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Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations

ISSUE : 3.3.0
DATE : 13/05/2016

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Issue Number Section number Modification / Description Author

0.0.1 All First issue. Sven Adomeit
Hans Kast
Jean-Christophe Laffineur

0.0.2 All Reuse of EEIG glossary Sven Adomeit

Hans Kast
Jean-Christophe Laffineur
0.0.3 All Review of SRS; Sven Adomeit
New SRS Chapter
0.0.4. All Updating references Sven Adomeit
Mode Profile
0.0.5. All Updating for Class 1 SRS WLH
Feb 2000 Version 2
0.1.0. All Updating following UNISIG review WLH
and comments from Adt ,Alst.
March 2000

0.2.0. All Further comments from Alstom WLH

March 2000
2.0.0 Final issue to ECSAG U.D. (ed)
30 March 2000
2.9.1 All Revised edition for baseline 3 B. Stamm
08 February S. Adomeit
A. Hougardy
2.9.2 All As per UNISIG review comments A. Hougardy
01 March 2012 Add new entries ACK, KER and
Refine definition of Train Interface

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3.0.0 Baseline 3 release version A. Hougardy
02 March 2012
3.0.1 CR 1124 O. Gemine
04 April 2014
3.0.2 Baseline 3 1st maintenance pre- O. Gemine
release version
23 April 2014
3.0.3 CR 1223 O. Gemine
06 May 2014 Baseline 3 1st maintenance 2nd pre-
release version
3.1.0 Baseline 3 1st maintenance release O. Gemine
12 May 2014
3.1.1 CR’s 852, 1260 O. Gemine
23 June 2015
3.1.2 CR’s 299, 539, 1084, 1163, 1237 O. Gemine
17 November
3.1.3 CR1283 plus update due to overall O. Gemine
CR consolation phase
16 December
3.2.0 Baseline 3 2nd release version as O. Gemine
recommended to EC (see ERA-
18 December
3.2.1 CR 1249 reopening following RISC O. Gemine
28 April 2016
3.3.0 Baseline 3 2nd release version A. Hougardy
13 May 2016

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1. MODIFICATION HISTORY................................................................................................................ 2
2. TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................................... 4
3. GENERAL ..................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1. Scope of this document .................................................................................................... 5
3.2. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 5
4. TERMS......................................................................................................................................... 6
5. ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 26

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3.1. Scope of this document

This document defines the significant Terms and Abbreviations used in the ERTMS/ETCS

3.2. Introduction
Many of the terms and abbreviations used within the ERTMS/ETCS specifications have been
defined elsewhere but they are repeated herein when they have a relevance to the ERTMS/ETCS
system. The hierarchy of documents / glossaries consulted was as follows:-

European Interoperability Directive 2008/57/EC 1

Control Command Signalling Technical Specification for Interoperability (CCS TSI) 2
CENELEC EN50126 – September 1999 3
CENELEC EN50129 - December 1999 4

Note: 1. Only the highest level terms are repeated from references 3 and 4.
2. Any term not given a numbered reference is by definition an ETCS defined term.
3. Some terms from the references have been redefined to match the ETCS context.
These are now ETCS defined terms
4. Low level ETCS documents such as those relating to Key Management contain their own

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ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Confirmation by an entity that it has received information
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, Confirmation by the driver that he/she has taken into account
DRIVER information received through the DMI
AIRGAP The set of interfaces between track and train. It is composed of
the Eurobalise, the Euroloop and the Euroradio interfaces.
AIRGAP LANGUAGE The ERTMS/ETCS application data, together with its
harmonised rules, which is transmitted over the balise, loop and
radio transmission media.
APPLICATION LEVEL The different ERTMS/ETCS application levels are a way to
express the possible operating relationships between track and
train. Level definitions are related to the trackside equipment
used, to the way the trackside information reaches the on-board
units and to which functions are processed in the trackside and
in the on-board equipment respectively.
AUTHENTICATION The process of determining whether someone or something is
who or what it is declared to be.
AUTHENTICATION KEY Cryptographic key (KMAC) used to establish a safe connection
according to the EURORADIO protocol.
AUTOMATIC TRAIN A safety system that enforces either compliance with or
PROTECTION observation of speed restrictions and signal aspects by trains.
AVAILABILITY The ability of a product to be in a state to perform a required
function under given conditions at a given instant in time or over
a given time interval assuming that the required external
resources are provided. (3)
Definitions for other availability related terms are given in
reference 3
BALISE A passive transponder mounted on the track which can
communicate with a train passing over it.
BALISE, A balise that transmits data that does not change dynamically
FIXED according to signalling information.
BALISE, A balise that transmits data that can change dynamically
SWITCHABLE according to signalling information.
BALISE GROUP One or more balises which are treated as having the same
reference location on the track. The telegrams transmitted by all
the balises of a group form a track-to-train message.
BALISE GROUP CO- The means to ensure common location referencing between on-
ORDINATE SYSTEM board and trackside, for all location based information
exchanged through the ERTMS/ETCS transmission media.

