Integrated Marketing Communication Notes
Integrated Marketing Communication Notes
Integrated Marketing Communication Notes
– Direct mail
– Catalogs
– Telemarketing
– Direct response ads
– Direct selling
– Internet
• Disadvantages of publicity
Can be negative
Creative Brief
• It’s a foundation of advertising campaign
• It is a 1st step in producing advertising messages • Creative brief is a blue
print, a guide and even a source of inspiration.
• It details about objectives, audience, messages to be conveyed to the target
10 Marks
1. What do you mean by Sales Promotion? Explain various Sales
Promotion techniques.
1) A sales promotion is a marketing strategy in which a business uses a
temporary campaign or offer to increase interest or demand in its
product or service
Techniques: -
1. Free Shipping/Free Returns
2. Flash Sale
3. Buy More, Save More
4. Product Giveaways/Branded Gifts
5. Loyalty Points
6. Coupon Giveaway.
7. Competitions
8. Price match promise
9. Holidays
2. Explain the advertising objectives and difference between
Advertising and Sales Promotion
Advertising Objective –
1) Introduce a product
2) Awareness creation
3) Acquiring customers or Brand switching
4) Differentiation and value creation
5) Brand Building
Value of imc:-
● It can create competitive advantage, boost sales and profits.
● IMC wraps communications around customers and helps them move through
the various stages of the buying process.
● The organization simultaneously consolidates its image, develops a dialogue
and nurtures its relationship with customers.
● Headline - argest font size, 5 to 8 words in length, Use simple, easy to understand
● Subhead line - right below the headline, uses a few words that clarify, reinforces or
explains the headline
● Body Copy - This is the text in the advertisement that provides support and details
about the product or the current offer.
● Tag line-Often this is the brand slogan that has been used for years
● logo-Brand symbol and/or words
Advantages of publicity
Low cost (although not totally free)
Often results in word-of-mouth
Disadvantagesof publicity
Not always under control of organization
Can be negative
● Improving ROI
● Creating news where there is no news
● Introducing a product with little or no advertising
● Building brand-to-customer bonds
● Influencing influentials, giving info to opinion leaders
● Defending products at risk, giving consumers reasons to buy
7) Define Publicity and explain its advantages and disadvantages.
Publicity is infotainment, i.e. which tends to inform and entertain the general public at the
same time. It provides some interesting, juicy, controversial news to the general public, that
has the capability of changing their opinion or outlook, about the product or company.
•While the main aim of publicity is to gain maximum possible media coverage, public
relations is about getting the attention of the target audience
● Substantial credibility
● News value
● Significant word-ofmouth
● Perception of endorsement by media
● Timing difficult or impossible to control
● Inaccuracy, omission, or distortion may result
8) What do you mean by Media Planning? Explain the steps involved in developing
Media plan.
Media planning is the process by which marketers determine how, when and where an
audience is given the selected advertising message.
9) What is the importance of Media? What role Media Plays in Advertising?
Importance of media
● Gives us immense knowledge & transmits information
● Raises consciousness – Media ignites awareness
● Raises voice against issues in society-
● Provides true pictures and live telecast for various events
● Educates the society
● Facilitates the promotional activities of company
● Helps to reach out to target audience
Internet advertising- Online advertising, also known as online marketing, Internet advertising,
digital advertising or web advertising, is a form of marketing and advertising which uses the
Internet to deliver promotional marketing messages to consumers
publicity- is infotainment, i.e. which tends to inform and entertain the general public at the
same time. It provides some interesting, juicy, controversial news to the general public, that
has the capability of changing their opinion or outlook, about the product or company.