Anglo Eastern Gas Carrier Manual Final 2005
Anglo Eastern Gas Carrier Manual Final 2005
Anglo Eastern Gas Carrier Manual Final 2005
Ch: LPG 0/Roc Date: 01.08.05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 1 of 1
REVISED 01.08.05
Ch: Preamble Date: 01.08.05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 1 of 1
This manual should be read in conjunction with the following:
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1. INTRODUCTION 01.08.05
1.1 Purpose 01.08.05
1.2 Scope 01.08.05
1.3 Responsibility 01.08.05
1.4 Documentation and Reporting 01.08.05
1.5 Commercial Responsibility 01.08.05
1.6 Liquid Cargo 01.08.05
1.7 Cargo Related Publication 01.08.05
4.1 Static Electricity 01.08.05
4.2 Electrical Sparks 01.08.05
4.3 Mechanical Sparks 01.08.05
4.4 Electrical Storms (Lightning) 01.08.05
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This Manual is issued to assist all personnel involved in the operation of LPG Carriers to
carry out their duties in a safe and efficient manner.
If any conflict is found between the requirements of this and any other instructions, the
Master shall consult the Company for instructions on how to resolve the conflict.
The Master is responsible for implementing the requirements of these Instructions on
board. He shall normally appoint the Chief Officer as Cargo Officer to deal with all
matters relating to cargo operations.
In using the SMS, the Master shall take equal account of the requirements of Owners and
Charterers, particularly with regard to preparing cargo spaces for cargo, maximising cargo
intake, the correct loading, storage, segregation, care and discharge of cargo and the
successful conduct of the voyage.
The SMS shall take precedence if a conflict arises, and the Master shall promptly inform
the Company Management Office if this happens.
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Before accepting a LPG cargo, the Master shall satisfy himself that his ship is capable of
safely loading, carrying, and discharging the proposed cargo, and if in any doubt he shall
consult the Company.
All Deck Officers shall be instructed by the Master to make themselves familiar with the
contents of the cargo-related publications on board appropriate to the ship type.
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The Master shall appoint a Deck Officer (normally the Chief Officer) as the Cargo Officer
in charge of all cargo, ballast and tank cleaning (grade change) operations and shall instruct
this Officer regarding the operational circumstances in which the Master shall be called or
The duties of the Cargo Officer are to plan, organise, control and supervise all deck, tank
and pumproom (Compressor room) aspects of the appropriate operations and to liaise with
the Chief Engineer to ensure timely availability of systems.
A Deck Watch shall be on duty to assist during all cargo, ballast and tank cleaning
operations and the Cargo Officer shall organise other Deck Officers and Ratings into these
The strength of a Deck Watch may vary from time at the discretion of the Master but, when
operating alongside a terminal or other ship, a Watch shall consist of at least:
• The Cargo Officer
• The Deck Officer
• The Gas Engineer
• Two ratings (one stationed at the Cargo manifold at all times during cargo operation)
The rotation of Deck Watch Personnel shall be so organized as to ensure that they receive
adequate rest periods. Watch-keeping schedule must be documented and posted up for
reference)(El: 6b-2-1/6b-2-2) Since there is only one Gas Engineer available it is essential
that his is adequately rested during his time on duty and these shall be arranged at times of
low operational activity. It may also be necessary for the Cargo Officer to take rest periods
during this time on duty.
The prepared loading / discharge plan must include a bar chart showing the planned
progress of the operation. The Cargo Officer shall fully brief the Watch Officers of the
planned operation and make full use of the Watch Officer to control and supervise the
routine aspects of the operation. However the Cargo Officer shall personally:
• Check cargo loading arm/ hose connections before commencing to load or discharge.
The supervision of the loading arm / hose connection and carrying out the leak test to
be done by the Gas Engineer and Duty officer.
• Supervise and check all pipeline valve and blanking device settings during lining up
and closing down procedures.
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• Supervise the topping off of all cargo tanks whether loading cargo or ballast.
• Before he leaves the deck/CCR for any length of time the Cargo Officer shall give
clear written instructions to the Watch Officer regarding the continuance of current
operations and the time or circumstances when he is to be called.
When the Cargo Officer is absent from the deck/CCR the Watch Officer shall assume
responsibility for continuing all planned operations as outlined in the ‘standing orders for
cargo operations’ and written instructions. He shall control and supervise all routine aspects
of monitoring tanks, pumps and equipment in use as well as the general ship keeping
requirements of moorings, gangway, draught, etc. He may regulate tank valves and pump
controls in progressing the planned operation but he shall not depart from the plan without
direct instructions from the Cargo Officer. He shall call the Cargo Officer immediately if
any emergency arises or any unforeseen circumstance becomes apparent. In an emergency
he shall not hesitate to stop all operations if he considers that the circumstances require
such action.
During cargo operations, the Deck Watch should take regular rounds and cross-check and
report status of liquid and vapour lines, vent lines and vents, valves and overboard discharges
to the Watch Officer. These rounds should be carried out along with the items marked as
“R” in the ship-shore safety checklist (Appendix II) at the agreed intervals and recorded.
The Watch Officer shall record the events of the operations as they occur in the Cargo
Logbook and maintain records of all the parameters monitored.
Cargo Officer should issue Supplementary Standing orders for Deck Officers, Gas
Engineer and to Deck Crew on Cargo watches as appropriate.
A copy of these Standing Orders shall be displayed at the Cargo Control Station. A further
copy shall be inserted in the Master's Night Order Book and each Deck Officer shall sign
that he has read and fully understands these Standing Orders before participating in his first
Deck Watch on any ship.
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A comprehensive detailed record of all events during operations shall be kept by noting
events as they occur in a Cargo Log Book at the control station. Only significant events
recorded in the Cargo Log Book shall be transferred to and noted in the Deck Log Book.
No detailed list of the events to be recorded in the Cargo Log Book is given here and
Masters and Officers shall use their own judgement in this matter. However, the object of
this record is, if necessary, to reconstruct the method and sequence of events of an
operation and to this end full, relevant details shall be recorded. An entry for Ship / shore
safety checklists agreement and for further safety checks on deck should be made in Cargo
log book.
This data need not be entered directly into the Cargo Log Book but may be recorded on
company Gas forms. Where online gauging of tank contents is not fitted the loading
computer should be regularly updated for stress monitoring. (El: 6a-3-1)
The following items, as appropriate to the particular operation, shall be recorded at least
once per hour:
• The ullages or soundings of all cargo and ballast tanks being worked
• The cargo tank loading or discharge rate calculated from cargo tank ullage readings
• If time and circumstances permit, the ballast loading or discharge rate calculated from
the ballast tank soundings.
• Pump performance gauge readings.
• The cargo manifold pressure gauge and temperature gauge readings
• Ship's draught gauge readings
• The cargo tank pressures and temperatures
When continuous recording equipment is in use, a hand written time reference mark shall
be made on the print-out paper at the commencement and completion of operations.
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The Shipbuilder's and Manufacturer's Instruction Manuals for relevant systems, machinery
and equipment shall be readily available in an appropriate location for all Officers involved
in cargo operations.
These Officers are to familiarise themselves with the operation of the relevant items and to
instruct ratings in the correct use of equipment as necessary.
All systems, machinery and equipment shall be operated within the Shipbuilder's or
Manufacturer's design limitations and their specified routine tests and checks during
start-up and operation shall be carried out
• The operation of standby power packs for remote control systems shall be tested on
each occasion before the system is put into operation
• The accuracy of a remote level gauge in each cargo tank shall be proved at least
once during the loading or discharging operation in that tank - this shall be done as
soon as convenient by comparing the remote reading with a local reading.
• High and high – high level alarms shall be tested prior arrival and always in use as
independent monitoring in addition to the primary gauging system.(el: 6a-2-4).
• Regular comparison checks should be carried out between the tank vapour space
local gauge and any remote read outs and recorded.
• Leak testing of the cargo system prior cargo operations to check system integrity
It is essential that all Deck Officers take the first opportunity to commit to memory the
arrangements of all cargo, ballast, and inert gas piping systems so that they may deal
immediately with any emergency situation that may arise
during operations.
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Diagrams of the cargo, ballast, and inert gas systems shall be prominently displayed at the
Control Station. During normal operations these diagrams shall be consulted before setting
pipelines or altering valve settings.
The initial lining up of piping systems and any subsequent alterations of valve settings for
cargo/ballast operations shall be directly supervised by the Cargo Officer. The individual
requirements of each operation and the facilities provided by the ship's systems will
determine the line-up to be adopted and the Cargo Officer shall prepare a programme for
the operation to make full and efficient use of the available facilities.
While it is not possible to detail a line setting procedure, which will suit all ships on all
occasions, any prepared programme shall include the following general rules of good
• all valves in the cargo related piping systems and ballast systems shall be CLOSED
at all times except when they are required to be OPEN for operational reasons - this
basic must be followed without qualification and valves, which are OPEN, shall be
CLOSED as soon as operational requirements permit
• blanking devices including spool pieces and elbow connections in piping systems
shall have a normally OPEN or normally CLOSED designation - when these are
changed from their normal positions for operational reasons, they shall be returned
to their normal position as soon as circumstances permit
• manifold blanks with gaskets shall always be secured with ALL bolts in place in the
CLOSED position except when a blank has to be removed for operational reasons.
When closed, the bolts should extend at least by two full threads after the nut.
• when lining up for transfer operations the manifold valves shall not be OPENED
until cargo arms are connected and shall be CLOSED before the arms are
disconnected - the settings of manifold valves shall not be altered during cargo
transfer operations without the agreement of the transfer terminal representative -
where manifold valves are fitted with locking devices, these shall always be used
• when working parcel cargoes, which require segregation, the valves providing the
necessary separation shall be lashed in the CLOSED position.
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completion of the setting of all other individual valves, the whole piping system
shall be checked to ensure that it is correctly lined up.
Changing the condition of a valve setting shall always be done at a slow rate. Rapid
OPENING or CLOSING of a valve can result in a system pressure surge which could cause
damage to piping, valves, pumps and other system components.
Valves shall never be CLOSED against the flow of liquid unless other valve settings permit
the flow to be diverted to another tank or open discharge line.
The engine room must be manned at all times during cargo and ballast transfer operations,
and whenever the inert gas plant is in operation.
The routine sounding of segregated ballast tanks and void spaces is to be carried out to
detect any water leakage to void spaces, which can damage the tank insulation and affect
the stability of vessel.
If leakage is detected the Master must take action to control the situation and advise the
Company of the circumstances and the action taken.
The atmosphere in all ballast tanks should be tested weekly and recorded. Cargo handling
Spaces, Void spaces, Accommodation area and Engine room are regularly monitored by
Fixed Gas detection system. The Fixed Gas Detector should be checked daily for
operational condition and regularly calibrated as per maker’s instruction. The Fixed Gas
detector readings should be recorded on daily basis. These records should be kept to
demonstrate the levels and any apparent trends or changes in level.
If hydrocarbon gas is detected the cause is to be investigated and action taken to render the
space gas free. The Master is to report the circumstances and action being taken to the
Company as soon as possible.
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A record is to be maintained of the opening and closing of manhole covers to all ballast
tanks and of all other accesses and openings which are within the cargo tank area and
below the upper deck.
The Chief Officer must personally supervise the closing of any access which has been
opened in a cargo tank. He must personally check the condition and the quantity used of
all gaskets, studs, washers, nuts and other securing devices to ensure that the opening is
closed tightly.
The Chief Officer may delegate the supervision of the closing of other manholes or
accesses to a responsible crew member provided the Officer receives a verbal report from
the crew member that the access has been properly closed.
The use of polypropylene ropes is no longer acceptable in the oil and gas industry. Where
soft ropes are supplied, these must be constructed of a polyester/polypropylene mixture.
Moorings of different material or lengths should not be used in the same service.
When an Optimoor profile has been created for a vessel at a particular berth and this profile
cannot be adhered to, the facts of the case must be reported to the company.
Masters must ensure that at all berths the mooring pattern could not constitute “mixed
moorings” as described in the OCIMF Mooring Equipment Guidelines, OCIMF Effective
Mooring and ISGOTT. If the shore insist on a mixed mooring pattern, the Master must
issue a letter of protest and inform AESM.
On vessels on frequent scheduled voyages and fitted with wire mooring ropes, the wires
will be renewed at each special survey and turned end-for-end at intermediate docking.
Synthetic pennants will be renewed at each docking. One spare wire and one spare pennant
should be on board.
If mooring tails are fitted to wires, connecting links are usually either Tonsberg or Mandal
Shackles. Tonsberg have a straight pin, and tail should be connected to it; Mandal has a
curved roller and the wire should be connected to it.
Mooring Tails to meet OCIMF guidelines: If mooring wire tails are used they should be of
a material with high breaking strength such as braided or plaited (not three strand
construction) nylon. The size of rope selected should be capable of easy handling, while at
the same time being of sufficient quality to ensure that the tail has a dry breaking strength
at least 25% greater than the associated wire. Dry nylon rope is slightly stronger than
polyester, but wet Nylon loses strength much faster under cyclic loading than polyester,
and for this reason nylon tails should have at least 37% more strength than the associated
wire to allow for the reduction in wet strength. Polypropylene rope should not be used for
mooring wire tails.
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Mooring lines should be reeled so that the pull is against the fixed pin of the brake strap
rather than the floating end. Reeling in the contrary direction can seriously reduce the brake
holding capacity.
Winch brakes should be tested at intervals not exceeding 12 months. A record of regular
maintenance and inspections and tests, test certificates of each item of the mooring system
should be maintained on board.
While alongside self-tensioning winches should not be used in automatic mode.
Mooring winch brake design capacity is the percentage of the minimum breaking load of a
new mooring rope or wire it carries, at which the winch brake is designed to render.
Winch brakes will normally be designed to hold 80% of the line’s minimum breaking load
and will be set in service to hold 60% of the mooring line’s minimum breaking load. Brake
holding capacity may be expressed either in tonnes or as a percentage of a line’s minimum
breaking load. The primary brake should be set to hold 60% of the mooring line’s
minimum breaking load. Since brakes may deteriorate in service, it is recommended that
new equipment be designed to hold 80%of the line’s minimum breaking load, but have the
capability to be adjusted down to 60%.
Specifications should be available on the winch drum to show the design holding capacity
and the torque required on the hand wheel or lever to achieve this. If mooring lines are
utilized that have a minimum breaking load in excess of that for which the winch was
originally designed, the brakes should be set to render at 60% of the minimum breaking
load of the mooring line for which the winch was designed.
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The relevant sections of ISGOTT shall be consulted.
All materials, whether solid, liquid or vapour, can generate and return a static charge to
some extent. The level of charge depends on the electrical resistance of the material; if it is
high, a charge can be built up. On board it is possible for a static charge to build up in the
cargo system on materials with low resistance, e.g. pipework that are electrically insulated
from each other.
In an un-bonded system or in a system in which the bonding has been removed or damaged
static electricity can be generated by:
A sufficiently large potential difference between the piping system and the hull may result
in a discharge of static electricity, which may cause a spark which could result in the
ignition of a flammable gas/air mixture.
To minimise the risks of static discharges the cargo system must be properly bonded
through to the hull. This will normally be done by the fitting of bonding straps at each
flange in the cargo pipework and on the mounting of pumps and valves.
The bonding straps may be made from steel, copper or other conducting material. Copper
bonding straps, particularly the type made up by woven strands can deteriorate over time,
with the result that the strap either disintegrates or fails to conduct.
When maintenance work is carried out on the cargo system, checks must be made to ensure
that the bonding arrangements have been reinstated correctly.
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Hammering with metal on metal may cause sparks with sufficient energy to create a source
of ignition. These sparks are tiny particles torn off the metal and made very hot by the
energy of impact. The energy within any spark depends upon the nature of the metals
concerned. Base metals, such as aluminium, can create very high energy sparks when
brought into contact with a rusty surface. These base metals have a very high affinity to
oxygen and when in the presence of oxides of iron or lead may create a source of ignition
by the liberating heat in a combustion process.
This type of ignition source may occur when for instance an aluminium gangway is drawn
over a steel deck, which in places is starting to rust. The heat liberated due to friction
between the two surfaces may be sufficient to ignite stray particles consisting of a mixture
of for instance aluminium and iron oxide. The sparks formed are known as hot sparks, and
due to the liberated combustion heat, their energy content may be very high.
So called "spark free" tools are available, but in use these tools may, and often do, create
sparks with sufficient energy to act as a source of ignition. The use of such tools is
therefore not permitted.
Cargo operations or the venting of flammable cargo vapours shall be stopped during
electrical storms in the immediate vicinity of the ship.
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For determining the oxygen content of enclosed spaces each vessel shall carry at least two
portable oxygen analysers with a scale reading from 0-21% oxygen by volume.
Note: Hydrogen Sulphide tubes are supplied for the testing of bunker tank atmospheres as
there have been cases where bunker tanks have indicated dangerous levels of hydrogen
sulphide (H2S).
Additionally two personal gas detection meters and two personal oxygen meters should be
available on board for enclosed space entry. A Multi Gas personal detector measuring H2S,
CO, O2 and HC will be an ideal instrument for making enclosed space entry (For e.g.
Rekin Keiki GX-2001).
All personnel required to use gas detection equipment shall understand the operation
principles used by the detector. The manufacturer's instruction handbook must be available
for each unit.
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LPG is generally defined as propane, butane and propane/ butane mixtures in the
liquid state. These are colourless, non-corrosive, non-toxic but highly flammable.
LNG is clean odourless liquid. LNG is non- corrosive. It does not react
chemically with common materials found on LNG ships. It does not react with
Air, Salt water and Fresh water.
For the purpose of this manual, the chemical gases considered are those
transported in bulk on gas carriers which when liquefied possess similar physical
properties to LPG.
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Substances, which under ambient conditions are gaseous, are transported as liquid to
reduce the required container volume.
In case of methane, liquefaction of gas to LNG reduces the volume by a factor of 600.
Whereas in the case of LPG, liquefaction reduces the volume by a factor of roughly 250.
When transported at low temperature, heat transfer from surroundings will cause some
liquid to vaporize. This vapour can either be condensed and returned to the tank or burnt as
fuel. Some substances can be transported at ambient temperatures under pressure, in which
case there will not be any boil off.
The major hazards of liquefied gases derive from their flammability and their low
temperatures. Some chemical gases may also be toxic and corrosive. Most vapor clouds
are also heavier than air and so tend to remain at ground level.
In a liquefied gas fire only the vapour burns, not the liquid itself. Thus the major
danger is the ignition of the vapour cloud. The flammable vapour can ignite only
when mixed with air in certain proportions. Combustion cannot occur when there
is too little or too much vapour.
Generally this is not considered a major hazard, as energy release is limited and
the possibility of large volumes of liquefied gas reaching the necessary critical
conditions is remote.
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Some cargoes are toxic because their chemical properties can cause
temporary or permanent health damage with symptoms such as
irritation, tissue damage or impairment of faculties. Skin or skin-
wound contact or inhalation may cause this effect. In some cases the
effect is cumulative. Contact with cargo liquid or vapour should be
avoided. Protective clothing should be worn as necessary and
breathing apparatus worn if there is a danger of inhaling toxic vapour. Asphyxia Anaesthesia Frostbite
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Some hydrocarbon cargoes may combine with water under certain conditions to
produce a substance known as ‘hydrate’. Crystals of hydrates resembles crushed
ice or slush. The water for hydrate formation can come from purge vapours with
an incorrect dewpoint, water in the cargo system or water dissolved in the cargo.
Care should be taken to ensure that the dewpoint of any purge vapour used is
suitable for the cargo concerned, and that water is excluded from the cargo
Hydrates can cause pumps to seize, and can also block pump inlets. Care should
be taken to ensure prevention of hydrate formation.
The most common form is polymerisation. In general, cargoes, which may self-
react, are inhibited before shipment and an inhibitor certificate is provided to the
ship. If an addition of inhibitors is necessary, such addition should be in
accordance with shipper’s instructions.
The inhibitor may not boil off with the cargo and it is possible for reliquefaction
systems to contain uninhibited cargo the system should be drained or purged with
inhibited cargo when shut down.
Many inhibitors are much more soluble in water than in the cargo, and care
should be taken to exclude water from the system; otherwise the concentration of
inhibitor in the cargo could be considerably reduced.
Similarly the inhibitor may be very soluble in antifreeze additives if these form a
separate phase and shipper’s instructions on use of antifreeze should be observed.
If the ship is anchored in still conditions the cargo should be circulated daily to
ensure a uniform concentration of inhibitor.
There are no inhibitors available for certain cargoes that can self react (e.g.
ethylene oxide) and these have to be carried under an inert gas blanket. Care
should be taken to ensure that a positive pressure of inert gas is maintained at all
times and that the oxygen concentration never exceeds 0.2% by volume.
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Certain cargoes can react dangerously with one another and these should be
prevented from mixing, and effectively segregated. SIGTTO Chemical
compatibility chart should be consulted. Incase reaction will occur between two
chemicals or gases, double separation in stowage and transfer of cargo should be
provided which will include the segregation of venting system.
Data sheets for both cargoes should be consulted, to establish whether or not these
particular cargoes would react dangerously. Cargo should not be loaded till
sufficient information is available to establish the possibilities of reaction and
office should be informed.
Data Sheets give a list of materials, which should not be allowed to come into
contact with the cargo. Care should be taken to ensure that no incompatible
materials are used. (E.g. gaskets, seals. components of cargo equipment etc..)
Reaction can occur between cargo and purge vapours of poor quality (e.g. inert
gas with high CO2 content can cause carbarmate formation with ammonia).
Reaction can also occur between compressor lubricating oils and some cargoes,
which can cause blockage and damage.