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BALISE GROUP Location of balise number 1 in a balise group. It is the origin of

LOCATION the balise group coordinate system
BALISE A module inside the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment for
TRANSMISSION intermittent transmission between track and train, which
MODULE processes Up-link signals and retrieves application data
telegrams from a balise.
BASELINE A baseline is defined by a stable kernel in terms of system
functionality, performance and other non-functional
BASELINE RELEASE A baseline release is defined by a specific version of each of
the CCS TSI annex A documents that are relevant for the
BLOCK A method of controlling the separation between trains by dividing
the line into sections with, normally, no more than one train in
each section. The block can either be a fixed block or a moving
BRAKING CURVE Prediction of the train speed decrease versus distance by the
ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment, from a mathematical model
of the train braking dynamics and of the track characteristics
BRAKING DISTANCE, The distance in which a train is capable of stopping with the
EMERGENCY emergency brake applied. Dependent upon train speed, train
type, braking characteristics, train weight and gradient.
BRAKING DISTANCE, The distance in which a train is capable of stopping, with the full
SERVICE service brake applied. Dependent upon train speed, train type,
braking characteristics, train weight and gradient.
CAB The space in the power unit or driving unit of the train containing
the operating controls and providing shelter and seats for the
driver or engine crew.
CAB, ACTIVE The active cab is the cab associated with an ERTMS/ETCS on-
board equipment, from which the traction is controlled
CLEAR (A SIGNAL) To change a signal aspect from its most restrictive aspect to a
less restrictive aspect.
COMMON-MODE Fault common to items which are intended to be independent.
CONDITIONAL LEVEL A Conditional Level Transition Order is a spot check of the on-
TRANSITION ORDER board operated level. This may cause a level transition if the
ERTMS/ETCS on-board does not operate one of the allowed
CONDITIONS, The maintenance criteria adopted for maintaining the system
MAINTENANCE referred to its Operating Conditions.

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CONDITIONS, The rated performance required of the system.

CONDITIONS, SYSTEM The conditions under which the system is called to operate,
 environmental conditions;
 operating conditions;
 maintenance conditions.
CONFIGURATION The structuring and interconnecting of the hardware and
software of a system for its intended application.
CONFIGURATION A discipline applying technical and administrative direction and
MANAGEMENT surveillance to identify and document the functional and
physical characteristics of a configuration item, control change
to those characteristics, record and report change processing
and implementation status and verify compliance with specified
requirements. (3)
CONFLICTING Movements that would require trains to occupy the same portion
MOVEMENTS of track over all or part of their length.
CONTACT LENGTH The distance between the place where a train becomes able to
communicate with a device (e.g. a balise) to the place where
communication becomes impossible.
CONTINOUS DATA Track-to-train or train-to-track transmission that can take place
TRANSMISSION continuously, independent of location (e.g. by radio).
CONTROL CENTRE A centralised control system that controls the train movements
in a large territory.
CRITICALITY The point at which a failure or a number of failures renders the
system unusable and/or unsafe.
CROSS-ACCEPTANCE The status achieved by a product that has been accepted by
one Authority to the relevant European Standards and is
acceptable to other Authorities without the necessity for further
assessment. (4)
CURRENT POSITION The position of a train measured at a certain moment using
defined system co-ordinates.
DANGER (ASPECT) An indication given by a signal to stop.
DANGER POINT The location beyond the End of Movement Authority that can be
reached by the front of the train without creating a hazardous
DATA INTEGRITY The property that a message has not been modified or
DECELERATION DATA Data that relates to the braking performance of the train.
DEFAULT VALUE Value stored in the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment and
used if there is no other value available.

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DESK Inside a cab, the set of operating controls, which is dedicated to

preferred movements in a given direction (i.e. forward
movements, in which visibility from the cab is provided to the
Exception: some single cab locomotives are fitted with one
single desk, allowing normal movements in both directions.
DIVERSITY A means of achieving all or part of the specified requirements in
more than one independent and dissimilar manner. (4)
DRIVER IDENTITY Unique code which identifies a train driver.
DRIVER MACHINE The interface to enable direct communication between the
INTERFACE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment and the driver.
DRIVING ON SIGHT The driver driving at a speed that allows him to stop the train to
avoid obstacles on the track.
DUAL CAB ENGINE Rolling Stock unit fitted with two driving cabs and one single
ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment.
DYNAMIC SPEED The speed / distance profile that a train may follow without
PROFILE violating the static speed profile and/or the EOA/LOA.
EMERGENCY Application of a predefined brake force in the shortest time in
BRAKING order to stop the train with a defined level of brake performance.
END OF LOOP The balise group intended to define where a “loop” begins or
MARKER ends.
END OF AUTHORITY Location to which the train is permitted to proceed and where
target speed = zero.
END OF MOVEMENT Location to which the train is permitted to proceed according to
AUTHORITY an MA. When transmitting an MA, it is the end of the last section
given in the MA.
ENGINE Association of one or two driving cab(s) of a Rolling Stock unit
with one single ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment.
When a driving cab of the engine is used to lead a train/shunting
consist, the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment supervises the
movement of the train/shunting consist the engine belongs to.
Each driving cab of an engine allows the driver communicating
with the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment through the DMI.
ENTRANCE SIGNAL A main signal, intended for trains entering a station.
EQUIPPED LINE Line equipped with ERTMS/ ETCS in application level 1, 2 or 3
ERTMS/ETCS The part (software and/or hardware) of the on-board equipment,
ON-BOARD which fulfils the ERTMS/ETCS specification.
ESTIMATED SPEED The speed the odometer estimates the train is running at, with
the highest probability according to the physical characteristics
of the train and to the odometer working conditions

