Same Silver 100

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Silver 3

100 110 & 100 110

Rely on us.

Designed and built to meet a wide range of agricultural requirements, SAME Silver³ models are productive and ver-
satile, perfectly capable of taking on the toughest of tillage duties without difficulty - even multi-implement - as well
as providing speedy transport.
An advantageous power-to-weight ratio, correct weight distribution and high technical specifications guarantee maxi-
mum efficiency under all conditions, while intelligent ergonomics and an intuitive control layout make these machines
easy to operate right from the outset.
Deutz 2012 series TIER III 4-cylinder engines, developed specifically for agricultural use, «Sense Clutch» change-on-
the-go hydraulic shuttle with Stop&Go feature, electronic lift and cab with high visibility roof… these are just some of
the features making a Silver³ the ideal choice for all kinds of farm work.
The availability of two transmissions - HML Powershift or CVT - makes these the ideal machines for contractors
providing secondary tillage, weed control and eradication, fertilizing and precision seeding services, as well as for
medium-large enterprises, and for haymaking and livestock farming applications.

High levels of power and torque,
low levels of consumption and emissions

Deutz engines Electronic management

Silver³ models are equipped with TIER In effect, in the Silver³ maximum torque Optimum comfort levels and productiv-
III-compliant Deutz 2012 Series 4-cyl- is developed at just 1200 rpm and ity are delivered unfailingly by the Silver³
inder engines, developed especially for maintained steady up to 1800 rpm, to engine, thanks to its modern electronic
agricultural use and offering consist- provide constant efficiency across a management system, which always guar-
ently high levels of efficiency combined band of 600 rpm. antees an instant response and a more
with low specific fuel consumption. Another important feature of DEUTZ reliable and constant P.t.o. speed control.
Thanks to their generous 4038 cc dis- engines is their high torque rise: this All operating parameters of the engine
placement, innovative high pressure ensures exceptional lugging power and are monitored constantly by dedicated
injection system and turbo-intercooled allows the machine to overcome even sensors, and optimized by the system
induction (all models), these are engines the most difficult operating conditions through adaptive control of the injection
guaranteed to deliver significantly high with ease. system.
power and torque over a wide range of Finally, thanks to a fuel tank holding a Besides optimum fuel metering, the
crankshaft speeds. generous 160 litre capacity, the Silver³ electronic engine management system
keeps going for many productive hours ensures stable and precise performance,
before refuelling. with swift, direct and exact response to


70 POWER 450


55 350

C (Nm)
P (Kw)


40 300


25 200
1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 2200

the different speed and load conditions hand, this can be retrieved subsequently
encountered. at any time. The benefits are soon ap-
And all this with maximum simplicity of parent: the operator can handle the tractor
use: the hand throttle lever is mounted on easily, with total freedom, focusing more
the multifunction armrest, and a memory attention on the job in hand.
button allows the driver to set and store a
preferred speed for the work currently in

Radiatore in alluminio a “doppio flusso”

con tendina filtrante estraibile
per operazioni di rapida pulizia.

With two basic transmission options available - 5-speed gearbox with HML Power-
shift and 4 ranges, or Continuous Variable Transmission (CVT) - the Silver³ can be
configured to take on any kind of operation with efficiency and precision. The choice
is yours!

Silver 100 110

As always the Silver3

exceeds your demands

3-stage Powershift (HML) of performance and maximizes the the armrest, without using the clutch.
skills of the driver: for each compound As a result, manoeuvring the tractor is
The design of this package ensures a ratio, there are three speed settings simple in the extreme, and the opera-
ratio perfectly suited to the demands of - high, medium and low - selectable tor can concentrate fully on the job in
the job: with 5 gearbox ratios, 4 ranges under power. This means that, after se- hand.
(including creeper) and 3-stage Power- lecting the nominal speed best suited
shift, the transmission will provide 60 to the work in progress, the actual
forward + 60 reverse speeds and a top ground speed can still be adjusted to
speed of 40 km/h, even with the engine the prevailing load conditions simply
running in low-rpm economy mode. by pressing a button on the shift lever
The 3-stage Powershift raises the level or using the fingertip control lever on

