Xiamen Airlines Tham Khảo-đã Nén
Xiamen Airlines Tham Khảo-đã Nén
Xiamen Airlines Tham Khảo-đã Nén
年 社会责任报告
Xiamen Airlines Social Responsibility Report 2019
About This Contents
Based On
About This Report
Guidelines Concerning State-Owned Enterprises’ Fulfilling Social Engage in and together build Practice excellent workmanship
Responsibilities issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision a harmonious society to provide quality services
and Administration Commission of the State Council (SASAC) 28 United to Fight COVID-19 58 Passenger Service
GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards) issued 02
Address by Chairman
32 Carry Out Precision Poverty
62 Freight Service
by Global Sustainability Standards Board (GSSB)
34 Encourage Volunteer Service
36 Cooperation on Public Welfare
Period Covered Undertakings
This report is presented in Chinese and English versions,
and published in electronic format, which can be read and
downloaded from the website of Xiamen Airlines (www.
02 03
Xiamen Airlines
Address by Chairman
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Address by Chairman
major historical missions that we set for ourselves upon our takeoffs and landings, up 5% and 6% year-on-year, respectively, associated poverty-stricken villages improve their infrastructure
founding: “To serve the reform of the civil aviation system and testifying to our solid safety record. and develop their advantageous industries, enabling them to
mechanism, to serve local socio-economic development, and to achieve comprehensive poverty alleviation ahead of schedule and
On the “low-carbon operation” front, we constantly explored
serve the exchanges between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait”. win the battle against poverty.
and identified new technologies and did our utmost in the fight
We further integrated the concept of social responsibility into our
against pollution to ensure blue skies, fulfilling our commitment Over the past year, our proactive and conscientious fulfillment of
corporate governance, corporate culture and business strategy,
to the sustainable development of the industry and the world. We our social responsibilities has helped expand Xiamen Airlines’
and we defined a new mission for ourselves in the new era: “Take
achieved an annual saving of 110,000 tons of fuel through a wide social influence and enhanced its brand reputation. It has
more people to explore the world”, and articulated our new
range of innovative energy conservation and emission projects, highlighted our corporate purpose of being devoted to “the
vision of “Excellent Performance and Steady Growth”. We feel
including introducing a dynamic cost index, optimizing leftover fuel cause of the Party, standing of the country, national self-esteem,
duty-bound to meet passengers’ demand for the ultimate air
after landings, filling drinking water according to occupancy rates, family happiness and personal growth”; moreover, it has injected
travel experience and we have endeavored to achieve high-quality
implementing dynamic washing of engines, straightening flight strong cultural vitality and development momentum into Xiamen
development and serve the national strategy. In the process, we
routes, reducing thrust takeoffs, improving ascents, and refitting Airlines, underpinning the company’s sustainable development.
have presented a grand blueprint for our future development to all
aircraft carbon brakes and installing such brakes on selected
sectors of society. At the beginning of 2020, we were confronted with the severe test
aircrafts. Additionally, we improved fuel efficiency by optimizing
of the COVID-19 pandemic. Xiamen Airlines sprang into action,
2019 was also a fruitful year for us in fulfilling our social management and introducing innovative technologies. As a result,
moving into a “wartime” mode in all aspects and giving first
responsibilities. We spared no effort to support economic we reduced carbon emissions by 346,000 tons per year compared
priority to the prevention and control of the coronavirus. We made
development in the Yangtze River Delta region. We established with our flight plans, contributing to the fight against global climate
full use of our advantages as an air carrier, using all our resources
a Shanghai branch, doing our part for the regional initiative of change.
to transport materials and medical personnel and bring home
“accelerating the construction of the Shanghai aviation hub
On the “green service” front, we took service as a medium fellow Chinese stranded abroad with one charter plane after
and consolidating and enhancing the status of the Asia-Pacific
to advocate an “environmentally-friendly, healthy, joyful and another. The bridges that we built in the air, our philanthropical
international hub airport”. In response to the call of the State,
sustainable” way of life. In the air, we vigorously promoted the programs and our action in realizing the grand vision of a
we actively participated in the construction and operation of
use of environmentally-friendly products. We made every effort to community with a shared future for mankind bear testimony to
Daxing Airport. Xiamen Airlines and its affiliated Hebei Airlines
create green cabins by recycling blanket cloth to make slippers and our unwavering commitment to the people and to the ultimate
successfully completed their inaugural flights at Beijing Daxing
replacing plastic products with degradable and recyclable bamboo value that we place on all lives.
Airport, contributing to the efforts to expand and strengthen the
pulp products. We integrated Chinese culture and the concept
airport and to create a new driver of growth for the nation. We were The original aspiration and the mission of the Communist Party of
of sustainable development into our “Tianji Gallery” series
invited to attend the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on China is to seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation
of service brands, and we launched six boutique services: Tianji
Sustainable Development and the 40th Anniversary APEX EXPO, for the Chinese nation. It is also the proudest social responsibility
Vintry, Tianji Library, Tianji Teahouse, Tianji Cafe, Tianji Steward
where we shared our sustainable development practices, spoke on and ideal of Xiamen Airlines as a state-owned company. Looking
and Tianji Aesthetics, which transform flights into poetic air travel
behalf of the industry, told China’s stories, and provided Xiamen forward, Xiamen Airlines will remain true to our original aspiration,
experience for passengers. On the ground, we established a full-
Airlines’ solutions for global sustainable development. We also keep our mission firmly in mind, take concerted actions, and
process self-service system enabling self-service check-in, self-
launched the Xiamen Airlines Sustainable Development Plan, continue to press ahead. Guided by the new development
service baggage drop-off and self-service boarding through facial
which integrated the concept of sustainable development into concepts of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and
recognition. By 2020, 80% of passengers will enjoy intelligent and
corporate management. As a result, we have been able to maintain sharing, we are dedicated to meeting the needs of the people for a
convenient green air travel.
our track record of flight safety, enhance operational efficiency, better life, and we will continue to strive for sustained healthy and
reduce emissions, and forestall and defuse major risks. In the On the “shared benefits” front, we endeavored to promote the high-quality development to build Xiamen Airlines a prestigious
process, we have achieved win-win cooperation with all sectors of sustainable development of our company and the environment at brand teeming with vigor and vitality. Our hard work will continue
society. large, with a view to ensuring harmony and win-win results among for building a community with a shared future for mankind and for
our company, our employees and the community. Internally, realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
On the “continuous safety” front, we thoroughly studied and
Time flies, but we remain true to our original inspiration. our commitment to our employees’ sense of achievement and
implemented the spirit of President Xi Jinping’s important
wellbeing remained undiminished, and we made proactive efforts
2019 was an extraordinary year, not only for our country, but also instructions on civil aviation safety work. Moreover, we strictly
to broaden our employees’ career development channels.
for us. In the year, the People’s Republic of China celebrated the put CAAC’s 26 measures and Xiamen Airlines’ 96 measures
To ensure our employees’ physical and mental health, we
70th birthday, while Xiamen Airlines marked its 35th birthday. At in place, ensuring absolute flight safety. Throughout the year,
implemented an employee mental health care plan, and created
this historical juncture for building on past successes to further we constantly reinforced preventive maintenance, achieving a
a unique “home” culture with Xiamen Airlines characteristics.
