Effect of Blending Ratio On The Nutritional Value of Millet and Guinea Corn Using Mixture Design

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Effect of Blending Ratio on the Nutritional Value of

Millet and Guinea Corn using Mixture Design
Engr. Dr. (Mrs) E.T Akhihiero, Ayodeji Arnold Olaseinde, EyideOdeworitse
Department of Chemical Engineering,
University of Benin, Benin City,
Edo State, Nigeria

Abstract:- This study focused on immunonutrition which expression of the immune response (Maggini,S et al; 2017).
is referring to boosting immune system response through Micronutrients such as vitamins and nutritionally essential
diet. In this study, the effect ofthe blending ratio of millet micro-nutrients such as zinc (Zn) influence and support
and guinea corn on their nutritional value was every stage of the immune response in which their
investigated for vitamin K, vitamin D, and Zinc deficiency can affect both innate and adaptive immunity
mineralswhich are considered to help bolster immunity thereby causing immunosuppression and thus increasing the
and their relevance in the fight against covid-19.The susceptibility to infection. Different approaches can be
proximate analysis result showed that guinea corn has a employed to offer children and adults improved food with
higher value of ash, carbohydrate, and crude protein low-cost and locally available food formulations with an
contents whilemillet on the other hand has a higher improved nutritive value. One study established that
moisture content, calorific value, crude lipids, and crude porridges prepared from extruded millet and press-dried
fiber contents as compared to that of guinea corn. Using cowpea had a high nutritional quality with acceptable
Design Expert for experimental design, a mixture D- properties of weaning foods (Almeida-Dominguez et al.,
Optimal design was employed. The analysis of variance 1993). It was reported that when millet was mixed with
(ANOVA) for the yield of vitamin K and D, and Zinc amaranth and buckwheat to make extruded breakfast cereal
mineral were statistically significant at “prob ˃ F” less products instead of the mixture of wheat and maize flour,
than 0.05. Optimization of the analysis revealed that a nutritional and physical quality of the cereal products were
blend in the ratio of 55.2 to 44.8 would be the best blend altered. In addition to this, all of the extruded products with
that maximizes vitamin K, D, and Zinc minerals with the inclusion of pseudocereals exhibited an enormous
desirability of 65.1 %. Although cereals are not a reduction in readily digestible carbohydrates in contrast to
significant source of vitamin K and D the blends from the control product during in vitro glycemic profiling
the study, if processed into food, would be able to (Brennan MA et al., 2012).Millet and red guinea corn were
provide an additional quantity of the vitamins and chosen for this study owing to their nutritive value,
minerals needed to boost our immune system. availability in the local market, cheapness, and being part of
the most neglected cereals. Hence, this study was to
Keywords:- Immunonutrition, nutritional value, immune- evaluate the nutritive value of a mixture of millet and guinea
boosting,Covid-19, cereals. corn in various proportions with a view to incorporating this
into our daily meals

Nutrition is an important part of human existence. II. MATERIALS AND METHODS

Proper food and good nutrition are necessary for survival, The millet and red guinea corn grains used in this study
physical growth, mental development, performance, and were purchased from the midwifery market, a local market,
productivity throughout the entire lifespan. Nutrition in Asaba, Delta State, Nigeria.
deficiency may sometimes lead to either a recognized
disease of unknown etiology or obscure signs and symptoms  Pre-Treatment of Raw Material
in an individual. For instance, there were claims that The millet and red guinea corn grains were sorted to
deficiency in vitamins plays a part in the production of renal remove dirt and other extraneous materials, and then
lithiasis (Higgins, 1935) and certain muscular dystrophies washed in clean water and sun-dried for one week.
(Bicknell, 1940). Nutrition deficiencies and excesses affect
the components of our immune system. The immune system  Analysis of Samples
helps the body to fight against infection. It plays a major The analyses were carried out at Central Research and
role in the body’s ability to fight off any infection, lower the Diagnostic Laboratory, Tanke, Ilorin, Kwara State,
risk of developing tumors, degenerative diseases as well as Nigeria. The proximate analysis was done on the samples
autoimmune disorders. A defective immune system can as well asthe determination of vitamins (D and K) and
result in allergic disease, immunodeficiency, and Zinc (Zn) mineral content of each of the blends. The
autoimmune disorders. However, an immunodeficiency vitamins were determined using high-performance liquid
disorder that is caused by several factors including poor chromatography (HPLC).
dietary intake renders the body defenseless and becomes
highly prone to illness from invading pathogens or antigens.
Today, it is widely accepted that an adequate nutritional
status is paramount for the development, maintenance, and

