Job Procedure For Tanks Radiography Test: 10 of Ramadan City, Industrial Area A1, Egypt
Job Procedure For Tanks Radiography Test: 10 of Ramadan City, Industrial Area A1, Egypt
Job Procedure For Tanks Radiography Test: 10 of Ramadan City, Industrial Area A1, Egypt
PROJECT : 500 TPD Sulphuric Acid Plant with 5.0 MW Power Generations
9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
4.1 General
The radiographic technician (radiographer) shall be fully trained / qualified, and shall be fully aware of
the hazards of radiation.
Human body tissue will be severely damages if they are over exposed to radiation and even
small amount of exposure on a daily basis, with insufficient recovery periods, will eventually produce
a serious deterioration in health.
All possible safety precaution shall always be taken to avoid unnecessary exposure.
Prior to commencing any radiation work on site, emergency procedures shall be established.
All radiographic discipline personnel who are involved with working with ionizing
Radiation shall take all reasonable safety precautions.
Not knowingly expose either themselves or any other person to radiation greater than is absolutely
necessary for the purposes of their work.
Make full and proper use of all personal protection equipment provided . Report any defects to
radiographic equipment to his employer immediately upon discovery.
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
7.2.1 Preparation:–
No more film should be processed that can be accommodated with a Minimum separation of ½ “.
Hangers are loaded and solutions stirred before starting development.
7.2.2 Start of development:-
Start the timer and place the films into the developer tank. Separate
to a minimum distance of ½ “ and agitate in two directions for about 15 seconds.
7.2.3 Development:-
Normal development is 5 to 8 minutes at 68° F (20° C)
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
7.2.4 Agitation:-
Shake the film horizontally and vertically, ideally for a few seconds each minute during
development. This will help develop evenly.
7.2.5 Rinsing:-
Rinse the films with vigorous agitation in clear water.
7.2.6 Fixing: -
The Films must not touch one another in the fixer. Agitate the hangers vertically for about 10
seconds and again at the end of the first minute, to ensure uniform and rapid fixation. Keep them in
the fixer until fixation is complete (i.e. at least twice the clearing time), but not more than 15
minutes in relatively fresh fixer. Frequent agitation will shorten the time of fixation.
7.2.7 Fixer Neutralizing: -
Use hypo eliminator or fixer neutralizer between fixation and washing.
7.2.8 Washing: -
Washing is very slow below 60° F(16° C).When washing at temperature above
85° F(30° C),care should be exercised not to leave films in the water too long. The films should be
washed in batches without contamination from new film brought over from the fixer. If pressed for
capacity, as more films are put in the wash, partially washed film should be moved in the direction
of the inlet.
7.2.9 Wetting Agent:-
Dip the film for approx. 30 seconds in a wetting agent added clear water.
7.2.10 Drying:-
Take Precaution to tighten film on hangers, so that it cannot touch in the dryer. Too hot a Drying
temperature at low humidity can result in uneven drying and should be avoided.
8.1. Surface Preparation
The weld ripples or weld surface irregularities on both the inside (where accessible) and
outside shall be removed by any suitable process to such a degree that the resulting
radiographic image due to any irregularities cannot mask or be confused with the image of any
8.2. RT request
Upon completion and visual acceptance of a weld that is subject to radiography, the controlling
engineer shall make a request for radiographic examination.
The request shall be entered into the schedule for radiographic examination and forwarded to the
radiographic technicians for execution.
8.3. Controlled area
Radiography shall only be performed at such times as the work site is clear of all non radiographic
discipline personnel and the area of exposure shall be designated a ‘ controlled area’
Prior to commencing exposure of the isotope, all safety precautions and requirements as stated in
4.0 radiation safety shall be implemented.
The area in which the isotope is to be exposed shall be treated as a ’controlled area’ and only
classified personnel may enter.
The boundaries of this ‘controlled area’ shall be identified with radiation tape barriers, warning
signs (in both English and Hindi) and flashing lights.
8.4. Marking on the weld
The QC Engineer shall identify the weld to be radiographed and mark the weld.
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
Material Ug
Thickness (in.) Maximum (in.)
Under 2 0.020
2 trough 3 0.030
Over 3 trough 4 0.040
Greater than 4 0.070
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
A lead letter ”F” , at least as high as the penetrameter indication number(s), shall be placed adjacent
to or on the penetrameter(s), but shall not mask the essential hole where hole penetrameters are
8.11.3. Penetrameter location for welds—hole penetrameters
The penetrameter(s) may be placed adjacent to or on the weld.
The identification number(s) and, when used, the lead letter ”F” shall not be in the area of
8.11.4. Penetrameter location for welds—wire penetrameters
The penetrameter(s) shall be placed on the weld so that the length of the wires is
perpendicular to the length of weld.