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ESTIMATED POSITION The position the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment estimates

the train front is at, with the highest probability according to the
physical characteristics of the train and to the odometer working
conditions. It is expressed as a distance from a location
reference detected by the on-board.
ETCS IDENTITY The ETCS identity of an on-board equipment is made of a
single identity number. The ETCS identity of an RBC, balise
group, loop or RIU is composed of a country/region identity
number and of an identity number within the country/region.
EUROPEAN RAIL Signalling and operation management system encompassing
TRAFFIC ETCS for the Control Command and GSM-R for voice and data
MANAGEMENT communication. GSM-R is used as radio bearer for ETCS.
EUROPEAN TRAIN The Control Command part of ERTMS.
EUROBALISE Balise compliant with the ERTMS/ETCS specification.
EUROLOOP Loop compliant with the ERTMS/ETCS specification.
EURORADIO The functions required, including the message protocols, to
provide an acceptably safe communications channel between
ERTMS/ETCS trackside and ERTMS/ETCS on-board
equipment over an open radio network
EXIT SIGNAL A main signal that is intended for trains leaving a station.
EXPECTATION The interval between the outer limits to accept a balise group.
FAIL-SAFE A design philosophy which results in any expected failure
maintaining or placing the equipment in a safe state.
FAILURE Effect of an error on the intended service.
FAULT An abnormal condition that could lead to an error in a system. A
fault can be random or systematic. (4)
FAULT DETECTION Time span that begins at the instant when a fault occurs and
TIME ends when the existence of the fault is detected.
FAULT NEGATION Time span that begins when the existence of a fault is detected
TIME and ends when a safe state is enforced.
FIXED BLOCK A block in which the extremities of the block sections are at fixed
locations. The signalling allows a train to move from one block to
the next, normally only when the block ahead is clear.
FOULING POINT The place where a vehicle standing on a converging line would
come into contact with a vehicle on the other line.
FULL SUPERVISION ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode giving full protection
MODE against overspeed and overrun.
HOME KMC The KMC in a KM domain to which trackside and on-board
entities belonging to that domain refer for key management.

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IMMEDIATE LEVEL An Immediate Level Transition Order means both a level

TRANSITION ORDER transition ordered “now” and a level transition ordered at null
distance not in relation with in-fill.
IN ADVANCE OF A term indicating a point beyond a specific location on the track,
with respect to a given direction.
IN REAR OF A term indicating a point on the approach to a specific location
on the track, with respect to a given direction.

in rear of in advance of


INDEPENDENCE, Freedom from any mechanism which can affect the correct
TECHNICAL operation of more than one item.
INFILL INFORMATION Trackside data, referred to a main signal, which is transmitted at
locations in rear of the main signal. Provides, for example, the
ability to inform a train that the signal ahead has cleared.
INFILL LOOP A loop which is installed at a place (e.g. in rear of a signal) to
avoid unnecessary delay by transmitting in fill information
advising the train at once when the signal ahead clears.
INFORMATION POINT Specific location on the track where information can be
transmitted from ERTMS/ETCS trackside to ERTMS/ETCS on-
board equipment (see also SPOT TRANSMISSION)
INTERLOCKING A general term applied to the controlling of the setting and
releasing of “signals” and “points” to prevent unsafe conditions
arising, and equipment which performs this function.
INTERMITTENT A term that encompasses “SPOT TRANSMISSION” and “SEMI-
INTEROPERABILITY Interoperability means the ability to allow the safe and
uninterrupted movement of trains that accomplish the specified
levels of performance. (1)
INTEROPERABILITY Any elementary component, group of components,
CONSTITUENT subassembly or complete assembly of equipment incorporated
or intended to be incorporated into a subsystem, upon which
the interoperability of the rail system depends either directly or
indirectly. The concept of a constituent covers both tangible
objects and intangible objects such as software. (1)

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INTEROPERABILITY, The set of harmonised operating rules that enables

OPERATIONAL interoperability.

INTEROPERABILITY, The set of harmonised technical requirements that enables

TECHNICAL interoperability. The ERTMS/ETCS specification defines the
requirements for technical interoperability.
INTERVENTION Where ERTMS/ETCS takes control from the driver by cutting
traction power or applying the full service brake and cutting
traction power or applying the emergency brake and cutting
traction power.
ISOLATION MODE When the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment is disconnected
from the vehicle braking system. Isolation is indicated to the
JURIDICAL DATA Data to record all actions and exchanges relating to the
movement of trains sufficient for off line analysis of all events
leading to an incident.
KERNEL The core of the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment.
KEY A predefined component or information necessary to be able to
encrypt data or interpret encrypted data.
KEY MANAGEMENT The generation, storage, secure distribution, deletion, archiving
and application of key entries in accordance with the security
policy in a KM domain.
KEY MANAGEMENT The entity responsible for key management functions in a KM
CENTRE domain.
KEY MANAGEMENT The set of entities and operational procedures taking part in the
SYSTEM key distribution system.
KEY VALIDITY PERIOD The specific timespan during which a key is valid.
KM DOMAIN One KMC (Home KMC) and all the on-boards, RBCs and RIUs
using that KMC for key management purposes.
LAST RELEVANT The LRBG is used as a common location reference between
BALISE GROUP the ERTMS/ETCS on-board and trackside equipments in levels
LEADING ENGINE The engine in which a driving cab is used to control the
movement of a train/shunting consist, under the supervision of
the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment associated with the
driving cab.

