106 - Machine Learning and Credit Risk Modelling
106 - Machine Learning and Credit Risk Modelling
106 - Machine Learning and Credit Risk Modelling
A recent publication by the Bank of England (BoE) and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
reports the results of a survey on the use of ML in United Kingdom (UK) financial services.1
Results show that two-thirds of respondents use ML in some form. The use cases have passed the
development stage and are starting to enter into the deployment stage. The banking and insurance
sectors are advanced with respect to deployment, and ML is most often used in anti-money
laundering and fraud-detection applications. The survey also notes that ML may amplify existing
model risk, while validation frameworks still need to evolve to cope with the complexity of ML
Bank of England, Financial Conduct Authority: “Machine learning in UK financial services”, October 2019.
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved
However, ML may still contain assumptions, such as the dataset does not contain. This can pose a
significant challenge when analyzing noisy historical financial data and may lead to poor model
performance. Imposing constraints on the model to control for model biases or counterintuitive
behavior can also be an onerous task for some ML techniques. In addition, decomposing ML
models can be complicated, thus creating issues when there is a need to explain the model’s
functionality in detail. 2 3 4 5
We analyze the performance of selected ML algorithms for the prediction of PD. To make this
analysis relevant and material, we use a real-world example of constructing a default prediction
model for private companies. To that end, we collected a global sample of private companies
across various industries. 6 Private companies are a particularly relevant example for our analysis
for a number of reasons. The universe of private companies is large and highly heterogeneous, as it
includes large international corporations, as well as local small- and medium-sized enterprises.
The composition of a global sample captures companies from various macroeconomic
environments, thus introducing additional macroeconomic risk components. Additionally, private
companies tend to publish limited and infrequent financial disclosures, which reduces the scope
of available information.
The characteristics of private companies create a need for a default prediction model to be well
designed in order to capture the heterogeneity of private companies and achieve good performance
under the data availability constraints. We leverage the S&P Capital IQ platform to collect annual
financials for private companies globally from 2002 to 2016. Our final sample includes a total of
52,500 observations, of which 8,200 companies have defaulted.
Feature Engineering: We ‘pre-treat’ the financial data by calculating relevant financial ratios to
express various risk dimensions, such as profitability, leverage, and efficiency. We also include a
Country Risk Score (CRS) and Industry Risk Score (IRS) as additional variables to help the model
capture systemic risk components of various countries and industries. We also standardize the
ratios to make them comparable and limit the impact of outliers, thus enabling the algorithms to
achieve better performance.
Variable Selection: To account for the limited availability of private company financial data, we
only use ratios that have sufficiently good coverage across the S&P Capital IQ platform, while also
ensuring the representation of relevant risk dimensions. Such parsimonious construction
simplifies the use of the model in deployment, as it requires fewer inputs and less data handling,
and increases the model coverage. This is especially important for private companies, where
Bazarbash, M.: “Fintech in Financial Inclusion: Machine Learning Applications in Assessing Credit Risk”, IMF Working Paper, 2019.
Bracke, P., Datta A., Jung C. and Sen S.: ”Machine learning explainability in finance: an application to default risk analysis”, Staff Working
Paper No. 816, Bank of England, 2019.
Rasekhschaffe, C. K. and Jones, C. R.: “Machine Learning for Stock Selection”, Financial Analysts Journal, 2019.
Addo, M. P., Guegan, D., Hassani, B.: ”Credit Risk Analysis Using Machine and Deep Learning Models”, Risks, 2018.
Financial sector is excluded from the analysis.
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved
financial data is generally more infrequent and less comprehensive. Table 1 contains the final list
of selected variables used to train the PD model with various ML algorithms.
Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 21 2020. For illustrative purposes only.
In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Analysis: We split the dataset of private companies into two
samples to help assess the performance of the model in a real-world deployment. The in-sample
portion (90%) represents our training dataset and is used to develop the model, while the out-of-
sample portion (10%) is used to evaluate the model. We also make sure that the two datasets are
similar with respect to the default rate and other descriptive properties (such as industry sectors
and revenue size).
Different ML Algorithms
There are several ML algorithms available, and selecting the optimal algorithm is not
straightforward. Algorithm selection depends on various factors, such as data type and features,
transparency and interpretability, and model performance characteristics. We selected the
following classification and regression algorithms for further analysis:
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved
model the PD. The optimization function usually tends to include a regularization term
(e.g., lasso, elastic net, or ridge) to limit the overfitting.
• Support Vector Machine (SVM): A SVM is similar to logistic regression and constructs a
hyperplane multidimensional surface to separate two classes in the dataset. Inputs are
transformed using a kernel function, allowing SVM to model nonlinear classification
problems. However, by using a nonlinear kernel, the SVM becomes a black box because
each prediction is not easily attributable to an individual variable.
• Naïve Bayes: Naïve Bayes is a classification technique that utilizes Bayes' theorem with
an assumption of independence among predictors. Although this assumption is often
violated in practice, naïve Bayes still tends to perform well. The technique is relatively
robust and easy to implement, however, strong violations of the independence
assumptions and nonlinear classification problems can lead to poor performance.
