Cold Startup Boiler and Turbine
Cold Startup Boiler and Turbine
Cold Startup Boiler and Turbine
Check that clearance from al! concerned agencios has been obtalned.
Check avaiiabiiii y of ioliowing inputs
a) Furnare oil and its proper heating
b Aux. Steam for SCAPii/Fuei vii
c) Moisture free instrument air
Service a.
e) DM water
Bearing cooling water.
) Adequate coal in bunkers & readiness of CHP.
Chech that the machine is on Barring Cear.
Check avaiiabiiity of adequate ire ighung aystem.
Check operation of hoth DC Sets
Cieck iuinciivning víenmergency AC iginis/DC iginis.
Ensure that burner tilt is horizontal
Check the following
All manholes/peeptholes closed.
b) Vents of cconomizer, drum, SI! & RI! in open position
c) Ail waii diowers & soot biowers in retracted position and main
isolating valve before SB controt valve is ctosed
d) CBD, EBi), ieunvmizer ani iow puini úrains ae tiosei anú Si
drains in open eondition
RI&S spray ieadei drains shouid be upen (ensure the ciusing of
these drains after HP/LP Bvpass is charged)
Boiler steam stop valves are closcd.
g) Furnace probe in retracted position.
h) Charging of steam tracing lines.
Saiety vaives gags nave been removed.
There is no ohstruction for the expansion of the firnare affer taking
rounu oi tne buiier ai aii ine îioors.
Check that the clearance of chemist in respect of purity of hoiler/DA/hot well
water has been oblaincd.
10 Check the hottom ash hopper and fill it with water till it over flow. Also take
trial run of clinker grinder.
Check readiness oí asn nandiing system, iiy asn
noppers and ESP
12 Check that fiurnace hottom seal trongh is full of water/over
Eusure cooig au iur scaners & iibA iguiioIs (vy esur ng tie vpeng vi
main manual isnlating valve at corner
14 Cihcch availability of ighis of local drum ievei gauges & remoie inuicaion i
control rnom.
15. Check availability of water in boiler drum around
16. heck that
( 50mm.
roo valves of locat gauge glasses and remote nstruments
open (check specia!ly for drum leve! and check their response by actually
reducing/increasing tive drum ievei).
7. Lnsure cieaniness/availabiiity of oil guns. Deioie puiing i e u i i t ivng
oil ouns are closed
circulation. ensure that the isolating valves of all the
n service.
These are to be opened before taling the rgspective oil gun
protections/interlocks of boiler tip
18 Ensure checking of ail the important
opening of condenser inlet outlet
of CWcurrent, pressure and
4 Start CW pump after clearance from site. Ensure stability
flow Condenser vents may be closed after passing
of full water through them
5 Start two no BACW Pumps, one by one after a gap of 5
air compressor and
and one service
Start two no. istrument air compressors
normal air pressure
MOT and
of Lube oil vapor exhaust fan at
7Ensureturbine on barring gear and running
seal oil vapor exhaust fan at 6 mtr
8 Ensure availability of fire fighting staff in control room.
opening of flash tank spray valve from site before opening of main steam stop
14.Isolating valve of MAW should be got opened from site.
15 Start seal steam exhauster fan, check opening of corresponding suction valve from site
16 Ensure closing of vacuum breaker
seal steam controller in auto mode at 200 deg C of seal steam temp. and maintain
100mmwcl of seal steam pressure
18 Both the Vacuum Pumps should be taken in serwce one by one after the running of
recirculation pumps of vacuum Pump. Ensure the separator tank level
19 Vacuum of -0.80kg/cm2 should be achieved by the time of opening of main steam stop
valves at drum pressure of 15-20 kg/cm2
20. At-0 8Okg/cm2 vacuum charge HPBP valve initially bye 5-10% and LPBP valve may be
put in auto mode and auto control interface should be made ON
21 Deaerator should be charged from PRDS to maintain 1.5 kg/cm2 pressure
22 Maintain H2 pressure in Generator Casing to 3.2 kg/cm2 before roling
23 Start stator water pump after line up from site. Check flow of around 30m3/hr
24. Reset Generator relays and reset turbine
25.During cold start up main steam temp should be around 350 deg C and max upto 40o
deg C for proper rolling of turbine. Drum pressure should be minimum 40kg/cn2
26 Filters at Governing rack should be rotated to ensure trip oil pressure above 5 5 kg/cm2
27. Check DP of lube oil filter, if on higher side (above 0.5 kg/cm2), change the filter
28 Maintain pressure of 12kg/cm2 in CRH line before LPBP valves and steam flow above
90 T/hr.
29. Turbine should be rolled through ATRS to 600rpm. Check all vibrations &Brg Temp of
turbine and generator.
30. After rolling at 600 rpm for around 15 minutes and ensuring all parameters normal
turbine should be rolled to 3000rpm through ATRS. Strict watch must be kept on
vibrations and bearing temp. during rolling. Turbine should be immediately tripped in
case of any abnormality.
31. At 3000rpm check smoke formation particularly at bearing no. 283 of turbine, If
excessive take necessary action with help of fire fighting staff.
32. Check all alarms/fascia before synchronization.
33. Unit should be synchronized after achieving overall HP expansion above 10mm, HP
differential expansion should start receding after achieving a stabilized value on positive
side. HP casing 50% depth metal temp. at around 250 deg G.
34. All drains shoyld be closed after synchronization.
35. Increase load command as per drum pressure or EHC position.
36. Charge
UAT at 50 MW load
37. Charge LPHs at 70-80 MW load.
38. Run 2 CW pump.
39. Charge deaerator from Ext.-4 at 120MW.
40. Charge HP heaters at around 140-150MW.
41. Ensure standby equipments like CEP, BFP, CWP, AOP, JOP etc. on auto mbde during
whole process.