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LEVEL 0 A level of ERTMS/ETCS defined to cover instances when the

ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment is operating in an area
where the trackside is neither fitted with operational
ERTMS/ETCS equipment nor fitted with operational National
LEVEL 0 AREA Trackside area in which level 0 operation is supported.
LEVEL 1 A level of ERTMS/ETCS overlaid onto conventional line side
signalling that uses Eurobalises / Euroloop / Radio Infill to pass
movement authorities to the train whilst relying on conventional
means to determine train position and integrity.
LEVEL 1 AREA Trackside area in which level 1 operation is supported.
LEVEL 2 A level of ERTMS/ETCS that uses radio to pass movement
authorities to the train whilst relying on trackside conventional
means to determine train position and integrity.
LEVEL 2 AREA Trackside area in which level 2 operation is supported.
LEVEL 2/3 AREA Trackside area in which level 2 and/or level 3 operation is
LEVEL 3 A level of ERTMS/ETCS that uses radio to pass movement
authorities to the train. Level 3 uses train reported position and
integrity to determine if it is safe to issue the movement
LEVEL 3 AREA Trackside area in which level 3 operation is supported.
LEVEL NTC A level of ERTMS/ETCS that allows the supervision of the train
with an existing National Train Control system.
LEVEL NTC AREA Trackside area in which level NTC operation is supported.
LEVEL TRANSITION A Level Transition Announcement means both a level transition
ANNOUNCEMENT ordered for a further location and a level transition ordered at
null distance transmitted as in-fill information
LEVEL TRANSITION A location where the list of levels supported by the trackside
BORDER changes.
LEVEL TRANSITION This term is used for both Level Transition Order and
INFORMATION Conditional Level Transition Order.
LEVEL TRANSITION This term is used for both Immediate Level Transition Order and
ORDER Level Transition Announcement.
LIFECYCLE COST The sum of the costs sustained or to be sustained for
(SYSTEM) performing and appropriately supporting the activities occurring
in the context of the operational parts of the System Lifecycle.
LIFECYCLE (SYSTEM) The activities occurring during a period of time that starts when
a system is conceived and ends at decommissioning when the
system is no longer available for use. (See Reference 3)

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LIMITED SUPERVISION ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode giving partial

MODE protection against over speed and over run. The driver has to
observe and obey to line side signals and operating rules when
in limited supervision mode.
LIMIT OF AUTHORITY The place beyond which the train has no information but to
which the train is authorised to run with a defined target speed
higher than zero. The train is expected to receive new
information before passing the Limit of Authority.
LINE A continuous section of railway track.
LINE SIDE A device for communicating variable signalling data to
ELECTRONIC UNIT switchable balises.
LINE SIDE EQUIPMENT see Trackside Equipment.
LINKING A functionality to protect against missing data from BALISE
GROUPS by announcing them in advance through LINKING
INFORMATION and by checking whether they have been read
within a certain EXPECTATION WINDOW
LINKING DISTANCE The distance between announced balise groups.
LINKING Data defining the distance between groups of balises, their
INFORMATION identity and orientation, and the action to be taken if an
announced balise group is not detected within given limits
LOCAL TIME The time for ordinary transactions in a locality, which is likely to
be shown on station clocks.
LOOP Track mounted device for the transmission of data between track-
to-train within a defined area.
LOOP MESSAGE The format for transmitting data by a loop.
LOOP TRANSMISSION A module (inside the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment),
MODULE which retrieves application data from a loop.
MAIN SIGNAL A fixed signal intended for train movements capable of showing
a ‘danger aspect’ and one or more ‘proceed aspects’. In some
cases main signals at danger are valid for shunt movements.
MAINTAINABILITY The probability that a given active maintenance action, for an
item under given conditions of use can be carried out within a
stated time interval when the maintenance is performed under
stated conditions and using stated procedures and resources.
(Definitions for other maintenance related terms are given in
reference 3).
MALFUNCTION A deviation from the specified performance causing the system
to work incorrectly. This is normally due to an error or fault in
the system.

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MANDATORY When it is compulsory to fulfil and to implement a requirement

to realise a technically interoperable standard for the
ERTMS/ETCS equipment or system.
MANUAL LEVEL Level transition initiated by the driver.
MAY Is permissible.
MAX SAFE FRONT The maximum safe front end position differs from the estimated
END position by the Under-reading Amount in the distance measured
from the LRBG plus the Location Accuracy of the LRBG
MIN SAFE FRONT END The minimum safe front end position differs from the estimated
position by the Over-reading Amount in the distance measured
from the LRBG plus the Location Accuracy of the LRBG
MESSAGE The combination of application data and protocol data that is
transmitted by balise group, loop or radio to a train or from the
train to trackside by radio.
MESSAGE Code to provide data origin authentication and data integrity.
MINOR FAILURE see Failure, Minor
MISSION An objective description of the fundamental task to be
performed by a system. (3)
MISSION, ETCS Any train movement started under the supervision of an
ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment in one the following modes:
FS, LS, SR, OS, NL, UN, or SN.
The ETCS mission is ended when any of the following modes is
entered: SB, SH
MODE An operating state of the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment with
a specified split of operational responsibilities between the
ERTMS/ETCS system and the driver.
MOST RESTRICTIVE The speed which a train must not exceed. It is the lowest speed
SPEED PROFILE taking into account all the various speed profiles.
MOVEMENT Permission for a train to run to a specific location within the
AUTHORITY constraints of the infrastructure.
MOVING BLOCK A block whose length is defined by the position of the train
occupying the section of track ahead.
The minimum block length would be from the rear most part of
the occupying train to a point on the track where, if the train
braked from its current speed, the front of the occupying train
would be when the train came to a stand.
MULTIPLE UNITS Two or more traction units in service, mechanically, pneumatically
and electrically coupled, which are operated by one driver.