Speed in km/h

Creeper range

Low speed range

Medium speed range

High speed range

Thanks to the 3speed Powershift transmission, the Silver3

guarantees maximum productivity in any application: such as
soil preparation, inter-row work, transport or yard duties. An
optimum power to weight ratio, together with a 40km/h trans-
mission with “Overspeed” enables rapid transport times with
economy and comfort. The “Sense Clutch” hydraulic shuttle,
with modulated reaction and the “Stop&Go” system allows
much quicker manoeuvrability and versatility particularly in
yards where space is limited

100 110

Continuously Variable

As an alternative to the Powershift,

there is the option of SDF continuously
variable transmission offering two
speed ranges - 0-20 and 20-40 km/h - like a tractor equipped with automatic
allowing the machine to operate in the powershift, moving through an infi-
field or on the road with speed adjus- nitely variable scale of ratios. Pressing
ted by a fully automatic control system: and holding the fingertip lever, speed is
no clutch, no gear shift lever… all done varied continuously; jogging the lever,
by pressure on the accelerator pedal. the speed is varied by increments of
0.1 km/h.
With the Silver³ Continuo, performance
and functionality are evident not only in P.T.O.
acceleration, but equally when slowing Activating the power take-off, the sys-
or braking. Using the fingertip control tem automatically selects the mode in
on the armrest, simply push forward to which P.t.o./engine speed is set with
accelerate, and pull back to slow down the hand throttle. Whatever the ground automatically in response to chang-
- right down to 0 km/h if necessary. speed - which can be varied continu- ing load conditions. When towing a
ously by the driver using the accel- heavy load, for example, after moving
erator pedal - the P.t.o. revolutions off with the engine at high rpm, the
Three operating modes remain steady for the duration of the revolutions will drop automatically:
job currently in hand: the ideal solution with momentum established,
for spraying, mowing, baling, etc. The the ground speed is held
fingertip lever is used to set the maxi- steady at the selected set-
mum ground speed. ting, consequently mini-
mizing fuel consumption.
Automatic is the preferred mode for Power-Zero
various types of cultivation, and for With the engine running and Auto-
transport duties. Pressing the ac- matic or P.t.o. mode selected, the
Manual celerator pedal, the transmission ad- Power Zero (active stop) function
Using the hand throttle or accelerator justs swiftly to the ground speed last will also come into operation: the
pedal (to control engine speed) and the selected. At this point, the electronic transmission holds the tractor sta-
multifunction joystick (to vary ground system maintains a steady ground tionary without any need to apply the
speed), the Silver³ Continuo operates speed, varying the engine revolutions parking brake, even with the engine

Performance and functionality “with continuo”

idling, independent of gradient or - 40 km/h at 1900 rpm with Powershift The continuously variable transmission
load factors. - 40 km/h at 1800 rpm with CVT makes the Silver3 multipurpose, ver-
With low crankshaft speed, fuel con- satile and extremely easy to use. The
sumption can be reduced significantly, CVT transmission with it’s three driving
whilst the power of the engine can be modes (automatic, manual and PTO)
exploited at a speed near to that of the allows you to “personalize” the mode
maximum rated torque. All these fac- to the job easily and instinctively: PTO
tors combine to produce an optimum applications, where the PTO speed
power curve, better fuel economy and and the ground speed operate inde-
superior driving comfort, thanks to pendently, high transport speed with
lower levels of noise and vibration. “Overspeed”, finally for all those jobs
requiring heavy, lugging power, a “he-
Overspeed avy duty” mechanical range.
But this is not all: to extract maximum
efficiency from both transmissions,
there is also OVERSPEED: a transmis-
sion that allows the tractor to reach
top speed with the engine operating in
economy mode:

Hydraulic shuttle: making life easy
«Sense Clutch» hydraulic shuttle

A change-on-the-go hydraulic reverse

shuttle is standard on all Silver³ models:
using 2 oil-immersed “long life” multi-disc
clutches (for greater durability and reli-
ability), incorporating an electronic control
unit that will enable changes of direction
under power up to 10 km/h, whilst safe-
guarding the integrity of the mechanical
components involved.
The shuttle can be used to change the
drive direction on all gear ratios, which
saves a considerable amount of time when
manoeuvring and making return passes.
The shuttle lever is located beneath the
steering wheel. Ergonomically designed
and easy to use. it has a “neutral” posi-
tion and will function only when enabled,
to ensure total safety in operation.
For ultimate comfort and convenience,
gear changes can also be made smoothly
and effortlessly, without having to depress
the clutch pedal, just using the Comfort
Clutch button on the knob of the shift lever.
Response control