The cargo and inhibitors may be corrosive. Care should be taken to ensure that unsuitable
materials are not introduced into the cargo system. All precautions specific to the cargo
should be strictly observed.
Corrosive liquid can also attack human tissue and care should be taken to avoid contact.
Instructions about the use of protective clothing should be observed.
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Liquefied gas cargoes are often shipped at low temperatures and this can present a hazard
to personnel and to ship’s equipment or systems. It is very essential that temperature-
sensing equipment is well maintained and calibrated.
Care should be taken to prevent cold cargo from coming into contact with normal
shipbuilding steels, the resultant rapid cooling would make the metal brittle and
would cause stress due to contraction. In this condition the metal would not be
able to withstand the combined static, dynamic and thermal stresses and it would
Care should be taken to prevent spillage of low temperature cargo because of the
hazard to personnel and the danger of brittle fracture. If spillage does occur, first
isolate the source and then disperse the spilt liquid. Breathing apparatus may
have to be used, because of the presence of vapour. If there is a danger of brittle
fracture, a water spray could be used both to vaporize the liquid and to keep the
steel warm.
Suitable drip trays should always be used beneath manifold connections. Care
should be taken to ensure that unused manifold connections are isolated and
blanked (flange surface of the blanks should be cleaned and free of frost).
Accidents have occurred because cargo has escaped past incorrectly fitted blanks.
If liquefied gases spill on to the sea, large quantities of vapour will be generated
by the heating effect of the water. This vapour may create a fire or health hazard,
or both. Great care should be taken to ensure that such spillage does not occur,
especially when disconnecting cargo hoses.
Cargo systems are designed to withstand a certain service temperature. The stress
and thermal shock caused by an over-rapid cooldown of the system could cause
brittle fracture. Cooldown operations should be carried out carefully in
accordance with the cooldown rate (Deg C / Hr) as per instructions in the ship-
specific gas-operating manual. As a thumb rule usually it is about 8 degrees
Celsius per hour.
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The cargo containment insulation prevents adjacent ship steel from falling below
permitted levels. ‘Cold spots’ and icing on this steel indicates local breakdown of
the insulation regular checks should be made to see if such breakdowns have
occurred. If cold spots are found, the steel temperature should be maintained
using water either by direct hosing, or if this is ineffective, by filling the adjacent
water ballast space alternatively if a heating system is fitted this should be used in
Low cargo temperatures can freeze water in the system. The effects of ice
formation are similar to those of hydrates and anti-freeze can be used to prevent
ice formation. General precautions given for hydrates apply. Control air piping
on deck should be protected from icing from surrounding cargo piping as any
moisture content in it will freeze and cause shut down.
If the cargo is stored for any length of time and the boil-off is removed to
maintain tank pressure, the evaporation will cause a slight increase in density and
reduction of temperature near the liquid surface, which will create a marginally
higher temperature and lower density at the tank bottom.
This unstable equilibrium will exist until some disturbance occurs, such as the
addition of new liquid. Spontaneous mixing will then take place with the violent
evolution of large quantities of vapour. It results in a rapid vapour generation and
significant rise in tank pressure.
This phenomenon is called ‘roll over’. It may happen on ships that have been in
still water for some time. Under such circumstances tank contents should be
circulated daily by cargo pumps to prevent roll over occurring.
Roll over can also occur if the same or compatible cargoes of different densities
are put into the same tank, for example:
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• Roll over may also occur when two part cargoes are loaded into the same
tank (e.g. propane and butane). In this case there will be a large boil-off due
to the temperature difference between the two, up to 3% of the total liquid
volume. For this reason, such a practice is considered unsafe unless a
thorough thermodynamic analysis of the process is carried out, and loading
done under strictly controlled conditions.
It is very important that pressure sensors are well maintained and accurately calibrated. All
pressure sensors should be calibrated using a reference pressure gauge annually and record
maintained. Reference pressure gauge should be calibrated ashore annually by a competent
body and certified.
As pressures either above or below the design range can cause damage, it should
always be kept within the specific maximum and minimum values.
Cargo trapped in a closed system (e.g. between closed valves) can cause changes
in pressure. Cold liquid can heat up and cause the pressure to rise and warm
vapour (especially butane and butadiene) can condense and reduce pressure. Care
should be taken to ensure that cold liquid does not remain in a closed system and
the necessary precautions concerning cargo vapour should be taken.
Automatic shut-off valves operated by level sensors may cause pressure surges;
these valves have been known to shut prematurely because of a fault or power
failure and it is important that the system is well maintained and properly
adjusted. Cargo tank filling valves should be tested weekly and a record of test
should be maintained.
The following precautions should be taken to avoid pressure surges during cargo
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that do not have to be used during normal operations may be lashed, but
should never be locked in case they have to be used in an emergency.
2. All liquid lines should be drained after use to prevent liquid being trapped
between valves in a deck line and becoming warm and in such cases the
valve should be opened very carefully to equalize the pressures slowly.
3. During loading, when flow is diverted from one tank to another, the valves
on the tank about to receive cargo should be fully opened before closing
the valves on the tank being isolated.
Cargo operations such as cooldown, warm-up, loading and discharging may affect
pressures in hold or inter-barrier spaces; climatic changes and variation in
temperature can also affect pressures.
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Liquid gas samples should not be placed in containers that cannot withstand the
pressure created by the sample at the highest ambient temperature expected.
Sufficient space should be left in the container to ensure that it does not become
liquid full at the highest temperature anticipated.
Cargoes may be carried safely within the range of filling levels specified for a
particular system. Guidance should be sought from the approved stability booklet
and Loading manual. Partial loading of cargo tanks may not be permitted due to
possibility of damage caused by significant acceleration loads.
Pressure relief valves depend on accurate setting of opening and closing pressures
for effective operation. Liquid on the outlet side of these valves can disturb the
set pressure and prevent pressure relief. Any collected liquid should be drained
off carefully and regularly.
Vapour in the space above a liquid is in constant motion. Molecules near the liquid surface
are constantly leaving to enter the vapour-phase and molecules in the vapour are returning
to the liquid-phase. The vapour space is said to be unsaturated if it can accept more vapour
from the liquid at its current temperature. A saturated vapour is a vapour in equilibrium
with its liquid at that temperature. In that condition, the vapour space cannot accept any
further ingress from the liquid without a continuous exchange of molecules taking place
between vapour and liquid.
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This chapter gives general precautions, which should be observed irrespective of the type
of cargo carried; precautions concerning particular cargoes are given in other chapters and
are additional to those given in this chapter.
(1) The Master and all those concerned should use the ICS data sheets and any other
relevant information to acquaint themselves with the characteristics of each cargo to
be loaded. If information necessary for safe carriage is not available, loading should
be refused loading should also be refused if a cargo is to be inhibited but no
certificate giving details of the inhibitor is made available. Special note should be
made of any contaminants that may be present in the cargo, e.g. water.
(2) Moorings should be properly tended so as to keep the vessel securely berthed as
excessive movement could cause damage to hoses or loading arms.
(3) Emergency towing off wires (Fire wires) should be properly rigged and ready for
immediate use at all times.
(4) Safe access should be provided to and away from the manifold area. Safety nets
should be used where appropriate.
(5) Means of access and all working areas should be well lit during darkness.
(6) No unauthorized persons should be allowed on board. Access should also be denied
to persons smoking, intoxicated or under the influence of drugs.
(7) Permanent notices should be conspicuously displayed indicating where smoking and
naked lights are prohibited and where ventilation is necessary before entering.
(8) Temporary Notices should be displayed near points of access to the ship stating :
should be displayed.
(9) No craft should be allowed to come alongside during operations involving venting of
cargo vapour. Regulations against smoking and naked lights should be strictly
enforced on any craft permitted alongside and on shore if applicable.
(10) If there is little wind movement, vapour may persist on deck. Vapour may also
collect on the lee side of superstructures. In such situations, it may be necessary to
stop cargo operations, specially during grade change operations.
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(11) In cold weather, there is a risk of equipment freezing up. Particular attention should
be paid to relief valves and cooling water systems; heating systems should be used if
fitted. Water collected on the discharge side of the relief valves should be drained off.
Cooling water should be dosed with antifreeze, or drained as necessary. If a system is
drained, this action should be logged and the system refilled before subsequent use.
Water in fire main or spray systems should be circulated continuously or drained if
there is a risk of freezing. Motor room vent should be cleared of snow as it may lead
to depressurising of motor room and cause shut down of cargo operation.
Cold weather can cause cargo vapour trapped in rotating equipment (e.g. in a cargo
compressor) to condense, enter the crankcase and dilute the lubricating oil and cause
damage. Crankcase heaters should be used. Pneumatic valves and control systems
can be frozen up in cold weather if the control air supply is damp.
(12) Cargo vapour if required, should be vented to the atmosphere with extreme caution,
taking into account all regulations and weather conditions.
(13) All doors portholes and other openings in superstructures should be kept closed at all
times. Air conditioning intakes must be set to ensure that the atmospheric pressure
inside the accommodation is always greater than that of the external atmosphere. Air
conditioning systems must not be set to 100% recirculation as this will cause the
pressure of the internal atmosphere to fall to less than that of the external atmosphere
due to extraction fans operating in sanitary spaces and galleys. Externally located air
conditioning units, such as window or split air conditioning types, should not be
operated during cargo operations unless they are either located in safe areas or are
certified as safe for use in the presence of flammable vapours. Air lock doors should
be opened only when necessary because loss of pressure between the doors could
cause equipment to shut down.
(14) Boiler tubes, uptakes, exhaust manifolds and combustion equipment should be
maintained in a good condition as a precaution against funnel fires and sparks. If the
funnel emits sparks or the up take is on fire, cargo operations should be stopped. At
sea, the course should be altered soonest to prevent sparks falling on the tank deck.
Soot blowing should not be carried out in port. At sea this should be done only if soot
will be blown clear of the tank deck. [Inform the OOW before soot blowing].
(15) Oil spillage and leakage should be avoided in the engine room and compressor room
& Motor room and the floor plates should be kept clean. In no case should any oil or
fuel come in contact with hot surfaces. Flammable liquids for cleaning etc., should
be kept in closed, unbreakable and correctly labelled containers in a suitable
compartment when not in use and handled with all care.
(16) Care should be taken to ensure that cargo vapour does not enter the engine or boiler
room or electric motor room from any source. Diesel engines are liable to overspeed
and destroy themselves if flammable vapour is present in the air supply, even at
concentrations well below LFL.
(17) Galley personnel should be made aware of the potential dangers from galley fires and
all necessary safeguards should be taken. Oily rags and fat should not be allowed to
accumulate and the trunking of extractor fans should be kept clean.
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(18) Gas detectors are fitted at high and low levels, and relevant detectors should be used
for the cargo carried. Compressor room fans should be started at least ten minutes
before cargo operations begin and kept running throughout the operation and also if
cargo leakage is suspected. Ventilation and lighting systems should be maintained
carefully and design features should not be impaired in anyway. Care should be
taken to ensure that gas tight bulkhead gland seals and air lock doors function
correctly and are maintained properly.
(19) The ship should be at all times adequately stable and in good trim to allow for
departure at short notice in an emergency. The ship’s Loading and Stability Booklet
should be complied with. Hull stresses should be kept within permissible limits.
(20) While berthed, the ship should always be ready to move under her own power at short
notice. Immobilization should only be undertaken with prior written agreement of
the terminal and if necessary from the local port authority.
(21) All applicable pollution regulations should be complied with. Fire fighting appliances
should be in readiness, tested regularly and available for immediate use.
(22) Items such as mobile telephones and radio pagers should only be used in a safe area,
such as within the ship’s accommodation.
(23) All helicopter operations should be carried out as per the advice contained in ICS
Guide to Helicopter / Ship operations. Helicopter operations must not be permitted
over the tank deck unless all other operations have been suspended.
(24) Operational abnormalities in any of the ship’s system should be recorded and
informed to all concerned. Routine records for all systems and operations should be
maintained diligently.
They are to be switched off whilst outside the accommodation and on the tank deck.
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Smoking should be permitted only under controlled conditions at times and in places
specified by the Master. In the designated smoking room, all ports should be kept closed
and doors into passageways should be kept closed except when in use. Only closed self-
extinguishing type ashtrays should be used. Matches and lighters should not be carried
about on deck. Smoking must be strictly prohibited on board any gas carrier while at a
berth except in designated smoking areas. During grade change operations smoking to be
completely prohibited in all parts of the vessel.
(1) The compartment over which, or within which, the equipment and/ or extension cable is to
be used is free of flammable vapour throughout the period during which the equipment is in
(2) Adjacent compartments are also free of flammable vapour, or have been made safe by
inerting or completely filling with water.
(3) All connections with other compartments that are not free of flammable vapour are closed
and will remain so.
(4) The equipment circuit and extension cable is intrinsically safe.
(5) The equipment is connected within an approved explosion proof housing. Flexible cable
used should be of a type approved for extra hard usage has an earth conductor, and should
be permanently attached to the explosion proof housing in an approved manner.
(6) Air driven lamps of an approved type may be used in non gas-free atmospheres. Although,
to avoid the accumulation of static electricity on the lamp, it should be either earthed or the
hose should have a resistance low enough to allow static dissipation.
(7) Only approved safety torches or hand lamps should be used.
Portable domestic radios, electronic calculators, tape recorders, and other non-approved
battery powered equipment should not be used on the tank deck or wherever flammable
vapour may be encountered.(Repeated)
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(9) All portable electrical equipment should be carefully examined for possible defects before
use. Special care should be taken to ensure that insulation is undamaged, that cables are
securely attached and remain so while the equipment is in use. When berthed, the ship may
come within a shore hazardous zone. The precautions relating to the use of electrical
equipment within that zone should then be observed on board the ship.
When berthed the ship’s normal communication equipment should not be used unless
certified safe or the terminal has given specific approval. This applies to telephones,
loudhailers, searchlights, etc.
Main radio transmitters should not be used during cargo operations if the aerial is above
deck. This is not applicable to permanently and correctly installed VHF equipment.
When berthed, the ship’s main transmitting aerials are to be earthed. If required to operate
the ship’s radio in port for maintenance etc., the agreement of the terminal should be
sought. Work permits will have to be issued and to ensure safety; operations will have to
be carried out at low power using a dummy aerial load, or transmitting only when no cargo
operations are in progress. Globe E mail HF mail service should be in sleep mode at berth
and only satellite link for mail should be established.
Hot work should only be carried out on board in accordance with ISGOTT and Company
guidelines. If for any reason, hot work is to be carried out outside the designated area in the
machinery space, The Master must obtain the Company's approval for the work, in
accordance with Company standing instructions.
Before any power tool is used and before hot work, hammering, chipping or sandblasting is
undertaken, the area to be treated should be examined carefully to ensure that the work can
be safely undertaken. The following points should be kept in mind:
(1) The area is free of flammable vapour (flammable gas concentration in the areas
should be zero, but never exceeding 1% LFL). !!
(2) There is no cargo impregnated scale or other material in the area likely to give off
vapour which is flammable, or harmful or both.
(3) There is no flammable liquid in adjacent spaces, which might catch fire by the
transmission of heat through the bulkhead or deck.
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(5) All combustible material such as insulation should be removed or protected from
(6) No flammable vapour or liquid should be released while hot work is in progress.
(7) If carrying out work in an enclosed space, the oxygen content should be normal at
(11) The use of non-sparking tools is not recommended, as particles of steel or rust may
be embedded in the soft metal of such tools and make them capable of creating
sparks. However, some Terminals specifically demand that only these tools are
(12) Aluminium equipment should not be dragged or rubbed across steel since it may
leave a smear. If a heavy smear of aluminium on rusty steel is struck, it is possible
to cause an incendiary spark.
Cargo hose strings and loading arms should be fitted with an insulating flange or a length
of non-conducting hose to ensure electrical discontinuity between ship and shore.
Insulating flanges or length of non-conducting hose, when installed should not be short-
circuited, for example, by direct contact with the jetty structure, hose handling equipment,
or metal gangways. Insulating flanges should be visually inspected periodically to ensure
that the insulation is clean and in good condition. Resistance across it should be measured
to confirm.
Cargo hoses with internal bonding between the end flanges should be checked for electrical
continuity before they are taken into service and at regular intervals thereafter.
While some national and local regulations still require mandatory connection of a bonding
cable, it should be noted that the IMO ‘Recommendations on the Safe Transport of
Dangerous Cargoes and Related Activities in Port Areas’ (1995) urge port authorities to
discourage the use of ship/shore bonding cables and to adopt the recommendation
concerning the use of an insulating flange or a single length of non-conducting hose.
Insulating flanges should be designed to avoid accidental short circuiting.
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If shore authorities require a bonding cable, the connection to the ship should be checked to
see that it is mechanically and electrically sound. Connection should not be made or
broken during cargo operations.
Switching off the ship’s cathodic protection system is not a substitute for an insulating
flange or a length of non-conducting hose. Ship’s systems may be switched off, if the
terminal has neither insulating flange nor a cathodic protecting system.
Immediate steps should be taken to remedy any leakage, which may result in the liquid
coming in contact with hot surfaces. Care should also be taken to avoid rags or other
materials soaked in oil or chemical from coming in contact with hot surfaces.
Cotton waste and similar absorbent materials should not be stowed near oil, paints etc. nor
allowed to come in contact with cargo for instance, while taking it on board. They should
not be left lying on the jetty, on deck, on equipment, and on or around pipelines, due to the
danger of spontaneous combustion. These materials if they become damp, should be dried
before stowing or destroyed.
The cargo system of a gas carrier is electrically bonded to the ship’s hull to prevent a
charge build up and it is essential that these bonding connections be maintained in an
efficient condition. Danger of ignition by static electricity is reduced if the system is
correctly bonded or if flammable mixtures are not formed.
Due to the risk of static electricity, neither steam nor CO2 should be injected into a tank,
compartment or pipe system, which contains a flammable mixture.
Fire fighting appliances should be kept in good order, tested regularly and be available for
immediate use at all times.
Prior to cargo transfer, the ship’s fire fighting system should be made ready. Two fire
hoses should be uncoiled and kept forward and aft of the manifold ready for immediate use,
the fire main should be pressurized. The water spray system should be set to protect the
manifold and should be tested. Fixed DCP monitors should be made ready and, if remotely
activated, should be adjusted to protect the manifold before operations commence. A
portable DCP extinguisher should be placed conveniently for use near the manifold and
hoses from fixed dry powder stations should be uncoiled and kept ready for immediate use.
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Additional protective clothing should be kept near the Cargo Manifold in case of certain
hazardous cargoes (e.g. Ammonia, VCM)
Flame arrestors and screens, if fitted, should be maintained in good condition and replaced
if they become defective. Flame screen for specified cargoes (Propylene oxide, Isoprene) if
available should be regularly inspected.
If inert gas is used in the cargo system (e.g. tank holds or inter-barrier spaces) the gas in
each space should be checked regularly to ensure that the oxygen concentration is
maintained at the required level and that the pressure is above atmospheric.
Instrumentation and equipment used in the system should be maintained in good condition.
Inert gas for fire fighting purposes should not be used for cargo service.
Inerting will not prevent external fire if flammable liquid or vapour escapes due to leakage,
overflow, burst hose or collision damage. An inert gas/ cargo vapour mixture may become
flammable should it escape to atmosphere.
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This chapter outlines the range of cargo operations normally carried out on LPG Carriers
and general safety precautions to be observed in connection with these operations.
Procedures outlined below should be considered as general, due to the considerable variety
in design of cargo containment and cargo handling systems. Specific instructions should
be prepared for each particular ship and individual operation, the ship-specific cargo
operation manual should be consulted.
Before a ship is commissioned to carry liquefied gas, it is essential that all parts of the
cargo system are clean and dry.
Cargo tanks should be clean and inspected at all levels to ensure that any accumulations of
rust, water and possible loose objects have been removed. Manhole gaskets should be
checked for possible damage and covers properly tightened down.
Pipelines, valves and pumps are to be completely dried out and if necessary, treated with
antifreeze. The piping system should be thoroughly blown through with adequate
quantities of compressed air, making full use of the system’s drains. Special attention
should be paid to body cavities of valves and convolutions of expansion bellows.
The E.S.D. system should be made ready. The operation of all actuated valve cutouts on
compressors and pumps checked.
The final adjustment and testing of some control equipment in connection with cargo
refrigeration plant can only be carried out with cargo on board. Pipe supports should be
checked especially where expansion bellows are fitted.
The sequence of cargo handling operations for any LPG carrier, which comes directly from
the builder or dry-dock, is as follows:
(1) Drying - To remove moisture from cargo tanks and pipework in order to reduce the
dewpoint and minimize potential ice formation problems.
(2) Inerting - To reduce the oxygen content in the cargo system and so prevent a
flammable atmosphere in the subsequent gassing up operations.
(3) Purging (or gassing up) - To replace the inert gas in the cargo tanks, etc. with the
vapour of the cargo to be loaded.
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(4) Cooldown - To reduce the temperature of the cargo tank prior to loading in order to
minimize thermal stresses and excessive vaporization.
(5) Loading - which may involve cooling the product below delivered temperature.
(6) Cargo Conditioning at sea
(7) Discharge - which may involve heating refrigerated cargoes for discharge into
pressurized storage.
(8) Ballast passage - which may involve preparing the cargo tanks for a change of
(9) Changing cargo - which may involve gas freeing, inerting and re-gassing up.
9.3.1 DRYING
Drying is most commonly carried out by means of an air drier. Fresh air from
atmosphere is taken through blower or compressor and then passed to a
refrigerated drier, normally cooled by R22. The air is cooled and therefore
saturated at a lower dewpoint. The dewpoint can be further reduced by down
stream silica gel drying. Thereafter, the air may be warmed back to ambient
temperature by means of an air heater and then sent to the cargo tank. This
process is continued for all tanks and the pipework system until the dewpoint of
the air is lower than the envisaged cargo carriage temperature. Drying operation is
very common during carriage of Ammonia.