advance our cause, we had our political baptism through the reliability rate of 99.95% for our B737NG fleet, the highest among Zhao Dong
Externally, we gave back to the community by delivering unrivaled
education with the theme of “remaining true to our original global fleets. Meanwhile, we properly responded to the grounding
services and operating SDGs themed flights. Meanwhile, we actively
Chairman of Xiamen Airlines
aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind”. By and relocation of B737MAX, eliminating serious hidden dangers.
carried out public welfare volunteer programs and helped our
commemorating our 35th anniversary, we reviewed the three In 2019, we had a total of 685,000 safe flight hours and 291,000
04 05
Xiamen Airlines
About Us
Social Responsibility Report 2019
About Us
40 million
Xiamen Airlines has an annual passenger traffic
volume of nearly 40 million
Xiamen Airlines Co., Ltd was founded in 1984. Active participation in China’s
million pilot program of opening private aviation sector imbues Xiamen Airlines with
a spirit of innovation and daring to be first. We are China’s first aviation
and attracts more than 10 million passengers to
company that is operated under a modern corporate system, providing
join our frequent flyer program
passenger, freight and baggage transportation services for domestic, regional
and global customers. Thirty-five years of ongoing commitment to sustainable
We operate nearly 350 domestic and
development is what sets Xiamen Airlines apart from other airlines in China,
winning high praise from President Xi Jinping as “the epitome of the
development of China’s aviation industry.”
international routes Xiamen Airlines, a member of SkyTeam Alliance with an air carrier code of“MF”
has an annual passenger traffic volume of nearly 40 million, and attracts more
than 10 million passengers to join our frequent flyer program. We operate
nearly 350 domestic and international routes, covering all areas in China,
and reaching Southeast Asia and Northeast Asia. As intercontinental routes
Achievements reaching Amsterdam, Sydney, New York and Los Angeles are successively put
into service, Xiamen Airlines stands ready to serve customers in Europe, the
Americas and Oceania. By leveraging the connectivity enabled by SkyTeam,
Xiamen Airlines is poised to reach customers at every corner of the world.
China’s only one One of the few carriers in Xiamen Airlines has always attached great importance to Party building and
airline that won“IOSA the world and the only ensured it drives high-quality development. We commit ourselves to providing
Safety Outstanding one in China to have a heartwarming services that can make customers resonate with the brand and
Contribution Award” 33-year track record of raise their awareness that state-owned enterprises (SOEs) like Xiamen Airlines
given by International profitable operations are working in the best interests of the country and its people. A dedicated
Air Transport champion of the notion of building a community with a shared future for
Association (IATA), and mankind, the company signed an agreement with the United Nations in
acts as an example
February 2017, lending further impetus to transform Sustainable Development
of “heartwarming
Goals (SDGs) from vision to reality on a global scale. In January 2018, the
customer service”
world’s only 787 Dreamliner aircraft authorized by the United Nations
recognized by CAAC Won the“China Quality
for promoting SDGs was included in Xiamen Airlines’ fleet, becoming an
Award” given by the
State Council, becoming “ambassador in the air” to aid the realization of SDGs.
the first company Looking forward, Xiamen Airlines will remain committed to accomplishing
in China’s service
the mission of “take more people to explore the world”, maintaining
Acclaimed as “the industry to receive this
current advantage, and relentlessly pursuing transformation and innovation,
Chinese Airline with honor, as well as the
so as to extend value chain and ensure more customers access our services.
the Best Service” only award-winning
during the period airline in China’s civil
Meanwhile, we will build regional hubs, and expand the coverage of the
of 2012-2019 aviation industry. intercontinental network, so that a win-win outcome can be delivered: our
customers are provided with affordable and enchanting travel experiences,
and our vision of “excellent performance and steady growth” is realized.
06 07
Xiamen Airlines
About Us
Social Responsibility Report 2019
B737-800 Passenger Airplane B737-700 Passenger Airplane B737MAX8 Passenger Corporate Culture Safety: Safety comes first, place emphasis on
prevention, and take comprehensive measures
Length 39.47m Length 33.63m Length 39.47m pay meticulous attention to detail, unleash
individual creativity, and pursue excellence
Height 12.55m Height 12.60m Height 12.40m
Wing span 35.79m Wing span 34.32m Wing span 35.92m
gy Are
reI in
Co ons
Passenger seating Passenger seating Passenger seating
capacity capacity capacity Ap
Marketing: Harness the power
170/184 128 184 of smart technologies, win
customers with quality services,
and dedicate ourselves to win
Mission: Take more people
Culture: Create harmony in the
to explore the world
company, promote happiness
B787-8 Passenger Airplane B787-9 Passenger Airplane Vision: Excellent in families, and support
performance and steady personal growth
Integrity Management: Inspire
Fleet Size
Core values: Integrity, loyalty, honesty, impartiality,
perseverance, harmony, and adherence to fact, and integrity
As of January 2020
Cost Control: Lead with
Length 56.72m Length 62.81m Corporate purposes: The ofC strategies, integrate innovation
206 Co
cause of the Party, standing into every aspect, and balance
airplanes Height 16.92m Height 17.02m of the country, national self- the cost control and efficiency
esteem, family happiness and increasement
Wing span 60.12m Wing span 60.12m
personal growth
Average service age
6 years
Passenger seating Passenger seating
making it one of the youngest capacity capacity
For the management and leaders: Remain responsible, have
fleets in the world open mind, pursue innovation, have both integrity and ability
237 287
For employees: Practice social etiquette, fulfil responsibility,
conduct cooperation, and keep forging ahead
08 09
Xiamen Airlines
About Us
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Strategy and The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and
the 35th anniversary of the establishment of Xiamen Airlines. At the critical juncture of pursuing
Xiamen Airlines owns nine subsidiaries, including two independently operating airlines - Hebei
Airlines and Jiangxi Airlines, Xiamen Airlines Hotel, Xiamen Airlines Media Technology and Xiamen
Governance sound, sustainable and high-quality development, the company, based on the previously made
strategies, updates the mission and vision to give an answer about how the company will develop
Airlines International Travel, eight branches located in Beijing, Tianjin, Hangzhou, Fuzhou,
Changsha, Quanzhou, Chongqing and Shanghai, and more than 60 domestic and overseas
in the future from the perspectives of theory and practice. business divisions and representative offices.