IJISRT22JUL976 www.ijisrt.com 757

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Proximate Analysis  Sample Preparation
The methods of the Association of Official Analytical Samples were done using a modification of Association of
Chemists (AOAC 2005) was used to determine the Official Analystical Chemist (AOAC) official method
amount of moisture, ash, fat, protein, crude fiber, and 999.15. A 5g solid sample was weighed and transfrerred
carbohydrate contents of the pure samples. The into a 3.8 x 200mm screw cap test tube. 15mL deionized
carbohydrate was determined by difference. water was added and mixed thoroughly until it completely
dissolved. Then, a 5mL pH 8.0 buffer solution was added.
 Preparation of sample for HPLC analysis This was thoroughly mixed by hand. 1g candida rugosa
 For vitamin D lipase was then added. The resulting solution was
 Apparatus incubated for 2 hours at 37oC in an incubator-genie
attached to the rotating plate with the speed set at 14. The
 Column- Waters HSS T3 (2.1x150mm, 1.7µm particle plate of the incubator was adjusted to be able hold 3.8mm
size; Waters Corp, Milford MA, USA) tubes by attaching 8 clips on each side and tubes were
 Liquid Chromatography- Waters Acquity UPLC perfectly fitted into the thermostatic chamber. A 10 mL of
Binary solvents, manager capable of 15000 psi Absolute ethanol (EtOH) was added at room temperature.
 Detector- Waters Quattro Premier XE, Xevo Triple This was followed by vortex mixing for 15 seconds after
Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer which 1g of potassium carbonate was added. The tubes
 Injector- Waters Acquity Sample Manager with were rotated for 60 minutes in a Rugged Rotator with the
Integrated Column Oven speed set at 40%. The rotating speed was set to a
maximum value as soon as a thick emulsion was observed.
 Chemicals and Reagents This allowed the sample to move from one end to the other
Methanol (HPLCgrade), Acetone (HPLC grade), during the rotation. A 50mL of isooctane was then added
Acetronitrile (HPLC grade), Solvents-(1) Pentane (HPLC to each of the samples, and they were further rotated for
grade), ethyl ether, potassium hydroxide (ACS grade), additional 60 minutes. The samples were then left for 10
acetic acid-Glacial (99.9%), pyrogallic acid (ACS grade), minutes in the refrigerator to separate the 2 layers and
Butylated hydroxyltoluene (BHT) 99.8%. centrifuged for 10 minutes at 1500rpm. Finally, a 2mL
portion of the organic layer was measured out and
Isotope standard- isotope vitamin D3
transferred into an autosampler vial for direct HPLC
 Sample Preparation analysis.
10g of the sample was measured directly into a 50mL
 HPLC Analyses
centrifuge tube (glass) and this was inoculatedusing stable
The following equipments/apparatus were used during the
isotope-labeled internal standard. It was then saponified at
75oC for 30 minutes using potassium hydroxide (KOH) in
 Acquity Fluorescence Detector
order break up the product matrix and enhance analyte
 Acquity Ultra-Perfomance Liquid Chromatography
extraction. Pentane-ether was used as a solvent for the
(LC) (Wasters Corp., Milford,MA) equipped with a
extraction of Vitamin D. The Vitamin D was collected
long column heater/chiller
and dried under Nitrogen. The dried extract was
 Acclaim C30 column (250×3.0 mm internal diameter,
reconstituted with acetonitrile-water (70:30) and was then
3 µm particle size, Dionex, Sunnyvale, CA), and
filtered before analysis.
 A 20×4 mm stainless steel post-column reactor packed
 Instrument and Parameters with zinc powder.
To prevent interfering compounds, Vitamin D was
The fluorescence detector has the following settings:
separated using UPLC and quantitated using tandem mass
 Excitation wavelength set at 243nm
spectrometry. An isocratic mobile phase with a 12minutes
run time was used. The flow rate was 0.3mL/min with a  Photomultiplier gain at 1.0, and
mobile phase consisting of 0.1% acetic acid in 75%  Emission wavelength was at 430nm.
acetonitrile/ 25% methanol (MeOH). A 10µL sample
solution was injected for the measurement. After the The mobile phase was prepared by dissolving 0.82g of
completion of the analysis, the result was automatically sodium acetate, 2.74g of zinc chloride, and 0.6 mL of glacial
printed out. acetic acid in 1L MeOH. The solution was stirred for a few
minutes and 1L of MeCN was then added. The flow rate
 For vitamin K was 0.5mL/min while the post-column reactor and the
 Standards, Reagents, and Samples chromatographic column were maintained at 15oC. A20 µL
Vitamin K1 (Phylloquinone) in-stock standard, Absolute of the sample was measured out as injection volume for
ethanol 200 proof (EtOH), glacial acetate (99.9%), separation. Before each set of the analysis, Helium was used
monobasic potassium phosphate, zinc chloride, zinc to degas the mobile phase for at least 1 hour before use. The
powder (98+ %, <10 microns), sodium acetate, sodium post-column reactor was tightly dry-packed using metallic
dodecyl sulphate (SDS), candida rugosa lipase, and screw- zinc and was conditioned for 1 hour before use. At the
cap test tubes (3.8 x 200mm), Also, screw caps with completion of the analysis, the result was printed out
Teflon liners, HPLC grade of Methanol (MeOH), automatically.
acetonitrile (MeCN), isooctane, and isopropanol.