Drying can also be accomplished simultaneously with the inerting operation either
using nitrogen from shore or alternatively with an inert gas generator on board
fitted with both refrigerated and silica gel drying facilities to achieve a dewpoint
of minus 50oC at atmospheric pressure.
Inerting of the cargo tanks and pipework system is undertaken to ensure that a
non-flammable condition exists while gassing up with the vapour of the cargo to
be loaded. For this purpose, a reduction of oxygen concentration below 0.5% by
volume is generally adequate, although lower values are usually obtainable and
preferred. When oxygen levels as low as 0.1% are required to avoid chemical
reaction with incoming gassing-up vapour, it can only be provided by a nitrogen
inerting system.
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There are two procedures, which can be used for inerting cargo tanks:
displacement or dilution. Whichever method is used, it is important to monitor the
oxygen concentration in each tank from time to time and at as many locations as
possible using the vapour sampling connections provided.
Inert gas from a combustion type generator must never be used in preparation for
carrying ammonia because of the reaction of ammonia vapour with the CO2
content of such inert gas to form carbamates.
In the dilution method the incoming gas mixes with the gas already
in the tank. The dilution method can be carried out in several
different ways.
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Continuous Dilution
This is the only process available for type A tanks, which have a
very small pressure or vacuum capability. For a true dilution
process, it is necessary to introduce the inert gas at high speed
through the vapour connections and vent the diluted contents via the
bottom loading lines. Care should be taken to ensure continuous
good quality inert gas at the maximum output conditions of the inert
gas generator.
Nitrogen or CO2, the main constituents of inert gas cannot be condensed by ship’s
reliquefaction plant.
Purging the inert gas out of the cargo tanks with cargo vapour is necessary so that
the reliquefaction plant can operate continuously and efficiently. Basic principles
discussed previously for inerting apply equally to purging.
Liquid or vapour as required can be taken into the cargo tanks to achieve the
necessary cargo concentration.
The ‘gassing up’ operation may also be undertaken using cargo supplied from
ashore. This facility exists only at certain terminals and the majority of terminals
do not permit venting of hydrocarbon vapours alongside, as it presents a hazard.
If no facilities (vapour return etc.) are available for the ship to purge alongside, it
is common practice for the ship to prepare one cargo tank and to take sufficient
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liquid on board, so that the vessel can leave the berth, purge and cooldown the
remaining cargo tanks using this liquid and then return ready for loading.
To prevent undue thermal stresses and excessive tank pressure during loading the
cargo system must be gradually cooled down. Cooldown consists of introducing
cargo liquid into a tank at a low and carefully controlled rate.
The rates at which cargo tanks can be cooled without creating undue thermal
stresses depend on the design of the containment system and are typically 10 8 oC
per hour. Reference should always be made to the ship-operating manual to
determine maximum allowable cooldown rates.
The procedure is for cargo liquid from shore or from deck storage tanks to be
gradually introduced into the tanks either through spray lines, if fitted, or via the
cargo loading lines. The vapour produced by the rapid evaporation of this liquid
can be sent ashore through a vapour return line or handled in the ship’s
reliquefaction plant. If vapour is being handled in the ship’s reliquefaction plant, a
closewatch should be kept on compressor discharge temperatures and the
incondensible gases vented from the top of the reliquefaction condenser as
As the cargo containment system cools down, the thermal contraction of the tank
and drop in surrounding temperature together tend to cause a pressure drop in the
void spaces. Normally pressure control systems supplying air or inert gas will
maintain these pressures, but a watch should be kept on them as the cooldown
Cooldown should continue until liquid begins to form in the bottom of the cargo
tanks. This can be seen from the sensors. The actual temperature gradient depends
on the size of the cargo tanks, position of sprays etc.
Once the cargo tanks have been cooled down, cargo pipework and equipment not
already cooled can be cooled down.
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Cargo planning:
A detailed cargo plan should be prepared prior arrival to the port. Company has
standard forms for cargo planning which involves ship / shore information
exchange, Emergency preparedness in port, cargo quantities, stability conditions
at different stages of operation and specific instructions by Chief officer for the
Cargo plan should cover the following at all stages of cargo operation:
• Quantity and grade of each parcel;
• Density, temperature and other relevant conditions, including the reference
temperature, which determines the filling limits;
• A plan of the distribution, quantities, innages, lines and pumps to be used;
• Transfer rates and maximum allowable pressures;
• Critical stages of the operation;
• Notice of rate change;
• Stability and stress information;
• Drafts and trims;
• Emergency stop procedures;
• Action to be taken in the event of a spill;
• Flammability and toxicity with references to cargo data sheets;
• Ballast operations;
• Protective equipment requirements;
• Hazards of the particular cargoes.
• And, as required, requirements for:
• Cargo pollution category;
• Cooling requirements including rates of cool-down;
• Use of the cargo heater or vapouriser;
• Heel requirements after discharge;
• Under keel clearance limitations;
Cargo loading can be carried out using a vapour return line, the ship’s
reliquefaction plant or both. The cargo is led into the cargo tank via the filling
lines, which usually terminate close to the tank bottom. If the tank has been
cooled down, it is normal to bypass some of the incoming liquid through the tank
sprays, if fitted, to reduce the temperature gradient from the top to the bottom of
tanks, and to even out the rate of boil off.
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The initial stages of loading are critical. Ship’s tank pressures must be regularly
observed and on no account should relief valves be allowed to lift. Loading rates
should be reduced and if necessary stopped when difficulties are experienced in
maintaining acceptable tank pressures. Reliquefaction plant should be in operation
before commencement of loading operation. Depending on the purging operation,
significant quantities of incondensible gas may be present and if no vapour return
is provided, these incondensables will have to be vented to the atmosphere via the
purge condenser where fitted or alternatively from the top of the cargo condenser.
Care must be taken when venting incondensables to minimize venting of cargo
vapours to the atmosphere.
A close watch should be kept on the vessel’s cargo tank pressures, temperatures,
liquid levels, inter-barrier space pressures, etc. throughout the loading operation.
If large quantities of vapour are being generated, the bubbles created will increase
the liquid volume. Accurate level monitoring then can be achieved by suspending
temporarily the vapour removal to allow the liquid level to stabilize.
Towards the end of the loading operations; the loading rate should be reduced to
an appropriate level as previously agreed with shore staff in order to accurately
‘top-off’ tanks (topping up and stopping levels of cargo tanks to be supervised
and checked by two officers ) On completion of loading, all cargo lines should be
drained back to the cargo tanks. Once liquid has been cleared and lines
depressurised, manifold valves should be closed and cargo hose disconnected
from the manifold flanges.
The relief valves of some vessels have dual settings to allow higher tank pressures
during the loading operation. If relief valve settings are to be changed, by
changing the pilot spring this can only be carried out with the prior permission of
the Master then it must be logged down in Deck Log Book and the current
settings prominently displayed. The relief valve pressure must not be set above
the MARVS and harbour setting must be reset to sea setting before the ship goes
to sea.
Membrane tanks have special loading conditions imposed for permitted liquid
levels in order to minimize sloshing.
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No cargo tank should have a higher filling limit than 98% at the
reference temperature with some exceptions that are given in IGC
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IGC 8.2.18 requires that the owner demonstrate the adequacy of the
venting system to handle a two-phase flow.
Because of these amendments, ships which have a type C tank can now load a
much larger amount of cargo. Apart from commercial gains, this is actually
beneficial in a fire situation. SIGTTO and IACS have demonstrated that the upper
tank body can withstand a fire without rupturing for a longer duration under such
In order to take advantage of this amendment the venting system of the cargo
system needs approval. Once approved, the administration will issue a permanent
certificate to that effect. The Master will retain on board the original certificate.
The isothermal method is probably the easiest way to determine the maximum
temperature expected en route. The intended track of the vessel should be laid on
routing charts, which are overlaid with surface and air temperature isothermals.
From this, the maximum temperature that can be expected en route can be read
off. The Master should also consult the relevant pilot books to confirm the
maximum temperature expected en route.
A full tank of cargo may never reach this maximum temperature. The tank has to
remain for some time in that environment to reach thermal equilibrium with the
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Many environmental factors like wind, cloud cover, state of sea also affect the
expected temperature rise. Such conditions can be recorded in the same booklet.
All cargo tanks and pressure tanks of volume more than 200-m3 are fitted with a
high liquid level alarm giving an audible and visible alarm when activated.
Another sensor operating independently of this alarm should automatically
actuate a shutoff valve, which will avoid surge along the cargo piping and prevent
the tank from being overfilled. The latter is generally called the high-high alarm.
If the high level alarm is actuated by an independent sensor, then the high-high
alarm may be actuated by the level gauge, or vice versa. The IGC code does not
specify the actual settings of these alarms.
The term cargo conditioning refers to the maintaining during sea passages:
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This is achieved on LPG ships by reliquefying the boil-off and returning it to the
Full reliquefaction capacity should be run on each tank separately and condensate
return from the cargo condenser should be returned through a bottom connection
to ensure circulation of tank contents. After the cargo has been cooled, the
reliquefaction plant capacity can be reduced to a level sufficient to balance the
heat flow through the tank insulation.
If the reliquefaction plant is being run on more than one tank simultaneously, it is
essential to ensure that condensate returns are carefully controlled in order to
avoid overfilling.
Where butadiene cargoes are being carried, the compressor discharge must not
exceed 60oC. Similarly, in the case of VCM, compressor discharge temperatures
should be limited to 90oC to prevent polymerisation. Vapours of certain cargoes
(e.g. ethylene oxide, propylene oxide) cannot be compressed. Such cargoes can
be refrigerated by indirect cooling, and cargo compressors normally have to be
isolated or blanked off.
Throughout the loaded passage, regular checks should be made to ensure that
there are no defects in cargo equipment and no leaks anywhere. If two or more
cargoes are carried simultaneously, they should be kept separate throughout all
cargo operations and particular care is required with incompatible cargoes.
For general guidance on safe procedures for reliquefaction and boil-off control,
please refer to Chapter 16, section 16.9. Detailed instructions for the ship will
depend upon the particular system fitted and reference should always be made to
the ship-specific cargo operation gas manual.
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Prior to the vessel’s arrival at the reception terminal, cargo tank temperatures and
pressures should be at values appropriate to terminal requirements. Before the
discharge operation begins, pre-operational ship / shore information should be
exchanged and ship /shore safety checklist filled.
The method of discharging the cargo will depend on the type of ship, cargo
specifications and terminal storage facilities.
This is applicable where type - ‘C’ tanks are fitted and there are no cargo pumps.
The vapour pressure above the liquid is increased (by a vaporizer and compressor)
and the liquid transferred ashore by this increased pressure. When there are no
cargo pumps, there is generally a booster pump fitted.
Control of flow supply by throttling the main pump discharge may cause loss of
booster pump suction. Hence a judicious control of flow should be affected by
throttling the booster pump discharge or the main pump re-circulation or a
combination of both.
As liquid is being discharged from the tank, tank pressures will tend to fall. Boil-
off due to heat flow through the tank insulation takes place continuously and this
generates vapour within the tank, which may or may not be enough to maintain
cargo tank pressures at acceptable levels. Where vapours produced internally are
insufficient to balance the discharge rate, it is necessary to add vapour to the tank
either by a vapour return line or by a cargo vaporizer on board.
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Where cargo is being transferred from a refrigerated ship into pressurized storage,
it will be necessary to warm the cargo on discharge, which means running the
cargo booster pump and cargo heater in series with the main cargo pump. This
operation will involve higher line and manifold pressures, thereby requiring extra
caution. The pumps usually have significantly different capacities and the total
flow may have to be regulated on the booster pump outlet to prevent this pump
from running dry. To operate the booster pump and heater, it is necessary to first
establish seawater flow through the heater. Thereafter the pump and heater may
be slowly cooled down prior to operation by carefully bleeding in liquid from the
main cargo pump discharge. Once cooled down, the discharge valve can be
opened until the desired outlet temperature is reached. Cargo heating always
entails a risk of freezing of heater circulating water. Seawater inlet and outlet
temperatures should be monitored. Seawater temperature from the heater outlet
must not be allowed to fall below the maker’s recommended limit. Sea water flow
switch and Low temperature cutout should be tested prior use of Heater.
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On completion of cargo discharge liquid must be drained from all deck lines,
cargo hoses or hardarms, which can be done either from ship to shore using a
cargo compressor or from shore to ship, normally by blowing liquid into the
ship’s tank using nitrogen injected at the base of the hardarm. Only after
depressurising all deck lines should the hoses be disconnected.
Before changing cargoes or gas freeing, it is essential to remove all cargo liquid
remaining in the tanks, piping, reliquefaction plant or any other part of the cargo
system. Depending upon their design, the liquid can be removed from the cargo
tanks by pressurizing, normal stripping or with type ‘A’ tanks, heating the tanks
with warm gas from the compressor. Some ships are fitted with heating coils for
this purpose. When all liquid has been removed the tanks can be purged either
with inert gas from the ship’s supply or from shore, or by using the vapour of the
next cargo.
A careful check must be made of the compatibility of successive cargoes and this
is particularly important if more than one cargo is carried simultaneously - when
special attention should be paid to the reliquefaction system.
Gas freeing, purging and aeration are essential preliminaries for the inspection of
tanks in service or for entering dry dock.
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Before commencement of gas freeing or purging, all liquid must be removed. For
type ‘C’ cargo tanks, a stripping line is often provided. By pressurizing the cargo
tanks using the cargo compressor, residual liquid can be removed through the
stripping line and collected into one tank for returning ashore where permissible
or into a deck tank provided for this purpose. This draining and stripping should
continue until all liquid is removed from the cargo tanks as checked through the
bottom sampling line. The pressure necessary in the tanks to remove residual
liquid will depend on the specific gravity of the cargo, and on the height of cargo
tank and dome.
For vessels with tanks other than type ‘C’, liquid freeing is not possible by
pressurization. Instead, hot gas vaporization must be carried out either using
puddle heating coils where fitted or by supplying hot gas to the bottom of the
cargo tanks directly. Vapour is taken from the tanks and passed through the
compressor, whereby the increased temperature evaporates the residual liquid.
Where puddle-heating coils are fitted, the liquid puddle evaporates and the vapour
in the coil condenses. Condensate can then be put ashore or into deck storage.
Where hot gas is introduced directly into the bottom of the tank, the liquid
puddles are boiled off and vapour is normally vented, when the ship is at sea or
condensed in the reliquefaction plant and put ashore, overboard or to deck
When all tanks have been satisfactorily liquid freed, all pipes, vessels, heat
exchangers etc. must be blown free of liquid and drained through drain valves
where appropriate.
Prior to the disposal of cargo liquid overside the following procedures shall be
complied with :
• Fire-fighting equipment to be checked and ready for immediate use
• Gas detection system to be checked and in full operation
• Fire pump running and the deck main pressurised
• Master informed and his agreement obtained
• Liquid is to be disposed off from the manifold area only
• The discharge hose must be clear of the water and the ship’s side protected
by a water curtain
• Consideration shall be given to the possibility of wind eddies carrying gas
up onto the after deck in way of the accommodation, and machinery space
• Experience indicates that liquid disposal at slow speed substantially
reduces the effect “eddies”.
• All other ships must be given a wide berth, and due consideration must be
given to possible dangerous gases being carried by the wind into the
vicinity of the other ships.
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In cases of emergency should the Master consider that disposal of cargo liquid is
necessary while the ship is at an anchorage due considerations shall be given to
additional safety measures, such as operating bridge front sprays. Wind direction
and the proximity of any craft shall be considered. The Ship Manager shall be
Once the cargo system has been satisfactorily liquid freed, purging can
commence. Purging involves replacement of the atmosphere within a tank by
another cargo vapour or by inert gas or nitrogen, which will depend upon the type
of cargo to be loaded and the specific requirement for presentation at the loading
terminal and subsequent discharge terminal in terms of permissible cargo
contamination levels.
Where tanks must be opened for internal inspection, purging with inert gas or
nitrogen is always necessary to reduce hydrocarbon concentrations within the tank
to the relatively low safe levels required before admitting fresh air. Carrying out
purging is identical to the primary inerting operation. Care must be exercised
when venting hydrocarbon or toxic vapour to atmosphere especially in still air
When cargo tanks have to be provided with a fresh air atmosphere for inspection
or dry dock, it may be necessary to warm up the cargo tank by circulating hot gas
throughout the system before inerting takes place. If warming up to ambient
temperatures is not carried out, freezing of moisture and CO2 in the inert gas will
result, and also greater volumes of inert gas will be required at low temperatures.
Once the tanks have been warmed and hydrocarbon concentration reduced below
the flammable limit by addition of inert gas, the tanks can be ventilated with fresh
air by compressors or blowers, until the oxygen content in the tank is 21% all
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The other hazard associated with sampling is accidental loosening of the sampling
connection. This would not normally occur at the designated sampling points as
safeguards have been incorporated at the design stage. However, from time to
time, sampling is done from screwed down connections on the cargo piping. This
is done particularly from a partly empty tank. In order to guard against this the
flanged area of such connections should be temporarily secured with a length of
rubber gasket and seizing wire. Do not attempt to secure these by a tack weld.
The heat of the welding will definitely damage any Teflon seating in way of these
connections and destroy their gas tight integrity.
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A peculiar problem is associated with bottom sampling. This must always be done
from the designated sampling point. Do not try to draw a sample from the sump
drains. The content of the sump drain is never a representative sample of the
cargo. It contains traces of many previous cargoes and water. In order to obtain a
representative sample the entire length of the drain lines must be adequately
vented. This problem can easily be avoided by drawing the sample from the
designated sampling points. Cargoes have in the past been rejected because of
Before work begins, or in some yards before the vessel enters the yard, during dry-docking
or refit periods, all systems that contain flammable, toxic or inert gas should be gas freed.
A Gas free Certificate from port authorities is necessary before attempting entry into any
enclosed space.
Pockets of cargo vapour may have collected in inter-barrier spaces or insulation. Cargo
vapour trapped in insulation and inter-barrier spaces could be released gradually with
increased temperatures. Therefore, it is essential that adequate ventilation is provided and
that the atmosphere is monitored periodically. Insulation spaces should be kept as dry and
moisture free as possible to prevent deterioration of the insulation.
Before cargo tanks and other enclosed spaces are closed up, careful checks should be made
to ensure that all tools and equipment have been removed, all fixtures are secure,
contaminants such as rust or water have been removed, and if necessary, antifreeze added if
permissible. If should also be confirmed that valves, pumps and level gauges are free to
All cargo system instrumentation should be checked for integrity. Instruments and their
control, sensing and sampling lines should be carefully protected from mechanical damage.
If necessary, pressure gauges, thermometers and other delicate equipment should be
removed and stored in a safe place during repair work.
Ship’s plans and specifications should be clearly amended to indicate any modification
made to systems and circuitry.
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All parts and materials used for repair or replacement anywhere in the cargo system should
be compatible with the cargoes to be carried and able to withstand the full range of
temperatures and pressures anticipated.
Welding within the cargo system should only be carried out using the appropriate special
procedures and by qualified personnel. If pressure testing of part of the system is to be
carried out, care should be taken to ensure that other parts are effectively isolated and due
considerations given to the safety of personnel in the vicinity.
Hot work should not be permitted unless the immediate vicinity and adjacent compartments
are certificated gas free.
Adequate ventilation should always be provided and special care taken when hot work is
undertaken near combustible materials, which should be either removed or protected
against heat. Material such as polyurethane, polystyrene, etc. produce toxic and
asphyxiating vapour if they catch fire. Hot work should only be undertaken near such
material provided suitable fire fighting and escape apparatus is immediately available.
Emergency exits should be provided for any enclosed space in which hot work is being
carried out. The number of people allowed in restricted areas (e.g. cargo tanks, hold spaces,
inter-barrier spaces) should be limited so that at any time, it can be checked how many are
in the space.
All equipment and systems should be thoroughly checked for integrity, cleanliness,
operation, calibration and freedom of movement (as appropriate) before re-commissioning
into cargo service.
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Certain cargoes can cooldown inadvertently. This can happen in both refrigerated as well
as in pressurized carriage. In case of refrigerated carriage, this happens with butane and in
case of pressurized carriage this happens with propane. Both situations are considered
separately below.
This situation is typical to refrigerated carriage. Cold butane does not generate much
vapour. Sometimes at terminals located in hot climates, ethane chillers are used with
commercial butane to chill the cargo to -6oC. This can lead to a critical situation with the
pressure dropping to the low-pressure alarm levels when air might be drawn into the tanks.
1. Inject inert gas into the tank to raise the tank pressure.
2. Inject propane vapour into the tank, if you have propane in any cargo tank.
3. On one occasion, the ship's crew filled the manifold crossover-line to half depth
with liquid butane by running the cargo pump for a moment. You can easily judge
the depth of liquid in the line, from the extent of frosting. They then used the flash-
off vapour from this line to supply vapour to the tank to pressurize the tank.
4. The best solution would be to load butane at -2oC or so instead of at -6oC and avoid
this problem altogether.
This problem is typically associated with pressurized ships. Once a cargo of butane is
discharged, the tank pressure is fairly low, about 1 bar or less. If the next cargo is propane,
and if propane liquid is directly put in the tank, this liquid will flash off. The latent heat of
evaporation will be supplied by the tank structure. This will lead to cooling down of the
tank below the minimum design temperature (typically 0o C).
1. The best way to tackle this problem would be to pressurize one tank with propane
vapour obtained by vaporizing the cargo in the cargo heater. Once the tank pressure
has built up to about 4 bar, direct liquid loading can now be started in this tank.
