Seismic Design Review Workbook Seismic P
Seismic Design Review Workbook Seismic P
Seismic Design Review Workbook Seismic P
The United States Geologic Survey (USGS) uses the following to represent earthquake strength:
Micro <3
Minor 3 – 3.9
Light 4 – 4.9
Moderate 5 – 5.9
Strong 6 – 6.9
Major 7 – 7.9
Great >8
En e r gy Re le a se , E
In 1956, Gutenberg and Richter developed the following equation to approximate the earthquake energy
radiated, E (in ergs), as a function of earthquake magnitude, M:
Log10E = 11.8 + 1.5M
Based on this equation, each whole number increase in Richter magnitude would represent an approximate
32-fold increase in the amount of energy radiated.
A M7.0 earthquake would radiate approximately 1,000 times more energy than a M5.0 earthquake.
Theoretically, it would take approximately 1,000 M5.0 earthquakes to release the amount of energy of a
single M7.0 earthquake.
1 .6 Ea r t h qu a k e I n t e n sit y
M odifie d M e r ca lli I n t e n sit y Sca le , M M I
The intensity of an earthquake is based on the damage to structures, damage to the ground surface, and
observed effects on people and other features. Intensity is directly related to an earthquake's local ground
accelerations and how long they persist (i.e., duration of strong ground motion).
The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is subject to human interpretation, and may be skewed if the affected
structures are of unusually good versus unusually poor construction.
The Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale is a measure of the amount of shaking (and damage) at a particular
site. The intensity of an earthquake will vary depending on where the site is relative to the epicenter.
Intensity generally decreases with increasing distance from the epicenter, unless soil conditions (e.g., soft
soil) amplify the motion.
Because earthquake intensity assessments do not depend on instruments, but on the actual observation of
effects in a particular area, intensities can be assigned even to historical earthquakes.
Modified Mercalli intensities are represented with Roman numerals from I to XII. The lower numbers
(MMI I-VI) of the intensity scale are based on the manner in which the earthquake is felt by people. The
higher numbers (MMI VII-XII) are based on observed structural damage.
Use of an importance factor greater than one is intended to provide for a lower inelastic demand on a
structure which should result in lower levels of structural and nonstructural damage.
*Occupancy Category III and IV structures assigned to SDC = D, E or F will require Structural
Observation per IBC §1710.
D ia ph r a gm D e sign For ce , F px
Floor and roof diaphragms shall be designed to resist design seismic forces in accordance with the
Fpx 0.01 w px
wpx = dead load weight of the diaphragm and the elements tributary there to at Level x
NOTE: See Chapter 8 (p. 1-95 to 1-97) – Diaphragm Design.
M om e n t - r e sist in g fr a m e s (e.g., SMF, STMF, IMF, OMF) provide resistance to lateral loads
primarily by flexural (bending) action of members (e.g., beams, columns).
Per ASCE 7 – §, the total seismic force resistance is to be provided by the combination of the
moment-resisting frames and the shear walls (or braced frames) in proportion to their rigidities.
Furthermore, the moment-resisting frames shall be designed to independently resist at least 25 percent of
the design seismic forces.
F. Ca n t ile ve r e d Colu m n Syst e m - Structural system relying on cantilever column elements for
lateral resistance – see Figure 4.3.
G. St e e l Syst e m s N ot Spe cifica lly D e t a ile d for Se ism ic Re sist a n ce - excluding
cantilever column systems - per ASCE 7 – Table 12.2-1.
This type of system is not permitted (i.e., NP) in Seismic Design Categories D, E or F.
NOTE: The structural framing system shall also comply with the system specific requirements found in
ASCE 7 – §12.2.5 (i.e., ASCE 7 – § through ASCE 7 – §
1 a . St iffne ss - Soft St or y I r r e gu la r it y
Defined to exist when the story lateral stiffness is < 70% of that in the
story above or < 80% of the average story stiffness of the three stories
Applies to SDC = D, E & F
1 b. St iffn e ss - Ex t r e m e Soft St or y I r r e gu la r it y
Defined to exist when the story lateral stiffness is < 60% of that in the
story above or < 70% of the average story stiffness of the three stories
Applies to SDC = D, E & F
2 . W e igh t ( M a ss) I r r e gu la r it y
Defined to exist where the effective mass of any level is > 150% of the
effective mass of an adjacent level. A roof that is lighter than the floor
below need not be considered.
Applies to SDC = D, E & F
3 . Ve r t ica l Ge om e t r ic I r r e gu la r it y
Defined to exist where the horizontal dimension of the seismic-force-
resisting system in any story is > 130% of that in an adjacent story.
Applies to SDC = D, E & F
5 a . D iscont in u it y in La t e r a l St r e n gt h - W e a k St or y I r r e gu la r it y
Defined to exist when the story lateral strength is < 80% of that in a story
above. The story lateral strength is the total strength of all seismic-force-
resisting elements sharing the story shear for the direction under
Applies to SDC = D, E & F
5 b. D iscont in u it y in La t e r a l St r e n gt h - Ex t r e m e W e a k St or y
I r r e gu la r it y
Defined to exist when the story lateral strength is < 65% of that in a story
Applies to SDC = B, C, D, E & F
Figur e 4 .8 – On e - St or y W a r e house
Figur e 4 .9 – Tw o- St or y W a r e hou se
wx hxk
wi hik
ASCE 7 (12.8-12)
i 1
Cvx = vertical distribution factor
k 0.75 0.5 T
using the following equation:
wx hx
T ≤ 0.5 second – Cvx
w h
i 1
i i
wx hx2
T ≥ 2.5 seconds – Cvx
w h
i 1
i i
The force Fx shall be applied, at each level x, over the area of the building in accordance with the mass
distribution at that level (i.e., center of mass). Structural displacements and design seismic forces shall be
calculated as the effects of Fx forces applied at the appropriate levels above the base.
4 .1 3 P- D e lt a Effe ct s ASCE 7 – § 1 2 .8 .7
P-Delta effects occur when a structure undergoes lateral deformation, changing the position of the applied
vertical (Dead + Live) loads, causing additional (secondary) forces, moments, and displacements.
Figur e 4 .1 7 – P- D e lt a Effe ct s
M p = F h M p = F h & M s = P 1
P-Delta effects on story shears and moments, the resulting member forces and moments, and the story
drifts induced by these effects are not required to be considered where the stability coefficient (θ) as
determined by the following equation is equal to or less than 0.10 (i.e., θ ≤ 0.10):
Px x
Vx hsx Cd
ASCE 7 (12.8-16)
Px = the total vertical design load at (and above) Level x …
Δx = the design story drift occurring simultaneously with the story shear Vx
Vx = the seismic shear force acting between Level x and x – 1 (i.e., the story shear)
hsx = the story height below Level x
Cd = the deflection amplification factor per ASCE 7 – Table 12.2-1
The stability coefficient (θ) shall not exceed θmax determined as follows:
max 0.25
ASCE 7 (12.8-17)
Where β is the ratio of shear demand to shear capacity for the story between Levels x and x − 1. This
ratio is permitted to be conservatively taken as 1.0 (i.e., β = 1.0).
Where the stability coefficient (θ) is greater than 0.10 but less than or equal to θmax … the incremental
factor related to P-Delta effects on displacements and member forces shall be determined by rational
analysis. Alternatively, it is permitted to multiply displacements and member forces by 1.0/(1 − θ).
Where θ is greater than θmax … the structure is potentially unstable and shall be redesigned.