IJISRT22JUL976 www.ijisrt.com 758

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
 Zinc Mineral Analysis amount of vitamin K and D were determined in each
The method employed for zinc (Zn) mineral analysis was sample using high-performance liquid chromatography
that decribed by the Association of Official Analytical (HPLC) equipment. The amount of Zinc (Zn) mineral in
Chemists (AOAC 2005). The prepared samples were each sample was also determined.
ashed in an oven at 550oC and the resulting ash was boiled
with 10mL of 20% hydrochloric acid. It was then filtered A mixture design, D-Optimal, was used to study the
into a 100mL standard flask. This was filled up to the effects of the mixture of the independent variables
mark with deionized water. Atomic Absorption (blends) on the dependent variables (responses) using the
Spectrophotometer (AAS PG instrument model 990FG) Scheffe quadratic mixture model. Mixture designs are
was used to determine the amount of zinc mineral from the used when the response changes as a function of the
resulting solution. relative proportions of the components. All components
must be entered in the same units of measurement and
 Experimental Design each run must sum to the same total.A total of fifteen (15)
The experimental design and statistical analysis were done experimental runs were performed according to the
using Design Expert Software (version 10.0.1). The experimental design configured for the two mixture
samples are labeled sample A (pure millet) and sample B components with ten (10) replicates. Three (3) dependent
(pure red guinea corn). The pure samples were mixed in variables (responses) were considered to evaluate the
the following ratio; sample C 80:20, sample D 70:30, effect of the blending ratio of the pure samples. The
sample E 60:40, sample F 50:50, and sample G 40:60. The experimental design is shown in Table 1.

Component 1 Component 2 Response 1 Response 2 Response 3

Experimental Run A:Millet B:Red Guinea Corn Vitamin K1 Vitamin D3 Zinc
(g) (g) (µg) (%) (ppm)
1 80 20
2 60 40
3 60 40
4 70 30
5 40 60
6 40 60
7 40 60
8 50 50
9 40 60
10 60 40
11 60 40
12 80 20
13 80 20
14 80 20
15 40 60
Table 1: Mixture design layout for two components

Where 40≤A≤80 and


Tables for the analysis of variance (ANOVA) were evaluated to study the accuracy of the final model. The
generated. The significance of all the terms was statistically resulting analysis was then optimized to identify the blends
evaluated at prob˃F less than 0.05. The predicted coefficient that fully maximize the responses. The resulting analysis
of determination (R2), Adj-R2, and lack of fit were also was optimized using a numerical solution.

