with water so that the surface of the joint 10 be in contaet with the grout’ will be thoroughly moistened when the grout is poured. The joint shall be filed with grout by pouring from one side only, and shall be rodded with a wire or other flexible rod or vibrated so that the grout completely fills the joint recess by moving dovn fone side of the pipe, around the bot tom of the’pipe, and up the opposite side." Pouring'2nd rodding’ the grout shall be costinied to allow. completion of the filing of the entire joint recess in one operation Care shall:be taken to leave no unfilled space. The ex- posed portion of the grout at the top of the pipe shall be coated ing compound, or covered! or moist eérth.: fon, Qurside field

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