Where the P-Delta effect is included in an automated analysis … equation ASCE 7 (12.8-17) shall still be
satisfied, however, the value of θ computed from equation ASCE 7 (12.8-16) using the results of the P-
Delta analysis is permitted to be divided by (1 + θ) before checking equation ASCE 7 (12.8-17).
IBC 1613.6.7 modifies ASCE 7 – §12.12.3 to provide the requirements for the minimum distance for
building separation.
Separations shall allow for the maximum inelastic response displacement (M ), which shall be determined
at critical locations (considering both translational and torsional displacements) using the following
Cd max
M IBC (16-44)
Cd = the deflection amplification factor per ASCE 7 – Table 12.2-1
= Maximum displacement defined in ASCE 7 – § (i.e., due to Fx forces)
I = Importance Factor per ASCE 7 – §11.5.1
Adj a ce n t Bu ildin gs on t he Sa m e Pr ope r t y, M T
Adjacent buildings on the same property shall be separated by a distance not less than MT using the
following equation:
MT M 1 2 M 2 2 IBC (16-45)
I tem Se ct ion Re fe r e n ce
General ASCE 7 – §12.14.1
Design Basis ASCE 7 – §12.14.2
Seismic Load Effects and Combinations ASCE 7 – §12.14.3
Seismic-Force-Resisting System ASCE 7 – §12.14.4
Combinations of Framing Systems ASCE 7 – §
Horizontal Combinations ASCE 7 – §
Vertical Combinations ASCE 7 – §
Combination Framing Detailing Requirements ASCE 7 – §
Diaphragm Flexibility ASCE 7 – §12.14.5
Application of Loading ASCE 7 – §12.14.6
Design and Detailing Requirements ASCE 7 – §12.14.7
Collector Elements ASCE 7 – §
Diaphragms ASCE 7 – §
Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry Structural Walls ASCE 7 – §
Transfer of Anchorage Forces into Diaphragms ASCE 7 – §
Wood Diaphragms ASCE 7 – §
Metal Deck Diaphragms ASCE 7 – §
Embedded Straps ASCE 7 – §
Bearing Walls and Shear Walls ASCE 7 – §
Anchorage of Nonstructural Systems ASCE 7 – §
Simplified Lateral Force Analysis Procedure ASCE 7 – §12.14.8
E mh 0 QE ASCE 7 (12.4-7)
QE = effects of horizontal seismic forces from the seismic base shear V (per ASCE 7 –
§12.8.1) or the seismic lateral force Fp (per ASCE 7 – §13.3.1). See ASCE 7 – §12.5.3
& ASCE 7 – §12.5.4 for consideration of orthogonal effects)
0 = Overstrength Factor … per ASCE 7 – Table 12.2-1 or 12.14-1
Exception: Emh need not exceed the maximum force that can develop in the element as
determined by … see ASCE 7 – §
General I BC § 1 6 0 5 .1
Buildings (and other structures) and portions thereof shall be designed to resist the load combinations
specified in:
IBC §1605.2 (Strength Design or Load & Resistance Factor Design – SD/LRFD) or
IBC §1605.3 (Allowable Stress Design – ASD), and
IBC Chapters 18 through 23, and
The load combinations with overstrength factor (0) specified in ASCE 7 – § where
require by ASCE 7 – §, § and/or ASCE 7 – §
Load combinations are a way of considering the maximum (or minimum) forces on a structural element
using principles of superposition.
The load combinations consider combined effects of gravity loads (e.g., dead load, floor live load, roof
live load, rain load, snow load) and other load effects as a result of earthquake, wind, flood, earth
pressure, fluid pressure, etc.
Notations –
D = dead load
E = seismic (i.e., earthquake) load effect
Em = maximum seismic load effect of horizontal and vertical seismic forces per ASCE 7 –
F = load due to fluids with well-defined pressures and maximum heights
Fa = flood load
H = load due to earth pressure, ground water pressure or pressure of bulk materials
L = live load (except roof live load) … including any permitted live load reduction
Lr = roof live load … including any permitted live load reduction
R = rain load
1- 66 St even T. Hiner, MS, SE
Ch a pt e r 5 – Ea r t h qu a k e Loa ds a n d Loa d Com bin a t ion s Seism ic Design Review Workbook
NOTE: Increases in allowable stresses (specified in the appropriate material chapter or the referenced
standards) shall not be used with the Basic (ASD) Load Combinations above … except a duration of load
increase shall be permitted in accordance with IBC Chapter 23 (i.e., Wood - CD = 1.6 for “short-term”
earthquake (or wind) loading).
0 .9 D E / 1 .4 IBC (16-21)
or … (0.9 0.14S DS ) D QE / 1.4
Exceptions: see IBC §1605.3.2 for exceptions to crane hook loads, to flat roof snow loads ≤ 30 psf,
and to flat roof snow loads > 30 psf.
NOTE: Increases in allowable stresses (specified in the appropriate material chapter or the referenced
standards) are permitted with the Alternative Basic (ASD) Load Combinations above.
See IBC §1605.3.2 for requirements and conditions when considering wind loads (W) and/or foundations
for loadings considering vertical seismic load effects (i.e., Ev = 0, etc.).
*The Alternative Basic (ASD) Load Combinations exist in the IBC, but do not exist in ASCE 7.
NOTE: See ASCE 7 – § - Note 1 & 2 for exceptions and requirements on the equations above.
But wood members are very weak at resisting tension stresses applied perpendicular to the grain of the
wood member (i.e., transverse to the length of the wood member).
Cross-grain tension refers to tension forces that result in tension stresses applied perpendicular to the
grain of the wood member.
Cross-grain bending refers to bending moments that result in flexural tension stresses applied
perpendicular to the grain of the wood member.
Figure 6.7a below demonstrates an unacceptable condition, since there is no positive direct connection of
the structural wall to the wood diaphragm. The wall anchorage load path would be as follows:
1. The wood ledger anchor bolts will resist the wall anchorage force in tension,
2. The anchor bolt nut & washer will transfer the anchorage force to the middle of the ledger
through bearing on the face of the wood ledger,
3. The roof sheathing nailing at the top of the ledger will attempt to transfer the wall anchorage
force (in shear) into the main roof diaphragm.
Since the applied force at the middle of the ledger is eccentric to the resisting force at the top of the
ledger, a bending moment will result in flexural tension stresses applied perpendicular to the grain of the
wood ledger … or cross-grain bending which is not allowed per ASCE 7 - §
Figure 6.7b below demonstrates an acceptable condition using purlin anchors to provide a positive direct
connection of the wall to the roof framing members (i.e., not relying on cross-grain bending).
Figure 6.8 provides some examples of purlin anchors that might be used for masonry or concrete parapet
wall anchorage to wood framed roofs. Again, the “DF/SP Allowable Loads” noted would be for Douglas-
Fir (or Southern Pine) framing members. And since “allowable loads” are noted, the ASD load
combinations of IBC §1605.3.1 or §1605.3.2 would apply … resulting in a calculated reduction of the
strength design (SD) anchorage force by multiplying by 0.7 (or dividing by 1.4) to convert to an allowable
stress design (ASD) anchorage force. BUT, being a steel element, the steel purlin anchor will require a
1.4 increase in the anchorage force (i.e., RT = (0.7)·1.4·Fp for ASD anchorage force of steel purlin
anchors) per ASCE 7 – §
I m por t a n ce Fa ct or , I ASCE 7 – § 1 5 .4 .1 .1
The Importance Factor (I ) and Occupancy Category for nonbuilding structures are based on the relative
hazard of the contents and the function of the nonbuilding structure.
The Occupancy Category for a nonbuilding structure is determined from IBC Table 1604.5.