Create “one axis and two wings” and build double hubs at Xiamen and Beijing
Business Model
Take full advantage of extensive network to provide quality air transport services, and
Operational Planning
Quanzhou Chongqing Shanghai Cabin Service
enable customers have easy access to a wide variety of quality services
Tianjin Branch Hunan Branch Risks Control & Finance
Branch Branch Branch Department
Department Department
Strategic Measures
Go global, use hubs to stimulate growth, differentiate business, harness the power of
digital technologies, create a sound business ecosystem, and achieve business integration
Governance Foundation
Procurement Management
Catering Department
Operations Standard
Publicity Department
Training Department
Health Management
Safety Supervision
Human Resources
Corporate Security
Ensure high-quality Party building drives high-quality development
Ground Handling
Cargo Marketing
Flight Standards
Logistic Support
IT Department
Strategic Practice
Build a strategy-focused organization and create synergy between all production factors
Corporate Keenly aware of the importance of a sound corporate governance structure and governance
·Organization Chart of Xiamen Airlines·
modernization, Xiamen Airlines has established a structure incorporating general meeting of
shareholders, board of directors, board of supervisors and executive level, which is under the
Party leadership, and a system featuring equal rights and responsibilities, coordinated operation,
and effective checks and balances. The structure enables shareholders to be kept informed of
business performance on a regular basis and provide guidance for the company. During the Party Building Xiamen Airlines has followed the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
non-meeting period, the company acts in strict compliance with the requirement of overseeing for a New Era, had a firm grasp of and fully implemented guiding principles of the 19th National Congress
decision-making on major issues, important appointments and removals, major projects, and of Communist Party of China (CPC) and of its plenary sessions, developed a good understanding of the
the use of large amounts of money, reports the major issues for approval in written form, and general requirements for Party building in the new era, and practiced Party guideline for organizational
establishes a robust information disclosure mechanism to ensure shareholders access timely and work in the new era. By doing so, the company has boosted awareness of the need to maintain political
accurate information about the major issues and have their rights and interests fully protected. integrity, think in terms of the big picture, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the
central Party leadership, strengthen confidence in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with
Chinese characteristics, resolutely uphold the General Secretary’s core position on the CPC Central
Board of Directors Board of Supervisors
Committee and in the Party as a whole, and resolutely uphold the CPC Central Committee’s authority
General Meeting of
and its centralized, unified leadership. Acting on the general requirements for Party building in the new
(Authority Body)
era, the company has established a comprehensive system for Party building, taken the Party’s political
Represent China Represent China
Southern Airlines
building as the overarching principle, and attached greater importance to performance evaluation
Southern Airlines
of Party building. Xiamen Airlines actively participated in the education campaign with the theme of
Represent Xiamen
“remaining true to our original aspiration and keeping our mission firmly in mind”, and strengthened
Represent Xiamen Board of Directors Board of Supervisors
C&D Represent Fujian (Decision-making Body) (Supervisory Body)
Investment & the ranks of “Xiamen Airlines good officials” befitting the new era. All this is to ensure strict Party
self-governance, enforce strict Party discipline at the grassroots, and build up momentum of reform.
Development Group
Represent Fujian
Investment & Employee Doubling
Chairman,President & As a result, Party organizations at every level have raised awareness of the importance of fulfilling the
responsibility for governance over the Party and strengthened Party building, providing a strong political
Development Group as Supervisor
Executive Vice President
·Structure of Board of Directors and Supervisors· ·Governance Structure· underpinning for the company’s sound, sustainable and high-quality development.
(Management Level)
10 11
Xiamen Airlines
About Us
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Anti-Corruption Xiamen Airlines is dedicated to pursuing progress while ensuring stability, seeking truth from
facts, complying with laws, regulations and Party disciplines,taking simultaneous steps to
strengthen institutional building. and acting in strict compliance with “Eight Unswervingly”
“One Overarching and “Five Focuses and Five Prioritizes”. To this end, the Standards to Identify Malpractices that
Approach” as strategic
“Five Musts” as concrete
Violates the Central Party Leadership’s Eight-Point Decision on Improving Party and Government
guidance for Party Conduct (trial edition) were developed, which covers 11 aspects including how to punish
building, which can be recreational activities using public funds, unwarranted official receptions, and unjustified perks
coded as “12332” and allowances. The company prioritizes addressing the practice of formalities for formalities’
sake, and bureaucratism. The Notice on Launching Dedicated Campaigns to Address the Practice
1 overarching objective,
of Formalities for Formalities’ Sake and Bureaucratism was released, clarifying problems that fall
2 upholds
into eight categories in four areas. It enabled that 129 problems were identified and corrected.
3 endeavors
Meanwhile, the Notice on Abstaining from the Practice of Formalities for Formalities’ Sake to
3 simultaneously
Streamline the Work of Frontline Employees was introduced, identifying departments that need
2 ensures
improvement. The company has conducted four forms of oversight over discipline compliance.
“Six Good and Six Strong” These measures have been widely accepted by employees and achieved remarkable results: 90
as assessment standards people received criticism, education, assistance and penalties this year; 46 pieces of suggestion
were dealt with this year according to relevant regulations and discipline.
Compliance Recent years, strengthening compliance management has become an inherent requirement
for companies to manage business according to law, guard against risks and achieve robust
development. Following the guiding principles set forth in the Guidelines for Compliance
Management of Enterprises’ Overseas Operations jointly issued by authorities including National
Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Xiamen Airlines formulated the Notice on
Party-building System Strengthening Compliance Management of Overseas Operations, so as to ensure that all business
units comply with relevant laws, regulations, international treaties, regulatory requirements,
“One Overarching Task” industry standards, business practices, ethical norms, and policies and plans developed by
as main theme the company itself, and that every aspect and every process of overseas operations are up
to compliance requirements. The company also pays great attention to the requirements in
the area of labor rights protection, environmental protection, data and privacy protection,
intellectual property protection, anti-corruption, anti-bribery, anti-monopoly, anti-money
laundering, anti-terrorist financing, trade control, finance and taxation.
Deepen Reform Xiamen Airlines has enhanced capacity building to start businesses and fulfill responsibilities to
address the deep-seated problems that obstructs the road to development and reform. Zhao
Dong, Chairman of Xiamen Airlines, and Wang Zhixue, CEO & President, led the efforts to build
Xiamen Airlines Leading Group to Comprehensively Deepen Reform, make overall plans to
advance reform, and explore a new path for the company to open up new prospects through
high-quality development and comprehensive reform. The company attaches equal importance
to organizational reform, enhancing governance of flight training, air defense management,
discipline inspection and supervision, Party committee inspection, operation scheduling,
quality management and health management, and restructuring Passenger Flight Marketing
The full success of the Third Session of the Party Congress of Xiamen Airlines held on December
27, 2019 marked a new starting point for the company to comprehensively deepen reform.
Encouraged by this success, we will break new ground to ensure the first step is taken in the right
direction, run at full speed to shine as the first relay runner, and adopt sound measures to be the
first role model in deepening SOE reform.
12 13
Xiamen Airlines
2019 Highlights
Social Responsibility Report 2019
2019 Highlights
Carbon emissions cut:
billion ton-km
flight hours:
of employees:
5.51 million
Passenger traffic:
299,000 tons
per million
14 15
Xiamen Airlines
2019 Highlights
Social Responsibility Report 2019 Caring Partner
Visionary Leader StarProject for Rural PE Mainland China
Teacher (2nd Session)
Civil Aviation Passenger
Service Evaluation Airline Passenger Airline Passenger
Report (CAPSE) Experience Association Experience Association
Best Airline
Advanced Unit in
Civil Aviation Finance Work among
Resource Net The reliability of Nationwide Trade
B737NG fleet ranks 1st Unions
in the world
Best Food and All-China
Advanced Unit in
Providing Assistance for
Best Entertainment the Disabled in Fujian
Experience Airline Province 2019
Enterprise in Energy
Phoenix Weekly Lifestyle China’s Top 100 Disability Work Committee
Xiamen Energy Travel Award Employers of 2018 of Fujian People’s
Conservation and 2019 Government
Zhaopin & Peking
University’s Institute of
Social Science Survey
Xiamen Airlines held an executive meeting to announce Announce mission and vision for the new era and
the decision about the appointment of main leaders launch plans to promote sustainable development
On February 26, Xiamen Airlines held an executive meeting to announce the decision When celebrating the 35th anniversary of its founding on July 25th, Xiamen Airlines announced the mission
about the appointment and dismissal of main leaders. of “take more people to explore the world ” and the vision of “excellent performance and steady growth”
for the new era. On the same occasion, a plan to promote sustainable development oriented towards the new
After conducting thorough assessment, Zhao Dong was appointed to be Chairman
era was launched, an affirmation that the company stands ready to fulfill social responsibility, and remains
of Xiamen Airlines, and Wang Zhixue to be CEO and President. At the meeting,
committed to promoting SDGs.
both of them delivered an speech expressing their dedication to new posts and
responsibilities, and to creating a still better future for the company.
