Department of Education: Performance Task No. 1 English, Mathematics, Science, TLE, MAPEH

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division of Pasig City


English, Mathematics, Science, TLE, MAPEH

Grade Level: 8 Quarter: Third Date to be Time

given/communicated to
the 6 days

Feb. 14-19, 2022

(Depends upon the

Date/ time to be

Feb. 19, 2021

Assessment Criteria

Learning Areas Most Essential Learning Competencies: Competency


English Examine biases (for or against) made by the (EN8V-IIIg-26)

Analyze intention of words or expressions used
in propaganda techniques

Mathematics Illustrates the need for an axiomatic structure (M8GE-IIIa-c-1)

of a mathematics system in general and in
Geometry in particular: (a) defined terms; (b)
undefined terms; (c) postulates; and (d)

Science Explain the properties of solids, liquids and (S8MT-III-a-b-8)

gases based on the particle nature of matter.

Plan and prepare for task to be undertaken and 12PCO-Ic-d-4)
Input data into computer

MAPEH- Music Listens perceptively to music of South Asia MU8WS-IIIa-h-2

and the Middle East and explains how music
of a South Asia and the Middle East country
relates to its geography and culture.

Content Standard Performance Standard

English- The learner demonstrates English- The learner transfers learning
understanding of: Southeast Asian literature by composing and delivering a
as mirror to a shared heritage; coping persuasive speech based on an
strategies in processing informative essay featuring use of
textual information; strategies in examining properly acknowledged information
features of a listening and viewing material; sources, grammatical signals for
structural analysis of words and propaganda opinion-making, persuasion, and
techniques; and grammatical signals for emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis. features, stance, and behavior.

Mathematics- The learners demonstrate Mathematics- The learners should be

the concepts of Geometry particularly the able to identify applications of
undefined terms and defined terms. Geometry particularly the undefined
terms and defined terms.

Science- The learners demonstrate Science- The learners should be able

understanding of the particle nature of to present how water behaves in its
matter as a basis for explaining properties, different states within the water cycle.
physical changes, and structure of
substances and mixtures

The learners demonstrate The learners shall be able to
and understanding of perform computer operations
concepts and underlying based on a given tasks
principles in performing
computer operations

MAPEH (Music)- demonstrates an MAPEH (Music)- performs South Asia

understanding of common and distinct and the Middle East music with
musical characteristics of South Asia and appropriate pitch, rhythm, expression
the Middle East. and style.

Overview of the Assessment Activity (Provide a clear and concise description of

your activity)

The learners are tasked to make a collage on Climate Change Awareness with the
theme: Make a Change to Climate Change.

Assessment Method/Methods (Put an X Mark on the blank where appropriate)

______Observation _______ Tests
_____ Analyses of learner’s products ___x_ Talking to Learners

IV. Assessment Activity

G (Goal) - Increase awareness on climate change.

R (Role) - You are one of the YES-O club members.
A (Audience)- Your audience are family members, friends, classmates, teachers
and the community.
S (Situation) – The YES-O club will conduct an online activity that promotes climate
change awareness with the theme: Make a Change to Climate Change. The club is
requesting an entry for a display.

Your task is to make a collage that promotes climate change awareness.

P- (Product)- Collage


SCIENCE: For your collage, include at least 5 pictures showing the properties of
different types of matter.

MAPEH: Listen to the song Zum Gali Gali (Israeli work song) and read its English
Translation. In your collage, add a picture from South Asia or the Middle East
showing people working together to combat climate change.

MATH: Analyze the pictures from your collage then identify at least 4 things which
will represent undefined terms and defined terms. Write your answer just below your

T.L.E: Provide a picture in your collage that shows how components of the
computer/digital technology are part of the problem and solution in climate change.

ENGLISH: In choosing pictures for your collage, take a closer look and examine
each picture. Be sure that all the pictures that you will include in your collage are
free from any kinds of biases.


SCIENCE: For your collage cut out at least 5 pictures showing the properties of
different types of matter.

MAPEH: Listen to the song Zum Gali Gali (Israeli work song) and read its English
Translation. In your collage, add a picture showing people working together to
combat climate change.

MATH: Analyze the cut-out pictures from your collage, then identify at least 4 things
which will represent undefined terms and defined terms. Write your answer just
below your collage.
T.L.E: Cut pictures from magazines/ newspapers/ old books that show how
components of the computer/digital technology are part of the problem and solution
in climate change.

ENGLISH: In choosing pictures for your collage, take a closer look and examine
each picture. Be sure that all the pictures that you will include in your collage are free
from any kinds of biases.