The Importance Factor (I ) shall be the largest value determined by the following:
1. Applicable reference document listed in ASCE 7 – Chapter 23,
2. The largest value as selected from ASCE 7 – Table 11.5-1, or
3. As specified elsewhere in ASCE 7 – Chapter 15.
Fu n da m e n t a l Pe r iod, T ASCE 7 – § 1 5 .4 .4
The fundamental period of the nonbuilding structure (T) shall be established using the structural
properties and deformational characteristics of the resisting elements in a properly substantiated analysis
as per ASCE 7 – §12.8.2.
Alternatively, the fundamental period may be determined using the following equation:
w i2
T 2 i 1
g f i i
ASCE 7 (15.4-6)
i 1
wi = effective seismic weight of Level i
fi = lateral force at Level i
δi = elastic deflection at Level i, relative to the base
g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/sec2 or 386.4 in/sec2)
For a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) nonbuilding structure, this equation becomes:
T 2
W = effective seismic weight (i.e., operating weight)
K = stiffness of the nonbuilding structure
g = acceleration due to gravity (32.2 ft/sec2 or 386.4 in/sec2)
NOTE: The approximate fundamental period (Ta) of ASCE 7 – § is not permitted to be used for
nonbuilding structures.
I tem Se ct ion Re fe r e n ce
Design Basis ASCE 7 – §15.7.2
Strength and Ductility ASCE 7 – §15.7.3
Flexibility of Piping Attachments ASCE 7 – §15.7.4
Anchorage ASCE 7 – §15.7.5
Ground-Supported Storage Tanks for Liquids ASCE 7 – §15.7.6
Water Storage and Water Treatment Tanks & Vessels ASCE 7 – §15.7.7
Petrochemical and Industrial Tanks & Vessels Storing Liquids ASCE 7 – §15.7.8
Ground-Supported Storage Tanks for Granular Materials ASCE 7 – §15.7.9
Elevated Tanks & Vessels for Liquid and Granular Materials ASCE 7 – §15.7.10
Boilers and Pressure Vessels ASCE 7 – §15.7.11
Liquid and Gas Spheres ASCE 7 – §15.7.12
Refrigerated Gas Liquid Storage Tanks & Vessels ASCE 7 – §15.7.13
Saddle Supported Vessels for Liquid or Vapor Storage ASCE 7 – §15.7.14
NOTE: The Redundancy Factor is permitted to be equal to 1.0 (i.e., = 1.0) when considering tributary
inertial forces to the diaphragm … per ASCE 7 – §, item 7.
Figure 8.2 demonstrates the load path for the diaphragm loading of a single story structure. The wall(s)
perpendicular to the load direction (i.e., normal walls) are assumed to span from the foundation to the
diaphragm level where one-half of the normal wall force is typically assumed to be transferred to the
diaphragm (i.e., FN / 2). The diaphragm itself has weight and will experience inertial forces due to the
effective seismic weight of the diaphragm (i.e., FD). All loads on the diaphragm will need to be resisted
by the vertical lateral-force-resisting elements parallel to the load direction, in this case, shown at the left
and right perimeter edges of the diaphragm (moment frame on left, shear wall on right).
Figur e 8 .2 – D ia ph r a gm Loa d Pa t h
Figure 8.8 below demonstrates the comparison that is often made between the analysis of a uniformly
loaded flexible diaphragm (on the left) and a uniformly loaded simply supported beam (on the right). For
the design of flexible diaphragms, the shear diagram can be used to determine the maximum unit shear at
the end supports (e.g., shear walls). The moment diagram can be used to determine the maximum chord
force, or the chord force at a specific point on the chord boundary member (see p. 1-103).
R1 R2
V1 F V2 F
R1 R2 R1 R2
F H 3 1.2 F H
12 EI AG
F = force at top of wall
H = height of wall to force, F
E = modulus of elasticity
G = shear modulus
A = area = t·D
I = moment of inertia = t·D3/12
Sh e a r W a ll w it h Ope n in gs
M e t h od A: Most Simple Figur e 8 .1 5 – W a ll Pie r Ele va t ion
Use this method to determine the force to
a particular pier when the lateral force (F)
to the total wall is known, such as for a
flexible diaphragm building.
Determine the "Fixed" Rigidity (RF) of each of the individual piers using their respective H/D ratios and
Table D2 - Relative Rigidity of Fixed Shear Walls / Piers (Appendix D, p. 5-19).
Force to Pier 1, F1 F
RF1 RF 2 RF 3 RF 4
M e t h od B: More Tedious (see Ref. 9 – Lindeburg, 9 edition, Section 7-5, p. 110). Use this method
when the total wall rigidity is needed for use in determining the lateral force to the wall, such as for rigid
diaphragm buildings (e.g., center of rigidity, torsion).
Torsion: (X-Direction)
Figure 8.17 – Rigid Diaphragm with Torsion ( X- Direct ion)
M Rd
RX R d 2
R A d A2 R B d B2 RC d C2 R D d D2
Ch a pt e r 9
I BC Ch a pt e r 2 3 – W ood
9 .1 Ge n e r a l I BC § 2 3 0 1
Scope I BC § 2 3 0 1 .1
The provisions of IBC Chapter 23 shall govern the materials, design, construction and quality of wood
members and their fasteners.
Ge n e r a l D e sign Re qu ir e m e n t s I BC § 2 3 0 1 .2
The design of structural elements or systems constructed partially or wholly of wood or wood-based
products, shall be in accordance with one of the following methods:
Allowable Stress Design (ASD) – per IBC §2304, §2305 and §2306
Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) – per IBC §2304, §2305 and §2307
Conventional Light-Frame Construction – per IBC §2304 and §2308
Exception: Buildings designed in accordance with the provisions of the AF&PA Wood
Frame Construction Manual (WFCM) shall be deemed to meet the requirements of the
provisions of IBC §2308
ICC 400 – for design and construction of log structures
Ge n e r a l I BC § 2 3 0 5 .1
Structures using wood shear walls and wood diaphragms to resist wind, seismic and other lateral loads
shall be designed and constructed in accordance with AF&PA Special Design Provisions for Wind and
Seismic (SDPWS) and the provisions of IBC §2305 (General), §2306 (ASD), and §2307 (LRFD).
D e sign Re qu ir e m e n t s SD PW S § 4 .1 .1
A continuous load path (or paths) with adequate strength and stiffness shall be provided to transfer all
forces from their point of application to the final point of resistance.
Bou n da r y Ele m e n t s SD PW S § 4 .1 .4
Shear wall and diaphragm boundary elements shall be provided to transmit the design tension and
compression forces.
Diaphragm and shear wall sheathing shall not be used to splice boundary elements.
Diaphragm chords and collectors shall be placed in, or in contact with, the plane of the diaphragm
framing unless …
WSP shear walls are permitted to resist horizontal forces using allowable shear capacities set forth in IBC
Table 2306.3.
The unit wall shear at the top of the wall (top) is determined from the total shear, or reaction, at the end of
the diaphragm.
Using the Allowable Stress Design (ASD) provisions of IBC §2306 for the design of wood structural
panel (WSP) shear walls and IBC Table 2306.3 …
The Redundancy factor () shall be considered in the design of the shear walls.
The unit wall shear at the base of the wall (bott) also includes the seismic inertial force due to the weight
of the wall parallel to the load direction under consideration.