Invited to participate in APEX’s 40th Anniversary Annual Conference to Become one of the first seven airlines allowed to make maiden flight at
share Xiamen Airlines’ solutions about how sustainable development Beijing Daxing International Airport
can deliver long-term benefits
September 25 witnessed Xiamen Airlines’ successful maiden flight at Beijing Daxing
On September 9, local time, APEX’s 40th Anniversary Annual Conference was held at the Los Angeles International Airport.
Convention Center. Xiamen Airlines, as the world’s first airline in support of UN SDGs, was invited to
As one the first seven airlines allowed to make maiden flight at Beijing Daxing International
participate in this conference.
Airport, Xiamen Airlines assigned the pleasant-looking “United Dream” aircraft to
Zhao Dong, Chairman of Xiamen Airlines, shared solutions about how the company turns the vision of accomplish this mission. This follows the first pilot flight in May at the same airport where
sustainable development into reality. The solutions received warm responses from the guests. the aircraft attracted viewers’ attention to its enchanting blue and elegant design,
connecting China’s political capital Beijing with booming Xiamen Special Economic Zone.
The flight will be recorded in the annals of Chinese civil aviation industry.
On December 7, the program “Secret Homage to Hero” presented on Finance and Economics Channel of
CCTV, China’s most popular state media, hails Yi Lanzhi, inflight support officer with Xiamen Airlines, as role
model of dedication to work and rewards her with home decoration free of charge. Yi’s devotion to work has
also inspired numerous social media users.
The inspiration is that we can all be extraordinary ordinary people. There are many such people working with
Xiamen Airlines. Throughout the year, the list can go on and on. All of them are the best embodiment that
ordinary people can achieve an extraordinary feat.
Usher in a new historical period with the success of the Third Session of
the Party Congress of Xiamen Airlines
On December 27, the Third Session of the Party Congress of Xiamen Airlines was held. The congress
makes a review of the achievements made by the company since the 18th National Congress of the CPC
in 2012, conducts a thorough analysis of current challenges and opportunities, and sets forth future
direction, objectives and major tasks. Two hundred representatives from various business units of the
company reviewed and approved reports submitted by the “two committees”, i.e. Party committee and
administrative committee required to be set up in a SOE. Members of the third session of the two committees
were elected, marking a new historical period for the development of Xiamen Airlines.
22 23
Xiamen Airlines
Sustainable Development
Social Responsibility Report 2019
United Nations
SDGs. Over the past two years, the company has earnestly fulfilled the Goal 6
agreement, and actively participated in international cooperation. These Clean Water and
Launch themed flights to celebrate
efforts do not go unnoticed, but receive high praise and warm response Xiamen Airlines plays an active role in advancing the the International Women’s Day for Sanitation
from the United Nations and the global community. The two-year joint SDGs globally. It identifies the eight priorities from four consecutive years and to raise
effort has convinced the two sides to renew the agreement until the end the 17 sustainable development goals and acts public awareness of gender equality
of 2030 when SDGs are expected to be achieved, and to embrace a more accordingly, and contributes to global sustainable Put in place mechanisms and
glorious future hand in hand. development by making full use of its advantages. systems that are conducive to
promoting gender equality in talent
recruitment, remuneration, and job
promotion, and protecting female
employees’ rights and interests
Allocate a million yuan to set up a dedicated Partner with iReader to launch a flight themed on “423 Reading Develop and release Xiamen
Continuously assign officials
Goal 3 Goal 5
to live and work in villages to Goal 2 fund for caring employees who need help, for Together” to increase public awareness of the pleasure that Airlines Sustainable Development
providing all employees with medical insurance, Good Health and Gender Equality
identify root cause of poverty, Zero Hunger reading creates and pay enough attention to education Plan, launch 12 major projects
provide targeted measures and and for financing serious illness mutual Well-Being Participate in the public welfare program themed on “Reading and 96 subprojects covering four
apply polices that suit local assistance program aspects, namely, continuous
enlightens the nation and culture nurtures dreams”, and make
conditions donations, help establish e-reading room and contribute to the safety, low-carbon operation,
Introduce a care plan to improve employees’
poor county’s initiative in eliminating poverty through culture green services, and shared
Strengthen the ability of mental health, providing more than 5,000
and education benefits, and introduce more
poor areas to tap into their therapy sessions through phone consultation
Organize an event themed than 70 measures about energy
development potential. To this totaling 919 hours and group therapy on 62
on “One-Hour Reading” for conservation and emission
end, the company launched occasions
employees, and a theme service reduction on a yearly basis
“Egret Hope” Project, buying
“Tianji Library” for passengers,
products directly from poor
both of which are to promote the
areas and marketing these Goal 8 Goal 9 Goal 10 idea of life-long learning Goal 11 Goal 12
products on the company’s Actively promote exchanges and
Decent Work and cooperation across the Taiwan Straits. Industry, Innovation Reduced Sustainable Cities Responsible
own online shops
Goal 4
Economic Growth Since 2017, the company has organized and Infrastructure Inequalities and Communities Consumption and
Quality Education
Goal 1 recruitment events in Taiwan on
multiple occasions, attracting a total of
No Poverty 245 Taiwan residents to work as flight
attendants for the company. In 2018,
the company built a “Taiwan Youth
Entrepreneurship and Employment
Base” in Fujian.
Identify Key To enhance the relevance of disclosed information, the company acts in compliance with GRI
Sustainability Reporting Standards (GRI Standards), takes into account macro-policy trends for
Stakeholders Expectations and Requirements Communication Forms or Channels
CSR Issue of global sustainable development in 2019, and conducts an analysis of major issues with 15 key
Xiamen Airlines
CSR issues being identified.
Customers Continuously provide safe and quality services Safety management system
Give quick response to customer comments or complaints Customer relationship management and
Item Issue Pg. No. membership services
Communication Xiamen Airlines has attached great importance to establishing diversified mechanisms, channels
with the and platforms to promote active and extensive communication with stakeholders, and by
incorporating their opinions into decisions, continuously enhanced the company’s capability
Media Establish information disclosure channels to make the voice Advertising campaigns
of Xiamen Airlines heard in a timely manner Media interaction
to fulfill responsibilities.
Industry peers Fair competition and friendly cooperation Communication and exchanges
Stakeholders Expectations and Requirements Communication Forms or Channels
Promote healthy development of the industry Business cooperation
Achieve harmonious co-existence and win-win outcomes Mutual learning and visits
Environment Conserve energy, cut emission and respond to climate change Promote low-carbon travel
Protect the ecosystem, and engage in responsible production Promote green production
26 27
Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
to fulfilling corporate
social responsibility, and
Engage in and
balancing business growth
and social development. To
harmonious society
tapped technical prowess to
provide services for special
missions, taken initiative
to organize public welfare
volunteer programs, spared
no efforts to promote
the idea of sustainable
development, and teamed
up with other organizations
that are imbued with a
sense of responsibility
and integrity to build a
community with a shared
future for mankind.