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Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

A. Proximate Analysis Results

The result of the proximate analysis done on the pure samples is displayed in Table 2.

Proximate Analysis Millet (A) Red Guinea Corn (B)
Moisture (%) 19.93 17.2758
Ash % 1.2426 2.0748
CHO (%) 50.094 55.59307
Calorific Value (kJ/100g) 1654.6 1633.99
Crude Fiber (%) 2.1566 1.13604
Crude Lipids (%) 17.818 14.577
Crude Protein (%) 8.7595 9.34326
Table 2: Proximate Analysis Results

From the table above, millet has a moisture content of observed with red guinea corn (14.577%). Red guinea corn
19.9295% which is slightly higher than that of red guinea was higher in crude protein contents (9.34326%) compared
corn at 17.2758%. The ash content of 2.0748% observed to that millet of 8.75954%).
with red guinea corn was higher as compared to 1.2426%
observed in millet. Red guinea corn has 55.59307% of IV. RESULTS OF VITAMINS AND ZINC MINERAL
carbohydrates while millet has 50.09353%. A calorific value DETERMINATION
of 1654,593 kJ/100g was observed in millet which was
higher than 1633.99 kJ/100g in red guinea corn. The crude Table 3 displayed the result of the vitamins and zinc
fiber was higher in millet (2.15659%) as compared to that of mineral determination from the laboratory for various
red guinea corn (1.13604%). Crude lipids content was blending ratios of millet and guinea corn according to the
higher in millet (17.8182%) as compared to the one mixture design for two components.

Component 1 Component 2 Response 1 Response 2 Response 3

Experimental Run A:Millet B:Red Guinea Corn Vitamin K1 Vitamin D3 Zinc
(g) (g) (µg) (%) (mg)
1 80 20 18.9149 56.9381 0.434
2 60 40 17.7315 80.6472 0.991
3 60 40 17.7015 79.884 1.099
4 70 30 18.045 74.286 0.559
5 40 60 16.982 66.27 0.969
6 40 60 16.982 66.27 0.969
7 40 60 16.98 66.27 0.969
8 50 50 17.522 76.53 1.386
9 40 60 16.982 66.27 0.969
10 60 40 17.7315 81.098 0.969
11 60 40 17.7015 80.6472 1.099
12 80 20 18.892 56.9381 0.44
13 80 20 18.9148 56.9381 0.48
14 80 20 18.9149 56.9381 0.54
15 40 60 16.98 66.27 0.969
Table 3: Mixture design layout and results

A. Effect of blending ratio of millet and red guinea corn on The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the cubic model
the yield of vitamin K regression on the effect of blending ratio on the yield of
The vitamin K in the blends was observed to range from vitamin K showed that the model has an F-value of
16.980 µg to 18.9149 µg with sample C (80:20) giving the 21393.53. The value of “prob˃F” was less than 0.05 which
highest yield while the lowest was sample G (40:60). It was implies that the model is significant (Table 4). The model
further observed that as the quantity of the red guinea corn terms are significant at a confidence level of 95%. In this
increases in the blends, the vitamin K reduces. case, A, B, AB, and AB (A-B) are significant model terms.
The “predicted R2” of 0.9997 was in reasonable agreement
with the “adjusted R2” of 0.9998 which indicates a good

IJISRT22JUL976 www.ijisrt.com 760

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
explanation of the variability by the selected model. The precision and reliability of the experiments carried out). The
lack of fit was found to be insignificant which implies that adequate precision of 325.622 indicates an adequate signal
the model is a good fit. The Coefficient of Variation, CV % which means that the model can be used to navigate the
(0.064) gives the precision and reliability of the experiment design space.
carried out (where a lower value of CV % indicates a better

Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]