NOTE: When the wall weight (Ww) is not significant, not given in a problem statement, or when the
0.7 V1 CS WW
Unit wall shear, bottom
(units of plf)
Exception: Standard cut washers shall be permitted to be used where sill plate anchor bolts are
designed to resist shear only and the following are met:
a. Shear wall is designed per SDPWS § with required uplift anchorage at shear wall ends
sized to resist overturning neglecting dead load resisting moment, and
b. Shear wall aspect ratio (h/b) is ≤ 2:1, and
c. The nominal unit shear capacity of the shear wall does not exceed 980 plf for seismic (i.e., 490
plf for ASD) or 1370 plf for wind (i.e., 685 plf for ASD)
NOTE: For engineered shear walls, sill bolt size and spacing is selected to resist the calculated (ASD)
unit wall shear (per NDS Table 11E). Table 9.3 provides allowable unit shears for various sill bolt sizes
and spacing.
9 .7 Sh e a r W a ll Ove r t u r n in g
Seismic forces can cause uplift (i.e., tension) to occur at the ends of shear walls when the overturning
moment (OTM or MO) acting on the shear wall exceeds the dead load resisting moment (RM or MR) acting
on the shear wall.
Figur e 9 .7 – She a r W a ll Ove r t u r n in g
The allowable unit shear for horizontal diaphragms and shear walls from IBC Tables 2306.2.1(1),
2306.2.1(2) and 2306.3 are applicable to “common” wire nails (or staples) and Douglas Fir-Larch (or
Southern Pine) framing members. These table provide the actual nail dimensions of length and diameter
in addition to the nail pennyweight and type (i.e., 8d common = 2½″ x 0.131″). Other nail types and/or
species of framing members may require adjustments to the values in the tables (refer to the applicable
table footnotes).
Typically, design engineers will specify on the plans that all structural nails are to be “common” wire
nails unless noted otherwise. Quite often, “common” wire nails are not provided per the plans and
adjustments in the field may be necessary to provide the required design strength (i.e., reduce nail spacing
if smaller diameter nails are provided, etc.).
Figure 9.15 demonstrates the numbered load path for in-plane lateral (seismic or wind) forces transferred
from the roof diaphragm to the 2nd floor level (i.e., load path 1 to 5), and the joining of the in-plane lateral
forces at the 2nd floor level and transfer to the foundation at the ground level (i.e., load path 10, and 6 to
Connections shall extend into the diaphragm a sufficient distance to develop the force transferred
into the diaphragm.
Per ASCE 7 - §12.11.2, the minimum subdiaphragm design (anchorage) force is the larger of
the following:
fp 0.10·Wp (plf)
fp 400·SDS I (plf)
fp 0.8·SDS I ·Wp (plf) … for SDC = C, D, E or F
fp 280 plf minimum
The maximum length-width (i.e., span to depth) ratio shall be 2.5 to 1 per ASCE 7 –
§ … for SDC = C, D, E or F
Continuous ties or struts are required between the main diaphragm chords per ASCE 7 –
Figure 9.17 demonstrates the subdiaphragms that could be considered for the transverse (i.e., shallow)
direction of a concrete or masonry wall building with a wood framed roof. In this case there would be a
total of six subdiaphragms. Three subdiaphragms would be used to provide out-of-plane wall anchorage
for each of the upper and lower wall lines.
The calculated unit shear is determined for each subdiaphragm using the appropriate subdiaphragm
uniform load (i.e., anchorage force, fp), the subdiaphragm span (L), and the subdiaphragm depth (d) …
and then the subdiaphragm sheathing thickness, panel grade, nail size, nail spacing, and blocking
requirements are determined from IBC Table 2306.2.1(1) or Table 2306.2.1(2), just as is done for the
main wood structural panel horizontal (roof or floor) diaphragm.
Re por t in g I BC § 1 8 0 3 .6
Where geotechnical investigations are required, a written report of the investigations shall be submitted to
the building official by the owner or authorized agent at the time of permit application. See IBC §1803.6
for required information in the report.
Fou n da t ion s I BC § 1 8 0 8
Ge ne r a l I BC – § 1 8 0 8 .1
Foundations shall be designed and constructed in accordance with IBC §1808.2 through §1808.9.
Shallow foundations shall also satisfy the requirements of IBC §1809. Deep foundations shall also satisfy
the requirements IBC §1810.
D e sign Loa ds I BC – § 1 8 0 8 .3
Foundations shall be designed for the most unfavorable effects due to the combinations of loads specified
in IBC §1605.2 (i.e., SD/LRFD) or §1605.3 (i.e., ASD). The dead load is permitted to include the weight
While PBSD has yet to be fully developed, it is expected to be used in future building codes to provide a
methodology to more reliably predict seismic risk in all buildings in terms more useful to building owners
and building users.
Under current code seismic design provisions, there exist implied performance levels as demonstrated by
Figure 12.1. For example, Occupancy Category II (i.e., I = 1.0) structures design to ASCE 7-05
provisions are expected to meet the following performance levels:
Collapse prevention for MCE ground motions (i.e. , ~ 2% in 50 years / 2,500 year return interval)
Life-safety for Design ground motions (i.e., 2/3 MCE, ~ 10% in 50 years / 500 year return
Immediate occupancy for Frequent ground motions (i.e. , ~ 50% in 50 years / 100 year return
Occupancy Category IV (i.e., I = 1.5) structures design to ASCE 7-05 provisions are expected to meet the
following performance levels:
Life-safety for MCE ground motions (i.e. , ~ 2% in 50 years / 2,500 year return interval)
Immediate occupancy for Design ground motions (i.e., 2/3 MCE, ~ 10% in 50 years / 500 year
return interval)
Operational for Frequent ground motions (i.e. , ~ 50% in 50 years / 100 year return interval)
Similarly, Occupancy Category III (i.e., I = 1.25) structures designed to ASCE 7-05 provisions are
expected to meet performance levels that fall between the Occupancy Category IV and Occupancy
Category II structures as shown in Figure 12.1 below.
Ch a pt e r 1 4
Ge ot e ch n ica l I ssu e s & Life lin e s
Geotechnical hazards that can result from earthquake ground motions include:
Liquefaction-induced ground failures,
Earthquake-induced landslides
Surface fault rupture
1 4 .1 Liqu e fa ct ion
Liquefaction is essentially the temporary transformation of a solid material (with grain-to-grain contact)
into a fluid like material.
Earthquake ground motions can cause an increase in pore water pressure, which results in a decrease in
the soils effective stress. A reduction in effective stress corresponds to a decrease in shear strength. Since
the bearing capacity of a soil is a function of the shear strength, the bearing capacity decreases in
proportion to the reduction in shear strength. When the shear strength approaches zero, the soil may flow
like a fluid.
Earthquake induced soil liquefaction can result in:
Loss of soil bearing capacity
Soil settlement
Lateral spreading
Flow slides on soil slopes
Soils most susceptible to liquefaction are saturated, relatively cohesionless/clay-free sands and silts at or
below groundwater, and occasionally loose gravels below the water table deposited by rivers. Other
factors include soil density, gradation, confining pressure, and the geologic history of the soil deposit.
Dense sands are less susceptible to liquefaction than loose sands.
Well-graded sands are less susceptible to liquefaction than uniform sands (i.e., more stable
interlocking of grains).
Sands below a depth of approximately 50 feet are less susceptible to liquefaction (i.e., due
to confining pressure).
Geologically old sand deposits are less susceptible to liquefaction than recent sand deposits
(i.e., possibly due to previous earthquake induced settlements & densification).
Extensive damage may occur to structures supported on liquefiable soils due to the loss of bearing
capacity and large settlements. Damage might be avoided by supporting the structure on piles or drilled
piers that pass through the saturated sand layer that are supported by sound material below (i.e., bedrock).
