Risk Assessment Table

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Natural, Human- Risks can be categorized as Assess likelihood in Assess the Assess the risk as Indicate current (control measures in Assess effectiveness of Action plan to further reduce or mitigate risks if current controls are not
Induced, affecting the following: terms of FREQUENCY impact as place consider both infra and non- current controls sufficient
Technological, and PROBABILITY infra interventions)
Biological, Very High
1. People 5 – Extreme High 5 – With controls in place
External, Internal
2. Facility 5 – Frequent/Almost 4 – Major Moderate which are working and
3. Public Certain 3– Low controls in place are industry
4. Process 4 – Likely Moderate Very Low leading practice
5. Supply Chain 3 – Possible 2 – Minor 4 – With highly effective
6. ICT 2 – Unlikely 1- controls in place with little
1 – Rare Incidental room for improvement
3 – With fairly effective
controls in place but needs
2 – With controls in place but
are ineffective
1 – No control in place

Earthquake People: Employees are 3 Possible 5 Extreme 15 Moderat Non-infra: Annual earthquake 3 – with fairly effective 1. Improvement should consider mapping of employee residence
(ground shaking) affected and critical e drills controls in place but needs 2. Provision of family preparedness training.
function holders will not be improvement
able to report for work

Facility: Main office will be 5 Frequent or 4 Major 20 Very Infra: Building is retrofitted 4 - with highly effective 1. Maintenance through regular building inspection
affected and rendered Almost High controls in place with little
inaccessible Certain room for improvement

Tropical People: Employees are 5 Frequent or 4 Major 20 Non-infra: Alert System 3 – with fairly effective 1. Provision of Vehicle Services for Employees with difficulty
Cyclone/Heavy affected and critical Almost establishment controls in place but needs accessing office for work
Rainfall function holders will not be Certain improvement 2. Establishment of alternate working mechanism for a
able to report for work percentage of personal

Facility: Main office will be 3 Possible 5 Extreme 15 Moderat Infra: Alternate site identified 4 - with highly effective 1. Identification of at least 2 Alternate Sites
affected and rendered e controls in place with little 2. Establishments of protocols re Activation and Transfer to
inaccessible room for improvement Alternate Sites

Terrorism Process: Office lockdown 2 Unlikely 5 Extreme 10 Low Non-infra: Physical security of 3 – with fairly effective 1. Establishment of Work from home strategies for employees
affecting operations office is secured controls in place but needs affected by office lockdown (for security purposes)
improvement 2. Establishment of ICT redundancy for possible work from home

Cyberattack ICT: Failure of IT- 5 Frequent or 5 Extreme 25 Very Infra: Upgrading of ICT equipment 3 – with fairly effective 1. Development of IT Disaster Recovery Plan
dependent systems and Almost High and installation safety measures controls in place but needs
applications Certain improvement
Landslide People: Employees are 3 Possible 5 Exterem 15 Moderat Non-infra: Bi-annual evacuation 3 – with fairly effective 1. Improvement should consider mapping of employee residence
affected and critical e e drills controls in place but needs 2. Provision of family preparedness training for all employees
function holders will not be improvement
able to report for work

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