Ccs University, Meerut Bca Syllabus: Greater Noida Group of Educational Institutes
Ccs University, Meerut Bca Syllabus: Greater Noida Group of Educational Institutes
Ccs University, Meerut Bca Syllabus: Greater Noida Group of Educational Institutes
Unit – I DETERMINANTS Definition, Minors, Cofactors, Properties of Determinants
MATRICES: Definition, Types of Matrices, Addition,
Subtraction, Scalar Multiplication and Multiplication of
Matrices, Adjoint, Inverse, Cramers Rule, Rank of Matrix
Dependence of Vectors, Eigen Vectors of a Matrix, Caley-
Hamilton Theorem (without proof)
Unit – II LIMITS & Limit at a Point, Properties of Limit, Computation of Limits of
CONTINUITY: Various Types of Functions, Continuity at a Point, Continuity
Over an Interval, Intermediate Value Theorem, Type of
Unit– II DIFFERENTIATION: Derivative, Derivatives of Sum, Differences, Product &
Quotients, Chain Rule, Derivatives of Composite Functions,
Logarithmic Differentiation, Rolle’s Theorem, Mean
Value Theorem, Expansion of Functions (Maclaurin’s &
Taylor’s), Indeterminate Forms, L’ Hospitals Rule, Maxima
& Minima, Curve Tracing, Successive Differentiation &
Liebnitz Theorem.
Unit– IV INTEGRATION: Integral as Limit of Sum, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
(without proof.), Indefinite Integrals, Methods of
Integration Substitution, By Parts, Partial Fractions,
Reduction Formulae for Trigonometric Functions, Gamma
and Beta Functions(definition).
Unit – V VECTOR Definition of a vector in 2 and 3 Dimensions; Double and
ALGEBRA: Triple Scalar and Vector Product and physical interpretation of
area and volume.
Referential Books:
1. .S. Grewal, “Elementary Engineering Mathematics”, 34th Ed., 1998.
2. Shanti Narayan, “Integral Calculus”, S. Chand & Company, 1999
3. H.K. Dass, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, S. Chand & Company, 9th
Revised Edition, 2001.
4. Shanti Narayan, “Differential Caluculs”, S.Chand & Company, 1998.
Referential Books:
1. Let us C-Yashwant Kanetkar.
2. Programming in C-Balguruswamy
3. The C programming Lang., Pearson Ecl - Dennis Ritchie
4. Structured programming approach using C- Forouzah & Ceilber Thomson
learning publication.
5. Pointers in C - Yashwant Kanetkar
6. How to solve it by Computer - R.G. Dromy
7. Peter Norton’s Introduction to Computers - Tata MGHill
Referential Books:
1. Fundamental of Computers - By V.Rajaraman B.P.B. Publications
2. Fundamental of Computers - By P.K. Sinha
3. Computer Today- By Suresh Basandra
4. Unix Concepts and Application - By Sumitabha Das
5. MS-Office 2000(For Windows) - By Steve Sagman
6. Computer Networks - By Tennenbum Tata MacGrow Hill Publication
Unit – I Nature of Meaning, Defination, it’s nature purpose, importance & Functions,
Management: Management as Art, Science & Profession- Management as social System
Concepts of management-Administration-Organization, Management
Skills, Levels of Management.
Unit – II Evolution of Contribution of F.W.Taylor, Henri Fayol, Elton Mayo, Chester Barhard
Management & Peter Drucker to the management thought. Business Ethics & Social
Thought: Responsibility: Concept, Shift to Ethics, Tools of Ethics.
Unit– III Functions of Planning - Meaning- Need & Importance, types, Process of
Management: Planning, Barriers to Effective
Part-I Planning, levels - advantages & limitations.
Forecasting- Need & Techniques
Decision making-Types - Process of rational decision making
& techniques of decision making Organizing - Elements of
organizing & processes:
Types of organizations, Delegation of
authority - Need, difficulties Delegation
- Decentralization
Staffing - Meaning & Importance
Direction - Nature - Principles
Communication - Types & Importance
Unit– IV Functions of Motivation - Importance - theories
Management: Leadership - Meaning -styles, qualities & function of leader
Part-II Controlling - Need, Nature, importance, Process & Techniques, Total
Quality Management Coordination - Need - Importance
Unit – V Management of Change: Models for Change, Force for Change, Need
for Change, Alternative Change Techniques, New Trends in
Organization Change, Stress Management.
