Chapter - 2: Principles of Management Worksheet

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Chapter -2: Principles of Management


1. Principles of science are _________ but principles of Management are _____________

2. Values are formed through ______________ but principles of Management are formed ______________
3. ______________ are procedures or methods, which involve a series of steps to be taken to accomplish
desired goals. ______________ are guidelines to take decisions or actions while practicing techniques.
4. Why it is said that management principles are evolutionary in nature?

5. Identify the Nature of Principles of Management from following statements :

I. They are developed after thorough research work on the basis of experiences of managers
II. Their applicability depends upon the prevailing situation at a particular point of time
III. The principles aim at influencing complex human behaviour
IV. They can be adapted and modified by the practicing managers as per the demands of the situations
V. They do not provide readymade solutions as the business environment is ever changing or
VI. They can be applied in all types of organizations, business as well as non-business, small as well as
large enterprises.
VII. They tell us if a particular principle was applied in a particular situation, what would be its likely
6. Identify the Significance/Importance of Management Principles from following statements :
a) Principles equip the managers to foresee the cause and effect relationships of their decisions and
actions. As such the wastages associated with a trial-and-error approach can be overcome.
b) Although the principles are in the nature of general guidelines but they are modified and as such
help managers to meet changing requirements of the environment.
c) Management principles are helpful in identifying the areas in which existing and future managers
should be trained.
d) Principles of management not only help in achieving organizational goals but also guide managers
in performing socially responsible work
e) Management principles guide managers to take right decision in real world situations
f) Management principles help in thoughtful decision-making. They emphasise logic rather than blind faith.

7. For his contributions, ________________is well known as the “Father of General Management” and he was
born in _____________ and he was __________________ by profession
8. For his contributions, ________________is well known as the “Father of Scientific Management” and he
was born in _____________ and he was __________________ by profession
9. Identify Fayol ‘s Principles of Management from following statements :
1) This principle emphasises kindliness and justice in the behaviour of managers towards workers
2) Principle violated if Sales person is asked to clinch a deal with a buyer and is allowed to give 10%
discount by the marketing manager. But finance department tells her/him not to offer more than 5%
3) “Employee turnover should be minimised to maintain organisational efficiency”,
4) Major tasks should be decided by top management where as routine tasks can be delegated to others
5) A manager should have the right to punish a subordinate for wilfully not obeying a legitimate order but
only after sufficient opportunity has been given to a subordinate for presenting her/his case.
6) This is a shorter route and has been provided so that communication is not delayed.
7) Workers should be encouraged to develop and carry out their plans for improvements
8) If a company is manufacturing motorcycles as well as cars then it should have two separate divisions for
both of them
9) There should be one and only one boss for every individual employee.
10) This principle requires good superiors at all levels, clear and fair agreements and judicious application
of penalties.
11) Place for everything (everyone) and everything (everyone) in its (her/his) place’.
12) It will also minimise the need for using penalties.
13) In business work can be performed more efficiently if it is divided into specialised tasks; each
performed by a specialist or trained employee
14) Each group of activities having the same objective must have one head and one plan.
15) Panchayats in our country have been given more powers to decide and spend funds granted to them by
the government for the welfare of villages.
16) All the employees in organization should follow chain of authority and communication
17) A good company should have an employee suggestion system whereby initiative/suggestions which
result insubstantial cost/time reduction should be rewarded
18) Managers require authority commensurate with their responsibility.
19) There should be no discrimination against anyone on account of sex, religion, language, caste, belief or
nationality etc.
20) Interests of an organization should take priority over the interests of any one individual employee
21) Workers and management both honour their commitments without any prejudice towards one another.
22) Employees should be given reasonable time to show results
23) In an emergency it can be possible that a worker can contact CEO directly
24) If this principle is violated “authority is undermined, discipline is in jeopardy, order disturbed and
stability threatened”.
25) A manager should replace ‘I’ with ‘We’ in all his conversations with workers to foster team spirit
26) Manager should not fall into temptation of misusing her/his powers for individual/ family benefit at the
cost of larger general interest of the workers/ company.
27) Dual subordination should be avoided.
28) Salary paid to employees should be fair, just and equitable.

10. Identify Principles of Scientific Management

a) Scientific selection of workers so that each worker could be assigned the task for which he is best suited
b) Prosperity for the employer cannot exist for a long time unless it is accompanied by prosperity for the
employees and vice versa’.
c) Close cooperation between management and labour to ensure that work is carried out in accordance with
the plans
d) Management must share the gains of the company with workers; and the workers should work hard with
discipline and loyalty
e) This principle is based on Mental revolution.
f) This principle involves scientific inquiry and investigation of each task.
g) This principle demand Paternalistic style of management
h) In Japanese companies there is complete openness between management and workers.
11. Identify the technique of scientific management which are described by the statement given below:-

a. When specialists supervise each worker.

b. It helps in establishing interchange ability of manufactured parts and products.
c. It seeks to determine the amount and frequency of rest intervals in completing a task.
d. Technique given by F.W. Taylor violates principle given by Henry Fayol
e. It aims at elimination of superfluous varieties sizes and dimensions of the product.
f. One best way to perform a task is described
g. Technique given by F.W. Taylor is extension of principle given by Henry Fayol
h. The technique of Taylor which is the strongest motivator for a worker to reach standard performance.
i. When uniformity is introduced in materials. Machine, tools, method of works and working conditions
after, due research.
j. It’s Objective is to determine the number of workers to be employed; frame suitable incentive schemes
and determine labour costs.
12. Name two new management techniques developed on the basis of Principles of Management
13. Out of Unity of command and Unity of Direction which has a broader scope?
14. How are Principles of Management derived?
15. What light does the Concept of “Gang Plank “throws on nature of management principles?
16. Name the 8 bosses under Functional Foremanship

17. Identify the name of foreman under Functional foremanship which performs following duty:
a) _________________ Inspector to check quality of work.

b) _________________ensure proper working conditions of tools and machines.

c) __________________specify the exact sequence and route of production.

d) _________________is responsible for keeping tools and machines ready for operation.
e) _________________ is responsible for drafting instructions for the workers.
f) _________________ensure discipline and enforcement of rules and regulations among the workers.
g) _________________is responsible for timely and accurate completion of job.
h) ____________ ______prepare time and cost sheet for the job.

18. Principles given by Fayol and Taylor are ___________________________ and not ______________ of
each other
19. Fill the table
Basis Principles given by Fayol Principles given by Taylor
Level for which
principles are
Unity of Command



Basis of formation

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