Vapour from this tank now can be used to pressurize the other cargo tanks. When
these tanks also come up to this pressure, direct liquid loading can be started.
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2. In cold climates with the seawater temperature around 6o C or less the above
method cannot be used. In this case, the only solution is to load the cargo very
slowly and stop loading altogether when the temperature starts to drop. The cargo in
the tank will now flash off and slowly raise the tank pressure. This process should
be continued until the tank pressure is in the region of about 4 bar. Now you can
begin to load at full rate into the cargo tank.
Sometimes vessels are required to load a mixture of propane and butane. Usually the
shippers specify the percentage mix. Individual grades are then loaded separately in the
cargo tank, one after the other. The products are then mixed on board. Some of the larger
gas carriers discharge LPG mix, typically in an STS operation. Both scenarios will be
considered separately.
The usual practice is for an independent surveyor to be appointed by the shipper to oversee
the loading. The surveyor will advise the chief officer as to the amount of each parcel to be
loaded to arrive at the specified percentage mix. Basis this, the chief officer will work out
the sounding at which one parcel will be shut out and load the other product. The surveyor
will advise the chief officer as to the final density of the mix. Using this, the chief officer
will be able to work out the final sounding to which the tank will be topped off. There is a
problem in this area. The mix will not attain this density homogeneously. This problem is
particularly acute in small, pressurized ships where the loading line terminates at the
bottom, without branching off in the form of a bottom line. However, in practice, this does
not give rise to any major problem. The error involved normally stays within the limits of
tolerance built into the specifications of the cargo.
The main problem with the mixtures is that, a large volume of gas may evolve when the
second product is mixed with the cargo. This would be associated with a sharp rise in tank
pressure. This problem is most acute when propane is mixed with butane, provided both
were supplied from a pressurized storage. The situation is reversed, in case the supply was
from refrigerated storage.
Mixing propane with butane will anyway increase the vapour pressure of the product. This
rise associated with the temporary rise may well cause the tank pressure to shoot up very
rapidly. Hence for semi refrigerated ships the reliquefaction plant should be run before the
mixing is started.
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9.6.4 MIXING
In general, the vessel will need to mix the cargo on-board. Re-circulating the cargo using
the cargo pumps does this. The following precautions apply:
1. Monitor the tank level in all the tanks while mixing the cargo. In case the level in
some other tank is increasing, stop the pump immediately. Check the line up and
valves. If the lining up is correct, obviously some valve is not holding. You may
generally find a problem with the non-return valves. Address this problem before
continuing with further mixing.
2. Re-circulation will warm up the cargo. Monitor the tank parameters including the
volume expansion of the cargo. On semi-refrigerated ships, if possible the
reliquefaction plant should now be used. On some ships, this may not be possible
due to the configuration of the cargo lines. If you note a sharp rise in tank pressure,
stop the mixing and address the pressure rise before attempting mixing again.
Larger gas carriers that discharge propane and butane separately into smaller barges or
shuttle vessels typically carry out these operations. In this case usually, refrigerated cargo is
discharged into pressurized tanks. Usual mix ratio of propane and butane is 30:70 in
summer. In winter, this ratio could be 40:60 or even 50:50. The shipper would advise the
vessel as to their normal requirement. In this connection, follow the following precautions:
1. Discharge butane first and propane after that. This is to prevent a high tank pressure
during topping off in the shuttle vessel.
2. On nearing the completion of propane discharge, the tank pressure in the shuttle
vessel is very high. Reducing the propane temperature to below zero can reduce
3. Because of the high tank pressure in the shuttle vessels on completion of cargo, you
must stop the booster and cargo pump and close the manifold valve simultaneously.
Otherwise, cargo from the shuttle vessel may flow back from the shuttle vessel to
the larger vessel. This will raise the safety relief valve on the inlet end of the
booster pump. Consequently, cargo vapour will be released to the atmosphere.
4. At times the larger vessel may be required to odorize the cargo. In this connection,
refer to chapter 13.
5. There may be a considerable difference in cargo figures if propane and butane are
not loaded in the correct proportion. Most of the shuttle vessels engaged in such
operations have two tanks. Sometimes they may take more of one grade in one tank
than in the other. This changes the required proportion leading to the difference in
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The COSTALD equation is the acknowledged way of obtaining the density of a mixture of
LPG liquids. Refer to the following SIGTTO publications for a detailed description of this
In actual practice, this is not always the case. More often than not, the density of the mix is
worked out using weighted averages. This is wrong in principle. X-litres of one liquid
when added to Y-litres of another will not produce a solution of (X+Y) litres. Such mixing
is always accompanied by shrinkage in volume. In other words, the volume of the mix will
always be less than (X+Y) litres. Get the density of the mix in writing from the appointed
surveyor for calculating the cargo.
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Equipment on gas carriers is precision made and should be operated in accordance with
maker’s instructions. It should not be operated outside its specified limits.
Any defect can impair operation and present a hazard to personnel, equipment or the ship.
Equipment should be carefully maintained and the following precautions observed:
1. Personnel who are familiar with the equipment should undertake maintenance and
maker’s instructions should be followed.
2. Equipment, which has been exposed to cargo liquid or vapour internally, should be
drained, depressurised and purged thoroughly before dismantling.
3. All sensing and control piping should be leak proof, especially if the ship operates
under vacuum.
6. Suspected leaks from piping and equipment should be investigated using safe
means, such as portable detectors or soapy water.
7. AS PER VIQ 8.122 Each hose should be stencilled or otherwise marked with its
specified maximum working pressure and, if used in other than the ambient
temperature services, its maximum or minimum service temperature, or both. The
specified maximum working pressure should be not less than 10 bar gauge (For
hoses delivered after 1st July 2002).
Each hose should also be marked with the test date and be individually numbered
for identification.
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1. A suitable entry should be made in the Log and personnel concerned informed.
3. The back up or the duplicate system should be activated; this may involve manual
4. All sensing and control piping to the defective equipment should be isolated to
prevent leakage or malfunction of other equipment.
5. Care is necessary when testing circuits with high voltage test equipment; low
voltage circuits may be permanently damaged and sparks may be created.
Equipment should be operated in accordance with the instructions for the particular ship,
maker’s instructions and the cargo properties.
10.4 PUMPS
1. Before starting, check (manually if possible) that the pump is free to turn and dose
with antifreeze if necessary. If the pump is submersible, check electrical resistance.
2. Start-up in accordance with instructions, pay special attention to pump priming, and
discharge valve settings.
3. After starting, valves should be opened slowly, flash gas vented, cavitation avoided
and discharge pressure maintained above manifold pressure by throttling to avoid
running dry.
4. While stripping tanks, discharge valves should be throttled to maintain suction and
improve drainage. Maker’s instructions should be followed.
5. During maintenance, particular care should be taken to keep filters clean and to the
condition of seal bearings and pressurizing circuits.
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These are single stage or multi-stage centrifugal pumps with deck mounted motors driving
impellers near the tank bottom. The motor may be electric or hydraulic. The impeller
casing is supported by the discharge tube, which is flange connected to the tank dome. The
drive shaft runs inside the discharge tube and is lubricated by the cargo.
These are fixed vertical combined pump and electrical motor assemblies mounted on
seating in the bottom of the tank. Power is supplied through stainless steel sheathed cables,
which terminate in a junction box at the tank dome. Motors are normally fitted with low
liquid level shut down devices to prevent them running dry.
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1. Cables should be checked for insulation resistance before the pump is started.
2. Heaters should be used when tanks are gas freed to prevent condensation.
3. When re-assembling pumps, the discharge piping should be prevented from
imposing stresses on the pump.
4. Since bearings are lubricated by cargo, lubricating passages should be kept clear.
Filters should be cleaned regularly.
5. Cable connections at the pump should be assembled using new compression
washers and pressure or vacuum tested.
6. Stainless steel sheathing should be checked for cracks and chafing, sharp bends and
kinks should be avoided.
7. Before the tank is closed, the pump should be turned by hand to ensure freedom of
8. Local start / stop switches should be properly maintained.
9. Antifreeze should be injected to prevent freezing of any water, if necessary, to
avoid causing damage to pumps / motors.
10. N2 blowthrough of the cargo pumps before cargo discharge and after cargo loading.
These are identical to the fixed submerged pumps but are located within a tube, which acts
as a support and discharge pipe and is provided with a foot valve so the pump can be
removed while the tank still contains cargo. When the liquid and vapour contents of the
tube are purged with inert gas, the pump can be raised slightly to close the foot valve. The
pump can then be removed in stages.
These are normally horizontally mounted motor driven centrifugal pumps. They are
generally used as maintenance pumps, booster pumps, heater supply pumps, deck storage,
tank, supply pumps etc.
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These may by submerged pumps (in which case the precautions given for them should be
observed) or they might be ejectors working on the venturi principle.
Motor driven pumps should be checked frequently for freedom of rotation as condensation
might collect in bearings, unless the atmosphere in the space is kept dry.
There are different types of compressors, which might be encountered like conventional
reciprocation compressors, conventional oil free compressor, stirring cycle compressor,
centrifugal compressor, Rootes-type compressors and screw compressors. Only general
precautions required will be mentioned, for more details, maker’s instructions and
maintenance manual should be consulted.
1. Before starting, check that no liquid has condensed in the machine, heating systems
are operating as required, filters are clean and cut outs set to correct values.
2. After starting; open suction valves slowly to prevent liquid carry over. The
lubricating oil should be clean and oil separators working properly. Check for signs
of leakage especially on the discharge side and pressures should be monitored
3. If changing cargoes, it may be necessary to change the grade of lubricating oil (e.g.
after ammonia, butadiene or VCM cargoes). Even pistons might have to be
changed for certain cargoes.
4. Gas tight bulkhead seals should be kept in good condition.
5. During maintenance, particular attention should be paid to cutouts, bulkhead glands,
and crankcase seals, suction filters, relief valves and associated piping.
6. Careful routine maintenance should be carried out on automatic loading devices.
Pressure and temperature switches should be checked and calibrated as a routine.
7. Cooling systems should be inhibited to prevent corrosion or freezing.
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1. Hot and cold phase flow should be established in the correct sequence. Seawater
heated cargo vaporizers or cargo heaters can be blocked and damaged if excess
cargo flow freezes the water.
2. The non-hazardous medium should be kept at a higher pressure than the cargo
phase, or cargo could leak into an otherwise safe system.
3. Pressure testing and checks for leaks should be carried out regularly.
4. Instrumentation and associated equipment should be correctly functioning.
5. The cooling system should be kept clear, as fouling could cause loss of efficiency
and cause a hazard due to overheating.
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10.7.1 GENERAL
The following devices may be fitted to allow the escape of liquid or vapour:
• bursting discs
• deadweight relief valves
• spring loaded relief valves
• pilot operated relief valves.
1. Both sides of any relief devices should be kept free of obstruction and water, oil,
polymers, etc., should not be allowed to collect. Even a small head of water can
easily alter the set point of pressure valves. Means of drainage are usually provided
which should be kept clear and used frequently.
2. If valves have more than one setting, changes should be made under the supervision
of the Master and in accordance with specified procedures. Changes should be
recorded in the logbook and an appropriate sign posted at the valve and in the CCR,
stating the set pressure.
3. Relief valves should never be used as control valves by temporarily altering the set
4. If the valve can be operated manually, operating personnel should be familiar with
the operation and operating gear should be kept clean, lubricated and free from
paint or rust.
5. Routine checks should be made of set points, blow down characteristics and
tightness of sealing.
1. Care should be taken to prevent damage to needle valves, thin spindles and other
delicate components on re-assembly.
2. Small bore pipes, passages and sensing connections should be clear and
3. All setting devices should be securely locked in position to prevent alteration by
vibration, shock or tampering.
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These only operate at an accurate set pressure when upright and are usually used as a back
up to spring loaded or pilot operated relief valves.
1. Discs should be inspected frequently for deterioration, corrosion etc., which may
affect the set point.
2. Gaskets should be fitted on both sides of the disc, but should not reduce the
effective diameter.
3. If a disc fractures,
• The cause should be investigated.
• The replacement disc should be checked for correct set pressure and
compatibility specification, and should be fitted correctly.
4. SIGTTO guidelines on maintenance of pressure relief valves should be consulted
and maintenance scheduled accordingly.
All valves in the cargo system should be treated as precision equipment and should be
inspected and maintained to ensure safe and efficient operation. It is important to keep
valves tight and functioning properly.
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Filters should be kept working correctly to protect plant and equipment from
contamination. Gradual blockage will affect performance and operating conditions, and
may damage the equipment.
1. Filters should be fitted the right way. If they are fitted the wrong way, the filter can
collapse and block the line.
2. If differential pressure gauging equipment across a filter is provided, it should be
monitored and properly maintained.
3. Inspection of filters should be carried out regularly and the system should not be
operated without a filter / strainer.
When used properly, bellows are very durable, but easily damaged though and for this
reason expansion loops and offsets may be used instead.
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4. When bellows are stored, they should be properly protected against over-extension,
compression, misalignment and mechanical damage.
If fitted, they should be cleaned frequently and inspected regularly, and they should never
be painted. Flame screens should not be confused with ordinary Protection screens. As per
IGC code Cargo tank outlets should be provided with readily renewable and effective flame
screens or safety heads of an approved type when carrying a cargo referenced in column ‘i’
of Chapter 19 - (Diethyl ether, Ethylene oxide-Propylene oxide mixtures with an E-o
content of not more than 30%, Isoprene, Isopropylamine, Monoethylamine, Pentanes,
Pentene, Propylene oxide, Vinyl ethyl ether and Vinylidene chloride).
Due attention should be paid in the design of flame screens and vent heads to the
possibility of the blockage of these devices by the freezing of cargo vapour or by icing up
in adverse weather conditions. Ordinary protection screens should be fitted after the
removal of flame screens.
Discharges from relief valves and purge systems are carried to atmosphere through vent
masts, the outlets of which are designed to promote vapour dispersal and reduce the risk of
1. Vent systems should be kept clear, water should be drained off regularly from the
stack and relief valves. Drains should be kept closed when not in use.
2. Cargo liquid should never be vented through vent masts as this would over
pressurize the system and cause rupture.
10.13 HOSES
The cargo hose is the weakest link in the cargo transfer system and should be treated with
great care. The following precautions should be taken:
1. Hoses should be certified for the cargo service pressure and temperature required.
2. Material from which the hose is constructed should be compatible with the cargo.
3. Hoses should be well supported to prevent excessive movement, chafing or
4. Hoses should not be subjected to pressure surges.
5. Hoses to be inspected prior each use. Regular inspection of hoses should be carried
out for damage and they should be replaced if there is any evidence of internal /
external deterioration or sign of leakage.
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1. All bonding connections should make good electrical contact. Surfaces in contact
should be free from paint, oil, salt or rust, and be tightly bolted or clipped.
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2. The bond itself should be in good condition and not corroded. Solid strip
connections should be used which are more durable than wires. Bonds should not
be painted over.
3. Ship-shore bonding wires should always be connected before the hoses and not
disconnected until after the hoses have been disconnected.
4. If insulating flanges are used, there should be no bonding across them; this can be
done inadvertently by metal connection between ship and shore (e.g. wires,
gangways, and ladders).
The maintenance hazard associated with inert gas is asphyxiation of personnel due to lack
of oxygen. Inert gas plant is often situated in the Engine room and great care should be
taken to ensure that cargo vapour does not flow back down inert gas lines. Any temporary
connection between the inert gas plant and the cargo system should be disconnected and
tightly blanked after use.
1. Inert gas equipment may not be required very often but should be tested frequently
to prevent deterioration, so that faults can be identified and rectified before the plant
is required to be used.
2. Before starting up, the plant should be in good condition, non return valves should
seat properly, fuel supply adjustment should be correct, dryers should be free from
clogging and fans should be functioning correctly.
3. The scrubber water supply should be started before combustion begins.
4. Combustion conditions should be adjusted until the gas produced is of good quality.
The quality of the gas produced should be monitored while the plant is in use.
These are used to dissolve out unwanted contaminants from a mixture. The scrubbing
liquid used is seawater and the most common application is the removal of sulphur dioxide
and solid combustible products in the production of inert gas.
1. Water should be flowing before the gas flow is started to prevent overheating or
damage to internal anti-corrosion coatings.
2. Water flow should be controlled within design limits.
3. Internal components should be inspected regularly for corrosion and security of
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4. There should be no fouling of components in the flow path, as this will cause a
high-pressure drop across the unit.
10.19.1 GENERAL
Booster pumps are centrifugal type pumps. They are used to increase the flow
rate against shore backpressure. They are used generally in series with the main
cargo pumps. The main cargo pump provides liquid to the inlet of the booster.
In some old ships, the cargo would be supplied to the inlet of the booster by
pressurizing the tanks with cargo vapour. In fact, this was standard operating
practice. However, nowadays it is unusual to find such systems as the primary
cargo discharging system. This practice may still be used as an emergency
backup to the main discharging system.
10.19.2 MOUNTING
For pumps located in the compressor room the motor would be located in the
electric motor room. The connecting shaft penetrates the bulkhead. There would
be seals to keep the bulkhead gas tight. These seals must be inspected and kept
in good working order. For oil seals lookout for any leakage. Remember if the
oil can get out then the gas can get in.
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10.19.3 SUPPLY
If the throughput of the cargo pump is only marginally more than that of the
booster, then at least two cargo pumps must be used to feed the booster.
The booster pumps should be stopped before starting stripping of the tanks.
When not in use, turn the booster pumps by hand as a daily routine.
Booster pumps that are designed to handle refrigerated cargoes are made of
cryogenic material. It is important to ensure that such pumps are not subjected
to sudden thermal stresses. On starting the cargo, the booster pumps should be
cooled down before starting them. To do this, cargo should be allowed to flow
through the booster pump without starting the pump. The pump will be started
only when the pump and the pipeline have cooled down.
Following are the purposes for which the booster pump and heater combination
is used:
1. In case of very low temperatures at the outlet of the heater, do not hesitate
to activate the ESD.
2. In case of prolonged inactivity of the cargo heaters, rinse the seawater side
of the heater with fresh water.
3. When two or more booster pumps are running in parallel, procedures must
be in place to protect reverse turning of the booster due to accidental
stopping of that pump.
This high pressure may lift the suction side safety valve of the booster pump,
which are typically set at 10 kg/cm2.
To avoid this, stop the cargo pump, the booster pump and shut the manifold
valve simultaneously.
All liquefied gas carriers are provided with an emergency shut down system such that, by
the operation of a push button or the opening of a control valve, cargo valves will close,
pumping equipment will shut down and the control is such as to minimize the risk of any
pressure surge
The instrumentation, control process and power actuators necessary to fulfil these functions
are therefore of paramount importance and any maintenance is only to be undertaken by
competent personnel.
Automatic shut down systems require particular attention. They are normally designed to
shut the tank loading valves if the liquid level rises above the pre-set and there is a danger
of the tank being overfilled. Care should be taken to ensure that the activation point is
accurately set and if possible the operation of the device is regularly tested.
The precise timing and rate of closure of the cargo valves must be known, reliable and
reproducible in order that shore personnel may be advised of the closing times and in
liaison with the ship’s officers, agree an acceptable cargo transfer rate.
The system must be closed down within 30 seconds from activation and to reduce possible
pressure surge, the last 20% of valve closure must take at least 6 seconds.
Following any maintenance to the ESD system and prior to each cargo transfer
operation the system is to be tested.
When the ship is fitted with an ESDS extension pennant, this must be provided to the shore
during every cargo transfer operation.
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On ships where the ship and shore emergency shut down system may be directly linked; the
system must be in place and tested prior to commencement of any cargo transfer operation.
The control system is provided with fusible elements designed to melt at temperatures
between 98 deg C and 104 deg C, which will cause the emergency shutdown, valves to
close in the event of fire. Locations for such fusible elements include the tank domes and
loading stations. Emergency shutdown valves should be of fail- closed (closed on loss of
power) type and be capable of local manual closing operation.
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Level gauges are important because gas carrier cargo systems are closed and levels cannot
be sounded. They may be linked to high level alarms to give warning of the tank being
overfilled, and shutdown systems to prevent overfilling the cargo tanks. The accuracy
required of a gas carrier level gauge is higher than those of other tankers because of the
value of the cargo. Hence gauges are generally sophisticated and require careful
These consist of a float, which can rise vertically, floating on the liquid. A tape
attaches it to an indicating device, which can be connected to a remote read out.
(1) If tank contents are flammable or toxic, the signal lines are normally
purged continually with inert gas; the flow rate should be adjusted to
prevent false readings or leakage of cargo vapour into the safe areas.
(2) Manometer type displays are liquid filled and rely on liquid density to
ensure accurate reading. The liquid should be compatible with the cargo
concerned. Generally a pad of inert fluid (e.g. silicone) is used to
separate incompatible liquids and vapours (e.g. mercury and ammonia).
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(3) When more than one tank is monitored by a single instrument, the
switching valve should be kept functional to prevent cross-connection
and false readings.
(4) Small bore sensing pipes should be checked frequently. If blocked,
erroneous readings will be indicated.
The tube penetrates the tank and has a valve at the top. When the valve is
opened, a restricted amount of cargo is emitted. If the open end of the tube is in
the vapour phase, vapour comes from the valve and if it is in the liquid phase, a
fine spray is emitted. Generally, a fixed-tube is fitted which indicates that the
liquid has reached a certain level. If it is a calibrated pipe, which can be raised
or lowered vertically through a gland to determine the liquid level, this pipe is
called a slip tube. These are easy to use and require minimum of maintenance.
Due to the escape of cargo when taking readings, slip tubes are not allowed on
vessel’s carrying toxic cargoes. Many European ports do not allow the use of
Slip tubes and other means of gauging system should be used.
(1) The spray from the valve should be directed away from personnel and
protective clothing should be worn.