Unit – : Strategic Definition, Classes of Decisions, Levels of Decision, Strategy,
VI Management Role of different Strategist, Relevance of Strategic Management and
its Benefits, Strategic Management in India
Referential Books :
1. Essential of Management - Horold Koontz and Iteinz Weibrich-
McGrawhills International
2. Management Theory & Practice - J.N.Chandan
3. Essential of Business Administration - K.Aswathapa, Himalaya Publishing House
4. Principles & practice of management - Dr. L.M.Parasad, Sultan Chand & Sons -
New Delhi
5. Business Organization & Management - Dr. Y.K.Bhushan
6. Management: Concept and Strategies By J.S. Chandan, Vikas Publishing
7. Principles of Management, By Tripathi, Reddy Tata McGraw Hill
8. Business organization and Management by Talloo by Tata McGraw Hill
9. Business Environment and Policy - A book on Strategic Management/ Corporate
Planning By Francis Cherunilam Himalaya Publishing House 2001 Edition
7) Communicate to Win - Richard Denny - Kogan Page India Privat Limited, New Delhi.
8) Modern Business Correspondence - L.Gartside - The English Language Book Society and
Macdonald and
Evans Ltd.
9) Business Communication - M.Balasubrahmanyan -Vani Education Books. 10) Creating a Successful CV -
Siman Howard –
Dorling Kidersley.
Concept of an ecosystem
Structure and function of an ecosystem
Producers, consumers and decomposers
Energy flow in the ecosystem
Ecological succession
Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids
Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following
ecosystem: -
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans,
Causes, effects and control measures of: -
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Soil pollution
d) Marine pollution
e) Noise pollution
f) Thermal pollution
g) Nuclear pollution
Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial
Role of an individual in prevention of pollution
Pollution case studies
Disaster Management: Floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.
Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-river / forest / grassland / hill /
Visit to a local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural
Study of common plants, insects, birds.
Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hill slopes, etc. (Field work Equal to 5 lecture
BCA-201 Mathematics II
Unit – I Sets Sets, Subsets, Equal Sets Universal Sets, Finite and Infinite Sets,
Operation on Sets, Union, Intersection and Complements of
Sets, Cartesian Product, Cardinality of Set, Simple
Unit – II Relations Properties of Relations, Equivalence Relation, Partial Order
and Relation Function: Domain and Range, Onto, Into and One
functions to One Functions, Composite and Inverse Functions,
Introduction of Trignometric, Logarithmic and Exponential
Unit– III Partial order Partial Order Sets, Representation of POSETS using Hasse
relations diagram, Chains, Maximal and Minimal Point, Glb, lub,
and lattices Lattices & Algebric Systems, Principle of Duality, Basic
Properties, Sublattices, Distributed & Complemented Lattics
Unit– IV Functions Partial Differentiation, Change of Variables, Chain Rule,
of several Extrema of Functions of 2 Variables, Euler’s Theorem
Unit – V 3d 3D Coordinate Geometry: Coordinates in Space, Direction
coordinate Cosines, Angle Between Two Lines, Projection of Join of Two
geometry Points on a Plane, Equations of Plane, Straight Lines,
Conditions for a line to lie on a plane, Conditions for Two Lines
to be Coplanar, Shortest Distance Between Two Lines, Equations
of Sphere, Tangent plane at a point on the sphere
Unit – VI Multiple Double Integral in Cartesian and Polar Coordinates to find
integration Area, Change of Order of Integration, Triple Integral to Find
Volume of Simple Shapes in Cartesian Coordinates.
Referential Books:
Referential Books:
1. Let us C-Yashwant Kanetkar.
2. Programming in C-Balguruswamy
3. The C programming Lang., Person Ecl - Dennis Ritchie
4. Structured programming approach using C-Forouzah & Ceilberg Thomson
learning publication
BCA-203 Organization Behavior
Referential Books:
1. Organizational Behavior Text, Cases and Games- By K.Aswathappa, Himalaya
Publishing House, Mumbai, Sixth Edition (2005)
2.Organizational Behavior Human Behavior at Work By J.W. Newstrom, Tata McGraw
Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 12 Edition (2007)
3 Organizational Behavior - By Fred Luthans
4 Organizational Behavior - By Super Robbins
5. Organizational Behavior - Anjali Ghanekar
6.Organizational Behavior Fundamentals, Realities and Challenges By Detra Nelson,
James Campbel Quick Thomson Publications
7.Organizational Behavior through Indian Philosophy, By N.M.Mishra, Hikalaya
Publication House
BCA-204 Digital Electronics & Computer Organization
Unit – I Logic gates and Gates (OR, AND, NOR, NAND, XOR & XNOR);
circuit Demogran’s laws; Boolean laws, Circuit designing
techniques (SOP, POS, K-Map).