The lever of the hydraulic shuttle incorporates a thumbwheel control (potentiometer) that can be used
by the operator to select a sharper or softer response from the shuttle, according to the needs of the


The SDF “Sense Clutch” hydraulic shuttle features an important technological innovation: STOP & GO.
This is a device, available in combination with Powershift, that expands the features and potential of the shuttle, providing
the operator with a higher level of manoeuvrability especially when the tractor driveline has to be disengaged for intervals
of varying duration, such as when operating with a front loader, or when hitching implements, or moving off on gradients.
With STOP&GO installed, the movement of the tractor can be controlled utilizing only the brake pedals, with no need to
operate the clutch pedal.
In practice, when the brake pedals are depressed, the tractor stops and the system will simultaneously put the operation
of the shuttle “on hold”. Releasing the brake pedals subsequently, the shuttle is re-enabled by the STOP&GO control unit,
which guarantees a gradual and balanced engagement of the relative hydraulic clutch (forward drive or reverse drive),
and the machine will move off again positively, but without jerking. All this makes the tractor incomparably practical when
manoeuvring, as well as safe, reliable and comfortable to operate.


Silver³ tractors are extremely versatile in the power take-

off department as well: oil-immersed multi disc clutch,
540/540eco/1000/1000eco speeds, and ground speed P.t.o. With
this type of package, any implement whatever can be coupled
to the tractor with maximum economy of use and maximum ef-
ficiency - features that render the Silver³ range ideal for applica-
tions requiring a power take-off.
And the P.t.o. is extremely easy to manage too: the controls are
electrohydraulic, and the selected speed is indicated on the in-
strument panel by dedicated LCD displays. Duplicate P.t.o. control
buttons are provided on the rear fenders.
Electronic lift: power
and precision

Where millimetre accuracy is re-

quired, the electronic rear lift speci-
fied on Silver³ models will ensure that
a hitched implement can be controlled
with absolute precision. All parame-
ters can be monitored and optimized
in the simplest of ways: draft control,
position control, mix and float, quick
soil engagement, transport lock, lift
height limiter and rate-of-drop con-
trol. On the roads too, a smooth and
jolt-free ride is assured, thanks to an
exclusive anti-pitching system that
prevents mounted implements from
bouncing on the linkage. Designed
particularly with strength in view,
the rear lift of Silver³ machines has a
rated capacity of 5300 kg, which can
be increased to 6200 kg by fitting as-
sistor rams. Implements are hitched
to the lift links with unprecedented
ease, using a proportional up/down
control operated by a fingertip lever
on the armrest. This same control is
duplicated by two buttons on the rear
fenders. For users needing to operate
front-mounted implements, Silver³
models can be provided with a front
lift (rated capacity 1800kg) and front agement system (SBA) renders the ditions, while guaranteeing a comfort-
P.t.o. operating at 1000 rpm: and the engagement and disengagement of able and safe ride.
front links also provide a quick-hitch four-wheel drive and differential locks
hanger for the front ballast weight, entirely automatic, eliminating repeti- Oil-immersed disc brakes
adding further value to the practicality tive manual operations that can dis-
of the Silver³. tract the driver from the work in hand. The Silver³ is always extremely safe,
The system engages or disengages in any situation. Effective braking is
SBA: automatic 4WD and the front axle drive and differentials, assured by a hydrostatic system with
differential management under power, according to the steer- independent oil-immersed disc as-
ing angle and ground speed. No risk semblies on all 4 wheels, and a de-
on Silver³ Continuo models, an intel- of error. The effect is to maximize vice allowing deselection of the front
ligent drive axle and differential man- traction, whatever the operating con- brakes.

Hydraulics and linkage:
total control in all applications

Adopting a wet disc design, the

brakes are applied with minimal effort
and ensure total safety.
TheSilver³ braking system includes
an automatic adjuster designed to
take up the clearance between cali-
pers and discs. Advantages: reduced
drain on horsepower when releasing
the brake pedals, discs less prone to
overheating, longer service life and
efficiency of the braking system.
Power and efficiency
without waste

