1630480997-Iucn Red List Quadrennial Report 2017-2020
1630480997-Iucn Red List Quadrennial Report 2017-2020
1630480997-Iucn Red List Quadrennial Report 2017-2020
2017–2020 Report
Status and Trends in Global Biodiversity The Extinction Risk of Species
The world aspires to stabilise the decline in The IUCN Red List includes 128,918 species assessed in each category for the more comprehensively assessed (i.e., at least 80%
biodiversity and put nature on the path to of which 35,765 (28%) are threatened of the species in the group has been assessed) groups containing ≥150 species
recovery by 2030. The IUCN Red List gives with extinction. Certain groups are known
a window into the state of nature and a way to be considerably threatened, such as
Total Extant
of tracking biodiversity recovery, or decline, amphibians (41%), sharks (31%) and corals EW CR EN VU DD NT LC
Species assesssed
over time. Without the IUCN Red List, work (33%) with increased extinction risks (i.e., excluding EX)
to stop the decline in biodiversity would be observed since 1990.
Cephalopods 750
little more than guesswork.
Selected Bony Fishes 4,712
Mammals 5,847
Corals Selected Crustaceans 2,879
Conifers 610
Selected Reptiles 342
Amphibians 7,177
Proportion of species threatened with extinction in different taxonomic groups that are
0.6 comprehensively assessed for the IUCN Red List. Species are grouped into classes (with
the exception of reef-forming corals, which includes species from classes Hydrozoa and
Anthozoa), and are ordered according to the vertical dark red lines, which indicate the best
estimate for the proportion of extant species considered threatened, assuming that Data
0.5 Deficient species are equally as threatened as non-Data Deficient species. The numbers
to the right of each bar represent the total number of extant species assessed for each
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 group. Taxonomic subsets included in the groups labelled ‘selected’ are detailed at
Year https://www.iucnredlist.org/resources/summary-statistics
Key: Extremes Most likely value
The Red List Index (RLI) of species survival for taxonomic groups that have been
assessed for the IUCN Red List at least twice.The blue line indicates the overall RLI for The IUCN Red List tells us which species are the most likely to go extinct, where
all the taxa combined. A value of 1 is equivalent to all species being categorised as these species occur, the threats causing the extinction pressure and the conservation
Least Concern; a value of zero is equivalent to all species being classified as Extinct. actions needed.
2 3
Conserving species using the IUCN Red List Global Species Monitoring
The IUCN Red List was used in many different Statistics from The IUCN Red List and the Red List Index were used as indicators of
biodiversity for global agreements and reports mandated by the United Nations. Examples of
ways to drive, monitor and communicate about the IUCN Red List and the Red List Index as the primary source of information on the global
status of species in UN-mandated assessments are shown below
The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ is the most comprehensive compendium 2020: Global 2020: UNEP and
of information on the global conservation status of animal, plant and fungi species. Biodiversity FAO report on
Global Outlook 5 2020 2018 of the
The State
Systematically collated, the IUCN Red List showcases the changing state of life on earth 2018 2018
and the risk of extinction over time for major groups of species. This knowledge also Outlook 5 World’s Forests
enables us to forecast changes in rates of biodiversity loss, map the way forward for
biodiversity conservation, and track conservation success. Far more than a list, The IUCN
Red List is a vital indicator of the health of biodiversity, at national, regional, and global THE STATE OF
levels; it is widely used for societal decision making, helping donors decide how to allocate THE WORLD’S
their funds and the private sector minimise their footprint. It also informs conservation
planning, telling us which species need to be conserved, at which sites, and what actions
The global
assessment report on WETLAND
naturalpic to show
wetland with
State of the world’s
wetlands and their
4 5
Sustainable Development Goals and other global agreements
The Red List Index shows trends in overall Red List Index as an indicator for Strategic
extinction risk for species, and is used Objective 4.
by governments and others to track their
progress towards targets for reducing Two of the UN’s species-focussed global
biodiversity loss. This is only made possible agreements, on migratory species and
by regular updates of species assessments internationally traded species, used the
on the IUCN Red List and data and graphs IUCN Red List as a basis for guiding
on different Red List Indices are available on decision making. The IUCN Red List was
the IUCN Red List website. used to guide decisions under CITES related
to (i) the inclusion of new species in the
The Red List Index serves as the single Convention - more here, (ii) assessments
indicator adopted by the UN Member States, of the risk posed by international trade to
supported by the UN Statistical Division, for species that can be legally traded and (iii)
tracking progress towards delivery of SDG assessing the conservation status of species
15.5. For more, see the SDG annual report for which commercial trade is prohibited.
and platform.