28 29
Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
United to Fight Facing the COVID-19 outbreak that caught us all by surprise at the beginning of 2020,
Xiamen Airlines, an enterprise with a strong sense of responsibility, gave quick response at
Safeguard Passengers' Life and Safety
COVID-19 the earliest possible time, prioritized the prevention and control of the epidemic, and waged What Xiamen Airlines attaches central importance to is passengers’
life, safety and health. Keenly aware of what kind of challenges
an all-out war against the highly infectious disease. By fully tapping into our potential in air
transport, we have made the most of our available resources to transport anti-epidemic presented by the outbreak of COVID-19 for passengers, the company
supplies, medical workers, and our compatriots who had been stranded overseas, building acted upon CAAC’s requirements, and posted 20 articles on its
bridges in the air to win victories over the epidemic. media platforms, providing passengers with latest information
about how to get refund and reschedule. Meanwhile, measures like
adjusting and streamlining service procedures, making adjustment
to inflight dining standards, practicing social distancing, cleaning
Send Charter Flights To ensure medical personnel and supplies reach those who need the most at the earliest
and disinfecting cabin and replacing filters were taken to minimize
time, Xiamen Airlines and its affiliates, Hebei Airlines and Jiangxi Airlines, provided
to Support Wuhan emergency transport services for medical team and supplies from provinces and cities
the likelihood of transmission.
6118 64
with no limitation on flight length,
and to rights that are originally
reserved for gold card holders. All
flights for transporting charter flights for
registered medical workers across
medical supplies Key data sending medical teams
the country will be rewarded with
a “Egret Tribute Card” to enjoy
about Xiamen
Airlines’ effort
As of June 29,2020,
Bring Overseas Compatriots Home exclusive VIP rights as a token of
to prevent and
control the
Undaunted by the grim situation that foreign airlines suspended services
and countries around the world made adjustments to border entries Air transport services for
by June 29,2020
and exits, Xiamen Airlines pooled resources and coordinated efforts to
stranded passengers were
brought back home. successively assign 17 charter flights to Bangkok, Manila, Kota Kinabalu
tons of medical supplies
and other places to pick up stranded passengers.
and relief materials have medical workers
been transported
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Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Xiamen Airlines Is
Taking Actions
poor villages, namely, Tanghuan Village, Pinghu Township, Gutian County, Ningde City, and
Houyan Village in the same city, Fujian Province. They helped villagers increase confidence
in their own ability to lift themselves out of poverty and see that they can access the
education they need to do obtain. In 2019, the company allocated over half a million yuan to
finance targeted poverty alleviation programs and improve infrastructure in the two villages.
By the end of 2019, all villagers had been lifted out of poverty.
Case 2
To increase income of the village collective, Liu conducted many surveys and consulted with
villagers, and decided to partner with a company to build a storage house for edible fungi.
This way, limited funds can be leveraged to attract private investors, bringing more sources
of income to villagers and adding revenue to the village. After multiple rounds of hard
Case 1
negotiations, the company agreed that guaranteed rate of return would increase to 8%, and
that all operating expenses would be borne by the company. But at the same time, the boss
was perplexed: Why Liu would put so much effort in negotiations? After all, it is the villagers,
not him, who will benefit from the business. Liu said with his disarming honesty, “Project Designated Targets
Follow the development philosophy funds don’t automatically find their way to the village. I have to work very hard to help
of Assistance
villagers access the resources they badly need. And even a little bit of money saved through
of “Green Mountains Are Gold
negotiations can go a long way. That’s what I have been taught by my employer, Xiamen
Mountains” ·Mr. FreshMall, an e-commerce
A standardized plant to process edible fungi produced in Houyan Village was put into Airlines.”
platform owned by the company,
-- Lin Yihui, first secretary of operation in the fall of 2019. This is a key initiative proposed by Lin who sought support from
sells a wide range of products like
Houyan Village relevant authorities to allocate more than 1.6 million yuan to help villagers get rich.
edible fungi, fruit and tea from poor
Nestling among mountains, Houyan Village has an edge over villages located in the plains in areas in provinces including Fujian,
terms of climate, which is favorable for the cultivation of snow fungus. As soon as Lin arrived, Xinjiang, Jiangxi and Gansu. Annual
he lost no time in conducting a survey of local conditions. He found that the mountainous sales proceeds exceeded RMB 2.35
area is endowed with rich vegetation and wreathed in mist, creating an ideal condition for million, providing much-needed help
cultivating premium snow fungus. He was fully aware that the key to rural revitalization for these areas to shake off poverty
lies in developing industry that can tap into local potential and increase residents’ through their own efforts.
income. When he raised this idea to the secretary of village Party committee, they clicked
·Besides, we organized five trade
right away. Then the idea was brought to a brainstorming session participated by villager
fairs in Xiamen and Fuzhou to present
representatives who believed that villagers have had a firm grasp of cultivation techniques,
products from southern Fujian,
but needed a standardized plant where product quality can be assured and the increase of
creating more opportunities for poor
tax revenue can be expected. To turn this vision into reality, Lin, along with village officials,
areas to sell agricultural products.
pooled financial resources from special funds allocated by provincial department of finance,
Xiamen Airlines’ assistance funds and industry development funds appropriated by ·A donation of RMB 250,000 per year
relevant government agencies to have the plant built and put into operation. for each poor village
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Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Encourage Volunteer
In 2019, Youth League Committee at Xiamen
Airlines led the Egret Volunteer Alliance, teamed
up with its 10 members including Xiamen
Customs, Sunnews, and China Unicom’s
Xiamen Branch, and aligning with UN SDGs,
launched a series of public welfare programs
themed on “Join Me to Build a Beautiful
volunteers participated
Beat Air Pollution
in the whole year
On June 5, 2019, the 48th World Environment
Day, volunteers joined students in classes to
discuss how to prevent air pollution, take on a Key Performance
more eco-friendly lifestyle and make contribution
to building an ecological civilization. 12020
hours of service
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Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Cooperation on Public Strengthen Supplier Xiamen Airline has been a deeper believer that a sustainable supply chain empowers
both upstream and downstream enterprises. In 2019, the company developed a
Welfare Undertakings Relationship sound structure to strengthen SRM, and prevent risks that may arise in the supply
Management (SRM)
chain. All this is to ensure our passengers can access better services, which in turn
will lend further impetus to the company’s high-quality development.
3385 621
Regional Composition of Suppliers
Standardized Procurement
Yao Foundation
· Join auction to promote public welfare undertakings Xiamen Airlines has developed SRM procedures
In August 2019, Xiamen Airlines provided communication resources as auction items and handbooks including Regulations on
Domestic Fujian
to facilitate charity auction of Yao Fundation. This auction raised RMB 200,000 and all (other than Fujian) Province Assessing Suppliers, Regulations on Supplier
the money was donated to Yao Fundation charity project. Development and Accessibility, and Regulations
1616 1673
on Supplier Master Data Management. At
· Train PE teachers to boost rural education
the same time, standardized procedures for
In 2019, Yao Foundation Star Project for Rural PE Teacher was launched in Xiamen.
reviewing suppliers’ qualification, and for
Xiamen Airlines assigned personnel to act as coordinators, and provided free
submitting the list of would-be suppliers to
transportation services for more than 200 teachers from rural areas in Guangxi, Shanxi
department managers’ meeting for discussion
and Hubei to receive a training program in Xiamen. The program is dedicated to
Global and approval have been put in place, and
improving professional expertise of teachers who are non-PE majors.
templates used for creating supplier background
survey forms, on-site inspection and assessment
forms and survey reports have been formulated.