Unit – II Combinational Multiplexes; Decoder; Encoder; Adder and Subtracter.
Building Blocks
Unit– III Memories ROMs, PROMs, EPROMs, RAMs, Hard Disk, Floppy Disk
and CD-ROM
Unit– IV Sequential Flip-Flop (RS, D, JK, Master-slave & & T flip- flops);
Building Blocks Registers & Shift registers; Counters; Synchronous
and Asynchronous Designing method
Unit – V Memory Basic cell of static and dynamic RAM; Building large
Organization memories using chips; Associative memory; Cache
memory organization and Virtual memory organization
Referential Books:
1. Digital Logic and Computer design (PHI) 1998 : M.M. Mano
2. Computer Architecture (PHI) 1998 : M.M. Mano
3. Digital Electronics (TMH) 1998 : Malvino and Leach
4. Computer Organization and Architecture : William Stallings
5. Digital fundamentals (Universal Book Stall) 1998 : Floyd, L.Thomas
6. Computer Organization (MC Graw-Hill, Signapore) : Hamcher, Vranesic and
BCA-205 Financial Accounting & Management
Unit – I : Overview - Meaning and Nature of Financial Accounting, Scope of
Financial Accounting, Financial Accounting & Management Accounting,
Accounting concepts & convention, Accounting standards in India
Unit – II : Basics of accounting - Capital & Revenue items, Application of
Computer in Accounting Double Entry System, Introduction to Journal,
Ledger and Procedure for Recording and Posting, Introduction to Trail
Balance, Preparation of Final Account, Profit & Loss Account and related
concepts, Balance Sheet and related concept
Unit– III : Financial statement analysis: Ratio analysis, Funds flow analysis,
concepts, uses, Preparation of funds flow statement, simple problem,
Cash flow analysis, Concepts, uses, preparation of cash flow
statement, simple problem, Break - even analysis
Unit– IV : Definition nature and Objective of Financial Management, Long
Term Sources of Finance, Introductory idea about capitalization,
Capital Structure, Concept of Cost of Capital, introduction, importance,
explicit & implicit cost, Measurement of cost of capital, cost of debt.
Unit – V : Concept & Components of working Capital. Factors Influencing the
Composition of working Capital, Objectives of working Capital Management
- Liquidity Vs. Profitability and working capital policies. Theory of working
capital: Nature and concepts
Unit – VI : Cash Management, Inventory Management and Receivables Management
Referential Books:
1. Maheshwari & Maheshwari, “An Introduction to Accountancy”, 8 Edition,
Vikas Publishing House, 2003
2. Gupta R.L., Gupta V.K., “Principles & Practice of Accountancy”, Sultan Chand &
Sons, 1999.
3. Khan & Jain, “Financial Accounting”
4. Maheshwari S.N., “Principles of Management Accounting”, 11 Edition, Sultan
Chand & Sons, 2001 th
5. Shukla and Grewal, “Advanced Accounts”, 14 Edition, Sultan Chand & Sons.
Practical will be based on Paper Programming Principle & Algorithm: Covers UNIT-
Referential Books:
1. A.R.Venugopal, Rajkumar, T. Ravishanker “Mastering C++”, TMH, 1997.
2. S.B.Lippman & J.Lajoie, “ C++ Primer”, 3 Edition, Addison Wesley, 2000.The C
programming Lang., Person Ecl - Dennis Ritchie
3. R.Lafore, “Object Oriented Programming using C++”, Galgotia Publications, 2004
4. D.Parasons, “Object Oriented Programming using C++”, BPB Publication.
BCA-302 Data Structure Using C & C++
Referential Books:
1. E.Horowiz and S.Sahani, “ Fundamentals of Data structures”, Galgotia Book source
Pvt. Ltd.2003
2. R.S.Salaria, “ Data Structures & Algorithms” , Khanna Book Pblishing Co. (P) Ltd..,2002
3. Y.Langsam et. Al., “ Data Structures using C and C++” , PHI, 1999
BCA-303 Computer Architecture & Assembly Language
Referential Books:
Referential Books:
1. Ahuja H.L., “Business Economics”,S.Chand & Co., New Delhi, 2001
2. Ferfuson P.R., Rothchild, R and Fergusen G.J.”Business Economics” Mac-
millan, Hampshire, 1993
3. Karl E.Case & Ray C. fair , “Principles of Economics” , Pearson Education , Asia, 2000
4. Nellis, Joseph, Parker David, “ The Essence of Business Economics”,Prentice
Hall, New Delhi, 1992.