It is also used in the Living Planet series
The United Nations Convention to Combat of reports
Desertification uses the IUCN Red List and
The IUCN Red List helped shape the 2019 It calls for collaborative efforts by the
Abu Dhabi Call for Species Conservation biodiversity-related conventions, by State and
Action that encourages governments and non-State actors, and society as a whole to
donor institutions to allocate substantial act now to ensure we pass on a rich natural
additional resources for conservation of heritage to future generations.
species and their habitats to halt the decline
in biodiversity. The IUCN Red List is also the foundation
on which ‘Reverse the Red’ was conceived.
This led to the Global Species Action Reverse the Red aims to ignite optimism
Plan which addresses the deterioration and collaborative action to guarantee the
of our life support system through the survival of all species we share this planet
essential but often neglected lens of with, and the ecosystems they live in. It aims
species conservation. to empower communities around the world to
reverse the declining trajectory of biodiversity.
These clear and compelling messages were made possible through analyses Guam Rail
of the IUCN Red List data. Hypotaenidia owstoni
second bird in history to recover after being
RES EARCH Pervasive human-driven decline of life on declared Extinct in the Wild, after the California
Earth points to the need for profound change Condor (Gymnogyps californianus). Thanks
◥ These trends in nature and its contribu-
REVIEW SUMMARY tions to people are projected to worsen in the
coming decades—unevenly so among differ-
GLOBAL CONSERVATION ent regions—unless rapid and integrated action
is taken to reduce the direct drivers responsible
Pervasive human-driven decline of life on Earth
to a 35-year captive breeding programme,
for most change over the past 50 years: land
and sea use change, direct harvesting of many
points to the need for transformative change plants and animals, climate change (whose im-
pacts are set to accelerate), pollution, and the
(telecoupling). However, evidence from differ- on which humanity depends to fray and un- ment. Evidence from target-seeking scenarios
ent disciplines has largely accumulated in par- ravel: Most indicators of the state of nature, and pathways indicates that a world that
allel, and the global effects of telecouplings have whether monitored by natural and social achieves many of the global biodiversity tar-
Echo Parakeet
that are adaptive; inclusive; informed by exist-
DOI: 10.1111/conl.12762
Revised: 10 August 2020 Accepted: 23 August 2020
How many bird and mammal extinctions as Vulnerable, following its improvement from
additional extinctions.
10 Global Species Programme, IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), Cambridge, UK
11 Grupo de Ecología y Conservación de Islas, A.C., Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico
12 Department of Integrated Sciences, University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the
8 9
Global messaging using Conservation efforts
the IUCN Red List
bring cautious hope
IUCN Red List media releases generated
global interest in the featured species,
The IUCN Red List is also the most
popular IUCN product in media queries,
for African rhinos
while underlining that, in the face of the with significant demand for the kind of Click here
biodiversity crisis, conservation efforts are data and news it provides. This strong
IUCN Red List media release, 2020
working and require more support. Most media presence makes the IUCN Red List
of IUCN’s top releases since 2016, central to shaping IUCN’s external image
measured by quality and quantity of and positioning.
media coverage, have announced IUCN
Red List updates. These have received Species recoveries
coverage across dozens of countries
around the world, in influential media such bring hope amidst the
as the New York Times, BBC, Le Monde,
El País and The Nikkei, and in major news
biodiversity crisis
agencies worldwide. Click here
IUCN Red List media release, 2019
Image credits: European Bison (Galaxias pedderensis) ©Rafal Kowalczyk Image credits: South-Western Black Rhino (Diceros bicornis occidentalis) ©Dave Hamman
Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta) ©Zwennie CC BY-SA 2.0 Rainbow Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus deglupta) ©Thomas Caldwell
Water monitor (Varanus salvator) ©Stewart MacDonald
Sclater's guenon (Cercopithecus sclateri) ©Lynne R. Baker
10 11
Through these media releases, IUCN is able to generate global interest in highly threatened
species that would otherwise remain largely unknown, as well as mainstream issues of
Guiding Decision-making to Conserve Species
critical importance such as climate change and unsustainable exploitation of nature.