Note: If the student has no printed materials at all like magazine, newspaper, old
books and the like, the student may do a collage of images through drawing.

S (Standard) - The final output shall be graded using the attached rubrics.

Expected Output: Digitized Collage (Online Class)

Collage (Chat-Based and Modular Class)

Note: Instruction and mode of submission will be communicated in the Weekly Home
Learning Plan considering the Learner’s Modality

Note for teachers: small, differentiated tasks shall be advised for gradual
completion of integrative performance assessment.

Recording Methods (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

____Checklist ____Marks
____Class Grids ____Anecdotal Record
_x__Grades ____Self-assessment records
____Comments on Learner’s work _ __Audio recording,
photographs, video footages

Making Consistent Judgement (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

_x_ Rubric link to the assessment criteria
____Marks scheme link to assessment criteria

Rubrics: (Online Learning, and Text-based and Modular Learning)


Online/Blended: Provide 5 pictures in the collage that

show how components of the computer/digital technology
are part of the problem and solution in climate change.
5 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 5 cut out pictures or draw 5
images in the collage that show how components of the
computer/digital technology are part of the problem and
solution in climate change.

Online/Blended: Provide 4 pictures in the collage that

4 show how components of the computer/digital technology
are part of the problem and solution in climate change.
Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 4 cut out pictures or draw 4
images in the collage that show how components of the
computer/digital technology are part of the problem and
solution in climate change.

Online/Blended: Provide 3 pictures in the collage that

show how components of the computer/digital technology
are part of the problem and solution in climate change.
3 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 3 cut out pictures or draw 3
images in the collage that show how components of the
computer/digital technology are part of the problem and
solution in climate change.

Online/Blended: Provide 2 pictures in the collage that

show how components of the computer/digital technology
are part of the problem and solution in climate change.
2 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 2 cut out pictures or draw 2
image in the collage that show how components of the
computer/digital technology are part of the problem and
solution in climate change.

Online/Blended: Provide 1 picture in the collage that

shows how components of the computer/digital technology
are part of the problem and solution in climate change.
1 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 1 cut out picture or draw an
image in the collage that shows how components of the
computer/digital technology are part of the problem and
solution in climate change.


5 The collage is 100 % free from biases.

4 The collage is 80 % free from biases.

3 The collage is 60 % free from biases.

2 The collage is 40 % free from biases.

1 The collage is 20 % free from biases.



Online/Blended: Include 5 pictures showing different

5 properties of types of matter (solid, liquid and gas).
Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 5 cut out pictures or draw 5
images showing different properties of types of matter
(solid, liquid and gas).

Online/Blended: Include 4 pictures showing different

properties of types of matter (solid, liquid and gas).
4 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 4 cut out pictures or draw 4
images showing different properties of types of matter
(solid, liquid and gas).

Online/Blended: Include 3 pictures showing different

properties of types of matter (solid, liquid and gas).
3 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 3 cut out pictures or draw 3
images showing different properties of types of matter
(solid, liquid and gas).

Online/Blended: Include 2 pictures showing different

properties of types of matter (solid, liquid and gas).
2 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 2 cut out pictures or draw 2
images showing different properties of types of matter
(solid, liquid and gas).

Online/Blended: Include 1 picture showing different

properties of types of matter (solid, liquid and gas).
1 Chat-Based/Modular: Provide 1 cut out picture or draw 1
image showing different properties of types of matter (solid,
liquid and gas).



Identify 4 things that represent undefined terms and defined

5 terms.

identify 3 things that represent undefined terms and defined

4 terms.

Identify 2 things that represent undefined terms and defined

3 terms.

identify 1 thing that represents undefined terms and defined

2 terms.

unable to identify things that represent undefined terms and

1 defined terms .


The picture/ image fully reflects the understanding of the
5 topic.

The picture/ image communicates some aspects of

4 understanding the topic.

The picture/ image shows some details of the topic

3 discussed.

The picture/ image shows very little detail of the topic

2 discussed.

1 The picture/ image does not reflect the topic at all.

Feedback (Put an x mark on the blank where appropriate)

Online Learning

___x__ Oral Feedback

Modular Learning
__x___ Written Feedback

Prepared by:

Date: February 4, 2022

Reviewed and checked by:

Joselito E. Calios
EPS- English

Teresita T. Tagulao

Liza Alvarez
EPS- Science

Dr. Norlyn Conde


Dr. Librada L. Agon


Karen B. Villanueva
Cluster 3, PSDS

Gomer O. Agon

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