Park-Brake Energy-Saving hydraulic system and less power wasted. With the hy-
draulic system in energy-saving mode,
All Silver³ models are equipped with an The hydraulic system of the Silver³ is Silver³ tractors are able to recover 2.7
innovative Park Brake system that will available in two configurations: horsepower.
ensure the tractor is always securely
and efficiently immobilized. It incor- - 3 double acting electrically operated
porates a device designed to lock the proportional spool valves with flow reg-
brakes under a high mechanical load, ulator and timer on the 3rd valve
and a hydraulic system that releases
them automatically when starting the - 4 double acting electrically operated
tractor. proportional spool valves with flow
When parking the machine, even on regulator and timer on the 3rd and 4th
a steep gradient, the Park-Brake will valve
come into operation and disallow any
movement of the Silver³, for total safety. With these features, the system deliv-
ers no more oil than is needed for the
Hydraulics operation, over the time actually neces-
sary for its completion. Control of the
On the hydraulics side too, Silver³ per- hydraulics is simple and intuitive, using
formance is no less impressive the a practical cross-gate joystick (1st and
hydraulic system is served by a pump 2nd spools) combined with fingertip le-
rated 58 l/min, which guarantees top vers (3rd and 4th spools).
performance and rational, efficient use
of all implements operated by fluid When the lift system and spool valves
power, even those with a typically high are not in use, for example during
flow demand. transport duties, the oil flow to the
The hydrostatic power steering, on the services is shut off automatically by a
other hand, is equipped with an inde- dedicated on/off valve on the hydrau-
pendent pump that keeps the action lic circuit and returned directly to the
‘light’, even with other hydraulic serv- transmission. This helps to keep the oil
ices in operation. For example, head- at a lower temperature, avoiding deg-
land turns can be negotiated with the radation and prolonging its useful life.
minimum of effort, even when the im- More generally, there is less dissipation
plement is being raised or lowered on of heat, which means the overall effi-
the linkage at the same time. ciency of the transmission is improved

Design and comfort travelling together

Comfort and ergonomics such way that they can be identified at

second to none a glance and operated more swiftly.
The P.t.o., four wheel drive and differ-
The cab interior has every creature ential lock clutches are all electrohy-
comfort: steering wheel adjustable for draulic in operation.
height and rake, air suspension seat, The instrument panel has an array of
side-mounted shift levers, sunshade, indicators and warning lights giving the
and a prewired radio slot. driver total visual control over the op-
All monitoring and control devices of eration of the tractor, with illuminated
the Silver³ are easily locatable by vir- displays that remain clearly visible in
tue of distinctive shapes and colours, any ambient light.
and positioned logically and ergonomi- Values indicating ground speed, P.t.o.
cally on a console to the right of the revolutions, lapsed time and distance
driving seat. The more frequently used covered are displayed in real time, pro-
controls are also grouped together in viding the operator with an immediate

picture of work rate and progress. tenance, with no tools required. Thanks
With the multifunction armrest - de- to an intelligently positioned dipstick,
rived from big horsepower machines the engine oil level is easily checked
- the driver can control all the main without having to open the hood.
functions of the Silver³ ergonomically The oil level in the transmission and
and intuitively. hydraulic system is inspected without
difficulty through a sight glass at the
Quick routine maintenance rear of the machine.

Day-to-day maintenance is quick and

simple, involving just a few manual
operations. And with a one-piece hood
that lifts up in its entirety, there is no
fiddling. The hood is held safely in the
open position by special gas-filled
struts. All the more important compo-
nents and assemblies are easily acces-
sible for the purposes of routine main-

An extensive
assistance network

SDF Service The satisfaction of our customers

is our most important asset.
Customer satisfaction, a central aspect of the SAME
DEUTZ-FAHR strategy, starts at the entrance to any of our
more than 3,000 Authorised Dealerships and Service Cen-
tres in all parts of the world. Inspiring customers with the
quality and technological prowess of our products would be
somewhat pointless if we were then unable to exceed his
expectations with an extensive Sale and Service Network
that is driven by the goal of customer satisfaction, built on
the excellence of service standards and underpinned by
the dedication and professionalism of all operators.

SDF Service. A level of service that is worthy

of a prestigious marque.
The primary task of the SAME DEUTZ-FAHR service net-
work is to manage all our customers’ requirements in a
professional, fast, and accurate manner: from pre-sale
negotiations to pre-delivery inspections, scheduled serv-
ice intervals, repairs, easily available genuine replacement
parts and the sheer breadth of the
range of accessories.

