Index003 - Subset-023 v330
Index003 - Subset-023 v330
Index003 - Subset-023 v330
ISSUE : 3.3.0
DATE : 13/05/2016
3.0.0 Baseline 3 release version A. Hougardy
02 March 2012
3.0.1 CR 1124 O. Gemine
04 April 2014
3.0.2 Baseline 3 1st maintenance pre- O. Gemine
release version
23 April 2014
3.0.3 CR 1223 O. Gemine
06 May 2014 Baseline 3 1st maintenance 2nd pre-
release version
3.1.0 Baseline 3 1st maintenance release O. Gemine
12 May 2014
3.1.1 CR’s 852, 1260 O. Gemine
23 June 2015
3.1.2 CR’s 299, 539, 1084, 1163, 1237 O. Gemine
17 November
3.1.3 CR1283 plus update due to overall O. Gemine
CR consolation phase
16 December
3.2.0 Baseline 3 2nd release version as O. Gemine
recommended to EC (see ERA-
18 December
3.2.1 CR 1249 reopening following RISC O. Gemine
28 April 2016
3.3.0 Baseline 3 2nd release version A. Hougardy
13 May 2016
1. MODIFICATION HISTORY................................................................................................................ 2
2. TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................... 4
3. GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Scope of this document .................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
4. TERMS......................................................................................................................................... 6
5. ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 26
3.2. Introduction
Many of the terms and abbreviations used within the ERTMS/ETCS specifications have been
defined elsewhere but they are repeated herein when they have a relevance to the ERTMS/ETCS
system. The hierarchy of documents / glossaries consulted was as follows:-
Note: 1. Only the highest level terms are repeated from references 3 and 4.
2. Any term not given a numbered reference is by definition an ETCS defined term.
3. Some terms from the references have been redefined to match the ETCS context.
These are now ETCS defined terms
4. Low level ETCS documents such as those relating to Key Management contain their own
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Confirmation by an entity that it has received information
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, Confirmation by the driver that he/she has taken into account
DRIVER information received through the DMI
AIRGAP The set of interfaces between track and train. It is composed of
the Eurobalise, the Euroloop and the Euroradio interfaces.
AIRGAP LANGUAGE The ERTMS/ETCS application data, together with its
harmonised rules, which is transmitted over the balise, loop and
radio transmission media.
APPLICATION LEVEL The different ERTMS/ETCS application levels are a way to
express the possible operating relationships between track and
train. Level definitions are related to the trackside equipment
used, to the way the trackside information reaches the on-board
units and to which functions are processed in the trackside and
in the on-board equipment respectively.
AUTHENTICATION The process of determining whether someone or something is
who or what it is declared to be.
AUTHENTICATION KEY Cryptographic key (KMAC) used to establish a safe connection
according to the EURORADIO protocol.
AUTOMATIC TRAIN A safety system that enforces either compliance with or
PROTECTION observation of speed restrictions and signal aspects by trains.
AVAILABILITY The ability of a product to be in a state to perform a required
function under given conditions at a given instant in time or over
a given time interval assuming that the required external
resources are provided. (3)
Definitions for other availability related terms are given in
reference 3
BALISE A passive transponder mounted on the track which can
communicate with a train passing over it.
BALISE, A balise that transmits data that does not change dynamically
FIXED according to signalling information.
BALISE, A balise that transmits data that can change dynamically
SWITCHABLE according to signalling information.
BALISE GROUP One or more balises which are treated as having the same
reference location on the track. The telegrams transmitted by all
the balises of a group form a track-to-train message.
BALISE GROUP CO- The means to ensure common location referencing between on-
ORDINATE SYSTEM board and trackside, for all location based information
exchanged through the ERTMS/ETCS transmission media.
in rear of in advance of
INDEPENDENCE, Freedom from any mechanism which can affect the correct
TECHNICAL operation of more than one item.
INFILL INFORMATION Trackside data, referred to a main signal, which is transmitted at
locations in rear of the main signal. Provides, for example, the
ability to inform a train that the signal ahead has cleared.
INFILL LOOP A loop which is installed at a place (e.g. in rear of a signal) to
avoid unnecessary delay by transmitting in fill information
advising the train at once when the signal ahead clears.
INFORMATION POINT Specific location on the track where information can be
transmitted from ERTMS/ETCS trackside to ERTMS/ETCS on-
board equipment (see also SPOT TRANSMISSION)
INTERLOCKING A general term applied to the controlling of the setting and
releasing of “signals” and “points” to prevent unsafe conditions
arising, and equipment which performs this function.
INTERMITTENT A term that encompasses “SPOT TRANSMISSION” and “SEMI-
INTEROPERABILITY Interoperability means the ability to allow the safe and
uninterrupted movement of trains that accomplish the specified
levels of performance. (1)
INTEROPERABILITY Any elementary component, group of components,
CONSTITUENT subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated
or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which
the interoperability of the rail system depends either directly or
indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible
objects and intangible objects such as software. (1)
OPERATED SYSTEM For both trackside and on-board, to operate a system version
VERSION means to comply with the requirements from all TSI annex A
documents, which are applicable to this system version and to
the concerned subsystem.