In this way, the company is able to manage the
China Youth Development Regional Composition of Effective Suppliers 2019
qualification and quality of suppliers at source.
Foundation (CYDF)
At the end of 2019, the first Xiamen Airlines
SDGs City Exploration Competition was Supplier Rating
held. A fundraising fete with CYDF was set Management
up alongside the competition, raising funds Domestic Fujian
(other than Fujian) Province
worth RMB 13,310 which was donated to
CYDF’s “Project Hope 1+1”, providing 294 292 Xiamen Airlines has adopted a differentiated
one-year assistance for 13 poor students who management approach featuring dedicated
are receiving compulsory education. databases for all suppliers, qualified suppliers,
contracted suppliers and blacklisted suppliers.
Meanwhile, a procurement management
China Green Foundation (CGF) Global
platform is being built to ensure that the
company harness the power of digital and smart
As one of the largest environmental protection foundations in China, CGF has remained to be a devoted partner of Xiamen Airlines in launching 35 technologies, and that procurement follows
public welfare programs. The two sides have reached consensus to leverage respective strengths and work together to advance SDGs. sound procedures.
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Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Enhance safety
management to create
best travel experience
Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Serious human error per 10,000
Xiamen Airlines acts in strict compliance with laws and regulations governing safety, such as
FH stands at
Safe Production Law, Civil Aviation Law, Emergency Law and Anti-Terrorism Law, develops a
Safety safety management system (SMS) covering the aspects of laws and regulations, accountability,
risk management, safety supervision and audit, and improves security management system
(SeMS) and regulations on network and information security management. These mechanisms
and systems have laid a solid foundation for the company to maintain safe operation. In 2019, 4.61%
having developed a good understanding of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s guiding opinions on
civil aviation safety, Xiamen Airlines saw it that 26 regulations formulated by CAAC were strictly
enforced and 96 corrective measures were taken to ensure 100% aviation safety. 4.45%
566,800 hours of safe flight, representing
Safety Management Xiamen Airlines established an aviation safety committee as the company’s highest-level
a year-on-year increase of 4.61%
236,800 safe takeoffs and landings,
organization for safety management. This committee is tasked with the responsibility to develop,
implement and continuously improve the company’s safety management system, assess representing a year-on-year increase of 4.45%
the company’s important policies about safety, make decisions and manage and supervise
their implementation. The general manager of the company, as the principal person charged
with safety responsibility, is responsible for appointing a safety director, establishing a safety
management department, and putting in place a structure that ensures all technical posts and 545
230,000 people take the exam about
all managerial levels are responsible for safety management. safety education on e-learning
Provide 545 opportunities in nine
training sessions of safety management
1,480,000 people are provided with
Administrations and communications online learning opportunities.
System In 2019, Xiamen Airlines adjusted the organizational structure of the Safety Supervision
CEO & President
Department. The comprehensive safety and risk management group was retained, flight,
operation, maintenance, ground support, and dangerous goods supervision groups created, and
Executive Vice President and Chief Officers of each business Chief Safety Officer
four managerial posts and seven supervisory posts added. At present, the company has 139 full-
time safety specialists who take in charge of information processing, risk management, internal
evaluation, incident investigation, and organization and coordination of safety management in
various departments.
Institution In 2019, acting in compliance with CAAC and other competent authorities, taking into account
the company’s organizational structure and adjustment of posts, Xiamen Airlines made full
Operations Standards
Catering Department
Passenger Marketing
Aircraft Maintenance
Control Department
& Sales Committee
Corporate Security
Safety Supervision
Operational Risks
Ground Handling
Cargo Marketing
Aviation Security
and Engineering
Flight Standards
All branches
self-assessment” and “safety management of wet lease operation” into the handbooks.
Meanwhile, the company continuously improved standards of accidents and errors, meted
out strict punishment to those who break the rules, or do not follow checklists and standard
operating procedures, and ensured those involved are held accountable.
Risk Management The company has developed 64 sets of performance indicators. Among them, eight sets are
and Control
related to operating results, six sets show safety fundamentals, and ten sets measure safety
Safety management
management. The operating process set incorporates 40 leading indicators to deal with five
core risks including controlled flight into terrain (CFIT), veer-offs and overruns, airborne conflict,
All offices and teams organizations under the
and runway incursion, and three major risks associated with cabin safety, ground scraping, and
agents. In this way, key operations and processes are subject to monitoring and early warning. In
2019, the company released 12 issues of Monthly Report on Measurement and Monitoring of Safety
All members
Guarantee Close coordination among departments of flight, aircraft maintenance, cabin, security, ground
Operational Xiamen Airlines has enabled smooth running of operational and command system to improve
Maintenance Safety Keenly aware that high-quality flight is guaranteed by high-quality maintenance, Xiamen Airlines mandatory self-examination, Xiamen Airline has launched monthly rolling programs and annual
has established a long-term working mechanism to highlight the importance of “zero tolerance all-encompassing plans to conduct inspection and assessment of more than 100 programs. The
for safety hazard”. To this end, the company has developed rigorous standards for performance final results show that the company scored 92 points in the evaluation of air defense safety with
evaluation to ensure each employee has clearly-defined safety responsibilities, improved safety a rating of green which indicates safety.
performance management, and enhanced management and control of risks associated with
maintenance routines. Preventive maintenance is regularly performed, a system to prevent in-
flight engine shutdown optimized, preventive measures based on civil aviation case studies, and
evaluations on the effectiveness of aircraft maintenance program and aircraft health monitoring
system carried out. These efforts have paid off: Service difficulty reporting rate per 10,000 FH in
2019 was 7.55, a decrease of 0.79 compared to last year, while maintenance-related abnormal
Passenger Safety
incident rate per thousand was 0.87, falling by 0.42 from last year.
drinking water quality on a regular basis to ensure hygienic
Service difficulty reporting standards are met on all flights. There was no case last year
rate per 10,000 FH in 2019 that shows failed results found by CAAC. The acceptance rate
was 7.55, a decrease of 0.79 up 15% from the previous year. reached 93.7%, up 15% from the previous year.
compared to last year
Safe Food Service With ongoing commitment to standardized, well-structured and
institutionalized management, Xiamen Airlines independently
developed aisle device for airline service trolley which was
Pursue professional excellence
a patent granted by national patent office, and formulated
Maintenance-related The Skill Contest for Aircraft Maintenance Team Dispatcher Operation Specification for Aviation Catering
abnormal incident rate per Leaders and Annual Review and Commendation Company to share rich experiences with the whole industry.
thousand was 0.87, falling by
Ceremony in Fujian Province Civil Aviation Sector 2019 Xiamen Airlines has applied the same rigorous standards
0.42 from last year.
was jointly hosted by Fujian Provincial Federation of of flight safety to food safety. To this end, the company has
Trade Unions, Trade Union of Civil Aviation East China strengthened the building of a food safety system, built a high-
Regional Administration, Xiamen Civil Aviation Safety caliber team devoted to safety management, created eco-
Supervision Bureau, and Fujian Civil Aviation Safety friendly factories, and become the first Chinese company to
Supervision Department on October 24. At this event, introduce a temperature and humidity monitoring system to
Xiamen Airlines’ aircraft maintenance team won the intelligently monitor temperature and humidity at refrigeration
first place in all three categories of awards. houses, warehouses and factories.