The IUCN Red List is used to power different A third of the income generated for
digital platforms that influence and guide investment into the three under-lying
Examples: decision-making across sectors. datasets supports activities that maintain
the IUCN Red List.
The IUCN Red List is used by businesses
throughout the process of planning Examples:
and implementing projects, in order to
understand and manage potential impacts • International Olympic Committee:
on biodiversity. It informs screening and The IOC uses IBAT as a key tool during
impact avoidance, baseline survey design, the initial dialogue with cities interested
impact assessment and mitigation, in hosting the Olympic Games.
biodiversity action plan development, and
offset design and implementation.
• International Finance Corporation:
The International Finance Corporation
(IFC), a member of the World Bank
Group, uses IBAT to screen for
biodiversity risks and critical habitat
values in project locations globally as
The Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool part of its environmental due diligence.
(IBAT) is a web-based map and reporting
Lord of the Rings toad World’s most expensive fungus tool that provides fast, easy and integrated
access to The IUCN Red List of Threatened Data and metrics derived from the IUCN Red
Species, World Database on Protected Area List were used by a number of the globally
and the World Database of Key Biodiversity recognised online platforms to support
Areas. It provides access to the most decision making by governments, civil
The Amazing Species campaign featured
authoritative global biodiversity datasets, society and the private sector. Red List data
species of interest and raised the profile
and is used by the private sector for early are downloaded, or accessed directly, from
of biodiversity conservation and the IUCN
stage, high-level risk screening. the IUCN Red List website in accordance
Red List. https://www.IUCNredlist.org/
resources/grid with the Terms of Use.
IBAT is used by some of the largest, most
recognised companies in the world – 29 of Global Forest Watch’s map layer
IBAT’s subscribers are considered “large- ‘Global Biodiversity Significance’
cap” companies, with a market capitalization
of over US$10 billion each. IBAT also UN Biodiversity Labs
Photo © Fernando Trujillo
plays a crucial role in the financial sector,
helping organisations to screen potential
Amazing Species: Tucuxi
investments for biodiversity risks. Global Biodiversity Information Facility
The Tucuxi (Sotalia fluviatilis) is a freshwater dolphin species that lives in the Amazon
Geographical range
River system in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
These small grey dolphins are usually found in small groups of up to around 6 individuals.
IBAT is currently used by 11 Public
They live in the main channels of large and medium sized rivers, but tend to avoid areas
of fast-moving water, as well as flooded forests. Tucuxis prey on a variety of fish species.
Development Banks, who together finance
The number of Tucuxis is declining, with threats including death caused by fishing gear and
habitat degradation due to dams and pollution. Eliminating the use of gillnets – curtains of
over US$330 billion annually of direct
investments across the globe. IBAT currently
fishing net that hang in the water – and reducing the number of dams in Tucuxi habitat are
The IUCN Red List of priorities to enable the population to recover.
Threatened Species™
iucnredlist.org | 2021
or pay-as-you-go services.
12 13
Usage of the IUCN Red List website remains very high with users responding well
to the new version launched in 2019 and the many improvements in functionality.
38,822 assessment
data downloads
(average 9,700 per year)
28 million website
sessions 189,458 individual 190 million species maps
(average 7 million per year) spatial data downloads downloaded
(average 47,364 per year) (average 47.6 million per year)
14 15
Catalysing Conservation Action
IUCN’s Lemur SOS is a good example of
IUCN follows an Assess-Plan-Act approach that uses the IUCN Red List as the basis for
guiding and conducting conservation actions. Assess-Plan-Act:
In July 2012, the Lemur Red-listing and CHF to on-the-ground lemur conservation
Conservation Planning Workshop took projects throughout Madagascar. Over the
Direct conservation action is catalysed place in Madagascar. Twenty-eight priority course of three calls for proposals, IUCN
by the IUCN Red List through: sites were chosen based on the number Save Our Species has been able to provide
of Critically Endangered and Endangered 52 grants to civil society organisations
species present, overall species richness, and in Madagascar. These are providing
• Addition of a species to the IUCN Red • A status review, or conservation plan, whether they included species found only in conservation benefits to 50 lemur species
List in a highly threatened category of the species using the IUCN Red a single location. This led to the IUCN Save and subspecies (from a total of 113 currently
List highlights the actions needed to Our Species Lemurs initiative — a six-year described taxa) and their habitats, as well as
• A species moving from a lower to higher promote recovery programme to provide grants to civil society the people who depend on them. As such,
extinction risk on the IUCN Red List organisations in Madagascar to support the the SOS Lemurs initiative is making direct
• Environmental safeguarding measures conservation of lemurs. Through this initiative, contributions to the implementation of 18
can be triggered by the presence of and thanks to the generous donation of a site-based action plans included in the Lemur
Geneva-based private foundation, IUCN Save Conservation Strategy 2013–2016.
