Dedan Kimathi University of Technology: Quiz and Answers
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology: Quiz and Answers
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology: Quiz and Answers
a) By use of very neat diagrams, explain the following methods of plane table surveying.(6
i. radiation
ii. traversing
iii. IntersectionCHECK NOTES.
b) A line of levels at 20m intervals running from a point at the top of a quarry face around
the edge of the excavation and then across it to a point immediately below the starting
point, yielded the bookings given in the table below. The bench mark at I has a reduced
level of 149.73m. Complete the level book by the RISE AND FALL method and apply
the usual checks(1 2marks)
0.44 168.16 0 A (top of face)
1.64 1.2 166.96 20 B
2.94 1.3 165.66 40 C
0.17 3.98 1.04 164.62 60 D
2.12 1.95 162.67 80 E
0.32 4.11 1.99 160.68 100 F
0.54 3.88 3.56 157.12 120 G
0.11 4.08 3.54 153.58 140 H
4.00 3.96 3.85 149.73 160 I(bench mark at the commencem
2.44 1.56 151.29 180 J
3.86 0.11 2.33 153.62 200 K
0.59 3.27 156.89 220 L( bottom of face below a)
Here h = 0.8 m; l = 30 m
= 29.989 m
– Cs
= 30 – 0.005m
= 29.995 m.
d) A line of levels at 20m intervals running from a point at the top of a quarry face around the edge
of the excavation and then across it to a point immediately below the starting point, yielded the
bookings given in the table below. The bench mark at I has a reduced level of 149.73m.
Complete the level book by the rise and fall method and apply the usual checks (10marks)
0.44 197.86 0 A (top of face)
2.94 2.50 195.36 20 B
1.64 1.3 196.66 40 C
a) Enter the field book according to the following field notes :( 9 marks).
i. Chainage of line AB is 95.5m
ii. The offsets to the pond at the left of chain line are as follows:
a. Chainage – 10,15,20,25,30 m
b. Offset – 16,12,10,14,20 m
iii. The offsets to the river at the right of the chain line are :
a. Chainage – 5,25,40,80 m
b. Offset -13,17,19,19.5m
80 19.5
40 19
30 30
14 25 17
10M 20
12M 15
16M 10
5 13
ii. Failure to observe the position of the zero point of the tape: - The chainmen
should see whether it is at the end of the ring or on the tape.
iii. Adding or omitting a full chain or tape length (due to wrong counting or loss
of arrows): - This is the most serious mistake and should be guarded
against. This is not likely to occur, if the leader has the full number (ten) of
arrows at the commencement of chaining and both the leader and follower
count them at each transfer. A whole tape length may be dropped, if the
follower fails to pick up the arrow at the point of beginning.
iv. Reading from the wrong end of the chain: - e.g. reading 10 m for 20 m in a
30 m chain, or reading in the wrong direction from a tally, e.g. reading 9.6 m
for 10.4 m. The common mistake in reading a chain is to confuse 10 m tag with
20 m tag. It should be avoided by noticing the 15 m tag.
ix. To guard against this mistake, the chainmen should call out the measurements
loudly and distinctly, and the surveyor should repeat them as he books them.
c) The downhill end of the 30 m tape is held 80 cm too low. What is the horizontal length?
(6 marks)
d) Correction for slope = h2 / 2l
e) Here h = 0.8 m; l = 30 m
h) = 29.989
i) 33 m
a) Explain how you would set a perpendicular line in the following cicurmstances: (4 marks)
b) A line was measured with a steel rape which was manufactured exactly 30m at 18oC and a
pull of 50 N. The measured length was 459.242 m. Temperature during measurement was
28oC and the pull applied was 100 N. The tape was uniformly supported during the
measurement. Find the true length of the line if the cross-sectional area of the tape was
0.02 cm2, the coefficient of expansion per oC = 0.0000117 and the modulus of elasticity =
21 x 106 N per cm2.(16 marks).