SDF Parts

Dedicated parts areas that are identifiable by farmers at

AgriCenter sales outlets, skilled and efficient staff, a vast
range of original SDF parts and StarT complementary
products, simple and rugged gardening equipment: this is
the work that SDF Parts department undertakes day after
day to support dealers and to respond to the demands of
farmers in the best possible way. The overriding benefit:
clients are able to rely on machines and equipment that
are always efficient and reliable, in line with the highest

Version 4WD 4WD
Cylinders/Displacement n°/cm³ 4/4038 4/4038
Air intake Turbo/Intercooled Turbo/Intercooled
Rated power at nominal engine speed (2000/25/CE) Hp/kW 99/73 109/80
Technical data and illustrations are guidelines only. As our aim at SAME is to deliver a product that increasingly satisfies customer requirements, we reserve the right to update this information at any time, without notice.

Nominal speed rpm 2300 2100

Maximum speed rpm 2300 2300
Maximum torque Nm 380 400
Speed at maximum torque rpm 1400-1700 1400-1800
Torque rise % 35 35
Cooling liquid-oil
Engine control electronic management
Air cleaner dry type with dual filter elements
Silencer under hood exhaust pipe on cab upright
Fuel tank capacity litres 160
DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS (rear tyre size) 480/70 R34 (16.9 R34)
Max length without lift links mm 3990
Width min-max mm 2050-2458
Maximum height at cab mm 2660
Ground clearance mm 500
Wheelbase mm 2340
Front track width min-max mm 1600-2100
Rear track width min-max mm 1600-2100
Minimum turning radius without braking mm 3500**
Weight with cab kg 4200


Gearshift clutch hydraulic, multi-disc Clutch oil-immersed multi-disc
5-speed box with mechanical shift, full synchromesh rpm 540-540 ECO-1000-1000 ECO
plus 4 ranges (with creeper) H-M-L POWERSHIFT 60 FWD +60 REV independent ground speed PTO
min speed: 0.44 km/h) Operation electrohydraulic
Top speed km/h 40 with OVERSPEED at 1900 rpm HYDRAULIC LIFT
Reverse shuttle hydraulic, SENSE CLUTCH shift-on-the-go + STOP&GO Rear powerlift electronic
Front/rear differential locks electrohydraulically operated Maximum lifting capacity kg 5300 or 6200
Lubrication forced Pump displacement l/min 58
BRAKES AND STEERING Electrohydraulic auxiliary spool valves n° ports 6/8
all-wheel, with oil-immersed discs on each hub, hydrostatically fixed link ends
Braking action 3-point linkage (link arms and top link)
operated auto-hitch
Parking brake PARK BRAKE with double acting cylinders
hydraulic braking valve Front lift original built-in structure
Trailer braking
air-braking system maximum lifting capacity1800 kg
Hydrostatic power steering independent pump DRIVING POSITION
Steering angle 55° one-piece structure with 4 uprights, “high visibility” roof,
FRONT AXLE opening windscreen, rear screen wiper, air filter, 4 work lights
Four wheel drive engaged electrohydraulically Cab climate control air conditioning, ventilation, heater and forced recirculation
Front differential lock engaged electrohydraulically Instruments digital
8 x 40 kg suitcase mechanically adjustable, with safety belt
Front weights Driver seat
400 kg quick-hitch (machines with front lift) with air suspension and safety belt
Clutch oil-immersed multi-disc
Speed rpm 1000
Operation pushbutton electrohydraulic

1L 1M 1H 2L 2M 2H 3L 3M 3H 4L 4M 4H 5L 5M 5H
SR RANGE 0,44 0,53 0,64 0,59 0,71 0,86 0,79 0,95 1,14 1,13 1,35 1,63 1,52 1,82 2,2
L RANGE 1,51 1,8 2,18 2,03 2,43 2,93 2,7 3,23 3,9 3,85 4,6 5,56 5,19 6,21 7,05
N RANGE 3,26 3,9 4,71 4,39 5,25 6,34 5,84 6,98 8,44 8,32 9,94 12,02 11,22 13,41 16,2
V RANGE 9,72 11,62 14,04 13,07 15,63 18,88 17,39 20,79 25,13 24,77 29,61 35,78 33,4 39,9 40***

The above specifications refer to tractors with all available equipment. For standard equipment and options, refer to the current price list and ask your local
dealer for details. *** =TOP SPEED LIMITED BY LAW

TECHNICAL DATA SILVER3 100 Continuo SILVER3 110 Continuo
Version 4WD 4WD
Cylinders/Displacement n°/cm³ 4/4038 4/4038
Air intake Turbo intercooler Turbo intercooler
Rated power at nominal engine speed (2000/25/CE) Hp/kW 99/73 109/80
Technical data and illustrations are guidelines only. As our aim at SAME is to deliver a product that increasingly satisfies customer requirements, we reserve the right to update this information at any time, without notice.