BCA-305 Elements of Statistics
Referential Books:
1. S.C.Gupta - Fundamentals of statistics - Sultan chand & sons , Delhi.
2. D.N.Elhance - Fundamentals of statistics - Kitab Mahal, Allahabad.
3. Montogomery D.C. - Statistical Quality Control - John Welly and Sons
4. Goon, Gupta And Dasgupta- Fundamentals of statistics- The world press private ltd. ,
5. Hogg R.V. and Craig R.G. - Introduction to mathematical statistics Ed 4 {1989} -
Macmillan Pub. Co. Newyork.
6. Gupta S.P. - Statistical Methods , Pub - Sultan Chand and sons New Delhi
Unit– IV Representing Curves & Surfaces: Polygon meshes parametric, Cubic Curves,
Quadric Surface.
Solid Modeling: Representing Solids, Regularized Boolean Set Operation
primitive Instancing Sweep Representations, Boundary Representations,
Spatial Partitioning Representations, Constructive Solid Geometry
Comparison of Representations.
Referential Books:
1. Foley, Van Dam, Feiner, Hughes, Computer Graphics Principles& practice,2000.
2. D.J. Gibbs & D.C. Tsichritzs: Multimedia programming Object Environment & Frame woork , 2000.
3. Ralf Skinmeiz and Klana Naharstedt, Multimedia: computing, Communication and
Applications, pearson, 2001.
4. D.Haran & Baker. Computer Graphics Prentice Hall of India,1986
BCA-402 Operating System
Unit– III Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling
Deadlocks, Deadlock prevention, Deadlock Avoidance, Deadlock Detection,
Recovery from Deadlock.
Referential Books:
1. Silbersachatz and Galvin, “ Operating System Concepts”, Person, 5 Ed. 2001
2. Madnick E., Donovan J., “ Operating Systems:,Tata
th McGraw Hill,2001
3. Tannenbaum, “Operating Systems”, PHI, 4 Edition, 2000
BCA-403 Software Engineering
Referential Books:
1. K.K.Aggarwal & Yogesh Singh “Software engineering”, 2 Ed., New Age International
2. I.Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Addison Wesley, 2002.
3. James Peter, W. Pedrycz, “Software Engineering: An Engineering Approach” John Wiley
& Sons.
BCA-404 Optimization Techniques
Referential Books:
1. Gillet B.E. “Introduction to Operation Research”
2. Taha,H.A. “Operation Research - an introduction”
3. Kanti Swarup “Operation Research”
4. S.D.Sharma “Operation Research”
5. Hira & Gupta “Operation Research”
BCA-406 Mathematics III
Referential Books:
1. A.B. Mathur and V.P. Jaggi, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Khanna Publishers,
2. 2. H.K. Dass, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, S. Chand & Co., 9th Revised Ed.
Unit – II E-R Modeling: Entity types, Entity set, attribute and key, relationships, relation
types, roles and structural constraints, weak entities, enhanced E-R and
object modeling, Sub classes; Super classes, inheritance, specialization and
Unit– III File Organization: Indexed sequential access files; implementation using B &
B++ trees, hashing, hashing functions, collision resolution, extendible hashing,
dynamic hashing approach implementation and performance.
Unit – V EER and ER to relational mapping: Data base design using EER to relational
Unit – VI Data Normalization: Functional Dependencies, Normal form up to 3
normal form.
Concurrency Control: Transaction processing, locking techniques and
associated, database recovery, security and authorization. Recovery
Techniques, Database Security
Referential Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry Korth, S.Sudarshan,“Database Systems Concepts”, 4
Edition, McGraw Hill, 1997.
2. Jim Melton, Alan Simon, “Understanding the new SQL: A complete Guide”, Morgan
3. A.K.Majumdar, P. Bhattacharya, “Database Management Systems”, TMH, 1996.
4. Bipin Desai, “An Introduction to database systems”, Galgotia Publications, 1991.
BCA-502 Java Programming and Dynamic Webpage Design
Unit – I Java Programming: Data types, control structured, arrays, strings, and
vector, classes (inheritance, package, exception handling) multithreaded
Unit – II
Java applets, AWT controls (Button, Labels, Combo box, list and other
Listeners, menu bar) layout manager, string handling (only main functions)
Unit– III Networking (datagram socket and TCP/IP based server socket) event
JDBC: Introduction, Drivers, Establishing Connection, Connection Pooling.
