PME 832 Intro

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Please write an email to the instructor briefly outlining how you think the course content

aligns with your professional context.

Pose a question or clarify how you think the final assignment will support your daily
My professional context is that I am relatively new (2.5 years of experience) classroom
teacher with a grade 4/5 class in a school in Vancouver. I am still learning and growing
into who I want to be as a teacher. Personally, I believe the course content aligns well
with my professional development and from the Queens courses I have taken already
know that the content and teachings I learn in the courses are directly transferable to my
own practice. Specifically in terms of the culminating task I think it will support my daily
work because I will be able to use my lessons and unit plan directly with my students.
This will offer me more opportunity for feedback and refinement from the students. I
also think the opposite is true, that my daily work will have a positive effect on my final
project because I can visualize what will work, what key ideas I need to highlight, and it
will give me experience I can use when planning my connected classroom program. As
for now I don’t have any questions about the course but if any come up I will surly reach
Thank you
Mackenzie Stevens

 Reflect on and communicate key learnings from the course.

 Consider how to effectively incorporate connected learning into
professional practice
 Create a connected classroom program that explicitly and
appropriately integrates key concepts from the course with personal
experiences and professional context.
As a culminating task, you will individually design a connected classroom
project that you could use with your students.
You will design an actual set of activities complete with learning objectives,
instructions, relevant content, and in a final presentation format.
A successful project or program will include:
 Strong and Authentic connection
 Rich learning that uncovers the curriculum
 Ongoing learning– not a one-time thing
 Theoretically-supported pedagogy
 Technology-Enhanced opportunities
 Feasible design
You should pay attention to the pedagogic approaches you examined in
Modules 2 and 3.
You may choose to present this work as a project or set of activities, or in
another format.
It should be designed and presented on a learning platform so that you can
share your work with your colleagues and inspire others to foster and
create connections in their own teaching and learning.
Depending on the scope of your project, at least one ‘unit’ or ‘module’
should be fully designed and ready for use.
Part 2:
Along with your connected classroom plan, please write a rationale
 How the program relates to pedagogical approaches (cite scholarly
work) and why you chose this approach
 How you decided which digital technologies to incorporate
 Who you could share this work with and how you might share it.
 Discuss your professional growth

Reflection 1: Discovering the Personal and Professional

For this activity, you are asked to identify a place in your house, a place in
your community, and a place in the world that best exemplifies how you
connect to others. Explain the connections.
A place in my house that I can connect with others would be my family (tv)
room. I spend a lot of time with my family and friends in this room. It is a
space I am comfortable in and can relax. When I feel relaxed I am able to
communicate the most effectively. I also spend a lot of time on my
computer chatting and video calling friends that I don’t see in person. I often
will spend hours talking with friends and relatives online.
In the community a place that I connect to others would be the ice rink. I
have played sports my entire life and have grown up with many connections
coming through sport. This is one of the main reasons I am still playing is the
connection and competition with others. I find the team environment very
comforting and a place where I connect with others.
In the world, is a tough one and one that I have not thought about much. I
have not done much traveling, so I would define the world as how you
connect to others that are not in your inner circle or your community. I
would say that the school I teach at allows me to meet people (colleagues
and students) that are not in my community and are different than my other
connections. The school environment facilitates my connections to other
people from all different backgrounds, but we are all brought together
under the same goal of learning and teaching.
Reflection 2: Professional Essence Bio
Next, write a 200-word professional essence bio. This should include a brief
overview of your teaching context, and include an excerpt from a teaching
philosophy, research focus, or key concepts that permeate your teaching.

I am a teacher in the lower mainland of Vancouver BC. I have taught in the classroom for 3 years now. In
that short time, I have had many different experiences. These include teaching at a Middle school grades
5-8, teaching Physical Education, online learning during Covid-19, on call teaching, and for the past two
years I have taught grade a 4/5 class at two different schools. I am still new to teaching and in the first
few courses in the master's program so my philosophy and practices are still being shaped, refined and
honed in.

Having said that, I strongly believe in a few things. Number one being connection, I value connection to
my students over everything. They need to feel connected to either the classroom, their teacher, their
peers and when students feel connected, they can be the best version of themselves. Secondly, I value
the individuality students bring to a classroom and with that I like to give students choice in their
learning. This provides a more intrinsic motivation and genuine interest. Lastly, along the lines of choice,
Inquiry learning is a core pillar in my teaching framework. Inquiry shows students how to learn and
allows them to show off their learning in many ways.

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