= 0.00351 m (+ ve)(4
= (100 – 50)30 / 0.02 x 21
x 10^6
= 0.00357 m (+ve)(4
= 0.00708 m(2MARKS)
= 459.350 m. (4 MARKS)
a. Explain with the aid of sketches how you would carry out the following chain survey
i. Measure a line which crosses a river of 40m width. (2 marks)
ii. Set out a right angle from a survey line using a tape. (2 marks)
b. The figure below shows a field work book that involve levelling under the bridge using the
inverted staff. Reduce the network by the HEIGHT OF COLLIMATION METHOD
and perform the necessary checks. (10 marK).
1.317 101.37 100.00m A
-3.018 104.335
1.427 2.894 99.85 98.423
-2.905 102.755
-3.602 103.452
1.498 98.352
a) Identify four factors that may affect the accuracy in levelling (6 marks)
• error in permanent adjustment
• lack of the levelling of instrument
• the unstable ground and lack of use of the change plate
• the staff is slopy
• parallax error.
Reading errors
Booking errors
Adjustment errors
g) The following figures were extracted from level field book, some of the entries being
illegible due to exposure to rain. Insert the missing figures (A to F) and check your results.
(6 marks)
2.01 C? 2
B? 278.07
2.98 E?
1.41 280.64
F? 281.37 TBM
h) The downhill end of the 30 m tape is held 60 cm too low. What is the horizontal length?
(3 marks)
i) A 30 m tape has a mass of 0.026kg/m and a cross sectional area of 3.24 cm 2 . It was
standardized on the flat at 20oC under a pull of 100N. The coefficient of linear expansion
for the material of the tape is 0.0000117/o C, and a young modulus is 20.7 x 106 N per cm2.
The tape is suspended between the ends under an average pull of 180 N and used to
measure a length of distance 367.82 meters from point A to B. The difference in height
between the two end points is +1.2m. The temperature during measurement was
18oC. Find the corrected length of the distance measured. ( 12marks).
b. Using a diagram, distinguish a level line and a horizontal line (4 marks)
v. Engineering surveying
Engineering surveying involves the preparation of topographic maps at large scales
which are subsequently used as the basis for the design of engineering works such as
roads, dams etc
c) Distinguish. (8 marks)
i. Geodetic surveying and plane surveying
Here h = 0.6 m; l = 50 m
where W is the wight per meter length of the tape.
a. During the construction of an underground tunnel, invert levels were observed as shown below
Fill the data in the field book and reduce the leveling network using the height of collimation method. Find the
reduced levels A, B, D and E if the reduced level of C is 273.78 m above mean sea level? Carry out the necessary
checks. (12 mks)
B -2.14 274.83
C -1.09 273.78
D -2.16 274.85
E 3.42 269.27
i. Dumpy level
4 screws are used to set the telescope level. The 4 foot screws surround the center bearing of the instrument
and are used to tilt the level telescope using the center bearing as the pivot.
During leveling, the telescope is first positioned directly over 2 opposite foot screws. The 2 screws are kept
tightened and rotated in opposite directions until the bubble is centered in the level tube.
ii. Tilting level
This level differs from the dumpy level in that the telescope is not fixed at 90` to the vertical axis. It has 2
spirit levels, a tubular one fixed to the telescope parallel to the collimation line and a one fixed to the top
plate. The telescope of the tilt level is usually pivoted at the center of the tribrach; an attachment plate with
3 screws. The footscrews are used to center the circular bubble thereby setting the telescope approximately
in a horizontal plane.
With all tilting levels, the telescope tubular bubble must be centered by turning the tilt screw to either raise
or lower one end of the telescope to set the line of sight more precisely.
Depending on the particular model , the image is seen through the tilt level as erect or inverted
iii. Automatic level
It does have a tilting screw or a tubular bubble as the telescope is rigidly fixed to the tribrach and the line
of sight is made horizontal by a compensator inside the telescope. This type of level once set up maintains
a horizontal collimation line automatically without further adjustment. Also, due to the optical design, it
shows an erect image through the telescope.