threatened species
Our Species has channelled close to 6 million
The IUCN Red List catalyses conservation. Species extinction would have been greater
without conservation action and many species have undergone dramatic recoveries due to
sustained interventions over time. Successful conservation action and policies need to be
Scaly-footed snail and deep sea biodiversity
scaled-up and expanded to halt the decline of biodiversity and to put nature on the path to A scientific contribution to the journal Nature on deep-ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean,
recovery by 2030 highlighted that ‘Red Listing can protect between 2,400 to 2,800 metres below sea
deep-sea biodiversity’. The Scaly-foot Snail level occupying an area of less than 0.02 km2.
(Chrysomallon squamiferum) was the first The listing of deep-sea species represents
species endemic to deep-sea hydrothermal a first step towards a global assessment for
vents on the IUCN Red List of Threatened these habitats, and towards ensuring that
Species and the first animal to be listed as deep-sea species have a seat at the table in
Endangered due to deep-sea mining. This discussions about managing the ocean floor.
species is only known from three locations Amazing Species.
Image credits: Madame Berthe's Mouse Lemur (Microcebus berthae) © Russell A. Mittermeier
16 17
Science-based Species The Green Status of Species was approved
by IUCN Council in 2020 as a new
Conservation IUCN Green Status of Species component of the Red List of Threatened
Species. Green Status assessments are
A global standard for measuring species recovery and
assessing conservation impact
Prepared by the IUCN SSC Species Conservation Success Task Force
Version 2.0
the world’s first standardized method
New metrics using the IUCN Red List were This documents the contribution of specific
for assessing species’ progress toward
developed and launched to drive species conservation and restoration actions in
recovery. It recognises that although
recovery efforts and assist all stakeholders specific places by businesses, governments,
preventing extinction is the first critical
in conservation to make science-based civil society, and other actors towards global
step toward successful conservation, it is
contributions to the next inter-governmental goals for halting extinctions. As such STAR
not the end goal. Rather, the true mark of
global biodiversity agreement: helps identify actions that have the potential
success would be to recover species to the
to bring benefits for threatened species, and
IUCN developed a new metric using the point where they can fulfil their ecological
it supports the establishment of science- INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE
IUCN Red List called the ‘STAR - Species functions throughout their range - resulting
based targets for species biodiversity.
Threat Abatement and Restoration’. in species that are not just surviving, but
More information.
Click here thriving. More information.
Influencing Resource
Betts et al. (2019) identified 41 species- The Global Environment Facility’s System
focused funding bodies and found that 66% for Transparent Allocation of Resources
requested that applicants state the IUCN (STAR) used a metric derived from the
Red List status of the focal species (66%). IUCN Red List as part of the formula to
Some examples of these are shown below: determine the amount of GEF resources
that a given country can access in a
• The Rufford Foundation provided replenishment period.