(2) The slip tube gland should not be slackened excessively, otherwise the
tank pressure may cause the slip tube to be pressed up with great force.
(3) Sources of ignition should be avoided in the area.
(4) Gas expansion through the valve can cause freezing and it may be
necessary to use an anti-freeze to prevent this or to free the valve.
(5) The valves should be protected from damage and care taken to avoid the
orifice being blocked by paint, salt, rust, etc.
(6) Pressure in the tank may cause a slip-tube to be pressed up with great
force. Personnel should not stand directly in the path of the tube. Use a
stopper to prevent the tube from being pressed out completely.
(7) If you are using slip tubes for gauging, then stow and lock the tube after
taking the ullage. Do not keep the valve of the tube open permanently to
monitor ullage continuously.
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This type of gauge measures the pressure necessary to displace the liquid from a
small bore sensing pipe mounted in the tank. The level of the liquid in the
sensing pipe is the same as the level of the liquid in the tank. Nitrogen is
introduced into the pipe at a pressure just sufficient to displace the liquid, which
is indicated by nitrogen bubbles escaping. The necessary pressure depends on
the cargo density and the liquid level. If the cargo density is known, the liquid
level can be worked out directly’ if not, then it is possible to calculate the cargo
density if two gauges are fitted, one at the bottom of the tank and one at a
known height above it - the density can be worked out by the difference in
pressures. Readouts are either of a manometer type or dial-type.
(1) Flow rate in the system should be low to avoid backpressure, which
would give inaccurate readings.
(2) All joints should be checked regularly as leaks in the sensing pipes will
cause inaccuracy.
This type of gauge employs a fixed electronic sensor electrically insulated from
the tank, which detects the change in capacitance between vapour and liquid.
Readout is usually by means of a digital or a lamp display. Capacitance probes
have no moving parts and are very simple.
1. Probes should be kept clean, as dirt, rust, etc., will cause inaccurate
2. Water should be kept out of the probe and the electrical circuits, as water
has a very high electric constant and the slightest trace will cause
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A radioactive source is placed on one side of the tank and a detector on the
other, and the absorption of the radiation by the tank contents is measured.
Difference in absorption between liquid and vapour phases allows the liquid
level to be measured.
The radar gauge transmits microwaves towards the surface of the liquid. The
microwave signal has a continuously varying frequency around 10 GHz. When
the signal has travelled down the to the liquid surface and back to the antenna, it
is mixed with the signal that is being transmitted at that moment. The frequency
of the transmitted signal has changed slightly during the time it takes for the
echo signal to travel down to the surface and back again. When mixing the
transmitted and the received signal the result is a signal with low frequency
proportional to the distance to the surface. This signal provides a measured
value with high accuracy. The method is called FMCW-method (Frequency
Modulated Continuous Wave).
Floats operating a switch device activate these, or capacitance probes, ultrasonic or radio
active sources, or pump motor currents or temperature sensitive devices.
The set point may be affected by the cargo properties (e.g. density, dielectric constant etc.)
and if necessary adjustments should be made in accordance with manufacturer’s
Particular care should be taken to ensure that the activation point is accurately set and the
operation of the device is checked by simulation regularly.
If the ship and shore shutdown circuits can be linked, their operation should be checked
before cargo transfer begins, otherwise the terminal should be informed of the closing rate
of the ship’s valves.
Cargo monitoring instruments and control safety devices can be overridden by a key and a
written procedure detailing how and by whom the system may be overridden should be
posted close to the keys.
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Pressure gauges are fitted at various points in and around the gas carrier’s cargo system in
accordance with the requirements of the IGC Code. Pressure gauges can be linked to
shutdown or alarm systems. It is important to ensure that gauges are working correctly and
that pressure in the system is kept within design limits.
(1) Liquid should be compatible with the vapour with which it is in contact,
if not, a different liquid or an inert pad should be used.
(2) The liquid should have a suitable density to provide accurate readings.
(3) The liquid and vapour should be compatible with the material of the
(4) The liquid should be free from trapped vapour otherwise readings will
be inaccurate.
(5) The system should not be used unless the inert gas flow is within
designed limits.
(1) The gauge should not be used beyond 75% of its maximum reading, if
the pressure is continuous, or 60% if it is fluctuating.
(2) Compressed air or inert gas supplies to pressure transmitters should be
clean, dry and oil free. Bourdon tubes may be damaged by excessive
pressure pulsation, which can be eliminated by use of a flow restrictor.
(3) Before a new gauge is fitted, the materials of construction should be
checked for compatibility with the cargo.
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(4) If the cargo can form polymers (e.g. butadiene) sensor leads should be
arranged to drain back into the system or tank to prevent polymer
formation and subsequent blockage. Lines and sensor chambers should
be flushed.
(5) Sensor lines disconnected during maintenance should be temporarily
Temperature sensors are fitted in accordance with the IGC code so that the temperatures of
both the cargo and the structure around the cargo system can be monitored. It is very
important to be able to monitor temperatures in the cargo system during cool down and
warm-up operations to ensure unsafe thermal stresses are avoided. There are different
types of thermometers, Liquid-vapour thermometers, Liquid filled thermometers, Bi-
metallic thermometers, Thermo-couples and Resistance thermometers.
(1) Thermometers used should be suitable for the complete range of temperatures
(2) The sensor should make good thermal contact with the material whose temperature
is to be measured.
(3) Thermometers, especially those with capillary tubes, are easily damaged, and they
should be handled with care and protected from mechanical damage.
(4) When a thermometer is removed, care should be taken to prevent the removal of its
pocket, also care should be taken when fitting the thermometer back.
(5) Electrical connections to the sensor should be clean, tight and correct.
(6) On multi-point recording and alarm or shutdown circuits, it is essential to check that
inputs are connected to the correct destinations.
These are fitted to activate alarms or to operate shutdown equipment. Various types may be
encountered and each has to be operated and maintained according to manufacturer’s
instructions. However, the following general precautions should be observed:
(1) The device should be correctly calibrated over its full range using accurate test
(2) If the set point of the device is fixed, it should be locked to prevent disturbance
from vibration or tampering.
(3) No changes should be made to the set points, if adjustable, unless full implications
are understood and these adjustments, if done, should be carried out under the
direction of a responsible person and proper records maintained.
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(4) Shut-off cocks, when fitted, should be open during normal operation.
Vapour detection equipment is required by IGC Codes for the following reasons:
(1) Detection of cargo vapour in air, inert gas or vapour of another cargo.
(2) Concentrations of gas in or near the flammable range.
(3) Concentrations of oxygen in inert gas, cargo vapour or enclosed spaces.
This equipment can be fixed or portable. There are several types like infrared detectors,
thermal conductivity meters, combustible gas detectors, tankscopes, chemical absorption
indicators and oxygen indicators. All personnel should fully understand the purpose and
limitations of vapour detection equipment, whether fixed or portable.
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(11) Catalytic filament elements should not be exposed to water or oil vapour.
(12) Remote and local readouts should be checked to ensure accuracy.
(13) Calibration of most fixed instruments depends on flow rate and fluctuations can
cause inaccuracy flow should be kept steady and flows from each point should be
(14) Battery voltage of portable instruments should be checked frequently to ensure
accurate readings.
The safe operation of plant and systems depends on the correct operation of these circuits.
Design and purpose of these circuits vary widely, but they are normally electric or
electronic, though some may be hydraulic.
These are fitted to the combustion control systems of inert gas generators and dual fuel
boilers. Following precautions should be taken:
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Reference should always be made to the ship-specific Gas Manual. Before reliquefaction
operations begin, the following general precautions should be taken:
(1) Compressor oil levels should be correct and the oil should be suitable for the cargo
(2) Lines and valves should be correctly set. Compressor discharge valves should
always be open before starting. However, it is normal to open compressor suction,
lubricating oil separator and compressor hot gas bypass valves after starting.
(3) Crankcase heating system to be activated when necessary.
(4) Full sea water supply to appropriate condensers to be established.
(5) Glycol plant is running.
(6) Variable capacity compressors are set to manual operation at minimum capacity.
Before starting and when running the reliquefaction plant, the following precautions should
be taken:
(1) Cargo compressor discharge valves are open, and crankcase heaters activated.
(2) Compressor should be cranked manually
(3) The suction side liquid separator checked and drained of any liquid. The suction
valve is opened slowly after starting the compressor. If ‘compressor hammer’ is
heard the machine should be stopped.
(4) Crankcase oil levels and pressures are within manufacturer’s limits.
(5) Suction and discharge pressures are correct
(6) While operating the plant, conditions should be checked frequently to ensure that
the designed efficiency levels are met.
(7) If condensate is being returned to more than one tank simultaneously; it should be
ensured tanks are not overfilled.
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The cascade system uses a refrigerant such as R22 to condense cargo vapours. The single-
stage compression of cargo vapour is identical to the single-stage direct cycle, but the cargo
condenser is cooled using R22 instead of sea water. The cargo, in condensing, evaporates
the liquid R22 and the R22 vapours are then taken through a conventional R22 closed
refrigeration cycle condensing against sea water – hence the term cascade. The cascade
cycle is used for fully refrigerated cargoes and plan capacities are not so affected by sea
water temperature changes as are other reliquefaction cycles.
If R22 cascade type system is used, the R22 cycle should be started first. The following
precautions should be taken:
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(5) All cargo valves are shut. Compressor discharge and suction valves are
closed to prevent condensate collecting in the cylinders or crankcase.
(6) Sea water supply to the condenser and glycol circulation in the system
should be either stopped or left running, in accordance with instructions.
(7) That no cargo liquid remains in the system, as it can heat up and lift the
relief valves. Butadiene condensate is not inhibited and may polymerise,
causing blockage.
Where the use of cooling coils is essential for certain cargoes, a mixture of
ethylene glycol and water is normally used. For ships carrying cargo down to
minus 55oC, a 60% volume mixture of glycol and freshwater should be adequate
for all purposes. If the glycol percentage is more than 60%, the additional
glycol will not have practical advantages. However, it has been observed that
the use of glycol in warm weather conditions can lead to sludge generation.
Chemical treatment of the cooling water may be considered in consultation with
the office.
If water vapour is mixed with cargo vapour in a reliquefaction cycle, ice may
form at the expansion valve. Blockage of the condensate return may occur
suddenly, or the ice may build up on the pipewall over a period and be evident
by a gradually diminishing condensate flow and a condensate build up in the
receiver. Automatic expansion valves are usually provided with a manual by-
pass valve to avoid shutting down of the plant in the event of blockage.
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Some systems also provide an alternative incondensable return line to the cargo
To ensure that essential minor components (e.g. ethane) of some cargoes are not
treated as incondensables and blown to atmosphere, the S.V.P. in relation to the
anticipated condensing temperature of the cargo should be noted from the
appropriate Mollier or vapour pressure diagram before reliquefaction operations
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The gas freeing operations of cargo tanks are to be carried out in accordance with the
procedures detailed in the vessel's Inert Gas System Operation and Maintenance
Manual and Cargo Manual.
The gas freeing operations are to be carried out in accordance with the appropriate
recommendations of ISGOTT. If portable fans are used for gas freeing, injector nozzles
and/or flexible ducting are not to be used until the hydrocarbon gas concentration is less
than 1% of the lower flammable limit.
When the gas freeing of any tank for entry is completed the tank access hatch and as many
other tank openings as possible should be left open to promote continued natural
Spaces which are to be gas freed for entry shall be ventilated until tests in a still atmosphere
give hydrocarbon gas readings of ZERO percentage L.F.L. and oxygen content readings of
21% oxygen by volume.
When gas freeing of any bunker tank is required it is to be carried out after the completion
of water washing of the tank and after all portable equipment has been removed from the
Failure to obtain a ZERO percent L.F.L. reading after adequate ventilation in an oil tank
may be indicative that further washing is required to remove oil residues.
All entry to and work in cargo tanks is to be done under the direct supervision of the
Officer in Charge and in accordance with the appropriate recommendations of SIGTTO
Liquefied Gas Handling Principles and an Enclosed Space entry permit should be used.
The Officer in-charge should ensure that each person entering an enclosed space carries an
ELSA set. While working inside the enclosed space, these ELSA sets should always be
kept ready at hand for immediate use. Personal oxygen and gas monitors must also be
carried into such spaces to continuously monitor the atmosphere in the vicinity where the
persons are working.
Immediately before any subsequent entry to a gas free tank is made the Officer in Charge
must satisfy himself that the tank is safe for entry and for the intended work by
representative sampling of the tank's atmosphere.
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In general, all entry to and work in tanks is to be carried out during daylight hours only. In
exceptional circumstances such operations may be carried out during darkness provided
adequate, appropriate lighting can be maintained.
Entry to and work in a non gas free tank or space must be directly authorised by the
technical management office.
If such entry is required to carry out essential work the operation is to be organised by the
Officer in Charge using the full resources of the vessel's Emergency Team. During such
operations the appropriate recommendations of ISGOTT must be strictly observed.
All ballast tanks and other spaces in the cargo tank area are to be proved to be free of
hydrocarbon gas and inert gas, and Enclosed Space Entry Permit issued before any entry
is permitted.
Initial entry for further testing of the tank atmosphere should be made by a responsible
Officer wearing an emergency escape apparatus after completion of the Enclosed Space
Entry Permit.
When any work has been carried out inside a cargo, ballast or bunker tank, the tank is to be
thoroughly inspected by a responsible Officer when all work has been completed. This
inspection is to ensure that tools, equipment and materials, including debris, have been
removed and that no obvious damage has occurred to tank fittings or coatings.
Hot work is any work involving welding or burning, and other work including certain
drilling and grinding operations, electrical work and the use of non-intrinsically safe
electrical equipment, which might produce an incendive spark.
Hot work outside the main machinery spaces (and in the main machinery spaces when
associated with fuel tanks and fuel pipelines) must take into account the possible presence
of hydrocarbon vapours in the atmosphere, and the existence of potential ignition sources.
Hot work should only be carried out outside the main machinery spaces if no other viable
means of repair exists. Alternatives to be considered include cold work, or removal of the
work piece to the main machinery spaces.
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Hot work outside the main machinery spaces workshop is permitted only in accordance
with prevailing national or international regulations and/or port/terminal requirements and
is subject to the restrictions of a shipboard hot work permit procedure.
Hot work in areas outside the designated area in the main machinery space should not be
proceeded with until the Master has informed our office of the details of work proposed,
and a procedure has been discussed and agreed with the superintendent in charge. This
should be done in all cases without exception unless for some reason the work is very
urgent and time does not permit contacting the office. In this case, the master should
decide if the proposed work can be carried out safely and the extent of precautions
Before any hot work is started, a safety meeting should be held by the master, at which the
planned work and safety precautions should be carefully reviewed. The meeting should be
attended by at least all those who will have responsibilities in connection with the work.
An agreed plan for the work and related safety precautions should be made. The plan must
designate one officer who is responsible for the supervision of the work and another who is
responsible for safety precautions.
All personnel involved in the preparations and hot work operation must be briefed and
instructed in their role. A written hot work permit should be issued for each intended task.
The permit should specify the duration of validity.
A flow chart for guidance is given as follows:. The flow chart assumes the work is
considered necessary for safety or operational capability of the ship, and that it cannot be
deferred until the next planned visit to a repair yard.
Hot work for which a hot work permit is required should be prohibited during cargo,
ballast, tank cleaning, and gas freeing, purging or inerting operations.
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Description of work necessary, for prior
consent or alternative plans to be Plan work
considered. Fitting to be isolated from all
pipelines and blanks
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The detailed circumstances of an actual emergency will differ in many cases from those
encountered during pre-planning. However, pre-planning is still essential to ensure that
basic action can be taken quickly and decisions on how to tackle any additional problems
can be made in an orderly manner. Therefore, standard emergency procedures should be
developed on each ship based on advice given in the relevant company manuals.
Preliminary action in any emergency procedure should be: raising the alarm, assembling
and crew check.
13.1 FIRE
Detailed notes on fighting fire in the cargo area (given in Chapter 19) and for fighting those
in the engine room and accommodation (as given in ECM manual 205, section 8) should be
Action as indicated in ECM Manual 205, section 9.2 should be undertaken immediately.
Additionally, the following should be considered:
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(8) The ship should be manoeuvred with respect to the prevailing wind so that any
vapour cloud will drift clear of the accommodation space and machinery air intakes.
If this is not practicable because of an inability to manoeuvre and if significant
flammable or toxic vapour clouds appear to be enveloping the ship’s
accommodation, all accommodation and machinery space ventilation should be
(9) Any other action, considered necessary by the Master.
Action indicated in ECM Manual 205, section 9.4 should be undertaken immediately.
Additionally the following should be considered:
If water rises into a hold or inter-barrier space, it may damage the insulation and result in a
rise of cargo temperature and pressure. It will also adversely affect the stability of vessel
due to increase of large free surface area. These spaces should be regularly checked for
water leakage, if leakage occurs, the water should be pumped out.
(1) All cargo operations should be stopped, the ESD should be activated and all valves
(2) Alarm sounded, accommodation access doors shut and all ventilation (except
closed-circuit systems) shut down.
(3) Smoking and naked lights prohibited anywhere on the ship, and electrical switches
used as little as possible.
(4) Appropriate fire fighting equipment should be deployed and breathing apparatus
sets assembled for immediately use. The emergency squad should wear breathing
apparatus and protective clothing.
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(5) If liquid spillage occurs, fire hoses or water sprays should be played along the deck
to disperse the liquid overboard and to maintain steel temperatures so that brittle
fracture is avoided. Water spray from hoses can also be used to deflect a gas cloud.
Cargo tank leakage can be detected by gas detection equipment and constant monitoring
will give information on the change of vapour concentration. The rate of change of reading
will indicate the magnitude of the leak along with constant monitoring of hold or inter-
barrier space pressure and temperature. All cargo tank leakage should be considered serious
and reported immediately. Specific instructions should be followed, and additionally the
following should be considered:
(1) The pumping of liquid in hold or inter-barrier spaces into an undamaged tank with
compatible cargo and sufficient ullage.
(2) The use of a steel heating system if necessary to avoid fracture.
(3) The use of reliquefaction plant to reduce the tank pressure, where applicable.
However, care should be taken to avoid drawing air into the tank thereby creating a
flammable mixture.
If any tank develops a serious defect at sea, as much as possible of the cargo remaining in it
and that which has leaked into the hold or inter-barrier space should be transferred to any
other tank with space available and containing compatible cargo. In certain cases, it may
be necessary to discharge the remainder overboard, taking into account trim and stress
considerations and local circumstances.
If cargo must be discharged, the stern line, if fitted, should be used. If not, a long extension
piece of suitable material, angled downward and fitted at the end with a reducer should be
connected to the manifold.
If emergency cargo discharge has to be undertaken, precautions given in para 18.5 should
be observed and additionally, the following should be considered:
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If personnel are affected by or come into contact with the cargo, emergency action as
described in the data sheet for that cargo should be taken.
If personnel are overcome in an enclosed space, the man standing by should raise the alarm
and assemble the rescue team. The agreed rescue plan should be implemented.
(1) If alongside, inform the terminal and follow emergency procedures agreed between
ship and shore. Activate the ESD system.
(2) At sea, manoeuvre the vessel to ensure a safe dispersal of the vapour cloud away
from the accommodation space.
(3) Muster crew (with lifejackets and escape sets), close accommodation access doors
and all ventilation (except closed circuit systems) to be shut down.
(4) Activate water spray systems.
(5) Smoking and naked lights to be prohibited anywhere on the ship and all electrical
circuits on deck to be isolated.
(6) Appropriate fire fighting equipment should be deployed and any other necessary
actions should be undertaken.
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The following action should be taken in case of accidental release of toxic gases at sea:
The following action should be taken in case of accidental release of toxic gases while
alongside a terminal:
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The most important consideration in fighting a liquefied gas fire is the large quantity of
vapour given off by the liquid and the considerable heat generated by the flames. In the
event of fire every effort should be made to isolate the source. The ESD should be
activated, dry powder or water sprays used on local fires, which prevent access to valves.
The source of fuel should always be shut off before flames are extinguished to prevent a
potentially flammable gas cloud forming and being reignited downwind or by surfaces
heated in the original fire. If the fuel source cannot be isolated, it is safer to let the fire burn
while continuing to cool the area.
Low expansion foam or water is not used for liquefied gas fires because water will increase
the rate of vaporization. Dry powder is therefore used and since it does not have any
cooling effect, it is essential to use water spray systems or fire hoses with nozzles after the
flames are out. Since the capacity of the dry powder system fitted is limited, it is very
important to use it carefully so as not to waste a large portion of the powder.
A large quantity of flammable material is used in the insulation of cargo tanks, and cargo
handling systems. Care should be taken to protect personnel from the rapid spread of fire,
asphyxiation and toxic products of combustion. Risk of fires in insulation is greatest when
the vessel is undergoing repairs or refit, at which time insulation spaces are not inerted and
sources of ignition such as welding and burning are likely to be present.
(1) Pressure fires from liquid or vapour leaks at pump glands, pipe flanges, relief valves
or vent headers.
(2) Fires from confined liquid pools
(3) Fires from unconfined spillage, and
(4) Fires in confined spaces.
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Leaks from pump glands, pipe flanges, relief valves, masthead vent header, etc., will
initially produce vapour and / or possibly liquid which will rapidly vaporize and will not
ignite spontaneously. The ESD should be activated, and if a gas cloud occurs, initial effort
should be directed using water sprays to deflect the cloud away from any potential ignition
source and to protect the equipment with water spray against heat damage should ignition
occur. If ignition does occur, it will probably flash back to the source of leakage, giving a
jet or torch fire. Hence, it is essential to isolate the source of leakage first.
