Postseparation Abuse Wheel

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Parenting When the unhealthy

The unhealthy parent has parent continues to exert
so much hatred for the other control and is intent on
parent that their judgment tormenting the other parent
center is compromised, and post-separation by weaponizing
their actions are driven by the children and using them
anger and the desire for as pawns in a variety of
unwarranted revenge. ways.
Financial Neglectful
Abuse or Abusive
In court, financial games Parenting
and deception are rampant, Exposing children to unsafe
with the intention of hurting the situations or people, the
unhealthy parent’s motivation is to
healthy parent. The abuser will
create financial discord by blocking cause concern and fear for the other
access to bank accounts and and parent. Their parenting style is
other financial resources.
Separation neglectful and includes varying
degrees of abuse.

Legal Abuse
The abuser wears a mask in the
Abuse Discarding
The unhealthy parent will wage a
courtroom, fooling the top family
court professionals, such as custody Wheel war for 50% parenting time;
however, their conveyed interest in
evaluators, therapists, GAL’s, and the children is not honorable.
judges. Behind the courtroom They often discard the
mask is malicious intent. children after a perceived
Harassment Isolation
“win” in court.
and Stalking The unhealthy
Typically very covert parent often sets out
in nature, this type of to destroy the healthy
harassment and stalking parent’s social capital,
usually flies under the radar such as family, friends,
of most law enforcement teachers, and other community
officers and family court profes- relationships with the goal of
sionals. compromising their entire
support system.

A training resource for professionals working with victims and survivors of family violence.

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