conservation and research grants for
species listed as threatened on the
IUCN Red List
80% 80%
70% 70%
60% 60%
50% 50%
40% 40%
30% 30%
20% 20%
10% 10%
0 0
r te
r te
20 21
New Entries on the IUCN Red List
Image credits: Fan Mussel (Pinna nobilis) ©Diego Kersting Image credits: Giant Pseudoscorpion (Garypus titanius) ©Nicola Webber
Barbie Pagoda (Podoserpula miranda) ©Christian Laudereau Kalimantan Mango (Mangifera casturi) ©TopTropicals
Eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus globulus) ©Ethel Aardvark
22 23
Species that are recovering Species that are declining
Image credits: Kinabalu Slender Litter Frog (Leptobrachella arayai) ©Andreas & Christel Nöllert, Jena Image credits: Golden Bamboo Lemur (Hapalemur aureus) ©Nick Garbutt
Okarito Kiwi (Apteryx rowi) ©Grant Maslowski The Irrawaddy Dolphin (Orcaella brevirostris) ©Isabel Beasley
24 25
IUCN Red List at Regional and National Levels IUCN Red List assessments at
national and regional levels can be
provided in two ways:
• Application of the IUCN Red List • Application of the IUCN Red List
Categories and Criteria for global Categories and Criteria at the
assessments summarised at the national or regional levels
national or regional level
species), of which 265
species (over 58%) are
endemic to continental
Europe, with 56% (252
species) endemic to the The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM - Regional Assessment
28 EU Member States.
26 27
Regional IUCN Red List Assessments
in Madagascar and the Edited by Catherine A. Sayer, Amy F. Palmer-Newton and William R.T. Darwall
Indian Ocean islands catchment (2019)
hotspot (2018)
The global
assessment report on
Rue Mauverney 28
CH-1196 Gland
Tel: + 41 22 999 0000
Fax: + 41 22 999 0015
The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM
www.iucnredlist.org Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, Intermap, increment P Corp., GEBCO, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN,
GeoBase, IGN, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), (c)
OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community
Government of Malawi
site protection,
OCeaN IslaNds
aNd the INdIaN
IUCN Report
the IUCN red list of threatened speciestM The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM
Use of the IUCN Red List at the national and regional level was further enhanced
during 2017–2020 by the inclusion of new functionality on the IUCN Red List website to
accommodate other languages (French, Spanish and Japanese) and a translation facility
(Google Translate).
The IUCN Red List website, from 2020, provides Red List Index graphs and data for 253
individual countries and 31 regions or subnational divisions.
Key features of the IUCN Red • Advanced search through user selected
List website and SIS which were filters and map with results displayed as
delivered, or significantly improved, Graphs or List or Grid
during the reporting period: • Interactive automated statistics tables
available for decision-makers, which
• Completely new website with
links to download options.
updated guidelines and statistics
• Improved Application Programming
• Fully updated Resources and
Interface (API): software intermediary
Publications section
that allows external users to directly
• Improved data download section, access the IUCN Red List
including multiple download types
• Red List Index graphs and data for
as well as options for accessing >
countries, Sustainable Development
110,000 species range maps for non-
Goals, and thematic groups of species
commercial use
(e.g. freshwater, migratory
• Pages available in Spanish, French
• SIS Connect: a mechanism that
and Japanese, as well as embedded
enables the submission of multiple
translate function for species
species assessments from external
assessment pages
data systems
• The data can be filtered in numerous
• SIS: new Red List index module for
ways, and results presented interactively
collecting and storing such information
in a clean and fast manner for the user.
30 31
Scientifically strong IUCN Red List
Bachman et al. Bird et al.
Scientific studies by Red List Partners and other
Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e47018
doi: 10.3897/BDJ.8.e47018
Software Description
(2020). Rapid least (2020) Generation
Rapid Least Concern: towards automating Red List
concern: Towards lengths of the
scientists were used to strengthen the methods Steven Bachman‡, Barnaby Eliot Walker‡, Sara Barrios‡, Alison Copeland§, Justin Moat‡
‡ Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London, United Kingdom
§ Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Government of Bermuda, Hamilton, Bermuda
Citation: Bachman S, Walker BE, Barrios S, Copeland A, Moat J (2020) Rapid Least Concern: towards
automating Red List assessments. Biodiversity Data Journal 8: e47018. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.8.e47018
Biodiversity Data for extinction risk.
advances are essential to securing the trusted Journal, 8(1), Conserv. Biol.