The basic concept of the automatic level can be linked to a telescope rigidly fixed at right angles to a
pendulum. To achieve horizontal sight line automatically, manufacturers use a variety of mechanisms which
involve some form of pendulum prism device.
To operate the instrument, it needs only to be roughly leveled to centralize the circular bubble by use of
dome and cup joint or 3 foot screws. To verify that the staff-leveling mechanism operates freely, the
surveyor should tap the tripod while looking through the telescope: the image should appear to swing and
return to its original position.
Many automatic levels utilize a concave base so that when the level is attached to its domed-head tripod
top it can be roughly leveled by sliding the instrument over the tripod. This rough leveling can be
accomplished in a few seconds. If the bulls eye bubble is nearly centered by this manoevour and the
compensator is activated, the leveling screw may not be needed at all to level the instrument.
iv. Electronic level
instruments centered processing unit, with the image of the whole rod, which is strored permanently in the
level’s memory module thus determining height and distance values. Data may either be stored in internal
onboard memory, or transferable PC cards and then transferred to a computer via an R5232 connection.
Data can be transferred directly to computer database.
Most levels can operate effectively with only 30 cm of the rod visible. Work can proceed in the dark by
illuminating the rod face with a small flash light. The rod is graduated with bar code on one side and either
in feet or meters on the other side.
Pre-programmed functions include level loop survey, two-peg tes, self test, set time and set units. The rod
can be read optically as close as 0.5 m. if the rod is not plumb or held pside down, an error message flashes
on the screen or “instrument not level”. Distance accuracy is in the range of 1/1000 metres whereas leveling
accuracy is stated having a standard deviation for a 1 km double run of 0.3-1.0 mm for electronic
measurement and 2.0 mm for optical measurement.
a. Define the following terms: (4 mks)
i. Horizontal surface- Surface tangential to the level surface at any point. It is
perpendicular to the plumb line at the tangent point.
ii. Vertical plane- The plane which contains the vertical line at a place.
iii. Datum surface- The imaginary level surface with reference to which vertical distances
of points (above or below) are measured.
iv. Minus sight- This is the sight taken on the leveling staff held at a point of unknown
elevation to ascertain the amount by which the point is above or below the line of sight.
It enables the determination of points of elevation.
b. A distance of 475.28 m was measured along a smooth slope. The slope angle was measured and
found to be 5°22’. What is the horizontal distance? (4 mks)
c. Explain with the aid of sketches how you would carry out the following operations.
i) Chain a line which crosses a river at a right angle of about 40m width.(2 marks)
ii) Set out a right angle from a chain line (2. marks)
i. Small scale map from large scale map.(2 marks)
ii. Tie from offset. (2 marks).
e. A line was measured with a steel rape which was manufactured exactly 50m at 18oC and a
pull of 50 N. The measured length was 459.242 m. Temperature during measurement was
12oC and the pull applied was 70 N. The mass of the tape is 1.20 kilograms. The tape was
uniformly supported during the measurement. Find the true length of the line if the cross-
sectional area of the tape was 0.02 cm 2, the coefficient of expansion per oC = 0.0000117
and the modulus of elasticity = 21 x 106 N per cm2. MAINATIN A GRAVITY OF 10N/KG
Temperature Correction per tape length = α ( (Tm – To)L
=-0.0035 m (- ve)(2
= 0.00238 m (+ve)(2
CS=-(0.06122(-VE) (2MARKS)
=-0.06235 m(2MARKS)
= 459.106 m. (2 MARKS)
(a) The corners of a building are 9 and 9,5m from chainage 7.5
and 18 m to the left of the chain line. The building is 7m wide.
(b) A 4 m wide road runs about parallel to the right of the chain
line. Offsets are 2,2.1,2.2, and 2.15m at chainages 0,20,40, and
55.5m respectively.
(c) A check line is taken from the sub-station at chainage 25 m to
the left.
The total chainage of the base line is 55.5m.
(e) The fore bearing and back bearing of the base line are 30030’
and 21003C’ respectively.