The operated system version is ordered by trackside; however,
to operate a system version number X within a delimited
trackside area only means that an on-board equipment running
on this area shall behave according to the set of requirements
applicable to the system version number X.Y where X is the one
ordered by trackside and Y is the system version number Y
(which may be different from the one ordered by trackside)
operated by the on-board within this version X.
OVERLAP The section of line in advance of a stop signal that must be
unoccupied and, where necessary, locked before and during a
signalled running movement to the rear of the signal to avoid an
accident if the train brakes do not perform as well as expected
and the train passes the END OF MOVEMENT AUTHORITY.
OVER-READING The distance the train may have travelled less far than the
AMOUNT estimated position. The distance is estimated by the
ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment taking into account the
odometer inaccuracy plus the error for the detection of a balise
location, as defined in the Eurobalise specifications.
PACKET Packets are multiple variables grouped into a single unit with a
defined internal structure. Packets are part of telegrams and
PANTOGRAPH Device for transmitting power from the overhead catenary to the
PARTIAL A defined set of ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment modes
SUPERVISION MODES used where insufficient track data is available to allow full
supervision. The set of partially supervised modes are as
follows :
limited supervision
unfitted mode
on sight mode
staff responsible mode
post trip mode
PERMISSIVE SIGNAL A signal aspect or a signal identification, which enables a main
signal to be passed at danger under special conditions, without
specific permission from the signalman.
PERMITTED SPEED The speed limit at which a train is allowed to proceed without
ERTMS/ETCS warning and / or intervention.
TRACK OCCUPIED An object in a route that prevents that route being offered to a
TRACKSIDE The equipment with the aim of exchanging information with the
EQUIPMENT vehicle for safely supervising train circulation. The information
exchanged between track and trains can be either continuous or
intermittent according to the ERTMS/ETCS level of application
and to the nature of the information itself.
TRACK-TO-TRAIN The transmission of ERTMS/ETCS messages from trackside
TRANSMISSION equipment to the train via balise, loop or radio. Using intermittent
transmission (balise or loop or radio infill) the information can
only be transmitted to a train passing the transmission unit.
TRACTION UNIT A powered vehicle able to move itself and other vehicles to which
it may be coupled.
TRAIN One or more railway vehicles hauled by one or more traction
units, or one traction unit travelling alone, running under a given
operational number from an initial fixed point to a terminal fixed
TRAIN DATA Defined set of data which gives information about the train. Data
that characterises a train and which is acquired by ERTMS/ETCS
in order to perform a mission.
TRAIN DETECTION The proof of the presence or absence of trains on a defined
section of line.
TRAIN INTEGRITY The level of belief in the train being complete and not having left
coaches or wagons behind.
TRAIN INTERFACE The unit, inside the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment, that
UNIT provides the interface between the ERTMS/ETCS on-board
equipment and the train.
TRAIN MOVEMENT When vehicles are moved with train data available, as a rule from
station to station, and as a rule under the authority of proceed
aspects from main signals, or similar procedures.
TRAIN ORIENTATION If there is an active cab, this one defines the orientation of the
train, i.e. the side of the active cab is considered as the front of
the train. If no cab is active, the train orientation is as when a
cab was last active.
TRAIN POSITION The distance interval within which the ERTMS/ETCS on-board
CONFIDENCE assumes the actual train position is, with a defined probability.
INTERVAL It comprises the odometer over-reading and under-reading
amounts, plus twice the location accuracy of the reference
balise group.
TRAIN RUNNING A number under which the train is operated.
WHEELSLIDE When a braked wheel loses adhesion with the rails and under
WHEELSLIP When a traction-driven wheel loses adhesion with the rails and
over rotates
WRONG SIDE An equipment failure tending to cause danger to rail traffic.
ACK Acknowledgement
ALE Adaptation & redundancy management Layer Entity
APN Access Point Name
ASP Axle Load speed Profile
ATC Automatic Train Control
ATO Automatic Train Operation
ATP Automatic Train Protection
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BTM Balise Transmission Module
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (Comité Européen
de Normalisation Electrotechnique)
CER Community of European Railways
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Code
CSM Ceiling Speed Monitoring
DMI Driver Machine Interface
DNS Domain Name Server
DP Danger Point
DV Difference Value between the Permitted Speed to e.g.
DV_EBImin Emergency Brake Intervention speed (minimum)
DV_EBImax Emergency Brake Intervention speed (maximum)
EB Emergency Braking
EBCL Emergency Brake Confidence Level
EBD Emergency Brake Deceleration Curve
EBI Emergency Brake Intervention supervision limit
EC European Commission
EEIG European Economic Interest Group.
EIRENE European Integrated Radio Enhanced Network
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EN European Norm
EOA End of Authority
EOLM End-of-Loop-Marker
Ep Electro-pneumatic