The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM (hereafter the Red List) is an important global
resource for conservation that supports conservation planning, safeguarding critical habitat
and monitoring biodiversity change (Rodrigues et al. 2006). However, a major shortcoming
of the Red List is that most of the world's described species have not yet been assessed
and published on the Red List (Bachman et al. 2019Eisenhauer et al. 2019). Conservation
efforts can be better supported if the Red List is expanded to achieve greater coverage of
mega-diverse groups of organisms such as plants, fungi and invertebrates. There is,
One reason for this lack of species coverage is that a manual and relatively time-
consuming procedure is usually employed to assess and document species. A recent
update of Red List documentation standards (IUCN 2013) reduced the data requirements
for publishing non-threatened or 'Least Concern' species on the Red List. The majority of
the required fields for Least Concern plant species can be found in existing open-access
data sources or can be easily calculated. There is an opportunity to consolidate these data
© Bachman S et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC
BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are
The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species includes Highlights
1IUCN, 28 rue Mauverney, CH-1196,
standardise, and stabilise how AOH is measured, how it relates to the Red List criteria, and sources Gland, Switzerland
of error in its derivation. Specifically, we show here that AOH is equivalent to neither extent of occur- 2World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF),
rence (EOO) nor to area of occupancy (AOO). Rather, the area of the minimum convex polygon University of the Philippines Los Baños,
around a species’ AOH can be used to estimate the upper bound of EOO. Moreover, if a species’ Laguna, 4031, Philippines
3Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies,
AOH is measured at (or scaled to) a 2 3 2 km reference scale it can be used to estimate the upper
University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS 7001,
bound of AOO. We conclude by highlighting the relevance of measurement of terrestrial species’ Australia
area of habitat in guiding conservation, for example through targeting areas for field surveys, assess- 4Nicholas School of the Environment,
214: 336-342
ing proportions of species’ habitat within protected areas, monitoring habitat loss and fragmenta- Duke University, Box 90328, Durham, NC
tion, and increasing consistency between Red List assessments. 27708, USA
5Department of Ecology and Evolution,
Trends in Ecology & Evolution, November 2019, Vol. 34, No. 11 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2019.06.009 977
ª 2019 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
32 33
An updated and improved IUCN Red List Online Red List Training
IUCN strives to provide top-quality training, guidance IUCN provides free, self-paced training
through the online IUCN Red List course
and support to the network of global, regional and (www.conservationtraining.org), delivering
national Red List experts. Red List knowledge and skills
to current and future generations of Red
List experts. In 2020, the online course was
rewritten and updated to improve content
and performance, including the addition
of a new Mapping Standards module.
Number of people successfully completing Online IUCN Red List exam passes
course modules and final exam (2017–2020): 500
• Global Red List course: 1,464
2017 2018 2019 2020
34 35
Red List Training
The network of certified IUCN Red List Throughout 2017–2020, 48 certified Red List
Trainers works hard to provide Red List Trainers provided 120 training workshops
training wherever this is needed. Training and events (98 in-person, 22 online):
workshops give participants direct access to
Red List experts who can answer their • 46 full Red List Training workshops (3-4
questions and help them develop the skills days).
to produce high-quality Red List
• 35 short Red List Training workshops
(1-2 days).
Wherever possible, training workshops are
• 39 Red List sessions (<1 day events
held in-person. In 2020, IUCN modified the
attached to other meetings and
Red List Training Workshop curriculum to
allow Red List Trainers to facilitate training
workshops online. • Over 2,700 people from 61 countries
4 other
38 39
IUCN is grateful to its donors for supporting the IUCN Red List, including Toyota Motor
Corporation (through the IUCN Toyota Red List Partnership), the Environment Agency -
Abu Dhabi, The Rufford Foundation and the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool.
IUCN is also grateful to every single member of its Species Survival Commission who
assisted in delivering the IUCN Red List during 2017-2021.
IUCN is also extremely grateful to the Red List Partners for continued institutional
commitment to producing the IUCN Red List.
40 41
The IUCN Red List depends on donations
and long-term partnerships to continue
its important work assessing and
reassessing the conservation status
of the world’s species.
Find out how you can work with us to The IUCN Red List of Threatened SpeciesTM is
create a more complete Barometer of Life: produced by the Red List Partnership, currently:
ABQ BioPark, Arizona State University, BirdLife
IUCNredlist.org/support/donate International, Botanic Gardens Conservation
International, Conservation International, International
[email protected]
Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Missouri
Botanical Gardens, NatureServe, Re:Wild, Royal
Botanic Gardens Kew, Sapienza University of Rome,
IUCN Species Survival Commission, Texas A & M
University and Zoological Society of London.