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Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Occupational Safety
Provide Medical Assistance
On January 20, a 7-year-old girl had convulsions on
to prevent problems that may cause harm to
Xiamen Airlines MF8321 flight (from Hangzhou to
pilots’ mental health. During the past year, 224
Sanya) about 10 minutes after take-off. Since there
medical flights for transplant organs talking therapy sessions were given to pilots,
was no doctor among passengers on that flight, flight
and experts from CAAC’s Aviation Psychology
attendants followed the emergency rescue procedure
Research Office were invited to give lectures
and provided emergency assistance for the girl, while
about mental health. The company’s Training
the crew decided to return to Hangzhou in no time.
At the same time, the ground support department Secure Passenger Data Department partnered with the school of
military medical psychology at Air Force Medical
followed the emergency response procedure, sending To better protect passengers’ personal privacy, in 2019, Xiamen Airlines University, and applied for research program of
the girl to the nearest hospital for treatment as soon as assigned a data protection officer (DPO) to lead the company-wide efforts psychological selection and related standards
the plane touched the ground. Xiamen Airlines’ quick in protecting personal data in a systematic way. to innovate pilots’ mental health management
response enabled the young passenger to escape from
from multiple dimensions.
the unpredictable danger.
Align with domestic and international laws and
regulations on personal data protection
On May 1, about 15 minutes before the landing of third party payment industry data security standard, which includes Frontline Employee Health
of Xiamen Airlines MF8585 flight (from Fuzhou to annual validation of compliance, and assessment and rating of network Management
Hongqiao), a passenger on the plane found that his security. The recognition is a clear testament to Xiamen Airlines’ ongoing
companion was not looking well. No sooner had he commitment to keeping personal data secure. Keenly aware of rescue difficulties in the event of emergencies
tried to find the problem than his partner passed which may arise in isolation area of airport apron, Xiamen
Impose tight control on the right to access personal data
out. The cabin crew immediately took emergency Airlines has popularized medical knowledge of how to save
response measures, promptly set up a “Green We have imposed tight control on the scope of personnel who have oneself and help others effectively respond to emergency
Channel in the Air”, and sought help from ground the right to access personal data, and entered into data processing situations among frontline employees, and launched the
support to see the passenger being brought back to agreements (DPAs) with more than 100 suppliers, so as to strictly fulfill first emergency rescue drill themed on “Blue Sky Guardian
safety. confidentiality obligations and responsibilities. Volunteer Alliance.”
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Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Ensure Ground
Operation Safety
Fire Prevention Guided by the principle of “building basic infrastructure, focusing on training, prioritizing
drills, and attaching great importance to supervision”, Xiamen Airlines has paid great
attention to fire prevention, and enhanced capacity building in this regard. Online knowledge
training and offline training for evacuation conductor were offered, and events including on-
site immersive learning, fire extinguisher training and related contests were held to enhance
employees’ ability to evacuate and escape.
Anti-terrorism and Emergency response drills to treat dangers in hazardous chemical warehouses and fire
Emergency Response
control rooms, and to handle explosives, in combination with exercises to deal with anti-
terrorist attack on headquarter-based departments, and anti-collision in the crossings of
freight control areas were staged. Meanwhile, an all-encompassing system covering the
aspects of human defense, physical defense, and technical defense to maintain order, fight
terrorism, prevent risks and respond to emergencies were put in place. The company also
enhanced information sharing with relevant authorities such as airport police through
Care for Employees’ Heart security information platform to jointly conduct information assessment. Plans for police
response to emergencies arising from passenger and freight marketing and check-in spots
and Brain Health were developed to enhance internal prevention and control.
in cities like Zhuhai, Lanzhou, Wuhan, Sydney and Kuala Lumpur. The agents are closely
developed a good understanding of early symptoms of high blood
monitored in their operations and urged to make improvement, so that operational safety in
pressure and coronary artery disease, oral health, and harms caused
these places can be assured.
by oral diseases to heart and brain health.
improvement to join the global
initiative of tackling climate change.
Pursue green
Xiamen Airlines remains committed
to low-carbon operation, constantly
development to
exploring and discovering new
technologies, and sharing our
110,000 0.28
Leading Group
2019, Xiamen Airlines adjusted the structure Fuel consumption of the same
Carbon emissions cut:
of Energy Conservation and Emission model dropped by
346,000 0.4%
Hourly fuel consumption was
Flight Operation Ground
Reduction Committee to increase the
Maintenance Comprehensive Carbon Emission
Energy Support Energy
Energy Coordination Management
efficiency of work in this regard.
Conservation Conservation
Conservation Group Working Group
Group Group
down 0.5%
Carbon Emissions
Monitoring System
We have independently designed
“Shortcuts” in the Air
and developed a system to monitor
Xiamen Airlines has optimized temporary carbon emissions. This system
Equip the Plane with “Power Bank” air routes to find the shortest flight features the compatibility with both
distance, reducing it by 2.69 million domestic and international carbon
Auxiliary power unit (APU) provides cabin air and electric power before the engines are started. But its
kilometers, saving 9,195 tons of fuel, a markets, the accessibility to Xiamen
disadvantages include low fuel efficiency, a large amount of exhaust gas causing pollution, and a loud
feat that makes it rank 4th in the industry. Airlines, Hebei Airlines and Jiangxi
noise. To address this challenge, Xiamen Airlines broke new ground with the introduction of bridge-
mounted equipment used before flight, during transit and after flight, equipping aircraft with “power Airlines, and the flexible use of four
bank”, resulting in less use of APU and the reduction of 1.35 tons of fuel throughout the year. monitoring algorithms.
52 53
Xiamen Airlines
Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
The special team comes from countries other than China, Malaysia and Finland
to providing services that can
resonate with customers in their
Practice excellent
daily life. Working with integrity
and keeping customers at the
Passenger Service
Service Quality A thorough review of our 35-year experience and innovation achievement recognized by China
Poetic Flight Core Concepts and Positioning
Quality Award has inspired us to improve service quality management system featuring“double
Management System engines, four systems and multi-dimensional interactions” and enhance its application. Experience
Furthermore, we have developed Handbook for Service Quality Management Cycle Empowered by Xiamen Airlines is
Double Engines to sum up our experiences in this regard. committed to carrying
forward traditional A Poetic Journey
Chinese culture and Savoring
innovating contemporary
culture through cabin Chinese Culture
Service Service services.“Tianji Gallery”
Design Support services embody this
Qualification effort to continually
identify passengers’
Customer Needs needs and enrich their
inflight experiences.
Service Standard
Product Design
tr u
Customer Customer
Enrichment Services
Negative Customer
te Service Review
re n
rmance Evalu
Tianji Gallery
Service Early
Service Service Tianji Aesthetics
Improvement Realization
From July to September 2019, mock reviews Tianji Tianji Tianji
Tianji Vintry Tianji Cafe
had been conducted on 12 service units to Teahouse Library Steward
test the service delivery capabilities.