Sum of Mean F p-value
Source Squares df Square Value Prob> F
Model 8.44 3 2.81 21393.5 < 0.0001 significant
Linear Mixture 8.19 1 8.19 62304.9 < 0.0001
AB 0.16 1 0.16 1204.43 < 0.0001
AB(A-B) 0.092 1 0.092 700.31 < 0.0001
Residual 1.45E-03 11 1.32E-04
Lack of Fit 1.49E-04 1 1.49E-04 1.15 0.3086 not significant
Pure Error 1.30E-03 10 1.30E-04
Cor Total 8.44 14
Std. Dev. 0.011 R-Squared 0.9998
Mean 17.8 Adj R-Squared 0.9998
C.V. % 0.064 Pred R-Squared 0.9997
PRESS 2.92E-03 Adeq Precision 325.622
-2 Log Likelihood -96.13 BIC -88.01
AICc -87.95
Table 4: ANOVA for the cubic model for vitamin K

Design-Expert ® Sof t ware

Vit amin K1 Norm al Plot of Res iduals
Color point s by value of
Vit amin K1:
18. 9149
16. 98

Normal % Probability





-3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

Ex t ernally St udent ized R es iduals

Fig. 1: Normal plots of residuals for vitamin K

Design-Expert® Software
Component Coding: Actual
Vitamin K1 (µg)
Two Com ponent Mix
Design Points
95% CI Bands 19
X1 = A: Millet
X2 = B: Red Guinea Corn

Vitamin K1 (µg)




17 5


A: Millet (g) 40 50 60 70 80
B: Red Guinea... 60 50 40 30 20

Fig. 2: Two-component mix plots for vitamin K

IJISRT22JUL976 www.ijisrt.com 761

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
B. Effect of blending ratio of millet and red guinea corn on the model terms are significant at a confidence level of 95%.
the yield of vitamin D In this case, A, B, AB, and AB (A-B) are significant model
The vitamin D in the blends was observed to range from terms. The “predicted R2” of 0.9978 was in reasonable
56.9381 % to 80.6472 % with sample E (60:40) giving the agreement with the “adjusted R2” of 0.9989 which also
highest yield while the lowest yield was sample C (80:20). It indicates a good explanation of the variability of the selected
was also observed that as the millet quantity in the blend model. The lack of fit was found to be insignificant. The
increases from 40:60 to 60:40, the vitamin D also increases Coefficient of Variation, CV % (0.45) gives the precision
while a decrease kicked in at blends of 70:30 and 80:20 and reliability of the experiment carried out (a lower value
respectively. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the of CV % indicates a better precision and reliability of the
cubic model regression on the effect of blending ratio on the experiments carried out). The adequate precision of 148.656
yield of vitamin D showed that the model has an F-value of indicates an adequate signal which means that the model can
4393.97 which implies that the model is significant (Table be used to navigate the design space.
5). “prob˃F” value was less than 0.05 which indicates that

Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]

Sum of Mean F p-value
Source Squares df Square Value Prob> F
Model 1238.44 3 412.81 4393.97 < 0.0001 significant
Linear Mixture 136.67 1 136.67 1454.74 < 0.0001
AB 1100.48 1 1100.48 11713.5 < 0.0001
AB(A-B) 2.78 1 2.78 29.61 0.0002
Residual 1.03 11 0.094
Lack of Fit 0.27 1 0.27 3.57 0.088 not significant
Pure Error 0.76 10 0.076
Cor Total 1239.48 14

Std. Dev. 0.31 R-Squared 0.9992

Mean 68.81 Adj R-Squared 0.9989
C.V. % 0.45 Pred R-Squared 0.9978
PRESS 2.68 Adeq Precision 148.656
-2 Log Likelihood 2.44 BIC 10.57
AICc 10.62
Table 5: ANOVA for the cubic model for vitamin D

Design-Expert® Software
Vitamin D3 Norm al Plot of Res iduals
Color points by value of
Vitamin D3:

Normal % Probability





-3.00 -2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00

Ex t ernally St udent ized R es iduals

Fig. 3: Normal Plots of Residuals for vitamin D

IJISRT22JUL976 www.ijisrt.com 762

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165

Design-Expert® Software
Component Coding: Actual
Vitamin D3 (%)
Two Com ponent Mix
Design Points
95% CI Bands 85

X1 = A: Millet
X2 = B: Red Guinea Corn 2


Vitamin D3 (%)