Regardless, liquefaction may still result in settlement of the saturated sand layer below the structure.
Even without the presence of structures on liquefiable soils, lateral spreading alone can cause extensive
damage to roadways and pipelines (above or below ground).
Ch a pt e r 1 5
Pr ofe ssion a l En gin e e r s Act
Business and Professions Code - Division 3, Chapter 7
There are three categories of professional engineering registration available in California through the
Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists (PELSG):
1. Practice Acts
2. Title Acts
3. Title Authorities
implementation …
Judges the qualifications of technical specialist and the validity and applicability of their
recommendations before they are incorporated into the work.
A subordinate is any person who assists a registered professional engineer in the practice of professional
engineering without assuming responsible charge of work … per B & P §6705.
Solu t ion :
2 . Roof D ia ph r a gm N a ilin g
roof A = 262 plf IBC Table 2306.2.1(1)
allowable unit diaphragm shear = 180 plf < 262 plf NG!
15/32” WSP sheathing w/ 8d common (2½″ x 0.131″) @ 6” o.c. edges, unblocked (CASE 3)
Blocked (CASE 3) allowable unit diaphragm shear = 270 plf > 262 plf OK
Use 15/32″ WSP sheathing w/ 8d common @ 6” o.c. boundary and edge nailing, 12” o.c. field nailing.
NOTE: Blocking of the roof diaphragm may be terminated when the calculated unit roof shear drops
below the allowable unit shear for an unblocked diaphragm (e.g., 180 plf). This occurs approximately
15.6′ from lines A & B.
field nailing … allowable unit wall shear = 550 plf > 525 plf OK
Wall Line A - use 15/32″ WSP Structural I sheathing w/ 8d common @ 3″ o.c. edge nailing & 12″ o.c.
(3x studs & blocking required at abutting panel edges & staggered nailing at all panel edges per IBC 2306.3, footnote i )
field nailing … allowable unit wall shear = 280 plf > 262 plf OK
Wall Line B - use 15/32″ WSP Structural I sheathing w/ 8d common @ 6″ o.c. edge nailing & 12″ o.c.
2 . Roof D ia ph r a gm N a ilin g
roof 1 = 69 plf IBC Table 2306.2.1(1)
BUT … N-S direction required a blocked diaphragm (15.6′ minimum from lines A & B), which
governs the diaphragm design! Therefore, provide diaphragm nailing per N-S Direction (part A).
field nailing for both walls … allowable unit wall shear = 430 plf > 343 plf OK
Wall Line 1 - use 15/32″ WSP Structural I sheathing w/ 8d common @ 4″ o.c. edge nailing & 12″ o.c.
(3x studs & blocking required at abutting panel edges & staggered nailing at all panel edges per IBC 2306.3, footnotes i )
15/32″ WSP Structural I sheathing w/ 8d common @ 3″ o.c. edge nailing, 12″ o.c. field
10′ shear wall - allowable unit wall shear = 550 plf > 457 plf OK (w/ no reduction)
nailing, 12″ o.c. field nailing … allowable unit wall shear = 550 plf > 457 plf OK
Wall Line 2 – 10′ shear wall - use 15/32″ WSP Structural I sheathing w/ 8d common @ 3″ o.c. edge
(3x studs & blocking required at abutting panel edges & staggered nailing at all panel edges per IBC 2306.3, footnotes i )
15/32″ WSP sheathing w/ 8d common @ 3″ o.c. edge nailing, 12″ o.c. field nailing.
5′ shear wall - allowable unit wall shear = (0.83)(550 plf) = 456 plf ≈ 457 plf OK
nailing, 12″ o.c. field nailing … allowable unit wall shear = 0.83(550 plf) = 456 plf ≈ 457 plf OK
Wall Line 2 – 5′ shear wall - use 15/32″ WSP Structural I sheathing w/ 8d common @ 3″ o.c. edge
(3x studs & blocking required at abutting panel edges & staggered nailing at all panel edges per IBC 2306.3, footnotes i )
NOTE: – the allowable unit wall shear reduction factor 2b/h per SDPWS Table 4.3.4, footnote 1 can
easily result in separate wood structural panel shear walls on the same wall line with different required
edge nail spacing … as nearly occurred in this example on Wall Line 2.
Pr oble m # 1 9
Give n:
Single-story building w/ special
steel concentrically braced frames
Concrete (rigid) roof diaphragm
Relative stiffness of frames
shown on plan
Calculated Center of Mass (CM)
and Center of Rigidity/Stiffness
(CR) shown per Plan
Seismic base shear, N-S & E-W
Directions, V = 300 kips
Pla n
1. Accidental eccentricity (ex), accidental & inherent torsional moments (Mta & Mt)
2. Design eccentricities (ex1 & ex2) and design torsional moments (MT1 & MT2)
3. Building plan sketch showing direct & torsional shears for each design eccentricity
4. Total design force to frames A, B & C
B.) Ce n t e r of Rigidit y, CR
Shear Wall Rigidities: (assume cantilever walls, Table D1 - Relative Rigidity of Cantilever Shear
Walls / Piers, Appendix D, p. 5-18)
Wall B : H/D = 15′/20′ = 0.75 Table D1 (p. 5-18) RB = 2.54
Wall E : RE = RD = 2.54
R x
= [5.0 (0′) + 2.54 (80′)] / (7.54) = 26.9 feeti
R y
= [7.49 (40′) + 2.54 (10′) + 2.54 (0′)] / (12.57) = 25.9 feeti
R M R d
Maximum FB = VY B T 1 B 2 B
RY R d
= [73.4 kips (2.54) / (7.54)] + [888.1 kip-ft (2.54) (53.1 ft) / (14,615 ft2)]
= 24.7 kips + 8.2 kips = 32.9 kipsi
NOTE: By observation, ey1 will govern the design of shear walls D & E (i.e., maximum additive
torsional shear) and ey2 will govern the design of shear wall C (i.e., minimum subtractive torsional shear).
Neither eccentricity will govern the design of shear walls A & B since the force direction is not parallel to
these walls (i.e., no direct shear).
Solu t ion :
W e ight s
Soil over heel, WS1 = (10′)(4′)(110 pcf) = 4,400 lbs/ft
Soil over toe, WS2 = (1′)(1.5′)(110 pcf) = 165 lbs/ft
Concrete stem wall, WW = (10′)(1′)(150 pcf) = 1,500 lbs/ft
Concrete footing, WF = (1.25′)(6.5′)(150 pcf) = 1,219 lbs/ft
Resultant weight, R = W = 4,400 + 165 + 1,500 + 1,219 = 7,284 lbs/ft
1 . Slidin g Fa ct or of Sa fe t y
Sliding force, FS = PA = 2,214 lbs/ft
= PP + W
Resisting force, FR = passive force + friction force
FR 3,799
Sliding factor of safety, FS = = 1.72 > 1.5 minimum per IBC §1807.2.3 OK
FS 2,214
2 . Ove r t u r n in g Fa ct or of Sa fe t y
Overturning moment, OTM = PA y A
= (2,214 lbs/ft)(11.25′/3) = 8,302 lbft/ft
Resisting moment,
RM = PP y P W S 1 x S1 W S 2 x S 2 WW x W W F x F
= 885 lbs/ft (2.25′)/3 + 4,400 (4.5′) + 165 (0.75′) + 1,500 (2′) + 1,219 (3.25′)
= 27,550 lbft/ft
RM 27,550
Overturning factor of safety, FS = = 3.32 > 1.5 minimum per IBC §1807.2.3 OK
OTM 8,302
3 . M a x im um Soil Be a r in g Pr e ssu r e
Soil Be a r in g Pr e ssu r e
if e < L/6 (i.e., R is within middle 1/3 of footing) the soil pressure distribution is trapezoidal
if e L/6 (i.e., R is outside of middle 1/3 of footing) the soil pressure distribution is triangular
R 6e
for a trapezoidal soil pressure distribution,
maximum soil pressure, qs = 1
R 6e
minimum soil pressure, qs = 1
7,284 6 (0.61' )
1 = 1,750 psf/fti < 3,000 psf allowable (D + L) OK
6.5' 6.5'
therefore, max. qs =
Total static plus seismic active force, PAE Total static passive (resisting) force, PP
PAE = ½ K AE H 2
(from part A)
= ½ (0.538)(110 pcf)(11.25′)2 = 3,745 lbs/ft PP = 885 lbs/ft
1 . Slidin g Fa ct or of Sa fe t y
Sliding force, FS = PAE = 3,745 lbs/ft
= PP + W
Resisting force, FR = passive force + friction force
FR 3,799
Sliding factor of safety, FS = = 1.01 < 1.5 / 1.33 = 1.1 NG!