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NATIONAL SYSTEM ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode in which the

MODE supervision of the train is ensured by a National System.
NATIONAL TRAIN A previously installed train control system defined as Class B
NATIONAL VALUES Values that are transmitted to a train when entering the
infrastructure of an administration related to rules and regulations
of that administration. National values may be changed within an
administrations area.
NO POWER MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode in which the on-board
equipment is not powered and the emergency brake is
NON-EQUIPPED LINE A line without operational trackside Automatic Train Protection
NON-LEADING MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode when it is connected
to an active cab which is not in the leading engine of the train.
NON-VITAL A description applied to those parts of the signalling system
whose failure or non-availability does not directly endanger rail
traffic or reduce the integrity of the signalling system.
OCCUPIED A track section having any part of a train present upon it.
ODOMETER The extent to which the odometer might make
ACCURACY underestimation/overestimation in measuring the movement of
the train.
ODOMETRY The process of measuring the train’s movement along the track.
Used for speed measurement and distance measurement.
ODOMETRY The reference location to which refers the train based odometer
REFERENCE distance reading.
OFF-LINE KMS KMS where distribution, deletion or updating of key entries
requires staff intervention on the target device.
ON-BOARD The equipment carried on the train with the aim of supervising
EQUIPMENT vehicle operation.
ON-BOARD A device (outside the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment) that
RECORDING DEVICE records and stores data for subsequent analysis (e.g. further to
a train accident).
ON-LINE KMS KMS allowing remote distribution, deletion or updating of key
entries in the target device.
ON SIGHT MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode that gives the driver
partial responsibility for the safe control of his train. In this mode
the train possesses a movement authority but the track ahead
might be occupied by another train.

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OPERATED SYSTEM For both trackside and on-board, to operate a system version
VERSION means to comply with the requirements from all TSI annex A
documents, which are applicable to this system version and to
the concerned subsystem.
The operated system version is ordered by trackside; however,
to operate a system version number X within a delimited
trackside area only means that an on-board equipment running
on this area shall behave according to the set of requirements
applicable to the system version number X.Y where X is the one
ordered by trackside and Y is the system version number Y
(which may be different from the one ordered by trackside)
operated by the on-board within this version X.
OVERLAP The section of line in advance of a stop signal that must be
unoccupied and, where necessary, locked before and during a
signalled running movement to the rear of the signal to avoid an
accident if the train brakes do not perform as well as expected
and the train passes the END OF MOVEMENT AUTHORITY.
OVER-READING The distance the train may have travelled less far than the
AMOUNT estimated position. The distance is estimated by the
ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment taking into account the
odometer inaccuracy plus the error for the detection of a balise
location, as defined in the Eurobalise specifications.
PACKET Packets are multiple variables grouped into a single unit with a
defined internal structure. Packets are part of telegrams and
PANTOGRAPH Device for transmitting power from the overhead catenary to the
PARTIAL A defined set of ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment modes
SUPERVISION MODES used where insufficient track data is available to allow full
supervision. The set of partially supervised modes are as
follows :
 limited supervision
 unfitted mode
 on sight mode
 staff responsible mode
 shunting
 post trip mode
 reversing
PERMISSIVE SIGNAL A signal aspect or a signal identification, which enables a main
signal to be passed at danger under special conditions, without
specific permission from the signalman.
PERMITTED SPEED The speed limit at which a train is allowed to proceed without
ERTMS/ETCS warning and / or intervention.

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POINT A section of track equipped so that train routes may converge or

POSSESSION, OF The disconnection or restriction of use of signalling equipment
SIGNALLING agreed between maintenance and operations staff to enable
EQUIPMENT work to be carried out on the equipment.
POST TRIP MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode that is entered after a
train trip when the train has been brought to a stand and the
driver has acknowledged the situation.
PROCEED ASPECT Any signal aspect which permits the driver to pass the signal.
PROTECTED WRONG A wrong side failure where another part of the signalling system
SIDE FAILURE provides an acceptable level of protection.
PUBLIC KEY Set of hardware, software, people, policies, and procedures
INFRASTRUCTURE needed to create, manage, distribute, use, store, and revoke
(PKI) digital certificates and manage public key encryption with the
purpose to facilitate the secure transfer of information for a
range of network activities.
RADIO BLOCK A centralised safety unit that receives train position information
CENTRE via radio and sends movement authorities via radio to trains.
RADIO HOLE A known area where it is not possible to establish or maintain a
reliable radio connection.
RADIO INFILL UNIT A unit which provides a semi-continuous infill function via GSM-
RBC AREA Trackside area which is supervised by one RBC.
RBC/RBC BORDER The border location between two areas supervised by two
different RBCs.
RBC/RBC HANDOVER The process of passing the supervision of a train between two
Radio Block Centres.
RBC/RBC TRANSITION Alternative term to RBC/RBC handover
RECOMMENDED Not fulfilling the requirement will not have any impact on the
technical interoperability of the equipment or of the system but it
could be fulfilled to facilitate implementation or to enhance
REDUNDANCY The provision of one or more additional elements to achieve or
maintain availability of a functionality if one or more of those
elements “malfunctions”.
REFERENCE A location on the track (e.g. balise group reference location)
LOCATION used as a reference for the information sent from trackside or
for the train position
RELEASE SPEED A speed value to allow a train to approach theEOA. Needed for
intermittent transmission to enable the train to approach a signal
that has cleared in order to reach the information point at the

