Semi Automatic Bearing Cleaning Machine

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Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology

Volume 4 Issue 2


Ismail Momin 1, Ibrahim Mushrif2, Mustkim Mutwali3, Sourabh Kamble4,
Prathiba Patil5*
Student, 5 Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, S.B.G.I, Miraj, Sangli, Maharashtra, India

*Corresponding Author
E-Mail Id:[email protected]

Now a days in the most automobiles workshop, the bearing of all vehicles i.e. either medium
or heavy duty vehicles are cleaned manually. To overcome some difficulties which will be
occurred in manual bearing cleaning and washing process, we need to apply some modern
techniques. By using this techniques we make machine by using some mechanism. By using
this machine we can clean bearing in less time, with less human efforts and more accuracy.

Keywords:-Automatic Bearing Cleaning.

In conventional bearing cleaning and spray through nozzles. High pressure diesel is
washing process first we have to remove all injected on the rotating bearing surface so dust
the dust, dirt , small particles and used particles and grease which is present on that
lubricating material such as grease. Then we bearing is completely removed and bearing
clean the bearings completely with the help cleaning process is done. After that the used
of oil such as diesel. Wastage of oil is main diesel is drained out through drain pipe in the
disadvantage of this conventional system. reservoir.
As it is done manually by human chances of After that cleaned bearing is removed from that
mistakes or improper cleaning are more, this bearing holder system and checking whether
improper cleaning causes more wear and bearing is cleaned or not perfectly.
tear of bearing. So this conventional process
is costly than our process.
This conventional method is quite lengthy CONTENT
process and it also require more man power. Content of Semi Automatic Bearing
So to overcome this type of problems we Cleaning Machine.
decide to prepare a machine to do all these 1. Pedestal Bearing
stuffs properly 2. Aluminium Pot
3. Gear
WORKING 4. Motor
First of all we have to check whether all the 5. Water Pump
fittings are correctly fitted or not. Then 6. Brush
clamping the bearing to the bearing holder 7. Dimmer
system. Tightening the screw of bearing
holder system firmly. Start the main power
supply and after that we have to start the
motor. When motor starts the bearing starts
rotating which is to be cleaned.
Checking all the hose connections properly
and after that we have to start the pump. As
soon as the pump starts the diesel starts to
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Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 2

Fig.1:- Block Diagram of Actual Model


1. PROCECO TYPHOON®-HD 4. This project concept can be used in
turntable spray cabinet washers are automobile workshops for cleaning of
designed to clean large parts placed various parts.
directly on a swing-out turntable.
This heavy-duty industrial parts CONCLUSION
washer combines pressure, heat, and Our project involves the detailed study
an aqueous cleaning solution to of the processes being carried out in
clean and degrease parts to your cleaning process of cylindrical bearings
specification within minutes. and designing a single machine for
2. The PROCECO TYPHOON® MB-H cleaning of bearing is concluded. This
is a heavy-duty power-spray belt machine will help the industry to
parts washer designed for automatic minimize the maintenance cost, labor
processing and cleaning of heavily cost as well as energy required for the
contaminated and\or heavy whole process .Thus single machine
components. Inline conveyor will perform all the cleaning process
washers clean railway axel bearings and will be of great advantage that a
with the help of high-pressure spray cylindrical bearing requires such as
jets of and heated aqueous solutions. removal of dirt, inspection for the
FUTURE SCOPE cracks, etc .
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Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 2

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9. Design and Fabrication of
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Advancement in Mechanical Engineering and Technology
Volume 4 Issue 2

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