FS 3,745
NOTE: 2009 IBC §1605.3.2 & §1806.1 (and most Geotechnical reports) allow a one-third increase in
allowable stress for all load combinations that include short-term loads such as earthquake (or wind).
Although not specifically addressed in the IBC, many designers allow a reduced factor for safety (for
sliding and overturning) when considering these short-term loads … i.e., short term FS = 1.5 / 1.33 = 1.1
Given the Single Degree of Freedom structure below which uses six cantilever columns for
lateral resistance. All columns are assumed to be pinned at the top and fixed at the bottom
(i.e., top of the soil grade). All columns are 10 inch diameter standard steel pipe sections
with I = 151 in4, S = 28.1 in3, A = 11.1 in2 and E = 29,000 ksi. Answer questions 2.15 to 2.21
2.17 Given a spectral acceleration (Sa) of 0.37g, what is the base shear?
a. 0.34 kip
b. 1.85 kips
c. 5.55 kips
d. 11.10 kips
2.18 Given a base shear of 18 kips, what is the shear in one of the columns on line A?
a. 1.69 kips
b. 2.68 kips
c. 4.63 kips
d. 9.26 kips
3.43 Which of the following occupancies types would never be assigned to Seismic Design
Category F (SDC = F)?
a. Hospital
b. Single-family residence
c. County jail
d. Both b & c
3.44 A 5-story building with offices in the upper four stories and a fire station in the first story,
would be assigned to what Occupancy Category per IBC Table 1604.5?
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
3.45 What would be the most appropriate spectral acceleration response parameters (SS & S1) for a
building project proposed at 36º00′00″ Latitude and -120º00′00″ Longitude?
a. SS = 1.75 & S1 = 0.80
b. SS = 1.75 & S1 = 0.60
c. SS = 0.95 & S1 = 0.35
d. SS = 0.75 & S1 = 0.35
3.46 What would be the most appropriate spectral acceleration response parameters (SS & S1) for a
building project proposed at 39º00′00″ Latitude and -123º00′00″ Longitude?
a. SS = 2.00 & S1 = 0.70
b. SS = 1.55 & S1 = 0.70
c. SS = 1.25 & S1 = 0.55
d. SS = 1.25 & S1 = 0.45
3.47 MCE mapped spectral response acceleration parameters SS & S1 are determined based on which
site class?
a. Site Class A
b. Site Class B
c. Site Class C
d. Site Class D
3.48 Given SS = 0.63 & S1 = 0.25, with no soils report, what site coefficients Fa & Fv would be most
appropriate per the IBC?
a. Fa = 1.0 & Fv = 1.0
b. Fa = 1.2 & Fv = 1.8
c. Fa = 1.3 & Fv = 1.9
d. Fa = 1.4 & Fv = 2.0
4.68 A structural analysis has been performed on a two-story apartment building (with parking
garage in the first-story). The lateral story strength of the first and second stories were
determined to be 57 kips and 76 kips respectively. The story stiffness of the first and second
stories was determined to be 14 kips/inch and 19.5 kips/inch respectively. Which of the
following vertical irregularities are present in this structure?
I. Stiffness – Soft Story
II. Discontinuity in Lateral Strength – Weak Story
a. I
b. II
c. I & II
d. None of the above
4.69 Which of the following structures are considered to have a Weight (Mass) Irregularity?
a. I
b. I & II
c. II & III
d. I, II & III
4.70 Which of the following braced frame structures is likely to have a Stiffness-Soft Story
a. I
b. I & II
c. I & III
d. I, II & III
a. b. c. d.
4.79 Which figure best represents the Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) procedure vertical
distribution of seismic forces (Fx) for structures with a period (T ) less than or equal to 0.5
4.80 Which figure best represents the Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) procedure story shear
distribution (Vx) for structures with a period (T ) less than or equal to 0.5 seconds?
4.81 Which figure best represents the Simplified Design procedure vertical distribution of seismic
forces (Fx)?
4.82 Which figure best represents the Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) procedure vertical
distribution of seismic forces (Fx) for structures with a period (T ) greater than or equal to 2.5
4.83 Given a 15-story Office Bldg w/ steel moment frames, which site class is likely to result in the
largest seismic forces?
a. Site Class B (rock)
b. Site Class C (dense soil)
c. Site Class D (stiff soil)
d. Site Class E (soft soil)
4.84 Given two structures with the same R, I, SDS = 0.73 & SD1 = 0.30. Structure A has a period (TA)
of 0.35 second. Structure B has an effective seismic weight of 3 times that of Structure A (i.e.,
WB = 3·WA). What would be the period of Structure B such that the Base Shear (V) of the two
structures would be equal?
a. 0.35 second
b. 0.65 second
c. 1.25 seconds
d. 2.15 seconds
8.43 Assuming flexible diaphragms at all levels, what should be the force used to design the shear
walls in the 2nd story?
a. Vertical distribution force at level 2, F2
b. Diaphragm design force at level 2, Fp2
c. 2nd story shear, V2
d. Base shear, V
8.44 Assuming flexible diaphragms at all levels, what should be the force used to design the chords
and collectors at level 2?
a. Vertical distribution force at level 2, F2
b. Diaphragm design force at level 2, Fp2
c. 2nd story shear, V2
d. Base shear, V
Given the single story building below with a flexible roof diaphragm and a base shear, V =
15 kips, answer questions 8.45 through 8.59
Pla n
Given the three story office building below with a base shear of 24 kips, approximate
fundamental period of 0.25 second, SDS = 0.60 & SD1 = 0.25, answer questions 8.60
through 8.62
Ele va t ion
8.60 What is the lateral force at the 2 floor level using ASCE 7-05 §12.8.3?
a. 5.3 kips
b. 8.6 kips
c. 10.2 kips
d. 18.7 kips
8.62 What is the diaphragm design force at the 3rd floor level (assume all wpx = wx)?
a. 5.3 kips
b. 8.6 kips
c. 10.3 kips
d. 18.7 kips
9.1 For wood structural panel horizontal diaphragms, what is the minimum sheet dimension at
boundaries with blocking omitted?
a. 12"
b. 18"
c. 24"
d. 48"
9.2 What is the maximum length-width (i.e., span-depth) ratio for an unblocked wood structural
panel horizontal diaphragm?