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RELIABILITY The probability that an item can perform a required function

under given conditions for a given time interval. (3)
Definitions for other reliability related terms are defined in
reference 3.
REVERSING MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode that allows the driver
to change the direction of movement of the train whilst
controlling the train from the same cab.
REVERSE MOVEMENT A train movement in which the driver is situated in the leading
engine but the train is moved in the opposite direction to the
train orientation.
REVOCATION OF Cancellation of a previously given permission to move a train to
MOVEMENT a given location.
RIGHT SIDE FAILURE A failure that does not result in the level of protection normally
provided by the signalling system being reduced.
RISK The combination of the frequency, probability, and the
consequence of a specified hazardous event.
ROLL AWAY An unintended and non-powered movement of the train in a
direction, which conflicts with the current position of the
direction controller in the active desk.
ROUTE The particular section or sections of track, from a starting point
to a point of destination, prepared for train operation
ROUTE RELEASE The release of route locking.
ROUTE SUITABILITY Data transmitted to the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment to
DATA allow it to check its ability to run on the track as indicated by the
movement authority. It includes data related to loading gauge,
traction system and axle load category.
SAFE DECELERATION The deceleration the train is assumed to achieve with a certain
confidence level
SAFE STATE A condition which continues to preserve safety.
SAFETY Freedom from an unacceptable risk of harm. (3)
Definitions for other safety related terms are given in reference 3.
SAFETY ACCEPTANCE The safety acceptance process and the associated terms are
given in reference 4.
SAFETY LIFE CYCLE The safety life cycle is defined in reference 4.
SECTION A part of the movement authority.
SECTION TIMER The timer associated with a section as part of the movement
authority. When the timer reaches a value defined by the
trackside equipment the section is no longer available and the
movement authority for the train is reduced accordingly.

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SECURITY The protection resulting from all measures, also administrative

ones, to prevent accidental or malicious modification or
disclosure of data; for key management, the protection
generally guarantees confidentiality, authenticity and integrity of
SEMI-CONTINUOUS Transmission taking place over a defined distance.
SERVICE BRAKE The ERTMS/ETCS service brake command results in the train
COMMAND, ETCS applying the full service braking effort.
SERVICE BRAKING Application of an adjustable brake force in order to control the
speed of the train, including stop and temporary immobilisation.
SESSION, The process of initiating and terminating an applicative dialogue
COMMUNICATION between trackside and on-board via radio.
SET SPEED This is an input received from a function external to ETCS for
display to the driver. It represents the speed value to which the
train speed is regulated by an external device (e.g. by a cruise
control system).
SHALL Is mandatory.
SHOULD Is recommended.
SHUNTING MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment operating mode which
allows the train to move in shunting, without available train data.
SHUNTING The movement of trains or vehicles other than normal passage
MOVEMENT along running lines. When vehicles are moved without train data
SHUNTING SIGNAL A signal provided for shunting movements only. A fixed signal
intended for shunting movements. In some cases Shunting
signals at danger are valid also for train movements.
SIGNAL A visual display device that conveys instructions or provides
advance warning of instructions regarding the driver’s authority
to proceed.
SIGNAL LOCATION The geographical location of a signal.
SIGNALLING SYSTEM Particular kind of system used on a railway to control and
protect the operation of trains.
SLAVE ENGINE Any engine that is not the leading Rolling Stock unit of a train or
shunting consist. The ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment of the
slave engine runs in one of the modes in which it is not
controlling the movement of the train/shunting consist (non
leading mode, sleeping mode, passive shunting mode).
SLEEPING MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode that is used for the
on-board equipment in slave engines controlled by a leading

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SPECIFIC Device allowing the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment to be

TRANSMISSION interfaced with the on-board part of an existing National Train
MODULE Control system. It allows smooth transitions from/to the National
System and gives access to some ERTMS/ETCS on-board
resources (e.g. DMI).
SPEED CONFIDENCE The interval within which the ERTMS/ETCS on-board assumes
INTERVAL the actual train speed with a defined probability.
SPOT TRANSMISSION Transmission between trackside and on-board that takes place
at discrete locations.
STAFF RESPONSIBLE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode that allows a driver to
MODE take full responsibility for the movement of a train in an
equipped area. The ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment will
impose a speed limit in this mode.
STANDBY MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode that is a default mode
when the on-board equipment is powered up or that is entered
when shunting or non-leading mode is left or when the active
cab is closed.
STATIC SPEED The description of the fixed speed restrictions of a given line.
PROFILE The speed restrictions can be related to such items as
maximum line speed, curves, points, tunnel profiles, bridges.
STATION A place where trains stop, or where loading and unloading
occurs, and where assistance may be available. Where there
can be points (facing or trailing) that makes it possible for the
train to use different routes.
STOP SIGNAL Any main signal capable of showing a stop danger aspect or
indication. Position, from where no movement authority is given
to a train. It is not necessarily a fixed signal.
SUB-SYSTEM A combination of equipment, units, assemblies, etc., which
performs an operational function and is a major subdivision of
the system.
SUPPORTED SYSTEM A system version supported by the on-board equipment is one
VERSION of the system versions the on-board equipment is able to
By definition, within one of its supported system version
numbers X, the on-board equipment always operates one single
system version number Y, which is the highest defined in the
release of the ETCS specifications the on-board equipment is
compliant with.
Important note: if within a system version number X at least two
values of Y have been defined, the fact that the on-board
always operates/supports the highest value Y does not mean
that it is not able to handle trackside information using a lower
value of Y.