Nominal speed rpm 1800 1800

Maximum speed rpm 2100 2100
Maximum torque Nm 380 400
Speed at maximum torque rpm 1400-1700 1400-1800
Torque rise % 35 35
Cooling liquid-oil
Engine control electronic management
Air cleaner dry type with dual filter elements
Silencer under hood exhaust pipe on cab upright
Fuel tank capacity litres 160
DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS (rear tyre size) 480/70 R34 (16.9 R34)
Max length without lift links mm 4150
Width min-max mm 2050-2458
Maximum height at cab mm 2660
Ground clearance mm 500
Wheelbase mm 2340
Front track width min-max mm 1600-2100
Rear track width min-max mm 1600-2100
Minimum turning radius without braking mm 3500**
Weight with cab kg 4400


Gearshift clutch hydraulic, multi-disc Clutch oil-immersed multi-disc
2 working ranges, “Transport” and “Heavy Duty” with Auto/PTO/ rpm 540-540 ECO-1000
Continuously variable transmission Speed
Manual settings. Cruise control and PowerZero. Synchronised PTO with independent shaft, also Auto PTO
40km/h available at nominal and reduced rpm (1800 rpm) by Operation electrohydraulic
Top speed km/h
electronic regulation HYDRAULIC LIFT
Reverse shuttle hydraulic, SENSE CLUTCH shift-on-the-go + STOP&GO Rear powerlift electronic
Front/rear differential locks electrohydraulically operated Maximum lifting capacity kg 5300 or 6200
Lubrication forced Pump displacement l/min 58
BRAKES AND STEERING Electrohydraulic auxiliary spool valves n° ports 6/8
all-wheel, with oil-immersed discs on each hub, hydrostatically fixed link ends
Braking action 3-point linkage (link arms and top link)
operated auto-hitch
Parking brake PARK BRAKE with double acting cylinders
hydraulic braking valve Front lift original built-in structure
Trailer braking
air-braking system maximum lifting capacity1800 kg
Hydrostatic power steering independent pump DRIVING POSITION
Steering angle 55°
one-piece structure with 4 uprights, “high visibility” roof,
opening windscreen, rear screen wiper, air filter, 4 work lights
Four wheel drive engaged electrohydraulically
Front differential lock engaged electrohydraulically Cab climate control air conditioning, ventilation, heater and forced recirculation
8 x 40 kg suitcase Instruments digital
Front weights
400 kg quick-hitch (machines with front lift) mechanically adjustable, with safety belt
Driver seat
FRONT P.T.O. with air suspension and safety belt
Clutch oil-immersed multi-disc
Speed rpm 1000
Operation pushbutton electrohydraulic

The above specifications refer to tractors with all available equipment. For standard equipment and options, refer to the current price list and ask your local
dealer for details.


Silver³ tractors feature a number of technological solutions designed to save energy

resources, improve the efficiency and durability of all components, and reduce harmful
These innovative developments have produced immediate and tangible benefits for the
operator and for the environment:
- Deutz Tier 3 engines, 100% compatible with Biodiesel = zero - Optimized brake system (take-up of disc-caliper clearances)
sulphur dioxide emissions = lower drain on horsepower, lower oil temperatures, lower fuel
consumption, lower emissions
- Engine oil change every 500 hours = lower maintenance costs,

lower environmental impact caused by the disposal of spent oils - Park Brake (elimination of disc brake assembly from 4WD shaft) =
lower drain on horsepower, lower fuel consumption, lower emissions

Published by the Marketing and Advertising Dept. - Cod. 308.8542.3.1 - 05/10 - CFV
- Overspeed transmission (40 km/h at low engine speed) = lower
fuel consumption (11%), lower emissions

- Optimized HML transmission (new low friction materials, in-

creased clearance between fixed and moving discs and HML hou-
• Total power recovered
sings, and reduced lubricant level) = lower drain on horsepower, 10.2 HP
lower oil temperatures
• Total fuel saving
- Optimized hydraulic system (energy saving circuit) = lower 3 litres/hour
drain on horsepower, lower oil temperatures

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