a. 2:1
b. 3:1
c. 3½:1
d. 4:1
St even T. Hiner, MS, SE 3- 55
Seism ic Design Review Workbook Pa r t 3 – M u lt iple Ch oice Pr oble m s
9.7 What is the maximum unit roof shear at Allowable Stress Design (ASD) force level?
a. 240 plf
b. 400 plf
c. 480 plf
d. 800 plf
9.8 What is the maximum drag force at Allowable Stress Design (ASD) force level?
a. 2.4 kips
b. 4.8 kips
c. 6.0 kips
d. 9.6 kips
wall height, 30 foot shear wall width, = 1.0, and neglecting the wall (and tributary roof)
9.9 What is the hold-down force at Allowable Stress Design (ASD) force level assuming a 10 foot
a. 2.0 kips
b. 4.0 kips
c. 8.0 kips
d. 12.0 kips
9.10 Given a seismic base shear V = CS W = 0.196W at Strength Design (SD) force level. For the
single story flexible roof diaphragm plan below, find the unit diaphragm shear at Allowable
Stress Design (ASD) force level, for East-West loads. Roof DL = 25 psf, wall DL = 15 psf &
12 foot wall heights.
a. 50 plf
b. 80 plf
c. 155 plf
d. 170 plf
Pla n
9.11 The contractor of a one-story wood frame commercial building project is proposing to
substitute 15/32″ Structural I wood structural panel sheathing for the shear walls. The
approved plans call for 3/8″ rated wood structural panel sheathing with 8d common (2½″ x
0.131″) at 2″ o.c. edge nailing. As the project engineer, which of the following nail size and
edge nail spacing would provide the lowest acceptable allowable unit shear value?
a. 10d common at 6″ o.c.
b. 10d common at 4″ o.c.
c. 10d common at 3″ o.c.
d. 10d common at 2″ o.c.
9.12 Given a horizontal diaphragm with 15/32″ rated wood structural panel sheathing attached to 2x
nominal framing members, seismic loads parallel to the continuous panel joints, and a
calculated unit diaphragm shear of 275 plf at an Allowable Stress Design (ASD) force level.
What is the minimum required nailing for this diaphragm?
a. Unblocked diaphragm with 8d common at 6″ o.c. edge nailing
b. Unblocked diaphragm with 10d common at 6″ o.c. edge nailing
c. Blocked diaphragm with 8d common at 6″ o.c. edge nailing
d. Blocked diaphragm with 10d common at 6″ o.c. edge nailing
Use the diagrams and information below to answer questions 9.13 through 9.20
CS = 0.20, ρ = 1.0
Roof DL = 20 psf
Wall DL = 15 psf
Roof: 1/2″ structural I plywood w/
10d common nails - blocked
Shear Walls: 1/2″ structural I plywood
w/ 10d common nails - blocked
9.13 What is the uniform seismic load on the roof diaphragm (ws) for the North-South direction?
a. 220 plf
b. 310 plf
c. 430 plf
d. 540 plf
9.21 What is the purpose of the subdiaphragms in a building with reinforced masonry (or concrete)
shear walls?
a. Transfer out-of-plane wall anchorage forces into the roof diaphragm
b. Transfer in-plane diaphragm unit shears into the shear walls
c. Transfer in-plane diaphragm unit shears into the collector
d. All of the above
9.22 What is the maximum length-width (i.e., span-depth) ratio for a blocked wood structural panel
horizontal diaphragm?
a. 2:1
b. 3:1
c. 3.5:1
d. 4:1
9.23 What is the maximum length-to-width (i.e., span-depth) ratio for a wood structural panel
a. 2:1
b. 2.5:1
c. 3:1
d. 4:1
9.24 What is the maximum height-width ratio of a blocked wood structural panel shear wall where
the unit shear values of IBC Table 2306.3 may be used without any adjustment (i.e., need not
be reduced) when resisting seismic forces?
a. 3.5:1
b. 3:1
c. 2.5:1
d. 2:1
9.25 Given a wood structural panel shear wall with a height-width ratio of 3:1, what reduction factor
would need to be applied to the unit shear values of IBC Table 2306.3 when resisting seismic
a. 0.82
b. 0.75
c. 0.67
d. 0.33
Given a two-story Bearing Wall System building with special reinforced masonry shear walls,
assigned to Seismic Design Category D (SDC = D), and with blocked wood structural panel
(flexible) diaphragms at the second floor and roof levels. Answer questions 9.26 through 9.27
9.26 What Response Modification Coefficient (R) is appropriate for determining the seismic base
a. 2
b. 3½
c. 5
d. 5½
14.5 A City’s municipal water supply pipe is proposed to cross an active strike-slip fault. Which of
the following combinations is least likely to result in damage to this lifeline when subjected
to a localized fault rupture?
a. Pipe above ground oriented at 45 degrees to the fault
b. Pipe below ground oriented at 45 degrees to the fault
c. Pipe above ground oriented at 90 degrees to the fault
d. Pipe below ground oriented at 90 degrees to the fault
14.6 In order for liquefaction to occur during an earthquake, which of the following conditions are
required to be present?
a. High groundwater table
b. Granular soils (e.g., sand, silty sand, sandy silt, etc.)
c. Low density in the granular soils
d. All of the above
15.1 Which of the following projects can a California licensed Civil Engineer design and be in
responsible charge?
I. Concrete culvert under a freeway
II. Public school building
III. Vehicle bridge
a. II
b. I & II
c. I & III
d. I, II & III
15.2 A California licensed Civil Engineer has experience in bridge design only. Which of the
following is she/he able to design?
I. A hospital under the supervision of a licensed Civil Engineer with
hospital design experience
II. A building under the supervision of a licensed Structural Engineer
III. A vehicle bridge between two buildings
a. I & II
b. I & III
c. II & III
d. I, II & III
15.3 Given a two-story wood frame single family dwelling entirely of “conventional
construction”, who is allowed to prepare the plans (and specifications)?
I. Architect
II. Civil Engineer
III. Non-registered person
a. I
b. II
c. I & II
d. I, II & III
All structures
ASCE 7-05 apply to buildings, “nonbuilding” structures, etc.
hypocenter (or focus).
foreshocks …
fault creep
movement without noticeable earthquakes known as fault creep.
The San Andreas fault is a right-lateral fault more than 600 miles long.
I & II
occurs on the ocean floor (i.e., normal fault or reverse fault).
Shear waves
portion of an earthquake.
ground acceleration
1.9 b Ground accelerations are the cause of seismic forces in a structure.
Any occupancy w/ occupant load > 5,000 IBC Table 1604.5 OC = III
3.1 a p. 1-29 & 2009 IBC p. 343, §1613.5.6
3.5 d p. 1-23, additional levels of protection can be provided with increased force
level, redundancy, and quality of construction.