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SYSTEM A composite of equipment, skills, and techniques capable of

performing or supporting an operational role, or both. A
complete system includes all equipment, related facilities,
material, software, services and personnel required for its
operation and support to the degree that it can be considered a
self-sufficient unit in its intended operational environment.
SYSTEM FAILURE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode entered when a fatal
MODE failure which could affect safety is found.
SYSTEM LIFE-CYCLE The system lifecycle and associated terms are defined in
reference 3.
SYSTEM VERSION The system version defines the ERTMS/ETCS mandatory
functions that ensure technical interoperability between
ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment and trackside.
SYSTEMATIC FAULT An inherent fault in the specification, design, construction,
installation, operation or maintenance of a system, sub-system
or equipment affecting multiple pieces of equipment under
identical circumstances.
TANDEM Two or more traction units mechanically but not electrically
coupled together, used in the same train. Each traction unit
requires a separate driver.
Only one unit is designated as leading, the other units are
therefore classed as non-leading.
TARGET Location where the train speed should be below the given target
TELEGRAM A balise telegram contains one header and an identified and
coherent set of packets. A balise group message maybe
comprised of one or several telegrams.
TEMPORARY SPEED A planned speed restriction imposed for temporary conditions
RESTRICTION such as track maintenance.
TRACK CONDITION Information transmitted to the ERTMS/ETCS on-board
equipment to inform the driver and/or the train of conditions
ahead. This information is dedicated to other functions than the
speed and distance monitoring.
TRACK DESCRIPTION Information complementing the Movement Authority and
providing as a minimum the, static speed profile and gradient
Optionally, it can contain axle load profile, track conditions,
route suitability data, areas where shunting is permitted, etc.
TRACK FREE A route being detected clear of obstacles such that permission
may be given for a train to enter that route.
TRACK GEOMETRY The physical arrangement of the track in terms of curvature,
gradient and cant.

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TRACK OCCUPIED An object in a route that prevents that route being offered to a
TRACKSIDE The equipment with the aim of exchanging information with the
EQUIPMENT vehicle for safely supervising train circulation. The information
exchanged between track and trains can be either continuous or
intermittent according to the ERTMS/ETCS level of application
and to the nature of the information itself.
TRACK-TO-TRAIN The transmission of ERTMS/ETCS messages from trackside
TRANSMISSION equipment to the train via balise, loop or radio. Using intermittent
transmission (balise or loop or radio infill) the information can
only be transmitted to a train passing the transmission unit.
TRACTION UNIT A powered vehicle able to move itself and other vehicles to which
it may be coupled.
TRAIN One or more railway vehicles hauled by one or more traction
units, or one traction unit travelling alone, running under a given
operational number from an initial fixed point to a terminal fixed
TRAIN DATA Defined set of data which gives information about the train. Data
that characterises a train and which is acquired by ERTMS/ETCS
in order to perform a mission.
TRAIN DETECTION The proof of the presence or absence of trains on a defined
section of line.
TRAIN INTEGRITY The level of belief in the train being complete and not having left
coaches or wagons behind.
TRAIN INTERFACE The unit, inside the ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment, that
UNIT provides the interface between the ERTMS/ETCS on-board
equipment and the train.
TRAIN MOVEMENT When vehicles are moved with train data available, as a rule from
station to station, and as a rule under the authority of proceed
aspects from main signals, or similar procedures.
TRAIN ORIENTATION If there is an active cab, this one defines the orientation of the
train, i.e. the side of the active cab is considered as the front of
the train. If no cab is active, the train orientation is as when a
cab was last active.
TRAIN POSITION The distance interval within which the ERTMS/ETCS on-board
CONFIDENCE assumes the actual train position is, with a defined probability.
INTERVAL It comprises the odometer over-reading and under-reading
amounts, plus twice the location accuracy of the reference
balise group.
TRAIN RUNNING A number under which the train is operated.

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TRAIN TRIP Initiated when a train passes an EOA/LOA, excluding any