Pressures will persist in a closed pipeline until all the liquid trapped within it has been
expelled either as liquid or vapour through the leak. In such a case, it may be sensible to
allow the fire to burn out while protecting surroundings by the use of copious amounts of
cooling water rather than extinguish the fire and risk a further vapour cloud and flash back
re-ignition. In case of a vent mast fire, inject inert gas into the vent if possible and spray the
masthead with water.
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Protective clothing should be worn during cargo operations due to hazards associated with
the cargo. The suits, gloves, boots, goggles, face shields, etc., used should be suitable for
the cargo being handled. Many plastics become brittle and crack when subjected to low
temperatures, or can be dissolved by the cargo. Clothing made of PVC or similar type of
material is less susceptible to absorption, and should be worn when exposure to vapour or
liquid emissions is involved.
In particular, gloves should be worn when handling cold equipment, valves or slip tubes.
Face protection should be worn when there is danger of liquid emission (e.g. dismantling
cargo equipment, using slip tubes, sampling) and respiratory protection should be provided
for cargo operations involving toxic or asphyxiating gases. Cargo vapour may be absorbed
into clothing in sufficient quantities to create a hazard if taken into accommodation, galley,
smoke rooms, etc.
Full use should be made of changing rooms between deck areas and accommodation, and
of the showers, which may be provided in these compartments or on the deck adjacent to
accommodation entrances. Personal hygiene is very important when the cargo is toxic and
personnel involved in cargo operations should always wash their hands thoroughly before
eating and should not wear or bring contaminated clothes into the accommodation.
Precautions on use of breathing apparatus should be taken before using such equipment in
enclosed spaces.
Escape sets should not be used for purposes other than for emergency escape.
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This type of respirator may be used for handling toxic cargoes like VCM or butadiene
during normal operations, where exposure to the cargo vapour may be probable. An
example could be during connection or disconnection of the manifolds. Such equipment
must not be used for escaping from a hazardous atmosphere or fire fighting. Canisters are
available for absorption of a variety of different vapours, but the following precautions
should be taken:
(1) The type of canister should be correct for the cargo concerned
(2) Canisters should not be opened to the atmosphere until needed for use because they
may gradually become saturated and ineffective.
(3) Canisters have a limited life and unless it is confidently known how much of the
canister’s life remains, it should be discarded and destroyed after use.
The IGC recommends that filter type respirators be replaced by lightweight CABA type
escape sets
During accidents involving cargo, first aid procedures as given in data sheets are to be
followed. In the event of cargo liquid entering the eye, the correct treatment is to flood the
eye with clean fresh or salt water and to continue washing for at least 15 minutes. If cargo
liquid comes into contact with the skin, the affected area should be washed and any
affected clothing removed. If frostbite has occurred, this should be treated by immersion in
warm water.
If exposed to cargo vapour, personnel should be advised to vacate the area. Emergency
treatment if required should be:
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Contents of oxygen or compressed air cylinders should be checked at regular intervals and
replaced or recharged if partially consumed. Resuscitation equipment should not be taken
into an enclosed space containing flammable cargo vapour unless the equipment is
If frostbite of the skin has occurred, the victim should handled gently and bending of joints
should be avoided. Further reference should be made to the ‘The Ship Master’s Medical
Guide’ or the ‘International Medical Guide for Ships’.
Though speed is vital, breathing apparatus and a manned lifeline must always be used in
rescue operations to avoid the risk of rescuers becoming casualties themselves when they
enter the space. The rescuer should never remove his facemask to provide air to the person
being rescued, as this could only present a hazard to the rescuer, making him a potential
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(2) Vessel’s particulars should be exchanged between both parties, along with details /
transfer rates of cargo to be transferred.
(3) Ship-to-Ship operation should only take place if both Masters are satisfied that
weather conditions are suitable for berthing and cargo transfer.
(4) Navigation warnings should be broadcast to all ships in the vicinity advising them
of the STS operation and requesting for a wide berth. On completion of the
operation, the navigational warning should be cancelled.
(5) Pre-mooring preparation should be carried out, this should include testing of cargo
equipment and safety inspections.
(6) Fenders should be rigged and positioned taking into consideration the length of
each ship, parallel midbody distance and position of manifolds. In general, one
primary fender should be rigged on each end of the parallel body of the shuttle-
vessel, with another two or three fenders somewhere in between. Secondary
fenders made of pneumatic foam or hollow cylindrical rubber should be used on the
bow and quarter of the shuttle-vessel. Fenders should be checked by the mooring
master and master of the vessel prior to the operation.
(7) Mooring lines should be prepared and kept flaked ready for immediate use. An
adequate number of messenger lines, stoppers and portable fenders should be kept
(8) No gear such as derricks should protrude beyond the ship’s side. Both ships should
be upright and excessive trim avoided. Care should be taken with suitable handling
of ballast / cargo that excessive changes in freeboard are avoided.
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(9) It is normal practice that the manoeuvring ship approaches and berths with her port
side to the starboard side of the other, whether underway or at anchor. Rapid and
efficient mooring operations are essential for safe berthing. The STS operation is
carried out in different ways for example, with both ships underway, constant
heading ship at anchor and drifting transfer. In all above methods, the following
points should be kept in mind:
• Wind and sea should be ahead or nearly ahead.
• The angle of approach should not be excessive.
• The effects of interaction should be anticipated when manoeuvring at close
• The Masters of both ships should be prepared to abort the operation if
necessary. The decision should be taken in ample time while the situation is
still under control.
(10) After the ship’s are moored, the following arrangements should be made:
• Both ships should be prepared to disconnect and unmoor at short notice.
• Continuous power for the winches should be available.
• Extra lines and axes should be placed fore and aft on both ships.
• Flanges between hoses and manifolds should be properly connected and fully
bolted, using bolts and nuts of suitable material and length.
(11) Prior to carrying out transfer operations, a safety checklist should be completed.
(12) After completion of transfer, the following operations should be carried out.
• All hoses should be purged into one or other ship prior to disconnecting.
• Manifolds must be securely blanked.
• Side of transfer to be cleared of obstructions.
• The method of disengagement and of letting go moorings agreed.
• Messengers, rope stoppers etc. should be kept ready at stations.
(13) Moorings should only be cast off after timing and sequences have been agreed.
(14) In general, while unmooring, lines should be singled up fore and aft, after which the
remaining forward moorings should be cast off allowing the bows to swing away
from the constant heading ship to a suitable angle, at which time the remaining after
moorings are let go and the manoeuvring vessel moves clear.
(15) The Crew should be made fully aware of emergency signals, procedures and actions
and every effort should be made to hold an emergency drill prior to commencement
of operations.
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(16) During transfer operations the following action should be considered in the event of
any emergency arising during the operation.
• All transfer to be stopped and crew alerted on both vessels.
• Hoses purged and disconnected.
• Engines kept ready for immediate use and mooring gangs sent to stations.
• Additionally, emergency procedures described in ICS Tanker Safety Guide
(Liquefied Gas) should be referred to.
(17) Risk assessment should be carried out by the master in consultation with the office
for the planned STS operation. Following factors should be taken into account:
STS should be carried out in sheltered waters and berthing / unberthing should be
done in day light only.
Certified hose should be used for operation and the hose should be pressure tested
using Nitrogen or compressed air before the operation. Pressure test and continuity
test records should be maintained.
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When making tank measurements, any error in liquid level or liquid density will be directly
reflected in the cargo measurement. An error of 1 kg /m3 on liquid density represents 0.2%
on cargo quantity. Liquid density is often taken without question as correct but the basis of
the liquid should always be known, this is especially so when loading propane / butane
mixture. Temperature is also very important with the liquid temperature used in
calculations being the average taken at several points in the liquid. An error of 1oC in liquid
temperature represents about 0.3% on cargo measurement. Pressure is much less
significant with 1 bar representing 0.01% on total cargo.
• Account must be taken of product on board before loading or left on board after
• Account must be taken of vapour quantity in all calculations.
• Mass of liquid or vapour is determined essentially by multiplying the volume (Vt),
at a stated temperature (t) by the density (Dt) at the same temperature. It is essential
that both volume and density should be at the same temperature.
• The result of (Vt x Dt) is mass and may be converted to weight-in-air by an
appropriate conversion factor found in published tables.
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After necessary corrections for trim, list, tape and float corrections.
Vapour density at observed temperature (By Ideal Gas Laws) =
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Generally, when molecules of one pure liquid are mixed with the molecules of another, the
molecules of the mixture tend to pack more closely together than those of the components
when existing singly, as a result of which the volume of the mixture will be less that the
combined volume of the components. This volumetric shrinkage, as it is termed results in
the density of the mixture being higher than the density, which would be calculated by the
addition of the masses and volumes of the component.
Truly speaking, the Costald Equation should be used to predict densities, because it takes
into account the effects of volumetric shrinkage, which is not taken into account in the
Francis formula. However, since the Costald equation is less easy to understand and there
is no major accuracy improvement between the Costald equation and the Francis formula
within the temperature range (minus 60oC to plus 30oC), it is much better to use Francis
For details of using the Francis formula or the Costald equation “Review of LPG Cargo
Calculations” published by SIGTTO should be referred to.
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Some gas cargoes are toxic and can cause a temporary or permanent health hazard, such as
irritation, tissue damage or impairment of faculties. Such hazards may result from skin or
open wound contact, inhalation, or ingestion. These effects could be acute or chronic or
both. Toxic substances may result in one or more of the following effects:
(1) Permanent damage to the body: With a few chemicals, such serious ill effects may
occur. Vinyl chloride is a known carcinogen. Butadiene is suspected of having
similar effects.
(2) Narcotics: Narcosis results in ill effects to the nervous system. Sensations are
blunted. Prolonged exposure will result in loss of consciousness. All hydrocarbon
gases have this effect to some extent.
(3) Corrosion/ irritation of the skin, lungs, throats and eyes.
(3) TLV-C: this is known as the ceiling concentration. This can never be
exceeded. Fast acting toxic cargoes ammonia or chlorine have to be ascribed
such a value.
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Some of these cargoes are covered by the IBC code as well. Of these, vinyl chloride
and butadiene are generally encountered in our fleet.
It is important to realize that the code lists only the main hazards. All gas cargoes
have some detrimental effect on human health. The toxic hazards of some of the
cargoes come to light at a much later date. The TLV values are reduced
You must take all precautions in avoiding direct contact with any of the
cargoes carried, as far as practicable, even if they are not listed as toxic in the
IGC code.
Before handling any cargo, it is essential to consult the material data sheet of the
cargo. Apart from the “material data sheets” incorporated in the Tanker Safety
Guide, check any additional information provided by the shipper or the terminal.
Before loading any cargo, particularly those that are toxic consult the medical first aid
guide and ensure that recommended antidotes are on board.
Emergency procedures including health data and action in case of accidental contact must
be prominently displayed for the particular cargo carried.
Instead of posting up the MSD’s of all the cargoes listed in the certificate of fitness, the
material data sheet of the cargo being carried should be posted up in a conspicuous places
(CCR, Notice boards and Bridge), the chief officer should carry out training sessions
regarding the emergency procedures and hazards associated with the cargo, for the entire
crew, at every change of cargo.
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This is the most critical period as far as human exposure to the cargo is concerned. During
this period, a certain amount of contact with the cargo is inevitable. Personnel protective
equipment as listed in the material data sheets must be worn.
In case respiratory protection is required, then the ideal is to use gas masks with the
relevant filter. They are light and do not interfere with normal work. Remember that they
can be used only in the open air as they only filter the air. They do not provide an
independent source of breathable air. They must not be used in enclosed spaces. Refer to
section 20.4 for general precautions for this type of equipment. Escape sets must not be
used for this purpose. Apart from their limited duration of use, they are not usually fitted
with the alarms associated with a compressed air breathing apparatus. They are only used
for the purpose of escape and not for regular cargo operations.
Use of slip tubes is prohibited with toxic cargoes. Only indirect or closed methods are
In general, our ships are fitted with a permanent sampling system for flammable vapours in
the spaces required under the IGC code. We usually have hand-held equipment for
detecting toxic vapours. This is generally allowed in all cases excepting for chlorine,
methyl bromide and sulphur dioxide where permanent toxic gas detection systems must be
fitted in the required spaces.
The legal requirement is, if the required spaces are checked for toxic gases using
portable equipment before man entry is made, the spaces must be checked at thirty-
minute intervals during the period they remain inside.
Hold and inter-barrier spaces should be provided with a permanently installed piping
system for obtaining gas samples from these spaces. Gas from these spaces should be
analyzed by means of portable (or fixed, if fitted) equipment at intervals not exceeding
four hours and in any event before personnel enter the spaces and at least at thirty-minute
interval while they remain inside.
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We will describe below precautions with VCM and Butadiene as the two most common
toxic cargoes encountered in our fleet. The following are in addition to what is described
above which will apply in full in each of the cases described below.
Many special requirements apply to the carriage of this cargo. This cargo is now
considered toxic and may cause liver disorders like jaundice, it may also cause
damage to the liver. This substance is suspected of being carcinogenic to humans.
The cargo has a TLV of 10 PPM. The odour threshold is 1000 PPM, this means the
cargo can be detected by smell at concentrations 100 times the TLV. Do not depend
on smell for detecting dangerous concentrations of this cargo. By the time you
smell it is a hundred times more concentrated than the permitted
Butadiene also forms peroxides in contact with air, which leads to polymerisation.
This poses extreme explosion hazards. Polymerisation can generate sufficient heat
to cause uncontrollable vehement explosion. Hence this cargo is always carried
inhibited. TOXICITY
Butadiene was declared toxic in the 1996 amendments to the IGC code.
Before that, it was considered as flammable only. This illustrates the
point made in the paragraph headed gas code. The IGC code, at present,
still permits restricted gauging of this cargo. It is strongly recommended
that slip tubes should not be used for ullaging and only closed or indirect
methods of tank gauging are used. All other precautions regarding toxic
cargo must be followed.
While any venting etc. of this cargo is done, even at sea, the
accommodation must be hermetically sealed and the air conditioner put
on re-circulation. The accommodation must be regularly checked for the
presence of gas. Suitable equipment must be used which can detect the
presence of butadiene in concentrations as low as 10 PPM and lower.
If you can smell the cargo, the situation may already be dangerous.
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Ensure the gas tightness of the connection with Draeger type equipment
and not only with soap solution.
Check the integrity of the piping system at the flanges using similar
equipment. INHIBITION
The tank atmosphere must not contain more than 0.2% oxygen. A
positive pressure must be maintained in the tanks with an inert gas
blanket with oxygen content less than 0.2%. Maintaining positive
pressure is particularly relevant to refrigerated cargoes.
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SHIP………………………………….. DATE………………………….
Butidiene is usually inhibited with about 100 PPM tertiary butyl catechol. Which does not boil off
with the cargo. Hence the condensate from the reliquifaction plant is uninhibited. This recondensed
cargo should not be allowed to form stagnant pockets of uninhibited liquid.
Although butadiene does not react with water the inhibitor may be removed by water
thereby presenting a hazard. Ensure the cargo is loaded in a dry tank.
If the ship is to carry consecutive loads of this cargo with ballast passages in between, all
uninhibited liquids should be removed prior to starting the ballast voyage. Refer to IGC code
17.4.2 and 17.4.3 for more information about this.
Remember that inhibitors themselves are toxic in nature. Hence if any inhibitor is placed on board,
which is unusual, then material data sheet, antidotes and emergency procedures for them should be
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The TLV of VCM is only 2 PPM. Its odour threshold is 250 PPM. As in the case of
the butadiene, the odour threshold is more than a hundred times the TLV.
Therefore, the same considerations as detailed above are applicable in this case.
Long exposure to low concentrations is suspected to cause cancer of the liver. TOXICITY
Personnel protection
Decontamination showers
Tank gauging INHIBITION
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Before the loading is started inert gas samples from the tank and pipeline
must be analysed to confirm compliance.
Pipe lines or tanks should not contain any material which are identified
as unsuitable on data sheets. Temperature of self reacting cargo should
be closely monitored.
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Methane, propane and butane are all odourless. In order to detect these gases, by smell,
when they are marketed as fuel gases, it has become a regular practice to add a warning
agent, which when mixed with gas imparts a characteristic odour. This process is called
odourizing. In seaman’s parlance this is also called stenching. These two terms may be
used interchangeably in the following sections.
SIGTTO recommends that shipboard stenching should not take place unless there is
no reasonably practical alternative. They suggest that as far as practicable this
operation should take place at the terminal. However, if required to be carried out
on board, SIGTTO guidelines for equipment and operation should as far as
practicable be followed. The SIGTTO publication 'Guidelines on the Ship-board
odourisation of LPG' must be referred to.
Modern gas odourants are organosulpher compounds. Some of these compounds are
the most odourous substance known. Two broad types of organosulpher compounds
are currently in use as odourants; mercaptans and sulphides.
They are generally known under various trade names and the most common
compounds used for the odourisation of LPG are:
Of these EM is the most suitable for the stenching of LPG and is most commonly
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19.1.3 DOSAGE
The typical domestic requirement is that adequate warning of the presence of gas
must be given by an odourant at a concentration of 1% gas in air. This corresponds
to approximately 20% LFL of methane in air. The following dosage will usually
achieve this. The exact PPM requirement should be obtained from the receivers.
It is important that if spills or leaks occur, the mercaptans are promptly neutralized and the
odour masked. There are several agents available for this.
An effective method is based on converting the spilled mercaptans to a relatively low odour
disulphide, through chemical oxidation. Spraying or flooding the spill area with a dilute
bleach solution does this. Either sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite in dilute
solution in water may be used. Dilute solutions are more effective than commercial or
concentrated solutions
For example fifty litres of a 0.5% solution is generally more effective than 5 litres of 5%
solution although the amount of the active ingredient is the same.
Avoid the use of dry calcium hypochlorite powder on a concentrated mercaptan because
the heat of reaction may cause ignition of the organic mercaptan.
Spilled liquid should be absorbed using dry sand and the material placed in sealed drums.
A high standard of housekeeping should be maintained in all areas where odourants are
stored or handled.
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(1) The odourant manufacturers chemical data sheet must be available on board the
vessel and followed at all times.
(2) Odourants have an odour platform, whereby the concentration in air can increase
significantly without noticeable increase in smell.
(3) Ethyl mercaptan is particularly harmful when in mist form. Therefore under no
circumstances should it be injected by pressurization unless the system has been
specifically designed for this purpose.
Copper and copper-based alloys are attacked by odourants and should not be used in
the construction of odourant injection or storage equipment.
Aluminium Yes
Butyl rubber No
Carbon steel Yes
Copper No
Copper alloys No
Glass Yes
Graphite Yes
Natural rubber No
Polyethylene No
Polypropylene No
Stainless steel Yes
Teflon Yes
Titanium Yes
Viton yes
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• Materials shown in bold in the table above are preferred for the construction of
injection equipment in contact with EM, DES and THT.
• Pumps should be hermetically sealed or double diaphragm type.
• Gaskets should be PTFE or Viton.
• Carbon steel piping may be used but remember that the first time EM comes in
contact with carbon steel some of it reacts to form an oxide film on the steel and
will not form the calculated level of stenching. Two or three times the quantity of
the odourant may be needed when commissioning a new system.
• Dry break coupling should be used for connecting the equipment to ship’s pipe
work and the odourant container.
• The inner lining of any flexible hose used should be stainless steel braided. Natural
or butyl rubber must not be used. They must be rated for the maximum pressure that
may be encountered in the system.
If the ship has agreed, or is required under the terms of a charter party, to inject odourant
on behalf of the receiver, it should be the responsibility of the receiver to calculate the
quantity of odourant required and inform the ship in writing, of the quantity to be injected.
Odourant may be injected into the ship’s cargo tanks or into the ship’s cargo manifold
during discharge. Both these systems have advantages and disadvantages.
Injection in the cargo tank requires a lower injection pressure and simpler equipment than
injecting into the discharge manifold. By using the ship’s cargo pump for injecting the
odourant via an injection pot, the system can be left recirculating until the operator is
confident that all traces of the liquid odourant have been flushed from the system.
Furthermore, an injection pump may not be required, simplifying the system and reducing
the potential for leakage. The drawback of this system is that the odourant may impregnate
into any rust coating on the cargo tanks and put any subsequent cargo off grade. This
method is not recommended for refrigerated cargoes.
Injection into the discharge manifold requires higher pressures, particularly when handling
fully pressurized propane and hence a greater risk of leakage. However, the odourant does
not come in contact with the bulk product in the cargo tank with the attendant risk of future
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Before the system is filled with odourant or recommissioned after maintenance it should be
pressure tested. The most suitable test will be nitrogen at the working pressure of the
equipment. If a hydraulic test is considered necessary, do not use water as a test medium as
in the presence of EM water may cause severe corrosion. Kerosene may be considered
If the odourant is supplied in heavy duty drums specially constructed and supplied by the
manufacturer, then the same can be returned to them for refilling. Otherwise the drums
must be completely drained and neutralized before putting them ashore for disposal.
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Ch: LPG 20 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 1 of 5
Some hydrocarbon cargoes like propane or butane, combine with water under some
conditions of temperature and pressure to form hydrates. Hydrates resemble crushed ice or
slush. Hydrates are not ice and may be formed at temperatures above the freezing point of
water. However, hydrates can form only in the presence of free water. This problem is
associated with the carriage of liquefied LPG cargoes. Ice formation will also cause similar
problems as posed by hydrates.
Pressurized LPG systems operating at or above +6o C for propane and +3o C for butane
presents no hydrate problem.