The identification number(s) and, when used, the lead letter”F” shall not be
in the area of interest.
8.12. Number of penetrameters
For components where one or more film holders are used for an exposure, at least one
penetrameter image shall appear on each radiographed except as outlined in 8.12.2.
8.12.1. Multiple penetrameters
If the requirements of 9.3.2 are met by using more than one penetrameter, one shall be
representative of the lightest area of interest and the other the darkest area of interest: the
intervening densities on th radiograph shall be considered as having acceptable density.
8.12.2. Special cases
[1] For cylinder vessels where the source is placed on the axis of the object and one or more film
holders are used for a single exposure of a complete circumstance, at least three penetrameters
shall be spaced approximately
120 deg.apart.
[2] For cylinder vessels where the source is placed on the axis of the object and four or more
film holders are used for a single exposure of section of the circumference, at least three
penetrameters shall be used.
One penetrameter shall be in the approximate center of the section
exposed and one at each end.
When the section of the circumference exposed exceeds 240 deg. the rules of [1] above apply.
Additional film locations may be required to obtain necessary penetrameter spacing: otherwise at
least one penetrameter image shall appear on the each radiograph.
[3] For spherical vessels, where the source is located at the centre of the
vessel and one or more film holders are used for a single exposure of a complete circumstance, at
least three penetrameters shall be spaced approximately 120 deg. apart.
For other welds radiographed simultaneously, one additional parameter is
shall be placed on each other weld.
[4] For segments of spherical vessels where the source is located at the centre of the vessel
and four or more films holders are used for a circumferential weld, at least three penetrameters
shall be used. One penetrameter shall be in the approximate centre of the portion exposed and
one each end.
When the portion exposed exceeds 240 deg., the rules of [3] above apply.
Additional film locations may be required to obtain necessary penetrameter spacing; otherwise, at
least one penetrameter image shall appear on each radiograph.
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
8.13. Shims
A shim of material radiographically similar to the weld metal shall be placed between the part and
the penetrameter, if needed, so that the radiographic density throughout the area of interest is no
more than minus 15 % from
the radiographic density through the penetrameter.
The shim dimensions shall exceeds the pentameter dimensions such that the outline of at least
three sides of the penetrameter image shall be visible in the radiograph.
9.1. Quality of radiographs
All radiographs shall be free of mechanical, chemical, handling related or other
blemishes to the extent that they do not mask and are not confused with the image of any
discontinuity in the area of interest of the object being radiographed. If any doubt exists as to the
true nature of an indication exhibited by the film, the radiograph shall be rejected and re-shot.
9.2. Viewing facilities for radiographs
Viewing facilities shall provide subdued background lighting of an intensity that will not cause
troublesome reflections, shadows or glare on the radiograph. Equipment used to view radiographs
for interpretation shall provide a variable light source sufficient for the designated wire to be visible
for the specified density range.
9.3. Radiographic density
9.3.1 Density Limitations
The transmitted film density through the radiographic image of the body of
appropriate hole penetrameter or adjacent to the designated wire of a wire penetrameter and the
area of interest shall be 2.0 minimum and 4.0 maximum.
9.3.2 Density variation
[a] General
If the density of the radiograph anywhere through the area of interest varies by
more than minus 15% or plus30 % from the density through the body of the hole penetrameter
or adjacent to the designated wire of a wire penetrameter within density limitations, then an
additional penetrameter shall be used for each exceptional area or areas and the radiograph
[b] With Shims
When shims are used the plus 30 % density restriction of [a] above may be
exceeded, provided the required penetrameter sensitivity is displayed and the density limitation are
not exceeded.
9.4. IQI sensitivity
Radiography shall be performed with a technique of sufficient sensitivity to display the hole
penetrameter image and the specified hole, or the designated
wire of a wire penetrameter, which are essential indication of the image quality of the radiograph.
The quality levels required using wire Penetrameters shall be equivalent to the 2-2T level of
method E 142/ or practice E1025, ASME Sec V Article 22 for hole type penetrameters. The table
T-276 Article 2 Sec V Provides a list of various hole type IQI’s and the diameter of the wires of
corresponding EPS (Equivalent Penetrameter Sensitivity) with the applicable
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
Document No:- 9560/NBEL/SITE/QAC/026, REV.0
c) Repairs and re-examination All defective joints which have been re-welded shall be re-examined as
may be required by TPIL Inspection, and shall conform to the minimum quality requirements given
All repairs arising from the examination, and any additional radiographs required to assess the extent
of defects, shall be in the KKSEPL scope.