The Structure and Function of The Respiratory System
The Structure and Function of The Respiratory System
The Structure and Function of The Respiratory System
Function of the
Respiratory System
Learning objectives and
To develop our understanding of the structure and
function of the respiratory system through
5: I know what the function of the respiration system is
and some of the parts of its structure.
6-7: All the above and can explain the pathway of air
through the respiratory system. I can also describe what
happens during respiration.
8-9: all the above, and I can explain what the effect of
exercise is on the respiratory system. I can also define
all key terms.
The structure of the respiration system
Extension Task: Using the diagram labelled, attempt to describe the pathway
of air through the respiratory system
The pathway of air through the respiratory
1) Air enters the body through the nose and mouth and is warmed by the
mucus membranes or damp walls.
2) The air then enters the trachea/windpipe
3) The trachea divides into two bronchi. The right bronchus goes into the right
lung, the left bronchus goes into the left lung.
4) Each bronchus branches out into smaller tubes called bronchioles. Air
travels through these bronchioles.
5) At the end of the bronchioles, the air enters one of the many millions of
alveoli where gascious exchange takes place
Extension Question:
1) Describe the characteristics of the alveoli
2)What is the function of the pharynx?
1)Tiny air filled sacs, Millions in the lungs, Enormous surface area (Estimated
size of tennis court), Extremely thin walls and are lined by a thin film of water
allowing oxygen to dissolve
2)The function of the pharynx is that it is the passage to the digestive system
and to the larynx
Simplified Pathway of Air
Through the Respiratory System
Extension Question:
1) Why is the bodys oxygen concentration lower when blood arrives in the
2)What is the role of haemoglobin?
1)Because it has been used for respiration by the body's cells
2)Haemoglobin carries oxygen to be exchanged at the working muscle and
carbon dioxide to be exchanged at the lung
Learning objectives and
To develop our understanding of the structure and
function of the respiratory system through
5: I know what the function of the respiration system is
and some of the parts of its structure.
6-7: All the above and can explain the pathway of air
through the respiratory system. I can also describe what
happens during respiration.
8-9: all the above, and I can explain what the effect of
exercise is on the respiratory system. I can also define
all key terms.
The Structure and
Function of the
Respiratory System
Can you identify what the
images are of below:
During Expiration
(Breathing Out):
Looking at the image below-can you describe what happens to
the diaphragm, chest, ribs, intercostal muscles and lungs during this phase
• Diaphragm relaxes
Intercostal • Intercostal muscles relax=Ribs are
Muscles lowered
• Size of chest decreases
• Space in the lungs decreases
• Pressure in lungs increases and becomes
greater than the pressure outside the
• Air is forced out to equalise this
pressure=Expiration occurs
Identify what the following
key terms mean:
Tidal Volume:
The v_ lu_e of a_r that is i_spi_ed or e_pi_ed per br_at_.
The volume of air that is inspired or expired per breath.
Minute Ventilation:
The volume of air that is inspired or expired in o_e m_n_te
The volume of air that is inspired or expired in one minute
Minute ventilation (VE)= Tidal Volume (TV) X Number of breaths per
minute (F)
Breathing Rate:
The fr_qu_ _cy of br_ _th_n_ measured in br_a_ _s per mi_u_ _
The frequency of breathing measured in breaths per minute.
Learning objectives and
To develop our understanding of the structure and
function of the respiratory system through
5: I know what the function of the respiration system is
and some of the parts of its structure.
6-7: All the above and can explain the pathway of air
through the respiratory system. I can also describe what
happens during respiration.
8-9: all the above, and I can explain what the effect of
exercise is on the respiratory system. I can also define
all key terms.