• Decision Tree: A decision tree model produces a flow chart structure where model
prediction is obtained through a sequence of nodes and branches. While decision trees
are a highly flexible tool, their usability may be hindered by poor out-of-sample
performance as a result of overfitting. Various techniques exist to reduce overfitting by
controlling the size of decision trees, such as pruning. We opted to contain the tree size
by setting a limit of 50 observation per node.
We tested the performance of the described ML algorithms using our global sample of private
companies and accompanied variables, listed in Table 1. We implemented the analysis using
Statistics and ML Toolbox™ functions in MATLAB®, and applied default algorithm settings to train
the PD models and calculate their performance statistics. 7
We evaluated the ML models using the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve and
corresponding area under the curve (AUC). Table 2 shows the in-sample and out-of-sample AUC
performance statistics. In-sample, the decision tree model exhibits superior performance with a
near-perfect classification of defaulted and non-defaulted companies. Logistic regression and
SVM are similar techniques and exhibit equally excellent performance, while the other two
approaches demonstrate good or fair performance. 8
Out-of-sample AUC, however, demonstrates a more realistic measure of the model’s performance
in a real-world situation. While the decision tree method still shows the best performance, it is only
marginally better than logistic regression. It is worth noting that the performance of the decision
tree deteriorates considerably out-of-sample compared to in-sample, indicating lower reliability of
this method in a real-world application. In comparison, the other approaches exhibit more
consistent performance.
MATLAB and Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox 2019b, The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, Massachusetts, U.S.
Typically, AUC values between 70% and 80% are considered fair, values between 80% and 90% are considered a sign of
good discriminatory power, and values above 90% are considered excellent.
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved
Table 2: AUC using various ML models
Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 21 2020. For illustrative purposes only.
In Figure 1, we depict the out-of-sample ROC curves for the analyzed ML models. While two models
may have the same AUC, the shape of corresponding ROC curves may be very different. For
example, the decision tree and logistic regression have very similar out-of-sample AUCs, but their
corresponding ROC curves are very distinct and cross at the low false positive rate and the high
true positive rate. This reflects the Type I error and Type II error characteristics of the two models. 9
The decision tree outputs are rather binary, i.e., producing PD estimates of either 0% or 100,
resulting in a more abrupt shape. The logistic regression, however, produces much more granular
and continuous estimates of PD, resulting in a much smoother shape of the ROC curve.
Selection of the optimal model also depends on the use case. For example, Type I Error is more
relevant when the goal is to minimize the incorrect classification of borrowers as creditworthy.
Type II error, on the other hand, is more relevant when the goal is to minimize denying a loan to a
creditworthy customer. If users focus on identifying defaults among the worst companies, they
might prefer the decision tree model. However, those interested in good overall performance and
differentiation among low-, medium-, and high-risk companies might favor the logistic regression
model. 10
Type I error (false positive rate) is the probability of assigning a low PD to an obligor that will default. Type II error (false negative rate) is
the probability of assigning a high PD to an obligor that will not default.
Stein, M. R.: ”Benchmarking default prediction models: pitfalls and remedies in model validation”, Journal of Risk Model Validation, 2007
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Out-of-sample ROC curve for various ML models
True positive rate
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
False positive rate
Naïve Bayes Decision Tree
Z-score Logistic Regression
Support Vector Machine Random model
Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence. As of January 21 2020. For illustrative purposes only.
In addition to model performance, transparency and interpretability also play a vital role in the
model evaluation. Namely, understanding drivers and the sensitivity of model predictions to
changes in the input is an important aspect of model usability. In that aspect, logistic regression is
preferred to SVM as it is more straightforward to analyze and interpret. The logistic regression also
enables users to incorporate various constrains easily, thus making this technique highly
controllable and adaptable.
Friedman. C and Sandow S.: "Learning Probabilistic Models: An Expected Utility Maximization Approach." Journal of Machine Learning
Research, 4, 2003.
S&P Market Intelligence: “PD Model Fundamentals - Private Corporates”, White Paper, 2018.
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved
Figure 2 shows an example of PDFN - Private Corporates outputs for Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
(‘Neiman Marcus’), an omni-channel luxury fashion retailer primarily located in the U.S. Based on
the latest available financial data, the company’s PD of 4.1% implies a credit score of ‘b’. 13 The in-
depth analysis of the model drivers reveals that the retailer is highly risky from a financial and
business point of view. The contribution analysis shows that low profitability and high debt are the
main drivers of the PD estimate. The sensitivity metrics indicate that Neiman Marcus’s credit score
is highly sensitive to any adverse changes in industry and country risk factors.
Figure 2: PDFN - Private Corporates outputs for Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
Note: Industry median calculated based on a sample of department stores in the U.S.
Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence, as of January 21 2020. For illustrative purposes only.
A prudent approach includes reviewing and assessing various techniques for the problem at hand.
While all presented models could be further refined and optimized to achieve better performance,
the knowledge of the end application should also be factored into the decision-making process. In
a real-world environment, this includes taking into account data availability limitations, model
transparency requirements, the granularity of model outputs, and ease-of-use.
S&P Global Ratings does not contribute to or participate in the creation of credit scores generated by S&P Global Market Intelligence.
Lowercase nomenclature is used to differentiate S&P Global Market Intelligence PD scores from the credit ratings used by S&P Global
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved
Copyright © 2020 by S&P Global Market Intelligence, a division of S&P Global Inc. All rights reserved.
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