20.1.1 HAZARDS
Hydrates may form in propane vapour or liquid at a temperature below +6oC and at
pressures from the saturated vapour pressure of 5.61 bar absolute to as high as 35
bar absolute. While hydrate formation is particularly relevant to propane,
commercial butane containing propane or iso-butane will also produce stable
For a propane condensate (83.4% propane, 12.4% ethane, 4.2% methane) Hydrates
form under the following temperatures and pressures:
Pressure Temperature
Bars absolute C
0.0 -2
0.7 0
2.7 3
4.1 5
5.2 6
The above data is only to illustrate some typical values and to show that hydrates
can form at temperatures above the freezing point of water. For other hydrocarbon
gases the temperature and pressure values, which will lead to hydrate formation,
will be different.
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The water for hydrate formation can come from purge vapours with incorrect
dewpoint, water in the cargo system or water dissolved in the cargo. Rust in the
cargo tanks is also a source of water. Rust that dehydrates in this way looses its
ability to adhere to the tank surface and gathers as fine loose powder in the bottom
of the tank. Water can enter the ship’s cargo system from shore storage during
Hydrates are a solid water lattice with hydrocarbons within the lattice. The bonding
forces are of the loose physical type rather than the firm chemical type. If the
conditions of pressure and temperature are suitable and if enough water is present,
the formation of hydrates is a continuing process. Once hydrate has begun to form a
seeding effect promotes rapid crystal growth.
LPG is peculiar in that, certainly at temperatures above 0o C, the boil off vapour
will contain a higher proportion of water than the liquid with which it is in
equilibrium. Semi-refrigerated propane at +6o C, for example containing 40-PPM
water by weight in solution, will produce boil-off vapour containing 580-PPM
water by weight. On reliquefaction, this excess water is released as free water. If the
temperature and pressure conditions are conductive to hydrate formation, the
reaction will proceed now.
Thus, properly dried commercial LPG can also give rise to sufficient free water to
form hydrates.
Since the presence of water is a prerequisite for hydrate formation, its removal is clearly
the most important step in avoiding this problem.
The inert gas or nitrogen used for this purpose should ideally have a dew point
below that of the lowest tank temperatures. Drying of inert gas on board can be
done either by using solid desiccants (molecular sieve, silica or alumina) or by
expansion refrigeration. They are not used on board for drying cargo gases.
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The gas from the top of an LPG shore storage tank will contain more water PPM
than the liquid, due to the effect described in paragraph 25.2.2. If on the other hand
vapour for gassing up is generated by taking liquid from shore tanks and then
converted to vapour on board by passing through a vaporizer then the water content
of the vapour will be less.
Normally freezing point depressants, like methanol, are used for this purpose.
However, methanol injection has many additional hazards, which are considered
separately in section 25.5. Please read that section before contemplating methanol
o In case of Deepwell pumps, turn the pump shaft by hand before starting the pump.
Before starting the pump, ensure free and smooth rotation of the shaft. Do not start
the cargo pump if the shaft does not rotate freely. You may now suspect freezing
up or hydrate formation. Prepare for methanol injection as described in section
o For submerged pumps, use the nitrogen injection system, if fitted to blow nitrogen
in the bearing lubrication line to confirm that bearings are free of ice and hydrates.
o For submerged pumps, it is very difficult to assess whether the pump is frozen or
not. Hence, if you suspect the presence of hydrates try and use the other cargo
pumps to discharge cargo from the tank, provided that, that pump is not seized by
hydrates. Failing that, try and use the emergency pump. The emergency pump will
not be seized, as it is not in the tank sump.
o Do not inject methanol for hydrate control without the permission of the master. A
general guideline for anti freeze injection is detailed in the next section.
o Always use inline filters at the manifold during loading to trap hydrates from
entering the ships tank from shore storage. Some ships have portable filters. Fit
these in place before loading.
o If possible, arrange to fit pressure gauges on either side of these filters to detect
choking by hydrates.
o When loading propane, depending on the ship’s manifold configuration, always try
to present manifold flanges to the terminal in a way, such that if the propane line is
choked, another liquid line can be presented to the terminal.
o Do not add antifreeze without obtaining written permission from the shippers.
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o Use of methanol must not be made in chemical gas cargoes (Diethyl ether, Ethylene
oxide/Propylene oxide mixtures, Isoprene, Isopropylamine, Monoethylamine,
Pentanes, Pentene, Propylene oxide, Vinyl ethyl ether and Vinylidene chloride).
Because of the sensitivity of many cargoes to hydrate control products, the use of
hydrate control must be strictly in accordance with the instructions of the
shipper/charterer. There may be alternative ways of providing hydrate control other
than by the use of anti-freeze compounds.
Additionally the following precautions are applicable for the reliquefaction system:
On ballast passages avoid vapour temperatures from warming up to more than –10o
C. otherwise hydrates will create more problems when the tanks are warmer.
Put the condensate return into the bottom of the tank. This way you will find
hydrates choking up the filters at the expansion valves. You can now open up and
clean the filters. Continue this for some time and then resume spraying.
Beware of water getting into cargo tanks through leaking condenser tubes.
If the tank sprays are choked, run hot gas from the compressor into the spray lines.
Bear in mind temperature and pressure restrictions of pipelines. Once lines are
clear, resume cooling.
20.5.1 GENERAL
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Methanol is both flammable and toxic. Great care must be exercised in storage and
handling of methanol. Ingestion and eye contact with methanol must be avoided.
Ingestion of methanol leads to blindness and death. Consult and follow all
precautions listed in the material data sheets regarding the handling of such
Some LPG cargo quality specifications limit the maximum methanol content. For
chemical cargoes such as ethylene, even one litre of antifreeze per two hundred tons
of cargo could make the cargo commercially valueless. Therefore, you must obtain
the shipper’s permission before adding freezing point depressants.
In case of inhibited cargoes, the anti-freeze could adversely affect the inhibitor.
Hence, addition of antifreeze to such cargoes is prohibited.
In case a stock of anti freeze is carried on board or there is provision for adding
antifreeze to the cargo system, then the master must prepare written procedures
covering the process. This procedure must address the above points.
Ch: APP1 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 1 of 2
The duties of the Cargo Officer are to plan, organise, control and supervise all deck, tank and
pumproom aspects of the appropriate operations and to liaise with the Chief Engineer to ensure
timely availability of systems.
A Deck Watch shall be on duty to assist during all cargo, ballast and tank cleaning operations and
the Cargo Officer shall organise other Deck Officers and Ratings into these Watches.
The strength of a Deck Watch may vary from time to time at the discretion of the Master but, when
operating alongside a terminal or other ship, a Watch shall consist of at least:
The rotation of Deck Watch personnel shall be so organised as to ensure that they receive adequate
rest periods. This watchkeeping schedule must be documented and posted up for reference. Gas
Engineer can alternate his with Chief engineer and Chief officer.
The prepared loading/discharge plan must include a bar chart showing the planned progress of the
operation. Company has developed standard forms for planning cargo and ballast operations(6a-1-
3There is a documented procedure for planning cargo and ballast operations and the master
approves each operation./ Pre-arrival planning incorporates stability and stress checking at all
stages of the proposed operation, including any limitation on the number and location of slack
tanks. Additional information includes all details relating to load/discharge rates, ballast
operations, ullages, trim, cargo stowage and management of tank atmosphere and is available at
the ship–shore interface meeting and complies with ISGOTT recommendations. Communications
and coordination between ship and shore are discussed.
The Cargo Officer shall fully brief the Watch Officers of the planned operation and make full use
of the Watch Officer to control and supervise the routine aspects of the operation. However, the
Cargo Officer shall personally:
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• Supervise and check all pipeline valve and blanking device settings (including sea valves
and inert gas system tank valves) during lining up and closing down procedures.
• Check the venting arrangement/system
• Supervise the commencement and completion of loading and discharging of cargo or
ballast in cargo tanks.
• Supervise the topping off of all cargo tanks whether loading cargo or ballast.
• Supervise all Crude Oil Washing on crude oil tankers.
• Supervise all intentional discharges to the sea where an oil pollution risk exists.
• Before he leaves the deck for any length of time the Cargo Officer shall give clear written
instructions to the Watch Officer regarding the continuance of current operations and the
time or circumstances when he is to be called.
When the Cargo Officer is absent from the deck the Watch Officer shall assume responsibility for
continuing all planned operations as outlined in the “Standing Orders and Operations” and written
instructions. He shall control and supervise all routine aspects of monitoring tanks, pumps and
equipment in use as well as the general shipkeeping requirements of moorings, gangway, draught,
etc. He may regulate tank valves and pump controls in progressing the planned operation but he
shall not depart from the plan without direct instructions from the Cargo Officer. He shall call the
Cargo Officer immediately if any emergency arises or any unforeseen circumstance becomes
apparent. In an emergency he shall not hesitate to stop all operations if he considers that the
circumstances require such action.
The Watch Officer shall record the events of the operations as they occur in the Cargo Logbook
and maintain records of all the parameters monitored.
A copy of these Standing Orders shall be displayed at the Cargo Control Station. A further copy
shall be inserted in the Master's Night Order Book and each Deck Officer shall sign that he has
read and fully understands these Standing Orders before participating in his first Deck Watch on
any ship.
Ch: APP2 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 1 of 5
Berth : Port :
Date of Arrival : Time of Arrival:
The safety of operations requires that all questions should be answered affirmatively by clearly
ticking the appropriate box. If an affirmative answer is not possible, the reason should be given
and agreement reached upon appropriate precautions to be taken between the ship and the
terminal. Where any question is considered not applicable, then a note to that affect should be
inserted in the remarks column.
A box in the columns ‘ship’ and ‘terminal’ indicates that checks should be carried out by the
party concerned.
The presence of the letters A, P or R in the column ‘Code’ indicates the following:
A – any referenced procedures and agreements should be in writing in the remarks column of
this check list or other mutually acceptable form. In either case, the signature of both parties
should be required
P – in the case of a negative answer the operation should not be carried out without the
permission of the Port Authority
R – indicates items to be rechecked at intervals not exceeding that agreed in the declaration
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Ch: APP2 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 5 of 5
We the undersigned have checked, where appropriate jointly, the items of this
checklist and have satisfied ourselves that the entries we have made are correct to
the best of our knowledge.
We have also made arrangements to carry out repetitive checks as necessary and
agreed that those items marked with the letter ‘R’ in the column ‘Code’ should be re-
checked at intervals not exceeding _____________ hours.
Name : Name :
Rank : Rank :
Signatur Signature
e: :
Date :
Time :
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 1 of 16
Ship’s Name:
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Signature: Date:
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Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 04 of 16
Signature: Date:
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 05 of 16
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 06 of 16
Rank :
Signature : Date :
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 07 of 16
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 08 of 16
Rank :
Signature : Date :
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 09 of 16
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 10 of 16
Rank :
Signature : Date :
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 11 of 16
Berth : Port :
GENERAL Sh vsl Co Remarks
ip de
Stop cargo at:
1 Is the ship securely moored? R kts wind vel.
Disconnect at:
kts wind vel.
Unberth at:
kts wind vel.
2 Are emergency towing wires correctly
positioned? R
3 Is there safe access between ship and
shore? R
4 Is the ship ready to move under its own
power? PR
5 Is there an effective deck watch in
attendance onboard and adequate R
supervision on the other vessel and on
own ship?
6 Is the agreed ship/ship communication
system operative?
7 Has the emergency signal to be used by
the own ship and other vessel been A
explained and understood?
8 Have the procedures for cargo, bunker
and ballast handing been agreed? A
9 Have the hazards associated with toxic
substances in the cargo being handled
been identified and understood?
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Tank Tank
No. 1: No. 6:
Tank Tank
No. 2: No. 7:
Tank Tank
No. 3: No. 8:
Tank Tank
No. 4: No. 9:
Tank Tank
No. 5: No.10:
Ch: APP3 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 16 of 16
We the undersigned have checked, where appropriate jointly, the items of this checklist and have
satisfied ourselves that the entries we have made are correct to the best of our knowledge.
We have also made arrangements to carry out repetitive checks as necessary and agreed that those
items marked with the letter ‘R’ in the column ‘Code’ should be re-checked at intervals not
exceeding _____________ hours.
Name : Name :
Rank : Rank :
Signature : Signature :
Date :
Time :
Ch: APP4 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 1 of 15
In this section, we will describe the procedures for both gas-freeing a tank for the purpose
of man entry as well as for grade conversion. Both processes involve purging as the first
step. Purging is defined by SIGTTO as the process of replacing a hazardous tank
environment by inert gases to render the atmosphere safe. This term and the term inerting
will be used interchangeably. The next step in the case of man entry will be to introduce
atmospheric air into the tank. In case of grade conversion this will be gassing up. The
methods for achieving this are:
a) Displacement.
b) Dilution.
Inerting of cargo tanks on board can be done either with shore supply of Nitrogen or with
shipboard generated inert gases. In our fleet we could have either inert gas generators or
nitrogen generating plants fitted on board.
The inert gas generating plants on board gas tankers differ from those on oil tankers in that
these do not use flue gas but use dedicated oil burners in order to produce the basic stock.
This inert gas does not contain any sulpher compounds. This is then further cleaned, dried
etc. Most such plants are not designed to produce inert gas with oxygen content below
0.5percent. In actual practice getting down to 1 to 2 percent, oxygen content may be
difficult. Some of our gas carriers cannot generate anything below 1- percent oxygen
content, as per design. Such levels of oxygen concentration could be all right when the
basic consideration is to prepare the tank environment for eventual injection of fresh air in
order to prepare the tank for man entry. However, this would not be adequate for cleaning
tanks for the change of grade. (Please refer to Table 1).
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The nitrogen generating plants on the other hand are very convenient. It is possible to
reduce the oxygen content of the inert gas to 0.1 percent, which is adequate to load even
uninhibited VCM. The associated problem in this case is the reduced output of the inert
gas. Output volume is directly proportional to the oxygen content. It is important to take the
actual output at the requisite oxygen content when calculating the expected period
envisaged for the purging operation.
This generates another problem. At very slow rates of nitrogen injection, some diffusion
takes place across the interface between the tank content and the purge gas leading to a
certain amount of inevitable dilution. This reduces the efficiency of the displacement.
When time restricted, the only solution might be to use shore nitrogen. This is fast and
convenient, but more expensive. There are ways to reduce the amount of nitrogen needed
to inert tanks. This procedure is considered later.
Whether to use shore nitrogen or inert gas generated on board will depend on the following
For the purpose of inerting, there might be either an inert gas generator or a nitrogen
generator fitted on board.
The actual design and performance of this equipment will vary from ship to ship. However,
the basic design will incorporate an oil burner, a scrubber, and an air blower with its drive
and a drier unit. There will also be control elements, oxygen and humidity monitors and an
associated alarm system fitted. The gas code requires continuous oxygen monitoring in the
inert gas stream.
The oxygen content should normally be no more than about 1.0 percent. High oxygen
content can trigger an alarm but this would not normally trip the plant. This would
normally divert the flow of gas to the atmosphere via a vent riser.
This type of generator must be located outside the cargo area and is usually installed in the
ship’s engine room.
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In principle, burning diesel in a dedicated combustion chamber reduces the oxygen content
of atmospheric air. This oxygen-depleted air is then washed, dried, and eventually supplied
to the cargo area.
There is no deck seal on the supply line segregating the cargo deck from the engine room.
There would be two screw-down non-return valves incorporated in the supply line to
protect against any accidental back flow.
It is essential that these valves are tested prior to every operation. Non return valve
should be checked / overhauled every 3 months and a record of this should be
One way to test these would be to pressurize the outlet end of the IG supply line with
compressed air. To this end, a flange may need to be fabricated, which would permit
connecting a compressed air line to the IG outlet on cargo deck. These valves have a
tendency to fail, as any debris in the line accidentally carried with the inert gas would not
permit the valve to sit properly.
Referring to the above diagram, “A” & “B” are the in-line non-return valves. “C” is a valve
on the venting line, which could be pneumatically operated. This valve is linked to the IG
generator. This valve closes when the plant is operational and opens when the plant is
Nitrogen Generator
In such systems, oxygen is removed from atmospheric air by means other than combustion.
On many of our ships, a fiber bundle filter that selectively permits the flow of gases does
this. The vent gas out of the system (permeate stream) is oxygen enriched. It typically
contains about 30% oxygen but can be as high as 45%. While oxygen will not burn,
oxygen concentrations above 25% will support combustion of other materials much
more readily than air. For example, materials that smoulder in air could burn fiercely in
this atmosphere. It is imperative that vent gas is discharged only in well-ventilated and safe
The same consideration for the testing of the in line non-return valves apply here as well.
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The first step towards a successful inerting is to decide to what extent the tank needs to be
inerted. The following could be some of the factors to consider:
2. Whether air is to be introduced into the tank after inerting. In the second case it is
sufficient to inert the tank to below the critical dilution line with a margin of safety
in hand. In practice, a fifty- percent margin of safety is considered adequate. This
allows for a degree of poor mixing in practical circumstances while gas readings are
Density consideration:
Since displacement is dependent on gas densities it is essential to check the density of the
cargo gas to be displaced against the density of nitrogen or inert gas as the case may be.
Please remember the word NAIL that lists gases in the increasing order of density as
N - Nitrogen (lightest)
A - Air
I - Inert gas
L - LPG (heaviest)
It is easy to see that LPG is better displaced by nitrogen than by inert gas, as nitrogen is
lighter than inert gas.
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In order to displace a heavy gas by a light gas the latter must be introduced from the top
and the heavy gas vented out from the bottom. In order to displace a light gas by a heavy
gas, introduce the heavy gas from the bottom and vent off the light gas from the top.
(1) Never stop the process mid way. This will destroy the interface and further
displacement will be impossible.
(2) Give as many openings for the vent gas as is possible.
(3) Do not pressurize the tanks. This will cause turbulence when the pressure is
released. This will again destroy the interface between the purge gas and the tank
(4) Do not let the tank pressure fall below atmospheric. Out side air may be drawn into
the tank. This will increase the oxygen content of the tank.
(5) Remember to purge the pump suction line. Unless this is done at the very outset it
will be extremely time consuming to purge the bottom part of the tank later.
(6) Monitor the tank atmosphere with the proper equipment. Use a properly calibrated
Tankscope to measure the hydrocarbon content in a tank which is being purged by
inert gas or nitrogen. This may sound obvious but in the past wrong readings have
been obtained by using a normal explosimeter to monitor tank atmosphere under
inert condition.
(7) Calibrate the gas measuring instruments using proper span gases appropriate to that
instrument. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions implicitly.
(8) Follow all other usual precautions, which are adopted during venting of cargo
(9) Stop venting of all cargo gases during thunderstorms or lightning. Remember the
vent gas, which was in too-rich condition in the tank, will become flammable,
when mixed with air during venting.
(10) It has been found that displacement is generally effective down to about 0.5% only,
and if lesser concentrations of original tank content are required, dilution method
should be used after reaching this level.
Always try to vent the tank into another tank rather than directly to the atmosphere. This
can be done to a series of tanks with only the last tank being vented directly. Initially this
will not make any difference to the other tanks, as it will only be cargo gases that are
vented out from the tank under active purge. However, as the concentration of cargo gases
in the tank under active purge begins to reduce the tank or tanks under cascade will begin
to get the benefit of the purge. This will reduce both time as well as the amount of inert gas
needed to purge/ inert the system. This process is called cascading.
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How exactly this is done will depend on the pipeline layout of the particular ship. In some
cases, it has been found that some non-return valves had to be removed to do this.
Remember that it is usually possible to do cascading.
The process of a successful purging starts at the final discharging of the cargo. The tanks
must be made completely liquid free. As much vapour as can be discharged to the shore
facility must be discharged to reduce the tank pressure to a minimum.
On completion of the discharge, any liquid remaining in the sumps of the cargo pump and
the level gauges must be drained out. This can be done by rigging a hose to the sump
drains. This venting should be continued until the tank pressure is brought down as near to
atmospheric (0 bar) as possible. This will obviously be done at anchor or during passage
where venting is allowed. All safety precautions relevant to venting must be followed. On a
smaller pressure ship, this could take two to three hours. This time has to be allowed in
order to save time on the actual purge later.
Now the vessel is ready to carry out the actual purging. The following diagram shows
schematically a ship with two tanks, where tank No.2 is under active purge by inert gas or
nitrogen and tank No.1 is under cascade. The tank atmosphere is heavier than the purge
Ch: APP4 Date: 1/8/05 Revision: 2 Prep: PKG/RS Appr: AVG Page 7 of 15
Figure 1
The basic considerations as described in the previous sections apply here as well. In
particular we will consider three scenarios:
1. In port with vapour return: this is the ideal situation and presents no technical
difficulties. The procedures as described before can be applied directly. The only
consideration would be to reduce the amount of nitrogen intake. To this end,
cascading should be used. Secondly, shore nitrogen should be taken in as warm a
condition as the situation will permit. This is done in order that the density of
nitrogen is farther reduced in order to achieve a better displacement. As the
difference in densities of nitrogen and atmosphere air is very little, for efficient
purging with nitrogen when tanks are under atmospheric conditions, the
temperature of the nitrogen should be either much higher than or much lower than
the air temperature in the tanks.
2. In port without vapour return: Most ports will not allow ships to vent
hydrocarbons and purging under these circumstances is a difficult operation. In
principle, tanks must be pressurized with shore nitrogen, and vented after the ship
has gone out of port limits. This sequence has to be repeated many times to reach
the required level of residual hydrocarbons.
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To reduce the number of trips, and thus time and expenses, at the first instance
shore nitrogen should be admitted to one tank, the content of this tank is then to be
displaced to the other tanks. By carefully controlling the rate at which the nitrogen
is taken in, it is possible to reduce the hydrocarbon content of this tank to under 1%.
Once this is achieved, all tanks will be at the same pressure and should now be
isolated while continuing to admit nitrogen in the first tank. This tank should be
pressurized with nitrogen to about 3 to 4 bars. The ship can then leave port limits.