occasion when a suppress facility is used, and causes an
immediate application of the emergency brake.
TRAIN-TO-TRACK The transmission of ERTMS/ETCS messages from the train to
TRANSMISSION trackside equipment via radio.
TRANSITIONS The controlled changes between operating modes and / or
TRANSPONDER See Balise and Eurobalise
TRIP MODE ERTMS/ETCSERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode (e.g.
entered when passing an EOA), resulting in an application of
the emergency brake that can only be revoked at standstill and
with additional precautions.
UNCOMMISSIONED Piece of track where ERTMS/ETCS is being installed but has
AREA not yet been commissioned and shall thus not be taken into
UNDER-READING The distance the train may have travelled further than the
AMOUNT estimated position. The distance is estimated by the
ERTMS/ETCS-on-board equipment taking into account the
odometer inaccuracy plus the error for the detection of a balise
location, as defined in the Eurobalise specifications.
UNFITTED MODE ERTMS/ETCS on-board equipment mode allowing a fitted train
to run in an unfitted area.
UNPROTECTED A wrong side failure where no other part of the signalling system
WRONG SIDE provides protection.
VALIDATION Confirmation by examination and provision of objective
evidence that the particular requirements for a specific intended
use have been fulfilled.
VALIDATOR The person or agent appointed to carry out validation.
VARIABLE A set of bits which are given a unique identity and meaning.
VERIFICATION Confirmation, by examination and provision of objective
evidence, that the specified requirements for the lifecycle phase
have been fulfilled.
VERIFIER The person or agent appointed to carry out verification.
VIRTUAL BALISE A specific marker in balise telegrams, that allows substituting
COVER the physical cover plates in lines under construction.
VITAL A description applied to equipment whose correct operation is
essential to the integrity of the signalling system. Most vital
equipment is designed to fail-safe principles - a wrong side
failure of vital equipment could directly endanger rail traffic.

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WARNING Audible and/or visual indication to alert the driver to a condition

which requires a positive action by the driver.

WHEELSLIDE When a braked wheel loses adhesion with the rails and under
WHEELSLIP When a traction-driven wheel loses adhesion with the rails and
over rotates
WRONG SIDE An equipment failure tending to cause danger to rail traffic.

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ACK Acknowledgement
ALE Adaptation & redundancy management Layer Entity
APN Access Point Name
ASP Axle Load speed Profile
ATC Automatic Train Control
ATO Automatic Train Operation
ATP Automatic Train Protection
BCD Binary Coded Decimal
BTM Balise Transmission Module
CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation
CENELEC European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardisation (Comité Européen
de Normalisation Electrotechnique)
CER Community of European Railways
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Code
CSM Ceiling Speed Monitoring
DMI Driver Machine Interface
DNS Domain Name Server
DP Danger Point
DV Difference Value between the Permitted Speed to e.g.
DV_EBImin Emergency Brake Intervention speed (minimum)
DV_EBImax Emergency Brake Intervention speed (maximum)
EB Emergency Braking
EBCL Emergency Brake Confidence Level
EBD Emergency Brake Deceleration Curve
EBI Emergency Brake Intervention supervision limit
EC European Commission
EEIG European Economic Interest Group.
EIRENE European Integrated Radio Enhanced Network
EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
EN European Norm
EOA End of Authority
EOLM End-of-Loop-Marker
Ep Electro-pneumatic

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ERA European Railway Agency

ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System
ETCS European Train Control System
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
EVC European Vital Computer
FFFIS Form-Fit Functional Interface Specification
FFFS Form-Fit Functional Specification
FIS Functional Interface Specification
FMEA Failure Mode and Effects Analysis
FMECA Failure Mode, Effect and Criticality Analysis
FRS Functional Requirements Specification
FS Full Supervision mode
GPRS General Packet Radio Service
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications
GSM-R Global System for Mobile Communications – Railways
GUI Guidance curve
I Indication supervision limit
I&A Identification and Authentication
IEC International Electro-technical Commission
IP Internet Protocol
IS Isolation mode
ISO International Standardisation Organisation
KM Key Management
KMAC Authentication Key
KMC Key Management Centre
KMS Key Management System
KTRANS Transport Key
LEU Line side Electronic Unit
LOA Limit of Authority
LRBG Last Relevant Balise Group
LS Limited Supervision mode

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LSSMA Lowest Supervised Speed within the Movement Authority

LTM Loop Transmission Module
LUC Line Under Construction
LX Level crossing
MA Movement Authority
MAC Message Authentication Code
MRDT Most Relevant Displayed Target
MRSP Most Restrictive Speed Profile
MORANE Mobile Radio for Railway Networks in Europe
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
NL Non Leading mode
NP No Power mode
NTC National Train Control
OBU On-Board Unit
OL Overlap
OS On Sight mode
P Permitted speed supervision limit
PBD SR Permitted Braking Distance Speed Restriction
PKI Public Key Infrastructure
PS Passive Shunting mode
PT Post Trip mode
RAM(S) Reliability, Availability, Maintainability, (Safety)
RAP Roll Away Protection
RBC Radio Block Centre
RIU Radio In-fill Unit
RMP Reverse Movement Protection
RSM Release Speed Monitoring
RU Railway Undertaking
RV Reversing mode
SB Service Brake or in the context of modes, Stand By mode
SBD Service Brake Deceleration Curve
SBI Service Brake Intervention supervision limit
SF System Failure mode
SH Shunting mode
SIL Safety Integrity Level
SL Sleeping mode

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SN System National mode

SoM Start of Mission
SR Staff Responsible mode
SRS System Requirements Specification
SSP Static Speed Profile
STM Specific Transmission Module
TCO Traction Cut Off
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TTI Time to Indication
SvL Supervised Location
TI Train Interface
TIU Train Interface Unit
TR Trip mode
TRK Trackside
TSM Target Speed Monitoring
TSR Temporary Speed Restriction
UIC Union Internationale des Chemins de Fer
UN Unfitted mode
UTC Universal Time Co-ordinated
V&V Verification and Validation
VBC Virtual Balise Cover
W Warning supervision limit
WSF Wrong Side Failure

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