3.40 c 1-29 & 2009 IBC p. 343, §1613.5.6 & Tables 1613.5.6(1) & 1613.5.6(2)
S1 = 0.20 < 0.75 use Tables 1613.5.6(1) & (2) to determine SDC
Occupancy Category II – IBC Table 1604.5 (p. 307) for apartment building
3.41 d 1-26 & ASCE 7-05 p. 128, Tables 12.2-1 & 12.6-1
SDC determines the permissible lateral analysis procedure, building height
Both b & c
SDC = F does not apply to Occupancy Category I, II or III structures …
3.44 d p. 1-20 & 2009 IBC p. 306 & 307, §1604.5.1 & Table 1604.5
Where a building or structure is occupied by two or more occupancies not
included in the same Occupancy Category, it shall be assigned the
classification of the highest Occupancy Category corresponding to the
3.45 b 2009 IBC p. 353 & 355, Figures 1613.5(3) & 1613.5(4)
3.46 b 2009 IBC p. 352 & 354, Figures 1613.5(3) & 1613.5(4)
Site Class B
3.47 b 2009 IBC p. 348 to 365, Figures 1613.5(1) to 1613.5(14)
3.48 c 1-25 & 2009 IBC p. 341, Table 1613.5.3(1) & Table 1613.5.3(2)
3.49 b 1-25 & 2009 IBC p. 340 to 342, §1613.5.3, §1613.5.4, Table 1613.5.3(1) &
Table 1613.5.3(2)
From Problem 3.48 – Fa = 1.3 & Fv = 1.9
SMS = Fa·SS IBC (16-36)
= 1.3 (0.63) = 0.82
SM1 = Fv·S1 IBC (16-37)
= 1.9 (0.25) = 0.48
SDS = 2/3·SMS IBC (16-38)
= 2/3 (0.82) = 0.55
SD1 = 2/3·SM1 IBC (16-39)
= 2/3 (0.48) = 0.32
SDS = 0.55 & SD1 = 0.32
Police station
SDC = E does not apply to Occupancy Category IV structures
Group I-3
prerelease centers, prisons, etc.
SDC = D & T = 2.4 seconds > 3.5·TS Table 12.6-1 ELF procedure is
3.5·TS = 3.5·(0.6) = 2.10 seconds
Steel SCBF’s, R = 6
4.24 c ASCE 7-05 p. 120, Table 12.2-1, item B.3
Ω0 = 2
4.25 c ASCE 7-05 p. 120, Table 12.2-1, item B.3
H = 160 feet
4.26 b ASCE 7-05 p. 120, Table 12.2-1, item B.3
4.28 e p. 1-37 & ASCE 7-05 p. 120 & 121, Table 12.2-1
structure shall be set back from the property line by not less than M
Where a structure adjoins a property line (not common to a public way), the
structure shall be set back from the property line by not less than M
Where a structure adjoins a property line (not common to a public way), the
T 2 W / K g
4.88 a p. 1-10, Natural Period
R I 5 1.0
S 0.75
= 0.15 ASCE 7 (12.8-2)
= 0.150·W
V = Cs·W ASCE 7 (12.8-1)
use R = 4½
4.95 b p. 1-36 & ASCE 7-05 p. 121, Table 12.2-1, item C.3 – steel IMF
4.96 c p. 1-36 & ASCE 7-05 p. 120, Table 12.2-1, item A.7 – special reinforced
use R = 5
masonry shear walls
4.97 d p. 1-34
Moment-resisting frames are typically less stiff (i.e., more flexible) than
reinforced concrete (or masonry) shear walls, steel concentrically braced
frames, and steel eccentrically braced frames ... which in turn means that they
are more likely to have trouble meeting the drift requirements (i.e., drift often
maximum ρ = 1.0
or C.
= (0.15 klf) (80′) / 2 + (0.15 klf) (20′) / 2 = (15 kips) / 2 = 7.5 kips
V2 = ws·L1 / 2 + ws·L2 / 2 = ws·L / 2 = V / 2
Unit roof shear v1 = V1 / d = (6.0 kips) / (50′) = 0.12 klf = 120 plf
From Problem 8.45, V1 = 6.0 kips
Unit roof shear v2 = V2 / d = (7.5 kips) / (50′) = 0.15 klf = 150 plf
From Problem 8.46, V2 = V / 2 = 7.5 kips
Mw = Mx = ws L x ws x
8.53 d p. 1-103, Chord force
2 2
= [(0.30 klf)(50′) / 2]10′ – (0.30 klf)(10′)2 / 2 = 60.0 kip-ft
CFw = CFx = Mw / d = (60.0 kip-ft) / 100′ = 0.6 kips
Line 2 is not a boundary member for longitudinal direction seismic forces, so
there will be no chord force on this line:
CFy = 0 kips
From Problem 8.52, CFz = wsL12 / 8d = 2.4 kips (governs)
the maximum chord force occurs at “z”
Drag force at “w” & “x”, Fd = (roof v1)(10′) = (0.12 klf)(10′) = 1.2 kips
From Problem 8.48, unit roof shear v1 = 0.12 klf
Drag force at “z”, Fd = (roof vA)(20′ + 40′) = (0.075 klf)(60′) = 4.5 kips
From Problem 8.51, unit roof shear vA = 0.075 klf
8.58 a p. 1-104
Unit wall shear v1 = V1 / ∑b = (6.0 kips) / (30′) = 0.20 klf = 200 plf
From Problem 8.45, V1 = 6.0 kips
8.59 d p. 1-104
Unit wall shear v2 = V2 / ∑b = (7.5 kips) / (15′) = 0.50 klf = 500 plf
From Problem 8.46, V2 = V / 2 = 7.5 kips
8.60 a p. 1-51, Vertical distribution of seismic forces & ASCE 7-05 p. 130, §12.8.3
1st floor = Base
2nd floor = Level 1 (i.e., first level above the Base)
for ASD, roof = (0.7·Vmax) / d = 0.7(16.8 kips) / 50′ = 235 plf 240 plf
Vmax = w·L / 2 = V / 2 = 33.6 kips / 2 = 16.8 kips
for ASD, max Fd = roof (20′) = (240 plf)(20′) = 4,800 lbs = 4.8 kips
end of collector (i.e., South end of 30′ shear wall) –
= 1.0 (given)
9.9 b p. 1-130, Shear wall overturning / Hold-downs
V = CS W = 0.196W (given)
9.10 b p. 1-121, Wood structural panel diaphragms
use 15/32″ sheathing w/ 10d common @ 6″ o.c. = 290 plf 275 plf
V = CS W
9.13 d p. 1-100, Flexible diaphragm analysis
9.37 a p. 1-122, Table 9.2 & 2009 IBC p. 469, §2306.5 & §2306.7
I. Wood structural panels - permitted in all SDC’s
II. Gypsum wallboard, etc. - Not permitted for seismic in SDC = E & F
III. Particle board (blocked) - Not permitted for seismic in SDC = D, E & F
connector (A) to hold-down anchor bolt (E) to footing (F).
to the sill plate (C) to sill bolts (B) to footing (F).
11.9 d p. 1-157, Types of Work & 2009 IBC p. 368+, §1704 Special Inspections
IBC Table 1704.7, item 4 – required for fill placement and compaction
IBC §1704.12 – required for sprayed fire-resistant materials
Building official
been made and report any deficiencies …
12.1 a p. 1-166
The California Building Code (CBC) is also known as the California Code of
12.2 d p. 1-167
The CEBC provides minimum seismic strengthening provisions for existing
unreinforced masonry (URM) bearing wall buildings that undergo a change
12.3 a p. 1-167
The CHBC provides alternative building regulations and building standards
for the rehabilitation, etc … of buildings (or structures) designated as historic
historic buildings
12.4 a p. 1-167
The provisions of the CRC shall apply to the construction, etc. … of detached
one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses not more than three stories …
13.1 c p. 1-177
For pre-1971 reinforced concrete bridge columns in California, the most common
steel jacket
retrofit is to encase the column with a steel jacket (i.e., steel casings) …
13.2 b p. 1-169
“X” cracking (shear cracking) occurs during in-plane cyclic loading on walls.
It is most likely to occur on an unreinforced masonry (URM) wall since
reinforcement is not present to prevent cracks from “opening up” during
concrete shear wall (D).
Tanks and vessels, 1-92
Thrust fault, 1-2
Tilt-up buildings, 1-172
Title Acts, 1-185
Title Authorities, 1-185
Inherent (Mt), 1-108, 1-109
Accidental (Mta), 1-109
X-direction (E-W), 1-111