The other tanks should be first vented, then nitrogen from the first tank is used to
displace the hydrocarbons in the other tanks. It is possible this way to reach a low
level of hydrocarbons in all tanks, as such, when the ship takes nitrogen again, the
local authorities will allow the ship to vent. In case the ship is not allowed to vent at
all, only one more trip will be necessary to reach the required level of
Now that the tanks are purged to the required extent, the next step in grade conversion is
gassing up. Even in this case the preferred method is displacement. The same
considerations as described before will apply regarding density etc.
In this case, the heavier cargo vapour will be introduced from the bottom and the lighter
inert gas or nitrogen displaced from the top. In case ammonia is the next cargo, that will
have to be to introduced from the top being lighter than nitrogen.
In order to prepare a tank for ammonia as the next cargo inert gas must not be used,
in order to prevent carbamate formation. In such cases, only nitrogen purge is permitted.
Carbamate is a chemical compound, which forms through chemical reaction between
anhydrous ammonia and oxides of carbon. This compound is like a fine white powder,
which will coat the tank body on the inside and clog nozzles etc. in the tank. It is extremely
difficult to remove this powder.
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The tank pressure must be reduced to a minimum before attempting to start gassing up.
This involves a secondary problem now, this is described in the next paragraph.
If any liquid cargo is put in the tank, it will flash off because of the reduced pressure in the
tank. Latent heat required for evaporation is absorbed from the tank structure thus cooling
it down. It is possible for the tanks to be cooled below the designed minimum temperature.
Methods for avoiding this are described below when various scenarios are considered. This
is particularly relevant to the fully pressurized ships, which generally cannot withstand sub
zero temperatures. Generally, when vapour return is not available, the first tank to be
loaded should be kept pressurized with nitrogen or inert gas up to 3.5 bar. This will reduce
flash off and subsequent sub-cooling.
This is the simplest situation with little technical difficulties. Considerations regarding
density and cascading will apply. For most cargoes, other than ammonia, the pipe line-up
will need to be changed now. This is in order to inject the heavier cargo gases to the bottom
of the tank, through the liquid line and displace the inert gas or nitrogen through the vapour
line. In case of gassing up with ammonia the same pipe line up can be used, as ammonia is
lighter than nitrogen.
In this situation, the liquid from shore will be taken in through the cargo heater or a
dedicated vaporizer, if fitted. The cargo will be converted to vapour here, and then
injected into the tanks in the usual manner. It is important to see that no liquid goes
directly into the tanks to guard against sub cooling.
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In this case, the vessel will need to go outside the port limits to do the venting. In
case the ship is fitted with deck pressure vessels, then the ship can take the cargo in
this tank and then proceed outside to gas up. In case there are no pressure vessels,
then the cargo will need to be taken in one of the cargo tanks. This is the situation
which presents the maximum difficulty. The master must consider the possibility of
loading without any venting, provided that can be done without over pressurizing
the tanks. With some very low vapour pressure cargoes, this may be possible
provided tank pressures were at a minimum prior to commencement of loading.
The excess nitrogen pressure may be vented once the vessel has left port and is in
an area which the Master considers safe. Alternatively, the vessel may take a partial
load of cargo in one of the tanks. The excess pressure may be vented to the other
cargo tanks. We will now consider a pressurized ship with two cargo tanks with a
typical cargo capacity of about 1600 cbm per tank. The situation can be
extrapolated for different tank configurations. The liquid will generally be loaded in
No.2 tank.
We must appreciate the fact that in this case there is no other drive than the vapour
pressure of the cargo. This will not amount to much. Hence using a cargo
compressor is required to create a drive.
a) One way of doing this would be to connect the vapour line from No.2 tank to the
liquid line through the liquid-vapour crossover. If a non-return flap backs up this
valve, which is usually the case, that flap will need to be removed.
Vapour now goes into the bottom of No.1 tank through the liquid line. The vapour
line is now connected to the compressor, which will extract from the top of No.1
tank and vent it out.
b) Alternatively, the compressor will draw from the top of No.2 tank through the
vapour line and then inject into the bottom of No.1 tank through the liquid line. To
achieve this, one will need to open the liquid-vapour crossover and remove any non-
return flap backing up this valve. After this No.1 tank will be vented from the top
through the vapour line. In both cases, this is where the difficulty arises since a part
of the vapour line is already in use by the compressor for evacuating a tank. It may
be necessary to insert a blank in the vapour line to achieve this. The exact place to
insert this blank will depend on the piping layout of the ship. It is a good idea to
mark out this flange in the process sheet in advance and keep a blank standby for
future use rather than look for it when required. On most ships this can be done.
Both tanks can be safely considered gassed-up, when one sees gas being vented out
from No.1 tank. However regular monitoring of the tank environment should be
done. Of these two methods, method "a" would be considered the preferred method
for the following reasons, provided the vessels piping permits it:
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1. Injecting the vapour into No.1 with the compressors causes turbulence. This reduces
the efficiency of the displacement.
2. While running through the compressor the gas will warm up. This will reduce the
density of the cargo. This in turn will reduce the efficiency of the displacement.
Considering point one, theoretically, at the end of the gassing up, the cargo tanks
and the pipelines will be full of cargo gas at ambient temperature.
Hence a mass of liquid plus an allowance for process losses is the amount of cargo
that will be needed to be loaded for gassing up. Speaking roughly, about 40 tonnes
of propane or propylene, or about 15 tonnes of butane or butylene or butadiene is
generally needed to gas up a ship of about 3500 cbm. However it is prudent to call
for double this amount in order that the vessel need not come back for some cargo
to cover for process losses. Coming in for 5 tonnes of additional cargo is
economically ruinous.
In general, the basic considerations as described above regarding density, displacement and
cascading apply in this case also. However, the procedure of liquid freeing the tanks is
slightly different. We will consider the processes and precautions typical to refrigerated
carriage in this section.
A small amount of cargo called “heel” (about 1% of tank capacity) is always retained on
board after discharging in a refrigerated ship. This is used for cooling the tanks in the
ballast passage. However, if a grade change or gas freeing of the tanks is to be done then
the tanks must be completely stripped at the last discharge. Unless this is done the next step
called, sparging will take a long time.
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Sparging is the process of converting remaining liquid in the tank sumps to vapour.
Blowing hot gas from the reliquefaction plant into the sumps through specially fitted pipes
called puddle heaters does this. Consult the operating manual of the ship regarding the
maximum temperature allowed for this purpose. Otherwise, you will damage the tank
insulation. (Typically about 70o C or below).
When puddle-heating coils are used, the heat source in the coils is hot gas discharged from
the cargo compressors. Vapour is drawn from the cargo tank atmosphere and passed
through the compressor where the vapour is heated up by the compression. The condenser
is bypassed and hot vapour can be led directly to the heating coil system. This evaporates
the liquid in the tank.
Alternatively, the hot gas may be directly supplied to the sumps. In this case there are holes
in the puddle heater coils. The hot gas comes in direct contact with the liquid in the sumps
and causes evaporation. In this case there is no liquid formation.
At sea, in order to finish the operation, cargo tank vapour could be:
Alongside venting directly to atmosphere is seldom permitted. In such cases the condensate
is either pumped ashore or kept in the deck pressure vessels.
1. Always keep a trim by the stern. The exact trim needed will of course vary from
ship to ship.
3. Temperature differential between the top and bottom of the tank must not exceed
the designed feature. (Typically about 50o C)
The next step after sparging is inerting. The general considerations are the same as in the
case of pressurized ships.
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It may be convenient to supply the inert gas or nitrogen through the reliquefaction gas line
(condensate return line) on top, and displace the LPG through the liquid filling line and
pump discharge line.
Always gas-free the pump suction and discharge at the very outset. Otherwise,
inerting the bottom level of the tank will be extremely difficult.
In case the pump discharge is fitted with a non return line, open the housing and lift the
valve. Remember that the pressure of the nitrogen or inert gas will not be sufficient to lift
the valve. Do not open this valve completely or it may prevent the turning of the pump.
In case of grade change, the next step is gassing up with the next cargo. All considerations
as described for pressurized vessels will apply here. Fully refrigerated ships cannot sustain
much pressure so the option of pressurizing the tanks is ruled out. In the event, liquid is
directly loaded in the cargo tanks, a problem arises with prismatic or membrane tanks,
called sloshing. For details see the next paragraph.
Cool cargo vapours are the best for gassing up. In order to prevent hydrate formation it is
best to take liquid from the shore or deck pressure vessels and convert it to vapour in the
cargo heaters. Remember there is a danger of dewing if the inert gas supplied is not dry
Large prismatic cargo tanks, due to their width and shape, may suffer from substantial
sloshing of the cargo in heavy rolling conditions. Such tanks and particularly membrane
type tanks, which have no centre line wash bulkhead, may have prohibited filling levels in
order to avoid damage to the tank structures or internal fittings. Typically, prismatic tanks
are prohibited to load in the 10% to 80% filling level range. For membrane tanks the upper
limit could be typically 95%. Although in a gassing up situation it is unlikely, but it must
be confirmed that the vessel is not leaving the terminal with liquid cargoes in its tank which
falls into the barred range.
The next step after gassing up is cooldown. Refer to the cargo-operating manual of your
ship for specific instructions for this operation. The problem faced in this process is the
presence of nitrogen in the tanks. Since nitrogen cannot be condensed by the ship’s plant
this results in a collection of nitrogen in the cargo condenser leading to high pressure in the
second stage discharge of the cargo compressors, the plant will trip. The only solution is to
vent the nitrogen out of the compressor.
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In most terminals no venting is permitted alongside, even the venting of nitrogen is not
permitted. Therefore, under such circumstances this must be vented to a shore flare stack.
1. The IG blower.
2. In some cases with the cargo compressors.
3. With portable hydro-blowers or similar equipment.
4. With wind-sails.
The most convenient means of introducing air is using the IG blowers or the cargo
compressors. The hydro-blowers tend to be more efficient in exhaust mode than in the
supply mode. These can be rigged on the tank manholes to in the exhaust mode where
displacement from the top is indicated.
If possible, heat up the cargo tank temperatures above atmospheric when using
portable blowers in order to prevent dewing.
All considerations regarding density etc. as described above are applicable here.
In order to displace nitrogen with the air, air should be introduced from the bottom using
the liquid line and the nitrogen displaced from the top. Displacing nitrogen with air is
difficult as the density difference between the two is very little, nitrogen being nominally
lighter than air at the same temperature. However, hot air is lighter than nitrogen. In this
situation hot air may be injected from the top using the vapour lines and the nitrogen
displaced from the bottom using the liquid line. The upper limit of the temperature of the
nitrogen will depend on the tank insulation. Refer to the cargo-operating manual of your
ship to check this temperature. This process works better in cold ambient temperatures
where the tank atmosphere will be at the ambient temperature. In tropical summers, the
only practical solution would be to use the dilution method.
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In order to displace inert gas with air, the air should be introduced from the top through the
vapour line and the inert gas displaced from the bottom using the liquid line. In this case, it
is better to introduce hot air through the inert gas plant to increase the density difference.
Remember the upper limit of the temperature with reference to the tank insulation.
1. Venting must be continued until any pockets of gas that may remain in the tank are
driven out.
2. The tank atmosphere must be thoroughly checked and enclosed space entry
procedure followed before man entry is made.
3. It is prudent to continue forced ventilation of the tanks for the entire duration of the
man entry. In some of the wet or dry-docks, it is mandatory to do so.
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Vessel sailed from Oita on 16 July 1999 for Kawasaki. During discharge at Oita, tanks 1 &
4 were emptied in order sparge tanks enroute to Kawasaki.
On 17 July 1999 at 0600 UTC commenced sparging of tanks 1 & 4 with No.1 and No.4
compressors on a hot gas cycle and No.2 and No.3 compressors on reliquefaction cycle to
their respective tanks for bleeding off extra vapour generated in No.1 and no.4 tanks.
Completed sparging of No.1 and No.4 tanks at 0300 UTC on 19 July 1999.
Time taken = 45 hours.
1. Try and use 2 compressors on each tank while sparging. Also, extra vapour that is
generated should be vented off immediately, as it takes longer to release pressures
from the tank through the compressors.
3. While sparging, it was noticed that the butane content of the cargo was very high;
hence it took a long time to make the tank liquid free.
4. Before introducing Inert gas into the tank, ensure that the over all tank temperature
is in the region of 15 deg C.
On passage from Kawasaki to Singapore started 2 compressors each on a hot gas cycle on
tanks 2 & 3 at 1300 UTC on 20 July 1999.
Completed sparging of tanks 2 & 3 at 0100 UTC on 22 July 1999.
Time taken for sparging tanks 2 & 3 = 36 Hours.
Simultaneously, commenced inerting tanks 1 & 4 with inert gas being introduced through
the vapour line and propane vapours being removed from the liquid line, either through the
manifold or the vent riser.
Time taken for inerting tanks 1 & 4 = 22 Hours.
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After tanks 2 & 3 were liquid free, commenced inerting of tanks 2 & 3 at 0130 UTC on 22
July 1999, as mentioned above.
Completed inerting tanks 2 & 3 at 0130 UTC on 23 July 1999.
Time taken for inerting tanks 2 & 3 = 24 Hours.
During this period all lines in the compressor room were inerted with inert gas from tanks 1
& 4.
The inert gas system was changed over to the fresh air mode and commenced gas freeing
tanks 1 & 4 at 0300 UTC on 23 July 1999 with fresh air being introduced in both the tanks
simultaneously through the vapour line and inert gas removed from the liquid line, either
forward or aft.
Completed gas-freeing tanks 1 & 4 at 0400 UTC on 24 July 1999.
Time taken for gas freeing tanks 1 & 4 = 25 Hours.
Commenced gas freeing tanks 2 & 3 at 0500 UTC on 24 July 1999 with procedure as
described above. Completed gas freeing of tanks 2 & 3 at 0800 UTC on 25 July 1999.
Time taken for gas freeing tanks 2 & 3 = 27 Hours.
On completion of gas freeing of cargo tanks, all cargo holds were gas freed simultaneously
with the I.G. blower in the fresh air mode at 0900 UTC on 25 July 1999 and completed
gas-freeing holds at 0700 UTC on 26 July 1999.
Time taken for gas freeing of holds = 22 Hours.
After gas freeing of all tanks and holds the I.G. blower was kept running in fresh dry air
mode in all cargo tanks and holds.
Points to monitor:
1. Tank bulkhead valves to be kept open. Also ensure all sampling cocks, drain valves
and pump discharge valves are kept open.
2. If short of time, then tanks can be gas freed using portable blowers, however
possibility of moisture condensation is very strong and hence not recommended.
Using dry air will reduce possibility of hydrate formation.
Time Taken:
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Vessel berthed NGL Terminal Berth No. 71 Yanbu on 19 August 1999 at 0412 LT for
taking coolant. After safety meeting was completed, gassing up with Propane liquid was
commenced at 0625 LT. During the Safety meeting, Saudi Aramco Loading Master was
informed that loading rate will be in the region of 5 – 10 Mts/ Hour and will be spraying
line in No. 2 tank, vapours generated will be sent to No. 3 tank and from that tank to the
shore flare. However, Loading Master did not agree to this and said that only one tank will
be allowed to gas up and cool down. All cargo tank pressures in the region of 0.03 kg/cm2g
with maximum oxygen content of 1.5% and tank dew point in the region of –15 deg C.
Gassing up of No.2 tank commenced at 0625 LT/ 19.08.99 by opening top and side sprays
of that tank. Gassing up was suspended from 0700 LT to 0840 LT/ 19.08.99. For cooling
down of shoreline. On resumption of loading, loading rate was in the region of 60-bbls/
hour, as manifold pressure kept rising beyond that. Manifold pressure was kept in the
region of 2.0 kg/cm2g. When the manifold pressure was increased, it was found that the
liquid loading valve of No. 4 tank starboard side was leaking slightly, even though the
valve was fully shut.
From 1520 LT to 1920 LT/ 19.08.99, loading was suspended due to high wind speeds. At
this juncture, No.2 tank was about 35% gassed up with tank pressure in the region of 0.10
kg/cm2g. Shore started loading again at 1950LT, however, vessel did not receive any cargo
till 2040 LT. Gassing up was in progress at a slow rate when shore again ceased loading
from 0140 LT to 0440 LT/ 20.08.99 for cooling down of their shore lines.
At 1020 LT/ 20.08.99 when No.2 tank was 88% gassed up, loading was suspended for
trying our compressors. However, on starting the compressors, condenser pressures kept
increasing, hence had to open the condenser vent valve to the mast riser. Since venting was
not permitted through the mast riser (Even though it was only inert gas) terminal asked
vessel to stop venting and after giving written explanations etc., shore decided to give
coolant again for gassing up of No. 2 tank at 1255 LT/ 20.08.99.
By this time No.2 tank bottom temperature was in the region of –25 deg C, hence by 1340
LT, loading rate was increased to 200 bbls with vapour being vented to the shore flare. At
1500 LT/ 20.08.99, hydrocarbon concentration was checked in No. 2 tank and found in the
region of 90%. So No.2 compressor was started on a reliquefaction cycle and found that the
compressor was coping up without opening the condenser vent valve. Rate was increased
to 1000 bbls by 1650 LT and ultimately at 1710 LT confirmed to the terminal that gassing
up and cooling down of No.2 tank was completed. Loading rate was increased to 2500 bbls
for taking in the balance coolant. Accordingly completed taking balance coolant at 1820
LT/ 20.08.99.
Pilot boarded at 2024 LT/ 20.08.99 and vessel shifted to anchorage at 2154 Lt/ 20.08.99 for
conditioning remaining cargo tanks.
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1. It is recommended that No. 4 tank is gassed up as the condensate line has a branch
that is connected to No. 4 liquid line. Hence, even if the manifold pressure rises it
can be released in no. 4 tank.
2. Spool piece on top of compressor room which connects condenser vents to the vent
riser should be kept closed by which it will be connected to the shore vent flare.
3. Initial loading rate should be kept in the region of 5 Mt/Hour, however, after bottom
temperature comes to about -25 deg C, loading rate should be increased and liquid
taken through the loading line, vapour expelled from top via compressor vent valve
to the shore flare. This way amount of cargo that is flared will be also minimized
instead of sending it directly to the flare. While taking liquid from the bottom
loading rate can be increased gradually to about 100 to 200 Mts/ hour and necessary
gassing up/ cooling down operation for that tank is completed.
4. Frequent start/ stops for whatever reasons did not help the matter as it resulted in
forming a complete mixture in the tank and consequently landed up taking more
5. While gassing up and cooling down of the tank where coolant is to be taken, try to
gas up one more tank at that time in order to save time and coolant.
6. If above procedures are followed, estimated about 14 hours will be required for
gassing up and cooling down of one tank alongside and another about 4 hours will
be required for taking balance coolant.
No. 2 (P) tank cargo pump was started on 0001 LT/ 21.08.99 for spraying liquid in no. 4
tank through the top and side sprays. Vapour generated were expelled from the liquid line
and sent in to the bottom of no. 3 tank. Excess vapour in no. 3 tank was vented out through
the vent riser and forward vapour manifold.
This process continued till 1300 LT, when no. 4 compressor was started for cooling down
of no. 4 tank, but since the tank was not gassed up had to keep condenser vent valve open.
On doing so found tank pressure in no. 4 tank falling and had to replenish clean propane
vapour in that tank continuously. By 2245 Lt/ 21.08.99 found that no. 3 tank was
completed gassed up.
Commenced spraying liquid in No. 3 tank at 0050 LT/ 22.08.99. Excess vapour generated
was used for gassing up of No. 1 tank from bottom and vapour from No. 1 tank expelled
through the vent riser.
Compressor No. 4 was kept running on no. 4 tank for cooling down that tank, but the
condenser vent valve was still open, which resulted in very slow cooling down rate and
frequent replenishment of clean propane vapour.
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No.3 tank was completely cooled down by 1930 LT/ 22.08.99 and no. 3 compressor was
started on no. 3 tank directly for keeping it cold.
No. 1 tank was gassed up by 2100 LT/ 22.08.99. All operations were ceased for allowing
tank atmospheres to stabilize.
Cooling down of No.1 tank was started at 0130 LT/ 23.08.99 with No. 1 compressor.
Started no. 5 compressor also on no. 4 tank along with No. 4 compressor to hasten the
cooling rate, but the condenser vent valves were still slightly open which resulted in low
cooling down rate and continuous replenishment of propane vapour. No. 4 tank was
ultimately cooled by 1600 LT/ 23.08.99. It was noticed that cooling down rate of No. 1
tank was in the region of 1 deg C, so cargo pump was started to spray liquid in No. 1 tank
at 1800 LT/ 23.08.99. At 2030 LT to 2230 LT all tanks were de-pressurized and cooled
down for required loading.
Tanks 2, 3 & 4 were cooled down for propane loading and tank 1 for butane loading.
Time required for Gassing up and Cooling down of no. 4 tank: 64 Hours
Time required for Gassing up no. 3 tank: 22.5 Hours
Time required for Cooling down of no. 3 tank: 18.5 Hours
Time required for Gassing up no. 1 tank: 20 Hours
Time required for Cooling down of no. 1 tank: 19 Hours
1. No. 4 tank took a lot of time for gassing up and cooling down due to the presence of
in-condensable as liquid as sprayed in the tank. Therefore, a displacement method
might be a better option as it will result in saving a lot of cargo and possibly time.
2. Cooling down with compressors is very slow with cooling down rate in the region
of 1 deg C/Hour (tank pressure 0.12 kg/cm2g). But with pump running and header
pressure around 3.5 kg/cm2g, cooling down rate was much faster in the region of 3
to 4 deg C/Hour.
3. To gas up one tank will require about 18 to 20 hours and further 20 hours for
cooling it down by the pump.