A: Millet (g) 40 50 60 70 80
B: Red Guinea... 60 50 40 30 20

Fig. 4: Two components Mix plots for vitamin D

C. Effect of blending ratio of millet and red guinea corn on significant at a confidence level of 95%. In this case, A, B,
Zinc (Zn) yield AB, and AB(A-B) are significant model terms. The
From Table 3, Sample C (80:20 blends) was observed to “predicted R2” of 0.9691 as compared to the “adjusted R2”
have the lowest yield of Zinc (Zn) (0.434ppm) while sample of 0.9764 implies a good explanation of the variability of the
F (50:50 blends) was the highest (1.386ppm). This means selected model. The lack of fit was found to be insignificant
that as the quantity of red guinea corn increases in the which implies that the model reliability of the experiments is
mixture, the yield of Zinc (Zn) also increases. a good fit. The Coefficient of Variation, CV % (5.20) gives
Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the cubic model the precision and reliability of the experiment carried out (a
regression on the effect of blending ratio on the yield of lower value of CV % indicates a better precision and
Zinc (Zn) is presented in Table 4.8. The analysis of variance reliability of the experiment carried out). The adequate
(ANOVA) shows that the model has an F-value of 193.92 precision of 39.251 implies an adequate signal which means
which implies that the model is significant. “prob˃F” value that the model can be used to navigate the design space.
was less than 0.05 which indicates that the model terms are

Analysis of variance table [Partial sum of squares - Type III]

Sum of Mean F p-value
Source Squares df Square Value Prob> F
Model 1.15 3 0.38 193.92 < 0.0001 significant
Linear Mixture 0.67 1 0.67 336.65 < 0.0001
AB 0.32 1 0.32 161.22 < 0.0001
AB(A-B) 0.16 1 0.16 80.18 < 0.0001
Residual 0.022 11 1.98E-03
Lack of Fit 2.44E-04 1 2.44E-04 0.11 0.7436 not significant
Pure Error 0.022 10 2.16E-03
Cor Total 1.17 14

Std. Dev. 0.045 R-Squared 0.9814

Mean 0.86 Adj R-Squared 0.9764
C.V. % 5.2 Pred R-Squared 0.9691
PRESS 0.036 Adeq Precision 39.251
-2 Log Likelihood -55.44 BIC -47.32
AICc -47.26
Table 6: ANOVA for the cubic model for Zinc (Zn)

IJISRT22JUL976 www.ijisrt.com 763

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Design-Expert ® Sof t ware
Z inc Norm al Plot of Res iduals
Color point s by value of
Z inc:
1. 386
0. 434


Normal % Probability




-2.00 -1.00 0.00 1.00 2.00

I nt ernally St udent ized R es iduals

Fig. 5: Normal plots of residual for Zinc

Design-Expert® Software
Component Coding: Actual
Zinc (ppm)
Two Com ponent Mix
Design Points
95% CI Bands 1.6

X1 = A: Millet
X2 = B: Red G uinea Corn 1.4

Zinc (ppm)






A: Millet (g) 40 50 60 70 80
B: Red Guinea... 60 50 40 30 20

Fig. 6: Two Components Mix for Zinc yield

D. Optimization
Subjecting the analyses to numerical optimization yielded two solutions but the one with 65.1 % was selected as presented in
Table 8

Lower Upper Lower Upper
Name Goal Limit Limit Weight Weight Importance
A:Millet is in range 40 80 1 1 3
B:Red Guinea Corn is in range 20 60 1 1 3
Vitamin K1 maximize 16.98 18.9149 1 1 3
Vitamin D3 maximize 56.9381 81.098 1 1 3
Zinc maximize 0.434 1.386 1 1 3
Table 7: Constraints for optimization of vitamin K, D, and Zinc minerals

Number Millet Red Guinea Corn Vitamin K1 Vitamin D3 Zinc Desirability
1 55.146 44.854 17.633 79.731 1.261 0.651 Selected
2 79.291 20.709 18.82 58.613 0.453 0.11
Table 8: Solutions for the optimization of vitamin K, D, and Zinc minerals

IJISRT22JUL976 www.ijisrt.com 764

Volume 7, Issue 7, July – 2022 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
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