Unit– IV HTML: use of commenting, headers, text styling, images, formatting text
with <FONT>, special characters, horizontal rules, line breaks, table, forms,
image maps, <META> tags, <FRAMESET> tags, file formats including image
Unit – V
Java Servlets: Introduction, HTTP Servlet Basics, The Servlet Lifecycle,
Retrieving Information, Sending HTML Information, Session Tracking,
Database Connectivity
Unit- VI Java Server Pages: Introducing Java Server Pages, JSP Overview,
Setting Up the JSP Environment, Generating Dynamic Content, Using
Custom Tag Libraries and the JSP Standard Tag Library, Processing Input
and Output.
Referential Books:
1. Patrick Naughton and Herbertz Schildt, “Java-2 The Complete Reference” 199, TMH.
2. Shelley Powers, “Dynamic Web Publishing” 2 Ed. Techmedia, 1998.
3. Ivor Horton, “Beginning Java-2” SPD Publication
4. Jason Hunter, “Java Servlet Programming” O’Reilly
5. Shelley Powers, “Dynamic Web Publishing” 2 Ed. Techmedia, 1998
6. Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, 3 Ed. O’reilly
BCA-503 Computer Network
Unit– III Telephony: Multiplexing, error detection and correction: Many to one, One to
many, WDM, TDM, FDM, Circuit switching, packet switching and message
Data link control protocols: Line discipline, flow control, error control,
synchronous and asynchronous protocols, character and bit oriented
protocols, Link access procedures.
Point to point controls: Transmission states, PPP layers, LCP,
Authentication, NCP.
ISDN: Services, Historical outline, subscriber’s access, ISDN Layers and
broadcast ISDN.
Unit– IV Devices: Repeaters, bridges, gateways, routers, The Network Layer; Design
issues, Routing algorithms, Congestion control Algorithms, Quality of service,
Internetworking, Network-Layer in the internet.
Unit – V Transport and upper layers in OSI Model: Transport layer functions,
connection management, functions of session layers, presentation layer and
application layer.
Referential Books:
1. A.S.Tanenbaum, “Computer Networks”; Pearson Education Asia, 4 Ed. 2003.
2. Behrouz A.Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking”, 3 Ed. Tata MCGraw Hill,
3. William stallings, “Data and computer communications”, Pearson education Asia, 7
Ed., 2002.
BCA-504 Numerical Methods
Unit – I Roots of Equations: Bisections Method, False Position Method,
Newton’s Raphson Method, Rate of convergence of Newton’s method.
Referential Books:
1. Scarbourogh, “Numerical Analysis”.
2. Gupta & Bose S.C. “Introduction to Numerical Analysis, “Academic Press, Kolkata,
3. S.S.Shashtri, “ Numerical Analysis”, PHI
Referential Books:
1. W. Stallings, Networks Security Essentials: Application & Standards, Pearson Education,
2. W.Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice, Pearson
Education, 2000.
BCA-602 Information System: Analysis Design & Implementation
Referential Books:
1. I.T.Haryszkiewycz, Introduction of System Analysis and Design, Pearson Education, (PHI) 1998.
BCA-603 E-Commerce
Unit– III Internet and Extranet : Automotive Network Exchange, The Largest Extranet,
Architecture of the Internet, Intranet and Extranet, Intranet software, Applications of
Intranets, Intranet Application Case Studies, Considerations in Intranet Deployment,
The Extranets, The structures of Extranets, Extranet products & services,
Applications of Extranets, Business Models of Extranet Applications, Managerial
Electronic Payment Systems : Is SET a failure, Electronic Payments & Protocols,
Security Schemes in Electronic payment systems, Electronic Credit card system on
the Internet, Electronic Fund transfer and Debit cards on the Internet, Stored
- value Cards and E- Cash, Electronic Check Systems, Prospect of Electronic
Payment Systems, Managerial Issues.
Unit– IV Public Policy: From Legal Issues to Privacy : EC- Related Legal Incidents, Legal
Incidents, Ethical & Other Public Policy Issues, Protecting Privacy, Protecting
Intellectual Property, Free speech, Internet Indecency & Censorship, Taxation &
Encryption Policies, Other Legal Issues: Contracts, Gambling & More, Consumer &
Seller Protection In EC.
Referential Books:
1. David Whiteley, “ E-Commerce”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2000.
2. Eframi Turban, Jae Lee, David King, K. Michale Chung, “Electronic Commerce”,
PearsonEducation, 2000
BCA-604 Knowledge Management
Unit– III Multi- Dimensional analysis: Data mining and knowledge discovery;
Data mining and Techniques; Data mining of Advance Databases.
Referential Books:
Evaluation will be based on held after fourth semester and will be Conducted by the college
committee only.