Sommelier Tea Master Barista and anchors from China’s first “Flight
Voice of Xiamen Steward” team
indicators had been set to assess service
delivery capabilities
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Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Seamless Journey
Easy Transit Smart Travel Flight Punctuality
The company has strengthened coordination with
Xiamen Airlines has promoted Through Check-in. As of December 2019, 29 domestic Check-in
relevant authorities, increasing the punctuality rate by
destinations and 12 overseas destinations were included in this service, with the • Provide self-service check-
former providing services for 95.19% of transit passengers taking the company’s in for six international routes
outbound flights and the latter for 52.05% of transit passengers taking inbound including Jakarta, Bali, Bangkok, Siem
throughout the year.
Reap, Phnom Penh, and Sihanoukville
• Ensure dynamic boarding pass is displayed
on omni-channel self-service check-in kiosks Customized Services
Domestic Destinations and provide reminder service after passengers
Xiamen Airlines has upgraded membership system, identifying passengers as five
purchase from the kiosks. Statistics show that
Beijing, Changsha, Dalian, Fuzhou, Guangzhou, Harbin, Hangzhou, Hefei, Jinan, utilization rate of kiosk peaked at 72.3%, groups: black diamond, platinum, gold, silver and ordinary, so as to provide them with
Kunming, Nanjing, Nanning, Qingdao, Shanghai Hongqiao, Shenyang, Taiyuan, and that of electronic boarding pass better tailored services.
Tianjin, Wuhan, Xi'an, Xining, Yinchuan, Changchun, Zhengzhou, Chongqing, registered a year-on-year increase
Haikou , Guilin, Liuzhou, Chengdu, and Ningbo of 68%.
Baggage Check-in
Customer Complaint Management
• When the self-service baggage
Overseas Destinations On March 15, 2019, CAAC set up “12326” hotline to supervise service quality and
check-in equipment was put into use
in Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport urge airline companies and airports to properly handle passenger complaints. Xiamen
Vancouver, Bali, Sydney, Melbourne, Ho Chi Minh, Bangkok, Los Angeles, Jakarta,
Terminal 3, Xiamen Airlines simultaneously Airlines took prompt action to increase the efficiency of complaint management.
Tokyo, Siem Reap, Osaka, and Sabah
introduced electronic baggage collection
service which is independently developed External: Synergy
by the company. This means that the
whole process of ground service at
Xiamen terminal is automated.
Systems Information Mechanisms
Customs Clearance
& Boarding In 2019, Xiamen Airlines’ complaint
rate was
Special Passengers Services Upgrade service quality Synergize CAAC’s complaint Revise performance evaluation
• Xiamen Airlines provides management system handling working group with indicators to improve complaint
Unaccompanied children, the elderly, pregnant women, paperless customs clearance complaints channel management system
the disabled, etc. and boarding services at 57
domestic destinations. per million
• Dedicated check-in counters, boarding passages and guides
are assigned to ensure that passengers with special needs enjoy anking 2nd among eight airline
same safe, convenient and quick access just as other passengers Lounge companies which provide all-
Complaint Closed Loop Management encompassing services in China, up
Service Improvement
IT Application
Online Marketing System Xiamen Airlines has developed an online marketing system, designed cargo structure
that is dedicated to transporting goods, set price for door-to-door delivery and freight
delivery, and added doorstep pickup and delivery services. All this is to address
Freight Service challenges in last-mile delivery and provide customers with a door-to-door freight
transportation solution.
Transformation of Cross-border
E-commerce Effortless Operation Xiamen Airlines has established a self-service pick-up system at freight stations in
Xiamen and Fuzhou. Freight owners can help themselves with the whole process of
Xiamen Airlines’ cross-border e-commerce supervision center was put into operation in March 2019. identity verification, self-service pick-up, self-service payment, and printing the bill of
lading. In other words, traditional pick-up process is simplified, the efficiency of pick-
up increased and customer service improved.
By the end of December 2019
the center had examined
293,000 To satisfy the need, Xiamen-based freight station Harness the Power of Xiamen Airlines has introduced automatic guided vehicles (AGV driverless forklifts) to
increase operation efficiency and operational safety at freight warehouses.
was expanded to Smart Technologies
centered approach to
and small families built by our
employees. We are fully convinced
Optimize Benefit
Others Age 50 or above
Master degree or above Age 40-49 Expand the coverage of supplementary medical insurance
Mechanism Xiamen Airlines ensures that new employees who have just completed probation period
Bachelor degree
2326 can access emergency and inclusive supplementary medical insurance, the coverage of
which has expand to nearly 6,000 employees.
Ground Service 7% ill employees with tickets to seek medical treatment in hospitals located outside of
9% 15%
Gender Ratio 2
Inflight Security
Regional Distribution
7089 7185
13620 Harness the Power of • Launch “e-governance kiosk” to ensure employees access nearest and instant
Technologies to Serve
13834 Employees
• Provide employees with online consulting services, having received around 21,728
inquiries in 2019, which accounts for 17% out of 125,012 consulting services
• Update work permit to ensure employees enjoy all-inclusive services including meals,
Domestic(other than Xiamen)
transportation, business cards and access control and etc.
Male Xiamen
• Launch online shop for employees to select corporate gifts and care packages
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Society Safety Environment Services Employee
Social Responsibility Report 2019
Achieve For Xiamen Airlines, employees are the most valuable assets, holding the key to the company’s
development. This understanding has inspired the company to expand channels of promotion
Enjoy Career Contentment
Common and provide diversified training programs to support employees’ growth, preparing Xiamen
Management-themed training
opportunities register a year-on-
year increase of
sessions for new employee
The company has provided a wide variety of training programs to ensure employees’
training needs are well catered for. Some sessions are to keep them well informed of Party and
orientation government policies, some expose them to best practices adopted by Boeing, some enable
them to become high-caliber professionals. In other words, Xiamen Airlines has attached equal Care for Our Send care packages
Nearly importance to training personnel to perform different levels of tasks and to training top-notch The company set up a dedicated fund worth nearly
300 professionals for a few key positions. At the same time, acting on the Party’s requirements RMB 2.5 million. With this fund, over 8,000 care
of launching awareness campaigns, the company organized an exhibition under the theme of packages were sent out to employees at all kinds of
training sessions to keep employees “reflecting on our founding mission”, providing an invaluable opportunity for more than 1,380 posts in all branches, subsidiaries, frontline units,
well informed of Party and employees in 40 groups to draw inspiration from General Secretary Xi Jinping’s guidance for and overseas offices. The receivers include about
government policies Xiamen Airlines. 300 role models, retired officials, and veterans.
Promotion Channel of
can unleash their fullest potential. employees seek hospitalization, receive serious
Managerial Position
Senior Specialist
Technical Post
Employee These events have delivered multiple outcomes: enriching their lives, providing them
with more opportunities to make friends, ensuring corporate culture resonate with more
Enrichment Events employees, and forging a closer bond among employees, and between employees and the
Table of Contents Alignment with GRI Standards Table of Contents Alignment with GRI Standards
Ensure Ground
About This Report 102-45、102-46、102-50、102-52、102-53、102-54 416-1
Operation Safety
United to Fight
203-1、413-1、415-1 Freight Service 417-1
Carry Out Precision
203-1、203-2、204-1 Employee
Poverty Alleviation
Encourage Safeguard Rights and
203-1 102-8、401-2、405-1
Volunteer Service Interests
Cooperation on Public Achieve Common
203-1 404-2
Welfare Undertakings Development
Strengthen Supplier Enjoy Career
102-9、204-1、414-1、414-2 401-3、403-3、403-4
Relationship Management (SRM) Contentment
Strengthen Safety
Guarantee Aviation
Improve Passenger
Promote Occupational